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path: root/src/strings-default.yaml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/strings-default.yaml')
1 files changed, 930 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/strings-default.yaml b/src/strings-default.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fd905d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/strings-default.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,930 @@
+meta.languageCode: en
+meta.languageName: English
+  tracks:
+    _: "{TRACKS}"
+    withUnit:
+      zero: ""
+      one: "{TRACKS} track"
+      two: ""
+      few: ""
+      many: ""
+      other: "{TRACKS} tracks"
+  additionalFiles:
+    _: "{FILES}"
+    withUnit:
+      zero: ""
+      one: "{FILES} file"
+      two: ""
+      few: ""
+      many: ""
+      other: "{FILES} files"
+  albums:
+    _: "{ALBUMS}"
+    withUnit:
+      zero: ""
+      one: "{ALBUMS} album"
+      two: ""
+      few: ""
+      many: ""
+      other: "{ALBUMS} albums"
+  artworks:
+    _: "{ARTWORKS}"
+    withUnit:
+      zero: ""
+      one: "{ARTWORKS} artwork"
+      two: ""
+      few: ""
+      many: ""
+      other: "{ARTWORKS} artworks"
+  commentaryEntries:
+    _: "{ENTRIES}"
+    withUnit:
+      zero: ""
+      one: "{ENTRIES} entry"
+      two: ""
+      few: ""
+      many: ""
+      other: "{ENTRIES} entries"
+  contributions:
+    withUnit:
+      zero: ""
+      one: "{CONTRIBUTIONS} contribution"
+      two: ""
+      few: ""
+      many: ""
+      other: "{CONTRIBUTIONS} contributions"
+  coverArts:
+    _: "{COVER_ARTS}"
+    withUnit:
+      zero: ""
+      one: "{COVER_ARTS} cover art"
+      two: ""
+      few: ""
+      many: ""
+      other: "{COVER_ARTS} cover arts"
+  flashes:
+    _: "{FLASHES}"
+    withUnit:
+      zero: ""
+      one: "{FLASHES} flashes & games"
+      two: ""
+      few: ""
+      many: ""
+      other: "{FLASHES} flashes & games"
+  timesReferenced:
+    withUnit:
+      zero: ""
+      one: "{TIMES_REFERENCED} time referenced"
+      two: ""
+      few: ""
+      many: ""
+      other: "{TIMES_REFERENCED} times referenced"
+  words:
+    _: "{WORDS}"
+    thousand: "{WORDS}k"
+    withUnit:
+      zero: ""
+      one: "{WORDS} word"
+      two: ""
+      few: ""
+      many: ""
+      other: "{WORDS} words"
+  timesUsed:
+    _: "{TIMES_USED}"
+    withUnit:
+      zero: ""
+      one: "used {TIMES_USED} time"
+      two: ""
+      few: ""
+      many: ""
+      other: "used {TIMES_USED} times"
+  index:
+    zero: ""
+    one: "{INDEX}st"
+    two: "{INDEX}nd"
+    few: "{INDEX}rd"
+    many: ""
+    other: "{INDEX}th"
+  duration:
+    missing: "_:__"
+    approximate: "~{DURATION}"
+    hours:
+      _:        "{HOURS}:{MINUTES}:{SECONDS}"
+      withUnit: "{HOURS}:{MINUTES}:{SECONDS} hours"
+    minutes:
+      _:        "{MINUTES}:{SECONDS}"
+      withUnit: "{MINUTES}:{SECONDS} minutes"
+  fileSize:
+    terabytes: "{TERABYTES} TB"
+    gigabytes: "{GIGABYTES} GB"
+    megabytes: "{MEGABYTES} MB"
+    kilobytes: "{KILOBYTES} kB"
+    bytes: "{BYTES} bytes"
+  by: "By {ARTISTS}."
+  from: "From {ALBUM}."
+  coverArtBy: "Cover art by {ARTISTS}."
+  wallpaperArtBy: "Wallpaper art by {ARTISTS}."
+  bannerArtBy: "Banner art by {ARTISTS}."
+  released: "Released {DATE}."
+  artReleased: "Art released {DATE}."
+  addedToWiki: "Added to wiki {DATE}."
+  duration: "Duration: {DURATION}."
+  viewCommentary:
+    _: "View {LINK}!"
