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2 files changed, 806 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/content/dependencies/generateArtistInfoPage.js b/src/content/dependencies/generateArtistInfoPage.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58b5c37c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/dependencies/generateArtistInfoPage.js
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+export default {
+  contentDependencies: [
+    'generateArtistNavLinks',
+    'generatePageLayout',
+  ],
+  relations(relation, artist) {
+    const relations = {};
+    const sections = relations.sections = {};
+    relations.layout =
+      relation('generatePageLayout');
+    relations.artistNavLinks =
+      relation('generateArtistNavLinks', artist);
+    return relations;
+  },
+  data(artist) {
+    return {
+      name: artist.name,
+    };
+  },
+  generate(data, relations) {
+    return relations.layout
+      .slots({
+        title: data.name,
+        headingMode: 'sticky',
+        styleRules: [data.stylesheet].filter(Boolean),
+        mainClasses: ['long-content'],
+        mainContent: [
+        ],
+        navLinkStyle: 'hierarchical',
+        navLinks:
+          relations.artistNavLinks
+            .slots({
+              showExtraLinks: true,
+            })
+            .content,
+      });
+  },
+export function write(artist, {wikiData}) {
+  const {groupData, wikiInfo} = wikiData;
+  const {name, urls, contextNotes} = artist;
+  const artThingsAll = sortAlbumsTracksChronologically(
+    unique([
+      ...(artist.albumsAsCoverArtist ?? []),
+      ...(artist.albumsAsWallpaperArtist ?? []),
+      ...(artist.albumsAsBannerArtist ?? []),
+      ...(artist.tracksAsCoverArtist ?? []),
+    ]),
+    {getDate: (o) => o.coverArtDate});
+  const artThingsGallery = sortAlbumsTracksChronologically(
+    [
+      ...(artist.albumsAsCoverArtist ?? []),
+      ...(artist.tracksAsCoverArtist ?? []),
+    ],
+    {getDate: (o) => o.coverArtDate});
+  const commentaryThings = sortAlbumsTracksChronologically([
+    ...(artist.albumsAsCommentator ?? []),
+    ...(artist.tracksAsCommentator ?? []),
+  ]);
+  const hasGallery = !empty(artThingsGallery);
+  const getArtistsAndContrib = (thing, key) => ({
+    artists: thing[key]?.filter(({who}) => who !== artist),
+    contrib: thing[key]?.find(({who}) => who === artist),
+    thing,
+    key,
+  });
+  const artListChunks = chunkByProperties(
+    artThingsAll.flatMap((thing) =>
+      ['coverArtistContribs', 'wallpaperArtistContribs', 'bannerArtistContribs']
+        .map((key) => getArtistsAndContrib(thing, key))
+        .filter(({contrib}) => contrib)
+        .map((props) => ({
+          album: thing.album || thing,
+          track: thing.album ? thing : null,
+          date: thing.date,
+          ...props,
+        }))),
+    ['date', 'album']);
+  const commentaryListChunks = chunkByProperties(
+    commentaryThings.map((thing) => ({
+      album: thing.album || thing,
+      track: thing.album ? thing : null,
+    })),
+    ['album']);
+  const allTracks = sortAlbumsTracksChronologically(
+    unique([
+      ...(artist.tracksAsArtist ?? []),
+      ...(artist.tracksAsContributor ?? []),
+    ]));
+  const chunkTracks = (tracks) =>
+    chunkByProperties(
+      tracks.map((track) => ({
+        track,
+        date: +track.date,
+        album: track.album,
+        duration: track.duration,
+        originalReleaseTrack: track.originalReleaseTrack,
+        artists: track.artistContribs.some(({who}) => who === artist)
+          ? track.artistContribs.filter(({who}) => who !== artist)
+          : track.contributorContribs.filter(({who}) => who !== artist),
+        contrib: {
