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listAdditionalFilesInProperty util, All MIDI/Project Files - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-03-03 22:57:38 -0400
committer(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-03-03 22:57:38 -0400
commit12e49429e0de38a1891a0b5ead653570ecd0e23b (patch)
tree43bb5b3192600a370f7d0b8648d7e7c6e47222fd /src
parent01759ee2b5092dca8662a529c876a7478a1c65c6 (diff)
listAdditionalFilesInProperty util, All MIDI/Project Files
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 79 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/listing-spec.js b/src/listing-spec.js
index 32ec8bd7..721d81ab 100644
--- a/src/listing-spec.js
+++ b/src/listing-spec.js
@@ -805,11 +805,13 @@ listingSpec.push({
 function listTracksWithProperty(property, {
+  seeAlso,
   hash = '',
 }) {
   return {
+    seeAlso,
     data: ({wikiData: {albumData}}) =>
@@ -856,12 +858,14 @@ listingSpec.push(listTracksWithProperty('sheetMusicFiles', {
   directory: 'tracks/with-sheet-music-files',
   stringsKey: 'listTracks.withSheetMusicFiles',
   hash: 'sheet-music-files',
+  seeAlso: ['all-sheet-music-files'],
 listingSpec.push(listTracksWithProperty('midiProjectFiles', {
   directory: 'tracks/with-midi-project-files',
   stringsKey: 'listTracks.withMidiProjectFiles',
   hash: 'midi-project-files',
+  seeAlso: ['all-midi-project-files'],
@@ -914,63 +918,77 @@ listingSpec.push({
-  directory: 'all-sheet-music',
-  stringsKey: 'other.allSheetMusic',
-  groupUnderOther: true,
+function listAdditionalFilesInProperty(property, {
+  directory,
+  stringsKey,
+  seeAlso,
+}) {
+  return {
+    directory,
+    stringsKey,
+    seeAlso,
+    groupUnderOther: true,
-  seeAlso: [
-    'tracks/with-sheet-music-files',
-  ],
+    data: ({wikiData: {albumData}}) =>
+      albumData
+        .map(album => ({
+          album,
+          tracks: album.tracks.filter(t => !empty(t[property])),
+        }))
+        .filter(({tracks}) => !empty(tracks)),
-  data: ({wikiData: {albumData}}) =>
-    albumData
-      .map(album => ({
-        album,
-        tracks: album.tracks.filter(t => !empty(t.sheetMusicFiles)),
-      }))
-      .filter(({tracks}) => !empty(tracks)),
-  html: (data, {
-    html,
-    language,
-    link,
-  }) =>
-    data.flatMap(({album, tracks}) => [
-      html.tag('h3', link.album(album)),
-      html.tag('dl', tracks.flatMap(track => [
-        // No hash here since the full list of sheet music is already visible below.
-        // The track link serves more as a quick way to recall which track it is or
-        // visit listening links, all of which is positioned at the top of the page.
-        html.tag('dt', link.track(track)),
-        html.tag('dd',
-          // This page doesn't really look better with color-coded sheet music links.
-          // Track links are still colored.
-          /* {style: getLinkThemeString(track.color)}, */
-          html.tag('ul', track.sheetMusicFiles.map(({title, files}) =>
-            html.tag('li',
-              {class: [files.length > 1 && 'has-details']},
-              (files.length === 1
-                ? link.albumAdditionalFile(
-                    {album, file: files[0]},
-                    {
-                      text: language.$('listingPage.other.allSheetMusic.sheetMusicLink', {title}),
-                    })
-                : html.tag('details', [
-                    html.tag('summary',
-                      html.tag('span',
-                        language.$('listingPage.other.allSheetMusic.sheetMusicLink.withMultipleFiles', {
-                          title: html.tag('span', {class: 'group-name'}, title),
-                          files: language.countAdditionalFiles(files.length, {unit: true}),
-                        }))),
-                    html.tag('ul', files.map(file =>
-                      html.tag('li',
-                        link.albumAdditionalFile({album, file})))),
-                  ])))))),
-      ])),
-    ]),
+    html: (data, {
+      html,
+      language,
+      link,
+    }) =>
+      data.flatMap(({album, tracks}) => [
+        html.tag('h3', link.album(album)),
+        html.tag('dl', tracks.flatMap(track => [
+          // No hash here since the full list of additional files is already visible
+          // below. The track link serves more as a way to quickly recall the track or
+          // to access listen links, all of which is positioned at the top of the page.
+          html.tag('dt', link.track(track)),
+          html.tag('dd',
+            // This page doesn't really look better with color-coded file links.
+            // Track links are still colored.
+            html.tag('ul', track[property].map(({title, files}) =>
+              html.tag('li',
+                {class: [files.length > 1 && 'has-details']},
+                (files.length === 1
+                  ? link.albumAdditionalFile(
+                      {album, file: files[0]},
+                      {
+                        text: language.$(`listingPage.${stringsKey}.file`, {title}),
+                      })
+                  : html.tag('details', [
+                      html.tag('summary',
+                        html.tag('span',
+                          language.$(`listingPage.${stringsKey}.file.withMultipleFiles`, {
+                            title: html.tag('span', {class: 'group-name'}, title),
+                            files: language.countAdditionalFiles(files.length, {unit: true}),
+                          }))),
+                      html.tag('ul', files.map(file =>
+                        html.tag('li',
+                          link.albumAdditionalFile({album, file})))),
+                    ])))))),
+        ])),
+      ]),
+  };
+listingSpec.push(listAdditionalFilesInProperty('sheetMusicFiles', {
+  directory: 'all-sheet-music-files',
+  stringsKey: 'other.allSheetMusic',
+  seeAlso: ['tracks/with-sheet-music-files'],
+listingSpec.push(listAdditionalFilesInProperty('midiProjectFiles', {
+  directory: 'all-midi-project-files',
+  stringsKey: 'other.allMidiProjectFiles',
+  seeAlso: ['tracks/with-midi-project-files'],
   directory: 'random',
diff --git a/src/strings-default.json b/src/strings-default.json
index 2761582e..7f29c133 100644
--- a/src/strings-default.json
+++ b/src/strings-default.json
@@ -412,8 +412,12 @@
   "listingPage.listTags.byUses.item": "{TAG} ({TIMES_USED})",
   "listingPage.other.allSheetMusic.title": "All Sheet Music",
   "listingPage.other.allSheetMusic.title.short": "All Sheet Music",
-  "listingPage.other.allSheetMusic.sheetMusicLink": "{TITLE}",
-  "listingPage.other.allSheetMusic.sheetMusicLink.withMultipleFiles": "{TITLE} ({FILES})",
+  "listingPage.other.allSheetMusic.file": "{TITLE}",
+  "listingPage.other.allSheetMusic.file.withMultipleFiles": "{TITLE} ({FILES})",
+  "listingPage.other.allMidiProjectFiles.title": "All MIDI/Project Files",
+  "listingPage.other.allMidiProjectFiles.title.short": "All MIDI/Project Files",
+  "listingPage.other.allMidiProjectFiles.file": "{TITLE}",
+  "listingPage.other.allMidiProjectFiles.file.withMultipleFiles": "{TITLE} ({FILES})",
   "listingPage.other.randomPages.title": "Random Pages",
   "listingPage.other.randomPages.title.short": "Random Pages",
   "listingPage.misc.trackContributors": "Track Contributors",