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path: root/src/static/js/client/hoverable-tooltip.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/static/js/client/hoverable-tooltip.js')
1 files changed, 1083 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/static/js/client/hoverable-tooltip.js b/src/static/js/client/hoverable-tooltip.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..484f2ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/static/js/client/hoverable-tooltip.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1083 @@
+/* eslint-env browser */
+import {empty, filterMultipleArrays} from '../../shared-util/sugar.js';
+import {WikiRect} from '../rectangles.js';
+import {
+  cssProp,
+  dispatchInternalEvent,
+  getVisuallyContainingElement,
+  pointIsOverAnyOf,
+} from '../client-util.js';
+import {info as stickyHeadingInfo} from './sticky-heading.js';
+export const info = {
+  id: 'hoverableTooltipInfo',
+  settings: {
+    // Hovering has two speed settings. The normal setting is used by default,
+    // and once a tooltip is displayed as a result of hover, the entire tooltip
+    // system will enter a "fast hover mode" - hovering will activate tooltips
+    // sooner. "Fast hover mode" is disabled after a sustained duration of not
+    // hovering over any hoverables; it's meant only to accelerate switching
+    // tooltips while still deciding, or getting a quick overview across more
+    // than one tooltip.
+    normalHoverInfoDelay: 400,
+    fastHoveringInfoDelay: 150,
+    endFastHoveringDelay: 500,
+    // Focusing has a single speed setting, which is how long it will take to
+    // enter a functional "focus mode" (though it's not actually implemented
+    // in terms of this state). As soon as "focus mode" is entered, the tooltip
+    // for the current hoverable is displayed, and focusing another hoverable
+    // will cause the current tooltip to be swapped for that one immediately.
+    // "Focus mode" ends as soon as anything apart from a tooltip or hoverable
+    // is focused, and it will be necessary to wait on this delay again.
+    focusInfoDelay: 750,
+    hideTooltipDelay: 500,
+    // If a tooltip that's transitioning to hidden is hovered during the grace
+    // period (or the corresponding hoverable is hovered at any point in the
+    // transition), it'll cancel out of this animation immediately.
+    transitionHiddenDuration: 300,
+    inertGracePeriod: 100,
+  },
+  state: {
+    // These maps store a record for each registered element and related state
+    // and registration info, if applicable.
+    registeredTooltips: new Map(),
+    registeredHoverables: new Map(),
+    // These are common across all tooltips, rather than stored individually,
+    // based on the principles that 1) only a single tooltip can be displayed
+    // at once, and 2) likewise, only a single hoverable can be hovered,
+    // focused, or otherwise active at once.
+    hoverTimeout: null,
+    focusTimeout: null,
+    touchTimeout: null,
+    hideTimeout: null,
+    transitionHiddenTimeout: null,
+    inertGracePeriodTimeout: null,
+    currentlyShownTooltip: null,
+    currentlyActiveHoverable: null,
+    currentlyTransitioningHiddenTooltip: null,
+    previouslyActiveHoverable: null,
+    tooltipWasJustHidden: false,
+    hoverableWasRecentlyTouched: false,
+    // Fast hovering is a global mode which is activated as soon as any tooltip
+    // is displayed and turns off after a delay of no hoverables being hovered.
+    // Note that fast hovering may be turned off while hovering a tooltip, but
+    // it will never be turned off while idling over a hoverable.
+    fastHovering: false,
+    endFastHoveringTimeout: false,
+    // These track the identifiers of current touches and a record of current
+    // identifiers that are "banished" by scrolling - that is, touches which
+    // existed while the page scrolled and were probably responsible for that
+    // scrolling. This is a bit loose (we can't actually tell which touches
+    // caused the page to scroll) but it's intended to keep scrolling the page
+    // from causing the current tooltip to be hidden.
+    currentTouchIdentifiers: new Set(),
+    touchIdentifiersBanishedByScrolling: new Set(),
+    // This is a two-item array that tracks the direction we've already
+    // dynamically placed the current tooltip. If we *reposition* the tooltip
+    // (because its dimensions changed), we'll try to follow this anchor first.
+    dynamicTooltipAnchorDirection: null,
+  },
+  event: {
+    whenTooltipShows: [],
+    whenTooltipHides: [],
+  },
+// Adds DOM event listeners, so must be called during addPageListeners step.
