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path: root/src/data/things/language.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/data/things/language.js')
1 files changed, 730 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/data/things/language.js b/src/data/things/language.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbe1ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/things/language.js
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+import { Temporal, toTemporalInstant } from '@js-temporal/polyfill';
+import {withAggregate} from '#aggregate';
+import CacheableObject from '#cacheable-object';
+import {logWarn} from '#cli';
+import * as html from '#html';
+import {empty} from '#sugar';
+import {isLanguageCode} from '#validators';
+import Thing from '#thing';
+import {
+  getExternalLinkStringOfStyleFromDescriptors,
+  getExternalLinkStringsFromDescriptors,
+  isExternalLinkContext,
+  isExternalLinkSpec,
+  isExternalLinkStyle,
+} from '#external-links';
+import {externalFunction, flag, name} from '#composite/wiki-properties';
+export const languageOptionRegex = /{(?<name>[A-Z0-9_]+)}/g;
+export class Language extends Thing {
+  static [Thing.getPropertyDescriptors] = () => ({
+    // Update & expose
+    // General language code. This is used to identify the language distinctly
+    // from other languages (similar to how "Directory" operates in many data
+    // objects).
+    code: {
+      flags: {update: true, expose: true},
+      update: {validate: isLanguageCode},
+    },
+    // Human-readable name. This should be the language's own native name, not
+    // localized to any other language.
+    name: name(`Unnamed Language`),
+    // Language code specific to JavaScript's Internationalization (Intl) API.
+    // Usually this will be the same as the language's general code, but it
+    // may be overridden to provide Intl constructors an alternative value.
+    intlCode: {
+      flags: {update: true, expose: true},
+      update: {validate: isLanguageCode},
+      expose: {
+        dependencies: ['code'],
+        transform: (intlCode, {code}) => intlCode ?? code,
+      },
+    },
+    // Flag which represents whether or not to hide a language from general
+    // access. If a language is hidden, its portion of the website will still
+    // be built (with all strings localized to the language), but it won't be
+    // included in controls for switching languages or the <link rel=alternate>
+    // tags used for search engine optimization. This flag is intended for use
+    // with languages that are currently in development and not ready for
+    // formal release, or which are just kept hidden as "experimental zones"
+    // for wiki development or content testing.
+    hidden: flag(false),
+    // Mapping of translation keys to values (strings). Generally, don't
+    // access this object directly - use methods instead.
+    strings: {
+      flags: {update: true, expose: true},
+      update: {validate: (t) => typeof t === 'object'},
+      expose: {
+        dependencies: ['inheritedStrings', 'code'],
+        transform(strings, {inheritedStrings, code}) {
+          if (!strings && !inheritedStrings) return null;
+          if (!inheritedStrings) return strings;
+          const validStrings = {
+            ...inheritedStrings,
+            ...strings,
+          };
+          const optionsFromTemplate = template =>
+            Array.from(template.matchAll(languageOptionRegex))
+              .map(({groups}) => groups.name);
+          for (const [key, providedTemplate] of Object.entries(strings)) {
+            const inheritedTemplate = inheritedStrings[key];
+            if (!inheritedTemplate) continue;
+            const providedOptions = optionsFromTemplate(providedTemplate);
+            const inheritedOptions = optionsFromTemplate(inheritedTemplate);
+            const missingOptionNames =
+              inheritedOptions.filter(name => !providedOptions.includes(name));
+            const misplacedOptionNames =
+              providedOptions.filter(name => !inheritedOptions.includes(name));
+            if (!empty(missingOptionNames) || !empty(misplacedOptionNames)) {
+              logWarn`Not using ${code ?? '(no code)'} string ${key}:`;
+              if (!empty(missingOptionNames))
+                logWarn`- Missing options: ${missingOptionNames.join(', ')}`;
+              if (!empty(misplacedOptionNames))
+                logWarn`- Unexpected options: ${misplacedOptionNames.join(', ')}`;
+              validStrings[key] = inheritedStrings[key];
+            }
+          }
+          return validStrings;
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    // May be provided to specify "default" strings, generally (but not
+    // necessarily) inherited from another Language object.
