Album: Squiddles!
Date: August 26, 2010
Date Added: November 15, 2019
Cover Artists:
- Cindy Dominguez
Color: '#bb44ff'
- group:official
Art Tags:
- Squiddles
Banner Artists:
- Cindy Dominguez
Banner Dimensions: 1100x205
Banner File Extension: png
Wallpaper Artists:
- Cindy Dominguez
Wallpaper Style: 'opacity: 0.85;'
Wallpaper File Extension: png
Additional Files:
- Title: Album Booklet
  - Squiddles_booklet.pdf
- Title: Squiddles! Full Opening
  - squiddlevid.swf
- Title: What Pumpkin Site Banner
  - squiddles_banner.jpg
Commentary: |-
    <i>Andrew Hussie:</i>

    Hey guys, guess what the next album is all about! No, your guess is wrong. It is a Squiddles album. Surprise!

    Here is an important thing to note before all else. <a href="">This album comes with a full-length animation!</a>

    A lot of the same people who have contributed to MSPA animations lately worked on that animation. In fact, they did 100% of it! Conceptualized it and storyboarded it and drew all the assets, all under the supervision of a very skilled Flash animator named [[artist:paige-turner|Paige Turner]].

    This album began percolating many months ago, and as with much of what this music fellowship works on, it snowballed in quantity and silliness and awesomeness over an extended period of time. It began with [[artist:alex-rosetti|Alex Rosetti's]] great [[track:squiddles|single track]], a snippet of which found its way into the big [[flash:1940|[S] Descend]] mashup.

    The idea we formed around that song was to make an album that would serve as the soundtrack for a fictional cartoon show for kids, full of ridiculous happy tunes with strong themes of friendship and chock full of squeaky noises and aquatic gurglings. Seems to me like they pulled it off. It's very easy to picture this as a real show now!

    Most of what you hear and see is musician/artist-conceptualized. I didn't have much of a hand in it other than the original idea. The guiding principle for working on Squiddles stuff is, any idea someone has for it automatically becomes Squiddles canon. So really anything going on here, candy corn shrimp, skipper Plumbthroat's connivings, underwater unicorns, all that came together through the collaboration of these artists while I sat quietly and boggled vacantly at their shenanigans. These guys are a bunch of nuts. But they are your nuts, and now their work is yours as well.

    <i>Cindy Dominguez:</i> ([ news post](

    Alright, so we did it. We decided to make a soundtrack dedicated solely to a nonexistant cartoon show about little cutesy-pie squid-things. So we told the musicians, "make this thing." Not only did they make it, they made it with 22 songs (and a short bonus track). Most of the song titles have the word "Squiddle" in them, and I'm pretty sure about 70% of the lyrics are also comprised of the word as well. It was just about the silliest project idea you could think of, but here's the thing: the musicians did a fan-squiddlin'-tastic job on this music. These are some very genuinely great songs, with the added bonus that they might also make you laugh. Win-win, right? So go give it a listen.

    Now I'm going to say a name, and I would like you to join me in giving some major props to this person for going the extra mile (beyond just making some fabulous songs) in getting this album collected, organized, prepped and mixed, as well as keeping the project on track for months (yes, this thing was a long time in the making!). Okay get ready for it here is the name: [[artist:alex-rosetti|ALEXANDER ROSETTI]]. Remember that name, and give him the biggest props you can muster for being an awesome contributor and outstanding fellow.

    Make sure you save a few props though, because I am going to be sharing another name with you in a moment.

    Let me tell you about an EXTRA SPECIAL THING. This album is not just about music. Nope, we got a bunch of spectacular artists in on the act as well, and thanks to their efforts we're including with the album an animation set to a track called (this may surprise you) "Squiddles!". It is adorable and hilarious and you can watch [a short preview of it here]( The complete animation is included with the purchase of the album as an .SWF file. It was a big collaborative effort, and I'm about to mention that name I warned you about earlier: [[artist:paige-turner|PAIGE TURNER]]. All the artists contributed art of course, but this is the guy who directed and corralled everybody's efforts, did a bunch of awesome art herself (plus a puppet show!!), and put the whole animation together. Fabulous job!

    There were so many people involved in this that I went ahead and made [a separate credits page just for this album]( Take a look and tell all these people what a great job they did by buying this ridicudorable album.

