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data steps: test cases for new html implementation - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-03-21 19:51:25 -0300
committer(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-03-21 19:51:25 -0300
commit680681f89b5e3d89d953421eb4aabed7ba46d78d (patch)
treef167fff9943fcb0adc0f5ac4b4e99c7009337fec /test
parent0d94a61ea4797ef77f4a9214b9b4322fc8bf9942 (diff)
data steps: test cases for new html implementation
Only Tag interface and stringification for now.
Template tests coming soon!
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 465 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/html.js b/test/html.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4255291c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/html.js
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+import test from 'tape';
+import * as html from '../src/util/html.js';
+const {Tag, Attributes, Template, Slot} = html;
+test(`html.tag`, t => {
+  t.plan(14);
+  const tag1 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {[html.onlyIfContent]: true, foo: 'bar'},
+      'child');
+  // 1-5: Basic behavior when passing attributes
+  t.ok(tag1 instanceof Tag);
+  t.ok(tag1.onlyIfContent);
+  t.is(tag1.attributes.get('foo'), 'bar');
+  t.is(tag1.content.length, 1);
+  t.is(tag1.content[0], 'child');
+  const tag2 = html.tag('div', ['two', 'children']);
+  // 6-8: Basic behavior when not passing attributes
+  t.is(tag2.content.length, 2);
+  t.is(tag2.content[0], 'two');
+  t.is(tag2.content[1], 'children');
+  const genericTag = html.tag('div');
+  let genericSlot;
+  const genericTemplate = html.template(slot => {
+    genericSlot = slot('title');
+    return [];
+  });
+  // 9-10: Tag treated as content, not attributes
+  const tag3 = html.tag('div', genericTag);
+  t.is(tag3.content.length, 1);
+  t.is(tag3.content[0], genericTag);
+  // 11-12: Template treated as content, not attributes
+  const tag4 = html.tag('div', genericTemplate);
+  t.is(tag4.content.length, 1);
+  t.is(tag4.content[0], genericTemplate);
+  // 13-14: Slot treated as content, not attributes
+  const tag5 = html.tag('div', genericSlot);
+  t.is(tag5.content.length, 1);
+  t.is(tag5.content[0], genericSlot);
+test(`Tag (basic interface)`, t => {
+  t.plan(11);
+  const tag1 = new Tag();
+  // 1-5: Essential properties & no arguments provided
+  t.is(tag1.tagName, '');
+  t.ok(Array.isArray(tag1.content));
+  t.is(tag1.content.length, 0);
+  t.ok(tag1.attributes instanceof Attributes);
+  t.is(tag1.attributes.toString(), '');
+  const tag2 = new Tag('div', {id: 'banana'}, ['one', 'two', tag1]);
+  // 6-11: Properties on basic usage
+  t.is(tag2.tagName, 'div');
+  t.is(tag2.content.length, 3);
+  t.is(tag2.content[0], 'one');
+  t.is(tag2.content[1], 'two');
+  t.is(tag2.content[2], tag1);
+  t.is(tag2.attributes.get('id'), 'banana');
+test(`Tag (self-closing)`, t => {
+  t.plan(10);
+  const tag1 = new Tag('br');
+  const tag2 = new Tag('div');
+  const tag3 = new Tag('div');
+  tag3.tagName = 'br';
+  // 1-3: selfClosing depends on tagName
+  t.ok(tag1.selfClosing);
+  t.notOk(tag2.selfClosing);
+  t.ok(tag3.selfClosing);
+  // 4: constructing self-closing tag with content throws
+  t.throws(() => new Tag('br', null, 'bananas'), /self-closing/);
+  // 5: setting content on self-closing tag throws
+  t.throws(() => { tag1.content = ['suspicious']; }, /self-closing/);
+  // 6-9: setting empty content on self-closing tag doesn't throw
+  t.doesNotThrow(() => { tag1.content = null; });
+  t.doesNotThrow(() => { tag1.content = undefined; });
+  t.doesNotThrow(() => { tag1.content = ''; });
+  t.doesNotThrow(() => { tag1.content = [null, '', false]; });
+  const tag4 = new Tag('div', null, 'bananas');
+  // 10: changing tagName to self-closing when tag has content throws
+  t.throws(() => { tag4.tagName = 'br'; }, /self-closing/);
+test(`Tag (properties from attributes - from constructor)`, t => {
+  t.plan(6);
+  const tag = new Tag('div', {
+    [html.onlyIfContent]: true,
+    [html.noEdgeWhitespace]: true,
+    [html.joinChildren]: '<br>',
+  });
+  // 1-3: basic exposed properties from attributes in constructor
+  t.ok(tag.onlyIfContent);
+  t.ok(tag.noEdgeWhitespace);
+  t.is(tag.joinChildren, '<br>');
+  // 4-6: property values stored on attributes with public symbols
+  t.is(tag.attributes.get(html.onlyIfContent), true);
+  t.is(tag.attributes.get(html.noEdgeWhitespace), true);
+  t.is(tag.attributes.get(html.joinChildren), '<br>');
+test(`Tag (properties from attributes - mutating)`, t => {
+  t.plan(12);
+  // 1-3: exposed properties reflect reasonable attribute values
+  const tag1 = new Tag('div', {
+    [html.onlyIfContent]: true,
+    [html.noEdgeWhitespace]: true,
+    [html.joinChildren]: '<br>',
+  });
+  tag1.attributes.set(html.onlyIfContent, false);
+  tag1.attributes.remove(html.noEdgeWhitespace);
+  tag1.attributes.set(html.joinChildren, '🍇');
+  t.is(tag1.onlyIfContent, false);
+  t.is(tag1.noEdgeWhitespace, false);
+  t.is(tag1.joinChildren, '🍇');
+  // 4-6: exposed properties reflect unreasonable attribute values
+  const tag2 = new Tag('div', {
+    [html.onlyIfContent]: true,
+    [html.noEdgeWhitespace]: true,
+    [html.joinChildren]: '<br>',
+  });
+  tag2.attributes.set(html.onlyIfContent, '');
+  tag2.attributes.set(html.noEdgeWhitespace, 12345);
+  tag2.attributes.set(html.joinChildren, 0.0001);
+  t.is(tag2.onlyIfContent, false);
+  t.is(tag2.noEdgeWhitespace, true);
+  t.is(tag2.joinChildren, '0.0001');
+  // 7-9: attribute values reflect reasonable mutated properties
+  const tag3 = new Tag('div', null, {
+    [html.onlyIfContent]: false,
+    [html.noEdgeWhitespace]: true,
+    [html.joinChildren]: '🍜',
+  })
+  tag3.onlyIfContent = true;
+  tag3.noEdgeWhitespace = false;
+  tag3.joinChildren = '🦑';
+  t.is(tag3.attributes.get(html.onlyIfContent), true);
+  t.is(tag3.attributes.get(html.noEdgeWhitespace), undefined);
+  t.is(tag3.joinChildren, '🦑');
+  // 10-12: attribute values reflect unreasonable mutated properties
+  const tag4 = new Tag('div', null, {
+    [html.onlyIfContent]: false,
+    [html.noEdgeWhitespace]: true,
+    [html.joinChildren]: '🍜',
+  });
+  tag4.onlyIfContent = 'armadillo';
+  tag4.noEdgeWhitespace = 0;
+  tag4.joinChildren = Infinity;
+  t.is(tag4.attributes.get(html.onlyIfContent), true);
+  t.is(tag4.attributes.get(html.noEdgeWhitespace), undefined);
+  t.is(tag4.attributes.get(html.joinChildren), 'Infinity');
+test(`Tag.toString`, t => {
+  t.plan(7);
+  // 1: basic behavior
+  const tag1 =
+    html.tag('div', 'Content');
+  t.is(tag1.toString(),
+    `<div>Content</div>`);
+  // 2: stringifies nested element
+  const tag2 =
+    html.tag('div', html.tag('p', 'Content'));
+  t.is(tag2.toString(),
+    `<div><p>Content</p></div>`);
+  // 3: stringifies attributes
+  const tag3 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {
+        id: 'banana',
+        class: ['foo', 'bar'],
+        contenteditable: true,
+        biggerthanabreadbox: false,
+        saying: `"To light a candle is to cast a shadow..."`,
+        tabindex: 413,
+      },
+      'Content');
+  t.is(tag3.toString(),
+    `<div id="banana" class="foo bar" contenteditable ` +
+    `saying="&quot;To light a candle is to cast a shadow...&quot;" ` +
+    `tabindex="413">Content</div>`);
+  // 4: attributes match input order
+  const tag4 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {class: ['foo', 'bar'], id: 'banana'},
+      'Content');
+  t.is(tag4.toString(),
+    `<div class="foo bar" id="banana">Content</div>`);
+  // 5: multiline contented indented
+  const tag5 =
+    html.tag('div', 'foo\nbar');
+  t.is(tag5.toString(),
+    `<div>\n` +
+    `    foo\n` +
+    `    bar\n` +
+    `</div>`);
+  // 6: nested multiline content double-indented
+  const tag6 =
+    html.tag('div', [
+      html.tag('p',
+        'foo\nbar'),
+      html.tag('span', `I'm on one line!`),
+    ]);
+  t.is(tag6.toString(),
+    `<div>\n` +
+    `    <p>\n` +
+    `        foo\n` +
+    `        bar\n` +
+    `    </p>\n` +
+    `    <span>I'm on one line!</span>\n` +
+    `</div>`);
+  // 7: self-closing (with attributes)
