Album: Songs for Sad Trolls
Date: June 5, 2015 12:00:00
Date Added: April 13, 2024
- PhemieC
Cover Artists:
- PhemieC
Default Track Cover Artists:
- PhemieC
Art Tags:
- Terezi
Color: '#B3AFB0'
- Fandom
Commentary: |-
    Twelve songs about twelve kids with grey skin, orange horns and complicated destinies.

    <i>PhemieC:</i> (Bandcamp album art)
    <img src="media/misc/songs-for-sad-trolls.png" width="250">

    <i>Jebb:</i> (wiki editor, 11/24/2023)
    All of the track art for this album has been taken from the SoundCloud uploads of the tracks.
Track: Made Of Death
Duration: 3:22
Cover Art Dimensions: 403x502
Art Tags:
- Aradia
- 'cw: corpse'
Color: '#eb0000'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    Homestuck Filk. A rough, sort of weird Aradia fansong I had to get out of my head. Made with my voice. A lot of my voice.
Lyrics: |-
    (Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...)

    I found a few spare milliseconds
    I'm prepared to waste
    I've been leaving copies of myself
    Across paradox space

    I've been a body with no soul
    And a soul in metal cold
    Please trust in what I tell you
    Don't you know that I am made of time?

    What a chorus line of corpses we've collected
    At least we're good at one thing, I suppose
    It's nice to feel excited once again
    Let's throw the loveliest of human funerals

    (Ahh...) I used to feel I stood for something
    Then I just felt fine
    I've fallen prey to feelings and
    Emotions that weren't mine

    I was never really gone at all
    But you believed I was
    So I'm sorry that I left
    But I've returned to help our cause

    In our story I do not narrate
    I just fill in the margins
    With bubbles, circles, shapes
    Where we may place our fallen friends

    Has it been years, or days
    Or has it been a breath? (breath, breath)
    I am made of time but
    I am also made of death

    Made of death
    Made of death
    Made of death
    Made of (tick, tock, tick, tock...) death
    Made of death
    Made of death
    Made of death
    Made of death
    Made of death
    Made of death
    Made of death
Track: Finally I've Flown
Duration: 3:47
Art Tags:
- Tavros
Color: '#c36100'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    Some depressing, spoilery Tavros filk with a little bit of Gamzee/Tavros thrown in.
Lyrics: |-
    Say that you believe in fairies
    ‘Cause if you don’t I’ll never fly again
    Falling down is not as scary
    As never finding confidence to stand

    And now I guess I’ll never know
    I’m in Neverland forever, I never will grow old
    And I’m leaving you lost boys and girls, alone
    And finally I’ve flown

    I’m a hero in a land of treasure
    And a failure in a body that’s all wrong
    I tried to measure up to this adventure
    To fantasize and make believe I’m strong

    But if I give my all and still amount to nothing in the end
    Then I guess it was pretend
    When I thought that I could help protect my friends
    And with my lance I’ll charge into the morning
    Look for me by the light of the second star


    I used to feel so small and wary
    But maybe growing up means many things
    So say that you believe in fairies
    'Cause really, they’re just miracles with wings

    And if you miss me, let me go
    You can kiss me but my body will eventually grow cold
    But you can dream of me and I will let you know

    That I am fine here
    I am not alone
    And I can fly here
    Finally I’ve flown
Track: Double Time
Suffix Directory: true
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 4:22
Art Tags:
- Sollux
Color: '#a1a100'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    A Sollux Captor fansong with Sollux<3Aradia Undertones and some rather silly voice acting. More lighthearted than a lot of my other stuff.
Lyrics: |-
    (Heh, this is ridiculous)

    One of me is my enemy
    The other me is a pretty cool guy
    But I haven’t seen him around lately
    We don’t see eye to eye

    There’s too much noise and too much spit
    But I think I’ve got the hang of it
    Or at least I thought I did
    Until you up and kicked the bucket
    (Wait! I mean… Oh, fuck it)

    Sha-la-la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la
    Sha-la-la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la
    (Just get out of here, I'm trying to concentrate)

    What do you see in him? What could I say
    To convince you not to hop his way?
    I’ve never been too good at the ebb and sway
    Much prefer the electrical current

    Bees are buzzing in my mind
    That double-crossing and two-timing (Get it?)
    Prospectors pan shifting through sand
    Searching for a golden nugget

    Little brains build little bridges trying to connect
    But I’m already on the other side
    You’d know a lot about that, right? I’m twice the man as he is
    I’ll work for you double-time, would that be fine?