    <i>Homestuck:</i> ([ side blurb](

    The soundtrack for a cartoon show about tiny adorable fictional cephalopods. You've been waiting your entire life for this and it's *finally here.*

    <i>Homestuck:</i> ([ "about the albums" blurb](

    Fake band? No, more like a real soundtrack to a fake children's cartoon show about tiny squid-like sea creatures. Fake *show,* that is, not fake children. Actually the children are fake too. It's a fake show for fake kids, but the music is real and very *good.* Get it? Then get it! The album, I mean. Get the album.

    It includes a full-length animation set to the album's title track, [which you can preview right here](!

    [Click here for album and animation credits.](

    <i>Homestuck:</i> ([Bandcamp download blurb](

    COOL BONUSES INCLUDED: Squiddles animation (in .swf format) and PDF booklet with lyrics and credits!

    <i>Homestuck:</i> ([Bandcamp credits blurb](

    Album by these fine musicians:<br>
    [[artist:alex-rosetti|Alexander Rosetti]]<br>
    [[artist:clark-powell|Clark "Plazmataz" Powell]]<br>
    [[artist:erik-scheele|Erik "Jit" Scheele]]<br>
    [[artist:seth-peelle|Seth "Beatfox" Peelle]]<br>
    [[artist:solatrus|Jeremy "Solatrus" Iamurri]]<br>
    [[artist:toby-fox|Toby "Radiation" Fox]]<br>
    [[artist:mark-j-hadley|Mark Hadley]]

    And Squiddles! animation by:<br>
    [[artist:paige-turner]] (lead animator)<br>
Section: Main album
Track: Squiddles!
- Alex Rosetti
Duration: '2:54'
Lyrics: |-
    Squeedle dee dee
    Squeedle dee dum
    Everyone sing a Squiddly song
    Let's all be friends
    And work as a team
    Squiddles for you
    Squiddles for me!

    Tangle Buddies
    Let's become
    Tangle Buddies
    That's right
    Tangle Buddies
    You heard me
    Tangle Buddies
    Squiddle-dee Squiddles!

    Lots of fun times are waiting ahead
    Early to rise and early to bed
    When you're with us every second is great
    Just as long as you don't stay up late

    The power of friendship and the
    Power of love will guide us
    We'll all live in harmony
    Sea unicorns and happy
    Candy corn shrimp
    They all sing the song of the sea

    Everyone sing
    Come on now
    Sing the song of
    The happy sea!

    (Hey, Squiddle Diddle, can you guess what I'm thinkin'?)
    (No, Squiddly-Dee, what?)
    (I was thinking we should be)
    (TANGLE BUDDIES) (Tangle Buddies!)
    (Tangle Buddies, yeah!)

    Squeedle dee dee
    Squeedle dee dum
    Everyone sing a Squiddly song
    Let's all be friends
    And work as a team
    Squiddles for you
    Squiddles for me!

    Tangle Buddies
    Let's become
    Tangle Buddies
    That's right
    Tangle Buddies
    You heard me
    Tangle Buddies
    Squiddle-dee Squiddles!

    Lots of fun times are waiting ahead
    Early to rise and early to bed
    When you're with us every second is great
    Just as long as you don't stay up late

    The power of friendship and the
    Power of love will guide us
    We'll all live in harmony
    Sea unicorns and happy
    Candy corn shrimp
    They all sing the song of the sea

    Everyone sing
    Come on now
    Sing the song of
    The happy sea!
Sheet Music Files:
- Title: Vocal line by Miff
  - 'Squiddles - Miff (vocals).png'
Track: Rainbow Valley
- David Ko
- Alex Rosetti (remix)
Duration: '1:10'
Track: Squiddle Parade
- artist:ian-taylor
Duration: 0:50
Referenced Tracks:
- Homestuck Anthem
Track: Squiddle March
- Erik Scheele
Duration: '1:09'
Track: Tangled Waltz
- Michael Guy Bowman
Duration: '4:15'
Commentary: |-
    <i>Michael Guy Bowman:</i>
    For the Squiddles album, I dropped in a good three tracks of fun for the whole family. "Tangled Waltz" is a little piece that [[artist:tavia-morra|Tavia]] repeatedly insists should be set to the image of a million squiddles building a castle out of little blocks. The waltz gets its name from how it gets "tangled" in the middle, turning into some kind of march in quintuple time.
Track: Sun-Speckled Squiddly Afternoon
- Alex Rosetti
Duration: '1:41'
Referenced Tracks:
- Squiddles!
Track: Squiddles Campfire
- Erik Scheele
Duration: '5:16'
Sheet Music Files:
- Title: Sheet music by Goatmon
  - 'Squiddles Campfire - Goatmon.pdf'
Track: Friendship is Paramount
- Seth Peelle
Duration: '3:43'
Referenced Tracks:
- Squiddles!
Sheet Music Files:
- Title: Piano score by BRPXQZME
  - 'Friendship is Paramount - BRPXQZME (piano score).pdf'
MIDI Project Files:
- Title: MIDI by Seth Peelle (original composer)
  - 'Friendship is Paramount - Seth Peelle.mid'
Track: Lazybones
- Steve Everson
Duration: '1:15'
Track: Tentacles
- Robert J! Lake
Duration: '1:57'
Lyrics: |-
    (Hey, Squiddle G.)
    (I said HEY, Squiddle G!)
    (Yeah, Squiddle Argyle the Warmhearted?)
    (Come on! Throw me down some sick beats.)
    (You got it!)

    (Crazy stuff in here man. Just totally crazy stuff!)
    (Totally biznasty up in here!)
    (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!)

    I love to talk about goin' to school
    'Cause Squiddles learn, so much, so cool
    I'm like some kinda dude on the mic
    Just listen to me spit, so fresh so fly

    Na, na, na, throw your tentacles up
    Na, na, na, throw your tentacles up
    Tentacles breakdancing
    I want your tentacles all up on the floor
    Tentacles breakdancing
    Let's all dance some more
    (Yeah... uh-huh.)
    (Yeah, we do it right here, boy.)
    (Come on!)
    (Get up! Get up!)
    I love all the lady Squigglies, they gigglies
    They love me, they say so, they know that
    I'm doing things right
    Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh

    Uh, uh, uh
    Tentacles breakdancing
    I want your tentacles all up on the floor
    Tentacles breakdancing
    Let's all dance some more

    (Check it out!)
Track: Squiddles Happytime Fun Go!
- Robert J! Lake
Duration: '1:43'
Track: The Sound of Pure Squid Giggles
- Nick Smalley
- Alex Rosetti (remix)
Duration: '1:22'
Track: Squiddle Samba
- Michael Guy Bowman
Duration: '3:05'
Commentary: |-
    <i>Michael Guy Bowman:</i>
    "Squiddle Samba", after a few false starts in the writing process, ended up going this whole latin-fusion direction I rather like, complete with a guitar solo that is delightfully out of tune.
Track: Squiddles in Paradise
- Solatrus
- Alex Rosetti (Squiddle voices)
Duration: '4:11'
Lyrics: |-
    Squiddles, Squiddles, Squiddles in paradise<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, let's get tangled up!<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, Squiddles in paradise<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, let's get tangled up!
    Squiddles down in paradise invite you to play<br>They're tangled up with joy and fun every single day<br>It's a silly kind of life they live, but for them it's nothing new<br>They are friends with everyone and they love you!
    'Cause they're Squiddles, Squiddles, Squiddles in paradise<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, let's get tangled up!
    It's a funny time in paradise with their Squiddle friends and more<br>So let's dive on in and we'll go see what they have in store<br>We'll ride up on sea unicorns into uncharted lands<br>Watch out for Skipper Plumbthroat! And his salty band<br>(Bye Skipper Plumbthroat!) (I'll catch you yet!)
    They're Squiddles, Squiddles, Squiddles in paradise<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, let's get tangled up!
    It's a lovely time in paradise, see the Squiddles smile with glee<br>We should join them in the fun they made for you and me<br>'Cause soon enough we'll have to leave, and depart for shore<br>But we'll be back another day, on the ocean floor!
    Squiddles, Squiddles, Squiddles in paradise<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, let's get tangled up!<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, Squiddles in paradise<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, let's get tangled up!<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, Squiddles in paradise<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, let's get tangled up!<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, Squiddles in paradise<br>Squiddles, Squiddles, let's get tangled up!
Commentary: |-
    <i>(original commentary)</i>
    Haha, oh man.
    My vocal debut, and what is it? Me mocking the music kids shows. It's an adorable song, though.
    Okay, so this one actually has a bit of history, quite a long time before Homestuck. I've been at this music thing for over 9 years after all.
    Originally I was interested in writing a sort of uplifting and mellow hip hop song, and the first thing I did was make an organ synth with a swung version of one of the melodies you hear in Squiddles in Paradise. I was actually working with AndrewNeo (him again!) on the song.
    Of course, that never panned out, but when I finally felt like I should contribute to the Squiddles album (I was among the last to actually start something) all those years later, I remembered that melody.
    And then Alex told me the whole hip hop feel, even though it was pretty relaxing, just wasn't gonna work. So I reworked it into a pretty cheesy and stereotypical reggae song and just stopped caring altogether about how it sounded. I mean, come on, it's a freaking parody album!
    Eventually Alex recorded some Squiddle vocals for it because I thought it'd be hilarious, and he sang (badly out of tune on purpose) the chorus. I thought it was brilliant and promptly wrote a full set of lyrics.
