Album: References Beyond Homestuck
Has Track Numbers: false
- Additional Tracks
Color: '#f5fc8e'
Section: Miscellany by Homestuck musicians
Track: '128 BPM'
- Michael Guy Bowman
Duration: 19:33
Referenced Tracks:
- Airwaves
- Beta Version
- track:synchronize-hush
- Noun (Astro Kid's Pronoun Remix)
- Polyominoes
- Michael Bowman Remix
Sampled Tracks:
- Airwaves
- Bowman's Credit Score
- Beta Version
- track:synchronize-hush
- Noun (Astro Kid's Pronoun Remix)
- Polyominoes
- Michael Bowman Remix
Lyrics: |-
    I'm thinking of a number
    I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
    I'm thinking of a number
    I'm thinking of a number
    I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm thinking of a number
    I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm—

    Keep your eyes on the airwaves
    Don't look down if you don't want to fall
    Out here, ain't nobody dancing
    Up in the air you ain't nobody at all

    Keep your forward direction
    Look for signs of the enemy, enemy
    You're too far gone for protection
    I am a spaceship who's looking for love (yeah)

    Open your doors and shoot your missiles
    Blow away everybody you pass
    Just a bunch of peculiar people
    Looking for a party to crash

    Keep your back to the sunlight
    Keep your eyes on the rubber T-Rex
    Save your teardrops for later
    You're going to need them for the part that comes next

    Wake up trashed in the ocean
    Look for signs of the enemy, enemy
    These drones can feel emotion
    I am a spaceship who's looking for love (yeah)

    Open your doors and shoot your missiles
    Blow away everybody you pass
    Just a bunch of peculiar people
    Looking for a party to crash

    All I wanna do is synchronize with you, babe
    All I wanna do is synchronize with you
    All I wanna do is synchronize with you, babe
    All I wanna do is synchronize with you

    All I wanna do is synchronize
    See the look of terror in your eyes
    At the moment when you sympathize with me

    All we ever do is fantasize
    About the life that you've romanticized
    Well, the lonely nights are no surprise to me

    All I ever do is simulate with you, babe
    All I ever do is simulate with you
    All I ever do is simulate with you, babe
    All I ever do is simulate with you

    All I ever do is simulate
    All the moments that we could create
    When you're acting like you don't relate to me

    All I wanna do is stimulate
    All the feelings we could consummate
    If you'd let your heart negotiate with me

    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do

    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do

    All I wanna do is synchronize with you, babe
    All I wanna do is synchronize with you
    All I wanna do is synchronize with you, babe
    All I wanna do is synchronize with you


    All I wanna do is synchronize
    See the look of terror in your eyes
    At the moment when you sympathize with me

    All we ever do is fantasize
    About the life that you've romanticized
    Well, the lonely nights are no surprise to me

    All I ever do is simulate
    All the moments that we could create
    When you're acting like you don't relate to me

    All I wanna do is stimulate
    All the feelings we could consummate
    If you'd let your heart negotiate with me

    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do

    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do

    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do

    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do
    All I wanna do

    A person, name, a thing, or place
    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    Person— name— or place

    The noun

    Somewhere in a jungle grove a candle burns denoting Saint Therese
    A prayer that those we've left behind are troubled not with heart and mind at peace
    Nurse attending close at hand with wine to cast its old familiar spell
    An elder soul looks into you but cannot speak in things the tongue can tell

    Somewhere in this downward race
    A person, name, a thing, or place
    Solution to my endless chase
    I'm sure I'd recognize its face

    Though I forget myself
    I'm sure there's something else
    I'll come around
    I'll make the sound
    The noun

    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    Person— name— or place

    The noun

    In my car I'm on my way from where I live to where you are right now
    And though I've been here many times it seems as though it all has changed somehow
    I'm sure I've seen this busy road a million times or was it in my sleep?
    My minivan was in the sky, but never mind - I'm thinking far too deep

    Familiar signs have gone away
    I'm sure if it was not today
    I'd be there now - I'd find my way

    Somewhere in this downward race
    A person, name, a thing, or place
    Solution to my endless chase
    I'm sure I'd recognize its face

    Somewhere in this downward race
    A person, name, a thing, or place
    Solution to my endless chase
    I'm sure I'd recognize its face

    Though I forget myself
    I'm sure there's something else
    I'll come around
    I'll make the sound
    The noun (The noun, the noun)

    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    Person— name— or place

    The noun (The noun, the noun)

    A person, name, a thing, or place
    The noun (The noun, the noun)

    I'm sorry I forgot your name
    I only have myself to blame
    I'm sorry I forgot your name
    I only have myself to blame
    I'm sorry I forgot your name
    I only have myself to blame
    If you were me you'd do the same

    It's a Michael Bowman Remix!
    Bobobobowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— Bowman
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    namwoB leahciM Michael Bowman

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Michael Bowman Michael Bowman Mi chael Bow Man
    Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma—

    Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma-a-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—
    Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma-a-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—
    A-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—
    A-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—
Track: Aya and Serenata
- Adrian "gravitygauntlet" Wahrer
Duration: 3:30
Track: Backyard Fun Theme
# Also known as "funmusic.mp3"
# The song in the background of Backyard Fun, unreleased
- Michael Guy Bowman
Duration: 3:56
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 1/2/2024)
    Unofficial name - it's the main theme from [Backyard Fun](
Track: Battle! Galarian Legendary Birds - Gen 5 Remix
- Pascal van den Bos
Duration: 4:10
Commentary: |-
    <i>Pascal van den Bos:</i>
    Transcribing this was hellish but im proud of how it came out regardless, i also arranged it in a way that it will be able to play on a DS though because i was so busy with Pokémon Unbound i haven't learned how to inject into a DS rom properly yet but i hope you enjoy anyway! Also speaking of Unbound, i'll upload the rest of my songs very soon, i'm currently waiting for the art to be done which is why you can have this in the mean time, my apologies!

    Also the reason it can sound empty at parts is cause i wrote this for pokemon unbound so i had to keep a lot of limitations in mind, i still tried my best tho!
Track: Battle! Wild Pokémon (Piano Sketch)
- Jose "Phazonruler" Villanueva
Duration: 0:56
Track: Beta Gym Theme
- Pascal van den Bos
Duration: 1:28
Referenced Tracks:
- Pokémon Gym (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Track: Bogey Theme
- Mark J. Hadley
Duration: 0:27
MIDI Project Files:
- Title: MIDI by Mark J. Hadley (original composer)
  - ''
Commentary: |-
    <i>Mark J. Hadley:</i>
    Bogey's Theme, also written as fan music for Kid Radd.  Since Bogey was a basic enemy from Kid Radd's game, I figured a simple "level 1" style theme would fit him.
Track: The Borrius Motif
Duration: 0:12
- Pascal van den Bos
Track: Bowman's Credit Score
- Michael Guy Bowman
Cover Artists:
- Michael Guy Bowman
Cover Art Dimensions: 480x360
Art Tags:
- Bowman
Duration: 10:05
Lyrics: |-
    (I'm thinking of a number between my buttocks. Do you know what it is? It's my credit score, and it happens to be seven hundred and twenty. The higher my credit score, the better chance I have of saving a lot of money. I'm thinking of a number; between four hundred and fifty and eight fifty. Do you know what it is? It happens to be seven hundred and twenty, which is my free credit score. This number is between my buttocks. This number, I am thinking, is between four hundred and fifty and eight fifty. The higher this number it is, the better chance I have at saving a lot of money. But the number is between my buttocks! Do you know what number it is? It happens to be between four fifty and eight fifty, and the number is between my buttocks. The number is seven hundred and twenty. But do you know what number I'm thinking of? I'm thinking of a number between my buttocks. It happens to be between four fifty and eight fifty, and it could save me a lot of money the higher it is. Fortunately that number is seven hundred and twenty, which is a number between four fifty and eight fifty. This number between four fifty and eight fifty happens to be between my buttocks. The higher the number is between my buttocks, the better chance I have at saving a lot of money. This number happens to be between my buttocks, which means I will save a lot of money. But do you know what number I'm thinking of? The number I'm thinking of is seven hundred and twenty, and it happens to be between my buttocks. It's between four fifty and eight fifty. And it still happens to be between my buttocks. The higher this number is that's between my buttocks, the better chance I have at saving a lot of money. Do you know what this number is? It's my free credit score, and it happens to be seven hundred and twenty, and between my buttocks. The higher this number that is seven hundred and twenty is, that is between four fifty and eight fifty is, the better my chances at saving a lot of money. Between my buttocks. Won't you reach in and grab it for me? I'm thinking that it's seven hundred and twenty, and that it's between my buttocks. Won't you reach in and grab it? It's a number between seven hundred and twenty and seven hundred and twenty, and it happens to be also between four fifty and eight fifty, and between my buttocks. Won't you reach in and get it? I'm thinking that you can reach in and get it, because it is between my buttocks. Won't you reach and and get this free credit report, that is between my buttocks. The number is between four fifty and eight fifty, and it happens to be seven hundred and twenty. The higher this number is that is seven hundred and twenty, the better chance I have at saving a lot of money between my buttocks. Won't you reach in between my buttocks and grab this number? That is greater than four fifty, and less than eight fifty. This number is seven twenty, and you can grab it because it's between my buttocks. It happens to be seven hundred and twenty, but do you know what number I'm thinking of? I'm thinking of a number that could save you a lot of money. It's between my buttocks. It happens to be seven hundred and twenty, and it is between the numbers four fifty and eight fifty. It could save you a lot of money. A lot of money between my buttocks! But I'm thinking that this number is between four fifty and eight fifty. The higher this number is, although the highest can be eight hundred and fifty, the better chance you have of saving a lot of money. This number is between my buttocks. You can reach in between my buttocks and get a number. Hopefully this number is greater than four fifty and less than eight fifty. Otherwise it might not be your credit score! My credit score happens to be seven hundred and twenty, which as you all have noticed, is between four fifty and eight fifty. But do you know what number I'm thinking of? I'm thinking of a number between four fifty and eight fifty. Fortunately, seven hundred and twenty is this number, because it is between four hundred and fifty and eight hundred and fifty. But I'm thinking of a number between four fifty and eight fifty. Do you know what it is? It happens to be between my buttocks, and it could save you a lot of money. The higher this number between my buttocks is, the more money it could save you! I'm thinking of a number though, that is between my buttocks. It is still seven hundred and twenty. Won't you reach in and grab seven hundred and twenty for me? Don't grab four fifty or eight fifty, as these are the two extremes. These are not my free credit score. My free credit score happens to be seven hundred and twenty, but I'm thinking that you can reach in and grab it because it is between my buttocks. The number between my buttocks happens to be, well, I'm thinking that it's seven hundred and twenty. But I could be wrong. Because your number could be anywhere between four fifty and eight fifty. I'm thinking that the number is probably seven hundred and twenty. Won't you reach in and grab it for me? But I'm thinking of a number that is between my buttocks. Won't you reach in and grab a number that's between my buttocks? The number between four fifty and eight fifty is between my buttocks! The number seven hundred and twenty is between my buttocks! If you can reach in and grab this number that is between my buttocks, you can save a lot of money! The higher the number is between my buttocks, the more money you could save between my buttocks. I'm thinking of a number between my buttocks. This number is the aforementioned number between four fifty and eight fifty, and it happens to be between my buttocks. The higher the number is, the better chance you have of saving a lot of buttocks on your credit report. I'm thinking of buttocks between my numbers. The numbers happen to be four fifty and eight fifty, and they are between my buttocks. My buttocks happen to be between the numbers of four fifty and eight fifty. This number is seven hundred and twenty. I'm thinking that the number seven hundred and twenty could save you a lot of money. Do you know why? It's between four fifty and eight fifty, and it's also within my buttocks. You can reach in and grab a free credit report, that could save you a lot of money. I'm thinking that it's between four fifty and eight fifty, and could save you a lot of money. Do you know what it is? It's my buttocks! That you can reach in between! And get a number! That is seven hundred and twenty! That I am thinking of right now. The number is seven hundred and twenty, and you can reach in between my buttocks and get it. You can reach in between my buttocks and get a number. I'm thinking you can reach in between my buttocks for a number that's between four fifty and eight fifty and my buttocks. Do you know what you can reach in between my buttocks to get? It's your free credit report, and it happens for me to be seven hundred and twenty, and between my buttocks. You can reach in between my buttocks if you so choose, to retrieve this number, which is seven hundred and twenty, which happens to be between my buttocks. Why don't you reach in between my buttocks? The higher that the number you reach in and grab in between my buttocks, the better chance you have at saving a lot of money, after you have reached in and grabbed a number, between my buttocks. I'm thinking though, that you might want to reach in and grab between my buttocks, in order to get a number that is between four fifty and eight fifty. The number that is between four fifty and eight fifty is less that eight fifty and greater than four fifty. And between my buttocks! The number happens to also be seven hundred and twenty, a number that is between four fifty and eight fifty, and between my buttocks. But I'm thinking that this number is greater than four fifty. But is it less than eight fifty? It's seven hundred and twenty, and it happens to be your free credit score. The higher the number, the greater chance you have at saving a lot of money between my buttocks, if you reach in and grab it between my buttocks. I'm thinking you can reach in and grab between my buttocks a number that is seven hundred and twenty, which just so happens to be my credit score. Or, you could grab a number that is between four fifty and eight fifty. Do you know what it is? For me, it happens to be between my buttocks, and the number is seven hundred and twenty. Between my buttocks! You can reach in and grab a number between four fifty and eight fifty that happens so to be between my buttocks. If you grab this number that is between my buttocks, you can get a lot of money. Four fifty and eight fifty. These are the numbers that is has to be between. If you reach in and grab between my buttocks, you could save a lot of money. Your credit score could be saved a lot of. This could save you a lot of money, if you reach between my buttocks. I'm thinking this could save you a lot of money. If you reach in between my buttocks, you could save a lot of buttocks. Save a lot of buttocks in between my buttocks. Reach in between my buttocks and grab the number seven hundred and twenty. Save a lot of money if you grab in between my buttocks and grab a sember that it happens to be seven hundred and twenty. It's a number between four fifty and eight fifty, and it happens to be a number between four fifty and eight fifty. This number between four fifty and eight fifty happens to be between my buttocks, and you can reach in and grab your free credit score which is between four fifty and eight fifty it happens to be in between my buttocks. The number is seven hundred and twenty, and it happens to be between four fifty and eight fifty, which is also between my buttocks. The numbers four fifty and eight fifty happen to be outside of seven hundred and twenty, which is in between the numbers four fifty and eight fifty. Which happens to have the numbers four fifty and eight fifty as the boundaries of seven hundred and twenty. Seven hundred and twenty is a number between my buttocks. You can reach in between my buttocks and grab a number. This number is your free credit report, and it happens to be- OH GOD NO! NO! NOO! HELP ME! IT'S EVERYWHERE! YOU CAN REACH IN BETWEEN MY BUTTOCKS! HELP! EIGHT FIFTY! FOUR FIFTY!)
Track: Celestial
Directory: celestial-toby-fox
Always Reference By Directory: true
# Date First Released: December 14, 2023
Duration: 4:42
- Pokémon
- Toby Fox (Remixer)
Sampled Tracks:
- Celestial
Referenced Tracks:
- Celestial
- Area Zero
- South Province
Lyrics: |-
    You see tonight, it could go either way
    Hearts balanced on a razor blade
    We are designed to love and break
    And to rinse and repeat it all again

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat it all again

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat

    I get stuck when the world's too loud
    And things don't look up when you're going down
    I know your arms are reaching out
    From somewhere beyond the clouds

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    I get stuck when the
    I get stuck when the

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    I get stuck when the
    I get stuck when the

    I see the light shining through the rain
    A thousand colors in thе brighter shade
    Needed to rise from the lowest place
    There's silver lining that surrounds the grey

    When I get lost, will it come back around?
    Things don't look up when you're going down
    I know your arms, they are reaching out
    From somewhere beyond the clouds

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    When I get lost, will it
    When I get lost, will it

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    I get stuck when the
    I get stuck when the

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    come back around
    come back around

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    I get stuck when the
    I get stuck when the

    You see tonight, it could go either way
    Hearts balanced on a razor blade
    We are designed to love and break
    And to rinse and repeat it all again

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    When I get lost, will it
    When I get lost, will it

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    I get stuck when the
    I get stuck when the

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    come back around
    come back around

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    I get stuck when the
    I get stuck when the

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    When I get lost, will it
    When I get lost, will it

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    I get stuck when the
    I get stuck when the

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    come back around
    come back around

    rinse and repeat
    rinse and repeat
    I get stuck when the
    I get stuck when the
Commentary: |-
    <i>ruby:</i> (wiki editor, 4/4/2024)
    This song is used as the credits to [[album:pokemon-scarlet-violet-super-music-collection|Pokémon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero]].
    Also, this song has not been released by itself as of the latest wiki update, it doesn't appear on the game's soundtrack, nor has it been released as a digital single. You can only find it in the game's credits. This puts it in a weird spot for where to put it on the wiki, hence it's current placement here in <b>Miscellany by Homestuck musicians</b> is only temporary, and the song will be moved once a better place has been found for it.
Track: Celestial Fantasia
- Seth Peelle
Duration: 5:48
Track: Chamber Complex
- Tensei
Duration: 2:43
Track: Crystal Castle
- Buzinkai
Duration: 1:09
Commentary: |-
    <i>Buzinkai:</i> ([SoundCloud description](

    A hard to describe Crystal Tower, with endless labyrinthine hallways.
Track: Crystal Castle Final
- Buzinkai
Duration: 2:13
Referenced Tracks:
- Crystal Castle
Commentary: |-
    <i>Buzinkai:</i> ([SoundCloud description](

    Decided to redo and fix up this track really nice because I thought it's original version was too short and a bit awkward.

    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 4/29/2024)

    This is the final, most recent track on Buzinkai's SoundCloud, dated October 26, 2018.
Track: Crystalline
Directory: crystalline-soluslunes
Always Reference By Directory: true
- SolusLunes
Duration: 1:05
Commentary: |-
    <i>SolusLunes:</i> ([Newgrounds description](

    Ambient, discovery -ish music loop. Imagine you're seeing the universe born...
Track: Crystalline Shards
- SolusLunes
Duration: 4:14
Referenced Tracks:
- track:crystalline-soluslunes
Commentary: |-
    <i>SolusLunes:</i> ([Newgrounds description](

    Longer, more crystally. Tempo tricks, instrumentation at its best. Apocalyptic feeling too
Track: cybercity_alt
# No official release, duration is from the in-game audio loop.
- Toby Fox
Duration: 2:22
Referenced Tracks:
Track: Dive (Emerald Version)
Duration: 1:29
- Caelan Kier
Track: Emmy
- Circlejourney
Referenced Tracks:
- track:battle-lorekeeper-zinnia
Commentary: |-
    <i>Circlejourney:</i> ([SoundCloud commentary](
    A commission for asteriddle's character [Emmy](! Quotes Battle! Zinnia by Shota Kageyama.
Track: Endless Space
- SolusLunes
Duration: 1:09
Commentary: |-
    <i>SolusLunes:</i> ([Newgrounds description](
    Ambient, menu type music. Slow and calm. Good stuff. Fifen it. Should loop, too.
Track: Falling for Ghosts
- Unknown Artist
- Scott Stutzman
Duration: 4:49
# Sampled Tracks:
# - the original falling for ghosts mix i suppose
Lyrics: |-
    I reach out my hand
    This is not what I planned to be
    You're standing so close
    But you're far away from me

    And I wanted you to know
    I wanted you to see
    That everywhere I go
    You're still here with me

    Here I go falling for ghosts again
    Letting your words slip under my skin
    Living in a dream with my fantasies
    Lingering feelings come alive inside of me

    I'm reaching out my hands
    And I'm grasping air suddenly
    I should have realized
    I trusted you so stupidly

    And I wanted you to know
    Yeah I wanted you to hear
    That everywhere I go
    Your voice never disappears

    Here I go falling for ghosts again
    Letting your words slip under my skin
    Living in a dream with my fantasies
    Lingering feelings come alive inside of me

    BOO, BOO, here come de ghost
    I'm de voodoo priest from de skeleton coast
    Trick-or-treat, trick-or-treat, you'll be stomping your feet
    'Cause I'm sugarcane sweet with a Kingston beat

    WHOA-OA-OA-OA watch out, here come de ghoul
    I be spittin' out rhyme while you playing de fool
    I'm a treetop monsta, dat dance all rasta
    Going back to de island for de sticky-sweet ganja

    And it's the dream that keeps you from slipping away
    No matter how many times you choose not to stay
    You'll always be with me
    You'll always be with me

    I reach out my hand
    This is not how I planned to be
    You're standing so close
    But you're far away from me

    You're standing so close
    But you're far away from me
    So far away from me
    So far away from me
    So far away from me
Commentary: |-
    <i>Michael Guy Bowman:</i> (Stutzman scholar)
    Because he is far too much of a threat to national security to be allowed to start his own Tumblr, I feel obligated to tell you about this masterpiece by my old pal Scott Stutzman.

    For the final project of Scott's music production class, he and his classmates were roped into recording and producing a song from start to finish. For whatever reason it was decided that it would be a collaboration between the whole class and everyone would turn in their own mix. The professor decided to allow the class to decide as a group what the genre would be and whose song they would use.

    Despite the entire class consisting of guys who play guitar, no one had the guts to suggest a genre offhand. The biggest slacker of them all, a white kid with dreadlocks who had missed half the classes, half-heartedly suggested reggae, an offer which the teacher accepted.

    The teacher asked for people to volunteer their songs. Again, no one was ballsy enough to speak up - Scott was one of the few who had written a song from time to time, but since his usual faire is stuff about death, loss of innocence, and [[track:fruity-pebbles-jingle|Fruity Pebbles]], he thought maybe it was best to abstain from this poll. Songwriting duties were given to a black-haired faux-goth at the back of the room who claimed to have written "a lot of songs" but that they were all "just lyrics" and no music.

    This should have been a red flag to the earnest professor, who spent the next couple of days matching her "song" to music. The entire class found itself sitting in on the extra-spooky recording sessions for her love song to the undead titled "Falling for Ghosts" in what was the invention of the new genre Emo Reggae.

    On the last day of class, everyone showed up with a CD containing their own personal mix of the song. It must have been monotonous sitting there hearing "Falling for Ghosts" over and over with little-to-no variation between versions... except of course for this one with some SCARETACULAR additional material which Scott decided to record and add in at the last second.

    TL;DR when you get to the 3 minute mark, everything will suddenly make sense.

    <i>Scott Stutzman:</i>
    I did a mix of a classmate's song as a school project. (I added a little somethin' to the middle. I don't think she liked it.)
Track: Fallshore City Day Beta
- Pascal van den Bos
Duration: 0:24
Track: Featherlight
- Toris Crow
Duration: 1:28
Track: Fly Away
- Circlejourney
Directory: fly-away-2010
Always Reference By Directory: true
Commentary: |-
  Fly Away is a track I made for my secondary school graduation ceremony. That was back in 2010... I've remade this track maybe 2 or 3 times, because I always liked it, but I never felt like my skills quite matched up to the vision I had for it... It's meant to be a duet between a student and a teacher, that was the original intent of it... As a graduation song, it's kind of bittersweet, and, uh, I had some friends tell me they cried when they heard it. I guess it was just, like, the context and everything.
Track: Fruity Pebbles Jingle
- Scott Stutzman
Duration: 5:55
Lyrics: |-
    (Uh... Scott Stutzman... [pronounced 'Stootzman'])
    (It's pronounced 'Thompson'. Scott Thompson. No it's Stutzman.)
    (Okay. Stutzman. Not Stootzman but Stutzman. Okay.) (Stutzman. Stutzman. Stutzman.)
    (And, uh, he's our- my Songwriting 2 student from, uh, Spring Creek, and he's gonna play a little band, uh, ukulele, and...)
    (It feels perfect. Thank you.)
    (Does that sound good?) (Of course it sounds good.)
    (I don't know Scott's song title, you'll have to tell them.) (Oh, okay, well this uh, has a little bit of a story attached. Uh one of my favorite breakfast cereals of all time is... Fruity Pebbles. And I realized the other day that Fruity Pebbles doesn't have a slogan or a jingle associated with it. So what i did was I just wrote a short little jingle that they would probably love to use in one of their commercials. Uh the song is called... Fruity Pebbles Jingle.) [mild clapping] (Thank you I love America too.)

    Oh Kellogg's Fruity Pebbles are the best thing about morning
    Those colorful enchanting little specks
    They make my taste buds spring to life without the slightest warning
    In a way they never do when I eat Chex

    Oh Kellogg's Fruity Pebbles are the breakfast I've been cravin'
    I shove 'em by the fistful in my trap
    They got vitamins and nutrients and even riboflavin
    And make Cocoa Puffs look like a bowl of crap

    Yeah Kellogg's Fruity Pebbles are a breakfast taste sensation
    They're tiny tasty munchable and sweet
    I'd like to start a bloody war and build a Pebbles nation
    And murder every other breakfast treat

    And the gallows will sway through the night
    For Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    All cereals bow down in fright
    For Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    Sycophants and cowards flee
    From Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    Captain Crunch on bended knee
    For Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles

    The balance of the world's askew
    But Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    Promise revolutions new
    For Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    What cereal 'mongst other things
    But Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    Stays crunchy in the blood of kings?
    It's Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles

    (Alright, still goin'. Ridin' that Pebble train.)
    City-states and emirates and commonwealths and counties
    Imagine how they will react with glee
    As the early dawn reflects upon all nature's greatest bounty
    Of soybean oil and red dye number three

    Oh ministers and magistrates can't stop the people's yearning
    For the turning of the powers yet to be
    And presidents and potentates can't stop the fires burning
    As we cast their ivory towers to the sea

    And the creatures of the forest hark
    To Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    Noble stag and yellow lark
    For Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    The innocence of children's eyes
    And Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    Will watch that Fruity flag rise
    For Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles

    United we shall march along
    With Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    Some shall die but we'll fight on
    For Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    The fife shall play its soaring note
    For Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    We'll slit every dissenting throat
    For Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles

    This vow for glory we must keep
    For Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    Though God himself may turn and weep
    For Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    Do not fear the cleansing flood
    Of Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles
    A breakfast table stained with blood
    And Fruity Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles


    (I really like Fruity Pebbles.)
    (Well thank you Scott. Thank goodness for comedians. You know? It lightens our day.)
    (It-that-it wasn't supposed to be funny.)
Track: Fun Train Time Theme
# No official release, duration is from the start of the video
- Michael Guy Bowman
Duration: 0:14
Track: Game Main Theme (Piano Sketch)
# No official release, duration is based on its appearance during the "UNDERTALE 6th Anniversary So We Play DELTARUNE Chapter 1 For Some Reason" pre-stream.
- Toby Fox
Duration: 1:09
Commentary: |-
    <i>Toby Fox:</i> (["UNDERTALE 6th Anniversary So We Play DELTARUNE Chapter 1 For Some Reason - LIVE!" in-video commentary](

    The arrangement is really early, but I created this thinking of an animated intro for the game, similar to Wild Arms. I still see it in my head when I listen to the song.

    The best part would have been at the end when everyone is running up the staircase as the silhouettes of the bosses from all the chapters show up, and the Knight, standing in a white door at the top of the stairs, turns around and looks down at them...
Track: Gaster's Theme
# No official release, duration is from the in-game audio loop.
- 'Toby Fox'
Directory: gasters-theme
Duration: 0:17
Track: girl you need a shot of b12
Duration: 1:19
- tankbuster
Track: Gnarl Theme
- Mark J. Hadley
Duration: 0:28
Referenced Tracks:
- Kid Radd Theme
MIDI Project Files:
- Title: MIDI by Mark J. Hadley (original composer)
  - ''
Commentary: |-
    <i>Mark J. Hadley:</i>
    Gnarl's Theme, also written for Kid Radd. Since Gnarl was the final boss of Radd's game, it was obvious that his theme should sound like boss fight music.  It has a little of Radd's theme mixed in there, since Radd and Gnarl are brothers (not a spoiler, we find that out pretty quickly in chapter 1).
Track: Happening at the Ruins of Void Beta
- Rowyn Berlan
Duration: 0:31
Track: 'Harrison: An American Musical'
- Michael Guy Bowman
Duration: 0:41
Lyrics: |-
    How does the son of a founding father of the nation
    Get appointed as a governor in charge of occupation
    Of the Indiana territory, battle with Tecumseh
    Tippecanoe, go on to become the
    President in 1841, he did it for just
    32 days and he was done cus he died
    Of pneumonia, didn't wear no coat in the rain
    Boy what were you thinking? What's your name?

    William Henry Harrison
    My name is William Henry— [coughs]
Track: Kid Radd (Final)
- Mark J. Hadley
Duration: 1:28
Referenced Tracks:
- Bogey Theme
- Sheena Theme
- Kid Radd Theme
MIDI Project Files:
- Title: MIDI by Mark J. Hadley (original composer)
  - 'kr_final.mid'
Commentary: |-
    <i>Mark J. Hadley:</i>
    The author contacted me to do music for the final comic; this is a recording of it.  it was originally in MIDI format, so it ended up sounding different on different computers (this is how it sounded on mine at the time). It uses the themes for Bogey and Sheena at the beginning, and was primarily Radd's theme after that. Out of all of the music I wrote, this is the only one that wasn't technically just "fan music", but was actually official to the comic.
Track: Kid Radd Theme
- Mark J. Hadley
Duration: 0:44
MIDI Project Files:
- Title: MIDI by Mark J. Hadley (original composer)
  - ''
Commentary: |-
    <i>Mark J. Hadley:</i>
    As some of you might know, Problem Sleuth wasn't the first animated webcomic that I wrote fan music for. Way back in the early 2000's, I wrote some fan music for a webcomic called Kid Radd (original site is down, but there's a mirror). The author liked it so much, he not only posted it on the fan section of the webpage, but later on when the comic ended, he contacted me about doing music for the final comic. An honor, as it was a great comic; it was like Wreck-It Ralph many years before Wreck-It Ralph.
Track: Let's Read A Webcomic ~ You're Welcome
Directory: lets-read-a-webcomic
- Toby Fox
Duration: 0:41
Track: Luigi Puzzle 1
Additional Names:
- LuigisPicross2 (original filename)
- Toby Fox
Duration: 3:52
Referenced Tracks:
- Wario Puzzle 1
Commentary: |-
    <i>SNESology:</i> (original Tumblr post)
    After a slight hiatus, we have a new track for your ears by no one other than the returning Toby “Radiation” Fox of Homestuck (he does a lot of their music).  Toby returns to us w/ an interesting track.  It’s cute, it’s catchy, and it’s laid back and just what calls for a Tuesday night :)

    Also note that he uses many various game samples, such as [[artist:chrono-trigger|CT]], [[artist:super-mario|SMRPG]], [[artist:the-legend-of-zelda|LTTP]], [[artist:super-mario|YI]], and [[artist:kirby|KDL3]]... That’s a lot of game acronyms.

    <i>Toby Fox:</i> (original YouTube upload)
    Solve all of Mario and Wario's Puzzles, then press L+R and Start on the title screen.

    Then... nothing will happen!

    But if something did, it would probably sound like this.
Track: Macabre
- Malcolm Brown
Duration: 4:15
MIDI Project Files:
- Title: MIDI by Malcolm Brown (original composer)
  - 'Macabre.mid'
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/12/2023)
    Part of the soundtrack for Malcolm Brown's 2002 Sonic fangame, Sonic ThirdScape 2, which formed a trilogy with previous games Omni Khaos and Sonic ThirdScape. Track name is taken from its filename when extracted from the game.
Track: man
Directory: man-deltarune
Always Reference By Directory: true
# No official release, duration is from the in-game audio loop.
- Toby Fox
Duration: 0:11
Referenced Tracks:
- waltz of seccom masada
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/6/2023)
    Originally shared in a 2012 Tumblr post as part of several [[album:made-up-yume-nikkis|"made up yume nikkis"]] snippets where it was known as [[track:waltz-of-seccom-masada|"waltz of seccom masada"]].
Track: Michael Bowman Remix
- Michael Guy Bowman
Duration: 2:23
Lyrics: |-
    It's a Michael Bowman Remix!
    Bobobobowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— Bowman
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    namwoB leahciM Michael Bowman

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Michael Bowman Michael Bowman Mi chael Bow Man
    Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma—

    Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma-a-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—
    Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma-a-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—
    A-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—
    A-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—


    Bow— Bow-bow— Bo-bow— Bowman
    I-i-is— is
    Awes— Awes— Awes-awes-awes-awes-awesome!

    (Mi-mi-mi-michael) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (Bow— Bow-bow— Bo-bow— Bowman) (Michael Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (I-i-is— is) (Michael Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (Awes— Awes— Awes-awes-awes-awes-awesome!) (Michael Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    (Mi-mi-mi-michael) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (Bow— Bow-bow— Bo-bow— Bowman) (Michael Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (I-i-is— is) (Michael Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (Awes— Awes— Awes-awes-awes-awes-awesome!) (Michael Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    (Michael) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (Bow— Bow-bow— Bo-bow— Bowman) (Michael Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (I-i-is— is) (Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    Awes— Awes— Awes-awes-awes-awes-awesome!

    (Mi-mi-mi-michael) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (Bow— Bow-bow— Bo-bow— Bowman) (Michael Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (I-i-is— is) (Michael Bowman) Michael Bowman Michael Bowman Mi chael Bow Man
    (Awesome!) Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma—

    (Mi-mi-mi-michael) (Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma—) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (Bow— Bow-bow— Bo-bow— Bowman) (Michael Bowman) (A-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (I-i-is— is) (Michael Bowman) (Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma—) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (Awes— Awes— Awes-awes-awes-awes-awesome!) (Michael Bowman) (A-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—

    (Mi-mi-mi-michael) (Michael Bowman) (A-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (Bow— Bow-bow— Bo-bow— Bowman) (Michael Bowman) (A-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—
    (I-i-is—) (A-a-a-a-a-a-a— Michael Bowma—)
    (A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a—) Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
Track: moveslike128
- Emelia K.
Duration: 0:15
Referenced Tracks:
- Moves Like Jagger
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 6/10/2024)
    Unofficial name. Short loop from [[flash:chelsea-examine-room]].
Track: mus_smile
# No official release, duration is from the in-game audio loop.
- Toby Fox
Duration: 1:19
Track: mus_star
# No official release, duration is from the in-game audio loop.
- Toby Fox
Duration: 0:45
Track: My Hibernation
Directory: my-hibernation-original
- Svix
Duration: 4:00
Lyrics: |-
    Come and find me when the night's bright
    The place we like to hear
    Come defeat me at my own fight
    And I will keep you near

    Sing to me your incantation
    And hold onto my waist
    Wake me from my hibernation
    And listen to my bass

    Go end what you've begun
    before you are outdone

    Take your time and you just might find
    You're gaining momentum
Commentary: |-
    <i>Svix:</i> ([FurAffinity](, excerpt)

    My first song, made after a few months of experimentation and learning.
Track: Nightmare Knight
- Toby Fox
Duration: 4:30
Track: No More Elders
- Gryotharian
Duration: 2:11
Track: Noisemaster Theme
- Toby Fox
Duration: 1:46
Track: Nothing But The Best
- Michael Guy Bowman
Duration: 1:08
Lyrics: |-
    I expect nothing but the best
    Nothing but the best
    Nothing but the best

    I expect nothing but the best
    Nothing but the best
    Nothing but the best

    I expect nothing but the best

    I expect nothing... but the best

    I expect... nothing ...but the best

    I expect nothing
    I expect nothing
    (lip smack)
    I expect nothing
    I expect nothing but the best

    I expect nothing
    but the best

    I expect nothing
    Nothing but the best

    I expect nothing
    Nothing but the best

    I expect nothing
    Nothing but the best

    I expect nothing
    Nothing but the best

    I expect nothing
    Nothing but the best

    I expect nothing
    Nothing but the best

    I expect nothing
    Nothing but the best
Track: Noun (Astro Kid's Pronoun Remix)
- Riki Tsuji
Duration: 05:47
Referenced Tracks:
- track:noun-ithaca
Sampled Tracks:
- track:noun-ithaca
Lyrics: |-
    Though I forget myself
    I'm sure there's something else
    I'll come around
    I'll make the sound (Somewhere)
    The noun

    A person, name, a thing, or place
    The no—

    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    Person— name— or place

    The noun

    Somewhere in a jungle grove a candle burns denoting Saint Therese
    A prayer that those we've left behind are troubled not with heart and mind at peace
    Nurse attending close at hand with wine to cast its old familiar spell
    An elder soul looks into you but cannot speak in things the tongue can tell

    Somewhere in this downward race
    A person, name, a thing, or place
    Solution to my endless chase
    I'm sure I'd recognize its face

    Though I forget myself
    I'm sure there's something else
    I'll come around
    I'll make the sound
    The noun

    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    Person— name— or place
    The noun

    In my car I'm on my way from where I live to where you are right now
    And though I've been here many times it seems as though it all has changed somehow
    I'm sure I've seen this busy road a million times or was it in my sleep?
    My minivan was in the sky, but never mind - I'm thinking far too deep

    Familiar signs have gone away
    I'm sure if it was not today
    I'd be there now - I'd find my way

    Somewhere in this downward race
    A person, name, a thing, or place
    Solution to my endless chase
    I'm sure I'd recognize its face

    Somewhere in this downward race
    A person, name, a thing, or place
    Solution to my endless chase
    I'm sure I'd recognize its face

    Though I forget myself
    I'm sure there's something else
    I'll come around
    I'll make the sound
    The noun (The noun, the noun)

    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    There's something else I'll
    Person— name— or place

    The noun (The noun, the noun)

    A person, name, a thing, or place
    The noun (The noun, the noun)

    I'm sorry I forgot your name
    I only have myself to blame
    I'm sorry I forgot your name
    I only have myself to blame
    I'm sorry I forgot your name
    I only have myself to blame
    If you were me you'd do the same
Track: Nuclear
Directory: nuclear-james-roach
Always Reference By Directory: true
# Unreleased, but shows up as often in James Roach's discography as Megalovania does in Toby Fox's
- James Roach
Duration: 3:36
Track: Page 1 - 2 theme
- Mark J. Hadley
Duration: 2:01
Track: Page 3 - 4 theme
- Mark J. Hadley
Duration: 2:01
Referenced Tracks:
- Page 1 - 2 theme
Track: Page 5 - 6 theme
- Mark J. Hadley
Duration: 2:01
Referenced Tracks:
- Page 3 - 4 theme
Track: Page 7 theme
- Mark J. Hadley
Duration: 2:01
Referenced Tracks:
- Page 5 - 6 theme
Track: Pale Rain (Toby Fox Piano Ver.)
- Toby Fox
Duration: 1:15
Track: Pencil Holder (demo version)
- Clark Powell
Duration: 4:22
Referenced Tracks:
- track:lori-and-erich-baker
Lyrics: |-
    (Countless bodies remain identified, some ending up in unmarked graves in small border town cemeteries.)

    (I went out on a forensic case and the sheriff had a skull on his office desk. It was the skull of a younger person. And he was using it as a pencil holder. He had pens and pencils in the eye socket of this person. So that's when I decided something had to be done.)
Track: The Person That Should Pay Is
Date First Released: November 12, 2023
Duration: 3:19
- Levc
Cover Artists:
- Levc
Cover Art File Extension: png
Cover Art Dimensions: 1280x720
Commentary: |-
    <i>Levc:</i> ([YouTube description](, excerpt)

    A JRPG battle theme using the live a live soundfont.

    I did a really catchy hook. So I grabbed the Live a Live soundfont and did a track arround it. Inspired by both [[MEGALOMANIA|megalomania]] and ["A Painful Death at the Hands of a Psycho"](

    Does it fit the game? is it catchy? way too repetitive? IDK I was having fun while making it.

    (Also the name was inspired by Bravely Default because that's what makes it a true JRPG song.)
Track: Production Line of the Holy Clown
- Gryotharian
Duration: 2:05
Track: radiation is now on youtube
- Michael Guy Bowman
Duration: 2:21
Referenced Tracks:
- Bro Hop
Lyrics: |-
    (Ready?) (Yeah.) (Okay.)

    (YO WHAT'S UUUP? I'm Toby "Radiation" Fox! Y'all fuckers on the internet might know me as Radiation, but my name is [[group:toby-fox|Toby Fox]], uuh! I'm the guy who does music for Homestuck, the coolest comic on the internet with the COOOOLEST fandom! Yeah! Yeah! As you can tell, I am super hip, and young, and ironic, and a nerd! Yeah! Check out the sweet tunes I write! Check 'em all out! Here's a tune I wrote just now! This one is called "[bleep]"! How relevant! How new! Buy it! I'm gon' getcha.)

    (Yo! I know what you thinking! Heyo Toby! I already follow you on Twitter! I already follow you on Tumblr! Yo I already even follow you on the MSPA Forum! What more do you want? What more do you want? I'll tell you what I want. I want it all mothafucka, I want it all! I want all the moneys, I want all the fun, I want all the ideas! Yeah! Yeah, are you liking the spinning? Are you liking the spinning? Let's go to the pole.

    (Yeah, so what you wanna do is sign up for my new YouTube account, it's the subscribe button! Or you can follow it at B-O-W-M-A-N-I-S-G-O-D! That's "Radiation", you can see it at the bottom of the screen! Yo, and the best part of this, is it can be about whatever we want! Be about yeah! A YouTube channel for you mothafucka! That's why they call it YouTube!)

    (Yo, fantrolls: hilarious! Shipping: fun-ny! Buckets: yo, I adore buckets! Yo, I can be funny and ironic at the same time! This city, who gives a fuck? All about me mothafucka! Woo!)

    (Yo, remixes of classic children's shows? Yo I'm there! Magic School Buuuus! Yo, you wanna play a game? You wanna play a board game? Mothafucka don't play any board games! I only play SEGA, I only play classic SEGA!)

    (Yo, fan art? Yeah I got some! This is one of the ancestors or some shit!)

    (What? You come in here see to some pornography? Yeah, people on YouTube will watch anything! Uh! Uh! Uh!)

    (So what, in conclusion, subscribe to my YouTube, subscribe to my Twitter, my Tumblr, everything you can find! I'm Toby "Radiation" Fox, and I'm, the greatest living artist, known to maaan! ...Yo, the fuck? Homestuck update yo, get out! Yo get out! ...Aw, Equius, you get me in a place I can't touch.)
Track: Ralph's Theme
- Pascal van den Bos
Duration: 1:13
Track: Room of Dog
# No official release, duration is from the in-game audio loop.
- 'Toby Fox'
Duration: 0:35
Track: Scientific Method
Directory: scientific-method-omegalodon
- Robert J! Lake
Duration: 3:12
Track: Seinfeld X
- Toby Fox
Duration: 0:34
Referenced Tracks:
- Seinfeld Theme
Track: Sheena Theme
- Mark J. Hadley
Duration: 0:24
Referenced Tracks:
- Kid Radd Theme
Commentary: |-
    <i>Mark J. Hadley:</i>
    Sheena's Theme, written for Kid Radd. Sheena is Radd's "girlfriend" that he has to rescue at the end of his game. Since that's the only time she shows up in the game, it made sense that her music would sound like a winning game over theme.  Naturally, Radd's theme is mixed in there too.
- James Roach
Duration: 3:04
Referenced Tracks:
- Spider Dance
Track: Tarmigan Town Day and Night (Solo Piano)
- Blanders
Duration: 1:36
Track: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Chuck Lorre
- Dennis Brown
- James Mandell
Duration: 1:27
Lyrics: |-
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Heroes in a Half-shell Turtle Power

    Here we go
    It's the lean, green, ninja team
    On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
    So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
    Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

    Can't stop these radical dudes
    The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
    Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
    The good guys win and the bad guys lose

    Leonardo's the leader in blue
    Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
    Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
    Raphael has the most attitude on the team

    Michelangelo, he's one of a kind
    And you know just where to find him when it's party time
    Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
    To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Heroes in a Half-shell Turtle Power
Track: Tehl Town (Solo Piano)
Duration: 1:46
- Blanders
Track: Texas History Theme
# The song in Texas History from when the flag of Texas shows up and stuff, unreleased
Duration: 0:24
- Michael Guy Bowman
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 1/2/2024)
    Unofficial name - it's the main theme from [Texas History]( When you pause the LaserDisc, not when Governor Sam Houston gets his grave dug.
Track: Theme of Dr. Brinner
- Unknown Artist
Track: ⭑✶✦ TILL TOMORROW ✦✶⭑
- Circlejourney
- SerialSymphony
- Machina Solis
Track: wake128
- Emelia K.
Duration: 0:12
Referenced Tracks:
- Wake Up Call
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 6/10/2024)
    Unofficial name. Short loop from [[flash:chelsea-examine-room]].
Track: wgh128
- Emelia K.
Duration: 0:22
Referenced Tracks:
- Won't Go Home Without You
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 6/10/2024)
    Unofficial name. Short loop from [[flash:chelsea-examine-room]].
Track: Wind-up Storm
- Llyona Fang
Duration: 3:29
Track: Winterfall
- Blackhole
Duration: 3:04
Track: Your Fear Is On My Mind (Instrumental)
- Gryotharian
Duration: 3:06
Section: Music from video games
Track: '#1f1e33'
- Arcaea
- Camellia
Duration: 2:50
Track: 11th Street (Terry Bogard)
# Reference:
- Fatal Fury
- Jojouha KITAPY
Duration: 4:01
Referenced Tracks:
- 11th Street (Terry Bogard STAGE)
Track: 11th Street (Terry Bogard STAGE)
# Reference:
Artists: ##composer unknown
- Fatal Fury
Duration: 3:00
Track: 25m / 75m Clear
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:05
Track: 25m Theme
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:19
Track: 100m Clear
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:10
Track: 100m Theme
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:18
Track: '2:00 a.m. (Animal Crossing: Wild World)'
# Reference:
Directory: 2-am-animal-crossing-wild-world
- Animal Crossing
- Kazumi Totaka
Duration: 2:38
Track: '3:00 p.m. (Animal Crossing: Wild World)'
# Reference:
Directory: 3-pm-animal-crossing-wild-world
- Animal Crossing
- Kazumi Totaka
Track: 2017 Nintendo Switch Presentation Trailer
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Kosuke Yamashita
Duration: 3:21
Referenced Tracks:
- 'Main Theme (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)'
- Overworld Theme (The Legend of Zelda)
Track: Accelerant
# Track from a mod, so the links are the official releases
- Friday Night Funkin'
- Philiplol
Duration: 2:06
Track: Advance
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Yuka Tsujiyoko
Duration: 1:47
Track: Advanced Step
# Reference:
- Wii Fit
- Toru Minegishi
Duration: 3:33
Track: The Adventure Continues - For Horizon Heights Act 1
# From Sonic After the Sequel Original Sound Track
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- James Landino
Duration: 4:13
Referenced Tracks:
- Before the Sequel - Title Screen
Track: Aerith's Theme
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
Duration: 4:18
Track: Afternoon on the Island (Tomodachi Collection)
# Reference:
- Tomodachi Life
- Daisuke Shiiba
Duration: 1:39
Track: Afternoon on the Island (Tomodachi Life)
# Reference:
- Tomodachi Life
- Daisuke Shiiba
- Asuka Ito
#Duration: '1:41'
Track: Agents of S.T.E.A.M.
# Reference:
- 'Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.'
- Yoshito Sekigawa
#Duration: ''
# unreleased
# Official release:
#   Lethal League Blaze - The Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Lethal League Blaze
- Hideki Naganuma
Duration: 3:25
Lyrics: |-
    Give me one them funky beats
    Get up!
    (Break it Down!)
    Get up!
    (Break It Down!)
    Get up!
    (Break it down!)
    Ain't nothing like a funky beat!

    Give me! (Ow!)
    Sounds so funky to me! (Uh!)

    Give me!
    Pop It!
    Hit that!
    Knock them down and out!
    Give me!
    Funky fresh beats

    Give me one them funky beats, boy!
    Give me one them funky beats (Uh!)
    Give me one them funky beats, boy!
    Ain't nothing like a funky beat!
    Give me one them funky beats boy!
    Give me one them funky beats (Uh!)
    Give me one them funky beats boy!
    Ain't nothing like the real thing!

    Rock the Bock, I'm on funky!

    Cut the beat, its funky!
    Get up!
    (Break it down!)
    Get up!
    (Break it down!)
    Give me!
    Give me that funky music!

    Get up!
    (Break It down!)
    Get up!
    (Break It Down!)
    Give me!
    Wanna don't, just do it all!

    (Get up!)
    (Break it down!)
    (Get up!)
    (Break it down!)
    Give me!
    Funky fresh beats!
    That was funky, heh-heh-heh
    Right down!

    Give me one them funky beats, boy!
    Give me one them funky beats (Uh!)
    Give me one them funky beats, boy!
    Ain't nothing like a funky beat!
    Give me one them funky beats boy!
    Give me one them funky beats (Uh!)
    Give me one them funky beats boy!
    Make two sprint! Ow!

    Sounds so funky to me! Ow!

    Give me that funky music! Yeah!
    Get up!
    (Break it down!)
    Get up!
    (Break it down!)
    Get up!
    (Break it down!)
    Knock the bock, I'm on funky!
    Get up!
    (Break it down!)
    Get up!
    (Break it down!)
    Hit that!
    Cut the Beat, its funky! Ow!

    (Give me!)
    Funky fresh beats!
    Funky fresh beats!

    Give me!
    Funky fresh beats!
    Funky fresh beats!
    Give me!
    Uh! I love it! On a one, two, three, four!

    Give me one them funky beats, boy!
    Give me one them funky beats!
    (Give me!)
    Ain't nothing like a funky beat!

    Give me one good beat! (Uh!)
    Give me one them funky beats, boy!
    Give me one them funky beats!
    (Give me!)
    Ain't nothing like the real thing!

    Give me one good beat!
    (Pop it!)
    Give me one them funky beats, boy!
    Give me one them funky beats!
    (Give me!)

    Ain't nothing like a funky beat!
    Give me one good beat! Ow!
    Give me one them funky beats, boy!
    Give me one them funky beats!
    (Give me!)
    Funky fresh beats! Yeah!

    Get up!
    (Break it Down!)
    Get up!
    (Break It Down!)
    Get up!
    (Break it Down!)

    They own the wall!
    Funky fresh beats!
    Funky fresh beats!
    Funky fresh beats!
    Funky fresh beats!
    Funky fresh beats!
    Funky fresh beats!
    Hit me!
    Ain't nothing like a funky beat!
Track: Alf
- Alf Clausen
- Tom Kramer
Duration: 1:11
Track: All American Badass
# Official Bandcamp release
# Reference:
- Austin Jorgensen
Duration: 1:57
Track: Alola Region Theme
# Also known as "Welcome to the Alola Region!"
# JP: アローラ地方のテーマ
# Official release:
#   Nintendo 3DS Pokémon Sun & Moon Super Music Complete
#   ニンテンドー3DS ポケモン サン・ムーン スーパーミュージック・コンプリート
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Minako Adachi
Duration: 2:45
Track: Aloneness
# Reference:
- Tekken
- Taku Inoue (lyrics & music)
- Yumi Hara (vocal)
Duration: 3:38
Track: Apartment Hangout
# Reference:
#   Nintendo Music (name)
- Tomodachi Life
- Daisuke Shiiba
Duration: 3:23
Track: Aquarius (Sunken City Stage)
# Reference:
- Castlevania
Duration: 1:27
Track: The Arch-Illager
# Reference:
- Minecraft
- Gareth Coker
Duration: 2:45
Track: Area_1 (Dragon Spirit)
# Reference:
- Dragon Spirit
- Shinji Hosoe
Duration: 2:35
Track: Argentum
# Reference:
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- artist:ace-tomori-kudo-chico
Duration: 3:39
Track: Argument (Hope vs Despair)
Duration: 4:30
# AKA: Discussion -HOPE VS DESPAIR-
# Official release:
#   ダンガンロンパオリジナルサウンドトラック
#   DANGANRONPA Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Danganronpa
- Masafumi Takada
Track: Aria di Mezzo Carattere
# JP: アリア ("Aria")
# Official release:
#   ファイナルファンタジーVI オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
- Yoshinori Kitase
Duration: 3:57
Track: Aria of the Soul
Directory: aria-of-the-soul
# Reference:
- Persona
- Shoji Meguro
Duration: 6:09
Track: Aria of the Soul
Directory: aria-of-the-soul-p3
# Reference:
- Persona
- Shoji Meguro
- Haruko Komiya (vocal)
Duration: 5:38
Referenced Tracks:
- track:aria-of-the-soul
Track: ARMS Grand Prix Official Theme Song
# Reference:
- Atsuko Asahi
- Eliana (vocals)
Duration: 1:44
Track: ART of FIGHT (Ryuhaku Todoh Stage)
# Reference:
- Art of Fighting
- Yasumasa Yamada
Duration: 2:42
Track: Assault Theme (Metal Slug) ##Also known as Stage 3
# Reference:
- Metal Slug
- Takushi Hiyamuta
Duration: 4:19
Track: At Doom's Gate [E1M1]
# Only released as an arranged version. Original MS-DOS release of game uses MIDI files with playback varying based on user hardware but contains specific additional sound information for OPL and GUS synthesizers. URL is to OPL recording.
# Sources:
- Doom
- Bobby Prince
Track: Awake
Directory: awake-castlevania
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- Sotaro Tojima
Duration: 1:32
Track: Awakening
# Official release:
#   La-Mulana Original Sound Track Complete
# Reference:
Directory: awakening-la-mulana
Always Reference By Directory: true
- La-Mulana
- Houryu Samejima
Duration: 4:06
Track: Back 2 Back
# Official release:
#   SONIC RUSH Original Groove Rush.
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Hideki Naganuma
Duration: 3:00
Lyrics: |-
    Back to back and spinnin' on the back
    Back to back on the turntable's back
    Back to back and spinnin' on the back
    Back to back on the back to back

    Back to back and spinnin' on the back
    Back to back on the turntable's back
    Back to back and spinnin' on the back
    On the turntable's back, on spinnin' on the back
    Back to back and spinnin' on the back
    Back to back on the turntable's back
    Spinnin' on the turn and spinnin' on the turntables
    Back to back!

    Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

    Spin back to back (Hey)
    Back to back (Hey)
    Back to back (Hey)
    Back to back (Hey)
    Spin back to back (Hey)
    Back to back (Hey)

    And spinnin' on the turn
    And spinnin' on the turntables
    Back to back (Hey)

    And spinnin' on the back
    On the turntable's back
    And spinnin' on the back
    On the turntable's back
    And spinnin' on the back, on the back
    Spinnin' on the back, on the back
    And spinnin' on the back, turntable's back
    Turntable, spinnin' on the turntables
    Spinnin' on the

    Back to back (Hey)
    Back to back (Hey)
    On the back to back (Hey)
    Back, back, back (Hey)
    Spin back to back (Hey)
    Back to back (Hey)
    On the back, back, back (Hey)

    And spinnin' on the turntable
    And spinnin' on the turntable
    On the back to back

    Back to back and spinnin' on the back
    Back to back on the turntable's back
    Back to back and spinnin' on the back
    On the turntable's back, on, spinnin' on the back
    Back to back and spinnin' on the back
    Back to back on the turntable's back
    Spinnin' on the turntable, spinnin' on the turntable
    Turn and spinnin' on the, turn and spinnin' on

    Back to back (Hey)
    Back to back (Hey)
    On the back to back (Hey)
    Back to back (Hey)
    Spin back to back (Hey)
    Back to back (Hey)

    And spinnin' on the turn
    And spinnin' on the turntable
    Back to back (Hey)

    Spin back to back (Hey)
    On the back to back (Hey)
    Back, back, back (Hey)
    Back-back-back-back-back (Hey)
    Back to back and back to back
Track: Bad Apple!!
# Official release:
#   Yougakudan no Rekishi 1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
# Reference:
- Touhou Project
Duration: 3:13
Track: Bad Apple!! feat. nomico
- Touhou Project
- Masayoshi Minoshima
- nomico (vocals)
Duration: 3:13
Referenced Tracks:
- Bad Apple!!
Lyrics: |-
    Nagareteku toki no naka de demo kedarusa ga hora guruguru mawatte
    (<i>Even in the midst of flowing time, I feel languid, look, spinning around and around</i>)
    Watashi kara hanareru kokoro mo mienaiwa sou shiranai?
    (<i>I can't even see the heart that's leaving me, didn't you know?</i>)
    Jibun kara ugoku koto mo naku toki no sukima ni nagasare tsuzukete
    (<i>I can't even get myself to move, I continue to be washed down the cracks of time</i>)
    Shiranai wa mawari no koto nado watashi wa watashi sore dake
    (<i>I don't know anything about what's around me, I'm just me and no more</i>)

    Yume miteru? Nani mo mitenai? Kataru mo muda na jibun no kotoba
    (<i>Am I dreaming? Or seeing nothing? My words are useless even if I speak</i>)
    Kanashimu nante tsukareru dake yo nani mo kanjizu sugoseba ii no
    (<i>I'm just tired of being sad, I should go on without feeling anything</i>)
    Tomadou kotoba ataerarete mo jibun no kokoro tada uwa no sora
    (<i>Even if you give me the words I'm at a loss for, my heart just won't pay attention</i>)
    Moshi watashi kara ugoku no naraba subete kaeru no nara kuro ni suru
    (<i>If I move myself away, if I change everything, I'll turn it all black</i>)

    Konna jibun ni mirai wa aru no? Konna sekai ni watashi wa iru no?
    (<i>Is there a future for someone like me? Will I still exist in a world like this?</i>)
    Ima setsunai no? Ima kanashii no? Jibun no koto mo wakaranai mama
    (<i>Is this painful? Is it sad? Not even knowing myself</i>)
    Ayumu koto sae tsukareru dake yo hito no koto nado shiri mo shinaiwa
    (<i>I'm just tired even of walking, I don't even understand people</i>)
    Konna watashi mo kawareru no nara moshi kawareru no nara shiro ni naru
    (<i>If someone like me can change, if I can change, will I turn white?</i>)

    Nagareteku toki no naka de demo kedarusa ga hora guruguru mawatte
    (<i>Even in the midst of flowing time, I feel languid, look, spinning around and around</i>)
    Watashi kara hanareru kokoro mo mienaiwa sou shiranai?
    (<i>I can't even see the heart that's leaving me, didn't you know?</i>)
    Jibun kara ugoku koto mo naku toki no sukima ni nagasare tsuzukete
    (<i>I can't even get myself to move, I continue to be washed down the cracks of time</i>)
    Shiranai wa mawari no koto nado watashi wa watashi sore dake
    (<i>I don't know anything about what's around me, I'm just me and no more</i>)

    Yume miteru? Nani mo mitenai? Kataru mo muda na jibun no kotoba
    (<i>Am I dreaming? Or seeing nothing? My words are useless even if I speak</i>)
    Kanashimu nante tsukareru dake yo nani mo kanjizu sugoseba ii no
    (<i>I'm just tired of being sad, I should go on without feeling anything</i>)
    Tomadou kotoba ataerarete mo jibun no kokoro tada uwa no sora
    (<i>Even if you give me the words I'm at a loss for, my heart just won't pay attention</i>)
    Moshi watashi kara ugoku no naraba subete kaeru no nara kuro ni suru
    (<i>If I can move, if I change everything, I'll turn it all black</i>)

    Muda na jikan ni mirai wa aru no? Konna tokoro ni watashi wa iru no?
    (<i>Is there a future to come out of this useless time? Will I exist in a place like this?</i>)
    Watashi no koto wo iitai naraba kotoba ni suru no nara rokudenashi
    (<i>If I wanted to tell you what kind of person I am, the words I'd use would be "good for nothing"</i>)
    Konna tokoro ni watashi wa iru no? Konna jikan ni watashi wa iru no?
    (<i>Will I exist in a place like this? Will I exist in a time like this?</i>)
    Konna watashi mo kawareru no nara moshi kawareru no nara shiro ni naru
    (<i>If someone like me can change, if I can change, will I turn white?</i>)

    Ima yume miteru? Nani mo mitenai? Kataru mo muda na jibun no kotoba
    (<i>Am I dreaming now? Or seeing nothing? My words are useless even if I speak</i>)
    Kanashimu nante tsukareru dake yo nani mo kanjizu sugoseba ii no
    (<i>I'm just tired of being sad, I should go on without feeling anything</i>)
    Tomadou kotoba ataeraretemo jibun no kokoro tada uwa no sora
    (<i>Even if you give me the words I'm at a loss for, my heart just won't pay attention</i>)
    Moshi watashi kara ugoku no naraba subete kaeru no nara kuro ni suru
    (<i>If I can move, if I change everything, I'll turn it all black</i>)

    Ugoku no naraba ugoku no naraba subete kowasuwa subete kowasuwa
    (<i>If I move, if I move, I'll destroy everything, I'll destroy everything</i>)
    Kanashimu naraba kanashimu naraba watashi no kokoro shiroku kawareru?
    (<i>If I grieve, if I grieve, can my heart turn white?</i>)
    Anata no koto mo watashi no koto mo subete no koto mo mada shiranai no
    (<i>I still don't know about you, about myself, about everything</i>)
    Omoi mabuta wo aketa no naraba subete kowasu no nara kuro ni nare!
    (<i>If I can open my heavy eyelids, if I break everything, then turn black!</i>)
Track: A Bad Dream
# From Earthbound, which had an official album release but this track isn't on it.
# Reference:
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 1:25
Track: Bad Morning to You
# From Earthbound, which had an official album release but this track isn't on it.
# Reference:
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 0:33
Track: Banquet of Nature (Nakoruru)
# Reference:
- Samurai Shodown
- Tate Norio
Duration: 2:34
Track: Bathing
Directory: bathing-nintendogs
Always Reference By Directory: true
# Reference:
#   Nintendo Music (name)
- nintendogs
- Hajime Wakai
Duration: 2:53
Track: Bathtime Theme (for 3DS / Wii U)
Directory: bathtime-theme-ssb4
# Reference:
- nintendogs
- Masato Coda
- RiRiKA (vocals)
Duration: 2:14
Referenced Tracks:
- track:bathing-nintendogs
Track: Battle Against A Gorgeous Foe
# From the fangame Mother 4's (now Oddity, with the name Mother 4 being taken by a different fangame) unreleased soundtrack
- Oddity
- nelward
Duration: 1:41
Track: The Battle at the Summit!
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 3:46
Referenced Tracks:
- Title Screen (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Track: Battle! (Champion) (Pokémon Gold / Pokémon Silver)
# JP: 戦闘!チャンピオン
# Official release:
#   Pokémon HeartGold & Pokémon SoulSilver: Super Music Collection
#   ニンテンドーDS ポケモン ハートゴールド&ソウルシルバー ミュージック・スーパーコンプリート
# Reference:
Directory: battle-champion-pokemon-gold-silver
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:11
Referenced Tracks:
- Title Screen (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Track: Battle! (Colress)
# JP: 戦闘!アクロマ
# Official release:
#   Pokémon Black 2 & Pokémon White 2: Super Music Collection
#   ニンテンドーDS ポケモンブラック2・ホワイト2 スーパーミュージックコンプリート
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Hitomi Sato
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 3:49
Referenced Tracks:
- Colress's Theme
Lyrics: |-

    Five four three two one
    Two one
    Two one

    Five two
Track: Battle! (Deoxys)
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda (composer)
- Go Ichinose (arranger)
Duration: 2:43
Track: Battle! (Dusk Mane Necrozma / Dawn Wings Necrozma)
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 2:56 #only gamerip stuff no actual release
Referenced Tracks:
- Battle! (Solgaleo / Lunala)
Track: Battle! (Elite Four) (Pokémon Black / Pokémon White)
# JP: 戦闘!四天王
# Official release:
#   Pokémon Black & Pokémon White: Super Music Collection
#   ニンテンドーDS ポケモンブラック・ホワイト スーパーミュージックコレクション
# Reference:
Directory: battle-elite-four-pokemon-black-white
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose (arranger)
- Junichi Masuda (composer)
Duration: 2:51
Referenced Tracks:
- Battle! (Elite Four) (Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire)
Track: Battle! (Elite Four) (Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire)
Directory: battle-elite-four-pokemon-ruby-sapphire
# Reference
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:47
Track: Battle! (Elite Four) (Pokémon Sun / Pokémon Moon)
Directory: battle-elite-four-pokemon-sun-moon
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 2:06
Track: Battle (Final Fantasy)
Directory: battle-final-fantasy
#   Final Fantasy (1987) but i can't find it on vgmdb rn sorry complain to Jebb
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
Duration: 1:36
Track: Battle! (Frontier Brain—Hoenn Version)
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 3:09
Referenced Tracks:
- Battle! (Champion) (Pokémon Gold / Pokémon Silver)
Track: Battle! (Frontier Brain—Sinnoh Version)
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Hitomi Sato
Duration: 3:06
Referenced Tracks:
- Battle! (Frontier Brain—Hoenn Version)
Track: Battle Frontier (Hoenn Version)
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 1:29
Track: Battle! (Gladion)
# Reference:
Directory: battle-gladion
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 2:35
Track: Battle (Golden Sun)
# Info from Nintendo Music
- Golden Sun
- Motoi Sakuraba
Duration: 2:37
Track: Battle! (Gym Leader) (Pokémon Diamond / Pokémon Pearl)
# Reference:
Directory: battle-gym-leader-pokemon-diamond-pearl
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:38
Track: Battle! (Island Kahuna)
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose (composer & arranger)
- Junichi Masuda (composer)
Duration: 3:34
Track: Battle! (Lorekeeper Zinnia)
Directory: battle-lorekeeper-zinnia
# Official release:
#   Nintendo 3DS Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Super Music Complete
#   ニンテンドー3DS ポケモン オメガルビー・アルファサファイア スーパーミュージックコンプリート
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Shota Kageyama
Duration: 3:04
Referenced Tracks:
- The Heirs to Eternity
Track: Battle! (Regirock/Regice/Registeel) (Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire)
Directory: battle-regirock-regice-registeel-pokemon-ruby-sapphire
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:28
Track: Battle! (Solgaleo / Lunala)
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 3:17
Track: Battle! (Steven) (Pokémon Omega Ruby / Pokémon Alpha Sapphire)
# Reference:
Directory: battle-steven-pokemon-omega-ruby-alpha-sapphire
- artist:pokemon
- Minako Adachi
- Hideaki Kuroda
Duration: 2:13
Referenced Tracks:
- Battle! (Steven) (Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire)
Track: Battle! (Steven) (Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire)
# Reference:
Directory: battle-steven-pokemon-ruby-sapphire
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:51
Track: Battle! (Strong Wild Pokémon) (Pokémon Black / Pokémon White)
# Reference:
Directory: battle-strong-wild-pokemon-pokemon-black-white
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose
Referenced Tracks:
- Battle! (Wild Pokémon) (Pokémon Black / Pokémon White)
Duration: 2:04
Track: Battle Theme (Yūyūki)
Directory: battle-theme-yuyuki
# Reference:
#   none
- Yūyūki
- Soyo Oka
#Duration: ''
Track: Battle Tower (Johto) (Pokémon Crystal)
Directory: battle-tower-johto-pokemon-crystal
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Morikazu Aoki
Duration: 0:40
Track: Battle Tower (Pokémon Diamond / Pokémon Pearl)
Directory: battle-tower-pokemon-diamond-pearl
# Official release:
#   Pokémon Diamond & Pokémon Pearl: Super Music Collection
#   ニンテンドーDS ポケモン ダイヤモンド・パール スーパーミュージックコレクション
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Hitomi Sato
Duration: 1:05
Referenced Tracks:
- Battle Tower (Johto) (Pokémon Crystal)
Track: Battle! (Trainer Battle) (Pokémon Black / Pokémon White)
Directory: battle-trainer-battle-pokemon-black-white
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose (arranger)
- Junichi Masuda (composer)
Duration: 3:33
Referenced Tracks:
- Title Screen (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Track: Battle! (Trainer Battle) (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# JP: 戦い(VSトレーナー)
# Official release:
#   ポケモン 赤・緑 スーパーミュージック・コレクション
# Reference:
Directory: battle-trainer-battle-pokemon-red-blue
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 3:17
Track: Battle! (Trainer) (Pokémon Sun / Pokémon Moon)
Directory: battle-trainer-pokemon-sun-moon
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Minako Adachi (arranger)
- Go Ichinose (arranger)
- Junichi Masuda (composer)
Duration: 2:54
Track: Battle! (Ultra Necrozma)
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 3:11 #only gamerip stuff no actual release
Referenced Tracks:
- Battle! (Dusk Mane Necrozma / Dawn Wings Necrozma)
Track: Battle (VS Gym Leader)
# JP: 戦い(VSジムリーダー)
# Official release:
#   GB Pokémon Complete Sound CD
#   ゲームボーイ『ポケモン』のサウンドがまるごと入って、遊べるCD
Directory: battle-vs-gym-leader-pokemon-red-blue
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 2:00
Track: Battle! (Wild Pokémon—Johto Version) (Pokémon Gold / Pokémon Silver)
# Official release:
#   Pokémon HeartGold & Pokémon SoulSilver: Super Music Collection
# Reference:
Directory: battle-wild-pokemon-johto-version-pokemon-gold-silver
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:55
Track: Battle! (Wild Pokémon) (Pokémon Black / Pokémon White)
# Reference:
Directory: battle-wild-pokemon-pokemon-black-white
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose (arranger)
- Junichi Masuda (composer)
Duration: 2:03
Track: Battle! (Wild Pokémon) (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# JP: 戦い(VS野生ポケモン)
# Official release:
#   ポケモン 赤・緑 スーパーミュージック・コレクション
# Reference:
Directory: battle-wild-pokemon-pokemon-red-blue
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:30
Track: Battle! (Wild Pokémon) (Pokémon Sun / Pokémon Moon)
Directory: battle-wild-pokemon-pokemon-sun-moon
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose (arranger)
- Junichi Masuda (composer)
Duration: 2:04
Track: Battle! (Xerneas/Yveltal)
# Reference:
Directory: battle-xerneas-yveltal
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda (composition)
- Shota Kageyama (arrangement)
Duration: 2:40
Track: Before the Sequel - Title Screen
# From Sonic Before the Sequel '12 Original Sound Track
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Falk Au Yeong
Duration: 0:30
Track: Beginning (Church, Town, Graveyard Stage)
Directory: beginning-castlevania-draculas-curse
Always Reference By Directory: true
# From Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
# The original official release combines this track with several others from the same game for its inclusion on the CD, so it doesn't have a "canonical" duration. But it starts at 2:46 and fades out ending at 4:30, which is what's used for the duration here.
# Note that Castlevania III's NES release has a different rendition of the soundtrack from its original Famicom release, running on a different sound chip. They're essentially the same songs, but the Famicom original is what is listed here.
# JP: [full track] 新たなる決意
# JP: [subsection] Beginning (教会,町,墓場ステージ)
# Official release:
#   悪魔城ドラキュラ ファミコン・ベスト
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- Jun Funahashi
Duration: 1:44
Track: Behave Irrationally
# Official release:
#   Valkyrie Profile Original Soundtrack
#   ヴァルキリープロファイル オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Valkyrie Profile
- Motoi Sakuraba
Duration: 1:15
Track: A Bell is Tolling
Directory: a-bell-is-tolling
# JP: 八点鐘
# Official release:
#   聖剣伝説2 オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Secret of Mana
- Hiroki Kikuta
Duration: 1:33
Track: Beneath the Mask
# Reference:
- Persona
- Shoji Meguro (composer & arranger)
- Lyn (vocal)
- Rike Schmalz (lyricist)
Duration: 4:37
Lyrics: |-
    Where have you been?
    Been searching all along
    Came facing twilight on and on
    Without a clue
    Without a sign
    Without grasping yet
    The real question to be asked
    Where have I been?

    I'm a shape shifter
    At Poe's masquerade
    Hiding both face and mind
    All free for you to draw
    I'm a shape shifter
    What else should I be?
    Please don't take off my mask
    Revealing dark

    Moments of calm
    Nothing left to be found
    A mirror right in front of me
    That's where I find
    An empty glass
    Reflecting the sad truth
    It's telling words not to be told
    I need the mask

    I'm a shape shifter
    At Poe's masquerade
    Hiding both face and mind
    All free for you to draw
    I'm a shape shifter
    Chained down to my core
    Please don't take off my mask
    My place to hide

    I can't tell you
    How to see me
    Just a cage of bones
    There's nothing inside
    Will it unleash me?
    Burning down the walls
    Is there a way
    For me to break?

    I'm a shape shifter
    At Poe's masquerade
    Hiding both face and mind
    All free for you to draw
    I'm a shape shifter
    Have no face to show
    Please don't take off my mask
    My disguise
Track: Beyond Distant Skies - Roy's Departure
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Yuka Tsujiyoko
Duration: 1:31
Track: BGM A (Wrecking Crew)
# Reference:
- Wrecking Crew
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 2:05
Track: BGM B (Power Up) (Wrecking Crew)
# Reference:
- Wrecking Crew
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 1:20
Track: 'Big Balloon: Get (Bonus Round Clear) (Mappy)'
# Reference:
- Mappy
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:02
Track: Big Blue
# Reference:
- Naoto Ishida
Track: Big Boo's Haunt
# JP: テレサのホラーハウス
# Official release:
#   スーパーマリオ64 オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 3:04
Track: Big Boss Confrontation BGM (Ridley, Draigon)
# Reference:
- Metroid
- Minako Hamano
Duration: 1:43
Track: Blammed
# Official release:
#   Friday Night Funkin' OST, Vol. 1
# Reference:
- Friday Night Funkin'
- Kawai Sprite
Duration: 1:48
Track: Bloody Tears (Roads by Day BGM)
# From Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
# Released on the same album as Beginning, but it has its own dedicated track vs. Castlevania III's OST.
# JP: Bloody Tears (昼の道BGM)
# Official release:
#   悪魔城ドラキュラ ファミコン・ベスト
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- Kenichi Matsubara
Duration: 1:05
Track: Bolero of Fire
# JP: オカリナ「炎のボレロ」
# Official release:
#   ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ 3D オリジナル サウンドトラック
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:22
Track: Bomb Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Manami Matsumae
Duration: 1:20
Track: Bomb Rush Blush
# Reference:
- Splatoon
- Shiho Fujii
- keity.pop (vocals)
Duration: 2:31
Track: Bomber Barbara
# Official release:
#   SONIC RUSH Original Groove Rush.
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Hideki Naganuma
Duration: 2:08
Track: Bombs for Throwing at You
# Official release in a lovely free download
# Reference:
- Portal
- Mike Morasky
Duration: 5:48
Track: Bon Voyage, Amigo
# From Mother 3, which had two arrangement soundtracks but no official release of the in-game GBA soundtrack.
# Reference:
- Mother
- Shogo Sakai
Track: Bonus Room Blitz
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- David Wise
Duration: 0:59
Track: Bonus Round Fanfare (Mappy)
# Reference:
- Mappy
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:04
Track: Bonus Round Music (Mappy)
# Reference:
- Mappy
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:37
Track: 'Boss Battle (Kirby: Squeak Squad)'
# Better known as "Oncoming Peril", which appears to be
# an unofficial name. This translation is unofficial.
# JP: ボス戦
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Hirokazu Ando
- Jun Ishikawa
- Tadashi Ikegami
- Shogo Sakai
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 4/13/2024)

    This track isn't included on any official soundtrack release; all artists are credited for sound on Kirby: Squeak Squad. The title is a translation of its appearance on the Nintendo Mobile site, where it's called ボス戦 ([thanks to User:Gigi on WiKirby](

    It's better known as "Oncoming Peril" or "Treasure Scuffle".
Track: Boss Battle (Pokémon Typing Adventure)
Directory: boss-battle-pokemon-typing-adventure
# No official release
- artist:pokemon
- Azusa Chiba
- Masaharu Iwata
- Kimihiro Abe
Track: Box 15
# JP: BOX 15
# Official release:
#   ダンガンロンパオリジナルサウンドトラック
#   DANGANRONPA Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Danganronpa
- Masafumi Takada
Duration: 4:05
Track: Boy Meets Girl
# JP: ボーイ ミーツ ガール (BOY MEETS GIRL)
# Official release:
#   マザー2 ギーグの逆襲
# Reference:
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 2:19
Track: Breakfast Time - For Horizon Heights Boss Act Phase 2
# From Sonic After the Sequel Original Sound Track
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- James Landino
Duration: 3:10
Referenced Tracks:
- The Adventure Continues - For Horizon Heights Act 1
# Sampled Tracks:
# - Nickelodeon Breakfast Time Commercial -
Lyrics: |-
    Break time! Breakfast time! Break time! Breakfast time! (What?)
    Break time! Breakfast time! Breakbreakbreakbreak breakfast time!
    Break time! Breakfast time! Break time! Breakfast time! (What?)
    Break time! Breakfast time! Breakbreakbreak brrrr-b-b-b-b—

    Break time! Break-breakfast time! Break time! Break-breakfast time! (What?)
    Break time! Break-breakfast time! Br-br-break-br-br-breakfast time!
    Break time! Break-breakfast time! Break time! Break-breakfast time! (What?)
    Break time! Break time! Breakbreakbreak brrrr-b-b-b-b—

    Breakfast! Break-breakfast! Break-brea-break-breakfast time!
    Break-breakfast! Break-breakfast! Break-brea-break-breakfast time!
    Breakfast! Break-breakfast! Break-breakfast! Break-breakfast!
    Break-breakbreak break-break-break breakfast time!

    Break time! Breakfast time! Break time! Breakfast time! (What?)
    Break time! Breakfast time! Breakbreakbreakbreak breakfast time!
    Break time! Breakfast time! Break time! Breakfast time! (What?)
    Break time! Breakfast time! Breakbreakbreak brrrr-b-b-b-b—

    Break time! Break-breakfast time! Break time! Break-breakfast time! (What?)
    Break time! Break-breakfast time! Br-br-break-br-br-breakfast time!
    Break time! Break-breakfast time! Break time! Break-breakfast time! (What?)
    Break time! Break time! Breakbreakbreak brrrr-b-b-b-b—

    Breakfast! Break-breakfast! Break-brea-break-breakfast time!
    Break-breakfast! Break-breakfast! Break-brea-break-breakfast time!
    Breakfast! Break-breakfast! Break-breakfast! Break-breakfast!
    Break-breakbreak break-break-break breakfast time!

    Break time! Breakfast time! Break time! Breakfast time! (What?)
    Break time! Breakfast time! Breakbreakbreakbreak breakfast time!
    Break time! Breakfast time! Break time! Breakfast time! (What?)
    Break time! Breakfast time! Breakbreakbreak brrrr-b-b-b-b—
Track: Bright Spinning Planet
# JP: 回る光はプラネット
# Official release:
#   星のカービィ ロボボプラネット オリジナルサウンドトラック
#   Kirby: Planet Robobot Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Hirokazu Ando
Duration: 1:10
Referenced Tracks:
- Haltmann Works Co. Theme Song
Track: Brown Puffle Lab
# No official release, durations and info taken from composer's website
# Reference:
- Club Penguin
- Chris Hendricks
Duration: 1:22
Track: Bull Demon King Clear
# Reference:
#   none
- Yūyūki
- Soyo Oka
#Duration: ''
Track: The Butcher's Circus Lobby
# Official release: Darkest Dungeon - The Butcher's Circus DLC EP
# Reference:
- Darkest Dungeon
- Stuart Chatwood
Duration: 5:54
Track: Calamari Inkantation
# JP: シオカラ節
# Official release:
#   スプラトゥーン オリジナルサウンドトラック -スプラチューン-
# Reference:
- Splatoon
- Shiho Fujii
- keity.pop (vocals)
- Mari Kikuma (vocals)
Duration: 2:34
Lyrics: |-
    Ya weni marei mirekyarahire
    Juri yu mirekerason
    Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
    Nunnyura unera yurawera nyimerani

    Chopperipo shurashurafe
    Nannyuruni renifaferahi
    Nannyuruni weranira shuraharahi
    Nyurunirehara fe fe fe

    Ya weni marei mirekyarahire
    Juri yu mirekerason
    Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
    Nunnyura unera yurawera fimera

    Na nire jute mirekyaraherya
    Nire yu mirekerason
    Kire hyari nuriherahe nyurahera
    Nunnyura unera yurawera fimerani

    Ya weni marei mirekyarahire
    Juri yu mirekerason
    Ya weni marei mirekyarahire
    Juri yu mirekerason
    Ya weni marei mirekyarahire
    Juri yu mirekerason
    Ya weni marei mirekyarahire
    Juri yu mirekerason-son-son-son-son-son-sonsonsonsonson—

    Ya weni marei mirekyarahire
    Juri yu mirekerason
    Ha ha ha ha
    Ha ha ha ha
Track: Capture (Deoxys' Shadow)
# Reference
- Pokémon
- Shinji Miyazaki
Duration: 4:02
Track: Capture Music (Galaga)
# Reference:
- Galaga
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:26
Track: Cave Theme 1
# From Earthbound, which had an official album release but this track isn't on it.
# Reference:
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 1:02
Track: Challenging Stage (Perfect)
# Reference:
- Galaga
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:06
Track: 'Chapter 20: Destroyed Skyworld'
# Reference:
- Kid Icarus
- Yuzo Koshiro (composer & arranger)
- Motoi Sakuraba (composer & arranger)
- Natsumi Kameoka (orchestration)
Duration: 3:38
Track: Choose a File
# From Earthbound, which had an official album release but this track isn't on it.
# Reference:
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 1:10
Track: Chrono Cross ~Scars of Time~
# (See Corridors of Time for info on soundtrack/YouTube differences)
# Official releases:
#   クロノ・クロス オリジナル・サウンドトラック
#   Chrono Cross Original Soundtrack Revival Disc
# Reference
- Chrono Trigger
- Yasunori Mitsuda
Duration: 2:29
Track: Chrono Trigger
# (See Corridors of Time for info on soundtrack/YouTube differences)
# JP: クロノ・トリガー
# Official release:
#   クロノ・トリガー・オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Chrono Trigger
- Yasunori Mitsuda
Duration: 2:00
Track: 'City Trial: City'
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Hirokazu Ando
Duration: 2:11
Track: Colress's Theme
# JP: アクロマのテーマ
# Official release:
#   Pokémon Black 2 & Pokémon White 2: Super Music Collection
#   ニンテンドーDS ポケモンブラック2・ホワイト2 スーパーミュージックコンプリート
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Hitomi Sato
Duration: 1:06
Track: Confronting Myself
# Original release:
#   Celeste Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Celeste
- Lena Raine
Duration: 4:09
Track: Cool Morning
# Official release:
#   Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony O.S.T. WHITE
# Reference:
- Danganronpa
- Masafumi Takada
Duration: 3:23
Track: Corridors of Time
# Chrono Trigger's OST is notoriously (to us) difficult to find uploads of on YouTube, so the linked URL may have duration or slight differences from its soundtrack release.
# JP: 時の回廊
# Official release:
#   クロノ・トリガー・オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Chrono Trigger
- Yasunori Mitsuda
Duration: 3:01
Track: Cosmic Eternity - Believe in Yourself
# From SONIC THE HEDGEHOG CD Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Naofumi Hataya
- Keiko Utoku (vocals)
- Casey Rankin (lyrics & vocals)
Duration: 3:09
Lyrics: |-
    Waah! Teleportation! Yeah! Waah! Za-ba-doo-bap-bap!
    Waah! Teleportation! Yeah! Waah! Shibby-doo-boo! Yeah!

    In the end, who's on your side?
    Who can you trust, in the middle of the night?
    Where will you be, if ya can't find you?
    There's no-place to go, nothin' to do
    If ya gotta do something, gotta do something
    Believe in yourself - yourself - yourself - hey!

    Extraordinary things can happen if you believe in yourself
    You've got to have some faith in yourself
    If you want respect from your friends

    Don't re-arrange, no need to change
    Stay like you are, keep it all the same
    But as you move along in your life
    Keep an open mind and don't forget
    That if ya gotta do something, gotta do something
    Believe in yourself - yourself - yourself - hey!

    Extraordinary things can happen if you believe in yourself
    You've got to have some faith in yourself
    If you want respect from your friends

    When you feel tight, look at yourself
    Inside your heart you will find
    A special place to unwind
    When you feel right, look at yourself
    Inside your mind you will see
    Cosmic eternity

    When you feel tight, look at yourself
    Inside your heart you will find
    A special place to unwind
    When you feel right, look at yourself
    Inside your mind you will see
    Cosmic eternity
Track: Cosmo Canyon
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
Duration: 3:36
Track: Counterattack
# Reference:
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- Kenji Hiramatsu
Duration: 4:33
Track: Course Clear (Super Mario Bros. 3)
# Reference:
Directory: course-clear-smb3
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:05
Referenced Tracks:
- track:ground-theme-smb3
Track: Crash Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Takashi Tateishi
Duration: 2:34
Track: CRAZYBUS Title Screen
# No official release
- Tom Scripts
Duration: 3:49
Track: Credit Sound (Mappy)
# Reference:
- Mappy
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:02
Track: Crocodile Cacophony (K. Rool's Theme)
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- David Wise
Duration: 1:28
Track: Cross-Examination - Allegro 2001
# JP: 尋問 ~アレグロ 2001
# Official releases:
#   逆転裁判1 + 2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
#   Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
# (rereleased on Steam in 2020 with official English track titles)
- Ace Attorney
- Masakazu Sugimori
Duration: 2:09
Referenced Tracks:
- Cross-Examination - Moderato 2001
Track: Cross-Examination - Moderato 2001
# JP: 尋問 ~モデラート 2001
# Official releases:
#   逆転裁判1 + 2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
#   Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
# (rereleased on Steam in 2020 with official English track titles)
- Ace Attorney
- Masakazu Sugimori
Duration: 1:46
Track: Cross Your Heart (Graveyard BGM)
# Reference:
- Castlevania
Duration: 0:55
Track: Dalarna
# Reference:
- Minecraft
- Peter Hont
Duration: 3:32
Track: Dance of Gold
# Reference:
- Castlevania
Duration: 1:53
Track: Dance of the Blocks (Shrunk)
# Reference:
- Minecraft
- Gareth Coker
Duration: 2:15
Track: Dancing People
# Reference:
#   none
- Yūyūki
- Soyo Oka
#Duration: ''
Track: Danganronpa!
Duration: 2:13
# JP: だんがんろんぱ!
# Official release:
#   ダンガンロンパオリジナルサウンドトラック
#   DANGANRONPA Original Soundtrack
# Note:
#   This track is easy to mix up with the first track on this soundtrack,
#   "Trigger Happy Havoc", as that track is literally "DANGANRONPA" in the
#   Japanese track listing - the first two tracks on the (apparently)
#   most common English listing are "DANGANRONPA" and "Dangan Ronpa!".
# Reference:
- Danganronpa
- Masafumi Takada
Track: Danganronpa (2nd GIG)
# Official release:
#   Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Danganronpa
- Masafumi Takada
Duration: 2:54
Referenced Tracks:
- Trigger Happy Havoc
Lyrics: |-
Track: Dark Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Mari Yamaguchi
Duration: 2:05
Track: Dark Mountain Forest
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 1:52
Track: The Dark One
Directory: the-dark-one-scott-pilgrim
# Official release:
#   Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game Original Videogame Soundtrack
# Reference:
Duration: 1:57
- Scott Pilgrim
- Anamanaguchi
Track: 'Dark World (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)'
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 2:23
Track: Death Mountain (The Legend of Zelda)
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:59
Track: The Death That I Deservioli
# Official release on Bandcamp
# Reference:
- Pizza Tower
- Mr. Sauceman
Duration: 2:56
Referenced Tracks:
- It's Pizza Time!
Sampled Tracks:
- Y'all Ready to Get Funky (Acapella)
Track: Death Wind
# Reference:
- Yumiko Kanki
Track: The Decisive Battle (Final Fantasy VI)
# JP: 決戦
#   ファイナルファンタジーVI オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
Duration: 2:02
Track: Delfino Plaza
# JP: ドルピックタウン
# Official releases:
# Reference:
# (as Dolphic Town)
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 2:58
Track: Demo BGM (Yūyūki)
Directory: demo-bgm-yuyuki
# Reference:
#   none
- Yūyūki
- Soyo Oka
#Duration: ''
Track: Desperate Struggle
# Reference:
- Tekken
- Taku Inoue
Duration: 3:27
Track: Destiny (Ablaze)
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Rei Kondoh
Duration: 5:20
Track: Disco Descent
- Crypt of the Necrodancer
- Danny Baranowsky
Duration: 3:00
Track: Dissonance
Directory: dissonance-quincy-pringle
Always Reference By Directory: true
- 'Mother: Cognitive Dissonance'
- Quincy Pringle
Duration: 1:52
Track: Dist Thins Out (Character Select)
# Reference:
- Tekken
- Keiichi Okabe
Duration: 1:37
Track: Dive Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Minae Fujii
Duration: 1:39
Track: Divine Bloodlines (Stage 1 BGM)
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- akiropito
Duration: 3:22
Track: DJ K.K. (Aircheck)
# No official release
- Animal Crossing
- Kazumi Totaka
Duration: 1:24
Track: DK Rap
# Duration is from the first musical (0:17) to the disc scratch (3:27) on the in-game music video
- Donkey Kong
- Grant Kirkhope
- George Andreas (lyrics, vocals)
- Chris Sutherland (vocals)
- Gregg Mayles (chorus)
- Steve Mayles (chorus)
- Ed Bryan (chorus)
- Chris Peil (chorus)
Duration: 3:10
Lyrics: |-
    Here-here-here we go!

    So they're finally here, performing for you
    If you know the words, you can join in too
    Put your hands together, if you want to clap
    As we take you through, this monkey rap!

    D.K., Donkey Kong!

    He's the leader of the bunch, you know him well
    He's finally back to kick some tail
    His Coconut Gun can fire in spurts
    If he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt!
    He's bigger, faster, and stronger too
    He's the first member of the D.K. crew!

    D.K., Donkey Kong!
    D.K., Donkey Kong is here!

    This Kong's got style, so listen up dudes
    She can shrink in size, to suit her mood
    She's quick and nimble when she needs to be
    She can float through the air and climb up trees!
    If you choose her, you'll not choose wrong
    With a skip and a hop, she's one cool Kong!

    D.K., Donkey Kong!

    He has no style, he has no grace
    Th-th-th-this Kong has a funny face
    He can handstand when he needs to
    And stretch his arms out, just for you
    Inflate himself just like a balloon
    This crazy Kong just digs this tune!

    D.K., Donkey Kong!
    D.K., Donkey Kong is here!

    He's back again and about time too
    And this time he's in the mood
    He can fly real high with his jetpack on
    With his pistols out, he's one tough Kong!
    He'll make you smile when he plays his tune
    But Kremlings beware 'cause he's after you!

    D.K., Donkey Kong!

    Finally, he's here for you
    It's the last member of the D.K. crew!
    This Kong's so strong, it isn't funny
    Can make a Kremling cry out for mummy
    Can pick up a boulder with relative ease
    Makes crushing rocks seem such a breeze
    He may move slow, he can't jump high
    But this Kong's one hell of a guy!

    (C'mon Cranky, take it to the fridge!)

    W-w-w-walnuts, peanuts, pineapple smells
    Grapes, melons, oranges and coconut shells!
    Ahh yeah!
    Walnuts, peanuts, pineapple smells
    Grapes, melons, oranges and coconut shells!
    Ahh yeah!
Track: Doctor Frog
# Track named in-game, no official releases
- Theme Hospital
- Russell Shaw
- Adrian Moore
Track: Dojo 1st
# Reference:
- Tekken
- Rio Hamamoto
Duration: 4:27
Track: Doll Judgement ~ The Girl Who Played with People's Shapes
# No official release of the in-game track
- Touhou Project
Referenced Tracks:
- Romantic Children
Track: Dr. Wily Stage 1
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Takashi Tateishi
Duration: 2:45
Track: Dragon Roost Island
# JP: 竜の島
# Official release:
#   ゼルダの伝説 ~風のタクト~ オリジナル・サウンド・トラックス
#   The Legend of Zelda ~The Wind Waker~ Original Sound Tracks
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Kenta Nagata
Duration: 3:00
Track: Dragonborn
# Official release:
#   The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Original Game Soundtrack
# Reference:
- The Elder Scrolls
- Jeremy Soule
- Emil Pagliarulo (Lyrics)
Duration: 3:55
Lyrics: |-
    Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin
    Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!
    Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan
    Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!

    Huzrah nu, kul do od, wah aan bok lingrah vod
    Ahrk fin tey, boziik fun, do fin gein!
    Wo lost fron wah ney dov, ahrk fin reyliik do jul
    Voth aan suleyk wah ronit faal krein

    Ahrk fin zul, rok drey kod, nau tol morokei frod
    Rul lot Taazokaan motaad voth kein!
    Sahrot Thu'um, med aan tuz, vey zeim hokoron pah
    Ol fin Dovahkiin komeyt ok rein!

    Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin
    Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!
    Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan
    Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!

    Ahrk fin Kel lost prodah, do ved viing ko fin krah
    Tol fod zeymah win kein meyz fundein!
    Alduin, feyn do jun, kruziik vokun staadnau
    Voth aan bahlok wah diivon fin lein!

    Nuz aan sul, fent alok, fod fin vul dovah nok
    Fen kos nahlot mahfaeraak ahrk ruz!
    Paaz Keizaal fen kos stin nol bein Alduin jot
    Dovahkiin kos fin saviik do muz!

    Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin
    Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!
    Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan
    Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!
Track: Dramatic Fanatic
# Official release:
#   Cuphead Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Cuphead
- Kristofer Maddigan
Duration: 4:57
Track: Dream Maze
# Most often known as "Deeper into Ness's Subconscious" but for some reason in the official release it's titled differently.
# JP: 夢の迷路
# Official release:
#   マザー2 ギーグの逆襲
# Reference:
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 1:37
Track: Driftveil City
- Pokémon
- Hitomi Sato
Duration: 1:31
Track: Drill Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Minae Fujii
Duration: 1:44
Track: Duck Get! (Duck Hunt)
# Reference:
- Duck Hunt
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 0:01
Track: Dungeon Theme
# The only upload I could find of the apparent original soundtrack release, on "The Legend of Zelda SOUND & DRAMA", was on Niconico: - I don't think it's possible to link timestamps on though.
# JP: 地下
# Official release:
#   ゼルダの伝説 "サウンド&ドラマ"
# Reference:
Directory: dungeon-theme-zelda1
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 1:05
Track: Earth
# Reference:
- Minecraft
- Shauny Jang
Duration: 5:47
Track: Eastern Ghostly Dream ~ Ancient Temple
# Also known as Mystic Oriental Dream
# JP: 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple
# No official release
# Reference:
- Touhou Project
Duration: 4:46
Track: Edge of Adversity
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Yuka Tsujiyoko
Duration: 1:07
Track: The Edge of Dawn (Seasons of Warfare)
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Takeru Kanazaki (composer & arranger)
- Buttercup (vocals)
- Toshiyuki Kusakihara (lyricist)
- MIZ (violin)
- Tatsuhiko Yoshizawa (trumpet)
Duration: 5:01
Lyrics: |-
    Reach for my hand, I'll soar away into the dawn, oh, I wish I could stay
    Here in cherished halls, in peaceful days, I fear the Edge of Dawn knowing time betrays

    Faint lights pass through colored glass in this beloved place
    Silver shines, the world dines, a smile on each face
    As joy surrounds, comfort abounds, and I can feel I'm breaking free
    For just this moment lost in time, I am finally me

    Yet still I hide behind this mask that I have become
    My blackened heart, scorched by flames, a force I can't run from

    I look to you like a red rose seeking the sun no matter where it goes
    I long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that I know so well

    As I live out each peaceful day deep in my soul, oh, I know I can't stay
    So I wish I could hide away hold tight to what I love, keep cruel fate at bay

    As the rain falls on the path, I chase your shadow
    I don't feel a single drop, or the ground below
    Then you turn to me and I stop before I know
    And the lie upon my lips I let it go

    Cross my heart, making vows I know will be betrayed
    A sad girl's pleas live only for a breath and then they fade

    My dearest wish is that you'll know these tender thoughts that only seem to grow
    They are as snow, melting away, yet seeking your warmth if only for a day

    Don't ever take back your kind hand lest precious love slip away like time's sand
    Only we will know all that was lost, scars that we can't erase show us life's true cost

    The blue moonlight cuts across our sight
    As pure and clear as a ringing bell, reaching for us in the night
    As the wind calms my thoughts, I have strung on this terrace
    I feel at peace, carried away by the wind's song

    Open the door and walk away, never give in to the call of yesterday
    Memories that made those days sublime, these ruined halls entomb stolen time

    Reach for my hand, I'll soar away into the dawn, oh, I wish I could stay
    Here in cherished halls, in peaceful days, I fear the Edge of Dawn knowing time betrays
Referenced Tracks:
- The Edge of Dawn (Seasons of Warfare) (JP)
Track: The Edge of Dawn (Seasons of Warfare) (JP)
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Takeru Kanazaki (composer & arranger)
- Caro (vocals)
- Toshiyuki Kusakihara (lyricist)
- MIZ (violin)
- Tatsuhiko Yoshizawa (trumpet)
Duration: 5:01
Lyrics: |-
    夜明けの手を取り高く羽ばたく日まで (<i>Yoake no te wo tori takaku habataku hi made</i>)
    安らぎの縁に身を預けて震えている (<i>Yasuragi no yosuga ni mi wo azukete furueteiru</i>)

    ステンドグラスを通る光 (<i>Sutendo gurasu wo tooru hikari</i>)
    銀の燭台煌めいて (<i>Gin no shokudai kirameite</i>)
    並んだ笑顔はみんな眩しくて (<i>Naranda egao wa minna mobushikute</i>)
    自分の居場所に絆される (<i>Jibun no ibasho ni hodasaneru</i>)

    力の印に焦がされた (<i>Chikara no shirushi ni kogasareta</i>)
    素顔は仮面で隠したままで (<i>Sugao wa kamen de kakushita mama de</i>)

    名もなく咲きゆく小さな花のように (<i>Na mo naku sakiyuku chiisana hana no yōni</i>)
    あなたの横顔いつも見上げてたかった (<i>Anata no yokogao itsumo miagetetakatta</i>)

    しずかに過ぎゆくこの満たされた日々に (<i>Shizukani sugiyuku kono mitasareta hibi ni</i>)
    すべてを忘れて閉じ込められていたかった (<i>Subete wo wasurete tojikomerareteitakatta</i>)

    雨にうたれる石畳 (<i>Ame ni utareru ishidatami</i>)
    濡れた背中を追いかける (<i>Nureta senaka wo oikakeru</i>)
    振り向く瞳に戸惑って (<i>Furimuku hitomi ni tomadotte</i>)
    告げかけた嘘飲み込む (<i>Tsugekaketa uso nomikomu</i>)

    叶うはずのない約束は (<i>Kanau hazu no nai yakusoku wa</i>)
    悲しい少女の願いだから (<i>Kanashii shoujo no negai dakara</i>)

    はかなく消えゆくひとひらの雪のように (<i>Hakanaku kieyuku hitohira no yuki no you ni</i>)
    かすかな想いがあなたに伝わるように (<i>Kasukana omoi ga anata ni tsutawaru you ni</i>)

    やさしく重ねたこの手を離さないで (<i>Yasashiku kasaneta kono te wo hanasanaide</i>)
    隙間から大切なものこぼれないように (<i>Sukima kara taisetsuna mono koborenai you ni </i>)

    鈴の音響くような (<i>Suzu no ne hibiku youna</i>)
    蒼い月あかりに照らされて (<i>aoi tsukiakari ni terasarete</i>)
    テラスをわたる風が頬の火照り (<i>Terasu wo wataru kazu ga hoo no hoteri</i>)
    醒ますまではこのままで (<i>samasu made wa kono mama de</i>)

    心を彩るいとおしいこのときの (<i>Kokoro wo irodoru itooshii kono toki no</i>)
    すべてを壊すために扉を開けて (<i>Subete wo kowasu tame ni tobira wo akete </i>)

    夜明けの手を取り高く羽ばたく日まで (<i>Yoake no te wo tori takaku habataku hi made</i>)
    安らぎのよすがに身を預けて震えている (<i>Yasuragi no yosuga ni mi wo azukete furueteru </i>)
Track: Egg Reverie - Egg Reverie Zone
# Official release:
#   Sonic Mania (Original Soundtrack) [Selected Edition]
# Reference
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Tee Lopes
Duration: 3:07
Referenced Tracks:
- Fist Bump
Track: Eight Melodies
# Reference
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 1:17
Track: End of All
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Hiroki Morishita
- Renka (vocal (Aqua))
Duration: 4:37
Referenced Tracks:
- track:lost-in-thoughts-all-alone
Track: Ending (The Legend of Zelda)
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 2:00
Track: 'Ending (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)'
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Asuka Ohta
Duration: 0:53
Track: Epona's Song
# Unreleased fragment of "LonLon Ranch" (or the other way around?), played in ocarina
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:08
Track: Eternal Recurrence
# JP: 永劫回帰
# Official release:
#   聖剣伝説2 オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Secret of Mana
- Hiroki Kikuta
Duration: 2:12
Track: Evening Star
# No official release of the in-game track, name is from in-game sound test feature
# No concrete proof for which of the two composers for Knuckles' Chaotix made this particular track, but it's widely accepted as only Junko Shiratsu
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Junko Shiratsu
Track: Everlasting Hymn (Cathedral)
# Original release:
#   The Binding Of Isaac - Rebirth: OST
# Reference:
Duration: 2:52
- The Binding of Isaac
- Ridiculon
Lyrics: |-
    Dei, quod reliquum est, nolite metuere, et ossa tua liberabit, exspectans
Track: Evolution (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Directory: evolution-pokemon-red-blue
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:35
Track: Extend Music (Mappy)
# Reference:
- Mappy
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:02
Track: Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall
# No official release of the in-game track
- Touhou Project
Track: Famicom Disk System
# Reference:
##- unknown
Duration: 0:10
Track: 'Fanfare: Evolution (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)'
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Track: Fear of the Heavens
# JP: 天使の怖れ
# Official release:
#   聖剣伝説2 オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Secret of Mana
- Hiroki Kikuta
Duration: 1:42
Track: Fight On, Heroes!
# Reference:
- Mii
- Daisuke Matsuoka
#Duration: ''
# no release
Track: File Select (Super Mario 64)
# JP: ファイルセレクト
# Official release:
#   スーパーマリオ64 オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
Directory: file-select-sm64
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:44
Track: Final Battle
# Reference
Directory: final-battle-earthbound
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Mother
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 4:06
Track: The Final Battle (Super Mario 64)
# JP: クッパ3号
# Official release:
#   スーパーマリオ64 オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 2:49
Track: The Final Road (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Directory: the-final-road-pokemon-red-blue
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:14
Referenced Tracks:
- Title Screen (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Track: Fire Emblem Theme (Heroic Origins)
# Reference:
## Often translated as "Fire Emblem Main Theme (Heroes Version)" or similar, but as the title of the song in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate implies (where the Japanese title is the same as the original Japanese title) that "Fire Emblem Theme (Heroic Origins)" is the official English title.
## Arrangement of the original Fire Emblem theme, composed by Yuka Tsujiyoko
- Fire Emblem
- Hiroki Morishita
- Mario Tashiro (vocal)
- Kouhei Maeda (lyrics)
Duration: 3:23
Track: 'Fire Emblem: Three Houses Main Theme'
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Takeru Kanazaki
- Buttercup (vocals)
Duration: 2:10
Lyrics: |-
    Reach for my hand, I'll soar away into the dawn, oh, I wish I could stay
    Here in cherished halls, in peaceful days, I fear the Edge of Dawn knowing time betrays
Referenced Tracks:
- track:fire-emblem-three-houses-main-theme-jp
- The Edge of Dawn (Seasons of Warfare)
Track: 'Fire Emblem: Three Houses Main Theme (JP)'
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Takeru Kanazaki
- Caro (vocals)
Duration: 2:10
Lyrics: |-
    夜明けの手を取り高く羽ばたく日まで (<i>Yoake no te wo tori takaku habataku hi made</i>)
    安らぎの縁に身を預けて震えている (<i>Yasuragi no yosuga ni mi wo azukete furueteiru</i>)
Referenced Tracks:
- The Edge of Dawn (Seasons of Warfare) (JP)
Track: Fire Field
# Reference:
- Yumiko Kanki
Duration: 1:47
Track: Fire Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Manami Matsumae
Duration: 1:09
Track: Fires of Hokkai
# No official release.
# JP: 法界の火
# Reference:
Duration: 3:28
Track: Fist Bump
# Official release:
#   Sonic Forces Vocal Traxx - On the Edge
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Tomoya Ohtani (composer & arranger)
- Douglas Robb (vocals & lyrics)
- Takahito Eguchi (strings arranger, piano)
- Daisensei Muroya Strings (strings)
- Koji Igarashi (additional piano)
- Susumu Nishikawa (guitars)
- Akinori Yamada (bass)
- Yoshio Arimatsu (drums)
Duration: 4:30
Lyrics: |-
    I can't do this alone
    Even though I am strong
    Need something more than me
    Someone to push me to victory
    Let's see what we can do
    Together, me and you
    Can't be afraid to try
    Kiss your fears goodbye

    No looking back
    You and I, we're on the attack
    Full speed ahead
    Running to the sunset

    Such a different feeling
    Both of us believing
    We can make it better

    Together we can show the world what we can do
    You are next to me and I'm next to you
    Pushing on through until the battle's won
    No one's gonna give a thing to us
    Into each other we put our trust
    Standing united, after the fight

    All alone, we will never be
    The two, of us, are holding the key
    We see, today, a world we couldn't see
    Before I say goodbye to you
    One more last fist bump...

    I know you have been afraid before
    But you don't have to be anymore
    No more emptiness to feel inside
    When we work together no one can break up our stride

    No looking back
    You and I, we're on the attack
    Full speed ahead
    Running to the sunset

    Such a different feeling
    Both of us believing
    We can make it better

    Together we can show the world what we can do
    You are next to me and I'm next to you
    Pushing on through until the battle's won
    No one's gonna give a thing to us
    Into each other we put our trust
    Standing united, after the fight, is done...

    We can show the world what we can do
    You are next to me and I'm next to you
    Pushing on through until the battle's won
    No one's gonna give a thing to us
    Into each other we put our trust
    Standing united, after the fight

    It's a brand new day
    We have turned the page
    Never knew how much I needed
    Somebody to help me this way

    All alone, we will never be
    The two, of us, are holding the key
    We see, today, a world we couldn't see
    Before I say goodbye to you
    One more last fist bump...
Track: Flash Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Takashi Tateishi
Duration: 1:30
Track: 'The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy - Title Theme/Ending'
# No official release, too bad
- The Flintstones
- Yasuko Yamada
- Naoto Yagishita
Referenced Tracks:
- Meet the Flintstones
Track: Flying Battery Zone Act 1
# Official release (as Flying Battery)
#    HISTORY OF SONIC MUSIC 20th Anniversary Edition
# Reference:
# sorry if the duration of the video doesn't match the listed duration, the ones I found that were 1:31 in length but the echo went gradually out of sync after the first loop so I had to find this one
- Sonic the Hedgehog
Duration: 1:47
Track: Flying Battery Zone Act 2
# No official release of the in-game track (or Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles' in-game soundtrack at all)
Referenced Tracks:
- Flying Battery Zone Act 1
- Sonic the Hedgehog
Track: Focus
Directory: focus-super-hexagon
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Super Hexagon
- Chipzel
Duration: 2:42
Track: Forced Battle
# JP: 強制戦闘
# Official release:
#   真・女神転生III-NOCTURNE オリジナルサウンドトラック  (original release)
#   Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Original Soundtrack  (western release)
# Reference:
- Shin Megami Tensei
- Shoji Meguro
Duration: 2:06
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 3/3/2024)

    This track is generally better known as "Firce Battle", but Forced Battle is the official translation used in [2004's official English material](
Track: Forest World
# Reference:
Artists: #composer unknown
- Athena
Duration: 1:30
Track: Fortress Boss (Super Mario Bros. 3)
# Reference:
Directory: fortress-boss-smb3
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:48
Track: Fourside
# Reference
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
Duration: 1:47
Track: Freezeezy Peak
# This track was using Re-Jiggyed as reference, which is an arrangement album released in 2021 and not the original Banjo-Kazooie soundtrack. Replaced with a release of BK's original soundtrack.
# Reference:
- Banjo Kazooie
- Grant Kirkhope
Duration: 4:18
Track: Frog's Theme
# (See Corridors of Time for info on soundtrack/YouTube differences)
# JP: カエルのテーマ
# Official release:
#   クロノ・トリガー・オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Chrono Trigger
- Yasunori Mitsuda
Duration: 1:50
# Official release:
#   ミュージック・フロム・ブランディッシュ2 ザ・プラネット・バスター
# Reference:
- Brandish
- Naoki Kaneda
Duration: 1:36
Track: Gaia (Earthquake)
# Reference:
- Samurai Shodown
- Tate Norio
Duration: 2:37
Track: Galactic Nova
# No official release of the in-game track (or Kirby Super Star's in-game soundtrack at all)
- Kirby
- Jun Ishikawa
Track: Gallant Gunshot
# Official release:
#  GINGA FORCE Complete Soundtrack
#  ギンガフォース コンプリートサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Ginga Force
- Yousuke Yasui
Duration: 4:28
Track: Game A/B Start (Duck Hunt)
# Reference:
- Duck Hunt
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 0:06
Track: Game C Start (Duck Hunt)
# Reference:
- Duck Hunt
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 0:05
Track: Game Over (Don't Stop)
# Official release:
#  Friday Night Funkin' OST, Vol. 1
# Reference:
- Friday Night Funkin'
- Kawai Sprite
Duration: 1:24
Track: Game Over (Duck Hunt)
# Reference:
- Duck Hunt
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 0:06
Track: Game Over (The Legend of Zelda)
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:32
Track: Game Start (Donkey Kong)
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:08
Track: Game Start (Donkey Kong Jr.)
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:06
Track: Game Start Sound (Mappy)
# Reference:
- Mappy
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:02
# Track from a mod, so the links are the official releases
- Friday Night Funkin'
- Saster
- RiverMusic
Duration: 4:53
Track: Gang-Plank Galleon
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- David Wise
Duration: 1:48
Track: Ganon Appear/Defeat Fanfare
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:04
Track: Garden of Hope
# Reference:
# No known composer, Pikmin 3's music is by Asuka Hayazaki, Atsuko Asahi, and Hajime Wakai.
- Pikmin
- Asuka Hayazaki
- Atsuko Asahi
- Hajime Wakai
Track: Gardens 1 (Scribblenauts)
# No official release of the in-game track (or Scribblenauts' in-game soundtrack at all)
- Scribblenauts
- David J. Franco
Track: Gear Up For...
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Hiroki Morishita
Duration: 3:50
Track: Get a Weapon (Mega Man 5)
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Mari Yamaguchi
Duration: 0:23
Track: Gettin' Freaky
# Official release:
#  Friday Night Funkin' OST, Vol. 1
# Reference:
- Friday Night Funkin'
- Kawai Sprite
Duration: 2:40
Track: Giant's Cry
# Official release:
#   La-Mulana Original Sound Track Complete
# Reference:
- La-Mulana
- Houryu Samejima
Duration: 4:32
Track: Giygas Disintegrates
# (See Eight Melodies, no official soundtrack release)
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Track: Giygas's Lair
# From Earthbound, which had an official album release but this track isn't on it.
# Reference:
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 0:55
Track: Glide (Map 1)
# Reference:
- Minecraft
- Gareth Coker
Duration: 2:11
Track: GO MY WAY!!
# Official release:
# Reference:
- artist:satoru-kosaki
- yura
Duration: 4:51
Lyrics: |-
    GO MY WAY!! Go mae e! (<i>GO MY WAY!! Go in front!</i>)
    Ganbatte yukimashou (<i>Let's go forward with our best</i>)
    Ichiban daisuki na (<i>I want to become the me</i>)
    Watashi ni naritai (<i>That I like the most</i>)

    Non-stop de ittemimashou (<i>Let's go forward non-stop</i>)
    Tte omottara mata akashingou (<i>That's what I thought, but there was another red light</i>)
    Sonna toki wa hekomanaide (<i>At times like that, don't be down</i>)
    Highway ga aru, fight! (<i>There's the highway, fight!</i>)

    Full throttle, tobashite mimashou (<i>Let's go flying at full throttle</i>)
    Tte omottara speed seigen (<i>That's what I thought, but there was a speed limit</i>)
    Konna toki wa nayamanaide (<i>At times like this, don't worry about about it</i>)
    Jet ga aru, flight! (<i>There are jet planes, flight!</i>)

    Mirai wa dare ni mo mienai mono (<i>No one can predict the future</i>)
    Dakara dare mo ga yume o miteru (<i>That's why everyone has dreams</i>)
    Donna chizu ni mo nottenai kedo (<i>You can't find them on any map, but</i>)
    Donna toki demo kanaete kitayo (<i>No matter the era, they've been fulfilled</i>)
    Saa yukou! (<i>Now, let's go!</i>)

    GO MY WAY!! Go my ue e!! (<i>GO MY WAY!! Go my way up!</i>)
    Egao mo namida demo (<i>With smiling faces and even tears</i>)
    Kono sekaijuu ga (<i>This whole world is a</i>)
    Wonderland na Neverland (<i>Wonderland-like Neverland</i>)

    GO MY WAY!! Go mae e!! (<i>GO MY WAY!! Go in front!</i>)
    Ganbatte yukimashou (<i>Let's go forward with our best</i>)
    Ichiban daisuki na (<i>I want to become the me</i>)
    Watashi ni naritai (<i>That I like the most</i>)

    GO MY WAY!! Go my ue e!! (<i>GO MY WAY!! Go my way up!</i>)
    Hora hitori hitori ga (<i>Each and every one of us</i>)
    Kono sekaijuu de (<i>Throughout the world are the</i>)
    One and only demo not lonely (<i>One and only but not lonely</i>)

    GO MY WAY!! Go mae e!! (<i>GO MY WAY!! Go in front!</i>)
    Harikitte yukimashou (<i>Let's move forward enthusiastically</i>)
    Subete no kagayaki (<i>All of the shining things</i>)
    Kono yubi ni tomare (<i>Come rest on this finger</i>)
Track: GO WEST!
# Reference:
#   none
- Yūyūki
- Soyo Oka
#Duration: ''
Track: Gobi's Valley
# Reference:
- Banjo Kazooie
- Grant Kirkhope
Duration: 4:19
Track: goldenslaughterer
# Official release:
#   Umineko no Naku Koro ni musicbox Red
#   うみねこのなく頃に musicbox Red
# Reference:
Duration: 6:47
- Umineko When They Cry
- zts
Track: Gormott
# Reference:
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- artist:ace-tomori-kudo-chico
Duration: 5:16
Track: Gourmet Race
# No official release of the in-game track (or Kirby Super Star's in-game soundtrack at all)
- Kirby
- Jun Ishikawa
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/18/2023)
    Also known as 'Get Up and Go-urmet!' and 'Gourmet Go Go'.
Track: Gravity Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Mari Yamaguchi
Duration: 2:44
Track: Great Grey Wolf Sif
# Official release:
#   DARK SOULS Original Soundtrack
#   ダークソウル オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Dark Souls
- Motoi Sakuraba
Duration: 3:22
Track: The Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy
# JP: 銀河最強の戦士
# Official release:
#   Kirby Ultra Super Deluxe Original Sound Track
#   星のカービィ ウルトラスーパーデラックス オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Note:
#   It's unknown which of these two artists composed this track.
#   They're both credited for Kirby Super Star Ultra's music.
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Jun Ishikawa
- Hirokazu Ando
Duration: 1:47
Track: The Greatest Warrior In The Galaxy Ever
# JP: 時巡る銀河最強の戦士
# Official release:
#   星のカービィ ロボボプラネット オリジナルサウンドトラック
#   Kirby: Planet Robobot Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
# Wrongly translated by Siivagunner as "The Greatest Time Traveling Warrior In The Galaxy"
- Kirby
- Jun Ishikawa
Duration: 1:41
Referenced Tracks:
- The Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy
Track: Green Hill Zone
# Official release:
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Masato Nakamura
Duration: 2:38
Track: Ground BGM (Super Mario Bros.)
# SMB soundtrack was released on vinyl and cassette simultaneously, the cassette release (linked below) has an extra track (SMB Suite) but the first track is the same duration, at least.
# Original release:
#   スーパーマリオブラザーズ オリジナル・サウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 3:07
Track: Ground Theme (Super Mario Bros. 2)
# Reference:
Directory: ground-theme-smb2
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 1:31
Track: Ground Theme (Super Mario Bros. 3)
# Reference:
Directory: ground-theme-smb3
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 1:05
Track: Gruntilda's Lair
# Reference:
- Banjo Kazooie
- Grant Kirkhope
Duration: 4:03
Track: Guide (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Directory: guide-pokemon-red-blue
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:38
Track: Guile's Theme
# From Street Fighter II, which was released in several different versions but... carried the same soundtrack... I think?
# Original release:
#   ストリートファイターII コレクターズBOX ビデオセット
#   STREET FIGHTER II Perfect Original Version [PCCB-00124~3]
# Reference:
- Street Fighter
- Yoko Shimomura
Duration: 2:24
Track: Guts Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Manami Matsumae
Duration: 1:07
Track: Hall of Fame (Pokémon FireRed / Pokémon LeafGreen)
# JP: 殿堂入り
# Official release:
#   GBA ポケモン ファイアレッド&リーフグリーン ミュージック・スーパーコンプリート
# Reference:
Directory: hall-of-fame-pokemon-firered-leafgreen
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:02
Referenced Tracks:
- Hall of Fame (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Track: Hall of Fame (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# Reference:
Directory: hall-of-fame-pokemon-red-blue
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:04
Track: The Hall of Fame (Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire)
Directory: the-hall-of-fame-pokemon-ruby-sapphire
- Pokémon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 1:09
Referenced Tracks:
- Hall of Fame (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Track: Halland
# Reference:
- Minecraft
- Johan Johnson
Duration: 4:56
Track: Haltmann Works Co. HQ
# JP: ハルトマンワークスカンパニーHQ
# Official release:
#   星のカービィ ロボボプラネット オリジナルサウンドトラック
#   Kirby: Planet Robobot Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Hirokazu Ando
Duration: 2:46
Referenced Tracks:
- Haltmann Works Co. Theme Song
Track: Haltmann Works Co. Theme Song
# JP: ハルトマンワークスカンパニーのテーマ
# Official release:
#   星のカービィ ロボボプラネット オリジナルサウンドトラック
#   Kirby: Planet Robobot Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Hirokazu Ando
Duration: 1:26
Track: Hammer Theme (Donkey Kong)
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:21
Track: Hard Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Yasuaki Fujita
Duration: 1:47
Track: Haremar Faith Capoeira School - Song of the Fight [Believers Will Be Saved] (Richard Meyer's Theme)
# Reference:
- Fatal Fury
- Toshikazu Tanaka
Duration: 2:41
Track: Harmony
Directory: harmony-runescape
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Runescape
- artist:ian-taylor-runescape
Duration: 3:07
Track: Hazy Maze Cave
# JP: どうくつ
# Official release:
#   スーパーマリオ64 オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 3:43
Track: The Heirs to Eternity
# Official release:
#   Nintendo 3DS Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Super Music Complete
#   ニンテンドー3DS ポケモン オメガルビー・アルファサファイア スーパーミュージックコンプリート
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Shota Kageyama
Duration: 1:30
Track: Hero's End
# The original Cave Story's soundtrack hasn't been officially released.
- Cave Story
- Daisuke Amaya
Track: Holding Back Tears
# JP: パワー
# Official release:
#   涙をこらえて
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Ryuji Sasai
Duration: 1:18
Track: Holy Ruins
# JP: オアシス
# Official release:
#   時空の覇者 Sa・Ga 3 Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
Duration: 2:04
Track: Homicide
Directory: homicide-danganronpa
Always Reference By Directory: true
# Vastly better known by its transliteration "Ikoroshia"
# JP: イコロシア
# Official release:
#   スーパーダンガンロンパ2 オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Danganronpa
- Masafumi Takada
Duration: 4:42
Track: Hotel Mario
# No official release
- Super Mario
- Max Steiner
Track: How to Play
Directory: how-to-play-melee
- Super Smash Bros.
- Hirokazu Ando
Duration: 1:41 ##as on
Track: Humming the Bassline
# Official release:
#   ジェット・セット・ラジオ オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
Duration: 2:55
- Jet Set Radio
- Hideki Naganuma
Track: Hurry Up! (Donkey Kong)
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:16
Track: Hydro City Zone Act 1
# Track name is official, from the Museum in Sonic Origins.
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
Track: Hydro City Zone Act 2
# Track name is official, from the Museum in Sonic Origins.
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Masayuki Nagao
Referenced Tracks:
- Hydro City Zone Act 1
Track: Hyrule Field Main Theme
# ゼルダの伝説 トワイライトプリンセス HD オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Official release:
#   ハイラル平原(メインテーマ)
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 3:25
Referenced Tracks:
- Title (The Legend of Zelda)
Track: Ice Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Manami Matsumae
Duration: 1:22
Track: Icirrus City
# JP: セッカシティ
# Official release:
#   Pokémon Black & Pokémon White: Super Music Collection
#   ニンテンドーDS ポケモンブラック・ホワイト スーパーミュージックコレクション
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Shota Kageyama
Duration: 1:46
Track: Id (Purpose)
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Hiroki Morishita
Duration: 8:00
Track: I'll Face Myself
# Reference:
- Persona
- Shoji Meguro
Duration: 2:41
Track: In-Game Music (Main Theme) (Mappy)
# Reference:
- Mappy
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 2:49
Track: In the Sky
# Reference:
#  no soundtrack release :c
- Pokémon
- Takuto Kitsuta
- Kenichi Koyano
- Sigero Yoshida
- Keisuke Oku
Track: Infinite
Directory: infinite-sonic-forces
Always Reference By Directory: true
# Official release:
#   Sonic Forces Vocal Traxx - On the Edge
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Tomoya Ohtani (composer & arranger)
- Tyler Smyth (lyrics, rap & vocals)
- Andy Bane (lyrics & vocals)
- Jun Senoue (guitars)
Duration: 4:35
Lyrics: |-
    I'm the tallest of mountains
    I am the roughest of waves
    I'm the toughest of terrors
    I am the darkest of days
    I'm the last one that's standing
    Don't try to stand in my way
    'Cause I've been up against better
    Just take a look at my face

    Cause if you're messing with me
    I am a dangerous weapon
    I am the sharpest of blades
    I'll cut you down in a second
    'Cause I was born in this pain
    It only hurts if you let it
    So if you think you can take me
    Then you should go and forget it

    And after all this time, you're back for more
    (I won't stop until they know my name)
    So I'll take what's mine and start this war
    (I'm coming at you like a tidal wave, tidal wave, tidal wave)

    When everything you know has come and gone
    (You are at your lowest, I am rising higher)
    Only scars remain of who I was
    (What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire)
    When there's no one left to carry on
    (This is an illusion, open up your eyes and)
    This pain (persists)
    I can't (resist)
    But that's what it takes to be infinite

    So look around you
    And tell me what you really see
    I never end
    And that's the difference in you and me
    Cause when your time is up
    And everything is falling down
    It's only me and you - who is gonna save you now?

    So look around you
    And tell me what you really see
    You live a lie
    And that's the difference in you and me
    I have the power
    Let me show you what it's all about
    It's only me and you - who is gonna save you now?

    Who is gonna save you now?

    I am the tallest of mountains
    And don't you ever forget it
    If you step in the ring
    Then you're gonna regret it

    'Cause if you're messing with me
    Then you should know that it's over
    I don't crumble for nothing
    I got the world on my shoulders

    And after all this time, you're back for more
    (I won't stop until they know my name, know my name)
    So I'll take what's mine and start this war

    When everything you know has come and gone
    (You are at your lowest, I am rising higher)
    Only scars remain of who I was
    (What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire)
    When there's no one left to carry on
    (This is an illusion, open up your eyes and)
    This pain (persists)
    I can't (resist)
    But that's what it takes to be infinite

    So look around you
    And tell me what you really see
    I never end
    And that's the difference in you and me
    'Cause when your time is up
    And everything is falling down
    It's only me and you - who is gonna save you now?

    So look around you
    And tell me what you really see
    You live a lie
    And that's the difference in you and me
    I have the power
    Let me show you what it's all about
    It's only me and you - who is gonna save you now?

    Who is gonna save you now?
Track: Infinite Blue
# JP: ビッグブルー
# Official release:
#   F-ZERO GX/AX Original Soundtracks
#   F-ZERO GX/AX オリジナル・サウンド・トラックス
# Reference:
#   Album booklet
- F-Zero
- Hidenori Shoji
Duration: 3:22
Track: Inner Animal
- Hotline Miami
Duration: 3:40
Track: Intro
Directory: intro-c418
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 4:36
- Minecraft
- C418
Track: Invincibility BGM (Super Mario Bros.)
# Reference:
Directory: invincibility-bgm-smb
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:15
Track: Iron-Blue Intention (Stage 4 BGM · German Iron and Steel Factory)
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- Tomoko Sano
Duration: 1:57
Track: It's Pizza Time!
# Official release on Bandcamp
# Reference:
- Pizza Tower
- Mr. Sauceman
Duration: 3:52
Sampled Tracks:
- Y'all Ready to Get Funky (Acapella)
Track: It's Safe Now
# Official release on Bandcamp
# Reference:
- Hotline Miami
Duration: 2:43
Track: Jump Up, Super Star!
# Officially released as an iTunes single.
# Reference:
- Super Mario
- Naoto Kubo (composer)
- Yoichi Murata (arranger)
- Nobuyoshi Suzuki (Japanese lyrics)
- Rob Tunstall (English lyrics)
- Aimi Mukohara (Japanese vocals)
- Kate Higgins (English vocals)
- The Super Mario Players (performance)
Duration: 4:06
# Sampled Tracks:
# - super mario bros jump and coin collect sfx
Lyrics: |-
    Here we go, off the rails
    Don't you know it's time to raise our sails?
    It's freedom like you never knew

    Don't need bags, or a pass
    Say the word, I'll be there in a flash
    You could say my hat is off to you

    Oh, we can zoom all the way to the moon
    From this great wide wacky world
    Jump with me, grab coins with me
    Oh, yeah!

    It's time to jump up in the air (Jump up in the air)
    Jump up, don't be scared (Jump up, don't be scared)
    Jump up and your cares will soar away

    And if the dark clouds start to swirl (Dark clouds start to swirl)
    Don't fear, don't shed a tear, 'cause
    I'll be your 1-UP girl

    So let's all jump up super high (Jump up super high)
    High up in the sky (High up in the sky)
    There's no power-up like dancing

    You know that you're my superstar (You're my superstar)
    No one else can take me this far
    I'm flipping the switch
    Get ready for this
    Oh, let's do the odyssey

    Odyssey, ya see!
    Odyssey, ya see!
    Odyssey, ya see!
    Odyssey, ya see!
    Odyssey, ya see!
    Odyssey, ya see!
    Odyssey, ya see!
    Odyssey, odyssey!

    Spin the wheel, take a chance
    Every journey starts a new romance
    A new world's calling out to you

    Take a turn, off the path
    Find a new addition to the cast
    You know that any captain needs a crew

    Take it in stride as you move side-to-side
    They're just different points of view
    Jump with me, grab coins with me
    Oh, yeah!

    Come on and jump up in the air (Jump up in the air)
    Jump without a care (Jump without a care)
    Jump up 'cause you know that I'll be there

    And if you find you're short on joy (Find you're short on joy)
    Don't fret, just don't forget that
    You're still our 1-UP boy

    So go on, straighten up your cap (Straighten up your cap)
    Let your toes begin to tap (Toes begin to tap)
    This rhythm is a power shroom

    Don't forget you're the superstar (You're the superstar)
    No one else could make it this far
    Put a comb through that 'stache
    Now you've got panache
    Oh, let's do the odyssey

    It's time to jump up in the air (Jump up in the air)
    Jump up, don't be scared (Jump up, don't be scared)
    Jump up and your cares will soar away

    And if the dark clouds start to swirl (Dark clouds start to swirl)
    Don't fear, don't shed a tear, 'cause
    I'll be your 1-UP girl

    Now listen, all you boys and girls (All you boys and girls)
    All around the world (All around the world)
    Don't be afraid to get up and move

    You know that we're all superstars (We're all superstars)
    We're the ones who made it this far
    Put a smile on that face
    There's no time to waste
    So, let's do the odyssey
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 1/4/2023)

    While the lyrics here are from the (probably known to you) English version of the song, the Japanese version was the first version to be created (although both launched simultaneously).
Track: K. Rool Returns (Title Theme)
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- David Wise
Duration: 0:39
Track: Karma (Electric Fountain)
# Reference:
- Tekken
- Akitaka Tohyama
- Nami Nakagawa (vocal)
Duration: 3:32
Track: Kass's Theme
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Yasuaki Iwata
Duration: 1:08
Track: Kass's Theme (Song of the Hero Ver.)
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Yasuaki Iwata
Duration: 1:01
Referenced Tracks:
- track:kasss-theme
- Overworld Theme (The Legend of Zelda)
Track: Katamari on the Rocks
# JP: 塊オンザロック~メインテーマ
# Official release:
#   塊魂サウンドトラック「塊フォルテッシモ魂」
# Reference:
- Katamari Damacy
- Yuu Miyake
- Keita Takahashi (lyrics)
- Masayuki Tanaka (vocals)
- Tomomi Suzuki (vocals)
- artist:satoru-kosaki (trumpet)
Duration: 5:57
Lyrics: |-
    Nana nananananana na nana na nanana
    Nana nananananana na nana na nanana
    Nana nananananana na nana na nanana
    Nana nananananana na nana na nanana na na na na

    Don't worry do your best! (Wow!)
    Picnic kibun feel so good! (Huh!) (<i>This picnic feeling feels so good!</i>)
    Suteki na afternoon! (<i>A wonderful afternoon!</i>)
    Furachi na midnight yeah! (<i>An audacious midnight, yeah!</i>)

    Katamete korogasu I love you itsudemo smile for you (<i>Clumping and rolling, I love you and I'll always smile for you</i>)
    Kimi dake ni love moon hey so ganbaranakucha (<i>This love moon is just for you, hey so you gotta do your best</i>)
    Compression, compression

    Osoroi no t-shirt! (Hey!) (<i>Matching t-shirts!</i>)
    Teami no mafira tou! (Oh yeah!) (<i>And hand knit scarves and such!</i>)
    Heartwarming mejiro-oshi! (Go, go, go!) (<i>They're packed with heartwarmingness!</i>)
    Hitare etsu say goodbye! (Bye-bye!) (<i>Soak up the jooy, say goodbye!</i>)

    Minna katamete shimaimashou funpatsu shichaimasu (<i>Let's all roll together, I'm really working up a sweat</i>)
    Konna hi wa utatte odorou shuyaku wa boku dakedo (<i>On a day like this we should dance and sing, though I'm the star of the show</i>)
    It's my way, it's my way

    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy
    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy
    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy
    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy

    (Go, go, go!)
    (Yeah yeah yeah!)

    Katamari Damacy

    Peace na kibun yoishirete! (Go!) (<i>Get drunk on a peaceful feeling!</i>)
    Kagayaki heaven akogarete! (<i>Long for the twinkling heavens!</i>)
    Suteki sa sono atama! (Go!) (<i>Your mind is wonderful!</i>)
    Mou o-matsuri sawagi sa! (Yeah!) (<i>We're already making merry!</i>)

    Sou suru koto ga maru de Big Bang anata-iro ni somemasu (<i>This is just like the Big Bang, I'm painting it your color</i>)
    Nanika to riyuu wo mitsukete wa party ga shitai no desu (<i>If you're looking for a reason, it's because I wanna party</i>)
    Katamate katamate (<i>Rolling on, rolling on</i>)

    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy
    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy
    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy
    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy

    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy
    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy
    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy
    Nana nananananana na na Katamari Damacy
Track: Kazuya Mishima, Devil Kazuya
# Reference:
- Tekken
- Yoshie Arakawa
Duration: 1:09
Track: King Bowser
# Reference:
Directory: king-bowser-smb3
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 1:20
Track: Kingdom of Uraya
# Reference:
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- Kenji Hiramatsu
Duration: 3:23
Track: Knight Artorias
# Official release:
# Reference:
- Dark Souls
- Motoi Sakuraba
Duration: 3:15
Track: Kurikinton (America Stage I) Terry Bogard
# Reference:
- Fatal Fury
- Toshio Shimizu
Duration: 2:00
Track: Lambda Core
- Half-Life
- Joel Nielsen
Duration: 1:15
Track: Lament of Innocence ~Leon's Theme~
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- Michiru Yamane
Duration: 4:34
Track: Landscape Under The Ghost -Kaminano
# Reference:
- Tekken
- Akira Nishizaki
- Ryoko Shiraishi (voice)
- Camilla Hakelind (voice)
- Mahoro Nakada (sub vocal)
Duration: 2:19
Track: Landscape Under The Ghost -Kaminano (AD2012)
# Reference:
- Tekken
- Yoshihito Yano
- Ryoko Shiraishi (vocal)
Duration: 2:33
Referenced Tracks:
- Landscape Under The Ghost -Kaminano
Track: Last Battle
# The original Cave Story's soundtrack hasn't been officially released.
- Cave Story
- Daisuke Amaya
Track: Layton's Theme
# JP: レイトン教授のテーマ
# Official release:
#   レイトン教授メインテーマ トリロジーCD
# Reference:
- Professor Layton
- Tomohito Nishiura
Duration: 1:55
Track: Left-Hand Remix
# The Rhythm Heaven franchise has only had a couple soundtrack soundtrack releases, and none for Rhythm Heaven Megamix.
- Rhythm Heaven
- Mitsuo Terada
- Shinji Ushiroda
- Asuka Ito
- Yumi Takahashi
- Megumi Inoue
Lyrics: |-
    And pose!
    Let's sit down!

    Wubbadubbadubba 'zat true? (Yes.)
    Whoa, you go big guy!
    Pose for the fans!
Track: Leftherian Archipelago
# Reference:
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- artist:ace-tomori-kudo-chico
Duration: 4:02
Track: Legend of the Eagle Bearer (Main Theme)
# Official release:
#   Assassin's Creed Odyssey Original Game Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Assassin's Creed
- The Flight
- Mike Georgiades
Track: Let's Go to Seoul! (Korea Stage) Kim
# Reference:
Artists: ##composer unknown
- Fatal Fury
Duration: 2:47
Track: Level 1 Clear (Donkey Kong Jr.)
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:07
Track: Level 1 Theme (Donkey Kong Jr.)
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:26
Track: Level 4 Clear (All Clear!) (Donkey Kong Jr.)
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:09
Track: Level 4 Theme (Donkey Kong Jr.)
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Yukio Kaneoka
Duration: 0:32
Track: Level Up! (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# Reference:
# I guess?
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:02
Track: Library Piano
Artists: ##Chad York, Darren Radtke, and Mike Peacock are credited for Music Composition in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. It is unknown who did this track.
- Super Mario
- Chad York
- Darren Radtke
- Mike Peacock
Duration: 1:24
Track: Life Lost (F-ZERO)
Track: Light Plane
# Reference:
- Pilotwings
- Soyo Oka
Duration: 1:54
Track: Light Spirit's Elegy
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Toru Minegishi
Duration: 1:25
Referenced Tracks:
- 'Select Screen (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)'
Track: Lights, Camera, Action! - Studiopolis Zone Act 1
# Official release:
#   Sonic Mania (Original Soundtrack) [Selected Edition]
# Reference
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Tee Lopes
Duration: 3:07
Lyrics: |-
    Lights, camera, action!
Track: The Little Sprite
# JP: 妖精族のこども
# Official release:
#   聖剣伝説2 オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Secret of Mana
- Hiroki Kikuta
Duration: 0:52
Track: The London March (Billy Kane)
# Reference:
Artists: ##composer unknown
- Fatal Fury
Duration: 3:12
Referenced Tracks:
- The London March (England Stage) Billy Kane
Track: The London March (England Stage) Billy Kane
# Reference:
Artists: ##composer unknown
- Fatal Fury
Duration: 2:55
Track: Lonely Rolling Star
# Official release:
#   塊魂サウンドトラック「塊フォルテッシモ魂」
# Reference:
- Katamari Damacy
- Yoshihito Yano
- Saki Kabata (vocals)
Duration: 5:44
Referenced Tracks:
- Katamari on the Rocks
Lyrics: |-
    Hidamari sansan (<i>Laying in the sun, brilliantly bright</i>)
    Kokoro wa haremoyou (<i>My heart will swell and grow sunny</i>)
    Futatsu no hitomi wa (<i>Those two eyes, right down to the pupils</i>)
    Himawari no tane no you (<i>Are like sunflowers and their seeds</i>)

    Katarai kasanari (<i>Chatting, piling up</i>)
    Katamari karamari (<i>Katamari entangling</i>)
    Issho ni iru koto (<i>Being together</i>)
    Zettai hitsuzen (<i>Is absolutely necessary</i>)

    Demo anata daiji na yume wo egaku (<i>Except you are drawing out your important dream</i>)
    Owaru made wa zutto sou koko de matteiru (<i>Until you're finished, throughout it all, I'll be here waiting for you </i>)

    Your lonely rolling star
    Tachidomaranaide nee (<i>Come on, never stand still!</i>)
    Your lonely rolling star
    Saa mae wo muite yukou (<i>So, face forward and keep going!</i>)

    Hoshizora kira kira (<i>A sky of stars sparkling and glittering</i>)
    Konpei tou no you (<i>Like confetti waiting to congratulate you </i>)
    Amakute setsunai (<i>It invites sweet</i>)
    Omoi ga tsunoru no (<i>And painful thoughts</i>)

    Dakishimeta omoi wa yozora wo mai (<i>The thoughts that I've embraced and dance in the night sky</i>)
    Kyuukouka shite anata no moto e todoku kara (<i>All of a sudden I want to lend a hand, to deliver myself by your side</i>)

    Your lonely rolling star
    Akiramenaide yo nee (<i>Don't ever give up!</i>)
    Your lonely rolling star
    Tama ni wa denwa shite (<i>Don't forget to call sometimes!</i>)
    Your lonely rolling star
    Aitai yo ima sugu (<i>I want to come to you, right now!</i>)
    Your lonely rolling star
    Haa tameiki ga hitotsu koboreru (<i>Haa, a single sigh escapes</i>)

    Lonely, lonely, lonely roller
    Lonely, lonely, lonely roller
    Lonely, lonely, lonely roller
    Lonely, lonely, lonely roller

    Lonely, lonely, lonely roller
    Lonely, lonely, lonely roller
    Lonely, lonely, lonely roller
    Lonely, lonely, lonely roller

    Raigetsu mata ano basho de machiawase shiyou ka (<i>Next month, shall we meet at that place? </i>)

    Your lonely rolling star
    Tachidomaranaide nee (<i>Come on, never stand still!</i>)
    Your lonely rolling star
    Omoidashite yo nee (<i>Remember me, okay?</i>)
    Your lonely rolling star
    Matterarenai no nee (<i>I can't keep on waiting!</i>)
    Your lonely rolling star
    Saa mae wo muite yukou (<i>So face forward and keep going!</i>)
Track: The Long Goodbye
# Reference:
- Tekken
- Taku Inoue (lyrics & music)
- Darnell Abraham (vocal)
- Yumi Hara (choir)
Duration: 2:45
Track: Lorule Castle
# JP: ロウラル城
# Official release:
#   ゼルダの伝説 神々のトライフォース2 サウンドセレクション
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 7:27
Track: Lost Cause
# Not officially released, from Silent Hill 3.
# Not to be confused with "lost carol", which seems to be
# an unrelated track from the same game's soundtrack release.
# "Plays after jumping off the roller coaster in the Otherworld Lakeside Amusement Park.
#  [...] *Unreleased Track"
# Reference:
Duration: 1:50
- Silent Hill
- Akira Yamaoka
Track: Lost in Thoughts All Alone
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Hiroki Morishita
- Renka (vocal (Aqua))
- Kouhei Maeda (lyrics)
- Maiko Sugiyama (1st violin)
- Miho Komatsu (2nd violin)
- Mei Mishina (viola)
- Yumiko Morooka (cello)
Duration: 5:56
Track: Lost Painting
# Reference:
- Castlevania
Duration: 1:42
Track: A love suicide~The theme of RULE of ROSE~
- Rule of Rose
- Yutaka Minobe (music by)
- Kan Hashimoto (lyrics by)
- Hiroshi Murayama Trio (performed by)
- Tokyo Chamber Music Society Orchestra (performed by)
Duration: 3:52
Lyrics: |-
    Where is my shame,
    When I call your name?
    So, please don't set me free
    I'm as heavy as can be
    I will do you harm
    I will break my arm
    I am a victim of your charms

    I want to be dead
    When I'm in bed
    I can be so mean
    You can beat me
    I would like to shame you
    I would like to blame you
    Just because of my love to you

    Love itself is just as innocent as roses in May
    I know nothing can drive it away
    Love itself is just as brief as a candle in the wind
    But it's greedy just like sin

    Alone but sane
    I am a love suicide

    Love itself is just as brief as a candle in the wind
    It is pure white just like sin

    Alone but sane
    I am a love suicide

    Love itself is just as innocent as roses in May
    It is pure white just like sin
Track: Mad Monster Mansion
# Reference:
- Banjo Kazooie
- Grant Kirkhope
Duration: 4:17
Track: Magicant
# Reference
- Mother
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 2:37
Track: Main Menu (Wii Fit)
# Reference:
Artists: ##composer unknown, Toru Minegishi, Manaka Tominaga, Shiho Fujii
- Wii Fit
Duration: 1:50
Track: Main Theme from Metal Slug ##Also known as Stage 1
# Reference:
- Metal Slug
- Takushi Hiyamuta
Duration: 4:19
Track: Main Theme (Luigi's Mansion)
# Reference:
- Super Mario
- Kazumi Totaka
- Charles Martinet (voice)
Duration: 1:50
Track: Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
Duration: 6:30
Track: Main Theme (Pikmin)
# Reference:
- Pikmin
- Hajime Wakai
Duration: 2:15
Track: 'Main Theme (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)'
# JP: メインテーマ
# Official release:
#   ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Manaka Kataoka
Duration: 1:58
Track: 'Main Theme (The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes)'
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Ryo Nagamatsu
Duration: 2:42
Track: Main Theme (Wii Shop Channel)
# Reference:
#   Nintendo Music (name)
- Wii System Music
- Kazumi Totaka
Duration: 2:05
Track: Main Theme (Yoshi's New Island)
# Reference:
- Yoshi
- CHAMY.Ishi
## Duration: '' ## no official release to source length from
Track: Main Title (Banjo-Kazooie)
# Reference:
- Banjo Kazooie
- Grant Kirkhope
Duration: 1:04
Track: Make it better (Ending)
# Official Release:
#   DJMAX Respect Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- DJMax
- Mycin.T
Duration: 1:22
Lyrics: |-
    ...make it better your chance
    Make it better your soul
    Make it better your chance
    Make it better your soul
    Make it better your chance—

    You gotta groove that sound, make it better your soul
    You gotta say goodbye, make it better your chance
    You gotta groove that sound, make it better your soul
    You gotta say goodbye, make it better your chance
    You gotta groove that sound, make it better your soul
    You gotta say goodbye, make it better your chance
    You gotta groove that sound, make it better your soul
    You gotta say goodbye, make it better your chance

    You gotta groove that sound
    You gotta say goodbye
Track: The Masked King
# Official release:
#  The Masked King in Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition Compilation Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Jun Ishikawa
Duration: 1:10
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/18/2023)
    Commonly known as 'Masked Dedede's Theme' but never explicitly named as such, this name is instead taken from a compilation album, the only time it's been released.
Track: Maya Fey - Turnabout Sisters 2001
# JP: 綾里真宵 ~逆転姉妹のテーマ 2001
# Official release:
#   逆転裁判+逆転裁判2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Ace Attorney
- Masakazu Sugimori
- Naoto Tanaka (arrangement)
Duration: 2:41
Track: Mayahem Temple
# Reference:
- Banjo Kazooie
- Grant Kirkhope
Duration: 4:18
Track: Maybe I'm a Lion
# JP: メイビー・アイ・アム・ア・ライオン
# Official release:
#   FINAL FANTASY VIII Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
Duration: 5:35
# Official release:
#   ライブ・ア・ライブ オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
#   LIVE A LIVE Original Sound Version
# Reference:
- Live A Live
- Yoko Shimomura
Duration: 1:36
Track: Menu (Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U)
# JP: メニュー
# Official release:
#   大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ for Nintendo 3DS / for Wii U 特選サウンドテスト
# Reference:
- Super Smash Bros.
- Junichi Nakatsuru
Duration: 2:12
Track: Metal Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Takashi Tateishi
Duration: 1:30
Track: Meteor Shower
# Reference:
#   none
- Yūyūki
- Soyo Oka
#Duration: ''
Track: Midna's Lament
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Toru Minegishi
Duration: 3:08
Referenced Tracks:
- Midna's Theme
Track: Midna's Theme
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Toru Minegishi
Duration: 3:31
Track: 'Milky Way Wishes: Staff Credits'
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Jun Ishikawa
Duration: 2:55
Track: 'Miniboss Hideout I: Kraid'
# Reference:
- Metroid
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 1:45
Track: Miss (Duck Hunt)
# Reference:
- Duck Hunt
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 0:02
Track: Molgera Battle
# Reference:
Artists: ## no one is credited for this song on the soundtrack, however the file name original version of the Molgera theme in the files of Wind Waker HD reveal that this song is by Hajime Wakai. The file name is P_Moldgera_CK.w.32.dspadpcm.bfstm. Nintendo composers are assigned letters that appear in a decent amount of file names for music in Nintendo games. Hajime Wakai's letter is "w", so P_Moldgera_CK.w.32.dspadpcm.bfstm is by Wakai. Another example from Wind Waker HD: 11_m_14_02.g.32.c4.dspadpcm.bfstm, g = Toru Minegishi. update: Wakai is also just credited on the Zelda for Guitar book lmao.
# - The Legend of Zelda
- Hajime Wakai
Duration: 2:34
Track: Monster Dance (By Night BGM)
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- Kenichi Matsubara
Duration: 0:58
Track: Moon Over the Castle
# Original release:
#   グランツーリスモ オリジナル・ゲームサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Gran Turismo
- Masahiro Andoh
Duration: 5:25
Track: Moonsiders 1st
# Reference:
- Tekken
- Taku Inoue
Duration: 3:46
Track: Moonsong
# The original Cave Story's soundtrack hasn't been officially released.
- Cave Story
- Daisuke Amaya
Track: Mor Ardain - Roaming the Wastes -
# Reference:
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- Kenji Hiramatsu
Duration: 3:06
Track: Most Favorite Ranks
# Reference:
#   none xd
- Tomodachi Life
Track: Mother 3 Love Theme
# From Mother 3, which had two arrangement soundtracks but no official release of the in-game GBA soundtrack.
# Reference:
- Mother
- Shogo Sakai
Duration: 1:10
Track: Mt. Layuda
# Reference:
Artists: #any of the following. actual artist unknown due to lack of credits breakdown.
- Pokémon
- Kenichi Koyano
- Sigero Yoshida
- Keisuke Oku
Track: Mumbo's Mountain
# Reference:
- Banjo Kazooie
- Grant Kirkhope
Duration: 4:17
Track: Mute City
# Reference:
- Yumiko Kanki
Duration: 2:29
- Camellia
Duration: 2:35
Track: Mystery Gift (Pokémon Platinum)
Directory: mystery-gift-pokemon-platinum
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Hitomi Sato
Duration: 0:49
Track: Name Entry (1st) (Galaga)
# Reference:
- Galaga
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:24
Track: Name Entry (Yūyūki)
Directory: name-entry-yuyuki
# Reference:
#   none
- Yūyūki
- Soyo Oka
#Duration: ''
# Reference:
- Atsuko Asahi
Duration: 1:13 #one loop
Referenced Tracks:
- track:arms-grand-prix-official-theme-song
Track: Napalm Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Mari Yamaguchi
Duration: 1:49
Track: Native Faith
# No official release of the in-game track
- Touhou Project
Duration: 3:00
Track: Neos City (Night)
# No official release
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Hiroki Hashimoto
Track: A New Day
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Hideki Naganuma
Duration: 2:22
Track: A New Wind for Tomorrow
# Reference
- Kirby
- Jun Ishikawa
Duration: 1:35
Track: NLCtown
# No official release
# Track name taken from ingame music file
Additional Names:
- New Leaf City - Town (sometimes known as)
- MapleStory
- Studio EIM
Track: Noisy Notebook
# Reference:
- Snipperclips
- Calum Bowen
#Duration: ''
# unreleased
Track: Nothing to Lose
Directory: nothing-to-lose-harmony-of-despair
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- Yasuhiro Ichihashi
- Tomoaki Hirono
Duration: 1:31
Track: Now or Never! (Splatoon)
# Reference:
- Splatoon
- Toru Minegishi
- Hiroaki Takeuchi (vocal)
- Susumu Nishikawa (electric guitar)
- Yoshihiko Haga (electric guitar)
- TABOKUN (electric bass)
- Akira Tsuneoka (drums)
Duration: 1:04
Track: Obtained a Berry! (Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire)
# Reference:
Directory: obtained-a-berry-pokemon-ruby-sapphire
- Pokémon
- Morikazu Aoki
Duration: 0:04
Track: Obtained a Gym Badge (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Directory: obtained-a-gym-badge-pokemon-red-blue
## I can't find any uploads of the original Red / Blue jingle
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Track: Obtained a Pokémon (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Directory: obtained-a-pokemon-pokemon-red-blue
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:03
Track: Obtained an Item! (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Directory: obtained-an-item-pokemon-red-blue
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:02
Track: Old Enemy
# JP: 宿敵(アキラ編)
# Official release:
#   Shin Megami Tensei Sound Collection
#   真・女神転生 サウンド・コレクション
# Reference:
- Shin Megami Tensei
- Kenichi Tsuchiya
Duration: 2:50
Track: Old Friends
# Official release on Bandcamp
- Transistor
- Darren Korb
Duration: 3:21
Track: One Fateful Night
# (See Eight Melodies, no official soundtrack release)
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Track: One Hell of a Time
# Official release:
#   Cuphead Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Cuphead
- Kristofer Maddigan
Duration: 3:02
Track: Onett
# JP: オネットのテーマ
# Official release:
#   マザー2 ギーグの逆襲
# Note:
#   Translated name is via YouTube Music.
# Reference:
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 1:20
Track: Opelucid City (Pokémon Black)
# Reference:
#   mislabeled as Opelucid City Gym
Directory: opelucid-city-pokemon-black
- Pokémon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 4:06
Referenced Tracks:
- Opelucid City (Pokémon White)
Track: Opelucid City (Pokémon White)
# Reference:
#   mislabeled as Opelucid City Gym
Directory: opelucid-city-pokemon-white
- Pokémon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 3:30
Referenced Tracks:
- Opelucid City (Pokémon Black)
Track: Open Your Heart
# From SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 10th Anniversary
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Crush 40
- Jun Senoue (composer & arranger, Japanese lyrics, guitars)
- Kenichi Tokoi (composer)
- Takahiro Fukada (English lyrics)
- Johnny Gioeli (vocals)
- Naoto Shibata (bass)
- Hirotsugu Homma (drums)
Duration: 5:11
Lyrics: |-
    Thunder, rain, and lightning
    Danger, water rising
    Clamour, sirens wailing
    It's such a bad sign
    Shadows of dark creatures
    Steel clouds floating in the air
    People run for shelter
    What's gonna happen to us?

    All the steps we take, all the moves we make, all the pain at stake
    I see the chaos for everyone - Who are we? What can we do?
    You and I are same in the way that we have our own styles that we won't change
    Yours is filled with evil and mine is not, there is no way I can lose!

    Can't hold on much longer - But I will never let go
    I know it's a one way track - Tell me now how long this will last
    I'm not gonna think this way - Nor will I count on others
    Close my eyes and feel it burn - Now I see what I've gotta do
    Open your heart, it's gonna be alright

    Ancient city blazing
    Shadows keep attacking
    Little children crying
    Confusion, hopeless anger

    I don't know what it can be but you drive me crazy
    All your cunning tricks make me sick
    You won't have it your own way

    Can't hold on much longer - But I will never let go
    I know it's a one way track - Tell me now how long this will last
    I'm not gonna think this way - Nor will I count on others
    Close my eyes and feel it burn - Now I see what I've gotta do
    Open your heart, and you will see

    If it won't stop, there will be no future for us
    Its heart is tied down by all the hate, gotta set him free

    I know it's a one way track - Tell me now how long this will last
    Close my eyes and feel it burn - Now I see what I gotta do
    Gotta open your heart, dude

    Can't hold on much longer - But I will never let go
    I know it's a one way track - Tell me now how long this will last
    I'm not gonna think this way - Nor will I count on others
    Close my eyes and feel it burn - Now I see what I've gotta do
    Open your heart, it's gonna be alright, yeah

    Open your heart
    Open your heart
Track: Opening Animation Music (Mappy)
# Reference:
- Mappy
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:05
Track: Opening - Bombing Mission
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
Duration: 3:58
Track: Opening (Destroyed Science Academy Research Station)
# Reference:
- Metroid
- Minako Hamano
Duration: 1:27
Track: Opening (Mega Man 5)
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Mari Yamaguchi
Duration: 0:38
Track: Opening (Splatoon)
# Reference:
- Splatoon
- Toru Minegishi
- Susumu Nishikawa (electric guitar)
- TABOKUN (electric bass)
- Akira Tsuneoka (drums)
Duration: 0:13
Track: Opening Stage (Mega Man X)
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Setuo Yamamoto
Duration: 1:40
Track: Opening Title (Yūyūki)
Directory: opening-title-yuyuki
# Reference:
#   none
- Yūyūki
- Soyo Oka
#Duration: ''
Track: Otherworld
Directory: otherworld-final-fantasy-ix
Always Reference By Directory: true
# Official release:
#   FINAL FANTASY IX Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
- Bill Muir
Duration: 3:15
Lyrics: |-
    Go now if you want it An otherworld awaits you
    Don't you give up on it You bite the hand that feeds you

    All alone cold fields you wander
    Memories of it cloud your sight
    Fills your dreams, disturbs your slumber
    Lost your way a fallen knight

    Hold now aim is steady An otherworld awaits you
    One thousand years--you ready? The otherworld it takes you

    Go go into the sand and the dust and the sky
    Go now no better plan than to do or to die
    Free me pray to the faith in the face of the light
    Feed me fill me with sin now get ready to fight
    You know you will
    You know you will
    You know you know you know you know that you will
    You know you know you know you know that you will
    You know you will

    Fight fight fight
    Fight fight fight
    Fight fight fight
    Fight fight fight

    Hope dies and you wander The otherworld it makes you
    Dreams they rip asunder The otherworld it hates you
    Free now ride up on it Up to the heights it takes you
    Go now if you want it An otherworld awaits you
Track: Out of Time (Clock Tower BGM)
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- Satoe Terashima
Duration: 1:22
Track: Overworld Adventure Part 2
# JP: 汽車フィールド その2(メインテーマ)
# The Spirit Tracks soundtrack was never individually released.
# Official release:
#   The 30th Anniversary The Legend of Zelda Game Music Collection
#   30周年記念盤 ゼルダの伝説 ゲーム音楽集
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Toru Minegishi
Duration: 3:16
Track: Overworld Theme (The Legend of Zelda)
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 1:21
Track: Parasite Queen Battle
# Reference:
- Metroid
- Kenji Yamamoto
Duration: 1:36
Track: Parting Ways
# Reference:
#   none
- Yūyūki
- Soyo Oka
#Duration: ''
Track: Pasta (Italy Stage) Andy Bogard
# Reference:
Artists: ##composer unknown
- Fatal Fury
Duration: 2:05
Track: Pepper Steak
# Uploaded from in-game files (pretty sure anyway)
- 'OFF'
- Alias Conrad Coldwood
Duration: 1:54
Track: Perfect (Duck Hunt)
# Reference:
- Duck Hunt
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 0:02
Track: Phantasm
Directory: phantasm-fnf-chaos-nightmare
Always Reference By Directory: true
# Track from a mod, so the links are the official releases
- Friday Night Funkin'
- Biddle3
Duration: 3:05
Track: Phoenix Wright - Objection! 2001
# JP: 成歩堂龍一 ~異議あり! 2001
# Official release:
#   逆転裁判+逆転裁判2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Ace Attorney
- Masakazu Sugimori
- Naoto Tanaka (arrangement)
Duration: 1:22
Track: Plantation
Directory: plantation-cave-story
Always Reference By Directory: true
# The original Cave Story's soundtrack hasn't been officially released.
- Cave Story
- Daisuke Amaya
Commentary: |-
    <i>Makin:</i> (wiki editor, 8/13/2023)
    Also known as Cave Story's Title Theme or Main Theme.
Track: Poké Mart (Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire)
# Reference:
Directory: poke-mart-pokemon-ruby-sapphire
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 1:16
Track: Pokédex Evaluation... Complete! (Pokémon Gold / Pokémon Silver)
# Reference:
#   none xd
Directory: pokedex-evalution-complete-pokemon-gold-silver
- Pokémon
- Morikazu Aoki
Duration: 1:14
Track: 'Pokégear Radio: Pokémon Lullaby (Pokémon Gold / Pokémon Silver)'
# Reference:
Directory: pokegear-radio-pokemon-lullaby-pokemon-gold-silver
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Track: 'Pokégear Radio: Pokémon March (Pokémon Gold / Pokémon Silver)'
# Reference:
Directory: pokegear-radio-pokemon-march-pokemon-gold-silver
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:14
Track: Pokémon Caught (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Directory: pokemon-caught-pokemon-red-blue
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:03
Track: Pokémon Center (Night) (Pokémon Diamond / Pokémon Pearl)
# Reference:
Directory: pokemon-center-night-pokemon-diamond-pearl
- Pokémon
- Hitomi Sato
Duration: 1:29
Referenced Tracks:
- Pokémon Center (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Track: Pokémon Center (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# JP: ポケモンセンター
# Official release:
#   ポケモン 赤・緑 スーパーミュージック・コレクション
# Reference:
Directory: pokemon-center-pokemon-red-blue
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Track: Pokémon Gym (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# Reference:
Directory: pokemon-gym-pokemon-red-and-blue-versions
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:15
Track: Pokémon Healed (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# Reference:
Directory: pokemon-healed-pokemon-red-and-blue-versions
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:07
Track: Pokémon World Tournament (PWT)
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 2:33
Track: Port Town
# Reference:
- Yumiko Kanki
Duration: 2:15
Track: Power
Directory: power-mother
Always Reference By Directory: true
# Most often known as "The Power" but for some reason in the official release it's titled differently.
# JP: パワー
# Official release:
#   マザー2 ギーグの逆襲
# Reference:
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 1:09
Track: Prelude (Ablaze)
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Hiroki Morishita
Duration: 5:20
Track: Presentiment
# JP: 予感
# Official release:
#   クロノ・トリガー オリジナル・サウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Chrono Trigger
- Yasunori Mitsuda
Duration: 0:34
Track: The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Saw
# No official release of the in-game track
- Touhou Project
Track: Prologue
Directory: prologue-earthbound
Always Reference By Directory: true
# JP: プロローグ (pt. 1: 逆襲, pt. 2: 眠ってる場合じゃない)
# Official release:
#   MOTHER 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu
#   マザー2 ギーグの逆襲
# Reference:
#   (Also see commentary notes)
- Mother
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 1:05
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 1/16/2024)

    This track scores parts of EarthBound's prologue. The first half, titled on soundtrack releases as 逆襲 ("Counterattack" or "Strike Back"), is the main menu opening; the second, 眠ってる場合じゃない ("This Is No Time to Be Sleeping"), plays during an in-game walkaround near the start of the game.

    The first half is known online as "The Evil Giygas Attacks!" (in two parts) and the second as "One Fateful Night..." and "Unidentified Falling Object". These names all appear to trace to []( since around [June 2007](, and previously to []( since [May 2004 or earlier]( The English name "Prologue" is given on the official 2016 vinyl release; the part names don't seem to have received official localization.
Track: Proto Man (Mega Man 3)
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Yasuaki Fujita
Duration: 0:15
Track: Psycho Soldier Theme
# Reference:
- Athena
- Eikichi Kawasaki (composer & lyricist)
- Kaori Shimizu (vocals)
Duration: 1:10
Lyrics: |-
    SAIKO BŌRU ga hikari hanachi (<i>The Psycho Ball's light bursts</i>)
    ATENA no sugata terashi dasu no (<i>Athena's form begins to illuminate</i>)
    SAIKO PAWĀ o kokoro ni himete (<i>With Psycho Power hidden in her heart</i>)
    Hateshinai michi o hashiru (<i>Down the endless road, she runs</i>)
    Ima wa mō aozora mienaikedo (<i>Now she can no longer see the blue sky</i>)

    FAIA! FAIA! SAIKO SORUJĀ (<i>Fire! Fire! Psycho Soldier</i>)
    FAIA! FAIA! SAIKO SORUJĀ (<i>Fire! Fire! Psycho Soldier</i>)
Track: Psycho Soldier Theme
Directory: psycho-soldier-theme-cassette
# Reference:
- Athena
- Eikichi Kawasaki (composer & lyricist)
- Kaori Shimizu (vocals)
Duration: 3:06
Referenced Tracks:
- track:psycho-soldier-theme
Lyrics: |-
    SAIKO BŌRU ga hikari hanachi (<i>The Psycho Ball's light bursts</i>)
    no sugata terashi dasu no (<i>Athena's form begins to illuminate</i>)
    SAIKO PAWĀ o kokoro ni himete (<i>With Psycho Power hidden in her heart</i>)
    Hateshinai michi o hashiru (<i>Down the endless road, she runs</i>)
    Ima wa mō aozora mienaikedo (<i>Now she can no longer see the blue sky</i>)

    FAIA! FAIA! SAIKO SORUJĀ (<i>Fire! Fire! Psycho Soldier</i>)
    FAIA! FAIA! SAIKO SORUJĀ (<i>Fire! Fire! Psycho Soldier</i>)

    SAIKO SŌDO ga yami o sai te (<i>The Psycho Sword cuts through the darkness</i>)
    ATENA wa yume o sukui dasu no (<i>Athena begins to rescue dreams</i>)
    Honō no yō ni moeru hitomi (<i>With eyes burning like flames</i>)
    Kibō no kake-ra o mitsume (<i>She stares at a glimmer of hope</i>)
    Ima wa mada namida wa misenai wa (<i>Now she can't have her tears be seen yet</i>)

    FAIA! FAIA! SAIKO SORUJĀ (<i>Fire! Fire! Psycho Soldier</i>)
    FAIA! FAIA! SAIKO SORUJĀ (<i>Fire! Fire! Psycho Soldier</i>)

    SAIKO BĪMU no kagayaki nokoshi (<i>The Psycho Beam leaves radiance behind</i>)
    ATENA wa mirai o motome tabidatsu (<i>Athena sets out to find the future</i>)
    are hitori shiranai ashita (<i>In the unknown tomorrow</i>)
    Hi no tori no sugata karite (<i>She takes the shape of a phoenix</i>)
    Doko made mo tsudzuku sora o tobu no (<i>And flies across the endless sky</i>)

    FAIA! FAIA! SAIKO SORUJĀ (<i>Fire! Fire! Psycho Soldier</i>)
    FAIA! FAIA! SAIKO SORUJĀ (<i>Fire! Fire! Psycho Soldier</i>)
Track: Psycho Soldier Theme (Overseas Version)
Directory: psycho-soldier-theme-overseas
# Reference:
- Athena
- Eikichi Kawasaki (composer & lyricist)
- Kaori Shimizu (vocals)
Duration: 1:09
Referenced Tracks:
- track:psycho-soldier-theme
Lyrics: |-
    Athena’s name is magic
    Mystery, it’s what you’ll see
    Her crystal is the answer
    Fighting fair to keep us free
    She’s just a little girl with power inside, burning bright
    You better hide if you are bad, she’ll get you
    She’ll read your mind and find if you believe in right or wrong

    Fire! Fire! Psycho Soldier
    Fire! Fire! Psycho Soldier
Track: Pursuit - Corner the Culprit
# JP: 追求 ~追いつめられて
# Official releases:
#   逆転裁判1 + 2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
#   Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
# (rereleased on Steam in 2020 with official English track titles)
- Ace Attorney
- Masakazu Sugimori
Duration: 1:36
Track: Pushing Onwards
# Official release on Bandcamp (OK, also the guy's own site)
# Reference:
- Magnus Pålsson
Duration: 3:39
Track: PWT Final Round!
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 3:13
Referenced Tracks:
- Pokémon World Tournament (PWT)
Track: Rainbow Road (Super Mario Kart)
# No official release.
- Super Mario
- Soyo Oka
Duration: 1:59
Track: Ramen Bowl
# Reference:
- Atsuko Asahi
Duration: 1:12 #one loop
Track: "Re: Mr. Monokuma's Lesson"
Duration: 3:45
# JP: Re: モノクマ先生の授業
# Official release:
#   スーパーダンガンロンパ2 オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Danganronpa
- Masafumi Takada
Track: Received a Pokémon Egg! (Pokémon Gold / Pokémon Silver)
Directory: received-a-pokemon-egg-pokemon-gold-silver
- Pokémon
- Morikazu Aoki
Duration: 0:04
Track: Received a TM! (Pokémon Gold / Pokémon Silver)
#cant find standalone upload xd
Directory: received-a-tm-pokemon-gold-silver
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Track: Reconstructing More Science
# Official release in a lovely free download
# Reference:
- Portal
- Mike Morasky
Duration: 2:37
Track: Recovery (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Directory: recovery-pokemon-red-blue
# JP: ポケモンセンター
# Official release:
#   ポケモン 赤・緑 スーパーミュージック・コレクション
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:07
Track: Recruitment Theme
# Official release has this track as a medley of other in-game BGM at the end of an album mostly comprising arrangements; duration is from timestamps 41:33 to 42:07 on the album as a whole.
# Official release:
#   ファイアーエムブレム ~キャラクターテーマ集~
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Yuka Tsujiyoko
Duration: 0:34
Track: Red Canyon
# Reference:
- Yumiko Kanki
Duration: 2:48
Track: Redial
Directory: redial-bomberman-hero
Always Reference By Directory: true
# JP: redial
# Official release:
#   "Bomberman Hero" Original Soundtrack
#   ボンバーマンヒーロー オリジナル・サウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Bomberman
- Jun Chikuma
Duration: 2:14
Track: The Refiner's Fire
# Official release:
#   Hyper Light Drifter
# Reference:
- Hyper Light Drifter
- Disasterpeace
Duration: 6:07
Track: Relic Song (Pokémon Black / Pokémon White)
# Reference:
Directory: relic-song-pokemon-black-white
- Pokémon
- Shota Kageyama
Duration: 0:40
Track: report_Bobdyfound #[sic]
- Among Us
Duration: 0:04
Track: The Reverse Will
# Official release:
#   サイレントヒル2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
#   Silent Hill 2 Original Soundtracks
# Reference:
Duration: 3:33
- Silent Hill
- Akira Yamaoka
Lyrics: |-
    Now I lay me down to sleep
    I pray the Lord my soul to keep
    If I should die before I 'wake
    I pray the Lord my soul to take
Track: Rhythm Boxing
# Reference:
Artists: ## see Main Menu (Wii Fit)
- Wii Fit
Duration: 3:00 #taken from full-length non-looping SSBU in-game file. (Wii game is sequenced)
Track: Rhythm Code
# Vastly better known as "Puzzle Room"
# JP: プログラリズム
# Official release:
#   星のカービィ ロボボプラネット オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Hirokazu Ando
Duration: 1:37
Track: Right-Hand Remix
# (See Left-Hand Remix for release info)
- Rhythm Heaven
- Mitsuo Terada
- Shinji Ushiroda
- Asuka Ito
- Yumi Takahashi
- Megumi Inoue
Lyrics: |-
    If only I could just conjure a spell
    Kapow! Hocus hocus hocus!

    Peck your beak
    Peck your beak
    Stretch out your neck!

    Three, go!

    Two flipper rolls, one, two!

    One! Two! Three!
    One! Two! Three!
    OK, it's on!
    It's up to you!

    Hey baby
    How's it going?
    This beat
    Is non-stop!

    Jab, jab, jab, jab
    Go go go!
    One two
Track: Right There, Ride On
# Official release:
#   SONIC RUSH Original Groove Rush.
# Note:
#   Track 10 is in-game; 01 is "digital remakin' trax".
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Hideki Naganuma
Duration: 1:38
Lyrics: |-
    (Right there, right there, right there, right there)
    (Right there, right there, right there)

    (Right there, right there, right there, right there)
    (Right there, right there, right there, right there)
    (Right there, right there, right there)
Track: Rise and Shine, Ursine!
Duration: 3:22
# JP: おはっくまー!
# Official release:
#   ニューダンガンロンパV3オリジナルサウンドトラック シロ
# Reference:
- Danganronpa
- Masafumi Takada
Track: RoboCop Gameboy Title Theme
# No official release. Duration and name taken from oldest upload.
- RoboCop
- Jonathan Dunn
Duration: 5:46
Track: RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Theme
# No official release; duration is from the in-game music file, which is a straight start-to-end loop.
- RollerCoaster Tycoon
- Allister Brimble
Duration: 1:43
Track: RollerCoaster Tycoon Theme
# No official release; duration is from the in-game music file, which is a straight start-to-end loop.
- RollerCoaster Tycoon
- Allister Brimble
Duration: 2:57
Track: Romantic Children
# No official release of the in-game track
- Touhou Project
Duration: 5:04
Track: Round Clear Music (Mappy)
# Reference:
- Mappy
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:03
Track: Route 2 (Spring/Summer)
Directory: route-2-spring-summer
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Hitomi Sato
Duration: 1:32
Track: Route 4 (Spring)
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Shota Kageyama (arranger)
- Junichi Masuda (composer)
Duration: 1:24
Track: Route 6 (Spring/Summer)
Directory: route-6-spring-summer
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Shota Kageyama
Duration: 1:22
Track: Route 23 (Pokémon Black 2 / Pokémon White 2)
Directory: route-23-pokemon-black2-white2
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 2:19
Track: Route 228 (Day)
# JP: 228ばんどうろ(昼)
# Official release:
#   ニンテンドーDS ポケモン ダイヤモンド&パール スーパーミュージックコレクション
# Reference:
- artist:pokemon
- Hitomi Sato
Duration: 0:54
Track: Running Hell
# The original Cave Story's soundtrack hasn't been officially released.
- Cave Story
- Daisuke Amaya
Track: Rusty Bucket Bay
# Reference:
- Banjo Kazooie
- Grant Kirkhope
Duration: 3:54
Track: Ryuunosuke Akutagawa's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend
# No official release of the in-game track
- Touhou Project
Duration: 4:39
Track: Sanctuary Guardian
# No official release of the in-game track (Earthbound)
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 2:11
Track: Sand Ocean
# Reference:
- Yumiko Kanki
Track: Save the World, Heroes!
# Reference:
- Mii
- Daisuke Matsuoka
#Duration: ''
# no release
Track: Say "I Gotta Believe!"
# Official release:
#   パラッパラッパー2 ― オリジナル・サウンドトラック
# Reference:
- PaRappa the Rapper
- De La Soul
- Takako Hirasawa
Duration: 4:16
Lyrics: |-
    Say "Alright!" (Alright!)
    Say "Oh yeah!" (Oh yeah!)
    Whatcha gonna do?  (Whatcha gonna do!)
    (I gotta believe!) I gotta believe!

    If you thought your dreams were fulfilled before
    You need to come on back, Jack
    Look who walked in the door
    It's Parappa The Rapper, and my name is Pos
    I'm known to emcee for free or a cost
    If you be at the mosque, synagogue, or church
    Drop to your knees and pray for Parappa The Rapper
    To save the day and make you scream hooray!
    Just clap on time, 'cause it's time to play

    I know you're slick and smooth, cool with an attitude
    On the right track, leader of the pack
    Kickin' back, never looking back
    You know my words won't satisfy
    What I have now, deep inside of me (Inside of me)
    And all I need is much security

    When you're needed for a mission, he got your back
    Sure to have a cool time, man, that's a fact
    Yo, he's a good friend, never ever a foe
    So come on and let's go

    We are the concentrated Vitamin D, with the title
    Hookin' it up, speedy quick, like noodles to cup
    It ain't nothin' for the one man
    Buttin' to move somethin'
    Runnin' par rappin' through laps
    Hurdlin' raps
    And just when you thought your game was dead
    Well, we got you cookin' up rhymes all in your think kettle
    Proceed and click the next level for fun, player (Oh, oh yeah)
    Play ya game, player number one

    True love that speaks the truth
    You know it'll help me through
    In the cold night
    In the morning, all night
    Or even in a fight
    You know you should come home to me
    We can have fun until the early morning light

    Aw yeah
    Aw yeah, oh
    Oh, oh

    Here to serve up a dish like Sunny Chan
    You know I'm the man
    Here to have fun
    Wanna have a taste?
    Here, have some
    Servin' up O's by the oodles
    Oh, I forgot
    Parappa The Rapper, he don't like noodles
    We like eating snapper that's red
    Freestyle from the top of the head
    Yo, Parappa got skill
    Why don't you give it try, see what you can build
    Tasty like fruit that's peeled
    Watch your heels, you might slip and fall
    And if you do, you know who to call (Who?)
    It's Parappa the Rapper and De La, y'all

    You and me can walk together
    And down the road forever
    And smell and touch the treasures of life
    Every day
    Love and hate are face to face
    And good and bad are back to back
    Every day, uh huh
    Uh huh, uh huh, oh yeah, yay

    Switch on your 36 inches
    You in the boob tube, trapped deep
    'Til the game watch you sleep
    Overdosed on moves taught by the sensei
    Your timing's all off, tiger
    You in the little leagues
    Striking out a De La joint
    Book a session for the Plugs and PJ
    To come train the camp, y'all
    Mooselini, graffiti tag and plug dose (Dose, dose, dose)
    Game over, I'm ghost (Ghost, ghost)

    When you're needed for a mission, he got your back
    Sure to have a cool time, man, that's a fact
    Yo, he's a good friend, never ever a foe
    Come on, everybody, saddle up and let's go

    All my people say "Alright!" (Alright!)
    Yeah, that was good, now let me hear you say "Oh yeah!" (Oh yeah!) (Oh yeah)
    Now let me hear you say "Whatcha gonna do?" (Whatcha gonna do?)
    Come on, y'all, let me hear you say "I gotta believe!" (I gotta believe!) (Believe...)
    Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yay
Track: Schala's Theme
# (See Corridors of Time for info on soundtrack/YouTube differences)
# JP: サラのテーマ
# Official release:
#   クロノ・トリガー・オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Chrono Trigger
- Yasunori Mitsuda
Duration: 2:48
Track: Sealed Chamber
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 1:04
Track: Seaskape
# Reference:
- Splatoon
- Toru Minegishi
- Hiroaki Takeuchi (vocal)
- Susumu Nishikawa (electric guitar)
- TABOKUN (electric bass)
- Akira Tsuneoka (drums)
Duration: 2:57
Track: Secret of the Forest
# (See Corridors of Time for info on soundtrack/YouTube differences)
# JP: サラのテーマ
# Official release:
#   クロノ・トリガー・オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Chrono Trigger
- Yasunori Mitsuda
Duration: 3:01
Track: 'Select Screen (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)'
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:55
Track: September Pumpkin
# No official release of the in-game track
- Touhou Project
Track: Settings (Wii Fit)
# Reference:
Artists: ##see Main Menu (Wii Fit)
- Wii Fit
Track: Silencio
# Uploaded from in-game files (pretty sure anyway)
- 'OFF'
- Alias Conrad Coldwood
Duration: 0:56
Lyrics: |-
    [Largely indecipherable French whispering]
Track: Simian Segue
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- Eveline Fischer
Duration: 1:51
Track: Sin Pausa (Mission Failed)
# Official Release:
#   DJMAX Respect Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- DJMax
- Mycin.T
Duration: 0:45
Track: Skull Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Minae Fujii
Duration: 1:47
Track: Sky Arena
# Reference:
- Atsuko Asahi
Duration: 1:57 #one loop
Referenced Tracks:
- track:arms-grand-prix-official-theme-song
Track: Sky Forever
# Track from a mod, so the links are the official releases
- Friday Night Funkin'
- bb-panzu
Duration: 4:11
Track: Slateport City
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 1:55
Track: Sleeping Terror
# No official release of the in-game track
- Touhou Project
Track: Slider
Directory: slider-super-mario-64
# JP: スライダー
# Official release:
#   スーパーマリオ64 オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 2:47
Track: Slinger's Song
# Official release:
#   Bastion Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
Duration: 4:06
- Bastion
- Darren Korb
Track: Slums of Basset
# JP: 戦艦スラム・バセット
# Official release:
#   Solatorobo それからCODAへ パーフェクトサウンドトラック
#   Solatorobo Perfect Sound Track
# Reference:
- Solatorobo
- Chikayo Fukuda
Duration: 2:03
Track: Smiles and Tears
# (See Eight Melodies, no official soundtrack release)
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Lyrics: |-
    I miss you...
Commentary: |-
    ([Full lyrics!](
Track: Snake Eater
# Reference:
- Metal Gear
- Norihiko Hibino (music & words)
- Cynthia Harrel (vocal)
- Mark Holden (strings & horn arrangement)
- Nate Phillipe (programming)
- Rika Muranaka (programming)
Duration: 2:58
Lyrics: |-
    What a thrill
    With darkness and silence through the night
    What a thrill
    I'm searching and I'll melt into you
    What a fear in my heart
    But you're so supreme!

    I give my life
    Not for honor, but for you (Snake Eater)
    In my time there'll be no one else
    Crime, it's the way I fly to you (Snake Eater)
    I'm still in a dream, Snake Eater

    Someday you go through the rain,
    And someday you feed on a tree frog,
    It's ordeal, the trial to survive
    For the day we see new light

    I give my life
    Not for honor, but for you (Snake Eater)
    In my time there'll be no one else
    Crime, it's the way I fly to you (Snake Eater)
    I'm still in a dream, Snake Eater
    I'm still in a dream, Snake Eater
    (Snake Eater...)
Track: Snake Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Yasuaki Fujita
Duration: 1:33
Track: Snakey Chantey (Rattle Battle)
# Reference:
- Donkey Kong
- David Wise
Duration: 1:34
Referenced Tracks:
- track:gang-plank-galleon
Track: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
# No official release of the in-game track
- Touhou Project
Track: Song of Storms
# JP: オカリナ「嵐の歌」
# Official release:
#   ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ オリジナルサウンドトラック
#   The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Original Sound Track
# Note:
#   This track shouldn't be confused with Windmill Hut. The internet has
#   generally taken "Song of Storms" to be the canonical name for the full
#   song, but on the soundtrack the only instance of "Song of Storms" is
#   for this eight second track featuring just the partial motif played
#   on the ocarina. Windmill Hut is the full song usually referred to as
#   "Song of Storm" online.
#   UPDATE 31-10-2024 2:30 AM CET
#   The Nintendo Music app calls this song "Song of Storms"
# Reference:
#   Nintendo Music (name)
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:06
Track: Sonic Electronic
# This is from officially licensed album of Sonic-themed music from Germany, none of which is related to actual in-game music in any way.
# Official release:
#   Sonic The Hedgehog
# Reference
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Emerald Hill
- Spike Shellcracker
- Oscar Oberheim
Duration: 3:07
Lyrics: |-
    Ding, ding, ding
    Get the ring, ring, ring
    I'm the Sonic Electronic and I'm gonna be the king
    To the ring, ring, ring
    Take a ding, ding, ding
    When you really score me high, set me free and we will fly

    La la la
    Lala la la la
    Lala la la lalalala lalalalala
    Lala la la la
    Lala la la la
    Lala la la lalalala lalalalala

    Ding, ding, ding
    Get the ring, ring, ring
    I'm the Sonic Electronic and I'm gonna be the king
    To the ring, ring, ring
    Take a ding, ding, ding
    When you really score me high, set me free and we will fly

    Ding, ding, ding
    Get the ring, ring, ring
    I'm the Sonic Electronic and I'm gonna be the king
    To the ring, ring, ring
    Take a ding, ding, ding
    When you really score me high, we will take another try

    La la la
    Lala la la la
    Lala la la lalalala lalalalala
    Lala la la la
    Lala la la la
    Lala la la lalalala lalalalala

    Ding, ding, ding
    Get the ring, ring, ring
    I'm the Sonic Electronic and I'm gonna be the king
    To the ring, ring, ring
    Take a ding, ding, ding
    When you really score me high, set me free and we will fly

    La la la
    Lala la la la
    Lala la la lalalala lalalalala
    Lala la la la
    Lala la la la
    Lala la la lalalala lalalalala
Track: Soul 0 System
# JP: Soul 0 System~回歴スル追約ノ忘レ貝
# Official release:
#   星のカービィ ロボボプラネット オリジナルサウンドトラック
#   Kirby: Planet Robobot Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Hirokazu Ando
Duration: 4:11
Referenced Tracks:
- Galactic Nova
Track: Soul Scour
# Official release:
#   Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai Original Sound Version & Extra Sounds "Thanks/you"
#   ひぐらしのなく頃に解 Original Sound Version & Extra Sounds 「Thanks/you」
# Reference:
Duration: 1:42
- Higurashi WHen They Cry
- Dai
Track: Space Pirates
- Castle Crashers
- Waterflame
Duration: 2:59
Track: Spiral Mountain
# Reference:
- Banjo Kazooie
- Grant Kirkhope
Duration: 4:20
Track: Splatoon "Squid Kid" TV Commercial
# This is a TV ad.
- Splatoon
- Unknown Artist
Duration: 0:30
Lyrics: |-
    Splat! Splat!

    You're a kid now, you're a squid now
    You're a kid, you're a squid, you're a kid, you're a squid
    You're a kid now!

    Ink it all now, up the wall now
    Disappear, you're a knack, when you turn, then attack
    You're a squid now!

    Rise up out the ink
    Ambush this dude!
    Splatatatatatatata Splatoon!
Track: Splattack!
# Reference:
- Splatoon
- Toru Minegishi
- Hiroaki Takeuchi (vocal)
- Susumu Nishikawa (electric guitar)
- Yoshihiko Haga (electric guitar)
- TABOKUN (electric bass)
- Akira Tsuneoka (drums)
Duration: 3:53
Track: Spring Stadium
# Reference:
- Atsuko Asahi
Duration: 1:08 #one loop
Referenced Tracks:
- track:arms-grand-prix-official-theme-song
Track: Stage 7 (Kirby's Block Ball)
# No official release (nor official arrangements, even)
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Sukezo Ouyama
- Ryoue Takagi
Track: The Stains of Time
- Metal Gear
- Logan Mader (writer, lyrics)
- Jamie Christopherson (writer, lyrics)
- Logan Mader (recording engineer, guitars, bass)
- Kit Walters (vocals)
- Johnny Death (guitars)
- Nita Strauss (guitars)
- Ralpha Alexander (drums)
Duration: 2:24
- (instrumental)
Track: The Stains of Time (Maniac Agenda Mix)
# Official release:
# Reference:
- Metal Gear
- The Maniac Agenda (remixer)
- Logan Mader (producer, mixing engineer)
- Jamie Christopherson (producer)
- Geoff Daigle (additional synth programming)
Duration: 2:10
Referenced Tracks:
- The Stains of Time
Sampled Tracks:
- The Stains of Time
Lyrics: |-
    Wash away the anger

    Here I stand beneath the warm and soothing rain
    The droplets falling gently down on the terrain
    Wash away the sorrow all the stains of time
    But there's no memory it's only dry inside

    In the mud and sinking deeper
    Into a peaceful life

    And it will come like a flood of pain
    Pouring down on me
    And it will not let up
    Until the end is here
    And it will come through the darkest day
    In my final hour
    And it will never rest until the clouds are clear
    Until it finds my dreams have disappeared

    My dreams disappear
Track: Starker (Tower BGM)
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- Satoe Terashima
Duration: 1:15
Track: Start Music (Galaga)
# Reference:
- Galaga
- Nobuyuki Ohnogi
Duration: 0:08
Track: Steam Gardens
# JP: スチームガーデン
# Official release:
#   スーパーマリオ オデッセイ オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 3:41
Track: Stone Tower Temple
# JP: ロックビルの神殿 (表)
# Official release:
#   ゼルダの伝説 ムジュラの仮面 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 2:00
Track: Stormy Saxophone 2 (Yagami Team Theme)
# Reference:
Artists: #composer unknown
- The King of Fighters
Duration: 3:34
Track: Summer Jobs
# Official release:
#   Don't Starve Soundtrack
# Reference:
# Not included in original release, added to album on April 2 2014
- Don't Starve
- Vince de Vera
- Jason Garner
Duration: 1:58
Track: Sun's Song
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:05
Track: Super Dry Dance
# (See Eight Melodies, no official soundtrack release)
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Track: SYD Overdrive
# Reference:
#   none! yay!
Artists: #composer unknown
- Alpha Mission
Duration: 1:53
Track: Synchrony
Directory: synchrony-brandish-the-planet-buster
Always Reference By Directory: true
# JP: Synchrony
# Official release:
#   ミュージック・フロム・ブランディッシュ2 ザ・プラネット・バスター
# Reference:
- Brandish
- Mieko Ishikawa
Duration: 3:24
Track: Tantal
# Reference:
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- artist:ace-tomori-kudo-chico
Duration: 3:25
Track: Tarkun and Kitapy (Australia Stage) Big Bear
# Reference:
Artists: ##composer unknown
- Fatal Fury
Duration: 2:49
Track: Temple BGM
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Akito Nakatsuka
Duration: 3:12
Track: Termina Field
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 1:32
Referenced Tracks:
- Sun's Song
- Overworld Theme (The Legend of Zelda)
Track: Terra's Theme
# JP: ティナのテーマ
# Official release:
#   ファイナルファンタジーVI オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
Duration: 3:53
Track: Theme from San Andreas
# Official release:
#   Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Official Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Grand Theft Auto
- Michael Hunter
Duration: 1:28
Track: Theme of Eastern Story
# This doesn't exactly have an "official in-game release"... but it wasn't exactly composed for one game either, serving more as a theme for the Touhou series. The duration here is pulled from Akyu's Untouched Score vol.5.
# JP: テーマ・オブ・イースタンストーリー
# References:
- Touhou Project
Duration: 5:01
Track: Theme of Solid Snake
# Reference:
- Metal Gear
- Masahiro Ikariko
Duration: 3:17
Track: Theme of SYD
# Reference:
#   none! yay!
Artists: #composer unknown
- Alpha Mission
Duration: 3:14
Track: Thin RED Line
# JP: Thin RED Line-アラクネ テーマ曲
# Official release:
#   ブレイブルー オリジナルサウンドトラック
# Reference:
- BlazBlue
- Daisuke Ishiwatari
Duration: 4:10
Track: Three Gates
# Official release:
#   HALO 3 Original Soundtrack
#   Track is actually split into 'Three Gates' (0:47), 'Ascent' (1:15), and 'Leonidas Returns' (2:33)
#   Track is in turn part of 'The Covenant' suite
# Reference:
- Halo
- Martin O'Donnell
- Michael Salvatori
Duration: 4:34
Track: Tide Goes Out
# Reference:
- Splatoon
- Shiho Fujii
- Mari Kikuma (vocals)
Duration: 2:29
Track: Tiger! Tiger!
# Reference:
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- Manami Kiyota
Duration: 2:25
Track: Title (Luigi's Mansion)
Artists: ##Kazumi Totaka and Shinobu Tanaka are both listed in the credits of Luigi's Mansion. It is unknown who made this track.
- Super Mario
- Kazumi Totaka
- Shinobu Tanaka
Duration: 0:23
Referenced Tracks:
- Main Theme (Luigi's Mansion)
Track: Title (Mega Man 2)
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Takashi Tateishi
Duration: 0:45
Track: Title (Mega Man 3)
# Official release:
#   カプコン ミュージック ジェネレーション ファミコン音楽全集 ロックマン 1~6
# References:
- Mega Man
- Yasuaki Fujita
Duration: 1:23
Track: Title (Mega Man 5)
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Mari Yamaguchi
Duration: 1:09
Track: 'Title Screen: Main Theme (Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire)'
# Reference:
Directory: title-screen-main-theme-pokemon-ruby-sapphire
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 1:42
Referenced Tracks:
- Title Screen (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Track: Title Screen (Pokémon Black / Pokémon White)
# Reference:
Directory: title-screen-pokemon-black-white
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 1:19
Referenced Tracks:
- Title Screen (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
Track: Title Screen (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# JP: 〜オープニング〜
# Official release:
#   ポケモン 赤・緑 スーパーミュージック・コレクション
# Reference:
Directory: title-screen-pokemon-red-blue
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 1:58
Track: Title (The Legend of Zelda)
# (See dungeon-theme-zelda1 for release info)
# JP: タイトル
# Official release:
#   ゼルダの伝説 "サウンド&ドラマ"
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 1:20
Track: Title Theme (Animal Crossing)
# Reference:
- Animal Crossing
- Kenta Nagata
Duration: 2:10
Track: 'Title Theme (Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer)'
# Reference:
- Animal Crossing
- Kazumi Totaka
Track: 'Title Theme (Animal Crossing: Wild World)'
# Reference:
- Animal Crossing
- Kazumi Totaka
Duration: 1:12
Track: Title Theme (Duck Hunt)
# Reference:
- Duck Hunt
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 0:04
Track: Title Theme (Find Mii)
# Reference:
- Mii
- Daisuke Matsuoka
#Duration: ''
# no release
Track: Title Theme (Find Mii II)
# Reference:
- Mii
- Daisuke Matsuoka
#Duration: ''
# no release
Track: Title Theme (Wii Sports)
# Reference:
- Wii Sports
- Kazumi Totaka
Duration: 2:23
Track: Title Theme (Wii Sports Club)
# Reference:
- Wii Sports
- Kazumi Totaka
#Duration: '2:23'
Track: 'Title (Uwol: Quest for Money)'
# This... obviously never had an official release... duh...
- Uwol
- Augusto Ruiz
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 1/4/2023)
    While you may recognize this song as the Game Over theme from that one Russian Felix the Cat game (a bootleg Genesis port of the NES game), the music is actually plagiarized from the Genesis port of Uwol: Quest for Money, an original homebrew game first released for the ZX Spectrum. While you may remember the track being faster, it in fact was always this same speed but often mangled by running a PAL region game at NTSC speed (resulting in a 20% speedup).
Track: To Make the End of Battle
# Official release:
#   ミュージック・フロム・イース II
# Reference:
- Ys
- Yuzo Koshiro
Duration: 2:15
Track: Tomboyish Girl in Love
# Oh boy, this one's gotten around a lot.
# No in-game release though!
- Touhou Project
Track: Top Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Yasuaki Fujita
Duration: 1:49
Track: Totaka's Song
# As Niklink commentates, this one's more a... melody...? abstract work...? than an individual track, so no official release, and a given duration wouldn't really fit it anyway. (It's about 30 seconds to a minute long though.)
- Kazumi Totaka
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 12/7/2022)
    Originally found in Mario Paint and known as 'Mario Paint song', it was its discovery in Animal Crossing as a secret track you could only hear by requesting 'K.K. Song' from K.K. Slider that clued fans in as to its true nature, as the character is based on Nintendo composer Kazumi Totaka. Versions of this song have been hidden in almost every game he has been involved in, usually by idling in some specific part of the game for several minutes.
Track: Toxic Caves
# This friggen' game got its soundtrack released on vinyl in 2022! What were the chances!? Nice!
# Official release:
#   Sonic Spinball
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Howard Drossin
Duration: 3:29
Track: Toys on a Tear (Shrunk)
# Reference:
- Minecraft
- Gareth Coker
Duration: 2:30
Track: A Trainer Appears (Girl Version) (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Junichi Masuda
Track: Trainers' Eyes Meet (Psychic) (Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire)
# Reference:
Directory: trainers-eyes-meet-psychic-pokemon-ruby-sapphire
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 0:30
Track: Training (Luigi's Mansion)
Artists: ##Kazumi Totaka and Shinobu Tanaka are both listed in the credits of Luigi's Mansion. It is unknown who made this track.
- Super Mario
- Kazumi Totaka
- Shinobu Tanaka
Duration: 2:38
Track: Training Menu (Wii Fit U)
# Reference:
- Wii Fit
- Takayuki Kobara
Referenced Tracks:
- Main Menu (Wii Fit)
Track: Treasure Trove Cove
# Reference:
- Banjo Kazooie
- Grant Kirkhope
Duration: 4:04
Track: Trigger Happy Havoc
# Official release:
#   DANGANRONPA Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Danganronpa
- Masafumi Takada
Duration: 1:37
Lyrics: |-
Track: Trouble Brewing II
# Reference:
- 'Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.'
- Yoshito Sekigawa
#Duration: ''
# unreleased
Track: Twinkle Elementary School
# Official release:
# Reference:
- Mother
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 1:55
Referenced Tracks:
- Westminster Quarters
Track: U.N. Owen Was Her?
# Also known as Death Waltz
# JP: U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?
# No official release
# Reference:
- Touhou Project
Duration: 4:09
Commentary: |-
    <i>Lilithtreasure:</i> (wiki editor, 9/24/2024)

    So the whole deal with the [unofficial full/long version]( is that it's just U.N. Owen Was Her? and beatMARIO's [[Final Savage Sister, Flandre S.]] slapped together as a medley, one after the other, and the YouTube description doesn't even mention this.

    The original in-game track (and the slightly different [Dolls in Pseudo Paradise]( version, by extension) is much shorter than the unofficial full version medley, and does not contain Final Savage Sister, Flandre S. in any capacity.
Track: Under This Banner
# Reference:
- Fire Emblem
- Yuka Tsujiyoko
Duration: 1:59
Track: Underground Ruins
# Reference:
- Pokémon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 1:26
Referenced Tracks:
- Sealed Chamber
Track: Unfounded Revenge
# From Mother 3, which had two arrangement soundtracks but no official release of the in-game GBA soundtrack.
# Reference:
- Mother
- Shogo Sakai
Track: The Universe is Before You
# Official release:
#   The Floor is Jelly OST
# Reference:
Duration: 8:10
- The Floor is Jelly
- Disasterpeace
Track: Unknown from M.E.
# From SONIC ADVENTURE Songs With Attitude ~Vocal mini-Album~
# Reference:
- Kenichi Tokoi (composition, Japanese lyrics)
- Takahiro Fukada (lyrics translation)
- Atsushi Kosugi (sound production) ##credited as Atsushi "SUSHI" Kosugi (Beat On Beat, inc.)
- Tony Kadleck (brass arrangement)
- Marlon Saunders (vocals)
- Dred Foxx (rap vocals)
- Rohn Lawrence (guitars)
- Philippe Saisse (fender rhodes)
- Will Lee (bass)
- Ricky Wellman (drums)
- East 4th Horns (horn section)
- John Wheeler (trombone) ##part of Easth 4th Horns
- Tony Kadleck (trumpet) ##part of Easth 4th Horns
- Craig Johnson (trumpet) ##part of Easth 4th Horns
- John Scarpulla (soprano, tenor & baritone sax) ##part of Easth 4th Horns
Duration: 4:31
Lyrics: |-
    Here I come, rougher than the rest of them
    The best of them, tougher than leather
    You can call me Knuckles, unlike Sonic I don't chuckle
    I'd rather flex my muscles
    I'm hard as nails, it ain't hard to tell
    I break 'em down whether they solid or frail
    Unlike the rest I'm independent
    It's my first breath, first test
    Feel the right then the worst's left

    Born on an island in the heavens
    The blood of my ancestors flows inside me
    My duty is to save the flower from evil deterioration (Yeah)

    I will be the one to set your heart free true
    Cleanse yourself of that evil spirit that's in you

    Streaking lights, loud sounds, and instinct
    Are the elements that keep me going
    I am fighting my own mission
    Nothing's gonna stand in my way (No, no)

    I will be the one to set your heart free true
    Cleanse yourself of that evil spirit that's in you

    Won't be frightened, I'll stand up to all the pain and turmoil
    Just believe in myself won't rely on others
    Get this power to wipe out the havoc and anarchy
    This is my planet, gonna fight for my destiny

    Here I come, rougher than the rest of them
    The best of them, tougher than leather
    You can call me Knuckles, unlike Sonic I don't chuckle
    I'd rather flex my muscles
    I'm hard as nails, it ain't hard to tell
    I break 'em down whether they solid or frail
    Unlike the rest I'm independent
    It's my first breath, first test
    Feel the right then the worst's left

    I have no such things as weak spots
    Don't approve of him but got to trust him
    This alliance has a purpose
    This partnership is only temporary

    I will be the one to set your heart free true
    Cleanse yourself of evil spirits that got in you

    Won't be frightened, I'll stand up to all the pain and turmoil
    Just believe in myself won't rely on others
    Freedom will be waiting when serenity is restored
    This is my planet, I shall not surrender

    Won't be frightened, I'll stand up to all the pain and turmoil
    Just believe in myself won't rely on others
    Get this power to wipe out the havoc and anarchy
    This is my planet, gonna fight (I! Oh!)

    Won't be frightened, I'll stand up to all the pain and turmoil
    Just believe in myself won't rely on others (Oh!)
    Freedom will be waiting when serenity is restored
    This is my planet, I shall not surrender

    (Shall surrender, no)
    (Yeah, woo, woo)

    The new porcupine on the block with the puff chest
    Out the wilderness with the ruggedness
    Knock, knock, it's Knuckles, the bloat thrower
    Independent flower, magical emerald holder
    Give you the cold shoulder
    My spike goes through boulders
    That's why I stay a loner
    I was born by myself
    I don't need a posse, I get it on by myself
    Advisories get shelfed

    Right on
Track: Vagrant Counting Song of Retrospection
# JP: この一撃に桃球レボリューション
# Official release:
#   星のカービィ ロボボプラネット オリジナルサウンドトラック
#   Kirby: Planet Robobot Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Hirokazu Ando
Duration: 3:07
Referenced Tracks:
- Bright Spinning Planet
- Soul 0 System
- Haltmann Works Co. HQ
Track: Vamo' alla flamenco
# JP: Vamo' alla flamenco
# Official release:
#   FINAL FANTASY IX Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
Duration: 1:53
Track: Vampire Killer (Castle Infiltration BGM)
# Reference:
#   overall info:
#   composer:
- Castlevania
- Satoe Terashima
Duration: 1:16
Track: Vampire Killer (Castlevania Judgment)
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- Yasushi Asada
Duration: 3:11
Referenced Tracks:
- Vampire Killer (Castle Infiltration BGM)
Track: Vega's Theme
# Reference:
- Street Fighter
- Yoko Shimomura
Duration: 1:49
Track: Vela-Nova
# Official release:
#   SONIC RUSH Original Groove Rush.
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Hideki Naganuma
Duration: 3:00
Lyrics: |-
    Step by step
    Step by step

    Step by step

    Step by step

    Step by step

    Step by step
    Step by step


    Step by step
    Step by step
    Step by step
    Step by step

    Step by step

    Step by step

    Step by step

    (Ah, let's do it.)
Track: Venturing into the Mechanized World
# JP: キカイのせかいのだいぼうけん
# Official release:
#   星のカービィ ロボボプラネット オリジナルサウンドトラック
#   Kirby: Planet Robobot Original Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Kirby
- Hirokazu Ando
Duration: 1:36
Referenced Tracks:
- Haltmann Works Co. Theme Song
Track: Venus Mansion
- Nuclear Throne
- Jukio Kallio
Duration: 2:48
Track: Victory
#   Final Fantasy (1987) but i can't find it on vgmdb rn sorry complain to Jebb
Directory: victory-final-fantasy
- Final Fantasy
- Nobuo Uematsu
Duration: 0:39
Track: Victory! (Gym Leader Battle) (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# Reference:
Directory: victory-gym-leader-battle-pokemon-red-blue
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:57
Track: Victory! (Trainer Battle) (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# Reference:
Directory: victory-trainer-battle-pokemon-red-blue
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:31
Track: Victory! (Trainer Battle) (Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire)
# Reference:
Directory: victory-trainer-battle-pokemon-ruby-sapphire
- artist:pokemon
- Go Ichinose
Duration: 0:31
Referenced Tracks:
- track:victory-trainer-battle-pokemon-red-blue
Track: Victory! (Wild Pokémon) (Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue)
# Reference:
Directory: victory-wild-pokemon-pokemon-red-blue
- artist:pokemon
- Junichi Masuda
Duration: 0:37
Track: Vortal Combat
# Official release:
#   Half-Life 2: Episode Two Soundtrack
# Reference:
- Half-Life
- Kelly Bailey
Duration: 3:15
Track: Vs. Klungo
# Reference:
- Banjo Kazooie
- Grant Kirkhope
# Duration: ''
Track: Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There
# JP: Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There
# Official release:
#  『ペルソナ5』 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
# Reference:
- Persona
- Shoji Meguro (composition & arrangement)
Duration: 4:37
- Lyn (vocals)
- Benjamin Franklin (lyricist)
- Katsura Hashino (original draft)
- Koichiro Muroya (1st violin)
- Tomomi Tokunaga (1st violin)
- Aya Ito (1st violin)
- Rina Odera (1st violin)
- Yuya Yanagihara (2nd violin)
- Hanako Uesato (2nd violin)
- Kyoko Ishigame (2nd violin)
- Emiko Ujikawa (2nd violin)
- Gentaro Sakaguchi (viola)
- Tomoko Shimaoka (viola)
- Masami Horisawa (cello)
- Yoshie Furukawa (cello)
Lyrics: |-
    Who am I?
    Am I not unique?
    Maybe I'm not here at all
    Look, the fakers
    Blinding us with lies
    The breakers of us all

    Oh, it's useless
    What could it mean that we're here?
    Can we make a difference
    If we don't break out of here?

    Wake up, get up, get out there
    Raise your voice against liars
    Feed your anger like fire
    Why does nobody want change?

    Just imagine you're out there
    Swatting lies in the making
    Can't move fast without breaking
    If you hold on, life won't change

    The fakers
    Are all sick at heart
    Their faces hiding their fear
    They look down on
    All the rest of us
    Like they're some special breed

    Who's the high lord
    Who thinks he's better than us?
    Ain't it a crime, that?
    Is there a mission for us?

    Who is that high lord ...
    Who'd kill a million of us?
    And as the bell tolls
    Is there no remission for us?

    Wake up, get up, get out there
    There's more to life than their way
    If you'd live you can not stay
    Why does nobody want change?

    Let your voices ring out, yeah
    Take the mask off and be free
    Find yourself in the debris
    If you hold on, life won't change

    Wake up, get up, get out there
    Raise your voice against liars
    Feed your anger like fire
    Why does nobody want change?

    Just imagine you're out there
    Swatting lies in the making
    Can't move fast without breaking
    If you hold on, life won't change
Track: Waluigi Pinball / Wario Stadium
# No official release
- Super Mario
- Shinobu Tanaka
Track: Wario Puzzle 1
# No official release
- Super Mario
- Toshiyuki Ueno
Track: We Were a Small But Peaceful Community
# "This was town music from "Me and Myself, Like the Sun and the Moon".
#  The game was based on a 2009 art entry in the annual "Famicase" competition."
# Reference:
- Disasterpeace
Duration: 1:09
Track: Welcome, Me
Additional Names:
- ウェルカムぼく (Japanese name)
- Welcome Self (Wikipedia translation)
- Welcome Home ( translation)
# JP: ウェルカムぼく
# Official release:
#   マザー2 ギーグの逆襲
# Reference:
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 0:55
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 4/1/2024)
    Title is VGMdb's translation of its original Japanese title, as there is no official English translation. The track is a movement of the 'Magicant' medley on the international 2016 vinyl release.
Track: We're Robots (Dr. Wily Stage 2)
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Yu Shimoda
Duration: 3:00
Track: What a Great Picture!
# (See Eight Melodies, no official soundtrack release)
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Duration: 0:30
Track: Where The Guns At
# Official release on Bandcamp
- Nuclear Throne
- Jukio Kallio
- Joonas Turner (gun SFX)
Duration: 2:20
Track: White Land
# Reference:
- Yumiko Kanki
Duration: 1:53
Track: The whole new world
# Reference:
- Phantasy Star
- Hideaki Kobayashi
- Kan Hashimoto (lyrics & translate)
- Daisuke Okamoto (orchestra arrangement)
- Toshiaki Iida (orchestra arrangement)
- LOREN (vocals)
- Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra (performance)
Duration: 2:30
Lyrics: |-
    Innumerable stars
    Won't tell us where to go
    It's a long, long run
    To the palace in the sun

    With hopes and dreams
    Our ship will cross the sea
    To the whole new world
    Shining like a pearl
    The whole new world
Track: Wicked Child (Outdoors BGM)
# Reference:
- Castlevania
- Kinuyo Yamashita
Duration: 2:07
Track: Wind Scene
# (See Corridors of Time for info on soundtrack/YouTube differences)
# JP:  風の憧憬
# Official release:
#   クロノ・トリガー・オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
# Reference:
- Chrono Trigger
- Yasunori Mitsuda
Duration: 3:23
Track: Windmill Hut
# JP: 風車小屋
# Official release:
#   ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ オリジナルサウンドトラック
#   The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Original Sound Track
# Note:
#   Generally referred to as "Song of Storms" online, this track is the
#   full song which is typically remixed or referenced. Not to be confused
#   with the partial motif played on ocarina, track:ocarina-song-of-storms.
# Update 2024-12-18 21:14 CET
#   this song is called "Windmill Hut" in Nintendo Music.
# Reference:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:51
Referenced Tracks:
- Song of Storms
Track: Women Village
# Reference:
#   none
- Yūyūki
- Soyo Oka
#Duration: ''
Track: Wood Man Stage
# Reference:
- Mega Man
- Takashi Tateishi
Duration: 1:25
Track: World 1 (Super Mario Bros. 3)
# Reference:
Directory: world-1-smb3
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:39
Track: World 6 (Super Mario Bros. 3)
# Reference:
Directory: world-6-smb3
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:25
Track: World 8 (Super Mario Bros. 3)
# Reference:
Directory: world-8-smb3
- Super Mario
- Koji Kondo
Duration: 0:28
Track: Wrapped in Black
# Official release:
#   SONIC RUSH Original Groove Rush.
# Note:
#   Track 41 is in-game; 07 is "digital remakin' trax".
# Reference:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Hideki Naganuma
Duration: 2:35
Sampled Tracks:
- Message to the Grass Roots
- Sell Your Soul
Lyrics: |-
    Too black, too strong, too black, too strong
    Too black, too strong, too strong, too strong
    Too black, too strong, too black, too strong
    Too black, too strong, too strong, too strong

    Rappin' black, in' black, in' black, rappin' black (Rappin' black)
    Rappin' black, in' black, in' black, rappin' black (Rappin' black)
    Rappin' black, in' black, in' black, rappin' black (Rappin' black)
    Rappin' black, in' black, in' black, rappin' black (Rappin' black)

    Too black (Rappin' black), too strong (Rappin' black)
    Too black (Rappin' black), too strong (Rappin' black)
    Too black (Rappin' black), too strong (Rappin' black)
    Too black (Rappin' black), too strong (Rappin' black)

    Too black (Rappin' black), too strong (Rappin' black)
    Too black (Rappin' black), too strong (Rappin' black)
    Too black, too strong, too black, too strong
    Too black, too strong, too strong, too strong

    Too black, too black, too black, too black
    Too black, black, black, black
    Too- too- too- too- too- too-

    Rappin' black, in black, in black, rappin' black (Rappin' black)
    Rappin' black, in black, in black, rappin' black (Rappin' black)
    Rappin' black, in black, in black, rappin' black (Rappin' black)

    (Rappin' black) Rappin' black, (Rappin' black) Rappin' black
    (Rappin' black, in' black, in' black, rappin' black) Rappin' black
    Rappin' black (Rappin' black), Rappin' black (Rappin' black)
    Rappin' black, in' black, in' black, rappin' black (Rappin' black)

    Too strong, too black, too strong, too black
    Too strong, too black, too black, too black
    Too black, too strong, too black, too strong
    Too black, too strong, too strong, too strong
Track: you
Directory: you-dai
Always Reference By Directory: true
# Official release:
#   Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai Original Sound Version & Extra Sounds "Thanks/you"
#   ひぐらしのなく頃に解 Original Sound Version & Extra Sounds 「Thanks/you」
# Reference:
- Higurashi When They Cry
- Dai
Duration: 3:35
Track: You Gained a Level!
# (See Eight Melodies, no official soundtrack release)
- Mother
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Hirokazu Tanaka
Track: Your Reality
# Official release on Youtube
- Doki Doki Literature Club!
- Dan Salvato
- Jillian Ashcraft (vocals)
Duration: 3:00
Lyrics: |-
    Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with you
    In my hand is a pen that will write a poem of me and you
    The ink flows down into a dark puddle
    Just move your hand, write the way into his heart
    But in this world of infinite choices
    What will it take just to find that special day?
    What will it take just to find that special day?

    Have I found everybody a fun assignment to do today?
    When you're here, everything that we do is fun for them anyway
    When I can't even read my own feelings
    What good are words when a smile says it all?
    And if this world won't write me an ending
    What will it take just for me to have it all?

    Does my pen only write bitter words for those who are dear to me?
    Is it love if I take you, or is it love if I set you free?
    The ink flows down into a dark puddle
    How can I write love into reality?
    If I can't hear the sound of your heartbeat
    What do you call love in your reality?
    And in your reality, if I don't know how to love you
    I'll leave you be
Section: Music composed for movies, television, and other visual arts
Track: accelerated world (OST edit)
- Accel World
- onoken
Duration: 3:15
Track: Again
Directory: again-yui
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Yui
- Hisashi Kondo (arrangement)
Duration: 4:19
#Non. english,. lyrics. not included on WIki yet.
Track: Aozora no Rhapsody
- Fhána
Duration: 1:44
Lyrics: |-
    chu chu yeah! please me!
    chu chu yeah! without you

    aa! nante koto da  sasai na ayamachi da (<i>Ah! What a thing, a trivial mistake</i>)
    jibun no koto ni tararattaratta te yaku (<i>When it comes to me, it's trivial and tiresome</i>)
    doushite totsuzen? nigekittatte ii desho? (<i>Why suddenly? It's okay to run away, right?</i>)
    dakedo nanda ka kimagure MOODO ni nari (<i>But somehow, I become whimsical</i>)
    sonna kibun ni nacchatte (<i>That's how I feel</i>)

    hajimari wa sonna fuu de (<i>It started like that</i>)
    tsumari wa rashikunai you de (<i>In short, it doesn't seem like me</i>)
    demo ima ja tobira akete hora (<i>But now, open the door and look</i>)
    koe ga kikoeru yo  saa! yukou! (<i>I can hear a voice, come on! Let's go!</i>)
    doko e demo (<i>Anywhere</i>)

    boku wa kimi no tsubasa ni  nareru yuuki ga aru yo! (<i>I have the courage to become your wings!</i>)
    donna shiren mo kowakunai  sono mahou ga aru kara (<i>I'm not afraid of any challenges because of that magic</i>)
    hajimete deau sekai ni  hanataba o okurou (<i>Send a bouquet to the world you first meet</i>)
    tada kono shunkan musubareru yo (<i>Just at this moment, we're connected</i>)
    chiguhagu na KOMYUNIKEESHON? (<i>Mismatched communication?</i>)
    demo betsu ni kamawanai (<i>But I don't really mind</i>)
    ashita kara heiwa nara! (<i>If tomorrow is peaceful!</i>)

    chu chu yeah! without you!

    aa! doushite mata sunao ni narenakute (<i>Ah! Why can't I be honest again?</i>)
    jibun no koto de chururucchurucchu hi fuku (<i>With my own affairs, I blow a trilling whistle</i>)
    GIA wa sono mama  SUPIIDO agete ikou (<i>Keep the gear as it is and speed up</i>)
    dakedo nanda ka tasogare MOODO ni nari (<i>But somehow, it becomes a twilight mood</i>)
    itsuka o omoide shichatte (<i>Someday, it'll become a memory</i>)

    hitori de ite mo iya janai  darenimo tayoranakute mo ii (<i>It's not bad to be alone, I don't have to rely on anyone</i>)
    demo tobira no mukou sawagashii  koe ga kikitai yo (<i>But I want to hear the noisy voice beyond the door</i>)
    ima! yukou! (<i>Now! Let's go!</i>)
    doko e demo (<i>Anywhere</i>)

    boku wa kimi o senaka ni  nosete sora o mau yo! (<i>I'll carry you on my back and dance in the sky!</i>)
    (please fly with me)
    itsuka kokoro ga hanarete mo  sono toki wa warattete (<i>Even if our hearts part someday, be smiling at that time</i>)
    (nantettatte KONGURACCHUREESHON)
    mamoritai kono sekai ni  aozora no RAPUSODI (<i>In this world I want to protect, a blue sky's rhapsody</i>)
    (make me rhapsodic!)
    tada itsumademo kanadete ite yo (<i>Just keep playing forever</i>)
    dekoboko na KONBINEESHON? (<i>An uneven combination?</i>)
    demo betsu ni daijoubu-sa (<i>But it's okay anyway</i>)
    asu mo mata heiwa da! (<i>Tomorrow will be peaceful again!</i>)

    hon no chiisana kizu o  taiyou ni sarashite (<i>Expose even the smallest wound to the sun</i>)
    wakeatta yo kimi to  itami wa atsusa no naka ni toketeku! (<i>I shared it with you, the pain melts in the heat!</i>)

    chu chu yeah! iki na BIITO hajiku bokura! (<i>Chu chu yeah! We bounce with a lively beat!</i>)
    please me! te o tataite (<i>Please me! Clap your hands</i>)
    chu chu yeah! BUGII na RIZUMU de hashagu futari! (<i>Chu chu yeah! The two of us frolic with a boogie rhythm!</i>)
    without you! tobihanete sa! (<i>Without you! Leap out!</i>)
    chu chu yeah! iki na BIITO hajiku bokura! (<i>Chu chu yeah! We bounce with a lively beat!</i>)
    please me! te o tataite (<i>Please me! Clap your hands</i>)
    chu chu yeah! BUGII na RIZUMU de hashagu ARIINA! (<i>Chu chu yeah! Frolic in the arena with a boogie rhythm!</i>)

    dokomademo! (<i>Anywhere!</i>)

    boku wa kimi no tsubasa ni  nareru yuuki ga aru yo! (<i>I have the courage to become your wings!</i>)
    (please stay with me)
    donna shiren mo kowakunai  sono mahou ga aru kara (<i>I'm not afraid of any challenges because of that magic</i>)
    (nantettatte KONGURACCHUREESHON)
    kimi to deai sekai wa  hanataba ni afureta (<i>The world overflowed with bouquets when I met you</i>)
    (made in society)
    tada sono shunkan musubareta yo (<i>Just at that moment, we were tied together</i>)
    chiguhagu na KOMYUNIKEESHON? (<i>Mismatched communication?</i>)
    demo betsu ni kamawanai (<i>But I don't really mind</i>)
    ashita ga heiwa nara (<i>If tomorrow is peaceful</i>)

    chu chu yeah! please me!
    iki o kirashi (<i>Take a sharp breath</i>)
    without you!
Track: Arms Outstretched
- Griffin McElroy
Duration: 3:17
Track: Art of the Dress
- My Little Pony
- Daniel Ingram
- Lauren Faust (lyrics)
Duration: 4:16
Lyrics: |-
    Twilight Sparkle: Now, the stars on my belt need to be technically accurate. Orion has three stars on his belt, not four
    Stitch by stitch, stitching it together
    Deadline looms, don't you know the client's always right?
    Even if my fabric choice was perfect
    Gotta get them all done by tonight
    Pinkie Pie, that color's too obtrusive
    Wait until you see it in the light I'm sewing them together!
    Pinkie Pie: Don't you think my gown would be more "me" with some lollipops?
    Rarity: Well, I think...
    Pinkie Pie: Balloons?
    Rarity: Well...
    Pinkie Pie: DO IT!
    Hour by hour, one more change
    I'm sewing them together, take great pains
    Fluttershy, you're putting me in a bind
    Rainbow Dash, what is on your mind?
    Oh my gosh, there's simply not much time
    Don't forget, Applejack's duds must shine
    Dressmaking's easy, every customer's call
    Brings a whole new revision
    Have to pick up the pace, still hold to my vision
    Twilight Sparkle: That constellation is Canis Major, not Minor
    Fluttershy: French haute couture, please
    Rarity: Ugh...
    Applejack: What if it rains? Galoshes!
    Pinkie Pie: More balloons! Oh no, that's too many balloons. More candy! Oh, less candy. Oh wait, I know. Streamers!

    Rarity: Streamers?
    Pinkie Pie: Whose dress is this?
    Rarity: Streamers it is
    Rainbow Dash: What?
    Rarity: Aren't you going to tell me to change something too?
    Rainbow Dash: No, I just want my dress to be cool
    Rarity: Do you not like the color?
    Rainbow Dash: The color's fine, just make it look cooler
    Rarity: Do you not like the shape?
    Rainbow Dash: The shape's fine, just make the whole thing... you know, cooler. It needs to be about 20% cooler
    (Pinkie Pie) All we ever want is indecision
    (Rainbow Dash) All we really like is what we know
    (Twilight Sparkle) Gotta balance style with adherence
    (Fluttershy) Making sure we make a good appearance
    (Applejack) Even if you simply have to fudge it
    (All) Make sure that it stays within our budget
    Got to overcome intimidation
    Remember, it's all in the presentation!
    Piece by piece, snip by snip
    Croup, dock, haunch, shoulders, hip
    Bolt by bolt, primmed and pressed
    Yard by yard, always stressed
    And that's the art of the dress!
Track: As Days Go By
- Family Matters
- Jesse Frederick
- Bennett Salvay
- Scott Roeme
Duration: 1:17
Lyrics: |-
    It's a rare condition, this day and age
    To read any good news on the newspaper page
    Love and tradition of the grand design
    Some people say it's even harder to find

    Well then there must be some magic clue inside these gentle walls
    'Cause all I see is a tower of dreams
    Real love burstin' out of every seam

    As days go by
    We're gonna fill our house with happiness
    The moon may cry
    We're gonna smother the blues with tenderness

    When days go by
    There's room for you, room for me
    For gentle hearts an opportunity

    As days go by
    It's the bigger love of the family
Track: Axel F
- Beverly Hills Cop
- Harold Faltermeyer
Duration: 3:00
Track: Back to the Future
- Back to the Future
- Alan Silvestri
Duration: 3:20
Track: Bastian's Happy Flight
- Klaus Doldinger
Duration: 3:15
Track: Before My Body Is Dry
- Hiroyuki Sawano
Duration: 4:02
Lyrics: |-
    In the dusty basement where we met
    May you surprised so much
    Because you're talking now
    I gotta find the truth from many fights
    But I'm all alone
    You're the only one who can help me out
    We'll be as one

    We're ready to fight
    Look over there
    They try to kill us for stars
    Our bond has got much stronger than before

    Don't lose your way in your mind
    We have to be as one
    Don't be afraid my sweet heart
    This is the way to be more strong
    Harbor my deep secret
    It makes me so blue
    Run through this game before my body is dry

    So it seems there's no other choice
    But to go all out
    Stay with me and let's stand out
    And out shine those trying to get our stars now
    All we have to do is figure out how strong we are
    and what it takes to stay alive
    Sync and learn what we can do to take 'em down
    It's revenge and survive
    For now, we know in part
    And You can feel my heart
    So help me to stay focused so I don't fall apart
    I wanna be complete
    It's not in me to retreat
    I could lose on my own so I really need you with me

    I gotta find out who killed my dad
    I hear the voice of you in my mind
    I gotta find out who killed my dad
    I hear the voice of you in my mind so

    My blood is pumping
    I'm ready to fight when you are
    Let's let no one break the bond that is ours
    Show them what it means to be a shining star
    You have my body
    Let's fight as one

    Can't move my feet in the dark
    Don't wanna be all alone
    Can't feel the heat in my blood
    Do you remember what he said

    Don't lose your way in your mind (I really need you with me)
    We have to be as one (Help me to stay focused)
    Don't be afraid my sweet heart (I wanna be complete)
    This is the way to be more strong
    Harbor my deep secret (Fight as one with me)
    It makes me so blue (Let's take 'em down)
    Run through this game before my body is dry (Be a shining star)
    (You have my body, I'm ready to fight when you are)
Track: Big Bad Beetleborgs Theme
- Big Bad Beetleborgs
- Billy Forrester
- Jeremy Sweet
Duration: 1:03
Lyrics: |-
    Three typical average kids
    Inside a haunted mansion
    Just by a chance freed a ghost
    Who made them Beetleborgs (Beetleborgs!)

    Big Bad Beetleborgs!
    Big Bad Beetleborgs!

    Hey look now, they're superheroes
    Armed with superpowers (Cool!)
    Taken from a comic strip
    And now they're Beetleborgs (Beetleborgs!)

    Big Bad Beetleborgs
    Big Bad Beetleborgs!
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
- artist:toshiyuki-omori (composition)
- MACARONI☆ (arrangement)
- Saori Kodama (lyrics)
- artist:coda-jojo (performance)
Duration: 4:21
Lyrics: |-
    Shijima no soko kara (<i>From the depths of silence </i>)
    Mezameru sono hashiratachi toki wo koe (<i>Those pillars awaken beyond time</i>)
    Shinku no chishio ga (<i>Crimson blood</i>)
    Tachiagaru yuuki wo hikiawaseru (<i>That brings the courage to stand up</i>)

    Uketsugu ai wo sadame to yobu nara (<i>If inherited love is called fate</i>)
    Hohoemu me de tsugi no te wo (<i>Take your next step with smiling eyes</i>)

    Yami wo azamuite setsuna wo kawashite (<i>Fool darkness, dodge in an instant</i>)
    Yaiba surinuke yatsura no suki wo tsuke (<i>Avoid the blade, find an opening and strike</i>)
    Tsuranuita omoi ga mirai wo hiraku (<i>Penetrating feelings open the future</i>)

    Like a Bloody Storm atsuku Like a Bloody Stone (<i>Like a bloody storm, hot like a bloody stone</i>)
    Ketsumyaku ni kizamareta innen ni (<i>The destiny written into your lineage</i>)
    Ukiagaru kienai hokori no kizuna (<i>The undying bonds of honor arise</i>)
    Nigirishimete (<i>Take hold of them</i>)

    Minagiru chikara ni (<i><The rising power</i>)
    Uchitsukeru kodou wa akashi tomo no koe (<i>Hit by your heartbeat is the proof of a friend's voice</i>)
    Nijinda itami to (<i>With blurred pain</i>)
    Ima ikinuku imi wo kawashi nagara (<i>Now while you exchange the meaning of surviving</i>)

    Omae no ishi ga yoake wo michibiku (<i>Your will leads the dawn</i>)
    Mabayui hodo no kedakasa de (<i>With dazzling nobility</i>)

    Hikari sasu oka e shakunetsu no sora e (<i>Towards the shining hills, towards the scorching sky</i>)
    Tamashii ga butsukariau tabiji e (<i>Towards the journey where souls collide</i>)
    Kanashimi ni nurareta mirai wo sukue (<i>Save a future painted with sadness</i>)

    Like a Bloody Soul moyase Like a Bloody Star (<i>Like a bloody soul, burn up like a bloody star</i>)
    Honoo saki kaze wo tachi sono saki e (<i>Cut the tearing wind of fire and go beyond</i>)
    Osorezu ni nani mo tamerawazu susume  (<i>Don't be afraid at all and advance without hesitation</i>)
    Nagare no naka (<i>In the stream</i>)

    Kyoumei suru unmei no hamon kokoro ni (<i>Let the ripple of destiny resonate in your heart</i>)

    Yami wo azamuite setsuna wo kawashite (<i>Fool darkness, dodge in an instant</i>)
    Yaiba surinuke yatsura no suki wo tsuke (<i>Avoid the blade, find an opening and strike</i>)
    Tsuranuita omoi ga mirai wo hiraku (<i>Penetrating feelings open the future</i>)

    Like a Bloody Storm atsuku Like a Bloody Stone (<i>Like a bloody storm, hot like a bloody stone</i>)
    Ketsumyaku ni kizamareta innen ni (<i>The destiny written into your lineage</i>)
    Ukiagaru kienai hokori no kizuna (<i>The undying bonds of honor arise</i>)
    Nigirishimete (<i>Take hold of them</i>)
Track: Blue
Directory: blue-cowboy-bebop
# From "Cowboy Bebop Blue"
# Reference:
- Cowboy Bebop
- Yoko Kanno
- The Seatbelts
- Mai Yamane (Vocals)
Duration: 5:01
Track: Bojack's Theme
- Bojack Horseman
- Patrick Carney
Duration: 4:23
Track: bugz
- Accel World
- onoken
Duration: 2:12
Track: Burn
Directory: burn-hamilton
- 'Hamilton: An American Musical'
- Lin-Manuel Miranda
- Phillipa Soo (vocals)
Duration: 3:45
Lyrics: |-
    I saved every letter you wrote me
    From the moment I read them
    I knew you were mine
    You said you were mine
    I thought you were mine

    Do you know what Angelica said
    When we saw your first letter arrive?
    She said
    Be careful with that one, love
    He will do what it takes to survive

    You and your words flooded my senses
    Your sentences left me defenseless
    You built me palaces out of paragraphs
    You built cathedrals

    I'm re-reading the letters you wrote me
    I'm searching and scanning for answers
    In every line
    For some kind of sign
    And when you were mine
    The world seemed to

    You published the letters she wrote you
    You told the whole world how you brought
    This girl into our bed
    In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives
    Do you know what Angelica said
    When she read what you'd done?
    She said
    You have married an Icarus
    He has flown too close to the sun

    You and your words, obsessed with your legacy...
    Your sentences border on senseless
    And you are paranoid in every paragraph
    How they perceive you
    You, you, you...

    I'm erasing myself from the narrative
    Let future historians wonder how Eliza
    Reacted when you broke her heart
    You have torn it all apart
    I am watching it burn
    Watching it burn

    The world has no right to my heart
    The world has no place in our bed
    They don't get to know what I said
    I'm burning the memories
    Burning the letters that might have redeemed you

    You forfeit all rights to my heart
    You forfeit the place in our bed
    You sleep in your office instead
    With only the memories
    Of when you were mine
    I hope that you burn
Track: Call Me
Duration: 3:32
- Blondie
Lyrics: |-
    Color me your color, baby
    Color me your car
    Color me your color, darling
    I know who you are
    Come up off your color chart
    I know where you are coming from

    Call me (Call me) on the line
    Call me, call me any, anytime
    Call me (Call me) I'll arrive
    You can call me any day or night
    Call me

    Cover me with kisses, baby
    Cover me with love
    Roll me in designer sheets
    I'll never get enough
    Emotions come, I don't know why
    Cover up love's alibi

    Call me (Call me) on the line
    Call me, call me any, anytime
    Call me (Call me) I'll arrive
    When you're ready we can share the wine
    Call me

    Ooh, he speaks the languages of love
    Ooh, amore, chiamami, chiamami
    Ooh, appelle-moi, mon chéri, appelle-moi
    Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, any way
    Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, any day, any way

    Call me

    Take me out and show me off
    And put me on the scene
    Dress me in the fashions of the 1980s
    You're a man, no in-between
    You know what your words can mean

    Call me (Call me) on the line
    Call me, call me any day or night
    Call me (Call me) I'll arrive
    Call me, call me into overtime
    Call me

    Call me (Call me) my love
    Call me, call me any, anytime
    Call me (Call me) for a ride
    Call me, call me for some overtime
    Call me (Call me) my love
    Call me, call me in a sweet design
    Call me (Call me), call me for your lover's lover's alibi
    Call me (Call me) on the line
    Call me, call me any, anytime

    Call me, ah-ha, call me, ah-ha-ha
    Call me, ah-ha-ha, call me any day or night
    Call me, ooh-ooh-ah-ha-ha, ooh-ooh-ha-ha-ha
    Call me, ah-ah-ooh
    Call me, my, my sleek designs
    Call me for a ride, call me inside
    Call me, all night, all day, ah-ha
    Call me

    Call me (Call me) in my life
    Call me, call me any, any time
    Call me (Call me) I'll arrive
    Call me, call me for some overtime
    Call me (Call me) in my life
    Call me, call me and my sleek designs
    Call me (Call me), call me for your lover's lover's alibi
    Call me (Call me) in my life
    Call me, call me any, any time
    Call me (Call me)
    Call me, oh-oh
    Call me (Call me) in my life
    Call me, call me any, any time
Track: Can You Feel the Love Tonight
- The Lion King
- Elton John
- Tim Rice (lyrics)
- Chris Thomas (production)
Duration: 3:05
Lyrics: |-
    There's a calm surrender
    To the rush of day
    When the heat of a rolling wind
    Can be turned away

    An enchanted moment
    And it sees me through
    It's enough for this restless warrior
    Just to be with you

    And can you feel the love tonight?
    It is where we are
    It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
    That we got this far

    And can you feel the love tonight
    How it's laid to rest?
    It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
    Believe the very best

    There's a time for everyone
    If they only learn
    That the twisting kaleidoscope
    Moves us all in turn

    There's a rhyme and reason
    To the wild outdoors
    When the heart of this star-crossed voyager
    Beats in time with yours

    And can you feel the love tonight?
    It is where we are
    It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
    That we got this far

    And can you feel the love tonight
    How it's laid to rest?
    It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
    Believe the very best
    It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
    Believe the very best
Track: Captain Planet and the Planeteers End Title
- Captain Planet
- Murray McFadden
- Timothy Mulhollan
- Nicholas Boxer (lyrics)
Duration: 1:01
Lyrics: |-
    Wind! Water!
    Heart! GO PLANET!
    (With your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!)

    Captain Planet! He's a hero!
    Gonna take pollution down to zero!
    He's our powers magnified
    And he's fighting on the planet's side

    Captain Planet! He's a hero!
    Gonna take pollution down to zero!
    Gonna help him put asunder
    Bad guys who like to loot and plunder

    (You'll pay for this Captain Planet!)

    We're the Planeteers! You can be one too!
    'Cause saving our planet is the thing to do!
    Looting and polluting is not the way
    Hear what Captain Planet has to say!
    (The power is YOURS!)
Track: chase
Directory: chase-jjba
Always Reference By Directory: true
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
- batta
- Tatsu Hoshino (lyrics)
Duration: 2:25
Lyrics: |-
    Taisetsu na mono wo ubawaresou (<i>My most precious things seem about to be stolen</i>)
    Nichijou ni magirekonda akuma (<i>By a demon that's burrowed into my everyday life</i>)
    Heion nara tokku ni kuzuresatteru (<i>My peaceful moments have already collapsed</i>)

    Nanigenai soshite, sarigenai (<i>Being unconcerned, so nonchalant, </i>)
    Kidzukanai uchi ni ubawareteita (<i>Before I even noticed, it'd been torn away</i>)
    Torikaeshi ni iku nara ima sa (<i>If I'm gonna get it back, I have to act right away!</i>)

    Tsuranuita ya no you na surudosa de (<i>With the sharpness of a piercing arrow</i>)
    Butsukeau kokoro wa utsukushii (<i>These colliding hearts are a thing of beauty!</i>)

    Doko mademo Chase You (<i>I'll chase you anywhere</i>)
    Itsumo Chase You (<i>I'll chase you anytime</i>)
    Ore wa Chase You nigeba wa nai (<i>You know I'll chase you, there is no escape </i>)
    Hashiridase Chase You (<i>Start running, chase you</i>)
    Asu mo Chase You (<i>Again tomorrow, chase you</i>)
    Tatakitsuketeyaru nosa (<i>Until I've kicked your goddamn ass!</i>)

    Shouhai wo wakeru nowa (<i>Victory is decided by your tenacity</i>)
    Shuunen sa dakara I Chase You (<i>That's why I'll chase you</i>)

    Tsuranuita ya no you na surudosa de (<i>With the sharpness of a piercing arrow</i>)
    Butsukeau kokoro wa utsukushii (<i>These colliding hearts are a thing of beauty!</i>)

    Doko mademo Chase You (<i>I'll chase you anywhere</i>)
    Itsumo Chase You (<i>I'll chase you anytime</i>)
    Ore wa Chase You nigeba wa nai (<i>You know I'll chase you, there is no escape </i>)
    Hashiridase Chase You (<i>Start running, chase you</i>)
    Asu mo Chase You (<i>Again tomorrow, chase you</i>)
    Tatakitsuketeyaru nosa (<i>Until I've kicked your goddamn ass!</i>)

    Ch ch chase You
    Ch ch chase You
    Ch ch chase You yume wo miteita yo (<i>I've been chasing this dream</i>)

    Ch ch chase You
    Ch ch chase You mada same wa shinai (<i>Still not ready to wake up</i>)

    Shouhai wo wakeru nowa (<i>Victory is decided by your tenacity</i>)
    Shuunen sa dakara I Chase You (<i>That's why I'll chase you</i>)
Track: Concerning Hobbits
- The Lord of the Rings
- Howard Shore
Duration: 2:55
Track: Cory in the House (Theme Song)
- Cory in the House
- Matthew Gerrard
- Robbie Nevil
- Kyle Massey (vocals)
- Maiara Walsh (vocals)
- Jason Dolley (guitar)
Duration: 0:50
Lyrics: |-
    (Cory!) (Yeah! Yeah, wassup!) (Yeah, yeah-yeah)

    (Go Cory! Go Cory!)
    (Go-go, go-go!)
    (Listen up, here we go!)

    I'm the new kid, movin' in, gettin' it done
    And I'm officially the candidate for havin' some fun
    You know it

    You better calm down, Cory (Yeah, yeah)

    I'm talkin' 'bout an all out of party (Oh)
    And were gettin' it started
    Mr. President, you mind some electric guitar?

    Washington, DC will never be the same
    'Cause we got Cory, Cory, Cory in the house
    (Yeah!) It's a party every week baby
    Cory, Cory, Cory check it out
    That's right, I'm in the house

    He's gonna shake it up and change it (Shake it up)
    Take it all and rearrange it (Just a little bit)
    He's gotta new plan for Uncle Sam (Look out now!)
    We've got Cory in the House
    Cory in the House

    (I'm yo man!)
Track: The Council of Elrond (feat. "Aníron (Theme for Aragorn and Arwen)")
Directory: the-council-of-elrond
- The Lord of the Rings
- Howard Shore
- Enya (Aníron composition, performance)
- Roma Ryan (Aníron lyrics)
Duration: 3:49
Lyrics: |-
    O môr henion i dhu (<i>From darkness I understand the night</i>)
    Ely siriar, el síla (<i>Dreams flow, a star shines</i>)
    Ai! Aníron Undomiel (<i>Ah! Desire Evenstar</i>)

    Tiro! El eria e môr (<i>Look! A star rises out of the darkness</i>)
    I 'lir en el luitha 'uren (<i>The song of the star enchants my heart</i>)
    Ai! Aníron... (<i>Ah! I desire...</i>)
Track: Courage
Directory: courage-jjba
Always Reference By Directory: true
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
- Yugo Kanno
Duration: 2:38
Track: The Court of Miracles
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- Alan Menken
- Stephen Schwartz (lyrics)
- Paul Kandel (vocals)
Duration: 1:27
Lyrics: |-
    Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
    Where the scoundrels of Paris collect in a lair
    Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
    Called the Court of Miracles
    (Hello, you're there!)

    Where the lame can walk
    And the blind can see
    But the dead don't talk
    So you won't be around to reveal what you've found

    We have a method for spies and intruders
    Rather like hornets protecting their hive
    Here in the Court of Miracles
    Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!

    Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles
    I am the lawyers and judge all in one
    We like to get the trial over with quickly
    Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!

    (Any last words?)
    [muffled speech]
    (That's what they all say.)

    Now that we've seen all the evidence
    (Wait! I object!) (Overruled!)
    (I object!) (Quiet!)

    We find you totally innocent
    Which is the worst crime of all
    So you're going to hang!
Track: The Creativity Song
- Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
- Joe Pelling
- Becky Sloan (writing)
Duration: 2:58
Lyrics: |-
    What's your favorite idea?
    Mine is being creative
    How do you get the idea?
    I just try to think creatively

    Now when you look at this orange
    Tell me please, what do you see?
    It's just a boring old orange!
    Maybe to you, but not to me

    I see a silly face! (Wow!)
    Walking around and smiling at me
    I don't see what you mean
    'Cause you're not thinking creatively!

    So take a look at my hair (Cool!)
    I use my hair to express myself
    That sounds really boring
    I use my hair to express myself

    (Now when you stare at the clouds in the sky, don't you find it exciting?) (No.)
    (Come on, take another look!) (Oh wait!)

    I can see a hat, I can see a cat
    I can see a man with a baseball bat
    I can see a dog, I can see a frog
    I can see a ladder leaning on a log

    Think you're getting the hang of it now
    Using your minds, to have a good time
    I might paint a picture of a clown
    Whoa there, friend, you might need to slow down!

    Here's another good tip! (Yeah?)
    Of how to be a creative whiz kid
    Kids, go and collect some leaves and sticks
    And arrange them into your favorite color
    Blue! Red! Green!
    Green is not a creative color

    There's one more thing that you need to know
    Before you let your creativity flow
    Listen to your heart, listen to the rain
    Listen to the voices in your brain
    Come on guys, let's get creative!
    Get creative!

    Now, let's all agree
    To never be creative again
Track: A Cruel Angel's Thesis
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Toshiyuki Ōmori
- Hidetoshi Satō
Duration: 4:05
Lyrics: |-
    Zankoku na tenshi no you ni (<i>Like a cruel angel</i>)
    Shonen yo, shinwa ni nare (<i>Young boy, become the legend!</i>)

    Aoi kaze ga ima mune no doa wo tataitemo (<i>A blue wind is now knocking at the door to your heart, and yet</i>)
    Watashi dake wo tada mitsumete (<i>You are merely gazing at me</i>)
    Hohoenderu Anata (<i>And smiling</i>)
    Sotto Fureru mono (<i>Something gently touching</i>)
    Motomeru koto ni muchuu de (<i>You're so intent on seeking it out</i>)
    Unmei sae mada shiranai itaikena hitomi (<i>That you can't even see your fate yet with such innocent eyes</i>)

    Dakedo itsuka kizuku deshou (<i>But someday I think you'll find out</i>)
    Sono senaka ni wa (<i>That what's on your back</i>)
    Haruka mirai mezasu tame no (<i>Are wings that are for</i>)
    Hane ga aru koto (<i>Heading for the far-off future</i>)

    Zankoku na tenshi no te-ze (<i>The cruel angel's thesis</i>)
    Madobe kara yagate tobitatsu (<i>Will soon take flight through the window</i>)
    Hotobashiru atsui patosu de (<i>With surging, hot pathos</i>)
    Omoide wo uragiru nara (<i>If you betray your memories</i>)
    O-zora wo daite kagayaku (<i>Embracing this sky and shining</i>)
    Shonen yo, shinwa ni nare (<i>Young boy, become the legend!</i>)

    Zutto nemutteru watashi no ai no yurikago (<i>Sleeping for a long time in the cradle of my love</i>)
    Anata dake ga yume no shisha ni (<i>The morning is coming when you alone will be called</i>)
    Yobareru asa ga kuru (<i>By a messenger of dreams</i>)
    Hosoi kubisuji wo tsukiakari ga utsushiteru (<i>Moonlight reflects off the nape of your slender neck</i>)
    Sekai-ju- no toki wo tomete (<i>Stopping time all throughout the world</i>)
    Tojikometai kedo (<i>I want to confine them, but</i>)

    Moshi mo futari aeta koto ni imi ga aru nara (<i>So if two people being brought together by fate has any meaning</i>)
    Watashi wa, sou, jiyu- wo shiru (<i>I think that it is a bible</i>)
    Tame no Baiburu (<i>For learning freedom</i>)

    Zankoku na tenshi no te-ze (<i>The cruel angel's thesis</i>)
    Kanashimi ga soshite hajimaru (<i>The sorrow then begins</i>)
    Dakishimeta inochi no katachi (<i>You held tight to the form of life</i>)
    Sono yume ni mezameta toki (<i>When you woke up from that dream</i>)
    Dare yori mo hikari wo hanatsu (<i>You shine brighter than anyone else</i>)
    Shonen yo, shinwa ni nare (<i>Young boy, become the legend!</i>)

    Hito wa ai wo tsumugi nagara rekishi wo tsukuru (<i>People create history while weaving love</i>)
    Megami nante narenai mama (<i>Even knowing I'll never be a goddess or anything like that</i>)
    Watashi wa ikiru (<i>I live on</i>)

    Zankoku na tenshi no te-ze (<i>The cruel angel's thesis</i>)
    Madobe kara yagate tobitatsu (<i>Will soon take flight through the window</i>)
    Hotobashiru atsui patosu de (<i>With surging, hot pathos</i>)
    Omoide wo uragiru nara (<i>If you betray your memories</i>)
    O-zora wo daite kagayaku (<i>Embracing this sky and shining</i>)
    Shonen yo, shinwa ni nare (<i>Young boy, become the legend!</i>)
Track: Crying for Rain
Additional Names:
- Kawaki wo Ameku
- Domestic Girlfriend
- Minami
Duration: 4:11
Track: Crystal Kingdom - Part One
- Griffin McElroy
Duration: 1:05
Lyrics: |-
    Pulled from my home inside a cloud
    Lost to the dark I drift alone
    Now I'm returned beyond the shroud
    Ever to reign upon my throne
    Here in my Crystal Kingdom
Track: Deep, Deep Trouble
- The Simpsons
- Matt Groening
- John Boylan
- DJ Jazzy Jeff
Duration: 4:26
Lyrics: |-
    Go to your room
    Yeah, right

    Well, you're damned if you do
    (What are we talking about?)
    Well, you're damned if you do
    (Where's your sense of humour?)
    Well, you're damned if you do
    And you're damned if you don't

    Let me start at the start, then take it away
    My name is Simpson, Bartholemew J
    That's Bart, with an art, and a capital B
    Then Simp, plus SON, that's me!

    Introductions aside, let's move right along
    You can all sing along at the sound of the gong
    Once upon a time, about a week ago
    All of a sudden, trouble started to grow
    Alarm was buzzin', I was snoozin'
    S'posed to get up now, but I was refusin'
    To let reality become an intrusion

    'Cause in dreamy-dream land, I was cruisin'
    But the buzz kept buzzin', my head kept buzzin'
    Gave the radio a throw, and heard an explosion (D'oh!)
    Opened up my eyes, and to my surprise
    There stood Homer, and his temperature risin'
    I was chillin', he was yellin'
    Face all distorted, 'cause he was propellin'
    It wasn't what he said, but more of his tone
    The usual jive, put your nose to the grindstone
    I said I'm real sorry but that didn't cut it
    I started to protest, but Dad said
    Shut it
    Get up, mow the lawn, move it on the double
    'Cause if you don't, you're in deep, deep trouble

    Deep, deep trouble
    Run into trouble
    Where's your sense of humour, man?
    Deep, deep trouble
    And they go a little something like this

    So I'm in the front yard, mowin' like crazy
    Sweatin' like a pig and the sun is blazing
    Homer's in the driveway, getting in the car
    With Mom and Lisa, hope they're going real far
    Then dad yells
    Bart, and I go Yo
    He goes, you done yet?
    And I go No
    So he goes
    Oh! You're too slow
    So I step on the gas, to speed up the mow
    Didn't see that sprinkler underneath that tree
    Wham! Ccchhh! Pssshh! Raining on me!
    I go Whoa, Homer goes
    Now you can't go to the boatshow

    This is my thanks after working my butt off?
    Homer revs the motor and they all start to putt off
    Soaked to the bone, standing in a puddle
    No-one needs to tell me I'm in deep, deep trouble

    Go to your room
    Yeah, right
    Bart, go to your room
    Deep, deep trouble
    Go to your room
    Oh, gimme a break
    The young begins the trouble
    Well, you're damned if you do
    I know the answer
    Well, you're damned if you do
    Deep, deep trouble
    Well, you're damned if you do
    And you're damned if you don't

    As soon as they're gone, I'm stretched on the lawn
    Lookin' at the sky with my sunshades on
    Now I've never ever claimed that I was a smarty
    But inspiration hits me, lets have a party

    Called up my posse, they were here in a flash
    They brought all their pals, we started to thrash
    There was romping and stomping, an occasional crash
    A fist fight or two on Nintendo for cash

    We raided the fridge, dogs raided the trash
    I got a little worried when the windows got smashed
    The next thing you know, Mom and Dad are home
    The kids disappear and I'm all alone

    Everything's silent except for my moan
    And the low, bluesy tone of a saxophone
    They look at me, then they go into a huddle
    Get this sinking sensation I'm in deep, deep trouble

    Oh, gimme a break
    Deep, deep trouble
    Hey, what is this?
    Don't keep trouble
    Go to your room
    Oh yeah
    Bart, go to your room
    Deep, deep trouble
    Go to your room
    Okey, dokey

    There's a little epilogue to my tale of sadness
    I was dragged down the street by his Royal Dadness
    We rounded the corner and came to a stop
    Threw me inside Jake's Barber Shop

    I said, please sir, just a little off the top
    Dude shaved me bare, gave me a lollipop
    So on my head, there's nothing but stubble
    Man, I hate being in deep, deep trouble

    Well, you're damned if you do
    Trouble! Trouble!
    Well, you're damned if you do
    Deep, deep trouble
    Well, you're damned if you do
    And you're damned if you don't
    Nothing but trouble
    Aw, come on, man
    Well, you're damned if you do
    (What are we talking about?) Well, you're damned if you do
    Deep, deep trouble
    (Where's your sense of humour?)
    Well, you're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't
    Deep, deep trouble
    Ha ha ha, ha ha
    Deep, deep trouble
Track: Dexter's Laboratory Theme Song
Duration: 0:30
- Dexter's Laboratory
- Thomas Chase
- Steve Rucker
Track: Diners, Drive-ins and Dives Theme Song
# Unreleased, untitled, 2007 theme song for the show of the same title
- Unknown Artist
Duration: 0:09
Track: Do the Bartman
Duration: 5:10
- The Simpsons
- Bryan Loren
- Nancy Cartwright (vocals)
- Michael Jackson (vocals)
- Dan Castellaneta (additional voices)
- Julie Kavner (additional voices)
- Yeardley Smith (additional voices)
- Matt Groening (additional voices)
Lyrics: |-
    (Bart? Bart! Bart! BAAAART!) (I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything.)

    Yo! Hey, what's happening, dude?
    I'm the guy with the rep for being rude
    Terrorizing people wherever I go
    It's not intentional, just keepin' the flow

    Fixin' test scores to get the best scores
    Droppin' banana peels all over the floor
    I'm the kid that made delinquency an art
    Last name Simpson, first name Bart!

    I'm here today to introduce the next phase
    The next step in the big Bart craze
    I've got a dance real easy to do
    I learned it with no rhythm, and so can you! (Uh!)

    So move your body if you've got the notion
    Front to back in a rock-like motion
    Now that you've got it, if you think you can
    Do it to the music, that's the Bartman!

    Everybody, if you can, do the Bartman (Whoa!)
    Shake your body, turn it out if you can, man (Shake it out, man!)
    Front to the back, to the side if you can, can (Bartman!)
    Everybody in the house do the Bartman (Uh-huh)
    Everybody, if you can, do the Bartman
    Shake your body, turn it out if you can, man (Whoa, mama!)
    Front to the back, to the side if you can, can (Whoa)
    Everybody in the house do the Bartman

    It wasn't long ago, just a couple of weeks
    I got in trouble, yeah, pretty deep
    Homer was yellin' (Bart!) Mom was too
    Because I put mothballs in the beef stew

    Punishment time, in the air lurks gloom
    Sitting by myself, confined to my room
    When all else fails, nothin' else left to do
    I turn on the music, so I can feel the groove

    Move your body, if you've got the notion (Whoa, I'm feelin' the groove now, baby!)
    Front to back in a rock-like motion (Bring it back, whoa!)
    Move you hips from side to side now (Do the Bartman!)
    Don't ya slip, let your feet glide now (Whoa, Lisa, ha!)
    If ya got the groove, ya gotta use it (Ha, ha, ha!)
    Light rhythm in time with the music (Ha, ha, ha, check it out, man)
    You just might start a chain reaction
    If you can do the Bart, you're bad like Michael Jackson

    Everybody, if you can, do the Bartman (Oh, yeah!)
    Shake your body, turn it out if you can, man (Shake yo' body!)
    Front to the back, to the side if you can, can (Huh!)
    Everybody in the house do the Bartman (Yeah, do the Bartman)
    Everybody, if you can, do the Bartman (Everybody, yeah, do the Bartman)
    Shake your body, turn it out if you can, man (Shake it out)
    Front to the back, to the side if you can, can (Whoa, mama!)
    Everybody in the house do the Bartman (I'm bad, I'm bad)

    Do the Bartman (Do the Bartman!)
    Everybody back and forth, from side to side
    Do the Bartman (Do the Bartman!)
    Pick your feet up off the floor, let 'em glide!
    Do the Bartman (Do the Bartman!)
    She can do it, he can do it, so can I
    Do the Bartman (Do the Bartman!)
    Now here's a dance beat that you can't deny

    (Turn it down! Will you stop that infernal racket?!)
    Do the Bartman!
    (Oh, my ears! Lisa! Put that saxophone away! You can't touch this! I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything.)

    Now I'm in the house, feeling good to be home
    'Till Lisa starts blowing that damn saxophone
    And if it was mine, you know they'd take it away
    But still I'm feeling good, so that's okay

    I'm up in my room, just a singin' a song
    Listen to the kick drum, kickin' along
    Yeah, Lisa likes jazz; she's their number one fan
    But I know I'm bad, 'cause I do the Bartman

    Everybody, if you can, do the Bartman (Hey, everybody!)
    Shake your body, turn it out if you can, man (Need I remind you?)
    Front to the back, to the side if you can, can (Uh! I am Bart, Bart-man. Huh)
    Everybody in the house do the Bartman (Shake it out.)

    Do the Bartman (Do the Bartman!)
    Everybody back and forth, from side to side
    Do the Bartman (Do the Bartman!)
    She can do it, he can do it, so can I

    Move your body, if you've got the notion (Move it)
    Front to back in a rock-like motion (Swing it!)
    Move your hips from side to side now
    Don't ya slip, let your feet glide now
    If ya got the groove, ya gotta use it (Dooby, dooby, dooby, dooby, doo, wop, bop, bop!)
    Light rhythm in time with the music (Dabba doo, dabba doo, dab it!)
    You just might start a chain reaction (Dabba dab, doo dab)
    Hee, hee, hee, I'm a Bartman

    Everybody, if you can, do the Bartman (Swing it, baby)
    Shake your body, turn it out if you can, man (Hoo-uh)
    Front to the back, to the side if you can, can. (Oh yeah. I'm bad. Real bad.)
    Everybody in the house do the Bartman (Whoa, mama)
    Everybody, if you can, do the Bartman (Do the Bartman)
    Shake your body, turn it out if you can, man
    Front to the back, to the side if you can, can (Ha, ha!)
    Everybody in the house do the Bartman (Oh yeah!)

    Do the Bartman!
    Move your body, if you've got the notion (You call that dancing? Ha!)
    Front to back in a rock-like motion (Watch this move) (Do the Bartman)
    Move you hips from side to side now (Ooh, uh uh, uh, ai, ai, yeah!) (Everybody in the house do the Bartman)

    Don't ya slip, let your feet glide now (Do the Bartman)
    If ya got the groove, ya gotta use it (Ha, ha, ha! Swing it!)
    Jack your body in time with the music
    You just might start a chain reaction (Eat your heart out, Michael! Woop!)
    Everybody in the house do the Bartman
    Do the Bartman!

    (You're grounded!) (Oh, wow, man!)
Track: Doctor Who Theme
- Doctor Who
- Ron Grainer
- Delia Derbyshire
Duration: 2:36
Track: Dr. Robotnik's Theme (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)
Duration: 0:48
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Mark Simon
- Reed Robbins
Track: Dream lantern
- Your Name
- Yojiro Noda (composition, lyrics)
Duration: 2:11
#track has non-English (Japanese) lyrics, not yet added
Track: Drift Away
- Steven Universe
- Rebecca Sugar
- Aimee Mann
- Aivi & Surasshu
- Sarah Stiles (vocals)
Duration: 3:13
Lyrics: |-
    Here in the garden
    Let's play a game
    I'll show you how it's done

    Here in the garden
    Stand very still
    This'll be so much fun

    And then she smiled
    That's what I'm after
    The smile in her eyes
    The sound of her laughter

    Happy to listen
    Happy to play
    Happily watching her drift

    Happily waiting
    All on my own
    Under the endless sky

    Counting the seconds
    Standing alone
    As thousands of years go by

    Happily wondering
    Night after night
    Is this how it works?
    Am I doing it right?

    Happy to listen
    Happy to stay
    Happily watching her drift

    You keep on turning pages
    For people who don't care, people who don't care
    About you

    And still it takes you ages
    To see that no one's there, see that no one's there
    See that no one's there, everyone's gone on
    Without you

    Finally something
    Finally news
    About how the story ends

    She doesn't exist now
    Survived by her son
    And all of her brand new friends

    Isn't that lovely?
    Isn't that cool?
    And isn't that cruel?
    And aren't I a fool to have
    Happily listened
    Happy to stay
    Happily watching her drift
Track: Duel of the Fates
- Star Wars
- John Williams
Duration: 4:15
Track: Family Guy Main Title
- Family Guy
- Walter Murphy
- Alex Borstein (vocals)
- Mila Kunis (vocals)
- Seth Green (vocals)
- Seth MacFarlane (vocals)
Duration: 0:32
Lyrics: |-
    It seems today that all you see
    Is violence in movies and sex on TV
    But where are those good old-fashioned values
    On which we used to rely?

    Lucky there's a family guy!
    Lucky there's a man who
    Positively can do
    All the things that make us
    Laugh and cry!

    He's our Family Guy!
Track: Fantasy Costco Jingle
- Griffin McElroy
Duration: 0:40
Lyrics: |-
    Fantasy Costco, where all your dreams come true!
    Got a deal for you!
Track: Father
Directory: father-it-follows
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 5:01
- It Follows
- Disasterpeace
Track: Futurama Main Theme
- Futurama
- Christopher Tyng
Duration: 4:58
Sampled Tracks:
- Amen, Brother
# - Psyche Rock
# - Rapper's Delight
# - Funky Buttercup
# - Futurama Pilot
Lyrics: |-
    What is
    What is
    What is the future?

    What is
    What is
    What is the future?

    (Welcome to the world of tommorow!)
    What is
    What is
    What is the future?

    What is
    What is
    What is the future?

    (Future, future)
    (Future, future)
    (Future, future)
    (Welcome to the world of tommorow!)

    (Welcome, welcome)

    3, 2, 1, blast off!

    (1, 2, 1 2 3)

    I'm gonna get 24
    I'm gonna get 24
    I'm gonna get 24th century on his ass

    I'm gonna get 24
    I'm gonna get 24
    I'm gonna get 24th century on his ass

    I'm gonna get 24th century on his ass

    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bender
    I bend girders

    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bender
    I bend girders

    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bender
    I bend girders

    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bender

    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bender
    I bend girders

    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bender
    I bend girders

    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bender
    I bend girders

    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bend—
    I'm a bender
    I bend girders

    1, 2, 3 blast off!

    Welcome, welcome
    Welcome to the world of tommorow!

    Welcome to the world of tommorow!

    Welcome to the world of tommorow!
Track: Ghostbusters
- Ghostbusters
- Ray Parker Jr.
Duration: 4:05
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
Lyrics: |-

    If there's something strange
    In your neighborhood
    Who you gonna call?

    If there's something weird
    And it don't look good
    Who you gonna call?

    I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
    I ain't 'fraid of no ghost

    If you're seeing things
    Running through your head
    Who can you call?

    An invisible man
    Sleepin' in your bed
    Ow! Who you gonna call?

    I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
    I ain't 'fraid of no ghost

    Who you gonna call?
    If you're all alone
    Pick up the phone
    And call

    I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
    Ooh, I hear it likes the girls
    Hm, I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    Who you gonna call?

    Mmm, if you've had a dose of a
    Freaky ghost, baby
    You better call
    Ghostbusters! Ow!

    Lemme tell ya something
    Bustin' makes me feel good

    I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
    I ain't 'fraid of no ghost

    Don't get caught alone, oh no

    When it comes through your door
    Unless you just a-want some more
    I think you better call

    Ow! Who you gonna call?
    Who you gonna call?
    Uh, think you better call
    Ha-ha, who you gonna call?
    I can't hear you, who you gonna call?
    Who you gonna call?
    Who can you call?
    Who you gonna call?
    Uh, it likes the girls too
Track: Good Morning U.S.A.
- American Dad!
- Walter Murphy
- Seth MacFarlane (vocals)
Duration: 1:33
Lyrics: |-
    Good morning U.S.A.!
    I've got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day
    The sun in the sky has a smile on his face
    And he's shining a salute to the American race

    Oh boy, it's swell to say, Good morning U.S.A.!
    Good morning U.S.A.!

    Good morning U.S.A.!
    I've got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day
    The sun in the sky has a smile on his face
    And he's shining a salute to the American race

    Oh boy, it's swell to say, Good morning U.S.A.!
    Good morning U.S.A.!
Track: Goya no Machiawase
- Noragami
- Hello Sleepwalkers
Duration: 2:50
#lyrics are non-english, not added to wiki yet
Track: Gravity Falls Main Title Theme
# Seems to have licensing issues, hard to find official links for
# Not to be confused with a false "full version", 0:41 is all there is
# Source:
- Gravity Falls
- Brad Breeck
Duration: 0:41
Track: Great Days
Duration: 4:02
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
- Yugo Kanno
Track: Haven't You Noticed (I'm A Star)
- Steven Universe
- Rebecca Sugar
- Aivi & Surasshu (arrangement)
- Olivia Olson (vocals)
- Stemage
Duration: 1:05
Lyrics: |-
    I can't help it if I make a scene
    Stepping out of my hot pink limousine
    I'm turning heads, and I'm stopping traffic
    When I pose they scream, and when I joke they laugh

    I've got a pair of eyes that they're getting lost in
    They're hypnotized by the way I'm walking
    I've got them dazzled like a stage magician
    When I point they look, and when I talk they listen, well

    Everybody needs a friend
    And I've got you and you and you
    So many I can't even name them
    Can you blame me? I'm too famous

    Haven't you noticed that I'm a star?
    I'm coming into view as the world is turning
    Haven't you noticed I've made it this far?
    Now everyone can see me burning
    Now everyone can see me burning
    Now everyone can see me burning
Track: Hedwig's Theme
- John Williams
Duration: 5:09
Track: Hello Zepp
- Saw
- Charlie Clouser
Duration: 3:00
Track: How Do I Live
- Con Air
- Diane Warren
- Trisha Yearwood (performance in Con Air)
Duration: 4:02
Lyrics: |-
    How do I
    Get through one night without you?
    If I had to live without you
    What kinda life would that be?

    Oh and I
    I need you in my arms, need you to hold
    You're my world, my heart, my soul
    If you ever leave
    Well, baby you would take away everything
    Good in my life

    Without you
    There'd be no sun in my sky
    There would be no love in my life
    There'd be no world left for me

    And I
    Baby I don't know what I would do
    I'd be lost if I lost you
    If you ever leave
    Baby you would take away everything
    Real in my life

    And tell me now
    How do I live without you?
    I want to know
    How do I breathe without you?
    If you ever go
    How do I ever
    Ever survive?
    How do I, how do I
    Oh how do I live?

    If you ever leave
    Baby you would take away everything
    I need you with me
    Baby 'cause you know that you're everything
    Good in my life

    And tell me now
    How do I live without you?
    I want to know
    How do I breathe without you?
    If you ever go
    How do I ever
    Ever survive?
    How do I, how do I
    Oh how do I live?

    How do I live
    Without you baby

    How do I live...
Track: I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow
- O Brother, Where Art Thou?
- Dan Tyminski (composition, lead vocals, guitar)
- T-Bone Burnett (production)
- Pat Enright (background vocals)
- Harley Allen (background vocals)
Duration: 3:10
Referenced Tracks:
- I'm A Man Of Constant Sorrow
Lyrics: |-
    (In constant sorrow all through his days)

    I am a man of constant sorrow
    I've seen trouble all my days
    I bid farewell to ol' Kentucky
    The place where I was born and raised
    (The place where he was born and raised)

    For six long years I've been in trouble
    No pleasure here on Earth I've found
    For in this world I'm bound to ramble
    I have no friends to help me now
    (He has no friends to help him now)

    It's fare thee well, my old true lover
    I never expect to see you again
    For I'm bound to ride that Northern Railroad
    Perhaps I'll die upon this train
    (Perhaps he'll die upon this train)

    You can bury me in some deep valley
    For many years where I may lay
    And you may learn to love another
    While I am sleeping in my grave
    (While he is sleeping in his grave)

    Maybe your friends think I'm just a stranger
    My face you never will see no more
    But there is one promise that is given
    I'll meet you on God's golden shore
    (He'll meet you on God's golden shore)
Track: I Am the Doctor
- Doctor Who
- Murray Gold
Duration: 4:04
Track: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
Directory: i-dont-want-to-miss-a-thing-aerosmith
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Armageddon
- Diane Warren
- Aerosmith (performance in Armageddon)
Duration: 4:59
Lyrics: |-
    I could stay awake just to hear you breathin'
    Watch you smile while you are sleeping
    While you're far away and dreaming
    I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
    I could stay lost in this moment forever
    Where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

    Don't wanna close my eyes
    I don't wanna fall asleep
    'Cause I'd miss you, babe
    And I don't wanna miss a thing
    'Cause even when I dream of you (Even when I dream)
    The sweetest dream would never do
    I'd still miss you, babe
    And I don't wanna miss a thing

    Lying close to you, feeling your heart beating
    And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
    Wonderin' if it's me you're seeing
    Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
    And I just wanna stay with you
    In this moment forever
    Forever and ever

    I don't wanna close my eyes
    I don't wanna fall asleep
    'Cause I'd miss you, babe
    And I don't wanna miss a thing
    'Cause even when I dream of you (Even when I dream)
    The sweetest dream would never do
    I'd still miss you, babe
    And I don't wanna miss a thing

    I don't wanna miss one smile
    I don't wanna miss one kiss
    Well, I just wanna be with you
    Right here with you, just like this
    I just wanna hold you close
    I feel your heart so close to mine
    And just stay here in this moment
    For all the rest of time
    Yeah, (Yeah) Yeah, (Yeah) Yeah!

    Don't wanna close my eyes
    Don't wanna fall asleep
    'Cause I'd miss you, babe
    And I don't wanna miss a thing
    'Cause even when I dream of you (Even when I dream)
    The sweetest dream would never do
    I'd still miss you, babe
    And I don't wanna miss a thing

    I don't wanna close my eyes
    I don't wanna fall asleep
    'Cause I'd miss you, babe
    And I don't wanna miss a thing
    'Cause even when I dream of you
    The sweetest dream would never do
    I'd still miss you, babe
    And I don't wanna miss a thing

    Don't wanna close my eyes
    I don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
    I don't wanna miss a thing
Track: Inspector Gadget Main Theme
- Inspector Gadget
- Shuki Levy
- Haim Saban
Duration: 1:14
Lyrics: |-
    Inspector Gadget
    Inspector Gadget

    Inspector Gadget
    Inspector Gadget

    Go Gadget go
    Go Gadget go

    Inspector Gadget
    Inspector Gadget

    Go Gadget go
Track: Ironside
- Ironside
- Quincy Jones
Duration: 3:54
Track: Jimmy Neutron Theme Song
# Source:
- 'Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius'
- Brian Causey
Lyrics: |-
    (3, 2, 1!)
    (Gotta blast!)

    From here to the stars
    Fueled by candy bars
    Rides a kid with a knack
    For invention

    With a super-powered mind
    A mechanical canine
    (Bark, bark!)
    He rescues the day from sure destruction

    This is the theme song...

    Of Jimmy Neutron!
    (Bark, bark!)
Track: JoJo ~Sono Chi no Sadame~
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
- Kohei Tanaka (composition)
- Shoko Fujibayashi (arrangement)
- Kow Otani (lyrics)
- Hiroaki Tominaga (vocals)
Duration: 4:24
Lyrics: |-
    (JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!)
    (JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!)

    Sora koboreochita futatsu no hoshi ga (<i>Twin stars spilled in the sky</i>)
    Hikari to yami no minamo suikomareteyuku (<i>that absorb the liquid surface of light and darkness</i>)
    Hikiau yō ni kasanaru hamon (<i>Ripples that overlap like attracting each other</i>)

    Hokori no michi wo yuku mono ni taiyō no michibiki wo (<i>The guidance of the sun to those who go on the path of pride</i>)
    Yabō no hate wo mezasu mono ni ikenie wo (<i>A sacrifice to those who aim for the end of their ambitions</i>)

    (JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!)
    (JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!)

    Furueru hodo kokoro moetsukiru hodo atsuku (<i>A heart that trembles and is heating up enough to burn</i>)
    Sono te kara hanate kodō karada minagiru yūki de (<i>Let it beat from those hands with the courage that fills your body</i>)
    Mayoi naki kakugo ni kassai wo (<i>Cheers for your determination without hesitation</i>)
    Sono chi no sadame (<i>The fate of that blood</i>)

    Sai wa nagerareta susumu shikanai (<i>The die is cast, he has no choice but to advance</i>)
    Kimyō na rasen no naka korogaritsuzukeru (<i>He continues to roll in a strange spiral</i>)
    Eien wo samayō bōkensha (<i>An adventurer who eternally wanders</i>)

    Kyōfu wo mitome tatsu mono ni ōgon no tamashī wo (<i>A golden soul for those who admit his fears</i>)
    Soshite deatta futari no tame ni tatakai wo (<i>And fight for the two who met</i>)

    (JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!)
    (JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!)

    Maku ga aita you na owarinaki monogatari (<i>An endless story that seems to have risen the curtain</i>)
    Inochi ga butsukaru hibana seishun no hibi wo terase yo (<i>The sparks that strike against your life illuminate the days of your youth</i>)
    Kimi to iu mirai ni kōun wo! (<i>Good luck in your future!</i>)
    Sono chi no sadame (<i>The fate of that blood</i>)

    Nidoto hodokenai karamiatta sadame (<i>A entangled fate that never unravels</i>)
    Subete wa koko kara hajimatteita no sa (<i>Everything started here</i>)

    Furueru hodo kokoro moetsukiru hodo atsuku (<i>A heart that trembles and is heating up enough to burn</i>)
    Sono te kara hanate kodō karada minagiru yūki de (<i>Let it beat from those hands with the courage that fills your body</i>)
    Mayoi naki kakugo ni kassai wo! (<i>Cheers for your determination without hesitation</i>)

    Maku ga aita you na owarinaki monogatari (<i>An endless story that seems to have risen the curtain.</i>)
    Inochi ga butsukaru hibana seishun no hibi wo terase yo (<i>The sparks that strike against your life illuminate the days of your youth.</i>)
    Kimi to iu mirai ni kōun wo! (<i>Good luck" in your future!</i>)
    Sono chi no sadame (<i>The fate of that blood</i>)

    (JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!)
    (JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!)
Track: Kinjirareta Asobi
- Rozen Maiden
Duration: 4:27
Lyrics: |-
    Bara no kubiwa tsunagete gin no kusari kuwaete
    Koyoi mo hitori hateru anata ga nikurashii
    Hizamazuite onameyo nigai ai no shizuku wo
    Tenshi ni hodokosu aoi DORESA-JYU

    (<i>Put on the collar of roses, and bite upon the silver chain
    Another one will die tonight - you are despicable
    Kneel down and lick the bitter drops of love
    A blue dressage performed for the Angels</i>)

    Jibun to iu hitsugi no naka kokoro wa mata ugoiteru
    Chigireta hane wa gekkou ni ikikaeri urumu wa
    Yami yori mo kowai no wa kodoku
    Futari no akashi jyuujika no moto de musabori mashou

    (<i>Within the casket called Myself, my soul yet moves
    Torn wings revive in the moonlight and grow wet
    More than darkness solitude is to be feared
    Under the Cross, let us indulge in the proof of our union</i>)

    Bara no tejou hazushite shiroi tekubi kasanete
    Fureau koto no kiseki anata ga itooshii
    Hizamazuite sasageyo itai ai no kotoba wa
    GA-ZE ni nijinda akai ARABESUKU

    (<i>Taking off the rose handcuffs, and holding each others Ewhite wrists
    It is the miracle of our embrace - you are beloved
    Kneel down and offer the painful words of love
    A red arabesque soaking the bandages</i>)

    Tsumidemo ii suki to itte kindan no kuchibiru wo

    (<i>Even if it's a sin, say that you love me with your forbidden lips</i>)

    Sekai wa sobietatsu oshiro GE-TO wo akeru no wa kami
    Sonna fuuni michibiki tsuzukete soshite watashi no me wo
    Susaidara dareyori yasashiku
    Namae wo yonde sonotoki shiru desho eien no imi wo

    (<i>The World is a looming castle, its gates opened by God
    In that way I will lead you, and if you fill up my eyes
    More gently than anyone call out my name
    When that happens you will know the meaning of eternity</i>)

    Bara no yubiwa majiete kawa no RIBON musunde
    Kagami no ma no butoukai subete ga kuruoshii
    Mayoikonde satoreyo meguru ai no rekishi wo
    Namida de kazarou kuroi MARIA-JYU

    (<i>Cross the rose rings and tie the leather ribbon
    It's a ball held in the Room of Mirrors - everything is maddening
    Go astray and be enlightened in the history of turning love
    A black marriage decorated with tears</i>)

    Uso de wa iya suki to itte jyunketsu no kuchibiru de

    (<i>I hate lies - tell me you love me with chaste lips</i>)

    Bara no kubiwa tsunagete gin no kusari kuwaete
    Koyoi mo hitori hateru anata ga nikurashii
    Hizamazuite onameyo nigai ai no shizuku wo
    Tenshi ni hodokosu aoi DORESA-JYU

    (<i>Put on the collar of roses, and bite upon the silver chain
    Another one will die tonight - you are despicable
    Kneel down and lick the bitter drops of love
    A blue dressage performed for the Angels</i>)

    Bara no tejou hazushite shiroi tekubi kasanete
    Fureau koto no kiseki anata ga itooshii
    Hizamazuite sasageyo itai ai no kotoba wa
    GA-ZE ni nijinda akai ARABESUKU

    (<i>Taking off the rose handcuffs, and holding each others Ewhite wrists
    It is the miracle of our embrace - you are beloved
    Kneel down and offer the painful words of love
    A red arabesque soaking the bandages</i>)

    Kokoro kara suki to iu wa kegare naki kuchizuke wo

    (<i>Say that you truly love me with a pure kiss!</i>)
Track: Komm, süsser Tod
Directory: komm-susser-tod
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Shiro Sagisu
Duration: 7:40
Lyrics: |-
    I know, I know I've let you down
    I've been a fool to myself
    I thought that I could
    live for no one else
    But now through all the hurt & pain
    It's time for me to respect
    the ones you love
    mean more than anything
    So with sadness in my heart
    (I) feel the best thing I could do
    is end it all
    and leave forever
    what's done is done it feels so bad
    what once was happy now is sad
    I'll never love again
    my world is ending

    I wish that I could turn back time
    cause' now the guilt is all mine
    can't live without
    the trust from those you love
    I know we can't forget the past
    you can't forget love & pride
    because of that, it's killing me inside

    It all returns to nothing, it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
    It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down
    In my heart of hearts
    I know that I could never love again
    I've lost everything
    everything that matters to me, matters in this world

    I wish that I could turn back time
    cuz now the guilt is all mine
    can't live without
    the trust from those you love
    I know we can't forget the past
    you can't forget love & pride
    because of that, it's killing me inside

    It all returns to nothing, it just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
    It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down
    It all returns to nothing, it just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
    It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down
Track: Lapis Lazuli
- Steven Universe
- Hellen Jo
- Aivi & Surasshu (arrangement)
- Zach Callison (vocals)
- Stemage (guitar)
Duration: 0:35
Lyrics: |-
    She was trapped in a mirror
    And it couldn't be clearer
    She wanted to leave this place
    And get herself back in space

    And dad you might think she's a criminal
    But her friendship comes through subliminal
    Lapis Lazuli, you fled into the bottom of the sea
    Lapis Lazuli, you were so mad, but then you came around to me
Track: Let's Watch the Show
# Full version of the OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes theme song
- Ian Jones-Quartey
- Jake Kaufman
Duration: 3:47
Lyrics: |-
    Who's got a clue
    Where I'm going
    Of where I've been?

    I can't stop with you
    'Cause where you're going
    Is where I win

    We're meant to be a team
    Our power flows like a stream
    I never thought I'd find my dream
    And I dream of never letting go

    OK K.O.!
    It's good looking out
    It's what we're about
    Ohhh Ohh

    OK K.O.!
    You always provide
    A mind open wide
    Let's start the show!

    OK K.O.!
    You fight to the end
    You are my best friend
    Let's be heroes!

    Who's got the loot
    To get attention
    And take control?

    Who gives a hoot?
    I got my friends and
    I'm on a roll

    Just on my own
    I'm not so bad but
    I'm not at my best

    Just hold the phone
    If we're all here then
    Ain't no problem left

    With you, I save the day
    The only move's a power play
    I've never had a better crew
    And my crew has so much work to do

    OK K.O.!
    It's good looking out
    It's what we're about
    Ohhh Ohh

    OK K.O.!
    You always provide
    A mind open wide
    Let's start the show!

    OK K.O.!
    You fight to the end
    You are my best friend
    Let's be heroes!

    OK K.O.!
    Let's be heroes

    Guess who's coming right back again…
    Just when you thought you had him down…
    That's my man, He gonna…

    Gonna get-cha when I think you're gonna get back,
    Gonna get-cha when I think you're gonna get back,
    Gonna get-cha when I think you're gonna get back,
    K-O, K-O, TIME!

    OK K.O.!
    It's good looking out
    It's what we're about
    Ohhh Ohh

    OK K.O.!
    You always provide
    A mind open wide
    Let's start the show!

    OK K.O.!
    You fight to the end
    You are my best friend
    Let's be heroes!

    OK K.O.!
    Let's start the show!
Track: '"Libera me" from hell'
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
- Taku Iwasaki
Duration: 4:43
Lyrics: |-
    (Requiem æternam, dona eis, Domine) (<i>Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord</i>)

    Do the impossible, see the invisible
    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable
    Row! Row! Fight the power!

    Power to the peeps, power for the dreams
    Still missing piece scattering, so incomplete
    We be the most incredible soldier from underground
    See how easy they all fall down

    Digging to the core to see the light
    Let's get out of here babe, that's the way to survive
    Ya top of the head, I'm on the set
    Do the impossible, don't you wanna bet?

    'Cause a lot of things changed, we be waiting in vain
    If you wanna get by, no pain no gain
    Wow, fakers wanna test me again
    Sorry, my rhyme's gonna snatch your brain yo

    I'm so sorry for the straight up skill
    We gonna, make it a-happen with the crazy rap skill
    Get ready to rumble, now would be the time, uh huh
    If you ain't know, now you know
    Good luck fellas!

    (Libera me, Domine, de morte æterna) (<i>Deliver me, O Lord, from death eternal</i>)
    (In die illa tremenda, in die illa) (<i>On that fearful day, on that day</i>)
    (Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra) (<i>When the heavens and the earth shall be moved</i>)
    (Dum veneris judicare) (<i>When thou shalt come to judge</i>)
    (Sæculum per ignem) (<i>The world by fire</i>)
    (Tremens factus sum ego et timeo) (<i>I am made to tremble, and I fear</i>)
    (Dum discussio venerit atque ventura ira) (<i>Till the judgment be upon us, and the coming wrath</i>)

    Second verse dedicates to the real peeps
    What we got to say is so real thing 'cause
    Revolution ain't never gonna televise
    Kicking the mad flow, microphone phenotype

    Open your third eye, seeing through the overground
    I'm about to hit you with a scream from underground
    Whole city's covered with a cyber flavor
    "G" is in your area, one of the toughest enigma

    (Dies illa, dies iræ) (<i>That day, day of wrath</i>)
    (Calamitatis et miseriæ) (<i>Calamity and misery</i>)

    Do the impossible, see the invisible
    (Dies illa) (<i>That day</i>)
    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable
    (Dies magna) (<i>Great day</i>)
    Row! Row! Fight the power!

    What you gonna do is what you wanna do
    (Et amara valde) (<i>Of exceeding bitterness</i>)
    Just break the roof, then you see the truth
    This is the theme of "G" coming through baby!
    (Et amara valde) (<i>Of exceeding bitterness</i>)
    Row! Row! Fight the power!

    Fight the power!

    Do the impossible, see the invisible
    (Requiem æternam) (<i>Rest eternal</i>)
    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable
    Row! Row! Fight the power!

    What you gonna do is what you wanna do
    (Dona eis Domine) (<i>Grant unto them, O Lord</i>)
    Just break the roof, then you see the truth
    (Row! Row! Fight the power!)
    This is the theme of "G" coming through baby!
    Row! Row! Fight the power!

    Do the impossible, see the invisible
    (Requiem æternam) (<i>Rest eternal</i>)
    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable
    Row! Row! Fight the power!

    What you gonna do is what you wanna do
    (Dona eis Requiem) (<i>Grant unto them rest</i>)
    Just break the roof, then you see the truth
    (Row! Row! Fight the power!)
    This is the theme of "G" coming through baby!
    Row! Row! Fight the power!

    What you gonna do is what you wanna do
    (Et lux perpetua luceat eis) (<i>And let light perpetual shine upon them</i>)
    Just break the roof, then you see the truth
    This is the theme of "G" coming through baby!
    Row! Row! Fight the power!

    Do the impossible, see the invisible
    (Libera me, Domine) (<i>Deliver me, O Lord</i>)
    Row! Row! Fight the power!

    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    (Libera me, Domine) (<i>Deliver me, O Lord</i>)
    Row! Row! Fight the power!

    Row! Row! Fight the power!
    Row! Row! Fight the power!
Track: Love Theme from Spartacus
- Alex North
- Yusef Lateef
- Yusef Lateef (performance)
Duration: 4:15
Referenced Tracks:
- Spartacus Love Theme
Track: Mailtime
Directory: mailtime-blues-clues
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Blue's Clues
- Nick Balaban
- Stephen Burns (vocals)
Duration: 0:15
Lyrics: |-

    Here's the mail it never fails
    It makes me wanna wag my tail
    When it comes I wanna wail
Track: Mandark's Plan
- Dexter's Laboratory
- YZ
Duration: 3:31
Track: Meet the Flintstones
- The Flintstones
- Hoyt Curtin
- William Hanna
- Joseph Barbera
Duration: 0:35
Lyrics: |-

    Flintstones, meet the Flintstones
    They're the modern Stone Age family
    From the town of Bedrock
    They're a page right out of history

    Let's ride with the family down the street
    Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet

    When you're with the Flintstones
    Have a yabba-dabba-doo time
    A dabba-doo time
    We'll have a gay old time!
Track: Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow
- Shelly Palmer
- Tom McFaul
- Linda November (meows)
Duration: 0:30
Lyrics: |-
    I want turkey
    salmon and chicken
    oceanfish flavors
    keep me lickin'
    I want turkey
    salmon and chicken
    oceanfish flavors
    keep me singin'

    Now you know
    the cat's meow
    means Meow Mix
    Meow Mix
    meow, meow, meow

    Meow Mix
Track: Merry-Go-Round of Life
# Also known as the Howl's Moving Castle main theme
# Reference:'s_Moving_Castle_CD_Maxi-Single
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Joe Hisaishi
Duration: 5:11
Track: My Favorite Things
- The Sound of Music
- Richard Rodgers (composition)
- Oscar Hammerstein II (lyrics)
Track: 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Theme'
- My Little Pony
- Daniel Ingram
- Lauren Faust (lyrics)
- Shannon Chan-Kent (vocals)
- Rebecca Shoichet (vocals)
- Ashleigh Ball (vocals)
- Kazumi Evans (vocals)
- Andrea Libman (vocals)
Duration: 1:54
Referenced Tracks:
- My Little Pony Theme
Lyrics: |-
    My Little Pony, My Little Pony
    Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh...

    My Little Pony!
    I used to wonder what friendship could be
    My Little Pony!
    Until you all shared its magic with me

    Big adventure!
    Tons of fun!
    A beautiful heart
    Faithful and strong!
    Sharing kindness!

    It's an easy feat!
    And magic makes it all complete!

    You have my little ponies
    Do you know you're all my very best friends?
Track: My Little Pony Theme
- My Little Pony
- Ford Klinder
- Anne Bryant
- Barry Harman (lyrics)
Duration: 0:44
Lyrics: |-
    My Little Pony, My Little Pony
    What will today's adventure be?
    My Little Pony, My Little Pony
    Will there be exciting sights to see?

    Where will you wander? Hither and yonder
    Letting your heart be your guide
    My Little Pony, My Little Pony
    I'll be there right by your side
    I'll be there right by your side
Track: My Name is Doof
- Phineas and Ferb
- Chris Headrick
- Danny Jacob
- Dan Povenmire (vocals)
Track: No More Nuzzles
- 'UNDERTALE: Halloween Hack'
- Lunaxis
Duration: 4:38
Track: No, Thank You! (From "K-On!!")
- K-On
- Ho-Kago Tea Time
Duration: 4:17
Lyrics: |-
    Howaitoboodo de hishimekiau
    Rakugaki jiyuu na negaigoto
    Houkago no chaimu yuuhi ni hibiite mo
    Yumemiru pawaa disurenai ne ainiku

    (<i>We jostle each other around the whiteboard
    Making graffiti of our free wishes
    Even if the after school chime echoes in the setting sun
    You can’t diss the power to dream, unfortunately</i>)

    Let’s sing motto motto motto koe takaku
    Kuchibiru ni kibou tazusaete
    Waado hanatsu sono tabi hikari ni naru
    Watashi-tachi no kakera

    (<i>Let’s sing with a louder, louder, louder voice
    Carry hope on your lips
    Every time when you release words, they turn into light
    They’re our pieces</i>)

    Omoide nante iranai yo
    Datte “ima” tsuyoku, fukaku aishiteru kara
    Omoide hitaru otona no you na kanbi na zeitaku
    Mada chotto…enryoshitai no

    (<i>I don’t need memories
    Because I firmly and deeply love “now”
    Getting immersed in my memories is a sweet, adult-like luxury
    But not yet…I want to hold back from it</i>)

    Kokoro no nooto maakaa hikimidarete
    Osareru to nakisou na pointo bakka
    Itami yorokobi minna to iru to
    Mugen no ribaavu de sasaru fushigi

    (<i>Drawing wildly with a marker in the notebook of my heart
    It only has points about how I feel like crying when I get pushed
    When I’m with everyone, pain and joy
    Stick in me with an infinite reverb, how strange</i>)

    Let’s fly zutto zutto zutto kanata made
    Kauntodaun matenai yabou oikaze ni
    Biito kizamu sono tabi purachina ni naru
    Watashi-tachi no tsubasa

    (<i>Let’s fly always, always, always to the yonder
    Our ambition can’t wait for the countdown in the tailwind
    Every time when I mark the beats, they turn platinum
    They’re our wings</i>)

    Yakusoku nante iranai yo
    Datte “ima” igai, dare mo ikirenai kara
    Yakusoku hoshigaru kodomo no you na mujaki na zeijaku
    Mou tokku ni…sotsugyoushita no

    (<i>I don’t need promises
    Because no one can live besides “now”
    Desiring promises is an innocent, child-like frailty
    I’ve already long since…graduated from it</i>)

    Itsu made mo doko made mo kitto kikoetsuzukeru
    Eien sae iranai no ni naze nakusesou ni nai
    Our Splendid Songs

    (<i>Forever, at any place, I’ll certainly keep listening
    Even though I don’t even need eternity, why can’t I seem to lose it?
    Our Splendid Songs</i>)

    Let’s sing motto motto motto koe karete mo
    Kuchibiru de kono toki tataete
    Ruuto onaji chizu mochi meguriaeta
    Watashi-tachi no kizuna

    (<i>Let’s sing more, more, more, even if our voices grow hoarse
    Praise this moment with your lips
    Having maps with the same routes, we were able to encounter each other
    It’s our bond</i>)

    NO, Thank You! Omoide nante iranai yo
    Datte “ima” tsuyoku, fukaku aishiteru kara
    Omoide hitaru otona no you na kanbi na zeitaku
    Mada chotto…enryoshitai no

    (<i>NO, Thank You! I don’t need memories
    Because I firmly and deeply love “now”
    Getting immersed in my memories is a sweet, adult-like luxury
    But not yet…I want to hold back from it</i>)
Track: The Nutshack Intro
- The Nutshack
- Sean Burnes
Cover Artists:
- The Nutshack
Duration: 1:06
Lyrics: |-
    It's the Nutshack! (Yo.) (Yee, yee.)
    It's the Nutshack! (What he say?) (Hooaugh!) (Hey...)
    It's the Nutshack! (Oh yeah!) (Ye-yeah!)
    It's the Nutshack! (Hey, I'm in that shit!) (Yeah, it's the Nutshack...)
    It's the Nutshack! (Don't forget your boy Angel!)
    It's the Nutshack! (It's the Nutshack!) (Rainbow Scout...)
    It's the Nutshack! (It's the Nutshack!) (Yeah!)
    It's the Nutshack! (It's the Nutshack.)
    It's the Nutshack! (Hey!)
    It's the Nutshack! (This beat's knockin'!)
    It's the Nutshack!
    It's the Nutshack!

    Phil's from the soul, Jack's from the P.I
    Horatio the Horat so big-eyed
    Tito Dick, "Dickman" baby
    He raised Phil and loves the ladies

    Jack is cool and he's lazy, he's still learnin'
    Otherwise Cherry Pie, he's still a virgin (Ooh.)
    Chita, meet the freak of the week-ah (Week-ah!)
    Phil's homegirl, God Jack wanna keep her

    But it's not happenin' neither (No), shake it like a seizure
    Hold on, let me spark this, take a breather (Yeaaah-hahah!)
    Breathe the reefer in my lungs
    I got grapes, what you watching, son-sah?

    It's the Nutshack! (Yah!)
    It's the Nutshack! (Aaah!)
    It's the Nutshack!
    It's the Nutshack!
Track: Over the Rainbow
- The Wizard of Oz
- Harold Arlen (composition)
- Yip Harburg (lyrics)
- Judy Garland (performance)
Duration: 2:45
Lyrics: |-
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Way up high
    There's a land that I heard of
    Once in a lullaby

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Skies are blue
    And the dreams that you dare to dream
    Really do come true

    Someday I'll wish upon a star
    And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    Away above the chimney tops
    That's where you'll find me

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Bluebirds fly
    Birds fly over the rainbow
    Why, then, oh, why can't I?

    If happy little bluebirds fly
    Beyond the rainbow
    Why, oh, why can't I?
Track: Part Of Your World
- The Little Mermaid
- Alan Menken (composition)
- Howard Ashman (lyrics)
- Jodi Benson (vocals)
Duration: 3:08
Lyrics: |-
    (Maybe he's right, maybe there is something the matter with me)
    (I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad)

    Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?
    Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
    Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
    The girl who has everything?

    Look at this trove, treasures untold
    How many wonders can one cavern hold?
    Looking around here you'd think
    (Sure) she's got everything

    I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
    I've got whozits and whatzits galore
    You want thingamabobs? I've got twenty!
    But who cares? No big deal
    I want more

    I wanna be where the people are
    I wanna see, wanna see 'em dancin'
    Walking around on those
    (What do you call 'em? Oh, feet)

    Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far
    Legs are required for jumping, dancing
    Strolling along down the
    (What's that word again?)

    Up where they walk, up where they run
    Up where they stay all day in the sun
    Wanderin' free, wish I could be
    Part of that world

    What would I give if I could live out of these waters?
    What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?
    Betcha on land, they understand
    Bet they don't reprimand their daughters
    Bright young women, sick of swimmin'
    Ready to stand

    And ready to know what the people know
    Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
    What's a fire and why does it, what's the word

    When's it my turn?
    Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above?
    Out of the sea, wish I could be
    Part of that world
Track: Passionate Duelists
# JP: 熱き決闘者たち
# Official release:
#   遊戯王デュエルモンスターズ オリジナルサウンドトラック 決闘I
#   Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters: Original Soundtrack Duel I
# Reference:
- Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Shinkichi Mitsumune
Duration: 1:37
Track: Peace and Love on the Planet Earth
- Steven Universe
- Rebecca Sugar
- Jeff Liu
- Zach Callison (vocals)
- Shelby Rabara (vocals)
- Deedee Magno-Hall (vocals)
- Michaela Dietz (vocals)
- Estelle Swaray (vocals)
Duration: 1:52
Lyrics: |-
    Life and death and love and birth
    And peace and war on the planet Earth
    Is there anything that's worth more
    Than peace and love on the planet Earth

    Ohwhooah, come on and sing it with me (Sing?)
    The words relate to the key Key?)
    If it's a pattern, if it's a pattern
    Then just repeat after me

    Life and death and love and birth
    Life and death and love and birth
    Now you sing mi-fa-mi-mi-fa-mi-ti-la!
    And peace and war on the planet Earth

    (Yes, yes! That's it!)
    (That's so easy.)
    (Yeah, but that's what's fun about it.)
    (You should write something, you should write a song!)
    (About what?)
    (Whatever you're thinking!)

    I guess we're already here
    I guess we already know
    We've all got something to fear
    We've all got nowhere to go

    I think you're all INSANE!
    But I guess I am too
    Anybody would be
    If they were stuck on Earth with you

    (Hahaha yes!)
    Life and death and love and birth and-
    Life and death and love and birth and-
    Life and death and love and birth and
    Peace and war on the planet Earth

    Is there anything that's worth more?
    Is there anything that's worth more?
    Is there anything that's worth more
    Than peace and love on the planet Earth
Track: Pokémon Theme (Gotta Catch 'Em All)
Directory: pokemon-theme
- artist:pokemon
- John Siegler
- John Loeffler
- Jason Paige (vocals)
Duration: 3:18
Lyrics: |-
    I wanna be the very best
    Like no one ever was
    To catch them is my real test
    To train them is my cause

    I will travel across the land
    Searching far and wide
    Teach Pokémon to understand
    The power that's inside

    Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all! (It's you and me)
    I know it's my destiny
    Pokémon! Oh you're my best friend
    In a world we must defend
    Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all! (A heart so true)
    Our courage will pull us through

    You teach me and I'll teach you
    Pokémon! Gotta catch'em all! (Gotta catch 'em all!)


    Every challenge along the way
    With courage I will face
    I will battle every day
    To claim my rightful place
    Come with me,
    The time is right
    There's no better team
    Arm in arm we'll win the fight!
    It's always been our dream!

    Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all! (It's you and me)
    I know it's my destiny
    Pokémon! Oh you're my best friend
    In a world we must defend
    Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all! (A heart so true)
    Our courage will pull us through

    You teach me and I'll teach you
    Pokémon! Gotta catch'em all! (Gotta catch 'em all!)

    Gotta catch'em all!

    Gotta catch'em all!
    Gotta catch'em all! Yeah!

    Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all! (It's you and me)
    I know it's my destiny
    Pokémon! Oh you're my best friend
    In a world we must defend
    Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all! (A heart so true)
    Our courage will pull us through

    You teach me and I'll teach you,
    Pokémon! Gotta catch'em all! (Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon!)
Track: Potato Knishes
- Ratboy Genius
- Ryan Dorin
Duration: 1:20
Lyrics: |-
    Potato knishes
    Potato knishes
    I love potato knishes

    This machine creates potato knishes
    This is where I make potato knishes
    The magic and the mystery
    Of potato knishes

    Little black squash balls
    This machine creates little black squash balls
    It turns potato pancakes
    Into little black squash balls

    This is where I make centipedes
    I sure love to make centipedes
    I turn little black worms
    Into centipedes
    I turn little black worms
    Into centipedes
Track: The Power of Love
- Back to the Future
- Huey Lewis and the News
Duration: 3:53
Lyrics: |-
    The power of love is a curious thing
    Make a one man weep, make another man sing
    Change a hawk to a little white dove
    More than a feeling, that's the power of love

    Tougher than diamonds, rich like cream
    Stronger and harder than a bad girl's dream
    Make a bad one good, make a wrong one right
    Power of love that keeps you home at night

    You don't need money, don't take fame
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    It's strong and it's sudden and it's cruel sometimes
    But it might just save your life
    That's the power of love
    That's the power of love

    First time you feel it, it might make you sad
    Next time you feel it, it might make you mad
    But you'll be glad baby when you've found
    That's the power makes the world go 'round

    And it don't take money, don't take fame
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    It's strong and it's sudden, it can be cruel sometimes
    But it might just save your life

    They say that all in love is fair
    Yeah, but you don't care
    But you know what to do
    When it gets hold of you
    And with a little help from above
    You feel the power of love
    You feel the power of love
    Can you feel it?

    It don't take money and it don't take fame
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Tougher than diamonds and stronger than steel
    You won't feel nothin' till you feel
    You feel the power, just feel the power of love
    That's the power, that's the power of love
    You feel the power of love
    You feel the power of love
    Feel the power of love
Track: Pust' begut neuklyuzhe
- Cheburashka
- Vladimir Shainsky
- Vasily Livanov
- Vladimir Ferapontov
- Alexander Timofeevskiy
Duration: 1:36
Lyrics: |-
    Пусть бегут неуклюже
    Пешеходы по лужам,
    А вода по асфальту рекой
    И не ясно прохожим
    В этот день непогожий,
    Отчего я веселый такой

    (<i>Let pedestrians stumble
    Through the rain into puddles,
    And the water in rivers run by,
    And the passers-by wonder
    How on earth in this weather
    One can stand here as cheerful as I</i>)

    А я играю на гармошке
    У прохожих на виду
    К сожаленью, день рожденья
    Только раз в году

    (<i>But I'll play on my accordion
    Well in sight of those passing near.
    How unlucky that our birthdays
    Come only once per year</i>)

    Прилетит вдруг волшебник
    В голубом вертолете,
    И бесплатно покажет кино
    С днем рождения поздравит
    И конечно, подарит
    Мне в подарок пятьсот "эскимо"

    (<i>A magician from nowhere
    Will appear in a chopper
    And he'll show us a movie for free
    And he'll say "Happy birthday!"
    And will leave me, I wager,
    Half a thousand bars of ice cream</i>)

    А я играю на гармошке
    У прохожих на виду
    К сожаленью, день рожденья
    Только раз в году

    (<i>But I'll play on my accordion
    Well in sight of those passing near.
    How unlucky that our birthdays
    Come only once per year</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Jebb:</i> (wiki editor, around 11/20/2023)
    Original title: "Пусть бегут неуклюже"
Track: Rainbow Connection
- The Muppets
- Paul Williams
- Kenneth Ascher
- Jim Henson (vocals)
Duration: 3:15
Lyrics: |-
    Why are there so many
    Songs about rainbows
    And what's on the other side?
    Rainbows are visions
    But only illusions
    And rainbows have nothing to hide

    So we've been told and some choose to believe it
    I know they're wrong wait and see
    Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection
    The lovers, the dreamers and me

    Who said that every wish
    Would be heard and answered
    When wished on the morning star?
    Somebody thought of that
    And someone believed it
    Look what it's done so far

    What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing
    And what do we think we might see?
    Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection
    The lovers, the dreamers and me

    All of us under its spell
    We know that it's probably magic

    Have you been half asleep
    And have you heard voices?
    I've heard them calling my name
    Is this the sweet sound
    That calls the young sailors?
    The voice might be one and the same

    I've heard it too many times to ignore it
    It's something that I'm supposed to be
    Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection
    The lovers, the dreamers and me

    Da-da-da-dee-da-da dum
Track: The Raising Fighting Spirit
- Naruto
- Toshio Masuda
Duration: 1:36
Track: Ratboy Genius Theme Song
- Ratboy Genius
- Ryan Dorin
Duration: 2:12
Lyrics: |-
    Knock knock!
    It's me the Ratboy Genius!
    I just came over to say hi.
    I am the little Ratboy Genius.
    I hope we have a happy time.
    Wee! I am the Ratboy Genius!
    Wee! I am the Ratboy Genius!
    I live in Ratboy's Kingdom.
    Yay for me the Ratboy Genius!
Track: Red Like Roses Part II
- Jeff Williams
- Casey Lee Williams (vocals)
- Sandy Lee Casey (vocals)
Duration: 4:02
Lyrics: |-
    I couldn't take it, couldn't stand another minute
    Couldn't bear another day without you in it
    All of the joy that I had known for all my life
    Was stripped away from me the minute that you died

    To have you in my life was all I ever wanted
    But now without you I'm a soul forever haunted
    Can't help but feel that I had taken you for granted
    No way in hell that I can ever comprehend this

    I wasn't dreaming when they told me you were gone
    I was wide awake and feeling that they had to be wrong
    How could you leave me when you swore that you would stay?
    Now I'm trapped inside a nightmare every single f'ing day

    It's like a movie, but there's not a happy ending
    Every scene fades black, and there's no pretending
    This little fairy tale doesn't seem to end well
    There's no knight in shining armor who will wake me from the spell

    I know you didn't plan this
    You tried to do what's right
    But in the middle of this madness
    I'm the one you left to win this fight

    Red like roses
    Fills my head with dreams and finds me
    Always closer
    To the emptiness and sadness
    That has come to take the place of you

    I know you're broken down by anger and by sadness
    You feel I left you in a world that's full of madness
    Wish I could talk to you, if only for a minute
    Make you understand the reasons why I did it

    I wanna tell you that you're all that ever mattered
    Want you to know that, for eternity, I'm shattered
    I tried so hard just to protect you, but I failed to
    And in a prison of abandonment I've jailed you

    I never planned that I would leave you there alone
    I was sure that I would see you when I made it back home
    And all the times I swore that it would be okay
    Now I'm nothing but a liar, and you're thrown into the fray

    This bedtime story ends with misery ever after
    The pages are torn, and there's no final chapter
    I didn't have a choice, I did what I had to do
    I made a sacrifice, but forced a bigger sacrifice on you

    I know you've lived a nightmare
    I caused you so much pain
    But, baby, please don't do what I did
    I don't want you to waste your life in vain

    Red like roses
    Fills my head with dreams and finds me
    Always closer
    To the emptiness and sadness
    That has come to take the place of you.

    You're not the only one who needed me; I thought you understood
    You were the one I needed, and you left me as I always feared you would
    Would I change it if I could?
    Both voices: It doesn't matter how
    The petals scatter now
    Every nightmare just discloses
    It's your blood that's red like roses
    And no matter what I do
    Nothing ever takes the place of you

    Red like roses
    Fills my head with dreams and finds me
    Always closer
    To the emptiness and sadness
    That has come to take the place of you
Track: Renai Circulation
- Monogatari
- Satoru Kōsaki
- Megumi Hinata (lyrics)
- Kana Hanazawa (vocals)
Duration: 4:15
Lyrics: |-
    se~no (<i>Ready, set...</i>)

    demo sonnanja dame (<i>But that's not good enough</i>)
    mou sonnanja hora (<i>Look, that's not it anymore</i>)
    kokoro wa shinka suru yo motto motto (<i>My heart will evolve more and more</i>)

    kotoba ni sureba kiechau kankei (<i>If put into words, the relationship disappears</i>)
    nara kotoba wo keseba iiyatte (<i>If so, I thought it'd be better to erase the words</i>)
    omotteta? osoreteta? (<i>Did you think? Were you scared?</i>)
    dakedo are! nanka chigau kamo (<i>But wait! It might be different</i>)
    senri no michi mo ippo kara (<i>Even a thousand-mile journey starts with a single step</i>)
    ishi no youni katai sonna ishi de (<i>With a will as strong as a rock</i>)
    chiri mo tsumoreba yamato nadeshiko? (<i>If dust accumulates, will it become the ideal Japanese woman?</i>)
    [shi] nuki de, iya shinukide! (<i>Without the "death" part, no, on the verge of death!</i>)

    fuwa-fuwari fuwa-fuwaru (<i>Softly, gently floating</i>)
    anata ga namae wo yobu sore dakede chuu he uka bu (<i>When you call my name, just that makes me float in the air</i>)
    fuwa-fuwaru fuwa-fuwari (<i>Gently floating, softly</i>)
    anata ga waratte iru sore dakede egao ni naru (<i>When you smile, just that makes me happy</i>)

    kami-sama arigatou unmei no itazura demo (<i>Thank you, God, even if it's fate's mischief</i>)
    meguri aeta koto ga shiawase nano (<i>Meeting you is my happiness</i>)

    demo sonnanja dame (<i>But that's not good enough</i>)
    mou sonnanja hora (<i>Look, that's not it anymore</i>)
    kokoro wa shinka suru yo motto motto (<i>My heart will evolve more and more</i>)
    sou sonnanja yada (<i>Yeah, I don't like that</i>)
    nee sonnanja mada (<i>Hey, that's not it yet</i>)
    watashi no koto mitetene zutto zutto (<i>Keep looking at me forever and ever</i>)

    watashi no naka no anata hodo anata no naka no watashi no sonzai ha (<i>The me inside you is not as big as the you inside me</i>)
    mada mada ooki kunai koto mo kaitteru keredo (<i>It's written that it's not that big yet</i>)
    ima kono onaji shunkan (<i>Now, in this same moment</i>)
    kyouyuu sh-teru jikan (<i>The time we're sharing</i>)
    chiri mo tsumoreba yamato nadeshiko? (<i>If dust accumulates, will it become the ideal Japanese woman?</i>)
    ryakushi te chiritsu mo yama to nadeshiko (nadeko)! (<i>Shortening it, the accumulation becomes a mountain and dianthus (Nadeko)!</i>)

    kura-kurari kura-kuraru (<i>Dizzyingly, spinning around</i>)
    anata wo miagetara sore dakede mabushi sugite (<i>When I look up at you, just that is too dazzling</i>)
    kura-kuraru kura-kurari (<i>Spinning around, dizzyingly</i>)
    anata wo omotte iru (<i>Thinking of you</i>)
    sore dakede tokete shimau (<i>Just that makes me melt</i>)

    kami-sama arigatou unmei no itazura demo (<i>Thank you, God, even if it's fate's mischief</i>)
    meguri aeta koto ga shiawase nano (<i>Meeting you is my happiness</i>)

    koi suru kisetsu wa yokubari circulation (<i>The season of love is a greedy circulation</i>)
    koi suru kimochi wa yokubari circulation (<i>The feeling of love is a greedy circulation</i>)
    koi suru hitomi wa yokubari circulation (<i>The eyes in love are a greedy circulation</i>)
    koi suru otome wa yokubari circulation (<i>The maiden in love is a greedy circulation</i>)

    fuwa-fuwari fuwa-fuwaru (<i>Softly, gently floating</i>)
    anata ga namae wo yobu sore dakede chuu he uka bu (<i>When you call my name, just that makes me float in the air</i>)
    fuwa-fuwaru fuwa-fuwari (<i>Gently floating, softly</i>)
    anata ga waratte iru sore dakede egao ni naru (<i>When you smile, just that makes me happy</i>)

    kami-sama arigatou unmei no itazura demo (<i>Thank you, God, even if it's fate's mischief</i>)
    meguri aeta koto ga shiawase nano (<i>Meeting you is my happiness</i>)

    demo sonnanja dame (<i>But that's not good enough</i>)
    mou sonnanja hora (<i>Look, that's not it anymore</i>)
    kokoro wa shinka suru yo motto motto (<i>My heart will evolve more and more</i>)
    sou sonnanja yada (<i>Yeah, I don't like that</i>)
    nee sonnanja mada (<i>Hey, that's not it yet</i>)
    watashi no koto mitetene zutto zutto! ~ (<i>Keep looking at me forever and ever!</i>)
Track: Reverse Situation
- Naruto
- Yasuharu Takanashi
Duration: 4:01
Track: Ride on the Magic School Bus
- Magic School Bus
- Peter Lurye (composition)
- Little Richard (performance)
Duration: 1:02
Lyrics: |-
   (Seatbelts, everyone!)
   (Please let this be a normal field trip...)
   (With the Friz?)
   (No way!)

   Cruising on that main street
   You're relaxed, and feeling good (Yeah!)
   Next thing that you know
   You're seeing (Wah-ha-ha-ha-hoo!)
   An octopus in the neighborhood?

   Surfing on a sound wave
   Swinging through the stars (Yeehaw!)
   Take a left at your intestine
   Take your second right past Mars
   On the Magic School Bus
   Navigate a nostril (Achoo!)

   Climb on the Magic School Bus
   Spank a plankton too (Take that!)
   On our Magic School Bus
   Raft a river of lava
   On the Magic School Bus
   It's such a fine thing to do (Woahhh!)

   So strap your bones right to your seat
   Come on, lean in, don't be shy (Come on!)
   Just to make your day complete
   You might get baked into a pie
   On the Magic School Bus
   Step inside, it's a wilder ride
   Come on, ride on the Magic School Bus
Track: Rose's Death
- Cocoon
- James Horner
Duration: 2:20
Track: Sad Romance
- Over the Green Fields
- Ji Pyeong Kwon
Duration: 4:04
Track: Sad Romance (Violin Ver.)
- Over the Green Fields
- Ji Pyeong Kwon
Duration: 4:34
Referenced Tracks:
- Sad Romance
Track: Safe Return
- 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'
- The Track Team
- Jeremy Zuckerman
- Benjamin Wynn
Duration: 0:25
Track: Say There
# Also known as Donkey Ollie Intro
# Source: this actual licensing document
- The Adventures of Donkey Ollie
- Thomas Del McLain
Duration: 0:40
Lyrics: |-
    (Hello everybody!)
    Say there
    Have you heard the story
    about the Donkie Ollie, Ollie
    Say there
    have you heard the story
    Ollie is his name

    Everywhere that Donkey Ollie travels
    folks will shout hooray


    Say there
    Have you heard the story
    Ollie is his name
    Ollie is his name
Track: Seinfeld Theme
- Seinfeld
- Jonathan Wolff
Duration: 0:52
Track: Separation Anxiety
Duration: 2:24
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Shiro Sagisu
Track: The Simpsons Theme
- The Simpsons
- Danny Elfman
Duration: 1:23
Lyrics: |-
    The Simpsons...
Track: Slutty Spider Polka Pop (Angel Dust Theme)
- Hazbin Hotel
- Gooseworx
Duration: 4:24
Track: Smack
Directory: smack-khonjin-house
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Khonjin House
Duration: 5:16
Track: The Smile Song
Duration: 3:32
- My Little Pony
- Daniel Ingram
- Amy Keating Rogers (lyrics)
- Steffan Andrews (orchestration)
- Shannon Chan-Kent (vocals)
- Andrea Libman (vocals)
Track: Snow halation
- Love Live!
- artist:takahiro-yamada-love-live
Cover Artists:
- Yumi Gyotoku
Cover Art Dimensions: 1645x1662
- Aki Hata (lyrics)
Duration: 4:19
Lyrics: |-
    Fushigi da ne ima no kimochi (<i>This feeling, it's strange, isn't it?</i>)
    Sora kara futte kita mitai (<i>It's almost as though it came fluttering down from the sky</i>)
    Tokubetsu na kisetsu no iro ga tokimeki o miseru yo (<i>The color of this special season fills me with excitement</i>)

    Hajimete deatta toki kara (<i>From the moment we met</i>)
    Yokan ni sawagu kokoro no Melody (<i>The melody of my heart has been ringing with premonitions</i>)
    Tomerarenai tomaranai na ze (<i>It can't be stopped, it won't be stopped- why?</i>)

    Todokete (<i>Ring out</i>)
    Setsunasa ni wa namae o tsukeyou ka "Snow halation"? (<i>Shall I name this heart-rending pain "Snow halation"?</i>)
    Omoi ga kasanaru made matezu ni (<i>I can't wait for our feelings to resonate</i>)
    Kuyashii kedo suki tte junjou (<i>It's frustrating, but it's a pure-hearted devotion called love</i>)
    Binetsu no naka tameratte mo dame da ne (<i>Even in this mild fever, I can't hesitate</i>)
    Tobikomu yuuki ni sansei mamonaku Start! (<i>I'll accept the courage to dive in; it's about to start!</i>)

    Oto mo naku kehai mo naku (<i>Without a sound, nor a sign</i>)
    Shizuka ni unmei wa kawaru (<i>Our fate changes silently</i>)
    Korekara no mirai ni mune no kodou ga hayaku naru (<i>At the thought of the coming future, my heartbeat quickens</i>)

    Tatoeba komatta toki ni wa (<i>When you feel troubled</i>)
    Sugu kaketsukete dakishimetakute (<i>I'll come running right away, wanting to hug you tightly</i>)
    Doko ni ite mo dokodemo Fly high! (<i><Wherever you are, no matter where, I'll Fly high!</i>)

    Isoide (<i>Hurry up</i>)
    Itsu no ma ni ka ookiku nari sugita "True emotion" (<i>Before I knew it, my true emotions grew too large to contain</i>)
    Yume dake miteru you ja tsurai yo (<i>It's painful to never do more than dream of it</i>)
    Koibito wa kimi tte iitai! (<i>I want you to be mine!</i>)
    Yasashii me ga tomadotteru iya da yo (<i>I don't want to be bewildered by your gentle eyes</i>)
    Kono mama ikki ni aijou azukete Please!! (<i>Accept all my love for you as it is, Please!</i>)

    Todokete (<i>Ring out</i>)
    Setsunasa ni wa namae o tsukeyou ka "Snow halation"? (<i>Shall I name this heart-rending pain "Snow halation"?</i>)
    Omoi ga kasanaru made matezu ni (<i>I can't wait for our feelings to resonate</i>)
    Kuyashii kedo suki tte junjou (<i>It's frustrating, but it's a pure-hearted devotion called love</i>)
    Binetsu no naka tameratte mo dame da ne (<i>Even in this mild fever, I can't hesitate</i>)
    Tobikomu yuuki ni sansei mamonaku Start! (<i>I'll accept the courage to dive in; it's about to start!</i>)
Track: soldier game
- Love Live!
- artist:takahiro-yamada-love-live
Duration: 3:41
Lyrics: |-
    Three, two, one, zero! Koko de toujou (<i>Three, two, one, zero! Here I make my appearance</i>)
    Mitenasai watashi no honki (<i>Witness my seriousness</i>)
    Suriru to biishiki de katsu no yo kanarazu (<i>With thrill and beauty, I'll definitely win</i>)

    Yasashige na kotoba sasayaku (<i>Whispering gentle words</i>)
    Nise no kawaisa janakute (<i>Not feigned cuteness</i>)
    Tsumetaku tsuyoku mamoranakya (<i>I must protect strongly and coldly</i>)
    Taisetsuna mono tachi yowaki mono tachi (<i>Important things, fragile things</i>)

    Watashi wa dare desho? Shiritaku natta deshou? (<i>Who am I? You want to know, right?</i>)
    Naraba koi kamo (<i>If so, it might be love</i>)
    Watashi no naka ni wa himitsu ga aru to shite (<i>If there's a secret inside me</i>)
    Sore o kimi wa dousuru no (<i>What will you do about it?</i>)
    It's soldier game (<i>It's a soldier game</i>)
    Mata aeta toki kikou kana (<i>I wonder when we can meet again</i>)

    Three, two, one, zero! Tsugi no sakusen (<i>Three, two, one, zero! The next strategy</i>)
    Mitenasai watashi wa honki (<i>Witness, I'm serious</i>)
    Shigunaru uketomete mirai o itadaku (<i>Receive the signal, take the future</i>)

    Hohoemi yori mo amai no wa (<i>Sweeter than a smile</i>)
    Uso ga maneita namida yo (<i>Are the tears drawn out by lies</i>)
    Hakanasa morosa kaku shiteru (<i>Knowing the fragility and vulnerability</i>)
    Taisetsuna mono nano yowaki mono nano (<i>Of precious and weak things</i>)

    Watashi to kuru desho? Furetaku natta deshou? (<i>You'll come with me, right? You wanted to touch, right?</i>)
    Sude ni koi dayo (<i>It's already love</i>)
    Watashi to itsuka wa tatakau beki aite (<i>Someday, you'll have to fight against me</i>)
    Sore wa kimi no risei kamo (<i>It might be against your reason</i>)
    I'm soldier heart (<i>I'm a soldier heart</i>)
    Makenai kara ne It's soldier game (<i>I won't lose, it's a soldier game</i>)

    (Come on!)

    Ima ga shoubu yo! (<i>This is the decisive battle!</i>)
    Watashi wa dare desho? Shiritaku natta deshou? (<i>Who am I? You wanted to know, right?</i>)
    Naraba koi kamo (<i>If so, it might be love</i>)
    Watashi no naka ni wa himitsu ga aru to shite (<i>If there's a secret inside me</i>)
    Sore o kimi wa? (<i>What about you?</i>)

    Watashi to kuru desho? Furetaku natta deshou? (<i>You'll come with me, right? You wanted to touch, right?</i>)
    Sude ni koi dayo (<i>It's already love</i>)
    Watashi to itsuka wa tatakau beki aite (<i>Someday, you'll have to fight against me</i>)
    Sore wa kimi no risei kamo (<i>It might be against your reason</i>)
    It's soldier game (<i>It's a soldier game</i>)
    Mata aeta no ni I'm soldier heart (<i>Even though we met again, I'm a soldier heart</i>)
Track: Solid State Scouter
# Also known as "Bardock's Theme"
- Dragon Ball
- Tokio
Duration: 4:41
Lyrics: |-
    Happyaku (<i>800</i>)
    Happyaku-gojû (<i>850</i>)
    Kyûhyaku-nijû (<i>920</i>)
    Sen-sanjû (<i>1,030</i>)

    Sanzen-nihyaku (<i>3,200</i>)
    Gosen-gohyaku (<i>5,500</i>)
    Hassen-nanahyaku (<i>8,700</i>)
    Ichiman-sanzen (<i>13,000</i>)
    Niman-rokusen (<i>26,000</i>)
    Yonman-sanzen (<i>43,000</i>)
    Goman-rokusen (<i>56,000</i>)
    Rokuman-yonsen (<i>64,000</i>)

    Nisen-ippyaku (<i>2,100</i>)
    Sanzen-yonhyaku (<i>3,400</i>)
    Yonsen-roppyaku (<i>4,600</i>)
    Gosen-nihyaku (<i>5,200</i>)

    Hassen-gohyaku (<i>8,500</i>)
    Ichiman-nisen (<i>12,000</i>)
    Niman-kyûsen (<i>29,000</i>)
    Yonman-sanzen (<i>43,000</i>)

    Sanman-gosen (<i>35,000</i>)
    Yonman-nisen (<i>42,000</i>)
    Yonman-hassen (<i>48,000</i>)
    Goman-sanzen (<i>53,000</i>)
    Rokuman-issen (<i>61,000</i>)
    Rokuman-kyûsen (<i>69,000</i>)
    Nanaman-sanzen (<i>73,000</i>)
    Hachiman-nisen (<i>82,000</i>)
    Kyûman (<i>90,000</i>)
    Jûman-issen (<i>101,000</i>)
    Jûman-gosen (<i>105,000</i>)
    Jûichiman-issen (<i>111,000</i>)
    Jûniman-gosen (<i>125,000</i>)
    Jûsanman-hassen (<i>138,000</i>)
    Jûyonman-gosen (<i>145,000</i>)
    Jûgoman-nisen (<i>152,000</i>)
    Jûrokuman-issen (<i>161,000</i>)
    Jûnanaman-sanzen (<i>173,000</i>)
    Jûkyûman-gosen (<i>195,000</i>)
    Nijûniman (<i>220,000</i>)
    Gojûsanman (<i>530,000</i>)
Track: Space Jam
- Space Jam
- Quad City DJ's
Duration: 5:04
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
Lyrics: |-
    Everybody get up it's time to slam now
    We got a real jam goin' down
    Welcome to the Space Jam
    Here's your chance, do your dance
    At the Space Jam

    Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam
    Come on and slam, if you wanna jam

    Hey you, watcha gonna do (Uhuh)
    Hey you, watcha gonna do
    Hey you, watcha gonna do (Uhuh)
    Hey you, watcha gonna do

    Party people in the house let's go
    It's your boy Hay Ski a'ight so
    Pass that thing and watch me flex
    Behind my back, you know what's next
    To the jam, all in your face
    Wassup (Wassup), just feel the bass
    Drop it, rock it, down the room
    Shake it, quake it, space kaboom

    Just work that body, work that body
    Make sure you don't hurt nobody
    Get wild and lose your mind
    Take this thing into overtime
    Hey DJ, turn it up
    QCD, gon' burn it up
    C'mon y'all get on the floor
    So hey, let's go a'ight

    Everybody get up it's time to slam now
    We got a real jam goin' down
    Welcome to the Space Jam
    Here's your chance, do your dance
    At the Space Jam

    Wave your hands in the air if you feel fine
    We're gonna take it into overtime
    Welcome to the Space Jam
    Here's your chance, do your dance
    At the Space Jam

    C'mon it's time to get hyped say whoop! (There it is!)
    C'mon all the fellas say whoop! (There it is!)
    C'mon one time for the ladies say whoop! (There it is!)
    Now all the fellas say whoop! (There it is!)

    C'mon and run, baby run
    C'mon, c'mon, do it, run baby run
    Yeah, you want a hoop, so shoot, baby shoot
    Oh, it's time to hoop, so shoot, baby shoot, baby

    C'mon and slam, and welcome to the jam
    C'mon and slam, if you wanna jam
    C'mon and slam, and welcome to the jam
    C'mon and slam, if you wanna jam

    Slam, bam, thank you ma'am
    Get on the floor and jam
    It's the QCD on the microphone
    Girl you got me in the zone
    (Move) C'mon, c'mon and start the game
    (Move) Break it down an' tell me your name
    (Move) We the team, I'm the coach
    (Move) Let's dance all night from coast to coast

    Just slide, from left to right
    Just slide, yourself the night
    QCD, drop the base
    3-1-1 all in your face
    Jam on it, let's have some fun
    Jam on it, one on one
    You run the "O" and I run the "D"
    So c'mon baby just jam for me

    Everybody get up it's time to slam now
    We got a real jam goin' down
    Welcome to the Space Jam
    Here's your chance, do your dance
    At the Space Jam

    (Wave your hands) Wave your hands in the air if you feel fine
    We're gonna take it into overtime
    Welcome to the Space Jam
    Here's your chance, do your dance
    At the Space Jam

    (Wave your hands) Hey ladies! (Yeah!)
    Y'all ready to stop? (No!)
    Y'all wanna know why? (Why?)
    'Cause it's a Slam Jam
    Fellas! (Yeah!)
    Y'all ready to stop? (No!)
    Y'all wanna know why? (Why?)
    It's time to Slam Jam!

    Everybody get up it's time to slam now
    We got a real jam goin' down
    Welcome to the Space Jam
    Here's your chance, do your dance
    At the Space Jam

    Wave your hands in the air if you feel fine
    We're gonna take it into overtime
    Welcome to the Space Jam
    Here's your chance, do your dance
    At the Space Jam

    C'mon, everybody say nah-nah-nah-nah-nah
    C'mon, c'mon, let me hear you say hey-ey-ey oh
    C'mon, c'mon, everybody, nah-nah-nah-nah-nah
    Just take the time to say hey-ey-ey oh

    Check it out, check it out
    Y'all ready for this? (You know it!)
    Nah, y'all ain't ready
    Y'all ready for this? (You know it!)
    C'mon check it out, y'all ready to jam? (You know it!)
    Nah, I, I don't think so
    Y'all ready to jam? (You know it!)
Track: Spartacus Love Theme
- Spartacus
- Alex North
Duration: 2:51
Track: Spatula City
- Weird Al Yankovic
Duration: 1:07
Lyrics: |-
    (There's just one place to go for all of your spatula needs)
    Spatula City!
    Spatula City

    (A giant warehouse of spatulas for every occasion. Thousands to choose from in every shape, size, and color. And because we eliminate the middle man, we can sell all our spatulas factory direct to you. Where do you go if you want to buy name brand spatulas at a fraction of retail cost?)
    Spatula City!
    Spatula City

    (And this weekend only, take advantage of our special liquidation sale. Buy nine spatulas, get the tenth one for just one penny. Don't forget, they make great Christmas presents. And what better way to say "I love you." than with the gift of a spatula?)
    Spatula City!
    Spatula City

    (Hello, this is Sy Greenblum, president of Spatula City. I liked their spatulas so much, I bought the company.)

    (Spatula City - seven locations; we're in the yellow pages under "spatulas".)

    (My, where did you get that lovely spatula?)
    Spatula City!
    We sell spatulas, and that's all
Track: Spider-Man
- Spider-Man
- Paul Francis Webster
- Bob Harris
Duration: 1:05
Lyrics: |-
    Spider-Man, Spider-Man
    Does whatever a spider can
    Spins a web, any size
    Catches thieves just like flies
    Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man

    Is he strong? Listen bud
    He's got radioactive blood
    Can he swing from a thread
    Take a look overhead
    Hey, there! There goes the Spider-Man

    In the chill of night
    At the scene of a crime
    Like a streak of light
    He arrives just in time

    Spider-Man, Spider-Man
    Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man
    Wealth and fame, he's ignored
    Action is his reward

    To him, life is a great big bang up
    Wherever there's a hang up
    You'll find the Spider-Man!
- Free!
- Yasushi Watanabe
- Saori Kodama (lyrics)
- STYLE FIVE (performance)
Duration: 3:58
Lyrics: |-
    Make us free na splash! (<i>A splash that makes us free!</i>)
    Kasaneta hikari no kontorasuto abite (<i>Bask in the contrast of the overlapping light</i>)
    Feel so free na kyō tobikomu (<i>Feel so free today, dive right into</i>)
    Oretachi no brand new blue, yeah (<i>Our brand new blue, yeah</i>)
    Omou yō ni sei! Sei! Sei! A-oh! (<i>True to myself as I dive! Dive! Dive!</i>)
    Jibunrashiku kick! Kick! Kick! A-oh! (<i>My own style in my kick! Kick! Kick!</i>)
    Tsukamitai nda pull! Pull! Pull! A-oh! (<i>I want to know that feeling, so pull! Pull! Pull!</i>)
    Todoki-sō na deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free! (<i>It's just within reach, the deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free!</i>)

    Pure nai hi ga nai kurai (Nai kurai) (<i>Every day passes in a blur</i>) (<i>In a blur</i>)
    Back & fill na batafurai (<i>Back and fill with a butterfly stroke</i>)
    Shikōsakugo no shōritsu wa (In the future) (<i>We rack up wins by trial and error</i>)
    Atode īdaro (So, take it easy, ah) (<i>But forget about that for now</i>)
    Uruo shite (Mizu o kaku yubi ni) (<i>Just feel the water</i>) (<i>As your fingers slice the surface</i>)
    Nagarekomu emotion (Kawaki o mitase) (<i>Let the emotion wash over you</i>) (<i>Quench your thirst</i>)
    Nankaina rirē ja mō (O-oh) atsuku narenai (<i>It's time to melt that icy heart</i>)
    Kokoro o hanate! (<i>And set it free!</i>)

    Make us free na splash! (<i>A splash that makes us free!</i>)
    Kasaneta hikari no kontorasuto no naka (<i>Amid the contrast of overlapping light</i>)
    Itsu made mo owaranai (<i>This moment will last forever</i>)
    Natsu ni me o korashite yeah (<i>Set your sights on summer</i>)
    Omoiomoi ni sei! Sei! Sei! A-oh! (<i>True to myself as I dive! Dive! Dive!</i>)
    Jibunrashiku kick! Kick! Kick! A-oh! (<i>My own style in my kick! Kick! Kick!</i>)
    Mabushi-sa e to pull! Pull! Pull! A-oh! (<i>See the dazzling horizon ahead and pull! Pull! Pull!</i>)
    Te o nobashita deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free! (<i>Hands outstretched to the deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free!</i>)

    Mukininaru hi mo arudaro (Arudaro) (<i>Not every day will be smooth sailing</i>)
    Back & forth ni tadayotte (<i>Back and forth, drifting aimlessly</i>)
    Rakan teki na uwabe toka (I know, I know) (<i>Some people can put up an optimistic front</i>)
    Urayan dari shite (But never too late, ah) (<i>How I wish I could do the same</i>)
    Tsumasaki ni (Kanjiru yori saki ni) (<i>In the tips of my toes</i>) (<i>Purely on instinct</i>)
    Tsugi no vibration (Kizuite shimau) (<i>The next vibration</i>) (<i>Courses through me</i>)
    Chūcho shita (Itsuka no jibun) (<i>I know I hesitated</i>) (<i>The me of yesterday</i>)
    Kage o tobikoete ike (Ima shika nai wave) (<i>Let's leave the shadows behind</i>) (<i>For a now-or-never wave</i>)
    Mamori kirenai (Mizu o keru yō ni) (<i>I can't protect it on my own</i>) (<i>The same way I kick the water</i>)
    Genjitsumi no nai puraido nanda (Namerakana sende) (<i>This pride that isn't rooted in reality</i>) (<i>In a long, unbroken line</i>)
    Saizen no tsumori ja (Io-o-oh) chīsaku naru ze (Sā) (<i>Even the best of intentions Can fall through the cracks</i>) (<i>C'mon</i>)
    Imēji o sutero! (<i>Break free of the mold!</i>)

    Let us free na style! (<i>Create a style that sets us free!</i>)
    Umidasu dare demonai ao ni furete (<i>Touch the blue depths in these uncharted waters</i>)
    Itsu yori mo jiyūna
    Ore-tachi ni naru nda yeah (<i>Never before have we felt so free</i>)
    Omou yō ni sei! Sei! Sei! A-oh! (<i>True to myself as I dive! Dive! Dive!</i>)
    Jibunrashiku kick! Kick! Kick! A-oh! (<i>My own style in my kick! Kick! Kick!</i>)
    Tsukamitai nda pull! Pull! Pull! A-oh! (<i>I want to know that feeling, so pull! Pull! Pull!</i>)
    Todoki-sō na deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free! (<i>It's just within reach, the deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free!</i>)

    Sei! Sei! Sei! A-oh! (<i>Dive! Dive! Dive!</i>)
    Kick! Kick! Kick! A-oh!
    Pull! Pull! Pull! A-oh!
    Deep! Deep! Splash free!

    Make us free na Splash! kasaneta hikari no kontorasuto no naka
    Itsu made mo owaranai natsu o yakitsukete Dive in blue
    Let us free na Style! Umidasu dare demonai ao ni furete
    Itsu yori mo jiyūna ore-tachi ni naru nda yeah
    Omoiomoi ni sei! Sei! Sei! A-oh! (<i>True to myself as I dive! Dive! Dive!</i>)
    Jibunrashiku kick! Kick! Kick! A-oh! (<i>My own style in my kick! Kick! Kick!</i>)
    Mabushi-sa e to pull! Pull! Pull! A-oh! (<i>See the dazzling horizon ahead and pull! Pull! Pull!</i>)
    Te o nobashita deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free! (<i>Hands outstretched to the deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free!</i>)
Track: SpongeBob SquarePants Theme Song
- Blaise Smith
- Mark Harrison
- Stephen Hillenburg
Duration: 1:06
Lyrics: |-
    Are you ready, kids?
    Aye, aye, Captain!
    I can't hear you!
    Aye, aye, Captain!

    Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
    SpongeBob SquarePants!
    Absorbent and yellow and porous is he
    SpongeBob SquarePants!
    If nautical nonsense be something you wish
    SpongeBob SquarePants!
    Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!
    SpongeBob SquarePants! (Ready?!)
    SpongeBob SquarePants!
    SpongeBob SquarePants!
    SpongeBob SquarePants!

    SpongeBob SquarePants!
    Ah-hah, ha-ha-ha
    Ah-hah, ha-ha-har
Track: The Stardust Man Appears
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
- Yugo Kanno
Duration: 2:24
Track: The Story of Tonight
- 'Hamilton: An American Musical'
- Lin-Manuel Miranda
- Anthony Ramos (vocals)
- Okieriete Onaodowan (vocals)
- Daveed Diggs (vocals)
Duration: 1:32
Lyrics: |-
    I may not live to see our glory!
    (I may not live to see our glory!)
    But I will gladly join the fight!
    (But I will gladly join the fight!)
    And when our children tell our story
    (And when our children tell our story)
    They'll tell the story of tonight

    Let's have another round tonight
    Let's have another round tonight
    Let's have another round tonight

    Raise a glass to freedom
    Something they can never take away
    No matter what they tell you

    Raise a glass to the four of us
    Tomorrow there'll be more of us
    Telling the story of tonight
    They'll tell the story of tonight

    Raise a glass to freedom
    Something they can never take away
    No matter what they tell you
    Let's have another round tonight

    Raise a glass to the four of us
    Tomorrow there'll be more of us
    Telling the story of tonight
    Let's have another round tonight
    They'll tell the story of tonight

    Raise a glass to freedom
    They'll tell the story of tonight
    Raise a glass to freedom
    They'll tell the story of tonight
    They'll tell the story of tonight
Track: Stronger Than You
- Steven Universe
- Rebecca Sugar
- Aivi & Surasshu (arrangement)
- Estelle Swaray (vocals)
Duration: 2:52
Lyrics: |-
    This is Garnet
    Back together
    And I'm never going down at the hands of the likes of you because I'm so much better
    And every part of me is saying "Go get her"

    The two of us ain't gonna follow your rules
    Come at me without any of your fancy tools
    Let's go, just me and you
    Let's go, just one on two

    Go ahead and try and hit me if you're able
    Can't you see that my relationship is stable?
    I can see you hate the way we intermingle
    But I think you're just mad 'cause you're single

    And you're not gonna stop what we made together
    We are gonna stay like this forever
    If you break us apart, we'll just come back newer
    And we'll always be twice the gem that you are

    I am made


    This is who we are
    This is who I am
    And if you think you can stop me
    Then you need to think again

    'Cause I am a feeling
    And I will never end
    And I won't let you hurt my planet
    And I won't let you hurt my friends

    Go ahead and try and hit me if you're able.
    Can't you see that my relationship is stable?
    I know you think I'm not something you're afraid of
    'Cause you think that you've seen what I'm made of

    But I am even more than the two of them
    Everything they care about is what I am
    I am their fury, I am their patience
    I am a conversation

    I am made
    And it's stronger than you

    And it's stronger than you

    And it's stronger than you

Track: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- Mary Poppins
- Sherman Brothers
- Julie Andrews (vocals)
- Dick Van Dyke (vocals)
Duration: 3:02
Lyrics: |-
    It's... Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
    Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
    If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious

    Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
    Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
    Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
    Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay

    Because I was afraid to speak
    When I was just a lad
    Me father gave me nose a tweak
    And told me I was bad
    But then one day I learned a word
    That saved me achin' nose
    The biggest word you ever heard
    And this is how it goes

    Oh! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
    Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
    If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious

    Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
    Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
    Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
    Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay

    He traveled all around the world
    And everywhere he went,
    He'd use his word and all would say
    There goes a clever gent

    When Dukes and Maharajas pass
    the time of day with me
    I say me special word and then
    They ask me out to tea

    Oh! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
    Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
    If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious

    Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
    Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay!

    (You know, you can say it backwards, which is dociousaliexpilistic-fragilcalirupus, but that's going a bit too far, don't you think?)

    So when the cat has got your tongue
    There's no need for dismay (Hear hear!)
    Just summon up this word and then
    You've got a lot to say
    But better use it carefully
    Ir it could change your life

    (For example...)
    (One night I said it to me girl, and now me girl's me wife! Ow! And a lovely thing she is, too!)

    She's... Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Track: Superman Theme
- Superman
- John Williams
Duration: 4:24
Commentary: |-
    <i>Makin:</i> (wiki editor, 8/12/2023)
    This is named 'Main Theme' in the first official release, but latter releases reference it as 'Superman Theme'.
Track: Swordland
- Sword Art Online
- Yuki Kajiura
Duration: 1:49
Track: Tetsuo
# Generally, this movie soundtrack seems hard to find online.
# Reference:
- Akira
- Geinoh Yamashirogumi
Duration: 10:18
Track: This Is Halloween
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Danny Elfman
Duration: 3:16
Lyrics: |-
    Boys and girls of every age
    Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
    Come with us and you will see
    This, our town of Halloween
    This is Halloween, this is Halloween
    Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
    This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
    Trick or treat until the neighbors going to die of fright
    It's our town, everybody scream
    In this town of Halloween
    I am the one hiding under your bed
    Teeth grown sharp and eyes glowing red
    I am the one hiding under yours stairs
    Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair

    This is Halloween, this is Halloween
    Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween

    In this town we call home
    Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
    In this town, don't we love it now?
    Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
    Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can
    Something's waiting now to pounce and how you'll scream
    This is Halloween, red and black, slimy green
    Aren't you scared? Well, that's just fine
    Say it once, say it twice
    Take a chance and roll the dice
    Ride with the moon in the dead of night
    Everybody scream, everybody scream
    In our town of Halloween
    I am the clown with the tear away face
    Here in a flash and gone without a trace
    I am the who when you call, who's there?
    I am the wind blowing through your hair
    I am the shadow on the moon at night
    Filling your dreams to the brim with fright

    This is Halloween, this is Halloween
    Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
    Halloween, Halloween

    Tender lumplings everywhere
    Life's no fun without a good scare
    That's our job, but we're not mean
    In our town of Halloween
    In this town, don't we love it now?
    Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
    Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back
    And scream like a banshee
    Make you jump out of your skin
    This is Halloween, everybody scream
    Won't you please make way for a very special guy?
    Our man jack is king of the Pumpkin patch
    Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King, now

    This is Halloween, this is Halloween
    Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
    In this town we call home
    Everyone hail to the pumpkin song

    La, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la
Track: The Time Is Now
- John Cena
- Tha Trademarc
Duration: 2:56
# Sampled Tracks:
# - The song contains samples of "Ante Up" by M.O.P./Jamal Grinnage (Lil' Fame) & Eric Murray (Billy Danze), which in turn samples "Soul Sister, Brown Sugar" by Sam & Dave (Sam Moore and Dave Prater), and Pete Schofield and The Canadians' rendition of "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" originally by Robert L. Russell with vocals by Vicki Lawrence
Lyrics: |-
    Krrr, amadou!

    Your time is up, my time is now
    You can't see me, my time is now
    It's the franchise, boy I'm shining now
    You can't see me, my time is now!

    In case you forgot or fell off, I'm still hot, knock your shell off
    My money stack fat plus I can't turn the swell off
    The franchise, doing big business, I live this
    It's automatic I win this, oh, you hear those horns, you finished

    A soldier, and I stay under you fighting
    Plus I'm storming on you chumps like I'm thunder and lightning
    Ain't no way you breaking me, kid, I'm harder than nails
    Plus I keep it on lock like I'm part of the jail

    I'm slaughtering stale competition, I got the whole block wishing
    They could run with my division but they gone fishing
    With no bait, kid, your boy hold weight
    I got my soul straight, I brush your mouth like Colgate

    In any weather, I'm never better, your boy's so hot
    You'll never catch me in the next man's sweater
    If they hate, let 'em hate, I drop ya whole clan
    Lay yo' ass down for the three-second tan

    Krrr, amadou!
    Your time is up, my time is now
    You can't see me, my time is now
    It's the franchise, boy I'm shining now
    You can't see me, my time is now!

    Yeah, uh
    It's gonna be what it's gon' be
    Five pounds of courage buddy, beige tint pants with a gold T
    Uh, it's a war dance and victory step
    A raw stance is a gift when you insist it's my rep
    John Cena, Trademarc, y'all are so-so and talk about
    The bread you make but don't know the recipe for dough, though
    Aimin' guns in all your photos, that's a no-no
    When this pop, you'll lip lock, your big talk's a blatant no-show
    See what happens when the ice age melt
    You see monetary status is not what matters, but it helps
    I rock a timepiece by Benny, if any
    The same reason y'all could love me is the same reason y'all condemn me
    A man's measured by the way that he thinks
    Not clothing lines, ice links, leather and minks
    I spent twenty-plus years seeking knowledge of self
    So, for now, Marc Predka's living live for wealth

    Krrr, amadou!
    Your time is up, my time is now
    You can't see me, my time is now
    It's the franchise, boy I'm shining now
    You can't see me, my time is now!
    Your time is up, my time is now
    You can't see me, my time is now
    It's the franchise, boy, I'm shining now
    You can't see me, my time is now!
Track: Toon World
- Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Joel Douek
Duration: 1:04
Track: Tower of Mistakes
- Steven Universe
- Jeff Liu
- Rebecca Sugar
-  Michaela Dietz (vocals)
Duration: 0:55
Lyrics: |-
    Maybe you're better off with her
    I think she's better for you
    I forgot how great it felt to be us
    Guess I got carried away

    I had to use you to make me feel strong
    But I don't care about that now
    I see a tower built out of my mistakes
    And it all comes crashing down

    Is there something I can do
    Is there something I can do
    Is there something I can do
    Can I make it up to you?
Track: Trouble Busters
- Love Live!
- artist:takahiro-yamada-love-live
Duration: 5:19
Lyrics: |-
    Hey, hey! Ah... we are Busters!

    Toraburu ga yama tsumi shikatanai (<i>Troubles are piling up, can't help it</i>)
    (Kirai kirai yo yan natchau) (<i>I hate it, I hate it, I'm getting fed up</i>)
    Makenai yo taishita koto janai yo (sou da sou da) (<i>I won't lose, it's not a big deal (that's right, that's right)</i>)
    Awatezu ni Find a way, oh yeah! (<i>Without panicking, find a way, oh yeah!</i>)
    (Trouble Busters! hara hara Busters!) (<i>Trouble Busters! Heart-pounding Busters!</i>)

    All right anna yatsu (Hey, you!) (<i>All right, that kind of guy (Hey, you!)</i>)
    All right wasureru yo (Good-bye!) (<i>All right, I'll forget (Good-bye!)</i>)
    Joudan janai watashi no mae kara (joudan janai) (<i>It's not a joke, get out of my sight (It's not a joke)</i>)
    Forever kie chae! (kie chai na!) (<i>Disappear forever! (Disappear!)</i>)

    Seiippai (Hey!) waraou ka (Hey!) (<i>With all our might (Hey!) shall we laugh? (Hey!)</i>)
    Nandemo nai sa kore kurai!(Ah, so!) (<i>It's nothing, just this much! (Ah, so!)</i>)
    Seiippai (Hey!) waraou ka (Hey! ) (<i>With all our might (Hey!) shall we laugh? (Hey!)</i>)
    Nandemonai sa dakara niko!! (Niko!) (<i>It's nothing, so smile!! (Niko!)</i>)
    Hora ne (Hey!) genki dashiteru furi shitara (I love solitude) (<i>Look (Hey!) when I pretended to be energetic (I love solitude)</i>)
    Itsunomanika waite kita Niko-Niko Smile (Niko!) (<i>Before I knew it, a cheerful smile appeared (Niko!)</i>)

    Hey, hey! Ah... we are Busters! (<i>Hey, hey! Ah... we are Busters!</i>)

    Tameiki de midareru kanjou (<i>Emotions disturbed by a sigh</i>)
    (Tsurai tsurai wa iitakunai) (<i>I don't want to say it's painful, it's painful</i>)
    Keiken chi fueta to kangaete (sou da sou da) (<i>Thinking that my experience has increased (that's right, that's right)</i>)
    Kinishinai Find my love, oh yeah! (<i>Without worrying, find my love, oh yeah!</i>)
    (Trouble Busters! ira ira Busters!) (<i>Trouble Busters! Irritating Busters!</i>)

    All right otoko yori (Hey, you!) (<i>All right, more than a man (Hey, you!)</i>)
    All right yuujou Please! (Come on!) (<i>All right, friendship please! (Come on!)</i>)
    Mou shinjinai amai kotoba wa (amai kotoba wa) (<i>I won't believe in sweet words anymore (sweet words)</i>)
    NeverEver iranai NeverEver iranai yo! (iranai yo!) (<i>Never ever need them, never ever need them! (Don't need them!)</i>)

    Te o totte (Hey!) hashirou ka (Hey!) (<i>Take my hand (Hey!) shall we run? (Hey!)</i>)
    Nantomo nai sa waraerusa! (Ah, so!) (<i>It's nothing, we can laugh! (Ah, so!)</i>)
    Te o totte (Hey!) hashirou ka (Hey!) (<i>Take my hand (Hey!) shall we run? (Hey!)</i>)
    Nantomonai sa kyou mo niko!! (Niko!) (<i>It's nothing, smile today too!! (Niko!)</i>)
    Jaa ne (Hey!) omoidetachi sayounara (You are phantom) (<i>Goodbye (Hey!) memories, farewell (You are phantom)</i>)
    Kitto tsugi no kaze ga fuku Niko-Niko Stage (Niko!) (<i>Surely the next wind will blow, cheerful stage (Niko!)</i>)

    Waratte wasurete waratte wasurete ashita wa genki da nikkori (<i>Laugh and forget, laugh and forget, tomorrow will be energetic with a bright smile</i>)
    All right, all right! Good-bye, good-bye! (<i>All right, all right! Good-bye, good-bye!</i>)
    Waratte wasurete waratte wasurete ashita wa genki da nikkori (<i>Laugh and forget, laugh and forget, tomorrow will be energetic with a bright smile</i>)
    All right, all right! Good-bye, good-bye! (<i>All right, all right! Good-bye, good-bye!</i>)
    Nandemonai kara nantomonai kara nandemo nantomonai kara (<i>It's nothing, so it doesn't matter, everything and anything doesn't matter</i>)
    Sou da sou da waratte wasurete waratchae! (<i>That's right, that's right, laugh and forget, just laugh!</i>)

    (Good-bye Baby) dakara (<i>(Good-bye Baby) So</i>)
    (Good-bye Baby) deaitai (<i>(Good-bye Baby) I want to meet</i>)
    (Good-bye Baby) tsugi wa (<i>(Good-bye Baby) Next is</i>)
    (Nai tari nanka shinai) watashi wa makenai (<i>(I won't cry or anything) I won't lose</i>)
    Kanashimi nante No more iranai (iranai yo!) (<i>I don't need sadness anymore, no more (don't need it!)</i>)

    Te o totte hashirou ka nantomonai sa waraerusa! (<i>Take my hand, shall we run? It's nothing, we can laugh!</i>)
    Te o totte hashirou ka nantomonai sa kyou mo niko!! (<i>Take my hand, shall we run? It's nothing, smile today too!!</i>)
    Seiippai (Hey!) waraou ka (Hey!) (<i>With all our might (Hey!) shall we laugh? (Hey!)</i>)
    Nandemonai sa kore kurai! (Ah, so!) (<i>It's nothing, just this much! (Ah, so!)</i>)
    Seiippai (Hey!) waraou ka (Hey!) (<i>With all our might (Hey!) shall we laugh? (Hey!)</i>)
    Nandemonai sa dakara niko!! (Niko!) (<i>It's nothing, so smile!! (Niko!)</i>)
    Hora ne (Hey!) genki dashiteru furi shitara (I love solitude) (<i>Look (Hey!) when I pretended to be energetic (I love solitude)</i>)
    Itsunomanika waite kita Niko Niko Smile (<i>Before I knew it, a cheerful smile appeared</i>)
    Kitto tsugi no kaze ga fuku Niko-Niko Stage (Niko!) (<i>Surely the next wind will blow, cheerful stage (Niko!)</i>)

    Hey, hey! Ah... we are Busters! (<i>Hey, hey! Ah... we are Busters!</i>)
Track: Twisted Nerve
- Kill Bill
Duration: 1:27
Track: We Are Number One
- LazyTown
- Máni Svavarsson
- Stefán Karl Stefánsson (vocals)
- Björn Thors (vocals)
- Snorri Engilbertsson (vocals)
Duration: 2:50
Lyrics: |-
    (Are you a, a real villain?)
    (Well, uh, technically uh... nah.)
    (Have you ever caught a good guy, like a like a real superhero?)
    (Have you ever tried a disguise?)
    (Nah, nah...)
    (Alright! I can see that I will have to teach you how to be villains!)

    We are Number One
    We are Number One

    Now listen closely
    Here's a little lesson in trickery
    This is going down in history
    If you wanna be a villain number one
    You have to chase a superhero on the run

    Just follow my moves, and sneak around
    Be careful not to make a sound
    (No, don't touch that!)

    We are Number One
    We are Number One
    We are Number One

    (Ha ha ha!)
    Now look at this net, that I just found
    When I say go, be ready to throw
    Throw it at him, not me!
    Ugh, let's try something else

    Now watch and learn, here's the deal
    He'll slip and slide on this banana peel!
    (Ha ha ha, *gasp*!)
    (What are you doing!?)

    Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
    We are Number One
    Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
    Villain Number One!

    Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
    We are Number One
    Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba

    We are Number One
    We are Number One
    We are Number One
    Hey hey!
Track: We Are The Crystal Gems
- Steven Universe
- Rebecca Sugar
- Aivi & Surasshu
- Zach Callison (vocals)
- Deedee Magno-Hall (vocals)
- Estelle Swaray (vocals)
- Michaela Dietz (vocals)
- Tom Scharpling (vocals)
- Jeff Ball (strings)
- Stemage (guitar)
Duration: 2:26
Lyrics: |-
    If you're evil, and you're on the rise
    You can count on the four of us taking you down
    'Cause we're good and evil never beats us
    We'll win the fight and then go out for pizzas

    We are the Crystal Gems
    We'll always save the day
    And if you think we can't
    We'll always find a way

    That's why the people of this world believe in
    Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven!

    If you could only know
    What we really are
    When we arrived on Earth
    From out beyond your star

    We were amazed to find
    Your beauty and your worth
    And we will protect your kind
    And we will protect your Earth
    And we will protect your Earth
    And we will protect you!

    I will fight for the place where I'm free
    To live together and exist as me
    I will fight in the name of Rose Quartz
    And everything that she believed in

    I will fight for the world I was made in
    The Earth is everything I've ever known
    I will fight to be everything
    that everybody wants me to be when I'm grown!
    The odds are against us, this won't be easy
    But we're not going to do it alone!

    We are the Crystal Gems!
    We'll always save the day
    And if you think we can't
    We'll always find a way

    That's why the people of this world believe in
    Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl and Steven!
Track: What's the Use of Feeling (Blue)?
- Steven Universe
- Rebecca Sugar
- Aivi & Surasshu (arrangement)
- Patti LuPone (vocals)
- Deedee Magno-Hall (vocals)
- Jeff Ball (strings)
Duration: 2:26
Lyrics: |-
    Aah haa haa, aah haa haa
    Aah ha aah ha, aah haa haa
    Aah haa haa, aah haa haa
    Aah haa haa haa haa haa haa haa haaaaa

    Why would you want to be here?
    What do you ever see here
    That doesn't make you feel worse than you do?
    And tell me, what's the use of feeling, Blue?

    Why would you want to employ her
    Subjects that destroyed her?
    Why keep up her silly zoo?
    Oh tell me what's the use of feeling, Blue?

    An army has a use, they can go and fight a war
    A Sapphire has a use, she can tell you what it's for
    An Agate terrifies, a Lapis terraforms
    Where's their Diamond when they need her Blue?
    You've got to be a leader Blue!

    Yes, of course we still love her
    And we're always thinking of her
    But now there's nothing we can do

    So tell me
    What's the use of feeling?
    What's the use of feeling?
    What's the use of feeling Blue?

    How can you stand to be here with it all (Here with it all)
    Drowning in all this regret
    Wouldn't you rather forget her?

    Won't it be grand to get rid of it all? (Rid of it all)
    Let's make a plan of attack
    Start looking forward and stop looking back

    Yes of course, we still love her
    And we're always thinking of her
    Don't you know I miss her too?

    But tell me
    What's the use of feeling?
    What's the use of feeling?
    What's the use of feeling?
    Hmm hmm hmm, hmm hmm hmm
    Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmmmm
Track: Wild Wild West
- Wild Wild West
- Rob Fusari
- Will Smith
- Kool Moe Dee (guest vocals)
- Dru Hill (guest vocals)
Duration: 4:38
Referenced Tracks:
- track:wild-wild-west-kool-moe-dee
# Sampled Tracks:
# - I Wish by Stevie Wonder
# - The Humpty Dance by Digital Underground
Lyrics: |-
    Uhh (Doo-doo-doo-doo)
    Wicki-wild wild (Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo)

    Wild Wild West (Yeah!)
    Jim West, desperado
    Rough rider, no you don't want nada
    None of this, six-gunnin this, brother runnin this
    Buffalo soldier, look it's like I told ya
    Any damsel that's in distress
    Be outta that dress when she meet Jim West
    Rough neck so go check the law and abide
    Watch your step or flex and get a hole in your side
    Swallow your pride, don't let your lip react
    You don't wanna see my hand where my hip be at
    With Artemus, from the start of this, runnin' the game
    James West, tamin' the West, so remember the name

    Now who ya gonna call?
    Not the [[track:ghostbusters|GB's]]
    Now who you gonna call?
    J Dub and A.G
    If you ever riff with either one of us
    Break out, before you get bum-rushed, at the

    The Wild Wild West (When I roll into the)
    The Wild Wild West (When I stroll into the)
    The Wild Wild West (When I bounce into the)
    The Wild Wild West ([[artist:dru-hill|Sisqó, Sisqó]])
    We're goin' straight to (The Wild Wild West)
    The Wild Wild West (The Wild Wild West) (Haha, haha)
    We're goin' straight to (The Wild Wild West)
    The Wild Wild (Now, now, now) (Come on)

    Now once upon a time in the West
    Mad man lost his damn mind in the West
    Loveless, kdnap a dime, nuttin' less
    Now I must, put his behind to the test (Can you feel me?)
    Then through the shadows, in the saddle, ready for battle
    Bring all your boys in, here come the poison
    Behind my back, all that riffin ya did
    Front and center, now where your lip at kid? (Lookin at me!)

    Who dat is? A mean brother, bad for your health
    Lookin damn good though, if I could say it myself
    Told me Loveless is a madman, but I don't fear that
    He got mad weapons too? Ain't tryna hear that
    Tryin to bring down me, the champion?
    When y'all clowns gon' see that it can't be done
    Understand me, son, I'm the slickest they is
    I'm the quickest they is (Yeah)
    Did I say I'm the slickest they is?

    So if you barkin up the
    Wrong tree, we comin'
    Don't be startin nuttin'
    Me and my partner gonna
    Test your chest, Loveless
    Can't stand the heat? (Ooh)
    Then get out the Wild, Wild (Wild, wild)

    (The Wild Wild West) We're goin' straight to
    (When I roll into the) (The Wild Wild West) The Wild, Wild West
    (When I stroll into the) (The Wild Wild West) We're goin' straight to
    (When I bounce into the) (The Wild Wild West) The Wild Wild West (Uh, uh, uh)
    We're goin straight (Straight) to (To)
    The Wild Wild West (The Wild Wild West) (The Wild Wild West)
    We're goin straight (Straight) to (To)
    The Wild Wild West (The Wild Wild West) (The Wild Wild West)

    (Breakdown) (D-doo, d-doo, doo)
    (Breakdown) (D-doo, d-doo, doo)
    (Breakdown) Can you feel it? (D-doo, d-doo, doo)
    C'mon, c'mon (D-d-d-d-doo-doo-doo)
    (Breakdown) (D-doo, d-doo, doo)
    (Breakdown) Keep it moving (D-doo, d-doo, doo)
    (Breakdown) Keep it moving (D-doo, d-doo, doo)
    Ooh, yeah (D-d-d-d-doo-doo-doo)

    To any outlaw tryin to draw, thinkin you're bad
    And you drawing on West, best with a pen and a pad
    Don't even think about it, six gun, weighin a ton
    Ten paces and turn just for fun, son (One, two, three))
    Up 'til sundown, rollin' around
    See where the bad guys are to be found and make 'em lay down
    The defenders of the West
    Crushin all pretenders in the West
    Don't mess with us, cause we in the

    (The Wild Wild West) We're goin' straight to
    (When I roll into the) (The Wild Wild West) The Wild, Wild West (The Wild Wild West)
    (When I stroll into the) (The Wild Wild West) We're goin' straight to
    (When I bounce into the) (The Wild Wild West) The Wild Wild West (The Wild Wild West)
    We're goin straight (Straight) to (To)
    (When I roll into the) The Wild Wild West (The Wild Wild West) (The Wild Wild West)
    (When I stroll into the) We're goin straight (Straight) to (To)
    (When I bounce into the) The Wild Wild West (The Wild Wild West) (The Wild Wild West) (Uh, uh, uh)

    We're goin' straight (Straight) to (To)
    The Wild, Wild West (The Wild Wild West)
    We're goin' straight (Straight) to (To)
    The Wild, Wild West (The Wild Wild West) C'mon

    (The Wild Wild West)
    When I roll into the (The Wild Wild West) (C'mon)
    (When I stroll into the) We're goin straight (Straight) to (To)
    The Wild, Wild West (The Wild Wild West)

    The Wild Wild West (Whoo! Uhh)
    The Wild Wild West (Ha hah, ha hah)
    The Wild Wild West (Uhh)
    The Wild Wild West (I done done it again y'all, done done it again)
    The Wild Wild West (Ha hah, ha hah)
    The Wild Wild West ([[artist:will-smith|Big Will]], [[artist:dru-hill|Dru Hill]], uh)
    The Wild Wild West ([[artist:will-smith|Big Will]], [[artist:dru-hill|Dru Hill]])
    The Wild Wild West (Ha hah, ha hah) (The Wild Wild West)
    The Wild Wild West (Uhh)
    The Wild Wild West (One time)
    The Wild Wild West (Uhh)
    The Wild Wild West (Bringing the heat, bringing the heat, what?) (It's the Wild Wild)
    The Wild Wild West (Ha ha, ha ha)
    The Wild Wild West (Whoo, Wild Wild, wicki-wild)
    The Wild Wild West (Wick Wild Wild Wild, wa-wicki Wild Wild)
    The Wild Wild West (Wickidy-wick Wild Wild Wild wa-wickedy wickedy wickedy wickedy) (The Wild Wild)
    The Wild Wild West (Whoo)
    The Wild Wild West
    The Wild Wild West (Uh, uh)
    The Wild Wild West (Can't stop the bumrush)
    (The Wild Wild) The Wild Wild West
Track: The Wind Forest
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Joe Hisaishi
Duration: 4:55
Track: Yahoos and Triangles
- King of the Hill
- The Refreshments
Duration: 2:06
Track: Yee
- Dinosaur Adventure
- Ludwig Ickert
- revergo (YouTube edit)
Duration: 0:09
Lyrics: |-
    Bokbok bokbok bok bokbok bok, bok bok
    Bokbok bokbok bok bokbok—
Track: Yo Home to Bel-Air
- The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
- Will Smith
- DJ Jazzy Jeff
Duration: 2:57
Lyrics: |-
    Now this is a story all about how
    My life got flipped turned upside down
    And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there
    I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

    In West Philadelphia born and raised
    On the playground is where I spent most of my days
    Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool
    And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school

    When a couple of guys who were up to no good
    Started makin' trouble in my neighborhood
    I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
    And said "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air"

    I begged and pleaded with her day after day
    But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
    She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket
    I put my Walkman on and said I might as well kick it!

    First class, yo, this is bad
    Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass
    Is this what the people of Bel-Air living like?
    Hmm, this might be all right

    But wait, I hear they're prissy, bourgeois, and all that
    Is this the type of place that they should send this cool cat?
    I don't think so, I'll see when I get there
    I hope they're prepared for the Prince of Bel-Air!

    Well uh
    The plane landed and when I came out
    There was a dude, looked like a cop, standing there with my name out
    I ain't trying to get arrested yet, I just got here
    I sprang with the quickness like lightning, disappeared

    I whistled for a cab and when it came near
    The license plate said 'Fresh' and it had dice in the mirror
    If anything I could say that this cab was rare
    But I thought "Nah forget it, yo holmes to Bel-Air!"

    I, pulled
    Up to a house about seven or eight
    And I yelled to the cabbie "Yo holmes, smell ya later!"
    I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there
    To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air!
Track: You Are a Pirate
- LazyTown
- Máni Svavarsson
- Julianna Rose Mauriello (vocals)
- Stefán Karl Stefánsson (vocals)
- Guðmundur Þór Kárason (vocals)
- Sarah Burgess (vocals)
- Jodi Eichelberger (vocals)
- Ken Pontac (writing)
- Mark Valenti (writing)
Duration: 1:53
Lyrics: |-
    Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
    You are a pirate!

    Yar har, fiddle de dee
    Being a pirate is alright to be
    Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
    You are a pirate!

    You are a pirate! Yay!

    We've got us a map (A map!)
    To lead us to a hidden box
    That's all locked up with locks (With locks!)
    And buried deep away
    We'll dig up the box (The box!)
    We know it's full of precious booty!
    Burst open the locks!
    And then we'll say, "Hooray!"

    Yar har, fiddle de dee
    If you love to sail the sea
    You are a pirate!!
    Weigh anchor!

    Yar har, fiddle de dee
    Being a pirate is alright with me!
    Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
    You are a pirate!
    Ar yar, ahoy and avast
    Dig in the dirt and dig diggity fast!
    Hang the black flag at the end of the mast!
    You are a pirate!

    Hahahahaha! Yay!

    We're sailing away (Set sail!)
    Adventure awaits on every shore
    We set sail and explore (Ya-har!)
    And run and jump all day (Yay!)
    We float on our boat (The boat!)
    Until it's time to drop the anchor
    Then hang up our coats (Aye-aye!)
    Until we sail again!

    Yar har, fiddle de dee
    If you love to sail the sea
    You are a pirate!!
    Land ho!

    Yar har, fiddle de dee
    Being a pirate is alright with me!
    Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
    You are a pirate!

    Yar har, wind at your back, lads, wherever you go!
    Blue sky above and blue ocean below
    You are a pirate!
    Hahahahahaha! You're a pirate!
Track: You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
- Albert Hague (music)
- Theodor Geisel (lyrics)
- Thurl Ravenscroft (performance)
Duration: 2:59
Lyrics: |-
    You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch
    You really are a heel
    You're as cuddly as a cactus, you're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch
    You're a bad banana with a... greasy black peel!

    You're a monster, Mr. Grinch
    Your heart's an empty hole
    Your brain is full of spiders, you've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch
    I wouldn't touch you with a... thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!

    You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch
    You have termites in your smile
    You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch
    (Given a choice between the two of you I'd take..)
    The seasick crocodile!

    You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch
    You're a nasty-wasty skunk
    Your heart is full of unwashed socks, your soul is full of gunk, Mr. Grinch
    (The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote:)
    Stink, stank, stunk!

    You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch
    You're the king of sinful sots
    Your heart's a dead tomato splotched with moldy purple spots, Mr. Grinch
    (Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable, mangled up in...)
    Tangled up knots!

    You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch
    With a nauseous super naus
    You're a crooked dirty jockey and you drive a crooked hoss, Mr. Grinch
    (You're a three decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich...)
    With arsenic sauce!
Track: You're Standing On My Neck
- Daria
- Splendora
Duration: 2:57
Lyrics: |-
    La la la la la

    This is my stop
    Got to get off
    I may go pop
    Excuse me
    Excuse me

    I've got to be direct (La la la)
    If I'm wrong, please correct (La la la)
    You're standing on my neck

    Look right through me
    Say I'm gloomy
    Yeah, so sue me
    Excuse me
    Excuse me

    I've got to be direct (La la la)
    It's like a big train wreck (La la la)
    You're standing on my neck (La la la)
    You're standing on my neck (La la la)
    You're standing

    Nothing is like I planned it
    So funny I can't stand it
    Wish I was made of granite
    (I must be on another planet.)

