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move some modules out of util, data - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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path: root/src/replacer.js
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2025-01-26 17:16:25 -0400
committer(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2025-01-26 17:16:40 -0400
commit16286da93ad64ab3d944d02bb9faa7a7310e0ce1 (patch)
treeaba820ca343d28b9bf4a6be0a6e96908b0a4732f /src/replacer.js
parent91cde73bb69944ec9ceabf8d23ce829df12dbb0a (diff)
move some modules out of util, data
Diffstat (limited to 'src/replacer.js')
1 files changed, 852 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/replacer.js b/src/replacer.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3f5623e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/replacer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+// Regex-based forward parser for wiki content, breaking up text input into
+// text and (possibly nested) tag nodes.
+// The behavior here is quite tied into the `transformContent` content
+// function, which converts nodes parsed here into actual HTML, links, etc
+// for embedding in a wiki webpage.
+import * as marked from 'marked';
+import * as html from '#html';
+import {escapeRegex, typeAppearance} from '#sugar';
+export const replacerSpec = {
+  'album': {
+    find: 'album',
+    link: 'linkAlbumDynamically',
+  },
+  'album-commentary': {
+    find: 'album',
+    link: 'linkAlbumCommentary',
+  },
+  'album-gallery': {
+    find: 'album',
+    link: 'linkAlbumGallery',
+  },
+  'artist': {
+    find: 'artist',
+    link: 'linkArtist',
+  },
+  'artist-gallery': {
+    find: 'artist',
+    link: 'linkArtistGallery',
+  },
+  'commentary-index': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkCommentaryIndex',
+  },
+  'date': {
+    find: null,
+    value: (ref) => new Date(ref),
+    html: (date, {html, language}) =>
+      html.tag('time',
+        {datetime: date.toUTCString()},
+        language.formatDate(date)),
+  },
+  'flash-index': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkFlashIndex',
+  },
+  'flash': {
+    find: 'flash',
+    link: 'linkFlash',
+    transformName(name, node, input) {
+      const nextCharacter = input[node.iEnd];
+      const lastCharacter = name[name.length - 1];
+      if (![' ', '\n', '<'].includes(nextCharacter) && lastCharacter === '.') {
+        return name.slice(0, -1);
+      } else {
+        return name;
+      }
+    },
+  },
+  'flash-act': {
+    find: 'flashAct',
+    link: 'linkFlashAct',
+  },
+  'group': {
+    find: 'group',
+    link: 'linkGroup',
+  },
+  'group-gallery': {
+    find: 'group',
+    link: 'linkGroupGallery',
+  },
+  'home': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkWikiHome',
+  },
+  'listing-index': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkListingIndex',
+  },
+  'listing': {
+    find: 'listing',
+    link: 'linkListing',
+  },
+  'media': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkPathFromMedia',
+  },
+  'news-index': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkNewsIndex',
+  },
+  'news-entry': {
+    find: 'newsEntry',
+    link: 'linkNewsEntry',
+  },
+  'root': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkPathFromRoot',
+  },
+  'site': {
+    find: null,
+    link: 'linkPathFromSite',
+  },
+  'static': {
+    find: 'staticPage',
+    link: 'linkStaticPage',
+  },
+  'string': {
+    find: null,
+    value: (ref) => ref,
+    html: (ref, {language, args}) => language.$(ref, args),
+  },
+  'tag': {
+    find: 'artTag',
+    link: 'linkArtTag',
+  },
+  'track': {
+    find: 'track',
+    link: 'linkTrackDynamically',
+  },
+// Syntax literals.