+export function registerTooltipElement(tooltip) {
+  const {state} = info;
+  if (!tooltip)
+    throw new Error(`Expected tooltip`);
+  if (state.registeredTooltips.has(tooltip))
+    throw new Error(`This tooltip is already registered`);
+  // No state or registration info here.
+  state.registeredTooltips.set(tooltip, {});
+  tooltip.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
+    handleTooltipMouseEntered(tooltip);
+  });
+  tooltip.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
+    handleTooltipMouseLeft(tooltip);
+  });
+  tooltip.addEventListener('focusin', event => {
+    handleTooltipReceivedFocus(tooltip, event.relatedTarget);
+  });
+  tooltip.addEventListener('focusout', event => {
+    // This event gets activated for tabbing *between* links inside the
+    // tooltip, which is no good and certainly doesn't represent the focus
+    // leaving the tooltip.
+    if (currentlyShownTooltipHasFocus(event.relatedTarget)) return;
+    handleTooltipLostFocus(tooltip, event.relatedTarget);
+  });
+// Adds DOM event listeners, so must be called during addPageListeners step.
+export function registerTooltipHoverableElement(hoverable, tooltip) {
+  const {state} = info;
+  if (!hoverable || !tooltip)
+    if (hoverable)
+      throw new Error(`Expected hoverable and tooltip, got only hoverable`);
+    else
+      throw new Error(`Expected hoverable and tooltip, got neither`);
+  if (!state.registeredTooltips.has(tooltip))
+    throw new Error(`Register tooltip before registering hoverable`);
+  if (state.registeredHoverables.has(hoverable))
+    throw new Error(`This hoverable is already registered`);
+  state.registeredHoverables.set(hoverable, {tooltip});
+  hoverable.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
+    handleTooltipHoverableMouseEntered(hoverable);
+  });
+  hoverable.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
+    handleTooltipHoverableMouseLeft(hoverable);
+  });
+  hoverable.addEventListener('focusin', event => {
+    handleTooltipHoverableReceivedFocus(hoverable, event);
+  });
+  hoverable.addEventListener('focusout', event => {
+    handleTooltipHoverableLostFocus(hoverable, event);
+  });
+  hoverable.addEventListener('touchend', event => {
+    handleTooltipHoverableTouchEnded(hoverable, event);
+  });
+  hoverable.addEventListener('click', event => {
+    handleTooltipHoverableClicked(hoverable, event);
+  });
+function handleTooltipMouseEntered(tooltip) {
+  const {state} = info;
+  if (state.currentlyTransitioningHiddenTooltip) {
+    cancelTransitioningTooltipHidden(true);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (state.currentlyShownTooltip !== tooltip) return;
+  // Don't time out the current tooltip while hovering it.
+  if (state.hideTimeout) {
+    clearTimeout(state.hideTimeout);
+    state.hideTimeout = null;
+  }
+function handleTooltipMouseLeft(tooltip) {
+  const {settings, state} = info;
+  if (state.currentlyShownTooltip !== tooltip) return;
+  // Start timing out the current tooltip when it's left. This could be
+  // canceled by mousing over a hoverable, or back over the tooltip again.
+  if (!state.hideTimeout) {
+    state.hideTimeout =
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        state.hideTimeout = null;
+        hideCurrentlyShownTooltip();
+      }, settings.hideTooltipDelay);
+  }
+function handleTooltipReceivedFocus(_tooltip) {
+  const {state} = info;
+  // Cancel the tooltip-hiding timeout if it exists. The tooltip will never
+  // be hidden while it contains the focus anyway, but this ensures the timeout
+  // will be suitably reset when the tooltip loses focus.
+  if (state.hideTimeout) {
+    clearTimeout(state.hideTimeout);
+    state.hideTimeout = null;
+  }
+function handleTooltipLostFocus(_tooltip) {
+  // Hide the current tooltip right away when it loses focus. Specify intent
+  // to replace - while we don't strictly know if another tooltip is going to
+  // immediately replace it, the mode of navigating with tab focus (once one
+  // tooltip has been activated) is a "switch focus immediately" kind of
+  // interaction in its nature.
+  hideCurrentlyShownTooltip(true);
+function handleTooltipHoverableMouseEntered(hoverable) {
+  const {settings, state} = info;
+  const {tooltip} = state.registeredHoverables.get(hoverable);
+  // If this tooltip was transitioning to hidden, hovering should cancel that
+  // animation and show it immediately.
