Album: Remains of formed pain
Date: September 11, 2021
Date Added: April 13, 2024
- Xszelor
- Highblood
Cover Artists:
- Xszelor
Art Tags:
- 'cw: corpse (abstract)'
Cover Art File Extension: png
Cover Art Dimensions: 1454x1495
Color: '#E80003'
- Xszelor
- Fandom
Commentary: |-
    Another one horned skull on the bunch of death brothers.
    Feast will be continued anyway...
Track: Remains of formed pain
Duration: 2:49
Lyrics: |-
    Burning vein
    Driving to end, Losing control
    And horrific within, torn apart our own

    We're part of eternal gore
    We're taking our path, We're losing acontroll
    Blessed by insane - Mighty Name
    To inserting this pain, in our own way

    Warpath - eternal storm, living to last, living to fight
    Our madness consumes this world, with remains of formed pain

    Our path turns to the end, insanity descent
    Our claws will be officiate, officiate in blend
    You got your way off the insane, but all insanity is path
    The path for fallen and the brave the path for our atack

    Orgy for sadness
    Massacre for madness
    Orgy for sadness
    Massacre for madness

    Warpath - eternal storm, living to last, living to fight
    Our madness consumes this world, with remains of formed pain
    Warpath - eternal storm, living to last, living to fight
    Our madness consumes this world, with remains of formed pain