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Merge branch 'preview' into listing-tweaks - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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path: root/src/content/dependencies/generateFlashSidebar.js
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-10-29 09:26:59 -0300
committer(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-10-29 09:26:59 -0300
commitbfa1953e79a562ee675940b7acc52b5b29d22d8f (patch)
tree5c1cd2f4050c801a60f4b65b367a714ed0979759 /src/content/dependencies/generateFlashSidebar.js
parentc4ef4ced62d659d217873c6c48dd8038dbf765af (diff)
parent940b2cbf8b68eb0b446cca0feeb507840c486394 (diff)
Merge branch 'preview' into listing-tweaks
Diffstat (limited to 'src/content/dependencies/generateFlashSidebar.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/src/content/dependencies/generateFlashSidebar.js b/src/content/dependencies/generateFlashSidebar.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ba761922..00000000
--- a/src/content/dependencies/generateFlashSidebar.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-import {stitchArrays} from '#sugar';
-export default {
-  contentDependencies: ['linkFlash', 'linkFlashIndex'],
-  extraDependencies: ['html', 'wikiData'],
-  // So help me Gog, the flash sidebar is heavily hard-coded.
-  sprawl: ({flashActData}) => ({flashActData}),
-  query(sprawl, flash) {
-    const flashActs =
-      sprawl.flashActData.slice();
-    const act6 =
-      flashActs
-        .findIndex(act => act.name.startsWith('Act 6'));
-    const postCanon =
-      flashActs
-        .findIndex(act => act.name.includes('Post Canon'));
-    const outsideCanon =
-      postCanon +
-      flashActs
-        .slice(postCanon)
-        .findIndex(act => !act.name.includes('Post Canon'));
-    const currentAct = flash.act;
-    const actIndex =
-      flashActs
-        .indexOf(currentAct);
-    const side =
-      (actIndex < 0
-        ? 0
-     : actIndex < act6
-        ? 1
-     : actIndex < outsideCanon
-        ? 2
-        : 3);
-    const sideActs =
-      flashActs
-        .filter((act, index) =>
-          act.name.startsWith('Act 1') ||
-          act.name.startsWith('Act 6 Act 1') ||
-          act.name.startsWith('Hiveswap') ||
-          index >= outsideCanon);
-    const currentSideIndex =
-      sideActs
-        .findIndex(act => {
-          if (act.name.startsWith('Act 1')) {
-            return side === 1;
-          } else if (act.name.startsWith('Act 6 Act 1')) {
-            return side === 2;
-          } else if (act.name.startsWith('Hiveswap Act 1')) {
-            return side === 3;
-          } else {
-            return act === currentAct;
-          }
-        })
-    const sideNames =
-      sideActs
-        .map(act => {
-          if (act.name.startsWith('Act 1')) {
-            return `Side 1 (Acts 1-5)`;
-          } else if (act.name.startsWith('Act 6 Act 1')) {
-            return `Side 2 (Acts 6-7)`;
-          } else if (act.name.startsWith('Hiveswap Act 1')) {
-            return `Outside Canon (Misc. Games)`;
-          } else {
-            return act.name;
-          }
-        });
-    const sideColors =
-      sideActs
-        .map(act => {
-          if (act.name.startsWith('Act 1')) {
-            return '#4ac925';
-          } else if (act.name.startsWith('Act 6 Act 1')) {
-            return '#1076a2';
-          } else if (act.name.startsWith('Hiveswap Act 1')) {
-            return '#008282';
-          } else {
-            return act.color;
-          }
-        });
-    const sideFirstFlashes =
-      sideActs
-        .map(act => act.flashes[0]);
-    const scopeActs =
-      flashActs
-        .filter((act, index) => {
-          if (index < act6) {
-            return side === 1;
-          } else if (index < outsideCanon) {
-            return side === 2;
-          } else {
-            return false;
-          }
-        });
-    const currentScopeActIndex =
-      scopeActs.indexOf(currentAct);
-    const scopeActNames =
