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path: root/src/util/replacer.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/util/replacer.js')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/replacer.js b/src/util/replacer.js
index 50a90004..7240940d 100644
--- a/src/util/replacer.js
+++ b/src/util/replacer.js
@@ -1,23 +1,6 @@
 import {logError, logWarn} from './cli.js';
 import {escapeRegex} from './sugar.js';
-export function validateReplacerSpec(replacerSpec, {find, link}) {
-  let success = true;
-  for (const [key, {link: linkKey, find: findKey, html}] of Object.entries(replacerSpec)) {
-    if (!html && !link[linkKey]) {
-      logError`The replacer spec ${key} has invalid link key ${linkKey}! Specify it in link specs or fix typo.`;
-      success = false;
-    }
-    if (findKey && !find[findKey]) {
-      logError`The replacer spec ${key} has invalid find key ${findKey}! Specify it in find specs or fix typo.`;
-      success = false;
-    }
-  }
-  return success;
 // Syntax literals.
 const tagBeginning = '[[';
 const tagEnding = ']]';
@@ -292,13 +275,157 @@ function parseNodes(input, i, stopAt, textOnly) {
   return nodes;
+function parseAttributes(string) {
+  const attributes = Object.create(null);
+  const skipWhitespace = i => {
+    if (!/\s/.test(string[i])) {
+      return i;
+    }
+    const match = string.slice(i).match(/[^\s]/);
+    if (match) {
+      return i + match.index;
+    }
+    return string.length;
+  };
+  for (let i = 0; i < string.length; ) {
+    i = skipWhitespace(i);
+    const aStart = i;
+    const aEnd = i + string.slice(i).match(/[\s=]|$/).index;
+    const attribute = string.slice(aStart, aEnd);
+    i = skipWhitespace(aEnd);
+    if (string[i] === '=') {
+      i = skipWhitespace(i + 1);
+      let end, endOffset;
+      if (string[i] === '"' || string[i] === "'") {
+        end = string[i];
+        endOffset = 1;
+        i++;
+      } else {
+        end = '\\s';
+        endOffset = 0;
+      }
+      const vStart = i;
+      const vEnd = i + string.slice(i).match(new RegExp(`${end}|$`)).index;
+      const value = string.slice(vStart, vEnd);
+      i = vEnd + endOffset;
+      attributes[attribute] = value;
+    } else {
+      attributes[attribute] = attribute;
+    }
+  }
+  return (
+    Object.fromEntries(
+      Object.entries(attributes)
+        .map(([key, val]) => [
+          key,
+          val === 'true'
+            ? true
+            : val === 'false'
+            ? false
+            : val === key
+            ? true
+            : val,
+        ])));
+export function postprocessImages(inputNodes) {
+  const outputNodes = [];
+  let atStartOfLine = true;
+  const lastNode = inputNodes[inputNodes.length - 1];
+  for (const node of inputNodes) {
+    if (node.type === 'tag') {
+      atStartOfLine = false;
+    }
+    if (node.type === 'text') {
+      const imageRegexp = /<img (.*?)>/g;
+      let match = null, parseFrom = 0;
+      while (match = imageRegexp.exec(node.data)) {
+        const previousText = node.data.slice(parseFrom, match.index);
+        outputNodes.push({type: 'text', data: previousText});
+        parseFrom = match.index + match[0].length;
+        const imageNode = {type: 'image'};
+        const attributes = parseAttributes(match[1]);
+        imageNode.src = attributes.src;
+        if (previousText.endsWith('\n')) {
+          atStartOfLine = true;
+        }
+        imageNode.inline = (() => {
+          // If we've already determined we're in the middle of a line,
+          // we're inline. (Of course!)
+          if (!atStartOfLine) {
+            return true;
+          }
+          // If there's more text to go in this text node, and what's
+          // remaining doesn't start with a line break, we're inline.
+          if (
+            parseFrom !== node.data.length &&
+            node.data[parseFrom] !== '\n'
+          ) {
+            return true;
+          }
+          // If we're at the end of this text node, but this text node
+          // isn't the last node overall, we're inline.
+          if (
+            parseFrom === node.data.length &&
+            node !== lastNode
+          ) {
+            return true;
+          }
+          // If no other condition matches, this image is on its own line.