+  if (tooltip === state.currentlyTransitioningHiddenTooltip) {
+    cancelTransitioningTooltipHidden(true);
+    return;
+  }
+  // Start a timer to show the corresponding tooltip, with the delay depending
+  // on whether fast hovering or not. This could be canceled by mousing out of
+  // the hoverable.
+  const hoverTimeoutDelay =
+    (state.fastHovering
+      ? settings.fastHoveringInfoDelay
+      : settings.normalHoverInfoDelay);
+  state.hoverTimeout =
+    setTimeout(() => {
+      state.hoverTimeout = null;
+      state.fastHovering = true;
+      showTooltipFromHoverable(hoverable);
+    }, hoverTimeoutDelay);
+  // Don't stop fast hovering while over any hoverable.
+  if (state.endFastHoveringTimeout) {
+    clearTimeout(state.endFastHoveringTimeout);
+    state.endFastHoveringTimeout = null;
+  }
+  // Don't time out the current tooltip while over any hoverable.
+  if (state.hideTimeout) {
+    clearTimeout(state.hideTimeout);
+    state.hideTimeout = null;
+  }
+function handleTooltipHoverableMouseLeft(_hoverable) {
+  const {settings, state} = info;
+  // Don't show a tooltip when not over a hoverable!
+  if (state.hoverTimeout) {
+    clearTimeout(state.hoverTimeout);
+    state.hoverTimeout = null;
+  }
+  // Start timing out fast hovering (if active) when not over a hoverable.
+  // This will only be canceled by mousing over another hoverable.
+  if (state.fastHovering && !state.endFastHoveringTimeout) {
+    state.endFastHoveringTimeout =
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        state.endFastHoveringTimeout = null;
+        state.fastHovering = false;
+      }, settings.endFastHoveringDelay);
+  }
+  // Start timing out the current tooltip when mousing not over a hoverable.
+  // This could be canceled by mousing over another hoverable, or over the
+  // currently shown tooltip.
+  if (state.currentlyShownTooltip && !state.hideTimeout) {
+    state.hideTimeout =
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        state.hideTimeout = null;
+        hideCurrentlyShownTooltip();
+      }, settings.hideTooltipDelay);
+  }
+function handleTooltipHoverableReceivedFocus(hoverable) {
+  const {settings, state} = info;
+  // By default, display the corresponding tooltip after a delay.
+  state.focusTimeout =
+    setTimeout(() => {
+      state.focusTimeout = null;
+      showTooltipFromHoverable(hoverable);
+    }, settings.focusInfoDelay);
+  // If a tooltip was just hidden - which is almost certainly a result of the
+  // focus changing - then display this tooltip immediately, canceling the
+  // above timeout.
+  if (state.tooltipWasJustHidden) {
+    clearTimeout(state.focusTimeout);
+    state.focusTimeout = null;
+    showTooltipFromHoverable(hoverable);
+  }
+function handleTooltipHoverableLostFocus(hoverable, domEvent) {
+  const {state} = info;
+  // Don't show a tooltip from focusing a hoverable if it isn't focused
+  // anymore! If another hoverable is receiving focus, that will be evaluated
+  // and set its own focus timeout after we clear the previous one here.
+  if (state.focusTimeout) {
+    clearTimeout(state.focusTimeout);
+    state.focusTimeout = null;
+  }
+  // Unless focus is entering the tooltip itself, hide the tooltip immediately.
+  // This will set the tooltipWasJustHidden flag, which is detected by a newly
+  // focused hoverable, if applicable. Always specify intent to replace when
+  // navigating via tab focus. (Check `handleTooltipLostFocus` for details.)
+  if (!currentlyShownTooltipHasFocus(domEvent.relatedTarget)) {
+    hideCurrentlyShownTooltip(true);
+  }
+function handleTooltipHoverableTouchEnded(hoverable, domEvent) {
+  const {state} = info;
+  const {tooltip} = state.registeredHoverables.get(hoverable);
+  // Don't proceed if this hoverable's tooltip is already visible - in that
+  // case touching the hoverable again should behave just like a normal click.
+  if (state.currentlyShownTooltip === tooltip) {
+    // If the hoverable was *recently* touched - meaning that this is a second
+    // touchend in short succession - then just letting the click come through
+    // naturally would (depending on timing) not actually navigate anywhere,
+    // because we've deliberately banished the *first* touch from navigation.
+    // We do want the second touch to navigate, so clear that recently-touched
+    // state, allowing this touch's click to behave as normal.
