Album: the green box set 1 Date: November 1, 2018 Date Added: January 29, 2024 URLs: - Artists: - iodbc - The Black Box Cover Artists: - iodbc - The Black Box Cover Art File Extension: jpg Track Art File Extension: png Color: '#0AEF0E' Groups: - Fandom Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( This is a series of commissions done for the folks at the MS Paint Fan Adventure community. Some tracks may not be publicly available until a later date, and some tracks may be given their own album (at the commissioner's request.) By the way, if you're reading this and want to commission music for anything, then please feel free to contact me through Discord (iodbc#7182) or my email ( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( See each individual track for commissioner information and a direct link to the commissioner's Fanventure. MS Paint Fan Adventures is a website that hosts Homestuck Fanventures. You may view the site here: []( --- Track: '[S] Cape' Duration: '03:04' Date First Released: November 4, 2017 Cover Artists: - Losange (panel) - iodbc - The Black Box (edits) URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:sodiumcadaver|sodiumCadaver]]. Intended for use in ["Losange."]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( Track art is an edited portion of "Losange." --- Track: Stargazer Duration: '03:10' Date First Released: November 23, 2017 Cover Artists: - Radical Dude 42 Art Tags: - Alethea (Synodic Reboot) URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:zerio|Zerio]]. Intended for use in ["Synodic Reboot."]( Listen to the full album here: []( --- Track: Through the Light (Between Worlds) Duration: '04:24' Date First Released: January 1, 2018 Cover Artists: - PatManDX URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:zerio|Zerio]]. Intended for use in ["Synodic Reboot."]( Listen to the full album here: []( --- Track: Bronze Mechanic Duration: '02:33' Date First Released: January 2, 2018 Cover Artists: - glazelazer Art Tags: - Armadi (Moonsplit) - Mukada (Moonsplit) - Freyan (Moonsplit) - Parnon (Moonsplit) - Tamiaz (Moonsplit) - Zamora (Moonsplit) Sampled Tracks: - Dragonborn URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:glazelazer|glazelazer]]. Intended for use in ["Moonsplit."]( --- Track: Crashing Down Duration: '04:44' Date First Released: January 2, 2018 Cover Artists: - Kaitlyn Marie URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:zachary-torroni|Zachary Torroni]]. Intended for use on their website. []( --- Track: CONVERGENCE (Emmy's Theme) Duration: '02:27' Date First Released: January 2, 2018 Cover Artists: - animeseinfeld Art Tags: - Emmy (Hexane) URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:animeseinfeld|animeseinfeld]]. Intended for use in ["Hexane."]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( Download the full album here: []( --- Track: Requiem of Renewal (Laraminia's Theme) Duration: '03:57' Date First Released: January 3, 2018 Cover Artists: - tealspell Art Tags: - Laraminia (Hexane) URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:animeseinfeld|animeseinfeld]]. Intended for use in ["Hexane."]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( This track is part of the MARTYR Hexane Album. Download the full album here: []( This track is also part of Hexane Volume 6. Download the full album here: []( --- Track: Reverse Engineering (Qamarkino's Theme) Duration: '03:35' Date First Released: January 4, 2018 Cover Artists: - maroonian Art Tags: - Qamarkino (Hexane) URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:animeseinfeld|animeseinfeld]]. Intended for use in ["Hexane."]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( Download the full album here: []( --- Track: Teal Maestro (Acoustic Refrain) Duration: '02:20' Date First Released: January 9, 2018 Referenced Tracks: - Teal Maestro URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:glazelazer]]. Intended for use in ["Moonsplit."]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( Album art pending. --- Track: Phantasm of the Mind (Theremina's Theme) Duration: '03:37' Date First Released: January 25, 2018 Cover Artists: - c.orgiis Art Tags: - Theremina (Hexane) URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:animeseinfeld|animeseinfeld]]. Intended for use in ["Hexane."]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( Download the full album here: []( --- Track: '[S] Nepeta: Hunt (Unused)' Duration: '00:42' Date First Released: March 3, 2018 Cover Artists: - Alternate Mewniverse (panel) - iodbc - The Black Box (edits) Art Tags: - Nepeta Referenced Tracks: - Walls Covered in Blood URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:shootdawhoop99|Shootdawhoop99]]. Intended for use in ["Alternate Mewniverse."]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( Album art is an edited portion of "Alternate Mewniverse." --- Track: '[S] Nepeta: Hunt' Duration: '00:50' Date First Released: March 3, 2018 Cover Artists: - Alternate Mewniverse (panel) - iodbc - The Black Box (edits) Art Tags: - Nepeta Referenced Tracks: - '[S] Nepeta: Hunt (Unused)' URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:shootdawhoop99|Shootdawhoop99]]. Intended for use in ["Alternate Mewniverse."]