+  const tag7 =
+    html.tag('article', [
+      html.tag('h1', `Title`),
+      html.tag('hr', {style: `color: magenta`}),
+      html.tag('p', `Shenanigans!`),
+    ]);
+  t.is(tag7.toString(),
+    `<article>\n` +
+    `    <h1>Title</h1>\n` +
+    `    <hr style="color: magenta">\n` +
+    `    <p>Shenanigans!</p>\n` +
+    `</article>`);
+test(`Tag.toString (onlyIfContent)`, t => {
+  t.plan(4);
+  // 1-2: basic behavior
+  const tag1 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+      `Hello!`);
+  t.is(tag1.toString(),
+    `<div>Hello!</div>`);
+  const tag2 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+      '');
+  t.is(tag2.toString(),
+    '');
+  // 3-4: nested onlyIfContent with "more" content
+  const tag3 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+      [
+        '',
+        0,
+        html.tag('h1',
+          {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+          html.tag('strong',
+            {[html.onlyIfContent]: true})),
+        null,
+        false,
+      ]);
+  t.is(tag3.toString(),
+    '');
+  const tag4 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+      [
+        '',
+        0,
+        html.tag('h1',
+          {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+          html.tag('strong')),
+        null,
+        false,
+      ]);
+  t.is(tag4.toString(),
+    `<div><h1><strong></strong></h1></div>`);
+test(`Tag.toString (joinChildren, noEdgeWhitespace)`, t => {
+  t.plan(6);
+  // 1: joinChildren: default (\n), noEdgeWhitespace: true
+  const tag1 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {[html.noEdgeWhitespace]: true},
+      [
+        'Foo',
+        'Bar',
+        'Baz',
+      ]);
+  t.is(tag1.toString(),
+    `<div>Foo\n` +
+    `    Bar\n` +
+    `    Baz</div>`);
+  // 2: joinChildren: one-line string, noEdgeWhitespace: default (false)
+  const tag2 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {
+        [html.joinChildren]:
+          html.tag('br', {location: '🍍'}),
+      },
+      [
+        'Foo',
+        'Bar',
+        'Baz',
+      ]);
+  t.is(tag2.toString(),
+    `<div>\n` +
+    `    Foo\n` +
+    `    <br location="🍍">\n` +
+    `    Bar\n` +
+    `    <br location="🍍">\n` +
+    `    Baz\n` +
+    `</div>`);
+  // 3-4: joinChildren: blank string, noEdgeWhitespace: default (false)
+  const tag3 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {[html.joinChildren]: ''},
+      [
+        'Foo',
+        'Bar',
+        'Baz',
+      ]);
+  t.is(tag3.toString(),
+    `<div>FooBarBaz</div>`);
+  const tag4 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {[html.joinChildren]: ''},
+      [
+        `Ain't I\na cute one?`,
+        `~`
+      ]);
+  t.is(tag4.toString(),
+    `<div>\n` +
+    `    Ain't I\n` +
+    `    a cute one?~\n` +
+    `</div>`);
+  // 5: joinChildren: one-line string, noEdgeWhitespace: true
+  const tag5 =
+    html.tag('div',
+      {
+        [html.joinChildren]: html.tag('br'),
+        [html.noEdgeWhitespace]: true,
+      },
+      [
+        'Foo',
+        'Bar',
+        'Baz',
+      ]);
+  t.is(tag5.toString(),
+    `<div>Foo\n` +
+    `    <br>\n` +
+    `    Bar\n` +
+    `    <br>\n` +
+    `    Baz</div>`);
+  // 6: joinChildren: empty string, noEdgeWhitespace: true
+  const tag6 =
+    html.tag('span',
+      {
+        [html.joinChildren]: '',
+        [html.noEdgeWhitespace]: true,
+      },
+      [
+        html.tag('i', `Oh yes~ `),
+        `You're a cute one`,
+        html.tag('sup', `💕`),
+      ]);
+  t.is(tag6.toString(),
+    `<span><i>Oh yes~ </i>You're a cute one<sup>💕</sup></span>`);
+test(`Tag.toString (custom attributes)`, t => {
+  t.plan(1);
+  t.test(`Tag.toString (custom attribute: href)`, t => {
+    t.plan(2);
+    const tag1 = html.tag('a', {href: `https://hsmusic.wiki/`});
+    t.is(tag1.toString(), `<a href="https://hsmusic.wiki/"></a>`);
+    const tag2 = html.tag('a', {href: `https://hsmusic.wiki/media/Album Booklet.pdf`});
+    t.is(tag2.toString(), `<a href="https://hsmusic.wiki/media/Album%20Booklet.pdf"></a>`);
+  });