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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2017 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/html.js b/src/util/html.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fe424df..00000000
--- a/src/util/html.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2017 +0,0 @@
-// Some really, really simple functions for formatting HTML content.
-import {inspect} from 'node:util';
-import {withAggregate} from '#aggregate';
-import {colors} from '#cli';
-import {empty, typeAppearance, unique} from '#sugar';
-import * as commonValidators from '#validators';
-const {
-  anyOf,
-  is,
-  isArray,
-  isBoolean,
-  isNumber,
-  isString,
-  isSymbol,
-  looseArrayOf,
-  validateAllPropertyValues,
-  validateArrayItems,
-  validateInstanceOf,
-} = commonValidators;
-// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#void-elements
-export const selfClosingTags = [
-  'area',
-  'base',
-  'br',
-  'col',
-  'embed',
-  'hr',
-  'img',
-  'input',
-  'link',
-  'meta',
-  'source',
-  'track',
-  'wbr',
-// Not so comprehensive!!
-export const attributeSpec = {
-  'class': {
-    arraylike: true,
-    join: ' ',
-    unique: true,
-  },
-  'style': {
-    arraylike: true,
-    join: '; ',
-  },
-// Pass to tag() as an attributes key to make tag() return a 8lank tag if the
-// provided content is empty. Useful for when you'll only 8e showing an element
-// according to the presence of content that would 8elong there.
-export const onlyIfContent = Symbol();
-// Pass to tag() as an attributes key to make tag() return a blank tag if
-// this tag doesn't get shown beside any siblings! (I.e, siblings who don't
-// also have the [html.onlyIfSiblings] attribute.) Since they'd just be blank,
-// tags with [html.onlyIfSiblings] never make the difference in counting as
-// content for [html.onlyIfContent]. Useful for <summary> and such.
-export const onlyIfSiblings = Symbol();
-// Pass to tag() as an attributes key to make children be joined together by the
-// provided string. This is handy, for example, for joining lines by <br> tags,
-// or putting some other divider between each child. Note this will only have an
-// effect if the tag content is passed as an array of children and not a single
-// string.
-export const joinChildren = Symbol();
-// Pass to tag() as an attributes key to prevent additional whitespace from
-// being added to the inner start and end of the tag's content - basically,
-// ensuring that the start of the content begins immediately after the ">"
-// ending the opening tag, and ends immediately before the "<" at the start of
-// the closing tag. This has effect when a single child spans multiple lines,
-// or when there are multiple children.
-export const noEdgeWhitespace = Symbol();
-// Pass as a value on an object-shaped set of attributes to indicate that it's
-// always, absolutely, no matter what, a valid attribute addition. It will be
-// completely exempt from validation, which may provide a significant speed
-// Basically, don't use this unless you're 1) providing a constant set of
-// attributes, and 2) writing a very basic building block which loads of other
-// content will build off of!
-export const blessAttributes = Symbol();
-// Don't pass this directly, use html.metatag('blockwrap') instead.
-// Causes *following* content (past the metatag) to be placed inside a span
-// which is styled 'inline-block', which ensures that the words inside the
-// metatag all stay together, line-breaking only if needed, and following
-// text is displayed immediately after the last character of the last line of
-// the metatag (provided there's room on that line for the following word or
-// character).
-export const blockwrap = Symbol();
-// Don't pass this directly, use html.metatag('chunkwrap') instead.
-// Causes *contained* content to be split by the metatag's "split" attribute,
-// and each chunk to be considered its own unit for word wrapping. All these
-// units are *not* wrapped in any containing element, so only the chunks are
-// considered wrappable units, not the entire element!
-export const chunkwrap = Symbol();
-// Don't pass this directly, use html.metatag('imaginary-sibling') instead.
-// A tag without any content, which is completely ignored when serializing,
-// but makes siblings with [onlyIfSiblings] feel less shy and show up on
-// their own, even without a non-blank (and non-onlyIfSiblings) sibling.
-export const imaginarySibling = Symbol();
-// Recursive helper function for isBlank, which basically flattens an array
-// and returns as soon as it finds any content - a non-blank case - and doesn't
-// traverse templates of its own accord. If it doesn't find directly non-blank
-// content nor any templates, it returns true; if it saw templates, but no
-// other content, then those templates are returned in a flat array, to be
-// traversed externally.
-function isBlankArrayHelper(content) {
-  // First look for string items. These are the easiest to
-  // test blankness.
-  const nonStringContent = [];
-  for (const item of content) {
-    if (typeof item === 'string') {
-      if (item.length > 0) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    } else {
-      nonStringContent.push(item);
-    }
-  }
-  // Analyze the content more closely. Put arrays (and
-  // content of tags marked onlyIfContent) into one array,
-  // and templates into another. And if there's anything
-  // else, that's a non-blank condition we'll detect now.
-  // We'll flat-out skip items marked onlyIfSiblings,
-  // since they could never count as content alone
-  // (some other item will have to count).
-  const arrayContent = [];
-  const templateContent = [];
-  for (const item of nonStringContent) {
-    if (item instanceof Tag) {
-      if (item.onlyIfSiblings) {
-        continue;
-      } else if (item.onlyIfContent || item.contentOnly) {
-        arrayContent.push(item.content);
-      } else {
-        return false;
-      }
-    } else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
-      arrayContent.push(item);
-    } else if (item instanceof Template) {
-      templateContent.push(item);
-    } else {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  // Iterate over arrays and tag content recursively.
-  // The result will always be true/false (blank or not),
-  // or an array of templates. Defer accessing templates
-  // until later - we'll check on them from the outside
-  // end only if nothing else matches.
-  for (const item of arrayContent) {
-    const result = isBlankArrayHelper(item);
-    if (result === false) {
-      return false;
-    } else if (Array.isArray(result)) {
-      templateContent.push(...result);
-    }
-  }
-  // Return templates, if there are any. We don't actually
-  // handle the base case of evaluating these templates
-  // inside this recursive function - the topmost caller
-  // will handle that.
-  if (!empty(templateContent)) {
-    return templateContent;
-  }
-  // If there weren't any templates found (as direct or
-  // indirect descendants), then we're good to go!
-  // This content is definitely blank.
-  return true;
-// Checks if the content provided would be represented as nothing if included
-// on a page. This can be used on its own, and is the underlying "interface"
-// layer for specific classes' `blank` getters, so its definition and usage
-// tend to be recursive.