+          who: artist,
+          whatArray: [
+            track.artistContribs.find(({who}) => who === artist)?.what,
+            track.contributorContribs.find(({who}) => who === artist)?.what,
+          ].filter(Boolean),
+        },
+      })),
+      ['date', 'album'])
+    .map(({date, album, chunk}) => ({
+      date,
+      album,
+      chunk,
+      duration: getTotalDuration(chunk, {originalReleasesOnly: true}),
+    }));
+  const trackListChunks = chunkTracks(allTracks);
+  const totalDuration = getTotalDuration(allTracks.filter(t => !t.originalReleaseTrack));
+  const countGroups = (things) => {
+    const usedGroups = things.flatMap(
+      (thing) => thing.groups || thing.album?.groups || []);
+    return groupData
+      .map((group) => ({
+        group,
+        contributions: usedGroups.filter(g => g === group).length,
+      }))
+      .filter(({contributions}) => contributions > 0)
+      .sort((a, b) => b.contributions - a.contributions);
+  };
+  const musicGroups = countGroups(allTracks);
+  const artGroups = countGroups(artThingsAll);
+  let flashes, flashListChunks;
+  if (wikiInfo.enableFlashesAndGames) {
+    flashes = sortChronologically(artist.flashesAsContributor.slice());
+    flashListChunks = chunkByProperties(
+      flashes.map((flash) => ({
+        act: flash.act,
+        flash,
+        date: flash.date,
+        // Manual artists/contrib properties here, 8ecause we don't
+        // want to show the full list of other contri8utors inline.
+        // (It can often 8e very, very large!)
+        artists: [],
+        contrib: flash.contributorContribs.find(({who}) => who === artist),
+      })),
+      ['act']
+    ).map(({act, chunk}) => ({
+      act,
+      chunk,
+      dateFirst: chunk[0].date,
+      dateLast: chunk[chunk.length - 1].date,
+    }));
+  }
+  const generateEntryAccents = ({
+    getArtistString,
+    language,
+    original,
+    entry,
+    artists,
+    contrib,
+  }) =>
+    original
+      ? language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.rerelease', {entry})
+      : !empty(artists)
+      ? contrib.what || contrib.whatArray?.length
+        ? language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.withArtists.withContribution', {
+            entry,
+            artists: getArtistString(artists),
+            contribution: contrib.whatArray
+              ? language.formatUnitList(contrib.whatArray)
+              : contrib.what,
+          })
+        : language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.withArtists', {
+            entry,
+            artists: getArtistString(artists),
+          })
+      : contrib.what || contrib.whatArray?.length
+      ? language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.withContribution', {
+          entry,
+          contribution: contrib.whatArray
+            ? language.formatUnitList(contrib.whatArray)
+            : contrib.what,
+        })
+      : entry;
+  const unbound_generateTrackList = (chunks, {
+    getArtistString,
+    html,
+    language,
+    link,
+  }) =>
+    html.tag('dl',
+      chunks.flatMap(({date, album, chunk, duration}) => [
+        html.tag('dt',
+          date && duration ?
+            language.$('artistPage.creditList.album.withDate.withDuration', {
+              album: link.album(album),
+              date: language.formatDate(date),
+              duration: language.formatDuration(duration, {
+                approximate: true,
+              }),
+            }) :
+          date ?
+            language.$('artistPage.creditList.album.withDate', {
+              album: link.album(album),
+              date: language.formatDate(date),
+            }) :
+          duration ?
