Album: Sunday Night Strifin' Act 1+2 OST Directory: sunday-night-strifin-act-1-plus-2-ost Directory Suffix: sunday-night-strifin Date: October 24, 2023 Date Added: October 25, 2023 URLs: - Cover Artists: - bould Art Tags: - Dave - Karkat Cover Art File Extension: png Track Art File Extension: png Wallpaper File Extension: png Additional Files: - Title: Bandcamp background Files: - bg.png - Title: WIP Album Cover Files: - coverartwip.png - Title: REAL Album Cover Files: - realalbumcover.png Wallpaper Artists: - melogomee - Niklink (edits for wiki) Wallpaper Style: |- opacity: 0.75; background-position: bottom; Color: '#FFFF00' Groups: - Fandom Commentary: |- Aubbie: Goddamn! Never thought I’d ever be writing one of those Album commentary deals, considering I didn’t make any of the music, but I guess that’s a moot point since here I am, writing commentary! First of all, thanks for checking out the Sunday Night Strifin’ Acts 1 + 2 Soundtrack! This entire album is a work of love from the entirety of the Strifin’ Musicians, (especially Jebb, my co-director for the mod who came up with the idea of making the OST for the mod an Album to begin with!) Sunday Night Strifin’ is a labor of love. It’s an unholy combination of two different yet intrinsically connected properties; Friday Night Funkin’ and Homestuck. I say they’re intrinsically connected because well, unless you have a mysterious third thing that crashed Newgrounds due to the sheer insanity of their fanbase, then Homestuck and FNF are the only two guilty of such a feat. Anyways, I digress. Sunday Night Strifin’ was started all the way back in 2021 because me and the other head Director; my friend Bould, both realized that hey! Homestuck doesn’t have an FNF mod yet! We should fix that. However we were both INSANELY undercooked and knew nearly nothing about FNF modding, music making, or sprite animation, so the mod was kind of in its own personal development hell for a while until we met another musician, who goes by the name of Mabsoot online. Honestly, if we never met her Strifin’ would have most likely been canned. But her tunes re-ignited a passion in me and Bould, and we both decided we needed to see it through to the end. And from then on it was only up from there. We met more musicians, more artists, more like minded people who just wanted to come together and make something awesome, and that we did! Sunday Night Strifin’ holds a place near and dear to my heart, it’s one of the most important projects I’ve ever headlined, and I only look forward to seeing what me and my friends make next. I hope you love this Album as much as I loved excitedly checking the # song-updates channel in the Mod Dev Discord Server whenever I saw it had new messages. bould: boulge Jebb: Hey everyone! Thank you all SO much for checking out this album! This was pretty tough to put together, but man was it worth it. This entire team is a hotspot of talent, it's a joy to work on this project, and i do sincerely hope that we continue doing stuff as good and even better than what we have so far. Dori already said everything one could say, so, i hope you enjoy! --- Section: Main album --- Track: TutorialD Additional Names: - homestutorial (original name) Artists: - Mabsoot Duration: 1:27 Referenced Tracks: - Beatdown (Strider Style) - Sburban Jungle - Unite Synchronization - track:megalovania-undertale Sampled Tracks: - Upward Movement (Dave Owns) URLs: - --- Track: Trepidation (Retconned) Artists: - TeeDeeGee Cover Artists: - Aubbie Art Tags: - Karkat Duration: 2:00 Referenced Tracks: - track:trepidation-sunday-night-strifin - track:trepidation URLs: - - Commentary: |- TeeDeeGee: This is *technically* the first track I did for Sunday Night Strifin', even though I did it before I was officially apart of the team. I initially made this track as a rough B-Side version of the song just for fun, but later I put it in my portfolio when applying for the team. The song became a replacement for the old version of Trepidation, but I later redid it to make it more like Trepidation instead of it being a string of references to other Homestuck tracks. --- Track: Rise Up (Retconned) Artists: - Mabsoot Cover Artists: - Aubbie Art Tags: - Karkat Duration: 01:55 Referenced Tracks: - Beatdown (Strider Style) - T-Godhead URLs: - --- Track: Can't Abscond Artists: - Mabsoot Cover Artists: - Aubbie Art Tags: - Karkat Duration: 2:13 Referenced Tracks: - Time on My Side - Beatdown (Strider Style) - Rise Up - Liquid Negrocity - track:megalovania-undertale Lyrics: |- Prince is awake, your shit is wrecked Prince is awake, your shit is wrecked Prince is awake, your shit is wrecked Prince is awake, your shit is wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- Prince is awake, your shit is wrecked Prince is awake, your shit is wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- Prince is awake, your shit is wrecked Prince is awake, your shit is wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- Prince is awake, your shit is wrecked Prince is awake, your shit is wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- wre- Prince is awake, your shit is wrecked URLs: - --- Track: Sleepwalk Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - bould Cover Artists: - Aubbie Art Tags: - Karkat - Dave - Rose Duration: 2:07 Referenced Tracks: - Derse Dreamers - Aggrieve - Crustacean - Upward Movement (Dave Owns) URLs: - --- Track: Verdancy Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - WorldEndWonder Cover Artists: - Aubbie Art Tags: - Karkat - Dave - Rose Duration: 2:36 Referenced Tracks: - Verdancy (Bassline) URLs: - --- Track: Grimdark Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - bould Cover Artists: - Aubbie Art Tags: - Karkat - Dave - Rose Duration: 2:04 Referenced Tracks: - Aggrieve URLs: - - --- Track: BULL2HIIT Additional Names: - Bullshit (quirk-free) Artists: - Mabsoot Cover Artists: - Artazura Cover Art File Extension: jpg Art Tags: - Eridan - Sollux - Feferi - Vriska - Trolls' Meteor Duration: 1:57 Referenced Tracks: - Eridan's Theme Lyrics: |- Fuck you fish dick Fuck you, it's my turn now! Fuck you! URLs: - - --- Track: Feels Jam Artists: - bould Cover Artists: - bould Cover Art File Extension: png Art Tags: - Dave - Dirk - LoMaX Duration: 2:25 Referenced Tracks: - Beatdown (Strider Style) - Upward Movement (Dave Owns) - Liquid Negrocity URLs: - --- Track: Grimdate Additional Names: - lofi thing maybe sharpie girl (project filename) Artists: - Jebb Cover Artists: - melogomee Cover Art File Extension: png Art Tags: - Rose - Kanaya - Dave Duration: 2:46 Referenced Tracks: - Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There - Liquid Negrocity URLs: - - Commentary: |- Jebb: Grimdate is my Act 2 track. When i joined the SNS team, i was initially only doing Act 3 stuff, however it turned out we still had place for another song for the Act 2 update. Now, with that knowledge and opportunity in mind, i thought about what would be the PERFECT track for a Rose-oriented update, and after some thinking, i decided that i would make... A Sharpie Bath incident song. Yeah. However, after working on it for a bit, i started to realise that what i was making was simply way too emotional for a song dedicated to, well, that. I talked about this for a bit, and [[artist:aubbie|Dori]] suggested i rework the track to be a Rose and Kanaya date track titled "Grimdate". And so, this was born. (Fun fact, you can still actually hear remnants of the sharpie bath idea in the song: one of the instruments that i used is a bathroom floor tile sample.) Since this was a Rose-oriented update, i was pretty surprised by the lack of all and any Rose-themed bonus songs that we had, and it's nice that in the end she at least got one that she deserved. Personally, i am not suuuper proud of this track, however i do believe that it does its job very well as being a Rosemary date track. I am especially proud of my work on the piano in this piece. I spent way too much time on mixing specifically - the bass always seemed too strong no matter what i did to it (probably since i layered a regular bass and a chiptune bass, so they ended up clashing in the mix). Eventually i sorta found a sweet spot though. Sorta. Either way, in the end, you can polish your artpiece for eternity, so you gotta learn to find your limit. While it's not necessarily a direct reference, i decided to base the track strongly around [[track:darling-kanaya|Kanaya's theme]], specifically