+    inheritedStrings: {
+      flags: {update: true, expose: true},
+      update: {validate: (t) => typeof t === 'object'},
+    },
+    // List of descriptors for providing to external link utilities when using
+    // language.formatExternalLink - refer to util/external-links.js for info.
+    externalLinkSpec: {
+      flags: {update: true, expose: true},
+      update: {validate: isExternalLinkSpec},
+    },
+    // Update only
+    escapeHTML: externalFunction(),
+    // Expose only
+    intl_date: this.#intlHelper(Intl.DateTimeFormat, {full: true}),
+    intl_number: this.#intlHelper(Intl.NumberFormat),
+    intl_listConjunction: this.#intlHelper(Intl.ListFormat, {type: 'conjunction'}),
+    intl_listDisjunction: this.#intlHelper(Intl.ListFormat, {type: 'disjunction'}),
+    intl_listUnit: this.#intlHelper(Intl.ListFormat, {type: 'unit'}),
+    intl_pluralCardinal: this.#intlHelper(Intl.PluralRules, {type: 'cardinal'}),
+    intl_pluralOrdinal: this.#intlHelper(Intl.PluralRules, {type: 'ordinal'}),
+    validKeys: {
+      flags: {expose: true},
+      expose: {
+        dependencies: ['strings', 'inheritedStrings'],
+        compute: ({strings, inheritedStrings}) =>
+          Array.from(
+            new Set([
+              ...Object.keys(inheritedStrings ?? {}),
+              ...Object.keys(strings ?? {}),
+            ])
+          ),
+      },
+    },
+    // TODO: This currently isn't used. Is it still needed?
+    strings_htmlEscaped: {
+      flags: {expose: true},
+      expose: {
+        dependencies: ['strings', 'inheritedStrings', 'escapeHTML'],
+        compute({strings, inheritedStrings, escapeHTML}) {
+          if (!(strings || inheritedStrings) || !escapeHTML) return null;
+          const allStrings = {...inheritedStrings, ...strings};
+          return Object.fromEntries(
+            Object.entries(allStrings).map(([k, v]) => [k, escapeHTML(v)])
+          );
+        },
+      },
+    },
+  });
+  static #intlHelper (constructor, opts) {
+    return {
+      flags: {expose: true},
+      expose: {
+        dependencies: ['code', 'intlCode'],
+        compute: ({code, intlCode}) => {
+          const constructCode = intlCode ?? code;
+          if (!constructCode) return null;
+          return Reflect.construct(constructor, [constructCode, opts]);
+        },
+      },
+    };
+  }
+  $(...args) {
+    return this.formatString(...args);
+  }
+  assertIntlAvailable(property) {
+    if (!this[property]) {
+      throw new Error(`Intl API ${property} unavailable`);
+    }
+  }
+  getUnitForm(value) {
+    this.assertIntlAvailable('intl_pluralCardinal');
+    return this.intl_pluralCardinal.select(value);
+  }
+  formatString(...args) {
+    const hasOptions =
+      typeof args.at(-1) === 'object' &&
+      args.at(-1) !== null;
+    const key =
+      (hasOptions ? args.slice(0, -1) : args)
+        .filter(Boolean)
+        .join('.');
+    const options =
+      (hasOptions
+        ? args.at(-1)
+        : {});
+    if (!this.strings) {
+      throw new Error(`Strings unavailable`);
+    }
+    if (!this.validKeys.includes(key)) {
+      throw new Error(`Invalid key ${key} accessed`);
+    }
+    // These will be filled up as we iterate over the template, slotting in
+    // each option (if it's present).
+    const missingOptionNames = new Set();
+    // And this will have entries deleted as they're encountered in the
+    // template. Leftover entries are misplaced.