    (C'mon, seriously?)
    Of course it’s fine
    (Okay, cut it out. That's it, I'm serious, no whistling—)

    Primarily, I’m primary
    Though some may say I’m incomplete
    And should be in a jar
    Label me “DO NOT EAT”

    Hope has struck me in the face
    And with his ace of clubs he's shoved me
    Back into the race
    'Cause second place still wins a trophy

    I might have overheated, now remind me how I died
    Was it my motherboard, or just my RAM?
    Now I’ve found a player two in you, I’m glad I fried
    I’m using every second that I can of double time
    Double time
    Double time

    Double trouble bursting bubbles
    (One of me is my enemy...)
    Where you go I’ll follow
    Hollow-eyed and now I’m fine
    (The other me is a pretty cool guy...)
    I’m only making up for lost time

    Tick and tock and red and blue
    (But I haven't seen him around lately...)
    The colours and the sounds I never knew
    When they were all I saw
    (We don't see eye to eye...)
    Now sightless-eyed and empty-jawed

    Double trouble bursting bubbles
    (There's too much noise and too much spit...)
    Where you go I’ll follow
    Hollow-eyed and now I’m fine
    (But I think I've got the hang of it...)
    I’m only making up for lost time

    Tick and tock and red and blue
    (Or at least I thought I did...)
    The colours and the sounds I never knew
    When they were all I saw
    (Until you up and kicked the bucket...)
    Now sightless-eyed and empty-jawed
    Double time
    (Oh geez... What is it now? Okay—)
    Double time
    (Here, give it over here. You're just making it worse. Don't bug me anymore unless it's an emergency, okay?)
Track: Friend, Leader.
Duration: 4:46
Art Tags:
- Karkat
Color: '#ff2400'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    A Karkat Vantas Fansong, long awaited. It's basically about Karkat's perspective on Gamzee, Terezi and recent happenings in homestuck canon. Slightly spoiler.
Lyrics: |-
    There will be no soft sounds this time, no arms, not mine at least
    Should've expected this, I guess, no "shh" can soothe your beast
    And it was my problem once, that violence inside your eyes
    Bright red and high with death and pie, and rage that never dies

    And I used to blame myself, then I blamed everybody else, but never you
    'Cause you were just a messed up kid
    Who'd step in it, get scared and sit
    And pray for goats and gods who would know what to forbid

    And when you would reach out, well I'd run my big mean mouth and make it worse
    And maybe I deserve that hurt
    Destruction of my universe
    So if you've gotta beat somebody up don't make it her

    I'm sorry, I messed up, I'm not a leader anymore
    I'm sorry, I messed up, I'm not a leader
    Not a leader
    Not a leader, friend

    No more attempts to make you see, I tried, he succeeded, oh well
    But what I can say to a girl who'd play with a noose of excuses until
    Her big wicked grin disappears in the smoke, and crack goes the rope pulled true
    I know enough about doubt and hating myself to tell that you now know it too

    And I used to blame myself, then I blamed everybody else, including you
    But you were perfect as you were
    All angled out, a blinding blur
    So bright and beautiful, and clever, yeah for sure

    But when you would reach out, well I'd run my big mean mouth and make a mess
    And now it's my turn to confess
    I wasn't there, I didn't guess
    That you were slipping, 'til you tripped right off the edge

    I'm sorry I messed up, I'm not a leader anymore
    I'm sorry I messed up, I'm not a leader, not a leader, not a leader
    (I'm not a leader anymore, no more)

    Said a thousand words but they never helped
    I hid my scars from you out of shame
    Took up the cause, yeah I took the helm
    But I'm not the only one who's changed
    I knew you first, I knew you best
    I wish I'd stopped it way back then
    When things were bad, but they still made sense
    When we were kids, when we were friends

