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content: listRandomPageLinks: port to chunks layout - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-11-09 16:01:05 -0400
committer(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-11-09 16:01:05 -0400
commit7166db580d57504b5ec42d9d07078ea24f0b1149 (patch)
parent2a7c3b90a8d66cea9b0f041a33f4c145628587eb (diff)
content: listRandomPageLinks: port to chunks layout
4 files changed, 156 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/src/content/dependencies/generateListRandomPageLinksAllAlbumsSection.js b/src/content/dependencies/generateListRandomPageLinksAllAlbumsSection.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e03252c9..00000000
--- a/src/content/dependencies/generateListRandomPageLinksAllAlbumsSection.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-import {sortChronologically} from '#wiki-data';
-export default {
-  contentDependencies: ['generateListRandomPageLinksAlbumLink', 'linkGroup'],
-  extraDependencies: ['html', 'language', 'wikiData'],
-  sprawl: ({albumData}) => ({albumData}),
-  query: (sprawl) => ({
-    albums:
-      sortChronologically(sprawl.albumData.slice())
-        .filter(album => album.tracks.length > 1),
-  }),
-  relations: (relation, query) => ({
-    albumLinks:
-      query.albums
-        .map(album => relation('generateListRandomPageLinksAlbumLink', album)),
-  }),
-  generate: (relations, {html, language}) =>
-    html.tags([
-      html.tag('dt',
-        language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.fromAlbum')),
-      html.tag('dd',
-        html.tag('ul',
-          relations.albumLinks
-            .map(albumLink =>
-              html.tag('li',
-                language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.album', {
-                  album: albumLink,
-                }))))),
-    ]),
diff --git a/src/content/dependencies/generateListRandomPageLinksGroupSection.js b/src/content/dependencies/generateListRandomPageLinksGroupSection.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d05be8f7..00000000
--- a/src/content/dependencies/generateListRandomPageLinksGroupSection.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-import {sortChronologically} from '#wiki-data';
-export default {
-  contentDependencies: ['generateListRandomPageLinksAlbumLink', 'linkGroup'],
-  extraDependencies: ['html', 'language', 'wikiData'],
-  sprawl: ({albumData}) => ({albumData}),
-  query: (sprawl, group) => ({
-    albums:
-      sortChronologically(sprawl.albumData.slice())
-        .filter(album => album.groups.includes(group))
-        .filter(album => album.tracks.length > 1),
-  }),
-  relations: (relation, query, sprawl, group) => ({
-    groupLink:
-      relation('linkGroup', group),
-    albumLinks:
-      query.albums
-        .map(album => relation('generateListRandomPageLinksAlbumLink', album)),
-  }),
-  generate: (relations, {html, language}) =>
-    html.tags([
-      html.tag('dt',
-        language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.fromGroup', {
-          group: relations.groupLink,
-          randomAlbum:
-            html.tag('a',
-              {href: '#', 'data-random': 'album-in-group-dl'},
-              language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.fromGroup.randomAlbum')),
-          randomTrack:
-            html.tag('a',
-              {href: '#', 'data-random': 'track-in-group-dl'},
-              language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.fromGroup.randomTrack')),
-        })),
-      html.tag('dd',
-        html.tag('ul',
-          relations.albumLinks
-            .map(albumLink =>
-              html.tag('li',
-                language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.album', {
-                  album: albumLink,
-                }))))),
-    ]),
diff --git a/src/content/dependencies/listRandomPageLinks.js b/src/content/dependencies/listRandomPageLinks.js
index 87e5f5aa..5e74b4ac 100644
--- a/src/content/dependencies/listRandomPageLinks.js
+++ b/src/content/dependencies/listRandomPageLinks.js
@@ -1,47 +1,102 @@
 import {empty} from '#sugar';
+import {sortChronologically} from '#wiki-data';
 export default {
   contentDependencies: [
-    'generateListRandomPageLinksAllAlbumsSection',
-    'generateListRandomPageLinksGroupSection',
+    'generateListRandomPageLinksAlbumLink',
+    'linkGroup',
   extraDependencies: ['html', 'language', 'wikiData'],
