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16 files changed, 6167 insertions, 1601 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/aggregate.js b/src/util/aggregate.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f002335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/aggregate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+import {colors} from './cli.js';
+import {empty, typeAppearance} from './sugar.js';
+// Utility function for providing useful interfaces to the JS AggregateError
+// class.
+// Generally, this works by returning a set of interfaces which operate on
+// functions: wrap() takes a function and returns a new function which passes
+// its arguments through and appends any resulting error to the internal error
+// list; call() simplifies this process by wrapping the provided function and
+// then calling it immediately. Once the process for which errors should be
+// aggregated is complete, close() constructs and throws an AggregateError
+// object containing all caught errors (or doesn't throw anything if there were
+// no errors).
+export function openAggregate({
+  // Constructor to use, defaulting to the builtin AggregateError class.
+  // Anything passed here should probably extend from that! May be used for
+  // letting callers programatically distinguish between multiple aggregate
+  // errors.
+  //
+  // This should be provided using the aggregateThrows utility function.
+  [openAggregate.errorClassSymbol]: errorClass = AggregateError,
+  // Optional human-readable message to describe the aggregate error, if
+  // constructed.
+  message = '',
+  // Optional flag to indicate that this layer of the aggregate error isn't
+  // generally useful outside of developer debugging purposes - it will be
+  // skipped by default when using showAggregate, showing contained errors
+  // inline with other children of this aggregate's parent.
+  //
+  // If set to 'single', it'll be hidden only if there's a single error in the
+  // aggregate (so it's not grouping multiple errors together).
+  translucent = false,
+  // Value to return when a provided function throws an error. If this is a
+  // function, it will be called with the arguments given to the function.
+  // (This is primarily useful when wrapping a function and then providing it
+  // to another utility, e.g. array.map().)
+  returnOnFail = null,
+} = {}) {
+  const errors = [];
+  const aggregate = {};
+  aggregate.wrap =
+    (fn) =>
+    (...args) => {
+      try {
+        return fn(...args);
+      } catch (error) {
+        errors.push(error);
+        return typeof returnOnFail === 'function'
+          ? returnOnFail(...args)
+          : returnOnFail;
+      }
+    };
+  aggregate.wrapAsync =
+    (fn) =>
+    (...args) => {
+      return fn(...args).then(
+        (value) => value,
+        (error) => {
+          errors.push(error);
+          return typeof returnOnFail === 'function'
+            ? returnOnFail(...args)
+            : returnOnFail;
+        }
+      );
+    };
+  aggregate.push = (error) => {
+    errors.push(error);
+  };
+  aggregate.call = (fn, ...args) => {
+    return aggregate.wrap(fn)(...args);
+  };
+  aggregate.callAsync = (fn, ...args) => {
+    return aggregate.wrapAsync(fn)(...args);
+  };
+  aggregate.nest = (...args) => {
+    return aggregate.call(() => withAggregate(...args));
+  };
+  aggregate.nestAsync = (...args) => {
+    return aggregate.callAsync(() => withAggregateAsync(...args));
+  };
+  aggregate.map = (...args) => {
+    const parent = aggregate;
+    const {result, aggregate: child} = mapAggregate(...args);
+    parent.call(child.close);
+    return result;
+  };
+  aggregate.mapAsync = async (...args) => {
+    const parent = aggregate;
+    const {result, aggregate: child} = await mapAggregateAsync(...args);
+    parent.call(child.close);
+    return result;
+  };
+  aggregate.filter = (...args) => {
+    const parent = aggregate;
+    const {result, aggregate: child} = filterAggregate(...args);
+    parent.call(child.close);
+    return result;
+  };
+  aggregate.throws = aggregateThrows;
+  aggregate.close = () => {
+    if (errors.length) {
+      const error = Reflect.construct(errorClass, [errors, message]);
+      if (translucent) {
+        error[Symbol.for('hsmusic.aggregate.translucent')] = translucent;
+      }
+      throw error;
+    }
+  };
+  return aggregate;
+openAggregate.errorClassSymbol = Symbol('error class');
+// Utility function for providing {errorClass} parameter to aggregate functions.
+export function aggregateThrows(errorClass) {
+  return {[openAggregate.errorClassSymbol]: errorClass};
+// Helper function for allowing both (fn, aggregateOpts) and (aggregateOpts, fn)
+// in aggregate utilities.
+function _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2) {
+  if (typeof arg1 === 'function') {
+    return {fn: arg1, opts: arg2 ?? {}};
+  } else if (typeof arg2 === 'function') {
+    return {fn: arg2, opts: arg1 ?? {}};
+  } else {
+    throw new Error(`Expected a function`);
+  }
+// Performs an ordinary array map with the given function, collating into a
+// results array (with errored inputs filtered out) and an error aggregate.
+// Optionally, override returnOnFail to disable filtering and map errored inputs
+// to a particular output.
+// Note the aggregate property is the result of openAggregate(), still unclosed;
+// use aggregate.close() to throw the error. (This aggregate may be passed to a
+// parent aggregate: `parent.call(aggregate.close)`!)
+export function mapAggregate(array, arg1, arg2) {
+  const {fn, opts} = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  return _mapAggregate('sync', null, array, fn, opts);
+export function mapAggregateAsync(array, arg1, arg2) {
+  const {fn, opts} = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  const {promiseAll = Promise.all.bind(Promise), ...remainingOpts} = opts;
+  return _mapAggregate('async', promiseAll, array, fn, remainingOpts);
+// Helper function for mapAggregate which holds code common between sync and
+// async versions.
+export function _mapAggregate(mode, promiseAll, array, fn, aggregateOpts) {
+  const failureSymbol = Symbol();
+  const aggregate = openAggregate({
+    returnOnFail: failureSymbol,
+    ...aggregateOpts,
+  });
+  if (mode === 'sync') {
+    const result = array
+      .map(aggregate.wrap(fn))
+      .filter((value) => value !== failureSymbol);
+    return {result, aggregate};
+  } else {
+    return promiseAll(array.map(aggregate.wrapAsync(fn)))
+      .then((values) => {
+        const result = values.filter((value) => value !== failureSymbol);
+        return {result, aggregate};
+      });
+  }
+// Performs an ordinary array filter with the given function, collating into a
+// results array (with errored inputs filtered out) and an error aggregate.
+// Optionally, override returnOnFail to disable filtering errors and map errored
+// inputs to a particular output.
+// As with mapAggregate, the returned aggregate property is not yet closed.
+export function filterAggregate(array, arg1, arg2) {
+  const {fn, opts} = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  return _filterAggregate('sync', null, array, fn, opts);
+export async function filterAggregateAsync(array, arg1, arg2) {
+  const {fn, opts} = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  const {promiseAll = Promise.all.bind(Promise), ...remainingOpts} = opts;
+  return _filterAggregate('async', promiseAll, array, fn, remainingOpts);
+// Helper function for filterAggregate which holds code common between sync and
+// async versions.
+function _filterAggregate(mode, promiseAll, array, fn, aggregateOpts) {
+  const failureSymbol = Symbol();
+  const aggregate = openAggregate({
+    returnOnFail: failureSymbol,
+    ...aggregateOpts,
+  });
+  function filterFunction(value) {
+    // Filter out results which match the failureSymbol, i.e. errored
+    // inputs.
+    if (value === failureSymbol) return false;
+    // Always keep results which match the overridden returnOnFail
+    // value, if provided.
+    if (value === aggregateOpts.returnOnFail) return true;
+    // Otherwise, filter according to the returned value of the wrapped
+    // function.
+    return value.output;
+  }
+  function mapFunction(value) {
+    // Then turn the results back into their corresponding input, or, if
+    // provided, the overridden returnOnFail value.
+    return value === aggregateOpts.returnOnFail ? value : value.input;
+  }
+  if (mode === 'sync') {
+    const result = array
+      .map(aggregate.wrap((input, index, array) => {
+        const output = fn(input, index, array);
+        return {input, output};
+      }))
+      .filter(filterFunction)
+      .map(mapFunction);
+    return {result, aggregate};
+  } else {
+    return promiseAll(
+      array.map(aggregate.wrapAsync(async (input, index, array) => {
+        const output = await fn(input, index, array);
+        return {input, output};
+      }))
+    ).then((values) => {
+      const result = values.filter(filterFunction).map(mapFunction);
+      return {result, aggregate};
+    });
+  }
+// Totally sugar function for opening an aggregate, running the provided
+// function with it, then closing the function and returning the result (if
+// there's no throw).
+export function withAggregate(arg1, arg2) {
+  const {fn, opts} = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  return _withAggregate('sync', opts, fn);
+export function withAggregateAsync(arg1, arg2) {
+  const {fn, opts} = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  return _withAggregate('async', opts, fn);
+export function _withAggregate(mode, aggregateOpts, fn) {
+  const aggregate = openAggregate(aggregateOpts);
+  if (mode === 'sync') {
+    const result = fn(aggregate);
+    aggregate.close();
+    return result;
+  } else {
+    return fn(aggregate).then((result) => {
+      aggregate.close();
+      return result;
+    });
+  }
+export const unhelpfulTraceLines = [
+  /sugar/,
+  /aggregate/,
+  /node:/,
+  /<anonymous>/,
+export function getUsefulTraceLine(trace, {helpful, unhelpful}) {
+  if (!trace) return '';
+  for (const traceLine of trace.split('\n')) {
+    if (!traceLine.trim().startsWith('at')) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!empty(unhelpful)) {
+      if (unhelpful.some(regex => regex.test(traceLine))) {
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!empty(helpful)) {
+      for (const regex of helpful) {
+        const match = traceLine.match(regex);
+        if (match) {
+          return match[1] ?? traceLine;
+        }
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    return traceLine;
+  }
+  return '';
+export function showAggregate(topError, {
+  pathToFileURL = f => f,
+  showTraces = true,
+  showTranslucent = showTraces,
+  print = true,
+} = {}) {
+  const getTranslucency = error =>
+    error[Symbol.for('hsmusic.aggregate.translucent')] ?? false;
+  const determineCauseHelper = cause => {
+    if (!cause) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    const translucency = getTranslucency(cause);
+    if (!translucency) {
+      return cause;
+    }
+    if (translucency === 'single') {
+      if (cause.errors?.length === 1) {
+        return determineCauseHelper(cause.errors[0]);
+      } else {
+        return cause;
+      }
+    }
+    return determineCauseHelper(cause.cause);
+  };
+  const determineCause = error =>
+    (showTranslucent
+      ? error.cause ?? null
+      : determineCauseHelper(error.cause));
+  const determineErrorsHelper = error => {
+    const translucency = getTranslucency(error);
+    if (!translucency) {
+      return [error];
+    }
+    if (translucency === 'single' && error.errors?.length >= 2) {
+      return [error];
+    }
+    const errors = [];
+    if (error.cause) {
+      errors.push(...determineErrorsHelper(error.cause));
+    }
+    if (error.errors) {
+      errors.push(...error.errors.flatMap(determineErrorsHelper));
+    }
+    return errors;
+  };
+  const determineErrors = error =>
+    (showTranslucent
+      ? error.errors ?? null
+      : error.errors?.flatMap(determineErrorsHelper) ?? null);
+  const flattenErrorStructure = (error, level = 0) => {
+    const cause = determineCause(error);
+    const errors = determineErrors(error);
+    return {
+      level,
+      kind: error.constructor.name,
+      message: error.message,
+      trace:
+        (error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.traceFrom`)]
+          ? error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.traceFrom`)].stack
+          : error.stack),
+      cause:
+        (cause
+          ? flattenErrorStructure(cause, level + 1)
+          : null),
+      errors:
+        (errors
+          ? errors.map(error => flattenErrorStructure(error, level + 1))
+          : null),
+      options: {
+        alwaysTrace:
+          error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.alwaysTrace`)],
+        helpfulTraceLines:
+          error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.helpfulTraceLines`)],
+        unhelpfulTraceLines:
+          error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.unhelpfulTraceLines`)],
+      }
+    };
+  };
+  const recursive = ({
+    level,
+    kind,
+    message,
+    trace,
+    cause,
+    errors,
+    options: {
+      alwaysTrace,
+      helpfulTraceLines: ownHelpfulTraceLines,
+      unhelpfulTraceLines: ownUnhelpfulTraceLines,
+    },
+  }, index, apparentSiblings) => {
+    const subApparentSiblings =
+      (cause && errors
+        ? [cause, ...errors]
+     : cause
+        ? [cause]
+     : errors
+        ? errors
+        : []);
+    const anythingHasErrorsThisLayer =
+      apparentSiblings.some(({errors}) => !empty(errors));
+    const messagePart =
+      message || `(no message)`;
+    const kindPart =
+      kind || `unnamed kind`;
+    let headerPart =
+      (showTraces
+        ? `[${kindPart}] ${messagePart}`
+     : errors
+        ? `[${messagePart}]`
+     : anythingHasErrorsThisLayer
+        ? ` ${messagePart}`
+        : messagePart);
+    if (showTraces || alwaysTrace) {
+      const traceLine =
+        getUsefulTraceLine(trace, {
+          unhelpful:
+            (ownUnhelpfulTraceLines
+              ? unhelpfulTraceLines.concat(ownUnhelpfulTraceLines)
+              : unhelpfulTraceLines),
+          helpful:
+            (ownHelpfulTraceLines
+              ? ownHelpfulTraceLines
+              : null),
+        });
+      const tracePart =
+        (traceLine
+          ? '- ' +
+            traceLine
+              .trim()
+              .replace(/file:\/\/.*\.js/, (match) => pathToFileURL(match))
+          : '(no stack trace)');
+      headerPart += ` ${colors.dim(tracePart)}`;
+    }
+    const head1 = level % 2 === 0 ? '\u21aa' : colors.dim('\u21aa');
+    const bar1 = ' ';
+    const causePart =
+      (cause
+        ? recursive(cause, 0, subApparentSiblings)
+            .split('\n')
+            .map((line, i) => i === 0 ? ` ${head1} ${line}` : ` ${bar1} ${line}`)
+            .join('\n')
+        : '');
+    const head2 = level % 2 === 0 ? '\u257f' : colors.dim('\u257f');
+    const bar2 = level % 2 === 0 ? '\u2502' : colors.dim('\u254e');
+    const errorsPart =
+      (errors
+        ? errors
+            .map((error, index) => recursive(error, index + 1, subApparentSiblings))
+            .flatMap(str => str.split('\n'))
+            .map((line, i) => i === 0 ? ` ${head2} ${line}` : ` ${bar2} ${line}`)
+            .join('\n')
+        : '');
+    return [headerPart, errorsPart, causePart].filter(Boolean).join('\n');
+  };
+  const structure = flattenErrorStructure(topError);
+  const message = recursive(structure, 0, [structure]);
+  if (print) {
+    console.error(message);
+  } else {
+    return message;
+  }
+export function annotateError(error, ...callbacks) {
+  for (const callback of callbacks) {
+    error = callback(error) ?? error;
+  }
+  return error;
+export function annotateErrorWithIndex(error, index) {
+  return Object.assign(error, {
+    [Symbol.for('hsmusic.annotateError.indexInSourceArray')]:
+      index,
+    message:
+      `(${colors.yellow(`#${index + 1}`)}) ` +
+      error.message,
+  });
+export function annotateErrorWithFile(error, file) {
+  return Object.assign(error, {
+    [Symbol.for('hsmusic.annotateError.file')]:
+      file,
+    message:
+      error.message +
+      (error.message.includes('\n') ? '\n' : ' ') +
+      `(file: ${colors.bright(colors.blue(file))})`,
+  });
+export function asyncAdaptiveDecorateError(fn, callback) {
+  if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
+    throw new Error(`Expected callback to be a function, got ${typeAppearance(callback)}`);
+  }
+  const syncDecorated = function (...args) {
+    try {
+      return fn(...args);
+    } catch (caughtError) {
+      throw callback(caughtError, ...args);
+    }
+  };
+  const asyncDecorated = async function(...args) {
+    try {
+      return await fn(...args);
+    } catch (caughtError) {
+      throw callback(caughtError, ...args);
+    }
+  };
+  syncDecorated.async = asyncDecorated;
+  return syncDecorated;
+export function decorateError(fn, callback) {
+  return asyncAdaptiveDecorateError(fn, callback);
+export function asyncDecorateError(fn, callback) {
+  return asyncAdaptiveDecorateError(fn, callback).async;
+export function decorateErrorWithAnnotation(fn, ...annotationCallbacks) {
+  return asyncAdaptiveDecorateError(fn,
+    (caughtError, ...args) =>
+      annotateError(caughtError,
+        ...annotationCallbacks
+          .map(callback => error => callback(error, ...args))));
+export function decorateErrorWithIndex(fn) {
+  return decorateErrorWithAnnotation(fn,
+    (caughtError, _value, index) =>
+      annotateErrorWithIndex(caughtError, index));
+export function decorateErrorWithCause(fn, cause) {
+  return asyncAdaptiveDecorateError(fn,
+    (caughtError) =>
+      Object.assign(caughtError, {cause}));
+export function asyncDecorateErrorWithAnnotation(fn, ...annotationCallbacks) {
+  return decorateErrorWithAnnotation(fn, ...annotationCallbacks).async;
+export function asyncDecorateErrorWithIndex(fn) {
+  return decorateErrorWithIndex(fn).async;
+export function asyncDecorateErrorWithCause(fn, cause) {
+  return decorateErrorWithCause(fn, cause).async;
+export function conditionallySuppressError(conditionFn, callbackFn) {
+  return (...args) => {
+    try {
+      return callbackFn(...args);
+    } catch (error) {
+      if (conditionFn(error, ...args) === true) {
+        return;
+      }
+      throw error;
+    }
+  };
diff --git a/src/util/cli.js b/src/util/cli.js
index 0bbf3af..ce513f0 100644
--- a/src/util/cli.js
+++ b/src/util/cli.js
@@ -3,49 +3,54 @@
 // A 8unch of these depend on process.stdout 8eing availa8le, so they won't
 // work within the 8rowser.
-const { process } = globalThis;
-export const ENABLE_COLOR = process && (
-    (process.env.CLICOLOR_FORCE && process.env.CLICOLOR_FORCE === '1')
-    ?? (process.env.CLICOLOR && process.env.CLICOLOR === '1' && process.stdout.hasColors && process.stdout.hasColors())
-    ?? (process.stdout.hasColors ? process.stdout.hasColors() : true));
-const C = n => (ENABLE_COLOR
-    ? text => `\x1b[${n}m${text}\x1b[0m`
-    : text => text);
-export const color = {
-    bright: C('1'),
-    dim: C('2'),
-    normal: C('22'),
-    black: C('30'),
-    red: C('31'),
-    green: C('32'),
-    yellow: C('33'),
-    blue: C('34'),
-    magenta: C('35'),
-    cyan: C('36'),
-    white: C('37')
+const {process} = globalThis;
+export const ENABLE_COLOR =
+  process &&
+  ((process.env.CLICOLOR_FORCE && process.env.CLICOLOR_FORCE === '1') ??
+    (process.env.CLICOLOR &&
+      process.env.CLICOLOR === '1' &&
+      process.stdout.hasColors &&
+      process.stdout.hasColors()) ??
+    (process.stdout.hasColors ? process.stdout.hasColors() : true));
+const C = (n) =>
+  ENABLE_COLOR ? (text) => `\x1b[${n}m${text}\x1b[0m` : (text) => text;
+export const colors = {
+  bright: C('1'),
+  dim: C('2'),
+  normal: C('22'),
+  black: C('30'),
+  red: C('31'),
+  green: C('32'),
+  yellow: C('33'),
+  blue: C('34'),
+  magenta: C('35'),
+  cyan: C('36'),
+  white: C('37'),
-const logColor = color => (literals, ...values) => {
-    const w = s => process.stdout.write(s);
-    const wc = text => {
-        if (ENABLE_COLOR) w(text);
+const logColor =
+  (color) =>
+  (literals, ...values) => {
+    const w = (s) => process.stdout.write(s);
+    const wc = (text) => {
+      if (ENABLE_COLOR) w(text);
     for (let i = 0; i < literals.length; i++) {
-        w(literals[i]);
-        if (values[i] !== undefined) {
-            wc(`\x1b[1m`);
-            w(String(values[i]));
-            wc(`\x1b[0;${color}m`);
-        }
+      w(literals[i]);
+      if (values[i] !== undefined) {
+        wc(`\x1b[1m`);
+        w(String(values[i]));
+        wc(`\x1b[0;${color}m`);
+      }
+  };
 export const logInfo = logColor(2);
 export const logWarn = logColor(33);
@@ -53,205 +58,343 @@ export const logError = logColor(31);
 // Stolen as #@CK from mtui!
 export async function parseOptions(options, optionDescriptorMap) {
-    // This function is sorely lacking in comments, but the basic usage is
-    // as such:
-    //
-    // options is the array of options you want to process;
-    // optionDescriptorMap is a mapping of option names to objects that describe
-    // the expected value for their corresponding options.
-    // Returned is a mapping of any specified option names to their values, or
-    // a process.exit(1) and error message if there were any issues.
-    //
-    // Here are examples of optionDescriptorMap to cover all the things you can
-    // do with it:
-    //
-    // optionDescriptorMap: {
-    //   'telnet-server': {type: 'flag'},
-    //   't': {alias: 'telnet-server'}
-    // }
-    //
-    // options: ['t'] -> result: {'telnet-server': true}
-    //
-    // optionDescriptorMap: {
-    //   'directory': {
-    //     type: 'value',
-    //     validate(name) {
-    //       // const whitelistedDirectories = ['apple', 'banana']
-    //       if (whitelistedDirectories.includes(name)) {
-    //         return true
-    //       } else {
-    //         return 'a whitelisted directory'
-    //       }
-    //     }
-    //   },
-    //   'files': {type: 'series'}
-    // }
-    //
-    // ['--directory', 'apple'] -> {'directory': 'apple'}
-    // ['--directory', 'artichoke'] -> (error)
-    // ['--files', 'a', 'b', 'c', ';'] -> {'files': ['a', 'b', 'c']}
-    //
-    // TODO: Be able to validate the values in a series option.
-    const handleDashless = optionDescriptorMap[parseOptions.handleDashless];
-    const handleUnknown = optionDescriptorMap[parseOptions.handleUnknown];
-    const result = Object.create(null);
-    for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
-        const option = options[i];
-        if (option.startsWith('--')) {
-            // --x can be a flag or expect a value or series of values
-            let name = option.slice(2).split('=')[0]; // '--x'.split('=') = ['--x']
-            let descriptor = optionDescriptorMap[name];
-            if (!descriptor) {
-                if (handleUnknown) {
-                    handleUnknown(option);
-                } else {
-                    console.error(`Unknown option name: ${name}`);
-                    process.exit(1);
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (descriptor.alias) {
-                name = descriptor.alias;
-                descriptor = optionDescriptorMap[name];
-            }
-            if (descriptor.type === 'flag') {
-                result[name] = true;
-            } else if (descriptor.type === 'value') {
-                let value = option.slice(2).split('=')[1];
-                if (!value) {
-                    value = options[++i];
-                    if (!value || value.startsWith('-')) {
-                        value = null;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (!value) {
-                    console.error(`Expected a value for --${name}`);
-                    process.exit(1);
-                }
-                result[name] = value;
-            } else if (descriptor.type === 'series') {
-                if (!options.slice(i).includes(';')) {
-                    console.error(`Expected a series of values concluding with ; (\\;) for --${name}`);
-                    process.exit(1);
-                }
-                const endIndex = i + options.slice(i).indexOf(';');
-                result[name] = options.slice(i + 1, endIndex);
-                i = endIndex;
-            }
-            if (descriptor.validate) {
-                const validation = await descriptor.validate(result[name]);
-                if (validation !== true) {
-                    console.error(`Expected ${validation} for --${name}`);
-                    process.exit(1);
-                }
-            }
-        } else if (option.startsWith('-')) {
-            // mtui doesn't use any -x=y or -x y format optionuments
-            // -x will always just be a flag
-            let name = option.slice(1);
-            let descriptor = optionDescriptorMap[name];
-            if (!descriptor) {
-                if (handleUnknown) {
-                    handleUnknown(option);
-                } else {
-                    console.error(`Unknown option name: ${name}`);
-                    process.exit(1);
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (descriptor.alias) {
-                name = descriptor.alias;
-                descriptor = optionDescriptorMap[name];
-            }
-            if (descriptor.type === 'flag') {
-                result[name] = true;
-            } else {
-                console.error(`Use --${name} (value) to specify ${name}`);
-                process.exit(1);
+  // This function is sorely lacking in comments, but the basic usage is
+  // as such:
+  //
+  // options is the array of options you want to process;
+  // optionDescriptorMap is a mapping of option names to objects that describe
+  // the expected value for their corresponding options.
+  //
+  // Returned is...
+  // - a mapping of any specified option names to their values
+  // - a process.exit(1) and error message if there were any issues
+  //
+  // Here are examples of optionDescriptorMap to cover all the things you can
+  // do with it:
+  //
+  // optionDescriptorMap: {
+  //   'telnet-server': {type: 'flag'},
+  //   't': {alias: 'telnet-server'}
+  // }
+  //
+  // options: ['t'] -> result: {'telnet-server': true}
+  //
+  // optionDescriptorMap: {
+  //   'directory': {
+  //     type: 'value',
+  //     validate(name) {
+  //       // const whitelistedDirectories = ['apple', 'banana']
+  //       if (whitelistedDirectories.includes(name)) {
+  //         return true
+  //       } else {
+  //         return 'a whitelisted directory'
+  //       }
+  //     }
+  //   },
+  //   'files': {type: 'series'}
+  // }
+  //
+  // ['--directory', 'apple'] -> {'directory': 'apple'}
+  // ['--directory', 'artichoke'] -> (error)
+  // ['--files', 'a', 'b', 'c', ';'] -> {'files': ['a', 'b', 'c']}
+  const handleDashless = optionDescriptorMap[parseOptions.handleDashless];
+  const handleUnknown = optionDescriptorMap[parseOptions.handleUnknown];
+  const result = Object.create(null);
+  for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
+    const option = options[i];
+    if (option.startsWith('--')) {
+      // --x can be a flag or expect a value or series of values
+      let name = option.slice(2).split('=')[0]; // '--x'.split('=') = ['--x']
+      let descriptor = optionDescriptorMap[name];
+      if (!descriptor) {
+        if (handleUnknown) {
+          handleUnknown(option);
+        } else {
+          console.error(`Unknown option name: ${name}`);
+          process.exit(1);
+        }
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (descriptor.alias) {
+        name = descriptor.alias;
+        descriptor = optionDescriptorMap[name];
+      }
+      switch (descriptor.type) {
+        case 'flag': {
+          result[name] = true;
+          break;
+        }
+        case 'value': {
+          let value = option.slice(2).split('=')[1];
+          if (!value) {
+            value = options[++i];
+            if (!value || value.startsWith('-')) {
+              value = null;
-        } else if (handleDashless) {
-            handleDashless(option);
+          }
+          if (!value) {
+            console.error(`Expected a value for --${name}`);
+            process.exit(1);
+          }
+          result[name] = value;
+          break;
+        case 'series': {
+          if (!options.slice(i).includes(';')) {
+            console.error(`Expected a series of values concluding with ; (\\;) for --${name}`);
+            process.exit(1);
+          }
+          const endIndex = i + options.slice(i).indexOf(';');
+          result[name] = options.slice(i + 1, endIndex);
+          i = endIndex;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (descriptor.validate) {
+        const validation = await descriptor.validate(result[name]);
+        if (validation !== true) {
+          console.error(`Expected ${validation} for --${name}`);
+          process.exit(1);
+        }
+      }
+    } else if (option.startsWith('-')) {
+      // mtui doesn't use any -x=y or -x y format optionuments
+      // -x will always just be a flag
+      let name = option.slice(1);
+      let descriptor = optionDescriptorMap[name];
+      if (!descriptor) {
+        if (handleUnknown) {
+          handleUnknown(option);
+        } else {
+          console.error(`Unknown option name: ${name}`);
+          process.exit(1);
+        }
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (descriptor.alias) {
+        name = descriptor.alias;
+        descriptor = optionDescriptorMap[name];
+      }
+      if (descriptor.type === 'flag') {
+        result[name] = true;
+      } else {
+        console.error(`Use --${name} (value) to specify ${name}`);
+        process.exit(1);
+      }
+    } else if (handleDashless) {
+      handleDashless(option);
-    return result;
+  }
+  return result;
 export const handleDashless = Symbol();
 export const handleUnknown = Symbol();
 export function decorateTime(arg1, arg2) {
-    const [ id, functionToBeWrapped ] =
-        ((typeof arg1 === 'string' || typeof arg1 === 'symbol')
-            ? [arg1, arg2]
-            : [Symbol(arg1.name), arg1]);
-    const meta = decorateTime.idMetaMap[id] ?? {
-        wrappedName: functionToBeWrapped.name,
-        timeSpent: 0,
-        timesCalled: 0,
-        displayTime() {
-            const averageTime = meta.timeSpent / meta.timesCalled;
-            console.log(`\x1b[1m${typeof id === 'symbol' ? id.description : id}(...):\x1b[0m ${meta.timeSpent} ms / ${meta.timesCalled} calls \x1b[2m(avg: ${averageTime} ms)\x1b[0m`);
-        }
-    };
+  const [id, functionToBeWrapped] =
+    typeof arg1 === 'string' || typeof arg1 === 'symbol'
+      ? [arg1, arg2]
+      : [Symbol(arg1.name), arg1];
-    decorateTime.idMetaMap[id] = meta;
+  const meta = decorateTime.idMetaMap[id] ?? {
+    wrappedName: functionToBeWrapped.name,
+    timeSpent: 0,
+    timesCalled: 0,
+    displayTime() {
+      const align1 = 48;
+      const align2 = 22;
-    const fn = function(...args) {
-        const start = Date.now();
-        const ret = functionToBeWrapped(...args);
-        const end = Date.now();
-        meta.timeSpent += end - start;
-        meta.timesCalled++;
-        return ret;
-    };
+      const averageTime = (meta.timeSpent / meta.timesCalled).toExponential(1);
+      const idPart = typeof id === 'symbol' ? id.description : id;
+      const timePart = `${meta.timeSpent} ms / ${meta.timesCalled} calls`;
+      const avgPart = `(avg: ${averageTime} ms)`;
-    fn.displayTime = meta.displayTime;
+      const alignPart1 =
+        (idPart.length >= align1
+          ? ' '
+          : ' ' + '.'.repeat(Math.max(0, align1 - 2 - idPart.length)) + ' ');
-    return fn;
+      const alignPart2 =
+        (timePart.length >= align2
+          ? ' '
+          : ' '.repeat(Math.max(0, align2 - timePart.length)));
+      console.log(
+        colors.bright(idPart) +
+        alignPart1 +
+        timePart +
+        alignPart2 +
+        colors.dim(avgPart));
+    },
+  };
+  decorateTime.idMetaMap[id] = meta;
+  const fn = function (...args) {
+    const start = Date.now();
+    const ret = functionToBeWrapped.apply(this, args);
+    const end = Date.now();
+    meta.timeSpent += end - start;
+    meta.timesCalled++;
+    return ret;
+  };
+  fn.displayTime = meta.displayTime;
+  return fn;
 decorateTime.idMetaMap = Object.create(null);
-decorateTime.displayTime = function() {
-    const map = decorateTime.idMetaMap;
+decorateTime.displayTime = function () {
+  const map = decorateTime.idMetaMap;
-    const keys = [
-        ...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(map),
-        ...Object.getOwnPropertyNames(map)
-    ];
+  const keys = [
+    ...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(map),
+    ...Object.getOwnPropertyNames(map),
+  ];
-    if (keys.length) {
-        console.log(`\x1b[1mdecorateTime results: ` + '-'.repeat(40) + '\x1b[0m');
-        for (const key of keys) {
-            map[key].displayTime();
-        }
-    }
+  if (!keys.length) {
+    return;
+  }
+  console.log(`\x1b[1mdecorateTime results: ` + '-'.repeat(40) + '\x1b[0m');
+  const metas =
+    keys
+      .map(key => map[key])
+      .filter(meta => meta.timeSpent >= 1)  // Milliseconds!