    Friend Leader
    Friend Leader
    Friend Leader
    Friend Leader
Track: Furever
Duration: 3:53
Art Tags:
- Nepeta
- Equius
- 'cw: blood'
Color: '#588a00'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    Nepeta Filk. Equal parts Nepeta♦Equius and Nepeta♥Karkat (It's not actually as depressing as the track art makes it look).
    I sampled my cat meowing at the beginning :3
Lyrics: |-
    We all have got a role to play
    The lioness she stalks her prey
    He’s bleeding in the tall grass, unaware his thrashing makes him easier to follow
    But when she gets him in her claws
    She’ll invite him in because
    Her cave is not a home without him, just a hole that is lonely and hollow

    And can’t you see the writing on the wall is drawing us together?
    It’s written there in soot and ash and blood and that’s furever
    And so if you are terrified of what you hide, remember
    That I’m still on your side and that’s furever, furever

    We all have got a role to play
    You'll be filling yours someday
    And I'll be filling mine until then we’re killing time, hunting monsters in our minds
    And when I see you standing strong
    Pretending you don’t want to play along
    I’ll never make you blue (make you pay) Tackle you into a pile to unwind

    And can’t you see the writing on the wall is drawing us together?
    It’s written there in soot and ash (soot and ash) and blood and that’s furever
    And so if you have been denied, choke up your pride, remember
    That I am on your side, and that’s furever, furever, furever

    And I don’t have to argue, everybody knows you have issues, you lay your colors bare (in a manner of speaking)
    I’ll be there when you finally decide to bare your heart, it’s the part I want to share

    And I don’t have to argue, everybody knows you have issues, you wear them on your sleeves (so to speak)
    I’m not a thief, the only jewels that I need are your diamonds, and I find them following (find them following)

    The bows and arrows in your words
    The words behind your broken teeth
    The broken glass that’s under foot, and paw and hoof
    The high and low, whatever nonsense you believe

    The vast unknown laid out ahead
    The tears and anger, good and bad
    The big adventure still at hand, and paw and whiskers
    Grey, blue, red, whatever, I will understand

    And can't you see the writing on the wall is drawing us together?
    We’re written there in soot and ash and blood and that’s furever
    And so if I've been too discrete, let me repeat, remember
    That I’m still on your side, and that’s furever, furever, furever
Track: Mary
Suffix Directory: true
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 4:04
Art Tags:
- Kanaya
Color: '#008f48'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    An echoic, atmospheric, mood-whiplashy Kanaya Fansong.
Lyrics: |-
    Look at all the many colors, so exquisitely embroidered
    Delicately and precisely sewn into a line
    Organized in harmony, relationships so intricate
    How’d I ever come across a tapestry so fine?

    But what is this?
    You’re burning holes in my stitching
    The colours bleeding into one big mess
    Did you guess, I’d let this fabric fray?

    I’m meddling with murderers who still deserve to pay for their insanity
    And though I’m one of them, I’m rarest of my kind, for many fell but only I arose
    It’s been so long since I’ve seen the sun, who’s to say if the colours have faded?
    Locked away so long, now jaded, left only to decay

    I’m Mary
    I feel like Mary in this dress
    I’m Mary

    And virgin journeys lie before us, patient and inscrutable
    There’s clouds of visions, crowds of villains, mulling in withdrawal
    And who would make the sacrifice, who but I is suitable?
    Who but the sharp dressed woman with a dull chainsaw?

    I mean no insult, but I’m fed up
    It’s my fault, gave you the go ahead
    I’ve lost my way, my hopeful days
    Are just as dead as I am

    And failure on my part to intercede has now ironically
    Or cosmically, like poetry, come in between our destiny
    And us but now there’s nothing left and nobody to meddle with
    To try and make it better, it’s unsettling, to mother nothing

    Mightn’t I have seen this coming on the horizon?
    Storms of green and orange, this world of monsters taking form
    But no, it is my place to simply fade away like wind
    Like someone else that I could name that shouldn’t have been born

    Of Mary. I feel like Mary in this dress
    I’m Mary and I’ve nothing to confess
    But hear me, 'cause no-one else is left

    I’m Mary
    I’m Mary
    I’m Mary
    I’m Mary
Track: A Confession
Duration: 4:13
Art Tags:
- Terezi
Color: '#008b8b'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    Returning to my roots with some simple acoustic Scourge Sister filk from Terezi's POV.
Lyrics: |-
    You cause nothing but trouble wherever you burn
    You’re the sunlight in my open eyes, but I won't go blind today
    'Cause when liars lead minds with their wiles
    And clever distractions, I see through them

    And I’ve got experience dealing with repeat offenders
    They swing from my branches, like unripened fruit, found wanting when weighed
    With all of the evidence finally laid out in front of me, I can almost taste
    A confession, a confession

    So if the court would stay quiet for only a second
    I’m pleased to make my case, and tell my story
    But wait just a moment I’m passing a motion; I also am the judge, and the jury
    You should worry, you should worry

    Where are you leading us? All is malodorous evil
    The reddest of herrings is wearing a worrying scent
    You ask if I’m serious, why am I acting so gleeful?
    What do I want? Should you rather abscond or repent?

