« get me outta code hell

move aggregate, cli out of util - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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path: root/src/aggregate.js
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2025-01-26 17:25:39 -0400
committer(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2025-01-26 17:25:39 -0400
commitd987efdf3f5e60ad81a5d243629208818cdf8211 (patch)
treed1df8979593d5465959d1d54b139da51a98604b0 /src/aggregate.js
parent41b77f88f1dd8f15674b3c03a1932c26b2e8baac (diff)
move aggregate, cli out of util
not sure how to nicely separate some #aggregate code from
its dependency on colors, so it lives out of util for now

not used anywhere on client but would be nice to support
there eventually
Diffstat (limited to 'src/aggregate.js')
1 files changed, 728 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/aggregate.js b/src/aggregate.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92c66b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/aggregate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+import {colors} from '#cli';
+import {empty, typeAppearance} from '#sugar';
+// Utility function for providing useful interfaces to the JS AggregateError
+// class.
+// Generally, this works by returning a set of interfaces which operate on
+// functions: wrap() takes a function and returns a new function which passes
+// its arguments through and appends any resulting error to the internal error
+// list; call() simplifies this process by wrapping the provided function and
+// then calling it immediately. Once the process for which errors should be
+// aggregated is complete, close() constructs and throws an AggregateError
+// object containing all caught errors (or doesn't throw anything if there were
+// no errors).
+export function openAggregate({
+  // Constructor to use, defaulting to the builtin AggregateError class.
+  // Anything passed here should probably extend from that! May be used for
+  // letting callers programatically distinguish between multiple aggregate
+  // errors.
+  //
+  // This should be provided using the aggregateThrows utility function.
+  [openAggregate.errorClassSymbol]: errorClass = AggregateError,
+  // Optional human-readable message to describe the aggregate error, if
+  // constructed.
+  message = '',
+  // Optional flag to indicate that this layer of the aggregate error isn't
+  // generally useful outside of developer debugging purposes - it will be
+  // skipped by default when using showAggregate, showing contained errors
+  // inline with other children of this aggregate's parent.
+  //
+  // If set to 'single', it'll be hidden only if there's a single error in the
+  // aggregate (so it's not grouping multiple errors together).
+  translucent = false,
+  // Value to return when a provided function throws an error. If this is a
+  // function, it will be called with the arguments given to the function.
+  // (This is primarily useful when wrapping a function and then providing it
+  // to another utility, e.g. array.map().)
+  returnOnFail = null,
+} = {}) {
+  const errors = [];
+  const aggregate = {};
+  aggregate.wrap =
+    (fn) =>
+    (...args) => {
+      try {
+        return fn(...args);
+      } catch (error) {
+        errors.push(error);
+        return typeof returnOnFail === 'function'
+          ? returnOnFail(...args)
+          : returnOnFail;
+      }
+    };
+  aggregate.wrapAsync =
+    (fn) =>
+    (...args) => {
+      return fn(...args).then(
+        (value) => value,
+        (error) => {
+          errors.push(error);
+          return typeof returnOnFail === 'function'
+            ? returnOnFail(...args)
+            : returnOnFail;
+        }
+      );
+    };
+  aggregate.push = (error) => {
+    errors.push(error);
+  };
+  aggregate.call = (fn, ...args) => {
+    return aggregate.wrap(fn)(...args);
+  };
+  aggregate.callAsync = (fn, ...args) => {
+    return aggregate.wrapAsync(fn)(...args);
+  };
+  aggregate.nest = (...args) => {
+    return aggregate.call(() => withAggregate(...args));
+  };
+  aggregate.nestAsync = (...args) => {
+    return aggregate.callAsync(() => withAggregateAsync(...args));
+  };
+  aggregate.receive = (results) => {
+    if (!Array.isArray(results)) {
+      if (typeof results === 'object' && results.aggregate) {
+        const {aggregate, result} = results;
+        try {
+          aggregate.close();
+        } catch (error) {
+          errors.push(error);
+        }
+        return result;
+      }
+      throw new Error(`Expected an array or {aggregate, result} object`);