    TLDR, the chorus to Squiddles in Paradise was actually made up by Alex Rosetti basically on accident, and the song was originally some hip hop song I did over half a decade ago.
    <i>(commentary redux)</i>
    Well, what do you know, my vocal debut?
    This song has a remarkably old history to it, elements of it dating back to 2005, not too long after I started using FL Studio. Originally this was a sort of uplifting hip-hop song that I did in collaboration with AndrewNeo, but the song was never finished. I'd share the song with you, but unfortunately I don't have the plugins I used because back then I didn't care as much about pirating VSTs and the like.
    Anyway, while this song is chronologically my second official Homestuck song, it's also the second song I wrote after joining the team. The first song I wrote after joining will be discussed next time. Hehe.
    Nonetheless, do have a little snippet of what I did with that hip-hop song when the Squiddles album was starting up, which is not too different from the original, aside from a more interesting beat and bassline. (<a href="">dead link</a>)
    I sent it over to Alex Rosetti, but we ended up agreeing that going with the hip-hop style. Even though it was a pretty relaxing song, it wasn't going to be a good fit for what Alex had in mind for the album.
    Thus, I scrapped it and started to work on other songs before coming back to it almost a month later.
    It hit me one day that I should try rewriting the song in a really ridiculous, cheesy, and cliche reggae style, and completely not care. So I did.
    I again sent this to Alex and he really liked it, and he quickly recorded some Squiddles very horribly singing what eventually became the chorus. I thought it was brilliant and was immediately inspired to write lyrics for the entire song, which really helped flesh out everything. It also let me use Radiation's hilarious Skipper Plumbthroat voice briefly, though that went uncredited in the song, hah!
    And after some work, I arrived to the final song that's on the Squiddles album.
    <b>Other Thoughts</b>
    Michael Bowman once mentioned that Squiddles in Paradise is one of the few songs on the album that really balances the act between a legitimate song and a downright silly song. I was pretty flattered when both said this and when he recommended this song, among others from the album, to a fan.
    I actually have to agree with Bowman after looking back at it almost two years later. Despite how little effort I feel that I put into this song, it was a really fun and silly song to write... about kid-friendly horrorterrors... in paradise.
Track: Squiddidle!
- Malcolm Brown
Duration: '2:00'
Track: Catchyegrabber (Skipper Plumbthroat's Song)
- Alex Rosetti
- Toby Fox (Skipper Plumbthroat)
Duration: '4:33'
Lyrics: |-
    They call me Skipper Plumbthroat<br>'Tis a name ye'd best remember (Yar)<br>I'm captain of me ol' boat<br>The Grundy Catchyegrabber (Oh-ho)
    I travel the seven seas<br>In search of valuable ink<br>It sparkles like a blessing<br>Of unicorns made from zinc
    I'll row, row, row me boat<br>Collect that valuable prize<br>I need the stuff to stay afloat<br>'Tis the apple of me eyes
    This ink that I do seek<br>Comes from little Squiddles<br>They swim around and squeak<br>And are full of Squiddle giggles
    My fishing nets will grab<br>A tentacle or two<br>And maybe afterwards<br>I'll have some Squiddle Stew!
    Row, row, row me boat<br>An' throw out all o' me nets<br>Those squids won't know what hit 'em<br>'Til they're payin' off me debts
    (Yes... if I... if I ever can pay off me debts, I mean, I... I still have to pay for... school. My... I mean... just- never mind, never mind! Just, well...)
    Sometimes I have to ask meself<br>Skipper, where's your life led ya?<br>You dropped right out of law school<br>To sell rutabagas (I need a tangle buddy.)
    My poor business flopped<br>I was penniless once more<br>So land for sea I swapped<br>And left my native shore
    Strugglin' to stay afloat<br>But it's all right, I guess<br>Just as long as I can gloat<br>An' sail an' fish an' Aggress
    (Aggress. I love aggressin'. Yar, har. Ah-har. Yar-har!)
    I've come far, that's for sure<br>Nanna Plumbthroat would be proud (Yes, she would.)<br>I've no time to be demure<br>'Cause I'm scary as a storm cloud (Or scarier!)
    Yar-har<br>The fishin' life's for me<br>I love me job, I love me life<br>Catching Squiddles of the sea!
    (Yar-har-har. I'll get those little Squiddles yet. If I can... if I can just get enough money, and... maybe overcome my crippling depression. But... but I have friends, I have a crew! They... they like me and, but... well... I mean...)
Track: Plumbthroat Gives Chase
- Alex Rosetti
- Toby Fox (Skipper Plumbthroat)
Duration: '2:51'
Referenced Tracks:
- Catchyegrabber (Skipper Plumbthroat's Song)
Lyrics: |-
    (This might not fit my... rude alter ego, but I really love drinking tea and eating broccoli. But don't tell anyone!)
    (Yar-har, time for some Squiddle Stew!)<br>(Come here, Squiddles! Little Squiddles! Ha, ha, har!)
    (Come back here, you Squiddles!)<br>(I'll show you tangle buddles! I'll show you tangle... hoo-)<br>(Darn those Squiddles, come back with my pants!)
    (Darn those Squiddles, where are my pants?)<br>(I am embarrassed that you Squiddles have had to see my naked body.)
    (I'll get you yet, you Squiddles!)<br>(Well, EXCUSE me, Squiddles!)<br>(Squiddles! Curse you, Squiddles!)<br>(You have yet to see the power of the Catchyegrabber!)
    (I wish I had a job! I wish I wasn't such a- [unintelligible] this! [unintelligible] Skipper Plumbthroat!)
Track: Squiddles the Movie Trailer - The Day the Unicorns Couldn't Play
- Toby Fox
Duration: '1:51'
Referenced Tracks:
- Squiddles!
Lyrics: |-
    (But... but where are the unicorns today, Mommy? Where are the unicorns?)
    (Someday, when I'm older, I'll— I'll find Santa Claus. He'll bring the unicorns back, won't he Mommy? Mommy? Where are you, Mommy? Are you with the unicorns?)
Track: Carefree Princess Berryboo
- Alex Rosetti
Duration: '2:16'
Referenced Tracks:
- track:carefree-action
Lyrics: (Well EXCUSE me, Princess Berryboo!)
Track: Mister Bowman Tells You About the Squiddles
- Michael Guy Bowman
- Tavia Morra (additional vocals)
Duration: '4:27'
Lyrics: |-
    (Mister Bowman, can you tell us about the Squiddles?)<br>(Well of course, child!)<br>(Yay!)
    Let me tell you of the Squiddles who live below the sea<br>They love to sing and dance and play just like you and me<br>They're squishy little creatures with tentacles of joy<br>And adorable eyes that bring delight to every girl and boy
    Not much is known about the Squiddles, at least on our behalf<br>And many wonder why it is they always seem to laugh<br>Do they know some kind of secret? Well, maybe, just in part<br>But any child knows the real answer deep within their heart!
    They laugh because they love<br>They sing because they're free<br>They splash because they're safe and sound<br>Below the deep blue sea
    They leap because they like you<br>They swim because they're swell<br>They smile because they have so many<br>Stories they like to tell
    The Squiddles live in a magical land<br>Below the waves in castles of sand<br>If you listen close you can hear them make their plans
    (What kind of plans?)<br>(Happy Squiddle plans!)
    They kiss because they can't help it<br>They wiggle because why not!<br>They prance because they're oh so proud<br>Of all the friends they've got (Hey guys, how's it going?)
    They jump because they're joyful<br>They giggle because they're glad<br>They Squiddle because in Squiddle Land<br>No one's ever sad!
    (All right, now we're going to do the whole song one more time, and this time I want everybody to join in. Parents, that means you too. If you don't know the words just look them up online, I'm sure they're there somewhere. Otherwise, sit real close to your television set and follow the bouncing ball and you're sure to be a winner! Are you ready, kids? All right, here it comes again. And a-one, and a-two, and a-one two three!)
    They laugh because they love<br>They sing because they're free<br>They splash because they're safe and sound<br>Below the deep blue sea
    They leap because they like you<br>They swim because they're swell<br>They smile because they have so many<br>Stories they like to tell
    The Squiddles live in a magical land<br>Below the waves in castles of sand<br>If you listen close you can hear them make their plans
    (What sort of plans?)<br>(Happy Squiddle plans!)
    They kiss because they can't help it<br>They wiggle because why not<br>They prance because they're oh so proud<br>Of all the friends they've got
    They jump because they're joyful<br>They giggle because they're glad<br>They Squiddle because in Squiddle Land<br>No one's ever sad!
Commentary: |-
    <i>Michael Guy Bowman:</i>
    "Mister Bowman Tells You About the Squiddles" is maybe 50% Donovan and 50% pure evil, although you wouldn't know it considering I ended up cutting a set of alternate lyrics that would have been more sadistic than the album's bizarre conclusion. Tavia gets her cameo as the little girl and some of the backup Squiddle voices.
Track: Ocean Stars
- Mark J. Hadley
Duration: '2:09'
MIDI Project Files:
- Title: MIDI by IronInvoker47 (piano)
  - 'Ocean Stars - IronInvoker47 (piano).mid'
Commentary: |-
    <i>Mark J. Hadley:</i>

