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hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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path: root/src/upd8.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/upd8.js')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/src/upd8.js b/src/upd8.js
index 5589877c..9b347e61 100755
--- a/src/upd8.js
+++ b/src/upd8.js
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import {isMain, traverse} from '#node-utils';
 import {bindReverse} from '#reverse';
 import {writeSearchData} from '#search';
 import {sortByName} from '#sort';
+import thingConstructors from '#things';
 import {identifyAllWebRoutes} from '#web-routes';
 import {
@@ -133,8 +134,8 @@ const defaultStepStatus = {status: STATUS_NOT_STARTED, annotation: null};
 // Defined globally for quick access outside the main() function's contents.
 // This will be initialized and mutated over the course of main().
 let stepStatusSummary;
-let showStepStatusSummary = false;
-let showStepMemoryInSummary = false;
+let shouldShowStepStatusSummary = false;
+let shouldShowStepMemoryInSummary = false;
 async function main() {
   Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;
@@ -190,6 +191,13 @@ async function main() {
       {...defaultStepStatus, name: `precache nearly all data`,
         for: ['build']},
+    sortWikiDataSourceFiles:
+      {...defaultStepStatus, name: `apply sorting rules to wiki data files`,
+        for: ['build']},
+    checkWikiDataSourceFileSorting:
+      {...defaultStepStatus, name: `check sorting rules against wiki data files`},
       {...defaultStepStatus, name: `load internal & custom url spec files`,
         for: ['build']},
@@ -270,6 +278,35 @@ async function main() {
   let selectedBuildModeFlag;
+  let sortInAdditionToBuild = false;
+  // As an exception, --sort can be combined with another build mode.
+  if (selectedBuildModeFlags.length >= 2 && selectedBuildModeFlags.includes('sort')) {
+    sortInAdditionToBuild = true;
+    selectedBuildModeFlags.splice(selectedBuildModeFlags.indexOf('sort'), 1);
+  }
+  if (sortInAdditionToBuild) {
+    Object.assign(stepStatusSummary.sortWikiDataSourceFiles, {
+      status: STATUS_NOT_STARTED,
+      annotation: `--sort provided with another build mode`,
+    });
+    Object.assign(stepStatusSummary.checkWikiDataSourceFileSorting, {
+      annotation: `--sort provided, dry run not applicable`,
+    });
+  } else {
+    Object.assign(stepStatusSummary.sortWikiDataSourceFiles, {
+      annotation: `--sort not provided, dry run only`,
+    });
+    Object.assign(stepStatusSummary.checkWikiDataSourceFileSorting, {
+      status: STATUS_NOT_STARTED,
+      annotation: `--sort not provided, dry run applicable`,
+    });
+  }
   if (empty(selectedBuildModeFlags)) {
     // No build mode selected. This is not a valid state for building the wiki,
@@ -525,8 +562,8 @@ async function main() {
-  showStepStatusSummary = cliOptions['show-step-summary'] ?? false;
-  showStepMemoryInSummary = cliOptions['show-step-memory'] ?? false;
+  shouldShowStepStatusSummary = cliOptions['show-step-summary'] ?? false;
+  shouldShowStepMemoryInSummary = cliOptions['show-step-memory'] ?? false;
   if (cliOptions['help']) {
@@ -1480,6 +1517,10 @@ async function main() {
           ? prop
           : wikiData[prop]);
+      if (array && empty(array)) {
+        return;
+      }
       logInfo` - ${array?.length ?? colors.red('(Missing!)')} ${colors.normal(colors.dim(label))}`;
@@ -1506,6 +1547,7 @@ async function main() {
         logThings('newsData', 'news entries');
       logThings('staticPageData', 'static pages');
+      logThings('sortingRules', 'sorting rules');
       if (wikiData.homepageLayout) {
         logInfo` - ${1} homepage layout (${
@@ -1841,6 +1883,77 @@ async function main() {
+  if (stepStatusSummary.sortWikiDataSourceFiles.status === STATUS_NOT_STARTED) {
+    Object.assign(stepStatusSummary.sortWikiDataSourceFiles, {
+      timeStart: Date.now(),
+    });
+    const {SortingRule} = thingConstructors;
+    const results =
+      await Array.fromAsync(SortingRule.go({dataPath, wikiData}));
+    if (results.some(result => result.changed)) {
+      logInfo`Updated data files to satisfy sorting.`;
+      logInfo`Restarting automatically, since that's now needed!`;
+      Object.assign(stepStatusSummary.sortWikiDataSourceFiles, {
+        status: STATUS_DONE_CLEAN,
+        annotation: `changes cueing restart`,
+        timeEnd: Date.now(),
+        memory: process.memoryUsage(),
+      });
+      return 'restart';
+    } else {
+      logInfo`All sorting rules are satisfied. Nice!`;
+      paragraph = false;
+      Object.assign(stepStatusSummary.sortWikiDataSourceFiles, {
+        status: STATUS_DONE_CLEAN,
+        annotation: `no changes needed`,
+        timeEnd: Date.now(),
+        memory: process.memoryUsage(),
+      });
+    }