+    link: "commentary page"
+  viewGallery:
+    _: "View {LINK}!"
+    link: "gallery page"
+  viewGalleryOrCommentary:
+    _: "View {GALLERY} or {COMMENTARY}!"
+    gallery: "gallery page"
+    commentary: "commentary page"
+  viewOriginalFile:
+    _: "View {LINK}."
+    withSize: "View {LINK} ({SIZE})."
+    link: "original file"
+    sizeWarning: >-
+      (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)
+  listenOn:
+    _: "Listen on {LINKS}."
+    noLinks: >-
+      This wiki doesn't have any listening links for {NAME}.
+  visitOn: "Visit on {LINKS}."
+  playOn: "Play on {LINKS}."
+  readCommentary:
+    _: "Read {LINK}."
+    link: "artist commentary"
+  alsoReleasedAs:
+    _: "Also released as:"
+    item: "{TRACK} (on {ALBUM})"
+  contributors: "Contributors:"
+  tracksReferenced: "Tracks that {TRACK} references:"
+  tracksThatReference: "Tracks that reference {TRACK}:"
+  tracksSampled: "Tracks that {TRACK} samples:"
+  tracksThatSample: "Tracks that sample {TRACK}:"
+  flashesThatFeature:
+    _: "Flashes & games that feature {TRACK}:"
+    item:
+      _: "{FLASH}"
+      asDifferentRelease: "{FLASH} (as {TRACK})"
+  tracksFeatured: "Tracks that {FLASH} features:"
+  lyrics: "Lyrics:"
+  note: "Context notes:"
+  artistCommentary:
+    _: "Artist commentary:"
+    seeOriginalRelease: "See {ORIGINAL}!"
+  artTags:
+    _: "Tags:"
+    inline: "Tags: {TAGS}"
+  additionalFiles:
+    heading: "View or download {ADDITIONAL_FILES}:"
+    entry:
+      _: "{TITLE}"
+      withDescription: "{TITLE}: {DESCRIPTION}"
+    file:
+      _: "{FILE}"
+      withSize: "{FILE} ({SIZE})"
+    shortcut:
+      _: "View {ANCHOR_LINK}: {TITLES}"
+      anchorLink: "additional files"
+  sheetMusicFiles:
+    heading: "Print or download sheet music files:"
+    shortcut:
+      _: "Download {LINK}."
+      link: "sheet music files"
+  midiProjectFiles:
+    heading: "Download MIDI/project files:"
+    shortcut:
+      _: "Download {LINK}."
+      link: "MIDI/project files"
+  section:
+    withDuration: "{SECTION} ({DURATION}):"
+  group:
+    _: "From {GROUP}:"
+    fromOther: "From somewhere else:"
+  item:
+    withDuration: "({DURATION}) {TRACK}"
+    withDuration.withArtists: "({DURATION}) {TRACK} {BY}"
+    withArtists: "{TRACK} {BY}"
+    withArtists.by: "by {ARTISTS}"
+    rerelease: "{TRACK} (re-release)"
+  alt:
+    albumCover: "album cover"
+    albumBanner: "album banner"
+    trackCover: "track cover"
+    artistAvatar: "artist avatar"
+    flashArt: "flash art"
+  artistLink:
+    _: "{ARTIST}"
+    withContribution: "{ARTIST} ({CONTRIB})"
+    withExternalLinks: "{ARTIST} ({LINKS})"
+    withContribution.withExternalLinks: "{ARTIST} ({CONTRIB}) ({LINKS})"
+  chronology:
+    seeArtistPages: "(See artist pages for chronology info!)"
