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path: root/src/page/album.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/page/album.js')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 659 deletions
diff --git a/src/page/album.js b/src/page/album.js
index 9ee57c09..a8e0b591 100644
--- a/src/page/album.js
+++ b/src/page/album.js
@@ -1,66 +1,62 @@
 // Album page specification.
-import {
-  bindOpts,
-  compareArrays,
-  empty,
-} from '../util/sugar.js';
-import {
-  getAlbumCover,
-  getAlbumListTag,
-  getTotalDuration,
-} from '../util/wiki-data.js';
-export const description = `per-album info & track artwork gallery pages`;
+export const description = `per-album info, artwork gallery & commentary pages`;
 export function targets({wikiData}) {
   return wikiData.albumData;
-export function write(album, {wikiData}) {
-  const unbound_trackToListItem = (track, {
-    getArtistString,
-    getLinkThemeString,
-    html,
-    language,
-    link,
-  }) => {
-    const itemOpts = {
-      duration: language.formatDuration(track.duration ?? 0),
-      track: link.track(track),
-    };
+export function pathsForTarget(album) {
+  const hasGalleryPage = album.tracks.some(t => t.hasUniqueCoverArt);
+  const hasCommentaryPage = !!album.commentary || album.tracks.some(t => t.commentary);
-    return html.tag('li',
-      {style: getLinkThemeString(track.color)},
-      compareArrays(
-        track.artistContribs.map((c) => c.who),
-        album.artistContribs.map((c) => c.who),
-        {checkOrder: false}
-      )
-        ? language.$('trackList.item.withDuration', itemOpts)
-        : language.$('trackList.item.withDuration.withArtists', {
-            ...itemOpts,
-            by: html.tag('span',
-              {class: 'by'},
-              language.$('trackList.item.withArtists.by', {
-                artists: getArtistString(track.artistContribs),
-              })),
-          }));
-  };
+  return [
+    {
+      type: 'page',
+      path: ['album', album.directory],
-  const hasAdditionalFiles = !empty(album.additionalFiles);
-  const numAdditionalFiles = album.additionalFiles.flatMap((g) => g.files).length;
+      contentFunction: {
+        name: 'generateAlbumInfoPage',
+        args: [album],
+      },
+    },
-  const albumDuration = getTotalDuration(album.tracks);
+    hasGalleryPage && {
+      type: 'page',
+      path: ['albumGallery', album.directory],
-  const displayTrackSections =
-    album.trackSections &&
-      (album.trackSections.length > 1 ||
-        !album.trackSections[0]?.isDefaultTrackSection);
+      contentFunction: {
+        name: 'generateAlbumGalleryPage',
+        args: [album],
+      },
+    },
+    hasCommentaryPage && {
+      type: 'page',
+      path: ['albumCommentary', album.directory],
+      contentFunction: {
+        name: 'generateAlbumCommentaryPage',
+        args: [album],
+      },
+    },
-  const listTag = getAlbumListTag(album);
+    /*
+    {
+      type: 'data',
+      path: ['album', album.directory],
+      contentFunction: {
+        name: 'generateAlbumDataFile',
+        args: [album],
+      },
+    },
+    */
+  ];
+export function write(album, {wikiData}) {
   const getSocialEmbedDescription = ({
     getArtistString: _getArtistString,
@@ -123,297 +119,6 @@ export function write(album, {wikiData}) {
-  const infoPage = {
-    type: 'page',
-    path: ['album', album.directory],
-    page: ({
-      absoluteTo,
-      fancifyURL,
-      generateAdditionalFilesShortcut,
-      generateAdditionalFilesList,
-      generateChronologyLinks,
-      generateContentHeading,
-      generateNavigationLinks,
-      getAlbumCover,
-      getAlbumStylesheet,
-      getArtistString,
-      getLinkThemeString,
-      getSizeOfAdditionalFile,
-      getThemeString,
-      html,
-      link,
-      language,
-      transformMultiline,
-      urls,
-    }) => {
-      const trackToListItem = bindOpts(unbound_trackToListItem, {
-        getArtistString,
-        getLinkThemeString,
-        html,
-        language,
-        link,
-      });
-      return {
-        title: language.$('albumPage.title', {album: album.name}),
-        stylesheet: getAlbumStylesheet(album),
-        themeColor: album.color,
-        theme:
-          getThemeString(album.color, {
-            additionalVariables: [
-              `--album-directory: ${album.directory}`,
-            ],
-          }),
-        socialEmbed: {
-          heading:
-            (empty(album.groups)
-              ? ''
-              : language.$('albumPage.socialEmbed.heading', {
-                  group: album.groups[0].name,
-                })),
-          headingLink:
-            (empty(album.groups)
-              ? null
-              : absoluteTo('localized.album', album.groups[0].directory)),
-          title: language.$('albumPage.socialEmbed.title', {
-            album: album.name,
-          }),
-          description: getSocialEmbedDescription({getArtistString, language}),
-          image: '/' + getAlbumCover(album, {to: urls.from('shared.root').to}),
-          color: album.color,
-        },
-        banner: !empty(album.bannerArtistContribs) && {
-          dimensions: album.bannerDimensions,
-          path: [
-            'media.albumBanner',
-            album.directory,
-            album.bannerFileExtension,
-          ],
-          alt: language.$('misc.alt.albumBanner'),
-          position: 'top',
-        },
-        cover: {
-          src: getAlbumCover(album),
-          alt: language.$('misc.alt.albumCover'),
-          artTags: album.artTags,
-        },
-        main: {
-          headingMode: 'sticky',
-          content: [
-            html.tag('p',
-              {
-                [html.onlyIfContent]: true,
-                [html.joinChildren]: '<br>',
-              },
-              [
-                !empty(album.artistContribs) &&
-                  language.$('releaseInfo.by', {
-                    artists: getArtistString(album.artistContribs, {
-                      showContrib: true,
-                      showIcons: true,
-                    }),
-                  }),
-                !empty(album.coverArtistContribs) &&
-                  language.$('releaseInfo.coverArtBy', {
-                    artists: getArtistString(album.coverArtistContribs, {
-                      showContrib: true,
-                      showIcons: true,
-                    }),
-                  }),
-                !empty(album.wallpaperArtistContribs) &&
-                  language.$('releaseInfo.wallpaperArtBy', {
-                    artists: getArtistString(album.wallpaperArtistContribs, {
-                      showContrib: true,
-                      showIcons: true,
-                    }),
-                  }),
-                !empty(album.bannerArtistContribs) &&
-                  language.$('releaseInfo.bannerArtBy', {
-                    artists: getArtistString(album.bannerArtistContribs, {
-                      showContrib: true,
-                      showIcons: true,
-                    }),
-                  }),
-                album.date &&
-                  language.$('releaseInfo.released', {
-                    date: language.formatDate(album.date),
-                  }),
-                album.hasCoverArt &&
-                album.coverArtDate &&
-                +album.coverArtDate !== +album.date &&
-                  language.$('releaseInfo.artReleased', {
-                    date: language.formatDate(album.coverArtDate),
-                  }),
-                albumDuration > 0 &&
-                  language.$('releaseInfo.duration', {
-                    duration: language.formatDuration(albumDuration, {
-                      approximate: album.tracks.length > 1,
-                    }),
-                  }),
-              ]),
-            html.tag('p',
-              {
-                [html.onlyIfContent]: true,
-                [html.joinChildren]: '<br>',
-              },
-              [
-                hasAdditionalFiles &&
-                  generateAdditionalFilesShortcut(album.additionalFiles),
-                checkGalleryPage(album) &&
-                  language.$('releaseInfo.viewGallery', {
-                    link: link.albumGallery(album, {
-                      text: language.$('releaseInfo.viewGallery.link'),
-                    }),
-                  }),
-                checkCommentaryPage(album) &&
-                  language.$('releaseInfo.viewCommentary', {
-                    link: link.albumCommentary(album, {
-                      text: language.$('releaseInfo.viewCommentary.link'),
-                    }),
-                  }),
-              ]),
-            !empty(album.urls) &&
-              html.tag('p',
-                language.$('releaseInfo.listenOn', {
-                  links: language.formatDisjunctionList(
-                    album.urls.map(url => fancifyURL(url, {album: true}))
-                  ),
-                })),
-            displayTrackSections &&
-            !empty(album.trackSections) &&
-              html.tag('dl',
-                {class: 'album-group-list'},
-                album.trackSections.flatMap(({
-                  name,
-                  startIndex,
-                  tracks,
-                }) => [
-                  html.tag('dt',
-                    {class: ['content-heading']},
-                    language.$('trackList.section.withDuration', {
