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path: root/src/content/dependencies/generateArtistInfoPageArtworksChunkedList.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/content/dependencies/generateArtistInfoPageArtworksChunkedList.js')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/content/dependencies/generateArtistInfoPageArtworksChunkedList.js b/src/content/dependencies/generateArtistInfoPageArtworksChunkedList.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..656121c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/dependencies/generateArtistInfoPageArtworksChunkedList.js
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+import {stitchArrays} from '../../util/sugar.js';
+import {
+  chunkByProperties,
+  sortAlbumsTracksChronologically,
+  sortEntryThingPairs,
+} from '../../util/wiki-data.js';
+export default {
+  contentDependencies: [
+    'generateArtistInfoPageChunk',
+    'generateArtistInfoPageChunkedList',
+    'generateArtistInfoPageChunkItem',
+    'generateArtistInfoPageOtherArtistLinks',
+    'linkAlbum',
+    'linkTrack',
+  ],
+  extraDependencies: ['html', 'language'],
+  query(artist) {
+    // TODO: Add and integrate wallpaper and banner date fields (#90)
+    // This will probably only happen once all artworks follow a standard
+    // shape (#70) and get their own sorting function. Read for more info:
+    // https://github.com/hsmusic/hsmusic-wiki/issues/90#issuecomment-1607422961
+    const entries = [
+      ...artist.albumsAsCoverArtist.map(album => ({
+        thing: album,
+        entry: {
+          type: 'albumCover',
+          album: album,
+          date: album.coverArtDate,
+          contribs: album.coverArtistContribs,
+        },
+      })),
+      ...artist.albumsAsWallpaperArtist.map(album => ({
+        thing: album,
+        entry: {
+          type: 'albumWallpaper',
+          album: album,
+          date: album.coverArtDate,
+          contribs: album.wallpaperArtistContribs,
+        },
+      })),
+      ...artist.albumsAsBannerArtist.map(album => ({
+        thing: album,
+        entry: {
+          type: 'albumBanner',
+          album: album,
+          date: album.coverArtDate,
+          contribs: album.bannerArtistContribs,
+        },
+      })),
+      ...artist.tracksAsCoverArtist.map(track => ({
+        thing: track,
+        entry: {
+          type: 'trackCover',
+          album: track.album,
+          date: track.coverArtDate,
+          track: track,
+          contribs: track.coverArtistContribs,
+        },
+      })),
+    ];
+    sortEntryThingPairs(entries,
+      things => sortAlbumsTracksChronologically(things, {
+        getDate: thing => thing.coverArtDate,
+      }));
+    const chunks =
+      chunkByProperties(
+        entries.map(({entry}) => entry),
+        ['album', 'date']);
+    return {chunks};
+  },
+  relations(relation, query, artist) {
+    return {
+      chunkedList:
+        relation('generateArtistInfoPageChunkedList'),
+      chunks:
+        query.chunks.map(() => relation('generateArtistInfoPageChunk')),
+      albumLinks:
+        query.chunks.map(({album}) => relation('linkAlbum', album)),
+      items:
+        query.chunks.map(({chunk}) =>
+          chunk.map(() => relation('generateArtistInfoPageChunkItem'))),
+      itemTrackLinks:
+        query.chunks.map(({chunk}) =>
+          chunk.map(({track}) => track ? relation('linkTrack', track) : null)),
+      itemOtherArtistLinks:
+        query.chunks.map(({chunk}) =>
+          chunk.map(({contribs}) => relation('generateArtistInfoPageOtherArtistLinks', contribs, artist))),
+    };
+  },
+  data(query, artist) {
+    return {
+      chunkDates:
+        query.chunks.map(({date}) => date),
+      itemTypes:
+        query.chunks.map(({chunk}) =>
+          chunk.map(({type}) => type)),
+      itemContributions:
+        query.chunks.map(({chunk}) =>
+          chunk.map(({contribs}) =>
+            contribs
+              .find(({who}) => who === artist)
+              .what)),
+    };
+  },
+  generate(data, relations, {html, language}) {
+    return relations.chunkedList.slots({
+      chunks:
+        stitchArrays({
+          chunk: relations.chunks,
+          albumLink: relations.albumLinks,
+          date: data.chunkDates,
+          items: relations.items,
+          itemTrackLinks: relations.itemTrackLinks,
+          itemOtherArtistLinks: relations.itemOtherArtistLinks,
+          itemTypes: data.itemTypes,
+          itemContributions: data.itemContributions,
+        }).map(({
+            chunk,
+            albumLink,
+            date,
+            items,
+            itemTrackLinks,
+            itemOtherArtistLinks,
+            itemTypes,
+            itemContributions,
+          }) =>
+            chunk.slots({
+              mode: 'album',
+              albumLink,
+              date,
+              items:
+                stitchArrays({
+                  item: items,
+                  trackLink: itemTrackLinks,
+                  otherArtistLinks: itemOtherArtistLinks,
+                  type: itemTypes,
+                  contribution: itemContributions,
+                }).map(({
+                    item,
+                    trackLink,
+                    otherArtistLinks,
+                    type,
+                    contribution,
+                  }) =>
+                    item.slots({
+                      otherArtistLinks,
+                      contribution,
+                      content:
+                        (type === 'trackCover'
+                          ? language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.track', {
+                              track: trackLink,
+                            })
+                          : html.tag('i',
+                              language.$('artistPage.creditList.entry.album.' + {
+                                albumWallpaper: 'wallpaperArt',
+                                albumBanner: 'bannerArt',
+                                albumCover: 'coverArt',
+                              }[type]))),
+                    })),
+            })),
+    });
+  },