    La la la la la
    La la la la la

    This is my stop
    Got to get off
    I may go pop
    Excuse me
    Excuse me

    I've got to be direct (La la la)
    If I'm wrong, please correct (La la la)
    You're standing on my neck (La la la)
    You're standing on my neck (La la)
    You're standing on my neck

    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la
    La la la la la...
Track: Yu-Gi-Oh! Main Theme
- Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Wayne Sharpe
- John Siegler
Duration: 1:04
Lyrics: |-
    (Your move! Your move! Your move! Your move!)
    Your move!
    Your move!
    It's time to du-du-du-du-dududududududuel!
    Yu-Gi-Oh! (-Oh! -Oh! -Oh!)
Track: '気分爽快'
Directory: refreshed
- Kenichiro Ohishi
Duration: 1:19
Section: Traditional music
Track: Aba Daba Honeymoon
Duration: 2:28
- Arthur Fields
- Walter Donovan
Lyrics: |-
    Way down in the Congoland
    Lived a happy chimpanzee
    She loved a monkey with a long tail
    Lordy, how she loved him

    Each night he would find her there
    Swinging in the coconut tree
    And the monkey gay
    At the break of day
    Loved to hear his Chimpie say

    Aba daba daba daba daba daba dab
    Said the Chimpie to the Monk
    Baba daba daba daba daba daba dab
    Said the Monkey to the Chimp

    All night long they'd chatter away
    All day long there were happy and gay
    Swinging and singing in their hunky-monkey way

    Aba daba daba daba daba daba dab
    Means "Monk, I love but you"
    Baba daba dab in monkey talk
    Means "Chimp, I love you, too"

    Then the big baboon one night in June
    He married them and very soon
    They went upon their aba daba honeymoon

    Well, you should have heard that band
    Play upon their wedding day
    Each Chimp and Monkey had nutshells
    Lordy, how they played them

    And now it is every night
    High up in the coconut tree
    It's the same old thing
    With the same old swing
    When the Monk and Chimpie sing

    Aba daba daba daba daba daba dab
    Said the Chimpie to the Monk
    Said the Monkey to the Chimp

    All night long they'd chatter away
    All day long there were happy and gay
    Swinging and singing in their hunky-monkey way

    Aba daba daba daba doodly daba dab
    Means "Monk, I love but you"
    Baba daba dab in monkey talk
    Means "Chimp, I love you, too"

    And one day when both made man and wife
    They shouted out "This am the life"
    Returning from their aba daba honeymoon
Track: Ah! vous dirai-je, maman
- Traditional
Lyrics: |-
    Ah! Vous dirai-je maman (<i>Oh! Shall I tell you, Mama</i>)
    Ce qui cause mon tourment? (<i>What is causing my torment?</i>)
    Papa veut que je raisonne (<i>Daddy wants me to reason</i>)
    Comme une grande personne (<i>Like a big person</i>)
    Moi je dis que les bonbons (<i>But I say that candies</i>)
    Valent mieux que la raison (<i>Are worth more than the reason!</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    The provided lyrics are the most common version of this French nursery rhyme, and are a parody of "La Confidence naïve", a 1774 poem that was the first known publication of the melody set to words. The tune itself was first published in 1761 and is an anonymous pastoral song believed to date back to the 1740s. This melody forms the basis of not only the [[track:alphabet-song]], but also other nursery rhymes like "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep".
Track: Alphabet song
- Charles Bradlee
Referenced Tracks:
- Ah! vous dirai-je, maman
Lyrics: |-
    A, B, C, D, E, F, G
    H, I, J, K, L M N O, P
    Q R S, T U V
    W, X, Y and Z
    Now I know my ABCs
    Next time, won't you sing with me?
Track: Also sprach Zarathustra
- Richard Strauss
Track: America the Beautiful
- Katharine Lee Bates
- Samuel A. Ward
Lyrics: |-
    O beautiful for spacious skies,
    For amber waves of grain,
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above the fruited plain!
    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea!

    O beautiful for pilgrim feet,
    Whose stern, impassioned stress
    A thoroughfare for freedom beat
    Across the wilderness!
    America! America!
    God mend thine every flaw,
    Confirm thy soul in self-control,
    Thy liberty in law!

    O beautiful for heroes proved
    In liberating strife,
    Who more than self their country loved
    And mercy more than life!
    America! America!
    May God thy gold refine,
    Till all success be nobleness,
    And every gain divine!

    O beautiful for patriot dream
    That sees beyond the years
    Thine alabaster cities gleam
    Undimmed by human tears!
    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea!
Track: The Anacreontic Song
- John Stafford Smith
- Ralph Tomlinson (lyrics)
Lyrics: |-
    To Anacreon, in Heav'n, where he sat in full glee
    A few sons of harmony sent a petition
    That he their inspirer and patron would be
    When this answer arrived from the jolly old Grecian
    Voice, fiddle and flute, no longer be mute
    I'll lend ye my name, and inspire you to boot
    And, besides, I'll instruct you, like me, to entwine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!
    And, besides, I'll instruct you, like me, to entwine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!

    The news through Olympus immediately flew
    When Old Thunder pretended to give himself airs
    If these mortals are suffer'd their scheme to pursue
    The devil a goddess will stay above stairs
    Hark! Already they cry in transports of joy
    Away to the Sons of Anacreon we'll fly
    And there with good fellows, we'll learn to entwine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!
    And there with good fellows, we'll learn to entwine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!

    The yellow-hair'd god, and his nine fusty maids
    From Helicon's banks will incontinent flee
    Idalia will boast but of tenantless shades
    And the biforked hill a mere desert will be
    My Thunder, no fear on't shall soon do its errand
    And dam'me! I'll swing the ringleaders, I warrant
    I'll trim the young dogs for thus daring to twine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!
    I'll trim the young dogs for thus daring to twine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!

    Apollo rose up; and said, Pr'ythee ne'er quarrel
    Good King of the gods, with my vot'ries below!
    Your thunder is useless- then, shewing his laurel
    Cry'd, Sic evitabile fulmen, you know!
    Then over each head my laurels I'll spread
    So my sons from your crackers no mischief shall dread
    Whilst snug in their club-room, they jovially twine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!
    Whilst snug in their club-room, they jovially twine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!

    Next Momus got up, with his risible phiz
    And swore with Apollo he'd cheerfully join
    The full tide of harmony still shall be his
    But the song, and the catch, and the laugh shall be mine
    Then, Jove, be not jealous of these honest fellows
    Cry'd Jove, We relent, since the truth you now tell us
    And swear by Old Styx that they long shall entwine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!
    And swear by Old Styx that they long shall entwine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!

    Ye sons of Anacreon, then, join hand in hand
    Preserve unanimity, friends and love
    'Tis your's to support what's so happily plan'd
    You've the sanction of gods, and the fiat of Jove
    While thus we agree, our toast let it be
    May our club flourish happy, united, and free!
    And long may the sons of Anacreon entwine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!
    And long may the sons of Anacreon entwine
    The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine!
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    Also known by its incipit name "To Anacreon in Heaven".
Track: Auld Lang Syne
- Traditional
Lyrics: |-
    Should old acquaintance be forgot
    And never brought to mind?
    Should old acquaintance be forgot
    And auld lang syne?

    For auld lang syne, my dear
    For auld lang syne
    We'll take a cup of kindness yet
    for auld lang syne

    And surely you'll buy your pint cup!
    And surely I'll buy mine!
    And we'll take a cup o' kindness yet
    For auld lang syne

    We two have run about the hills
    And picked the daisies fine
    But we've wandered many a weary foot
    Since auld lang syne

    We two have paddled in the stream
    Drom morning sun till dine
    But seas between us broad have roared
    Since auld lang syne

    And there's a hand my trusty friend!
    And give me a hand o' thine!
    And we'll take a right good-will draught
    For auld lang syne
Track: Bedelia
- William Jerome (lyrics)
- Jean Schwartz (composition)
- The Haydn Quartet (performance)
Duration: 2:53
Lyrics: |-
    There's a charming Irish lady with a roguish winning way
    Who has kept my heart a-bumping and a-jumping night and day
    She's a flower of Killarney with a Tipperary smile
    She's the best that ever came from Erin's Isle
    And I find myself a-singing all the while

    Bedelia, I want to steal ya
    Bedelia, I love you so
    I'll be your Chauncey Oilcloth
    If you'll be my Molly-o
    Say something sweet Bedelia
    Your voice I like to hear
    Oh Bedelia, elia, elia
    I've made up my mind to steal ya, steal ya, steal ya
    Bedelia dear!

    If you love me, Bedelia, half as much as I love you
    There is nothing in this world can ever cut our love in two
    I will give you all my money on the day that we are wed
    I will cook for you and even bake the bread
    And I'll even bring your breakfast up to bed

    Bedelia, I want to steal ya
    Bedelia, I love you so
    I'll be your Chauncey Oilcloth
    If you'll be my Molly-o
    Say something sweet Bedelia
    Your voice I like to hear
    Oh Bedelia, elia, elia
    I've made up my mind to steal ya, steal ya, steal ya
    Bedelia dear!

    Bedelia, I want to steal ya
    Bedelia, I love you so
    I'll be your Chauncey Oilcloth
    If you'll be my Molly-o
    Say something sweet Bedelia
    Your voice I like to hear
    Oh Bedelia, elia, elia
    I've made up my mind to steal ya, steal ya, steal ya
    Bedelia dear!
Track: Bridal Chorus
- Richard Wagner
Duration: 2:08
Lyrics: |-
    Treulich geführt ziehet dahin (<i>Faithfully guided, draw near</i>)
    Wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr'! (<i>To where the blessing of love shall preserve you!</i>)
    Siegreicher Mut, Minnegewinn (<i>Triumphant courage, the reward of love</i>)
    Eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar (<i>Joins you in faith as the happiest of couples!</i>)
    Streiter der Tugend, schreite voran! (<i>Champion of virtue, proceed!</i>)
    Zierde der Jugend, schreite voran! (<i>Jewel of youth, proceed!</i>)
    Rauschen des Festes seid nun entronnen (<i>Flee now the splendour of the wedding feast</i>)
    Wonne des Herzens sei euch gewonnen! (<i>May the delights of the heart be yours!</i>)

    Duftender Raum, zur Liebe geschmückt (<i>This sweet-smelling room, decked for love</i>)
    Nehm' euch nun auf, dem Glanze entrückt (<i>Now takes you in, away from the splendour</i>)
    Treulich geführt ziehet nun ein (<i>Faithfully guided, draw now near</i>)
    Wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr'! (<i>To where the blessing of love shall preserve you!</i>)
    Siegreicher Mut, Minne so rein (<i>Triumphant courage, love so pure</i>)
    Eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar (<i>Joins you in faith as the happiest of couples!</i>)
Track: Canon in D
- Johann Pachelbel
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    This song is also known as "Pachelbel's Canon" and "Canon in D Major". It was originally paired with a gigue and the oldest known publication names it "Canon and Gigue in D major".
Track: Carol of the Bells
- Peter J. Wilhousky
Referenced Tracks:
- Shchedryk
Lyrics: |-
    Hark! How the bells
    Sweet silver bells
    All seem to say
    Throw cares away
    Christmas is here
    Bringing good cheer
    To young and old
    Meek and the bold

    Ding dong ding dong
    That is their song
    With joyful ring
    All carolling
    One seems to hear
    Words of good cheer
    From ev'rywhere
    Filling the air

    Oh how they pound
    Raising the sound
    O'er hill and dale
    Telling their tale
    Gaily they ring
    While people sing
    Songs of good cheer
    Christmas is here

    Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas
    Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas

    On, on they send
    On without end
    Their joyful tone
    To ev'ry home

    Hark! How the bells
    Sweet silver bells
    All seem to say
    Throw cares away
    Christmas is here
    Bringing good cheer
    To young and old
    Meek and the bold

    Ding dong ding dong
    That is their song
    With joyful ring
    All carolling
    One seems to hear
    Words of good cheer
    From ev'rywhere
    Filling the air

    Oh how they pound
    Raising the sound
    O'er hill and dale
    Telling their tale
    Gaily they ring
    While people sing
    Songs of good cheer
    Christmas is here

    Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas
    Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas

    On, on they send
    On without end
    Their joyful tone
    To ev'ry home
    On, on they send
    On without end
    Their joyful tone
    To ev'ry home
Track: Chopsticks
Directory: chopsticks-euphemia-allen
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Euphemia Allen
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    Originally published as "The Celebrated Chop Waltz".
Track: Danse macabre
# Also known as Danse macabre, Op. 40
- Camille Saint-Saëns
Track: Das Lied vom Musikanten
- Traditional
Lyrics: |-
    Ich bin ein Musikant, ich bin ein Musikant! (<i>I am a musician, I am a musician!</i>)
    Ich kann auch spielen auf meiner Geige (<i>I can also play on my violin</i>)
    Di de schum schum schum, di de schum schum schum
    Auf meiner Geige (<i>On my violin</i>)

    Ich bin ein Musikant, ich bin ein Musikant! (<i>I am a musician, I am a musician!</i>)
    Ich kann auch spielen auf meiner Clarinette (<i>I can also play on my clarinet</i>)
    Pä de wäpp wäpp wäpp, pä de wäpp wäpp wäpp
    Auf meiner Clarinette (<i>On my clarinet</i>)

    Ich bin ein Musikant, ich bin ein Musikant! (<i>I am a musician, I am a musician!</i>)
    Ich kann auch spielen auf meiner Flöte (<i>I can also play on my flute</i>)

    Auf meiner Flöte (<i>On my flute</i>)

    Ich bin ein Musikant, ich bin ein Musikant! (<i>I am a musician, I am a musician!</i>)
    Ich kann auch spielen auf meiner Guitarre  (<i>I can also play on my guitar</i>)
    Tim tim ter lim, tim tim ter lim
    Auf meiner Guitarre (<i>On my guitar</i>)

    Ich bin ein Musikant, ich bin ein Musikant! (<i>I am a musician, I am a musician!</i>)
    Ich kann auch spielen auf meiner Fagott (<i>I can also play on my bassoon</i>)

    Auf meiner Fagott (<i>On my bassoon</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 12/31/2022)
    Title is lit. "The song of the musician". Some versions are known as "Ich bin ein Musikanten", lit. "I am a musician". This folk song originated in northwestern Germany sometime in the early 19th century. As with most folk music, it evolved from a shifting amalgamation of various earlier melodies— one notable one being a 1761 melody by Leopold Mozart, father of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It's since spread in a variety of forms throughout eastern Europe, and in the 21st century, through China, Korea, and most importantly Japan, where it became a popular children's song. Lyrics here are based on a 19th century songbook.
Track: Deck the Halls
- Thomas Oliphant
Referenced Tracks:
- Nos Galan
Lyrics: |-
    Deck the hall with boughs of holly
    Falalalala lala lala!
    'Tis the season to be jolly
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Fill the meadcup, drain the barrel (<i>Alt:</i> Don we now our gay apparel)
    Falala lalala la la la!
    Troul the ancient Christmas carol
    Falalalala lala lala!

    See the flowing bowl before us (<i>Alt:</i> See the blazing yule before us)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Strike the harp, and join in chorus
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Follow me in merry measure
    Falala lalala la la la!
    While I sing of beauty's treasure (<i>Alt:</i> While I tell of Christmas treasure)
    Falalalala lala lala!

    Fast away the old year passes
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Hail the new, ye lads and lasses
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Laughing quaffing all together (<i>Alt:</i> Sing we joyous all together)
    Falala lalala la la la!
    Heedless of the wind and weather
    Falalalala lala lala!
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    The alternate lyrics, of unknown provenance, were first known to have been published in 1877, 15 years after the original English-language lyrics. By far the most popular variation of the song, they remove all reference to alcohol consumption.
Track: Drunken Sailor
- Traditional
Lyrics: |-
    What will we do with a drunken sailor?
    What will we do with a drunken sailor?
    What will we do with a drunken sailor?
    Early in the morning!

    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Early in the morning!

    Shave his belly with a rusty razor
    Shave his belly with a rusty razor
    Shave his belly with a rusty razor
    Early in the morning!

    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Early in the morning!

    Put him in a long boat till his sober
    Put him in a long boat till his sober
    Put him in a long boat till his sober
    Early in the morning!

    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Early in the morning!

    Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom
    Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom
    Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom
    Early in the morning!

    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Early in the morning!

    Put him in the bed with the captains daughter
    Put him in the bed with the captains daughter
    Put him in the bed with the captains daughter
    Early in the morning!

    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Early in the morning!

    That's what we do with a drunken sailor
    That's what we do with a drunken sailor
    That's what we do with a drunken sailor
    Early in the morning!

    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Early in the morning!

    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Early in the morning!
Track: Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu
- Traditional
Lyrics: |-
    Ee Mungu nguvu yetu (Oh God of all creation)
    Ilete baraka kwetu (Bless this our land and nation)
    Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi (Justice be our shield and defender)
    Natukae na undugu (May we dwell in unity)
    Amani na uhuru (Peace and liberty)
    Raha tupate na ustawi (Plenty be found within our borders)

    Amkeni ndugu zetu (Let one and all arise)
    Tufanye sote bidii (With hearts both strong and true)
    Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu (Service be our earnest endeavour)
    Nchi yetu ya Kenya (And our homeland of Kenya)
    Tunayoipenda (Heritage of splendour)
    Tuwe tayari kuilinda (Firm may we stand to defend)

    Natujenge taifa letu (Let all with one accord)
    Ee, ndio wajibu wetu (In common bond united)
    Kenya istahili heshima (Build this our nation together)
    Tuungane mikono (And the glory of Kenya)
    Pamoja kazini (The fruit of our labour)
    Kila siku tuwe na shukran (Fill every heart with thanksgiving)
Track: The Entertainer
- Scott Joplin
Track: Entrance of the Gladiators
- Julius Fučík
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    Also known as "Entry of the Gladiators", although it was originally published as "Grande Marche Chromatique" until its name was changed by the creator in subsequent publications.
Track: Farewell Song
- Dick Burnett
Lyrics: |-
    I am a man of constant sorrow
    I've seen trouble all of my days
    I'll bid farewell to old Kentucky
    The place where I was born and raised

    Oh, six long year I've been blind, friends
    My pleasures here on earth are done
    In this world I have to ramble

    So fare you well my own true lover
    I fear I'll never see you again
    For I am bound to ride the Northern railroad
    Perhaps I'll die upon the train

    Oh, you may bury me in some deep valley
    For many year there I may lay
    Oh, when you're dreaming while you're slumbering
    While I am sleeping in the clay

    Oh, fare you well to my native country
    The place where I have loved so well
    For I have all kinds of trouble
    In this vain world no tongue can tell

    Dear friends, although I may be a stranger
    My face you may never see no more
    But there is a promise that is given
    Where we can meet on that beautiful shore
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/23/2022)
    "Farewell Song" was first published in a self-made songbook "Songs Song by R.D. BURNETT. The blind man. Monticello - - - Kentucky." in 1913. Those original lyrics are printed here verbatim, with the exception of adjustments to punctuation. However, later in life Dick Burnett himself was unsure of whether he composed the song entirely by himself or drew upon other works. Research has found tentative roots in hymns and folk songs from Kentucky and Virginia throughout the 19th century; as a traveling street performer Dick knew a vast amount of such works.

    While the song was first recorded in 1927 by Dick, Columbia Records did not release the recording, making Emry Arthur's 1928 recording the earliest. It is this version that is linked here, and this version that first adopted the name "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow" which the song is now commonly known as.
Track: First Call
- Traditional
Track: The First Noel
- Traditional
Lyrics: |-
    The first Noel the angels did say
    Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay
    In fields where they lay keeping their sheep
    On a cold winter's night that was so deep

    Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
    Born is the King of Israel

    They looked up and saw a star
    Shining in the east, beyond them far
    And to the earth it gave great light
    And so it continued, both day and night

    Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
    Born is the King of Israel

    And by the light of that same star
    Three wise men came from country far
    To seek for a king was their intent
    And to follow the star wherever it went

    Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
    Born is the King of Israel

    This star drew nigh to the northwest
    O'er Bethlehem it took it's rest
    And there it did both stop and stay
    Right over the place where Jesus lay

    Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
    Born is the King of Israel

    Then did they know assuredly
    Within that house, the king did lie
    One entered in then for to see
    And found the babe in poverty

    Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
    Born is the King of Israel

    Then enter'd in those wise men three,
    Full reverently upon their knee,
    And offer'd there, in his presence,
    Their gold, and myrrh, and frankincense

    Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
    Born is the King of Israel

    Between an ox stall and an ass
    This child truly there born he was
    For want of clothing they did him lay
    All in a manger, among the hay

    Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
    Born is the King of Israel

    Now let us all with one accord
    Sing praises to our heavenly Lord
    That hath made heaven and earth of nought
    And with his blood mankind hath bought

    Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
    Born is the King of Israel

    If we in our time shall do well
    We shall be free from death and Hell
    For God hath prepared for us all
    A resting place in general

    Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
    Born is the King of Israel
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    The provided lyrics are derived from the first known publication of the carol, known then as "The First Nowell", in 1823. The melody is believed to date from at least the eighteenth century, though it is possibly hundreds of years older, and with endless existing variations to its lyrics.
Track: Frosty the Snowman
- Walter Rollins
- Steve Nelson
Lyrics: |-
    Frosty the Snowman was a jolly happy soul
    With a corn cob pipe and a button nose
    And his eyes made out of coal

    Frosty the Snowman made the children laugh and play
    And weren't they surprised when before their eyes
    He came to life that day

    There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found
    For when they placed it on his head, he began to dance around, oh

    Frosty the Snowman was as live as he could be
    And the children say he could laugh and play
    Just the same as you and me

    Frosty the Snowman knew the sun was hot that day
    So he said: Let's run and we'll have fun
    Before I melt away

    So down to the village with a broom stick in his hand
    Running here and there all around the square
    Saying, 'Catch me if you can!'

    He led them down the streets of town right to the traffic cop
    And he only paused a moment when he heard him holler, 'Stop!'

    For Frosty the Snowman had to hurry on his way
    But he waved goodbye saying: Don't you cry
    I'll be back again, someday

    There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found
    For when they placed it on his head, he began to dance around, oh

    Frosty the Snowman was as live as he could be
    And the children say he could laugh and play
    Just the same as you and me

    Dam-pe-dip-dam-dam, dam-pe-dip-dam-dam
    Look at Frosty go!
    Dam-pe-dip-dam-dam, dam-pe-dip-dam-dam
    Over the hills of snow!
Track: Funiculì, Funiculà
Directory: funiculi-funicula
- Luigi Denza (composition)
- Peppino Turca (lyrics)
Lyrics: |-
    Aissera, oje Nanniné, me ne sagliette (<i>I climbed up high this evening, oh, Nanetta</i>)
    Tu saje addó, tu saje addó (<i>Do you know where? Do you know where?</i>)
    Addó 'stu core 'ngrato cchiù dispietto (<i>Where this ungrateful heart</i>)
    Farme nun pò! Farme nun pò! (<i>No longer pains me! No longer pains me!</i>)
    Addó lu fuoco coce, ma se fuje (<i>Where fire burns, but if you run away</i>)
    Te lassa sta! Te lassa sta! (<i>It lets you be! It lets you be!</i>)
    E nun te corre appriesso, nun te struje (<i>It doesn't follow after or torment you</i>)
    Sulo a guardà, sulo a guardà (<i>Just with a look, just with a look</i>)

    Jamme, jamme 'ncoppa, jamme jà (<i>Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!</i>)
    Jamme, jamme 'ncoppa, jamme jà (<i>Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!</i>)
    Funiculì, funiculà, funiculì, funiculà (<i>Funicular up, funicular down, funicular up, funicular down!</i>)
    'Ncoppa, jamme jà, funiculì, funiculà! (<i>To the top we'll go, funicular up, funicular down!</i>)

    Né, jamme da la terra a la montagna! (<i>Let's go from here below up to the mountain</i>)
    Nu passo nc'è! Nu passo nc'è! (<i>A step away! A step away!</i>)
    Se vede Francia, Proceta e la Spagna (<i>You can see France, Procida, and Spain</i>)
    Io veco a tte! Io veco a tte! (<i>And I see you! And I see you!</i>)
    Tirato co la fune, ditto 'nfatto (<i>You rise, pulled by a cable, quick as a wink</i>)
    'Ncielo se va, 'ncielo se va (<i>Into the sky! Into the sky!</i>)
    Se va comm' 'a lu viento a l'intrasatto (<i>We'll rise up like a whirlwind all of a sudden</i>)
    Guè, saglie, sà! Guè, saglie, sà! (<i>Knows how to do! Knows how to do!</i>)

    Jamme, jamme 'ncoppa, jamme jà (<i>Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!</i>)
    Jamme, jamme 'ncoppa, jamme jà (<i>Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!</i>)
    Funiculì, funiculà, funiculì, funiculà (<i>Funicular up, funicular down, funicular up, funicular down!</i>)
    'Ncoppa, jamme jà, funiculì, funiculà! (<i>To the top we'll go, funicular up, funicular down!</i>)

    Se n'è sagliuta, oje né, se n'è sagliuta (<i>The car has climbed up high, see, climbed up high now</i>)
    La capa già! La capa già! (<i>Right to the top! Right to the top!</i>)
    È gghiuta, po' è turnata, po' è venuta (<i>It went, and turned around, and came back down</i>)
    Sta sempe ccà! Sta sempe ccà! (<i>And now it's stopped! And now it's stopped!</i>)
    La capa vota, vota, attuorno, attuorno (<i> The top is turning round, and round, and round</i>)
    Attuorno a tte! Attuorno a tte! (<i>Around yourself! Around yourself!</i>)
    Stu core canta sempe nu taluorno (<i>My heart is singing the same refrain</i>)
    Sposamme, oje né! Sposamme, oje né! (<i>We should be wed! We should be wed!</i>)

    Jamme, jamme 'ncoppa, jamme jà (<i>Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!</i>)
    Jamme, jamme 'ncoppa, jamme jà (<i>Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!</i>)
    Funiculì, funiculà, funiculì, funiculà (<i>Funicular up, funicular down, funicular up, funicular down!</i>)
    'Ncoppa, jamme jà, funiculì, funiculà! (<i>To the top we'll go, funicular up, funicular down!</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/19/2022)
    Translation taken from Wikipedia.
Track: Für Elise
Directory: fur-elise
- Ludwig van Beethoven
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    Found and published 40 years after Beethoven's death as "Bagatelle No. 25 in A minor for solo piano", it was allegedly found carrying the title "Für Elise am 27 April [1810] zur Erinnerung von L. v. Bthvn" ("For Elise on April 27 in memory by L. v. Bthvn").
Track: God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
- Traditional
Lyrics: |-
    God rest you merry, gentlemen
    Let nothing you dismay
    Remember Christ our Savior
    Was born on Christmas Day
    To save us all from Satan's power
    When we were gone astray

    O tidings of comfort and joy
    Comfort and joy
    O tidings of comfort and joy

    In Bethlehem, in Jewry
    This blessed babe was born
    And laid within a manger
    Upon this blessed morn
    The which his mother Mary
    Did nothing did take in scorn

    O tidings of comfort and joy
    Comfort and joy
    O tidings of comfort and joy

    From God our heavenly Father
    A blessed angel came
    And unto certain shepherds
    Brought tidings of the same
    How that in Bethlehem was born
    The Son of God by Name

    O tidings of comfort and joy
    Comfort and joy
    O tidings of comfort and joy
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    The earliest known version of this carol dates from the 1650s, and there is a vast array of slightly different variations on its lyrics circulating today. The provided lyrics in this wiki are arbitrarily taken from Bing Crosby's 1942 recording. It is sometimes known as "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" or "Tidings of Comfort and Joy".
Track: God Save the King
# Also known as "My Country 'Tis of Thee", "America" and "God Save the Queen"
- Traditional
Track: Good King Wenceslas
- John Mason Neale (lyrics)
- Thomas Helmore (lyrics)
Referenced Tracks:
- Tempus adest floridum
Lyrics: |-
    Good King Wenceslas look'd out
    On the Feast of Stephen
    When the snow lay round about
    Deep, and crisp, and even
    Brightly shone the moon that night
    Though the frost was cruel
    When a poor man came in sight
    Gath'ring winter fuel

    Hither, page, and stand by me
    If thou know'st, telling
    Yonder peasant who is he?
    Where and what his dwelling?
    Sire, he lives a good league hence
    Underneath the mountain
    Right against the forest fence
    By Saint Agnes' fountain

    Bring me flesh, and bring me wine
    Bring me pine logs hither
    Thou and I will see him dine
    When we bear them thither
    Page and monarch forth they went
    Forth they went together
    Through the rude wind's wild lament
    And the bitter weather

    Sire, the night is darker now
    And the wind blows stronger
    Fails my heart I know not how
    I can go no longer
    Mark my footsteps, good my page
    Tread thou in them boldly
    Thou shalt find the winter's rage
    Freeze thy blood less coldly

    In his master's steps he trod
    Where the snow lay dinted
    Heat was in the very sod
    Which the Saint had printed
    Therefore, Christian men, be sure
    Wealth or rank possessing
    Ye who now will bless the poor
    Shall yourselves find blessing
Track: Good Morning to All
- Mildred Hill
- Patty Hill
Lyrics: |-
    Good morning to you!
    Good morning to you!
    Good morning, dear children!
    Good morning to all!
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/11/2023)
    While it has been put forward that this song was based on existing previous published music, such as "Happy Greetings to All" (also known as"A Happy Greeting to All"), "Good Night to You All", and "A Happy New Year", this claim is highly disputed.
Track: Greensleeves
- Traditional
Lyrics: |-
    Alas my love, ye do me wrong
    To cast me off discourteously
    And I have loved you so long
    Delighting in your company

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    I have been ready at your hand
    To grant what ever you would crave
    I have both waged life and land
    Your love and good-will for to have

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    I bought thee kerchers to thy head
    That wre wrought fine and gallantly
    I kept thee both at board and bed
    Which cost my purse well favouredly

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    I bought thee petticoats of the best
    The cloth so fine as fine might be
    I gave thee jewels for thy chest
    And all this cost I spent on thee

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    Thy smock of silk, both fair and white
    With gold embroidered gorgeously
    Thy petticoat of sendal right
    And these I bought thee gladly

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    Thy girdle of gold so red
    With pearls bedecked sumptuously
    The like no other lasses had
    And yet thou wouldst not love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    Thy purse and eke thy gay gilt knows
    Thy pincase gallant to the eye
    No better wore the burgess' wife
    And yet thou wouldst not love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    Thy crimson stockings all of silk
    With gold all wrought above the knee
    Thy pumps as white as was the milk
    And yet thou wouldst not love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    Thy gown was of the grassy green
    Thy sleeves of satin hanging by
    Which made thee be our harvest queen
    And yet thou wouldst not love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    Thy garters fringed with the gold
    And silver aglets hanging by
    Which made thee blithe for to behold
    And yet thou wouldst not love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    My gayest gelding I thee gave
    To ride wherever liked thee
    No lady ever was so brave
    And yet tho wouldst not love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    My men were clothed all in green
    And they did ever wait on thee
    All this was gallant to be seen
    And yet thou wouldst not love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    They set thee up, they took thee down
    They served thee with humility
    Thy foot might not once touch the ground
    And yet thou wouldst not love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    For every morning when thou rose
    I sent thee dainties orderly
    To cheer thy stomach from all woes
    And yet thou wouldst not love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    And who did pay for all this gear
    That thou didst spend when pleased thee?
    Even I that am rejected here
    And thou disdainst to love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    Well I will pray to God on high
    That thou my constancy mayst seen
    And that yet once before I die
    Thou wilt vouchsafe to love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves

    Greensleeves now, farewell, adieu
    God I pray to prosper thee
    For I am still thy lover true
    Come once again and love me

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    And who but Lady Greensleeves
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    The first known versions of Greensleeves date from the 1580. Two versions of the ballad were registered on the same day, one as "A Newe Northen Dittye of ye Ladye Greene Sleves" and another as "Ye Ladie Greene Sleeves answere to Donkyn hir frende", but the tune certainly predates these versions and authors. There have been countless variations of the lyrics and other lyrics set to the tune, but its association with Christmas came at a later date. The provided lyrics are from the 1584 publication "A Handful of Pleasant Delights", where it was known as "A New Courtly Sonnet of the Lady Green Sleeves. To the new tune of Green Sleeves."

    I've made some effort to update the spelling to modern standards, but don't blame me if some verses don't rhyme; blame the Great Vowel Shift.
Track: Greg
Directory: greg-it-follows
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 3:28
- It Follows
- Disasterpeace
Track: Hail to the Chief
# Adapted from a traditional gaelic tune, often played with "Four Ruffles and Flourishes" before it
- James Sanderson
Duration: 0:43
Track: Happy Birthday to You
- Mildred Hill
- Patty Hill
Referenced Tracks:
- Good Morning to All
Lyrics: |-
    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday, dear ____!
    Happy birthday to you!
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/11/2023)
    Variously known as "Happy Birthday" or "The Birthday Song". You're supposed to say the name of whoever's birthday it is where that blank line is in the lyrics. In case you didn't know somehow.
Track: Here Comes Santa Claus
- Gene Autry (lyrics, performance)
- Oakley Haldeman (composition)
Duration: 2:34
Lyrics: |-
    Here comes Santa Claus
    Here comes Santa Claus
    Right down Santa Claus Lane
    Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeers pulling on the reins
    Bells are ringing, children singing, all is merry and bright
    So hang your stockings and say your prayers
    'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight

    Here comes Santa Claus
    Here comes Santa Claus
    Right down Santa Claus Lane
    He's got a bag that's filled with toys for boys and girls again
    Hear those sleigh bells jingle jangle, oh what a beautiful sight
    So jump in bed and cover your head
    'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight

    Here comes Santa Claus
    Here comes Santa Claus
    Right down Santa Claus Lane
    He doesn't care if you're rich or poor
    He loves you just the same
    Santa Claus knows we're all God's children, that makes everything right
    So fill your hearts with Christmas cheer
    'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight

    Here comes Santa Claus
    Here comes Santa Claus
    Right down Santa Claus Lane
    He'll come around when chimes ring out that it's Christmas morn' again
    Peace on Earth will come to all if we just follow the light
    So let's give thanks to the lord above
    'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight

    Here comes Santa Claus
    Here comes Santa Claus
    Right down Santa Claus Lane
    Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeers pulling on the rein
    Bells are ringing, children singing, all is merry and bright
    Hang your stockings and say your prayers
    'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight
Track: I Got Rhythm
- George Gershwin
Track: In The Air Tonight
- Phil Collins
Duration: 5:37
Lyrics: |-
    I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord
    And I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life, oh lord
    Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord

    Well, if you told me you were drowning
    I would not lend a hand
    I've seen your face before my friend
    But I don't know if you know who I am

    Well, I was there and I saw what you did
    I saw it with my own two eyes
    So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been
    It's all been a pack of lies

    And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord
    Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord
    I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord
    Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord, oh lord

    Well I remember, I remember don't worry
    How could I ever forget
    It's the first time, the last time we ever met
    But I know the reason why you keep this silence up
    No you don't fool me
    The hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows
    It's no stranger to you and me

    I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord
    Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord
    I can feel it in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord
    Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord

    I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord
    And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord
    I can feel it in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord
    Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord, oh lord
    I can feel it in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord
    Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord, oh lord
Track: In the Hall of the Mountain King
- Edvard Grieg
Track: Johnny Fill Up the Bowl
- Traditional
- J. Durnal (arrangement)
Lyrics: |-
    A soldier I'm just from the war
    Foot balls, foot balls
    A soldier I'm just from the war
    Foot balls, says I
    A soldier I'm just from the war
    Where thundering guns and cannons roar
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    I've been in many a bully fight
    Foot balls, foot balls
    I've been in many a bully fight
    Foot balls, says I
    I've been in many a bully fight
    And I'll tell you about a few tonight
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    At first they led us to Bull Run
    Foot balls, foot balls
    At first they led us to Bull Run
    Foot balls, says I
    At first they led us to Bull Run
    But "changed our base" to Washington
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    The rebels came to Maryland
    Foot balls, foot balls
    The rebels came to Maryland
    Foot balls, says I
    The rebels came to Maryland
    A ragged, roush and hungry band
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    They didn't have much time to stay
    Foot balls, foot balls
    They didn't have much time to stay
    Foot balls, says I
    They didn't have much time to stay
    For well we fought them night and day
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    Old Stonewall Jackson and his crew
    Foot balls, foot balls
    Old Stonewall Jackson and his crew
    Foot balls, says I
    Old Stonewall Jackson and his crew
    We made "Nup up de do den do!"
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    For bravely did our little Mac
    Foot balls, foot balls
    For bravely did our little Mac
    Foot balls, says I
    For bravely did our little Mac
    Make them take the backward track
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    There was a man went to the war
    Foot balls, foot balls
    There was a man went to the war
    Foot balls, says I
    There was a man went to the war
    The greatest fool you ever saw
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    He had a hat but ne'er a coat
    Foot balls, foot balls
    He had a hat but ne'er a coat
    Foot balls, says I
    He had a hat but ne'er a coat
    So he buttoned his pantaloons up to his throat!
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    The ladies fell in love with him
    Foot balls, foot balls
    The ladies fell in love with him
    Foot balls, says I
    The ladies fell in love with him
    His maiden name I think was Jim
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    You ought to see them sing and jump
    Foot balls, foot balls
    You ought to see them sing and jump
    Foot balls, says I
    You ought to see them sing and jump
    And chase the Old Boy round a stump
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    The woods with shout and chorus rang
    Foot balls, foot balls
    The woods with shout and chorus rang
    Foot balls, says I
    The woods with shout and chorus rang
    And this was one of the songs they sang
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    The Merrimack was all the talk
    Foot balls, foot balls
    The Merrimack was all the talk
    Foot balls, says I
    The Merrimack was all the talk
    But the little Monitor made her walk!
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    John Bull don't like our ironclads
    Foot balls, foot balls
    John Bull don't like our ironclads
    Foot balls, says I
    John Bull don't like our ironclads
    Nor Frenchy our columbiads
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl

    They make them feel so very queer
    Foot balls, foot balls
    They make them feel so very queer
    Foot balls, says I
    They make them feel so very queer
    I hardly think they'll interfere
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
    And we'll all drink stone blind
    Johnny fill up the bowl
Track: Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity
- Gustav Holst
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/23/2022)
    Movement 4 of Holst's suite "The Planets".
Track: La Cucaracha
- Traditional
Lyrics: |-
    La cucaracha, la cucaracha (<i>The cockroach, the cockroach</i>)
    Ya no puede caminar (<i>Can no longer walk</i>)
    Porque le falta, porque no tiene (<i>Because it doesn't have, because it lacks</i>)
    La patica principal (<i>Its main leg</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    While references to it date back to at least early 19th century Spain, there are an infinite amount of variations on the lyrics, often commenting on political or social issues of the time. The provided lyrics are simply the most common rendition I remember from my childhood.
Track: La Espero
- L. L. Zamenhof (lyrics)
- Félicien Menu de Ménil (composition)
Lyrics: |-
    En la mondon venis nova sento (<i>Into the world came a new feeling</i>)
    Tra la mondo iras forta voko (<i>Through the world goes a powerful call</i>)
    Per flugiloj de facila vento (<i>By means of wings of a gentle wind</i>)
    Nun de loko flugu ĝi al loko (<i>Now let it fly from place to place</i>)

    Ne al glavo sangon soifanta (<i>Not to a bloodthirsty sword</i>)
    Ĝi la homan tiras familion (<i>Does it draw the human family</i>)
    Al la mond' eterne militanta (<i>To the eternally fighting world</i>)
    Ĝi promesas sanktan harmonion (<i>It promises sacred harmony</i>)

    Sub la sankta signo de l' espero (<i>Under the sacred sign of the hope</i>)
    Kolektiĝas pacaj batalantoj (<i>The peaceful fighters gather</i>)
    Kaj rapide kreskas la afero (<i>And this affair quickly grows</i>)
    Per laboro de la esperantoj (<i>By the labours of those who hope</i>)

    Forte staras muroj de miljaroj (<i>Walls of millennia stand firmly</i>)
    Inter la popoloj dividitaj (<i>Between the divided people</i>)
    Sed dissaltos la obstinaj baroj (<i>But the stubborn barriers will jump apart</i>)
    Per la sankta amo disbatitaj (<i>Knocked apart by the sacred love</i>)

    Sur neŭtrala lingva fundamento (<i>On a neutral language basis</i>)
    Komprenante unu la alian (<i>Understanding one another</i>)
    La popoloj faros en konsento (<i>The people will make in agreement</i>)
    Unu grandan rondon familian (<i>One great family circle</i>)

    Nia diligenta kolegaro (<i>Our diligent set of colleagues</i>)
    En laboro paca ne laciĝos (<i>In peaceful labor will never tire</i>)
    Ĝis la bela sonĝo de l' homaro (<i>Until the beautiful dream of humanity</i>)
    Por eterna ben' efektiviĝos (<i>For eternal blessing is realized</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/19/2022)
    While [[artist:felicien-menu-de-menil|Félicien Menu de Ménil's]] composition is by far the best known, there are several other tunes created for it that date much earlier. Translated lyrics via Wikipedia.
Track: Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
- Sammy Cahn
- Jule Styne
Lyrics: |-
    Oh, the weather outside is frightful
    But the fire is so delightful
    And since we've no place to go
    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

    It doesn't show signs of stoppin'
    And I've brought some corn for poppin'
    The lights are turned down low
    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

    When we finally kiss good night
    How I'll hate going out in a storm
    But if you'll really hold me tight
    All the way home I'll be warm

    The fire is slowly dyin'
    And my dear, we're still goodbyin'
    As long as you love me so
    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

    When we finally kiss good night
    How I'll hate to go out in a storm
    But if you'll really hold me tight
    All the way home I'll be warm

    The fire is slowly dyin'
    And my dear, we're still goodbyin'
    But as long as you love me so
    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Track: Magnificat
- Arvo Pärt
- Traditional (lyrics)
Duration: 7:04
Lyrics: |-
    Magnificat anima mea Dominum (<i>My soul doth magnify the Lord</i>)
    Et exultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo (<i>And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour</i>)
    Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae (<i>For he hath regarded: the lowliness of his handmaiden</i>)
    Ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes (<i>For behold, from henceforth: all generations shall call me blessed</i>)

    Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est, et sanctum nomen ejus (<i>For he that is mighty hath magnified me: and holy is his Name</i>)
    Et misericordia ejus a progenie in progenies timentibus eum (<i>And his mercy is on them that fear him: throughout all generations</i>)
    Fecit potentiam in bracchio suo (<i>He hath shewed strength with his arm</i>)
    Dispersit superbos mente cordis sui (<i>He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts</i>)

    Deposuit potentes de sede, et exaltavit humiles (<i>He hath put down the mighty from their seat: and hath exalted the humble and meek</i>)
    Esurientes implevit bonis, et divites dimisit inanes (<i>He hath filled the hungry with good things: and the rich he hath sent empty away</i>)
    Suscepit Israel, puerum suum, recordatus misericordiae suae (<i>He remembering his mercy hath holpen his servant Israel</i>)
    Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros, Abraham et semini ejus in saecula (<i>As he promised to our forefathers, Abraham and his seed for ever</i>)

    Magnificat anima mea Dominum (<i>My soul doth magnify the Lord</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/19/2022)
    The Magnificat is a canticle also known as the "Song of Mary", "Canticle of Mary", or "Ode of the Theotokos" (Theotokos is a Greek title for Mary roughly meaning 'Mother of God'). The text is taken from the Gospel of Luke 1:46-55; this section of the gospel is known as the Visitation. Traditionally a doxology (the Gloria Patri) is appended to the canticle, but is ommitted by Part in lieu of repeating the initial line. The Latin text is from the Vulgate, the provided English translation is from the Book of Common Prayer.

    Authorship of the Gospel of Luke is traditionally attributed to Luke the Evangelist, mentioned as a companion of Paul the Apostle, though the actual text is anonymous. The gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke all share large quantities of material, and the literary relationship between the three is unknown (the 'synoptic problem'). However the Magnificat is material unique to Luke. Seen through the lens of some of the most common synoptic theories, this could mean the material was indeed authored by the author of Luke, taken from a lost 'Q source' of material from which Matthew and Luke drew (and Mark did not), or taken from a different lost 'L source' from which only Luke drew.
Track: Messiah
- George Frideric Handel
- Traditional (lyrics)
Lyrics: |-
    Hallelujah, hallelujah!

    Hallelujah, hallelujah!

    For the lord God omnipotent reigneth
    Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    For the lord God omnipotent reigneth
    Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    For the lord God omnipotent reigneth (Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!)
    For the lord God omnipotent reigneth (Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!)
    For the lord God omnipotent reigneth (Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!)

    The kingdom of this world
    Is become
    The kingdom of our Lord
    And of His Christ
    And of His Christ

    And He shall reign forever and ever
    And He shall reign forever and ever
    And He shall reign forever and ever
    And He shall reign forever and ever

    King of Kings forever and ever! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    And Lord of Lords forever and ever! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    King of Kings forever and ever! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    And Lord of Lords forever and ever! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    King of Kings forever and ever! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    And Lord of Lords
    King of Kings and Lord of Lords

    And He shall reign forever and ever (And He shall reign, and He shall reign, and He shall reign, and He shall reign)
    And He shall reign forever and ever (And He shall reign forever and ever)

    King of Kings forever and ever
    And Lord of Lords! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    And He shall reign forever and ever
    King of Kings and Lord of Lords
    King of Kings and Lord of Lords
    And He shall reign forever and ever
    Forever and ever! Forever and ever!
    Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    Messiah has 53 movements. A full performance of the oratorio usually takes over two hours, not counting intermission time. However it is most enduring in popular culture—and probably being referenced in this wiki because of—the 44th movement, aka the "Hallelujah Chorus", and that movement is the only one included in the provided lyrics.

    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/19/2022)
    The words are from the King James Bible, Revelation 19:6, 11:15, and 19:16. The Book of Revelation claims to be written by 'John' on the island of Patmos. Christian tradition claims this to be John the Apostle and also John the Evangelist (author of the Gospel of John), but scholars generally consider these to be three different people and separate the author of Revelation as 'John of Patmos'.
Track: Misirlou
- Traditional
Lyrics: |-
    Misirlou mou ee glikia sou ee matia (<i>My Egyptian girl, your sweet gaze</i>)
    Floga m'ehi anapsi mes'stin kardia (<i>Lit a flame in my heart</i>)
    Ah, ya habibi, ah ya leleli ah (<i>Oh my love, oh leleli</i>)
    Ta dio sou hili stazoune meli aman (<i>Your two lips are dripping honey, oh my</i>)

    Aman Misirlou (<i>Oh my, Egyptian girl!</i>)
    Trela tha m'erthi, den ipofero pia (<i>Craziness will come to me, I can't suffer any more!</i>)
    Ah tha se klepso mesa ap'tin Arapia (<i>Oh, I will kidnap you from inside Arabia!</i>)

    Aman Misirlou (<i>Oh my, Egyptian girl!</i>)
    Trela tha m'erthi, den ipofero pia (<i>Craziness will come to me, I can't suffer any more!</i>)
    Ah tha se klepso mesa ap'tin Arapia (<i>Oh, I will kidnap you from inside Arabia!</i>)

    Mavromata Misirlou mou treli (<i>My crazy black-eyed Egyptian</i>)
    Ti zoi mou allazo m'ena fili (<i>My life I change with one kiss</i>)
    Ah ya habibi m'ena filaki ah <i>Oh my love, with one kiss, oh</i>)
    Ap'to diko sou to stomataki, aman (<i>From your mouth, oh my!</i>)

    Aman Misirlou (<i>Oh my, Egyptian girl!</i>)
    Trela tha m'erthi, den ipofero pia (<i>Craziness will come to me, I can't suffer any more!</i>)
    Ah tha se klepso mesa ap'tin Arapia (<i>Oh, I will kidnap you from inside Arabia!</i>)

    Aman Misirlou (<i>Oh my, Egyptian girl!</i>)
    Trela tha m'erthi, den ipofero pia (<i>Craziness will come to me, I can't suffer any more!</i>)
    Ah tha se klepso mesa ap'tin Arapia (<i>Oh, I will kidnap you from inside Arabia!</i>)

    Aman Misirlou (<i>Oh my, Egyptian girl!</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/18/2023)
    This folk dates back to at least the 1920s, but its origins probably lie further back. The title ('Μισιρλού') translates to 'Egyptian (feminine)' therefore this song is also known as 'Egyptian Girl'. The earliest known recording by Theodotos Demetriades, from 1927, is linked.
Track: Moonlight Sonata
- Ludwig van Beethoven
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    While this composition is commonly known as the "Moonlight Sonata", the name comes from a critic's remark on this work a few years after Beethoven's death. This sonata, Piano Sonata No. 14, was published alongside his (much less well-known) Piano Sonata No. 13, both under the title "Sonata quasi una Fantasia" (<i>Sonatas in the style of a Fantasia</i>), categorized as his opus number 27.
Track: Nos Galan
- Traditional
- Talhaiarn (lyrics)
- John Ceiriog Hughes (alt. lyrics)
Lyrics: |-
    Goreu pleser ar Nos Galan (<i>The best pleasure on New Year's Eve</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Tŷ a thân a theulu diddan (<i>Is house and fire and a pleasant family</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Calon lân a chwrw melyn (<i>A pure heart and brown ale</i>)
    Fa lalala lala lala!
    Pennill mwyn a llais y delyn (<i>A gentle song and the voice of the harp</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!

    Hyfryd gweled ar yr aelwyd (<i>Lovely seeing round the hearth</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Hên ac ieuangc mwen dedwyddyd (<i>Old and young in happiness</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Pawb ddymunant o lawenydd (<i>Everyone wishing from the heart</i>)
    Fa lalala lala lala!
    Groesawllawn i'r flwyddyn newydd (<i>A warm welcome to the new year</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!

    Blwyddyn newydd dda i'r teulu (<i>Happy new year to the family</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Blwyddyn newydd dda i Gymru (<i>Happy new year to Wales</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Unwn galon llaw ac awen (<i>Joining heart, hand and spirit</i>)
    Fa lalala lala lala!
    Dyma ddiwedd gwyliau llawen (<i>Here's the end of a joyful holiday</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!

    (<i>Alternate lyrics:</i>)
    Oer yw'r gŵr sy'n methu caru (<i>Cold is the man who cannot love</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Hen fynyddoedd anwyl Cymru (<i>The old mountains of dear Wales</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Iddo ef a'u câr gynhesaf (<i>For him and his warmest friend</i>)
    Fa lalala lala lala!
    Gwyliau llawen flwydd nesaf (<i>A joyful holiday next year</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!

    I'r helbulus oer yw'r biliau (<i>Chilling are the bills</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Sydd yn dyfod yn y gwyliau (<i>That cometh during the holidays</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Gwrando bregeth mewnun pennill (<i>Listen to the sermon in one verse</i>)
    Fa lalala lala lala!
    Byth na waria fwy na'th ennill (<i>Never spend more than you earn</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!

    Oer yw'r eira ar Eryri (<i>Cold is the snow on Snowdonia</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Er fod gwrthban gwlanen arni (<i>Although there's a blanket of wool on it</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
    Oer yw'r bobol na ofalan' (<i>Cold are the people who don't make plans</i>)
    Fa lalala lala lala!
    Gwrdd a'u gilydd ar Nos Galan (<i>To meet each other on New Year's Eve</i>)
    Falalalala lala lala!
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    The lyrics by [[artist:talhaiarn]] were publshed in 1862, alongside the original [[track:deck-the-halls]] lyrics. (Thank you to megatti from the HSMusic Wiki for providing a translation!) However the most popular Welsh lyrics for this melody were published in 1873 by [[artist:john-ceiriog-hughes]], and are shown here as alternate lyrics. They're not only completely different but also were published alongside another completely separate set of English lyrics, 'Soon The Hoar Old Year Will Leave Us' by John Oxenford. The original melody dates back to 16th-century Wales.
Track: O Fortuna
- Carl Orff
Lyrics: |-
    O Fortuna (<i>O Fortune</i>)
    Velut luna (<i>Like the moon</i>)
    Statu variabilis (<i>You are changeable</i>)

    Semper crescis (<i>Ever waxing</i>)
    Aut decrescis (<i>And waning</i>)
    Vita detestabilis (<i>Hateful life</i>)
    Nunc obdurat (<i>First oppresses</i>)
    Et tunc curat (<i>And then soothes</i>)
    Ludo mentis aciem (<i>As fancy takes it</i>)
    Egestatem (<i>Poverty</i>)
    Potestatem (<i>And power</i>)
    Dissolvit ut glaciem (<i>It melts them like ice</i>)

    Sors immanis (<i>Fate - monstrous</i>)
    Et inanis (<i>And empty</i>)
    Rota tu volubilis (<i>You whirling wheel</i>)
    Status malus (<i>You are malevolent</i>)
    Vana salus (<i>Well-being is in vain</i>)
    Semper dissolubilis (<i>And always fades to nothing</i>)
    Obumbrata (<i>Shadowed</i>)
    Et velata (<i>And veiled</i>)
    Mihi quoque niteris (<i>You plague me too</i>)
    Nunc per ludum (<i>Now through the game</i>)
    Dorsum nudum (<i>I bring my bare back</i>)
    Fero tui sceleris (<i>To your villainy</i>)

    Sors salutis (<i>Fate is against me</i>)
    Et virtutis (<i>In health</i>)
    Mihi nunc contraria (<i>And virtue</i>)
    Est affectus (<i>Driven on</i>)
    Et defectus (<i>And weighted down</i>)
    Semper in angaria (<i>Always enslaved</i>)
    Hac in hora (<i>So at this hour</i>)
    Sine mora (<i>Without delay</i>)
    Corde pulsum tangite (<i>Pluck the vibrating strings</i>)
    Quod per sortem (<i>Since Fate</i>)
    Sternit fortem (<i>Strikes down the strong man</i>)
    Mecum omnes plangite (<i>Everyone weep with me</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 2/9/2024)

    Lyrics translation sourced from [](
Track: The One Horse Open Sleigh
- James Lord Pierpont
Lyrics: |-
    Dashing through the snow
    In a one-horse open sleigh
    O'er the fields we go
    Laughing all the way
    Bells on bob tail ring
    Making spirits bright
    What fun it is to ride and sing
    A sleighing song tonight! Oh!

    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way!
    Oh! what fun it is to ride
    In a one-horse open sleigh, hey!
    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way!
    Oh what fun it is to ride
    In a one-horse open sleigh!

    A day or two ago
    I thought I'd take a ride
    And soon, Miss Fanny Bright
    Was seated by my side
    The horse was lean and lank
    Misfortune seemed his lot
    He got into a drifted bank
    And then we got upsot

    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way!
    Oh! what fun it is to ride
    In a one-horse open sleigh, hey!
    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way!
    Oh what fun it is to ride
    In a one-horse open sleigh!

    A day or two ago
    The story I must tell
    I went out on the snow
    And on my back I fell
    A gent was riding by
    In a one-horse open sleigh
    He laughed as there I sprawling lie
    But quickly drove away, ah!

    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way!
    Oh! what fun it is to ride
    In a one-horse open sleigh, hey!
    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way!
    Oh what fun it is to ride
    In a one-horse open sleigh!