+    const optionsMap =
+      new Map(
+        Object.entries(options).map(([name, value]) => [
+          name
+            .replace(/[A-Z]/g, '_$&')
+            .toUpperCase(),
+          value,
+        ]));
+    const output = this.#iterateOverTemplate({
+      template: this.strings[key],
+      match: languageOptionRegex,
+      insert: ({name: optionName}, canceledForming) => {
+        if (optionsMap.has(optionName)) {
+          let optionValue;
+          // We'll only need the option's value if we're going to use it as
+          // part of the formed output (see below).
+          if (!canceledForming) {
+            optionValue = optionsMap.get(optionName);
+          }
+          // But we always have to delete expected options off the provided
+          // option map, since the leftovers are what will be used to tell
+          // which are misplaced.
+          optionsMap.delete(optionName);
+          if (canceledForming) {
+            return undefined;
+          } else {
+            return optionValue;
+          }
+        } else {
+          // We don't need to continue forming the output if we've hit a
+          // missing option name, since the end result of this formatString
+          // call will be a thrown error, and formed output won't be needed.
+          missingOptionNames.add(optionName);
+          return undefined;
+        }
+      },
+    });
+    const misplacedOptionNames =
+      Array.from(optionsMap.keys());
+    withAggregate({message: `Errors in options for string "${key}"`}, ({push}) => {
+      if (!empty(missingOptionNames)) {
+        const names = Array.from(missingOptionNames).join(`, `);
+        push(new Error(`Missing options: ${names}`));
+      }
+      if (!empty(misplacedOptionNames)) {
+        const names = Array.from(misplacedOptionNames).join(`, `);
+        push(new Error(`Unexpected options: ${names}`));
+      }
+    });
+    return output;
+  }
+  #iterateOverTemplate({
+    template,
+    match: regexp,
+    insert: insertFn,
+  }) {
+    const outputParts = [];
+    let canceledForming = false;
+    let lastIndex = 0;
+    let partInProgress = '';
+    for (const match of template.matchAll(regexp)) {
+      const insertion =
+        insertFn(match.groups, canceledForming);
+      if (insertion === undefined) {
+        canceledForming = true;
+      }
+      // Don't proceed with forming logic if the insertion function has
+      // indicated that's not needed anymore - but continue iterating over
+      // the rest of the template's matches, so other iteration logic (with
+      // side effects) gets to process everything.
+      if (canceledForming) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      partInProgress += template.slice(lastIndex, match.index);
+      // Sanitize string arguments in particular. These are taken to come from
+      // (raw) data and may include special characters that aren't meant to be
+      // rendered as HTML markup.
+      const sanitizedInsertion =
+        this.#sanitizeValueForInsertion(insertion);
+      if (typeof sanitizedInsertion === 'string') {
+        // Join consecutive strings together.
+        partInProgress += sanitizedInsertion;
+      } else if (
+        sanitizedInsertion instanceof html.Tag &&
+        sanitizedInsertion.contentOnly
+      ) {
+        // Collapse string-only tag contents onto the current string part.
+        partInProgress += sanitizedInsertion.toString();
+      } else {
+        // Push the string part in progress, then the insertion as-is.
+        outputParts.push(partInProgress);
+        outputParts.push(sanitizedInsertion);
+        partInProgress = '';
+      }
+      lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
+    }
+    if (canceledForming) {
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    // Tack onto the final partInProgress, which may still have a value by this
+    // point, if the final inserted value was a string. (Otherwise, it'll just
+    // be equal to the remaining template text.)
+    if (lastIndex < template.length) {
+      partInProgress += template.slice(lastIndex);
+    }
+    if (partInProgress) {
+      outputParts.push(partInProgress);
+    }
+    return this.#wrapSanitized(outputParts);
+  }
+  // Processes a value so that it's suitable to be inserted into a template.
+  // For strings, this escapes HTML special characters, displaying them as-are
+  // instead of representing HTML markup. For numbers and booleans, this turns
+  // them into string values, so they never accidentally get caught as falsy
+  // by #html stringification. Everything else - most importantly including
+  // html.Tag objects - gets left as-is, preserving the value exactly as it's
+  // provided.
