Album: Rust Apocalypse
- Willow Ascenzo
Date: January 5, 2013
Date Added: June 12, 2020
Cover Artists:
- Ducky Senpai
Color: '#eb0000'
- Fandom
Art Tags:
- Aradia
Commentary: |-
Willow Ascenzo:
Five exciting new arrangements of my three compositions featured on the album [[album:coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a|coloUrs and mayhem: Universe A]] by Homestuck, including the monstrous and colossal song "[[track:rust-apocalypse|Rust Apocalypse]]"! The original compositions are included as bonus tracks.
This EP is not officially related to Andrew Hussie's MSPaint Adventures and the music contained herein is sold as the property of its composer, and not as official Homestuck music.
Section: Main album
Track: Broken Rainbow
Duration: 1:37
Color: '#7b7b7b'
Referenced Tracks:
- Rust Servant
- Teal Hunter
- Violet Mariner
Commentary: |-
Willow Ascenzo: (composer, [Tumblr](, 1/7/2013)
Broken Rainbow
By the afternoon of January 4, I was pretty much done with the whole album. I'd finished mastering [[Rust Apocalypse|"Rust Apocalyse"]] the day before and had finally edited [[White Angel|"White Angel"]] and the rest of the tracks to my liking insofar as I'm ever perfectly happy with any finished product of mine (I am inclined to disbelieve any artist who says, "yes I am perfectly and totally content with what I have just created in every way"–just saying). So I had five tracks sitting there, uploaded to Bandcamp, ready for me to publish at the stroke of midnight on January 5, and I thought, there's something missing here–like an intro track.
This is pretty much the same thought process I had when I was releasing [Prospero]( back in August. I don't want the listener to just rush headlong into the meat of the album (despite [[track:rust-witch-ascenzo|Rust Witch]] being a rather slow track). I want the first track to be something that says to the listener, "look–this is what you're getting yourself into.
The title "Broken Rainbow" is a holddover from what the title of the album was going to be before I made "Rust Apocalypse" an eponymous track. The image of a "broken rainbow" was one that I was rather focused on while putting this album together. I feel it evokes the genesis of all these tracks–a bunch of songs about the Ancestors on [[album:coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a|coloUrs and mayhem]]–without explicitly relating them to Homestuck. When [[artist:ducky-senpai]] was doing the cover art for the album, I neglected to inform him of my own artistic vision, but somehow, he ended up making a grimy, rusty rainbow paint-splatter background that pretty much captured my idea without me having to suggest anything to him.
I wrote and mastered the whole thing in the span of a few hours. According to [[artist:lizawithazed|lizawithazed]], this song is a devil on Audiosurf. Mercifully, it is also short.
Willow Ascenzo: (composer, [Tumblr](, excerpt, 5/25/2013)
“Broken Rainbow” was meant to be a short introduction track that would briefly play over the musical motifs of the rest of the tracks. It’s a short atmospheric piece that quotes a few notes from each composition, “[[track:rust-witch-ascenzo|Rust Witch]]/[[track:rust-apocalypse|Rust Apocalypse]]”, “[[track:teal-hunter|Teal Hunter]]”, and “[[track:violet-mariner|Violet Mariner]]”. The title “Broken Rainbow” is meant to play on the “[[album:coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a|coloUrs and mayhem]]” idea and the many-hued character design of Homestuck while also referencing the idea of a “rust apocalypse”.
Track: Rust Witch
Directory: rust-witch-ascenzo
Additional Names:
- Rust Handmaid (working title)
Duration: 3:47
Referenced Tracks:
- Rust Servant
Commentary: |-
Willow Ascenzo: ([Tumblr](, 11/19/2012)
Willow Ascenzo - Rust Handmaid (Rust Apocalypse - EP)
I've decided that [[Rust Apocalypse]] is going to be part of an EP I hope (the keyword being "hope"–I have no idea when everything will be ready) to have out by January 2013. The EP will consist of at least 3 arrangements of my [[album:coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a|coloUrs and mayhem]] tracks, [[Rust Servant]], [[Teal Hunter]], and [[Violet Mariner]], as well as [[Rust Apocalypse]] (which is turning into quite the beast of a song) as the titular song. In the fact, the track list will probably look something like this...
1. Rust Handmaid
2. [[Teal Justice]] (an updated and more polished version of [[Teal Hunter, White Dragon]])
3. [[Violet Armada]] (which I should probably get started on sometime soon?)
4. [[Rust Apocalypse]]
...With my original 3 C&M compositions as bonus tracks.
Here's what Rust Handmaid is gonna sound like!
Track: Teal Justice
Duration: 2:51
Color: '#008b8b'
Referenced Tracks:
- Teal Hunter, White Dragon
Commentary: |-
Willow Ascenzo: ([Tumblr](, 1/8/2013)
Teal Justice
Did you know that people thought the original [[Teal Hunter|"Teal Hunter"]] sounded like Phoenix Wright music? I, personally, don't see it. I think people are just projecting because the song (which was originally intended for PM) was reassigned to Redglare.
Back a few months ago I rearranged "Teal Hunter" into [[Teal Hunter, White Dragon|"Teal Hunter, White Dragon"]], which I felt captured Redglare a bit better than the original. When I was putting this album together, I decided not to reinvent the wheel and simply went back to that, added in some more percussion, adjusted a few instruments, and remastered the whole thing.
"Teal Hunter, White Dragon" actually ended up being extremely popular for one of my tracks. Like, over 600 notes on Tumblr and over 3,000 plays on SoundCloud. The only other song of mine to come close to that is that [one Doctor Who song I did.]( I have no idea why the gods smiled upon me with that song. Who made it get so much attention? Was it you? IT WAS YOU WASN'T IT? I'LL FIND YOU! I'LL FIND YOU AND WHEN I DO I'LL MAKE YOU REBLOG ALL MY SONGS! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADFGDJTGHSRJHBSDFFVSJFH
Track: Violet Armada
Duration: 4:01
Color: '#db00db'
Referenced Tracks:
- Violet Mariner
Track: Rust Apocalypse
Duration: 7:46
Referenced Tracks:
- Rust Servant
Track: White Angel
Duration: 2:57
Color: '#eeeeee'
Referenced Tracks:
- Teal Hunter
Commentary: |-
Willow Ascenzo: (composer, [Tumblr](, 1/8/13)
White Angel
This song was another pain to master. It took me a lot of tries to finally get everything to sound... well, not-shit. One of the big problems I faced was getting the choir to have the sense of presence I was looking for, which I actually find pretty difficult with EWQL Symphonic Choirs.
My intent for this song was to look at [[Teal Hunter|"Teal Hunter"]] and bring it back to its thematic roots, when I was first composing it (as a song for PM, not Redglare). What I ended up doing was finding the original project file, taking the exact same MIDI data and instruments from it, and building up on it. I took away the FL Studio drum kit and replaced it with some nice big StormDrum 2 instruments, added some more articulations to the brass, and made a new menacing, sort of eerie introduction segment ([[Broken Rainbow|"Broken Rainbow"]] was composed immediately after I composed the new segment for this track, using many similar instruments and ideas). And, of course, I added the choir. This song is more of an "updated throwback" to the original [[track:rust-witch-ascenzo|than]] [[track:teal-justice|the]] [[track:violet-armada|other]] [[Rust Apocalypse|four]], which were more "re-imaginings".
Willow Ascenzo: (composer, [Tumblr](, excerpt, 8/23/2013)
“[[track:teal-hunter|Teal Hunter]]” was originally submitted to the [[album:coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a|coloUrs and mayhem]] music contest as a composition about quad-prototyped Peregrine Mendicant fighting Bec Noir; this arrangement brings the song back to its roots.
Willow Ascenzo: (composer, [Tumblr](, excerpt, 5/25/2013)
“Teal Hunter” was originally submitted to coloUrs and mayhem under the title “Bête Blanche”, and yes, it was originally a song for prototyped PM. That is what “White Angel” refers to. It’s a bonus remix of “Teal Hunter” referring to the song’s intended character.
Section: Bonus tracks
Track: Rust Servant (original)
Main Release: Rust Servant
Duration: 4:48
Track: Teal Hunter (original)
Main Release: Teal Hunter
Duration: 2:31
Color: '#008b8b'
Track: Violet Mariner (original)
Main Release: Violet Mariner
Duration: 2:45
Color: '#db00db'