+      .sort((a, b) => a.timeSpent - b.timeSpent);
+  for (const meta of metas) {
+    meta.displayTime();
+  }
 export function progressPromiseAll(msgOrMsgFn, array) {
-    if (!array.length) {
-        return Promise.resolve([]);
-    }
+  if (!array.length) {
+    return Promise.resolve([]);
+  }
-    const msgFn = (typeof msgOrMsgFn === 'function'
-        ? msgOrMsgFn
-        : () => msgOrMsgFn);
+  const msgFn =
+    typeof msgOrMsgFn === 'function' ? msgOrMsgFn : () => msgOrMsgFn;
-    let done = 0, total = array.length;
-    process.stdout.write(`\r${msgFn()} [0/${total}]`);
-    const start = Date.now();
-    return Promise.all(array.map(promise => Promise.resolve(promise).then(val => {
+  let done = 0,
+    total = array.length;
+  process.stdout.write(`\r${msgFn()} [0/${total}]`);
+  const start = Date.now();
+  return Promise.all(
+    array.map((promise) =>
+      Promise.resolve(promise).then((val) => {
         // const pc = `${done}/${total}`;
-        const pc = (Math.round(done / total * 1000) / 10 + '%').padEnd('99.9%'.length, ' ');
+        const pc = (Math.round((done / total) * 1000) / 10 + '%').padEnd(
+          '99.9%'.length,
+          ' '
+        );
         if (done === total) {
-            const time = Date.now() - start;
-            process.stdout.write(`\r\x1b[2m${msgFn()} [${pc}] \x1b[0;32mDone! \x1b[0;2m(${time} ms) \x1b[0m\n`)
+          const time = Date.now() - start;
+          process.stdout.write(
+            `\r\x1b[2m${msgFn()} [${pc}] \x1b[0;32mDone! \x1b[0;2m(${time} ms) \x1b[0m\n`
+          );
         } else {
-            process.stdout.write(`\r${msgFn()} [${pc}] `);
+          process.stdout.write(`\r${msgFn()} [${pc}] `);
         return val;
-    })));
+      })
+    )
+  );
+export function progressCallAll(msgOrMsgFn, array) {
+  if (!array.length) {
+    return [];
+  }
+  const msgFn =
+    typeof msgOrMsgFn === 'function' ? msgOrMsgFn : () => msgOrMsgFn;
+  const updateInterval = 1000 / 60;
+  let done = 0,
+    total = array.length;
+  process.stdout.write(`\r${msgFn()} [0/${total}]`);
+  const start = Date.now();
+  const vals = [];
+  let lastTime = 0;
+  for (const fn of array) {
+    const val = fn();
+    done++;
+    if (done === total) {
+      const pc = '100%'.padEnd('99.9%'.length, ' ');
+      const time = Date.now() - start;
+      process.stdout.write(
+        `\r\x1b[2m${msgFn()} [${pc}] \x1b[0;32mDone! \x1b[0;2m(${time} ms) \x1b[0m\n`
+      );
+    } else if (Date.now() - lastTime >= updateInterval) {
+      const pc = (Math.round((done / total) * 1000) / 10 + '%').padEnd('99.9%'.length, ' ');
+      process.stdout.write(`\r${msgFn()} [${pc}] `);
+      lastTime = Date.now();
+    }
+    vals.push(val);
+  }
+  return vals;
+export function fileIssue({
+  topMessage = `This shouldn't happen.`,
+} = {}) {
+  if (topMessage) {
+    console.error(colors.red(`${topMessage} Please let the HSMusic developers know:`));
+  }
+  console.error(colors.red(`- https://hsmusic.wiki/feedback/`));
+  console.error(colors.red(`- https://github.com/hsmusic/hsmusic-wiki/issues/`));
+export async function logicalCWD() {
+  if (process.env.PWD) {
+    return process.env.PWD;
+  }
+  const {exec} = await import('node:child_process');
+  const {stat} = await import('node:fs/promises');
+  try {
+    await stat('/bin/sh');
+  } catch (error) {
+    // Not logical, so sad.
+    return process.cwd();
+  }
+  const proc = exec('/bin/pwd -L');
+  let output = '';
+  proc.stdout.on('data', buf => { output += buf; });
+  await new Promise(resolve => proc.on('exit', resolve));
+  return output.trim();
+export async function logicalPathTo(target) {
+  const {relative} = await import('node:path');
+  const cwd = await logicalCWD();
+  return relative(cwd, target);
diff --git a/src/util/colors.js b/src/util/colors.js
index f568557..50339cd 100644
--- a/src/util/colors.js
+++ b/src/util/colors.js
@@ -1,25 +1,42 @@
 // Color and theming utility functions! Handy.
-// Graciously stolen from https://stackoverflow.com/a/54071699! ::::)
-// in: r,g,b in [0,1], out: h in [0,360) and s,l in [0,1]
-export function rgb2hsl(r, g, b) {
-    let a=Math.max(r,g,b), n=a-Math.min(r,g,b), f=(1-Math.abs(a+a-n-1));
-    let h= n && ((a==r) ? (g-b)/n : ((a==g) ? 2+(b-r)/n : 4+(r-g)/n));
-    return [60*(h<0?h+6:h), f ? n/f : 0, (a+a-n)/2];
+export function getColors(themeColor, {
+  // chroma.js external dependency (https://gka.github.io/chroma.js/)
+  chroma,
+} = {}) {
+  if (!chroma) {
+    throw new Error('chroma.js library must be passed or bound for color manipulation');
+  }
+  const primary = chroma(themeColor);
+  const dark = primary.luminance(0.02);
+  const dim = primary.desaturate(2).darken(1.5);
+  const deep = primary.saturate(1.2).luminance(0.035);
+  const deepGhost = deep.alpha(0.8);
+  const light = chroma.average(['#ffffff', primary], 'rgb', [4, 1]);
+  const bg = primary.luminance(0.008).desaturate(3.5).alpha(0.8);
+  const bgBlack = primary.saturate(1).luminance(0.0025).alpha(0.8);
+  const shadow = primary.desaturate(4).set('hsl.l', 0.05).alpha(0.8);
+  const hsl = primary.hsl();
+  if (isNaN(hsl[0])) hsl[0] = 0;
+  return {
+    primary: primary.hex(),
+    dark: dark.hex(),
+    dim: dim.hex(),
+    deep: deep.hex(),
+    deepGhost: deepGhost.hex(),
+    light: light.hex(),
+    bg: bg.hex(),
+    bgBlack: bgBlack.hex(),
+    shadow: shadow.hex(),
-export function getColors(primary) {
-    const [ r, g, b ] = primary.slice(1)
-        .match(/[0-9a-fA-F]{2,2}/g)
-        .slice(0, 3)
-        .map(val => parseInt(val, 16) / 255);
-    const [ h, s, l ] = rgb2hsl(r, g, b);
-    const dim = `hsl(${Math.round(h)}deg, ${Math.round(s * 50)}%, ${Math.round(l * 80)}%)`;
-    const bg = `hsla(${Math.round(h)}deg, ${Math.round(s * 15)}%, 12%, 0.80)`;
-    return {
-        primary, dim, bg,
-        rgb: [r, g, b],
-        hsl: [h, s, l],
-    };
+    rgb: primary.rgb(),
+    hsl,
+  };
diff --git a/src/util/external-links.js b/src/util/external-links.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b779af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/external-links.js
@@ -0,0 +1,998 @@
+import {empty, stitchArrays, withEntries} from '#sugar';
+import {
+  anyOf,
+  is,
+  isBoolean,
+  isObject,
+  isStringNonEmpty,
+  looseArrayOf,
+  optional,
+  validateAllPropertyValues,
+  validateArrayItems,
+  validateInstanceOf,
+  validateProperties,
+} from '#validators';
+export const externalLinkStyles = [
+  'platform',
+  'handle',
+  'icon-id',
+export const isExternalLinkStyle = is(...externalLinkStyles);
+export const externalLinkContexts = [
+  'album',
+  'albumOneTrack',
+  'albumMultipleTracks',
+  'albumNoTracks',
+  'artist',
+  'flash',
+  'generic',
+  'group',
+  'track',
+export const isExternalLinkContext =
+  anyOf(
+    is(...externalLinkContexts),
+    looseArrayOf(is(...externalLinkContexts)));
+// This might need to be adjusted for YAML importing...
+const isRegExp =
+  validateInstanceOf(RegExp);
+export const isExternalLinkTransformCommand =
+  is(...[
+    'decode-uri',
+    'find-replace',
+  ]);
+export const isExternalLinkTransformSpec =
+  anyOf(
+    isExternalLinkTransformCommand,
+    validateProperties({
+      [validateProperties.allowOtherKeys]: true,
+      command: isExternalLinkTransformCommand,
+    }));
+export const isExternalLinkExtractSpec =
+  validateProperties({
+    prefix: optional(isStringNonEmpty),
+    transform: optional(validateArrayItems(isExternalLinkTransformSpec)),
+    url: optional(isRegExp),
+    domain: optional(isRegExp),
+    pathname: optional(isRegExp),
+    query: optional(isRegExp),
+  });
+export const isExternalLinkSpec =
+  validateArrayItems(
+    validateProperties({
+      match: validateProperties({
+        // TODO: Don't allow providing both of these, and require providing one
+        domain: optional(isStringNonEmpty),
+        domains: optional(validateArrayItems(isStringNonEmpty)),
+        // TODO: Don't allow providing both of these
+        pathname: optional(isRegExp),
+        pathnames: optional(validateArrayItems(isRegExp)),
+        // TODO: Don't allow providing both of these
+        query: optional(isRegExp),
+        queries: optional(validateArrayItems(isRegExp)),
+        context: optional(isExternalLinkContext),
+      }),
+      platform: isStringNonEmpty,
+      handle: optional(isExternalLinkExtractSpec),
+      detail:
+        optional(anyOf(
+          isStringNonEmpty,
+          validateProperties({
+            [validateProperties.validateOtherKeys]:
+              isExternalLinkExtractSpec,
+            substring: isStringNonEmpty,
+          }))),
+      unusualDomain: optional(isBoolean),
+      icon: optional(isStringNonEmpty),
+    }));
+export const fallbackDescriptor = {
+  platform: 'external',
+  icon: 'globe',
+// TODO: Define all this stuff in data as YAML!
+export const externalLinkSpec = [
+  // Special handling for album links
+  {
+    match: {
+      context: 'album',
+      domain: 'youtube.com',
+      pathname: /^playlist/,
+    },
+    platform: 'youtube',
+    detail: 'playlist',
+    icon: 'youtube',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {
+      context: 'albumMultipleTracks',
+      domain: 'youtube.com',
+      pathname: /^watch/,
+    },
+    platform: 'youtube',
+    detail: 'fullAlbum',
+    icon: 'youtube',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {
+      context: 'albumMultipleTracks',
+      domain: 'youtu.be',
+    },
+    platform: 'youtube',
+    detail: 'fullAlbum',
+    icon: 'youtube',
+  },
+  // Special handling for flash links
+  {
+    match: {
+      context: 'flash',
+      domain: 'bgreco.net',
+    },
+    platform: 'bgreco',
+    detail: 'flash',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  // This takes precedence over the secretPage match below.
+  {
+    match: {
+      context: 'flash',
+      domain: 'homestuck.com',
+    },
+    platform: 'homestuck',
+    detail: {
+      substring: 'page',
+      page: {pathname: /^story\/([0-9]+)\/?$/,},
+    },
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {
+      context: 'flash',
+      domain: 'homestuck.com',
+      pathname: /^story\/.+\/?$/,
+    },
+    platform: 'homestuck',
+    detail: 'secretPage',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {
+      context: 'flash',
+      domains: ['youtube.com', 'youtu.be'],
+    },
+    platform: 'youtube',
+    detail: 'flash',
+    icon: 'youtube',
+  },
+  // Generic domains, sorted alphabetically (by string)
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'music.apple.com'},
+    platform: 'appleMusic',
+    icon: 'appleMusic',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'artstation.com'},
+    platform: 'artstation',
+    handle: {pathname: /^([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'artstation',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: '.artstation.com'},
+    platform: 'artstation',
+    handle: {domain: /^[^.]+/},
+    icon: 'artstation',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domains: ['bc.s3m.us', 'music.solatrus.com']},
+    platform: 'bandcamp',
+    handle: {domain: /.+/},
+    unusualDomain: true,
+    icon: 'bandcamp',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: '.bandcamp.com'},
+    platform: 'bandcamp',
+    handle: {domain: /^[^.]+/},
+    icon: 'bandcamp',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'bsky.app'},
+    platform: 'bluesky',
+    handle: {pathname: /^profile\/([^/]+?)(?:\.bsky\.social)?\/?$/},
+    icon: 'bluesky',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: '.carrd.co'},
+    platform: 'carrd',
+    handle: {domain: /^[^.]+/},
+    icon: 'carrd',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'cohost.org'},
+    platform: 'cohost',
+    handle: {pathname: /^([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'cohost',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'music.deconreconstruction.com'},
+    platform: 'deconreconstruction.music',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'deconreconstruction.com'},
+    platform: 'deconreconstruction',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: '.deviantart.com'},
+    platform: 'deviantart',
+    handle: {domain: /^[^.]+/},
+    icon: 'deviantart',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'deviantart.com'},
+    platform: 'deviantart',
+    handle: {pathname: /^([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'deviantart',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'deviantart.com'},
+    platform: 'deviantart',
+    icon: 'deviantart',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'facebook.com'},
+    platform: 'facebook',
+    handle: {pathname: /^([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'facebook',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'facebook.com'},
+    platform: 'facebook',
+    handle: {pathname: /^(?:pages|people)\/([^/]+)\/[0-9]+\/?$/},
+    icon: 'facebook',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'facebook.com'},
+    platform: 'facebook',
+    icon: 'facebook',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'mspaintadventures.fandom.com'},
+    platform: 'fandom.mspaintadventures',
+    detail: {
+      substring: 'page',
+      page: {
+        pathname: /^wiki\/(.+)\/?$/,
+        transform: [
+          {command: 'decode-uri'},
+          {command: 'find-replace', find: /_/g, replace: ' '},
+        ],
+      },
+    },
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'mspaintadventures.fandom.com'},
+    platform: 'fandom.mspaintadventures',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domains: ['fandom.com', '.fandom.com']},
+    platform: 'fandom',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'gamebanana.com'},
+    platform: 'gamebanana',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'homestuck.com'},
+    platform: 'homestuck',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {
+      domain: 'hsmusic.wiki',
+      pathname: /^media\/misc\/archive/,
+    },
+    platform: 'hsmusic.archive',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'hsmusic.wiki'},
+    platform: 'hsmusic',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'instagram.com'},
+    platform: 'instagram',
+    handle: {pathname: /^([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'instagram',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'instagram.com'},
+    platform: 'instagram',
+    icon: 'instagram',
+  },
+  // The Wayback Machine is a separate entry.
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'archive.org'},
+    platform: 'internetArchive',
+    icon: 'internetArchive',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: '.itch.io'},
+    platform: 'itch',
+    handle: {domain: /^[^.]+/},
+    icon: 'itch',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'itch.io'},
+    platform: 'itch',
+    handle: {pathname: /^profile\/([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'itch',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'ko-fi.com'},
+    platform: 'kofi',
+    handle: {pathname: /^([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'kofi',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'linktr.ee'},
+    platform: 'linktree',
+    handle: {pathname: /^([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'linktree',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domains: [
+      'mastodon.social',
+      'shrike.club',
+      'types.pl',
+    ]},
+    platform: 'mastodon',
+    handle: {domain: /.+/},
+    unusualDomain: true,
+    icon: 'mastodon',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domains: ['mspfa.com', '.mspfa.com']},
+    platform: 'mspfa',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: '.neocities.org'},
+    platform: 'neocities',
+    handle: {domain: /.+/},
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: '.newgrounds.com'},
+    platform: 'newgrounds',
+    handle: {domain: /^[^.]+/},
+    icon: 'newgrounds',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'newgrounds.com'},
+    platform: 'newgrounds',
+    icon: 'newgrounds',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'patreon.com'},
+    platform: 'patreon',
+    handle: {pathname: /^([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'patreon',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'patreon.com'},
+    platform: 'patreon',
+    icon: 'patreon',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'poetryfoundation.org'},
+    platform: 'poetryFoundation',
+    icon: 'globe',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'soundcloud.com'},
+    platform: 'soundcloud',
+    handle: {pathname: /^([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'soundcloud',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'soundcloud.com'},
+    platform: 'soundcloud',
+    icon: 'soundcloud',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domains: ['spotify.com', 'open.spotify.com']},
+    platform: 'spotify',
+    icon: 'spotify',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'tiktok.com'},
+    platform: 'tiktok',
+    handle: {pathname: /^@?([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'tiktok',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'toyhou.se'},
+    platform: 'toyhouse',
+    handle: {pathname: /^([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'toyhouse',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: '.tumblr.com'},
+    platform: 'tumblr',
+    handle: {domain: /^[^.]+/},
+    icon: 'tumblr',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'tumblr.com'},
+    platform: 'tumblr',
+    handle: {pathname: /^([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'tumblr',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'tumblr.com'},
+    platform: 'tumblr',
+    icon: 'tumblr',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'twitch.tv'},
+    platform: 'twitch',
+    handle: {pathname: /^(.+)\/?/},
+    icon: 'twitch',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'twitter.com'},
+    platform: 'twitter',
+    handle: {pathname: /^@?([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'twitter',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'twitter.com'},
+    platform: 'twitter',
+    icon: 'twitter',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'web.archive.org'},
+    platform: 'waybackMachine',
+    icon: 'internetArchive',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domains: ['wikipedia.org', '.wikipedia.org']},
+    platform: 'wikipedia',
+    icon: 'misc',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domain: 'youtube.com'},
+    platform: 'youtube',
+    handle: {pathname: /^@([^/]+)\/?$/},
+    icon: 'youtube',
+  },
+  {
+    match: {domains: ['youtube.com', 'youtu.be']},
+    platform: 'youtube',
+    icon: 'youtube',
+  },
+function urlParts(url) {
+  const {
+    hostname: domain,
+    pathname,
+    search: query,
+  } = new URL(url);
+  return {domain, pathname, query};
+function createEmptyResults() {
+  return Object.fromEntries(externalLinkStyles.map(style => [style, null]));
+export function getMatchingDescriptorsForExternalLink(url, descriptors, {
+  context = 'generic',
+} = {}) {
+  const {domain, pathname, query} = urlParts(url);
+  const compareDomain = string => {
+    // A dot at the start of the descriptor's domain indicates
+    // we're looking to match a subdomain.
+    if (string.startsWith('.')) matchSubdomain: {
+      // "www" is never an acceptable subdomain for this purpose.
+      // Sorry to people whose usernames are www!!
+      if (domain.startsWith('www.')) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      return domain.endsWith(string);
+    }
+    // No dot means we're looking for an exact/full domain match.
+    // But let "www" pass here too, implicitly.
+    return domain === string || domain === 'www.' + string;
+  };
+  const comparePathname = regex => regex.test(pathname.slice(1));
+  const compareQuery = regex => regex.test(query.slice(1));
+  const compareExtractSpec = extract =>
+    extractPartFromExternalLink(url, extract, {mode: 'test'});
+  const contextArray =
+    (Array.isArray(context)
+      ? context
+      : [context]).filter(Boolean);
+  const matchingDescriptors =
+    descriptors
+      .filter(({match}) =>
+        (match.domain
+          ? compareDomain(match.domain)
+       : match.domains
+          ? match.domains.some(compareDomain)
+          : false))
+      .filter(({match}) =>
+        (Array.isArray(match.context)
+          ? match.context.some(c => contextArray.includes(c))
+       : match.context
+          ? contextArray.includes(match.context)
+          : true))
+      .filter(({match}) =>
+        (match.pathname
+          ? comparePathname(match.pathname)
+       : match.pathnames
+          ? match.pathnames.some(comparePathname)
+          : true))
+      .filter(({match}) =>
+        (match.query
+          ? compareQuery(match.query)
+       : match.queries
+          ? match.quieries.some(compareQuery)
+          : true))
+      .filter(({handle}) =>
+        (handle
+          ? compareExtractSpec(handle)
+          : true))
+      .filter(({detail}) =>
+        (typeof detail === 'object'
+          ? Object.entries(detail)
+              .filter(([key]) => key !== 'substring')
+              .map(([_key, value]) => value)
+              .every(compareExtractSpec)
+          : true));
+  return [...matchingDescriptors, fallbackDescriptor];
+export function extractPartFromExternalLink(url, extract, {
+  // Set to 'test' to just see if this would extract anything.
+  // This disables running custom transformations.
+  mode = 'extract',
+} = {}) {
+  const {domain, pathname, query} = urlParts(url);
+  let regexen = [];
+  let tests = [];
+  let transform = [];
+  let prefix = '';
+  if (extract instanceof RegExp) {
+    regexen.push(extract);
+    tests.push(url);
+  } else {
+    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(extract)) {
+      switch (key) {
+        case 'prefix':
+          prefix = value;
+          continue;
+        case 'transform':
+          for (const entry of value) {
+            const command =
+              (typeof entry === 'string'
+                ? command
+                : entry.command);
+            const options =
+              (typeof entry === 'string'
+                ? {}
+                : entry);
+            switch (command) {
+              case 'decode-uri':
+                transform.push(value =>
+                  decodeURIComponent(value));
+                break;
+              case 'find-replace':
+                transform.push(value =>
+                  value.replace(options.find, options.replace));
+                break;
+            }
+          }
+          continue;
+        case 'url':
+          tests.push(url);
+          break;
+        case 'domain':
+          tests.push(domain);
+          break;
+        case 'pathname':
+          tests.push(pathname.slice(1));
+          break;
+        case 'query':
+          tests.push(query.slice(1));
+          break;
+        default:
+          tests.push('');
+          break;
+      }
+      regexen.push(value);
+    }
+  }
+  let value;
+  for (const {regex, test} of stitchArrays({
+    regex: regexen,
+    test: tests,
+  })) {
+    const match = test.match(regex);
+    if (match) {
+      value = match[1] ?? match[0];
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (mode === 'test') {
+    return !!value;
+  }
+  if (!value) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  if (prefix) {
+    value = prefix + value;
+  }
+  for (const fn of transform) {
+    value = fn(value);
+  }
+  return value;
+export function extractAllCustomPartsFromExternalLink(url, custom) {
+  const customParts = {};
+  // All or nothing: if one part doesn't match, all results are scrapped.
+  for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(custom)) {
+    customParts[key] = extractPartFromExternalLink(url, value);
+    if (!customParts[key]) return null;
+  }
+  return customParts;
+export function getExternalLinkStringOfStyleFromDescriptor(url, style, descriptor, {language}) {
+  const prefix = 'misc.external';
+  function getDetail() {
+    if (!descriptor.detail) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    if (typeof descriptor.detail === 'string') {
+      return language.$(prefix, descriptor.platform, descriptor.detail);
+    } else {
+      const {substring, ...rest} = descriptor.detail;
+      const opts =
+        withEntries(rest, entries => entries
+          .map(([key, value]) => [
+            key,
+            extractPartFromExternalLink(url, value),
+          ]));
+      return language.$(prefix, descriptor.platform, substring, opts);
+    }
+  }
+  switch (style) {
+    case 'platform': {
+      const platform = language.$(prefix, descriptor.platform);
+      const domain = urlParts(url).domain;
+      if (descriptor === fallbackDescriptor) {
+        // The fallback descriptor has a "platform" which is just
+        // the word "External". This isn't really useful when you're
+        // looking for platform info!
+        if (domain) {
+          return language.sanitize(domain.replace(/^www\./, ''));
+        } else {
+          return platform;
+        }
+      } else if (descriptor.detail) {
+        return getDetail();
+      } else if (descriptor.unusualDomain && domain) {
+        return language.$(prefix, 'withDomain', {platform, domain});
+      } else {
+        return platform;
+      }
+    }
+    case 'handle': {
+      if (descriptor.handle) {
+        return extractPartFromExternalLink(url, descriptor.handle);
+      } else {
+        return null;
+      }
+    }
+    case 'icon-id': {
+      if (descriptor.icon) {
+        return descriptor.icon;
+      } else {
+        return null;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+export function couldDescriptorSupportStyle(descriptor, style) {
+  if (style === 'platform') {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (style === 'handle') {
+    return !!descriptor.handle;
+  }
+  if (style === 'icon-id') {
+    return !!descriptor.icon;
+  }
+export function getExternalLinkStringOfStyleFromDescriptors(url, style, descriptors, {
+  language,
+  context = 'generic',
+}) {
+  const matchingDescriptors =
+    getMatchingDescriptorsForExternalLink(url, descriptors, {context});
+  const styleFilteredDescriptors =
+    matchingDescriptors.filter(descriptor =>
+      couldDescriptorSupportStyle(descriptor, style));
+  for (const descriptor of styleFilteredDescriptors) {
+    const descriptorResult =
+      getExternalLinkStringOfStyleFromDescriptor(url, style, descriptor, {language});
+    if (descriptorResult) {
+      return descriptorResult;
+    }
+  }
+  return null;
+export function getExternalLinkStringsFromDescriptor(url, descriptor, {language}) {
+  return (
+    Object.fromEntries(
+      externalLinkStyles.map(style =>
+        getExternalLinkStringOfStyleFromDescriptor(
+          url,
+          style,
+          descriptor, {language}))));
+export function getExternalLinkStringsFromDescriptors(url, descriptors, {
+  language,
+  context = 'generic',
+}) {
+  const results = createEmptyResults();
+  const remainingKeys = new Set(Object.keys(results));
+  const matchingDescriptors =
+    getMatchingDescriptorsForExternalLink(url, descriptors, {context});
+  for (const descriptor of matchingDescriptors) {
+    const descriptorResults =
+      getExternalLinkStringsFromDescriptor(url, descriptor, {language});
+    const descriptorKeys =
+      new Set(
+        Object.entries(descriptorResults)
+          .filter(entry => entry[1])
+          .map(entry => entry[0]));
+    for (const key of remainingKeys) {
+      if (descriptorKeys.has(key)) {
+        results[key] = descriptorResults[key];
+        remainingKeys.delete(key);
+      }
+    }
+    if (empty(remainingKeys)) {
+      return results;
+    }
+  }
+  return results;
diff --git a/src/util/find.js b/src/util/find.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cedb3d..0000000
--- a/src/util/find.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-import {
-    color,
-    logError,
-    logWarn
-} from './cli.js';
-import { inspect } from 'util';
-function warnOrThrow(mode, message) {
-    switch (mode) {
-        case 'error':
-            throw new Error(message);
-        case 'warn':
-            logWarn(message);
-        default:
-            return null;
-    }
-function findHelper(keys, findFns = {}) {
-    // Note: This cache explicitly *doesn't* support mutable data arrays. If the
-    // data array is modified, make sure it's actually a new array object, not
-    // the original, or the cache here will break and act as though the data
-    // hasn't changed!
