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path: root/src/content/dependencies/generatePageLayout.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/content/dependencies/generatePageLayout.js')
1 files changed, 672 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/content/dependencies/generatePageLayout.js b/src/content/dependencies/generatePageLayout.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbfc905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/dependencies/generatePageLayout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+import {openAggregate} from '#aggregate';
+import {empty} from '#sugar';
+export default {
+  contentDependencies: [
+    'generateColorStyleRules',
+    'generateFooterLocalizationLinks',
+    'generateStickyHeadingContainer',
+    'transformContent',
+  ],
+  extraDependencies: [
+    'cachebust',
+    'getColors',
+    'html',
+    'language',
+    'pagePath',
+    'to',
+    'wikiData',
+  ],
+  sprawl({wikiInfo}) {
+    return {
+      footerContent: wikiInfo.footerContent,
+      wikiColor: wikiInfo.color,
+      wikiName: wikiInfo.nameShort,
+    };
+  },
+  data({wikiColor, wikiName}) {
+    return {
+      wikiColor,
+      wikiName,
+    };
+  },
+  relations(relation, sprawl) {
+    const relations = {};
+    relations.footerLocalizationLinks =
+      relation('generateFooterLocalizationLinks');
+    relations.stickyHeadingContainer =
+      relation('generateStickyHeadingContainer');
+    if (sprawl.footerContent) {
+      relations.defaultFooterContent =
+        relation('transformContent', sprawl.footerContent);
+    }
+    relations.colorStyleRules =
+      relation('generateColorStyleRules');
+    return relations;
+  },
+  slots: {
+    title: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: false,
+    },
+    showWikiNameInTitle: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: true,
+    },
+    additionalNames: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: false,
+    },
+    cover: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: false,
+    },
+    // Strictly speaking we clone this each time we use it, so it doesn't
+    // need to be marked as mutable here.
+    socialEmbed: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: true,
+    },
+    color: {validate: v => v.isColor},
+    styleRules: {
+      validate: v => v.sparseArrayOf(v.isHTML),
+      default: [],
+    },
+    mainClasses: {
+      validate: v => v.sparseArrayOf(v.isString),
+      default: [],
+    },
+    // Main
+    mainContent: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: false,
+    },
+    headingMode: {
+      validate: v => v.is('sticky', 'static'),
+      default: 'static',
+    },
+    // Sidebars
+    leftSidebar: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: true,
+    },
+    rightSidebar: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: true,
+    },
+    // Banner
+    banner: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: false,
+    },
+    bannerPosition: {
+      validate: v => v.is('top', 'bottom'),
+      default: 'top',
+    },
+    // Nav & Footer
+    navContent: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: false,
+    },
+    navBottomRowContent: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: false,
+    },
+    navLinkStyle: {
+      validate: v => v.is('hierarchical', 'index'),
+      default: 'index',
+    },
+    navLinks: {
+      validate: v =>
+        v.sparseArrayOf(object => {
+          v.isObject(object);
+          const aggregate = openAggregate({message: `Errors validating navigation link`});
+          aggregate.call(v.validateProperties({
+            auto: () => true,
+            html: () => true,
+            path: () => true,
+            title: () => true,
+            accent: () => true,
+            current: () => true,
+          }), object);
+          if (object.current !== undefined) {
+            aggregate.call(v.isBoolean, object.current);
+          }
+          if (object.auto || object.html) {
+            if (object.auto && object.html) {
+              aggregate.push(new TypeError(`Don't specify both auto and html`));
+            } else if (object.auto) {
+              aggregate.call(v.is('home', 'current'), object.auto);
+            } else {
+              aggregate.call(v.isHTML, object.html);
+            }
+            if (object.path || object.title) {
+              aggregate.push(new TypeError(`Don't specify path or title along with auto or html`));
+            }
+          } else {
+            aggregate.call(v.validateProperties({
+              path: v.strictArrayOf(v.isString),
+              title: v.isHTML,
+            }), {
+              path: object.path,
+              title: object.title,
+            });
+          }
+          aggregate.close();
+          return true;
+        })
+    },
+    secondaryNav: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: false,
+    },
+    footerContent: {