+  } else if (stepStatusSummary.checkWikiDataSourceFileSorting.status === STATUS_NOT_STARTED) {
+    Object.assign(stepStatusSummary.checkWikiDataSourceFileSorting, {
+      timeStart: Date.now(),
+    });
+    const {SortingRule} = thingConstructors;
+    const results =
+      await Array.fromAsync(SortingRule.go({dataPath, wikiData, dry: true}));
+    const needed = results.filter(result => result.changed);
+    if (empty(needed)) {
+      logInfo`All sorting rules are satisfied. Nice!`;
+      paragraph = false;
+      Object.assign(stepStatusSummary.checkWikiDataSourceFileSorting, {
+        status: STATUS_DONE_CLEAN,
+        timeEnd: Date.now(),
+        memory: process.memoryUsage(),
+      });
+    } else {
+      logWarn`Some of this wiki's sorting rules currently aren't satisfied:`;
+      for (const {rule} of needed) {
+        logWarn`- ${rule.message}`;
+      }
+      logWarn`Run ${'hsmusic --sort'} to automatically update data files.`;
+      paragraph = false;
+      Object.assign(stepStatusSummary.checkWikiDataSourceFileSorting, {
+        status: STATUS_HAS_WARNINGS,
+        annotation: `not all rules satisfied`,
+        timeEnd: Date.now(),
+        memory: process.memoryUsage(),
+      });
+    }
+  }
   if (stepStatusSummary.performBuild.status === STATUS_NOT_APPLICABLE) {
@@ -3089,141 +3202,67 @@ async function main() {
 if (true || isMain(import.meta.url) || path.basename(process.argv[1]) === 'hsmusic') {
   (async () => {
     let result;
+    let numRestarts = 0;
     const totalTimeStart = Date.now();
-    try {
-      result = await main();
-    } catch (error) {
-      if (error instanceof AggregateError) {
-        showAggregate(error);
-      } else if (error.cause) {
-        console.error(error);
-        showAggregate(error);
-      } else {
-        console.error(error);
-      }
-    }
-    const totalTimeEnd = Date.now();
-    const formatDuration = timeDelta => {
-      const seconds = timeDelta / 1000;
-      if (seconds > 90) {
-        const modSeconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
-        const minutes = Math.floor(seconds - seconds % 60) / 60;
-        return `${minutes}m${modSeconds}s`;
-      }
-      if (seconds < 0.1) {
-        return 'instant';
+    while (true) {
+      try {
+        result = await main();
+      } catch (error) {
+        if (error instanceof AggregateError) {
+          showAggregate(error);
+        } else if (error.cause) {
+          console.error(error);
+          showAggregate(error);
+        } else {
+          console.error(error);
+        }
-      const precision = (seconds > 1 ? 3 : 2);
-      return `${seconds.toPrecision(precision)}s`;
-    };
+      if (result === 'restart') {
+        console.log('');
-    if (showStepStatusSummary) {
-      const totalDuration = formatDuration(totalTimeEnd - totalTimeStart);
-      console.error(colors.bright(`Step summary:`));
-      const longestNameLength =
-        Math.max(...
-          Object.values(stepStatusSummary)
-            .map(({name}) => name.length));
-      const stepsNotClean =
-        Object.values(stepStatusSummary)
-          .map(({status}) =>
-            status === STATUS_HAS_WARNINGS ||
-            status === STATUS_FATAL_ERROR ||
-            status === STATUS_STARTED_NOT_DONE);
-      const anyStepsNotClean =
-        stepsNotClean.includes(true);
-      const stepDetails = Object.values(stepStatusSummary);
-      const stepDurations =
-        stepDetails.map(({status, timeStart, timeEnd}) => {
-          if (
-            status === STATUS_NOT_APPLICABLE ||
-            status === STATUS_NOT_STARTED ||
-            status === STATUS_STARTED_NOT_DONE
-          ) {
-            return '-';
-          }
-          if (typeof timeStart !== 'number' || typeof timeEnd !== 'number') {
-            return 'unknown';
+        if (shouldShowStepStatusSummary) {
+          if (numRestarts >= 1) {
+            console.error(colors.bright(`Step summary since latest restart:`));
+          } else {
+            console.error(colors.bright(`Step summary before restart:`));
-          return formatDuration(timeEnd - timeStart);
-        });
-      const longestDurationLength =
-        Math.max(...stepDurations.map(duration => duration.length));
-      const stepMemories =
-        stepDetails.map(({memory}) =>
-          (memory
-            ? Math.round(memory["heapUsed"] / 1024 / 1024) + 'MB'
-            : '-'));
-      const longestMemoryLength =
-        Math.max(...stepMemories.map(memory => memory.length));
-      for (let index = 0; index < stepDetails.length; index++) {
-        const {name, status, annotation} = stepDetails[index];
-        const duration = stepDurations[index];
-        const memory = stepMemories[index];
-        let message =
-          (stepsNotClean[index]
-            ? `!! `
-            : ` - `);
-        message += `(${duration} `.padStart(longestDurationLength + 2, ' ');