-    const cache = new WeakMap();
-    const byDirectory = findFns.byDirectory || matchDirectory;
-    const byName = findFns.byName || matchName;
-    const keyRefRegex = new RegExp(String.raw`^(?:(${keys.join('|')}):(?=\S))?(.*)$`);
-    // The mode argument here may be 'warn', 'error', or 'quiet'. 'error' throws
-    // errors for null matches (with details about the error), while 'warn' and
-    // 'quiet' both return null, with 'warn' logging details directly to the
-    // console.
-    return (fullRef, data, {mode = 'warn'} = {}) => {
-        if (!fullRef) return null;
-        if (typeof fullRef !== 'string') {
-            throw new Error(`Got a reference that is ${typeof fullRef}, not string: ${fullRef}`);
-        }
-        if (!data) {
-            throw new Error(`Expected data to be present`);
-        }
-        if (!Array.isArray(data) && data.wikiData) {
-            throw new Error(`Old {wikiData: {...}} format provided`);
-        }
-        let cacheForThisData = cache.get(data);
-        const cachedValue = cacheForThisData?.[fullRef];
-        if (cachedValue) {
-            globalThis.NUM_CACHE = (globalThis.NUM_CACHE || 0) + 1;
-            return cachedValue;
-        }
-        if (!cacheForThisData) {
-            cacheForThisData = Object.create(null);
-            cache.set(data, cacheForThisData);
-        }
-        const match = fullRef.match(keyRefRegex);
-        if (!match) {
-            return warnOrThrow(mode, `Malformed link reference: "${fullRef}"`);
-        }
-        const key = match[1];
-        const ref = match[2];
-        const found = (key
-            ? byDirectory(ref, data, mode)
-            : byName(ref, data, mode));
-        if (!found) {
-            warnOrThrow(mode, `Didn't match anything for ${color.bright(fullRef)}`);
-        }
-        cacheForThisData[fullRef] = found;
-        return found;
-    };
-function matchDirectory(ref, data, mode) {
-    return data.find(({ directory }) => directory === ref);
-function matchName(ref, data, mode) {
-    const matches = data.filter(({ name }) => name.toLowerCase() === ref.toLowerCase());
-    if (matches.length > 1) {
-        return warnOrThrow(mode,
-            `Multiple matches for reference "${ref}". Please resolve:\n` +
-            matches.map(match => `- ${inspect(match)}\n`).join('') +
-            `Returning null for this reference.`);
-    }
-    if (matches.length === 0) {
-        return null;
-    }
-    const thing = matches[0];
-    if (ref !== thing.name) {
-        warnOrThrow(mode, `Bad capitalization: ${color.red(ref)} -> ${color.green(thing.name)}`);
-    }
-    return thing;
-function matchTagName(ref, data, quiet) {
-    return matchName(ref.startsWith('cw: ') ? ref.slice(4) : ref, data, quiet);
-const find = {
-    album: findHelper(['album', 'album-commentary']),
-    artist: findHelper(['artist', 'artist-gallery']),
-    artTag: findHelper(['tag'], {byName: matchTagName}),
-    flash: findHelper(['flash']),
-    group: findHelper(['group', 'group-gallery']),
-    listing: findHelper(['listing']),
-    newsEntry: findHelper(['news-entry']),
-    staticPage: findHelper(['static']),
-    track: findHelper(['track'])
-export default find;
-// Handy utility function for binding the find.thing() functions to a complete
-// wikiData object, optionally taking default options to provide to the find
-// function. Note that this caches the arrays read from wikiData right when it's
-// called, so if their values change, you'll have to continue with a fresh call
-// to bindFind.
-export function bindFind(wikiData, opts1) {
-    return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries({
-        album: 'albumData',
-        artist: 'artistData',
-        artTag: 'artTagData',
-        flash: 'flashData',
-        group: 'groupData',
-        listing: 'listingSpec',
-        newsEntry: 'newsData',
-        staticPage: 'staticPageData',
-        track: 'trackData',
-    }).map(([ key, value ]) => {
-        const findFn = find[key];
-        const thingData = wikiData[value];
-        return [key, (opts1
-            ? (ref, opts2) => (opts2
-                ? findFn(ref, thingData, {...opts1, ...opts2})
-                : findFn(ref, thingData, opts1))
-            : (ref, opts2) => (opts2
-                ? findFn(ref, thingData, opts2)
-                : findFn(ref, thingData)))];
-    }));
diff --git a/src/util/html.js b/src/util/html.js
index a9b4bb9..d1d509e 100644
--- a/src/util/html.js
+++ b/src/util/html.js
@@ -1,109 +1,1858 @@
-// Some really simple functions for formatting HTML content.
+// Some really, really simple functions for formatting HTML content.
+import {inspect} from 'node:util';
+import {withAggregate} from '#aggregate';
+import {colors} from '#cli';
+import {empty, typeAppearance, unique} from '#sugar';
+import * as commonValidators from '#validators';
+const {
+  anyOf,
+  is,
+  isArray,
+  isBoolean,
+  isNumber,
+  isString,
+  isSymbol,
+  looseArrayOf,
+  validateAllPropertyValues,
+  validateArrayItems,
+  validateInstanceOf,
+} = commonValidators;
 // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#void-elements
 export const selfClosingTags = [
-    'area',
-    'base',
-    'br',
-    'col',
-    'embed',
-    'hr',
-    'img',
-    'input',
-    'link',
-    'meta',
-    'source',
-    'track',
-    'wbr',
+  'area',
+  'base',
+  'br',
+  'col',
+  'embed',
+  'hr',
+  'img',
+  'input',
+  'link',
+  'meta',
+  'source',
+  'track',
+  'wbr',
-// Pass to tag() as an attri8utes key to make tag() return a 8lank string
-// if the provided content is empty. Useful for when you'll only 8e showing
-// an element according to the presence of content that would 8elong there.
+// Not so comprehensive!!
+export const attributeSpec = {
+  'class': {
+    arraylike: true,
+    join: ' ',
+    unique: true,
+  },
+  'style': {
+    arraylike: true,
+    join: '; ',
+  },
+// Pass to tag() as an attributes key to make tag() return a 8lank string if the
+// provided content is empty. Useful for when you'll only 8e showing an element
+// according to the presence of content that would 8elong there.
 export const onlyIfContent = Symbol();
+// Pass to tag() as an attributes key to make children be joined together by the
+// provided string. This is handy, for example, for joining lines by <br> tags,
+// or putting some other divider between each child. Note this will only have an
+// effect if the tag content is passed as an array of children and not a single
+// string.
+export const joinChildren = Symbol();
+// Pass to tag() as an attributes key to prevent additional whitespace from
+// being added to the inner start and end of the tag's content - basically,
+// ensuring that the start of the content begins immediately after the ">"
+// ending the opening tag, and ends immediately before the "<" at the start of
+// the closing tag. This has effect when a single child spans multiple lines,
+// or when there are multiple children.
+export const noEdgeWhitespace = Symbol();
+// Pass as a value on an object-shaped set of attributes to indicate that it's
+// always, absolutely, no matter what, a valid attribute addition. It will be
+// completely exempt from validation, which may provide a significant speed
+// Basically, don't use this unless you're 1) providing a constant set of
+// attributes, and 2) writing a very basic building block which loads of other
+// content will build off of!
+export const blessAttributes = Symbol();
+// Don't pass this directly, use html.metatag('blockwrap') instead.
+// Causes *following* content (past the metatag) to be placed inside a span
+// which is styled 'inline-block', which ensures that the words inside the
+// metatag all stay together, line-breaking only if needed, and following
+// text is displayed immediately after the last character of the last line of
+// the metatag (provided there's room on that line for the following word or
+// character).
+export const blockwrap = Symbol();
+// Don't pass this directly, use html.metatag('chunkwrap') instead.
+// Causes *contained* content to be split by the metatag's "split" attribute,
+// and each chunk to be considered its own unit for word wrapping. All these
+// units are *not* wrapped in any containing element, so only the chunks are
+// considered wrappable units, not the entire element!
+export const chunkwrap = Symbol();
+// Recursive helper function for isBlank, which basically flattens an array
+// and returns as soon as it finds any content - a non-blank case - and doesn't
+// traverse templates of its own accord. If it doesn't find directly non-blank
+// content nor any templates, it returns true; if it saw templates, but no
+// other content, then those templates are returned in a flat array, to be
+// traversed externally.
+function isBlankArrayHelper(content) {
+  // First look for string items. These are the easiest to
+  // test blankness.
+  const nonStringContent = [];
+  for (const item of content) {
+    if (typeof item === 'string') {
+      if (item.length > 0) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    } else {
+      nonStringContent.push(item);
+    }
+  }
+  // Analyze the content more closely. Put arrays (and
+  // content of tags marked onlyIfContent) into one array,
+  // and templates into another. And if there's anything
+  // else, that's a non-blank condition we'll detect now.
+  const arrayContent = [];
+  const templateContent = [];
+  for (const item of nonStringContent) {
+    if (item instanceof Tag) {
+      if (item.onlyIfContent || item.contentOnly) {
+        arrayContent.push(item.content);
+      } else {
+        return false;
+      }
+    } else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
+      arrayContent.push(item);
+    } else if (item instanceof Template) {
+      templateContent.push(item);
+    } else {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // Iterate over arrays and tag content recursively.
+  // The result will always be true/false (blank or not),
+  // or an array of templates. Defer accessing templates
+  // until later - we'll check on them from the outside
+  // end only if nothing else matches.
+  for (const item of arrayContent) {
+    const result = isBlankArrayHelper(item);
+    if (result === false) {
+      return false;
+    } else if (Array.isArray(result)) {
+      templateContent.push(...result);
+    }
+  }
+  // Return templates, if there are any. We don't actually
+  // handle the base case of evaluating these templates
+  // inside this recursive function - the topmost caller
+  // will handle that.
+  if (!empty(templateContent)) {
+    return templateContent;
+  }
+  // If there weren't any templates found (as direct or
+  // indirect descendants), then we're good to go!
+  // This content is definitely blank.
+  return true;
+// Checks if the content provided would be represented as nothing if included
+// on a page. This can be used on its own, and is the underlying "interface"
+// layer for specific classes' `blank` getters, so its definition and usage
+// tend to be recursive.
+// Note that this shouldn't be used to infer anything about non-content values
+// (e.g. attributes) - it's only suited for actual page content.
+export function isBlank(content) {
+  if (typeof content === 'string') {
+    return content.length === 0;
+  }
+  if (content instanceof Tag || content instanceof Template) {
+    return content.blank;
+  }
+  if (Array.isArray(content)) {
+    const result = isBlankArrayHelper(content);
+    // If the result is true or false, the helper came to
+    // a conclusive decision on its own.
+    if (typeof result === 'boolean') {
+      return result;
+    }
+    // Otherwise, it couldn't immediately find any content,
+    // but did come across templates that prospectively
+    // could include content. These need to be checked too.
+    // Check each of the templates one at a time.
+    for (const template of result) {
+      if (!template.blank) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    // If none of the templates included content either,
+    // then there really isn't any content to find in this
+    // tree at all. It's blank!
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+export const validators = {
+  isBlank(value) {
+    if (!isBlank(value)) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Expected blank content`);
+    }
+    return true;
+  },
+  isTag(value) {
+    return isTag(value);
+  },
+  isTemplate(value) {
+    return isTemplate(value);
+  },
+  isHTML(value) {
+    return isHTML(value);
+  },
+  isAttributes(value) {
+    return isAttributesAdditionSinglet(value);
+  },
+export function blank() {
+  return [];
+export function blankAttributes() {
+  return new Attributes();
 export function tag(tagName, ...args) {
-    const selfClosing = selfClosingTags.includes(tagName);
+  const lastArg = args.at(-1);
-    let openTag;
-    let content;
-    let attrs;
+  const lastArgIsAttributes =
+    typeof lastArg === 'object' && lastArg !== null &&
+    !Array.isArray(lastArg) &&
+    !(lastArg instanceof Tag) &&
+    !(lastArg instanceof Template);
+  const content =
+    (lastArgIsAttributes
+      ? null
+      : args.at(-1));
+  const attributes =
+    (lastArgIsAttributes
+      ? args
+      : args.slice(0, -1));
+  return new Tag(tagName, attributes, content);
-    if (typeof args[0] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(args[0])) {
-        attrs = args[0];
-        content = args[1];
+export function tags(content, ...attributes) {
+  return new Tag(null, attributes, content);
+export function metatag(identifier, ...args) {
+  let content;
+  let opts = {};
+  if (
+    typeof args[0] === 'object' &&
+    !(Array.isArray(args[0]) ||
+      args[0] instanceof Tag ||
+      args[0] instanceof Template)
+  ) {
+    opts = args[0];
+    content = args[1];
+  } else {
+    content = args[0];
+  }
+  switch (identifier) {
+    case 'blockwrap':
+      return new Tag(null, {[blockwrap]: true}, content);
+    case 'chunkwrap':
+      return new Tag(null, {[chunkwrap]: true, ...opts}, content);
+    default:
+      throw new Error(`Unknown metatag "${identifier}"`);
+  }
+export function normalize(content) {
+  return Tag.normalize(content);
+export class Tag {
+  #tagName = '';
+  #content = null;
+  #attributes = null;
+  #traceError = null;
+  constructor(tagName, attributes, content) {
+    this.tagName = tagName;
+    this.attributes = attributes;
+    this.content = content;
+    this.#traceError = new Error();
+  }
+  clone() {
+    return Reflect.construct(this.constructor, [
+      this.tagName,
+      this.attributes,
+      this.content,
+    ]);
+  }
+  set tagName(value) {
+    if (value === undefined || value === null) {
+      this.tagName = '';
+      return;
+    }
+    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
+      throw new Error(`Expected tagName to be a string`);
+    }
+    if (selfClosingTags.includes(value) && this.content.length) {
+      throw new Error(`Tag <${value}> is self-closing but this tag has content`);
+    }
+    this.#tagName = value;
+  }
+  get tagName() {
+    return this.#tagName;
+  }
+  set attributes(attributes) {
+    if (attributes instanceof Attributes) {
+      this.#attributes = attributes;
     } else {
-        content = args[0];
+      this.#attributes = new Attributes(attributes);
+    }
+  }
+  get attributes() {
+    if (this.#attributes === null) {
+      this.attributes = {};
+    }
+    return this.#attributes;
+  }
+  set content(value) {
+    if (
+      this.selfClosing &&
+      !(value === null ||
+        value === undefined ||
+        !value ||
+        Array.isArray(value) && value.filter(Boolean).length === 0)
+    ) {
+      throw new Error(`Tag <${this.tagName}> is self-closing but got content`);
-    if (selfClosing && content) {
-        throw new Error(`Tag <${tagName}> is self-closing but got content!`);
+    const contentArray =
+      (Array.isArray(value)
+        ? value.flat(Infinity).filter(Boolean)
+     : value
+        ? [value]
+        : []);
+    if (this.chunkwrap) {
+      if (contentArray.some(content => content?.blockwrap)) {
+        throw new Error(`No support for blockwrap as a direct descendant of chunkwrap`);
+      }
-    if (attrs?.[onlyIfContent] && !content) {
-        return '';
+    this.#content = contentArray;
+    this.#content.toString = () => this.#stringifyContent();
+  }
+  get content() {
+    if (this.#content === null) {
+      this.#content = [];
-    if (attrs) {
-        const attrString = attributes(args[0]);
-        if (attrString) {
-            openTag = `${tagName} ${attrString}`;
+    return this.#content;
+  }
+  get selfClosing() {
+    if (this.tagName) {
+      return selfClosingTags.includes(this.tagName);
+    } else {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  get blank() {
+    if (this.onlyIfContent && isBlank(this.content)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (this.contentOnly && isBlank(this.content)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  get contentOnly() {
+    if (this.tagName !== '') return false;
+    if (this.chunkwrap) return true;
+    if (!this.attributes.blank) return false;
+    if (this.blockwrap) return false;
+    return true;
+  }
+  #setAttributeFlag(attribute, value) {
+    if (value) {
+      this.attributes.set(attribute, true);
+    } else {
+      this.attributes.remove(attribute);
+    }
+  }
+  #getAttributeFlag(attribute) {
+    return !!this.attributes.get(attribute);
+  }
+  #setAttributeString(attribute, value) {
+    // Note: This function accepts and records the empty string ('')
+    // distinctly from null/undefined.
+    if (value === undefined || value === null) {
+      this.attributes.remove(attribute);
+      return undefined;
+    } else {
+      this.attributes.set(attribute, String(value));
+    }
+  }
+  #getAttributeString(attribute) {
+    const value = this.attributes.get(attribute);
+    if (value === undefined || value === null) {
+      return undefined;
+    } else {
+      return String(value);
+    }
+  }
+  set onlyIfContent(value) {
+    this.#setAttributeFlag(onlyIfContent, value);
+  }
+  get onlyIfContent() {
+    return this.#getAttributeFlag(onlyIfContent);
+  }
+  set joinChildren(value) {
+    this.#setAttributeString(joinChildren, value);
+  }
+  get joinChildren() {
+    // A chunkwrap - which serves as the top layer of a smush() when
+    // stringifying that chunkwrap - is only meant to be an invisible
+    // layer, so its own children are never specially joined.
+    if (this.chunkwrap) {
+      return '';
+    }
+    return this.#getAttributeString(joinChildren);
+  }
+  set noEdgeWhitespace(value) {
+    this.#setAttributeFlag(noEdgeWhitespace, value);
+  }
+  get noEdgeWhitespace() {
+    return this.#getAttributeFlag(noEdgeWhitespace);
+  }
+  set blockwrap(value) {
+    this.#setAttributeFlag(blockwrap, value);
+  }
+  get blockwrap() {
+    return this.#getAttributeFlag(blockwrap);
+  }
+  set chunkwrap(value) {
+    this.#setAttributeFlag(chunkwrap, value);
+    try {
+      this.content = content;
+    } catch (error) {
+      this.#setAttributeFlag(chunkwrap, false);
+      throw error;
+    }
+  }
+  get chunkwrap() {
+    return this.#getAttributeFlag(chunkwrap);
+  }
+  toString() {
+    if (this.onlyIfContent && isBlank(this.content)) {
+      return '';
+    }
+    const attributesString = this.attributes.toString();
+    const contentString = this.content.toString();
+    if (!this.tagName) {
+      return contentString;
+    }
+    const openTag = (attributesString
+      ? `<${this.tagName} ${attributesString}>`
+      : `<${this.tagName}>`);
+    if (this.selfClosing) {
+      return openTag;
+    }
+    const closeTag = `</${this.tagName}>`;
+    if (!this.content.length) {
+      return openTag + closeTag;
+    }
+    if (!contentString.includes('\n')) {
+      return openTag + contentString + closeTag;
+    }
+    const parts = [
+      openTag,
+      contentString
+        .split('\n')
+        .map((line, i) =>
+          (i === 0 && this.noEdgeWhitespace
+            ? line
+            : '    ' + line))
+        .join('\n'),
+      closeTag,
+    ];
+    return parts.join(
+      (this.noEdgeWhitespace
+        ? ''
+        : '\n'));
+  }
+  #getContentJoiner() {
+    if (this.joinChildren === undefined) {
+      return '\n';
+    }
+    if (this.joinChildren === '') {
+      return '';
+    }
+    return `\n${this.joinChildren}\n`;
+  }
+  #stringifyContent() {
+    if (this.selfClosing) {
+      return '';
+    }
+    const joiner = this.#getContentJoiner();
+    let content = '';
+    let blockwrapClosers = '';
+    const chunkwrapSplitter =
+      (this.chunkwrap
+        ? this.#getAttributeString('split')
+        : null);
+    let seenChunkwrapSplitter =
+      (this.chunkwrap
+        ? false
+        : null);
+    let contentItems;
+    determineContentItems: {
+      if (this.chunkwrap) {
+        contentItems = smush(this).content;
+        break determineContentItems;
+      }
+      contentItems = this.content;
+    }
+    for (const [index, item] of contentItems.entries()) {
+      let itemContent;
+      try {
+        itemContent = item.toString();
+      } catch (caughtError) {
+        const indexPart = colors.yellow(`child #${index + 1}`);
+        const error =
+          new Error(
+            `Error in ${indexPart} ` +
+            `of ${inspect(this, {compact: true})}`,
+            {cause: caughtError});
+        error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.alwaysTrace`)] = true;
+        error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.traceFrom`)] = this.#traceError;
+        error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.unhelpfulTraceLines`)] = [
+          /content-function\.js/,
+          /util\/html\.js/,
+        ];
+        error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.helpfulTraceLines`)] = [
+          /content\/dependencies\/(.*\.js:.*(?=\)))/,
+        ];
+        throw error;
+      }
+      if (!itemContent) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      const chunkwrapChunks =
+        (typeof item === 'string' && chunkwrapSplitter
+          ? itemContent.split(chunkwrapSplitter)
+          : null);
+      const itemIncludesChunkwrapSplit =
+        (chunkwrapChunks
+          ? chunkwrapChunks.length > 1
+          : null);
+      if (content) {
+        if (itemIncludesChunkwrapSplit) {
+          if (!seenChunkwrapSplitter) {
+            // The first time we see a chunkwrap splitter, backtrack and wrap
+            // the content *so far* in a chunk.
+            content = `<span class="chunkwrap">` + content;
+          }
+          // Close the existing chunk. We'll add the new chunks after the
+          // (normal) joiner.
+          content += `</span>`;
+        content += joiner;
+      } else {
+        // We've encountered a chunkwrap split before any other content.
+        // This means there's no content to wrap, no existing chunkwrap
+        // to close, and no reason to add a joiner, but we *do* need to
+        // enter a chunkwrap wrapper *now*, so the first chunk of this
+        // item will be properly wrapped.
+        if (itemIncludesChunkwrapSplit) {
+          content = `<span class="chunkwrap">`;
+        }
+      }
+      if (itemIncludesChunkwrapSplit) {
+        seenChunkwrapSplitter = true;
+      }
+      // Blockwraps only apply if they actually contain some content whose
+      // words should be kept together, so it's okay to put them beneath the
+      // itemContent check. They also never apply at the very start of content,
+      // because at that point there aren't any preceding words from which the
+      // blockwrap would differentiate its content.
+      if (item instanceof Tag && item.blockwrap && content) {
+        content += `<span class="blockwrap">`;
+        blockwrapClosers += `</span>`;
+      }
+      appendItemContent: {
+        if (itemIncludesChunkwrapSplit) {
+          for (const [index, chunk] of chunkwrapChunks.entries()) {
+            if (index === 0) {
+              content += chunk;
+            } else {
+              const whitespace = chunk.match(/^\s+/) ?? '';
+              content += chunkwrapSplitter;
+              content += '</span>';
+              content += whitespace;
+              content += '<span class="chunkwrap">';
+              content += chunk.slice(whitespace.length);
+            }
+          }
+          break appendItemContent;
+        }
+        content += itemContent;
+      }
+    }
+    if (chunkwrapSplitter) {
+      if (seenChunkwrapSplitter) {
+        content += '</span>';
+      } else {
+        // Since chunkwraps take responsibility for wrapping *away* from the
+        // parent element, we generally always want there to be at least one
+        // chunk that gets wrapped as a single unit. So if no chunkwrap has
+        // been seen at all, just wrap everything in one now.
+        content = `<span class="chunkwrap">${content}</span>`;
+      }
+    }
+    content += blockwrapClosers;
+    return content;
+  }
+  static normalize(content) {
+    // Normalizes contents that are valid from an `isHTML` perspective so
+    // that it's always a pure, single Tag object.
+    if (content instanceof Template) {
+      return Tag.normalize(Template.resolve(content));
+    }
+    if (content instanceof Tag) {
+      return content;
+    }
+    return new Tag(null, null, content);
+  }
+  smush() {
+    if (!this.contentOnly) {
+      return tags([this]);
-    if (!openTag) {
-        openTag = tagName;
+    const joiner = this.#getContentJoiner();
+    const result = [];
+    const attributes = {};
+    // Don't use built-in item joining, since we'll be handling it here -
+    // we need to account for descendants having custom joiners too, and
+    // simply using *this* tag's joiner would overwrite those descendants'
+    // differing joiners.
+    attributes[joinChildren] = '';
+    let workingText = '';
+    for (const item of this.content) {
+      const smushed = smush(item);
+      const smushedItems = smushed.content.slice();
+      if (empty(smushedItems)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (typeof smushedItems[0] === 'string') {
+        if (workingText) {
+          workingText += joiner;
+        }
+        workingText += smushedItems.shift();
+      }
+      if (empty(smushedItems)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (workingText) {
+        result.push(workingText + joiner);
+      } else if (!empty(result)) {
+        result.push(joiner);
+      }
+      if (typeof smushedItems.at(-1) === 'string') {
+        // The last smushed item already had its joiner processed from its own
+        // parent - this isn't an appropriate place for us to insert our own
+        // joiner.
+        workingText = smushedItems.pop();
+      } else {
+        workingText = '';
+      }
+      result.push(...smushedItems);
-    if (Array.isArray(content)) {
-        content = content.filter(Boolean).join('\n');
+    if (workingText) {
+      result.push(workingText);
-    if (content) {
-        if (content.includes('\n')) {
-            return (
-                `<${openTag}>\n` +
-                content.split('\n').map(line => '    ' + line + '\n').join('') +
-                `</${tagName}>`
-            );
+    return new Tag(null, attributes, result);
+  }
+  [inspect.custom](depth, opts) {
+    const lines = [];
+    const niceAttributes = ['id', 'class'];
+    const attributes = blankAttributes();
+    for (const attribute of niceAttributes) {
+      if (this.attributes.has(attribute)) {
+        const value = this.attributes.get(attribute);
+        if (!value) continue;
+        if (Array.isArray(value) && empty(value)) continue;
+        let string;
+        let suffix = '';
+        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+          string = value[0].toString();
+          if (value.length > 1) {
+            suffix = ` (+${value.length - 1})`;
+          }
         } else {
-            return `<${openTag}>${content}</${tagName}>`;
+          string = value.toString();
-    } else {
-        if (selfClosing) {
-            return `<${openTag}>`;
+        const trim =
+          (string.length > 15
+            ? `${string.slice(0, 12)}...`
+            : string);
+        attributes.set(attribute, trim + suffix);
+      }
+    }
+    const attributesPart =
+      (attributes.blank
+        ? ``
+        : ` ${attributes.toString({color: true})}`);
+    const tagNamePart =
+      (this.tagName
+        ? colors.bright(colors.blue(this.tagName))
+        : ``);
+    const tagPart =
+      (this.tagName
+        ? [
+            `<`,
+            tagNamePart,
+            attributesPart,
+            (empty(this.content) ? ` />` : `>`),
+          ].join(``)
+        : ``);
+    const accentText =
+      (this.tagName
+        ? (empty(this.content)
+            ? ``
+            : `(${this.content.length} items)`)
+        : (empty(this.content)
+            ? `(no name)`
+            : `(no name, ${this.content.length} items)`));
+    const accentPart =
+      (accentText
+        ? `${colors.dim(accentText)}`
+        : ``);
+    const headingParts = [
+      `Tag`,
+      tagPart,
+      accentPart,
+    ];
+    const heading = headingParts.filter(Boolean).join(` `);
+    lines.push(heading);
+    if (!opts.compact && (depth === null || depth >= 0)) {
+      const nextDepth =
+        (depth === null
+          ? null
+          : depth - 1);
+      for (const child of this.content) {
+        const childLines = [];
+        if (typeof child === 'string') {
+          const childFlat = child.replace(/\n/g, String.raw`\n`);
+          const childTrim =
+            (childFlat.length >= 40
+              ? childFlat.slice(0, 37) + '...'
