.TH http-music-crawl-http 1 .SH NAME http-music-crawl-http - create a playlist file using an HTTP-based directory listing .SH SYNOPSIS .B http-music-crawl-http [opts...] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBhttp-music-crawl-http\fR is a (convolutedly-named) command line utility used to generate playlist files for \fBhttp-music\fR by crawling the directory listing found at a given URL. http-music uses playlist files as its source of music; without a playlist file, the program simply does not know what to play! .PP The resulting playlist file is structured as a tree that represents the path that the crawler follows. For instance, if the links of a directory listing give the following tree: .PP .nf .RS http://example.com/ Rainbows/ Sunlight.mp3 Rainbows.mp3 Pineapples.mp3 Cool Author 72/ Good Album/ Hello world!.mp3 Bad News/ Bad News - Single/ Bad News.mp3 Irony/ Rahhhh!!.mp3 .RE .fi .PP \[char46]\[char46]then the following playlist file is generated: .PP .nf .RS {items: [ {name: 'Rainbows', items: [ {name: 'Sunlight', downloaderArg: 'http://example.com/Rainbows/Sunlight.mp3'}, {name: 'Rainbows', downloaderArg: 'http://example.com/Rainbows/Rainbows.mp3'}, {name: 'Pineapples', downloaderArg: 'http://example.com/Rainbows/Pineapples.mp3'} ]}, {name: 'Cool Author 72', items: [ {name: 'Good Album', items: [ {name: 'Hello World!', downloaderArg: 'http://example.com/Cool%20Author%2072/Good%20Album/Hello%20World.mp3'}, ]} ]}, {name: 'Bad News', [ {name: 'Bad News - Single', items: [ ['Bad News', 'http://example.com/Bad%20News/Bad%20News%20-%20Single/Bad%20News.mp3'] ]}, {name: 'Irony', items: [ ['Rahhhh!!', 'http://example.com/Bad%20News/Irony/Rahhhh!!.mp3'] ]} ]} ]} .RE .fi .PP As you can see, the resulting playlist file follows the same structure as the directory listing. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR -m ", " --max-download-attempts Sets the maximum number of times any single directory will be attempted to be downloaded, when the HTTP download request fails. Defaults to 5.