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initial prettier/eslint commit - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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path: root/src/page/homepage.js
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2022-06-26 16:41:09 -0300
committer(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2022-06-26 16:41:09 -0300
commit4075254c9e38be6741527e1fb535eed444e6ad08 (patch)
tree38c03dcb93b3a53d316b86ed9fcfc46250da208f /src/page/homepage.js
parent0746b3a494cee55dbf90466859691c93dd8b2ca2 (diff)
initial prettier/eslint commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/page/homepage.js')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/src/page/homepage.js b/src/page/homepage.js
index a19df6cf..ebe3a8d3 100644
--- a/src/page/homepage.js
+++ b/src/page/homepage.js
@@ -2,123 +2,184 @@
 // Imports
-import fixWS from 'fix-whitespace';
+import fixWS from "fix-whitespace";
-import * as html from '../util/html.js';
+import * as html from "../util/html.js";
-import {
-    getNewAdditions,
-    getNewReleases
-} from '../util/wiki-data.js';
+import { getNewAdditions, getNewReleases } from "../util/wiki-data.js";
 // Page exports
-export function writeTargetless({wikiData}) {
-    const { newsData, staticPageData, homepageLayout, wikiInfo } = wikiData;
-    const page = {
-        type: 'page',
-        path: ['home'],
-        page: ({
-            getAlbumGridHTML,
-            getLinkThemeString,
-            link,
-            language,
-            to,
-            transformInline,
-            transformMultiline
-        }) => ({
-            title: wikiInfo.name,
-            showWikiNameInTitle: false,
-            meta: {
-                description: wikiInfo.description
-            },
-            main: {
-                classes: ['top-index'],
-                content: fixWS`
+export function writeTargetless({ wikiData }) {
+  const { newsData, staticPageData, homepageLayout, wikiInfo } = wikiData;
+  const page = {
+    type: "page",
+    path: ["home"],
+    page: ({
+      getAlbumGridHTML,
+      getLinkThemeString,
+      link,
+      language,
+      to,
+      transformInline,
+      transformMultiline,
+    }) => ({
+      title: wikiInfo.name,
+      showWikiNameInTitle: false,
+      meta: {
+        description: wikiInfo.description,
+      },
+      main: {
+        classes: ["top-index"],
+        content: fixWS`
-                    ${homepageLayout.rows?.map((row, i) => fixWS`
-                        <section class="row" style="${getLinkThemeString(row.color)}">
+                    ${homepageLayout.rows
+                      ?.map(
+                        (row, i) => fixWS`
+                        <section class="row" style="${getLinkThemeString(
+                          row.color
+                        )}">
-                            ${row.type === 'albums' && fixWS`
+                            ${
+                              row.type === "albums" &&
+                              fixWS`
                                 <div class="grid-listing">
-                                        entries: (
-                                            row.sourceGroupByRef === 'new-releases' ? getNewReleases(row.countAlbumsFromGroup, {wikiData}) :
-                                            row.sourceGroupByRef === 'new-additions' ? getNewAdditions(row.countAlbumsFromGroup, {wikiData}) :
-                                            ((row.sourceGroup?.albums ?? [])
-                                                .slice()
-                                                .reverse()
-                                                .filter(album => album.isListedOnHomepage)
-                                                .slice(0, row.countAlbumsFromGroup)
-                                                .map(album => ({item: album})))
-                                        ).concat(row.sourceAlbums.map(album => ({item: album}))),
-                                        lazy: i > 0
+                                      entries: (row.sourceGroupByRef ===
+                                      "new-releases"
+                                        ? getNewReleases(
+                                            row.countAlbumsFromGroup,
+                                            { wikiData }
+                                          )
+                                        : row.sourceGroupByRef ===
+                                          "new-additions"
+                                        ? getNewAdditions(
+                                            row.countAlbumsFromGroup,
+                                            { wikiData }
+                                          )
+                                        : (row.sourceGroup?.albums ?? [])
+                                            .slice()
+                                            .reverse()
+                                            .filter(
+                                              (album) =>
+                                                album.isListedOnHomepage
+                                            )
+                                            .slice(0, row.countAlbumsFromGroup)
+                                            .map((album) => ({ item: album }))
+                                      ).concat(
+                                        row.sourceAlbums.map((album) => ({
+                                          item: album,
+                                        }))
+                                      ),
+                                      lazy: i > 0,
-                                    ${row.actionLinks?.length && fixWS`
+                                    ${
+                                      row.actionLinks?.length &&
+                                      fixWS`
                                         <div class="grid-actions">
-                                            ${row.actionLinks.map(action => transformInline(action)
-                                                .replace('<a', '<a class="box grid-item"')).join('\n')}
+                                            ${row.actionLinks
+                                              .map((action) =>
+                                                transformInline(action).replace(
+                                                  "<a",
+                                                  '<a class="box grid-item"'
+                                                )
+                                              )
+                                              .join("\n")}
-                                    `}
+                                    `
+                                    }
-                            `}
+                            `
+                            }
-                    `).join('\n')}
-                `
-            },
-            sidebarLeft: homepageLayout.sidebarContent && {
-                wide: true,
-                collapse: false,
-                // This is a pretty filthy hack! 8ut otherwise, the [[news]] part
-                // gets treated like it's a reference to the track named "news",
-                // which o8viously isn't what we're going for. Gotta catch that
-                // 8efore we pass it to transformMultiline, 'cuz otherwise it'll
-                // get repl8ced with just the word "news" (or anything else that
-                // transformMultiline does with references it can't match) -- and
-                // we can't match that for replacing it with the news column!