-// Note that this shouldn't be used to infer anything about non-content values
-// (e.g. attributes) - it's only suited for actual page content.
-export function isBlank(content) {
-  if (typeof content === 'string') {
-    return content.length === 0;
-  }
-  if (content instanceof Tag || content instanceof Template) {
-    return content.blank;
-  }
-  if (Array.isArray(content)) {
-    const result = isBlankArrayHelper(content);
-    // If the result is true or false, the helper came to
-    // a conclusive decision on its own.
-    if (typeof result === 'boolean') {
-      return result;
-    }
-    // Otherwise, it couldn't immediately find any content,
-    // but did come across templates that prospectively
-    // could include content. These need to be checked too.
-    // Check each of the templates one at a time.
-    for (const template of result) {
-      const content = template.content;
-      if (content instanceof Tag && content.onlyIfSiblings) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (isBlank(content)) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    // If none of the templates included content either,
-    // then there really isn't any content to find in this
-    // tree at all. It's blank!
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-export const validators = {
-  isBlank(value) {
-    if (!isBlank(value)) {
-      throw new TypeError(`Expected blank content`);
-    }
-    return true;
-  },
-  isTag(value) {
-    return isTag(value);
-  },
-  isTemplate(value) {
-    return isTemplate(value);
-  },
-  isHTML(value) {
-    return isHTML(value);
-  },
-  isAttributes(value) {
-    return isAttributesAdditionSinglet(value);
-  },
-export function blank() {
-  return [];
-export function blankAttributes() {
-  return new Attributes();
-export function tag(tagName, ...args) {
-  const lastArg = args.at(-1);
-  const lastArgIsAttributes =
-    typeof lastArg === 'object' && lastArg !== null &&
-    !Array.isArray(lastArg) &&
-    !(lastArg instanceof Tag) &&
-    !(lastArg instanceof Template);
-  const content =
-    (lastArgIsAttributes
-      ? null
-      : args.at(-1));
-  const attributes =
-    (lastArgIsAttributes
-      ? args
-      : args.slice(0, -1));
-  return new Tag(tagName, attributes, content);
-export function tags(content, ...attributes) {
-  return new Tag(null, attributes, content);
-export function metatag(identifier, ...args) {
-  let content;
-  let opts = {};
-  if (
-    typeof args[0] === 'object' &&
-    !(Array.isArray(args[0]) ||
-      args[0] instanceof Tag ||
-      args[0] instanceof Template)
-  ) {
-    opts = args[0];
-    content = args[1];
-  } else {
-    content = args[0];
-  }
-  switch (identifier) {
-    case 'blockwrap':
-      return new Tag(null, {[blockwrap]: true}, content);
-    case 'chunkwrap':
-      return new Tag(null, {[chunkwrap]: true, ...opts}, content);
-    case 'imaginary-sibling':
-      return new Tag(null, {[imaginarySibling]: true}, content);
-    default:
-      throw new Error(`Unknown metatag "${identifier}"`);
-  }
-export function normalize(content) {
-  return Tag.normalize(content);
-export class Tag {
-  #tagName = '';
-  #content = null;
-  #attributes = null;
-  #traceError = null;
-  constructor(tagName, attributes, content) {
-    this.tagName = tagName;
-    this.attributes = attributes;
-    this.content = content;
-    this.#traceError = new Error();
-  }
-  clone() {
-    return Reflect.construct(this.constructor, [
-      this.tagName,
-      this.attributes,
-      this.content,
-    ]);
-  }
-  set tagName(value) {
-    if (value === undefined || value === null) {
-      this.tagName = '';
-      return;
-    }
-    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
-      throw new Error(`Expected tagName to be a string`);
-    }
-    if (selfClosingTags.includes(value) && this.content.length) {
-      throw new Error(`Tag <${value}> is self-closing but this tag has content`);
-    }
-    this.#tagName = value;
-  }
-  get tagName() {
-    return this.#tagName;
-  }
-  set attributes(attributes) {
-    if (attributes instanceof Attributes) {
-      this.#attributes = attributes;
-    } else {
-      this.#attributes = new Attributes(attributes);
-    }
-  }
-  get attributes() {
-    if (this.#attributes === null) {
-      this.attributes = {};
-    }
-    return this.#attributes;
-  }
-  set content(value) {
-    const contentful =
-      value !== null &&
-      value !== undefined &&
-      value &&
-      (Array.isArray(value)
-        ? !empty(value.filter(Boolean))
-        : true);
-    if (this.selfClosing && contentful) {
-      throw new Error(`Tag <${this.tagName}> is self-closing but got content`);
-    }
-    if (this.imaginarySibling && contentful) {
-      throw new Error(`html.metatag('imaginary-sibling') can't have content`);
-    }
-    const contentArray =
-      (Array.isArray(value)
-        ? value.flat(Infinity).filter(Boolean)
-     : value
-        ? [value]
-        : []);
-    if (this.chunkwrap) {
-      if (contentArray.some(content => content?.blockwrap)) {
-        throw new Error(`No support for blockwrap as a direct descendant of chunkwrap`);
-      }
-    }
-    this.#content = contentArray;
-    this.#content.toString = () => this.#stringifyContent();
-  }
-  get content() {
-    if (this.#content === null) {
-      this.#content = [];
-    }
-    return this.#content;
-  }
-  get selfClosing() {
-    if (this.tagName) {
-      return selfClosingTags.includes(this.tagName);
-    } else {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  get blank() {
-    // Tags don't have a reference to their parent, so this only evinces
-    // something about this tag's own content or attributes. It does *not*
-    // account for [html.onlyIfSiblings]!
-    if (this.imaginarySibling) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (this.onlyIfContent && isBlank(this.content)) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (this.contentOnly && isBlank(this.content)) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  get contentOnly() {
-    if (this.tagName !== '') return false;
-    if (this.chunkwrap) return true;
-    if (!this.attributes.blank) return false;
-    if (this.blockwrap) return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  #setAttributeFlag(attribute, value) {
-    if (value) {
-      this.attributes.set(attribute, true);
-    } else {
-      this.attributes.remove(attribute);
-    }
-  }
-  #getAttributeFlag(attribute) {
-    return !!this.attributes.get(attribute);
-  }
-  #setAttributeString(attribute, value) {
-    // Note: This function accepts and records the empty string ('')
-    // distinctly from null/undefined.