+  #sanitizeValueForInsertion(value) {
+    const escapeHTML = CacheableObject.getUpdateValue(this, 'escapeHTML');
+    if (!escapeHTML) {
+      throw new Error(`escapeHTML unavailable`);
+    }
+    switch (typeof value) {
+      case 'string':
+        return escapeHTML(value);
+      case 'number':
+      case 'boolean':
+        return value.toString();
+      default:
+        return value;
+    }
+  }
+  // Wraps the output of a formatting function in a no-name-nor-attributes
+  // HTML tag, which will indicate to other calls to formatString that this
+  // content is a string *that may contain HTML* and doesn't need to
+  // sanitized any further. It'll still .toString() to just the string
+  // contents, if needed.
+  #wrapSanitized(content) {
+    return html.tags(content, {
+      [html.blessAttributes]: true,
+      [html.joinChildren]: '',
+      [html.noEdgeWhitespace]: true,
+    });
+  }
+  // Similar to the above internal methods, but this one is public.
+  // It should be used when embedding content that may not have previously
+  // been sanitized directly into an HTML tag or template's contents.
+  // The templating engine usually handles this on its own, as does passing
+  // a value (sanitized or not) directly for inserting into formatting
+  // functions, but if you used a custom slot validation function (for example,
+  // {validate: v => v.isHTML} instead of {type: 'string'} / {type: 'html'})
+  // and are embedding the contents of the slot as a direct child of another
+  // tag, you should manually sanitize those contents with this function.
+  sanitize(value) {
+    if (typeof value === 'string') {
+      return this.#wrapSanitized(this.#sanitizeValueForInsertion(value));
+    } else {
+      return value;
+    }
+  }
+  formatDate(date) {
+    this.assertIntlAvailable('intl_date');
+    return this.intl_date.format(date);
+  }
+  formatDateRange(startDate, endDate) {
+    this.assertIntlAvailable('intl_date');
+    return this.intl_date.formatRange(startDate, endDate);
+  }
+  formatDateDuration({
+    years: numYears = 0,
+    months: numMonths = 0,
+    days: numDays = 0,
+    approximate = false,
+  }) {
+    let basis;
+    const years = this.countYears(numYears, {unit: true});
+    const months = this.countMonths(numMonths, {unit: true});
+    const days = this.countDays(numDays, {unit: true});
+    if (numYears && numMonths && numDays)
+      basis = this.formatString('count.dateDuration.yearsMonthsDays', {years, months, days});
+    else if (numYears && numMonths)
+      basis = this.formatString('count.dateDuration.yearsMonths', {years, months});
+    else if (numYears && numDays)
+      basis = this.formatString('count.dateDuration.yearsDays', {years, days});
+    else if (numYears)
+      basis = this.formatString('count.dateDuration.years', {years});
+    else if (numMonths && numDays)
+      basis = this.formatString('count.dateDuration.monthsDays', {months, days});
+    else if (numMonths)
+      basis = this.formatString('count.dateDuration.months', {months});
+    else if (numDays)
+      basis = this.formatString('count.dateDuration.days', {days});
+    else
+      return this.formatString('count.dateDuration.zero');
+    if (approximate) {
+      return this.formatString('count.dateDuration.approximate', {
+        duration: basis,
+      });
+    } else {
+      return basis;
+    }
+  }
+  formatRelativeDate(currentDate, referenceDate, {
+    considerRoundingDays = false,
+    approximate = true,
+    absolute = true,
+  } = {}) {
+    const currentInstant = toTemporalInstant.apply(currentDate);
+    const referenceInstant = toTemporalInstant.apply(referenceDate);
+    const comparison =
+      Temporal.Instant.compare(currentInstant, referenceInstant);
+    if (comparison === 0) {
+      return this.formatString('count.dateDuration.same');
+    }
+    const currentTDZ = currentInstant.toZonedDateTimeISO('Etc/UTC');
+    const referenceTDZ = referenceInstant.toZonedDateTimeISO('Etc/UTC');
