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path: root/src/data/things
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/data/things')
3 files changed, 407 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/data/things/album.js b/src/data/things/album.js
index 6bf683c5..3eb6fc60 100644
--- a/src/data/things/album.js
+++ b/src/data/things/album.js
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ export class TrackSection extends Thing {
         const range =
           (albumIndex >= 0 && first !== null && length !== null
-            ? `: ${first + 1}-${first + length + 1}`
+            ? `: ${first + 1}-${first + length}`
             : '');
         parts.push(` (${colors.yellow(num + range)} in ${colors.green(albumName)})`);
diff --git a/src/data/things/index.js b/src/data/things/index.js
index 9f033c23..17471f31 100644
--- a/src/data/things/index.js
+++ b/src/data/things/index.js
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import CacheableObject from '#cacheable-object';
 import {logError} from '#cli';
 import {compositeFrom} from '#composite';
 import * as serialize from '#serialize';
+import {withEntries} from '#sugar';
 import Thing from '#thing';
 import * as albumClasses from './album.js';
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import * as groupClasses from './group.js';
 import * as homepageLayoutClasses from './homepage-layout.js';
 import * as languageClasses from './language.js';
 import * as newsEntryClasses from './news-entry.js';
+import * as sortingRuleClasses from './sorting-rule.js';
 import * as staticPageClasses from './static-page.js';
 import * as trackClasses from './track.js';
 import * as wikiInfoClasses from './wiki-info.js';
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ const allClassLists = {
   'homepage-layout.js': homepageLayoutClasses,
   'language.js': languageClasses,
   'news-entry.js': newsEntryClasses,
+  'sorting-rule.js': sortingRuleClasses,
   'static-page.js': staticPageClasses,
   'track.js': trackClasses,
   'wiki-info.js': wikiInfoClasses,
@@ -79,13 +82,25 @@ function errorDuplicateClassNames() {
 function flattenClassLists() {
+  let allClassesUnsorted = Object.create(null);
   for (const classes of Object.values(allClassLists)) {
     for (const [name, constructor] of Object.entries(classes)) {
       if (typeof constructor !== 'function') continue;
       if (!(constructor.prototype instanceof Thing)) continue;
-      allClasses[name] = constructor;
+      allClassesUnsorted[name] = constructor;
+  // Sort subclasses after their superclasses.
+  Object.assign(allClasses,
+    withEntries(allClassesUnsorted, entries =>
+      entries.sort(({[1]: A}, {[1]: B}) =>
+        (A.prototype instanceof B
+          ? +1
+       : B.prototype instanceof A
+          ? -1
+          :  0))));
 function descriptorAggregateHelper({
@@ -184,6 +199,10 @@ function finalizeCacheableObjectPrototypes() {
     op(constructor) {
+    showFailedClasses(failedClasses) {
+      logError`Failed to finalize cacheable object prototypes for classes: ${failedClasses.join(', ')}`;
+    },
diff --git a/src/data/things/sorting-rule.js b/src/data/things/sorting-rule.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ed7fb0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/things/sorting-rule.js
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+export const SORTING_RULE_DATA_FILE = 'sorting-rules.yaml';
+import {readFile, writeFile} from 'node:fs/promises';
+import * as path from 'node:path';
+import {input} from '#composite';
+import {chunkByProperties, compareArrays, unique} from '#sugar';
+import Thing from '#thing';
+import {isObject, isStringNonEmpty, anyOf, strictArrayOf} from '#validators';
+import {
+  compareCaseLessSensitive,
+  sortByDate,
+  sortByDirectory,
+  sortByName,
+} from '#sort';
+import {
+  documentModes,
+  flattenThingLayoutToDocumentOrder,
+  getThingLayoutForFilename,
+  reorderDocumentsInYAMLSourceText,
+} from '#yaml';
+import {flag} from '#composite/wiki-properties';
+function isSelectFollowingEntry(value) {