-    if (value === undefined || value === null) {
-      this.attributes.remove(attribute);
-      return undefined;
-    } else {
-      this.attributes.set(attribute, String(value));
-    }
-  }
-  #getAttributeString(attribute) {
-    const value = this.attributes.get(attribute);
-    if (value === undefined || value === null) {
-      return undefined;
-    } else {
-      return String(value);
-    }
-  }
-  set onlyIfContent(value) {
-    this.#setAttributeFlag(onlyIfContent, value);
-  }
-  get onlyIfContent() {
-    return this.#getAttributeFlag(onlyIfContent);
-  }
-  set onlyIfSiblings(value) {
-    this.#setAttributeFlag(onlyIfSiblings, value);
-  }
-  get onlyIfSiblings() {
-    return this.#getAttributeFlag(onlyIfSiblings);
-  }
-  set joinChildren(value) {
-    this.#setAttributeString(joinChildren, value);
-  }
-  get joinChildren() {
-    // A chunkwrap - which serves as the top layer of a smush() when
-    // stringifying that chunkwrap - is only meant to be an invisible
-    // layer, so its own children are never specially joined.
-    if (this.chunkwrap) {
-      return '';
-    }
-    return this.#getAttributeString(joinChildren);
-  }
-  set noEdgeWhitespace(value) {
-    this.#setAttributeFlag(noEdgeWhitespace, value);
-  }
-  get noEdgeWhitespace() {
-    return this.#getAttributeFlag(noEdgeWhitespace);
-  }
-  set blockwrap(value) {
-    this.#setAttributeFlag(blockwrap, value);
-  }
-  get blockwrap() {
-    return this.#getAttributeFlag(blockwrap);
-  }
-  set chunkwrap(value) {
-    this.#setAttributeFlag(chunkwrap, value);
-    try {
-      this.content = this.content;
-    } catch (error) {
-      this.#setAttributeFlag(chunkwrap, false);
-      throw error;
-    }
-  }
-  get chunkwrap() {
-    return this.#getAttributeFlag(chunkwrap);
-  }
-  set imaginarySibling(value) {
-    this.#setAttributeFlag(imaginarySibling, value);
-    try {
-      this.content = this.content;
-    } catch (error) {
-      this.#setAttributeFlag(imaginarySibling, false);
-    }
-  }
-  get imaginarySibling() {
-    return this.#getAttributeFlag(imaginarySibling);
-  }
-  toString() {
-    if (this.onlyIfContent && isBlank(this.content)) {
-      return '';
-    }
-    const attributesString = this.attributes.toString();
-    const contentString = this.content.toString();
-    if (!this.tagName) {
-      return contentString;
-    }
-    const openTag = (attributesString
-      ? `<${this.tagName} ${attributesString}>`
-      : `<${this.tagName}>`);
-    if (this.selfClosing) {
-      return openTag;
-    }
-    const closeTag = `</${this.tagName}>`;
-    if (!this.content.length) {
-      return openTag + closeTag;
-    }
-    if (!contentString.includes('\n')) {
-      return openTag + contentString + closeTag;
-    }
-    const parts = [
-      openTag,
-      contentString
-        .split('\n')
-        .map((line, i) =>
-          (i === 0 && this.noEdgeWhitespace
-            ? line
-            : '    ' + line))
-        .join('\n'),
-      closeTag,
-    ];
-    return parts.join(
-      (this.noEdgeWhitespace
-        ? ''
-        : '\n'));
-  }
-  #getContentJoiner() {
-    if (this.joinChildren === undefined) {
-      return '\n';
-    }
-    if (this.joinChildren === '') {
-      return '';
-    }
-    return `\n${this.joinChildren}\n`;
-  }
-  #stringifyContent() {
-    if (this.selfClosing) {
-      return '';
-    }
-    const joiner = this.#getContentJoiner();
-    let content = '';
-    let blockwrapClosers = '';
-    let seenSiblingIndependentContent = false;
-    const chunkwrapSplitter =
-      (this.chunkwrap
-        ? this.#getAttributeString('split')
-        : null);
-    let seenChunkwrapSplitter =
-      (this.chunkwrap
-        ? false
-        : null);
-    let contentItems;
-    determineContentItems: {
-      if (this.chunkwrap) {
-        contentItems = smush(this).content;
-        break determineContentItems;
-      }
-      contentItems = this.content;
-    }
-    for (const [index, item] of contentItems.entries()) {
-      const nonTemplateItem =
-        Template.resolve(item);
-      if (nonTemplateItem instanceof Tag && nonTemplateItem.imaginarySibling) {
-        seenSiblingIndependentContent = true;
-        continue;
-      }
-      let itemContent;
-      try {
-        itemContent = nonTemplateItem.toString();
-      } catch (caughtError) {
-        const indexPart = colors.yellow(`child #${index + 1}`);
-        const error =
-          new Error(
-            `Error in ${indexPart} ` +
-            `of ${inspect(this, {compact: true})}`,
-            {cause: caughtError});
-        error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.alwaysTrace`)] = true;
-        error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.traceFrom`)] = this.#traceError;
-        error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.unhelpfulTraceLines`)] = [
-          /content-function\.js/,
-          /util\/html\.js/,
-        ];
-        error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.helpfulTraceLines`)] = [
-          /content\/dependencies\/(.*\.js:.*(?=\)))/,
-        ];
-        throw error;
-      }
-      if (!itemContent) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (!(nonTemplateItem instanceof Tag) || !nonTemplateItem.onlyIfSiblings) {
-        seenSiblingIndependentContent = true;
-      }
-      const chunkwrapChunks =
-        (typeof nonTemplateItem === 'string' && chunkwrapSplitter
-          ? itemContent.split(chunkwrapSplitter)
-          : null);
-      const itemIncludesChunkwrapSplit =
-        (chunkwrapChunks
-          ? chunkwrapChunks.length > 1
-          : null);
-      if (content) {
-        if (itemIncludesChunkwrapSplit && !seenChunkwrapSplitter) {
-          // The first time we see a chunkwrap splitter, backtrack and wrap
-          // the content *so far* in a chunk. This will be treated just like
-          // any other open chunkwrap, and closed after the first chunk of
-          // this item! (That means the existing content is part of the same
-          // chunk as the first chunk included in this content, which makes
-          // sense, because that first chink is really just more text that
-          // precedes the first split.)
