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path: root/test/unit/data/things/validators.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit/data/things/validators.js')
1 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/data/things/validators.js b/test/unit/data/things/validators.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11134a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/data/things/validators.js
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+import t from 'tap';
+import {showAggregate} from '#sugar';
+import {
+  // Basic types
+  isBoolean,
+  isCountingNumber,
+  isDate,
+  isNumber,
+  isString,
+  isStringNonEmpty,
+  // Complex types
+  isArray,
+  isObject,
+  validateArrayItems,
+  // Wiki data
+  isColor,
+  isCommentary,
+  isContentString,
+  isContribution,
+  isContributionList,
+  isDimensions,
+  isDirectory,
+  isDuration,
+  isFileExtension,
+  isName,
+  isURL,
+  validateReference,
+  validateReferenceList,
+  // Compositional utilities
+  anyOf,
+} from '#validators';
+function test(t, msg, fn) {
+  t.test(msg, t => {
+    try {
+      fn(t);
+    } catch (error) {
+      if (error instanceof AggregateError) {
+        showAggregate(error);
+      }
+      throw error;
+    }
+  });
+// Basic types
+test(t, 'isBoolean', t => {
+  t.plan(4);
+  t.ok(isBoolean(true));
+  t.ok(isBoolean(false));
+  t.throws(() => isBoolean(1), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isBoolean('yes'), TypeError);
+test(t, 'isNumber', t => {
+  t.plan(6);
+  t.ok(isNumber(123));
+  t.ok(isNumber(0.05));
+  t.ok(isNumber(0));
+  t.ok(isNumber(-10));
+  t.throws(() => isNumber('413'), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isNumber(true), TypeError);
+test(t, 'isCountingNumber', t => {
+  t.plan(6);
+  t.ok(isCountingNumber(3));
+  t.ok(isCountingNumber(1));
+  t.throws(() => isCountingNumber(1.75), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isCountingNumber(0), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isCountingNumber(-1), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isCountingNumber('612'), TypeError);
+test(t, 'isString', t => {
+  t.plan(3);
+  t.ok(isString('hello!'));
+  t.ok(isString(''));
+  t.throws(() => isString(100), TypeError);
+test(t, 'isStringNonEmpty', t => {
+  t.plan(4);
+  t.ok(isStringNonEmpty('hello!'));
+  t.throws(() => isStringNonEmpty(''), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isStringNonEmpty('     '), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isStringNonEmpty(100), TypeError);
+// Complex types
+test(t, 'isArray', t => {
+  t.plan(3);
+  t.ok(isArray([]));
+  t.throws(() => isArray({}), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isArray('1, 2, 3'), TypeError);
+test(t, 'isDate', t => {
+  t.plan(3);
+  t.ok(isDate(new Date('2023-03-27 09:24:15')));
+  t.throws(() => isDate(new Date(Infinity)), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isDimensions('2023-03-27 09:24:15'), TypeError);
+test(t, 'isObject', t => {
+  t.plan(3);
+  t.ok(isObject({}));
+  t.ok(isObject([]));
+  t.throws(() => isObject(null), TypeError);
+test(t, 'validateArrayItems', t => {
+  t.plan(9);
+  t.ok(validateArrayItems(isNumber)([3, 4, 5]));
+  t.ok(validateArrayItems(validateArrayItems(isNumber))([[3, 4], [4, 5], [6, 7]]));
+  let caughtError = null;
+  try {
+    validateArrayItems(isNumber)([10, 20, 'one hundred million consorts', 30]);
+  } catch (err) {
+    caughtError = err;
+  }
+  t.not(caughtError, null);
+  t.ok(caughtError instanceof AggregateError);
+  t.equal(caughtError.errors.length, 1);
+  t.ok(caughtError.errors[0] instanceof Error);
+  t.equal(caughtError.errors[0][Symbol.for('hsmusic.annotateError.indexInSourceArray')], 2);
+  t.not(caughtError.errors[0].cause, null);
+  t.ok(caughtError.errors[0].cause instanceof TypeError);
+// Wiki data
+t.test('isColor', t => {
+  t.plan(9);
+  t.ok(isColor('#123'));
+  t.ok(isColor('#1234'));
+  t.ok(isColor('#112233'));
+  t.ok(isColor('#11223344'));
+  t.ok(isColor('#abcdef00'));
+  t.ok(isColor('#ABCDEF'));
+  t.throws(() => isColor('#ggg'), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isColor('red'), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isColor('hsl(150deg 30% 60%)'), TypeError);
+t.test('isCommentary', t => {
+  t.plan(9);
+  // TODO: Test specific error messages.
+  t.ok(isCommentary(`<i>Toby Fox:</i>\ndogsong.mp3`));
+  t.ok(isCommentary(`<i>Toby Fox:</i> (music)\ndogsong.mp3`));
+  t.throws(() => isCommentary(`dogsong.mp3\n<i>Toby Fox:</i>\ndogsong.mp3`));
+  t.throws(() => isCommentary(`<i>Toby Fox:</i> dogsong.mp3`));
+  t.throws(() => isCommentary(`<i>Toby Fox:</i> (music) dogsong.mp3`));
+  t.throws(() => isCommentary(`<i>I Have Nothing To Say:</i>`));
+  t.throws(() => isCommentary(123));
+  t.throws(() => isCommentary(``));
+  t.throws(() => isCommentary(`Technically, ah, er:</i>\nCorrect`));
+t.test('isContentString', t => {
+  t.plan(12);
+  t.ok(isContentString(`Hello, world!`));
+  t.ok(isContentString(`Hello...\nWorld!`));
+  const quickThrows = (string, description) =>
+    t.throws(() => isContentString(string), description);
+  quickThrows(
+    `Snooping\xa0as usual, I\xa0\xa0\xa0SEE.`,
+    Object.assign(
+      new AggregateError([
+        new AggregateError([
+          new TypeError(`Replace "\xa0" (non-breaking space) with " " (normal space) between "ing" and "as " (pos: 9)`),
+          new TypeError(`Replace "\xa0\xa0\xa0" (non-breaking space) with "   " (normal space) between ", I" and "SEE" (pos: 21)`),
+        ], `Illegal characters found in content string`),
+      ], `Errors validating content string`),
+      {[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.translucent`)]: 'single'}));
+  quickThrows(
+    `Oh\u200bdear,\n` +
+    `Oh dear,\n` +
+    `oh-dear-oh-dear-oh\u200bdear.`,
+    new AggregateError([
+      new AggregateError([
+        new TypeError(`Delete "\u200b" (zero-width space) between "Oh" and "dea" (line: 1, col: 3)`),
+        new TypeError(`Delete "\u200b" (zero-width space) between "-oh" and "dea" (line: 3, col: 19)`),
+      ]),
+    ]));
+  quickThrows(
+    `Well the days start comin'\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\u200b\u200b\xa0\xa0\xa0\u200b\u200b\u200band they don't stop comin'`,
+    new AggregateError([
+      new AggregateError([
+        new TypeError(`Replace "\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0" (non-breaking space) with "    " (normal space) after "in'" (pos: 27)`),
+        new TypeError(`Delete "\u200b\u200b" (zero-width space) (pos: 31)`),
+        new TypeError(`Replace "\xa0\xa0\xa0" (non-breaking space) with "   " (normal space) (pos: 33)`),
+        new TypeError(`Delete "\u200b\u200b\u200b" (zero-width space) before "and" (pos: 36)`),
+      ]),
+    ]));
+  quickThrows(
+    `It's go-\u200bin',\n` +
+    `\u200bIt's goin',\u200b\n` +
+    `\u200b\u200bIt's going!`,
+    new AggregateError([
+      new AggregateError([
+        new TypeError(`Delete "\u200b" (zero-width space) between "go-" and "in'" (line: 1, col: 9)`),
+        new TypeError(`Delete "\u200b" (zero-width space) before "It'" (line: 2, col: 1)`),
+        new TypeError(`Delete "\u200b" (zero-width space) after "n'," (line: 2, col: 13)`),
+        new TypeError(`Delete "\u200b\u200b" (zero-width space) before "It'" (line: 3, col: 1)`),
+      ]),
+    ]));
+  quickThrows(
+    `  Room at the start.`,
+    new AggregateError([
+      new AggregateError([
+        new TypeError(`Matched "  " at start`),
+      ], `Whitespace found at start or end`),
