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Merge pull request #127 from hsmusic/basic-dynamics - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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path: root/src/write/page-template.js
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-01-10 17:11:55 -0400
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-01-10 17:11:55 -0400
commit76f8421b92d8b004bc5c9132abdd9dc78b60a6f5 (patch)
treea9af0c43dd716302789deef7ec9bc7569c236cd0 /src/write/page-template.js
parentccd2235a31c004d099e2d05fb1751a85f58ee97d (diff)
parent1b191f364cf2eed746878ebc86e89ad87ef0189a (diff)
Merge pull request #127 from hsmusic/basic-dynamics
Basic Dynamics (AKA, live reload & data updates)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/write/page-template.js')
1 files changed, 640 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/write/page-template.js b/src/write/page-template.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88d81c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/write/page-template.js
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+import chroma from 'chroma-js';
+import * as html from '../util/html.js';
+import {logWarn} from '../util/cli.js';
+import {getColors} from '../util/colors.js';
+import {
+  getFooterLocalizationLinks,
+  getRevealStringFromWarnings,
+  img,
+} from '../misc-templates.js';
+export function generateDevelopersCommentHTML({
+  buildTime,
+  commit,
+  wikiData,
+}) {
+  const {name, canonicalBase} = wikiData.wikiInfo;
+  return `<!--\n` + [
+    canonicalBase
+      ? `hsmusic.wiki - ${name}, ${canonicalBase}`
+      : `hsmusic.wiki - ${name}`,
+    'Code copyright 2019-2023 Quasar Nebula et al (MIT License)',
+    ...canonicalBase === 'https://hsmusic.wiki/' ? [
+      'Data avidly compiled and localization brought to you',
+      'by our awesome team and community of wiki contributors',
+      '***',
+      'Want to contribute? Join our Discord or leave feedback!',
+      '- https://hsmusic.wiki/discord/',
+      '- https://hsmusic.wiki/feedback/',
+      '- https://github.com/hsmusic/',
+    ] : [
+      'https://github.com/hsmusic/',
+    ],
+    '***',
+    buildTime &&
+      `Site built: ${buildTime.toLocaleString('en-US', {
+        dateStyle: 'long',
+        timeStyle: 'long',
+      })}`,
+    commit &&
+      `Latest code commit: ${commit}`,
+  ]
+    .filter(Boolean)
+    .map(line => `    ` + line)
+    .join('\n') + `\n-->`;
+export function generateDocumentHTML(pageInfo, {
+  cachebust,
+  defaultLanguage,
+  developersComment,
+  getThemeString,
+  language,
+  languages,
+  localizedPathnames,
+  oEmbedJSONHref,
+  pageSubKey,
+  pathname,
+  to,
+  transformMultiline,
+  urlArgs,
+  wikiData,
+}) {
+  const {wikiInfo} = wikiData;
+  let {
+    title = '',
+    meta = {},
+    theme = '',
+    stylesheet = '',
+    showWikiNameInTitle = true,
+    themeColor = '',
+    // missing properties are auto-filled, see below!
+    body = {},
+    banner = {},
+    main = {},
+    sidebarLeft = {},
+    sidebarRight = {},
+    nav = {},
+    secondaryNav = {},
+    footer = {},
+    socialEmbed = {},
+  } = pageInfo;
+  body.style ??= '';
+  theme = theme || getThemeString(wikiInfo.color);
+  banner ||= {};
+  banner.classes ??= [];
+  banner.src ??= '';
+  banner.position ??= '';
+  banner.dimensions ??= [0, 0];
+  main.classes ??= [];
+  main.content ??= '';
+  sidebarLeft ??= {};
+  sidebarRight ??= {};
+  for (const sidebar of [sidebarLeft, sidebarRight]) {
+    sidebar.classes ??= [];
+    sidebar.content ??= '';
+    sidebar.collapse ??= true;
+  }
+  nav.classes ??= [];
+  nav.content ??= '';
+  nav.bottomRowContent ??= '';
+  nav.links ??= [];
+  nav.linkContainerClasses ??= [];
+  secondaryNav ??= {};
+  secondaryNav.content ??= '';
+  secondaryNav.content ??= '';
+  footer.classes ??= [];
+  footer.content ??= wikiInfo.footerContent
+    ? transformMultiline(wikiInfo.footerContent)
+    : '';
+  const colors = themeColor
+    ? getColors(themeColor, {chroma})
+    : null;
+  const canonical = wikiInfo.canonicalBase
+    ? wikiInfo.canonicalBase + (pathname === '/' ? '' : pathname)
+    : '';
+  const localizedCanonical = wikiInfo.canonicalBase
+    ? Object.entries(localizedPathnames).map(([code, pathname]) => ({
+        lang: code,
+        href: wikiInfo.canonicalBase + (pathname === '/' ? '' : pathname),
+      }))
+    : [];
+  const collapseSidebars =
+    sidebarLeft.collapse !== false && sidebarRight.collapse !== false;
+  const mainHTML =
+    main.content &&
+      html.tag('main',
+        {
