Album: Tents and Mirth Date: December 31, 2013 Date Added: November 27, 2023 URLs: - Artists: - Devieus Cover Artists: - Devieus Cover Art File Extension: png Color: '#803FBF' Groups: - Devieus - Fandom Commentary: |- Devieus: The year is over, by I'm not quite done, still three more months to go. Then there's weeklybeats 2014 at [](, I'll be partaking there as well. --- Track: Tents of Amazement Duration: '7:52' URLs: - Commentary: |- Devieus: Circus tents, carnival tents, festival tents, and the occasional camping tent. --- Track: Mirth of Music Duration: '4:00' URLs: - Commentary: |- Devieus: In almost bolero, it just gives a good feeling.