+            language.$('artistPage.creditList.album.withDuration', {
+              album: link.album(album),
+              duration: language.formatDuration(duration, {
+                approximate: true,
+              }),
+            }) :
+          language.$('artistPage.creditList.album', {
+            album: link.album(album),
+          })),
+        html.tag('dd',
+          html.tag('ul',
+            chunk
+              .map(({track, ...props}) => ({
+                original: track.originalReleaseTrack,
+                entry: language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.track.withDuration', {
+                  track: link.track(track),
+                  duration: language.formatDuration(track.duration ?? 0),
+                }),
+                ...props,
+              }))
+              .map(({original, ...opts}) =>
+                html.tag('li',
+                  {class: original && 'rerelease'},
+                  generateEntryAccents({
+                    getArtistString,
+                    language,
+                    original,
+                    ...opts,
+                  })
+                )
+              ))),
+      ]));
+  const unbound_serializeArtistsAndContrib =
+    (key, {serializeContribs, serializeLink}) =>
+    (thing) => {
+      const {artists, contrib} = getArtistsAndContrib(thing, key);
+      const ret = {};
+      ret.link = serializeLink(thing);
+      if (contrib.what) ret.contribution = contrib.what;
+      if (!empty(artists)) ret.otherArtists = serializeContribs(artists);
+      return ret;
+    };
+  const unbound_serializeTrackListChunks = (chunks, {serializeLink}) =>
+    chunks.map(({date, album, chunk, duration}) => ({
+      album: serializeLink(album),
+      date,
+      duration,
+      tracks: chunk.map(({track}) => ({
+        link: serializeLink(track),
+        duration: track.duration,
+      })),
+    }));
+  const jumpTo = {
+    tracks: !empty(allTracks),
+    art: !empty(artThingsAll),
+    flashes: wikiInfo.enableFlashesAndGames && !empty(flashes),
+    commentary: !empty(commentaryThings),
+  };
+  const showJumpTo = Object.values(jumpTo).includes(true);
+  const data = {
+    type: 'data',
+    path: ['artist', artist.directory],
+    data: ({serializeContribs, serializeLink}) => {
+      const serializeArtistsAndContrib = bindOpts(unbound_serializeArtistsAndContrib, {
+        serializeContribs,
+        serializeLink,
+      });
+      const serializeTrackListChunks = bindOpts(unbound_serializeTrackListChunks, {
+        serializeLink,
+      });
+      return {
+        albums: {
+          asCoverArtist: artist.albumsAsCoverArtist
+            .map(serializeArtistsAndContrib('coverArtistContribs')),
+          asWallpaperArtist: artist.albumsAsWallpaperArtist
+            .map(serializeArtistsAndContrib('wallpaperArtistContribs')),
+          asBannerArtist: artist.albumsAsBannerArtis
+            .map(serializeArtistsAndContrib('bannerArtistContribs')),
+        },
+        flashes: wikiInfo.enableFlashesAndGames
+          ? {
+              asContributor: artist.flashesAsContributor
+                .map(flash => getArtistsAndContrib(flash, 'contributorContribs'))
+                .map(({contrib, thing: flash}) => ({
+                  link: serializeLink(flash),
+                  contribution: contrib.what,
+                })),
+            }
+          : null,
+        tracks: {
+          asArtist: artist.tracksAsArtist
+            .map(serializeArtistsAndContrib('artistContribs')),
+          asContributor: artist.tracksAsContributo
+            .map(serializeArtistsAndContrib('contributorContribs')),
+          chunked: serializeTrackListChunks(trackListChunks),
+        },
+      };
+    },
+  };
+  const infoPage = {
+    type: 'page',
+    path: ['artist', artist.directory],
+    page: ({
+      fancifyURL,
+      generateInfoGalleryLinks,
+      getArtistAvatar,
+      getArtistString,
+      html,
+      link,
+      language,
+      transformMultiline,
+    }) => {
+      const generateTrackList = bindOpts(unbound_generateTrackList, {
+        getArtistString,
+        html,
+        language,
+        link,
+      });
+      return {
+        title: language.$('artistPage.title', {artist: name}),
+        cover: artist.hasAvatar && {
+          src: getArtistAvatar(artist),
+          alt: language.$('misc.alt.artistAvatar'),
+        },
+        main: {
+          headingMode: 'sticky',
+          content: [
+            ...html.fragment(
+              contextNotes && [
+                html.tag('p',
+                  language.$('releaseInfo.note')),
+                html.tag('blockquote',
+                  transformMultiline(contextNotes)),
+                html.tag('hr'),
+              ]),
+            !empty(urls) &&
+              html.tag('p',
+                language.$('releaseInfo.visitOn', {
+                  links: language.formatDisjunctionList(
+                    urls.map((url) => fancifyURL(url, {language}))
+                  ),
+                })),
+            hasGallery &&
+              html.tag('p',
+                language.$('artistPage.viewArtGallery', {
+                  link: link.artistGallery(artist, {
+                    text: language.$('artistPage.viewArtGallery.link'),
+                  }),
+                })),
+            showJumpTo &&
+              html.tag('p',
+                language.$('misc.jumpTo.withLinks', {
+                  links: language.formatUnitList(
+                    [
+                      jumpTo.tracks &&
+                        html.tag('a',
+                          {href: '#tracks'},
+                          language.$('artistPage.trackList.title')),
+                      jumpTo.art &&
+                        html.tag('a',
+                          {href: '#art'},
+                          language.$('artistPage.artList.title')),
+                      jumpTo.flashes &&
+                        html.tag('a',
+                          {href: '#flashes'},
+                          language.$('artistPage.flashList.title')),
+                      jumpTo.commentary &&
+                        html.tag('a',
+                          {href: '#commentary'},
+                          language.$('artistPage.commentaryList.title')),
+                    ].filter(Boolean)),
+                })),
+            ...html.fragment(
+              !empty(allTracks) && [
+                html.tag('h2',
+                  {id: 'tracks', class: ['content-heading']},
+                  language.$('artistPage.trackList.title')),
+                totalDuration > 0 &&
+                  html.tag('p',
+                    language.$('artistPage.contributedDurationLine', {
+                      artist: artist.name,
+                      duration: language.formatDuration(
+                        totalDuration,
+                        {
+                          approximate: true,
+                          unit: true,
+                        }
+                      ),
+                    })),
+                !empty(musicGroups) &&
+                  html.tag('p',
+                    language.$('artistPage.musicGroupsLine', {
+                      groups: language.formatUnitList(
+                        musicGroups.map(({group, contributions}) =>
+                          language.$('artistPage.groupsLine.item', {
+                            group: link.groupInfo(group),
+                            contributions:
+                              language.countContributions(
+                                contributions
+                              ),
+                          })
+                        )
+                      ),
+                    })),
+                generateTrackList(trackListChunks),
+              ]),
+            ...html.fragment(
+              !empty(artThingsAll) && [
+                html.tag('h2',
+                  {id: 'art', class: ['content-heading']},
+                  language.$('artistPage.artList.title')),
+                hasGallery &&
+                  html.tag('p',
+                    language.$('artistPage.viewArtGallery.orBrowseList', {
+                      link: link.artistGallery(artist, {
+                        text: language.$('artistPage.viewArtGallery.link'),
+                      })
+                    })),
+                !empty(artGroups) &&
+                  html.tag('p',
+                    language.$('artistPage.artGroupsLine', {
+                    groups: language.formatUnitList(
+                      artGroups.map(({group, contributions}) =>
+                        language.$('artistPage.groupsLine.item', {
+                          group: link.groupInfo(group),
+                          contributions:
+                            language.countContributions(
+                              contributions
+                            ),
+                        })
+                      )
+                    ),
+                  })),
+                html.tag('dl',
+                  artListChunks.flatMap(({date, album, chunk}) => [
+                    html.tag('dt', language.$('artistPage.creditList.album.withDate', {
+                      album: link.album(album),
+                      date: language.formatDate(date),
+                    })),
+                    html.tag('dd',