+    if (state.hoverableWasRecentlyTouched) {
+      clearTimeout(state.touchTimeout);
+      state.touchTimeout = null;
+      state.hoverableWasRecentlyTouched = false;
+    }
+    // Otherwise, this is just a second touch after enough time has passed
+    // that the one which showed the tooltip is no longer "recent", and we're
+    // not in any special state. The link will navigate to its page just like
+    // normal.
+    return;
+  }
+  const touches = Array.from(domEvent.changedTouches);
+  const identifiers = touches.map(touch => touch.identifier);
+  // Don't process touch events that were "banished" because the page was
+  // scrolled while those touches were active, and most likely as a result of
+  // them.
+  filterMultipleArrays(touches, identifiers,
+    (_touch, identifier) =>
+      !state.touchIdentifiersBanishedByScrolling.has(identifier));
+  if (empty(touches)) return;
+  // Don't proceed if none of the (just-ended) touches ended over the
+  // hoverable.
+  const pointIsOverThisHoverable = pointIsOverAnyOf([hoverable]);
+  const anyTouchEndedOverHoverable =
+    touches.some(({clientX, clientY}) =>
+      pointIsOverThisHoverable(clientX, clientY));
+  if (!anyTouchEndedOverHoverable) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (state.touchTimeout) {
+    clearTimeout(state.touchTimeout);
+    state.touchTimeout = null;
+  }
+  // Show the tooltip right away.
+  showTooltipFromHoverable(hoverable);
+  // Set a state, for a brief but not instantaneous period, indicating that a
+  // hoverable was recently touched. The touchend event may precede the click
+  // event by some time, and we don't want to navigate away from the page as
+  // a result of the click event which this touch precipitated.
+  state.hoverableWasRecentlyTouched = true;
+  state.touchTimeout =
+    setTimeout(() => {
+      state.touchTimeout = null;
+      state.hoverableWasRecentlyTouched = false;
+    }, 1200);
+function handleTooltipHoverableClicked(hoverable) {
+  const {state} = info;
+  // Don't navigate away from the page if the this hoverable was recently
+  // touched (and had its tooltip activated). That flag won't be set if its
+  // tooltip was already open before the touch.
+  if (
+    state.currentlyActiveHoverable === hoverable &&
+    state.hoverableWasRecentlyTouched
+  ) {
+    event.preventDefault();
+  }
+export function currentlyShownTooltipHasFocus(focusElement = document.activeElement) {
+  const {state} = info;
+  const {
+    currentlyShownTooltip: tooltip,
+    currentlyActiveHoverable: hoverable,
+  } = state;
+  // If there's no tooltip, it can't possibly have focus.
+  if (!tooltip) return false;
+  // If the tooltip literally contains (or is) the focused element, then that's
+  // the principle condition we're looking for.
+  if (tooltip.contains(focusElement)) return true;
+  // If the hoverable *which opened the tooltip* is focused, then that also
+  // represents the tooltip being focused (in its currently shown state).
+  if (hoverable.contains(focusElement)) return true;
+  return false;
+export function beginTransitioningTooltipHidden(tooltip) {
+  const {settings, state} = info;
+  if (state.currentlyTransitioningHiddenTooltip) {
+    cancelTransitioningTooltipHidden();
+  }
+  cssProp(tooltip, {
+    'display': 'block',
+    'opacity': '0',
+    'transition-property': 'opacity',
+    'transition-timing-function':
+      `steps(${Math.ceil(settings.transitionHiddenDuration / 60)}, end)`,
+    'transition-duration':
+      `${settings.transitionHiddenDuration / 1000}s`,
+  });
+  state.currentlyTransitioningHiddenTooltip = tooltip;
+  state.transitionHiddenTimeout =
+    setTimeout(() => {
+      endTransitioningTooltipHidden();
+    }, settings.transitionHiddenDuration);
+export function cancelTransitioningTooltipHidden(andShow = false) {
+  const {state} = info;
+  endTransitioningTooltipHidden();
+  if (andShow) {
+    showTooltipFromHoverable(state.previouslyActiveHoverable);
+  }
+export function endTransitioningTooltipHidden() {
+  const {state} = info;
+  const {currentlyTransitioningHiddenTooltip: tooltip} = state;
+  if (!tooltip) return;
+  cssProp(tooltip, {
+    'display': null,
+    'opacity': null,
+    'transition-property': null,
+    'transition-timing-function': null,
+    'transition-duration': null,
+  });
+  state.currentlyTransitioningHiddenTooltip = null;
+  if (state.inertGracePeriodTimeout) {
+    clearTimeout(state.inertGracePeriodTimeout);
+    state.inertGracePeriodTimeout = null;
+  }
+  if (state.transitionHiddenTimeout) {
+    clearTimeout(state.transitionHiddenTimeout);
+    state.transitionHiddenTimeout = null;
+  }
+export function hideCurrentlyShownTooltip(intendingToReplace = false) {
+  const {settings, state, event} = info;
+  const {currentlyShownTooltip: tooltip} = state;
+  // If there was no tooltip to begin with, we're functionally in the desired
+  // state already, so return true.