+    }
+    return results.map(({aggregate, result}) => {
+      if (!aggregate) {
+        throw new Error(`Expected an array of {aggregate, result} objects`);
+      }
+      try {
+        aggregate.close();
+      } catch (error) {
+        errors.push(error);
+      }
+      return result;
+    });
+  };
+  aggregate.contain = (results) => {
+    return {
+      aggregate,
+      result: aggregate.receive(results),
+    };
+  };
+  aggregate.map = (...args) => {
+    const parent = aggregate;
+    const {result, aggregate: child} = mapAggregate(...args);
+    parent.call(child.close);
+    return result;
+  };
+  aggregate.mapAsync = async (...args) => {
+    const parent = aggregate;
+    const {result, aggregate: child} = await mapAggregateAsync(...args);
+    parent.call(child.close);
+    return result;
+  };
+  aggregate.filter = (...args) => {
+    const parent = aggregate;
+    const {result, aggregate: child} = filterAggregate(...args);
+    parent.call(child.close);
+    return result;
+  };
+  aggregate.throws = aggregateThrows;
+  aggregate.close = () => {
+    if (errors.length) {
+      const error = Reflect.construct(errorClass, [errors, message]);
+      if (translucent) {
+        error[Symbol.for('hsmusic.aggregate.translucent')] = translucent;
+      }
+      throw error;
+    }
+  };
+  return aggregate;
+openAggregate.errorClassSymbol = Symbol('error class');
+// Utility function for providing {errorClass} parameter to aggregate functions.
+export function aggregateThrows(errorClass) {
+  return {[openAggregate.errorClassSymbol]: errorClass};
+// Helper function for allowing both (fn, opts) and (opts, fn) in aggregate
+// utilities (or other shapes besides functions).
+function _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2, desire = v => typeof v === 'function') {
+  if (desire(arg1)) {
+    return [arg1, arg2 ?? {}];
+  } else if (desire(arg2)) {
+    return [arg2, arg1];
+  } else {
+    return [undefined, undefined];
+  }
+// Takes a list of {aggregate, result} objects, puts all the aggregates into
+// a new aggregate, and puts all the results into an array, returning both on
+// a new {aggregate, result} object. This is essentailly the generalized
+// composable version of functions like mapAggregate or filterAggregate.
+export function receiveAggregate(arg1, arg2) {
+  const [array, opts] = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2, Array.isArray);
+  if (!array) {
+    throw new Error(`Expected an array`);
+  }
+  const aggregate = openAggregate(opts);
+  const result = aggregate.receive(array);
+  return {aggregate, result};
+// Performs an ordinary array map with the given function, collating into a
+// results array (with errored inputs filtered out) and an error aggregate.
+// Optionally, override returnOnFail to disable filtering and map errored inputs
+// to a particular output.
+// Note the aggregate property is the result of openAggregate(), still unclosed;
+// use aggregate.close() to throw the error. (This aggregate may be passed to a
+// parent aggregate: `parent.call(aggregate.close)`!)
+export function mapAggregate(array, arg1, arg2) {
+  const [fn, opts] = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  if (!fn) {
+    throw new Error(`Expected a function`);
+  }
+  return _mapAggregate('sync', null, array, fn, opts);
+export function mapAggregateAsync(array, arg1, arg2) {
+  const [fn, opts] = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  if (!fn) {
+    throw new Error(`Expected a function`);
+  }
+  const {promiseAll = Promise.all.bind(Promise), ...remainingOpts} = opts;
+  return _mapAggregate('async', promiseAll, array, fn, remainingOpts);
+// Helper function for mapAggregate which holds code common between sync and
+// async versions.
+export function _mapAggregate(mode, promiseAll, array, fn, aggregateOpts) {
+  const failureSymbol = Symbol();
+  const aggregate = openAggregate({
+    returnOnFail: failureSymbol,
+    ...aggregateOpts,
+  });
+  if (mode === 'sync') {
+    const result = array
+      .map(aggregate.wrap(fn))
+      .filter((value) => value !== failureSymbol);
+    return {result, aggregate};
+  } else {
+    return promiseAll(array.map(aggregate.wrapAsync(fn)))
+      .then((values) => {
+        const result = values.filter((value) => value !== failureSymbol);
+        return {result, aggregate};
+      });
+  }
+// Performs an ordinary array filter with the given function, collating into a
+// results array (with errored inputs filtered out) and an error aggregate.