+const tagBeginning = '[[';
+const tagEnding = ']]';
+const tagReplacerValue = ':';
+const tagHash = '#';
+const tagArgument = '*';
+const tagArgumentValue = '=';
+const tagLabel = '|';
+const noPrecedingWhitespace = '(?<!\\s)';
+const R_tagBeginning = escapeRegex(tagBeginning);
+const R_tagEnding = escapeRegex(tagEnding);
+const R_tagReplacerValue =
+  noPrecedingWhitespace + escapeRegex(tagReplacerValue);
+const R_tagHash = noPrecedingWhitespace + escapeRegex(tagHash);
+const R_tagArgument = escapeRegex(tagArgument);
+const R_tagArgumentValue = escapeRegex(tagArgumentValue);
+const R_tagLabel = escapeRegex(tagLabel);
+const regexpCache = {};
+const makeError = (i, message) => ({i, type: 'error', data: {message}});
+const endOfInput = (i, comment) =>
+  makeError(i, `Unexpected end of input (${comment}).`);
+// These are 8asically stored on the glo8al scope, which might seem odd
+// for a recursive function, 8ut the values are only ever used immediately
+// after they're set.
+let stopped, stop_iParse, stop_literal;
+function parseOneTextNode(input, i, stopAt) {
+  return parseNodes(input, i, stopAt, true)[0];
+function parseNodes(input, i, stopAt, textOnly) {
+  let nodes = [];
+  let string = '';
+  let iString = 0;
+  stopped = false;
+  const pushTextNode = (isLast) => {
+    string = input.slice(iString, i);
+    // If this is the last text node 8efore stopping (at a stopAt match
+    // or the end of the input), trim off whitespace at the end.
+    if (isLast) {
+      string = string.trimEnd();
+    }
+    string = cleanRawText(string);
+    if (string.length) {
+      nodes.push({i: iString, iEnd: i, type: 'text', data: string});
+      string = '';
+    }
+  };
+  const literalsToMatch = stopAt
+    ? stopAt.concat([R_tagBeginning])
+    : [R_tagBeginning];
+  // The 8ackslash stuff here is to only match an even (or zero) num8er
+  // of sequential 'slashes. Even amounts always cancel out! Odd amounts
+  // don't, which would mean the following literal is 8eing escaped and
+  // should 8e counted only as part of the current string/text.
+  //
+  // Inspired 8y this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/41470813
+  const regexpSource = `(?<!\\\\)(?:\\\\{2})*(${literalsToMatch.join('|')})`;
+  // There are 8asically only a few regular expressions we'll ever use,
+  // 8ut it's a pain to hard-code them all, so we dynamically gener8te
+  // and cache them for reuse instead.
+  let regexp;
+  if (Object.hasOwn(regexpCache, regexpSource)) {
+    regexp = regexpCache[regexpSource];
+  } else {
+    regexp = new RegExp(regexpSource);
+    regexpCache[regexpSource] = regexp;
+  }
+  // Skip whitespace at the start of parsing. This is run every time
+  // parseNodes is called (and thus parseOneTextNode too), so spaces
+  // at the start of syntax elements will always 8e skipped. We don't
+  // skip whitespace that shows up inside content (i.e. once we start
+  // parsing below), though!
+  const whitespaceOffset = input.slice(i).search(/[^\s]/);
+  // If the string is all whitespace, that's just zero content, so
+  // return the empty nodes array.