+  if (!tooltip) return true;
+  // Never hide the tooltip if it's focused.
+  if (currentlyShownTooltipHasFocus()) return false;
+  state.currentlyActiveHoverable.classList.remove('has-visible-tooltip');
+  // If there's no intent to replace this tooltip, it's the last one currently
+  // apparent in the interaction, and should be hidden with a transition.
+  if (intendingToReplace) {
+    cssProp(tooltip, 'display', 'none');
+  } else {
+    beginTransitioningTooltipHidden(state.currentlyShownTooltip);
+  }
+  // Wait just a moment before making the tooltip inert. You might react
+  // (to the ghosting, or just to time passing) and realize you wanted
+  // to look at the tooltip after all - this delay gives a little buffer
+  // to second guess letting it disappear.
+  state.inertGracePeriodTimeout =
+    setTimeout(() => {
+      tooltip.inert = true;
+    }, settings.inertGracePeriod);
+  state.previouslyActiveHoverable = state.currentlyActiveHoverable;
+  state.currentlyShownTooltip = null;
+  state.currentlyActiveHoverable = null;
+  state.dynamicTooltipAnchorDirection = null;
+  // Set this for one tick of the event cycle.
+  state.tooltipWasJustHidden = true;
+  setTimeout(() => {
+    state.tooltipWasJustHidden = false;
+  });
+  dispatchInternalEvent(event, 'whenTooltipHides', {
+    tooltip,
+  });
+  return true;
+export function showTooltipFromHoverable(hoverable) {
+  const {state, event} = info;
+  const {tooltip} = state.registeredHoverables.get(hoverable);
+  if (!hideCurrentlyShownTooltip(true)) return false;
+  // Cancel out another tooltip that's transitioning hidden, if that's going
+  // on - it's a distraction that this tooltip is now replacing.
+  cancelTransitioningTooltipHidden();
+  hoverable.classList.add('has-visible-tooltip');
+  positionTooltipFromHoverableWithBrains(hoverable);
+  cssProp(tooltip, 'display', 'block');
+  tooltip.inert = false;
+  state.currentlyShownTooltip = tooltip;
+  state.currentlyActiveHoverable = hoverable;
+  state.tooltipWasJustHidden = false;
+  dispatchInternalEvent(event, 'whenTooltipShows', {
+    tooltip,
+  });
+  return true;
+export function peekTooltipClientRect(tooltip) {
+  const oldDisplayStyle = cssProp(tooltip, 'display');
+  cssProp(tooltip, 'display', 'block');
+  // Tooltips have a bit of padding that makes the interactive
+  // area wider, so that you're less likely to accidentally let
+  // the tooltip disappear (by hovering outside it). But this
+  // isn't visual at all, so for placement we only care about
+  // the content element.
+  const content =
+    tooltip.querySelector('.tooltip-content');
+  try {
+    return WikiRect.fromElement(content);
+  } finally {
+    cssProp(tooltip, 'display', oldDisplayStyle);
+  }
+export function repositionCurrentTooltip() {
+  const {state} = info;
+  const {currentlyActiveHoverable} = state;
+  if (!currentlyActiveHoverable) {
+    throw new Error(`No hoverable active to reposition tooltip from`);
+  }
+  positionTooltipFromHoverableWithBrains(currentlyActiveHoverable);
+export function positionTooltipFromHoverableWithBrains(hoverable) {
+  const {state} = info;
+  const {tooltip} = state.registeredHoverables.get(hoverable);
+  const anchorDirection = state.dynamicTooltipAnchorDirection;
+  // Reset before doing anything else. We're going to adapt to
+  // its natural placement, adjusted by CSS, which otherwise
+  // could be obscured by a placement we've previously provided.