+// Optionally, override returnOnFail to disable filtering errors and map errored
+// inputs to a particular output.
+// As with mapAggregate, the returned aggregate property is not yet closed.
+export function filterAggregate(array, arg1, arg2) {
+  const [fn, opts] = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  if (!fn) {
+    throw new Error(`Expected a function`);
+  }
+  return _filterAggregate('sync', null, array, fn, opts);
+export async function filterAggregateAsync(array, arg1, arg2) {
+  const [fn, opts] = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  if (!fn) {
+    throw new Error(`Expected a function`);
+  }
+  const {promiseAll = Promise.all.bind(Promise), ...remainingOpts} = opts;
+  return _filterAggregate('async', promiseAll, array, fn, remainingOpts);
+// Helper function for filterAggregate which holds code common between sync and
+// async versions.
+function _filterAggregate(mode, promiseAll, array, fn, aggregateOpts) {
+  const failureSymbol = Symbol();
+  const aggregate = openAggregate({
+    returnOnFail: failureSymbol,
+    ...aggregateOpts,
+  });
+  function filterFunction(value) {
+    // Filter out results which match the failureSymbol, i.e. errored
+    // inputs.
+    if (value === failureSymbol) return false;
+    // Always keep results which match the overridden returnOnFail
+    // value, if provided.
+    if (value === aggregateOpts.returnOnFail) return true;
+    // Otherwise, filter according to the returned value of the wrapped
+    // function.
+    return value.output;
+  }
+  function mapFunction(value) {
+    // Then turn the results back into their corresponding input, or, if
+    // provided, the overridden returnOnFail value.
+    return value === aggregateOpts.returnOnFail ? value : value.input;
+  }
+  if (mode === 'sync') {
+    const result = array
+      .map(aggregate.wrap((input, index, array) => {
+        const output = fn(input, index, array);
+        return {input, output};
+      }))
+      .filter(filterFunction)
+      .map(mapFunction);
+    return {result, aggregate};
+  } else {
+    return promiseAll(
+      array.map(aggregate.wrapAsync(async (input, index, array) => {
+        const output = await fn(input, index, array);
+        return {input, output};
+      }))
+    ).then((values) => {
+      const result = values.filter(filterFunction).map(mapFunction);
+      return {result, aggregate};
+    });
+  }
+// Totally sugar function for opening an aggregate, running the provided
+// function with it, then closing the function and returning the result (if
+// there's no throw).
+export function withAggregate(arg1, arg2) {
+  const [fn, opts] = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  if (!fn) {
+    throw new Error(`Expected a function`);
+  }
+  return _withAggregate('sync', opts, fn);
+export function withAggregateAsync(arg1, arg2) {
+  const [fn, opts] = _reorganizeAggregateArguments(arg1, arg2);
+  if (!fn) {
+    throw new Error(`Expected a function`);
+  }
+  return _withAggregate('async', opts, fn);
+export function _withAggregate(mode, aggregateOpts, fn) {
+  const aggregate = openAggregate(aggregateOpts);
+  if (mode === 'sync') {
+    const result = fn(aggregate);
+    aggregate.close();
+    return result;
+  } else {
+    return fn(aggregate).then((result) => {
+      aggregate.close();
+      return result;
+    });
+  }
+export const unhelpfulTraceLines = [
+  /sugar/,
+  /sort/,
+  /aggregate/,
+  /composite/,
+  /cacheable-object/,
+  /node:/,
+  /<anonymous>/,
+export function getUsefulTraceLine(trace, {helpful, unhelpful}) {
+  if (!trace) return '';
+  for (const traceLine of trace.split('\n')) {
+    if (!traceLine.trim().startsWith('at')) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!empty(unhelpful)) {
+      if (unhelpful.some(regex => regex.test(traceLine))) {
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!empty(helpful)) {
+      for (const regex of helpful) {
+        const match = traceLine.match(regex);
+        if (match) {