-          content = `<span class="chunkwrap">` + content;
-        }
-        content += joiner;
-      } else if (itemIncludesChunkwrapSplit) {
-        // We've encountered a chunkwrap split before any other content.
-        // This means there's no content to wrap, no existing chunkwrap
-        // to close, and no reason to add a joiner, but we *do* need to
-        // enter a chunkwrap wrapper *now*, so the first chunk of this
-        // item will be properly wrapped.
-        content = `<span class="chunkwrap">`;
-      }
-      if (itemIncludesChunkwrapSplit) {
-        seenChunkwrapSplitter = true;
-      }
-      // Blockwraps only apply if they actually contain some content whose
-      // words should be kept together, so it's okay to put them beneath the
-      // itemContent check. They also never apply at the very start of content,
-      // because at that point there aren't any preceding words from which the
-      // blockwrap would differentiate its content.
-      if (nonTemplateItem instanceof Tag && nonTemplateItem.blockwrap && content) {
-        content += `<span class="blockwrap">`;
-        blockwrapClosers += `</span>`;
-      }
-      appendItemContent: {
-        if (itemIncludesChunkwrapSplit) {
-          for (const [index, chunk] of chunkwrapChunks.entries()) {
-            if (index === 0) {
-              // The first chunk isn't actually a chunk all on its own, it's
-              // text that should be appended to the previous chunk. We will
-              // close this chunk as the first appended content as we process
-              // the next chunk.
-              content += chunk;
-            } else {
-              const whitespace = chunk.match(/^\s+/) ?? '';
-              content += chunkwrapSplitter;
-              content += '</span>';
-              content += whitespace;
-              content += '<span class="chunkwrap">';
-              content += chunk.slice(whitespace.length);
-            }
-          }
-          break appendItemContent;
-        }
-        content += itemContent;
-      }
-    }
-    // If we've only seen sibling-dependent content (or just no content),
-    // then the content in total is blank.
-    if (!seenSiblingIndependentContent) {
-      return '';
-    }
-    if (chunkwrapSplitter) {
-      if (seenChunkwrapSplitter) {
-        content += '</span>';
-      } else {
-        // Since chunkwraps take responsibility for wrapping *away* from the
-        // parent element, we generally always want there to be at least one
-        // chunk that gets wrapped as a single unit. So if no chunkwrap has
-        // been seen at all, just wrap everything in one now.
-        content = `<span class="chunkwrap">${content}</span>`;
-      }
-    }
-    content += blockwrapClosers;
-    return content;
-  }
-  static normalize(content) {
-    // Normalizes contents that are valid from an `isHTML` perspective so
-    // that it's always a pure, single Tag object.
-    if (content instanceof Template) {
-      return Tag.normalize(Template.resolve(content));
-    }
-    if (content instanceof Tag) {
-      return content;
-    }
-    return new Tag(null, null, content);
-  }
-  smush() {
-    if (!this.contentOnly) {
-      return tags([this]);
-    }
-    const joiner = this.#getContentJoiner();
-    const result = [];
-    const attributes = {};
-    // Don't use built-in item joining, since we'll be handling it here -
-    // we need to account for descendants having custom joiners too, and
-    // simply using *this* tag's joiner would overwrite those descendants'
-    // differing joiners.
-    attributes[joinChildren] = '';
-    let workingText = '';
-    for (const item of this.content) {
-      const smushed = smush(item);
-      const smushedItems = smushed.content.slice();
-      if (empty(smushedItems)) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (typeof smushedItems[0] === 'string') {
-        if (workingText) {
-          workingText += joiner;
-        }
-        workingText += smushedItems.shift();
-      }
-      if (empty(smushedItems)) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (workingText) {
-        result.push(workingText + joiner);
-      } else if (!empty(result)) {
-        result.push(joiner);
-      }
-      if (typeof smushedItems.at(-1) === 'string') {
-        // The last smushed item already had its joiner processed from its own
-        // parent - this isn't an appropriate place for us to insert our own
-        // joiner.
-        workingText = smushedItems.pop();
-      } else {
-        workingText = '';
-      }
-      result.push(...smushedItems);
-    }
-    if (workingText) {
-      result.push(workingText);
-    }
-    return new Tag(null, attributes, result);
-  }
-  [inspect.custom](depth, opts) {
-    const lines = [];
-    const niceAttributes = ['id', 'class'];
-    const attributes = blankAttributes();
-    for (const attribute of niceAttributes) {
-      if (this.attributes.has(attribute)) {
-        const value = this.attributes.get(attribute);
-        if (!value) continue;
-        if (Array.isArray(value) && empty(value)) continue;
-        let string;
-        let suffix = '';
-        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
-          string = value[0].toString();
-          if (value.length > 1) {
-            suffix = ` (+${value.length - 1})`;
-          }
-        } else {
-          string = value.toString();
-        }
-        const trim =
-          (string.length > 15
-            ? `${string.slice(0, 12)}...`
-            : string);
-        attributes.set(attribute, trim + suffix);
-      }
-    }
-    const attributesPart =
-      (attributes.blank
-        ? ``
-        : ` ${attributes.toString({color: true})}`);
-    const tagNamePart =
-      (this.tagName
-        ? colors.bright(colors.blue(this.tagName))
-        : ``);
-    const tagPart =
-      (this.tagName
-        ? [
-            `<`,
-            tagNamePart,
-            attributesPart,
-            (empty(this.content) ? ` />` : `>`),
-          ].join(``)
-        : ``);
-    const accentText =
-      (this.tagName
-        ? (empty(this.content)
-            ? ``
-            : `(${this.content.length} items)`)
-        : (empty(this.content)
-            ? `(no name)`
-            : `(no name, ${this.content.length} items)`));
-    const accentPart =
-      (accentText
-        ? `${colors.dim(accentText)}`
-        : ``);
-    const headingParts = [
-      `Tag`,
-      tagPart,
-      accentPart,
-    ];
-    const heading = headingParts.filter(Boolean).join(` `);
-    lines.push(heading);
-    if (!opts.compact && (depth === null || depth >= 0)) {
-      const nextDepth =
-        (depth === null
-          ? null
-          : depth - 1);
-      for (const child of this.content) {
-        const childLines = [];
-        if (typeof child === 'string') {
-          const childFlat = child.replace(/\n/g, String.raw`\n`);
-          const childTrim =
-            (childFlat.length >= 40
-              ? childFlat.slice(0, 37) + '...'