+    withNavigation: "{HEADING} ({NAVIGATION})"
+    heading:
+      coverArt: "{INDEX} cover art by {ARTIST}"
+      flash: "{INDEX} flash/game by {ARTIST}"
+      track: "{INDEX} track by {ARTIST}"
+  external:
+    domain: "External ({DOMAIN})"
+    local: "Wiki Archive (local upload)"
+    deviantart: "DeviantArt"
+    instagram: "Instagram"
+    newgrounds: "Newgrounds"
+    patreon: "Patreon"
+    poetryFoundation: "Poetry Foundation"
+    soundcloud: "SoundCloud"
+    spotify: "Spotify"
+    tumblr: "Tumblr"
+    twitter: "Twitter"
+    wikipedia: "Wikipedia"
+    bandcamp:
+      _: "Bandcamp"
+      domain: "Bandcamp ({DOMAIN})"
+    mastodon:
+      _: "Mastodon"
+      domain: "Mastodon ({DOMAIN})"
+    youtube:
+      _: "YouTube"
+      playlist: "YouTube (playlist)"
+      fullAlbum: "YouTube (full album)"
+    flash:
+      bgreco: "{LINK} (HQ Audio)"
+      youtube: "{LINK} (on any device)"
+      homestuck:
+        page: "{LINK} (page {PAGE})"
+        secret: "{LINK} (secret page)"
+  missingImage: "(This image file is missing)"
+  missingLinkContent: "(Missing link content)"
+  nav:
+    previous: "Previous"
+    next: "Next"
+    info: "Info"
+    gallery: "Gallery"
+  pageTitle:
+    _: "{TITLE}"
+    withWikiName: "{TITLE} | {WIKI_NAME}"
+  skippers:
+    skipTo: "Skip to:"
+    content: "Content"
+    header: "Header"
+    footer: "Footer"
+    sidebar:
+      _: "Sidebar"
+      left: "Sidebar (left)"
+      right: "Sidebar (right)"
+    tracks: "Tracks"
+    art: "Artworks"
+    flashes: "Flashes & Games"
+    contributors: "Contributors"
+    references: "References..."
+    referencedBy: "Referenced by..."
+    samples: "Samples..."
+    sampledBy: "Sampled by..."
+    features: "Features..."
+    featuredIn: "Featured in..."
+    lyrics: "Lyrics"
+    sheetMusicFiles: "Sheet music files"
+    midiProjectFiles: "MIDI/project files"
+    additionalFiles: "Additional files"
+    commentary: "Commentary"
+    artistCommentary: "Commentary"
+  socialEmbed:
+    heading: "{WIKI_NAME} | {HEADING}"
+  jumpTo:
+    _: "Jump to:"
+    withLinks: "Jump to: {LINKS}."
+  contentWarnings:
+    _: "cw: {WARNINGS}"
+    reveal: "click to show"
+  albumGrid:
+    noCoverArt: "{ALBUM}"
+    details:
+      _: "({TRACKS}, {TIME})"
+      coverArtists: "(Illust. {ARTISTS})"
+      otherCoverArtists: "(With {ARTISTS})"
+  albumGalleryGrid:
+    noCoverArt: "{NAME}"
+  uiLanguage: "UI Language: {LANGUAGES"
+  title: "{TITLE}"
+  news:
+    title: "News"
+    entry:
+      viewRest: "(View rest of entry!)"
+  trackList:
+    fallbackSectionName: "Track list"
+    item: "{TRACK}"
+    group:
+      _: "{GROUP}"
+      withRange: "{GROUP} ({RANGE})"
+  groupBox:
+    title: "{GROUP}"
+    next: "Next: {ALBUM}"
+    previous: "Previous: {ALBUM}"
+  title: "{ALBUM}"
+  nav:
+    album: "{ALBUM}"
+    randomTrack: "Random Track"
+    gallery: "Gallery"
+    commentary: "Commentary"
+  socialEmbed:
+    heading: "{GROUP}"
+    title: "{ALBUM}"
+    body:
+      withDuration: "{DURATION}."
+      withTracks: "{TRACKS}."
+      withReleaseDate: Released {DATE}.
+      withDuration.withTracks: "{DURATION}, {TRACKS}."
+      withDuration.withReleaseDate: "{DURATION}. Released {DATE}."
+      withTracks.withReleaseDate: "{TRACKS}. Released {DATE}."
+      withDuration.withTracks.withReleaseDate: "{DURATION}, {TRACKS}. Released {DATE}."
+  title: "{ALBUM} - Gallery"
+  statsLine: >-
+    {TRACKS} totaling {DURATION}.
+  statsLine.withDate: >-
+    {TRACKS} totaling {DURATION}. Released {DATE}.
+  coverArtistsLine: >-
+    All track artwork by {ARTISTS}.
+  noTrackArtworksLine: >-
+    This album doesn't have any track artwork.
+  title: "{ALBUM} - Commentary"
+  nav:
+    album: "Album: {ALBUM}"
+  infoLine: >-
+    {WORDS} across {ENTRIES}.