   sprawl: ({wikiInfo}) => ({wikiInfo}),
-  query: ({wikiInfo: {divideTrackListsByGroups: groups}}, spec) => ({
-    spec,
-    groups,
-    divideByGroups: !empty(groups),
-  }),
+  query(sprawl, spec) {
+    const query = {spec};
-  relations: (relation, query) => ({
-    page: relation('generateListingPage', query.spec),
+    const groups = sprawl.wikiInfo.divideTrackListsByGroups;
-    allAlbumsSection:
-      (query.divideByGroups
-        ? null
-        : relation('generateListRandomPageLinksAllAlbumsSection')),
+    query.divideByGroups = !empty(groups);
-    groupSections:
-      (query.divideByGroups
-        ? query.groups
-            .map(group => relation('generateListRandomPageLinksGroupSection', group))
-        : null),
-  }),
+    if (query.divideByGroups) {
+      query.groups = groups;
+      query.groupAlbums =
+        groups
+          .map(group =>
+            group.albums.filter(album => album.tracks.length > 1));
+    } else {
+      query.undividedAlbums =
+        sortChronologically(sprawl.albumData.slice())
+          .filter(album => album.tracks.length > 1);
+    }
+    return query;
+  },
+  relations(relation, query) {
+    const relations = {};
+    relations.page =
+      relation('generateListingPage', query.spec);
+    if (query.divideByGroups) {
+      relations.groupLinks =
+        query.groups
+          .map(group => relation('linkGroup', group));
+      relations.groupAlbumLinks =
+        query.groupAlbums
+          .map(albums => albums
+            .map(album =>
+              relation('generateListRandomPageLinksAlbumLink', album)));
+    } else {
+      relations.undividedAlbumLinks =
+        query.undividedAlbums
+          .map(album =>
+            relation('generateListRandomPageLinksAlbumLink', album));
+    }
+    return relations;
+  },
   generate(relations, {html, language}) {
+    const miscellaneousChunkRows = [
+      {
+        stringsKey: 'randomArtist',
+        mainLink:
+          html.tag('a',
+            {href: '#', 'data-random': 'artist'},
+            language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.chunk.item.randomArtist.mainLink')),
+        atLeastTwoContributions:
+          html.tag('a',
+            {href: '#', 'data-random': 'artist-more-than-one-contrib'},
+            language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.chunk.item.randomArtist.atLeastTwoContributions')),
+      },
+      {stringsKey: 'randomAlbumWholeSite'},
+      {stringsKey: 'randomTrackWholeSite'},
+    ];
+    const miscellaneousChunkRowAttributes = [
+      null,
+      {href: '#', 'data-random': 'album'},
+      {href: '#','data-random': 'track'},
+    ];
     return relations.page.slots({
-      type: 'custom',
+      type: 'chunks',
       content: [
           language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.chooseLinkLine', {
-              (empty(relations.groupSections)
-                ? language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.chooseLinkLine.fromPart.notDividedByGroups')
-                : language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.chooseLinkLine.fromPart.dividedByGroups')),
+              (relations.groupLinks
+                ? language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.chooseLinkLine.fromPart.dividedByGroups')
+                : language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.chooseLinkLine.fromPart.notDividedByGroups')),
@@ -54,40 +109,54 @@ export default {
           {class: 'js-show-once-data'},
+      ],
+      chunkTitles: [
+        {stringsKey: 'misc'},
+        ...
+          (relations.groupLinks
+            ? relations.groupLinks.map(groupLink => ({
+                stringsKey: 'fromGroup',
+                group: groupLink,
+                randomAlbum:
+                  html.tag('a',
+                    {href: '#', 'data-random': 'album-in-group-dl'},
+                    language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.chunk.title.fromGroup.randomAlbum')),
+                randomTrack:
+                  html.tag('a',
+                    {href: '#', 'data-random': 'track-in-group-dl'},
+                    language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.chunk.title.fromGroup.randomTrack')),
+              }))
+            : [{stringsKey: 'fromAlbum'}]),
+      ],
+      chunkRows: [
+        miscellaneousChunkRows,
+        ...