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( Album art is an edited portion of "Alternate Mewniverse." --- Track: Dunwich Lullabies Duration: '01:25' Date First Released: March 26, 2018 Cover Artists: - 0verandoverandover Art Tags: - Elli (Breadstuck) URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by 0verandoverandover. Intended for use in ["Adventures in the consumption of breads."]( --- Track: Viridian Suede Directory: viridian-suede-the-green-box-set-1 Originally Released As: track:viridian-suede # Not marking a "Date First Released" for this track because it's part of the (somewhat) more robust re-release system. -Lan Duration: '02:40' Cover Artists: - Chestnut Art Tags: - Seytus (Fatebreak) URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:chestnut|Chestnut]]. Intended for use in [Fatebreak]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( This track is part of Fatebreak Volume 1. Download the full album here: []( --- Track: Cruoric Competitors Duration: '02:47' Date First Released: May 22, 2018 Referenced Tracks: - Scourge Sisters URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:shootdawhoop99|Shootdawhoop99]]. --- Track: Through the Haze Duration: '03:27' Date First Released: June 4, 2018 Cover Artists: - infiniteinconvenience URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:infiniteinconvenience|infiniteinconvenience]]. Intended for use in [STALEMATE]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( Track art by [[artist:infiniteinconvenience|infiniteinconvenience]]. This track is part of the Stalemate Vol. 1 Album. Download the full album here: []( --- Track: In the Deep Duration: '03:29' Date First Released: June 7, 2018 Cover Artists: - infiniteinconvenience URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:infiniteinconvenience|infiniteinconvenience]]. Intended for use in [STALEMATE]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( This track is part of the Stalemate Vol. 1 Album. Download the full album here: []( --- Track: A Taste of Heaven and Hell Duration: '03:20' Date First Released: June 7, 2018 Cover Artists: - FearTehk URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:feartehk|FearTehk]]. --- Track: Off the Path Duration: '03:01' Date First Released: June 9, 2018 Cover Artists: - infiniteinconvenience URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:infiniteinconvenience|infiniteinconvenience]]. Intended for use in [STALEMATE]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( This track is part of the Stalemate Vol. 1 Album. Download the full album here: []( --- Track: Slammin' Through Time Duration: '02:56' Date First Released: June 9, 2018 Cover Artists: - Ouhrin Siegru URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:ouhrin-siegru|Ouhrin Siegru]]. --- Track: Final Movement Duration: '03:24' Date First Released: June 27, 2018 Cover Artists: - infiniteinconvenience URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:infiniteinconvenience|infiniteinconvenience]]. Intended for use in [STALEMATE]( iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( This track is part of the Stalemate Vol. 1 Album. Download the full album here: []( --- Track: The Green Lion Roars Duration: '03:13' Date First Released: July 1, 2018 Cover Artists: - FearTehk URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:feartehk|FearTehk]]. --- Track: The Forgotten Star Duration: '03:21' Date First Released: July 3, 2018 Cover Artists: - Captain_moonstone URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:captainmoonstone|Captain_moonstone]]. --- Track: Press A to Start Duration: '02:54' Date First Released: July 10, 2018 URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:chestnut|Chestnut]]. Intended for use in [Kenos]( --- Track: NEPSIM Duration: '01:04' Date First Released: June 4, 2018 Cover Artists: - iodbc - The Black Box Art Tags: - Nepeta Referenced Tracks: - '[S] Nepeta: Hunt (Unused)' URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:shootdawhoop99|Shootdawhoop99]]. --- Track: The Litterbox Additional Names: - Name: "[S] Attempt rare and highly dang-purr-ous 5x SHOWDOWN COMBO" Annotation: alternate name Duration: '02:28' Date First Released: November 21, 2017 Cover Artists: - Alternate Mewniverse (panel) - iodbc - The Black Box (edits) Art Tags: - Nepeta Referenced Tracks: - The Carnival URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb](, excerpt) Commissioned by [[artist:shootdawhoop99|Shootdawhoop99]]. iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp credits blurb]( Album art is an edited portion of "Alternate Mewniverse." --- Track: Ritz's Theme Duration: '02:04' Date First Released: August 22, 2018 Cover Artists: - iodbc - The Black Box Art Tags: - Ritz (Shackstuck) URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Commissioned by [[artist:sonicbinch|Rose]]. Intended for use in [Shackstuck]( --- Track: Debt to be Paid Duration: '02:32' Date First Released: March 23, 2018 Cover Artists: - Alternate Mewniverse (panel) - iodbc - The Black Box (edits) Art Tags: - Nepeta - Vriska Referenced Tracks: - '[S] Nepeta: Hunt (Unused)' URLs: - Commentary: |- iodbc - The Black Box: ([Bandcamp about blurb]( Intended for use in ["Alternate Mewniverse."](