-              : childFlat);
-          childLines.push(
-            `  Text: ${opts.stylize(`"${childTrim}"`, 'string')}`);
-        } else {
-          childLines.push(...
-            inspect(child, {depth: nextDepth})
-              .split('\n')
-              .map(line => `  ${line}`));
-        }
-        lines.push(...childLines);
-      }
-    }
-    return lines.join('\n');
-  }
-export function attributes(attributes) {
-  return new Attributes(attributes);
-export function parseAttributes(string) {
-  return Attributes.parse(string);
-export class Attributes {
-  #attributes = Object.create(null);
-  constructor(attributes) {
-    this.attributes = attributes;
-  }
-  clone() {
-    return new Attributes(this);
-  }
-  set attributes(value) {
-    this.#attributes = Object.create(null);
-    if (value === undefined || value === null) {
-      return;
-    }
-    this.add(value);
-  }
-  get attributes() {
-    return this.#attributes;
-  }
-  get blank() {
-    const keepAnyAttributes =
-      Object.entries(this.attributes).some(([attribute, value]) =>
-        this.#keepAttributeValue(attribute, value));
-    return !keepAnyAttributes;
-  }
-  set(attribute, value) {
-    if (value instanceof Template) {
-      value = Template.resolve(value);
-    }
-    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
-      value = value.flat(Infinity);
-    }
-    if (value === null || value === undefined) {
-      this.remove(attribute);
-    } else {
-      this.#attributes[attribute] = value;
-    }
-    return value;
-  }
-  add(...args) {
-    switch (args.length) {
-      case 1:
-        isAttributesAdditionSinglet(args[0]);
-        return this.#addMultipleAttributes(args[0]);
-      case 2:
-        isAttributesAdditionPair(args);
-        return this.#addOneAttribute(args[0], args[1]);
-      default:
-        throw new Error(
-          `Expected array or object, or attribute and value`);
-    }
-  }
-  with(...args) {
-    const clone = this.clone();
-    clone.add(...args);
-    return clone;
-  }
-  #addMultipleAttributes(attributes) {
-    const flatInputAttributes =
-      [attributes].flat(Infinity).filter(Boolean);
-    const attributeSets =
-      flatInputAttributes.map(attributes => this.#getAttributeSet(attributes));
-    const resultList = [];
-    for (const set of attributeSets) {
-      const setResults = {};
-      for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(set)) {
-        if (key === blessAttributes) continue;
-        const value = set[key];
-        setResults[key] = this.#addOneAttribute(key, value);
-      }
-      resultList.push(setResults);
-    }
-    return resultList;
-  }
-  #getAttributeSet(attributes) {
-    if (attributes instanceof Attributes) {
-      return attributes.attributes;
-    }
-    if (attributes instanceof Template) {
-      const resolved = Template.resolve(attributes);
-      isAttributesAdditionSinglet(resolved);
-      return resolved;
-    }
-    if (typeof attributes === 'object') {
-      return attributes;
-    }
-    throw new Error(
-      `Expected Attributes, Template, or object, ` +
-      `got ${typeAppearance(attributes)}`);
-  }
-  #addOneAttribute(attribute, value) {
-    if (value === null || value === undefined) {
-      return;
-    }
-    if (value instanceof Template) {
-      return this.#addOneAttribute(attribute, Template.resolve(value));
-    }
-    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
-      value = value.flat(Infinity);
-    }
-    if (!this.has(attribute)) {
-      return this.set(attribute, value);
-    }
-    const descriptor = attributeSpec[attribute];
-    const existingValue = this.get(attribute);
-    let newValue = value;
-    if (descriptor?.arraylike) {
-      const valueArray =
-        (Array.isArray(value)
-          ? value
-          : [value]);
-      const existingValueArray =
-        (Array.isArray(existingValue)
-          ? existingValue
-          : [existingValue]);
-      newValue = existingValueArray.concat(valueArray);
-      if (descriptor.unique) {
-        newValue = unique(newValue);
-      }
-      if (newValue.length === 1) {
-        newValue = newValue[0];
-      }
-    }
-    return this.set(attribute, newValue);
-  }
-  get(attribute) {
-    return this.#attributes[attribute];
-  }
-  has(attribute, pattern) {
-    if (typeof pattern === 'undefined') {
-      return attribute in this.#attributes;
-    } else if (this.has(attribute)) {
-      const value = this.get(attribute);
-      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
-        return value.includes(pattern);
-      } else {
-        return value === pattern;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  remove(attribute) {
-    return delete this.#attributes[attribute];
-  }
-  push(attribute, ...values) {
-    const oldValue = this.get(attribute);
-    const newValue =
-      (Array.isArray(oldValue)
-        ? oldValue.concat(values)
-     : oldValue
-        ? [oldValue, ...values]
-        : values);
-    this.set(attribute, newValue);
-    return newValue;
-  }
-  toString({color = false} = {}) {
-    const attributeKeyValues =
-      Object.entries(this.attributes)
-        .map(([key, value]) =>
-          (this.#keepAttributeValue(key, value)
-            ? [key, this.#transformAttributeValue(key, value), true]
-            : [key, undefined, false]))
-        .filter(([_key, _value, keep]) => keep)
-        .map(([key, value]) => [key, value]);
-    const attributeParts =
-      attributeKeyValues
-        .map(([key, value]) => {
-          const keyPart = key;
-          const escapedValue = this.#escapeAttributeValue(value);
-          const valuePart =
-            (color
-              ? colors.green(`"${escapedValue}"`)
-              : `"${escapedValue}"`);
-          return (
-            (typeof value === 'boolean'
-              ? `${keyPart}`
-              : `${keyPart}=${valuePart}`));
-        });
-    return attributeParts.join(' ');
-  }
-  #keepAttributeValue(attribute, value) {
-    switch (typeof value) {
-      case 'undefined':
-        return false;
-      case 'object':
-        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
-          return value.some(Boolean);
-        } else if (value === null) {
-          return false;
-        } else {
-          // Other objects are an error.
-          break;
-        }
-      case 'boolean':
-        return value;
-      case 'string':
-      case 'number':
-        return true;
-      case 'array':
-        return value.some(Boolean);
-    }
-    throw new Error(
-      `Value for attribute "${attribute}" should be primitive or array, ` +
-      `got ${typeAppearance(value)}: ${inspect(value)}`);
-  }
-  #transformAttributeValue(attribute, value) {
-    const descriptor = attributeSpec[attribute];
-    switch (typeof value) {
-      case 'boolean':
-        return value;
-      case 'number':
-        return value.toString();
-      // If it's a kept object, it's an array.