+              : childFlat);
+          childLines.push(
+            `  Text: ${opts.stylize(`"${childTrim}"`, 'string')}`);
         } else {
-            return `<${openTag}></${tagName}>`;
+          childLines.push(...
+            inspect(child, {depth: nextDepth})
+              .split('\n')
+              .map(line => `  ${line}`));
+        lines.push(...childLines);
+      }
+    return lines.join('\n');
+  }
-export function escapeAttributeValue(value) {
+export function attributes(attributes) {
+  return new Attributes(attributes);
+export function parseAttributes(string) {
+  return Attributes.parse(string);
+export class Attributes {
+  #attributes = Object.create(null);
+  constructor(attributes) {
+    this.attributes = attributes;
+  }
+  clone() {
+    return new Attributes(this);
+  }
+  set attributes(value) {
+    this.#attributes = Object.create(null);
+    if (value === undefined || value === null) {
+      return;
+    }
+    this.add(value);
+  }
+  get attributes() {
+    return this.#attributes;
+  }
+  get blank() {
+    const keepAnyAttributes =
+      Object.entries(this.attributes).some(([attribute, value]) =>
+        this.#keepAttributeValue(attribute, value));
+    return !keepAnyAttributes;
+  }
+  set(attribute, value) {
+    if (value instanceof Template) {
+      value = Template.resolve(value);
+    }
+    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+      value = value.flat(Infinity);
+    }
+    if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+      this.remove(attribute);
+    } else {
+      this.#attributes[attribute] = value;
+    }
+    return value;
+  }
+  add(...args) {
+    switch (args.length) {
+      case 1:
+        isAttributesAdditionSinglet(args[0]);
+        return this.#addMultipleAttributes(args[0]);
+      case 2:
+        isAttributesAdditionPair(args);
+        return this.#addOneAttribute(args[0], args[1]);
+      default:
+        throw new Error(
+          `Expected array or object, or attribute and value`);
+    }
+  }
+  with(...args) {
+    const clone = this.clone();
+    clone.add(...args);
+    return clone;
+  }
+  #addMultipleAttributes(attributes) {
+    const flatInputAttributes =
+      [attributes].flat(Infinity).filter(Boolean);
+    const attributeSets =
+      flatInputAttributes.map(attributes => this.#getAttributeSet(attributes));
+    const resultList = [];
+    for (const set of attributeSets) {
+      const setResults = {};
+      for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(set)) {
+        if (key === blessAttributes) continue;
+        const value = set[key];
+        setResults[key] = this.#addOneAttribute(key, value);
+      }
+      resultList.push(setResults);
+    }
+    return resultList;
+  }
+  #getAttributeSet(attributes) {
+    if (attributes instanceof Attributes) {
+      return attributes.attributes;
+    }
+    if (attributes instanceof Template) {
+      const resolved = Template.resolve(attributes);
+      isAttributesAdditionSinglet(resolved);
+      return resolved;
+    }
+    if (typeof attributes === 'object') {
+      return attributes;
+    }
+    throw new Error(
+      `Expected Attributes, Template, or object, ` +
+      `got ${typeAppearance(attributes)}`);
+  }
+  #addOneAttribute(attribute, value) {
+    if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+      return;
+    }
+    if (value instanceof Template) {
+      return this.#addOneAttribute(attribute, Template.resolve(value));
+    }
+    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+      value = value.flat(Infinity);
+    }
+    if (!this.has(attribute)) {
+      return this.set(attribute, value);
+    }
+    const descriptor = attributeSpec[attribute];
+    const existingValue = this.get(attribute);
+    let newValue = value;
+    if (descriptor?.arraylike) {
+      const valueArray =
+        (Array.isArray(value)
+          ? value
+          : [value]);
+      const existingValueArray =
+        (Array.isArray(existingValue)
+          ? existingValue
+          : [existingValue]);
+      newValue = existingValueArray.concat(valueArray);
+      if (descriptor.unique) {
+        newValue = unique(newValue);
+      }
+      if (newValue.length === 1) {
+        newValue = newValue[0];
+      }
+    }
+    return this.set(attribute, newValue);
+  }
+  get(attribute) {
+    return this.#attributes[attribute];
+  }
+  has(attribute) {
+    return attribute in this.#attributes;
+  }
+  remove(attribute) {
+    return delete this.#attributes[attribute];
+  }
+  push(attribute, ...values) {
+    const oldValue = this.get(attribute);
+    const newValue =
+      (Array.isArray(oldValue)
+        ? oldValue.concat(values)
+     : oldValue
+        ? [oldValue, ...values]
+        : values);
+    this.set(attribute, newValue);
+    return newValue;
+  }
+  toString({color = false} = {}) {
+    const attributeKeyValues =
+      Object.entries(this.attributes)
+        .map(([key, value]) =>
+          (this.#keepAttributeValue(key, value)
+            ? [key, this.#transformAttributeValue(key, value), true]
+            : [key, undefined, false]))
+        .filter(([_key, _value, keep]) => keep)
+        .map(([key, value]) => [key, value]);
+    const attributeParts =
+      attributeKeyValues
+        .map(([key, value]) => {
+          const keyPart = key;
+          const escapedValue = this.#escapeAttributeValue(value);
+          const valuePart =
+            (color
+              ? colors.green(`"${escapedValue}"`)
+              : `"${escapedValue}"`);
+          return (
+            (typeof value === 'boolean'
+              ? `${keyPart}`
+              : `${keyPart}=${valuePart}`));
+        });
+    return attributeParts.join(' ');
+  }
+  #keepAttributeValue(attribute, value) {
+    switch (typeof value) {
+      case 'undefined':
+        return false;
+      case 'object':
+        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+          return value.some(Boolean);
+        } else if (value === null) {
+          return false;
+        } else {
+          // Other objects are an error.
+          break;
+        }
+      case 'boolean':
+        return value;
+      case 'string':
+      case 'number':
+        return true;
+      case 'array':
+        return value.some(Boolean);
+    }
+    throw new Error(
+      `Value for attribute "${attribute}" should be primitive or array, ` +
+      `got ${typeAppearance(value)}: ${inspect(value)}`);
+  }
+  #transformAttributeValue(attribute, value) {
+    const descriptor = attributeSpec[attribute];
+    switch (typeof value) {
+      case 'boolean':
+        return value;
+      case 'number':
+        return value.toString();
+      // If it's a kept object, it's an array.
+      case 'object': {
+        const joiner =
+          (descriptor?.arraylike && descriptor?.join)
+            ?? ' ';
+        return value.filter(Boolean).join(joiner);
+      }
+      default:
+        return value;
+    }
+  }
+  #escapeAttributeValue(value) {
     return value
-        .replaceAll('"', '&quot;')
-        .replaceAll("'", '&apos;');
-export function attributes(attribs) {
-    return Object.entries(attribs)
-        .map(([ key, val ]) => {
-            if (typeof val === 'undefined' || val === null)
-                return [key, val, false];
-            else if (typeof val === 'string')
-                return [key, val, true];
-            else if (typeof val === 'boolean')
-                return [key, val, val];
-            else if (typeof val === 'number')
-                return [key, val.toString(), true];
-            else if (Array.isArray(val))
-                return [key, val.filter(Boolean).join(' '), val.length > 0];
-            else
-                throw new Error(`Attribute value for ${key} should be primitive or array, got ${typeof val}`);
-        })
-        .filter(([ key, val, keep ]) => keep)
-        .map(([ key, val ]) => (typeof val === 'boolean'
-            ? `${key}`
-            : `${key}="${escapeAttributeValue(val)}"`))
-        .join(' ');
+      .toString()
+      .replaceAll('"', '&quot;')
+      .replaceAll("'", '&apos;');
+  }
+  static parse(string) {
+    const attributes = Object.create(null);
+    const skipWhitespace = i => {
+      if (!/\s/.test(string[i])) {
+        return i;
+      }
+      const match = string.slice(i).match(/[^\s]/);
+      if (match) {
+        return i + match.index;
+      }
+      return string.length;
+    };
+    for (let i = 0; i < string.length; ) {
+      i = skipWhitespace(i);
+      const aStart = i;
+      const aEnd = i + string.slice(i).match(/[\s=]|$/).index;
+      const attribute = string.slice(aStart, aEnd);
+      i = skipWhitespace(aEnd);
+      if (string[i] === '=') {
+        i = skipWhitespace(i + 1);
+        let end, endOffset;
+        if (string[i] === '"' || string[i] === "'") {
+          end = string[i];
+          endOffset = 1;
+          i++;
+        } else {
+          end = '\\s';
+          endOffset = 0;
+        }
+        const vStart = i;
+        const vEnd = i + string.slice(i).match(new RegExp(`${end}|$`)).index;
+        const value = string.slice(vStart, vEnd);
+        i = vEnd + endOffset;
+        attributes[attribute] = value;
+      } else {
+        attributes[attribute] = attribute;
+      }
+    }
+    return (
+      Reflect.construct(this, [
+        Object.fromEntries(
+          Object.entries(attributes)
+            .map(([key, val]) => [
+              key,
+              (val === 'true'
+                ? true
+             : val === 'false'
+                ? false
+             : val === key
+                ? true
+                : val),
+            ])),
+      ]));
+  }
+  [inspect.custom]() {
+    const visiblePart = this.toString({color: true});
+    const numSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(this.#attributes).length;
+    const numSymbolsPart =
+      (numSymbols >= 2
+        ? `${numSymbols} symbol`
+     : numSymbols === 1
+        ? `1 symbol`
+        : ``);
+    const symbolPart =
+      (visiblePart && numSymbolsPart
+        ? `(+${numSymbolsPart})`
+     : numSymbols
+        ? `(${numSymbolsPart})`
+        : ``);
+    const contentPart =
+      (visiblePart && symbolPart
+        ? `<${visiblePart} ${symbolPart}>`
+     : visiblePart || symbolPart
+        ? `<${visiblePart || symbolPart}>`
+        : `<no attributes>`);
+    return `Attributes ${contentPart}`;
+  }
+export function resolve(tagOrTemplate, {normalize = null} = {}) {
+  if (normalize === 'tag') {
+    return Tag.normalize(tagOrTemplate);
+  } else if (normalize === 'string') {
+    return Tag.normalize(tagOrTemplate).toString();
+  } else if (normalize) {
+    throw new TypeError(`Expected normalize to be 'tag', 'string', or null`);
+  } else {
+    return Template.resolve(tagOrTemplate);
+  }
+export function smush(smushee) {
+  if (
+    typeof smushee === 'string' ||
+    typeof smushee === 'number'
+  ) {
+    return tags([smushee.toString()]);
+  }
+  if (smushee instanceof Template) {
+    // Smushing is only really useful if the contents are resolved, because
+    // otherwise we can't actually inspect the boundaries. However, as usual
+    // for smushing, we don't care at all about the contents of tags (which
+    // aren't contentOnly) *within* the content we're smushing, so this won't
+    // for example smush a template nested within a *tag* within the contents
+    // of this template.
+    return smush(Template.resolve(smushee));
+  }
+  if (smushee instanceof Tag) {
+    return smushee.smush();
+  }
+  return smush(Tag.normalize(smushee));
+export function template(description) {
+  return new Template(description);
+export class Template {
+  #description = {};
+  #slotValues = {};
+  constructor(description) {
+    if (!description[Stationery.validated]) {
+      Template.validateDescription(description);
+    }
+    this.#description = description;
+  }
+  clone() {
+    const clone = Reflect.construct(this.constructor, [
+      this.#description,
+    ]);
+    clone.setSlots(this.#slotValues);
+    return clone;
+  }
+  static validateDescription(description) {
+    if (typeof description !== 'object') {
+      throw new TypeError(`Expected object, got ${typeAppearance(description)}`);
+    }
+    if (description === null) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Expected object, got null`);
+    }
+    const topErrors = [];
+    if (!('content' in description)) {
+      topErrors.push(new TypeError(`Expected description.content`));
+    } else if (typeof description.content !== 'function') {
+      topErrors.push(new TypeError(`Expected description.content to be function`));
+    }
+    if ('annotation' in description) {
+      if (typeof description.annotation !== 'string') {
+        topErrors.push(new TypeError(`Expected annotation to be string`));
+      }
+    }
+    if ('slots' in description) validateSlots: {
+      if (typeof description.slots !== 'object') {
+        topErrors.push(new TypeError(`Expected description.slots to be object`));
+        break validateSlots;
+      }
+      try {
+        this.validateSlotsDescription(description.slots);
+      } catch (slotError) {
+        topErrors.push(slotError);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!empty(topErrors)) {
+      throw new AggregateError(topErrors,
+        (typeof description.annotation === 'string'
+          ? `Errors validating template "${description.annotation}" description`
+          : `Errors validating template description`));
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  static validateSlotsDescription(slots) {
+    const slotErrors = [];
+    for (const [slotName, slotDescription] of Object.entries(slots)) {
+      if (typeof slotDescription !== 'object' || slotDescription === null) {
+        slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Expected slot description to be object`));
+        continue;
+      }
+      if ('default' in slotDescription) validateDefault: {
+        if (
+          slotDescription.default === undefined ||
+          slotDescription.default === null
+        ) {
+          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Leave slot default unspecified instead of undefined or null`));
+          break validateDefault;
+        }
+        try {
+          Template.validateSlotValueAgainstDescription(slotDescription.default, slotDescription);
+        } catch (error) {
+          error.message = `(${slotName}) Error validating slot default value: ${error.message}`;
+          slotErrors.push(error);
+        }
+      }
+      if ('validate' in slotDescription && 'type' in slotDescription) {
+        slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Don't specify both slot validate and type`));
+      } else if (!('validate' in slotDescription || 'type' in slotDescription)) {
+        slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Expected either slot validate or type`));
+      } else if ('validate' in slotDescription) {
+        if (typeof slotDescription.validate !== 'function') {
+          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Expected slot validate to be function`));
+        }
+      } else if ('type' in slotDescription) {
+        const acceptableSlotTypes = [
+          'string',
+          'number',
+          'bigint',
+          'boolean',
+          'symbol',
+          'html',
+          'attributes',
+        ];
+        if (slotDescription.type === 'function') {
+          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Functions shouldn't be provided to slots`));
+        } else if (slotDescription.type === 'object') {
+          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Provide validate function instead of type: object`));
+        } else if (
+          (slotDescription.type === 'html' || slotDescription.type === 'attributes') &&
+          !('mutable' in slotDescription)
+        ) {
+          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Specify mutable: true/false alongside type: ${slotDescription.type}`));
+        } else if (!acceptableSlotTypes.includes(slotDescription.type)) {
+          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Expected slot type to be one of ${acceptableSlotTypes.join(', ')}`));
+        }
+      }
+      if ('mutable' in slotDescription) {
+        if (slotDescription.type !== 'html' && slotDescription.type !== 'attributes') {
+          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Only specify mutable alongside type: html or attributes`));
+        }
+        if (typeof slotDescription.mutable !== 'boolean') {
+          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Expected slot mutable to be boolean`));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!empty(slotErrors)) {
+      throw new AggregateError(slotErrors, `Errors in slot descriptions`);
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  slot(slotName, value) {
+    this.setSlot(slotName, value);
+    return this;
+  }
+  slots(slotNamesToValues) {
+    this.setSlots(slotNamesToValues);
+    return this;
+  }
+  setSlot(slotName, value) {
+    const description = this.#getSlotDescriptionOrError(slotName);
+    try {
+      Template.validateSlotValueAgainstDescription(value, description);
+    } catch (error) {
+      error.message =
+        (this.description.annotation
+          ? `Error validating template "${this.description.annotation}" slot "${slotName}" value: ${error.message}`
+          : `Error validating template slot "${slotName}" value: ${error.message}`);
+      throw error;
+    }
+    this.#slotValues[slotName] = value;
+  }
+  setSlots(slotNamesToValues) {
+    if (
+      typeof slotNamesToValues !== 'object' ||
+      Array.isArray(slotNamesToValues) ||
+      slotNamesToValues === null
+    ) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Expected object mapping of slot names to values`);
+    }
+    const slotErrors = [];
+    for (const [slotName, value] of Object.entries(slotNamesToValues)) {
+      const description = this.#getSlotDescriptionNoError(slotName);
+      if (!description) {
+        slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Template doesn't have a "${slotName}" slot`));
+        continue;
+      }
+      try {
+        Template.validateSlotValueAgainstDescription(value, description);
+      } catch (error) {
+        error.message = `(${slotName}) ${error.message}`;
+        slotErrors.push(error);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!empty(slotErrors)) {
+      throw new AggregateError(slotErrors,
+        (this.description.annotation
+          ? `Error validating template "${this.description.annotation}" slots`
+          : `Error validating template slots`));
+    }
+    Object.assign(this.#slotValues, slotNamesToValues);
+  }
+  static validateSlotValueAgainstDescription(value, description) {
+    if (value === undefined) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Specify value as null or don't specify at all`);
+    }
+    // Null is always an acceptable slot value.
+    if (value === null) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (Object.hasOwn(description, 'validate')) {
+      description.validate({
+        ...commonValidators,
+        ...validators,
+      })(value);
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (Object.hasOwn(description, 'type')) {
+      switch (description.type) {
+        case 'html': {
+          return isHTML(value);
+        }
+        case 'attributes': {
+          return isAttributesAdditionSinglet(value);
+        }
+        case 'string': {
+          if (typeof value === 'string')
+            return true;
+          // Tags and templates are valid in string arguments - they'll be
+          // stringified when exposed to the description's .content() function.
+          if (value instanceof Tag || value instanceof Template)
+            return true;
+          return true;
+        }
+        default: {
+          if (typeof value !== description.type)
+            throw new TypeError(`Slot expects ${description.type}, got ${typeof value}`);
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  getSlotValue(slotName) {
+    const description = this.#getSlotDescriptionOrError(slotName);
+    const providedValue = this.#slotValues[slotName] ?? null;
+    if (description.type === 'html') {
+      if (!providedValue) {
+        return blank();
+      }
+      if (
+        (providedValue instanceof Tag || providedValue instanceof Template) &&
+        description.mutable
+      ) {
+        return providedValue.clone();
+      }
+      return providedValue;
+    }
+    if (description.type === 'attributes') {
+      if (!providedValue) {
+        return blankAttributes();
+      }
+      if (providedValue instanceof Attributes) {
+        if (description.mutable) {
+          return providedValue.clone();
+        } else {
+          return providedValue;
+        }
+      }
+      return new Attributes(providedValue);
+    }
+    if (description.type === 'string') {
+      if (providedValue instanceof Tag || providedValue instanceof Template) {
+        return providedValue.toString();
+      }
+    }
+    if (providedValue !== null) {
+      return providedValue;
+    }
+    if ('default' in description) {
+      return description.default;
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  getSlotDescription(slotName) {
+    return this.#getSlotDescriptionOrError(slotName);
+  }
+  #getSlotDescriptionNoError(slotName) {
+    if (this.#description.slots) {
+      if (Object.hasOwn(this.#description.slots, slotName)) {
+        return this.#description.slots[slotName];
+      }
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  #getSlotDescriptionOrError(slotName) {
+    const description = this.#getSlotDescriptionNoError(slotName);
+    if (!description) {
+      throw new TypeError(
+        (this.description.annotation
+          ? `Template "${this.description.annotation}" doesn't have a "${slotName}" slot`
+          : `Template doesn't have a "${slotName}" slot`));
+    }
+    return description;
+  }
+  set content(_value) {
+    throw new Error(`Template content can't be changed after constructed`);
+  }
+  get content() {
+    const slots = {};
+    for (const slotName of Object.keys(this.description.slots ?? {})) {
+      slots[slotName] = this.getSlotValue(slotName);
+    }
+    try {
+      return this.description.content(slots);
+    } catch (caughtError) {
+      throw new Error(
+        `Error in content of ${inspect(this, {compact: true})}`,
+        {cause: caughtError});
+    }
+  }
+  set description(_value) {
+    throw new Error(`Template description can't be changed after constructed`);
+  }
+  get description() {
+    return this.#description;
+  }
+  get blank() {
+    return isBlank(this.content);
+  }
+  toString() {
+    return this.content.toString();
+  }
+  static resolve(tagOrTemplate) {
+    // Flattens contents of a template, recursively "resolving" until a
+    // non-template is ready (or just returns a provided non-template
+    // argument as-is).
+    if (!(tagOrTemplate instanceof Template)) {
+      return tagOrTemplate;
+    }
+    let {content} = tagOrTemplate;
+    while (content instanceof Template) {
+      content = content.content;
+    }
+    return content;
+  }
+  [inspect.custom]() {
+    const {annotation} = this.description;
+    return (
+      (annotation
+        ? `Template ${colors.bright(colors.blue(`"${annotation}"`))}`
+        : `Template ${colors.dim(`(no annotation)`)}`));
+  }
+export function stationery(description) {
+  return new Stationery(description);
+export class Stationery {
+  #templateDescription = null;
+  static validated = Symbol('Stationery.validated');
+  constructor(templateDescription) {
+    Template.validateDescription(templateDescription);
+    templateDescription[Stationery.validated] = true;
+    this.#templateDescription = templateDescription;
+  }
+  template() {
+    return new Template(this.#templateDescription);
+  }
+  [inspect.custom]() {
+    const {annotation} = this.description;
+    return (
+      (annotation
+        ? `Stationery ${colors.bright(colors.blue(`"${annotation}"`))}`
+        : `Stationery ${colors.dim(`(no annotation)`)}`));
+  }
+export const isTag =
+  validateInstanceOf(Tag);
+export const isTemplate =
+  validateInstanceOf(Template);
+export const isArrayOfHTML =
+  validateArrayItems(value => isHTML(value));
+export const isHTML =
+  anyOf(
+    is(null, undefined, false),
+    isString,
+    isTag,
+    isTemplate,
+    value => {
+      isArray(value);
+      return value.length === 0;
+    },
+    isArrayOfHTML);
+export const isAttributeKey =
+  anyOf(isString, isSymbol);
+export const isAttributeValue =
+  anyOf(
+    isString, isNumber, isBoolean, isArray,
+    isTag, isTemplate,
+    validateArrayItems(item => isAttributeValue(item)));
+export const isAttributesAdditionPair = pair => {
+  isArray(pair);
+  if (pair.length !== 2) {
+    throw new TypeError(`Expected attributes pair to have two items`);
+  }
+  withAggregate({message: `Error validating attributes pair`}, ({push}) => {
+    try {
+      isAttributeKey(pair[0]);
+    } catch (caughtError) {
+      push(new Error(`Error validating key`, {cause: caughtError}));
+    }
+    try {
+      isAttributeValue(pair[1]);
+    } catch (caughtError) {
+      push(new Error(`Error validating value`, {cause: caughtError}));
+    }
+  });
+  return true;
+const isAttributesAdditionSingletHelper =
+  anyOf(
+    validateInstanceOf(Template),
+    validateInstanceOf(Attributes),
+    validateAllPropertyValues(isAttributeValue),
+    looseArrayOf(value => isAttributesAdditionSinglet(value)));
+export const isAttributesAdditionSinglet = (value) => {
+  if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
+    if (Object.hasOwn(value, blessAttributes)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (
+      Array.isArray(value) &&
+      value.length === 1 &&
+      typeof value[0] === 'object' &&
+      value[0] !== null &&
+      Object.hasOwn(value[0], blessAttributes)
+    ) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return isAttributesAdditionSingletHelper(value);
diff --git a/src/util/io.js b/src/util/io.js
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index 1d74399..0000000
--- a/src/util/io.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Utility functions for interacting with files and other external data
-// interfacey constructs.
-import { readdir } from 'fs/promises';
-import * as path from 'path';
-export async function findFiles(dataPath, {
-    filter = f => true,
-    joinParentDirectory = true,
-} = {}) {
-    return (await readdir(dataPath))
-        .filter(file => filter(file))
-        .map(file => joinParentDirectory ? path.join(dataPath, file) : file);
diff --git a/src/util/link.js b/src/util/link.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6853962..0000000
--- a/src/util/link.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// This file is essentially one level of a8straction a8ove urls.js (and the
-// urlSpec it gets its paths from). It's a 8unch of utility functions which
-// take certain types of wiki data o8jects (colloquially known as "things")
-// and return actual <a href> HTML link tags.
-// The functions we're cre8ting here (all factory-style) take a "to" argument,
-// which is roughly a function which takes a urlSpec key and spits out a path
-// to 8e stuck in an href or src or suchever. There are also a few other
-// options availa8le in all the functions, making a common interface for
-// gener8ting just a8out any link on the site.
-import * as html from './html.js'
-import { getColors } from './colors.js'
-export function getLinkThemeString(color) {
-    if (!color) return '';
-    const { primary, dim } = getColors(color);
-    return `--primary-color: ${primary}; --dim-color: ${dim}`;
-const appendIndexHTMLRegex = /^(?!https?:\/\/).+\/$/;
-const linkHelper = (hrefFn, {color = true, attr = null} = {}) =>
-    (thing, {
-        to,
-        text = '',
-        attributes = null,
-        class: className = '',
-        color: color2 = true,
-        hash = ''
-    }) => {
-        let href = hrefFn(thing, {to});
-        if (link.globalOptions.appendIndexHTML) {
-            if (appendIndexHTMLRegex.test(href)) {
-                href += 'index.html';
-            }
-        }
-        if (hash) {
-            href += (hash.startsWith('#') ? '' : '#') + hash;
-        }
-        return html.tag('a', {
-            ...attr ? attr(thing) : {},
-            ...attributes ? attributes : {},
-            href,
-            style: (
-                typeof color2 === 'string' ? getLinkThemeString(color2) :
-                color2 && color ? getLinkThemeString(thing.color) :
-                ''),
-            class: className
-        }, text || thing.name)
-    };
-const linkDirectory = (key, {expose = null, attr = null, ...conf} = {}) =>
-    linkHelper((thing, {to}) => to('localized.' + key, thing.directory), {
-        attr: thing => ({
-            ...attr ? attr(thing) : {},
-            ...expose ? {[expose]: thing.directory} : {}
-        }),
-        ...conf
-    });
-const linkPathname = (key, conf) => linkHelper(({directory: pathname}, {to}) => to(key, pathname), conf);
-const linkIndex = (key, conf) => linkHelper((_, {to}) => to('localized.' + key), conf);
-const link = {
-    globalOptions: {
-        // This should usually only 8e used during development! It'll take any
-        // href that ends with `/` and append `index.html` to the returned
-        // value (for to.thing() functions). This is handy when developing
-        // without a local server (i.e. using file:// protocol URLs in your
-        // 8rowser), 8ut isn't guaranteed to 8e 100% 8ug-free.
-        appendIndexHTML: false
-    },
-    album: linkDirectory('album'),
-    albumCommentary: linkDirectory('albumCommentary'),
-    artist: linkDirectory('artist', {color: false}),
-    artistGallery: linkDirectory('artistGallery', {color: false}),
-    commentaryIndex: linkIndex('commentaryIndex', {color: false}),
-    flashIndex: linkIndex('flashIndex', {color: false}),
-    flash: linkDirectory('flash'),
-    groupInfo: linkDirectory('groupInfo'),
-    groupGallery: linkDirectory('groupGallery'),
-    home: linkIndex('home', {color: false}),
-    listingIndex: linkIndex('listingIndex'),
-    listing: linkDirectory('listing'),
-    newsIndex: linkIndex('newsIndex', {color: false}),
-    newsEntry: linkDirectory('newsEntry', {color: false}),
-    staticPage: linkDirectory('staticPage', {color: false}),
-    tag: linkDirectory('tag'),
-    track: linkDirectory('track', {expose: 'data-track'}),
-    // TODO: This is a bit hacky. Files are just strings (not objects), so we
-    // have to manually provide the album alongside the file. They also don't
-    // follow the usual {name: whatever} type shape, so we have to provide that
-    // ourselves.
-    _albumAdditionalFileHelper: linkHelper(
-        ((fakeFileObject, { to }) =>
-            to('media.albumAdditionalFile', fakeFileObject.album.directory, fakeFileObject.name)),
-        {color: false}),
-    albumAdditionalFile: ({ file, album }, { to }) => link._albumAdditionalFileHelper({
-        name: file,
-        album
-    }, {to}),
-    media: linkPathname('media.path', {color: false}),
-    root: linkPathname('shared.path', {color: false}),
-    data: linkPathname('data.path', {color: false}),
-    site: linkPathname('localized.path', {color: false})
-export default link;
diff --git a/src/util/magic-constants.js b/src/util/magic-constants.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 73fdbc6..0000000
--- a/src/util/magic-constants.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Magic constants only! These are hard-coded, and any use of them should be
-// considered a flaw in the codebase - areas where we use hard-coded behavior
-// to support one use of the wiki software (i.e. HSMusic, usually), rather than
-// implementing the feature more generally/customizably.
-// All such uses should eventually be replaced with better code in due time
-// (TM).
