meta.languageCode: en meta.languageName: English # # count: # # This covers pretty much any time that a specific number of things # is represented! It's sectioned... like an alignment chart meme... # # First counting specific wiki objects, then more abstract stuff, # and finally numerical representations of kinds of quantities that # aren't really "counting", per se. # # These must be filled out according to the Unicode Common Locale # Data Repository (Unicode CLDR). Check out info on their site: # # # Specifically, you'll want to look into the Plural Rules for your # language. Here's a summary on what those even are: # # # CLDR's charts are available online! This should bring you to the # most recent table of plural rules: # # # Counting is generally done with the "Type: cardinal" section on # that chart - for example, if the chart lists "one", "many", and # "other" under the cardinal plural rules for your language, then # your job is to fill in the correct pluralizations of the specific # term for each of those. # # If you adore technical details or want to better understand the # "Rules" column, you'll want to check out the syntax outline here: # # count: # Count things and objects additionalFiles: _: "{FILES}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{FILES} file" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{FILES} files" albums: _: "{ALBUMS}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{ALBUMS} album" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{ALBUMS} albums" artworks: _: "{ARTWORKS}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{ARTWORKS} artwork" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{ARTWORKS} artworks" commentaryEntries: _: "{ENTRIES}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{ENTRIES} entry" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{ENTRIES} entries" contributions: _: "{CONTRIBUTIONS}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{CONTRIBUTIONS} contribution" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{CONTRIBUTIONS} contributions" coverArts: _: "{COVER_ARTS}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{COVER_ARTS} cover art" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{COVER_ARTS} cover arts" flashes: _: "{FLASHES}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{FLASHES} flashes & games" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{FLASHES} flashes & games" tracks: _: "{TRACKS}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{TRACKS} track" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{TRACKS} tracks" # Count more abstract stuff days: _: "{DAYS}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{DAYS} day" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{DAYS} days" months: _: "{MONTHS}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{MONTHS} month" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{MONTHS} months" timesReferenced: _: "{TIMES_REFERENCED}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{TIMES_REFERENCED} time referenced" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{TIMES_REFERENCED} times referenced" timesUsed: _: "{TIMES_USED}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "used {TIMES_USED} time" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "used {TIMES_USED} times" weeks: _: "{WEEKS}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{WEEKS} week" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{WEEKS} weeks" words: _: "{WORDS}" thousand: "{WORDS}k" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{WORDS} word" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{WORDS} words" years: _: "{YEARS}" withUnit: zero: "" one: "{YEARS} year" two: "" few: "" many: "" other: "{YEARS} years" # Numerical things that aren't exactly counting, per se duration: missing: "_:__" approximate: "~{DURATION}" hours: _: "{HOURS}:{MINUTES}:{SECONDS}" withUnit: "{HOURS}:{MINUTES}:{SECONDS} hours" minutes: _: "{MINUTES}:{SECONDS}" withUnit: "{MINUTES}:{SECONDS} minutes" dateDuration: earlier: "{DURATION} earlier" later: "{DURATION} later" same: "on the same date" zero: "at most one day" approximate: "about {DURATION}" approximateEarlier: "about {DURATION} earlier" approximateLater: "about {DURATION} later" relativeAbsolute: "{ABSOLUTE}; {RELATIVE}" years: "{YEARS}" months: "{MONTHS}" days: "{DAYS}" yearsMonthsDays: "{YEARS}, {MONTHS}, {DAYS}" yearsMonths: "{YEARS}, {MONTHS}" yearsDays: "{YEARS}, {DAYS}" monthsDays: "{MONTHS}, {DAYS}" fileSize: terabytes: "{TERABYTES} TB" gigabytes: "{GIGABYTES} GB" megabytes: "{MEGABYTES} MB" kilobytes: "{KILOBYTES} kB" bytes: "{BYTES} bytes" # Indexes in a list # These use "Type: ordinal" on CLDR's chart of plural rules. index: zero: "" one: "{INDEX}st" two: "{INDEX}nd" few: "{INDEX}rd" many: "" other: "{INDEX}th" # # releaseInfo: # # This covers a lot of generic strings - they're used in a variety # of contexts. They're sorted below with descriptions first, then # actions further down. # releaseInfo: # Descriptions by: "By {ARTISTS}." from: "From {ALBUM}." coverArtBy: "Cover art by {ARTISTS}." wallpaperArtBy: "Wallpaper art by {ARTISTS}." bannerArtBy: "Banner art by {ARTISTS}." released: "Released {DATE}." artReleased: "Art released {DATE}." addedToWiki: "Added to wiki {DATE}." duration: "Duration: {DURATION}." contributors: "Contributors:" lyrics: "Lyrics:" note: "Context notes:" alsoReleasedAs: _: "Also released as:" item: _: "{TRACK} ({ALBUM})" withYear: "({YEAR}) {TRACK} ({ALBUM})" tracksReferenced: "Tracks that {TRACK} references:" tracksThatReference: "Tracks that reference {TRACK}:" tracksSampled: "Tracks that {TRACK} samples:" tracksThatSample: "Tracks that sample {TRACK}:" flashesThatFeature: _: "Flashes & games that feature {TRACK}:" item: _: "{FLASH}" asDifferentRelease: "{FLASH} (as {TRACK})" tracksFeatured: "Tracks that {FLASH} features:" # Actions viewCommentary: _: "View {LINK}!" link: "commentary page" viewGallery: _: "View {LINK}!" link: "gallery page" viewGalleryOrCommentary: _: "View {GALLERY} or {COMMENTARY}!" gallery: "gallery page" commentary: "commentary page" viewOriginalFile: _: "View {LINK}." withSize: "View {LINK} ({SIZE})." link: "original file" sizeWarning: >- (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.) listenOn: _: "Listen on {LINKS}." noLinks: >- This wiki doesn't have any listening links for {NAME}. visitOn: "Visit on {LINKS}." playOn: "Play on {LINKS}." readCommentary: _: "Read {LINK}." link: "artist commentary" additionalFiles: heading: "View or download {ADDITIONAL_FILES}:" entry: _: "{TITLE}" withDescription: "{TITLE}: {DESCRIPTION}" file: _: "{FILE}" withSize: "{FILE} ({SIZE})" shortcut: _: "View {ANCHOR_LINK}: {TITLES}" anchorLink: "additional files" sheetMusicFiles: heading: "Print or download sheet music files:" shortcut: _: "Download {LINK}." link: "sheet music files" midiProjectFiles: heading: "Download MIDI/project files:" shortcut: _: "Download {LINK}." link: "MIDI/project files" # # trackList: # # A list of tracks! These are used pretty much across the wiki. # Track lists can be split into sections, groups, or not split at # all. "Track sections" are divisions in the list which suit the # album as a whole, like if it has multiple discs or bonus tracks. # "Groups" are actual group objects (see ex. groupInfoPage). # trackList: section: _: "{SECTION}:" withDuration: "{SECTION}: ({DURATION})" group: _: "From {GROUP}:" fromOther: "From somewhere else:" item: withDuration: "{DURATION} {TRACK}" withArtists: "{TRACK} {BY}" withDuration.withArtists: "{DURATION} {TRACK} {BY}" withDuration.duration: _: "({DURATION})" missing: "0:00" "no duration provided" "by {ARTISTS}" rerelease: "{TRACK} (re-release)" # # misc: # # These cover a whole host of general things across the wiki, and # aren't specially organized. Sorry! See each entry for details. # misc: # additionalNames: # "Drop"-styled box that catalogues a variety of additional or # alternate names for the current thing; toggled by clicking on the # thing's title, which is styled interactively and gets a tooltip # (hover text), since it isn't usually an interactive element. additionalNames: title: "Additional or alternate names:" tooltip: "Click to view additional or alternate names" item: _: "{NAME}" withAccent: "{NAME} {ACCENT}" accent: withAnnotation: "({ANNOTATION})" withAlbums: "(on {ALBUMS})" withAnnotations.withAlbums: "({ANNOTATION}; on {ALBUMS})" # alt: # Fallback text for the alt text of images and artworks - these # are read aloud by screen readers. alt: albumCover: "album cover" albumBanner: "album banner" trackCover: "track cover" artistAvatar: "artist avatar" flashArt: "flash art" # artistCommentary: artistCommentary: _: "Artist commentary:" entry: title: _: "{ARTISTS}:" noArtists: "Unknown artist" withAccent: "{ARTISTS}: {ACCENT}" accent: withAnnotation: "({ANNOTATION})" withDate: ({DATE})" withAnnotation.withDate: "({ANNOTATION}, {DATE})" seeOriginalRelease: "See {ORIGINAL}!" # artistLink: # Artist links have special accents which are made conditionally # present in a variety of places across the wiki. artistLink: _: "{ARTIST}" # Contribution to a track, artwork, or other thing. withContribution: "{ARTIST} ({CONTRIB})" # External links to visit the artist's own websites or profiles. withExternalLinks: "{ARTIST} ({LINKS})" # Combination of above. withContribution.withExternalLinks: "{ARTIST} ({CONTRIB}) ({LINKS})" # chronology: # # "Chronology links" are a section that appear in the nav bar for # most things with individual contributors across the wiki! These # allow for quick navigation between older and newer releases of # a given artist, or seeing at a glance how many contributions an # artist made before the one you're currently viewing. # # Chronology information is described for each artist and shows # the kind of thing which is being contributed to, since all of # the entries are displayed together in one list. # chronology: # seeArtistPages: # If the thing you're viewing has a lot of contributors, their # chronology info will be exempt from the nav bar, which'll # show this message instead. seeArtistPages: "(See artist pages for chronology info!)" # withNavigation: # Navigation refers to previous/next links. withNavigation: "{HEADING} ({NAVIGATION})" heading: coverArt: "{INDEX} cover art by {ARTIST}" flash: "{INDEX} flash/game by {ARTIST}" track: "{INDEX} track by {ARTIST}" # external: # Links which will generally bring you somewhere off of the wiki. # The list of sites is hard-coded into the wiki software, so it # may be out of date or missing ones that are relevant to another # wiki - sorry! external: external: "External" withDomain: "{PLATFORM} ({DOMAIN})" withHandle: "{PLATFORM} ({HANDLE})" local: "Wiki Archive (local upload)" bandcamp: "Bandcamp" bgreco: _: "" flash: " (high quality audio)" deconreconstruction: _: "Deconreconstruction" music: "MUSIC@DCRC" deviantart: "DeviantArt" fandom: _: "Fandom" mspaintadventures: _: "MSPA Wiki" page: "MSPA Wiki ({PAGE})" homestuck: _: "Homestuck" page: "Homestuck (page {PAGE})" secretPage: "Homestuck (secret page)" instagram: "Instagram" mastodon: "Mastodon" newgrounds: "Newgrounds" patreon: "Patreon" poetryFoundation: "Poetry Foundation" soundcloud: "SoundCloud" spotify: "Spotify" tumblr: "Tumblr" twitter: "Twitter" wikipedia: "Wikipedia" youtube: _: "YouTube" flash: "YouTube (on any device)" playlist: "YouTube (playlist)" fullAlbum: "YouTube (full album)" # missingImage: # Fallback text displayed in an image when it's sourced to a file # that isn't available under the wiki's media directory. While it # shouldn't display on a correct build of the site, it may be # displayed when working on data locally (for example adding a # track before you've brought in its cover art). missingImage: "(This image file is missing)" # misingLinkContent: # Generic fallback when a link is completely missing its content. # This is only to make those links visible in the first place - # it should never appear on the website and is only intended for # debugging. missingLinkContent: "(Missing link content)" # nav: # Generic navigational elements. These usually only appear in the # wiki's nav bar, at the top of the page. nav: previous: "Previous" next: "Next" info: "Info" gallery: "Gallery" # pageTitle: # Title set under the page's HTML element, which is # displayed in the browser tab bar, bookmarks list, etc. pageTitle: _: "{TITLE}" withWikiName: "{TITLE} | {WIKI_NAME}" # skippers: # # These are navigational links that only show up when you're # navigating the wiki using the Tab key (or some other method of # "tabbing" between links and interactive elements). They move # the browser's nav focus to the selected element when pressed. # # There are a lot of definitions here, and they're mostly shown # conditionally, based on the elements that are actually apparent # on the current page. # skippers: skipTo: "Skip to:" content: "Content" header: "Header" footer: "Footer" sidebar: _: "Sidebar" left: "Sidebar (left)" right: "Sidebar (right)" # Displayed on artist info page. tracks: "Tracks" artworks: "Artworks" flashes: "Flashes & Games" # Displayed on track and flash info pages. contributors: "Contributors" # Displayed on track info page. references: "References..." referencedBy: "Referenced by..." samples: "Samples..." sampledBy: "Sampled by..." features: "Features..." featuredIn: "Featured in..." lyrics: "Lyrics" sheetMusicFiles: "Sheet music files" midiProjectFiles: "MIDI/project files" # Displayed on track and album info pages. commentary: "Commentary" artistCommentary: "Commentary" additionalFiles: "Additional files" # socialEmbed: # Social embeds describe how the page should be represented on # social platforms, chat messaging apps, and so on. socialEmbed: heading: "{WIKI_NAME} | {HEADING}" # jumpTo: # Generic action displayed at the top of some longer pages, for # quickly scrolling down to a particular section. jumpTo: _: "Jump to:" withLinks: "Jump to: {LINKS}." # contentWarnings: # Displayed for some artworks, informing of possibly sensitive # content and giving the viewer a chance to consider before # clicking through. contentWarnings: warnings: "{WARNINGS}" reveal: "click to show" # albumGrid: # Generic strings for various sorts of gallery grids, displayed # on the homepage, album galleries, artist artwork galleries, and # so on. These get the name of the thing being represented and, # often, a bit of text providing pertinent extra details about # that thing. albumGrid: noCoverArt: "{ALBUM}" details: _: "({TRACKS}, {TIME})" coverArtists: "(Illust. {ARTISTS})" otherCoverArtists: "(With {ARTISTS})" albumGalleryGrid: noCoverArt: "{NAME}" # uiLanguage: # Displayed in the footer, for switching between languages. uiLanguage: "UI Language: {LANGUAGES}" # # homepage: # This is the main index and home for the whole wiki! There isn't # much for strings here as the layout is very customizable and # includes mostly wiki-provided content. # homepage: title: "{TITLE}" # news: # If the wiki has news entries enabled, then there's a box in the # homepage's sidebar (beneath custom sidebar content, if any) # which displays the bodies the latest few entries up to a split. news: title: "News" entry: viewRest: "(View rest of entry!)" # # albumSidebar: # This sidebar is displayed on both the album and track info pages! # It displays the groups that the album is from (each getting its # own box on the album page, all conjoined in one box on the track # page) and the list of tracks in the album, which can be sectioned # similarly to normal track lists, but displays the range of tracks # in each section rather than the section's duration. # albumSidebar: trackList: item: "{TRACK}" # fallbackSectionName: # If an album's track list isn't sectioned, the track list here # will still have all the tracks grouped under a list that can # be toggled open and closed. This controls how that list gets # titled. fallbackSectionName: "Track list" # group: # "Group" is a misnomer - these are track sections. Some albums # don't use track numbers at all, and for these, the default # string will be used instead of group.withRange. group: _: "{GROUP}" withRange: "{GROUP} ({RANGE})" # groupBox: # This is the box for groups. Apart from the next and previous # links, it also gets "visit on" and the group's descripton # (up to a split). groupBox: title: "{GROUP}" next: "Next: {ALBUM}" previous: "Previous: {ALBUM}" # # albumPage: # # Albums group together tracks and provide quick access to each of # their pages, have release data (and sometimes credits) that are # generally inherited by the album's tracks plus commentary and # other goodies of their own, and are generally the main object on # the wiki! # # Most of the strings on the album info page are tracked under # releaseInfo, so there isn't a lot here. # albumPage: title: "{ALBUM}" nav: album: "{ALBUM}" randomTrack: "Random Track" gallery: "Gallery" commentary: "Commentary" socialEmbed: heading: "{GROUP}" title: "{ALBUM}" # body: # These permutations are a bit awkward. "Tracks" is a counted # string, ex. "63 tracks". body: withDuration: "{DURATION}." withTracks: "{TRACKS}." withReleaseDate: Released {DATE}. withDuration.withTracks: "{DURATION}, {TRACKS}." withDuration.withReleaseDate: "{DURATION}. Released {DATE}." withTracks.withReleaseDate: "{TRACKS}. Released {DATE}." withDuration.withTracks.withReleaseDate: "{DURATION}, {TRACKS}. Released {DATE}." # # albumGalleryPage: # Album galleries provide an alternative way to navigate the album, # and put all its artwork - including for each track - into the # spotlight. Apart from the main gallery grid (which usually lists # each artwork's illustrators), this page also has a quick stats # line about the album, and may display a message about all of the # artworks if one applies. # albumGalleryPage: title: "{ALBUM} - Gallery" # statsLine: # Most albums have release dates, but not all. These strings # react accordingly. statsLine: >- {TRACKS} totaling {DURATION}. statsLine.withDate: >- {TRACKS} totaling {DURATION}. Released {DATE}. # coverArtistsLine: # This is displayed if every track (which has artwork at all) # has the same illustration credits. coverArtistsLine: >- All track artwork by {ARTISTS}. # noTrackArtworksLine: # This is displayed if none of the tracks on the album have any # artwork at all. Generally, this means the album gallery won't # be linked from the album's other pages, but it is possible to # end up on "stub galleries" using nav links on another gallery. noTrackArtworksLine: >- This album doesn't have any track artwork. # # albumCommentaryPage: # The album commentary page is a more minimal layout that brings # the commentary for the album, and each of its tracks, to the # front. It's basically inspired by reading in a library, or by # following along with an album's booklet or liner notes while # playing it back on a treasured dinky CD player late at night. # albumCommentaryPage: title: "{ALBUM} - Commentary" nav: album: "Album: {ALBUM}" infoLine: >- {WORDS} across {ENTRIES}. entry: title: albumCommentary: _: "{ALBUM}" accent: "Listen on: {LISTENING_LINKS}" trackCommentary: _: "{TRACK}" accent: "Listen on: {LISTENING_LINKS}" # # artistInfoPage: # The artist info page is an artist's main home on the wiki, and # automatically includes a full list of all the things they've # contributed to and been credited on. It's split into a section # for each of the kinds of things the artist is credited for, # including tracks, artworks, flashes/games, and commentary. # artistPage: title: "{ARTIST}" nav: artist: "Artist: {ARTIST}" creditList: # album: # Tracks are chunked by albums, as long as the tracks are all # of the same date (if applicable). album: _: "{ALBUM}" withDate: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})" withDuration: "{ALBUM} ({DURATION})" withDate.withDuration: "{ALBUM} ({DATE}; {DURATION})" # flashAct: # Flashes are chunked by flash act, though a single flash act # might be split into multiple chunks if it spans a long range # and the artist contributed to a flash from some other act # between. A date range will be shown if an act has at least # two differently dated flashes. flashAct: _: "{ACT}" withDate: "{ACT} ({DATE})" withDateRange: "{ACT} ({DATE_RANGE})" # entry: # This section covers strings for all kinds of individual # things which an artist has contributed to, and refers to the # items in each of the chunks described above. entry: # withAnnotation: # The specific contribution that an artist made to a given # thing may be described with a word or two, and that's shown # in the list. withAnnotation: "{ENTRY} ({ANNOTATION})" # withArtists: # This lists co-artists or co-contributors, depending on how # the artist themselves was credited. withArtists: "{ENTRY} (with {ARTISTS})" withArtists.withAnnotation: "{ENTRY} ({ANNOTATION}; with {ARTISTS})" # rerelease: # Tracks which aren't the original release don't display co- # artists or contributors, and get dimmed a little compared # to original release track entries. rerelease: "{ENTRY} (re-release)" # track: # The string without duration is used in both the artist's # track credits list as well as their commentary list. track: _: "{TRACK}" withDuration: "({DURATION}) {TRACK}" # album: # The artist info page doesn't display if the artist is # musically credited outright for the album as a whole, # opting to show each of the tracks from that album instead. # But other parts belonging specifically to the album have # credits too, and those entreis get the strings below. album: coverArt: "(cover art)" wallpaperArt: "(wallpaper art)" bannerArt: "(banner art)" commentary: "(album commentary)" flash: _: "{FLASH}" # contributedDurationLine: # This is shown at the top of the artist's track list, provided # any of their tracks have durations at all. contributedDurationLine: >- {ARTIST} has contributed {DURATION} of music shared on this wiki. # groupContributions: # This is a special "chunk" shown at the top of an artist's # track and artwork lists. It lists which groups an artist has # contributed the most (and least) to, and is interactive - # it can be sorted by count or, for tracks, by duration. groupContributions: title: music: "Contributed music to groups:" artworks: "Contributed artworks to groups:" withSortButton: "{TITLE} ({SORT})" sorting: count: "Sorting by count." duration: "Sorting by duration." item: countAccent: "({COUNT})" durationAccent: "({DURATION})" countDurationAccent: "({COUNT} — {DURATION})" durationCountAccent: "({DURATION} — {COUNT})" trackList: title: "Tracks" artList: title: "Artworks" flashList: title: "Flashes & Games" commentaryList: title: "Commentary" # viewArtGallery: # This is shown twice on the page - once at almost the very top # of the page, just beneath visiting links, and once above