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path: root/src/data/composite/wiki-data
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/data/composite/wiki-data')
8 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/data/composite/wiki-data/exitWithoutContribs.js b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/exitWithoutContribs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c8219fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/exitWithoutContribs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Shorthand for exiting if the contribution list (usually a property's update
+// value) resolves to empty - ensuring that the later computed results are only
+// returned if these contributions are present.
+import {input, templateCompositeFrom} from '#composite';
+import {isContributionList} from '#validators';
+import {withResultOfAvailabilityCheck} from '#composite/control-flow';
+import withResolvedContribs from './withResolvedContribs.js';
+export default templateCompositeFrom({
+  annotation: `exitWithoutContribs`,
+  inputs: {
+    contribs: input({
+      validate: isContributionList,
+      acceptsNull: true,
+    }),
+    value: input({defaultValue: null}),
+  },
+  steps: () => [
+    withResolvedContribs({
+      from: input('contribs'),
+    }),
+    // TODO: Fairly certain exitWithoutDependency would be sufficient here.
+    withResultOfAvailabilityCheck({
+      from: '#resolvedContribs',
+      mode: input.value('empty'),
+    }),
+    {
+      dependencies: ['#availability', input('value')],
+      compute: (continuation, {
+        ['#availability']: availability,
+        [input('value')]: value,
+      }) =>
+        (availability
+          ? continuation()
+          : continuation.exit(value)),
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/src/data/composite/wiki-data/index.js b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d0400fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export {default as exitWithoutContribs} from './exitWithoutContribs.js';
+export {default as inputThingClass} from './inputThingClass.js';
+export {default as inputWikiData} from './inputWikiData.js';
+export {default as withResolvedContribs} from './withResolvedContribs.js';
+export {default as withResolvedReference} from './withResolvedReference.js';
+export {default as withResolvedReferenceList} from './withResolvedReferenceList.js';
+export {default as withReverseReferenceList} from './withReverseReferenceList.js';
diff --git a/src/data/composite/wiki-data/inputThingClass.js b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/inputThingClass.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d70480e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/inputThingClass.js
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Please note that this input, used in a variety of #composite/wiki-data
+// utilities, is basically always a kludge. Any usage of it depends on
+// referencing Thing class values defined outside of the #composite folder.
+import {input} from '#composite';
+import {isType} from '#validators';
+// TODO: Kludge.
+import Thing from '../../things/thing.js';
+export default function inputThingClass() {
+  return input.staticValue({
+    validate(thingClass) {
+      isType(thingClass, 'function');
+      if (!Object.hasOwn(thingClass, Thing.referenceType)) {
+        throw new TypeError(`Expected a Thing constructor, missing Thing.referenceType`);
+      }
+      return true;
+    },
+  });
diff --git a/src/data/composite/wiki-data/inputWikiData.js b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/inputWikiData.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf7a7c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/inputWikiData.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import {input} from '#composite';
+import {validateWikiData} from '#validators';
+// TODO: This doesn't access a class's own ThingSubclass[Thing.referenceType]
+// value because classes aren't initialized by when templateCompositeFrom gets
+// called (see: circular imports). So the reference types have to be hard-coded,
+// which somewhat defeats the point of storing them on the class in the first
+// place...
+export default function inputWikiData({
+  referenceType = '',
+  allowMixedTypes = false,
+} = {}) {
+  return input({
+    validate: validateWikiData({referenceType, allowMixedTypes}),
+    acceptsNull: true,
+  });
diff --git a/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withResolvedContribs.js b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withResolvedContribs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eda24160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withResolvedContribs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Resolves the contribsByRef contained in the provided dependency,
+// providing (named by the second argument) the result. "Resolving"
+// means mapping the "who" reference of each contribution to an artist
+// object, and filtering out those whose "who" doesn't match any artist.
+import {input, templateCompositeFrom} from '#composite';
+import find from '#find';
+import {stitchArrays} from '#sugar';
+import {is, isContributionList} from '#validators';
+import {filterMultipleArrays} from '#wiki-data';
+import {
+  raiseOutputWithoutDependency,
+} from '#composite/control-flow';
+import {
+  withPropertiesFromList,
+} from '#composite/data';
+import withResolvedReferenceList from './withResolvedReferenceList.js';
+export default templateCompositeFrom({
+  annotation: `withResolvedContribs`,
+  inputs: {
+    from: input({
+      validate: isContributionList,
+      acceptsNull: true,
+    }),
+    notFoundMode: input({
+      validate: is('exit', 'filter', 'null'),
+      defaultValue: 'null',
+    }),
+  },
+  outputs: ['#resolvedContribs'],
+  steps: () => [
+    raiseOutputWithoutDependency({
+      dependency: input('from'),
+      mode: input.value('empty'),
+      output: input.value({
+        ['#resolvedContribs']: [],
+      }),
+    }),
+    withPropertiesFromList({
+      list: input('from'),
+      properties: input.value(['who', 'what']),
+      prefix: input.value('#contribs'),
+    }),
+    withResolvedReferenceList({
+      list: '#contribs.who',
+      data: 'artistData',
+      find: input.value(find.artist),
+      notFoundMode: input('notFoundMode'),
+    }).outputs({
+      ['#resolvedReferenceList']: '#contribs.who',
+    }),
+    {
+      dependencies: ['#contribs.who', '#contribs.what'],
+      compute(continuation, {
+        ['#contribs.who']: who,
+        ['#contribs.what']: what,
+      }) {
+        filterMultipleArrays(who, what, (who, _what) => who);
+        return continuation({
+          ['#resolvedContribs']: stitchArrays({who, what}),
+        });
+      },
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withResolvedReference.js b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withResolvedReference.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0fa5c554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withResolvedReference.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// Resolves a reference by using the provided find function to match it
+// within the provided thingData dependency. This will early exit if the
+// data dependency is null, or, if notFoundMode is set to 'exit', if the find
+// function doesn't match anything for the reference. Otherwise, the data
+// object is provided on the output dependency; or null, if the reference
+// doesn't match anything or itself was null to begin with.
+import {input, templateCompositeFrom} from '#composite';
+import {is} from '#validators';
+import {
+  exitWithoutDependency,
+  raiseOutputWithoutDependency,
+} from '#composite/control-flow';
+import inputWikiData from './inputWikiData.js';
+export default templateCompositeFrom({
+  annotation: `withResolvedReference`,
+  inputs: {
+    ref: input({type: 'string', acceptsNull: true}),
+    data: inputWikiData({allowMixedTypes: false}),
+    find: input({type: 'function'}),
+    notFoundMode: input({
+      validate: is('null', 'exit'),
+      defaultValue: 'null',
+    }),
+  },
+  outputs: ['#resolvedReference'],
+  steps: () => [
+    raiseOutputWithoutDependency({
+      dependency: input('ref'),
+      output: input.value({
+        ['#resolvedReference']: null,
+      }),
+    }),
+    exitWithoutDependency({
+      dependency: input('data'),
+    }),
+    {
+      dependencies: [
+        input('ref'),
+        input('data'),
+        input('find'),
+        input('notFoundMode'),
+      ],
+      compute(continuation, {
+        [input('ref')]: ref,
+        [input('data')]: data,
+        [input('find')]: findFunction,
+        [input('notFoundMode')]: notFoundMode,
+      }) {
+        const match = findFunction(ref, data, {mode: 'quiet'});
+        if (match === null && notFoundMode === 'exit') {
+          return continuation.exit(null);
+        }
+        return continuation.raiseOutput({
+          ['#resolvedReference']: match ?? null,
+        });
+      },
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withResolvedReferenceList.js b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withResolvedReferenceList.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d39e5b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withResolvedReferenceList.js
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// Resolves a list of references, with each reference matched with provided
+// data in the same way as withResolvedReference. This will early exit if the
+// data dependency is null (even if the reference list is empty). By default
+// it will filter out references which don't match, but this can be changed
+// to early exit ({notFoundMode: 'exit'}) or leave null in place ('null').
+import {input, templateCompositeFrom} from '#composite';
+import {is, isString, validateArrayItems} from '#validators';
+import {
+  exitWithoutDependency,
+  raiseOutputWithoutDependency,
+} from '#composite/control-flow';
+import inputWikiData from './inputWikiData.js';
+export default templateCompositeFrom({
+  annotation: `withResolvedReferenceList`,
+  inputs: {
+    list: input({
+      validate: validateArrayItems(isString),
+      acceptsNull: true,
+    }),
+    data: inputWikiData({allowMixedTypes: false}),
+    find: input({type: 'function'}),
+    notFoundMode: input({
+      validate: is('exit', 'filter', 'null'),
+      defaultValue: 'filter',
+    }),
+  },
+  outputs: ['#resolvedReferenceList'],
+  steps: () => [
+    exitWithoutDependency({
+      dependency: input('data'),
+      value: input.value([]),
+    }),
+    raiseOutputWithoutDependency({
+      dependency: input('list'),
+      mode: input.value('empty'),
+      output: input.value({
+        ['#resolvedReferenceList']: [],
+      }),
+    }),
+    {
+      dependencies: [input('list'), input('data'), input('find')],
+      compute: (continuation, {
+        [input('list')]: list,
+        [input('data')]: data,
+        [input('find')]: findFunction,
+      }) =>
+        continuation({
+          '#matches': list.map(ref => findFunction(ref, data, {mode: 'quiet'})),
+        }),
+    },
+    {
+      dependencies: ['#matches'],
+      compute: (continuation, {'#matches': matches}) =>
+        (matches.every(match => match)
+          ? continuation.raiseOutput({
+              ['#resolvedReferenceList']: matches,
+            })
+          : continuation()),
+    },
+    {
+      dependencies: ['#matches', input('notFoundMode')],
+      compute(continuation, {
+        ['#matches']: matches,
+        [input('notFoundMode')]: notFoundMode,
+      }) {
+        switch (notFoundMode) {
+          case 'exit':
+            return continuation.exit([]);
+          case 'filter':
+            return continuation.raiseOutput({
+              ['#resolvedReferenceList']:
+                matches.filter(match => match),
+            });
+          case 'null':
+            return continuation.raiseOutput({
+              ['#resolvedReferenceList']:
+                matches.map(match => match ?? null),
+            });
+          default:
+            throw new TypeError(`Expected notFoundMode to be exit, filter, or null`);
+        }
+      },
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withReverseReferenceList.js b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withReverseReferenceList.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..113a6c40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withReverseReferenceList.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Check out the info on reverseReferenceList!
+// This is its composable form.
+import {input, templateCompositeFrom} from '#composite';
+import {exitWithoutDependency} from '#composite/control-flow';
+import inputWikiData from './inputWikiData.js';
+export default templateCompositeFrom({
+  annotation: `withReverseReferenceList`,
+  inputs: {
+    data: inputWikiData({allowMixedTypes: false}),
+    list: input({type: 'string'}),
+  },
+  outputs: ['#reverseReferenceList'],
+  steps: () => [
+    exitWithoutDependency({
+      dependency: input('data'),
+      value: input.value([]),
+    }),
+    {
+      dependencies: [input.myself(), input('data'), input('list')],
+      compute: (continuation, {
+        [input.myself()]: thisThing,
+        [input('data')]: data,
+        [input('list')]: refListProperty,
+      }) =>
+        continuation({
+          ['#reverseReferenceList']:
+            data.filter(thing => thing[refListProperty].includes(thisThing)),
+        }),
+    },
+  ],