+  resetDynamicTooltipPositioning(tooltip);
+  const opportunities =
+    getTooltipFromHoverablePlacementOpportunityAreas(hoverable);
+  const tooltipRect =
+    peekTooltipClientRect(tooltip);
+  // If the tooltip is already in the baseline containing area,
+  // prefer to keep it positioned naturally, adjusted by CSS
+  // instead of JavaScript.
+  const {numBaselineRects, idealBaseline: baselineRect} = opportunities;
+  if (baselineRect.contains(tooltipRect)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const tryDirection = (dir1, dir2, i) => {
+    selectedRect = opportunities[dir1][dir2][i];
+    return !!selectedRect;
+  };
+  let selectedRect = null;
+  selectRect: {
+    if (anchorDirection) {
+      for (let i = 0; i < numBaselineRects; i++) {
+        if (tryDirection(...anchorDirection, i)) {
+          break selectRect;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    for (let i = 0; i < numBaselineRects; i++) {
+      for (const [dir1, dir2] of [
+        ['right', 'down'],
+        ['left', 'down'],
+        ['right', 'up'],
+        ['left', 'up'],
+        ['down', 'right'],
+        ['down', 'left'],
+        ['up', 'right'],
+        ['up', 'left'],
+      ]) {
+        if (tryDirection(dir1, dir2, i)) {
+          state.dynamicTooltipAnchorDirection = [dir1, dir2];
+          break selectRect;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    selectedRect = baselineRect;
+  }
+  positionTooltip(tooltip, selectedRect.x, selectedRect.y);
+export function positionTooltip(tooltip, x, y) {
+  // Imagine what it'd be like if the tooltip were positioned
+  // with zero left/top offset, and calculate its actual offsets
+  // based on that.
+  cssProp(tooltip, {
+    left: `0`,
+    top: `0`,
+  });
+  const tooltipRect =
+    peekTooltipClientRect(tooltip);
+  cssProp(tooltip, {
+    left: `${x - tooltipRect.x}px`,
+    top: `${y - tooltipRect.y}px`,
+  });
+export function resetDynamicTooltipPositioning(tooltip) {
+  cssProp(tooltip, {
+    left: null,
+    top: null,
+  });
+export function getTooltipFromHoverablePlacementOpportunityAreas(hoverable) {
+  const {state} = info;
+  const {tooltip} = state.registeredHoverables.get(hoverable);
+  const baselineRects =
+    getTooltipBaselineOpportunityAreas(tooltip);
+  const hoverableRect =
+    WikiRect.fromElementUnderMouse(hoverable).toExtended(5, 10);
+  const tooltipRect =
+    peekTooltipClientRect(tooltip);
+  // Get placements relative to the hoverable. Make these available by key,
+  // allowing the caller to choose by preferred orientation. Each value is
+  // an array which corresponds to the baseline areas - placement closer to
+  // front of the array indicates stronger preference. Since not all relative
+  // placements cooperate with all baseline areas, any of these arrays may
+  // include (or be entirely made of) null.
+  const keepIfFits = (rect) =>
+    (rect?.fits(tooltipRect)
+      ? rect
+      : null);
+  const prepareRegionRects = (relationalRect, direct) =>
+    baselineRects
+      .map(rect => rect.intersectionWith(relationalRect))
+      .map(direct)
+      .map(keepIfFits);
+  const regionRects = {
+    left:
+      prepareRegionRects(
+        WikiRect.leftOf(hoverableRect),
+        rect => WikiRect.fromRect({
+          x: rect.right,
+          y: rect.y,
+          width: -rect.width,
+          height: rect.height,
+        })),
+    right:
+      prepareRegionRects(
+        WikiRect.rightOf(hoverableRect),
+        rect => rect),
+    top:
+      prepareRegionRects(
+        WikiRect.above(hoverableRect),
+        rect => WikiRect.fromRect({
+          x: rect.x,
+          y: rect.bottom,
+          width: rect.width,
+          height: -rect.height,
+        })),
+    bottom:
+      prepareRegionRects(
+        WikiRect.beneath(hoverableRect),
+        rect => rect),
+  };
+  const neededVerticalOverlap = 30;
+  const neededHorizontalOverlap = 30;
+  const upTopDown =
+    WikiRect.beneath(
+      hoverableRect.top + neededVerticalOverlap - tooltipRect.height);
+  const downBottomUp =
+    WikiRect.above(
+      hoverableRect.bottom - neededVerticalOverlap + tooltipRect.height);
+  // Please don't ask us to make this but horizontal?
