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path: root/src/data/composite/data/withSortedList.js
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1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/data/composite/data/withSortedList.js b/src/data/composite/data/withSortedList.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd81078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/composite/data/withSortedList.js
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// Applies a sort function across pairs of items in a list, just like a normal
+// JavaScript sort. Alongside the sorted results, so are outputted the indices
+// which each item in the unsorted list corresponds to in the sorted one,
+// allowing for the results of this sort to be composed in some more involved
+// operation. For example, using an alphabetical sort, the list ['banana',
+// 'apple', 'pterodactyl'] will output the expected alphabetical items, as well
+// as the indices list [1, 0, 2].
+// If two items are equal (in the eyes of the sort operation), their placement
+// in the sorted list is arbitrary, though every input index will be present in
+// '#sortIndices' exactly once (and equal items will be bunched together).
+// The '#sortIndices' output refers to the "true" index which each source item
+// occupies in the sorted list. This sacrifices information about equal items,
+// which can be obtained through '#unstableSortIndices' instead: each mapped
+// index may appear more than once, and rather than represent exact positions
+// in the sorted list, they represent relational values: if items A and B are
+// mapped to indices 3 and 5, then A certainly is positioned before B (and vice
+// versa); but there may be more than one item in-between. If items C and D are
+// both mapped to index 4, then their position relative to each other is
+// arbitrary - they are equal - but they both certainly appear after item A and
+// before item B.
+// This implementation is based on the one used for sortMultipleArrays.
+// See also:
+//  - withFilteredList
+//  - withMappedList
+// More list utilities:
+//  - excludeFromList
+//  - fillMissingListItems
+//  - withFlattenedList, withUnflattenedList
+//  - withPropertyFromList, withPropertiesFromList
+import {input, templateCompositeFrom} from '#composite';
+export default templateCompositeFrom({
+  annotation: `withSortedList`,
+  inputs: {
+    list: input({type: 'array'}),
+    sort: input({type: 'function'}),
+  },
+  outputs: ['#sortedList', '#sortIndices', '#unstableSortIndices'],
+  steps: () => [
+    {
+      dependencies: [input('list'), input('sort')],
+      compute(continuation, {
+        [input('list')]: list,
+        [input('sort')]: sortFn,
+      }) {
+        const symbols = [];
+        const symbolToIndex = new Map();
+        for (const index of list.keys()) {
+          const symbol = Symbol();
+          symbols.push(symbol);
+          symbolToIndex.set(symbol, index);
+        }
+        const equalSymbols = new Map();
+        const assertEqual = (symbol1, symbol2) => {
+          if (equalSymbols.has(symbol1)) {
+            equalSymbols.get(symbol1).add(symbol2);
+          } else {
+            equalSymbols.set(symbol1, new Set([symbol2]));
+          }
+        };
+        const isEqual = (symbol1, symbol2) =>
+          !!equalSymbols.get(symbol1)?.has(symbol2);
+        symbols.sort((symbol1, symbol2) => {
+          const comparison =
+            sortFn(
+              list[symbolToIndex.get(symbol1)],
+              list[symbolToIndex.get(symbol2)]);
+          if (comparison === 0) {
+            assertEqual(symbol1, symbol2);
+            assertEqual(symbol2, symbol1);
+          }
+          return comparison;
+        });
+        const stableSortIndices = [];
+        const unstableSortIndices = [];
+        const sortedList = [];
+        let unstableIndex = 0;
+        for (const [stableIndex, symbol] of symbols.entries()) {
+          const sourceIndex = symbolToIndex.get(symbol);
+          sortedList.push(list[sourceIndex]);
+          if (stableIndex > 0) {
+            const previous = symbols[stableIndex - 1];
+            if (!isEqual(symbol, previous)) {
+              unstableIndex++;
+            }
+          }
+          stableSortIndices[sourceIndex] = stableIndex;
+          unstableSortIndices[sourceIndex] = unstableIndex;
+        }
+        return continuation({
+          ['#sortedList']: sortedList,
+          ['#sortIndices']: stableSortIndices,
+          ['#unstableSortIndices']: unstableSortIndices,
+        });
+      },
+    },
+  ],