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path: root/src/strings-default.yaml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/strings-default.yaml')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/strings-default.yaml b/src/strings-default.yaml
index 0765e1ee..b94f8b77 100644
--- a/src/strings-default.yaml
+++ b/src/strings-default.yaml
@@ -1331,20 +1331,45 @@ artTagInfoPage:
 #   The tag gallery page displays all the artworks that a tag has
 #   been featured in, in one neat grid, with each artwork displaying
 #   its illustrators, as well as a short info line that indicates
-#   how many artworks the tag's part of.
+#   how many artworks the tag's been featured in, whether directly,
+#   indirectly (via descendant tags), both, or neither. If a tag's
+#   been featured both directly and indirectly, there are buttons
+#   to switch what's being shown.
   title: "{TAG}"
-  infoLine:
-    _: "Featured in {COVER_ARTS}."
+  descendsFrom: "Descends from {TAGS}."
+  descendants: "Direct descendants: {TAGS}."
+  featuredLine:
+    all: >-
+      Featured in {COVER_ARTS}.
+    direct: >-
+      Featured directly in {COVER_ARTS}.
+    indirect: >-
+      Featured indirectly in {COVER_ARTS}.
-      _: "This tag hasn't been featured in any artworks yet."
-      callToAction: "Maybe your track will be the first!"
+      _: >-
+        This tag hasn't been featured in any artworks yet.
-  descendsFrom: "Descends from {TAGS}."
-  descendants: "Direct descendants: {TAGS}."
+      callToAction: >-
+        Maybe your track will be the first!
+  showingLine:
+    _: "({SHOWING})"
+    all: >-
+      Showing all artworks.
+    indirect: >-
+      Showing artworks where this tag is only featured indirectly.
+    direct: >-
+      Showing artworks where this tag is featured directly.
 # commentaryIndex: