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path: root/src/misc-templates.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/misc-templates.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 494 deletions
diff --git a/src/misc-templates.js b/src/misc-templates.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f40229d..0000000
--- a/src/misc-templates.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-// Miscellaneous utility functions which are useful across page specifications.
-// These are made available right on a page spec's ({wikiData, language, ...})
-// args object!
-import fixWS from 'fix-whitespace';
-import * as html from './util/html.js';
-import {
-    getColors
-} from './util/colors.js';
-import {
-    unique
-} from './util/sugar.js';
-import {
-    getTotalDuration,
-    sortByDate
-} from './util/wiki-data.js';
-    'bc.s3m.us',
-    'music.solatrux.com',
-    'types.pl',
-// "Additional Files" listing
-export function generateAdditionalFilesShortcut(additionalFiles, {language}) {
-    if (!additionalFiles?.length) return '';
-    return language.$('releaseInfo.additionalFiles.shortcut', {
-        anchorLink: `<a href="#additional-files">${language.$('releaseInfo.additionalFiles.shortcut.anchorLink')}</a>`,
-        titles: language.formatUnitList(additionalFiles.map(g => g.title))
-    });
-export function generateAdditionalFilesList(additionalFiles, {language, getFileSize, linkFile}) {
-    if (!additionalFiles?.length) return '';
-    const fileCount = additionalFiles.flatMap(g => g.files).length;
-    return fixWS`
-        <p id="additional-files">${language.$('releaseInfo.additionalFiles.heading', {fileCount})}</p>
-        <dl>
-            ${additionalFiles.map(({ title, description, files }) => fixWS`
-                <dt>${(description
-                    ? language.$('releaseInfo.additionalFiles.entry.withDescription', {title, description})
-                    : language.$('releaseInfo.additionalFiles.entry', {title}))}</dt>
-                <dd><ul>
-                    ${files.map(file => {
-                        const size = getFileSize(file);
-                        return (size
-                            ? `<li>${language.$('releaseInfo.additionalFiles.file.withSize', {
-                                file: linkFile(file),
-                                size: language.formatFileSize(getFileSize(file))
-                            })}</li>`
-                            : `<li>${language.$('releaseInfo.additionalFiles.file', {
-                                file: linkFile(file)
-                            })}</li>`);
-                    }).join('\n')}
-                </ul></dd>
-            `).join('\n')}
-        </dl>
-    `;
-// Artist strings
-export function getArtistString(artists, {
-    iconifyURL, link, language,
-    showIcons = false,
-    showContrib = false
-}) {
-    return language.formatConjunctionList(artists.map(({ who, what }) => {
-        const { urls, directory, name } = who;
-        return [
-            link.artist(who),
-            showContrib && what && `(${what})`,
-            showIcons && urls?.length && `<span class="icons">(${
-                language.formatUnitList(urls.map(url => iconifyURL(url, {language})))
-            })</span>`
-        ].filter(Boolean).join(' ');
-    }));
-// Chronology links
-export function generateChronologyLinks(currentThing, {
-    dateKey = 'date',
-    contribKey,
-    getThings,
-    headingString,
-    link,
-    linkAnythingMan,
-    language,
-    wikiData
-}) {
-    const { albumData } = wikiData;
-    const contributions = currentThing[contribKey];
-    if (!contributions) {
-        return '';
-    }
-    if (contributions.length > 8) {
-        return `<div class="chronology">${language.$('misc.chronology.seeArtistPages')}</div>`;
-    }
-    return contributions.map(({ who: artist }) => {
-        const things = sortByDate(unique(getThings(artist)).filter(t => t[dateKey]), dateKey);
-        const index = things.indexOf(currentThing);
-        if (index === -1) return '';
-        // TODO: This can pro8a8ly 8e made to use generatePreviousNextLinks?
-        // We'd need to make generatePreviousNextLinks use toAnythingMan tho.