+  isObject(value);
+  const {length} = Object.keys(value);
+  if (length !== 1) {
+    throw new Error(`Expected object with 1 key, got ${length}`);
+  }
+  return true;
+export class SortingRule extends Thing {
+  static [Thing.friendlyName] = `Sorting Rule`;
+  static [Thing.getPropertyDescriptors] = () => ({
+    // Update & expose
+    active: flag(true),
+    message: {
+      flags: {update: true, expose: true},
+      update: {validate: isStringNonEmpty},
+    },
+  });
+  static [Thing.yamlDocumentSpec] = {
+    fields: {
+      'Message': {property: 'message'},
+      'Active': {property: 'active'},
+    },
+  };
+  static [Thing.getYamlLoadingSpec] = ({
+    documentModes: {allInOne},
+    thingConstructors: {DocumentSortingRule},
+  }) => ({
+    title: `Process sorting rules file`,
+    documentMode: allInOne,
+    documentThing: document =>
+      (document['Sort Documents']
+        ? DocumentSortingRule
+        : null),
+    save: (results) => ({sortingRules: results}),
+  });
+  check(opts) {
+    return this.constructor.check(this, opts);
+  }
+  apply(opts) {
+    return this.constructor.apply(this, opts);
+  }
+  static check(rule, opts) {
+    const result = this.apply(rule, {...opts, dry: true});
+    if (!result) return true;
+    if (!result.changed) return true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  static async apply(_rule, _opts) {
+    throw new Error(`Not implemented`);
+  }
+  static async* applyAll(_rules, _opts) {
+    throw new Error(`Not implemented`);
+  }
+  static async* go({dataPath, wikiData, dry}) {
+    const rules = wikiData.sortingRules;
+    const constructors = unique(rules.map(rule => rule.constructor));
+    for (const constructor of constructors) {
+      yield* constructor.applyAll(
+        rules
+          .filter(rule => rule.active)
+          .filter(rule => rule.constructor === constructor),
+        {dataPath, wikiData, dry});
+    }
+  }
+export class ThingSortingRule extends SortingRule {
+  static [Thing.getPropertyDescriptors] = () => ({
+    // Update & expose
+    properties: {
+      flags: {update: true, expose: true},
+      update: {
+        validate: strictArrayOf(isStringNonEmpty),
+      },
+    },
+  });
+  static [Thing.yamlDocumentSpec] = Thing.extendDocumentSpec(SortingRule, {
+    fields: {
+      'By Properties': {property: 'properties'},
+    },
+  });
+  sort(sortable) {
+    if (this.properties) {
+      for (const property of this.properties.slice().reverse()) {
+        const get = thing => thing[property];
+        const lc = property.toLowerCase();
+        if (lc.endsWith('date')) {
+          sortByDate(sortable, {getDate: get});
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (lc.endsWith('directory')) {
+          sortByDirectory(sortable, {getDirectory: get});
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (lc.endsWith('name')) {
+          sortByName(sortable, {getName: get});
+          continue;
+        }
+        const values = sortable.map(get);
+        if (values.every(v => typeof v === 'string')) {
+          sortable.sort((a, b) =>
+            compareCaseLessSensitive(get(a), get(b)));
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (values.every(v => typeof v === 'number')) {
+          sortable.sort((a, b) => get(a) - get(b));
+          continue;
+        }
+        sortable.sort((a, b) =>
+          (get(a).toString() < get(b).toString()
+            ? -1
+         : get(a).toString() > get(b).toString()
+            ? +1
+            :  0));
+      }
+    }
+    return sortable;
+  }
+export class DocumentSortingRule extends ThingSortingRule {
+  static [Thing.getPropertyDescriptors] = () => ({
+    // Update & expose
+    // TODO: glob :plead:
+    filename: {
+      flags: {update: true, expose: true},
+      update: {validate: isStringNonEmpty},
+    },
+    message: {
+      flags: {update: true, expose: true},
+      update: {validate: isStringNonEmpty},
+      expose: {
+        dependencies: ['filename'],
+        transform: (value, {filename}) =>
+          value ??