-export const OFFICIAL_GROUP_DIRECTORY = 'official';
-export const FANDOM_GROUP_DIRECTORY = 'fandom';
diff --git a/src/util/node-utils.js b/src/util/node-utils.js
index a46d614..345d10a 100644
--- a/src/util/node-utils.js
+++ b/src/util/node-utils.js
@@ -1,31 +1,45 @@
 // Utility functions which are only relevant to particular Node.js constructs.
-import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
+import {readdir, stat} from 'node:fs/promises';
+import * as path from 'node:path';
+import {fileURLToPath} from 'node:url';
+import _commandExists from 'command-exists';
+// This package throws an error instead of returning false when the command
+// doesn't exist, for some reason. Yay for making logic more difficult!
+// Here's a straightforward workaround.
+export function commandExists(command) {
+  return _commandExists(command).then(
+    () => true,
+    () => false
+  );
 // Very cool function origin8ting in... http-music pro8a8ly!
 // Sorry if we happen to 8e violating past-us's copyright, lmao.
 export function promisifyProcess(proc, showLogging = true) {
-    // Takes a process (from the child_process module) and returns a promise
-    // that resolves when the process exits (or rejects, if the exit code is
-    // non-zero).
-    //
-    // Ayy look, no alpha8etical second letter! Couldn't tell this was written
-    // like three years ago 8efore I was me. 8888)
-    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-        if (showLogging) {
-            proc.stdout.pipe(process.stdout);
-            proc.stderr.pipe(process.stderr);
-        }
-        proc.on('exit', code => {
-            if (code === 0) {
-                resolve();
-            } else {
-                reject(code);
-            }
-        })
-    })
+  // Takes a process (from the child_process module) and returns a promise
+  // that resolves when the process exits (or rejects, if the exit code is
+  // non-zero).
+  //
+  // Ayy look, no alpha8etical second letter! Couldn't tell this was written
+  // like three years ago 8efore I was me. 8888)
+  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+    if (showLogging) {
+      proc.stdout.pipe(process.stdout);
+      proc.stderr.pipe(process.stderr);
+    }
+    proc.on('exit', (code) => {
+      if (code === 0) {
+        resolve();
+      } else {
+        reject(code);
+      }
+    });
+  });
 // Handy-dandy utility function for detecting whether the passed URL is the
@@ -33,5 +47,56 @@ export function promisifyProcess(proc, showLogging = true) {
 // is great 'cuz (module === require.main) doesn't work without CommonJS
 // modules.
 export function isMain(importMetaURL) {
-    return (process.argv[1] === fileURLToPath(importMetaURL));
+  const metaPath = fileURLToPath(importMetaURL);
+  const relative = path.relative(process.argv[1], metaPath);
+  const isIndexJS = path.basename(metaPath) === 'index.js';
+  return [
+    '',
+    isIndexJS && 'index.js'
+  ].includes(relative);
+// Like readdir... but it's recursive! This returns a flat list of file paths.
+// By default, the paths include the provided top/root path, but this can be
+// changed with prefixPath to prefix some other path, or to just return paths
+// relative to the root. Change pathStyle to specify posix or win32, or leave
+// it as the default device-correct style. Provide a filterDir function to
+// control which directory names are traversed at all, and filterFile to
+// select which filenames are included in the final list.
+export async function traverse(rootPath, {
+  pathStyle = 'device',
+  filterFile = () => true,
+  filterDir = () => true,
+  prefixPath = rootPath,
+} = {}) {
+  const pathJoinDevice = path.join;
+  const pathJoinStyle = {
+    'device': path.join,
+    'posix': path.posix.join,
+    'win32': path.win32.join,
+  }[pathStyle];
+  if (!pathJoinStyle) {
+    throw new Error(`Expected pathStyle to be device, posix, or win32`);
+  }
+  const recursive = (names, ...subdirectories) =>
+    Promise.all(names.map(async name => {
+      const devicePath = pathJoinDevice(rootPath, ...subdirectories, name);
+      const stats = await stat(devicePath);
+      if (stats.isDirectory() && !filterDir(name)) return [];
+      else if (stats.isFile() && !filterFile(name)) return [];
+      else if (!stats.isDirectory() && !stats.isFile()) return [];
+      if (stats.isDirectory()) {
+        return recursive(await readdir(devicePath), ...subdirectories, name);
+      } else {
+        return pathJoinStyle(prefixPath, ...subdirectories, name);
+      }
+    }));
+  const names = await readdir(rootPath);
+  const results = await recursive(names);
+  return results.flat(Infinity);
diff --git a/src/util/replacer.js b/src/util/replacer.js
index b29044f..d1b0a26 100644
--- a/src/util/replacer.js
+++ b/src/util/replacer.js
@@ -1,22 +1,150 @@
-import {logError, logWarn} from './cli.js';
-import {escapeRegex} from './sugar.js';
-export function validateReplacerSpec(replacerSpec, {find, link}) {
-    let success = true;
-    for (const [key, {link: linkKey, find: findKey, value, html}] of Object.entries(replacerSpec)) {
-        if (!html && !link[linkKey]) {
-            logError`The replacer spec ${key} has invalid link key ${linkKey}! Specify it in link specs or fix typo.`;
-            success = false;
-        }
-        if (findKey && !find[findKey]) {
-            logError`The replacer spec ${key} has invalid find key ${findKey}! Specify it in find specs or fix typo.`;
-            success = false;
-        }
-    }
-    return success;
+// Regex-based forward parser for wiki content, breaking up text input into
+// text and (possibly nested) tag nodes.
+// The behavior here is quite tied into the `transformContent` content
+// function, which converts nodes parsed here into actual HTML, links, etc
+// for embedding in a wiki webpage.
+import * as marked from 'marked';
+import * as html from '#html';
+import {escapeRegex, typeAppearance} from '#sugar';
+export const replacerSpec = {
+  'album': {
+    find: 'album',
+    link: 'linkAlbum',
+  },
+  'album-commentary': {
+    find: 'album',
+    link: 'linkAlbumCommentary',
+  },
+  'album-gallery': {
+    find: 'album',
+    link: 'linkAlbumGallery',
+  },
+  'artist': {
+    find: 'artist',
+    link: 'linkArtist',
+  },
+  'artist-gallery': {
+    find: 'artist',
+    link: 'linkArtistGallery',
+  },
+  'commentary-index': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkCommentaryIndex',
+  },
+  'date': {
+    find: null,
+    value: (ref) => new Date(ref),
+    html: (date, {html, language}) =>
+      html.tag('time',
+        {datetime: date.toUTCString()},
+        language.formatDate(date)),
+  },
+  'flash-index': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkFlashIndex',
+  },
+  'flash': {
+    find: 'flash',
+    link: 'linkFlash',
+    transformName(name, node, input) {
+      const nextCharacter = input[node.iEnd];
+      const lastCharacter = name[name.length - 1];
+      if (![' ', '\n', '<'].includes(nextCharacter) && lastCharacter === '.') {
+        return name.slice(0, -1);
+      } else {
+        return name;
+      }
+    },
+  },
+  'flash-act': {
+    find: 'flashAct',
+    link: 'linkFlashAct',
+  },
+  'group': {
+    find: 'group',
+    link: 'linkGroup',
+  },
+  'group-gallery': {
+    find: 'group',
+    link: 'linkGroupGallery',
+  },
+  'home': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkWikiHome',
+  },
+  'listing-index': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkListingIndex',
+  },
+  'listing': {
+    find: 'listing',
+    link: 'linkListing',
+  },
+  'media': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkPathFromMedia',
+  },
+  'news-index': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkNewsIndex',
+  },
+  'news-entry': {
+    find: 'newsEntry',
+    link: 'linkNewsEntry',
+  },
+  'root': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkPathFromRoot',
+  },
+  'site': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkPathFromSite',
+  },
+  'static': {
+    find: 'staticPage',
+    link: 'linkStaticPage',
+  },
+  'string': {
+    find: null,
+    value: (ref) => ref,
+    html: (ref, {language, args}) => language.$(ref, args),
+  },
+  'tag': {
+    find: 'artTag',
+    link: 'linkArtTag',
+  },
+  'track': {
+    find: 'track',
+    link: 'linkTrackDynamically',
+  },
 // Syntax literals.
 const tagBeginning = '[[';
@@ -29,401 +157,554 @@ const tagLabel = '|';
 const noPrecedingWhitespace = '(?<!\\s)';
-const R_tagBeginning =
-    escapeRegex(tagBeginning);
+const R_tagBeginning = escapeRegex(tagBeginning);
-const R_tagEnding =
-    escapeRegex(tagEnding);
+const R_tagEnding = escapeRegex(tagEnding);
 const R_tagReplacerValue =
-    noPrecedingWhitespace +
-    escapeRegex(tagReplacerValue);
+  noPrecedingWhitespace + escapeRegex(tagReplacerValue);
-const R_tagHash =
-    noPrecedingWhitespace +
-    escapeRegex(tagHash);
+const R_tagHash = noPrecedingWhitespace + escapeRegex(tagHash);
-const R_tagArgument =
-    escapeRegex(tagArgument);
+const R_tagArgument = escapeRegex(tagArgument);
-const R_tagArgumentValue =
-    escapeRegex(tagArgumentValue);
+const R_tagArgumentValue = escapeRegex(tagArgumentValue);
-const R_tagLabel =
-    escapeRegex(tagLabel);
+const R_tagLabel = escapeRegex(tagLabel);
 const regexpCache = {};
 const makeError = (i, message) => ({i, type: 'error', data: {message}});
-const endOfInput = (i, comment) => makeError(i, `Unexpected end of input (${comment}).`);
+const endOfInput = (i, comment) =>
+  makeError(i, `Unexpected end of input (${comment}).`);
 // These are 8asically stored on the glo8al scope, which might seem odd
 // for a recursive function, 8ut the values are only ever used immediately
 // after they're set.
-let stopped,
-    stop_iMatch,
-    stop_iParse,
-    stop_literal;
+let stopped, stop_iParse, stop_literal;
 function parseOneTextNode(input, i, stopAt) {
-    return parseNodes(input, i, stopAt, true)[0];
+  return parseNodes(input, i, stopAt, true)[0];
 function parseNodes(input, i, stopAt, textOnly) {
-    let nodes = [];
-    let escapeNext = false;
-    let string = '';
-    let iString = 0;
+  let nodes = [];
+  let string = '';
+  let iString = 0;
-    stopped = false;
+  stopped = false;
-    const pushTextNode = (isLast) => {
-        string = input.slice(iString, i);
+  const pushTextNode = (isLast) => {
+    string = input.slice(iString, i);
-        // If this is the last text node 8efore stopping (at a stopAt match
-        // or the end of the input), trim off whitespace at the end.
-        if (isLast) {
-            string = string.trimEnd();
-        }
+    // If this is the last text node 8efore stopping (at a stopAt match
+    // or the end of the input), trim off whitespace at the end.
+    if (isLast) {
+      string = string.trimEnd();
+    }
-        if (string.length) {
-            nodes.push({i: iString, iEnd: i, type: 'text', data: string});
-            string = '';
-        }
-    };
-    const literalsToMatch = stopAt ? stopAt.concat([R_tagBeginning]) : [R_tagBeginning];
-    // The 8ackslash stuff here is to only match an even (or zero) num8er
-    // of sequential 'slashes. Even amounts always cancel out! Odd amounts
-    // don't, which would mean the following literal is 8eing escaped and
-    // should 8e counted only as part of the current string/text.
-    //
-    // Inspired 8y this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/41470813
-    const regexpSource = `(?<!\\\\)(?:\\\\{2})*(${literalsToMatch.join('|')})`;
-    // There are 8asically only a few regular expressions we'll ever use,
-    // 8ut it's a pain to hard-code them all, so we dynamically gener8te
-    // and cache them for reuse instead.
-    let regexp;
-    if (regexpCache.hasOwnProperty(regexpSource)) {
-        regexp = regexpCache[regexpSource];
-    } else {
-        regexp = new RegExp(regexpSource);
-        regexpCache[regexpSource] = regexp;
+    string = cleanRawText(string);
+    if (string.length) {
+      nodes.push({i: iString, iEnd: i, type: 'text', data: string});
+      string = '';
+  };
+  const literalsToMatch = stopAt
+    ? stopAt.concat([R_tagBeginning])
+    : [R_tagBeginning];
+  // The 8ackslash stuff here is to only match an even (or zero) num8er
+  // of sequential 'slashes. Even amounts always cancel out! Odd amounts
+  // don't, which would mean the following literal is 8eing escaped and
+  // should 8e counted only as part of the current string/text.
+  //
+  // Inspired 8y this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/41470813
+  const regexpSource = `(?<!\\\\)(?:\\\\{2})*(${literalsToMatch.join('|')})`;
+  // There are 8asically only a few regular expressions we'll ever use,
+  // 8ut it's a pain to hard-code them all, so we dynamically gener8te
+  // and cache them for reuse instead.
+  let regexp;
+  if (Object.hasOwn(regexpCache, regexpSource)) {
+    regexp = regexpCache[regexpSource];
+  } else {
+    regexp = new RegExp(regexpSource);
+    regexpCache[regexpSource] = regexp;
+  }
+  // Skip whitespace at the start of parsing. This is run every time
+  // parseNodes is called (and thus parseOneTextNode too), so spaces
+  // at the start of syntax elements will always 8e skipped. We don't
+  // skip whitespace that shows up inside content (i.e. once we start
+  // parsing below), though!
+  const whitespaceOffset = input.slice(i).search(/[^\s]/);
+  // If the string is all whitespace, that's just zero content, so
+  // return the empty nodes array.
+  if (whitespaceOffset === -1) {
+    return nodes;
+  }
+  i += whitespaceOffset;
+  while (i < input.length) {
+    const match = input.slice(i).match(regexp);
-    // Skip whitespace at the start of parsing. This is run every time
-    // parseNodes is called (and thus parseOneTextNode too), so spaces
-    // at the start of syntax elements will always 8e skipped. We don't
-    // skip whitespace that shows up inside content (i.e. once we start
-    // parsing below), though!
-    const whitespaceOffset = input.slice(i).search(/[^\s]/);
-    // If the string is all whitespace, that's just zero content, so
-    // return the empty nodes array.
-    if (whitespaceOffset === -1) {
-        return nodes;
+    if (!match) {
+      iString = i;
+      i = input.length;
+      pushTextNode(true);
+      break;
-    i += whitespaceOffset;
+    const closestMatch = match[0];
+    const closestMatchIndex = i + match.index;
-    while (i < input.length) {
-        const match = input.slice(i).match(regexp);
+    if (textOnly && closestMatch === tagBeginning)
+      throw makeError(i, `Unexpected [[tag]] - expected only text here.`);
-        if (!match) {
-            iString = i;
-            i = input.length;
-            pushTextNode(true);
-            break;
-        }
+    const stopHere = closestMatch !== tagBeginning;
+    iString = i;
+    i = closestMatchIndex;
+    pushTextNode(stopHere);
+    i += closestMatch.length;
+    if (stopHere) {
+      stopped = true;
+      stop_iParse = i;
+      stop_literal = closestMatch;
+      break;
+    }
-        const closestMatch = match[0];
-        const closestMatchIndex = i + match.index;
+    if (closestMatch === tagBeginning) {
+      const iTag = closestMatchIndex;
-        if (textOnly && closestMatch === tagBeginning)
-            throw makeError(i, `Unexpected [[tag]] - expected only text here.`);
+      let N;
-        const stopHere = (closestMatch !== tagBeginning);
+      // Replacer key (or value)
-        iString = i;
-        i = closestMatchIndex;
-        pushTextNode(stopHere);
+      N = parseOneTextNode(input, i, [
+        R_tagReplacerValue,
+        R_tagHash,
+        R_tagArgument,
+        R_tagLabel,
+        R_tagEnding,
+      ]);
-        i += closestMatch.length;
+      if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading replacer key`);
-        if (stopHere) {
-            stopped = true;
-            stop_iMatch = closestMatchIndex;
-            stop_iParse = i;
-            stop_literal = closestMatch;
-            break;
+      if (!N) {
+        switch (stop_literal) {
+          case tagReplacerValue:
+          case tagArgument:
+            throw makeError(i, `Expected text (replacer key).`);
+          case tagLabel:
+          case tagHash:
+          case tagEnding:
+            throw makeError(i, `Expected text (replacer key/value).`);
+      }
+      const replacerFirst = N;
+      i = stop_iParse;
-        if (closestMatch === tagBeginning) {
-            const iTag = closestMatchIndex;
+      // Replacer value (if explicit)
-            let N;
+      let replacerSecond;
-            // Replacer key (or value)
+      if (stop_literal === tagReplacerValue) {
+        N = parseNodes(input, i, [
+          R_tagHash,
+          R_tagArgument,
+          R_tagLabel,
+          R_tagEnding,
+        ]);
-            N = parseOneTextNode(input, i, [R_tagReplacerValue, R_tagHash, R_tagArgument, R_tagLabel, R_tagEnding]);
+        if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading replacer value`);
+        if (!N.length) throw makeError(i, `Expected content (replacer value).`);
-            if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading replacer key`);
+        replacerSecond = N;
+        i = stop_iParse;
+      }
-            if (!N) {
-                switch (stop_literal) {
-                    case tagReplacerValue:
-                    case tagArgument:
-                        throw makeError(i, `Expected text (replacer key).`);
-                    case tagLabel:
-                    case tagHash:
-                    case tagEnding:
-                        throw makeError(i, `Expected text (replacer key/value).`);
-                }
-            }
+      // Assign first & second to replacer key/value
-            const replacerFirst = N;
-            i = stop_iParse;
+      let replacerKey, replacerValue;
-            // Replacer value (if explicit)
+      // Value is an array of nodes, 8ut key is just one (or null).
+      // So if we use replacerFirst as the value, we need to stick
+      // it in an array (on its own).
+      if (replacerSecond) {
+        replacerKey = replacerFirst;
+        replacerValue = replacerSecond;
+      } else {
+        replacerKey = null;
+        replacerValue = [replacerFirst];
+      }
-            let replacerSecond;
+      // Hash
-            if (stop_literal === tagReplacerValue) {
-                N = parseNodes(input, i, [R_tagHash, R_tagArgument, R_tagLabel, R_tagEnding]);
+      let hash;
-                if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading replacer value`);
-                if (!N.length) throw makeError(i, `Expected content (replacer value).`);
+      if (stop_literal === tagHash) {
+        N = parseOneTextNode(input, i, [R_tagArgument, R_tagLabel, R_tagEnding]);
-                replacerSecond = N;
-                i = stop_iParse
-            }
+        if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading hash`);
+        if (!N) throw makeError(i, `Expected text (hash).`);
-            // Assign first & second to replacer key/value
+        hash = N;
+        i = stop_iParse;
+      }
-            let replacerKey,
-                replacerValue;
+      // Arguments
-            // Value is an array of nodes, 8ut key is just one (or null).
-            // So if we use replacerFirst as the value, we need to stick
-            // it in an array (on its own).
-            if (replacerSecond) {
-                replacerKey = replacerFirst;
-                replacerValue = replacerSecond;
-            } else {
-                replacerKey = null;
-                replacerValue = [replacerFirst];
-            }
+      const args = [];
-            // Hash
+      while (stop_literal === tagArgument) {
+        N = parseOneTextNode(input, i, [
+          R_tagArgumentValue,
+          R_tagArgument,
+          R_tagLabel,
+          R_tagEnding,
+        ]);
-            let hash;
+        if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading argument key`);
-            if (stop_literal === tagHash) {
-                N = parseNodes(input, i, [R_tagArgument, R_tagLabel, R_tagEnding]);
+        if (stop_literal !== tagArgumentValue)
+          throw makeError(
+            i,
+            `Expected ${tagArgumentValue.literal} (tag argument).`
+          );
-                if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading hash`);
+        if (!N) throw makeError(i, `Expected text (argument key).`);
-                if (!N)
-                    throw makeError(i, `Expected content (hash).`);
+        const key = N;
+        i = stop_iParse;
-                hash = N;
-                i = stop_iParse;
-            }
+        N = parseNodes(input, i, [R_tagArgument, R_tagLabel, R_tagEnding]);
-            // Arguments
+        if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading argument value`);
+        if (!N.length) throw makeError(i, `Expected content (argument value).`);
-            const args = [];
+        const value = N;
+        i = stop_iParse;
-            while (stop_literal === tagArgument) {
-                N = parseOneTextNode(input, i, [R_tagArgumentValue, R_tagArgument, R_tagLabel, R_tagEnding]);
+        args.push({key, value});
+      }
-                if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading argument key`);
+      let label;
-                if (stop_literal !== tagArgumentValue)
-                    throw makeError(i, `Expected ${tagArgumentValue.literal} (tag argument).`);
+      if (stop_literal === tagLabel) {
+        N = parseOneTextNode(input, i, [R_tagEnding]);
-                if (!N)
-                    throw makeError(i, `Expected text (argument key).`);
+        if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading label`);
+        if (!N) throw makeError(i, `Expected text (label).`);
-                const key = N;
-                i = stop_iParse;
+        label = N;
+        i = stop_iParse;
+      }
-                N = parseNodes(input, i, [R_tagArgument, R_tagLabel, R_tagEnding]);
+      nodes.push({
+        i: iTag,
+        iEnd: i,
+        type: 'tag',
+        data: {replacerKey, replacerValue, hash, args, label},
+      });
-                if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading argument value`);
-                if (!N.length) throw makeError(i, `Expected content (argument value).`);
+      continue;
+    }
+  }
-                const value = N;
-                i = stop_iParse;
+  return nodes;
-                args.push({key, value});
-            }
+export function squashBackslashes(text) {
+  // Squash backslashes which aren't themselves escaped into
+  // the following character, unless that character is one of
+  // a set of characters where the backslash carries meaning
+  // into later formatting (i.e. markdown). Note that we do
+  // NOT compress double backslashes into single backslashes.
+  return text.replace(/([^\\](?:\\{2})*)\\(?![\\*_-])/g, '$1');
-            let label;
+export function restoreRawHTMLTags(text) {
+  // Replace stuff like <html:a> with <a>; these signal that
+  // the tag shouldn't be processed by the replacer system,
+  // and should just be embedded into the content as raw HTML.
+  return text.replace(/<html:(.*?)(?=[ >])/g, '<$1');
-            if (stop_literal === tagLabel) {
-                N = parseOneTextNode(input, i, [R_tagEnding]);
+export function cleanRawText(text) {
+  text = squashBackslashes(text);
+  text = restoreRawHTMLTags(text);
+  return text;
-                if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading label`);
-                if (!N) throw makeError(i, `Expected text (label).`);
+export function postprocessImages(inputNodes) {
+  const outputNodes = [];
-                label = N;
-                i = stop_iParse;
-            }
+  let atStartOfLine = true;
-            nodes.push({i: iTag, iEnd: i, type: 'tag', data: {replacerKey, replacerValue, hash, args, label}});
+  const lastNode = inputNodes.at(-1);
-            continue;
-        }
+  for (const node of inputNodes) {
+    if (node.type === 'tag') {
+      atStartOfLine = false;
-    return nodes;
+    if (node.type === 'text') {
+      const imageRegexp = /<img (.*?)>/g;
-export function parseInput(input) {
-    try {
-        return parseNodes(input, 0);
-    } catch (errorNode) {
-        if (errorNode.type !== 'error') {
-            throw errorNode;
-        }
+      let match = null, parseFrom = 0;
+      while (match = imageRegexp.exec(node.data)) {
+        const previousText = node.data.slice(parseFrom, match.index);
-        const { i, data: { message } } = errorNode;
+        outputNodes.push({
+          type: 'text',
+          data: previousText,
+          i: node.i + parseFrom,
+          iEnd: node.i + parseFrom + match.index,
+        });
+        parseFrom = match.index + match[0].length;
+        const imageNode = {type: 'image'};
+        const attributes = html.parseAttributes(match[1]);
+        imageNode.src = attributes.get('src');
-        let lineStart = input.slice(0, i).lastIndexOf('\n');
-        if (lineStart >= 0) {
-            lineStart += 1;
-        } else {
-            lineStart = 0;
+        if (previousText.endsWith('\n')) {
+          atStartOfLine = true;
+        } else if (previousText.length) {
+          atStartOfLine = false;
-        let lineEnd = input.slice(i).indexOf('\n');
-        if (lineEnd >= 0) {
-            lineEnd += i;
-        } else {
-            lineEnd = input.length;
+        imageNode.inline = (() => {
+          // Images can force themselves to be rendered inline using a custom
+          // attribute - this style just works better for certain embeds,
+          // usually jokes or small images.
+          if (attributes.get('inline')) return true;
+          // If we've already determined we're in the middle of a line,
+          // we're inline. (Of course!)
+          if (!atStartOfLine) {
+            return true;
+          }
+          // If there's more text to go in this text node, and what's
+          // remaining doesn't start with a line break, we're inline.
+          if (
+            parseFrom !== node.data.length &&
+            node.data[parseFrom] !== '\n'
+          ) {
+            return true;
+          }
+          // If we're at the end of this text node, but this text node
+          // isn't the last node overall, we're inline.
+          if (
+            parseFrom === node.data.length &&
+            node !== lastNode
+          ) {
+            return true;
+          }
+          // If no other condition matches, this image is on its own line.
+          return false;
+        })();
+        if (attributes.get('link')) imageNode.link = attributes.get('link');
+        if (attributes.get('style')) imageNode.style = attributes.get('style');
+        if (attributes.get('width')) imageNode.width = parseInt(attributes.get('width'));
+        if (attributes.get('height')) imageNode.height = parseInt(attributes.get('height'));
+        if (attributes.get('align')) imageNode.align = attributes.get('align');
+        if (attributes.get('pixelate')) imageNode.pixelate = true;
+        if (attributes.get('warning')) {
+          imageNode.warnings =
+            attributes.get('warning').split(', ');
-        const line = input.slice(lineStart, lineEnd);
+        outputNodes.push(imageNode);
-        const cursor = i - lineStart;
+        // No longer at the start of a line after an image - there will at
+        // least be a text node with only '\n' before the next image that's
+        // on its own line.
+        atStartOfLine = false;
+      }
-        throw new SyntaxError(fixWS`
-            Parse error (at pos ${i}): ${message}
-            ${line}
-            ${'-'.repeat(cursor) + '^'}
-        `);
+      if (parseFrom !== node.data.length) {
+        outputNodes.push({
+          type: 'text',
+          data: node.data.slice(parseFrom),
+          i: node.i + parseFrom,
+          iEnd: node.iEnd,
+        });
+      }
+      continue;
-function evaluateTag(node, opts) {
-    const { find, input, language, link, replacerSpec, to, wikiData } = opts;
+    outputNodes.push(node);
+  }
-    const source = input.slice(node.i, node.iEnd);
+  return outputNodes;
-    const replacerKeyImplied = !node.data.replacerKey;
-    const replacerKey = (replacerKeyImplied
-        ? 'track'
-        : node.data.replacerKey.data);
+export function postprocessHeadings(inputNodes) {
+  const outputNodes = [];
-    if (!replacerSpec[replacerKey]) {
-        logWarn`The link ${source} has an invalid replacer key!`;
-        return source;
+  for (const node of inputNodes) {
+    if (node.type !== 'text') {
+      outputNodes.push(node);
+      continue;
-    const {
-        find: findKey,
-        link: linkKey,
-        value: valueFn,
-        html: htmlFn,
-        transformName
-    } = replacerSpec[replacerKey];
-    const replacerValue = transformNodes(node.data.replacerValue, opts);
-    const value = (
-        valueFn ? valueFn(replacerValue) :
-        findKey ? find[findKey]((replacerKeyImplied
-            ? replacerValue
-            : replacerKey + `:` + replacerValue)) :
-        {
-            directory: replacerValue,
-            name: null
-        });
+    const headingRegexp = /<h2 (.*?)>/g;
-    if (!value) {
-        logWarn`The link ${source} does not match anything!`;
-        return source;
-    }
+    let textContent = '';
+    let match = null, parseFrom = 0;
+    while (match = headingRegexp.exec(node.data)) {
+      textContent += node.data.slice(parseFrom, match.index);
+      parseFrom = match.index + match[0].length;
-    const enteredLabel = node.data.label && transformNode(node.data.label, opts);
+      const attributes = html.parseAttributes(match[1]);
+      attributes.push('class', 'content-heading');
-    const label = (enteredLabel
-        || transformName && transformName(value.name, node, input)
-        || value.name);
+      // We're only modifying the opening tag here. The remaining content,
+      // including the closing tag, will be pushed as-is.
