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infra: treat fulfillment information as sets & reuse where possible - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-06-11 12:37:54 -0300
committer(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-06-11 12:39:14 -0300
commit57aeed75e5ed503f5b79c3df730ae6b898652dc3 (patch)
parent4eba3396a31ffb13151d5603f2ba9473ef3d7a8c (diff)
infra: treat fulfillment information as sets & reuse where possible
2 files changed, 103 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/src/content-function.js b/src/content-function.js
index ab9977f2..18ede8e8 100644
--- a/src/content-function.js
+++ b/src/content-function.js
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-import {annotateFunction, empty} from './util/sugar.js';
+import {
+  annotateFunction,
+  empty,
+  setIntersection,
+} from './util/sugar.js';
 export default function contentFunction({
   contentDependencies = [],
@@ -9,15 +13,25 @@ export default function contentFunction({
 }) {
+  const expectedContentDependencyKeys = new Set(contentDependencies);
+  const expectedExtraDependencyKeys = new Set(extraDependencies);
   // Initial checks. These only need to be run once per description of a
   // content function, and don't depend on any mutable context (e.g. which
   // dependencies have been fulfilled so far).
+  const overlappingContentExtraDependencyKeys =
+    setIntersection(expectedContentDependencyKeys, expectedExtraDependencyKeys);
+  if (!empty(overlappingContentExtraDependencyKeys)) {
+    throw new Error(`Overlap in content and extra dependency keys: ${[...overlappingContentExtraDependencyKeys].join(', ')}`);
+  }
   if (!generate) {
     throw new Error(`Expected generate function`);
-  if (sprawl && !extraDependencies.includes('wikiData')) {
+  if (sprawl && !expectedExtraDependencyKeys.has('wikiData')) {
     throw new Error(`Content functions which sprawl must specify wikiData in extraDependencies`);
@@ -31,8 +45,11 @@ export default function contentFunction({
-    expectedContentDependencyKeys: contentDependencies,
-    expectedExtraDependencyKeys: extraDependencies,
+    expectedContentDependencyKeys,
+    expectedExtraDependencyKeys,
+    missingContentDependencyKeys: new Set(expectedContentDependencyKeys),
+    missingExtraDependencyKeys: new Set(expectedExtraDependencyKeys),
+    fulfilledDependencyKeys: new Set(),
     fulfilledDependencies: {},
@@ -47,36 +64,36 @@ export function expectDependencies({
+  missingContentDependencyKeys,
+  missingExtraDependencyKeys,
+  fulfilledDependencyKeys,
 }) {
   const hasSprawlFunction = !!sprawl;
   const hasRelationsFunction = !!relations;
   const hasDataFunction = !!data;
-  const fulfilledDependencyKeys = Object.keys(fulfilledDependencies);
+  const invalidatingDependencyKeys =
+    Object.entries(fulfilledDependencies)
+      .filter(([key, value]) => value?.fulfilled === false)
+      .map(([key]) => key);
-  const invalidatingDependencyKeys = Object.entries(fulfilledDependencies)
-    .filter(([key, value]) => value?.fulfilled === false)
-    .map(([key]) => key);
-  const missingContentDependencyKeys = expectedContentDependencyKeys
-    .filter(key => !fulfilledDependencyKeys.includes(key));
-  const missingExtraDependencyKeys = expectedExtraDependencyKeys
-    .filter(key => !fulfilledDependencyKeys.includes(key));
+  const isInvalidated = !empty(invalidatingDependencyKeys);
+  const isMissingContentDependencies = !empty(missingContentDependencyKeys);
+  const isMissingExtraDependencies = !empty(missingExtraDependencyKeys);
   let wrappedGenerate;
-  if (!empty(invalidatingDependencyKeys)) {
+  if (isInvalidated) {
     wrappedGenerate = function() {
       throw new Error(`Generate invalidated because unfulfilled dependencies provided: ${invalidatingDependencyKeys.join(', ')}`);
     annotateFunction(wrappedGenerate, {name: generate, trait: 'invalidated'});
     wrappedGenerate.fulfilled = false;
-  } else if (!empty(missingContentDependencyKeys) || !empty(missingExtraDependencyKeys)) {
+  } else if (isMissingContentDependencies || isMissingExtraDependencies) {
     wrappedGenerate = function() {
-      throw new Error(`Dependencies still needed: ${missingContentDependencyKeys.concat(missingExtraDependencyKeys).join(', ')}`);
+      throw new Error(`Dependencies still needed: ${[...missingContentDependencyKeys, ...missingExtraDependencyKeys].join(', ')}`);
     annotateFunction(wrappedGenerate, {name: generate, trait: 'unfulfilled'});
@@ -127,16 +144,22 @@ export function expectDependencies({
   wrappedGenerate.fulfill ??= function fulfill(dependencies) {
-    let newlyFulfilledDependencies;
+    // To avoid unneeded destructuring, `fullfillDependencies` is a mutating
+    // function. But `fulfill` itself isn't meant to mutate! We create a copy
+    // of these variables, so their original values are kept for additional
+    // calls to this same `fulfill`.