-      case 'object': {
-        const joiner =
-          (descriptor?.arraylike && descriptor?.join)
-            ?? ' ';
-        return value.filter(Boolean).join(joiner);
-      }
-      default:
-        return value;
-    }
-  }
-  #escapeAttributeValue(value) {
-    return value
-      .toString()
-      .replaceAll('"', '&quot;')
-      .replaceAll("'", '&apos;');
-  }
-  static parse(string) {
-    const attributes = Object.create(null);
-    const skipWhitespace = i => {
-      if (!/\s/.test(string[i])) {
-        return i;
-      }
-      const match = string.slice(i).match(/[^\s]/);
-      if (match) {
-        return i + match.index;
-      }
-      return string.length;
-    };
-    for (let i = 0; i < string.length; ) {
-      i = skipWhitespace(i);
-      const aStart = i;
-      const aEnd = i + string.slice(i).match(/[\s=]|$/).index;
-      const attribute = string.slice(aStart, aEnd);
-      i = skipWhitespace(aEnd);
-      if (string[i] === '=') {
-        i = skipWhitespace(i + 1);
-        let end, endOffset;
-        if (string[i] === '"' || string[i] === "'") {
-          end = string[i];
-          endOffset = 1;
-          i++;
-        } else {
-          end = '\\s';
-          endOffset = 0;
-        }
-        const vStart = i;
-        const vEnd = i + string.slice(i).match(new RegExp(`${end}|$`)).index;
-        const value = string.slice(vStart, vEnd);
-        i = vEnd + endOffset;
-        attributes[attribute] = value;
-      } else {
-        attributes[attribute] = attribute;
-      }
-    }
-    return (
-      Reflect.construct(this, [
-        Object.fromEntries(
-          Object.entries(attributes)
-            .map(([key, val]) => [
-              key,
-              (val === 'true'
-                ? true
-             : val === 'false'
-                ? false
-             : val === key
-                ? true
-                : val),
-            ])),
-      ]));
-  }
-  [inspect.custom]() {
-    const visiblePart = this.toString({color: true});
-    const numSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(this.#attributes).length;
-    const numSymbolsPart =
-      (numSymbols >= 2
-        ? `${numSymbols} symbol`
-     : numSymbols === 1
-        ? `1 symbol`
-        : ``);
-    const symbolPart =
-      (visiblePart && numSymbolsPart
-        ? `(+${numSymbolsPart})`
-     : numSymbols
-        ? `(${numSymbolsPart})`
-        : ``);
-    const contentPart =
-      (visiblePart && symbolPart
-        ? `<${visiblePart} ${symbolPart}>`
-     : visiblePart || symbolPart
-        ? `<${visiblePart || symbolPart}>`
-        : `<no attributes>`);
-    return `Attributes ${contentPart}`;
-  }
-export function resolve(tagOrTemplate, {
-  normalize = null,
-  slots = null,
-} = {}) {
-  if (slots) {
-    return Template.resolveForSlots(tagOrTemplate, slots);
-  } else if (normalize === 'tag') {
-    return Tag.normalize(tagOrTemplate);
-  } else if (normalize === 'string') {
-    return Tag.normalize(tagOrTemplate).toString();
-  } else if (normalize) {
-    throw new TypeError(`Expected normalize to be 'tag', 'string', or null`);
-  } else {
-    return Template.resolve(tagOrTemplate);
-  }
-export function smush(smushee) {
-  if (
-    typeof smushee === 'string' ||
-    typeof smushee === 'number'
-  ) {
-    return tags([smushee.toString()]);
-  }
-  if (smushee instanceof Template) {
-    // Smushing is only really useful if the contents are resolved, because
-    // otherwise we can't actually inspect the boundaries. However, as usual
-    // for smushing, we don't care at all about the contents of tags (which
-    // aren't contentOnly) *within* the content we're smushing, so this won't
-    // for example smush a template nested within a *tag* within the contents
-    // of this template.
-    return smush(Template.resolve(smushee));
-  }
-  if (smushee instanceof Tag) {
-    return smushee.smush();
-  }
-  return smush(Tag.normalize(smushee));
-// Much gentler version of smush - this only flattens nested html.tags(), and
-// guarantees the result is itself an html.tags(). It doesn't manipulate text
-// content, and it doesn't resolve templates.
-export function smooth(smoothie) {
-  // Helper function to avoid intermediate html.tags() calls.
-  function helper(tag) {
-    if (tag instanceof Tag && tag.contentOnly) {
-      return tag.content.flatMap(helper);
-    } else {
-      return tag;
-    }
-  }
-  return tags(helper(smoothie));
-export function template(description) {
-  return new Template(description);
-export class Template {
-  #description = {};
-  #slotValues = {};
-  constructor(description) {
-    if (!description[Stationery.validated]) {
-      Template.validateDescription(description);
-    }
-    this.#description = description;
-  }
-  clone() {
-    const clone = Reflect.construct(this.constructor, [
-      this.#description,
-    ]);
-    // getSlotValue(), called via #getReadySlotValues(), is responsible for
-    // preparing slot values for consumption, which includes cloning mutable
-    // html/attributes. We reuse that behavior here, in a recursive manner,
-    // so that clone() is effectively "deep" - slots that may be mutated are
-    // cloned, so that this template and its clones will never mutate the same
-    // identities.