-        if (showStepMemoryInSummary) {
-          message += ` ${memory})`.padStart(longestMemoryLength + 2, ' ');
+          showStepStatusSummary();
+          console.log('');
-        message += ` `;
-        message += `${name}: `.padEnd(longestNameLength + 4, '.');
-        message += ` `;
-        message += status;
-        if (annotation) {
-          message += ` (${annotation})`;
+        if (numRestarts > 5) {
+          logError`A restart was cued, but we've restarted a bunch already.`;
+          logError`Exiting because this is probably a bug!`;
+          console.log('');
+          break;
+        } else {
+          console.log('');
+          logInfo`A restart was cued. This is probably normal, and required`;
+          logInfo`to load updated data files. Restarting automatically now!`;
+          console.log('');
+          numRestarts++;
+      } else {
+        break;
+      }
+    }
-        switch (status) {
-          case STATUS_DONE_CLEAN:
-            console.error(colors.green(message));
-            break;
-          case STATUS_NOT_STARTED:
-          case STATUS_NOT_APPLICABLE:
-            console.error(colors.dim(message));
-            break;
-          case STATUS_HAS_WARNINGS:
-          case STATUS_STARTED_NOT_DONE:
-            console.error(colors.yellow(message));
-            break;
+    if (shouldShowStepStatusSummary)  {
+      if (numRestarts >= 1) {
+        console.error(colors.bright(`Step summary after final restart:`));
+      } else {
+        console.error(colors.bright(`Step summary:`));
+      }
-          case STATUS_FATAL_ERROR:
-            console.error(colors.red(message));
-            break;
+      const {anyStepsNotClean} =
+        showStepStatusSummary();
-          default:
-            console.error(message);
-            break;
-        }
-      }
+      const totalTimeEnd = Date.now();
+      const totalDuration = formatDuration(totalTimeEnd - totalTimeStart);
       console.error(colors.bright(`Done in ${totalDuration}.`));
@@ -3252,3 +3291,120 @@ if (true || isMain(import.meta.url) || path.basename(process.argv[1]) === 'hsmus
+function formatDuration(timeDelta) {
+  const seconds = timeDelta / 1000;
+  if (seconds > 90) {
+    const modSeconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
+    const minutes = Math.floor(seconds - seconds % 60) / 60;
+    return `${minutes}m${modSeconds}s`;
+  }
+  if (seconds < 0.1) {
+    return 'instant';
+  }
+  const precision = (seconds > 1 ? 3 : 2);
+  return `${seconds.toPrecision(precision)}s`;
+function showStepStatusSummary() {
+  const longestNameLength =
+    Math.max(...
+      Object.values(stepStatusSummary)
+        .map(({name}) => name.length));
+  const stepsNotClean =
+    Object.values(stepStatusSummary)
+      .map(({status}) =>
+        status === STATUS_HAS_WARNINGS ||
+        status === STATUS_FATAL_ERROR ||
+        status === STATUS_STARTED_NOT_DONE);
+  const anyStepsNotClean =
+    stepsNotClean.includes(true);
+  const stepDetails = Object.values(stepStatusSummary);
+  const stepDurations =
+    stepDetails.map(({status, timeStart, timeEnd}) => {
+      if (
+        status === STATUS_NOT_APPLICABLE ||
+        status === STATUS_NOT_STARTED ||
+        status === STATUS_STARTED_NOT_DONE
+      ) {
+        return '-';
+      }
+      if (typeof timeStart !== 'number' || typeof timeEnd !== 'number') {
+        return 'unknown';
+      }
+      return formatDuration(timeEnd - timeStart);
+    });
+  const longestDurationLength =
+    Math.max(...stepDurations.map(duration => duration.length));
+  const stepMemories =
+    stepDetails.map(({memory}) =>
+      (memory
+        ? Math.round(memory["heapUsed"] / 1024 / 1024) + 'MB'
+        : '-'));
+  const longestMemoryLength =
+    Math.max(...stepMemories.map(memory => memory.length));
+  for (let index = 0; index < stepDetails.length; index++) {
+    const {name, status, annotation} = stepDetails[index];
+    const duration = stepDurations[index];
+    const memory = stepMemories[index];
+    let message =
+      (stepsNotClean[index]
+        ? `!! `
+        : ` - `);
+    message += `(${duration} `.padStart(longestDurationLength + 2, ' ');
+    if (shouldShowStepMemoryInSummary) {
+      message += ` ${memory})`.padStart(longestMemoryLength + 2, ' ');
+    }
+    message += ` `;
+    message += `${name}: `.padEnd(longestNameLength + 4, '.');
+    message += ` `;
+    message += status;
+    if (annotation) {
+      message += ` (${annotation})`;
+    }
+    switch (status) {
+      case STATUS_DONE_CLEAN:
+        console.error(colors.green(message));
+        break;
+        console.error(colors.dim(message));
+        break;
+        console.error(colors.yellow(message));
+        break;
+        console.error(colors.red(message));
+        break;
+      default:
+        console.error(message);
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  return {anyStepsNotClean};