+  entry:
+    title:
+      albumCommentary: "Album commentary"
+      trackCommentary: "{TRACK}"
+  title: "{ARTIST}"
+  nav:
+    artist: "Artist: {ARTIST}"
+  creditList:
+    album:
+      _: "{ALBUM}"
+      withDate: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})"
+      withDuration: "{ALBUM} ({DURATION})"
+      withDate.withDuration: "{ALBUM} ({DATE}; {DURATION})"
+    flashAct:
+      _: "{ACT}"
+      withDate: "{ACT} ({DATE})"
+      withDateRange: "{ACT} ({DATE_RANGE})"
+    entry:
+      rerelease: "{ENTRY} (re-release)"
+      withContribution: "{ENTRY} ({CONTRIBUTION})"
+      withArtists: "{ENTRY} (with {ARTISTS})"
+      withArtists.withContribution: "{ENTRY} ({CONTRIBUTION}; with {ARTISTS})"
+      track:
+        _: "{TRACK}"
+        withDuration: "({DURATION}) {TRACK}"
+      album:
+        coverArt: "(cover art)"
+        wallpaperArt: "(wallpaper art)"
+        bannerArt: "(banner art)"
+        commentary: "(album commentary)"
+      flash:
+        _: "{FLASH}"
+  contributedDurationLine: >-
+    {ARTIST} has contributed {DURATION} of music shared on this wiki.
+  musicGroupsLine: >-
+    Contributed music to groups: {GROUPS}
+  artGroupsLine: >-
+    Contributed art to groups: {GROUPS}
+  groupsLine:
+    item:
+      withCount: "{GROUP} ({COUNT})"
+      withDuration: "{GROUP} ({DURATION})"
+  groupContributions:
+    title:
+      music: "Contributed music to groups:"
+      artworks: "Contributed artworks to groups:"
+      withSortButton: "{TITLE} ({SORT})"
+      sorting:
+        count: "Sorting by count."
+        duration: "Sorting by duration."
+    item:
+      countAccent: "({COUNT})"
+      durationAccent: "({DURATION})"
+      countDurationAccent: "({COUNT} — {DURATION})"
+      durationCountAccent: "({DURATION} — {COUNT})"
+  trackList:
+    title: "Tracks"
+  artList:
+    title: "Artworks"
+  flashList:
+    title: "Flashes & Games"
+  commentaryList:
+    title: "Commentary"
+  viewArtGallery:
+    _: "View {LINK}!"
+    orBrowseList: "View {LINK}! Or browse the list:"
+    link: "art gallery"
+  title: "{ARTIST} - Gallery"
+  infoLine: >-
+    Contributed to {COVER_ARTS}.
+  title: "Commentary"
+  infoLine: >-
+    {WORDS} across {ENTRIES}, in all.
+  albumList:
+    title: "Choose an album:"
+    item: "{ALBUM} ({WORDS} across {ENTRIES})"
+  title: "Flashes & Games"
+  title: "{FLASH}"
+  nav:
+    flash: "{FLASH}"
+  flashList:
+    flashesInThisAct: "Flashes in this act"
+    entriesInThisSection: "Entries in this section"
+  title: "Groups"
+  groupList:
+    category: "{CATEGORY}"
+    item: "{GROUP}"
+  nav:
+    group: "Group: {GROUP}"
+  title: "{GROUP}"
+  viewAlbumGallery:
+    _: "View {LINK}! Or browse the list:"
+    link: "album gallery"
+  albumList:
+    title: "Albums"
+    item:
+      _: "({YEAR}) {ALBUM}"
+      withoutYear: "{ALBUM}"
+      withAccent: "{ITEM} {ACCENT}"
+      otherGroupAccent: "(from {GROUP})"
+  title: "{GROUP} - Gallery"
+  infoLine: >-
+    {TRACKS} across {ALBUMS}, totaling {TIME}.
+  title: "Listings"
+  infoLine: >-
+    {WIKI}: {TRACKS} across {ALBUMS}, totaling {DURATION}.
+  exploreList: >-
+    Feel free to explore any of the listings linked below and in the sidebar!
