Name: About & Credits Directory: about Content: Welcome to HSMusic, a fan-made Homestuck music wiki! Homestuck has always been an incredible creative collaboration, and especially beloved by the community and critical in that collaboration is the webcomic and world's humongous soundtrack, comprising well over 500 tracks by dozens of musicians and artists. This wiki aims to be an interesting and useful resource for anyone interested in that music, as well as an archive for all things related. Pertaining to the history of this site: it was originally made as a remake of Homestuck's official Bandcamp, which saw its content particularly reduced on 10/25/19. This site aims to be a more reliable resource and reference: track art (conspicuously missing from the Bandcamp) is archived here, solo albums (among other missing albums, like [[album:Squiddles!]]) are all indexed in the one place, and URLs will always stay consistent. And of course, also included are links for listening on Bandcamp and other services. Nowadays, HSMusic also operates as a center for all sorts of fan music, a sort-of home where avid listeners can explore, discover, and support artists and albums within the sphere around Homestuck music. We're always looking to share new music here, so if there's anything you'd like to see, please feel encouraged to drop a message! The code for this website is open source (GPL-3.0), and can be explored or forked here. If you want to get in touch with feature requests or comments on the code, our contact info is here! Resource & Author Credits - Quasar Nebula: that's me - it's us! We programmed most of the site, and put the whole thing together. Say hi! - Homestuck's Bandcamp, the official host of Homestuck's music: I got almost all the official album listings and basic track info from here. - GiovanH's complete track art archive: track art! A million thanks for putting this together and sharing this with me. (Prior to this, I used the Web Archive to gather track art.) - NSND: leitmotifs! Thanks to this site in combination with credits on the bandcamp and artists' own commentary, this wiki is a rather comprehensive resource for leitmotifs and other track references. - (HQ Audio Flashes): thumbnail captures for the individual Flash animations! There were a couple captures missing that I took myself, but most Flash thumbnails are from here. - The Homestuck and MSPA Music Wiki on Fandom: the inspiration for this wiki! I've wanted to make a more complete and explorable wiki ever since seeing it. The Fandom wiki has also been a very handy reference in putting this together, so much thanks to everyone who's worked on it! - Besides being the home of the comic this whole site is based around, the wallpaper for the site is pulled from More from Homestuck. - I stole your icons.svg file. It is mine now. :tobyfox_dog_sunglasses: - All organizers and contributors of the Homestuck Vol. 5 Anthology - community-made track art for [[album:Homestuck Vol. 5]]! All of this art is excellent. Each track credits its respective cover artist. - Likewise for the Beyond Canon Track Art Anthology as well as Alternia/Bound! - All comments on the site: I appreciate all feedback a lot! People have shared a ton of ideas and suggestions with me, and I cannot emphasize enough how motivating it is to share a project with like-minded folx interested in making it better with you. Feature & Contribution Acknowledgements - Thank you, GiovanH, for linking me to a resource for higher quality cover art, and bringing to my attention the fact that clicking a cover art on Bandcamp to zoom in will often reveal a higher quality image. - cosmogonicalAuthor, for a variety of feature requests and comments! In particular: improving way the track list on author pages is sorted; expanding the introduction; expanding the introduction message to the website; and linking bonus art for Homestuck Vol. 5 - plus a few other good suggestions I haven't gotten to yet. Thanks! - Monckat, for suggesting the album Strife 2 before I'd begun adding fandom-created albums and unofficial releases to this wiki, and for working with an emailer to reupload the original cover art for [[track:the-thirteenth-hour]]. - Kidpen, for suggesting the "Flashes that feature this track" feature. - an emailer, for suggesting the "Random track" feature. - foreverFlumoxed, for pointing out that [[flash:338]] contains reference to [[JOHN DO THE WINDY THING]] (this reminded me to add all the unreleased Flash tracks to the Unreleased Tracks album!), for recommending the restructure to [[album:Unreleased Tracks]], and for going to the massive effort of checking every track page and pointing out a bunch of missing cover arts and title typos! - Makin, for various initial help in data collection (especially commentary) and lifting the site off the ground by pinning it to the top of the /r/homestuck subreddit for a while, and for linking me the independent release of Sburb. - an emailer, for sending a crop of the YT thumbnail art for [[After the Sun]] (plus the SoundCloud link for that track), for reporting the "Random" buttons being broken, and for linking a bunch of resources and various official uploads of tracks and albums. - Niklink, for contributing immensely to the existing lyrics on the wiki and transcribing plenty of new ones that had been totally missed before, as well as for help with archiving the early official album releases ([[album:homestuck-vol-1]] through [[album:homestuck-vol-4]]). - Nuclear, for a variety of valuable feedback and discussion, as well as for spearheading projects like the unofficial Pesterquest OST album & metadata. - Bambosh, for creating The Unofficial Homestuck Collection and integrating data from HSMusic so seamlessly into it, and for sharing a number of handy data fixes and comments. - Thanks for pointing out typos, errors in reference lists, and out of date details: cookiefonster, foreverFlummoxed, and an emailer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Feedback & Suggestions Directory: feedback Content: Feature requests?
Noticed any errors?
Itching to see that one album you love on the wiki?
Please let us know! We appreciate feedback a lot, and always want to make this site better. There are five main channels you can reach the dev through: - HSMusic Community Discord Server - The official Discord, and a friendly place to drop feedback or discuss the wiki. (We also share sneak peeks of the coming updates here frequently!) - HomestuckXYZ - A public forum thread for the wiki. - Twitter - DMs for discussion or feedback are open! (It might go a while unnoticed, though - the site only indicates message requests when it's manually checked, and we're pretty terrible at remembering to do that!) - Mastodon - Same as birdsite but a moderately less terrible platform :) - Email - it's towerofnix at gmail dot beans! (Same domain everyone else uses.) Old-fashioned, but personally our favorite of them all, and certainly practical if you're sending a longer-form message. Thanks so much for sharing your feedback! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Changelog Directory: changelog Treat as HTML: yes Content:

12 January 2021 - traversing fandom

site changes



artist pages

track pages


data changes

12 December 2020 - launch of

site changes



track pages

bug fixes

data changes

10 October 2020 - autumnal polish haul

new features

flash pages

data changes

24 July 2020 - recompose, refine

new features

data changes


later-in-day patch

12 June 2020 - happy birthday karkat


flash pages

track pages



2 June 2020 - track art for beyond canon

25 May 2020 - albums, artists, and urls


album pages

track pages

flash pages

artist pages

15 April 2020 - chronology links

13 April 2020 - beyond canon

31 March 2020 - typo fixes from foreverFlummoxed

18 March 2020 - more sburb commentary

16 March 2020 - Land of Fans and Music (and References and Randomness and Art and Also Some Other Stuff)



album/track pages

artist pages


1 March 2020 - embracing fanon


track pages


7 February 2020 - flash pages


flash pages

track pages

artist pages


14 January 2020 - commentary for Sburb

6 December 2019 - commentary for [S] Collide.

3 December 2019 - commentary & lyrics

24 November 2019 - so many new pages

homepage / "About & Credits"


19 November 2019 - grouped artist listings

18 November 2019 - high-res cover art

16 November 2019 - track references & commentary


track pages

artist pages

15 November 2019 - initial release

initial release of the website


album pages

track pages

artist pages

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Donate Directory: donate Content: Thank you! There are two places you can support HSMusic: - Patreon, which should be straightforward to use if you've already set up an account. - Liberapay, which is a considerably more reliable platform than Patreon, but might take some setup to get working. As thanks for your support present or past, if you'd like (we'll message you!), we'll feature your name at the end of all coming news entries. (As far as we know, Liberapay doesn't display who is donating, so drop us a message if you donate there and would like to be part of the list!) As additional acknowledgment for donating CA$5 or more a month, we have a shiny Supporter role on the Discord server! Patreon should give this to you automatically... but it's still a little experimental, so let us know if it doesn't, or if you're donating from Liberapay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: HSMusic Community Discord Server Short Name: Discord Directory: discord Listed: no Content: We have a public Discord server - you're welcomed to join! We mostly discuss work-in-progress site updates here, sharing feedback and suggestions before (and after!) releases go online. There are a few rules you'll have to read and accept before being let in, and we take moderation seriously - but the server is a pretty chill space in general! The rules are just there to ensure it can be safe and relaxed for everyone. (Discord not your style? Check our other links!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: JavaScript Disabled (or out of date) Short Name: JS Disabled Directory: js-disabled Listed: no Content: Sorry, that link won't work unless you're running a web browser that supports relatively modern JavaScript. Please press the back button to get where you were, or head back to the index.