+  if (whitespaceOffset === -1) {
+    return nodes;
+  }
+  i += whitespaceOffset;
+  while (i < input.length) {
+    const match = input.slice(i).match(regexp);
+    if (!match) {
+      iString = i;
+      i = input.length;
+      pushTextNode(true);
+      break;
+    }
+    const closestMatch = match[0];
+    const closestMatchIndex = i + match.index;
+    if (textOnly && closestMatch === tagBeginning)
+      throw makeError(i, `Unexpected [[tag]] - expected only text here.`);
+    const stopHere = closestMatch !== tagBeginning;
+    iString = i;
+    i = closestMatchIndex;
+    pushTextNode(stopHere);
+    i += closestMatch.length;
+    if (stopHere) {
+      stopped = true;
+      stop_iParse = i;
+      stop_literal = closestMatch;
+      break;
+    }
+    if (closestMatch === tagBeginning) {
+      const iTag = closestMatchIndex;
+      let N;
+      // Replacer key (or value)
+      N = parseOneTextNode(input, i, [
+        R_tagReplacerValue,
+        R_tagHash,
+        R_tagArgument,
+        R_tagLabel,
+        R_tagEnding,
+      ]);
+      if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading replacer key`);
+      if (!N) {
+        switch (stop_literal) {
+          case tagReplacerValue:
+          case tagArgument:
+            throw makeError(i, `Expected text (replacer key).`);
+          case tagLabel:
+          case tagHash:
+          case tagEnding:
+            throw makeError(i, `Expected text (replacer key/value).`);
+        }
+      }
+      const replacerFirst = N;
+      i = stop_iParse;
+      // Replacer value (if explicit)
+      let replacerSecond;
+      if (stop_literal === tagReplacerValue) {
+        N = parseNodes(input, i, [
+          R_tagHash,
+          R_tagArgument,
+          R_tagLabel,
+          R_tagEnding,
+        ]);
+        if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading replacer value`);
+        if (!N.length) throw makeError(i, `Expected content (replacer value).`);
+        replacerSecond = N;
+        i = stop_iParse;
+      }
+      // Assign first & second to replacer key/value
+      let replacerKey, replacerValue;
+      // Value is an array of nodes, 8ut key is just one (or null).
+      // So if we use replacerFirst as the value, we need to stick
+      // it in an array (on its own).
+      if (replacerSecond) {
+        replacerKey = replacerFirst;
+        replacerValue = replacerSecond;
+      } else {
+        replacerKey = null;
+        replacerValue = [replacerFirst];
+      }
+      // Hash
+      let hash;
+      if (stop_literal === tagHash) {
+        N = parseOneTextNode(input, i, [R_tagArgument, R_tagLabel, R_tagEnding]);
+        if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading hash`);
+        if (!N) throw makeError(i, `Expected text (hash).`);
+        hash = N;
+        i = stop_iParse;
+      }
+      // Arguments
+      const args = [];
+      while (stop_literal === tagArgument) {
+        N = parseOneTextNode(input, i, [
+          R_tagArgumentValue,
+          R_tagArgument,
+          R_tagLabel,
+          R_tagEnding,
+        ]);
+        if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading argument key`);
+        if (stop_literal !== tagArgumentValue)
+          throw makeError(
+            i,
+            `Expected ${tagArgumentValue.literal} (tag argument).`
+          );
+        if (!N) throw makeError(i, `Expected text (argument key).`);
+        const key = N;
+        i = stop_iParse;
+        N = parseNodes(input, i, [R_tagArgument, R_tagLabel, R_tagEnding]);
+        if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading argument value`);
+        if (!N.length) throw makeError(i, `Expected content (argument value).`);
+        const value = N;
+        i = stop_iParse;
+        args.push({key, value});
+      }
+      let label;
+      if (stop_literal === tagLabel) {
+        N = parseOneTextNode(input, i, [R_tagEnding]);
+        if (!stopped) throw endOfInput(i, `reading label`);
+        if (!N) throw makeError(i, `Expected text (label).`);
+        label = N;
+        i = stop_iParse;
+      }
+      nodes.push({
+        i: iTag,
+        iEnd: i,
+        type: 'tag',
+        data: {replacerKey, replacerValue, hash, args, label},
+      });
+      continue;
+    }
+  }
+  return nodes;
+export function squashBackslashes(text) {
+  // Squash backslashes which aren't themselves escaped into
+  // the following character, unless that character is one of
+  // a set of characters where the backslash carries meaning
+  // into later formatting (i.e. markdown). Note that we do
+  // NOT compress double backslashes into single backslashes.
+  return text.replace(/([^\\](?:\\{2})*)\\(?![\\*_~>-])/g, '$1');
+export function restoreRawHTMLTags(text) {
+  // Replace stuff like <html:a> with <a>; these signal that
+  // the tag shouldn't be processed by the replacer system,
+  // and should just be embedded into the content as raw HTML.