the # list of credited artworks, where it gets the longer # orBrowseList form. viewArtGallery: _: "View {LINK}!" orBrowseList: "View {LINK}! Or browse the list:" link: "art gallery" # # artistGalleryPage: # The artist gallery page shows a neat grid of all of the album and # track artworks an artist has contributed to! Co-illustrators are # also displayed when applicable. # artistGalleryPage: title: "{ARTIST} - Gallery" infoLine: >- Contributed to {COVER_ARTS}. # # commentaryIndex: # The commentary index page shows a summary of all the commentary # across the entire wiki, with a list linking to each album's # dedicated commentary page. # commentaryIndex: title: "Commentary" infoLine: >- {WORDS} across {ENTRIES}, in all. albumList: title: "Choose an album:" item: "{ALBUM} ({WORDS} across {ENTRIES})" # # flashIndex: # The flash index page shows a very long grid including every flash # on the wiki, sectioned with big headings for each act. It's also # got jump links at the top to skip to a specific overarching # section ("side") of flash acts. # flashIndex: title: "Flashes & Games" # # flashSidebar: # The flash sidebar is used on both the flash info and flash act # gallery pages, and has two boxes - one showing all the flashes in # the current flash act, and one showing all the flash acts on the # wiki, sectioned by "side". # flashSidebar: flashList: # These two strings are the default ones used when a flash act # doesn't specify a custom phrasing. flashesInThisAct: "Flashes in this act" entriesInThisSection: "Entries in this section" # # flashPage: # The flash info page shows release information, links to check the # flash out, and lists of contributors and featured tracks. Most of # those strings are under releaseInfo, so there aren't a lot of # strings here. # flashPage: title: "{FLASH}" nav: flash: "{FLASH}" # # groupSidebar: # The group sidebar is used on both the group info and group # gallery pages, and is formed of just one box, showing all the # groups on the wiki, sectioned by "category". # groupSidebar: title: "Groups" groupList: category: "{CATEGORY}" item: "{GROUP}" # # groupPage: # This section represents strings common to multiple group pages. # groupPage: nav: group: "Group: {GROUP}" # # groupInfoPage: # The group info page shows visiting links, the group's full # description, and a list of albums from the group. # groupInfoPage: title: "{GROUP}" viewAlbumGallery: _: "View {LINK}! Or browse the list:" link: "album gallery" # albumList: # Many albums are present under multiple groups, and these get an # accent indicating what other group is highest on the album's # list of groups. albumList: title: "Albums" item: _: >- {ALBUM} withYear: >- {YEAR_ACCENT} {ALBUM} withOtherGroup: >- {ALBUM} {OTHER_GROUP_ACCENT} withYear.withOtherGroup: >- {YEAR_ACCENT} {ALBUM} {OTHER_GROUP_ACCENT} yearAccent: "({YEAR})" otherGroupAccent: "(from {GROUPS})" # # groupGalleryPage: # The group gallery page shows a grid of all the albums from that # group, each including the number of tracks and duration, as well # as a stats line for the group as a whole, and a neat carousel, if # pre-configured! # groupGalleryPage: title: "{GROUP} - Gallery" infoLine: >- {TRACKS} across {ALBUMS}, totaling {TIME}. # # listingIndex: # The listing index page shows all available listings on the wiki, # and a very exciting stats line for the wiki as a whole. # listingIndex: title: "Listings" infoLine: >- {WIKI}: {TRACKS} across {ALBUMS}, totaling {DURATION}. exploreList: >- Feel free to explore any of the listings linked below and in the sidebar! # # listingPage: # # There are a lot of listings! Each is automatically generated and # sorts or organizes the data on the wiki in some way that provides # useful or interesting information. Most listings work primarily # with one kind of data and are sectioned accordingly, for example # "listAlbums.byDuration" or "listTracks.byDate". # # There are also some miscellaneous strings here, most of which are # common to a variety of listings, and are often navigational in # nature. # listingPage: # target: # Just the names for each of the sections - each chunk on the # listing index (and in the sidebar) gets is titled with one of # these. target: album: "Albums" artist: "Artists" group: "Groups" track: "Tracks" tag: "Tags" other: "Other" # misc: # Common, generic terminology across multiple listings. misc: trackContributors: "Track Contributors" artContributors: "Art Contributors" flashContributors: "Flash & Game Contributors" artAndFlashContributors: "Art & Flash Contributors" # listingFor: # Displays quick links to navigate to other listings for the # current target. listingsFor: "Listings for {TARGET}: {LISTINGS}" # seeAlso: # Displays directly related listings, which might be from other # targets besides the current one. seeAlso: "Also check out: {LISTINGS}" # skipToSection: # Some listings which use a chunked-list layout also show links # to scroll down to each of these sections - this is the title # for the list of those links. skipToSection: "Skip to a section:" listAlbums: # listAlbums.byName: # Lists albums alphabetically without sorting or chunking by # any other criteria. Also displays the number of tracks for # each album. byName: title: "Albums - by Name" title.short: " Name" item: "{ALBUM} ({TRACKS})" # listAlbums.byTracks: # Lists albums by number of tracks, most to least, or by name # alphabetically, if two albums have the same track count. # Albums without any tracks are totally excluded. byTracks: title: "Albums - by Tracks" title.short: " Tracks" item: "{ALBUM} ({TRACKS})" # listAlbums.byDuration: # Lists albums by total duration of all tracks, longest to # shortest, falling back to an