-                      duration: language.formatDuration(getTotalDuration(tracks), {
-                        approximate: tracks.length > 1,
-                      }),
-                      section: name,
-                    })),
-                  html.tag('dd',
-                    html.tag(listTag,
-                      listTag === 'ol' ? {start: startIndex + 1} : {},
-                      tracks.map(trackToListItem))),
-                ])),
-            !displayTrackSections &&
-            !empty(album.tracks) &&
-              html.tag(listTag,
-                album.tracks.map(trackToListItem)),
-            html.tag('p',
-              {
-                [html.onlyIfContent]: true,
-                [html.joinChildren]: '<br>',
-              },
-              [
-                album.dateAddedToWiki &&
-                  language.$('releaseInfo.addedToWiki', {
-                    date: language.formatDate(
-                      album.dateAddedToWiki
-                    ),
-                  })
-              ]),
-            ...html.fragment(
-              hasAdditionalFiles && [
-                generateContentHeading({
-                  id: 'additional-files',
-                  title: language.$('releaseInfo.additionalFiles.heading', {
-                    additionalFiles: language.countAdditionalFiles(numAdditionalFiles, {
-                      unit: true,
-                    }),
-                  }),
-                }),
-                generateAlbumAdditionalFilesList(album, album.additionalFiles, {
-                  generateAdditionalFilesList,
-                  getSizeOfAdditionalFile,
-                  link,
-                  urls,
-                }),
-              ]),
-            ...html.fragment(
-              album.commentary && [
-                generateContentHeading({
-                  id: 'artist-commentary',
-                  title: language.$('releaseInfo.artistCommentary'),
-                }),
-                html.tag('blockquote', transformMultiline(album.commentary)),
-              ]),
-          ],
-        },
-        sidebarLeft: generateAlbumSidebar(album, null, {
-          fancifyURL,
-          getLinkThemeString,
-          html,
-          link,
-          language,
-          transformMultiline,
-          wikiData,
-        }),
-        nav: {
-          linkContainerClasses: ['nav-links-hierarchy'],
-          links: [
-            {toHome: true},
-            {
-              html: language.$('albumPage.nav.album', {
-                album: link.album(album, {class: 'current'}),
-              }),
-            },
-            {
-              divider: false,
-              html: generateAlbumNavLinks(album, null, {
-                generateNavigationLinks,
-                html,
-                language,
-                link,
-              }),
-            }
-          ],
-          content: generateAlbumChronologyLinks(album, null, {
-            generateChronologyLinks,
-            html,
-          }),
-        },
-        secondaryNav: generateAlbumSecondaryNav(album, null, {
-          getLinkThemeString,
-          html,
-          language,
-          link,
-        }),
-      };
-    },
-  };
   // TODO: only gen if there are any tracks with art
   const galleryPage = {
     type: 'page',
@@ -494,153 +199,6 @@ export function write(album, {wikiData}) {
-  return [
-    infoPage,
-    galleryPage,
-    data,
-  ];
-// Utility functions
-export function generateAlbumSidebar(album, currentTrack, {
-  fancifyURL,
-  getLinkThemeString,
-  html,
-  language,
-  link,
-  transformMultiline,
-}) {
-  const isAlbumPage = !currentTrack;
-  const isTrackPage = !!currentTrack;
-  const listTag = getAlbumListTag(album);
-  const {trackSections} = album;
-  const trackToListItem = (track) =>
-    html.tag('li',
-      {class: track === currentTrack && 'current'},
-      language.$('albumSidebar.trackList.item', {
-        track: link.track(track),
-      }));
-  const nameOrDefault = (isDefaultTrackSection, name) =>
-    isDefaultTrackSection
-      ? language.$('albumSidebar.trackList.fallbackSectionName')
-      : name;
-  const trackListPart = [
-    html.tag('h1', link.album(album)),
-    ...trackSections.map(({name, color, startIndex, tracks, isDefaultTrackSection}) => {
-      const groupName =
-        html.tag('span',
-          {class: 'group-name'},
-          nameOrDefault(
-            isDefaultTrackSection,
-            name
-          ));
-      return html.tag('details',
-        {
-          // Leave side8ar track groups collapsed on al8um homepage,
-          // since there's already a view of all the groups expanded
-          // in the main content area.
