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path: root/src/data/things-cache.js
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1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/data/things-cache.js b/src/data/things-cache.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4e08d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/things-cache.js
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+// things-cache.js: Operations which diff data changes and propagate results
+// across one global cache for all wiki data
+// Essential outline: One ThingsCache object has a record of all wiki data
+// arrays (albumData, trackData, etc) and adds hooks to property changes on
+// new data objects. It provides value changes to a set of pre-configured
+// "cache functions" which propagate these observed changes into modifications
+// to static data (i.e. the cache) corresponding to all relevant data objects.
+// Each hook observes a type of Thing and one property. It returns an array of
+// modifications (see below). Although all relationships between input objects
+// are provided in terms of references (strings ex. "track:showtime-piano-
+// refrain"), these are generally observed in terms of actual Thing objects,
+// by using a special @<property> format (ex. "@referencedTracks").
+// - TODO: Is this necessary? We can probably just operate completely agnostic
+//   of which data objects actually exist or not, and that's easier if we don't
+//   operate on literal wiki data objects - only references, both to the self
+//   and to affected objects. References only *need* to be resolved at actual
+//   site building (etc) - we can probably hold off anything to do with ref
+//   resolving until then.
+// - TODO: Okay it really doesn't seem necessary - but we DO need to normalize
+//   ALL references, FROM THE GET GO, or else we'll run into some pretty bad
+//   trouble when it comes to mutating the cache (and then later, somehow,
+//   merging two caches that actually corresponded to the same thing...even
+//   though we've since discarded the individual changes that built that cache).
+//   This isn't actually a major problem - it just necessitates that we take
+//   existing someRelationshipByRef data (loaded from YAML) and transform every
+//   value into the consistent `thing:directory` format. Which kinda means
+//   resolving references from the start again, but whatever, that's a
+//   necessary evil in this case (and only needs to be done once per value -
+//   obviously we can cache each ref string -> consistent format, and discard
+//   that cache after updating the refs because the original YAML-entered refs
+//   won't be used anymore during data processing or the main site build).
+// A modification references one Thing and one property, and represents some
+// change to the value stored in that property. For non-array values, it
+// indicates overwriting the previous value. For array values, it indicates
+// either adding or removing an item. (As far as modifications are concerned,
+// arrays do not have order - they are closer to sets than arrays.)
+// The ThingsCache system isn't necessarily all-encompassing (i.e. in control
+// of propagation of all data changes), but it should represent an accurate and
+// stateless table of the data and properties it does control. "Stateless" in
+// this case means order of operations is irrelevant and the same cache may be
+// constructed from scratch given the observed data (no values depend on
+// previous values or anything outside the current data set).
+// Specifics re: "constructing from scratch" - generally the ThingsCache system
+// has two goals: to avoid constructing data from scratch where unnecessary and
+// to make initial construction (or reconstruction) as efficient as possible.
+// Towards the first end, hooks and modifications provide a straightforward way
+// to indicate fine-grained data changes as a result of changes to input data.
+// For the second goal, each point in input data is only ever operated on once,
+// computing all modifications across entire output at once.
+// "Combination" caches (i.e. one output property whose value depends on two
+// input properties) are not yet supported.
+import {
+    Album,
+    Thing,
+    Track,
+} from './things.js';
+import { loadAndProcessDataDocuments } from './yaml.js';
+import { logInfo, logError, logWarn, parseOptions } from '../util/cli.js';
+import { isMain } from '../util/node-utils.js';
+import { showAggregate } from '../util/sugar.js';
+import find from '../util/find.js';
+const dataThingMap = [
+    ['albumData', Album],
+    ['trackData', Track],
+const hooks = [
+    [Track, 'referencedTracksByRef', {
+        itemAdded(selfRef, referencedTrackRef) {
+            return [
+                [referencedTrackRef, 'referencedByTracksByRef', {addItem: selfRef}]
+            ];
+        }
+    }],
+export class ThingsCache {
+    #hooks = hooks;
+    #supportedWikiDataKeys = dataThingMap.map(([ dataProp, thingClass ]) => dataProp);
+    #supportedThingClasses = dataThingMap.map(([ dataProp, thingClass ]) => thingClass);
+    #inputWikiData = Object.fromEntries(dataThingMap.map(([ k ]) => [k, []]));
+    #outputWikiData = Object.fromEntries(dataThingMap.map(([ k ]) => [k, {}]));
+    #trackedModifications = {};
+    #hooksByThingClass = hooks.reduce((acc, hook) => {
+        const [ thingClass ] = hook;
+        if (acc.has(thingClass)) {
+            acc.get(thingClass).push(hook);
+        } else {
+            acc.set(thingClass, [hook]);
+        }
+        return acc;
+    }, new Map(dataThingMap.map(([ k, t ]) => [t, []])));
+    loadInitialData(wikiData) {
+        const modifications = [];
+        for (const [ dataKey, thingData ] of Object.entries(wikiData)) {
+            if (Object.hasOwn(this.#inputWikiData, dataKey)) {
+                this.#inputWikiData[dataKey] = thingData;
+                for (const thing of thingData) {
+                    modifications.push(...this.pushThing(thing));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        this.trackModifications(modifications);
+        this.applyTrackedModifications();
+    }
+    pushThing(thing) {
+        // Compute modifications from all hooks associated with this Thing's
+        // class, treating as though the previous value for each property was
+        // null.