+          id: 'content',
+          class: main.classes,
+        },
+        main.content);
+  const footerHTML =
+    html.tag('footer',
+      {
+        [html.onlyIfContent]: true,
+        id: 'footer',
+        class: footer.classes,
+      },
+      [
+        html.tag('div',
+          {
+            [html.onlyIfContent]: true,
+            class: 'footer-content',
+          },
+          footer.content),
+        getFooterLocalizationLinks(pathname, {
+          defaultLanguage,
+          html,
+          language,
+          languages,
+          pageSubKey,
+          to,
+          urlArgs,
+        }),
+      ]);
+  const generateSidebarHTML = (id, {
+    content,
+    multiple,
+    classes,
+    collapse = true,
+    wide = false,
+    // 'last' - last or only sidebar box is sticky
+    // 'column' - entire column, incl. multiple boxes from top, is sticky
+    // 'none' - sidebar not sticky at all, stays at top of page
+    stickyMode = 'last',
+  }) =>
+    content
+      ? html.tag('div',
+          {
+            id,
+            class: [
+              'sidebar-column',
+              'sidebar',
+              wide && 'wide',
+              !collapse && 'no-hide',
+              stickyMode !== 'none' && 'sticky-' + stickyMode,
+              ...classes,
+            ],
+          },
+          content)
+      : multiple
+      ? html.tag('div',
+          {
+            id,
+            class: [
+              'sidebar-column',
+              'sidebar-multiple',
+              wide && 'wide',
+              !collapse && 'no-hide',
+              stickyMode !== 'none' && 'sticky-' + stickyMode,
+            ],
+          },
+          multiple
+            .map((infoOrContent) =>
+              (typeof infoOrContent === 'object' && !Array.isArray(infoOrContent))
+                ? infoOrContent
+                : {content: infoOrContent})
+            .filter(({content}) => content)
+            .map(({
+              content,
+              classes: classes2 = [],
+            }) =>
+              html.tag('div',
+                {
+                  class: ['sidebar', ...classes, ...classes2],
+                },
+                html.fragment(content))))
+      : '';
+  const sidebarLeftHTML = generateSidebarHTML('sidebar-left', sidebarLeft);
+  const sidebarRightHTML = generateSidebarHTML('sidebar-right', sidebarRight);
+  if (nav.simple) {
+    nav.linkContainerClasses = ['nav-links-hierarchy'];
+    nav.links = [{toHome: true}, {toCurrentPage: true}];
+  }
+  const links = (nav.links || []).filter(Boolean);
+  const navLinkParts = [];
+  for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
+    let cur = links[i];
+    let {title: linkTitle} = cur;
+    if (cur.toHome) {
+      linkTitle ??= wikiInfo.nameShort;
+    } else if (cur.toCurrentPage) {
+      linkTitle ??= title;
+    }
+    let partContent;
+    if (typeof cur.html === 'string') {
+      partContent = cur.html;
+    } else {
+      const attributes = {
+        class: (cur.toCurrentPage || i === links.length - 1) && 'current',
+        href: cur.toCurrentPage
+          ? ''
+          : cur.toHome
+          ? to('localized.home')
+          : cur.path
+          ? to(...cur.path)
+          : cur.href
+          ? (() => {
+              logWarn`Using legacy href format nav link in ${pathname}`;
+              return cur.href;
+            })()
+          : null,
+      };
+      if (attributes.href === null) {
+        throw new Error(
+          `Expected some href specifier for link to ${linkTitle} (${JSON.stringify(
+            cur
+          )})`
+        );
+      }
+      partContent = html.tag('a', attributes, linkTitle);
+    }
+    if (!partContent) continue;
+    const part = html.tag('span',
+      {class: cur.divider === false && 'no-divider'},
+      partContent);
+    navLinkParts.push(part);
+  }
+  const navHTML = html.tag('nav',
+    {
+      [html.onlyIfContent]: true,
+      id: 'header',
+      class: [
+        ...nav.classes,
+        links.length && 'nav-has-main-links',
+        nav.content && 'nav-has-content',
+        nav.bottomRowContent && 'nav-has-bottom-row',
+      ],
+    },
+    [
+      links.length &&
+        html.tag(
+          'div',
+          {class: ['nav-main-links', ...nav.linkContainerClasses]},
+          navLinkParts
+        ),
+      nav.bottomRowContent &&
+        html.tag('div', {class: 'nav-bottom-row'}, nav.bottomRowContent),
+      nav.content && html.tag('div', {class: 'nav-content'}, nav.content),
+    ]);
+  const secondaryNavHTML = html.tag('nav',
+    {
+      [html.onlyIfContent]: true,