+    const earlierTDZ = (comparison === -1 ? currentTDZ : referenceTDZ);
+    const laterTDZ = (comparison === 1 ? currentTDZ : referenceTDZ);
+    const {years, months, days} =
+      laterTDZ.since(earlierTDZ, {
+        largestUnit: 'year',
+        smallestUnit:
+          (considerRoundingDays
+            ? (laterTDZ.since(earlierTDZ, {
+                largestUnit: 'year',
+                smallestUnit: 'day',
+              }).years
+                ? 'month'
+                : 'day')
+            : 'day'),
+        roundingMode: 'halfCeil',
+      });
+    const duration =
+      this.formatDateDuration({
+        years, months, days,
+        approximate: false,
+      });
+    const relative =
+      this.formatString(
+        'count.dateDuration',
+        (approximate && (years || months || days)
+          ? (comparison === -1
+              ? 'approximateEarlier'
+              : 'approximateLater')
+          : (comparison === -1
+              ? 'earlier'
+              : 'later')),
+        {duration});
+    if (absolute) {
+      return this.formatString('count.dateDuration.relativeAbsolute', {
+        relative,
+        absolute: this.formatDate(currentDate),
+      });
+    } else {
+      return relative;
+    }
+  }
+  formatDuration(secTotal, {approximate = false, unit = false} = {}) {
+    if (secTotal === 0) {
+      return this.formatString('count.duration.missing');
+    }
+    const hour = Math.floor(secTotal / 3600);
+    const min = Math.floor((secTotal - hour * 3600) / 60);
+    const sec = Math.floor(secTotal - hour * 3600 - min * 60);
+    const pad = (val) => val.toString().padStart(2, '0');
+    const stringSubkey = unit ? '.withUnit' : '';
+    const duration =
+      hour > 0
+        ? this.formatString('count.duration.hours' + stringSubkey, {
+            hours: hour,
+            minutes: pad(min),
+            seconds: pad(sec),
+          })
+        : this.formatString('count.duration.minutes' + stringSubkey, {
+            minutes: min,
+            seconds: pad(sec),
+          });
+    return approximate
+      ? this.formatString('count.duration.approximate', {duration})
+      : duration;
+  }
+  formatExternalLink(url, {
+    style = 'platform',
+    context = 'generic',
+  } = {}) {
+    if (!this.externalLinkSpec) {
+      throw new TypeError(`externalLinkSpec unavailable`);
+    }
+    isExternalLinkContext(context);
+    if (style === 'all') {
+      return getExternalLinkStringsFromDescriptors(url, this.externalLinkSpec, {
+        language: this,
+        context,
+      });
+    }
+    isExternalLinkStyle(style);
+    const result =
+      getExternalLinkStringOfStyleFromDescriptors(url, style, this.externalLinkSpec, {
+        language: this,
+        context,
+      });
+    // It's possible for there to not actually be any string available for the
+    // given URL, style, and context, and we want this to be detectable via
+    // html.blank().
+    return result ?? html.blank();
+  }
+  formatIndex(value) {
+    this.assertIntlAvailable('intl_pluralOrdinal');
+    return this.formatString('count.index.' + this.intl_pluralOrdinal.select(value), {index: value});
+  }
+  formatNumber(value) {
+    this.assertIntlAvailable('intl_number');
+    return this.intl_number.format(value);
+  }
+  formatWordCount(value) {
+    const num = this.formatNumber(
+      value > 1000 ? Math.floor(value / 100) / 10 : value
+    );
+    const words =
+      value > 1000
+        ? this.formatString('count.words.thousand', {words: num})
+        : this.formatString('count.words', {words: num});
+    return this.formatString('count.words.withUnit.' + this.getUnitForm(value), {words});
+  }
+  #formatListHelper(array, processFn) {
+    // Operate on "insertion markers" instead of the actual contents of the
+    // array, because the process function (likely an Intl operation) is taken
+    // to only operate on strings. We'll insert the contents of the array back
+    // at these points afterwards.