+  target:
+    album: "Albums"
+    artist: "Artists"
+    group: "Groups"
+    track: "Tracks"
+    tag: "Tags"
+    other: "Other"
+  listingsFor: "Listings for {TARGET}: {LISTINGS}"
+  seeAlso: "Also check out: {LISTINGS}"
+  listAlbums:
+    byName:
+      title: "Albums - by Name"
+      title.short: "...by Name"
+      item: "{ALBUM} ({TRACKS})"
+    byTracks:
+      title: "Albums - by Tracks"
+      title.short: "...by Tracks"
+      item: "{ALBUM} ({TRACKS})"
+    byDuration:
+      title: "Albums - by Duration"
+      title.short: "...by Duration"
+      item: "{ALBUM} ({DURATION})"
+    byDate:
+      title: "Albums - by Date"
+      title.short: "...by Date"
+      item: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})"
+    byDateAdded:
+      title: "Albums - by Date Added to Wiki"
+      title.short: "...by Date Added to Wiki"
+      chunk:
+        title: "{DATE}"
+        item: "{ALBUM}"
+  listArtists:
+    byName:
+      title: "Artists - by Name"
+      title.short: "...by Name"
+      item: "{ARTIST} ({CONTRIBUTIONS})"
+    byContribs:
+      title: "Artists - by Contributions"
+      title.short: "...by Contributions"
+      item: "{ARTIST} ({CONTRIBUTIONS})"
+    byCommentary:
+      title: "Artists - by Commentary Entries"
+      title.short: "...by Commentary Entries"
+      item: "{ARTIST} ({ENTRIES})"
+    byDuration:
+      title: "Artists - by Duration"
+      title.short: "...by Duration"
+      item: "{ARTIST} ({DURATION})"
+    byLatest:
+      title: "Artists - by Latest Contribution"
+      title.short: "...by Latest Contribution"
+      chunk:
+        title.album: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})"
+        title.flash: "{FLASH} ({DATE})"
+        item: "{ARTIST}"
+      dateless:
+        title: "These artists' contributions aren't dated:"
+        item: "{ARTIST}"
+  listGroups:
+    byName:
+      title: "Groups - by Name"
+      title.short: "...by Name"
+      item: "{GROUP} ({GALLERY})"
+      item.gallery: "Gallery"
+    byCategory:
+      title: "Groups - by Category"
+      title.short: "...by Category"
+      chunk:
+        title: "{CATEGORY}"
+        item: "{GROUP} ({GALLERY})"
+        item.gallery: "Gallery"
+    byAlbums:
+      title: "Groups - by Albums"
+      title.short: "...by Albums"
+      item: "{GROUP} ({ALBUMS})"
+    byTracks:
+      title: "Groups - by Tracks"
+      title.short: "...by Tracks"
+      item: "{GROUP} ({TRACKS})"
+    byDuration:
+      title: "Groups - by Duration"
+      title.short: "...by Duration"
+      item: "{GROUP} ({DURATION})"
+    byLatest:
+      title: "Groups - by Latest Album"
+      title.short: "...by Latest Album"
+      item: "{GROUP} ({DATE})"
+  listTracks:
+    byName:
+      title: "Tracks - by Name"
+      title.short: "...by Name"
+      item: "{TRACK}"
+    byAlbum:
+      title: "Tracks - by Album"
+      title.short: "...by Album"
+      chunk:
+        title: "{ALBUM}"
+        item: "{TRACK}"
+    byDate:
+      title: "Tracks - by Date"
+      title.short: "...by Date"
+      chunk:
+        title: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})"
+        item: "{TRACK}"
+        item.rerelease: "{TRACK} (re-release)"
+    byDuration:
+      title: "Tracks - by Duration"
+      title.short: "...by Duration"
+      item: "{TRACK} ({DURATION})"
+    byDurationInAlbum:
+      title: "Tracks - by Duration (in Album)"
+      title.short: "...by Duration (in Album)"
+      chunk:
+        title: "{ALBUM}"
+        item: "{TRACK} ({DURATION})"
+    byTimesReferenced:
+      title: "Tracks - by Times Referenced"
+      title.short: "...by Times Referenced"
+      item: "{TRACK} ({TIMES_REFERENCED})"
+    inFlashes.byAlbum:
+      title: "Tracks - in Flashes & Games (by Album)"
+      title.short: "...in Flashes & Games (by Album)"
+      chunk:
+        title: "{ALBUM}"
+        item: "{TRACK} (in {FLASHES})"
+    inFlashes.byFlash:
+      title: "Tracks - in Flashes & Games (by Flash)"
+      title.short: "...in Flashes & Games (by Flash)"
+      chunk:
+        title: "{FLASH}"
+        item: "{TRACK} (from {ALBUM})"
+    withLyrics:
+      title: "Tracks - with Lyrics"
+      title.short: "...with Lyrics"
+      chunk:
+        title: "{ALBUM}"
+        title.withDate: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})"
+        item: "{TRACK}"
+    withSheetMusicFiles:
+      title: "Tracks - with Sheet Music Files"
+      title.short: "...with Sheet Music Files"
+      chunk:
+        title: "{ALBUM}"
+        title.withDate: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})"
+        item: "{TRACK}"
+    withMidiProjectFiles:
+      title: "Tracks - with MIDI & Project Files"
+      title.short: "...with MIDI & Project Files"
+      chunk:
+        title: "{ALBUM}"
+        title.withDate: "{ALBUM} ({DATE})"
+        item: "{TRACK}"
+  listTags:
+    byName:
+      title: "Tags - by Name"
+      title.short: "...by Name"
+      item: "{TAG} ({TIMES_USED})"
+    byUses:
+      title: "Tags - by Uses"
+      title.short: "...by Uses"
+      item: "{TAG} ({TIMES_USED})"
+  other:
+    allSheetMusic:
+      title: "All Sheet Music"
+      title.short: "All Sheet Music"
+      albumFiles: "Album sheet music:"
+      file:
+        _: "{TITLE}"
+        withMultipleFiles: "{TITLE} ({FILES})"
+    allMidiProjectFiles:
+      title: "All MIDI/Project Files"
+      title.short: "All MIDI/Project Files"
+      albumFiles: "Album MIDI/project files:"
+      file:
+        _: "{TITLE}"
+        withMultipleFiles: "{TITLE} ({FILES})"
+    allAdditionalFiles:
+      title: "All Additional Files"
+      title.short: "All Additional Files"
+      albumFiles: "Album additional files:"
+      file:
+        _: "{TITLE}"
+        withMultipleFiles: "{TITLE} ({FILES})"
+    randomPages:
+      title: "Random Pages"
+      title.short: "Random Pages"
+      chooseLinkLine: >-
+        Choose a link to go to a random page in that category or album!
+        If your browser doesn't support relatively modern JavaScript
+        or you've disabled it, these links won't work - sorry.
+      dataLoadingLine: >-
+        (Data files are downloading in the background! Please wait for data to load.)
+      dataLoadedLine: >-
+        (Data files have finished being downloaded. The links should work!)
+      misc:
+        _: "Miscellaneous:"
+        randomArtist: "Random Artist"
+        atLeastTwoContributions: "at least 2 contributions"
+        randomAlbumWholeSite: "Random Album (whole site)"
+        randomTrackWholeSite: "Random Track (whole site)"
+      group:
+        _: "From {GROUP}: ({RANDOM_ALBUM}, {RANDOM_TRACK})"
+        randomAlbum: "Random Album"
+        randomTrack: "Random Track"
+      album: "{ALBUM}"
+  misc:
+    trackContributors: "Track Contributors"
+    artContributors: "Art Contributors"
+    flashContributors: "Flash & Game Contributors"
+    artAndFlashContributors: "Art & Flash Contributors"
+  title: "News"
+  entry:
+    viewRest: "(View rest of entry!)"
+  title: "{ENTRY}"
+  published: "(Published {DATE}.)"
+  title: "Moved to {TITLE}"
+  infoLine: >-
+    This page has been moved to {TARGET}.
+  title: "{TAG}"
+  nav:
+    tag: "Tag: {TAG}"
+  infoLine: >-
+    Appears in {COVER_ARTS}.
+  title: "{TRACK}"
+  nav:
+    random: "Random"
+    track:
+      _: "{TRACK}"
+      withNumber: "{NUMBER}. {TRACK}"
+  referenceList:
+    fandom: "Fandom:"
+    official: "Official:"
+  socialEmbed:
+    heading: "{ALBUM}"
+    title: "{TRACK}"
+    body:
+      withArtists.withCoverArtists: "By {ARTISTS}; art by {COVER_ARTISTS}."
+      withArtists: "By {ARTISTS}."
+      withCoverArtists: "Art by {COVER_ARTISTS}."