-        const previous = things[index - 1];
-        const next = things[index + 1];
-        const parts = [
-            previous && linkAnythingMan(previous, {
-                color: false,
-                text: language.$('misc.nav.previous')
-            }),
-            next && linkAnythingMan(next, {
-                color: false,
-                text: language.$('misc.nav.next')
-            })
-        ].filter(Boolean);
-        if (!parts.length) {
-            return '';
-        }
-        const stringOpts = {
-            index: language.formatIndex(index + 1, {language}),
-            artist: link.artist(artist)
-        };
-        return fixWS`
-            <div class="chronology">
-                <span class="heading">${language.$(headingString, stringOpts)}</span>
-                ${parts.length && `<span class="buttons">(${parts.join(', ')})</span>`}
-            </div>
-        `;
-    }).filter(Boolean).join('\n');
-// Content warning tags
-export function getRevealStringFromWarnings(warnings, {language}) {
-    return language.$('misc.contentWarnings', {warnings}) + `<br><span class="reveal-interaction">${language.$('misc.contentWarnings.reveal')}</span>`
-export function getRevealStringFromTags(tags, {language}) {
-    return tags && tags.some(tag => tag.isContentWarning) && (
-        getRevealStringFromWarnings(language.formatUnitList(tags.filter(tag => tag.isContentWarning).map(tag => tag.name)), {language}));
-// Cover art links
-export function generateCoverLink({
-    img, link, language, to, wikiData,
-    src,
-    path,
-    alt,
-    tags = []
-}) {
-    const { wikiInfo } = wikiData;
-    if (!src && path) {
-        src = to(...path);
-    }
-    if (!src) {
-        throw new Error(`Expected src or path`);
-    }
-    return fixWS`
-        <div id="cover-art-container">
-            ${img({
-                src,
-                alt,
-                thumb: 'medium',
-                id: 'cover-art',
-                link: true,
-                square: true,
-                reveal: getRevealStringFromTags(tags, {language})
-            })}
-            ${wikiInfo.enableArtTagUI && tags.filter(tag => !tag.isContentWarning).length && fixWS`
-                <p class="tags">
-                    ${language.$('releaseInfo.artTags')}
-                    ${(tags
-                        .filter(tag => !tag.isContentWarning)
-                        .map(link.tag)
-                        .join(',\n'))}
-                </p>
-            `}
-        </div>
-    `;
-// CSS & color shenanigans
-export function getThemeString(color, additionalVariables = []) {
-    if (!color) return '';
-    const { primary, dim, bg } = getColors(color);
-    const variables = [
-        `--primary-color: ${primary}`,
-        `--dim-color: ${dim}`,
-        `--bg-color: ${bg}`,
-        ...additionalVariables
-    ].filter(Boolean);
-    if (!variables.length) return '';
-    return (
-        `:root {\n` +
-        variables.map(line => `    ` + line + ';\n').join('') +
-        `}`
-    );
-export function getAlbumStylesheet(album, {to}) {
-    return [
-        album.wallpaperArtistContribs.length && fixWS`
-            body::before {
-                background-image: url("${to('media.albumWallpaper', album.directory, album.wallpaperFileExtension)}");
-                ${album.wallpaperStyle}
-            }
-        `,
-        album.bannerStyle && fixWS`
-            #banner img {
-                ${album.bannerStyle}
-            }
-        `
-    ].filter(Boolean).join('\n');
-// Divided track lists
-export function generateTrackListDividedByGroups(tracks, {
-    getTrackItem,
-    language,
-    wikiData,
-}) {
-    const { divideTrackListsByGroups: groups } = wikiData.wikiInfo;
-    if (!groups?.length) {
-        return html.tag('ul', tracks.map(t => getTrackItem(t)));
-    }
-    const lists = Object.fromEntries(groups.map(group => [group.directory, {group, tracks: []}]));
-    const other = [];
-    for (const track of tracks) {
-        const { album } = track;
-        const group = groups.find(g => g.albums.includes(album));
-        if (group) {
-            lists[group.directory].tracks.push(track);
-        } else {
-            other.push(track);
-        }
-    }
-    const ddul = tracks => fixWS`
-        <dd><ul>
-            ${tracks.map(t => getTrackItem(t)).join('\n')}
-        </ul></dd>
-    `;
-    return html.tag('dl', Object.values(lists)
-        .filter(({ tracks }) => tracks.length)
-        .flatMap(({ group, tracks }) => [
-            html.tag('dt', language.formatString('trackList.group', {group: group.name})),
-            ddul(tracks)
-        ])
-        .concat(other.length ? [
-            `<dt>${language.formatString('trackList.group', {
-                group: language.formatString('trackList.group.other')
-            })}</dt>`,
-            ddul(other)
-        ] : []));
-// Fancy lookin' links
-export function fancifyURL(url, {language, album = false} = {}) {
-    let local = Symbol();
-    let domain;
-    try {
-        domain = new URL(url).hostname;
-    } catch (error) {
-        // No support for relative local URLs yet, sorry! (I.e, local URLs must
-        // be absolute relative to the domain name in order to work.)
-        domain = local;
-    }
-    return fixWS`<a href="${url}" class="nowrap">${
-        domain === local ? language.$('misc.external.local') :
-        domain.includes('bandcamp.com') ? language.$('misc.external.bandcamp') :
-        BANDCAMP_DOMAINS.includes(domain) ? language.$('misc.external.bandcamp.domain', {domain}) :
-        MASTODON_DOMAINS.includes(domain) ? language.$('misc.external.mastodon.domain', {domain}) :
-        domain.includes('youtu') ? (album
-            ? (url.includes('list=')
-                ? language.$('misc.external.youtube.playlist')
-                : language.$('misc.external.youtube.fullAlbum'))
-            : language.$('misc.external.youtube')) :
-        domain.includes('soundcloud') ? language.$('misc.external.soundcloud') :
-        domain.includes('tumblr.com') ? language.$('misc.external.tumblr') :
-        domain.includes('twitter.com') ? language.$('misc.external.twitter') :
-        domain.includes('deviantart.com') ? language.$('misc.external.deviantart') :
-        domain.includes('wikipedia.org') ? language.$('misc.external.wikipedia') :
-        domain.includes('poetryfoundation.org') ? language.$('misc.external.poetryFoundation') :
-        domain.includes('instagram.com') ? language.$('misc.external.instagram') :
-        domain.includes('patreon.com') ? language.$('misc.external.patreon') :
-        domain
-    }</a>`;
-export function fancifyFlashURL(url, flash, {language}) {
-    const link = fancifyURL(url, {language});
-    return `<span class="nowrap">${
-        url.includes('homestuck.com') ? (isNaN(Number(flash.page))
-            ? language.$('misc.external.flash.homestuck.secret', {link})
-            : language.$('misc.external.flash.homestuck.page', {link, page: flash.page})) :
-        url.includes('bgreco.net') ? language.$('misc.external.flash.bgreco', {link}) :
-        url.includes('youtu') ? language.$('misc.external.flash.youtube', {link}) :
-        link
-    }</span>`;
-export function iconifyURL(url, {language, to}) {
-    const domain = new URL(url).hostname;
-    const [ id, msg ] = (
-        domain.includes('bandcamp.com') ? ['bandcamp', language.$('misc.external.bandcamp')] :
-        BANDCAMP_DOMAINS.includes(domain) ? ['bandcamp', language.$('misc.external.bandcamp.domain', {domain})] :
-        MASTODON_DOMAINS.includes(domain) ? ['mastodon', language.$('misc.external.mastodon.domain', {domain})] :
-        domain.includes('youtu') ? ['youtube', language.$('misc.external.youtube')] :
-        domain.includes('soundcloud') ? ['soundcloud', language.$('misc.external.soundcloud')] :
-        domain.includes('tumblr.com') ? ['tumblr', language.$('misc.external.tumblr')] :
-        domain.includes('twitter.com') ? ['twitter', language.$('misc.external.twitter')] :
-        domain.includes('deviantart.com') ? ['deviantart', language.$('misc.external.deviantart')] :
-        domain.includes('instagram.com') ? ['instagram', language.$('misc.external.bandcamp')] :
-        ['globe', language.$('misc.external.domain', {domain})]
-    );
-    return fixWS`<a href="${url}" class="icon"><svg><title>${msg}</title><use href="${to('shared.staticFile', `icons.svg#icon-${id}`)}"></use></svg></a>`;
-// Grids
-export function getGridHTML({
-    img,
-    language,
-    entries,
-    srcFn,
-    linkFn,
-    noSrcTextFn = () => '',
-    altFn = () => '',
-    detailsFn = null,
-    lazy = true
-}) {
-    return entries.map(({ large, item }, i) => linkFn(item,
-        {
-            class: ['grid-item', 'box', large && 'large-grid-item'],
-            text: fixWS`
-                ${img({