+                      html.tag('ul',
+                        chunk
+                          .map(({track, key, ...props}) => ({
+                            ...props,
+                            entry:
+                              track
+                                ? language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.track', {
+                                    track: link.track(track),
+                                  })
+                                : html.tag('i',
+                                    language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.album.' + {
+                                      wallpaperArtistContribs:
+                                        'wallpaperArt',
+                                      bannerArtistContribs:
+                                        'bannerArt',
+                                      coverArtistContribs:
+                                        'coverArt',
+                                    }[key])),
+                          }))
+                          .map((opts) => generateEntryAccents({
+                            getArtistString,
+                            language,
+                            ...opts,
+                          }))
+                          .map(row => html.tag('li', row)))),
+                  ])),
+              ]),
+            ...html.fragment(
+              wikiInfo.enableFlashesAndGames &&
+              !empty(flashes) && [
+                html.tag('h2',
+                  {id: 'flashes', class: ['content-heading']},
+                  language.$('artistPage.flashList.title')),
+                html.tag('dl',
+                  flashListChunks.flatMap(({
+                    act,
+                    chunk,
+                    dateFirst,
+                    dateLast,
+                  }) => [
+                    html.tag('dt',
+                      language.$('artistPage.creditList.flashAct.withDateRange', {
+                        act: link.flash(chunk[0].flash, {
+                          text: act.name,
+                        }),
+                        dateRange: language.formatDateRange(
+                          dateFirst,
+                          dateLast
+                        ),
+                      })),
+                    html.tag('dd',
+                      html.tag('ul',
+                        chunk
+                          .map(({flash, ...props}) => ({
+                            ...props,
+                            entry: language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.flash', {
+                              flash: link.flash(flash),
+                            }),
+                          }))
+                          .map(opts => generateEntryAccents({
+                            getArtistString,
+                            language,
+                            ...opts,
+                          }))
+                          .map(row => html.tag('li', row)))),
+                  ])),
+              ]),
+            ...html.fragment(
+              !empty(commentaryThings) && [
+                html.tag('h2',
+                  {id: 'commentary', class: ['content-heading']},
+                  language.$('artistPage.commentaryList.title')),
+                html.tag('dl',
+                  commentaryListChunks.flatMap(({album, chunk}) => [
+                    html.tag('dt',
+                      language.$('artistPage.creditList.album', {
+                        album: link.album(album),
+                      })),
+                    html.tag('dd',
+                      html.tag('ul',
+                        chunk
+                          .map(({track}) => track
+                            ? language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.track', {
+                                track: link.track(track),
+                              })
+                            : html.tag('i',
+                                language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.album.commentary')))
+                          .map(row => html.tag('li', row)))),
+                  ])),
+              ]),
+          ],
+        },
+        nav: generateNavForArtist(artist, false, hasGallery, {
+          generateInfoGalleryLinks,
+          link,
+          language,
+          wikiData,
+        }),
+      };
+    },
+  };
+  const galleryPage = hasGallery && {
+    type: 'page',
+    path: ['artistGallery', artist.directory],
+    page: ({
+      generateInfoGalleryLinks,
+      getAlbumCover,
+      getGridHTML,
+      getTrackCover,
+      html,
+      link,
+      language,
+    }) => ({