+      type: 'html',
+      mutable: false,
+    },
+  },
+  generate(data, relations, slots, {
+    cachebust,
+    getColors,
+    html,
+    language,
+    pagePath,
+    to,
+  }) {
+    const colors = getColors(slots.color ?? data.wikiColor);
+    const hasSocialEmbed = !html.isBlank(slots.socialEmbed);
+    // Hilariously jank. Sorry! We're going to need this content later ANYWAY,
+    // so it's "fine" to stringify it here, but this DOES mean that we're
+    // stringifying (and resolving) the content without the context that it's
+    // e.g. going to end up in a page HTML hierarchy. Might have implications
+    // later, mainly for: https://github.com/hsmusic/hsmusic-wiki/issues/434
+    const mainContentHTML = html.tags([slots.mainContent]).toString();
+    const hasID = id => mainContentHTML.includes(`id="${id}"`);
+    const titleContentsHTML =
+      (html.isBlank(slots.title)
+        ? null
+     : html.isBlank(slots.additionalNames)
+        ? language.sanitize(slots.title)
+        : html.tag('a', {
+            href: '#additional-names-box',
+            title: language.$('misc.additionalNames.tooltip').toString(),
+          }, language.sanitize(slots.title)));
+    const titleHTML =
+      (html.isBlank(slots.title)
+        ? null
+     : slots.headingMode === 'sticky'
+        ? relations.stickyHeadingContainer.slots({
+            title: titleContentsHTML,
+            cover: slots.cover,
+          })
+        : html.tag('h1', titleContentsHTML));
+    let footerContent = slots.footerContent;
+    if (html.isBlank(footerContent) && relations.defaultFooterContent) {
+      footerContent =
+        relations.defaultFooterContent.slots({
+          mode: 'multiline',
+          indicateExternalLinks: false,
+        });
+    }
+    const mainHTML =
+      html.tag('main', {id: 'content'},
+        {class: slots.mainClasses},
+        [
+          titleHTML,
+          html.tag('div', {id: 'cover-art-container'},
+            {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+            slots.cover),
+          slots.additionalNames,
+          html.tag('div', {class: 'main-content-container'},
+            {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+            mainContentHTML),
+        ]);
+    const footerHTML =
+      html.tag('footer', {id: 'footer'},
+        {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+        [
+          html.tag('div', {class: 'footer-content'},
+            {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+            footerContent),
+          relations.footerLocalizationLinks,
+        ]);
+    const navHTML =
+      html.tag('nav', {id: 'header'},
+        {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+        !empty(slots.navLinks) &&
+          {class: 'nav-has-main-links'},
+        !html.isBlank(slots.navContent) &&
+          {class: 'nav-has-content'},
+        !html.isBlank(slots.navBottomRowContent) &&
+          {class: 'nav-has-bottom-row'},
+        [
+          html.tag('div', {class: 'nav-main-links'},
+            {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+            {class: 'nav-links-' + slots.navLinkStyle},
+            slots.navLinks
+              ?.filter(Boolean)
+              ?.map((cur, i) => {
+                let content;
+                if (cur.html) {
+                  content = cur.html;
+                } else {
+                  let title;
+                  let href;
+                  switch (cur.auto) {
+                    case 'home':
+                      title = data.wikiName;
+                      href = to('localized.home');
+                      break;
+                    case 'current':
+                      title = slots.title;
+                      href = '';
+                      break;
+                    case null:
+                    case undefined:
+                      title = cur.title;
+                      href = to(...cur.path);
+                      break;
+                  }
+                  content = html.tag('a',
+                    {href},
+                    title);
+                }
+                const showAsCurrent =
+                  cur.current ||
+                  cur.auto === 'current' ||
+                  (slots.navLinkStyle === 'hierarchical' &&
+                    i === slots.navLinks.length - 1);
+                return (
+                  html.tag('span', {class: 'nav-link'},
+                    showAsCurrent &&
+                      {class: 'current'},
+                    i > 0 &&
+                      {class: 'has-divider'},
+                    [
+                      html.tag('span', {class: 'nav-link-content'},
+                        // Use inline-block styling on the content span,
+                        // rather than wrapping the whole nav-link in a proper
+                        // blockwrap, so that if the content spans multiple
+                        // lines, it'll kick the accent down beneath it.