-      scopeActs
-        .map(act => act.name);
-    const scopeActFirstFlashes =
-      scopeActs
-        .map(act => act.flashes[0]);
-    const currentActFlashes =
-      currentAct.flashes;
-    const currentFlashIndex =
-      currentActFlashes
-        .indexOf(flash);
-    return {
-      currentSideIndex,
-      sideNames,
-      sideColors,
-      sideFirstFlashes,
-      currentScopeActIndex,
-      scopeActNames,
-      scopeActFirstFlashes,
-      currentActFlashes,
-      currentFlashIndex,
-    };
-  },
-  relations: (relation, query) => ({
-    flashIndexLink:
-      relation('linkFlashIndex'),
-    sideFirstFlashLinks:
-      query.sideFirstFlashes
-        .map(flash => relation('linkFlash', flash)),
-    scopeActFirstFlashLinks:
-      query.scopeActFirstFlashes
-        .map(flash => relation('linkFlash', flash)),
-    currentActFlashLinks:
-      query.currentActFlashes
-        .map(flash => relation('linkFlash', flash)),
-  }),
-  data: (query) => ({
-    currentSideIndex: query.currentSideIndex,
-    sideColors: query.sideColors,
-    sideNames: query.sideNames,
-    currentScopeActIndex: query.currentScopeActIndex,
-    scopeActNames: query.scopeActNames,
-    currentFlashIndex: query.currentFlashIndex,
-  }),
-  generate(data, relations, {html}) {
-    const currentActFlashList =
-      html.tag('ul',
-        relations.currentActFlashLinks
-          .map((flashLink, index) =>
-            html.tag('li',
-              {class: index === data.currentFlashIndex && 'current'},
-              flashLink)));
-    return {
-      leftSidebarContent: html.tags([
-        html.tag('h1', relations.flashIndexLink),
-        html.tag('dl',
-          stitchArrays({
-            sideFirstFlashLink: relations.sideFirstFlashLinks,
-            sideColor: data.sideColors,
-            sideName: data.sideNames,
-          }).map(({sideFirstFlashLink, sideColor, sideName}, index) => [
-              // Side acts are displayed whether part of Homestuck proper or
-              // not, and they're always the same regardless the current flash
-              // page. Scope acts, if applicable, and the list of flashes
-              // belonging to the current act, will be inserted after the
-              // heading of the current side.
-              html.tag('dt',
-                {class: [
-                  'side',
-                  index === data.currentSideIndex && 'current',
-                ]},
-                sideFirstFlashLink.slots({
-                  color: sideColor,
-                  content: sideName,
-                })),
-              // Scope acts are only applicable when inside Homestuck proper.
-              // Hiveswap and all acts beyond are each considered to be its
-              // own "side".
-              index === data.currentSideIndex &&
-              data.currentScopeActIndex !== -1 &&
-                stitchArrays({
-                  scopeActFirstFlashLink: relations.scopeActFirstFlashLinks,
-                  scopeActName: data.scopeActNames,
-                }).map(({scopeActFirstFlashLink, scopeActName}, index) => [
-                    html.tag('dt',
-                      {class: index === data.currentScopeActIndex && 'current'},
-                      scopeActFirstFlashLink.slot('content', scopeActName)),
-                    // Inside Homestuck proper, the flash list of the current
-                    // act should show after the heading for the relevant
-                    // scope act.
-                    index === data.currentScopeActIndex &&
-                      html.tag('dd', currentActFlashList),
-                  ]),
-              // Outside of Homestuck proper, the current act is represented
-              // by a side instead of a scope act, so place its flash list
-              // after the heading for the relevant side.
-              index === data.currentSideIndex &&
-              data.currentScopeActIndex === -1 &&
-                html.tag('dd', currentActFlashList),
-            ])),
-      ]),
-    };
-  },