+  return text.replace(/<html:(.*?)(?=[ >])/g, '<$1');
+export function cleanRawText(text) {
+  text = squashBackslashes(text);
+  text = restoreRawHTMLTags(text);
+  return text;
+export function postprocessComments(inputNodes) {
+  const outputNodes = [];
+  for (const node of inputNodes) {
+    if (node.type !== 'text') {
+      outputNodes.push(node);
+      continue;
+    }
+    const commentRegexp =
+      new RegExp(
+        (// Remove comments which occupy entire lines, trimming the line break
+         // leading into them. These comments never include the ending of a
+         // comment which does not end a line, which is a regex way of saying
+         // "please fail early if we hit a --> that doesn't happen at the end
+         // of the line".
+         String.raw`\n<!--(?:(?!-->(?!$))[\s\S])*?-->(?=$)`
+       + '|' +
+         // Remove comments which appear at the start of a line, and any
+         // following spaces.
+         String.raw`^<!--[\s\S]*?--> *` +
+       + '|' +
+         // Remove comments which appear anywhere else, including in the
+         // middle of a line or at the end of a line, and any leading spaces.
+         String.raw` *<!--[\s\S]*?-->`),
+        'gm');
+    outputNodes.push({
+      type: 'text',
+      data:
+        node.data.replace(commentRegexp, ''),
+      i: node.i,
+      iEnd: node.iEnd,
+    });
+  }
+  return outputNodes;
+export function postprocessImages(inputNodes) {
+  const outputNodes = [];
+  let atStartOfLine = true;
+  const lastNode = inputNodes.at(-1);
+  for (const node of inputNodes) {
+    if (node.type === 'tag') {
+      atStartOfLine = false;
+    }
+    if (node.type === 'text') {
+      const imageRegexp = /<img (.*?)>/g;
+      let match = null, parseFrom = 0;
+      while (match = imageRegexp.exec(node.data)) {
+        const previousText = node.data.slice(parseFrom, match.index);
+        outputNodes.push({
+          type: 'text',
+          data: previousText,
+          i: node.i + parseFrom,
+          iEnd: node.i + parseFrom + match.index,
+        });
+        parseFrom = match.index + match[0].length;
+        const imageNode = {type: 'image'};
+        const attributes = html.parseAttributes(match[1]);
+        imageNode.src = attributes.get('src');
+        if (previousText.endsWith('\n')) {
+          atStartOfLine = true;
+        } else if (previousText.length) {
+          atStartOfLine = false;
+        }
+        imageNode.inline = (() => {
+          // Images can force themselves to be rendered inline using a custom
+          // attribute - this style just works better for certain embeds,
+          // usually jokes or small images.
+          if (attributes.get('inline')) return true;
+          // If we've already determined we're in the middle of a line,
+          // we're inline. (Of course!)
+          if (!atStartOfLine) {
+            return true;
+          }
+          // If there's more text to go in this text node, and what's
+          // remaining doesn't start with a line break, we're inline.
+          if (
+            parseFrom !== node.data.length &&
+            node.data[parseFrom] !== '\n'
+          ) {
+            return true;
+          }
+          // If we're at the end of this text node, but this text node
+          // isn't the last node overall, we're inline.
+          if (
+            parseFrom === node.data.length &&
+            node !== lastNode
+          ) {
+            return true;
+          }
+          // If no other condition matches, this image is on its own line.
+          return false;
+        })();
+        if (attributes.get('link')) imageNode.link = attributes.get('link');
+        if (attributes.get('style')) imageNode.style = attributes.get('style');
+        if (attributes.get('width')) imageNode.width = parseInt(attributes.get('width'));
+        if (attributes.get('height')) imageNode.height = parseInt(attributes.get('height'));
+        if (attributes.get('align')) imageNode.align = attributes.get('align');
+        if (attributes.get('pixelate')) imageNode.pixelate = true;
+        if (attributes.get('warning')) {
+          imageNode.warnings =
+            attributes.get('warning').split(', ');
+        }
+        outputNodes.push(imageNode);
+        // No longer at the start of a line after an image - there will at
+        // least be a text node with only '\n' before the next image that's
+        // on its own line.