+  const prepareVerticalOrientationRects = (regionRects) => {
+    const orientations = {};
+    const orientHorizontally = (rect, i) => {
+      if (!rect) return null;
+      const regionRect = regionRects[i];
+      if (regionRect.width > 0) {
+        return rect;
+      } else {
+        return WikiRect.fromRect({
+          x: regionRect.right - tooltipRect.width,
+          y: rect.y,
+          width: rect.width,
+          height: rect.height,
+        });
+      }
+    };
+    orientations.up =
+      regionRects
+        .map(rect => rect?.intersectionWith(upTopDown))
+        .map(orientHorizontally)
+        .map(keepIfFits);
+    orientations.down =
+      regionRects
+        .map(rect => rect?.intersectionWith(downBottomUp))
+        .map(rect =>
+          (rect
+            ? rect.intersectionWith(WikiRect.fromRect({
+                x: rect.x,
+                y: rect.bottom - tooltipRect.height,
+                width: rect.width,
+                height: tooltipRect.height,
+              }))
+            : null))
+        .map(orientHorizontally)
+        .map(keepIfFits);
+    const centerRect =
+      WikiRect.fromRect({
+        x: -Infinity, width: Infinity,
+        y: hoverableRect.top
+         + hoverableRect.height / 2
+         - tooltipRect.height / 2,
+        height: tooltipRect.height,
+      });
+    orientations.center =
+      regionRects
+        .map(rect => rect?.intersectionWith(centerRect))
+        .map(orientHorizontally)
+        .map(keepIfFits);
+    return orientations;
+  };
+  const rightRightLeft =
+    WikiRect.leftOf(
+      hoverableRect.left - neededHorizontalOverlap + tooltipRect.width);
+  const leftLeftRight =
+    WikiRect.rightOf(
+      hoverableRect.left + neededHorizontalOverlap - tooltipRect.width);
+  // Oops.
+  const prepareHorizontalOrientationRects = (regionRects) => {
+    const orientations = {};
+    const orientVertically = (rect, i) => {
+      if (!rect) return null;
+      const regionRect = regionRects[i];
+      if (regionRect.height > 0) {
+        return rect;
+      } else {
+        return WikiRect.fromRect({
+          x: rect.x,
+          y: regionRect.bottom - tooltipRect.height,
+          width: rect.width,
+          height: rect.height,
+        });
+      }
+    };
+    orientations.left =
+      regionRects
+        .map(rect => rect?.intersectionWith(leftLeftRight))
+        .map(orientVertically)
+        .map(keepIfFits);
+    orientations.right =
+      regionRects
+        .map(rect => rect?.intersectionWith(rightRightLeft))
+        .map(rect =>
+          (rect
+            ? rect.intersectionWith(WikiRect.fromRect({
+                x: rect.right - tooltipRect.width,
+                y: rect.y,
+                width: rect.width,
+                height: tooltipRect.height,
+              }))
+            : null))
+        .map(orientVertically)
+        .map(keepIfFits);
+    // No analogous center because we don't actually use
+    // center alignment...
+    return orientations;
+  };
+  const orientationRects = {
+    left: prepareVerticalOrientationRects(regionRects.left),
+    right: prepareVerticalOrientationRects(regionRects.right),
+    down: prepareHorizontalOrientationRects(regionRects.bottom),
+    up: prepareHorizontalOrientationRects(regionRects.top),
+  };
+  return {
+    numBaselineRects: baselineRects.length,
+    idealBaseline: baselineRects[0],
+    ...orientationRects,
+  };
+export function getTooltipBaselineOpportunityAreas(tooltip) {
+  // Returns multiple basic areas in order of preference, with front of the
+  // array representing greater preference.
+  const {stickyContainers} = stickyHeadingInfo;
+  const results = [];
+  const windowRect =
+    WikiRect.fromWindow().toInset(10);
+  const workingRect =
+    WikiRect.fromRect(windowRect);
+  const tooltipRect =
+    peekTooltipClientRect(tooltip);
+  // As a baseline, always treat the window rect as fitting the tooltip.
+  results.unshift(WikiRect.fromRect(workingRect));
+  const containingParent =
+    getVisuallyContainingElement(tooltip);
+  if (containingParent) {
+    const containingRect =
+      WikiRect.fromElement(containingParent);
+    // Only respect a portion of the container's padding, giving
+    // the tooltip the impression of a "raised" element.