+      textContent += `<h2 ${attributes}>`;
+    }
-    if (!valueFn && !label) {
-        logWarn`The link ${source} requires a label be entered!`;
-        return source;
+    if (parseFrom !== node.data.length) {
+      textContent += node.data.slice(parseFrom);
-    const hash = node.data.hash && transformNodes(node.data.hash, opts);
+    outputNodes.push({
+      type: 'text',
+      data: textContent,
+      i: node.i,
+      iEnd: node.iEnd,
+    });
+  }
-    const args = node.data.args && Object.fromEntries(node.data.args.map(
-        ({ key, value }) => [
-            transformNode(key, opts),
-            transformNodes(value, opts)
-        ]));
+  return outputNodes;
-    const fn = (htmlFn
-        ? htmlFn
-        : link[linkKey]);
+export function postprocessExternalLinks(inputNodes) {
+  const outputNodes = [];
-    try {
-        return fn(value, {text: label, hash, args, language, to});
-    } catch (error) {
-        logError`The link ${source} failed to be processed: ${error}`;
-        return source;
+  for (const node of inputNodes) {
+    if (node.type !== 'text') {
+      outputNodes.push(node);
+      continue;
-function transformNode(node, opts) {
-    if (!node) {
-        throw new Error('Expected a node!');
+    const plausibleLinkRegexp = /\[.*?\)/g;
+    let textContent = '';
+    let plausibleMatch = null, parseFrom = 0;
+    while (plausibleMatch = plausibleLinkRegexp.exec(node.data)) {
+      textContent += node.data.slice(parseFrom, plausibleMatch.index);
+      // Pedantic rules use more particular parentheses detection in link
+      // destinations - they allow one level of balanced parentheses, and
+      // otherwise, parentheses must be escaped. This allows for entire links
+      // to be wrapped in parentheses, e.g below:
+      //
+      //   This is so cool. ([You know??](https://example.com))
+      //
+      const definiteMatch =
+        marked.Lexer.rules.inline.pedantic.link
+          .exec(node.data.slice(plausibleMatch.index));
+      if (definiteMatch) {
+        const {1: label, 2: href} = definiteMatch;
+        // Split the containing text node into two - the second of these will
+        // be added after iterating over matches, or by the next match.
+        if (textContent.length) {
+          outputNodes.push({type: 'text', data: textContent});
+          textContent = '';
+        }
+        const offset = plausibleMatch.index + definiteMatch.index;
+        const length = definiteMatch[0].length;
+        outputNodes.push({
+          i: node.i + offset,
+          iEnd: node.i + offset + length,
+          type: 'external-link',
+          data: {label, href},
+        });
+        parseFrom = offset + length;
+      } else {
+        parseFrom = plausibleMatch.index;
+      }
-    if (Array.isArray(node)) {
-        throw new Error('Got an array - use transformNodes here!');
+    if (parseFrom !== node.data.length) {
+      textContent += node.data.slice(parseFrom);
-    switch (node.type) {
-        case 'text':
-            return node.data;
-        case 'tag':
-            return evaluateTag(node, opts);
-        default:
-            throw new Error(`Unknown node type ${node.type}`);
+    if (textContent.length) {
+      outputNodes.push({type: 'text', data: textContent});
+  }
+  return outputNodes;
-function transformNodes(nodes, opts) {
-    if (!nodes || !Array.isArray(nodes)) {
-        throw new Error(`Expected an array of nodes! Got: ${nodes}`);
+export function parseInput(input) {
+  if (typeof input !== 'string') {
+    throw new TypeError(`Expected input to be string, got ${typeAppearance(input)}`);
+  }
+  try {
+    let output = parseNodes(input, 0);
+    output = postprocessImages(output);
+    output = postprocessHeadings(output);
+    output = postprocessExternalLinks(output);
+    return output;
+  } catch (errorNode) {
+    if (errorNode.type !== 'error') {
+      throw errorNode;
-    return nodes.map(node => transformNode(node, opts)).join('');
+    const {
+      i,
+      data: {message},
+    } = errorNode;
+    let lineStart = input.slice(0, i).lastIndexOf('\n');
+    if (lineStart >= 0) {
+      lineStart += 1;
+    } else {
+      lineStart = 0;
+    }
+    let lineEnd = input.slice(i).indexOf('\n');
+    if (lineEnd >= 0) {
+      lineEnd += i;
+    } else {
+      lineEnd = input.length;
+    }
+    const line = input.slice(lineStart, lineEnd);
-export function transformInline(input, {replacerSpec, find, link, language, to, wikiData}) {
-    if (!replacerSpec) throw new Error('Expected replacerSpec');
-    if (!find) throw new Error('Expected find');
-    if (!link) throw new Error('Expected link');
-    if (!language) throw new Error('Expected language');
-    if (!to) throw new Error('Expected to');
-    if (!wikiData) throw new Error('Expected wikiData');
+    const cursor = i - lineStart;
-    const nodes = parseInput(input);
-    return transformNodes(nodes, {input, find, link, replacerSpec, language, to, wikiData});
+    throw new SyntaxError([
+      `Parse error (at pos ${i}): ${message}`,
+      line,
+      '-'.repeat(cursor) + '^',
+    ].join('\n'));
+  }
diff --git a/src/util/serialize.js b/src/util/serialize.js
index e30951f..4992e2b 100644
--- a/src/util/serialize.js
+++ b/src/util/serialize.js
@@ -1,71 +1,77 @@
+// Utils used when per-wiki-object data files.
+// Retained for reference and/or later reorganization.
+// Not to be confused with data/serialize.js, which provides a generic
+// interface for serializing any Thing object.
 export function serializeLink(thing) {
-    const ret = {};
-    ret.name = thing.name;
-    ret.directory = thing.directory;
-    if (thing.color) ret.color = thing.color;
-    return ret;
+  const ret = {};
+  ret.name = thing.name;
+  ret.directory = thing.directory;
+  if (thing.color) ret.color = thing.color;
+  return ret;
 export function serializeContribs(contribs) {
-    return contribs.map(({ who, what }) => {
-        const ret = {};
-        ret.artist = serializeLink(who);
-        if (what) ret.contribution = what;
-        return ret;
-    });
+  return contribs.map(({who, what}) => {
+    const ret = {};
+    ret.artist = serializeLink(who);
+    if (what) ret.contribution = what;
+    return ret;
+  });
 export function serializeImagePaths(original, {thumb}) {
-    return {
-        original,
-        medium: thumb.medium(original),
-        small: thumb.small(original)
-    };
+  return {
+    original,
+    medium: thumb.medium(original),
+    small: thumb.small(original),
+  };
 export function serializeCover(thing, pathFunction, {
-    serializeImagePaths,
-    urls
+  serializeImagePaths,
+  urls,
 }) {
-    const coverPath = pathFunction(thing, {
-        to: urls.from('media.root').to
-    });
+  const coverPath = pathFunction(thing, {
+    to: urls.from('media.root').to,
+  });
-    const { artTags } = thing;
+  const {artTags} = thing;
-    const cwTags = artTags.filter(tag => tag.isContentWarning);
-    const linkTags = artTags.filter(tag => !tag.isContentWarning);
+  const cwTags = artTags.filter((tag) => tag.isContentWarning);
+  const linkTags = artTags.filter((tag) => !tag.isContentWarning);
-    return {
-        paths: serializeImagePaths(coverPath),
-        tags: linkTags.map(serializeLink),
-        warnings: cwTags.map(tag => tag.name)
-    };
+  return {
+    paths: serializeImagePaths(coverPath),
+    tags: linkTags.map(serializeLink),
+    warnings: cwTags.map((tag) => tag.name),
+  };
-export function serializeGroupsForAlbum(album, {
-    serializeLink
-}) {
-    return album.groups.map(group => {
-        const index = group.albums.indexOf(album);
-        const next = group.albums[index + 1] || null;
-        const previous = group.albums[index - 1] || null;
-        return {group, index, next, previous};
-    }).map(({group, index, next, previous}) => ({
-        link: serializeLink(group),
-        descriptionShort: group.descriptionShort,
-        albumIndex: index,
-        nextAlbum: next && serializeLink(next),
-        previousAlbum: previous && serializeLink(previous),
-        urls: group.urls
+export function serializeGroupsForAlbum(album, {serializeLink}) {
+  return album.groups
+    .map((group) => {
+      const index = group.albums.indexOf(album);
+      const next = group.albums[index + 1] || null;
+      const previous = group.albums[index - 1] || null;
+      return {group, index, next, previous};
+    })
+    .map(({group, index, next, previous}) => ({
+      link: serializeLink(group),
+      descriptionShort: group.descriptionShort,
+      albumIndex: index,
+      nextAlbum: next && serializeLink(next),
+      previousAlbum: previous && serializeLink(previous),
+      urls: group.urls,
-export function serializeGroupsForTrack(track, {
-    serializeLink
-}) {
-    return track.album.groups.map(group => ({
-        link: serializeLink(group),
-        urls: group.urls,
-    }));
+export function serializeGroupsForTrack(track, {serializeLink}) {
+  return track.album.groups.map((group) => ({
+    link: serializeLink(group),
+    urls: group.urls,
+  }));
diff --git a/src/util/sort.js b/src/util/sort.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3a9081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/sort.js
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+// Sorting functions - all utils here are mutating, so make sure to initially
+// slice/filter/somehow generate a new array from input data if retaining the
+// initial sort matters! (Spoilers: If what you're doing involves any kind of
+// parallelization, it definitely matters.)
+import {empty, sortMultipleArrays, unique}
+  from './sugar.js';
+// General sorting utilities! These don't do any sorting on their own but are
+// handy in the sorting functions below (or if you're making your own sort).
+export function compareCaseLessSensitive(a, b) {
+  // Compare two strings without considering capitalization... unless they
+  // happen to be the same that way.
+  const al = a.toLowerCase();
+  const bl = b.toLowerCase();
+  return al === bl
+    ? a.localeCompare(b, undefined, {numeric: true})
+    : al.localeCompare(bl, undefined, {numeric: true});
+// Subtract common prefixes and other characters which some people don't like
+// to have considered while sorting. The words part of this is English-only for
+// now, which is totally evil.
+export function normalizeName(s) {
+  // Turn (some) ligatures into expanded variant for cleaner sorting, e.g.
+  // "ff" into "ff", in decompose mode, so that "ü" is represented as two
+  // bytes ("u" + \u0308 combining diaeresis).
+  s = s.normalize('NFKD');
+  // Replace one or more whitespace of any kind in a row, as well as certain
+  // punctuation, with a single typical space, then trim the ends.
+  s = s
+    .replace(
+      /[\p{Separator}\p{Dash_Punctuation}\p{Connector_Punctuation}]+/gu,
+      ' '
+    )
+    .trim();
+  // Discard anything that isn't a letter, number, or space.
+  s = s.replace(/[^\p{Letter}\p{Number} ]/gu, '').trim();
+  // Remove common English (only, for now) prefixes.
+  s = s.replace(/^(?:an?|the) /i, '');
+  return s;
+// Component sort functions - these sort by one particular property, applying
+// unique particulars where appropriate. Usually you don't want to use these
+// directly, but if you're making a custom sort they can come in handy.
+// Universal method for sorting things into a predictable order, as directory
+// is taken to be unique. There are two exceptions where this function (and
+// thus any of the composite functions that start with it) *can't* be taken as
+// deterministic:
+//  1) Mixed data of two different Things, as directories are only taken as
+//     unique within one given class of Things. For example, this function
+//     won't be deterministic if its array contains both <album:ithaca> and
+//     <track:ithaca>.
+//  2) Duplicate directories, or multiple instances of the "same" Thing.
+//     This function doesn't differentiate between two objects of the same
+//     directory, regardless of any other properties or the overall "identity"
+//     of the object.
+// These exceptions are unavoidable except for not providing that kind of data
+// in the first place, but you can still ensure the overall program output is
+// deterministic by ensuring the input is arbitrarily sorted according to some
+// other criteria - ex, although sortByDirectory itself isn't determinstic when
+// given mixed track and album data, the final output (what goes on the site)
+// will always be the same if you're doing sortByDirectory([...albumData,
+// ...trackData]), because the initial sort places albums before tracks - and
+// sortByDirectory will handle the rest, given all directories are unique
+// except when album and track directories overlap with each other.
+export function sortByDirectory(data, {
+  getDirectory = object => object.directory,
+} = {}) {
+  const directories = data.map(getDirectory);
+  sortMultipleArrays(data, directories,
+    (a, b, directoryA, directoryB) =>
+      compareCaseLessSensitive(directoryA, directoryB));
+  return data;
+export function sortByName(data, {
+  getName = object => object.name,
+} = {}) {
+  const names = data.map(getName);
+  const normalizedNames = names.map(normalizeName);
+  sortMultipleArrays(data, normalizedNames, names,
+    (
+      a, b,
+      normalizedA, normalizedB,
+      nonNormalizedA, nonNormalizedB,
+    ) =>
+      compareNormalizedNames(
+        normalizedA, normalizedB,
+        nonNormalizedA, nonNormalizedB,
+      ));
+  return data;
+export function compareNormalizedNames(
+  normalizedA, normalizedB,
+  nonNormalizedA, nonNormalizedB,
+) {
+  const comparison = compareCaseLessSensitive(normalizedA, normalizedB);
+  return (
+    (comparison === 0
+      ? compareCaseLessSensitive(nonNormalizedA, nonNormalizedB)
+      : comparison));
+export function sortByDate(data, {
+  getDate = object => object.date,
+  latestFirst = false,
+} = {}) {
+  const dates = data.map(getDate);
+  sortMultipleArrays(data, dates,
+    (a, b, dateA, dateB) =>
+      compareDates(dateA, dateB, {latestFirst}));
+  return data;
+export function compareDates(a, b, {
+  latestFirst = false,
+} = {}) {
+  if (a && b) {
+    return (latestFirst ? b - a : a - b);
+  }
+  // It's possible for objects with and without dates to be mixed
+  // together in the same array. If that's the case, we put all items
+  // without dates at the end.
+  if (a) return -1;
+  if (b) return 1;
+  // If neither of the items being compared have a date, don't move
+  // them relative to each other. This is basically the same as
+  // filtering out all non-date items and then pushing them at the
+  // end after sorting the rest.
+  return 0;
+export function getLatestDate(dates) {
+  const filtered = dates.filter(Boolean);
+  if (empty(filtered)) return null;
+  return filtered
+    .reduce(
+      (accumulator, date) =>
+        date > accumulator ? date : accumulator,
+      -Infinity);
+export function getEarliestDate(dates) {
+  const filtered = dates.filter(Boolean);
+  if (empty(filtered)) return null;
+  return filtered
+    .reduce(
+      (accumulator, date) =>
+        date < accumulator ? date : accumulator,
+      Infinity);
+// Funky sort which takes a data set and a corresponding list of "counts",
+// which are really arbitrary numbers representing some property of each data
+// object defined by the caller. It sorts and mutates *both* of these, so the
+// sorted data will still correspond to the same indexed count.
+export function sortByCount(data, counts, {
+  greatestFirst = false,
+} = {}) {
+  sortMultipleArrays(data, counts, (data1, data2, count1, count2) =>
+    (greatestFirst
+      ? count2 - count1
+      : count1 - count2));
+  return data;
+export function sortByPositionInParent(data, {
+  getParent,
+  getChildren,
+}) {
+  return data.sort((a, b) => {
+    const parentA = getParent(a);
+    const parentB = getParent(b);
+    // Don't change the sort when the two items are from separate parents.
+    // This function doesn't change the order of parents or try to "merge"
+    // two separated chunks of items from the same parent together.
+    if (parentA !== parentB) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    // Don't change the sort when either (or both) of the items doesn't
+    // even have a parent (e.g. it's the passed data is a mixed array of
+    // children and parents).
+    if (!parentA || !parentB) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    const indexA = getChildren(parentA).indexOf(a);
+    const indexB = getChildren(parentB).indexOf(b);
+    // If the getParent/getChildren relationship doesn't go both ways for
+    // some reason, don't change the sort.
+    if (indexA === -1 || indexB === -1) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    return indexA - indexB;
+  });
+export function sortByPositionInAlbum(data) {
+  return sortByPositionInParent(data, {
+    getParent: track => track.album,
+    getChildren: album => album.tracks,
+  });
+export function sortByPositionInFlashAct(data) {
+  return sortByPositionInParent(data, {
+    getParent: flash => flash.act,
+    getChildren: act => act.flashes,
+  });
+// Sorts data so that items are grouped together according to whichever of a
+// set of arbitrary given conditions is true first. If no conditions are met
+// for a given item, it's moved over to the end!
+export function sortByConditions(data, conditions) {
+  return data.sort((a, b) => {
+    const ai = conditions.findIndex((f) => f(a));
+    const bi = conditions.findIndex((f) => f(b));
+    if (ai >= 0 && bi >= 0) {
+      return ai - bi;
+    } else if (ai >= 0) {
+      return -1;
+    } else if (bi >= 0) {
+      return 1;
+    } else {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  });
+// Composite sorting functions - these consider multiple properties, generally
+// always returning the same output regardless of how the input was originally
+// sorted (or left unsorted). If you're working with arbitrarily sorted inputs
+// (typically wiki data, either in full or unsorted filter), these make sure
+// what gets put on the actual website (or wherever) is deterministic. Also
+// they're just handy sorting utilities.
+// Note that because these are each comprised of multiple component sorting
+// functions, they expect more than just one property to be present for full
+// sorting (listed above each function). If you're mapping thing objects to
+// another representation, try to include all of these listed properties.
+// Expects thing properties:
+//  * directory (or override getDirectory)
+//  * name (or override getName)
+export function sortAlphabetically(data, {
+  getDirectory,
+  getName,
+} = {}) {
+  sortByDirectory(data, {getDirectory});
+  sortByName(data, {getName});
+  return data;
+// Expects thing properties:
+//  * directory (or override getDirectory)
+//  * name (or override getName)
+//  * date (or override getDate)
+export function sortChronologically(data, {
+  latestFirst = false,
+  getDirectory,
+  getName,
+  getDate,
+} = {}) {
+  sortAlphabetically(data, {getDirectory, getName});
+  sortByDate(data, {latestFirst, getDate});
+  return data;
+// This one's a little odd! Sorts an array of {entry, thing} pairs using
+// the provided sortFunction, which will operate on each item's `thing`, not
+// its entry (or the item as a whole). If multiple entries are associated
+// with the same thing, they'll end up bunched together in the output,
+// retaining their original relative positioning.
+export function sortEntryThingPairs(data, sortFunction) {
+  const things = unique(data.map(item => item.thing));
+  sortFunction(things);
+  const outputArrays = [];
+  const thingToOutputArray = new Map();
+  for (const thing of things) {
+    const array = [];
+    thingToOutputArray.set(thing, array);
+    outputArrays.push(array);
+  }
+  for (const item of data) {
+    thingToOutputArray.get(item.thing).push(item);
+  }
+  data.splice(0, data.length, ...outputArrays.flat());
+  return data;
+// Alternate draft version of sortEntryThingPairs.
+// See: https://github.com/hsmusic/hsmusic-wiki/issues/90#issuecomment-1607412168
+// Maps the provided "preparation" function across a list of arbitrary values,
+// building up a list of sortable values; sorts these with the provided sorting
+// function; and reorders the sources to match their corresponding prepared
+// values. As usual, if multiple source items correspond to the same sorting
+// data, this retains the source relative positioning.
+export function prepareAndSort(sources, prepareForSort, sortFunction) {
+  const prepared = [];
+  const preparedToSource = new Map();
+  for (const original of originals) {
+    const prep = prepareForSort(source);
+    prepared.push(prep);
+    preparedToSource.set(prep, source);
+  }
+  sortFunction(prepared);
+  sources.splice(0, ...sources.length, prepared.map(prep => preparedToSource.get(prep)));
+  return sources;
+// Highly contextual sort functions - these are only for very specific types
+// of Things, and have appropriately hard-coded behavior.
+// Sorts so that tracks from the same album are generally grouped together in
+// their original (album track list) order, while prioritizing date (by default
+// release date but can be overridden) above all else.
+// This function also works for data lists which contain only tracks.
+export function sortAlbumsTracksChronologically(data, {
+  latestFirst = false,
+  getDate,
+} = {}) {
+  // Sort albums before tracks...
+  sortByConditions(data, [(t) => t.album === undefined]);
+  // Group tracks by album...
+  sortByDirectory(data, {
+    getDirectory: (t) => (t.album ? t.album.directory : t.directory),
+  });
+  // Sort tracks by position in album...
+  sortByPositionInAlbum(data);
+  // ...and finally sort by date. If tracks from more than one album were
+  // released on the same date, they'll still be grouped together by album,
+  // and tracks within an album will retain their relative positioning (i.e.
+  // stay in the same order as part of the album's track listing).
+  sortByDate(data, {latestFirst, getDate});
+  return data;
+export function sortFlashesChronologically(data, {
+  latestFirst = false,
+  getDate,
+} = {}) {
+  // Group flashes by act...
+  sortByDirectory(data, {
+    getDirectory: flash => flash.act.directory,
+  });
+  // Sort flashes by position in act...
+  sortByPositionInFlashAct(data);
+  // ...and finally sort by date. If flashes from more than one act were
+  // released on the same date, they'll still be grouped together by act,
+  // and flashes within an act will retain their relative positioning (i.e.
+  // stay in the same order as the act's flash listing).
+  sortByDate(data, {latestFirst, getDate});
+  return data;
diff --git a/src/util/sugar.js b/src/util/sugar.js
index 99f706f..e060f45 100644
--- a/src/util/sugar.js
+++ b/src/util/sugar.js
@@ -6,413 +6,738 @@
 // It will likely only do exactly what I want it to, and only in the cases I
 // decided were relevant enough to 8other handling.
-import { color } from './cli.js';
+import {colors} from './cli.js';
 // Apparently JavaScript doesn't come with a function to split an array into
 // chunks! Weird. Anyway, this is an awesome place to use a generator, even
 // though we don't really make use of the 8enefits of generators any time we
 // actually use this. 8ut it's still awesome, 8ecause I say so.
 export function* splitArray(array, fn) {
-    let lastIndex = 0;
-    while (lastIndex < array.length) {
-        let nextIndex = array.findIndex((item, index) => index >= lastIndex && fn(item));
-        if (nextIndex === -1) {
-            nextIndex = array.length;
-        }
-        yield array.slice(lastIndex, nextIndex);
-        // Plus one because we don't want to include the dividing line in the
-        // next array we yield.
-        lastIndex = nextIndex + 1;
+  let lastIndex = 0;
+  while (lastIndex < array.length) {
+    let nextIndex = array.findIndex((item, index) => index >= lastIndex && fn(item));
+    if (nextIndex === -1) {
+      nextIndex = array.length;
+    yield array.slice(lastIndex, nextIndex);
+    // Plus one because we don't want to include the dividing line in the
+    // next array we yield.
+    lastIndex = nextIndex + 1;
+  }
+// Null-accepting function to check if an array or set is empty. Accepts null
+// (which is treated as empty) as a shorthand for "hey, check if this property
+// is an array with/without stuff in it" for objects where properties that are
+// PRESENT but don't currently have a VALUE are null (rather than undefined).
+export function empty(value) {
+  if (value === null) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+    return value.length === 0;
+  }
+  if (value instanceof Set) {
+    return value.size === 0;
+  }
+  throw new Error(`Expected array, set, or null`);
+// Repeats all the items of an array a number of times.
+export function repeat(times, array) {
+  if (typeof array === 'string') return repeat(times, [array]);
+  if (empty(array)) return [];
+  if (times === 0) return [];
+  if (times === 1) return array.slice();
+  const out = [];
+  for (let n = 1; n <= times; n++) {
+    out.push(...array);
+  }
+  return out;
-export const mapInPlace = (array, fn) => array.splice(0, array.length, ...array.map(fn));
+// Gets the item at an index relative to another index.
+export function atOffset(array, index, offset, {
+  wrap = false,
+  valuePastEdge = null,
+} = {}) {
+  if (index === -1) {
+    return valuePastEdge;
+  }
+  if (offset === 0) {
+    return array[index];
+  }
+  if (wrap) {
+    return array[(index + offset) % array.length];
+  }
+  if (offset > 0 && index + offset > array.length - 1) {
+    return valuePastEdge;
+  }
+  if (offset < 0 && index + offset < 0) {
+    return valuePastEdge;
+  }
+  return array[index + offset];
+// Sums the values in an array, optionally taking a function which maps each
+// item to a number (handy for accessing a certain property on an array of like
+// objects). This also coalesces null values to zero, so if the mapping function
+// returns null (or values in the array are nullish), they'll just be skipped in
+// the sum.
+export function accumulateSum(array, fn = x => x) {
+  return array.reduce(
+    (accumulator, value, index, array) =>
+      accumulator +
+        fn(value, index, array) ?? 0,
+    0);
+// Stitches together the items of separate arrays into one array of objects
+// whose keys are the corresponding items from each array at that index.
+// This is mostly useful for iterating over multiple arrays at once!
+export function stitchArrays(keyToArray) {
+  const errors = [];
+  for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(keyToArray)) {
+    if (value === null) continue;
+    if (Array.isArray(value)) continue;
+    errors.push(new TypeError(`(${key}) Expected array or null, got ${typeAppearance(value)}`));
+  }
+  if (!empty(errors)) {
+    throw new AggregateError(errors, `Expected arrays or null`);
+  }
+  const keys = Object.keys(keyToArray);
+  const arrays = Object.values(keyToArray).filter(val => Array.isArray(val));
+  const length = Math.max(...arrays.map(({length}) => length));
+  const results = [];
+  for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+    const object = {};
+    for (const key of keys) {
+      object[key] =
+        (Array.isArray(keyToArray[key])
+          ? keyToArray[key][i]
+          : null);
+    }
+    results.push(object);
+  }
+  return results;
+// Turns this:
+//   [
+//     [123, 'orange', null],
+//     [456, 'apple', true],
+//     [789, 'banana', false],
+//     [1000, 'pear', undefined],
+//   ]
+// Into this:
+//   [
+//     [123, 456, 789, 1000],
+//     ['orange', 'apple', 'banana', 'pear'],
+//     [null, true, false, undefined],
+//   ]
+// And back again, if you call it again on its results.
+export function transposeArrays(arrays) {
+  if (empty(arrays)) {
+    return [];
+  }
+  const length = arrays[0].length;
+  const results = new Array(length).fill(null).map(() => []);
+  for (const array of arrays) {
+    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+      results[i].push(array[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  return results;
-export const filterEmptyLines = string => string.split('\n').filter(line => line.trim()).join('\n');
+export const mapInPlace = (array, fn) =>
+  array.splice(0, array.length, ...array.map(fn));
-export const unique = arr => Array.from(new Set(arr));
+export const unique = (arr) => Array.from(new Set(arr));
-export const compareArrays = (arr1, arr2, {checkOrder = true} = {}) => (
-    arr1.length === arr2.length && (checkOrder
-        ? (arr1.every((x, i) => arr2[i] === x))
-        : (arr1.every(x => arr2.includes(x)))));
+export const compareArrays = (arr1, arr2, {checkOrder = true} = {}) =>
+  arr1.length === arr2.length &&
+  (checkOrder
+    ? arr1.every((x, i) => arr2[i] === x)
+    : arr1.every((x) => arr2.includes(x)));
 // Stolen from jq! Which pro8a8ly stole the concept from other places. Nice.
-export const withEntries = (obj, fn) => Object.fromEntries(fn(Object.entries(obj)));
+export const withEntries = (obj, fn) =>
+  Object.fromEntries(fn(Object.entries(obj)));
+export function setIntersection(set1, set2) {
+  const intersection = new Set();
+  for (const item of set1) {
+    if (set2.has(item)) {
+      intersection.add(item);
+    }
+  }
+  return intersection;
-export function queue(array, max = 50) {
-    if (max === 0) {
-        return array.map(fn => fn());
+export function filterProperties(object, properties, {
+  preserveOriginalOrder = false,
+} = {}) {
+  if (typeof object !== 'object' || object === null) {
+    throw new TypeError(`Expected object to be an object, got ${typeAppearance(object)}`);
+  }
+  if (!Array.isArray(properties)) {
+    throw new TypeError(`Expected properties to be an array, got ${typeAppearance(properties)}`);
+  }
+  const filteredObject = {};
+  if (preserveOriginalOrder) {
+    for (const property of Object.keys(object)) {
+      if (properties.includes(property)) {
+        filteredObject[property] = object[property];
+      }
+  } else {
+    for (const property of properties) {
+      if (Object.hasOwn(object, property)) {
+        filteredObject[property] = object[property];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return filteredObject;
-    const begin = [];
-    let current = 0;
-    const ret = array.map(fn => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+export function queue(array, max = 50) {
+  if (max === 0) {
+    return array.map((fn) => fn());
+  }
+  const begin = [];
+  let current = 0;
+  const ret = array.map(
+    (fn) =>
+      new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
         begin.push(() => {
-            current++;
-            Promise.resolve(fn()).then(value => {
-                current--;
-                if (current < max && begin.length) {
-                    begin.shift()();
-                }
-                resolve(value);
-            }, reject);
+          current++;
+          Promise.resolve(fn()).then((value) => {
+            current--;
+            if (current < max && begin.length) {
+              begin.shift()();
+            }
+            resolve(value);
+          }, reject);
-    }));
+      })
+  );
-    for (let i = 0; i < max && begin.length; i++) {
-        begin.shift()();
-    }
+  for (let i = 0; i < max && begin.length; i++) {
+    begin.shift()();
+  }
-    return ret;
+  return ret;
 export function delay(ms) {
-    return new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
+  return new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, ms));
 // Stolen from here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3561711
 // There's a proposal for a native JS function like this, 8ut it's not even
-// past stage 1 yet: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-regex-escaping
+// past stage ~~1~~ 2 yet: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-regex-escaping
 export function escapeRegex(string) {
-    return string.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
+  return string.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
-export function bindOpts(fn, bind) {
-    const bindIndex = bind[bindOpts.bindIndex] ?? 1;
+export function splitKeys(key) {
+  return key.split(/(?<=(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*)\./);
-    const bound = function(...args) {
-        const opts = args[bindIndex] ?? {};
-        return fn(...args.slice(0, bindIndex), {...bind, ...opts});
-    };
+// Follows a key path like 'foo.bar.baz' to get an item nested deeply inside
+// an object.