+          (relations.groupAlbumLinks
+            ? relations.groupAlbumLinks.map(albumLinks =>
+                albumLinks.map(albumLink => ({
+                  stringsKey: 'album',
+                  album: albumLink,
+                })))
+            : relations.albumLinks.map(albumLink => ({
+                stringsKey: 'album',
+                album: albumLink,
+              }))),
+      ],
-        html.tag('dl', [
-          html.tag('dt',
-            language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.misc')),
-          html.tag('dd',
-            html.tag('ul', [
-              html.tag('li',
-                language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.misc.randomArtist', {
-                  mainLink:
-                    html.tag('a',
-                      {href: '#', 'data-random': 'artist'},
-                      language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.misc.randomArtist.mainLink')),
-                  atLeastTwoContributions:
-                    html.tag('a',
-                      {href: '#', 'data-random': 'artist-more-than-one-contrib'},
-                      language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.misc.randomArtist.atLeastTwoContributions')),
-                })),
-              html.tag('li',
-                html.tag('a',
-                  {href: '#', 'data-random': 'album'},
-                  language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.misc.randomAlbumWholeSite'))),
-              html.tag('li',
-                html.tag('a',
-                  {href: '#', 'data-random': 'track'},
-                  language.$('listingPage.other.randomPages.misc.randomTrackWholeSite'))),
-            ])),
-          relations.allAlbumsSection,
-          relations.groupSections,
-        ]),
+      chunkRowAttributes: [
+        miscellaneousChunkRowAttributes,
+        ...
+          (relations.groupAlbumLinks
+            ? relations.groupAlbumLinks.map(albumLinks =>
+                albumLinks.map(() => null))
+            : [relations.albumLinks.map(() => null)]),
diff --git a/src/strings-default.yaml b/src/strings-default.yaml
index bb244279..86a46e68 100644
--- a/src/strings-default.yaml
+++ b/src/strings-default.yaml
@@ -1568,43 +1568,39 @@ listingPage:
       dataLoadedLine: >-
         (Data files have finished being downloaded. The links should work!)
-      # misc:
-      #   The first chunk in the list includes general links which
-      #   bring you to some random page across the whole site!
-      misc:
-        _: "Miscellaneous:"
-        randomArtist:
-          mainLink: "Random Artist"
-          atLeastTwoContributions: "at least 2 contributions"
-        randomAlbumWholeSite: "Random Album (whole site)"
-        randomTrackWholeSite: "Random Track (whole site)"
-      # fromGroup:
-      #   Provided the wiki has "Divide Track Lists By Groups" set,
-      #   the remaining chunks are one for each of those groups, each
-      #   with a list of links for albums from the group that bring
-      #   you to a random track from the chosen album.
-      fromGroup:
-        _: "From {GROUP}: ({RANDOM_ALBUM}, {RANDOM_TRACK})"
-        randomAlbum: "Random Album"
-        randomTrack: "Random Track"
-      # fromAlbum:
-      #   If the wiki doesn't have "Divide Track Lists By Groups",
-      #   all albums across the wiki are grouped in one list.
-      #  (There aren't "random album" and "random track" links like
-      #   for groups because those are already included at the top,
-      #   under the "miscellaneous" chunk.)
-      fromAlbum: "From an album:"
+      chunk:
-      # album:
-      #   Album entries under each group.
+        title:
+          misc: "Miscellaneous:"
+          # fromAlbum:
+          #   If the wiki hasn't got "Divide Track Lists By Groups"
+          #   set, all albums across the wiki are grouped in one
+          #   long chunk.
+          fromAlbum: "From an album:"
+          # fromGroup:
+          #   If the wiki does have "Divide Track Lists By Groups"
+          #   set, there's one chunk past Miscellaneous for each of
+          #   those groups, listing all the albums from that group,
+          #   each of which links to a random track from that album.
+          fromGroup:
+            _: "From {GROUP}: ({RANDOM_ALBUM}, {RANDOM_TRACK})"
+            randomAlbum: "Random Album"
+            randomTrack: "Random Track"
+        item:
+          album: "{ALBUM}"
+          randomArtist:
+            mainLink: "Random Artist"
+            atLeastTwoContributions: "at least 2 contributions"
-      album: "{ALBUM}"
+          randomAlbumWholeSite: "Random Album (whole site)"
+          randomTrackWholeSite: "Random Track (whole site)"
 # newsIndex: