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path: root/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withReverseReferenceList.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/data/composite/wiki-data/withReverseReferenceList.js')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withReverseReferenceList.js b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withReverseReferenceList.js
index 2da9194d..70d9a58d 100644
--- a/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withReverseReferenceList.js
+++ b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withReverseReferenceList.js
@@ -1,103 +1,19 @@
 // Check out the info on reverseReferenceList!
 // This is its composable form.
-// This implementation uses a global cache (via WeakMap) to attempt to speed
-// up subsequent similar accesses.
-// This has absolutely not been rigorously tested with altering properties of
-// data objects in a wiki data array which is reused. If a new wiki data array
-// is used, a fresh cache will always be created.
-// Note that this implementation is mirrored in withReverseContributionList,
-// so any changes should be reflected there (until these are combined).
-import {input, templateCompositeFrom} from '#composite';
-import {sortByDate} from '#sort';
-import {stitchArrays} from '#sugar';
+import withReverseList_template from './helpers/withReverseList-template.js';
-import {exitWithoutDependency, raiseOutputWithoutDependency}
-  from '#composite/control-flow';
-import {withMappedList} from '#composite/data';
-import inputWikiData from './inputWikiData.js';
+import {input} from '#composite';
-// Mapping of reference list property to WeakMap.
-// Each WeakMap maps a wiki data array to another weak map,
-// which in turn maps each referenced thing to an array of
-// things referencing it.
-const caches = new Map();
+import {withMappedList} from '#composite/data';
-export default templateCompositeFrom({
+export default withReverseList_template({
   annotation: `withReverseReferenceList`,
-  inputs: {
-    data: inputWikiData({allowMixedTypes: false}),
-    list: input({type: 'string'}),
-  },
-  outputs: ['#reverseReferenceList'],
-  steps: () => [
-    // Common behavior --
-    // Early exit with an empty array if the data list isn't available.
-    exitWithoutDependency({
-      dependency: input('data'),
-      value: input.value([]),
-    }),
-    // Raise an empty array (don't early exit) if the data list is empty.
-    raiseOutputWithoutDependency({
-      dependency: input('data'),
-      mode: input.value('empty'),
-      output: input.value({'#reverseReferenceList': []}),
-    }),
-    // Check for an existing cache record which corresponds to this
-    // input('list') and input('data'). If it exists, query it for the
-    // current thing, and raise that; if it doesn't, create it, put it
-    // where it needs to be, and provide it so the next steps can fill
-    // it in.
-    {
-      dependencies: [input('list'), input('data'), input.myself()],
-      compute: (continuation, {
-        [input('list')]: list,
-        [input('data')]: data,
-        [input.myself()]: myself,
-      }) => {
-        if (!caches.has(list)) {
-          const cache = new WeakMap();
-          caches.set(list, cache);
-          const cacheRecord = new WeakMap();
-          cache.set(data, cacheRecord);
-          return continuation({
-            ['#cacheRecord']: cacheRecord,
-          });
-        }
-        const cache = caches.get(list);
-        if (!cache.has(data)) {
-          const cacheRecord = new WeakMap();
-          cache.set(data, cacheRecord);
-          return continuation({
-            ['#cacheRecord']: cacheRecord,
-          });
-        }
-        return continuation.raiseOutput({
-          ['#reverseReferenceList']:
-            cache.get(data).get(myself) ?? [],
-        });
-      },
-    },
-    // Unique behavior for reference lists --
+  propertyInputName: 'list',
+  outputName: '#reverseReferenceList',
+  customCompositionSteps: () => [
       dependencies: [input('list')],
       compute: (continuation, {
@@ -124,77 +40,5 @@ export default templateCompositeFrom({
-    // Common behavior --
-    // Actually fill in the cache record. Since we're building up a *reverse*
-    // reference list, track connections in terms of the referenced thing.
-    // Although we gather all referenced things into a set and provide that
-    // for sorting purposes in the next step, we *don't* reprovide the cache
-    // record, because we're mutating that in-place - we'll just reuse its
-    // existing '#cacheRecord' dependency.
-    {
-      dependencies: ['#cacheRecord', '#referencingThings', '#referencedThings'],
-      compute: (continuation, {
-        ['#cacheRecord']: cacheRecord,
-        ['#referencingThings']: referencingThings,
-        ['#referencedThings']: referencedThings,
-      }) => {
-        const allReferencedThings = new Set();
-        stitchArrays({
-          referencingThing: referencingThings,
-          referencedThings: referencedThings,
-        }).forEach(({referencingThing, referencedThings}) => {
-            for (const referencedThing of referencedThings) {
-              if (cacheRecord.has(referencedThing)) {
-                cacheRecord.get(referencedThing).push(referencingThing);
-              } else {
-                cacheRecord.set(referencedThing, [referencingThing]);
-                allReferencedThings.add(referencedThing);
-              }
-            }
-          });
-        return continuation({
-          ['#allReferencedThings']:
-            allReferencedThings,
-        });
-      },
-    },
-    // Sort the entries in the cache records, too, just by date - the rest of
-    // sorting should be handled outside of withReverseContributionList, either
-    // preceding (changing the 'data' input) or following (sorting the output).
-    // Again we're mutating in place, so no need to reprovide '#cacheRecord'
-    // here.
-    {
-      dependencies: ['#cacheRecord', '#allReferencedThings'],
-      compute: (continuation, {
-        ['#cacheRecord']: cacheRecord,
-        ['#allReferencedThings']: allReferencedThings,
-      }) => {
-        for (const referencedThing of allReferencedThings) {
-          if (cacheRecord.has(referencedThing)) {
-            const referencingThings = cacheRecord.get(referencedThing);
-            sortByDate(referencingThings);
-          }
-        }
-        return continuation();
-      },
-    },
-    // Then just pluck out the current object from the now-filled cache record!
-    {
-      dependencies: ['#cacheRecord', input.myself()],
-      compute: (continuation, {
-        ['#cacheRecord']: cacheRecord,
-        [input.myself()]: myself,
-      }) => continuation({
-        ['#reverseReferenceList']:
-          cacheRecord.get(myself) ?? [],
-      }),
-    },