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path: root/src/content/dependencies/transformContent.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/content/dependencies/transformContent.js')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/content/dependencies/transformContent.js b/src/content/dependencies/transformContent.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7010e9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/dependencies/transformContent.js
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+import {marked} from 'marked';
+import {bindFind} from '../../util/find.js';
+import {parseInput} from '../../util/replacer.js';
+import {replacerSpec} from '../../util/transform-content.js';
+const linkThingRelationMap = {
+  album: 'linkAlbum',
+  albumCommentary: 'linkAlbumCommentary',
+  albumGallery: 'linkAlbumGallery',
+  artist: 'linkArtist',
+  artistGallery: 'linkArtistGallery',
+  flash: 'linkFlash',
+  groupInfo: 'linkGroup',
+  groupGallery: 'linkGroupGallery',
+  listing: 'linkListing',
+  newsEntry: 'linkNewsEntry',
+  staticPage: 'linkStaticPage',
+  tag: 'linkArtTag',
+  track: 'linkTrack',
+const linkValueRelationMap = {
+  // media: 'linkPathFromMedia',
+  // root: 'linkPathFromRoot',
+  // site: 'linkPathFromSite',
+const linkIndexRelationMap = {
+  // commentaryIndex: 'linkCommentaryIndex',
+  // flashIndex: 'linkFlashIndex',
+  // home: 'linkHome',
+  // listingIndex: 'linkListingIndex',
+  // newsIndex: 'linkNewsIndex',
+function getPlaceholder(node, content) {
+  return {type: 'text', data: content.slice(node.i, node.iEnd)};
+export default {
+  contentDependencies: [
+    ...Object.values(linkThingRelationMap),
+    ...Object.values(linkValueRelationMap),
+    ...Object.values(linkIndexRelationMap),
+  ],
+  extraDependencies: ['html', 'language', 'wikiData'],
+  sprawl(wikiData, content) {
+    const find = bindFind(wikiData);
+    const parsedNodes = parseInput(content);
+    return {
+      nodes: parsedNodes
+        .map(node => {
+          if (node.type !== 'tag') {
+            return node;
+          }
+          const placeholder = getPlaceholder(node, content);
+          const replacerKeyImplied = !node.data.replacerKey;
+          const replacerKey = replacerKeyImplied ? 'track' : node.data.replacerKey.data;
+          // TODO: We don't support recursive nodes like before, at the moment. Sorry!
+          // const replacerValue = transformNodes(node.data.replacerValue, opts);
+          const replacerValue = node.data.replacerValue[0].data;
+          const spec = replacerSpec[replacerKey];
+          if (!spec) {
+            return placeholder;
+          }
+          if (spec.link) {
+            let data = {key: spec.link};
+            determineData: {
+              // No value at all: this is an index link.
+              if (!replacerValue) {
+                break determineData;
+              }
+              // Nothing to find: the link operates on a path or string, not a data object.
+              if (!spec.find) {
+                data.value = replacerValue;
+                break determineData;
+              }
+              const thing =
+                find[spec.find](
+                  (replacerKeyImplied
+                    ? replacerValue
+                    : replacerKey + `:` + replacerValue),
+                  wikiData);
+              // Nothing was found: this is unexpected, so return placeholder.
+              if (!thing) {
+                return placeholder;
+              }
+              // Something was found: the link operates on that thing.
+              data.thing = thing;
+            }
+            const {transformName} = spec;
+            // TODO: Again, no recursive nodes. Sorry!
+            // const enteredLabel = node.data.label && transformNode(node.data.label, opts);
+            const enteredLabel = node.data.label?.data;
+            const enteredHash = node.data.hash?.data;
+            data.label =
+              enteredLabel ??
+                (transformName && data.thing.name
+                  ? transformName(data.thing.name, node, content)
+                  : null);
+            data.hash = enteredHash ?? null;
+            return {i: node.i, iEnd: node.iEnd, type: 'link', data};
+          }
+          // This will be another {type: 'tag'} node which gets processed in
+          // generate.
+          return node;
+        }),
+    };
+  },
+  data(sprawl, content) {
+    return {
+      content,
+      nodes:
+        sprawl.nodes
+          .map(node => {
+            // Replace link nodes with a stub. It'll be replaced (by position)
+            // with an item from relations.
+            if (node.type === 'link') {
+              return {type: 'link'};
+            }
+            // Other nodes will get processed in generate.