+      id: 'secondary-nav',
+      class: secondaryNav.classes,
+    },
+    secondaryNav.content);
+  const bannerSrc = banner.src
+    ? banner.src
+    : banner.path
+    ? to(...banner.path)
+    : null;
+  const bannerHTML =
+    banner.position &&
+    bannerSrc &&
+    html.tag('div',
+      {
+        id: 'banner',
+        class: banner.classes,
+      },
+      html.tag('img', {
+        src: bannerSrc,
+        alt: banner.alt,
+        width: banner.dimensions[0] || 1100,
+        height: banner.dimensions[1] || 200,
+      }));
+  const layoutHTML = [
+    navHTML,
+    banner.position === 'top' && bannerHTML,
+    secondaryNavHTML,
+    html.tag('div',
+      {
+        class: [
+          'layout-columns',
+          !collapseSidebars && 'vertical-when-thin',
+          (sidebarLeftHTML || sidebarRightHTML) && 'has-one-sidebar',
+          (sidebarLeftHTML && sidebarRightHTML) && 'has-two-sidebars',
+          !(sidebarLeftHTML || sidebarRightHTML) && 'has-zero-sidebars',
+          sidebarLeftHTML && 'has-sidebar-left',
+          sidebarRightHTML && 'has-sidebar-right',
+        ],
+      },
+      [
+        sidebarLeftHTML,
+        mainHTML,
+        sidebarRightHTML,
+      ]),
+    banner.position === 'bottom' && bannerHTML,
+    footerHTML,
+  ].filter(Boolean).join('\n');
+  const infoCardHTML = html.tag('div', {id: 'info-card-container'},
+    html.tag('div', {id: 'info-card-decor'},
+      html.tag('div', {id: 'info-card'}, [
+        html.tag('div', {class: ['info-card-art-container', 'no-reveal']},
+          img({
+            html,
+            class: 'info-card-art',
+            src: '',
+            link: true,
+            square: true,
+          })),
+        html.tag('div', {class: ['info-card-art-container', 'reveal']},
+          img({
+            html,
+            class: 'info-card-art',
+            src: '',
+            link: true,
+            square: true,
+            reveal: getRevealStringFromWarnings(
+              html.tag('span', {class: 'info-card-art-warnings'}),
+              {html, language}),
+          })),
+        html.tag('h1', {class: 'info-card-name'},
+          html.tag('a')),
+        html.tag('p', {class: 'info-card-album'},
+          language.$('releaseInfo.from', {
+            album: html.tag('a'),
+          })),
+        html.tag('p', {class: 'info-card-artists'},
+          language.$('releaseInfo.by', {
+            artists: html.tag('span'),
+          })),
+        html.tag('p', {class: 'info-card-cover-artists'},
+          language.$('releaseInfo.coverArtBy', {
+            artists: html.tag('span'),
+          })),
+      ])));
+  const socialEmbedHTML = [
+    socialEmbed.title &&
+      html.tag('meta', {property: 'og:title', content: socialEmbed.title}),
+    socialEmbed.description &&
+      html.tag('meta', {
+        property: 'og:description',
+        content: socialEmbed.description,
+      }),
+    socialEmbed.image &&
+      html.tag('meta', {property: 'og:image', content: socialEmbed.image}),
+    ...html.fragment(
+      colors && [
+        html.tag('meta', {
+          name: 'theme-color',
+          content: colors.dark,
+          media: '(prefers-color-scheme: dark)',
+        }),
+        html.tag('meta', {
+          name: 'theme-color',
+          content: colors.light,
+          media: '(prefers-color-scheme: light)',
+        }),
+        html.tag('meta', {
+          name: 'theme-color',
+          content: colors.primary,
+        }),
+      ]),
+    oEmbedJSONHref &&
+      html.tag('link', {
+        type: 'application/json+oembed',
+        href: oEmbedJSONHref,
+      }),
+  ].filter(Boolean).join('\n');
+  return `<!DOCTYPE html>\n` + html.tag('html',
+    {
+      lang: language.intlCode,
+      'data-language-code': language.code,
+      'data-url-key': 'localized.' + pageSubKey,
+      ...Object.fromEntries(
+        urlArgs.map((v, i) => [['data-url-value' + i], v])
+      ),
+      'data-rebase-localized': to('localized.root'),
+      'data-rebase-shared': to('shared.root'),
+      'data-rebase-media': to('media.root'),
+      'data-rebase-data': to('data.root'),
+    },
+    [
+      developersComment,
+      html.tag('head', [
+        html.tag('title',
+          showWikiNameInTitle
+            ? language.formatString('misc.pageTitle.withWikiName', {
+                title,
+                wikiName: wikiInfo.nameShort,
+              })
+            : language.formatString('misc.pageTitle', {title})),
+        html.tag('meta', {charset: 'utf-8'}),
+        html.tag('meta', {
+          name: 'viewport',