-          open: isTrackPage && tracks.includes(currentTrack),
-          class: tracks.includes(currentTrack) && 'current',
-        },
-        [
-          html.tag(
-            'summary',
-            {style: getLinkThemeString(color)},
-            html.tag('span', [
-              listTag === 'ol' &&
-                language.$('albumSidebar.trackList.group.withRange', {
-                  group: groupName,
-                  range: `${startIndex + 1}&ndash;${
-                    startIndex + tracks.length
-                  }`,
-                }),
-              listTag === 'ul' &&
-                language.$('albumSidebar.trackList.group', {
-                  group: groupName,
-                }),
-            ])),
-          html.tag(listTag,
-            listTag === 'ol' ? {start: startIndex + 1} : {},
-            tracks.map(trackToListItem)),
-        ]);
-    }),
-  ];
-  const {groups} = album;
-  const groupParts = groups
-    .map((group) => {
-      const albums = group.albums.filter((album) => album.date);
-      const index = albums.indexOf(album);
-      const next = index >= 0 && albums[index + 1];
-      const previous = index > 0 && albums[index - 1];
-      return {group, next, previous};
-    })
-    // This is a map and not a flatMap because the distinction between which
-    // group sets of elements belong to matters. That means this variable is an
-    // array of arrays, and we'll need to treat it as such later!
-    .map(({group, next, previous}) => [
-      html.tag('h1', language.$('albumSidebar.groupBox.title', {
-        group: link.groupInfo(group),
-      })),
-      isAlbumPage &&
-        transformMultiline(group.descriptionShort),
-      !empty(group.urls) &&
-        html.tag('p', language.$('releaseInfo.visitOn', {
-          links: language.formatDisjunctionList(
-            group.urls.map((url) => fancifyURL(url))
-          ),
-        })),
-      ...html.fragment(
-        isAlbumPage && [
-          next &&
-            html.tag('p',
-              {class: 'group-chronology-link'},
-              language.$('albumSidebar.groupBox.next', {
-                album: link.album(next),
-              })),
-          previous &&
-            html.tag('p',
-              {class: 'group-chronology-link'},
-              language.$('albumSidebar.groupBox.previous', {
-                album: link.album(previous),
-              })),
-        ]),
-    ]);
-  if (empty(groupParts)) {
-    return {
-      stickyMode: 'column',
-      content: trackListPart,
-    };
-  } else if (isTrackPage) {
-    const combinedGroupPart = {
-      classes: ['no-sticky-header'],
-      content: groupParts
-        .map(groupPart => groupPart.filter(Boolean).join('\n'))
-        .join('\n<hr>\n'),
-    };
-    return {
-      stickyMode: 'column',
-      multiple: [trackListPart, combinedGroupPart],
-    };
-  } else {
-    return {
-      stickyMode: 'last',
-      multiple: [...groupParts, trackListPart],
-    };
-  }
 export function generateAlbumSecondaryNav(album, currentTrack, {
@@ -696,174 +254,4 @@ export function generateAlbumSecondaryNav(album, currentTrack, {
     content: groupParts,
-function checkGalleryPage(album) {
-  return album.tracks.some(t => t.hasUniqueCoverArt);
-function checkCommentaryPage(album) {
-  return !!album.commentary || album.tracks.some(t => t.commentary);
-export function generateAlbumNavLinks(album, currentTrack, {
-  generateNavigationLinks,
-  html,
-  language,
-  link,
-  currentExtra = null,
-  showTrackNavigation = true,
-  showExtraLinks = null,
-}) {
-  const isTrackPage = !!currentTrack;
-  showExtraLinks ??= currentTrack ? false : true;
-  const extraLinks = showExtraLinks ? [
-    checkGalleryPage(album) &&
-      link.albumGallery(album, {