-                //
-                // And no, I will not make [[news]] into part of transformMultiline
-                // (even though that would 8e hilarious).
-                content: (transformMultiline(homepageLayout.sidebarContent.replace('[[news]]', '__GENERATE_NEWS__'))
-                    .replace('<p>__GENERATE_NEWS__</p>', wikiInfo.enableNews ? fixWS`
-                        <h1>${language.$('homepage.news.title')}</h1>
-                        ${newsData.slice(0, 3).map((entry, i) => html.tag('article',
-                            {class: ['news-entry', i === 0 && 'first-news-entry']},
-                            fixWS`
-                                <h2><time>${language.formatDate(entry.date)}</time> ${link.newsEntry(entry)}</h2>
+                    `
+                      )
+                      .join("\n")}
+                `,
+      },
+      sidebarLeft: homepageLayout.sidebarContent && {
+        wide: true,
+        collapse: false,
+        // This is a pretty filthy hack! 8ut otherwise, the [[news]] part
+        // gets treated like it's a reference to the track named "news",
+        // which o8viously isn't what we're going for. Gotta catch that
+        // 8efore we pass it to transformMultiline, 'cuz otherwise it'll
+        // get repl8ced with just the word "news" (or anything else that
+        // transformMultiline does with references it can't match) -- and
+        // we can't match that for replacing it with the news column!
+        //
+        // And no, I will not make [[news]] into part of transformMultiline
+        // (even though that would 8e hilarious).
+        content: transformMultiline(
+          homepageLayout.sidebarContent.replace("[[news]]", "__GENERATE_NEWS__")
+        ).replace(
+          "<p>__GENERATE_NEWS__</p>",
+          wikiInfo.enableNews
+            ? fixWS`
+                        <h1>${language.$("homepage.news.title")}</h1>
+                        ${newsData
+                          .slice(0, 3)
+                          .map((entry, i) =>
+                            html.tag(
+                              "article",
+                              {
+                                class: [
+                                  "news-entry",
+                                  i === 0 && "first-news-entry",
+                                ],
+                              },
+                              fixWS`
+                                <h2><time>${language.formatDate(
+                                  entry.date
+                                )}</time> ${link.newsEntry(entry)}</h2>
-                                ${entry.contentShort !== entry.content && link.newsEntry(entry, {
-                                    text: language.$('homepage.news.entry.viewRest')
-                                })}
-                            `)).join('\n')}
-                    ` : `<p><i>News requested in content description but this feature isn't enabled</i></p>`))
-            },
-            nav: {
-                linkContainerClasses: ['nav-links-index'],
-                links: [
-                    link.home('', {text: wikiInfo.nameShort, class: 'current', to}),
-                    wikiInfo.enableListings &&
-                    link.listingIndex('', {text: language.$('listingIndex.title'), to}),
-                    wikiInfo.enableNews &&
-                    link.newsIndex('', {text: language.$('newsIndex.title'), to}),
-                    wikiInfo.enableFlashesAndGames &&
-                    link.flashIndex('', {text: language.$('flashIndex.title'), to}),
-                    ...(staticPageData
-                        .filter(page => page.showInNavigationBar)
-                        .map(page => link.staticPage(page, {text: page.nameShort}))),
-                ].filter(Boolean).map(html => ({html})),
-            }
-        })
-    };
-    return [page];
+                                ${
+                                  entry.contentShort !== entry.content &&
+                                  link.newsEntry(entry, {
+                                    text: language.$(
+                                      "homepage.news.entry.viewRest"
+                                    ),
+                                  })
+                                }
+                            `
+                            )
+                          )
+                          .join("\n")}
+                    `
+            : `<p><i>News requested in content description but this feature isn't enabled</i></p>`
+        ),
+      },
+      nav: {
+        linkContainerClasses: ["nav-links-index"],
+        links: [
+          link.home("", { text: wikiInfo.nameShort, class: "current", to }),
+          wikiInfo.enableListings &&
+            link.listingIndex("", {
+              text: language.$("listingIndex.title"),
+              to,
+            }),
+          wikiInfo.enableNews &&
+            link.newsIndex("", { text: language.$("newsIndex.title"), to }),
+          wikiInfo.enableFlashesAndGames &&
+            link.flashIndex("", { text: language.$("flashIndex.title"), to }),
+          ...staticPageData
+            .filter((page) => page.showInNavigationBar)
+            .map((page) => link.staticPage(page, { text: page.nameShort })),
+        ]
+          .filter(Boolean)
+          .map((html) => ({ html })),
+      },
+    }),
+  };
+  return [page];