    Everyone writing songs for the Squiddles album opted for happy-go-lucky and crazy-sounding things, but in an effort to make a variety, I aimed instead for something more calm and serene, picturing a calm ocean at night lit only by the full moon and stars. Admittedly, it's just 12 bars that repeat over and over, each time adding in an additional instrument track. Still, it's one of the most relaxing things I've ever written.

    <i>Mark J. Hadley:</i> ([YouTube](

    I don't think I ever mentioned this to anyone before, but this song is based after, of all things, a tune I wrote in the background of one of my custom WarioWare D.I.Y. minigames.  The two bars from 1:21 to 1:25 is almost exactly how it sounded in that game, except more MIDI-like.

    (The minigame itself had nothing to do with Homestuck or Squiddles; it was a game where you see a pair of eyes in the darkness, and you had to stop a moving bar in the right spot to turn on a light bulb and reveal a black cat.)
Track: Let the Squiddles Sleep (End Theme)
Additional Names:
- Let the Squiddles Sleep (earlier MSPA credit)
- Robert J! Lake
Duration: '5:06'
Referenced Tracks:
- Squiddles!
Sampled Tracks:
- Squiddles!
Lyrics: |-
    Squiddles are not ordinary friends
    They work and play and work again
    But they have homes and mommies too
    Yes, they have mommies just like you

    So let them go to bed right now
    So they can rest and make cute sounds
    Because if they don't, they won't be strong (If they can't rest they won't be strong)
    And they're so small, they won't last long (Well, they are really tiny)

    And Plumbthroat's fishing boat (Plumbthroat's fishing boat)
    Woah-oh oh-oh (Is gonna kill the Squiddles if they don't get any sleep)
    So let them go to sleep
    (So let them sleep)

    ('Cause they will die if they don't get to sleep) Let them go to sleep
    (Plumbthroat has a thing for killing insomniac jellyfish) Tangle Buddies, Tangle Buddies, Tangle Buddies, Tangle Buddies, Tangle Buddies, Tangle Buddies
    (It's not a pretty sight) Oh, the Tangle Buddies in the Tangle Buddies going out to sea
    (Let's go to Brineswallow)
    Going to Brineswallow now, Brineswallow now
    Brineswallow (Brineswallow)
    Brineswallow (Brineswallow)
    Yeah (Brineswallow)
    Yeah, yeah, kill the world (Let's all go on an adventure)

    Squeedle dee dee
    Squeedle dee dum
    Everyone sing a Squiddly song
    Let's all be friends
    And work as a team
    Squiddles for you
    Squiddles for me!

    Tangle Buddies
    Let's become
    Tangle Buddies
    That's right
    Tangle Buddies
    You heard me
    Tangle Buddies
    Tangle Buddies
    Let's become
    Tangle Buddies
    That's right
    Tangle Buddies
    You heard me
    Tangle Bu—

    Let's become Tangle Buddies
    Tangle Buddies
    Let's become Tangle Buddies...
Section: Bonus tracks
Track: Friendship Aneurysm
- Alex Rosetti
Duration: 0:19
Lyrics: |-
    (I love you, Squiddle Ruby!)<br>(I love you too, Squiddle Sapphire!)<br>(Let's have serious friendship!)
    (Oh man, I just had a friendship aneurysm.)