-                    src: srcFn(item),
-                    alt: altFn(item),
-                    thumb: 'small',
-                    lazy: (typeof lazy === 'number' ? i >= lazy : lazy),
-                    square: true,
-                    reveal: getRevealStringFromTags(item.artTags, {language}),
-                    noSrcText: noSrcTextFn(item)
-                })}
-                <span>${item.name}</span>
-                ${detailsFn && `<span>${detailsFn(item)}</span>`}
-            `
-        })).join('\n');
-export function getAlbumGridHTML({
-    getAlbumCover, getGridHTML, link, language,
-    details = false,
-    ...props
-}) {
-    return getGridHTML({
-        srcFn: getAlbumCover,
-        linkFn: link.album,
-        detailsFn: details && (album => language.$('misc.albumGrid.details', {
-            tracks: language.countTracks(album.tracks.length, {unit: true}),
-            time: language.formatDuration(getTotalDuration(album.tracks))
-        })),
-        noSrcTextFn: album => language.$('misc.albumGrid.noCoverArt', {
-            album: album.name
-        }),
-        ...props
-    });
-export function getFlashGridHTML({
-    getFlashCover, getGridHTML, link,
-    ...props
-}) {
-    return getGridHTML({
-        srcFn: getFlashCover,
-        linkFn: link.flash,
-        ...props
-    });
-// Nav-bar links
-export function generateInfoGalleryLinks(currentThing, isGallery, {
-    link, language,
-    linkKeyGallery,
-    linkKeyInfo
-}) {
-    return [
-        link[linkKeyInfo](currentThing, {
-            class: isGallery ? '' : 'current',
-            text: language.$('misc.nav.info')
-        }),
-        link[linkKeyGallery](currentThing, {
-            class: isGallery ? 'current' : '',
-            text: language.$('misc.nav.gallery')
-        })
-    ].join(', ');
-export function generatePreviousNextLinks(current, {
-    data,
-    link,
-    linkKey,
-    language
-}) {
-    const linkFn = link[linkKey];
-    const index = data.indexOf(current);
-    const previous = data[index - 1];
-    const next = data[index + 1];
-    return [
-        previous && linkFn(previous, {
-            attributes: {
-                id: 'previous-button',
-                title: previous.name
-            },
-            text: language.$('misc.nav.previous'),
-            color: false
-        }),
-        next && linkFn(next, {
-            attributes: {
-                id: 'next-button',
-                title: next.name
-            },
-            text: language.$('misc.nav.next'),
-            color: false
-        })
-    ].filter(Boolean).join(', ');
-// Footer stuff
-export function getFooterLocalizationLinks(pathname, {
-    defaultLanguage,
-    languages,
-    paths,
-    language,
-    to
-}) {
-    const { toPath } = paths;
-    const keySuffix = toPath[0].replace(/^localized\./, '.');
-    const toArgs = toPath.slice(1);
-    const links = Object.entries(languages)
-        .filter(([ code, language ]) => code !== 'default' && !language.hidden)
-        .map(([ code, language ]) => language)
-        .sort(({ name: a }, { name: b }) => a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0)
-        .map(language => html.tag('span', html.tag('a', {
-            href: (language === defaultLanguage
-                ? to('localizedDefaultLanguage' + keySuffix, ...toArgs)
-                : to('localizedWithBaseDirectory' + keySuffix, language.code, ...toArgs))
-        }, language.name)));
-    return html.tag('div',
-        {class: 'footer-localization-links'},
-        language.$('misc.uiLanguage', {languages: links.join('\n')}));