+export function getNestedProp(obj, key) {
+  const recursive = (o, k) =>
+    (k.length === 1
+      ? o[k[0]]
+      : recursive(o[k[0]], k.slice(1)));
-    Object.defineProperty(bound, 'name', {
-        value: (fn.name ? `(options-bound) ${fn.name}` : `(options-bound)`)
-    });
+  return recursive(obj, splitKeys(key));
-    return bound;
+// Gets the "look" of some arbitrary value. It's like typeof, but smarter.
+// Don't use this for actually validating types - it's only suitable for
+// inclusion in error messages.
+export function typeAppearance(value) {
+  if (value === null) return 'null';
+  if (value === undefined) return 'undefined';
+  if (Array.isArray(value)) return 'array';
+  return typeof value;
-bindOpts.bindIndex = Symbol();
+// Limits a string to the desired length, filling in an ellipsis at the end
+// if it cuts any text off.
+export function cut(text, length = 40) {
+  if (text.length >= length) {
+    const index = Math.max(1, length - 3);
+    return text.slice(0, index) + '...';
+  } else {
+    return text;
+  }
-// Utility function for providing useful interfaces to the JS AggregateError
-// class.
+// Limits a string to the desired length, filling in an ellipsis at the start
+// if it cuts any text off.
+export function cutStart(text, length = 40) {
+  if (text.length >= length) {
+    const index = Math.min(text.length - 1, text.length - length + 3);
+    return '...' + text.slice(index);
+  } else {
+    return text;
+  }
+// Annotates {index, length} results from another iterator with contextual
+// details, including:
+// * its line and column numbers;
+// * if `formatWhere` is true (the default), a pretty-formatted,
+//   human-readable indication of the match's placement in the string;
+// * if `getContainingLine` is true, the entire line (or multiple lines)
+//   of text containing the match.
-// Generally, this works by returning a set of interfaces which operate on
-// functions: wrap() takes a function and returns a new function which passes
-// its arguments through and appends any resulting error to the internal error
-// list; call() simplifies this process by wrapping the provided function and
-// then calling it immediately. Once the process for which errors should be
-// aggregated is complete, close() constructs and throws an AggregateError
-// object containing all caught errors (or doesn't throw anything if there were
-// no errors).
-export function openAggregate({
-    // Constructor to use, defaulting to the builtin AggregateError class.
-    // Anything passed here should probably extend from that! May be used for
-    // letting callers programatically distinguish between multiple aggregate
-    // errors.
-    //
-    // This should be provided using the aggregateThrows utility function.
-    [openAggregate.errorClassSymbol]: errorClass = AggregateError,
-    // Optional human-readable message to describe the aggregate error, if
-    // constructed.
-    message = '',
-    // Value to return when a provided function throws an error. If this is a
-    // function, it will be called with the arguments given to the function.
-    // (This is primarily useful when wrapping a function and then providing it
-    // to another utility, e.g. array.map().)
-    returnOnFail = null
+export function* iterateMultiline(content, iterator, {
+  formatWhere = true,
+  getContainingLine = false,
 } = {}) {
-    const errors = [];
-    const aggregate = {};
-    aggregate.wrap = fn => (...args) => {
-        try {
-            return fn(...args);
-        } catch (error) {
-            errors.push(error);
-            return (typeof returnOnFail === 'function'
-                ? returnOnFail(...args)
-                : returnOnFail);
-        }
-    };
+  const lineRegexp = /\n/g;
+  const isMultiline = content.includes('\n');
+  let lineNumber = 0;
+  let startOfLine = 0;
+  let previousIndex = 0;
+  const countLineBreaks = (index, length) => {
+    const range = content.slice(index, index + length);
+    const lineBreaks = Array.from(range.matchAll(lineRegexp));
+    if (!empty(lineBreaks)) {
+      lineNumber += lineBreaks.length;
+      startOfLine = index + lineBreaks.at(-1).index + 1;
+    }
+  };
-    aggregate.wrapAsync = fn => (...args) => {
-        return fn(...args).then(
-            value => value,
-            error => {
-                errors.push(error);
-                return (typeof returnOnFail === 'function'
-                    ? returnOnFail(...args)
-                    : returnOnFail);
-            });
-    };
+  for (const result of iterator) {
+    const {index, length} = result;
-    aggregate.call = (fn, ...args) => {
-        return aggregate.wrap(fn)(...args);
-    };
+    countLineBreaks(previousIndex, index - previousIndex);
-    aggregate.callAsync = (fn, ...args) => {
-        return aggregate.wrapAsync(fn)(...args);
-    };
+    const matchStartOfLine = startOfLine;
-    aggregate.nest = (...args) => {
-        return aggregate.call(() => withAggregate(...args));
-    };
+    previousIndex = index + length;
-    aggregate.nestAsync = (...args) => {
-        return aggregate.callAsync(() => withAggregateAsync(...args));
-    };
+    const columnNumber = index - startOfLine;
-    aggregate.map = (...args) => {
-        const parent = aggregate;
-        const { result, aggregate: child } = mapAggregate(...args);
-        parent.call(child.close);
-        return result;
-    };
+    let where = null;
+    if (formatWhere) {
+      where =
+        colors.yellow(
+          (isMultiline
+            ? `line: ${lineNumber + 1}, col: ${columnNumber + 1}`
+            : `pos: ${index + 1}`));
+    }
-    aggregate.mapAsync = async (...args) => {
-        const parent = aggregate;
-        const { result, aggregate: child } = await mapAggregateAsync(...args);
-        parent.call(child.close);
-        return result;
-    };
+    countLineBreaks(index, length);
-    aggregate.filter = (...args) => {
-        const parent = aggregate;
-        const { result, aggregate: child } = filterAggregate(...args);
-        parent.call(child.close);
-        return result;
-    };
+    let containingLine = null;
+    if (getContainingLine) {
+      const nextLineResult =
+        content
+          .slice(previousIndex)
+          .matchAll(lineRegexp)
+          .next();
-    aggregate.throws = aggregateThrows;
+      const nextStartOfLine =
+        (nextLineResult.done
+          ? content.length
+          : previousIndex + nextLineResult.value.index);
-    aggregate.close = () => {
-        if (errors.length) {
-            throw Reflect.construct(errorClass, [errors, message]);
-        }
-    };
+      containingLine =
+        content.slice(matchStartOfLine, nextStartOfLine);
+    }
-    return aggregate;
+    yield {
+      ...result,
+      lineNumber,
+      columnNumber,
+      where,
+      containingLine,
+    };
+  }
-openAggregate.errorClassSymbol = Symbol('error class');
+// Iterates over regular expression matches within a single- or multiline
+// string, yielding each match as well as contextual details; this accepts
+// the same options (and provides the same context) as iterateMultiline.
+export function* matchMultiline(content, matchRegexp, options) {
+  const matchAllIterator =
+    content.matchAll(matchRegexp);
+  const cleanMatchAllIterator =
+    (function*() {
+      for (const match of matchAllIterator) {
+        yield {
+          index: match.index,
+          length: match[0].length,
+          match,
+        };
+      }
+    })();
-// Utility function for providing {errorClass} parameter to aggregate functions.
-export function aggregateThrows(errorClass) {
-    return {[openAggregate.errorClassSymbol]: errorClass};
+  const multilineIterator =
+    iterateMultiline(content, cleanMatchAllIterator, options);
+  yield* multilineIterator;
-// Performs an ordinary array map with the given function, collating into a
-// results array (with errored inputs filtered out) and an error aggregate.
+// Binds default values for arguments in a {key: value} type function argument
+// (typically the second argument, but may be overridden by providing a
+// [bindOpts.bindIndex] argument). Typically useful for preparing a function for
+// reuse within one or multiple other contexts, which may not be aware of
+// required or relevant values provided in the initial context.
-// Optionally, override returnOnFail to disable filtering and map errored inputs
-// to a particular output.
+// This function also passes the identity of `this` through (the returned value
+// is not an arrow function), though note it's not a true bound function either
+// (since Function.prototype.bind only supports positional arguments, not
+// "options" specified via key/value).
-// Note the aggregate property is the result of openAggregate(), still unclosed;
-// use aggregate.close() to throw the error. (This aggregate may be passed to a
-// parent aggregate: `parent.call(aggregate.close)`!)
-export function mapAggregate(array, fn, aggregateOpts) {
-    return _mapAggregate('sync', null, array, fn, aggregateOpts);
+export function bindOpts(fn, bind) {
+  const bindIndex = bind[bindOpts.bindIndex] ?? 1;
+  const bound = function (...args) {
+    const opts = args[bindIndex] ?? {};
+    return Reflect.apply(fn, this, [
+      ...args.slice(0, bindIndex),
+      {...bind, ...opts}
+    ]);
+  };
+  annotateFunction(bound, {
+    name: fn,
+    trait: 'options-bound',
+  });
+  for (const [key, descriptor] of Object.entries(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(fn))) {
+    if (key === 'length') continue;
+    if (key === 'name') continue;
+    if (key === 'arguments') continue;
+    if (key === 'caller') continue;
+    if (key === 'prototype') continue;
+    Object.defineProperty(bound, key, descriptor);
+  }
+  return bound;
-export function mapAggregateAsync(array, fn, {
-    promiseAll = Promise.all.bind(Promise),
-    ...aggregateOpts
-} = {}) {
-    return _mapAggregate('async', promiseAll, array, fn, aggregateOpts);
+bindOpts.bindIndex = Symbol();
-// Helper function for mapAggregate which holds code common between sync and
-// async versions.
-export function _mapAggregate(mode, promiseAll, array, fn, aggregateOpts) {
-    const failureSymbol = Symbol();
+// Sorts multiple arrays by an arbitrary function (which is the last argument).
+// Paired values from each array are provided to the callback sequentially:
+//   (a_fromFirstArray, b_fromFirstArray,
+//    a_fromSecondArray, b_fromSecondArray,
+//    a_fromThirdArray, b_fromThirdArray) =>
+//     relative positioning (negative, positive, or zero)
+// Like native single-array sort, this is a mutating function.
+export function sortMultipleArrays(...args) {
+  const arrays = args.slice(0, -1);
+  const fn = args.at(-1);
+  const length = arrays[0].length;
+  const symbols = new Array(length).fill(null).map(() => Symbol());
+  const indexes = Object.fromEntries(symbols.map((symbol, index) => [symbol, index]));
+  symbols.sort((a, b) => {
+    const indexA = indexes[a];
+    const indexB = indexes[b];
+    const args = [];
+    for (let i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) {
+      args.push(arrays[i][indexA]);
+      args.push(arrays[i][indexB]);
+    }
-    const aggregate = openAggregate({
-        returnOnFail: failureSymbol,
-        ...aggregateOpts
-    });
+    return fn(...args);
+  });
-    if (mode === 'sync') {
-        const result = array.map(aggregate.wrap(fn))
-            .filter(value => value !== failureSymbol);
-        return {result, aggregate};
-    } else {
-        return promiseAll(array.map(aggregate.wrapAsync(fn))).then(values => {
-            const result = values.filter(value => value !== failureSymbol);
-            return {result, aggregate};
-        });
-    }
+  for (const array of arrays) {
+    // Note: We're mutating this array pulling values from itself, but only all
+    // at once after all those values have been pulled.
+    array.splice(0, array.length, ...symbols.map(symbol => array[indexes[symbol]]));
+  }
+  return arrays;
-// Performs an ordinary array filter with the given function, collating into a
-// results array (with errored inputs filtered out) and an error aggregate.
+// Filters multiple arrays by an arbitrary function (which is the last argument).
+// Values from each array are provided to the callback sequentially:
-// Optionally, override returnOnFail to disable filtering errors and map errored
-// inputs to a particular output.
+//   (value_fromFirstArray,
+//    value_fromSecondArray,
+//    value_fromThirdArray,
+//    index,
+//    [firstArray, secondArray, thirdArray]) =>
+//      true or false
-// As with mapAggregate, the returned aggregate property is not yet closed.
-export function filterAggregate(array, fn, aggregateOpts) {
-    return _filterAggregate('sync', null, array, fn, aggregateOpts);
+// Please be aware that this is a mutating function, unlike native single-array
+// filter. The mutated arrays are returned. Also attached under `.removed` are
+// corresponding arrays of items filtered out.
+export function filterMultipleArrays(...args) {
+  const arrays = args.slice(0, -1);
+  const fn = args.at(-1);
+  const removed = new Array(arrays.length).fill(null).map(() => []);
+  for (let i = arrays[0].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+    const args = arrays.map(array => array[i]);
+    args.push(i, arrays);
+    if (!fn(...args)) {
+      for (let j = 0; j < arrays.length; j++) {
+        const item = arrays[j][i];
+        arrays[j].splice(i, 1);
+        removed[j].unshift(item);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Object.assign(arrays, {removed});
+  return arrays;
-export async function filterAggregateAsync(array, fn, {
-    promiseAll = Promise.all.bind(Promise),
-    ...aggregateOpts
+// Corresponding filter function for sortByCount. By default, items whose
+// corresponding count is zero will be removed.
+export function filterByCount(data, counts, {
+  min = 1,
+  max = Infinity,
 } = {}) {
-    return _filterAggregate('async', promiseAll, array, fn, aggregateOpts);
+  filterMultipleArrays(data, counts, (data, count) =>
+    count >= min && count <= max);
-// Helper function for filterAggregate which holds code common between sync and
-// async versions.
-function _filterAggregate(mode, promiseAll, array, fn, aggregateOpts) {
-    const failureSymbol = Symbol();
+// Reduces multiple arrays with an arbitrary function (which is the last
+// argument). Note that this reduces into multiple accumulators, one for
+// each input array, not just a single value. That's reflected in both the
+// callback parameters:
+//   (accumulator1,
+//    accumulator2,
+//    value_fromFirstArray,
+//    value_fromSecondArray,
+//    index,
+//    [firstArray, secondArray]) =>
+//      [newAccumulator1, newAccumulator2]
+// As well as the final return value of reduceMultipleArrays:
+//   [finalAccumulator1, finalAccumulator2]
+// This is not a mutating function.
+export function reduceMultipleArrays(...args) {
+  const [arrays, fn, initialAccumulators] =
+    (typeof args.at(-1) === 'function'
+      ? [args.slice(0, -1), args.at(-1), null]
+      : [args.slice(0, -2), args.at(-2), args.at(-1)]);
+  if (empty(arrays[0])) {
+    throw new TypeError(`Reduce of empty arrays with no initial value`);
+  }
+  let [accumulators, i] =
+    (initialAccumulators
+      ? [initialAccumulators, 0]
+      : [arrays.map(array => array[0]), 1]);
+  for (; i < arrays[0].length; i++) {
+    const args = [...accumulators, ...arrays.map(array => array[i])];
+    args.push(i, arrays);
+    accumulators = fn(...args);
+  }
+  return accumulators;
-    const aggregate = openAggregate({
-        returnOnFail: failureSymbol,
-        ...aggregateOpts
-    });
+export function chunkByConditions(array, conditions) {
+  if (empty(array)) {
+    return [];
+  }
+  if (empty(conditions)) {
+    return [array];
+  }
+  const out = [];
+  let cur = [array[0]];
+  for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
+    const item = array[i];
+    const prev = array[i - 1];
+    let chunk = false;
+    for (const condition of conditions) {
+      if (condition(item, prev)) {
+        chunk = true;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (chunk) {
+      out.push(cur);
+      cur = [item];
+    } else {
+      cur.push(item);
+    }
+  }
+  out.push(cur);
+  return out;
-    function filterFunction(value) {
-        // Filter out results which match the failureSymbol, i.e. errored
-        // inputs.
-        if (value === failureSymbol) return false;
+export function chunkByProperties(array, properties) {
+  return chunkByConditions(
+    array,
+    properties.map((p) => (a, b) => {
+      if (a[p] instanceof Date && b[p] instanceof Date) return +a[p] !== +b[p];
-        // Always keep results which match the overridden returnOnFail
-        // value, if provided.
-        if (value === aggregateOpts.returnOnFail) return true;
+      if (a[p] !== b[p]) return true;
-        // Otherwise, filter according to the returned value of the wrapped
-        // function.
-        return value.output;
-    }
+      // Not sure if this line is still necessary with the specific check for
+      // d8tes a8ove, 8ut, uh, keeping it anyway, just in case....?
+      if (a[p] != b[p]) return true;
-    function mapFunction(value) {
-        // Then turn the results back into their corresponding input, or, if
-        // provided, the overridden returnOnFail value.
-        return (value === aggregateOpts.returnOnFail
-            ? value
-            : value.input);
-    }
+      return false;
+    })
+  ).map((chunk) => ({
+    ...Object.fromEntries(properties.map((p) => [p, chunk[0][p]])),
+    chunk,
+  }));
-    function wrapperFunction(x, ...rest) {
-        return {
-            input: x,
-            output: fn(x, ...rest)
-        };
-    }
+export function chunkMultipleArrays(...args) {
+  const arrays = args.slice(0, -1);
+  const fn = args.at(-1);
-    if (mode === 'sync') {
-        const result = array
-            .map(aggregate.wrap((input, index, array) => {
-                const output = fn(input, index, array);
-                return {input, output};
-            }))
-            .filter(filterFunction)
-            .map(mapFunction);
+  if (arrays[0].length === 0) {
+    return [];
+  }
-        return {result, aggregate};
-    } else {
-        return promiseAll(array.map(aggregate.wrapAsync(async (input, index, array) => {
-            const output = await fn(input, index, array);
-            return {input, output};
-        }))).then(values => {
-            const result = values
-                .filter(filterFunction)
-                .map(mapFunction);
-            return {result, aggregate};
-        });
+  const newChunk = index => arrays.map(array => [array[index]]);
+  const results = [newChunk(0)];
+  for (let i = 1; i < arrays[0].length; i++) {
+    const current = results.at(-1);
+    const args = [];
+    for (let j = 0; j < arrays.length; j++) {
+      const item = arrays[j][i];
+      const previous = current[j].at(-1);
+      args.push(item, previous);
-// Totally sugar function for opening an aggregate, running the provided
-// function with it, then closing the function and returning the result (if
-// there's no throw).
-export function withAggregate(aggregateOpts, fn) {
-    return _withAggregate('sync', aggregateOpts, fn);
+    if (fn(...args)) {
+      results.push(newChunk(i));
+      continue;
+    }
-export function withAggregateAsync(aggregateOpts, fn) {
-    return _withAggregate('async', aggregateOpts, fn);
+    for (let j = 0; j < arrays.length; j++) {
+      current[j].push(arrays[j][i]);
+    }
+  }
+  return results;
-export function _withAggregate(mode, aggregateOpts, fn) {
-    if (typeof aggregateOpts === 'function') {
-        fn = aggregateOpts;
-        aggregateOpts = {};
+// Delicious function annotations, such as:
+//   (*bound) soWeAreBackInTheMine
+//   (data *unfulfilled) generateShrekTwo
+export function annotateFunction(fn, {
+  name: nameOrFunction = null,
+  description: newDescription,
+  trait: newTrait,
+}) {
+  let name;
+  if (typeof nameOrFunction === 'function') {
+    name = nameOrFunction.name;
+  } else if (typeof nameOrFunction === 'string') {
+    name = nameOrFunction;
+  }
+  name ??= fn.name ?? 'anonymous';
+  const match = name.match(/^ *(?<prefix>.*?) *\((?<description>.*)( #(?<trait>.*))?\) *(?<suffix>.*) *$/);
+  let prefix, suffix, description, trait;
+  if (match) {
+    ({prefix, suffix, description, trait} = match.groups);
+  }
+  prefix ??= '';
+  suffix ??= name;
+  description ??= '';
+  trait ??= '';
+  if (newDescription) {
+    if (description) {
+      description += '; ' + newDescription;
+    } else {
+      description = newDescription;
+  }
-    const aggregate = openAggregate(aggregateOpts);
-    if (mode === 'sync') {
-        const result = fn(aggregate);
-        aggregate.close();
-        return result;
+  if (newTrait) {
+    if (trait) {
+      trait += ' #' + newTrait;
     } else {
-        return fn(aggregate).then(result => {
-            aggregate.close();
-            return result;
-        });
+      trait = '#' + newTrait;
+  }
-export function showAggregate(topError, {
-    pathToFile = p => p,
-    showTraces = true
-} = {}) {
-    const recursive = (error, {level}) => {
-        let header = (showTraces
-            ? `[${error.constructor.name || 'unnamed'}] ${error.message || '(no message)'}`
-            : (error instanceof AggregateError
-                ? `[${error.message || '(no message)'}]`
-                : error.message || '(no message)'));
-        if (showTraces) {
-            const stackLines = error.stack?.split('\n');
-            const stackLine = stackLines?.find(line =>
-                line.trim().startsWith('at')
-                && !line.includes('sugar')
-                && !line.includes('node:')
-                && !line.includes('<anonymous>'));
-            const tracePart = (stackLine
-                ? '- ' + stackLine.trim().replace(/file:\/\/(.*\.js)/, (match, pathname) => pathToFile(pathname))
-                : '(no stack trace)');
-            header += ` ${color.dim(tracePart)}`;
-        }
-        const bar = (level % 2 === 0
-            ? '\u2502'
-            : color.dim('\u254e'));
-        const head = (level % 2 === 0
-            ? '\u257f'
-            : color.dim('\u257f'));
-        if (error instanceof AggregateError) {
-            return header + '\n' + (error.errors
-                .map(error => recursive(error, {level: level + 1}))
-                .flatMap(str => str.split('\n'))
-                .map((line, i, lines) => (i === 0
-                    ? ` ${head} ${line}`
-                    : ` ${bar} ${line}`))
-                .join('\n'));
-        } else {
-            return header;
-        }
-    };
+  let parenthesesPart;
-    console.error(recursive(topError, {level: 0}));
+  if (description && trait) {
+    parenthesesPart = `${description} ${trait}`;
+  } else if (description || trait) {
+    parenthesesPart = description || trait;
+  } else {
+    parenthesesPart = '';
+  }
-export function decorateErrorWithIndex(fn) {
-    return (x, index, array) => {
-        try {
-            return fn(x, index, array);
-        } catch (error) {
-            error.message = `(${color.yellow(`#${index + 1}`)}) ${error.message}`;
-            throw error;
-        }
-    }
+  let finalName;
+  if (prefix && parenthesesPart) {
+    finalName = `${prefix} (${parenthesesPart}) ${suffix}`;
+  } else if (parenthesesPart) {
+    finalName = `(${parenthesesPart}) ${suffix}`;
+  } else {
+    finalName = suffix;
+  }
+  Object.defineProperty(fn, 'name', {value: finalName});
diff --git a/src/util/urls.js b/src/util/urls.js
index e15c018..11b9b8b 100644
--- a/src/util/urls.js
+++ b/src/util/urls.js
@@ -3,122 +3,249 @@
 // is in charge of pre-gener8ting a complete network of template strings
 // which can really quickly take su8stitute parameters to link from any one
 // place to another; 8ut there are also a few other utilities, too.
-// Nota8ly, everything here is string-8ased, for gener8ting and transforming
-// actual path strings. More a8stract operations using wiki data o8jects is
-// the domain of link.js.
-import * as path from 'path';
-import { withEntries } from './sugar.js';
+import * as path from 'node:path';
+import {withEntries} from '#sugar';
+// This export is only provided for convenience, i.e. to enable the following:
+//   import {urlSpec} from '#urls';
+// It's not actually defined in this module's variable scope, and functions
+// exported here require a urlSpec (whether this default one or another) to be
+// passed directly.
+export {default as urlSpec} from '../url-spec.js';
 export function generateURLs(urlSpec) {
-    const getValueForFullKey = (obj, fullKey, prop = null) => {
-        const [ groupKey, subKey ] = fullKey.split('.');
-        if (!groupKey || !subKey) {
-            throw new Error(`Expected group key and subkey (got ${fullKey})`);
-        }
+  const getValueForFullKey = (obj, fullKey) => {
+    const [groupKey, subKey] = fullKey.split('.');
+    if (!groupKey || !subKey) {
+      throw new Error(`Expected group key and subkey (got ${fullKey})`);
+    }
-        if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(groupKey)) {
-            throw new Error(`Expected valid group key (got ${groupKey})`);
-        }
+    if (!Object.hasOwn(obj, groupKey)) {
+      throw new Error(`Expected valid group key (got ${groupKey})`);
+    }
-        const group = obj[groupKey];
+    const group = obj[groupKey];
-        if (!group.hasOwnProperty(subKey)) {
-            throw new Error(`Expected valid subkey (got ${subKey} for group ${groupKey})`);
-        }
+    if (!Object.hasOwn(group, subKey)) {
+      throw new Error(`Expected valid subkey (got ${subKey} for group ${groupKey})`);
+    }
-        return {
-            value: group[subKey],
-            group
-        };
+    return {
+      value: group[subKey],
+      group,
+  };
-    // This should be called on values which are going to be passed to
-    // path.relative, because relative will resolve a leading slash as the root
-    // directory of the working device, which we aren't looking for here.
-    const trimLeadingSlash = P => P.startsWith('/') ? P.slice(1) : P;
+  // This should be called on values which are going to be passed to
+  // path.relative, because relative will resolve a leading slash as the root
+  // directory of the working device, which we aren't looking for here.
+  const trimLeadingSlash = (P) => (P.startsWith('/') ? P.slice(1) : P);
-    const generateTo = (fromPath, fromGroup) => {
-        const A = trimLeadingSlash(fromPath);
+  const generateTo = (fromPath, fromGroup) => {
+    const A = trimLeadingSlash(fromPath);
-        const rebasePrefix = '../'.repeat((fromGroup.prefix || '').split('/').filter(Boolean).length);
+    const rebasePrefix = '../'
+      .repeat((fromGroup.prefix || '').split('/').filter(Boolean).length);
-        const pathHelper = (toPath, toGroup) => {
-            let B = trimLeadingSlash(toPath);
+    const pathHelper = (toPath, toGroup) => {
+      let B = trimLeadingSlash(toPath);
-            let argIndex = 0;
-            B = B.replaceAll('<>', () => `<${argIndex++}>`);
+      let argIndex = 0;
+      B = B.replaceAll('<>', () => `<${argIndex++}>`);
-            if (toGroup.prefix !== fromGroup.prefix) {
-                // TODO: Handle differing domains in prefixes.
-                B = rebasePrefix + (toGroup.prefix || '') + B;
-            }
-            const suffix = (toPath.endsWith('/') ? '/' : '');
+      if (toGroup.prefix !== fromGroup.prefix) {
+        // TODO: Handle differing domains in prefixes.