    Abscond or repent? Settle the score?
    No lawyer needs a spider in their corner shredding documents for sport

    Now, deciding your fate is no simple matter
    Because part of me knows that I would miss you
    But you’re so complicated, I couldn’t pin you down
    And now you’re becoming an issue

    Little thief on the run, I’m a witch hunt of one
    And the very first question I’ll ask in your interrogation
    Was all of it, everything, just one big game? And if so was it luck of the throw, your misrepresentation?
    And subsequent incrimination, incrimination

    While I was dreaming I learned a brand new way of seeing
    From a fetus, a mother, but also a beast and a ghost
    You ask if I’m kidding, you’re having a hard time believing
    Am I villain or victim? Why can’t I be neither, or both?

    Neither or both? It’s either/or
    It’s not multiple choice, you stupid girl
    Why don’t you break that magic eight ball, and give a coin a whirl
    Give a coin a whirl

    Give into the law
    Confess, you silly girl
Track: An Apology
Duration: 4:13
Art Tags:
- Vriska
Color: '#3796c6'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    A Vriska Fansong. Not much else to say.
Lyrics: |-
    Once upon a time a stutter disgusted me
    Muttered distrust at me, pity you couldn't fly
    I've only ever taken what's mine
    So what if I help you, I'm helping myself, too?

    Twice I got the wind knocked out of me, why?
    Just to curl up and die? No, I've got too much pride
    So I breathe it in then let it out slow
    When I turn to go, find you trailing behind

    I fought for every last inch that I got
    Forgive me for leaving my spot
    Not standing in wait while you finished the race
    With those two broken legs you've got

    One thing's for sure...
    If I were you I never would have let it stop me
    I never have before
    And if you knew what I went through while trying to get through to you, you'd thank me!

    You'd get down on one knee, no matter how much it hurt
    And you would say "I'm sorry", but I would say it first...

    Once, the two of us were eye for an eye
    Now I've given up trying, how could I be so blind?
    You'll never let me settle the score
    To you I'm the scourge, not the the partner in crime

    I fought for every last one of you schmucks!
    I might as well have saved my luck
    Not wasted it all on some shortsighted, know-it-all
    So-called friends, you're not

    One thing's for sure...
    If I were you I never would have let it stop me
    I never have before
    And if you knew what I went through while trying to get through to you, you'd thank me!

    You'd find me in a dream, on some uncharted map
    And I would say I'm sorry, and you would want me back...

    Once the world was just a web and a spider, and so was I
    A liar in a dress of white
Track: Inherit Nothing
Duration: 4:50
Art Tags:
- Equius
Color: '#487aef'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    Some experimental, sort of jazzy, rather dark Equius Filk. I recommend headphones for this one.
Lyrics: |-
    Little boy blue, don't you play too rough with your new toy
    If you touch her, she'll break and her blood is so annoying
    Don't you like to watch, much like a shadow lost in the shade?
    Make her, you'll unmake her, but you'd rather be unmade

    (Oh) It's not my place to interfere, my dear
    (Oh, no) Will you embrace me and erase my fear?
    (Woah) Wipe me out like a stain, with a grin I will hang from your string
    And by your judgment of my merit I'll inherit nothing

    Nothing is what I deserve
    Nothing is what I have earned
    If nothing is what you have chosen to give me
    Then nothing is for what I yearn
    Nothing lasts forever, nothing really matters
    Nothing never breaks, busts, bends, rusts, upends or shatters

    I've never had a weakness that couldn't be destroyed
    And I've never had a sinful thought that couldn't be avoided
    Control your temper, control your language, or anguish in languid soul
    It's what you were born to do, but you'd rather be controlled