+    ]));
+  quickThrows(
+    `Room at the end.      `,
+    new AggregateError([
+      new AggregateError([
+        new TypeError(`Matched "      " at end`),
+      ], `Whitespace found at start or end`),
+    ]));
+  quickThrows(
+    `      Room on both sides. `,
+    new AggregateError([
+      new AggregateError([
+        new TypeError(`Matched "      " at start`),
+        new TypeError(`Matched " " at end`),
+      ], `Whitespace found at start or end`),
+    ]));
+  quickThrows(
+    `We're going multiline! \n` +
+    `That we are, aye.    \n` +
+    `      \n`,
+    `Yessir.`,
+    new AggregateError([
+      new AggregateError([
+        new TypeError(`Matched " " at end of line 1`),
+        new TypeError(`Matched "    " at end of line 2`),
+        new TypeError(`Matched "      " as all of line 3`),
+      ], `Whitespace found at end of line`),
+    ]));
+  t.doesNotThrow(() =>
+    isContentString(
+      `It's cool.\n` +
+      `  It's cool.\n` +
+      `    It's cool.\n` +
+      `      It's so cool.`));
+  t.doesNotThrow(() =>
+    isContentString(
+      `\n` +
+      `\n` +
+      `It's okay for\n` +
+      `blank lines\n` +
+      `\n` +
+      `just about anywhere.\n` +
+      ``));
+t.test('isContribution', t => {
+  t.plan(4);
+  t.ok(isContribution({who: 'artist:toby-fox', what: 'Music'}));
+  t.ok(isContribution({who: 'Toby Fox'}));
+  t.throws(() => isContribution(({who: 'group:umspaf', what: 'Organizing'})),
+    {errors: /who/});
+  t.throws(() => isContribution(({who: 'artist:toby-fox', what: 123})),
+    {errors: /what/});
+t.test('isContributionList', t => {
+  t.plan(4);
+  t.ok(isContributionList([{who: 'Beavis'}, {who: 'Butthead', what: 'Wrangling'}]));
+  t.ok(isContributionList([]));
+  t.throws(() => isContributionList(2));
+  t.throws(() => isContributionList(['Charlie', 'Woodstock']));
+test(t, 'isDimensions', t => {
+  t.plan(6);
+  t.ok(isDimensions([1, 1]));
+  t.ok(isDimensions([50, 50]));
+  t.ok(isDimensions([5000, 1]));
+  t.throws(() => isDimensions([1]), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isDimensions([413, 612, 1025]), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isDimensions('800x200'), TypeError);
+test(t, 'isDirectory', t => {
+  t.plan(6);
+  t.ok(isDirectory('savior-of-the-waking-world'));
+  t.ok(isDirectory('MeGaLoVania'));
+  t.ok(isDirectory('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_'));
+  t.throws(() => isDirectory(123), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isDirectory(''), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isDirectory('troll saint nicholas and the quest for the holy pail'), TypeError);
+test(t, 'isDuration', t => {
+  t.plan(5);
+  t.ok(isDuration(60));
+  t.ok(isDuration(0.02));
+  t.ok(isDuration(0));
+  t.throws(() => isDuration(-1), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isDuration('10:25'), TypeError);
+test(t, 'isFileExtension', t => {
+  t.plan(6);
+  t.ok(isFileExtension('png'));
+  t.ok(isFileExtension('jpg'));
+  t.ok(isFileExtension('sub_loc'));
+  t.throws(() => isFileExtension(''), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isFileExtension('.jpg'), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => isFileExtension('just an image bro!!!!'), TypeError);