+            return node;
+          }),
+    };
+  },
+  relations(relation, sprawl, content) {
+    const {nodes} = sprawl;
+    const relationOrPlaceholder =
+      (node, name, arg) =>
+        (name
+          ? {
+              link: relation(name, arg),
+              label: node.data.label,
+              hash: node.data.hash,
+            }
+          : getPlaceholder(node, content));
+    return {
+      links:
+        nodes
+          .filter(({type}) => type === 'link')
+          .map(node => {
+            const {key, thing, value} = node.data;
+            if (thing) {
+              return relationOrPlaceholder(node, linkThingRelationMap[key], thing);
+            } else if (value) {
+              return relationOrPlaceholder(node, linkValueRelationMap[key], value);
+            } else {
+              return relationOrPlaceholder(node, linkIndexRelationMap[key]);
+            }
+          }),
+    };
+  },
+  slots: {
+    mode: {
+      validate: v => v.is('inline', 'multiline', 'lyrics'),
+      default: 'multiline',
+    },
+  },
+  generate(data, relations, slots, {html, language}) {
+    let linkIndex = 0;
+    // This array contains only straight text and link nodes, which are directly
+    // representable in html (so no further processing is needed on the level of
+    // individual nodes).
+    const contentFromNodes =
+      data.nodes.map(node => {
+        if (node.type === 'text') {
+          return {type: 'text', data: node.data};
+        }
+        if (node.type === 'link') {
+          const linkNode = relations.links[linkIndex++];
+          if (linkNode.type === 'text') {
+            return {type: 'text', data: linkNode.data};
+          }
+          const {link, label, hash} = linkNode;
+          return {
+            type: 'link',
+            data: link.slots({content: label, hash}),
+          };
+        }
+        if (node.type === 'tag') {
+          const {replacerKey, replacerValue} = node.data;
+          const spec = replacerSpec[replacerKey];
+          if (!spec) {
+            return getPlaceholder(node, data.content);
+          }
+          const {value: valueFn, html: htmlFn} = spec;
+          const value =
+            (valueFn
+              ? valueFn(replacerValue)
+              : replacerValue);
+          const contents =
+            (htmlFn
+              ? htmlFn(value, {html, language})
+              : value);
+          return {type: 'text', data: contents};
+        }
+        return getPlaceholder(node, data.content);
+      });
+    // In inline mode, no further processing is needed!
+    if (slots.mode === 'inline') {
+      return html.tags(contentFromNodes.map(node => node.data));
+    }
+    // Multiline mode has a secondary processing stage where it's passed...
+    // through marked! Rolling your own Markdown only gets you so far :D
+    const markedOptions = {
+      headerIds: false,
+      mangle: false,
+    };
+    // This is separated into its own function just since we're gonna reuse
+    // it in a minute if everything goes to heck in lyrics mode.
+    const transformMultiline = () => {
+      const markedInput =
+        contentFromNodes
+          .map(node => {
+            if (node.type === 'text') {
+              return node.data;
+            } else {
+              return node.data.toString();
+            }
+          })
+          .join('')
+          // Compress multiple line breaks into single line breaks.
+          .replace(/\n{2,}/g, '\n')
+          // Expand line breaks which don't follow a list, quote,
+          // or <br> / "  ".
+          .replace(/(?<!^ *-.*|^>.*|  $|<br>$)\n+/gm, '\n\n') /* eslint-disable-line no-regex-spaces */
+          // Expand line breaks which are at the end of a list.
+          .replace(/(?<=^ *-.*)\n+(?!^ *-)/gm, '\n\n')
+          // Expand line breaks which are at the end of a quote.
+          .replace(/(?<=^>.*)\n+(?!^>)/gm, '\n\n');
+      return marked.parse(markedInput, markedOptions);
+    }
+    if (slots.mode === 'multiline') {
+      // Unfortunately, we kind of have to be super evil here and stringify
+      // the links, or else parse marked's output into html tags, which is
+      // very out of scope at the moment.
+      return transformMultiline();
+    }
+    // Lyrics mode goes through marked too, but line breaks are processed
+    // differently. Instead of having each line get its own paragraph,
+    // "adjacent" lines are joined together (with blank lines separating
+    // each verse/paragraph).
+    if (slots.mode === 'lyrics') {
+      // If it looks like old data, using <br> instead of bunched together
+      // lines... then oh god... just use transformMultiline. Perishes.
+      if (
+        contentFromNodes.some(node =>
+          node.type === 'text' &&
+          node.data.includes('<br'))
+      ) {
+        return transformMultiline();
+      }
+      // Lyrics mode is also evil for the same stringifying reasons as
+      // multiline.
+      return marked.parse(
+        contentFromNodes
+          .map(node => {
+            if (node.type === 'text') {
+              return node.data.replace(/\b\n\b/g, '<br>\n');
+            } else {
+              return node.data.toString();
+            }
+          })
+          .join(''),
+        markedOptions);
+    }
+  },