-    clone.setSlots(this.#getReadySlotValues());
-    return clone;
-  }
-  static validateDescription(description) {
-    if (typeof description !== 'object') {
-      throw new TypeError(`Expected object, got ${typeAppearance(description)}`);
-    }
-    if (description === null) {
-      throw new TypeError(`Expected object, got null`);
-    }
-    const topErrors = [];
-    if (!('content' in description)) {
-      topErrors.push(new TypeError(`Expected description.content`));
-    } else if (typeof description.content !== 'function') {
-      topErrors.push(new TypeError(`Expected description.content to be function`));
-    }
-    if ('annotation' in description) {
-      if (typeof description.annotation !== 'string') {
-        topErrors.push(new TypeError(`Expected annotation to be string`));
-      }
-    }
-    if ('slots' in description) validateSlots: {
-      if (typeof description.slots !== 'object') {
-        topErrors.push(new TypeError(`Expected description.slots to be object`));
-        break validateSlots;
-      }
-      try {
-        this.validateSlotsDescription(description.slots);
-      } catch (slotError) {
-        topErrors.push(slotError);
-      }
-    }
-    if (!empty(topErrors)) {
-      throw new AggregateError(topErrors,
-        (typeof description.annotation === 'string'
-          ? `Errors validating template "${description.annotation}" description`
-          : `Errors validating template description`));
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  static validateSlotsDescription(slots) {
-    const slotErrors = [];
-    for (const [slotName, slotDescription] of Object.entries(slots)) {
-      if (typeof slotDescription !== 'object' || slotDescription === null) {
-        slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Expected slot description to be object`));
-        continue;
-      }
-      if ('default' in slotDescription) validateDefault: {
-        if (
-          slotDescription.default === undefined ||
-          slotDescription.default === null
-        ) {
-          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Leave slot default unspecified instead of undefined or null`));
-          break validateDefault;
-        }
-        try {
-          Template.validateSlotValueAgainstDescription(slotDescription.default, slotDescription);
-        } catch (error) {
-          error.message = `(${slotName}) Error validating slot default value: ${error.message}`;
-          slotErrors.push(error);
-        }
-      }
-      if ('validate' in slotDescription && 'type' in slotDescription) {
-        slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Don't specify both slot validate and type`));
-      } else if (!('validate' in slotDescription || 'type' in slotDescription)) {
-        slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Expected either slot validate or type`));
-      } else if ('validate' in slotDescription) {
-        if (typeof slotDescription.validate !== 'function') {
-          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Expected slot validate to be function`));
-        }
-      } else if ('type' in slotDescription) {
-        const acceptableSlotTypes = [
-          'string',
-          'number',
-          'bigint',
-          'boolean',
-          'symbol',
-          'html',
-          'attributes',
-        ];
-        if (slotDescription.type === 'function') {
-          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Functions shouldn't be provided to slots`));
-        } else if (slotDescription.type === 'object') {
-          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Provide validate function instead of type: object`));
-        } else if (
-          (slotDescription.type === 'html' || slotDescription.type === 'attributes') &&
-          !('mutable' in slotDescription)
-        ) {
-          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Specify mutable: true/false alongside type: ${slotDescription.type}`));
-        } else if (!acceptableSlotTypes.includes(slotDescription.type)) {
-          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Expected slot type to be one of ${acceptableSlotTypes.join(', ')}`));
-        }
-      }
-      if ('mutable' in slotDescription) {
-        if (slotDescription.type !== 'html' && slotDescription.type !== 'attributes') {
-          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Only specify mutable alongside type: html or attributes`));
-        }
-        if (typeof slotDescription.mutable !== 'boolean') {
-          slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Expected slot mutable to be boolean`));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (!empty(slotErrors)) {
-      throw new AggregateError(slotErrors, `Errors in slot descriptions`);
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  slot(slotName, value) {
-    this.setSlot(slotName, value);
-    return this;
-  }
-  slots(slotNamesToValues) {
-    this.setSlots(slotNamesToValues);
-    return this;
-  }
-  setSlot(slotName, value) {
-    const description = this.#getSlotDescriptionOrError(slotName);
-    try {
-      Template.validateSlotValueAgainstDescription(value, description);
-    } catch (error) {
-      error.message =
-        (this.description.annotation
-          ? `Error validating template "${this.description.annotation}" slot "${slotName}" value: ${error.message}`
-          : `Error validating template slot "${slotName}" value: ${error.message}`);
-      throw error;
-    }
-    this.#slotValues[slotName] = value;
-  }
-  setSlots(slotNamesToValues) {
-    if (
-      typeof slotNamesToValues !== 'object' ||
-      Array.isArray(slotNamesToValues) ||
-      slotNamesToValues === null
-    ) {
-      throw new TypeError(`Expected object mapping of slot names to values`);
-    }
-    const slotErrors = [];
-    for (const [slotName, value] of Object.entries(slotNamesToValues)) {
-      const description = this.#getSlotDescriptionNoError(slotName);
-      if (!description) {
-        slotErrors.push(new TypeError(`(${slotName}) Template doesn't have a "${slotName}" slot`));
-        continue;
-      }
-      try {
-        Template.validateSlotValueAgainstDescription(value, description);
-      } catch (error) {
-        error.message = `(${slotName}) ${error.message}`;
-        slotErrors.push(error);
-      }
-    }
-    if (!empty(slotErrors)) {
-      throw new AggregateError(slotErrors,
-        (this.description.annotation
-          ? `Error validating template "${this.description.annotation}" slots`
-          : `Error validating template slots`));
-    }
-    Object.assign(this.#slotValues, slotNamesToValues);
-  }
-  static validateSlotValueAgainstDescription(value, description) {
-    if (value === undefined) {
-      throw new TypeError(`Specify value as null or don't specify at all`);
-    }
-    // Null is always an acceptable slot value.
-    if (value === null) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (Object.hasOwn(description, 'validate')) {
-      description.validate({
-        ...commonValidators,
-        ...validators,
-      })(value);
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (Object.hasOwn(description, 'type')) {
-      switch (description.type) {
-        case 'html': {
-          return isHTML(value);
-        }
-        case 'attributes': {
-          return isAttributesAdditionSinglet(value);
-        }
-        case 'string': {
-          if (typeof value === 'string')
-            return true;
-          // Tags and templates are valid in string arguments - they'll be
-          // stringified when exposed to the description's .content() function.
