.TH HTTP-MUSIC-CRAWL-ITUNES 1 .SH NAME http-music-crawl-itunes - create a playlist file using an iTunes library .SH SYNOPSIS .B http-music crawl-itunes [libraryPath] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBhttp-music-crawl-itunes\fR is a command line utility used to generate a playlist file for usage with \fBhttp-music\fR using the Apple iTunes library XML format. It requires the iTunes XML format; this is not the usual iTunes Library.itl format, but it is officially supported by Apple (though not used in recent Apple software). This iTunes XML file is automatically generated by iTunes if the \fB"Share iTunes Library XML with other applications"\fR option is checked in the advanced preferences section of iTunes. If this option is not checked (which is the case, by default), it must be enabled for crawl-itunes to function. The path for the iTunes XML library file may be passed as an argument; if not given, it is assumed to be \fB~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml\fR. The resulting playlist file is sorted as a hierarchial tree formed of a group for each artist and then a group for each of the artists' albums. See the \fBEXAMPLES\fR section of \fBhttp-music\fR (1) for information on filtering to a specific artist or album. .SH SEE ALSO For more information on the iTunes Library XML file: \fIhttps://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT201610\fR