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yaml: tidy aggregate nesting and error syntax - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-11-06 15:36:57 -0400
committer(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-11-06 15:44:14 -0400
commitab306affb06b9f94a2f6b8dc8607614949b3ab0e (patch)
tree2b587dbc8366e8836580e512ec068b7e4a776038 /src
parent32f5dfa4b3c12dec18d0655160f9d49ca93b16d9 (diff)
yaml: tidy aggregate nesting and error syntax
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/src/data/yaml.js b/src/data/yaml.js
index 0ffe9682..37f31800 100644
--- a/src/data/yaml.js
+++ b/src/data/yaml.js
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ import T, {
 } from '#things';
 import {
+  annotateErrorWithFile,
-  mapAggregate,
@@ -1119,15 +1119,30 @@ export async function loadAndProcessDataDocuments({dataPath}) {
   const wikiDataResult = {};
+  const _getFileFromArgument = arg =>
+    (typeof arg === 'object'
+      ? arg.file
+      : arg);
   function decorateErrorWithFile(fn) {
-    return (x, index, array) => {
+    return (...args) => {
       try {
-        return fn(x, index, array);
-      } catch (error) {
-        error.message +=
-          (error.message.includes('\n') ? '\n' : ' ') +
-          `(file: ${colors.bright(colors.blue(path.relative(dataPath, x.file)))})`;
-        throw error;
+        return fn(...args);
+      } catch (caughtError) {
+        const file = _getFileFromArgument(args[0]);
+        throw annotateErrorWithFile(caughtError, path.relative(dataPath, file));
+      }
+    };
+  }
+  // Certified gensync moment.
+  function asyncDecorateErrorWithFile(fn) {
+    return async (...args) => {
+      try {
+        return await fn(...args);
+      } catch (caughtError) {
+        const file = _getFileFromArgument(args[0]);
+        throw annotateErrorWithFile(caughtError, path.relative(dataPath, file));
@@ -1135,7 +1150,7 @@ export async function loadAndProcessDataDocuments({dataPath}) {
   for (const dataStep of dataSteps) {
     await processDataAggregate.nestAsync(
       {message: `Errors during data step: ${colors.bright(dataStep.title)}`},
-      async ({call, callAsync, map, mapAsync, push, nest}) => {
+      async ({call, callAsync, map, mapAsync, push}) => {
         const {documentMode} = dataStep;
         if (!Object.values(documentModes).includes(documentMode)) {
@@ -1323,8 +1338,8 @@ export async function loadAndProcessDataDocuments({dataPath}) {
           throw new Error(`Expected 'files' property for ${documentMode.toString()}`);
-        let files = (
-          typeof dataStep.files === 'function'
+        const filesFromDataStep =
+          (typeof dataStep.files === 'function'
             ? await callAsync(() =>
                   files => files,
@@ -1335,101 +1350,110 @@ export async function loadAndProcessDataDocuments({dataPath}) {
                       throw error;
-            : dataStep.files
-        );
+            : dataStep.files);
-        if (!files) {
-          return;
-        }
+        const filesUnderDataPath =
+          filesFromDataStep
+            .map(file => path.join(dataPath, file));
-        files = files.map((file) => path.join(dataPath, file));
-        const readResults = await mapAsync(
-          files,
-          (file) => readFile(file, 'utf-8').then((contents) => ({file, contents})),
-          {message: `Errors reading data files`});
-        let yamlResults = map(
-          readResults,
-          decorateErrorWithFile(({file, contents}) => ({
-            file,
-            documents: yaml.loadAll(contents),
-          })),
-          {message: `Errors parsing data files as valid YAML`});
-        yamlResults = yamlResults.map(({file, documents}) => {
-          const {documents: filteredDocuments, aggregate} = filterBlankDocuments(documents);
-          call(decorateErrorWithFile(aggregate.close), {file});
-          return {file, documents: filteredDocuments};
-        });
+        const yamlResults = [];
+        await mapAsync(filesUnderDataPath, {message: `Errors loading data files`},
+          asyncDecorateErrorWithFile(async file => {
+            let contents;
+            try {
+              contents = await readFile(file, 'utf-8');
+            } catch (caughtError) {
+              throw new Error(`Failed to read data file`, {cause: caughtError});
+            }
+            let documents;
+            try {
+              documents = yaml.loadAll(contents);
+            } catch (caughtError) {
+              throw new Error(`Failed to parse valid YAML`, {cause: caughtError});
+            }
+            const {documents: filteredDocuments, aggregate: filterAggregate} =
+              filterBlankDocuments(documents);
+            try {
+              filterAggregate.close();
+            } catch (caughtError) {
+              // Blank documents aren't a critical error, they're just something
+              // that should be noted - the (filtered) documents still get pushed.