    (Oh) I just presumed that you'd refuse me
    (Oh, no) Excuse this common fool his crudity
    (Woah) Break this wild horse, I will not fight, 'cause of course I would win (Of course I would win)
    And I'd much rather give in and bear it all 'till I inherit nothing

    Nothing is what I deserve
    Nothing is what I have earned
    If nothing is what you have chosen to give me
    Then nothing is for what I yearn
    Nothing lasts forever, nothing really matters
    Nothing never breaks, busts, bends, rusts, upends or shatters

    I must obey the order, for I've order to restore
    Each circuit sends a signal to the process in the core
    And if none of this means anything then what's my anger for?
    I'd rather be most anything, the dirt under your heel my king
    A peasant or a pauper, or a knight in shining armor
    What's required of your noble steed? Through your direction I am freed
    And neigh I say! I won't stand in the way of what you have decreed, for—

    Nothing is what I deserve
    Nothing is what I have earned
    If nothing is what you have chosen to give me
    Then nothing is for what I yearn
    Nothing lasts forever, nothing really matters
    Nothing never breaks and nothing never shatters
Track: Little Clown
Duration: 3:29
Art Tags:
- Gamzee
- Tavros
- 'cw: corpse'
- 'cw: blood'
Color: '#a34bff'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    Atmospheric Sober!Gamzee Homestuck filk. :) Enjoy. Also spoilers I guess?
Lyrics: |-
    What did you do, little clown?
    From his neck the walls are bleeding brown
    Soon the blue to follow, then the green
    Last will be the brightest red you’ve seen
    Brightest red you’ve ever seen

    I rotted little holes in all my flaws
    I and also I will be your gods
    Tear down the lies, little trolls
    Now I see the flaws I see the holes
    I see the flaws I see the holes

    Did you forget I was here?
    Everything you never thought to fear
    Did you mistake me for tame?
    Brother, things will never be the same
    Things will never be the same

    I am the bard, I sing of rage
    I sing of rage
    I sing
    I sang it to the heir, the rogue and page
    The rogue and page
Track: Ugly Story
Suffix Directory: true
Originally Released As: track:ugly-story
Duration: 3:19
Art Tags:
- Eridan
Color: '#db00db'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    Homestuck filk. An Eridan Ampora fansong I recorded with a sore throat and a headache, don't ask me why...but I kind of like the result.
Track: Save You
Duration: 5:08
Art Tags:
- Feferi
- Sollux
- 'cw: corpse'
- 'cw: blood'
Color: '#e30072'
Commentary: |-
    <i>PhemieC:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    Feferi Filk! My longest fansong yet! Very folky and mood-whiplash-y, so if it's too slow for you at first wait a bit. :)
Lyrics: |-
    There was a darkness, that soothed me, and raised me up to dream
    In an abyss, those nightmares, they’re not what they seem
    They whispered of a world they’d known
    Where every child was their own
    All the colours of an oil spill when moonlight hits the wave, I’ll save you all

    You’ve seen all the things that I’ve seen, you’ve been all the places I’ve been, my friend
    You know all the things that I know, well maybe not all but most so who cares? Who is better or worse than anyone?
    I’ve made mistakes along the way, but who said things should stay the same? I don’t agree
    The universe is filled with so “moray” new exciting things to see, for you and me

    You don’t need saving, you can save yourself
    You’re all so special from the inside out
    Just take a second, look how far we’ve come
    I bet if the nightmares could see me now they’d say well done

    Well done, well done, well done daughter, daughter well done...

    There was a darkness, that knew me, and raised me wild and strong
    So hated, and so feared was she, though fearful most of all
    She whispered of a hunger deep
    And as old as the bones beneath her meat
    All strange serenades and never sleeps yet never wakes, I’ll break your fall

    You’ve done everything that you could, you feel like there’s something else you’re supposed to do
    Who crossed that road, who burned that bridge, who fought that current and swam with the fish, was it you?
    I’ve lost a friend, I’ve gained a friend, what’s a friend mean but a means to an end? I tried my best with
    Everyone I’ve ever loved I'll outlive unless I can find where life inside me rests, it is my test

    You don’t need saving, anymore, anymore
    But I’m still waving from a not-so-distant shore
    Just take a second, look at what you’ll start
    I’m sorry that I couldn’t save you, from darkness inside your heart

    Your heart, your heart, your hardened heart, friend…