-          if (value instanceof Tag || value instanceof Template)
-            return true;
-          return true;
-        }
-        default: {
-          if (typeof value !== description.type)
-            throw new TypeError(`Slot expects ${description.type}, got ${typeof value}`);
-          return true;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  getSlotValue(slotName) {
-    const description = this.#getSlotDescriptionOrError(slotName);
-    const providedValue = this.#slotValues[slotName] ?? null;
-    if (description.type === 'html') {
-      if (!providedValue) {
-        return blank();
-      }
-      if (
-        (providedValue instanceof Tag || providedValue instanceof Template) &&
-        description.mutable
-      ) {
-        return providedValue.clone();
-      }
-      return providedValue;
-    }
-    if (description.type === 'attributes') {
-      if (!providedValue) {
-        return blankAttributes();
-      }
-      if (providedValue instanceof Attributes) {
-        if (description.mutable) {
-          return providedValue.clone();
-        } else {
-          return providedValue;
-        }
-      }
-      return new Attributes(providedValue);
-    }
-    if (description.type === 'string') {
-      if (providedValue instanceof Tag || providedValue instanceof Template) {
-        return providedValue.toString();
-      }
-      if (isBlank(providedValue)) {
-        return null;
-      }
-    }
-    if (providedValue !== null) {
-      return providedValue;
-    }
-    if ('default' in description) {
-      return description.default;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  getSlotDescription(slotName) {
-    return this.#getSlotDescriptionOrError(slotName);
-  }
-  #getSlotDescriptionNoError(slotName) {
-    if (this.#description.slots) {
-      if (Object.hasOwn(this.#description.slots, slotName)) {
-        return this.#description.slots[slotName];
-      }
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  #getSlotDescriptionOrError(slotName) {
-    const description = this.#getSlotDescriptionNoError(slotName);
-    if (!description) {
-      throw new TypeError(
-        (this.description.annotation
-          ? `Template "${this.description.annotation}" doesn't have a "${slotName}" slot`
-          : `Template doesn't have a "${slotName}" slot`));
-    }
-    return description;
-  }
-  #getReadySlotValues() {
-    const slots = {};
-    for (const slotName of Object.keys(this.description.slots ?? {})) {
-      slots[slotName] = this.getSlotValue(slotName);
-    }
-    return slots;
-  }
-  set content(_value) {
-    throw new Error(`Template content can't be changed after constructed`);
-  }
-  get content() {
-    const slots = this.#getReadySlotValues();
-    try {
-      return this.description.content(slots);
-    } catch (caughtError) {
-      throw new Error(
-        `Error in content of ${inspect(this, {compact: true})}`,
-        {cause: caughtError});
-    }
-  }
-  set description(_value) {
-    throw new Error(`Template description can't be changed after constructed`);
-  }
-  get description() {
-    return this.#description;
-  }
-  get blank() {
-    return isBlank(this.content);
-  }
-  toString() {
-    return this.content.toString();
-  }
-  static resolve(tagOrTemplate) {
-    // Flattens contents of a template, recursively "resolving" until a
-    // non-template is ready (or just returns a provided non-template
-    // argument as-is).
-    if (!(tagOrTemplate instanceof Template)) {
-      return tagOrTemplate;
-    }
-    let {content} = tagOrTemplate;
-    while (content instanceof Template) {
-      content = content.content;
-    }
-    return content;
-  }
-  static resolveForSlots(tagOrTemplate, slots) {
-    if (!slots || typeof slots !== 'object') {
-      throw new Error(
-        `Expected slots to be an object or array, ` +
-        `got ${typeAppearance(slots)}`);
-    }
-    if (!Array.isArray(slots)) {
-      return Template.resolveForSlots(tagOrTemplate, Object.keys(slots)).slots(slots);
-    }
-    while (tagOrTemplate && tagOrTemplate instanceof Template) {
-      try {
-        for (const slot of slots) {
-          tagOrTemplate.getSlotDescription(slot);
-        }
-        return tagOrTemplate;
-      } catch {
-        tagOrTemplate = tagOrTemplate.content;
-      }
-    }
-    throw new Error(
-      `Didn't find slots ${inspect(slots, {compact: true})} ` +
-      `resolving ${inspect(tagOrTemplate, {compact: true})}`);
-  }
-  [inspect.custom]() {
-    const {annotation} = this.description;
-    return (
-      (annotation
-        ? `Template ${colors.bright(colors.blue(`"${annotation}"`))}`
-        : `Template ${colors.dim(`(no annotation)`)}`));
-  }
-export function stationery(description) {
-  return new Stationery(description);
-export class Stationery {
-  #templateDescription = null;
-  static validated = Symbol('Stationery.validated');
-  constructor(templateDescription) {
-    Template.validateDescription(templateDescription);
-    templateDescription[Stationery.validated] = true;
-    this.#templateDescription = templateDescription;
-  }
-  template() {
-    return new Template(this.#templateDescription);
-  }
-  [inspect.custom]() {
-    const {annotation} = this.description;
-    return (
-      (annotation
-        ? `Stationery ${colors.bright(colors.blue(`"${annotation}"`))}`
-        : `Stationery ${colors.dim(`(no annotation)`)}`));
-  }
-export const isTag =
-  validateInstanceOf(Tag);
-export const isTemplate =
-  validateInstanceOf(Template);
-export const isArrayOfHTML =
-  validateArrayItems(value => isHTML(value));
-export const isHTML =
-  anyOf(
-    is(null, undefined, false),
-    isString,
-    isTag,
-    isTemplate,
-    value => {
-      isArray(value);
-      return value.length === 0;
-    },
-    isArrayOfHTML);
-export const isAttributeKey =
-  anyOf(isString, isSymbol);
-export const isAttributeValue =
-  anyOf(
-    isString, isNumber, isBoolean, isArray,
-    isTag, isTemplate,
-    validateArrayItems(item => isAttributeValue(item)));
-export const isAttributesAdditionPair = pair => {
-  isArray(pair);
-  if (pair.length !== 2) {
-    throw new TypeError(`Expected attributes pair to have two items`);
-  }
-  withAggregate({message: `Error validating attributes pair`}, ({push}) => {
-    try {
-      isAttributeKey(pair[0]);
-    } catch (caughtError) {
-      push(new Error(`Error validating key`, {cause: caughtError}));
-    }
-    try {
-      isAttributeValue(pair[1]);
-    } catch (caughtError) {
-      push(new Error(`Error validating value`, {cause: caughtError}));
-    }
-  });
-  return true;
-const isAttributesAdditionSingletHelper =
-  anyOf(
-    validateInstanceOf(Template),
-    validateInstanceOf(Attributes),
-    validateAllPropertyValues(isAttributeValue),
-    looseArrayOf(value => isAttributesAdditionSinglet(value)));
-export const isAttributesAdditionSinglet = (value) => {
-  if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
-    if (Object.hasOwn(value, blessAttributes)) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (
-      Array.isArray(value) &&
-      value.length === 1 &&
-      typeof value[0] === 'object' &&
-      value[0] !== null &&
-      Object.hasOwn(value[0], blessAttributes)
-    ) {
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  return isAttributesAdditionSingletHelper(value);