+    const newlyMissingContentDependencyKeys = new Set(missingContentDependencyKeys);
+    const newlyMissingExtraDependencyKeys = new Set(missingExtraDependencyKeys);
+    const newlyFulfilledDependencyKeys = new Set(fulfilledDependencyKeys);
+    const newlyFulfilledDependencies = {...fulfilledDependencies};
     try {
-      newlyFulfilledDependencies =
-        fulfillDependencies({
-          dependencies,
-          expectedContentDependencyKeys,
-          expectedExtraDependencyKeys,
-          fulfilledDependencies,
-        });
+      fulfillDependencies(dependencies, {
+        missingContentDependencyKeys: newlyMissingContentDependencyKeys,
+        missingExtraDependencyKeys: newlyMissingExtraDependencyKeys,
+        fulfilledDependencyKeys: newlyFulfilledDependencyKeys,
+        fulfilledDependencies: newlyFulfilledDependencies,
+      });
     } catch (error) {
       error.message += ` (${generate.name})`;
       throw error;
@@ -150,7 +173,9 @@ export function expectDependencies({
+      missingContentDependencyKeys: newlyMissingContentDependencyKeys,
+      missingExtraDependencyKeys: newlyMissingExtraDependencyKeys,
+      fulfilledDependencyKeys: newlyFulfilledDependencyKeys,
       fulfilledDependencies: newlyFulfilledDependencies,
@@ -164,62 +189,61 @@ export function expectDependencies({
   return wrappedGenerate;
-export function fulfillDependencies({
-  dependencies,
-  expectedContentDependencyKeys,
-  expectedExtraDependencyKeys,
+export function fulfillDependencies(dependencies, {
+  missingContentDependencyKeys,
+  missingExtraDependencyKeys,
+  fulfilledDependencyKeys,
 }) {
-  const newFulfilledDependencies = {...fulfilledDependencies};
-  const fulfilledDependencyKeys = Object.keys(fulfilledDependencies);
+  // This is a mutating function. Be aware: it WILL mutate the provided sets
+  // and objects EVEN IF there are errors. This function doesn't exit early,
+  // so all provided dependencies which don't have an associated error should
+  // be treated as fulfilled (this is reflected via fulfilledDependencyKeys).
   const errors = [];
-  let bail = false;
   for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(dependencies)) {
-    if (fulfilledDependencyKeys.includes(key)) {
+    if (fulfilledDependencyKeys.has(key)) {
       errors.push(new Error(`Dependency ${key} is already fulfilled`));
-      bail = true;
-    const isContentKey = expectedContentDependencyKeys.includes(key);
-    const isExtraKey = expectedExtraDependencyKeys.includes(key);
+    const isContentKey = missingContentDependencyKeys.has(key);
+    const isExtraKey = missingExtraDependencyKeys.has(key);
     if (!isContentKey && !isExtraKey) {
       errors.push(new Error(`Dependency ${key} is not expected`));
-      bail = true;
     if (value === undefined) {
       errors.push(new Error(`Dependency ${key} was provided undefined`));
-      bail = true;
-    if (isContentKey && !value?.[contentFunction.identifyingSymbol]) {
-      errors.push(new Error(`Content dependency ${key} is not a content function (got ${value})`));
-      bail = true;
-      continue;
-    }
+    const isContentFunction = !!value?.[contentFunction.identifyingSymbol];
-    if (isExtraKey && value?.[contentFunction.identifyingSymbol]) {
-      errors.push(new Error(`Extra dependency ${key} is a content function`));
-      bail = true;
-      continue;
+    if (isContentKey) {
+      if (!isContentFunction) {
+        errors.push(new Error(`Content dependency ${key} is not a content function (got ${value})`));
+        continue;
+      }
+      missingContentDependencyKeys.delete(key);
+    } else if (isExtraKey) {
+      if (isContentFunction) {
+        errors.push(new Error(`Extra dependency ${key} is a content function`));
+        continue;
+      }
+      missingExtraDependencyKeys.delete(key);
-    if (!bail) {
-      newFulfilledDependencies[key] = value;
-    }
+    fulfilledDependencyKeys.add(key);
+    fulfilledDependencies[key] = value;
   if (!empty(errors)) {
     throw new AggregateError(errors, `Errors fulfilling dependencies`);
-  return newFulfilledDependencies;
 export function getRelationsTree(dependencies, contentFunctionName, wikiData, ...args) {
diff --git a/src/util/sugar.js b/src/util/sugar.js
index 6ab70bc6..3a7e6f82 100644
--- a/src/util/sugar.js
+++ b/src/util/sugar.js
@@ -26,18 +26,24 @@ export function* splitArray(array, fn) {
-// Null-accepting function to check if an array is empty. Accepts null (and
-// treats as empty) as a shorthand for "hey, check if this property is an array
-// with/without stuff in it" for objects where properties that are PRESENT but
-// don't currently have a VALUE are null (instead of undefined).
-export function empty(arrayOrNull) {
-  if (arrayOrNull === null) {
+// Null-accepting function to check if an array or set is empty. Accepts null
+// (which is treated as empty) as a shorthand for "hey, check if this property
+// is an array with/without stuff in it" for objects where properties that are
+// PRESENT but don't currently have a VALUE are null (rather than undefined).
+export function empty(value) {
+  if (value === null) {
     return true;
-  } else if (Array.isArray(arrayOrNull)) {
-    return arrayOrNull.length === 0;
-  } else {
-    throw new Error(`Expected array or null`);
+  if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+    return value.length === 0;
+  }
+  if (value instanceof Set) {
+    return value.size === 0;
+  }
+  throw new Error(`Expected array, set, or null`);
 // Repeats all the items of an array a number of times.
@@ -82,6 +88,16 @@ export const compareArrays = (arr1, arr2, {checkOrder = true} = {}) =>
 export const withEntries = (obj, fn) =>
+export function setIntersection(set1, set2) {
+  const intersection = new Set();
+  for (const item of set1) {
+    if (set2.has(item)) {
+      intersection.add(item);
+    }
+  }
+  return intersection;
 export function filterProperties(obj, properties) {
   const set = new Set(properties);
   return Object.fromEntries(