+          content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1',
+        }),
+        ...(
+          Object.entries(meta)
+            .filter(([key, value]) => value)
+            .map(([key, value]) => html.tag('meta', {[key]: value}))),
+        canonical &&
+          html.tag('link', {
+            rel: 'canonical',
+            href: canonical,
+          }),
+        ...(
+          localizedCanonical
+            .map(({lang, href}) => html.tag('link', {
+              rel: 'alternate',
+              hreflang: lang,
+              href,
+            }))),
+        socialEmbedHTML,
+        html.tag('link', {
+          rel: 'stylesheet',
+          href: to('shared.staticFile', `site2.css?${cachebust}`),
+        }),
+        html.tag('style',
+          {[html.onlyIfContent]: true},
+          [
+            theme,
+            stylesheet,
+          ]),
+        html.tag('script', {
+          src: to('shared.staticFile', `lazy-loading.js?${cachebust}`),
+        }),
+      ]),
+      html.tag('body',
+        {style: body.style || ''},
+        [
+          html.tag('div', {id: 'page-container'}, [
+            mainHTML &&
+              html.tag('div', {id: 'skippers'},
+                [
+                  ['#content', language.$('misc.skippers.skipToContent')],
+                  sidebarLeftHTML &&
+                    [
+                      '#sidebar-left',
+                      sidebarRightHTML
+                        ? language.$('misc.skippers.skipToSidebar.left')
+                        : language.$('misc.skippers.skipToSidebar'),
+                    ],
+                  sidebarRightHTML &&
+                    [
+                      '#sidebar-right',
+                      sidebarLeftHTML
+                        ? language.$('misc.skippers.skipToSidebar.right')
+                        : language.$('misc.skippers.skipToSidebar'),
+                    ],
+                  footerHTML &&
+                    ['#footer', language.$('misc.skippers.skipToFooter')],
+                ]
+                  .filter(Boolean)
+                  .map(([href, title]) =>
+                    html.tag('span', {class: 'skipper'},
+                      html.tag('a', {href}, title)))),
+            layoutHTML,
+          ]),
+          infoCardHTML,
+          html.tag('script', {
+            type: 'module',
+            src: to('shared.staticFile', `client.js?${cachebust}`),
+          }),
+        ]),
+    ]);
+export function generateOEmbedJSON(pageInfo, {language, wikiData}) {
+  const {socialEmbed} = pageInfo;
+  const {wikiInfo} = wikiData;
+  const {canonicalBase, nameShort} = wikiInfo;
+  if (!socialEmbed) return '';
+  const entries = [
+    socialEmbed.heading && [
+      'author_name',
+      language.$('misc.socialEmbed.heading', {
+        wikiName: nameShort,
+        heading: socialEmbed.heading,
+      }),
+    ],
+    socialEmbed.headingLink &&
+      canonicalBase && [
+        'author_url',
+        canonicalBase.replace(/\/$/, '') +
+          '/' +
+          socialEmbed.headingLink.replace(/^\//, ''),
+      ],
+  ].filter(Boolean);
+  if (!entries.length) return '';
+  return JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(entries));
+export function generateRedirectHTML(title, target, {
+  language,
+}) {
+  return `<!DOCTYPE html>\n` + html.tag('html', [
+    html.tag('head', [
+      html.tag('title', language.$('redirectPage.title', {title})),
+      html.tag('meta', {charset: 'utf-8'}),
+      html.tag('meta', {
+        'http-equiv': 'refresh',
+        content: `0;url=${target}`,
+      }),
+      // TODO: Is this OK for localized pages?
+      html.tag('link', {
+        rel: 'canonical',
+        href: target,
+      }),
+    ]),
+    html.tag('body',
+      html.tag('main', [
+        html.tag('h1',
+          language.$('redirectPage.title', {title})),
+        html.tag('p',
+          language.$('redirectPage.infoLine', {
+            target: html.tag('a', {href: target}, target),
+          })),
+      ])),
+  ]);
+export function generateGlobalWikiDataJSON({
+  serializeThings,
+  wikiData,
+}) {
+  return '{\n' +
+    ([
+      `"albumData": ${stringifyThings(wikiData.albumData)},`,
+      wikiData.wikiInfo.enableFlashesAndGames &&
+        `"flashData": ${stringifyThings(wikiData.flashData)},`,
+      `"artistData": ${stringifyThings(wikiData.artistData)}`,
+    ]
+      .filter(Boolean)
+      .map(line => '  ' + line)
+      .join('\n')) +
+    '\n}';
+  function stringifyThings(thingData) {
+    return JSON.stringify(serializeThings(thingData));
+  }