+          return false;
+        })();
+        if (attributes.width) imageNode.width = parseInt(attributes.width);
+        if (attributes.height) imageNode.height = parseInt(attributes.height);
+        outputNodes.push(imageNode);
+        // No longer at the start of a line after an image - there will at
+        // least be a text node with only '\n' before the next image that's
+        // on its own line.
+        atStartOfLine = false;
+      }
+      if (parseFrom !== node.data.length) {
+        outputNodes.push({
+          type: 'text',
+          data: node.data.slice(parseFrom),
+        });
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    outputNodes.push(node);
+  }
+  return outputNodes;
 export function parseInput(input) {
   if (typeof input !== 'string') {
     throw new TypeError(`Expected input to be string, got ${input}`);
   try {
-    return parseNodes(input, 0);
+    return postprocessImages(parseNodes(input, 0));
   } catch (errorNode) {
     if (errorNode.type !== 'error') {
       throw errorNode;
@@ -334,124 +461,3 @@ export function parseInput(input) {
-function evaluateTag(node, opts) {
-  const {find, input, language, link, replacerSpec, to} = opts;
-  const source = input.slice(node.i, node.iEnd);
-  const replacerKeyImplied = !node.data.replacerKey;
-  const replacerKey = replacerKeyImplied ? 'track' : node.data.replacerKey.data;
-  if (!replacerSpec[replacerKey]) {
-    logWarn`The link ${source} has an invalid replacer key!`;
-    return source;
-  }
-  const {
-    find: findKey,
-    link: linkKey,
-    value: valueFn,
-    html: htmlFn,
-    transformName,
-  } = replacerSpec[replacerKey];
-  const replacerValue = transformNodes(node.data.replacerValue, opts);
-  const value = valueFn
-    ? valueFn(replacerValue)
-    : findKey
-    ? find[findKey](
-        replacerKeyImplied ? replacerValue : replacerKey + `:` + replacerValue
-      )
-    : {
-        directory: replacerValue,
-        name: null,
-      };
-  if (!value) {
-    logWarn`The link ${source} does not match anything!`;
-    return source;
-  }
-  const enteredLabel = node.data.label && transformNode(node.data.label, opts);
-  const label =
-    enteredLabel ||
-    (transformName && transformName(value.name, node, input)) ||
-    null;
-  const hash = node.data.hash && transformNode(node.data.hash, opts);
-  const args =
-    node.data.args &&
-    Object.fromEntries(
-      node.data.args.map(({key, value}) => [
-        transformNode(key, opts),
-        transformNodes(value, opts),
-      ])
-    );
-  const fn = htmlFn ? htmlFn : link[linkKey];
-  try {
-    return fn(value, {text: label, hash, args, language, to});
-  } catch (error) {
-    logError`The link ${source} failed to be processed: ${error}`;
-    return source;
-  }
-function transformNode(node, opts) {
-  if (!node) {
-    throw new Error('Expected a node!');
-  }
-  if (Array.isArray(node)) {
-    throw new Error('Got an array - use transformNodes here!');
-  }
-  switch (node.type) {
-    case 'text':
-      return node.data;
-    case 'tag':
-      return evaluateTag(node, opts);
-    default:
-      throw new Error(`Unknown node type ${node.type}`);
-  }
-function transformNodes(nodes, opts) {
-  if (!nodes || !Array.isArray(nodes)) {
-    throw new Error(`Expected an array of nodes! Got: ${nodes}`);
-  }
-  return nodes.map((node) => transformNode(node, opts)).join('');
-export function transformInline(input, {
-  replacerSpec,
-  find,
-  language,
-  link,
-  to,
-  wikiData,
-}) {
-  if (!replacerSpec) throw new Error('Expected replacerSpec');
-  if (!find) throw new Error('Expected find');
-  if (!language) throw new Error('Expected language');
-  if (!link) throw new Error('Expected link');
-  if (!to) throw new Error('Expected to');
-  if (!wikiData) throw new Error('Expected wikiData');
-  const nodes = parseInput(input);
-  return transformNodes(nodes, {
-    input,
-    find,
-    link,
-    replacerSpec,
-    language,
-    to,
-    wikiData,
-  });