+        atStartOfLine = false;
+      }
+      if (parseFrom !== node.data.length) {
+        outputNodes.push({
+          type: 'text',
+          data: node.data.slice(parseFrom),
+          i: node.i + parseFrom,
+          iEnd: node.iEnd,
+        });
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    outputNodes.push(node);
+  }
+  return outputNodes;
+export function postprocessVideos(inputNodes) {
+  const outputNodes = [];
+  for (const node of inputNodes) {
+    if (node.type !== 'text') {
+      outputNodes.push(node);
+      continue;
+    }
+    const videoRegexp = /<video (.*?)>(<\/video>)?/g;
+    let match = null, parseFrom = 0;
+    while (match = videoRegexp.exec(node.data)) {
+      const previousText = node.data.slice(parseFrom, match.index);
+      outputNodes.push({
+        type: 'text',
+        data: previousText,
+        i: node.i + parseFrom,
+        iEnd: node.i + parseFrom + match.index,
+      });
+      parseFrom = match.index + match[0].length;
+      const videoNode = {type: 'video'};
+      const attributes = html.parseAttributes(match[1]);
+      videoNode.src = attributes.get('src');
+      if (attributes.get('width')) videoNode.width = parseInt(attributes.get('width'));
+      if (attributes.get('height')) videoNode.height = parseInt(attributes.get('height'));
+      if (attributes.get('align')) videoNode.align = attributes.get('align');
+      if (attributes.get('pixelate')) videoNode.pixelate = true;
+      outputNodes.push(videoNode);
+    }
+    if (parseFrom !== node.data.length) {
+      outputNodes.push({
+        type: 'text',
+        data: node.data.slice(parseFrom),
+        i: node.i + parseFrom,
+        iEnd: node.iEnd,
+      });
+    }
+  }
+  return outputNodes;
+export function postprocessHeadings(inputNodes) {
+  const outputNodes = [];
+  for (const node of inputNodes) {
+    if (node.type !== 'text') {
+      outputNodes.push(node);
+      continue;
+    }
+    const headingRegexp = /<h2 (.*?)>/g;
+    let textContent = '';
+    let match = null, parseFrom = 0;
+    while (match = headingRegexp.exec(node.data)) {
+      textContent += node.data.slice(parseFrom, match.index);
+      parseFrom = match.index + match[0].length;
+      const attributes = html.parseAttributes(match[1]);
+      attributes.push('class', 'content-heading');
+      // We're only modifying the opening tag here. The remaining content,
+      // including the closing tag, will be pushed as-is.
+      textContent += `<h2 ${attributes}>`;
+    }
+    if (parseFrom !== node.data.length) {
+      textContent += node.data.slice(parseFrom);
+    }
+    outputNodes.push({
+      type: 'text',
+      data: textContent,
+      i: node.i,
+      iEnd: node.iEnd,
+    });
+  }
+  return outputNodes;
+export function postprocessSummaries(inputNodes) {
+  const outputNodes = [];
+  for (const node of inputNodes) {
+    if (node.type !== 'text') {
+      outputNodes.push(node);
+      continue;
+    }
+    const summaryRegexp = /<summary>(.*)<\/summary>/g;
+    let textContent = '';
+    let match = null, parseFrom = 0;
+    while (match = summaryRegexp.exec(node.data)) {
+      textContent += node.data.slice(parseFrom, match.index);
+      parseFrom = match.index + match[0].length;
+      const colorizeWholeSummary = !match[1].includes('<b>');
+      // We're wrapping the contents of the <summary> with a <span>, and
+      // possibly with a <b>, too. This means we have to add the closing tags
+      // where the summary ends.