alphabetical sort if two albums # are the same duration. Albums with zero duration are totally # excluded. byDuration: title: "Albums - by Duration" title.short: " Duration" item: "{ALBUM} ({DURATION})" # listAlbums.byDate: # Lists albums by release date, oldest to newest, falling back # to an alphabetical sort if two albums were released on the # same date. Dateless albums are totally excluded. byDate: title: "Albums - by Date" title.short: " Date" item: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})" # listAlbums.byDateAdded: # Lists albums by the date they were added to the wiki, oldest # to newest, and chunks these by date, since albums are usually # added in bunches at a time. The albums in each chunk are # sorted alphabetically, and albums which are missing the # "Date Added" field are totally excluded. byDateAdded: title: "Albums - by Date Added to Wiki" title.short: " Date Added to Wiki" chunk: title: "{DATE}" item: "{ALBUM}" listArtists: # listArtists.byName: # Lists artists alphabetically without sorting or chunking by # any other criteria. Also displays the number of contributions # from each artist. byName: title: "Artists - by Name" title.short: " Name" item: "{ARTIST} ({CONTRIBUTIONS})" # listArtists.byContribs: # Lists artists by number of contributions, most to least, # with separate lists for contributions to tracks, artworks, # and flashes. Falls back alphabetically if two artists have # the same number of contributions. Artists who aren't credited # for any contributions to each of these categories are # excluded from the respective list. byContribs: title: "Artists - by Contributions" title.short: " Contributions" chunk: item: "{ARTIST} ({CONTRIBUTIONS})" title: trackContributors: "Contributed tracks:" artContributors: "Contributed artworks:" flashContributors: "Contributed to flashes & games:" # listArtists.byCommentary: # Lists artists by number of commentary entries, most to least, # falling back to an alphabetical sort if two artists have the # same count. Artists who don't have any commentary entries are # totally excluded. byCommentary: title: "Artists - by Commentary Entries" title.short: " Commentary Entries" item: "{ARTIST} ({ENTRIES})" # listArtists.byDuration: # Lists artists by total duration of the tracks which they're # credited on (as either artist or contributor), longest sum to # shortest, falling back alphabetically if two artists have # the same duration. Artists who haven't contributed any music, # or whose tracks all lack durations, are totally excluded. byDuration: title: "Artists - by Duration" title.short: " Duration" item: "{ARTIST} ({DURATION})" # listArtists.byGroup: # Lists artists who have contributed to each of the main groups # of a wiki (its "Divide Track Lists By Groups" field), sorted # alphabetically. Artists who aren't credited for contributions # under each of the groups are exlcuded from the respective # list. byGroup: title: "Artists - by Group" title.short: " Group" item: "{ARTIST} ({CONTRIBUTIONS})" chunk: title: "Contributed to {GROUP}:" item: "{ARTIST} ({CONTRIBUTIONS})" # listArtists.byLatest: # Lists artists by the date of their latest contribution # overall, and chunks artists together by the album or flash # which that contribution belongs to. Within albums, each # artist is accented with the kind of contribution they made - # tracks, artworks, or both - and sorted so those of the same # sort of contribution are bunched together, then by name. # Artists who aren't credited for any dated contributions are # included at the bottom under a separate chunk. byLatest: title: "Artists - by Latest Contribution" title.short: " Latest Contribution" chunk: title: album: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})" flash: "{FLASH} ({DATE})" dateless: "These artists' contributions aren't dated:" item: _: "{ARTIST}" tracks: "{ARTIST} (tracks)" tracksAndArt: "{ARTIST} (tracks, art)" art: "{ARTIST} (art)" listGroups: # listGroups.byName: # Lists groups alphabetically without sorting or chunking by # any other criteria. Also displays a link to each group's # gallery page. byName: title: "Groups - by Name" title.short: " Name" item: "{GROUP} ({GALLERY})" "Gallery" # listGroups.byCategory: # Lists groups directly reflecting the way they're sorted in # the wiki's groups.yaml data file, with no automatic sorting, # chunked (as sectioned in groups.yaml) by category. Also shows # a link to each group's gallery page. byCategory: title: "Groups - by Category" title.short: " Category" chunk: title: "{CATEGORY}" item: "{GROUP} ({GALLERY})" "Gallery" # listGroups.byAlbums: # Lists groups by number of belonging albums, most to least, # falling back alphabetically if two groups have the same # number of albums. Groups without any albums are totally # excluded. byAlbums: title: "Groups - by Albums" title.short: " Albums" item: "{GROUP} ({ALBUMS})" # listGroups.byTracks: # Lists groups by number of tracks under each group's albums, # most to least, falling back to an alphabetical sort if two # groups have the same track counts. Groups without any tracks # are totally excluded. byTracks: title: "Groups - by Tracks" title.short: " Tracks" item: "{GROUP} ({TRACKS})" # listGroups.byDuration: # Lists groups by sum of durations of all the tracks under each # of the group's albums, longest to shortest, falling back to # an alphabetical sort if two groups have the same duration. # Groups whose total duration is zero are totally excluded. byDuration: title: "Groups - by Duration" title.short: " Duration" item: "{GROUP} ({DURATION})" # listGroups.byLatest: # List groups by release date of each group's most recent # album, most recent to longest ago, falling back