/* IMPORTANT * This snapshot file is auto-generated, but designed for humans. * It should be checked into source control and tracked carefully. * Re-generate by setting TAP_SNAPSHOT=1 and running tests. * Make sure to inspect the output below. Do not ignore changes! */ 'use strict' exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > dates 1`] = `


Very nice:

` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > hanging indent list 1`] = `




` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > indent on a directly following line 1`] = `
` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > indent on an indierctly following line 1`] = `

Some text.

Yes, some more text.

I am hax0rz!!
All yor base r blong 2 us.


Aye aye aye.

` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > inline images 1`] = `

as USUAL...

What do you know?

I'm on the left.

I'm on the right.

Media time! Oh yeah!

And... all done!

` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > links to a thing 1`] = `

This is my favorite album.

That's right, Cool Album!

` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > lyrics - basic line breaks 1`] = `

Hey, ho
And away we go
Truly, music

(Oh yeah)
(That's right)

` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > lyrics - line breaks around tags 1`] = `

The date be
I say, the date be


, and don't ye forget it

` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > lyrics - repeated and edge line breaks 1`] = `

Well, you know
How it goes


` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > non-inline image #1 1`] = `
[mocked: image - slots: { src: 'spark.png', link: true, thumb: 'large', attributes: [ { class: 'content-image' }, undefined ] }]
` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > non-inline image #2 1`] = `


[mocked: image - slots: { src: 'spark.png', link: true, thumb: 'large', attributes: [ { class: 'content-image' }, undefined ] }]
` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > non-inline image #3 1`] = `
[mocked: image - slots: { src: 'spark.png', link: true, thumb: 'large', attributes: [ { class: 'content-image' }, undefined ] }]


` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > super basic string 1`] = `

Neat listing: Albums - by Date

` exports[`test/snapshot/transformContent.js > TAP > transformContent (snapshot) > two text paragraphs 1`] = `

Hello, world!

Wow, this is very cool.
