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path: root/src/content/dependencies/generateArtistInfoPageChunk.js
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
13 dayscontentt, css: linkOtherReleaseOnArtistInfoPage: behaviorize(quasar) nebula
13 dayscontent: generateArtistInfoPageRereleaseTooltip, etc (wip)(quasar) nebula
Missing tooltip for first release + link hash target so this is very much still wip
2024-10-14content: gAIP{Chunk,ChunkItem,Artworks*}: layer trimming higher(quasar) nebula
This basically reverts commit 53794015 (which introduced the trimAnnotation slot). Behavior is pulled out of gAIPChunkItem and into gAIPArtworksChunkItem, with slots similarly shuffled around.
2024-08-15content: gAIP{Chunk,ChunkItem}: trimAnnotation / trimAnnotations(quasar) nebula
2024-06-18content: gAIPChunk: consolidate date processing(quasar) nebula
2024-01-01content: specify mutable across html & attributes slots(quasar) nebula
2023-12-30content: misc content syntax cleanup, mostly attribute merging(quasar) nebula
2023-08-09content: generateArtistInfoPageChunk: handle non-range flash dates properly(quasar) nebula
2023-06-27content: generateArtistInfoPageFlashesChunkedList(quasar) nebula
2023-06-26content: generateArtistInfoPage rewrite draft(quasar) nebula
Rewriting a rewrite!? Say whaaaaat??? Sorry, the previous code didn't even come close to snuff.