+                        i > 0 &&
+                          {class: 'blockwrap'},
+                        content),
+                      html.tag('span', {class: 'nav-link-accent'},
+                        {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+                        cur.accent),
+                    ]));
+              })),
+          html.tag('div', {class: 'nav-bottom-row'},
+            {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+            slots.navBottomRowContent),
+          html.tag('div', {class: 'nav-content'},
+            {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+            slots.navContent),
+        ]);
+    const getSidebar = (side, id) =>
+      (html.isBlank(slots[side])
+        ? html.blank()
+        : slots[side].slots({
+            attributes:
+              slots[side]
+                .getSlotValue('attributes')
+                .with({id}),
+          }));
+    const leftSidebar = getSidebar('leftSidebar', 'sidebar-left');
+    const rightSidebar = getSidebar('rightSidebar', 'sidebar-right');
+    const hasSidebarLeft = !html.isBlank(html.resolve(leftSidebar));
+    const hasSidebarRight = !html.isBlank(html.resolve(rightSidebar));
+    const collapseSidebars =
+      (hasSidebarLeft
+        ? leftSidebar.getSlotValue('collapse')
+        : true) &&
+      (hasSidebarRight
+        ? rightSidebar.getSlotValue('collapse')
+        : true);
+    const processSkippers = skipperList =>
+      skipperList
+        .filter(({condition, id}) =>
+          (condition === undefined
+            ? hasID(id)
+            : condition))
+        .map(({id, string}) =>
+          html.tag('span', {class: 'skipper'},
+            html.tag('a',
+              {href: `#${id}`},
+              language.$('misc.skippers', string))));
+    const skippersHTML =
+      mainHTML &&
+        html.tag('div', {id: 'skippers'}, [
+          html.tag('span', language.$('misc.skippers.skipTo')),
+          html.tag('div', {class: 'skipper-list'},
+            processSkippers([
+              {condition: true, id: 'content', string: 'content'},
+              {
+                condition: hasSidebarLeft,
+                id: 'sidebar-left',
+                string:
+                  (hasSidebarRight
+                    ? 'sidebar.left'
+                    : 'sidebar'),
+              },
+              {
+                condition: hasSidebarRight,
+                id: 'sidebar-right',
+                string:
+                  (hasSidebarLeft
+                    ? 'sidebar.right'
+                    : 'sidebar'),
+              },
+              {condition: navHTML, id: 'header', string: 'header'},
+              {condition: footerHTML, id: 'footer', string: 'footer'},
+            ])),
+          html.tag('div', {class: 'skipper-list'},
+            {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+            processSkippers([
+              {id: 'tracks', string: 'tracks'},
+              {id: 'art', string: 'artworks'},
+              {id: 'flashes', string: 'flashes'},
+              {id: 'contributors', string: 'contributors'},
+              {id: 'references', string: 'references'},
+              {id: 'referenced-by', string: 'referencedBy'},
+              {id: 'samples', string: 'samples'},
+              {id: 'sampled-by', string: 'sampledBy'},
+              {id: 'features', string: 'features'},
+              {id: 'featured-in', string: 'featuredIn'},
+              {id: 'sheet-music-files', string: 'sheetMusicFiles'},
+              {id: 'midi-project-files', string: 'midiProjectFiles'},
+              {id: 'additional-files', string: 'additionalFiles'},
+              {id: 'commentary', string: 'commentary'},
+              {id: 'artist-commentary', string: 'artistCommentary'},
+            ])),
+        ]);
+    const imageOverlayHTML = html.tag('div', {id: 'image-overlay-container'},
+      html.tag('div', {id: 'image-overlay-content-container'}, [
+        html.tag('a', {id: 'image-overlay-image-container'}, [
+          html.tag('img', {id: 'image-overlay-image'}),
+          html.tag('img', {id: 'image-overlay-image-thumb'}),
+        ]),
+        html.tag('div', {id: 'image-overlay-action-container'}, [
+          html.tag('div', {id: 'image-overlay-action-content-without-size'},
+            language.$('releaseInfo.viewOriginalFile', {
+              link: html.tag('a', {class: 'image-overlay-view-original'},
+                language.$('releaseInfo.viewOriginalFile.link')),
+            })),
+          html.tag('div', {id: 'image-overlay-action-content-with-size'}, [
+            language.$('releaseInfo.viewOriginalFile.withSize', {
+              link:
+                html.tag('a', {class: 'image-overlay-view-original'},
+                  language.$('releaseInfo.viewOriginalFile.link')),
+              size:
+                html.tag('span',
+                  {[html.joinChildren]: ''},
+                  [
+                    html.tag('span', {id: 'image-overlay-file-size-kilobytes'},
+                      language.$('count.fileSize.kilobytes', {
+                        kilobytes:
+                          html.tag('span', {class: 'image-overlay-file-size-count'}),
+                      })),
+                    html.tag('span', {id: 'image-overlay-file-size-megabytes'},
+                      language.$('count.fileSize.megabytes', {
+                        megabytes:
+                          html.tag('span', {class: 'image-overlay-file-size-count'}),
+                      })),
+                  ]),
+            }),
+            html.tag('span', {id: 'image-overlay-file-size-warning'},
+              language.$('releaseInfo.viewOriginalFile.sizeWarning')),
+          ]),
+        ]),
+      ]));
+    const layoutHTML = [
+      navHTML,
+      slots.bannerPosition === 'top' &&
+        slots.banner,
+      slots.secondaryNav,
+      html.tag('div', {class: 'layout-columns'},
+        !collapseSidebars &&
+          {class: 'vertical-when-thin'},
+        [
+          leftSidebar,
+          mainHTML,
+          rightSidebar,
+        ]),
+      slots.bannerPosition === 'bottom' &&
+        slots.banner,
+      footerHTML,
+    ];
+    const pageHTML = html.tags([
+      `<!DOCTYPE html>`,
+      html.tag('html',
+        {lang: language.intlCode},
+        {'data-language-code': language.code},
+        {'data-url-key': 'localized.' + pagePath[0]},
+        Object.fromEntries(
+          pagePath
+            .slice(1)
+            .map((v, i) => [['data-url-value' + i], v])),
+        {'data-rebase-localized': to('localized.root')},
+        {'data-rebase-shared': to('shared.root')},
+        {'data-rebase-media': to('media.root')},
+        {'data-rebase-data': to('data.root')},
+        [
+          // developersComment,
+          html.tag('head', [
+            html.tag('title',
+              (slots.showWikiNameInTitle
+                ? language.formatString('misc.pageTitle.withWikiName', {
+                    title: slots.title,
+                    wikiName: data.wikiName,
+                  })
+                : language.formatString('misc.pageTitle', {
+                    title: slots.title,
+                  }))),
+            html.tag('meta', {charset: 'utf-8'}),
+            html.tag('meta', {
+              name: 'viewport',
+              content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1',
+            }),
+            slots.color && [
+              html.tag('meta', {
+                name: 'theme-color',
+                content: colors.dark,
+                media: '(prefers-color-scheme: dark)',
+              }),
+              html.tag('meta', {
+                name: 'theme-color',
+                content: colors.light,
+                media: '(prefers-color-scheme: light)',
+              }),
+              html.tag('meta', {
+                name: 'theme-color',
+                content: colors.primary,
+              }),
+            ],
+            /*
+            ...(
+              Object.entries(meta)
+                .filter(([key, value]) => value)
+                .map(([key, value]) => html.tag('meta', {[key]: value}))),
+            canonical &&
+              html.tag('link', {
+                rel: 'canonical',
+                href: canonical,
+              }),
+            ...(
+              localizedCanonical
+                .map(({lang, href}) => html.tag('link', {
+                  rel: 'alternate',
+                  hreflang: lang,
+                  href,
+                }))),
+            */
+            hasSocialEmbed &&
+              slots.socialEmbed
+                .clone()
+                .slot('mode', 'html'),
+            html.tag('link', {
+              rel: 'stylesheet',
+              href: to('shared.staticFile', 'site6.css', cachebust),
+            }),
+            html.tag('style', [
+              relations.colorStyleRules
+                .slot('color', slots.color ?? data.wikiColor),
+              slots.styleRules,
+            ]),
+            html.tag('script', {
+              src: to('shared.staticFile', 'lazy-loading.js', cachebust),
+            }),
+          ]),
+          html.tag('body',
+            [
+              html.tag('div', {id: 'page-container'},
+                (hasSidebarLeft || hasSidebarRight
+                  ? {class: 'has-one-sidebar'}
+                  : {class: 'has-zero-sidebars'}),
+                hasSidebarLeft && hasSidebarRight &&
+                  {class: 'has-two-sidebars'},
+                hasSidebarLeft &&
+                  {class: 'has-sidebar-left'},
+                hasSidebarRight &&
+                  {class: 'has-sidebar-right'},
+                [
+                  skippersHTML,
+                  layoutHTML,
+                ]),
+              // infoCardHTML,
+              imageOverlayHTML,
+              html.tag('script', {
+                type: 'module',
+                src: to('shared.staticFile', 'client3.js', cachebust),
+              }),
+            ]),
+        ])
+    ]).toString();
+    const oEmbedJSON =
+      (hasSocialEmbed
+        ? slots.socialEmbed
+            .clone()
+            .slot('mode', 'json')
+            .content
+        : null);
+    return {pageHTML, oEmbedJSON};
+  },