+              const pathToFile = path.relative(dataPath, file);
+              annotateErrorWithFile(caughtError, pathToFile);
+              push(caughtError);
+            }
+            yamlResults.push({file, documents: filteredDocuments});
+          }));
         const processResults = [];
         switch (documentMode) {
           case documentModes.headerAndEntries:
-            map(yamlResults, decorateErrorWithFile(({documents}) => {
-              const headerDocument = documents[0];
-              const entryDocuments = documents.slice(1).filter(Boolean);
-              if (!headerDocument)
-                throw new Error(`Missing header document (empty file or erroneously starting with "---"?)`);
-              // This'll be decorated with the file, and groups together any
-              // errors from processing the header and entry documents.
-              const fileAggregate =
-                openAggregate({message: `Errors processing documents`});
-              const {thing: headerObject, aggregate: headerAggregate} =
-                dataStep.processHeaderDocument(headerDocument);
-              try {
-                headerAggregate.close()
-              } catch (caughtError) {
-                caughtError.message = `(${colors.yellow(`header`)}) ${caughtError.message}`;
-                fileAggregate.push(caughtError);
-              }
+            map(yamlResults, {message: `Errors processing documents in data files`},
+              decorateErrorWithFile(({documents}) => {
+                const headerDocument = documents[0];
+                const entryDocuments = documents.slice(1).filter(Boolean);
-              const entryObjects = [];
+                if (!headerDocument)
+                  throw new Error(`Missing header document (empty file or erroneously starting with "---"?)`);
-              for (let index = 0; index < entryDocuments.length; index++) {
-                const entryDocument = entryDocuments[index];
+                withAggregate({message: `Errors processing documents`}, ({push}) => {
+                  const {thing: headerObject, aggregate: headerAggregate} =
+                    dataStep.processHeaderDocument(headerDocument);
-                const {thing: entryObject, aggregate: entryAggregate} =
-                  dataStep.processEntryDocument(entryDocument);
+                  try {
+                    headerAggregate.close();
+                  } catch (caughtError) {
+                    caughtError.message = `(${colors.yellow(`header`)}) ${caughtError.message}`;
+                    push(caughtError);
+                  }
-                entryObjects.push(entryObject);
+                  const entryObjects = [];
-                try {
-                  entryAggregate.close();
-                } catch (caughtError) {
-                  caughtError.message = `(${colors.yellow(`entry #${index + 1}`)}) ${caughtError.message}`;
-                  fileAggregate.push(caughtError);
-                }
-              }
+                  for (let index = 0; index < entryDocuments.length; index++) {
+                    const entryDocument = entryDocuments[index];
-              processResults.push({
-                header: headerObject,
-                entries: entryObjects,
-              });
+                    const {thing: entryObject, aggregate: entryAggregate} =
+                      dataStep.processEntryDocument(entryDocument);
-              fileAggregate.close();
-            }), {message: `Errors processing documents in data files`});
+                    entryObjects.push(entryObject);
+                    try {
+                      entryAggregate.close();
+                    } catch (caughtError) {
+                      caughtError.message = `(${colors.yellow(`entry #${index + 1}`)}) ${caughtError.message}`;
+                      push(caughtError);
+                    }
+                  }
+                  processResults.push({
+                    header: headerObject,
+                    entries: entryObjects,
+                  });
+                });
+              }));
           case documentModes.onePerFile:
-            map(yamlResults, decorateErrorWithFile(({documents}) => {
-              if (documents.length > 1)
-                throw new Error(`Only expected one document to be present per file, got ${documents.length} here`);
+            map(yamlResults, {message: `Errors processing data files as valid documents`},
+              decorateErrorWithFile(({documents}) => {
+                if (documents.length > 1)
+                  throw new Error(`Only expected one document to be present per file, got ${documents.length} here`);
-              if (empty(documents) || !documents[0])
-                throw new Error(`Expected a document, this file is empty`);
+                if (empty(documents) || !documents[0])
+                  throw new Error(`Expected a document, this file is empty`);
-              const {thing, aggregate} =
-                dataStep.processDocument(documents[0]);
+                const {thing, aggregate} =
+                  dataStep.processDocument(documents[0]);
-              processResults.push(thing);
-              aggregate.close();
-            }), {message: `Errors processing data files as valid documents`});
+                processResults.push(thing);
+                aggregate.close();
+              }));