to sorting # alphabetically if two groups' latest albums were released # on the same date. Groups which don't have any albums, or # whose albums are all dateless, are totally excluded. byLatest: title: "Groups - by Latest Album" title.short: " Latest Album" item: "{GROUP} ({DATE})" listTracks: # listTracks.byName: # List tracks alphabetically without sorting or chunking by # any other criteria. byName: title: "Tracks - by Name" title.short: " Name" item: "{TRACK}" # listTracks.byAlbum: # List tracks chunked by the album they're from, retaining the # position each track occupies in its album, and sorting albums # from oldest to newest (or alphabetically, if two albums were # released on the same date). Dateless albums are included at # the bottom of the list. Custom "Date First Released" fields # on individual tracks are totally ignored. byAlbum: title: "Tracks - by Album" title.short: " Album" chunk: title: "{ALBUM}" item: "{TRACK}" # listTracks.byDate: # List tracks according to their own release dates, which may # differ from that of the album via the "Date First Released" # field, oldest to newest, and chunked by album when multiple # tracks from one album were released on the same date. Track # order within a given album is preserved where possible. # Dateless albums are excluded, except for contained tracks # which have custom "Date First Released" fields. byDate: title: "Tracks - by Date" title.short: " Date" chunk: title: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})" item: "{TRACK}" item.rerelease: "{TRACK} (re-release)" # listTracks.byDuration: # List tracks by duration, longest to shortest, falling back to # an alphabetical sort if two tracks have the same duration. # Tracks which don't have any duration are totally excluded. byDuration: title: "Tracks - by Duration" title.short: " Duration" item: "{TRACK} ({DURATION})" # listTracks.byDurationInAlbum: # List tracks chunked by the album they're from, then sorted # by duration, longest to shortest; albums are sorted by date, # oldest to newest, and both sorts fall back alphabetically. # Dateless albums are included at the bottom of the list. byDurationInAlbum: title: "Tracks - by Duration (in Album)" title.short: " Duration (in Album)" chunk: title: "{ALBUM}" item: "{TRACK} ({DURATION})" # listTracks.byTimesReferenced: # List tracks by how many other tracks' reference lists each # appears in, most times referenced to fewest, falling back # alphabetically if two tracks have been referenced the same # number of times. Tracks that aren't referenced by any other # tracks are totally excluded from the list. byTimesReferenced: title: "Tracks - by Times Referenced" title.short: " Times Referenced" item: "{TRACK} ({TIMES_REFERENCED})" # listTracks.inFlashes.byAlbum: # List tracks, chunked by album (which are sorted by date, # falling back alphabetically) and in their usual track order, # and display the list of flashes that eack track is featured # in. Tracks which aren't featured in any flashes are totally # excluded from the list. inFlashes.byAlbum: title: "Tracks - in Flashes & Games (by Album)" title.short: " Flashes & Games (by Album)" chunk: title: "{ALBUM}" item: "{TRACK} (in {FLASHES})" # listTracks.inFlashes.byFlash: # List tracks, chunked by flash (which are sorted by date, # retaining their positions in a common act where applicable, # or else by the two acts' names) and sorted according to the # featured list of the flash, and display a link to the album # each track is contained in. Tracks which aren't featured in # any flashes are totally excluded from the list. inFlashes.byFlash: title: "Tracks - in Flashes & Games (by Flash)" title.short: " Flashes & Games (by Flash)" chunk: title: "{FLASH}" item: "{TRACK} (from {ALBUM})" # listTracks.withLyrics: # List tracks, chunked by album (which are sorted by date, # falling back alphabetically) and in their usual track order, # displaying only tracks which have lyrics. The chunk titles # also display the date each album was released, and tracks' # own custom "Date First Released" fields are totally ignored. withLyrics: title: "Tracks - with Lyrics" title.short: "...with Lyrics" chunk: title: "{ALBUM}" title.withDate: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})" item: "{TRACK}" # listTracks.withSheetMusicFiles: # List tracks, chunked by album (which are sorted by date, # falling back alphabetically) and in their usual track order, # displaying only tracks which have sheet music files. The # chunk titles also display the date each album was released, # and tracks' own custom "Date First Released" fields are # totally ignored. withSheetMusicFiles: title: "Tracks - with Sheet Music Files" title.short: "...with Sheet Music Files" chunk: title: "{ALBUM}" title.withDate: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})" item: "{TRACK}" # listTracks.withMidiProjectFiles: # List tracks, chunked by album (which are sorted by date, # falling back alphabetically) and in their usual track order, # displaying only tracks which have MIDI & project files. The # chunk titles also display the date each album was released, # and tracks' own custom "Date First Released" fields are # totally ignored. withMidiProjectFiles: title: "Tracks - with MIDI & Project Files" title.short: "...with MIDI & Project Files" chunk: title: "{ALBUM}" title.withDate: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})" item: "{TRACK}" listTags: # listTags.byName: # List art tags alphabetically without sorting or chunking by # any other criteria. Also displays the number of times each # art tag has been featured. byName: title: "Tags - by Name" title.short: " Name" item: "{TAG} ({TIMES_USED})" # listTags.byUses: # List art tags by number of times used, falling back to an # alphabetical sort if two art tags have been featured the same # number of times. Art tags which haven't haven't been featured # at all yet are totally excluded from the list. byUses: title: "Tags - by Uses" title.short: " Uses" item: "{TAG} ({TIMES_USED})" other: # other.allSheetMusic: # List all sheet music files, sectioned by album (which are # sorted by date, falling back alphabetically) and then by # track (which retain album ordering). If one "file" entry # contains multiple files, then it's displayed as an expandable # list, collapsed by default, accented with the number of # downloadable files. allSheetMusic: title: "All Sheet Music" title.short: "All Sheet Music" albumFiles: "Album sheet music:" file: _: "{TITLE}" withMultipleFiles: "{TITLE} ({FILES})" # other.midiProjectFiles: # Same as other.allSheetMusic, but for MIDI & project files. allMidiProjectFiles: title: "All MIDI/Project Files" title.short: "All MIDI/Project Files" albumFiles: "Album MIDI/project files:" file: _: "{TITLE}" withMultipleFiles: "{TITLE} ({FILES})" # other.additionalFiles: # Same as other.allSheetMusic, but for additional files. allAdditionalFiles: title: "All Additional Files" title.short: "All Additional Files" albumFiles: "Album additional files:" file: _: "{TITLE}" withMultipleFiles: "{TITLE} ({FILES})" # other.randomPages: # Special listing which shows a bunch of buttons that each # link to a random page on the wiki under a particular scope. randomPages: title: "Random Pages" title.short: "Random Pages" # chooseLinkLine: # Introductory line explaining the links on this listing. chooseLinkLine: _: "{FROM_PART} {BROWSER_SUPPORT_PART}" fromPart: dividedByGroups: >- Choose a link to go to a random page in that group or album! notDividedByGroups: >- Choose a link to go to a random page in that album! browserSupportPart: >- If your browser doesn't support relatively modern JavaScript or you've disabled it, these links won't work - sorry. # dataLoadingLine, dataLoadedLine, dataErrorLine: # Since the links on this page depend on access to a fairly # large data file that is downloaded separately and in the # background, these messages indicate the status of that # download and whether or not the links will work yet. dataLoadingLine: >- (Data files are downloading in the background! Please wait for data to load.) dataLoadedLine: >- (Data files have finished being downloaded. The links should work!) dataErrorLine: >- (Data files failed to download. Sorry, some of these links won't work right now!) chunk: title: misc: "Miscellaneous:" # fromAlbum: # If the wiki hasn't got "Divide Track Lists By Groups" # set, all albums across the wiki are grouped in one # long chunk. fromAlbum: "From an album:" # fromGroup: # If the wiki does have "Divide Track Lists By Groups" # set, there's one chunk past Miscellaneous for each of # those groups, listing all the albums from that group, # each of which links to a random track from that album. fromGroup: _: "From {GROUP}:" accent: _: "({RANDOM_ALBUM}, {RANDOM_TRACK})" randomAlbum: "Random Album" randomTrack: "Random Track" item: album: "{ALBUM}" randomArtist: _: "{MAIN_LINK} ({AT_LEAST_TWO_CONTRIBUTIONS})" mainLink: "Random Artist" atLeastTwoContributions: "at least 2 contributions" randomAlbumWholeSite: "Random Album (whole site)" randomTrackWholeSite: "Random Track (whole site)" # # newsIndex: # The news index page shows a list of every news entry on the wiki! # (If it's got news entries enabled.) Each entry gets a stylized # heading with its name of and date, sorted newest to oldest, as # well as its body (up to a split) and a link to view the rest of # the entry on its dedicated news entry page. # newsIndex: title: "News" entry: viewRest: "(View rest of entry!)" # # newsEntryPage: # The news entry page displays all the content of a news entry, # as well as its date published, in one big list, and has nav links # to go to the previous and next news entry. # newsEntryPage: title: "{ENTRY}" published: "(Published {DATE}.)" readAnother: previous: _: "(← {ENTRY})" withDate: "(← {DATE} {ENTRY})" next: _: "(→ {ENTRY})" withDate: "(→ {DATE} {ENTRY})" # # redirectPage: # Static "placeholder" pages when redirecting a visitor from one # page to another - this generally happens automatically, before # you have a chance to read the page, so content is concise. # redirectPage: title: "Moved to {TITLE}" infoLine: >- This page has been moved to {TARGET}. # # tagPage: # The tag gallery page displays all the artworks that a tag has # been featured in, in one neat grid, with each artwork displaying # its illustrators, as well as a short info line that indicates # how many artworks the tag's part of. # tagPage: title: "{TAG}" nav: tag: "Tag: {TAG}" infoLine: >- Appears in {COVER_ARTS}. # # trackPage: # # The track info page is pretty much the most discrete and common # chunk of information across the whole site, displaying info about # the track like its release date, artists, cover illustrators, # commentary, and more, as well as relational info, like the tracks # it references and tracks which reference it, and flashes which # it's been featured in. Tracks can also have extra related files, # like sheet music and MIDI/project files. # # Most of the details about tracks use strings that are defined # under releaseInfo, so this section is a little sparse. # trackPage: title: "{TRACK}" nav: random: "Random" track: _: "{TRACK}" withNumber: "{NUMBER}. {TRACK}" socialEmbed: heading: "{ALBUM}" title: "{TRACK}" body: withArtists.withCoverArtists: "By {ARTISTS}; art by {COVER_ARTISTS}." withArtists: "By {ARTISTS}." withCoverArtists: "Art by {COVER_ARTISTS}."