+t.test('isName', t => {
+  t.plan(4);
+  t.ok(isName('Dogz 2.0'));
+  t.ok(isName('album:this-track-is-only-named-thusly-to-give-niklink-a-headache'));
+  t.throws(() => isName(''));
+  t.throws(() => isName(612));
+t.test('isURL', t => {
+  t.plan(4);
+  t.ok(isURL(`https://hsmusic.wiki/foo/bar/hi?baz=25#hash`));
+  t.throws(() => isURL(`/the/dog/zone/`));
+  t.throws(() => isURL(25));
+  t.throws(() => isURL(new URL(`https://hsmusic.wiki/perfectly/reasonable/`)));
+test(t, 'validateReference', t => {
+  t.plan(16);
+  const typeless = validateReference();
+  const track = validateReference('track');
+  const album = validateReference('album');
+  t.ok(track('track:doctor'));
+  t.ok(track('track:MeGaLoVania'));
+  t.ok(track('Showtime (Imp Strife Mix)'));
+  t.throws(() => track('track:troll saint nic'), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => track('track:'), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => track('album:homestuck-vol-1'), TypeError);
+  t.ok(album('album:sburb'));
+  t.ok(album('album:the-wanderers'));
+  t.ok(album('Homestuck Vol. 8'));
+  t.throws(() => album('album:Hiveswap Friendsim'), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => album('album:'), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => album('track:showtime-piano-refrain'), TypeError);
+  t.ok(typeless('Hopes and Dreams'));
+  t.ok(typeless('track:snowdin-town'));
+  t.throws(() => typeless(''), TypeError);
+  t.throws(() => typeless('album:undertale-soundtrack'));
+test(t, 'validateReferenceList', t => {
+  const track = validateReferenceList('track');
+  const artist = validateReferenceList('artist');
+  t.plan(11);
+  t.ok(track(['track:fallen-down', 'Once Upon a Time']));
+  t.ok(artist(['artist:toby-fox', 'Mark Hadley']));
+  t.ok(track(['track:amalgam']));
+  t.ok(track([]));
+  let caughtError = null;
+  try {
+    track(['Dog', 'album:vaporwave-2016', 'Cat', 'artist:john-madden']);
+  } catch (err) {
+    caughtError = err;
+  }
+  t.not(caughtError, null);
+  t.ok(caughtError instanceof AggregateError);
+  t.equal(caughtError.errors.length, 2);
+  t.ok(caughtError.errors[0] instanceof Error);
+  t.ok(caughtError.errors[0].cause instanceof TypeError);
+  t.ok(caughtError.errors[1] instanceof Error);
+  t.ok(caughtError.errors[0].cause instanceof TypeError);
+test(t, 'anyOf', t => {
+  t.plan(11);
+  const isStringOrNumber = anyOf(isString, isNumber);
+  t.ok(isStringOrNumber('hello world'));
+  t.ok(isStringOrNumber(42));
+  t.throws(() => isStringOrNumber(false));
+  const mockError = new Error();
+  const neverSucceeds = () => {
+    throw mockError;
+  };
+  const isStringOrGetRekt = anyOf(isString, neverSucceeds);
+  t.ok(isStringOrGetRekt('phew!'));
+  let caughtError = null;
+  try {
+    isStringOrGetRekt(0xdeadbeef);
+  } catch (err) {
+    caughtError = err;
+  }
+  t.not(caughtError, null);
+  t.ok(caughtError instanceof AggregateError);
+  t.equal(caughtError.errors.length, 2);
+  t.ok(caughtError.errors[0] instanceof TypeError);
+  t.equal(caughtError.errors[0].check, isString);
+  t.equal(caughtError.errors[1], mockError);
+  t.equal(caughtError.errors[1].check, neverSucceeds);