* This snapshot file is auto-generated, but designed for humans.
* It should be checked into source control and tracked carefully.
* Re-generate by setting TAP_SNAPSHOT=1 and running tests.
* Make sure to inspect the output below. Do not ignore changes!
'use strict'
exports[`test/snapshot/generateCoverArtwork.js > TAP > generateCoverArtwork (snapshot) > display: primary 1`] = `
[mocked: image
args: [
{ name: 'Damara', directory: 'damara', isContentWarning: false },
{ name: 'Cronus', directory: 'cronus', isContentWarning: false },
{ name: 'Bees', directory: 'bees', isContentWarning: false },
{ name: 'creepy crawlies', isContentWarning: true }
slots: { path: [ 'media.albumCover', 'bee-forus-seatbelt-safebee', 'png' ], thumb: 'medium', id: 'cover-art', reveal: true, link: true, square: true }]
Tags: Damara, Cronus, Bees
exports[`test/snapshot/generateCoverArtwork.js > TAP > generateCoverArtwork (snapshot) > display: thumbnail 1`] = `
[mocked: image
args: [
{ name: 'Damara', directory: 'damara', isContentWarning: false },
{ name: 'Cronus', directory: 'cronus', isContentWarning: false },
{ name: 'Bees', directory: 'bees', isContentWarning: false },
{ name: 'creepy crawlies', isContentWarning: true }
slots: { path: [ 'media.albumCover', 'bee-forus-seatbelt-safebee', 'png' ], thumb: 'small', reveal: false, link: false, square: true }]