-        class: [currentExtra === 'gallery' && 'current'],
-        text: language.$('albumPage.nav.gallery'),
-      }),
-    checkCommentaryPage(album) &&
-      link.albumCommentary(album, {
-        class: [currentExtra === 'commentary' && 'current'],
-        text: language.$('albumPage.nav.commentary'),
-      }),
-  ].filter(Boolean) : [];
-  const previousNextLinks =
-    showTrackNavigation &&
-    album.tracks.length > 1 &&
-      generateNavigationLinks(currentTrack, {
-        data: album.tracks,
-        linkKey: 'track',
-        returnAsArray: true,
-      })
-  const randomLink =
-    showTrackNavigation &&
-    album.tracks.length > 1 &&
-      html.tag('a',
-        {
-          href: '#',
-          'data-random': 'track-in-album',
-          id: 'random-button'
-        },
-        (isTrackPage
-          ? language.$('trackPage.nav.random')
-          : language.$('albumPage.nav.randomTrack')));
-  const allLinks = [
-    ...previousNextLinks || [],
-    ...extraLinks || [],
-    randomLink,
-  ].filter(Boolean);
-  if (empty(allLinks)) {
-    return '';
-  }
-  return `(${language.formatUnitList(allLinks)})`;
-export function generateAlbumExtrasPageNav(album, currentExtra, {
-  html,
-  language,
-  link,
-}) {
-  return {
-    linkContainerClasses: ['nav-links-hierarchy'],
-    links: [
-      {toHome: true},
-      {
-        html: language.$('albumPage.nav.album', {
-          album: link.album(album, {class: 'current'}),
-        }),
-      },
-      {
-        divider: false,
-        html: generateAlbumNavLinks(album, null, {
-          currentExtra,
-          showTrackNavigation: false,
-          showExtraLinks: true,
-          html,
-          language,
-          link,
-        }),
-      }
-    ],
-  };
-export function generateAlbumChronologyLinks(album, currentTrack, {
-  generateChronologyLinks,
-  html,
-}) {
-  return html.tag(
-    'div',
-    {
-      [html.onlyIfContent]: true,
-      class: 'nav-chronology-links',
-    },
-    [
-      ...html.fragment(
-        currentTrack && [
-          ...html.fragment(
-            generateChronologyLinks(currentTrack, {
-              contribKey: 'artistContribs',
-              getThings: (artist) => [
-                ...artist.tracksAsArtist,
-                ...artist.tracksAsContributor,
-              ],
-              headingString: 'misc.chronology.heading.track',
-            })),
-          ...html.fragment(
-            generateChronologyLinks(currentTrack, {
-              contribKey: 'contributorContribs',
-              getThings: (artist) => [
-                ...artist.tracksAsArtist,
-                ...artist.tracksAsContributor,
-              ],
-              headingString: 'misc.chronology.heading.track',
-            })),
-        ]),
-      ...html.fragment(
-        generateChronologyLinks(currentTrack || album, {
-          contribKey: 'coverArtistContribs',
-          dateKey: 'coverArtDate',
-          getThings: (artist) => [
-            ...artist.albumsAsCoverArtist,
-            ...artist.tracksAsCoverArtist,
-          ],
-          headingString: 'misc.chronology.heading.coverArt',
-        })),
-    ]);
-export function generateAlbumAdditionalFilesList(album, additionalFiles, {
-  fileSize = true,
-  generateAdditionalFilesList,
-  getSizeOfAdditionalFile,
-  link,
-  urls,
-}) {
-  return generateAdditionalFilesList(additionalFiles, {
-    getFileSize:
-      (fileSize
-        ? (file) =>
-            // TODO: Kinda near the metal here...
-            getSizeOfAdditionalFile(
-              urls
-                .from('media.root')
-                .to('media.albumAdditionalFile', album.directory, file))
-        : () => null),
-    linkFile: (file) =>
-      link.albumAdditionalFile({album, file}),
-  });