Album: Requiem for a Homestuck
- James Roach
Date: March 3, 2023
Date Added: March 3, 2023
Has Track Art: false
Cover Artists:
- Heather Hermann
Cover Art File Extension: png
Wallpaper Artists:
- Heather Hermann
Wallpaper Style: |-
opacity: 1;
background-repeat: repeat;
background-size: auto;
Color: '#62c700'
- group:official
Art Tags:
- Gate
Commentary: |-
Requiem Cafe:
Remember Your Roots
Step back in time 10 years. Obama has started his second term, Snoop Dogg just shared some interesting fan art, and Homestuck is breaking the internet with fans eagerly awaiting an update. Feeling nostalgic yet?
Break out the gray paint because this 4/13 Homestuck and VIZ Media are teaming up with Requiem Cafe to bring you back in time for a 4/13 party unlike any other. You're invited to come to Requiem cafe, located in Anaheim CA, to experience themed drinks, treats, cosplay photo ops, and new licensed merch with official never-before-seen art. Measure up to your favorite characters in our photo room with a life-size height chart and experience Homestuck all over again in way you only can at Requiem.
Track: Requiem for a Homestuck
Duration: '2:07'
Art Tags:
- Gate