+          `Sort ${filename}`,
+      },
+    },
+    selectDocumentsFollowing: {
+      flags: {update: true, expose: true},
+      update: {
+        validate:
+          anyOf(
+            isSelectFollowingEntry,
+            strictArrayOf(isSelectFollowingEntry)),
+      },
+      compute: {
+        transform: value =>
+          (Array.isArray(value)
+            ? value
+            : [value]),
+      },
+    },
+    selectDocumentsUnder: {
+      flags: {update: true, expose: true},
+      update: {validate: isStringNonEmpty},
+    },
+  });
+  static [Thing.yamlDocumentSpec] = Thing.extendDocumentSpec(ThingSortingRule, {
+    fields: {
+      'Sort Documents': {property: 'filename'},
+      'Select Documents Following': {property: 'selectDocumentsFollowing'},
+      'Select Documents Under': {property: 'selectDocumentsUnder'},
+    },
+    invalidFieldCombinations: [
+      {message: `Specify only one of these`, fields: [
+        'Select Documents Following',
+        'Select Documents Under',
+      ]},
+    ],
+  });
+  static async apply(rule, {wikiData, dataPath, dry}) {
+    const oldLayout = getThingLayoutForFilename(rule.filename, wikiData);
+    if (!oldLayout) return null;
+    const newLayout = rule.#processLayout(oldLayout);
+    const oldOrder = flattenThingLayoutToDocumentOrder(oldLayout);
+    const newOrder = flattenThingLayoutToDocumentOrder(newLayout);
+    const changed = compareArrays(oldOrder, newOrder);
+    if (dry) return {changed};
+    const realPath =
+      path.join(
+        dataPath,
+        rule.filename.split(path.posix.sep).join(path.sep));
+    const oldSourceText = await readFile(realPath, 'utf8');
+    const newSourceText = reorderDocumentsInYAMLSourceText(oldSourceText, newOrder);
+    await writeFile(realPath, newSourceText);
+    return {changed};
+  }
+  static async* applyAll(rules, {wikiData, dataPath, dry}) {
+    rules =
+      rules
+        .slice()
+        .sort((a, b) => a.filename.localeCompare(b.filename));
+    for (const {chunk, filename} of chunkByProperties(rules, ['filename'])) {
+      const initialLayout = getThingLayoutForFilename(filename, wikiData);
+      if (!initialLayout) continue;
+      let currLayout = initialLayout;
+      let prevLayout = initialLayout;
+      let anyChanged = false;
+      for (const rule of chunk) {
+        currLayout = rule.#processLayout(currLayout);
+        const prevOrder = flattenThingLayoutToDocumentOrder(prevLayout);
+        const currOrder = flattenThingLayoutToDocumentOrder(currLayout);
+        if (compareArrays(currOrder, prevOrder)) {
+          yield {rule, changed: false};
+        } else {
+          anyChanged = true;
+          yield {rule, changed: true};
+        }
+        prevLayout = currLayout;
+      }
+      if (!anyChanged) continue;
+      if (dry) continue;
+      const newLayout = currLayout;
+      const newOrder = flattenThingLayoutToDocumentOrder(newLayout);
+      const realPath =
+        path.join(
+          dataPath,
+          filename.split(path.posix.sep).join(path.sep));
+      const oldSourceText = await readFile(realPath, 'utf8');
+      const newSourceText = reorderDocumentsInYAMLSourceText(oldSourceText, newOrder);
+      await writeFile(realPath, newSourceText);
+    }
+  }
+  #processLayout(layout) {
+    const fresh = {...layout};
+    let sortable = null;
+    switch (fresh.documentMode) {
+      case documentModes.headerAndEntries:
+        sortable = fresh.entryThings =
+          fresh.entryThings.slice();
+        break;
+      case documentModes.allInOne:
+        sortable = fresh.things =
+          fresh.things.slice();
+        break;
+      default:
+        throw new Error(`Invalid document type for sorting`);
+    }
+    if (this.selectDocumentsFollowing) {
+      for (const entry of this.selectDocumentsFollowing) {
+        const [field, value] = Object.entries(entry)[0];
+        const after =
+          sortable.findIndex(thing =>
+            thing[Thing.yamlSourceDocument][field] === value);
+        const different =
+          after +
+          sortable
+            .slice(after)
+            .findIndex(thing =>
+              Object.hasOwn(thing[Thing.yamlSourceDocument], field) &&
+              thing[Thing.yamlSourceDocument][field] !== value);
+        const before =
+          (different === -1
+            ? sortable.length
+            : different);
+        const subsortable =
+          sortable.slice(after + 1, before);
+        this.sort(subsortable);
+        sortable.splice(after + 1, before - after - 1, ...subsortable);
+      }
+    } else if (this.selectDocumentsUnder) {
+      const field = this.selectDocumentsUnder;
+      const indices =
+        Array.from(sortable.entries())
+          .filter(([_index, thing]) =>
+            Object.hasOwn(thing[Thing.yamlSourceDocument], field))
+          .map(([index, _thing]) => index);
+      for (const [indicesIndex, after] of indices.entries()) {
+        const before =
+          (indicesIndex === indices.length - 1
+            ? sortable.length
+            : indices[indicesIndex + 1]);
+        const subsortable =
+          sortable.slice(after + 1, before);
+        this.sort(subsortable);
+        sortable.splice(after + 1, before - after - 1, ...subsortable);
+      }
+    } else {
+      this.sort(sortable);
+    }
+    return fresh;
+  }