+      textContent += `<summary><span>`;
+      textContent += (colorizeWholeSummary ? `<b>` : ``);
+      textContent += match[1];
+      textContent += (colorizeWholeSummary ? `</b>` : ``);
+      textContent += `</span></summary>`;
+    }
+    if (parseFrom !== node.data.length) {
+      textContent += node.data.slice(parseFrom);
+    }
+    outputNodes.push({
+      type: 'text',
+      data: textContent,
+      i: node.i,
+      iEnd: node.iEnd,
+    });
+  }
+  return outputNodes;
+export function postprocessExternalLinks(inputNodes) {
+  const outputNodes = [];
+  for (const node of inputNodes) {
+    if (node.type !== 'text') {
+      outputNodes.push(node);
+      continue;
+    }
+    const plausibleLinkRegexp = /\[.*?\)/g;
+    let textContent = '';
+    let plausibleMatch = null, parseFrom = 0;
+    while (plausibleMatch = plausibleLinkRegexp.exec(node.data)) {
+      textContent += node.data.slice(parseFrom, plausibleMatch.index);
+      // Pedantic rules use more particular parentheses detection in link
+      // destinations - they allow one level of balanced parentheses, and
+      // otherwise, parentheses must be escaped. This allows for entire links
+      // to be wrapped in parentheses, e.g below:
+      //
+      //   This is so cool. ([You know??](https://example.com))
+      //
+      const definiteMatch =
+        marked.Lexer.rules.inline.pedantic.link
+          .exec(node.data.slice(plausibleMatch.index));
+      if (definiteMatch) {
+        const {1: label, 2: href} = definiteMatch;
+        // Split the containing text node into two - the second of these will
+        // be added after iterating over matches, or by the next match.
+        if (textContent.length) {
+          outputNodes.push({type: 'text', data: textContent});
+          textContent = '';
+        }
+        const offset = plausibleMatch.index + definiteMatch.index;
+        const length = definiteMatch[0].length;
+        outputNodes.push({
+          i: node.i + offset,
+          iEnd: node.i + offset + length,
+          type: 'external-link',
+          data: {label, href},
+        });
+        parseFrom = offset + length;
+      } else {
+        parseFrom = plausibleMatch.index;
+      }
+    }
+    if (parseFrom !== node.data.length) {
+      textContent += node.data.slice(parseFrom);
+    }
+    if (textContent.length) {
+      outputNodes.push({type: 'text', data: textContent});
+    }
+  }
+  return outputNodes;
+export function parseInput(input) {
+  if (typeof input !== 'string') {
+    throw new TypeError(`Expected input to be string, got ${typeAppearance(input)}`);
+  }
+  try {
+    let output = parseNodes(input, 0);
+    output = postprocessComments(output);
+    output = postprocessImages(output);
+    output = postprocessVideos(output);
+    output = postprocessHeadings(output);
+    output = postprocessSummaries(output);
+    output = postprocessExternalLinks(output);
+    return output;
+  } catch (errorNode) {
+    if (errorNode.type !== 'error') {
+      throw errorNode;
+    }
+    const {
+      i,
+      data: {message},
+    } = errorNode;
+    let lineStart = input.slice(0, i).lastIndexOf('\n');
+    if (lineStart >= 0) {
+      lineStart += 1;
+    } else {
+      lineStart = 0;
+    }
+    let lineEnd = input.slice(i).indexOf('\n');
+    if (lineEnd >= 0) {
+      lineEnd += i;
+    } else {
+      lineEnd = input.length;
+    }
+    const line = input.slice(lineStart, lineEnd);
+    const cursor = i - lineStart;
+    throw new SyntaxError([
+      `Parse error (at pos ${i}): ${message}`,
+      line,
+      '-'.repeat(cursor) + '^',
+    ].join('\n'));
+  }