+        const thingClass = thing.constructor;
+        const hooks = this.#hooksByThingClass.get(thingClass);
+        return hooks.flatMap(hook => this.computeHookModifications(hook, thing, null));
+    }
+    computeHookModifications(hook, thing, previousValue) {
+        const thingRef = Thing.getReference(thing);
+        const a = previousValue;
+        const b = this.computeInputPropertyValue(thing, hook[1]);
+        const M = hook[2];
+        const aIsArray = Array.isArray(a);
+        const bIsArray = Array.isArray(b);
+        const modifications = [];
+        if (bIsArray && !aIsArray) {
+            // Value newly an array: Treat all items as new!
+            if (M.itemAdded) {
+                modifications.push(...b.flatMap(v => M.itemAdded(thingRef, v)));
+            }
+        } else if (aIsArray && !bIsArray) {
+            // Value no longer an array: Treat all items as removed!
+            if (M.itemRemoved) {
+                modifications.push(...a.flatMap(v => M.itemRemoved(thingRef, v)));
+            }
+        } else if (aIsArray && bIsArray) {
+            // Value remains an array: Diff new and removed items.
+            if (M.itemRemoved) {
+                modifications.push(...a.filter(v => !b.includes(a)).flatMap(v => M.itemRemoved(thingRef, v)));
+            }
+            if (M.itemAdded) {
+                modifications.push(...b.filter(v => !a.includes(b)).flatMap(v => M.itemAdded(thingRef, v)));
+            }
+        }
+        return modifications;
+    }
+    computeInputPropertyValue(thing, property) {
+        if (property.startsWith('@')) {
+            // todo: better mapping than this
+            /*
+            if (property === '@referencedTracks') {
+                return thing.referencedTracksByRef?.map(ref => this.resolveReference('trackData', find.track, ref)) ?? [];
+            }
+            */
+        } else {
+            return thing[property];
+        }
+    }
+    trackModifications(modifications) {
+        for (const [ ref, prop, change ] of modifications) {
+            if (Object.hasOwn(this.#trackedModifications, ref)) {
+                const propChanges = this.#trackedModifications[ref];
+                if (Object.hasOwn(propChanges, prop)) {
+                    propChanges[prop].push(change);
+                } else {
+                    propChanges[prop] = [change];
+                }
+            } else {
+                this.#trackedModifications[ref] = {[prop]: [change]};
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    applyTrackedModifications() {
+        for (const [ ref, propChanges ] of Object.entries(this.#trackedModifications)) {
+            // todo: compute which thingData array to use
+            const thingData = this.#outputWikiData.trackData;
+            if (Object.hasOwn(thingData, ref)) {
+                // The reference has been recorded...
+                const outputProps = thingData[ref];
+                for (const [ prop, changes ] of Object.entries(propChanges)) {
+                    if (Object.hasOwn(outputProps, prop)) {
+                        // ...and so has output data for this property. Apply
+                        // the new changes on top, building off the value which
+                        // is already present.
+                        const value = this.computeValueFromChanges(changes, outputProps[prop]);
+                        outputProps[prop] = value;
+                    } else {
+                        // ...but there's not yet any output data for this
+                        // property. Compute a completely new value from the
+                        // changes and save it on the existing reference
+                        // record.
+                        const value = this.computeValueFromChanges(changes, null);
+                        outputProps[prop] = value;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                // The reference hasn't yet been recorded - so neither has
+                // output data for any properties. Compute completely new
+                // values from the changes for each property and save every
+                // value together on a new reference record.
+                const outputProps = {};
+                for (const [ prop, changes ] of Object.entries(propChanges)) {
+                    const value = this.computeValueFromChanges(changes, null);
+                    thingData[ref] = {[prop]: value};
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        console.log(this.#outputWikiData.trackData);
+    }
+    computeValueFromChanges(changes, previousValue) {
+        // todo: non-arrays
+        const array = (previousValue
+            ? previousValue.slice()
+            : []);
+        // todo: duplicate / missing item handling? probably that situation
+        // should never arise, so maybe unnecessary? if so document that
+        for (const change of changes) {
+            if (Object.hasOwn(change, 'addItem')) {
+                array.push(change.addItem);
+            } else if (object.hasOwn(change, 'removeItem')) {
+                array.splice(array.indexOf(item), 1);
+            }
+        }
+        return array;
+    }
+    resolveReference(dataKey, findFn, ref) {
+        return findFn(ref, this.#inputWikiData[dataKey], {mode: 'quiet'});
+    }
+if (isMain(import.meta.url)) {
+    (async function() {
+        const miscOptions = await parseOptions(process.argv.slice(2), {
+            'data-path': {
+                type: 'value'
+            },
+        });
+        const dataPath = miscOptions['data-path'] || process.env.HSMUSIC_DATA;
+        if (!dataPath) {
+            logError`Expected --data-path option or HSMUSIC_DATA to be set`;
+            return;
+        }
+        let wikiData;
+        {
+            const { aggregate, result } = await loadAndProcessDataDocuments({
+                dataPath,
+            });
+            wikiData = result;
+            try {
+                aggregate.close();
+                logInfo`Loaded data without errors. (complete data)`;
+            } catch (error) {
+                showAggregate(error);
+                logWarn`Loaded data with errors. (partial data)`;
+            }
+        }
+        const thingsCache = new ThingsCache();
+        console.time();
+        thingsCache.loadInitialData(wikiData);
+        console.timeEnd();
+    })().catch(err => {
+        console.error(err);
+    });