+          return match[1] ?? traceLine;
+        }
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    return traceLine;
+  }
+  return '';
+export function showAggregate(topError, {
+  pathToFileURL = f => f,
+  showTraces = true,
+  showTranslucent = showTraces,
+  print = true,
+} = {}) {
+  const getTranslucency = error =>
+    error[Symbol.for('hsmusic.aggregate.translucent')] ?? false;
+  const determineCauseHelper = cause => {
+    if (!cause) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    const translucency = getTranslucency(cause);
+    if (!translucency) {
+      return cause;
+    }
+    if (translucency === 'single') {
+      if (cause.errors?.length === 1) {
+        return determineCauseHelper(cause.errors[0]);
+      } else {
+        return cause;
+      }
+    }
+    return determineCauseHelper(cause.cause);
+  };
+  const determineCause = error =>
+    (showTranslucent
+      ? error.cause ?? null
+      : determineCauseHelper(error.cause));
+  const determineErrorsHelper = error => {
+    const translucency = getTranslucency(error);
+    if (!translucency) {
+      return [error];
+    }
+    if (translucency === 'single' && error.errors?.length >= 2) {
+      return [error];
+    }
+    const errors = [];
+    if (error.cause) {
+      errors.push(...determineErrorsHelper(error.cause));
+    }
+    if (error.errors) {
+      errors.push(...error.errors.flatMap(determineErrorsHelper));
+    }
+    return errors;
+  };
+  const determineErrors = error =>
+    (showTranslucent
+      ? error.errors ?? null
+      : error.errors?.flatMap(determineErrorsHelper) ?? null);
+  const flattenErrorStructure = (error, level = 0) => {
+    const cause = determineCause(error);
+    const errors = determineErrors(error);
+    return {
+      level,
+      kind: error.constructor.name,
+      message: error.message,
+      trace:
+        (error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.traceFrom`)]
+          ? error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.traceFrom`)].stack
+          : error.stack),
+      cause:
+        (cause
+          ? flattenErrorStructure(cause, level + 1)
+          : null),
+      errors:
+        (errors
+          ? errors.map(error => flattenErrorStructure(error, level + 1))
+          : null),
+      options: {
+        alwaysTrace:
+          error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.alwaysTrace`)],
+        helpfulTraceLines:
+          error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.helpfulTraceLines`)],
+        unhelpfulTraceLines:
+          error[Symbol.for(`hsmusic.aggregate.unhelpfulTraceLines`)],
+      }
+    };
+  };
+  const recursive = ({
+    level,
+    kind,
+    message,
+    trace,
+    cause,
+    errors,
+    options: {
+      alwaysTrace,
+      helpfulTraceLines: ownHelpfulTraceLines,
+      unhelpfulTraceLines: ownUnhelpfulTraceLines,
+    },
+  }, index, apparentSiblings) => {
+    const subApparentSiblings =
+      (cause && errors
+        ? [cause, ...errors]
+     : cause
+        ? [cause]
+     : errors
+        ? errors
+        : []);
+    const anythingHasErrorsThisLayer =
+      apparentSiblings.some(({errors}) => !empty(errors));
+    const messagePart =
+      message || `(no message)`;
+    const kindPart =
+      kind || `unnamed kind`;
+    let headerPart =
+      (showTraces
+        ? `[${kindPart}] ${messagePart}`
+     : errors
+        ? `[${messagePart}]`
+     : anythingHasErrorsThisLayer
+        ? ` ${messagePart}`
+        : messagePart);
+    if (showTraces || alwaysTrace) {
+      const traceLine =
+        getUsefulTraceLine(trace, {
+          unhelpful:
+            (ownUnhelpfulTraceLines
+              ? unhelpfulTraceLines.concat(ownUnhelpfulTraceLines)
+              : unhelpfulTraceLines),
+          helpful:
+            (ownHelpfulTraceLines
+              ? ownHelpfulTraceLines
+              : null),
+        });
+      const tracePart =
+        (traceLine
+          ? '- ' +
+            traceLine
+              .trim()