+    const insertionMarkers =
+      Array.from(
+        {length: array.length},
+        (_item, index) => `<::insertion_${index}>`);
+    // Basically the same insertion logic as in formatString. Like there, we
+    // can't assume that insertion markers were kept in the same order as they
+    // were provided, so we'll refer to the marked index. But we don't need to
+    // worry about some of the indices *not* corresponding to a provided source
+    // item, like we do in formatString, so that cuts out a lot of the
+    // validation logic.
+    return this.#iterateOverTemplate({
+      template: processFn(insertionMarkers),
+      match: /<::insertion_(?<index>[0-9]+)>/g,
+      insert: ({index: markerIndex}) => {
+        return array[markerIndex];
+      },
+    });
+  }
+  // Conjunction list: A, B, and C
+  formatConjunctionList(array) {
+    this.assertIntlAvailable('intl_listConjunction');
+    return this.#formatListHelper(
+      array,
+      array => this.intl_listConjunction.format(array));
+  }
+  // Disjunction lists: A, B, or C
+  formatDisjunctionList(array) {
+    this.assertIntlAvailable('intl_listDisjunction');
+    return this.#formatListHelper(
+      array,
+      array => this.intl_listDisjunction.format(array));
+  }
+  // Unit lists: A, B, C
+  formatUnitList(array) {
+    this.assertIntlAvailable('intl_listUnit');
+    return this.#formatListHelper(
+      array,
+      array => this.intl_listUnit.format(array));
+  }
+  // Lists without separator: A B C
+  formatListWithoutSeparator(array) {
+    return this.#formatListHelper(
+      array,
+      array => array.join(' '));
+  }
+  // File sizes: 42.5 kB, 127.2 MB, 4.13 GB, 998.82 TB
+  formatFileSize(bytes) {
+    if (!bytes) return '';
+    bytes = parseInt(bytes);
+    if (isNaN(bytes)) return '';
+    const round = (exp) => Math.round(bytes / 10 ** (exp - 1)) / 10;
+    if (bytes >= 10 ** 12) {
+      return this.formatString('count.fileSize.terabytes', {
+        terabytes: round(12),
+      });
+    } else if (bytes >= 10 ** 9) {
+      return this.formatString('count.fileSize.gigabytes', {
+        gigabytes: round(9),
+      });
+    } else if (bytes >= 10 ** 6) {
+      return this.formatString('count.fileSize.megabytes', {
+        megabytes: round(6),
+      });
+    } else if (bytes >= 10 ** 3) {
+      return this.formatString('count.fileSize.kilobytes', {
+        kilobytes: round(3),
+      });
+    } else {
+      return this.formatString('count.fileSize.bytes', {bytes});
+    }
+  }
+const countHelper = (stringKey, optionName = stringKey) =>
+  function(value, {unit = false} = {}) {
+    return this.formatString(
+      unit
+        ? `count.${stringKey}.withUnit.` + this.getUnitForm(value)
+        : `count.${stringKey}`,
+      {[optionName]: this.formatNumber(value)});
+  };
+// TODO: These are hard-coded. Is there a better way?
+Object.assign(Language.prototype, {
+  countAdditionalFiles: countHelper('additionalFiles', 'files'),
+  countAlbums: countHelper('albums'),
+  countArtworks: countHelper('artworks'),
+  countCommentaryEntries: countHelper('commentaryEntries', 'entries'),
+  countContributions: countHelper('contributions'),
+  countCoverArts: countHelper('coverArts'),
+  countDays: countHelper('days'),
+  countFlashes: countHelper('flashes'),
+  countMonths: countHelper('months'),
+  countTimesReferenced: countHelper('timesReferenced'),
+  countTimesUsed: countHelper('timesUsed'),
+  countTracks: countHelper('tracks'),
+  countWeeks: countHelper('weeks'),
+  countYears: countHelper('years'),