+    const padding = side =>
+      0.5 *
+      parseFloat(cssProp(containingParent, 'padding-' + side));
+    const insetContainingRect =
+      containingRect.toInset({
+        left: padding('left'),
+        right: padding('right'),
+        top: padding('top'),
+        bottom: padding('bottom'),
+      });
+    workingRect.chopExtendingOutside(insetContainingRect);
+    if (!workingRect.fits(tooltipRect)) {
+      return results;
+    }
+    results.unshift(WikiRect.fromRect(workingRect));
+  }
+  // This currently assumes a maximum of one sticky container
+  // per visually containing element.
+  const stickyContainer =
+    stickyContainers
+      .find(el => el.parentElement === containingParent);
+  if (stickyContainer) {
+    const stickyRect =
+      stickyContainer.getBoundingClientRect()
+    // Add some padding so the tooltip doesn't line up exactly
+    // with the edge of the sticky container.
+    const beneathStickyContainer =
+      WikiRect.beneath(stickyRect, 10);
+    workingRect.chopExtendingOutside(beneathStickyContainer);
+    if (!workingRect.fits(tooltipRect)) {
+      return results;
+    }
+    results.unshift(WikiRect.fromRect(workingRect));
+  }
+  return results;
+export function addPageListeners() {
+  const {state} = info;
+  const getTouchIdentifiers = domEvent =>
+    Array.from(domEvent.changedTouches)
+      .map(touch => touch.identifier)
+      .filter(identifier => typeof identifier !== 'undefined');
+  document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', domEvent => {
+    for (const identifier of getTouchIdentifiers(domEvent)) {
+      state.currentTouchIdentifiers.add(identifier);
+    }
+  });
+  window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
+    for (const identifier of state.currentTouchIdentifiers) {
+      state.touchIdentifiersBanishedByScrolling.add(identifier);
+    }
+  });
+  document.body.addEventListener('touchend', domEvent => {
+    setTimeout(() => {
+      for (const identifier of getTouchIdentifiers(domEvent)) {
+        state.currentTouchIdentifiers.delete(identifier);
+        state.touchIdentifiersBanishedByScrolling.delete(identifier);
+      }
+    });
+  });
+  const getHoverablesAndTooltips = () => [
+    ...Array.from(state.registeredHoverables.keys()),
+    ...Array.from(state.registeredTooltips.keys()),
+  ];
+  document.body.addEventListener('touchend', domEvent => {
+    const touches = Array.from(domEvent.changedTouches);
+    const identifiers = touches.map(touch => touch.identifier);
+    // Don't process touch events that were "banished" because the page was
+    // scrolled while those touches were active, and most likely as a result of
+    // them.
+    filterMultipleArrays(touches, identifiers,
+      (_touch, identifier) =>
+        !state.touchIdentifiersBanishedByScrolling.has(identifier));
+    if (empty(touches)) return;
+    const pointIsOverHoverableOrTooltip =
+      pointIsOverAnyOf(getHoverablesAndTooltips());
+    const anyTouchOverAnyHoverableOrTooltip =
+      touches.some(({clientX, clientY}) =>
+        pointIsOverHoverableOrTooltip(clientX, clientY));
+    if (!anyTouchOverAnyHoverableOrTooltip) {
+      hideCurrentlyShownTooltip();
+    }
+  });
+  document.body.addEventListener('click', domEvent => {
+    const {clientX, clientY} = domEvent;
+    const pointIsOverHoverableOrTooltip =
+      pointIsOverAnyOf(getHoverablesAndTooltips());
+    if (!pointIsOverHoverableOrTooltip(clientX, clientY)) {
+      // Hide with "intent to replace" - we aren't actually going to replace
+      // the tooltip with a new one, but this intent indicates that it should
+      // be hidden right away, instead of showing. What we're really replacing,
+      // or rather removing, is the state of interacting with tooltips at all.
+      hideCurrentlyShownTooltip(true);
+      // Part of that state is fast hovering, which should be canceled out.
+      state.fastHovering = false;
+      if (state.endFastHoveringTimeout) {
+        clearTimeout(state.endFastHoveringTimeout);
+        state.endFastHoveringTimeout = null;
+      }
+      // Also cancel out of transitioning a tooltip hidden - this isn't caught
+      // by `hideCurrentlyShownTooltip` because a transitioning-hidden tooltip
+      // doesn't count as "shown" anymore.
+      cancelTransitioningTooltipHidden();
+    }
+  });