+              .replace(/file:\/\/.*\.js/, (match) => pathToFileURL(match))
+          : '(no stack trace)');
+      headerPart += ` ${colors.dim(tracePart)}`;
+    }
+    const head1 = level % 2 === 0 ? '\u21aa' : colors.dim('\u21aa');
+    const bar1 = ' ';
+    const causePart =
+      (cause
+        ? recursive(cause, 0, subApparentSiblings)
+            .split('\n')
+            .map((line, i) => i === 0 ? ` ${head1} ${line}` : ` ${bar1} ${line}`)
+            .join('\n')
+        : '');
+    const head2 = level % 2 === 0 ? '\u257f' : colors.dim('\u257f');
+    const bar2 = level % 2 === 0 ? '\u2502' : colors.dim('\u254e');
+    const errorsPart =
+      (errors
+        ? errors
+            .map((error, index) => recursive(error, index + 1, subApparentSiblings))
+            .flatMap(str => str.split('\n'))
+            .map((line, i) => i === 0 ? ` ${head2} ${line}` : ` ${bar2} ${line}`)
+            .join('\n')
+        : '');
+    return [headerPart, errorsPart, causePart].filter(Boolean).join('\n');
+  };
+  const structure = flattenErrorStructure(topError);
+  const message = recursive(structure, 0, [structure]);
+  if (print) {
+    console.error(message);
+  } else {
+    return message;
+  }
+export function annotateError(error, ...callbacks) {
+  for (const callback of callbacks) {
+    error = callback(error) ?? error;
+  }
+  return error;
+export function annotateErrorWithIndex(error, index) {
+  return Object.assign(error, {
+    [Symbol.for('hsmusic.annotateError.indexInSourceArray')]:
+      index,
+    message:
+      `(${colors.yellow(`#${index + 1}`)}) ` +
+      error.message,
+  });
+export function annotateErrorWithFile(error, file) {
+  return Object.assign(error, {
+    [Symbol.for('hsmusic.annotateError.file')]:
+      file,
+    message:
+      error.message +
+      (error.message.includes('\n') ? '\n' : ' ') +
+      `(file: ${colors.bright(colors.blue(file))})`,
+  });
+export function asyncAdaptiveDecorateError(fn, callback) {
+  if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
+    throw new Error(`Expected callback to be a function, got ${typeAppearance(callback)}`);
+  }
+  const syncDecorated = function (...args) {
+    try {
+      return fn(...args);
+    } catch (caughtError) {
+      throw callback(caughtError, ...args);
+    }
+  };
+  const asyncDecorated = async function(...args) {
+    try {
+      return await fn(...args);
+    } catch (caughtError) {
+      throw callback(caughtError, ...args);
+    }
+  };
+  syncDecorated.async = asyncDecorated;
+  return syncDecorated;
+export function decorateError(fn, callback) {
+  return asyncAdaptiveDecorateError(fn, callback);
+export function asyncDecorateError(fn, callback) {
+  return asyncAdaptiveDecorateError(fn, callback).async;
+export function decorateErrorWithAnnotation(fn, ...annotationCallbacks) {
+  return asyncAdaptiveDecorateError(fn,
+    (caughtError, ...args) =>
+      annotateError(caughtError,
+        ...annotationCallbacks
+          .map(callback => error => callback(error, ...args))));
+export function decorateErrorWithIndex(fn) {
+  return decorateErrorWithAnnotation(fn,
+    (caughtError, _value, index) =>
+      annotateErrorWithIndex(caughtError, index));
+export function decorateErrorWithCause(fn, cause) {
+  return asyncAdaptiveDecorateError(fn,
+    (caughtError) =>
+      Object.assign(caughtError, {cause}));
+export function asyncDecorateErrorWithAnnotation(fn, ...annotationCallbacks) {
+  return decorateErrorWithAnnotation(fn, ...annotationCallbacks).async;
+export function asyncDecorateErrorWithIndex(fn) {
+  return decorateErrorWithIndex(fn).async;
+export function asyncDecorateErrorWithCause(fn, cause) {
+  return decorateErrorWithCause(fn, cause).async;
+export function conditionallySuppressError(conditionFn, callbackFn) {
+  return (...args) => {
+    try {
+      return callbackFn(...args);
+    } catch (error) {
+      if (conditionFn(error, ...args) === true) {
+        return;
+      }
+      throw error;
+    }
+  };