+        B = rebasePrefix + (toGroup.prefix || '') + B;
+      }
-            return {
-                posix: path.posix.relative(A, B) + suffix,
-                device: path.relative(A, B) + suffix
-            };
-        };
+      const suffix = toPath.endsWith('/') ? '/' : '';
-        const groupSymbol = Symbol();
+      return {
+        posix: path.posix.relative(A, B) + suffix,
+        device: path.relative(A, B) + suffix,
+      };
+    };
-        const groupHelper = urlGroup => ({
-            [groupSymbol]: urlGroup,
-            ...withEntries(urlGroup.paths, entries => entries
-                .map(([key, path]) => [key, pathHelper(path, urlGroup)]))
+    const groupSymbol = Symbol();
+    const groupHelper = (urlGroup) => ({
+      [groupSymbol]: urlGroup,
+      ...withEntries(urlGroup.paths, (entries) =>
+        entries.map(([key, path]) => [key, pathHelper(path, urlGroup)])
+      ),
+    });
+    const relative = withEntries(urlSpec, (entries) =>
+      entries.map(([key, urlGroup]) => [key, groupHelper(urlGroup)])
+    );
+    const toHelper =
+      ({device}) =>
+      (key, ...args) => {
+        const {
+          value: {
+            [device ? 'device' : 'posix']: template,
+          },
+        } = getValueForFullKey(relative, key);
+        let missing = 0;
+        let result = template.replaceAll(/<([0-9]+)>/g, (match, n) => {
+          if (n < args.length) {
+            const value = args[n];
+            if (device) {
+              return value;
+            } else {
+              let encoded = encodeURIComponent(value);
+              encoded = encoded.replaceAll('%2F', '/');
+              return encoded;
+            }
+          } else {
+            missing++;
+          }
-        const relative = withEntries(urlSpec, entries => entries
-            .map(([key, urlGroup]) => [key, groupHelper(urlGroup)]));
-        const toHelper = (delimiterMode) => (key, ...args) => {
-            const {
-                value: {[delimiterMode]: template}
-            } = getValueForFullKey(relative, key);
-            let missing = 0;
-            let result = template.replaceAll(/<([0-9]+)>/g, (match, n) => {
-                if (n < args.length) {
-                    return args[n];
-                } else {
-                    missing++;
-                }
-            });
-            if (missing) {
-                throw new Error(`Expected ${missing + args.length} arguments, got ${args.length} (key ${key}, args [${args}])`);
-            }
+        if (missing) {
+          throw new Error(
+            `Expected ${missing + args.length} arguments, got ${
+              args.length
+            } (key ${key}, args [${args}])`
+          );
+        }
-            return result;
-        };
+        return result;
+      };
-        return {
-            to: toHelper('posix'),
-            toDevice: toHelper('device')
-        };
+    return {
+      to: toHelper({device: false}),
+      toDevice: toHelper({device: true}),
+  };
-    const generateFrom = () => {
-        const map = withEntries(urlSpec, entries => entries
-            .map(([key, group]) => [key, withEntries(group.paths, entries => entries
-                .map(([key, path]) => [key, generateTo(path, group)])
-            )]));
+  const generateFrom = () => {
+    const map = withEntries(
+      urlSpec,
+      (entries) => entries.map(([key, group]) => [
+        key,
+        withEntries(group.paths, (entries) =>
+          entries.map(([key, path]) => [key, generateTo(path, group)])
+        ),
+      ]));
-        const from = key => getValueForFullKey(map, key).value;
+    const from = (key) => getValueForFullKey(map, key).value;
-        return {from, map};
-    };
+    return {from, map};
+  };
-    return generateFrom();
+  return generateFrom();
-const thumbnailHelper = name => file =>
-    file.replace(/\.(jpg|png)$/, name + '.jpg');
+const thumbnailHelper = (name) => (file) =>
+  file.replace(/\.(jpg|png)$/, name + '.jpg');
 export const thumb = {
-    medium: thumbnailHelper('.medium'),
-    small: thumbnailHelper('.small')
+  large: thumbnailHelper('.large'),
+  medium: thumbnailHelper('.medium'),
+  small: thumbnailHelper('.small'),
+// Makes the generally-used and wiki-specialized "to" page utility.
+// "to" returns a relative path from the current page to the target.
+export function getURLsFrom({
+  baseDirectory,
+  pagePath,
+  urls,
+}) {
+  const pageSubKey = pagePath[0];
+  const subdirectoryPrefix = getPageSubdirectoryPrefix({pagePath});
+  return (targetFullKey, ...args) => {
+    const [groupKey, subKey] = targetFullKey.split('.');
+    let from, to;
+    // When linking to *outside* the localized area of the site, we need to
+    // make sure the result is correctly relative to the 8ase directory.
+    if (
+      groupKey !== 'localized' &&
+      groupKey !== 'localizedDefaultLanguage' &&
+      baseDirectory
+    ) {
+      from = 'localizedWithBaseDirectory.' + pageSubKey;
+      to = targetFullKey;
+    } else if (groupKey === 'localizedDefaultLanguage' && baseDirectory) {
+      // Special case for specifically linking *from* a page with base
+      // directory *to* a page without! Used for the language switcher and
+      // hopefully nothing else oh god.
+      from = 'localizedWithBaseDirectory.' + pageSubKey;
+      to = 'localized.' + subKey;
+    } else if (groupKey === 'localizedDefaultLanguage') {
+      // Linking to the default, except surprise, we're already IN the default
+      // (no baseDirectory set).
+      from = 'localized.' + pageSubKey;
+      to = 'localized.' + subKey;
+    } else {
+      // If we're linking inside the localized area (or there just is no
+      // 8ase directory), the 8ase directory doesn't matter.
+      from = 'localized.' + pageSubKey;
+      to = targetFullKey;
+    }
+    return (
+      subdirectoryPrefix +
+      urls.from(from).to(to, ...args));
+  };
+// Makes the generally-used and wiki-specialized "absoluteTo" page utility.
+// "absoluteTo" returns an absolute path, starting at site root (/) leading
+// to the target.
+export function getURLsFromRoot({
+  baseDirectory,
+  urls,
+}) {
+  const {to} = urls.from('shared.root');
+  return (targetFullKey, ...args) => {
+    const [groupKey, subKey] = targetFullKey.split('.');
+    return (
+      '/' +
+      (groupKey === 'localized' && baseDirectory
+        ? to(
+            'localizedWithBaseDirectory.' + subKey,
+            baseDirectory,
+            ...args
+          )
+        : to(targetFullKey, ...args))
+    );
+  };
+export function getPagePathname({
+  baseDirectory,
+  device = false,
+  pagePath,
+  urls,
+}) {
+  const {[device ? 'toDevice' : 'to']: to} = urls.from('shared.root');
+  return (baseDirectory
+    ? to('localizedWithBaseDirectory.' + pagePath[0], baseDirectory, ...pagePath.slice(1))
+    : to('localized.' + pagePath[0], ...pagePath.slice(1)));
+// Needed for the rare path arguments which themselves contains one or more
+// slashes, e.g. for listings, with arguments like 'albums/by-name'.
+export function getPageSubdirectoryPrefix({
+  pagePath,
+}) {
+  const timesNestedDeeply = (pagePath
+    .slice(1) // skip URL key, only check arguments
+    .join('/')
+    .split('/')
+    .length - 1);
+  return '../'.repeat(timesNestedDeeply);
diff --git a/src/util/wiki-data.js b/src/util/wiki-data.js
index b4f7f21..f8ab3ef 100644
--- a/src/util/wiki-data.js
+++ b/src/util/wiki-data.js
@@ -1,126 +1,119 @@
 // Utility functions for interacting with wiki data.
+import {accumulateSum, empty} from './sugar.js';
+import {sortByDate} from './sort.js';
+// This is a duplicate binding of filterMultipleArrays that's included purely
+// to leave wiki-data.js compatible with the release build of HSMusic.
+// Sorry! This is really ridiculous!! If the next update after 10/25/2023 has
+// released, this binding is no longer needed!
+export {filterMultipleArrays} from './sugar.js';
 // Generic value operations
 export function getKebabCase(name) {
-    return name
-        .split(' ')
-        .join('-')
-        .replace(/&/g, 'and')
-        .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/g, '')
-        .replace(/-{2,}/g, '-')
-        .replace(/^-+|-+$/g, '')
-        .toLowerCase();
+  return name
-export function chunkByConditions(array, conditions) {
-    if (array.length === 0) {
-        return [];
-    } else if (conditions.length === 0) {
-        return [array];
-    }
+    // Spaces to dashes
+    .split(' ')
+    .join('-')
-    const out = [];
-    let cur = [array[0]];
-    for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
-        const item = array[i];
-        const prev = array[i - 1];
-        let chunk = false;
-        for (const condition of conditions) {
-            if (condition(item, prev)) {
-                chunk = true;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (chunk) {
-            out.push(cur);
-            cur = [item];
-        } else {
-            cur.push(item);
-        }
-    }
-    out.push(cur);
-    return out;
+    // Punctuation as words
+    .replace(/&/g, '-and-')
+    .replace(/\+/g, '-plus-')
+    .replace(/%/g, '-percent-')
-export function chunkByProperties(array, properties) {
-    return chunkByConditions(array, properties.map(p => (a, b) => {
-        if (a[p] instanceof Date && b[p] instanceof Date)
-            return +a[p] !== +b[p];
+    // Punctuation which only divides words, not single characters
+    .replace(/(\b[^\s-.]{2,})\./g, '$1-')
+    .replace(/\.([^\s-.]{2,})\b/g, '-$1')
-        if (a[p] !== b[p]) return true;
+    // Punctuation which doesn't divide a number following a non-number
+    .replace(/(?<=[0-9])\^/g, '-')
+    .replace(/\^(?![0-9])/g, '-')
-        // Not sure if this line is still necessary with the specific check for
-        // d8tes a8ove, 8ut, uh, keeping it anyway, just in case....?
-        if (a[p] != b[p]) return true;
+    // General punctuation which always separates surrounding words
+    .replace(/[/@#$%*()_=,[\]{}|\\;:<>?`~]/g, '-')
-        return false;
-    }))
-        .map(chunk => ({
-            ...Object.fromEntries(properties.map(p => [p, chunk[0][p]])),
-            chunk
-        }));
+    // Accented characters
+    .replace(/[áâäàå]/gi, 'a')
+    .replace(/[çč]/gi, 'c')
+    .replace(/[éêëè]/gi, 'e')
+    .replace(/[íîïì]/gi, 'i')
+    .replace(/[óôöò]/gi, 'o')
+    .replace(/[úûüù]/gi, 'u')
-// Sorting functions
+    // Strip other characters
+    .replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/gi, '')
-export function sortByName(a, b) {
-    let an = a.name.toLowerCase();
-    let bn = b.name.toLowerCase();
-    if (an.startsWith('the ')) an = an.slice(4);
-    if (bn.startsWith('the ')) bn = bn.slice(4);
-    return an < bn ? -1 : an > bn ? 1 : 0;
+    // Combine consecutive dashes
+    .replace(/-{2,}/g, '-')
-// This function was originally made to sort just al8um data, 8ut its exact
-// code works fine for sorting tracks too, so I made the varia8les and names
-// more general.
-export function sortByDate(data, dateKey = 'date') {
-    // Just to 8e clear: sort is a mutating function! I only return the array
-    // 8ecause then you don't have to define it as a separate varia8le 8efore
-    // passing it into this function.
-    return data.sort(({ [dateKey]: a }, { [dateKey]: b }) => {
-        // It's possible for objects with and without dates to be mixed
-        // together in the same array. If that's the case, we put all items
-        // without dates at the end.
-        if (a && b) {
-            return a - b;
-        } else if (a) {
-            return -1;
-        } else if (b) {
-            return 1;
-        } else {
-            // If neither of the items being compared have a date, don't move
-            // them relative to each other. This is basically the same as
-            // filtering out all non-date items and then pushing them at the
-            // end after sorting the rest.
-            return 0;
-        }
-    });
+    // Trim dashes on boundaries
+    .replace(/^-+|-+$/g, '')
-// Same details as the sortByDate, 8ut for covers~
-export function sortByArtDate(data) {
-    return data.sort((a, b) => (a.coverArtDate || a.date) - (b.coverArtDate || b.date));
+    // Always lowercase
+    .toLowerCase();
 // Specific data utilities
+// Matches heading details from commentary data in roughly the formats:
+//    <i>artistReference:</i> (annotation, date)
+//    <i>artistReference|artistDisplayText:</i> (annotation, date)
+// where capturing group "annotation" can be any text at all, except that the
+// last entry (past a comma or the only content within parentheses), if parsed
+// as a date, is the capturing group "date". "Parsing as a date" means matching
+// one of these formats:
+//   * "25 December 2019" - one or two number digits, followed by any text,
+//     followed by four number digits
+//   * "December 25, 2019" - one all-letters word, a space, one or two number
+//     digits, a comma, and four number digits
+//   * "12/25/2019" etc - three sets of one to four number digits, separated
+//     by slashes or dashes (only valid orders are MM/DD/YYYY and YYYY/MM/DD)
+// Note that the annotation and date are always wrapped by one opening and one
+// closing parentheses. The whole heading does NOT need to match the entire
+// line it occupies (though it does always start at the first position on that
+// line), and if there is more than one closing parenthesis on the line, the
+// annotation will always cut off only at the last parenthesis, or a comma
+// preceding a date and then the last parenthesis. This is to ensure that
+// parentheses can be part of the actual annotation content.
+// Capturing group "artistReference" is all the characters between <i> and </i>
+// (apart from the pipe and "artistDisplayText" text, if present), and is either
+// the name of an artist or an "artist:directory"-style reference.
+// This regular expression *doesn't* match bodies, which will need to be parsed
+// out of the original string based on the indices matched using this.
+const commentaryRegexRaw =
+  String.raw`^<i>(?<artistReferences>.+?)(?:\|(?<artistDisplayText>.+))?:<\/i>(?: \((?<annotation>(?:.*?(?=,|\)[^)]*$))*?)(?:,? ?(?<date>[a-zA-Z]+ [0-9]{1,2}, [0-9]{4,4}|[0-9]{1,2} [^,]*[0-9]{4,4}|[0-9]{1,4}[-/][0-9]{1,4}[-/][0-9]{1,4}))?\))?`;
+export const commentaryRegexCaseInsensitive =
+  new RegExp(commentaryRegexRaw, 'gmi');
+export const commentaryRegexCaseSensitive =
+  new RegExp(commentaryRegexRaw, 'gm');
+export const commentaryRegexCaseSensitiveOneShot =
+  new RegExp(commentaryRegexRaw);
 export function filterAlbumsByCommentary(albums) {
-    return albums.filter(album => [album, ...album.tracks].some(x => x.commentary));
+  return albums
+    .filter((album) => [album, ...album.tracks].some((x) => x.commentary));
 export function getAlbumCover(album, {to}) {
-    // Some albums don't have art! This function returns null in that case.
-    if (album.hasCoverArt) {
-        return to('media.albumCover', album.directory, album.coverArtFileExtension);
-    } else {
-        return null;
-    }
+  // Some albums don't have art! This function returns null in that case.
+  if (album.hasCoverArt) {
+    return to('media.albumCover', album.directory, album.coverArtFileExtension);
+  } else {
+    return null;
+  }
 export function getAlbumListTag(album) {
-    return (album.hasTrackNumbers ? 'ol' : 'ul');
+  return album.hasTrackNumbers ? 'ol' : 'ul';
 // This gets all the track o8jects defined in every al8um, and sorts them 8y
@@ -141,164 +134,269 @@ export function getAlbumListTag(album) {
 // d8s, 8ut still keep the al8um listing in a specific order, since that isn't
 // sorted 8y date.
 export function getAllTracks(albumData) {
-    return sortByDate(albumData.flatMap(album => album.tracks));
+  return sortByDate(albumData.flatMap((album) => album.tracks));
 export function getArtistNumContributions(artist) {
-    return (
-        (artist.tracksAsAny?.length ?? 0) +
-        (artist.albumsAsCoverArtist?.length ?? 0) +
-        (artist.flashesAsContributor?.length ?? 0)
-    );
-export function getArtistCommentary(artist, {justEverythingMan}) {
-    return justEverythingMan.filter(thing =>
-        (thing?.commentary
-            .replace(/<\/?b>/g, '')
-            .includes('<i>' + artist.name + ':</i>')));
+  return (
+    (artist.tracksAsAny?.length ?? 0) +
+    (artist.albumsAsCoverArtist?.length ?? 0) +
+    (artist.flashesAsContributor?.length ?? 0)
+  );
 export function getFlashCover(flash, {to}) {
-    return to('media.flashArt', flash.directory, flash.coverArtFileExtension);
+  return to('media.flashArt', flash.directory, flash.coverArtFileExtension);
 export function getFlashLink(flash) {
-    return `https://homestuck.com/story/${flash.page}`;
+  return `https://homestuck.com/story/${flash.page}`;
-export function getTotalDuration(tracks) {
-    return tracks.reduce((duration, track) => duration + track.duration, 0);
+export function getTotalDuration(tracks, {
+  originalReleasesOnly = false,
+} = {}) {
+  if (originalReleasesOnly) {
+    tracks = tracks.filter(t => !t.originalReleaseTrack);
+  }
+  return accumulateSum(tracks, track => track.duration);
 export function getTrackCover(track, {to}) {
-    // Some albums don't have any track art at all, and in those, every track
-    // just inherits the album's own cover art. Note that since cover art isn't
-    // guaranteed on albums either, it's possible that this function returns
-    // null!
-    if (!track.hasCoverArt) {
-        return getAlbumCover(track.album, {to});
-    } else {
-        return to('media.trackCover', track.album.directory, track.directory, track.coverArtFileExtension);
-    }
+  // Some albums don't have any track art at all, and in those, every track
+  // just inherits the album's own cover art. Note that since cover art isn't
+  // guaranteed on albums either, it's possible that this function returns
+  // null!
+  if (!track.hasUniqueCoverArt) {
+    return getAlbumCover(track.album, {to});
+  } else {
+    return to('media.trackCover', track.album.directory, track.directory, track.coverArtFileExtension);
+  }
 export function getArtistAvatar(artist, {to}) {
-    return to('media.artistAvatar', artist.directory, artist.avatarFileExtension);
+  return to('media.artistAvatar', artist.directory, artist.avatarFileExtension);
 // Big-ass homepage row functions
-export function getNewAdditions(numAlbums, {wikiData}) {
-    const { albumData } = wikiData;
-    // Sort al8ums, in descending order of priority, 8y...
-    //
-    // * D8te of addition to the wiki (descending).
-    // * Major releases first.
-    // * D8te of release (descending).
-    //
-    // Major releases go first to 8etter ensure they show up in the list (and
-    // are usually at the start of the final output for a given d8 of release
-    // too).
-    const sortedAlbums = albumData.filter(album => album.isListedOnHomepage).sort((a, b) => {
-        if (a.dateAddedToWiki > b.dateAddedToWiki) return -1;
-        if (a.dateAddedToWiki < b.dateAddedToWiki) return 1;
-        if (a.isMajorRelease && !b.isMajorRelease) return -1;
-        if (!a.isMajorRelease && b.isMajorRelease) return 1;
-        if (a.date > b.date) return -1;
-        if (a.date < b.date) return 1;
+export function getNewAdditions(numAlbums, {albumData}) {
+  const sortedAlbums = albumData
+    .filter((album) => album.isListedOnHomepage)
+    .sort((a, b) => {
+      if (a.dateAddedToWiki > b.dateAddedToWiki) return -1;
+      if (a.dateAddedToWiki < b.dateAddedToWiki) return 1;
+      if (a.date > b.date) return -1;
+      if (a.date < b.date) return 1;
+      return 0;
-    // When multiple al8ums are added to the wiki at a time, we want to show
-    // all of them 8efore pulling al8ums from the next (earlier) date. We also
-    // want to show a diverse selection of al8ums - with limited space, we'd
-    // rather not show only the latest al8ums, if those happen to all 8e
-    // closely rel8ted!
-    //
-    // Specifically, we're concerned with avoiding too much overlap amongst
-    // the primary (first/top-most) group. We do this 8y collecting every
-    // primary group present amongst the al8ums for a given d8 into one
-    // (ordered) array, initially sorted (inherently) 8y latest al8um from
-    // the group. Then we cycle over the array, adding one al8um from each
-    // group until all the al8ums from that release d8 have 8een added (or
-    // we've met the total target num8er of al8ums). Once we've added all the
-    // al8ums for a given group, it's struck from the array (so the groups
-    // with the most additions on one d8 will have their oldest releases
-    // collected more towards the end of the list).
-    const albums = [];
-    let i = 0;
-    outerLoop: while (i < sortedAlbums.length) {
-        // 8uild up a list of groups and their al8ums 8y order of decending
-        // release, iter8ting until we're on a different d8. (We use a map for
-        // indexing so we don't have to iter8te through the entire array each
-        // time we access one of its entries. This is 8asically unnecessary
-        // since this will never 8e an expensive enough task for that to
-        // matter.... 8ut it's nicer code. BBBB) )
-        const currentDate = sortedAlbums[i].dateAddedToWiki;
-        const groupMap = new Map();
-        const groupArray = [];
-        for (let album; (album = sortedAlbums[i]) && +album.dateAddedToWiki === +currentDate; i++) {
-            const primaryGroup = album.groups[0];
-            if (groupMap.has(primaryGroup)) {
-                groupMap.get(primaryGroup).push(album);
-            } else {
-                const entry = [album]
-                groupMap.set(primaryGroup, entry);
-                groupArray.push(entry);
-            }
+  // When multiple al8ums are added to the wiki at a time, we want to show
+  // all of them 8efore pulling al8ums from the next (earlier) date. We also
+  // want to show a diverse selection of al8ums - with limited space, we'd
+  // rather not show only the latest al8ums, if those happen to all 8e
+  // closely rel8ted!
+  //
+  // Specifically, we're concerned with avoiding too much overlap amongst
+  // the primary (first/top-most) group. We do this 8y collecting every
+  // primary group present amongst the al8ums for a given d8 into one
+  // (ordered) array, initially sorted (inherently) 8y latest al8um from
+  // the group. Then we cycle over the array, adding one al8um from each
+  // group until all the al8ums from that release d8 have 8een added (or
+  // we've met the total target num8er of al8ums). Once we've added all the
+  // al8ums for a given group, it's struck from the array (so the groups
+  // with the most additions on one d8 will have their oldest releases
+  // collected more towards the end of the list).
+  const albums = [];
+  let i = 0;
+  outerLoop: while (i < sortedAlbums.length) {
+    // 8uild up a list of groups and their al8ums 8y order of decending
+    // release, iter8ting until we're on a different d8. (We use a map for
+    // indexing so we don't have to iter8te through the entire array each
+    // time we access one of its entries. This is 8asically unnecessary
+    // since this will never 8e an expensive enough task for that to
+    // matter.... 8ut it's nicer code. BBBB) )
+    const currentDate = sortedAlbums[i].dateAddedToWiki;
+    const groupMap = new Map();
+    const groupArray = [];
+    for (let album; (album = sortedAlbums[i]) && +album.dateAddedToWiki === +currentDate; i++) {
+      const primaryGroup = album.groups[0];
+      if (groupMap.has(primaryGroup)) {
+        groupMap.get(primaryGroup).push(album);
+      } else {
+        const entry = [album];
+        groupMap.set(primaryGroup, entry);
+        groupArray.push(entry);
+      }
+    }
+    // Then cycle over that sorted array, adding one al8um from each to
+    // the main array until we've run out or have met the target num8er
+    // of al8ums.
+    while (!empty(groupArray)) {
+      let j = 0;
+      while (j < groupArray.length) {
+        const entry = groupArray[j];
+        const album = entry.shift();
+        albums.push(album);
+        // This is the only time we ever add anything to the main al8um
+        // list, so it's also the only place we need to check if we've
+        // met the target length.
+        if (albums.length === numAlbums) {
+          // If we've met it, 8r8k out of the outer loop - we're done
+          // here!
+          break outerLoop;
-        // Then cycle over that sorted array, adding one al8um from each to
-        // the main array until we've run out or have met the target num8er
-        // of al8ums.
-        while (groupArray.length) {
-            let j = 0;
-            while (j < groupArray.length) {
-                const entry = groupArray[j];
-                const album = entry.shift();
-                albums.push(album);
-                // This is the only time we ever add anything to the main al8um
-                // list, so it's also the only place we need to check if we've
-                // met the target length.
-                if (albums.length === numAlbums) {
-                    // If we've met it, 8r8k out of the outer loop - we're done
-                    // here!
-                    break outerLoop;
-                }
-                if (entry.length) {
-                    j++;
-                } else {
-                    groupArray.splice(j, 1);
-                }
-            }
+        if (empty(entry)) {
+          groupArray.splice(j, 1);
+        } else {
+          j++;
+      }
+  }
-    // Finally, do some quick mapping shenanigans to 8etter display the result
-    // in a grid. (This should pro8a8ly 8e a separ8te, shared function, 8ut
-    // whatevs.)
-    return albums.map(album => ({large: album.isMajorRelease, item: album}));
+  return albums;
-export function getNewReleases(numReleases, {wikiData}) {
-    const { albumData } = wikiData;
+export function getNewReleases(numReleases, {albumData}) {
+  return albumData
+    .filter((album) => album.isListedOnHomepage)
+    .reverse()
+    .slice(0, numReleases);
+// Carousel layout and utilities
+// Layout constants:
+// Carousels support fitting 4-18 items, with a few "dead" zones to watch out
+// for, namely when a multiple of 6, 5, or 4 columns would drop the last tiles.
+// Carousels are limited to 1-3 rows and 4-6 columns.
+// Lower edge case: 1-3 items are treated as 4 items (with blank space).
+// Upper edge case: all items past 18 are dropped (treated as 18 items).
+// This is all done through JS instead of CSS because it's just... ANNOYING...
+// to write a mapping like this in CSS lol.
+const carouselLayoutMap = [
+  // 0-3
+  null, null, null, null,
+  // 4-6
+  {rows: 1, columns: 4}, //  4: 1x4, drop 0
+  {rows: 1, columns: 5}, //  5: 1x5, drop 0
+  {rows: 1, columns: 6}, //  6: 1x6, drop 0
+  // 7-12
+  {rows: 1, columns: 6}, //  7: 1x6, drop 1
+  {rows: 2, columns: 4}, //  8: 2x4, drop 0
+  {rows: 2, columns: 4}, //  9: 2x4, drop 1
+  {rows: 2, columns: 5}, // 10: 2x5, drop 0
+  {rows: 2, columns: 5}, // 11: 2x5, drop 1
+  {rows: 2, columns: 6}, // 12: 2x6, drop 0
+  // 13-18
+  {rows: 2, columns: 6}, // 13: 2x6, drop 1
+  {rows: 2, columns: 6}, // 14: 2x6, drop 2
+  {rows: 3, columns: 5}, // 15: 3x5, drop 0
+  {rows: 3, columns: 5}, // 16: 3x5, drop 1
+  {rows: 3, columns: 5}, // 17: 3x5, drop 2
+  {rows: 3, columns: 6}, // 18: 3x6, drop 0
+const minCarouselLayoutItems = carouselLayoutMap.findIndex(x => x !== null);
+const maxCarouselLayoutItems = carouselLayoutMap.length - 1;
+const shortestCarouselLayout = carouselLayoutMap[minCarouselLayoutItems];
+const longestCarouselLayout = carouselLayoutMap[maxCarouselLayoutItems];
+export function getCarouselLayoutForNumberOfItems(numItems) {
+  return (
+    numItems < minCarouselLayoutItems ? shortestCarouselLayout :
+    numItems > maxCarouselLayoutItems ? longestCarouselLayout :
+    carouselLayoutMap[numItems]);
+export function filterItemsForCarousel(items) {
+  if (empty(items)) {
+    return [];
+  }
+  return items
+    .filter(item => item.hasCoverArt)
+    .filter(item => item.artTags.every(tag => !tag.isContentWarning))
+    .slice(0, maxCarouselLayoutItems + 1);
-    const latestFirst = albumData.filter(album => album.isListedOnHomepage).reverse();
-    const majorReleases = latestFirst.filter(album => album.isMajorRelease);
-    majorReleases.splice(1);
+// Ridiculous caching support nonsense
-    const otherReleases = latestFirst
-        .filter(album => !majorReleases.includes(album))
-        .slice(0, numReleases - majorReleases.length);
+export class TupleMap {
+  static maxNestedTupleLength = 25;
-    return [
-        ...majorReleases.map(album => ({large: true, item: album})),
-        ...otherReleases.map(album => ({large: false, item: album}))
-    ];
+  #store = [undefined, null, null, null];
+  #lifetime(value) {
+    if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length <= TupleMap.maxNestedTupleLength) {
+      return 'tuple';
+    } else if (
+      typeof value === 'object' && value !== null ||
+      typeof value === 'function'
+    ) {
+      return 'weak';
+    } else {
+      return 'strong';
+    }
+  }
+  #getSubstoreShallow(value, store) {
+    const lifetime = this.#lifetime(value);
+    const mapIndex = {weak: 1, strong: 2, tuple: 3}[lifetime];
+    let map = store[mapIndex];
+    if (map === null) {
+      map = store[mapIndex] =
+        (lifetime === 'weak' ? new WeakMap()
+       : lifetime === 'strong' ? new Map()
+       : lifetime === 'tuple' ? new TupleMap()
+       : null);
+    }
+    if (map.has(value)) {
+      return map.get(value);
+    } else {
+      const substore = [undefined, null, null, null];
+      map.set(value, substore);
+      return substore;
+    }
+  }
+  #getSubstoreDeep(tuple, store = this.#store) {
+    if (tuple.length === 0) {
+      return store;
+    } else {
+      const [first, ...rest] = tuple;
+      return this.#getSubstoreDeep(rest, this.#getSubstoreShallow(first, store));
+    }
+  }
+  get(tuple) {
+    const store = this.#getSubstoreDeep(tuple);
+    return store[0];
+  }
+  has(tuple) {
+    const store = this.#getSubstoreDeep(tuple);
+    return store[0] !== undefined;
+  }
+  set(tuple, value) {
+    const store = this.#getSubstoreDeep(tuple);
+    store[0] = value;
+    return value;
+  }