by using the same instruments (piano, sleigh bells, bongos etc.) I also referenced Rose the same way, although much less obviously (it's just the strings (it becomes even less obvious of a reference considering the strings are partly just a Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There reference lmao)). At some point i realised that the entire track sounds very suspiciously like Specialist from Persona 4, so do what you wish with that info. --- Track: Check It Artists: - bould Cover Artists: - Aubbie Cover Art File Extension: png Art Tags: - Dave - Dave Cosplayer (KGTAC) Duration: 1:53 Referenced Tracks: - Beatdown (Strider Style) Lyrics: |- Check it. URLs: - --- Track: Playtime Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - TeeDeeGee Cover Artists: - Aubbie Art Tags: - PDR Guy (PAY DAT RENT!!!1) - Faithful Dimwit (PAY DAT RENT!!!1) Duration: 2:54 Referenced Tracks: - The Massacre Sampled Tracks: - Oh Shit! (for MSX) Commentary: |- TeeDeeGee: After I learned the flash this was based on used a FantomenK song I HAD to take it. I come from a YTPMV background and I'm very accustomed to chiptune tracks, only because you learn the patterns of every single chiptune song when half the songs you cover are chiptune. This track isn't all chiptune though, and I did some of my own things throughout, but it was nice 8r8k from a certain other track I was stressing over. By the way, Oh Shit! for the MSX is still the funniest game ever. URLs: - --- Track: Halloween Hack Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - bould Cover Artists: - melogomee Art Tags: - Varik (EBHH) Duration: 1:47 Referenced Tracks: - No More Nuzzles URLs: - --- Track: Catfight Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - TeeDeeGee Cover Artists: - Aubbie Art Tags: - Nepeta - 'cw: blood' Duration: 2:13 Commentary: |- TeeDeeGee: I don't have much to say about this track. It's a fun little SNES inspired track that I just wrote on a whim, and I kind of just wanted to write something more lighthearted compared to the more intense tracks I was doing. This one is probably my favourite out of the original tracks I did. URLs: - - --- Track: Heinous Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - WorldEndWonder Cover Artists: - bould Art Tags: - Dad - John (Heinoustuck) Duration: 2:51 URLs: - Commentary: |- WorldEndWonder: Originally when I was creating this song, it was just a test of Thermal. I had heard some of my friends and other musicians ramble on about it and managed to get it for myself. Fortunately, I was happy with the silly test song I made and some of the others were too and boom theres Heinous. This song was absolute hell to export and I hope I never have to export it again, because every single instrument has Thermal on it. --- Track: Descendascend Artists: - bould Cover Artists: - Aubbie Art Tags: - John - LoWaS Duration: 2:40 Referenced Tracks: - track:doctor - Savior of the Waking World URLs: - --- Track: 8r8k Additional Names: - Break (quirk-free) Artists: - TeeDeeGee Cover Artists: - melogomee Art Tags: - Vriska - Terezi - Gamzee - 'cw: blood' #- Warhammer of Zillyhoo Duration: 3:12 Referenced Tracks: - Lotus Commentary: |- TeeDeeGee: 8r8k has made me felt pain, frustration, love, resentment, but I can't bring myself to hate it at all. 8r8k has gone through 3 revisions, technically 4 since it's based off a previous track I did before Sunday Night Strifin', all because I found that I was unhappy with the track. This was the first real track I did for SNS, and I constantly wrote it under the idea that I HAD to make it the best track I could make. That pressure didn't turn out well, and it took me around half a year to get a result I even liked. Even then, I could nitpick 1000 things I want to change, but getting stuck in that loop again would be an absolute nightmare. Lesson I learned? Never do anything relating to Vriska ever again. URLs: - --- Track: Shenanigans Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - bould Cover Artists: - KawaiiMochiORA Art Tags: - Aradia - Green Sun Duration: 2:29 URLs: - - --- Track: Breakdown SS Artists: - Mabsoot Duration: 2:29 Referenced Tracks: - Beatdown (Strider Style) URLs: - --- Track: Cooldown Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - DreamilyDrifting Duration: 1:09 Referenced Tracks: - Beatdown (Strider Style) URLs: - --- Track: Dubious Therapy Artists: - bould Duration: 1:12 Referenced Tracks: - Aggrieve URLs: - --- Track: Crabby Chorale Artists: - bould Duration: 1:21 Referenced Tracks: - Chorale for Jaspers Sampled Tracks: - Game Over (Don't Stop) URLs: - --- Section: Bonus tracks --- Track: Trepidation Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - Mabsoot Duration: 2:00 Referenced Tracks: - track:trepidation - Rex Duodecim Angelus - Rise Up URLs: - - --- Track: Rise Up Additional Names: - beatdown-time (original name) Artists: - Mabsoot Duration: 2:03 Referenced Tracks: - Time on My Side - Beatdown (Strider Style) Lyrics: |- Prince is awake, your shit is wrecked URLs: - --- Track: Broseph Bash Additional Names: - Battle of the Broseph (original name) Artists: - Jebb Cover Artists: - Jebb Art Tags: - Dave's bro - Karkat Duration: 2:05 Referenced Tracks: - Crustacean - Karkat Loses His Mind And Learns Holy C - Half-Harley Manor - Drillgorg - Eternal Pulse - Beatdown (Strider Style) - chop suey but everything is a table - Is this a chord progression? - One Hell of a Time - Idle Playthings (Mimis Music) - Oh Whoa, What's This - Elevatorstuck - track:trepidation-sunday-night-strifin Sampled Tracks: - Drillgorg - vs bros - '[Vinesauce] Joel - Insane Mario Bootleg Games ( Part 1 )' - '[Vinesauce] Joel - Voices Of The Void ( Part 5 )' - Chop Suey! - AIN'T NOTHIN' LIKE A FUNKY BEAT URLs: - Lyrics: |- Hah! Too bad, Ash Ketchum! I'm GRAND motherfucking DAD, I'm hungry for ASS so get goddamn shoveling! I'm the king of everything under the sun I'm just like Parappa except I like hot dog buns I'm gonna Beatdown your ASS, I'll [[track:contention-vol4]] your face I'll eat all the DINNER in the MARCIANITO race 👽😡HEY ALIEN FUCK OFF😡👽 🖕🖕FUCK YOU ALIEN 🖕🖕 🤬🤬🍆SUCK MY DICK🍆🤬🤬 🖕🤬🖕FUCK OFF🖕🤬🖕FUCK OFF🖕🤬🖕 ❌👽🚨ANTI ALIEN ALARM 🚨👽❌ 👽🚫NO ALIEN🚫👽 👽🚫NO MARCIANITO🚫👽 🤬🖕FUCK OFF🖕🤬🖕FUCK YOU🖕🤬🖕 🖕🤬🖕FUCK OFFFFFF🖕🤬🖕 Wake up (Wake up) Grab a brush and put a makeup Hide your shakeup (Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup) Why'd you leave the keys a TABLE Here you go, TABLE (you wanted to) Grab a brush and put a TABLE (you wanted to) Hide the TABLE (you wanted to) Why'd you leave the keys a TABLE (you wanted to) TABLE (Actually, a fight sequence was entirely unnecessary. So, it was deleted aaaand what happens is that in the end: it turns out Bro's a STUPID PIECE OF SHIT. I mean... it was just complex given the fact that this is a normally simple story about, um uh, you know like a... thirteen-year-old boy giving birth to FUNKY FRESH BEATS, I- It- It didn't fit the archetypes. So, I'm going to uh... move on to the next song and you can, just... chillax a little bit.) Commentary: |- Jebb: I made this track for fun, it being a tribute (?) to Act 1 of the mod and as a bonus to anyone who checked out the OST outside of the mod. I was never really that good with jamming references into my tracks, however one day something possessed me ([[artist:grace-medley|Grace]] said it was her. I believe her.) and i decided to pump out THIS beauty/abomination. I wanted to make the music wiki editors' life hell with this track, but jokes on me, i am the editor for this album! (I still succeeded. Ha.) --- Track: Aggrievety Artists: - Jebb Cover Artists: - bould Art Tags: - Rose Duration: 2:27 Referenced Tracks: - Aggrieve - Aggrievance - Aggrievocation - track:MeGaLoVania - track:sleepwalk-sunday-night-strifin - track:verdancy-sunday-night-strifin - track:grimdark-sunday-night-strifin - Grimdate URLs: - Commentary: |- Jebb: Other than Grimdate i also made a trailer theme for the mod's showcase at the 2023's New Year SAHCON. Since Act 2 was mainly a Rose-centered update, i decided to go the very obvious route and make it a remix of Aggrieve, her theme. I also decided to take a bit from each version, like the chiptune from the original, the chimes from Aggrievance and the guitar from Aggrievocation. Instead of abandoning the track, i decided to extend it to the length of a full proper piece as a sort of final bonus for the release of the album. So yeah, hope you enjoyed it, and thanks a lot for listening!