+      title: language.$('artistGalleryPage.title', {artist: name}),
+      main: {
+        classes: ['top-index'],
+        headingMode: 'static',
+        content: [
+          html.tag('p',
+            {class: 'quick-info'},
+            language.$('artistGalleryPage.infoLine', {
+              coverArts: language.countCoverArts(artThingsGallery.length, {
+                unit: true,
+              }),
+            })),
+          html.tag('div',
+            {class: 'grid-listing'},
+            getGridHTML({
+              entries: artThingsGallery.map((item) => ({item})),
+              srcFn: (thing) =>
+                thing.album
+                  ? getTrackCover(thing)
+                  : getAlbumCover(thing),
+              linkFn: (thing, opts) =>
+                thing.album
+                  ? link.track(thing, opts)
+                  : link.album(thing, opts),
+            })),
+        ],
+      },
+      nav: generateNavForArtist(artist, true, hasGallery, {
+        generateInfoGalleryLinks,
+        link,
+        language,
+        wikiData,
+      }),
+    }),
+  };
+  return [data, infoPage, galleryPage].filter(Boolean);
+// Utility functions
+function generateNavForArtist(artist, isGallery, hasGallery, {
+  generateInfoGalleryLinks,
+  language,
+  link,
+  wikiData,
+}) {
+  const {wikiInfo} = wikiData;
+  const infoGalleryLinks =
+    hasGallery &&
+    generateInfoGalleryLinks(artist, isGallery, {
+      link,
+      language,
+      linkKeyGallery: 'artistGallery',
+      linkKeyInfo: 'artist',
+    });
+  return {
+    linkContainerClasses: ['nav-links-hierarchy'],
+    links: [
+      {toHome: true},
+      wikiInfo.enableListings && {
+        path: ['localized.listingIndex'],
+        title: language.$('listingIndex.title'),
+      },
+      {
+        html: language.$('artistPage.nav.artist', {
+          artist: link.artist(artist, {class: 'current'}),
+        }),
+      },
+      hasGallery && {
+        divider: false,
+        html: `(${infoGalleryLinks})`,
+      },
+    ],
+  };
diff --git a/src/content/dependencies/generateArtistNavLinks.js b/src/content/dependencies/generateArtistNavLinks.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c10c02cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/dependencies/generateArtistNavLinks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import {empty} from '../../util/sugar.js';
+export default {
+  contentDependencies: [
+    'linkArtist',
+    'linkArtistGallery',
+  ],
+  extraDependencies: ['html', 'language', 'wikiData'],
+  sprawl({wikiInfo}) {
+    return {
+      enableListings: wikiInfo.enableListings,
+    };
+  },
+  relations(relation, sprawl, artist) {
+    const relations = {};
+    relations.artistInfoLink =
+      relation('linkArtist', artist);
+    if (
+      !empty(artist.albumsAsCoverArtist) ||
+      !empty(artist.tracksAsCoverArtist)
+    ) {
+      relations.artistGalleryLink =
+        relation('linkArtistGallery', artist);
+    }
+    return relations;
+  },
+  data(sprawl) {
+    return {
+      enableListings: sprawl.enableListings,
+    };
+  },
+  generate(data, relations, {html, language}) {
+    return html.template({
+      annotation: `generateArtistNav`,
+      slots: {
+        showExtraLinks: {type: 'boolean', default: false},
+        currentExtra: {
+          validate: v => v.is('gallery'),
+        },
+      },
+      content(slots) {
+        const infoLink =
+          relations.artistInfoLink?.slots({
+            attributes: {class: slots.currentExtra === null && 'current'},
+            content: language.$('misc.nav.info'),
+          });
+        const {content: extraLinks = []} =
+          slots.showExtraLinks &&
+            {content: [
+              relations.artistGalleryLink?.slots({
+                attributes: {class: slots.currentExtra === 'gallery' && 'current'},
+                content: language.$('misc.nav.gallery'),
+              }),
+            ]};
+        const mostAccentLinks = [
+          ...extraLinks,
+        ].filter(Boolean);
+        // Don't show the info accent link all on its own.
+        const allAccentLinks =
+          (empty(mostAccentLinks)
+            ? []
+            : [infoLink, ...mostAccentLinks]);
+        const accent =
+          (empty(allAccentLinks)
+            ? html.blank()
+            : `(${language.formatUnitList(allAccentLinks)})`);
+        return [
+          {auto: 'home'},
+          data.enableListings &&
+            {
+              path: ['localized.listingIndex'],
+              title: language.$('listingIndex.title'),
+            },
+          {auto: 'current', accent},
+        ];
+      },
+    });
+  },