    Now the ground is white
    Go it while you're young
    Take the girls tonight
    and sing this sleighing song
    Just get a bobtailed bay
    Two forty as his speed
    Hitch him to an open sleigh
    And snap! you'll take the lead

    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way!
    Oh! what fun it is to ride
    In a one-horse open sleigh, hey!
    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way!
    Oh what fun it is to ride
    In a one-horse open sleigh!
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    Best known under its incipit name "Jingle Bells".
Track: Petite Suite IV. Ballet - for Piano 4 hands
#Possibly incorrect name/track, sucker punch Jebb in the face if still not fixed upon release
- Claude Debussy
Duration: 3:31
Track: Piano Sonata No. 16
# Reference:
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Track: Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade
- Modest Mussorgsky
Duration: 1:40
Track: Polovtsian Dances
- Alexander Borodin
- Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (orchestration)
- Alexander Glazunov (orchestration)
Lyrics: |-
    Ulyetay na krïl'yakh vyetra (<i>Fly away on the wings of the wind</i>)
    Tï v kray rodnoy, rodnaya pyesnya nasha (<i>Our native song, to your native land</i>)
    Tuda, gdye mï tebya svobodno pyeli (<i>To that place where we sang you freely</i>)
    Gdye bïlo tak privol'no nam s toboy (<i>Where we were at liberty</i>)

    Tam, pod znoynïm nebom (<i>There beneath a sultry sky</i>)
    Nyegoy vozdukh polon (<i>The air is full of bliss</i>)
    Tam pod govor morya (<i>There to the murmur of the sea</i>)
    Dremlyut gorï v oblakakh (<i>The hills slumber in the clouds</i>)

    Tam tak yarko sontse svetit (<i>The sun shines so brightly there</i>)
    Rodnïye gorï svyetom zalivaya (<i>Suffusing our native mountains with its light</i>)
    V dolinakh pïshno rozï rastsvetayut (<i>And in the valleys the roses blossom luxuriously</i>)
    I solov'i poyut v lesakh zelyonïkh (<i>And the nightingales sing in the verdant forests</i>)
    I sladkiy vinograd rastyot (<i>And the sweet vine grows</i>)
    Tam tebye privol'nyey, pyesnya (<i>There you were freer, our song</i>)
    Tï tuda i ulyetay (<i>Fly away to that place</i>)

    Poytye pyesni slavï khanu! (<i>Sing songs of glory to the Khan!</i>)
    Poy! (<i>Sing!</i>)
    Slav'tye silu, doblest' khana! (<i>Glorify the power and the valour of the Khan!</i>)
    Slav'! (<i>Glorify him!</i>)
    Slavyen khan! Khan! (<i>Glorious is the Khan! The Khan!</i>)
    Slavyen on, khan nash! (<i>He is glorious, our Khan!</i>)
    Blyeskom slavï (<i>Through the radiance of his glory</i>)
    Sontsu ravyen khan! (<i>The Khan matches the sun!</i>)
    Nyetu ravnïkh slavoy khanu! Nyet! (<i>None are equal in glory to the Khan! None!</i>)

    Chagi khana slavyat khana svoyevo (<i>The captives of the Khan glorify our Khan</i>)

    Vidis' li plennic ty (<i>Do you see the captives</i>)
    S morja dal'nego (<i>From the distant sea</i>)
    Vidis' krasavic moich (<i>Do you see my beauties</i>)
    Lz-za Kaspija? (<i>From beyond the Caspian Sea</i>)
    O skazi, drug (<i>Oh, tell me, friend</i>)
    Skazi tol'ko slovo mne (<i>Tell me just one word</i>)
    Choces' (<i>If you want to</i>)
    Ljubuju iz nich ja tebe podarju (<i>I will give you anyone of them</i>)

    Poytye pyesni slavï khanu! (<i>Sing songs of glory to the Khan!</i>)
    Poy! (<i>Sing!</i>)
    Slav'tye shchedrost', slav'tyemilost'! (<i>Glorify his generosity, glorify his beneficence!</i>)
    Slav'! (<i>Glorify him!</i>)
    Dlya vragov khan (<i>For his enemies, the Khan</i>)
    Grozyen on, khan nash! (<i>He is awesome, our Khan!</i>)
    Kto zhe slavoy ravyen khanu, kto? (<i>Who in glory is equal to the Khan, who?</i>)
    Blyeskom slavï (<i>Through the radiance of his glory</i>)
    Sontsu ravyen khan! (<i>The Khan matches the sun!</i>)

    Slavoy dyedam ravyen khan nash (<i>Equal to the glory of his forebears is the Khan</i>)
    Khan, khan, Konchak! (<i>Khan, Khan, Konchak!</i>)
    Slavoy dyedam ravyen on (<i>Mighty as his forebears is the Khan</i>)
    Groznïy khan, khan Konchak! (<i>The awesome Khan, Khan Konchak!</i>)
    Slavoy dyedam ravyen on (<i>Mighty as his forebears is the Khan</i>)
    Groznïy khan, khan Konchak! (<i>The awesome Khan, Khan Konchak!</i>)
    Slavyen khan, khan Konchak! (<i>Glorious is the Khan, Khan Konchak!</i>)
    Slava, slava... (<i>Glory, glory...</i>)

    Ulyetay na krïl'yakh vyetra (<i>Fly away on the wings of the wind</i>)
    Tï v kray rodnoy, rodnaya pyesnya nasha (<i>Our native song, to your native land</i>)
    Tuda, gdye mï tebya svobodno pyeli (<i>To that place where we sang you freely</i>)
    Gdye bïlo tak privol'no nam s toboy (<i>Where we were at liberty</i>)

    Tam, pod znoynïm nebom (<i>There beneath a sultry sky</i>)
    Nyegoy vozdukh polon (<i>The air is full of bliss</i>)
    Tam pod govor morya (<i>There to the murmur of the sea</i>)
    Dremlyut gorï v oblakakh (<i>The hills slumber in the clouds</i>)

    Tam tak yarko sontse svetit (<i>The sun shines so brightly there</i>)
    Rodnïye gorï svyetom zalivaya (<i>Suffusing our native mountains with its light</i>)
    V dolinakh pïshno rozï rastsvetayut (<i>And in the valleys the roses blossom luxuriously</i>)
    I solov'i poyut v lesakh zelyonïkh (<i>And the nightingales sing in the verdant forests</i>)
    I sladkiy vinograd rastyot (<i>And the sweet vine grows</i>)
    Tam tebye privol'nyey, pyesnya (<i>There you were freer, our song</i>)
    Tï tuda i ulyetay (<i>Fly away to that place</i>)

    Slavoy dyedam ravyen khan nash (<i>Equal to the glory of his forebears is the Khan</i>)
    Khan, khan, Konchak! (<i>Khan, Khan, Konchak!</i>)
    Slavoy dyedam ravyen on (<i>Mighty as his forebears is the Khan</i>)
    Groznïy khan, khan Konchak! (<i>The awesome Khan, Khan Konchak!</i>)
    Slavyen khan, khan Konchak! (<i>Glorious is the Khan, Khan Konchak!</i>)
    Khan Konchak! (<i>Khan Konchak!</i>)

    Plyaskoy vashey tesh'tye khana (<i>Dance to entertain your Khan, captives</i>)
    Plyaskoy tesh'tye khana, chagi (<i>With your dancing, captive girls</i>)
    Khana svoyevo! (<i>Please your Khan!</i>)
    Plyaskoy tesh'tye khana, chagi (<i>With your dancing, captive girls</i>)
    Khana svoyevo! (<i>Please your Khan!</i>)
    Plyaskoy vashey tesh'tye khana! (<i>Dance to entertain your Khan, captives!</i>)
    Plyaskoy tesh'tye! (<i>Dance to please!</i>)
    Nash khan Konchak! (<i>Our Khan Konchak!</i>)
Track: Pure Imagination
- Leslie Bricusse
- Anthony Newley
- Gene Wilder
Duration: 4:20
Lyrics: |-
    Come with me
    And you'll be
    In a world of pure imagination
    Take a look
    And you'll see
    Into your imagination

    We'll begin
    With a spin
    Traveling in
    The world of my creation
    What we'll see
    Will defy

    If you want to view paradise
    Simply look around and view it
    Anything you want to, do it
    Want to change the world?
    There's nothing to it

    There is no
    Life I know
    To compare with pure imagination
    Living there
    You'll be free
    If you truly wish to be

    If you want to see magic lands
    Close your eyes and you will see one
    Want to be a dreamer, be one
    Anytime you please and please save me one

    Come with me
    And you'll be
    In a world of pure imagination
    Take a look
    And you'll see
    Into your imagination

    There is no
    Place to go
    To compare with your imagination
    So go there
    To be free
    If you truly wish to be

    Living there
    You'll be free
    If you truly wish to be
Track: Reveille
- Traditional
Track: Rondo Alla Turca
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Track: Shave and a Haircut
- Traditional
Track: Shchedryk
- Mykola Leontovych
Lyrics: |-
    Shchedryk, shchedryk, shchedrivochka (<i>Bountiful evening, bountiful evening, a New Year's carol</i>)
    Pryletila lastivochka (<i>A little swallow flew into the household</i>)
    Stala sobi shchebetaty (<i>And started to twitter</i>)
    Hospodaria vyklykaty (<i>To summon the master</i>)

    Vyidy, vyidy, hospodariu (<i>Come out, come out, O master</i>)
    Podyvysia na kosharu (<i>Look at the sheep pen</i>)
    Tam ovechky pokotylys (<i>There the ewes have given birth</i>)
    A yahnychky narodylys (<i>Snd the lambkins have been born</i>)
    V tebe tovar ves khoroshyi (<i>Your livestock is great</i>)
    Budesh maty mirku hroshei (<i>You will have a lot of money by selling them</i>)
    V tebe tovar ves khoroshyi (<i>Your livestock is great</i>)
    Budesh maty mirku hroshei (<i>You will have a lot of money, by selling them</i>)

    Khoch ne hroshi, to polova (<i>If not money, then chaff from all the grain you will harvest</i>)
    V tebe zhinka chornobrova (<i>You have a dark-eyebrowed beautiful wife</i>)

    Shchedryk, shchedryk, shchedrivochka (<i>Bountiful evening, bountiful evening, a New Year's carol</i>)
    Pryletila lastivochka (<i>A little swallow flew into the household</i>)
    Stala sobi shchebetaty (<i>And started to twitter</i>)
    Hospodaria vyklykaty (<i>To summon the master</i>)

    Vyidy, vyidy, hospodariu (<i>Come out, come out, O master</i>)
    Podyvysia na kosharu (<i>Look at the sheep pen</i>)
    Tam ovechky pokotylys (<i>There the ewes have given birth</i>)
    A yahnychky narodylys (<i>Snd the lambkins have been born</i>)
    V tebe tovar ves khoroshyi (<i>Your livestock is great</i>)
    Budesh maty mirku hroshei (<i>You will have a lot of money by selling them</i>)
    V tebe tovar ves khoroshyi (<i>Your livestock is great</i>)
    Budesh maty mirku hroshei (<i>You will have a lot of money, by selling them</i>)

    Khoch ne hroshi, to polova (<i>If not money, then chaff from all the grain you will harvest</i>)
    V tebe zhinka chornobrova (<i>You have a dark-eyebrowed beautiful wife</i>)

    Shchedryk, shchedryk, shchedrivochka (<i>Bountiful evening, bountiful evening, a New Year's carol</i>)
    Pryletila lastivochka (<i>A little swallow flew in</i>)
Track: Silent Night
- Franz Xaver Gruber (melody)
- Joseph Mohr (lyrics)
Lyrics: |-
    Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! (<i>Silent Night! Holy Night!</i>)
    Alles schläft; einsam wacht (<i>All is calm, all is bright</i>)
    Nur das traute heilige Paar (<i>Round yon godly tender pair</i>)
    Holder Knab im lockigten Haar (<i>Holy infant with curly hair</i>)
    Schlafe in himmlischer Ruh (<i>Sleep in heavenly peace</i>)
    Schlafe in himmlischer Ruh (<i>Sleep in heavenly peace</i>)

    Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! (<i>Silent Night! Holy Night!</i>)
    Gottes Sohn, o wie lacht (<i>Son of God, love's pure light</i>)
    Lieb' aus deinem göttlichen Mund (<i>Radiant beams from thy holy face</i>)
    Da schlägt uns die rettende Stund. (<i>With the dawn of redeeming grace</i>)
    Jesus in deiner Geburt (<i>Jesus, Lord at thy birth</i>)
    Jesus in deiner Geburt (<i>Jesus, Lord at thy birth</i>)

    Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! (<i>Silent Night! Holy Night!</i>)
    Die der Welt Heil gebracht (<i>Brought the world gracious light</i>)
    Aus des Himmels goldenen Höhn (<i>Down from heaven's golden height</i>)
    Uns der Gnaden Fülle läßt sehn (<i>Comes to us the glorious sight</i>)
    Jesum in Menschengestalt (<i>Jesus, as one of mankind</i>)
    Jesum in Menschengestalt (<i>Jesus, as one of mankind</i>)

    Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! (<i>Silent Night! Holy Night!</i>)
    Wo sich heut alle Macht (<i>By his love, by his might </i>)
    Väterlicher Liebe ergoß (<i>God our Father us has graced</i>)
    Und als Bruder huldvoll umschloß (<i>As a brother gently embraced</i>)
    Jesus die Völker der Welt (<i>Jesus, all nations on earth</i>)
    Jesus die Völker der Welt (<i>Jesus, all nations on earth</i>)

    Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! (<i>Silent Night! Holy Night!</i>)
    Lange schon uns bedacht (<i>Long ago, minding our plight</i>)
    Als der Herr vom Grimme befreit (<i>God the world from misery freed</i>)
    In der Väter urgrauer Zeit (<i>In the dark age of our fathers decreed</i>)
    Aller Welt Schonung verhieß (<i>All the world is redeemed</i>)
    Aller Welt Schonung verhieß (<i>All the world is redeemed</i>)

    Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! (<i>Silent Night! Holy Night!</i>)
    Hirten erst kundgemacht (<i>Shepherds first saw the sight</i>)
    Durch der Engel Alleluja (<i>Of angels singing alleluia</i>)
    Tönt es laut bei Ferne und Nah: (<i>Calling clearly near and far</i>)
    Jesus der Retter ist da (<i>Jesus, the saviour is born</i>)
    Jesus der Retter ist da (<i>Jesus, the saviour is born</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    Also known as "Silent Night, Holy Night", this composition was originally written in German as "Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht". The most popular English version of the music includes only verses 1, 2, and 6, based on a 1859 translation by John Freeman Young. The provded translated lyrics are more faithful to the original German text and was made in 1998 by Bettina Klein.
Track: The Star-Spangled Banner
- Francis Scott Key (lyrics)
- Joseph H. Nicholson (tune-setting)
Referenced Tracks:
- The Anacreontic Song
Lyrics: |-
    O say can you see, by the dawn's early light
    What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming
    Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight
    O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
    And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air
    Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there
    O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

    On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep
    Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes
    What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep
    As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
    Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam
    In full glory reflected now shines in the stream
    'Tis the star-spangled banner, O long may it wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

    And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
    That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
    A home and a country, should leave us no more?
    Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution
    No refuge could save the hireling and slave
    From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

    O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
    Between their loved homes and the war's desolation
    Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land
    Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
    Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just
    And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Track: Symphony No. 5
Directory: symphony-no-5-beethoven
- Ludwig van Beethoven
Track: Tempus adest floridum
- Traditional
Lyrics: |-
    Tempus adest floridum (<i>Spring has now unwrapped the flowers</i>)
    Surgunt namque flores (<i>Day is fast reviving</i>)
    Vernales in omnibus (<i>Life in all her growing powers</i>)
    Imitantur mores (<i>Towards the light is striving</i>)
    Hoc, quod frigus laeserat (<i>Gone the iron touch of cold</i>)
    Reparant calores (<i>Winter time and frost time</i>)
    Cernimus hoc fieri (<i>Seedlings, working through the mould</i>)
    Per multos labores (<i>Now make up for lost time</i>)

    Sunt prata plena floribus (<i>Herb and plant that, winter long</i>)
    Iucundo aspectu (<i>Slumbered at their leisure</i>)
    Ubi iuvat cernere (<i>Now bestirring, green and strong</i>)
    Herbas cum delectu (<i>Find in growth their pleasure</i>)
    Gramina et plantulae (<i>All the world with beauty fills</i>)
    Hieme qaiescunt (<i>Gold the green enhancing</i>)
    Vernali in tempore (<i>Flowers make glee among the hills</i>)
    Virent et adcrescunt (<i>Set the meadows dancing</i>)

    Hae vobis pulchre monstrant (<i>Through each wonder of fair days</i>)
    Deum creatorem (<i>God Himself expresses</i>)
    Quem quoque nos credimus (<i>Beauty follows all His ways</i>)
    Omnium factorem (<i>As the world He blesses</i>)
    Tempus ergo hilare (<i>So, as He renews the earth</i>)
    Quo laetari libet (<i>Artist without rival</i>)
    Renovato iam mundo (<i>In His grace of glad new birth</i>)
    Nos novari decet (<i>We must seek revival</i>)

    Terra ornatur floribus (<i>Earth puts on her dress of glee</i>)
    Et multo decore (<i>Flowers and grasses hide her</i>)
    Nos honestis moribus (<i>We go forth in charity</i>)
    Et vero amore (<i>Brothers all beside her</i>)
    Gaudeamus igitur (<i>For, as man this glory sees</i>)
    Tempore iucundo (<i>In th'awakening season</i>)
    Laudemusque Dominum (<i>Reason learns the heart's decrees</i>)
    Pectoris e fundo (<i>Hearts are led by reason</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    This carol dates from the 13th century though its first known printing is in "Piae Cantiones ecclesiasticae et scholasticae veterum episcoporum" (<i>Pious ecclesiastical and school songs of the ancient bishops</i>) from 1582. The provided English versions of the lyrics come from "The Oxford Book of Carols" from 1928, probably the most well known translation. It is a free translation, rather than a literal one, in order to fit the lyrical structure and flow of the "Flower Carol". The added doxology at the end of the translation is not included.
Track: Toccata and Fugue in D minor
- Johann Sebastian Bach
Track: Toreador Song
- Georges Bizet (composition)
- Henri Meilhac (libretto)
- Ludovic Halévy (libretto)
Lyrics: |-
    Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre (<i>Your toast, I render back to you</i>)
    Señors, señors, car avec les soldats (<i>Señores, Señores, because with soldiers</i>)
    Oui, les toréros, peuvent s'entendre (<i>Yes, the toreros can get along</i>)
    Pour plaisirs, pour plaisirs, ils ont les combats! (<i>For pleasures, for pleasures, they fight!</i>)

    Le cirque est plein, c'est jour de fête! (<i>The circus is full, it's a festival day!</i>)
    Le cirque est plein du haut en bas (<i>The circus is full from top to bottom</i>)
    Les spectateurs, perdant la tête (<i>The crowd loses their heads</i>)
    Les spectateurs s'interpellent à grand fracas! (<i>The crowd starts a big fracas!</i>)

    Apostrophes, cris et tapage (<i>Apostrophes, cries and uproar</i>)
    Poussés jusques à la fureur! (<i>Pushes them to fury!</i>)
    Car c'est la fête du courage! (<i>Because it's a festival of courage!</i>)
    C'est la fête des gens de cœur! (<i>It's a festival of the brave of heart!</i>)
    Allons! En garde! Allons! Allons! Ah! (<i>Let's go! On guard! Let's go! Let's go! Ah!</i>)

    Toréador, en garde! (<i>Toreador, en garde!</i>)
    Toréador! Toréador! (<i>Toreador! Toreador!</i>)
    Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant (<i>And contemplate, yes, contemplate as you fight</i>)
    Qu'un œil noir te regarde (<i>That a pair of dark eyes watch you</i>)
    Et que l'amour t'attend (<i>And that love waits for you</i>)
    Toréador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend! (<i>Toreador, love, love is waiting for you!</i>)

    Toréador, en garde! (<i>Toreador, en garde!</i>)
    Toréador! Toréador! (<i>Toreador! Toreador!</i>)
    Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant (<i>And contemplate, yes, contemplate as you fight</i>)
    Qu'un œil noir te regarde (<i>That a pair of dark eyes watch you</i>)
    Et que l'amour t'attend (<i>And that love waits for you</i>)
    Toréador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend! (<i>Toreador, love, love is waiting for you!</i>)

    Tout d'un coup, on fait silence (<i>All at once, there is silence</i>)
    On fait silence, ah! Que se passe-t-il? (<i>There is silence, ah! What's happened?</i>)
    Plus de cris, c'est l'instant! Plus de cris, c'est l'instant! (<i>No more cries, this is it! No more cries, this is it!</i>)
    Le taureau s'élance en bondissant hors du toril! (<i>The bull charges in bounds from the toril!</i>)

    Il s'élance! Il entre, il frappe! (<i>He charges! He enters, he strikes!</i>)
    Un cheval roule, entraînant un picador (<i>A horse rolls, dragging a picador</i>)
    "Ah! Bravo! Toro!" hurle la foule (<i>"Ah! Bravo! Bull!", the crows shrieks!</i>)
    Le taureau va, il vient, il vient et frappe encore! (<i>The bull goes, he comes, he comes and strikes again!</i>)

    En secouant ses banderilles (<i>Shaking his banderillas</i>)
    Plein de fureur, il court! Le cirque est plein de sang! (<i>Full of fury, he runs! The circus is full of blood!</i>)
    On se sauve, on franchit les grilles! (<i>We save ourselves, we cross the gates!</i>)
    C'est ton tour maintenant! (<i>It's your turn!</i>)
    Allons! En garde! Allons! Allons! Ah! (<i>Let's go! On guard! Let's go! Let's go! Ah!</i>)

    Toréador, en garde! (<i>Toreador, en garde!</i>)
    Toréador! Toréador! (<i>Toreador! Toreador!</i>)
    Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant (<i>And contemplate, yes, contemplate as you fight</i>)
    Qu'un œil noir te regarde (<i>That a pair of dark eyes watch you</i>)
    Et que l'amour t'attend (<i>And that love waits for you</i>)
    Toréador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend! (<i>Toreador, love, love is waiting for you!</i>)

    Toréador, en garde! (<i>Toreador, en garde!</i>)
    Toréador! Toréador! (<i>Toreador! Toreador!</i>)
    Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant (<i>And contemplate, yes, contemplate as you fight</i>)
    Qu'un œil noir te regarde (<i>That a pair of dark eyes watch you</i>)
    Et que l'amour t'attend (<i>And that love waits for you</i>)
    Toréador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend! (<i>Toreador, love, love is waiting for you!</i>)

    L'amour! L'amour! (<i>Love! Love!</i>)
    L'amour! L'amour! (<i>Love! Love!</i>)
    L'amour! L'amour! (<i>Love! Love!</i>)
    Toreador! Toreador! (<i>Toreador! Toreador!</i>)
    L'amour t'attend! (<i>Love waits for you!</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    Also known as "Couplets du toréador" or "Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre", this aria is from the French opera "Carmen".
Track: We Three Kings
- John Henry Hopkins Jr.
Lyrics: |-
    We Three Kings of Orient are
    Bearing gifts we traverse afar
    Field and fountain
    Moor and mountain
    Following yonder Star

    O Star of Wonder, Star of Night
    Star with Royal Beauty bright
    Westward leading
    Still proceeding
    Guide us to Thy perfect Light

    Born a King on Bethlehem plain
    Gold I bring to crown Him again
    King for ever
    Ceasing never
    Over us all to reign

    Frankincense to offer have I
    Incense owns a Deity nigh
    Prayer and praising
    All men raising
    Worship Him God on High

    Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume
    Breathes a life of gathering gloom
    Sorrowing, sighing
    Bleeding, dying
    Sealed in the stone-cold tomb

    Glorious now behold Him arise
    King, and God, and Sacrifice
    Heav'n sings Hallelujah
    Hallelujah the earth replies
Track: Westminster Quarters
- Joseph Jowett
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/19/2022)
    Also known as the "Westminster Chimes", "Cambridge Quarters", or "Cambridge Chimes". While the task of composing the chimes was given to Joseph Jowett in 1793, it's believed that he was probably assisted by either John Randall or William Crotch.
Track: When Johnny Comes Marching Home
- Patrick Gilmore
Referenced Tracks:
- Johnny Fill Up the Bowl
Lyrics: |-
    When Johnny comes marching home again
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    We'll give him a hearty welcome then
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    The men will cheer and the boys will shout
    The ladies they will all turn out
    And we'll all feel gay
    When Johnny comes marching home

    The old church bell will peal with joy
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    To welcome home our darling boy
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    The village lads and lassies say
    With roses they will strew the way
    And we'll all feel gay
    When Johnny comes marching home

    Get ready for the Jubilee
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    We'll give the hero three times three
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    The laurel wreath is ready now
    To place upon his loyal brow
    And we'll all feel gay
    When Johnny comes marching home

    Let love and friendship on that day
    Hurrah, hurrah!
    Their choicest pleasures then display
    Hurrah, hurrah!
    And let each one perform some part
    To fill with joy the warrior's heart
    And we'll all feel gay
    When Johnny comes marching home
Track: The X-Files
- Mark Snow
Duration: 3:25
Track: Yama No Ongakuka
- Katsuhisa Hattori (arrangement)
- Takatomo Kurosawa (lyrics)
Referenced Tracks:
- Das Lied vom Musikanten
Lyrics: |-
    Watasha on ga ku kayama no ko risu (<i>I'm a musician, a mountain squirrel</i>)
    Jōzu ni baiorin o hīte mimashou (<i>Let's find a violin</i>)
    Ikagadesu (<i>How is it?</i>)

    Watasha on ga ku ka yama no usagi (<i>I'm a musician, a mountain rabbit</i>)
    Jōzu ni piano o hīte mimashi yō (<i>Let's play the piano well</i>)
    Popoporonporonporon popoporonporonporon popoporonporonporon popoporonporonporon
    Ikagadesu (<i>How is it?</i>)

    Watasha on ga ku ka yama no kotori (<i>I'm a musician, a mountain bird</i>)
    Jōzu ni furūto fuite mimashou (<i>Let's blow the flute</i>)
    Ikagadesu (<i>How is it?</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 12/31/2022)
    Original title is "山の音楽家" (lit. Mountain Musicians). The earliest known version was played on Japanese public broadcaster NHK from April-May 1964, however the URL is for a different cover of the song. The provided lyrics are for the linked version as well.
Section: Other music originating outside Homestuck
Track: '1-800-WORSHIP'
Duration: 4:31
- Clarence Clarity
Lyrics: |-

    My missing fortune must be holed up at the end of time
    The slowest tortures kick my thoughts into another line
    But if your teachings juxtapose with prose from other rhymes
    We’ll write our contradictions, you’ve got yours and good Lord I’ve got mine

    But I’ve read a few things about it
    So forgive me if I sound sincere
    But I’m circling my own self doubt
    And I’ll shout when I get the fear

    Help me to remember, help me to remorse
    Help me to remember, help me to reform
    'Cause this won’t do, this won’t do, this won’t do, ever
    So help me to help you

    Unsung Zen Masters drop like flies blinded in their own light
    Unearth my secrets, and I’ll preach it like my second lightning strike

    Now I’ve learnt a few things about this
    Now she’s harbouring a lump for love
    My waters are clear, but I’m
    Swimming in a back-stream, choked by fear

    Help me to remember, help me to remorse
    Help me to remember, help me to reform
    'Cause this won’t do, this won’t do, this won’t do, ever
    So help me to help you
    Help me to remember, help me to remorse
    Help me to remember, help me to reform
    'Cause this won’t do, this won’t do, this won’t do, ever
    So help me to help you

    Help me to remember, help me to remorse
    Help me to remember, help me to reform
    'Cause this won’t do, this won’t do, this won’t do, ever
    So help me to help you
    Help me to remember, help me to remorse
    Help me to remember, help me to reform
    'Cause this won’t do, this won’t do, this won’t do, ever
    So help me to help you

    Help me, help you
    Help me, help you
    Help me, help you
    Help me, help you
    Help, help me, help you
    Help me, help you
    Help me, help you
    Help me, help you
Track: 5/4
- Gorillaz
Duration: 2:42
Lyrics: |-
    Magic for me
    Magic makes no sound
    It good for me
    It good for me underground
    Magic on me
    Really got me down
    Invade my city
    It made my heart beat no sound

    Beat no sound, beat no sound
    Beat no sound, beat no sound
    Beat no sound...

    And let me tell myself
    Tell on

    She turned my dad on
    She turned my dad on, dad on, dad on

    Magic for me
    Magic, get me through
    With magic money
    People seem to walk through you
    Magic's funny
    Magic, get me through
    All good for me
    When people seem to always walk through you

    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you...

    And let me tell myself
    Tell on

    She turned my dad on
    She turned my dad on, dad on, dad on

    She made me kill myself
    Come on
    Come on

    She turned my dad on
    Come on
    She turned my dad on
    Come on
    She turned my dad on
    She turned my dad on, dad on, dad on
Track: '212'
- Azealia Banks
Duration: 3:25
Lyrics: |-
    Hey, I can be the answer
    I'm ready to dance when the vamp up
    And when I hit that dip get your camera
    You could see I been that bitch since the pamper
    And that I am that young sis the beacon
    The bitch who wants to compete and
    I can freak a fit that pump with the peep and
    You know what your bitch become when her weave in
    I just wanna sip that punch with your peeps and
    Sit in that lunch if you're treatin'
    Kick it with your bitch who comes from Parisian
    She know where I get mine from and the season
    Now she wanna lick my plum in the evenin'
    And fit that ton-tongue d-deep in
    I guess that cunt gettin' eaten
    I guess that cunt gettin' eaten
    I guess that cunt gettin' eaten
    I guess that cunt gettin' eaten

    I was in the 212
    On the uptown A
    Nigga you know what's up
    Or don't you?
    Word to who made ya
    I'm a rude bitch nigga
    What are you made up of?
    I'm a eat your food up boo
    I could bust your 8
    I'm a do one too
    Fuck you gone do?
    When you do make bucks
    I'm a look right nigga
    Bet you do want to fuck
    Fuck him like you do want to cum
    You're gay to get discovered in my 2 1 deuce
    Cock-a-lickin' in the water by the blue bayou
    Caught the warm goo
    In your du-rag too son?
    Nigga you're a kool-aid dude
    Plus your bitch might lick it
    Wonder who let you come to 1 2
    With your doo-doo crew son
    Fuck, are you into, huh?
    Niggas better ohh run-run
    You could get shot homie
    If you do want to put your guns up
    Tell your crew don't front
    I'm a hoodlum nigga
    You know you were too once
    Bitch I'm 'bout to blew up too
    I'm the one today
    I'm the new shit boo
    Young Rapunzel
    Who are you bitch, new lunch?
    I'm a ruin you cunt
    I'm a ruin you cunt
    I'm a ruin you cunt
    I'm a ruin you cunt

    A-yo, A-yo
    I heard you ridin' with the same tall, tall tale
    (Tall) Tellin' em you made some
    Sayin' you grindin' but you ain't goin' nowhere
    Why are you procrastinatin' girl?
    You got a lot but you just waste all yours and
    They'll forget your name soon (name soon)
    And won't nobody be to blame but yourself (yeah)

    What you gone do when I appear?
    W-When, when I premiere?
    Bitch the end of your lives are near
    This shit been mine, mine!
    What you gone do when I appear?
    W-When, when I premiere?
    Bitch the end of your lives are near
    This shit been mine, mine!

    Bitch I'm in the 212
    With the 5th cocked nigga
    It's the 2 1 zoo
    Fuck you gone do
    When your goon sprayed up
    Bet his bitch won't get him
    Betcha you won't do much
    See even if you do want to bust
    Your bitch'll get you cut and touch your crew up too
    Pop you playin' with your butter
    Like your boo won't true
    Cock the gun too
    Where you do eat poom hun
    I'm fuckin' with your cutie Q
    What's your dick like homie?
    What are you into?
    What's the run dude?
    Where do you wake up?
    Tell your bitch keep hatin'
    I'm the new one two, huh?
    See I remember you when you were
    The young new face but you do like to
    Slumber don't you?
    Now your boo up too hun
    I'm a ruin you, cunt!

    What you gone do when I appear?
    W-When, when I premiere?
    Bitch the end of your lives are near
    This shit been mine, mine!
    What you gone do when I appear?
    W-When, when I premiere?
    Bitch the end of your lives are near
    This shit been mine, mine!
    This shit been mine, mine!
    This shit been mine, mine!
Track: 300 This is Sparta Remix!!!
- Keaton Monger
Duration: 2:11
# Sampled Tracks:
# - 300
Lyrics: |-
    This is madness!

    This! Is! Sparta-a-a-a-a-a-a-a!

    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—

    This! Is! Sparta!
    This! Is! Sparta!
    This! Is! Sparta!
    This! Is! Sparta!
    This! Is! Sparta!
    This! Is! Spart-t-t-t—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—

    Ta— Ta-i-i-a-t-t-t-t—
    Ta-i— Ta-i-i-a-ta— Ta— Ta—
    T-t— T-t-a-t-i-a-a-t-t-i-t-a-t—

    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—


    Madness, madness!
    Madness, madness!
    Madness madness madness madness!
    This! Is! Sparta! (Madness madness madness!)

    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—

    This! Is! Sparta!
    This! Is! Sparta!
    This! Is! Spart-t-t-t—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—
    T-t— T-t— T-t-t— T— T— T-t—
    A-a-a— A— A-a-a— A-a-a— A—

    This! Is! Spart-t-t—
Track: '9:25'
Directory: 9-25
Duration: 9:25
- Global Communication
Track: 1996 Internet Starter Kit - Velkommen - Original Mix
Directory: velkommen-stan-lepard
# Also known as title.wma, "Windows XP Installation Music"
- Stan LePard
Duration: 5:24
Commentary: |-
    <i>Stan LePard:</i> ([SoundCloud description](, excerpt, 5/22/2020)

    This is the remastered unedited original mix from 1996. An edited version of this piece was also used as the OOBE setup music for Windows 98 and Windows XP. Composed, produced and performed by Stan LePard.

    <i>Stan Lepard:</i> ([SoundCloud comment](, 5/26/2020-8/27/2010)

    > <i>Murst Can Turgut:</i><br>
    > Which software did you use? Any additional equipment or hardware besides software? I'd love to recreate this one or make a remix if you shared a project file one day! Thank you for this a lot!

    I don't have access to the project file anymore. It would have been Studio Vision Pro which is no longer supported usable on current Macs. The sound generators would have been a Roland Sound Canvas (now available as a software plugin) and a Kurzweil K2000.

    > <i>Uriel Ceniceros:</i><br>
    > Exactly which Sound Canvas module? As far as I know, there exists 5, SC-55, SC-88, SC-88Pro, SC-8820, and SC-8850.


    <i>Stan Lepard:</i> ([SoundCloud comment](, 7/14/2020)

    > <i>Seek The Truth:</i><br>
    > (3:48) I've always enjoy this part. Are these actual lyrics of a Gregorian chant?

    Probably. This snippet probably came from a recording in a music production library. I don't remember the specifics.

    > <i>Toru the Red Fox:</i><br>
    > I'm fairly certain it's Sounds Good New World Order #2, CD 2, track 59

    <i>Stan Lepard:</i> ([SoundCloud comment](, 9/21/2020)

    > <i>o_natha:</i><br>
    > What operating system at the time did you compose this masterpiece on? And which software/hardware did you use? Lol

    I think it was Mac OS 9. The gear was probably Kurzweil K2000, Roland Super Jupiter, Roland Sound Canvas and maybe Yamaha DX7.

    <i>Stan Lepard:</i> ([SoundCloud comment](, 10/17/2020-10/19/2020)

    > <i>heh:</i><br>
    > how did he make that \*poh\* sound or that woash sound?

    If the poh is the backbeat, I think it was a synthetic snare drum with a lot of reverb. If the woash is at 3:57, it's cymbal roll with padded mallets.

    > <i>heh:</i><br>
    > thanks for the info, what about the other samples, like the pad, the weird bass guitar, and that choir church thingy, im so close to recreating it in fl studio

    At the time I was using a Kurzweil K2000, a Roland Sound Canvas, a Roland Super Jupiter and a Yamaha DX7. The choir sample came from a sample library but I don't remember which..

    <i>Stan Lepard:</i> ([SoundCloud comment](, 10/18/2020)

    > <i>Toru the Red Fox:</i><br>
    > wait this was for Windows 98 originally?

    Originally it was for Microsoft Internet Starter Kit 3. The internet was new to most people then.

    <i>Stan Lepard:</i> ([SoundCloud comment](, 1/9/2021)

    > <i>DJ Graco:</i><br>
    > Really, this track was published in 1994 no 1996, because modified date of the original CD of Starter Kid is 13.08.1994 01:10

    That's probably the copyright date of the original software. My music was for version 3, and my records indicate that I started working on it in August 1996.

    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 2/8/2025)

    See also details about the history of this track, including alternate versions, compiled by GodzFire [for]( in November 2024.
Track: The A-Team Main Theme
- Mike Post
- Pete Carpenter
Duration: 3:31
Track: Accept My Shaft
- Ninja Sex Party
Duration: 4:12
Lyrics: |-
    Hey, how you doin'? (Uh)
    Thanks for coming to my studio apartment
    Got some shit to say (That's right)

    The times we've had
    And the times we've missed
    The times we've embraced
    And the times we've kissed
    The times we've loved
    And the times we've laughed
    Now it's time
    To accept my shaft (Whoa)
    My shaft

    The times we've spent
    And the times we've shared
    The times we've shown each other
    Just how much we care
    The times we've lived
    All the times for reflection
    Now you must survive
    My thunderous erection (Whoa)
    It's enough of a shaft (A shaft)

    Don't leave, don't run
    You are the only one
    I can be myself around
    I've come undone
    You are the only one
    Who can lift my heart
    Up off the ground

    The times behind
    And the times foretold
    Forgive me if I'm being
    Just a bit too bold
    But our sweet love
    Won't be forsaken
    Once you are
    Gargling my bacon

    Oh, the times we've seen
    And the times ahead
    Grab a couple pillows
    And get on that bed
    You'll want to lay back
    And clear your calendar
    Once I introduce you to my friend
    Excalibur (Excalibur, Excalibur)

    You take me higher
    You set my loins afire
    You are the slam pig I desire
    Dear god, I'll plow
    You all around the house
    Cause you lift my heart
    Up off the ground

    Lift my heart up off the ground
    But, try find a way to incorporate the shaft
    While you're doing so
    Actually, you know what?
    Really concentrate on the shaft
    More-so than the, than the heart
    The shaft should definitely be your main focus
    Can't stress that enough
Track: Aerodynamic
Directory: aerodynamic-daft-punk
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Daft Punk
Duration: 3:33
Track: air horn sad violin preview
- Baba Yetu
Duration: 0:21
Referenced Tracks:
- Sad Romance (Violin Ver.)
Track: Alice's Tango (You Will Be Mine)
- Chi-Chi
Duration: 3:29
Lyrics: |-
    I remember you said long ago
    That I would be the star of your show
    In the end, though I see it was lies
    You've just come back to reclaim what's mine

    I've been working here patiently between the lines
    Creating perfection takes torment and time
    But never the less I've still been through it all
    And now they all see I'm a doll, face it

    Everywhere you look around it's my domain
    No one else deserves it more it's in my name
    And if you behave yourself I'll set you free
    It's clear, you belong to me

    Oh, don't you dare mistake me for another fool
    I'm the one who pulls the strings now you're my tool
    Don't you understand my little errand boy?
    Here you are only my toy, and you'll be mine

    A great creator once said it's much more art than science
    As long as you believe you only need the right appliance
    A bit of blessing and caressing with a lot of work
    And in due time my dears you all will see the perks

    Now understand who you're working for
    I'm up in heaven you're on the floor
    And soon you'll see I have much in store
    For you, it's less than a chore

    Now, don't you dare mistake me for another fool
    I'm the one who pulls the strings now you're my tool
    Don't you understand my little errand boy?
    Here you are only my toy, and you'll be mine

    I won't let myself be lead astray again
    I should have known better than to trust, a friend
    Blinded by the hopes of having dreams come true
    Now I know just what to do

    Let those vermin come to me just let them try
    I'm the angel everyone adores with pride
    Not even the devil now can take me down
    Infamy and fortune abound

    Don't you dare mistake me for another fool
    I'm the one who pulls the strings now you're my tool
    Don't you understand my little errand boy?
    Here you are only my toy, and you'll be

    You must be
    You'll trust me
    They'll all see
    It will be
Track: All I Want for Christmas Is You
- Mariah Carey
Duration: 3:54
Lyrics: |-
    I don't want a lot for Christmas
    There is just one thing I need
    I don't care about the presents
    Underneath the Christmas tree
    I just want you for my own
    More than you could ever know
    Make my wish come true
    All I want for Christmas is you, yeah

    I don't want a lot for Christmas
    There is just one thing I need (And I)
    Don't care about the presents
    Underneath the Christmas tree
    I don't need to hang my stocking
    There upon the fireplace (Ah)
    Santa Claus won't make me happy
    With a toy on Christmas Day

    I just want you for my own (Ooh)
    More than you could ever know (Ooh)
    Make my wish come true
    All I want for Christmas is you
    You, baby

    Oh, I won't ask for much this Christmas
    I won't even wish for snow (And I)
    I'm just gonna keep on waiting
    Underneath the mistletoe
    I won't make a list and send it
    To the North Pole for Saint Nick (Ah)
    I won't even stay awake to
    Hear those magic reindeer click

    'Cause I just want you here tonight (Ooh)
    Holding on to me so tight (Ooh)
    What more can I do?
    Oh baby, all I want for Christmas is you
    You, baby

    Oh, all the lights are shining
    So brightly everywhere (So brightly, baby)
    And the sound of children's
    Laughter fills the air (Oh, oh yeah)
    And everyone is singing (Oh yeah)
    I hear those sleigh bells ringing (Oh)
    Santa, won't you bring me the one I really need? (Yeah, oh, oh)
    Won't you please bring my baby to me?

    Oh, I don't want a lot for Christmas
    This is all I'm asking for (Ah)
    I just wanna see my baby
    Standing right outside my door

    Oh, I just want you for my own (Ooh)
    More than you could ever know (Ooh)
    Make my wish come true
    Oh baby, all I want for Christmas is you

    You, baby
    All I want for Christmas is you, baby (You)
    All I want for Christmas is you, baby (Ah, oh, ah, oh)
    All I want for Christmas is you, baby (You)
    All I want for Christmas is you, baby (All I really want, baby, ooh)
    All I want for Christmas is you, baby (All I want, all I really want is you)
Track: All Star
- Smash Mouth
Duration: 3:56
# Sampled Tracks:
# - apparently 'go for the moon' is sampled from an old record of nasa air-to-ground communications
# - check whosampled
Lyrics: |-
    Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
    I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
    She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
    In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

    The years start comin' and they don't stop comin'
    Fed to the rules and I hit the ground runnin'
    Didn't make sense not to live for fun
    Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

    So much to do, so much to see
    So what's wrong with taking the backstreets?
    You'll never know if you don't go (W-w-wacko)
    You'll never shine if you don't glow

    Hey now, you're an all star
    Get your game on, go play
    Hey now, you're a rock star
    Get the show on, get paid
    And all that glitters is gold
    Only shootin' stars break the mold

    It's a cool place, and they say it gets colder
    You're bundled up now, wait 'til you get older
    But the meteor men beg to differ
    Judging by the hole in the satellite picture

    The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
    The water's getting warm so you might as well swim
    My world's on fire, how 'bout yours?
    That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored

    Hey now, you're an all star
    Get your game on, go play
    Hey now, you're a rock star
    Get the show on, get paid
    All that glitters is gold
    Only shootin' stars break the mold

    Go for the moon (W-w-wacko, w-w-wacko)
    Go for the moon (W-w-wacko, w-w-wacko)
    Go for the moon
    Go-go-go for the moon

    Hey now, you're an all star
    Get your game on, go play
    Hey now, you're a rock star
    Get the show on, get paid
    And all that glitters is gold
    Only shootin' stars...

    Somebody once asked, "Could I spare some change for gas?"
    "I need to get myself away from this place"
    I said, "Yep, what a concept"
    I could use a little fuel myself and we could all use a little change

    The years start comin' and they don't stop comin'
    Fed to the rules and I hit the ground runnin'
    Didn't make sense not to live for fun
    Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

    So much to do, so much to see
    So what's wrong with taking the backstreets?
    You'll never know if you don't go (Go!)
    You'll never shine if you don't glow

    Hey now, you're an all star
    Get your game on, go play
    Hey now, you're a rock star
    Get the show on, get paid
    And all that glitters is gold
    Only shootin' stars break the mold

    And all that glitters is gold
    Only shootin' stars break the mold...
Track: Amen, Brother
- The Winstons
Duration: 2:36
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
Track: Amish Paradise
Duration: 3:22
- Weird Al Yankovic
Lyrics: |-
    As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain
    I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain
    But that's just perfect for an Amish like me
    You know, I shun fancy things like electricity
    At 4:30 in the mornin' I'm milkin' cows
    Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows, fool
    And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that
    Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone
    I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline
    Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin
    But if I finish all of my chores, and you finish thine
    Then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699

    We been spending most our lives
    Living in an Amish paradise
    I've churned butter once or twice
    Living in an Amish paradise
    It's hard work and sacrifice
    Living in an Amish paradise
    We sell quilts at discount price
    Living in an Amish paradise

    A local boy kicked me in the butt last week
    I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek
    I really don't care, in fact I wish him well
    'Cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in Hell
    But I ain't never punched a tourist even if he deserved it
    An Amish with a 'tude? You know that's unheard of
    I never wear buttons but I got a cool hat
    And my homies agree, I really look good in black, fool
    If you come to visit, you'll be bored to tears
    We haven't even paid the phone bill in 300 years
    But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare
    We're just technologically impaired

    There's no phone, no lights, no motorcar
    Not a single luxury
    Like Robinson Crusoe
    It's as primitive as can be

    We been spending most our lives
    Living in an Amish paradise
    We're just plain and simple guys
    Living in an Amish paradise
    There's no time for sin and vice
    Living in an Amish paradise
    We don't fight, we all play nice
    Living in an Amish paradise

    Hitchin' up the buggy, churning lots of butter
    Raised a barn on Monday, soon I'll raise another
    Think you're really righteous? Think you're pure in heart?
    Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art
    I'm the pious guy the little Amlettes wanna be like
    On my knees day and night scoring points for the afterlife
    So don't be vain and don't be whiny
    Or else, my brother, I might have to get medieval on your heinie

    We been spending most our lives
    Living in an Amish paradise
    We're all crazy Mennonites
    Living in an Amish paradise
    There's no cops and traffic lights
    Living in an Amish paradise
    But you'd probably think it bites
    Living in an Amish paradise

    (Ooh, ooh, yech!)
Track: Among Us Trap Remix (Among Us Drip Theme)
- Leonz
Duration: 1:12
Referenced Tracks:
- report_Bobdyfound
Sampled Tracks:
- report_Bobdyfound
- impostor_kill
Track: Andro
- Oneohtrix Point Never
Duration: 3:54
Track: Anubis
Directory: anubis-septicflesh
Always Reference By Directory: true
Additional Names:
- Name: >-
  Annotation: >-
    [Bandcamp release](
- Septicflesh
Duration: 4:17
Lyrics: |-
    Come, approach
    My trusty jackal's nose
    Don't try to lie
    'Cause I can smell your hide
    Leave your body
    Leave this body now
    Your face can stay
    Upon this golden mask you made
    (Made, made, made, made)

    The brave in heart
    Can claim eternal life
    My scales of truth
    Will need sufficient proof
    Their balance depends
    On how your soul weights
    To walk with gods
    The jaws of chaos you must pass

    Anubis, my soul is so light
    And as this feather I can fly
    Don't let me wither and die

    I'm proud for what I am
    The guardian of the dead
    Appointed by the gods
    To be their final judge

    Don't let me wither and die
Track: Arcturus
- Raid
Track: Artificial Intelligence Bomb
- naruto2413
Duration: 2:13
Track: Astronaut in the Ocean
- Masked Wolf
Duration: 2:13
Lyrics: |-

    What you know about rollin' down in the deep?
    When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze
    When these people talk too much, put that shit in slow motion, yeah
    I feel like an astronaut in the ocean, ayy
    What you know about rollin' down in the deep?
    When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze
    When these people talk too much, put that shit in slow motion, yeah
    I feel like an astronaut in the ocean

    She say that I'm cool (Damn straight)
    I'm like, "Yeah, that's true" (That's true)
    I believe in G-O-D (Ayy)
    Don't believe in T-H-O-T
    She keep playing me dumb (Play me)
    I'ma play her for fun (Uh-huh)
    Y'all don't really know my mental
    Let me give you the picture like stencil
    Fallin' out in a drought
    No flow, rain wasn't pourin' down (Pourin' down)
    See, that pain was all around
    See, my mode was kinda lounged
    Didn't know which, which way to turn
    Flow was cool but I still felt burnt
    Energy up, you can feel my surge
    I'ma kill everything like this purge (Ayy)

    Let's just get this straight for a second, I'ma work (Yuh)
    Even if I don't get paid for progression, I'ma get it (Uh, get it)
    Everything that I do is electric (Ayy)
    I'ma keep it in a motion, keep it movin' like kinetic, ayy (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

    Put this shit in a frame, better know I don't blame
    Everything that I say, man, I seen you deflate
    Let me elevate, this ain't a prank
    Have you walkin' on a plank, li-li-li-li-like
    Both hands together, God, let me pray (Now let me pray), uh
    I've been goin' right, right around, call that relay (Masked Wolf)
    Pass the baton, back and I'm on
    Swimmin' in the pool, Kendrick Lamar, uh (Ayy)
    Want a piece of this, a piece of mine, my peace a sign
    Can you please read between the lines?
    My rhyme's inclined to break your spine (Spine)
    They say that I'm so fine (Fine)
    You could never match my grind (True)
    Please do not, not waste my time (Wolf)

    What you know about rollin' down in the deep?
    When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze
    When these people talk too much, put that shit in slow motion, yeah
    I feel like an astronaut in the ocean, ayy
    What you know about rollin' down in the deep?
    When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze
    When these people talk too much, put that shit in slow motion, yeah
    I feel like an astronaut in the ocean
Track: Axel F
Directory: axel-f-crazy-frog
- Crazy Frog
- Off-cast Project (production)
- Bass Bumpers (production)
- Wolfgang Boss (arrangement)
- Daniel Malmedahl (vocals)
Duration: 2:51
Referenced Tracks:
- track:axel-f
# Sampled Tracks:
# - 2TAKTARE.MP3 (this is the original crazy frog ringtone)
# - the song also uses the "What's going on?" vocal samples (as well as the instruments) from another 2003 cover of Axel F, by Murphy Brown and Captain Hollywood (dubbed "Axel F 2003" and sometimes "Axel F 2004" also produced by Matthias Wagner and Andreas Dohmeyer).
# - Breakdown by T La Rock (1985)
Lyrics: |-
    (Ding ding pch n daa, bam-ba-ba-re-bam baram bom bom baba-bam-bam-bommm)
    (Wh-wha-what's going on-on?)

    Ding ding
    This is the Crazy Frog!
    Ding ding
    Bem bem

    Ring ding d-d ding ding, ring ding d-d bem bem bem
    Ring ding d-d ding ding, ring ding d-d boa boa
    Ring ding d-d ding ding, ring ding d-d bem bem bem
    Ring ding d-d ding ding, this is the Crazy Frog! (Breakdown!)

    Ding ding
    Br-br-break it, brea-break it
    Dum dum dubdara dub da dum dum, dubdada dum dum dubdada da bamm
    Dum dum dumda dum dum dum, bem bem
    Dum dum dubdada dub da dum dum, dubdada dum dum d-d-da dum
    Dum dum dumda dum dum dum, this is the Crazy Frog

    Ram me am brem da m da rem ram am da baabeeeaaaaaaa!

    Ding ding
    This is the Crazy Frog!

    Ding ding
    Dahhh da

    Ring ding ding ding ding ding, ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
    Ring ding ding ding ding ding, ring ding ding ding baa baa
    Ring ding ding ding ding ding, ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
    Ring ding ding ding ding ding, this is the Crazy Frog!

    Ding ding
    Br-br-break it, brea-break it
    Dum dum dumda dum dum dum, dum dum dumda dum dum dum
    Dum dum dumda dum dum dum, bem bem
    Dum dum dumda dum dum dum, dum dum dumda dum dum dum
    Dum dum dumda dum dum dum. this is the Crazy Frog!

    Bem bem
Track: Baby Blue
Duration: 3:39
- Badfinger
Lyrics: |-
    Guess I got what I deserved
    Kept you waitin' there too long, my love
    All that time, without a word
    Didn't know you'd think that I'd forget
    Or I'd regret
    The special love I have for you
    My baby blue

    All the days became so long
    Did you really think I'd do you wrong?
    Dixie, when I let you go
    Thought you'd realise that I would know
    I would show
    The special love I have for you
    My baby blue

    What can I do? What can I say?
    Except I want you by my side
    How can I show you? Show me a way
    Don't you know the times I've tried?

    Guess that's all I have to say
    Except the feelin' just grows stronger everyday
    Just one thing before I go
    Take good care, baby, let me know
    Let it grow
    The special love you have for me
    My Dixie dear
Track: Backbone
- Sean Evans
Duration: 5:58
Referenced Tracks:
- Bonetrousle
- track:megalovania-undertale
Track: Badgers
Directory: badgers-mrweebl
Always Reference By Directory: true
- MrWeebl
Duration: 1:13
Lyrics: |-
    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Mushroom mushroom!

    A-badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Mushroom mushroom!

    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    A snake a snake!

    Snake, a snake!
    Ohh, it's a snake!

    It's a badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Mushroom mushroom!

    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Mushroom mushroom!

    A-badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Mushroom mushroom!

    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Mushroom mushroom!

    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    A snake a snake!

    Snake, a snake!
    Ohh, it's a snake!

    It's a badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Badger badger badger badger
    Mushroom mushroom!
Track: 'BALD!'
Directory: bald-jpegmafia
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 2:44
Lyrics: |-
    Fuck that, woah, uh

    Fuck that bitch, I changed the plan
    Switch my style like I switch hands
    Block the witness, take the stand
    Fuck out the way bitch, back it up
    Shit better get played in a palace (Word)
    I can't treat niggas like big deals
    Why put up a front? I’m callous
    Bald (Ha), I look like Ray Allen (Real)
    These niggas make beats on big wheels
    Yo' files is not a challenge (Nah)
    Boy, you can't rap for shit
    Shuttlesworth blessed me with talent
    Hairline proof God needs balance

    (I'm makin' waves, bro)
    Uh, look, I'm cashin' out
    Young Darby, I'm taggin' in
    They gon’ bring your casket out
    I hope that you fit in it (Ooh)
    What you doin', babe?
    How you get caught with no Gat? (Yeah, yeah)
    You niggas must got no pride
    Peggy gon' give you no slack, for real
    'Cause you pussy

    Woah, woah, woah
    Keep my business off the 'Gram
    Switch my style like I switch hands
    Goin' to war on foreign land
    Fuck out the way bitch, back it up
    Shit better get played in a palace
    Wait, uh, I can't treat niggas like big deals (Yeah)
    These toys don’t come with no kid's meal
    Been there, done that, done seen it
    Not my girl but I fuck her like she is (Sad)
    They be fucking up my lyrics on Genius
    And these pussy ass critics repeat it
    Been the same since Even Stevens
    Y'all niggas switch like the seasons (Facts)
    Y’all lives ain’t got no meanin' (Why)
    And them deals ain’t got no freedom
    I can't just loop it and leave it
    Gotta smack it up, rip it up, and eat it (Yeah, ha)

    You can't feed your kid 'cause you spent that shit on your car (You broke)
    Tape my hands, I’m going over squares' heads like a VCR (Ha)
Track: Ballroom Blitz
Duration: 3:58
- Sweet
Lyrics: |-
    Are you ready, Steve?
    Alright, fellas, let's go!

    Oh, it's been getting so hard
    Living with the things you do to me, ah-ha
    My dreams are getting so strange
    I'd like to tell you everything I see

    Oh, I see a man at the back
    As a matter of fact, his eyes are as red as a sun
    And a girl in the corner, let no one ignore her
    'Cause she thinks she's the passionate one

    Oh, yeah, it was like lightning
    Everybody was frightening
    And the music was soothing
    And they all started grooving
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    And the man at the back said, "Everyone attack"
    And it turned into a ballroom blitz
    And the girl in the corner said, "Boy, I wanna warn ya"
    "It'll turn into a ballroom blitz"

    Ballroom blitz
    Ballroom blitz
    Ballroom blitz
    Ballroom blitz

    I'm reaching out for something
    Touching nothing is all I ever do
    Oh, I softly call you over
    When you appear there's nothing left of you, ah-ha

    Now the man in the back is ready to crack
    As he raises his hands to the sky
    And the girl in the corner is everyone's mourner
    She could kill you with a wink of her eye

    Oh, yeah, it was electric
    So frantically hectic
    And the band started leaving
    'Cause they all stopped breathing
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    And the man at the back said, "Everyone attack"
    And it turned into a ballroom blitz
    And the girl in the corner said, "Boy, I wanna warn ya"
    "It'll turn into a ballroom blitz"

    Ballroom blitz
    (Ballroom blitz)

    Oh, yeah, it was like lightning
    Everybody was frightening
    And the music was soothing
    And they all started grooving
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    And the man at the back said, "Everyone attack"
    And it turned into a ballroom blitz
    And the girl in the corner said, "Boy, I wanna warn ya"
    "It'll turn into a ballroom blitz"

    Ballroom blitz
    Ballroom blitz
    Ballroom blitz
    Ballroom blitz

    Ooh, it's, it's a ballroom blitz
    It's, it's a ballroom blitz
    It's, it's a ballroom blitz
    Yeah, it's a ballroom blitz
Track: Bangarang
- Skrillex
Duration: 3:21
# Sampled Tracks:
# - Hook
Lyrics: |-
    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    We rowdy

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    We rowdy

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    We rowdy

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    Bangarang! Bass!

    You feel the

    You feel the bass

    You feel the

    You feel the bass

    Lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    We rowdy

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    We rowdy

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Ayy! Ayy! Bangarang! Bass!

    You feel the

    You feel the

    You feel the


    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    We rowdy

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    We rowdy

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    We rowdy

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    We rowdy

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    We rowdy

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    We rowdy

    Shout to all my lost boys
    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys
    Bangarang! Bass!

    You feel the

    You feel the


    You feel the


    You feel the bass

    Hey, still ain't got my marbles, but I got these beats banging out the back of my toy car
    Aye yo! I'm eating fun-dip right now, not giving a fuck
Track: Bassline Junkie
- Dizzee Rascal
Duration: 3:20
Lyrics: |-
    Hey, turn the bass up, turn the bass up.

    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty stinking bass.
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty, dirty stinking,
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty stinking bass.
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Bass, bass, bass, bass

    I don't need no speed. No.
    I don't need no heroin. No thanks.
    I don't want no coke. Not today.
    You can keep your ketamine. Yeah.

    I'm a bassline junkie. What?
    I'm a bassline junkie. Tell them again.
    I'm a bassline junkie. Tell them again.
    And I like it funky.

    (What the fuck? What you doing?
    Don't touch it, don't—who told you to touch it?
    I will fucking kill you.
    Don't ever touch that fucking shit again.)

    I'm a fiend for a big dirty bassline.
    When I hear one, I have a great time.
    A bit of butterman's all I require.
    I let the bassline take me higher.

    My friends think that it's a bad habit,
    But I'm just like, "Fuck you. Damn it."
    If you take my bass away,
    I'll blow your fucking face away.

    You might think I'm over the top,
    But when I hear that bassline drop,
    I just can't control my actions,
    But I still feel satisfaction.

    So don't come around here whinging.
    I just wanna hear the bassline rinsing.
    (shut the fuck up!)
    Or we can just skank out all day,
    If not get the fuck out my way.

    I don't need no speed. No.
    I don't need no heroin. No thanks.
    I don't want no coke. Not today.
    You can keep your ketamine. Yeah.

    I'm a bassline junkie. What?
    I'm a bassline junkie. Tell them again.
    I'm a bassline junkie. Tell them again.
    And I like it funky

    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty stinking bass.
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty, dirty stinking,
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty stinking bass.
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Bass, bass, bass, bass

    The other day I got an ASBO order,
    And I think it's well out of order.
    All my neighbors throwing a fit.
    So I told them, "Suck my dick."

    And I told them I got the power,
    And I turn the music up louder
    All night 'til 6 in the morning.
    Old bastards: they're just boring.

    You know me. I'm the bassline father.
    Nobody can tell me neither.
    And the police turned up, and they took me.
    We drove out to the nick, and they booked me.

    Then they said they'd give me a caution,
    If I didn't give them no distortion,
    But I said, "Don't bother. I'm guilty,
    And my bassline's fucking filthy."

    I don't need no speed. No.
    I don't need no heroin. No thanks.
    I don't want no coke. Not today.
    You can keep your ketamine. Yeah.

    I'm a bassline junkie. What?
    I'm a bassline junkie. Tell them again.
    I'm a bassline junkie. Tell them again.
    And I like it funky.

    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty stinking bass.
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty, dirty stinking,
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty stinking bass.
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Bass, bass, bass

    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty stinking bass.
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty, dirty stinking,
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty stinking bass.
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Bass, bass, bass

    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty stinking bass.
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty, dirty stinking,
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Dirty stinking bass.
    Big dirty stinking bass.
    Bass, bass, bass, bass
    Bass, bass, bass, bass
    Bass, bass, bass, bass.
Track: Beach Life-in-Death
- Car Seat Headrest
Duration: 13:16
Lyrics: |-
    Last night I drove to Harper's Ferry and I thought about you
    There were signs on the road that warned me of stop signs
    The speed limit kept decreasing by ten
    As we entered a town about halfway there
    It was almost raining at the train station
    We put our hoods on our heads at the train station
    We threw rocks into the river
    The river underneath the train tracks

    And when the train came it was so big and powerful
    When it came into the little station
    I wanted to put my arms around it
    But the conductor looked at me funny
    So we had to say goodbye and leave
    The monopoly board still in the backseat
    Took that nightmare left turn to get out of town
    Ran into the decreasing speed limits again

    What should I do? (Eat breakfast)
    What should I do? (Each lunch)
    What should I do? (Each dinner)
    What should I do? (Go to bed)
    Where can I go? (Go to the store)
    Where can I go? (Apply for jobs)
    Where can I go? (Go to a friend's)
    Where can I go? (Go to bed)

    I wrote "Beach Death" when I thought you were taken
    I wrote "Beach Funeral" when I knew you were taken
    I wrote "Beach Fagz"—well it wasn't about you
    But it could've been, well no it couldn't have
    I spent a week in Ocean City
    And came back to find you were gone
    I spent a week in Illinois
    And came back to find you were still gone

    I pretended I was drunk when I came out to my friends
    I never came out to my friends
    We were all on Skype
    And I laughed and changed the subject
    She said "what's with this dog motif"
    I said "do you have something against dogs"

    I am almost completely soulless
    I am incapable of being human
    I am incapable of being inhuman
    I am living uncontrollably

    It should be anti-depression
    As a friend of mine suggested
    Because it's not the sadness that hurts you
    It's the brain's reaction against it

    It's not enough to love the unreal
    I am inseparable from the impossible
    I want gravity to stop for me
    My soul yearns for a fugitive from
    The laws of nature
    I want a cut scene
    I want a cut from your face to my face
    I want a cut I want
    The next related video

    I don't want to go insane
    I don't want to have schizophrenia

    The ocean washed over your grave
    The ocean washed over your grave

    Last night I dreamed he was trying to kill you
    I woke up and I was trying to kill you
    It's been a year since we first met
    I don't if we're boyfriends yet

    Do you have any crimes that
    We can use to pass the time I'm
    Running out of drugs to try

    We said we hated humans
    We wanted to be humans

    Get more groceries get eaten
    Get more groceries get eaten
    Get more groceries get eaten

    A book of Aubrey Beardsley art
    Corrupted me in youth
    Now I'm trapped inside my youth
    And you're in love with last-stage youth
    Thank god for the little things and and
    Fuck god that they're little things I am
    Running out of prayers to sing and I

    And pretty soon you'll find some nice young
    Satanist with braces and one
    Capital o significant Other
    And you can take him home to your mother and
    Say ma, this is my brother

    We said we hated humans
    We wanted to be humans

    Get more groceries get eaten
    Get more groceries get eaten
    Get more groceries

    Get eaten by the one you love
    When they put their lips around you
    You can feel their smile from the inside

    Last night I dreamed he was trying to kill you
    I woke up and I was trying to kill you

    Your ears perked up
    I perked up when your ears perked up
    You were all looking around
    And I hoped it was for me
    I hoped you were using your sonar systems for me

    The ancients saw it coming
    You can see that they tried to warn them
    In the tales that they told their children
    But they fell out of their heads in the morning

    They said sex can be frightening
    But the children were not listening
    And the children cut out everything
    Except for the kissing and the singing

    When they finally found their home
    At Walt Disney studios
    And then everyone grew up
    With their fundamental schemes fucked

    But there are lots of fish left in the sea
    There are lots of fish in business suits
    That talk and walk on human feet
    And visit doctors, have weak knees

    Oh please let me join your cult
    I'll paint my face in your colors
    You have a real nice face
    I had an early death

    The ocean washed over your grave
    The ocean washed open your grave
    (how's your face? How's your body?)
    (We're too scared to do shit)
Track: Beat It
- Michael Jackson
Duration: 4:18
Lyrics: |-
    They told him, "Don't you ever come around here
    Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear"
    The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
    So beat it, just beat it (Ooh!)

    You better run, you better do what you can (Ooh!)
    Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man (Ooh!)
    You wanna be tough, better do what you can
    So beat it, but you wanna be bad

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
    No one wants to be defeated
    Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
    It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

    Just beat it (Beat it)
    Just beat it (Beat it)
    Just beat it (Beat it)
    Just beat it (Beat it, uh)

    They're out to get you, better leave while you can
    Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man
    You wanna stay alive, better do what you can
    So beat it, just beat it (Ooh)

    You have to show them that you're really not scared (Ooh)
    You're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare (Ooh)
    They'll kick you, then they'll beat you, then they'll tell you it's fair
    So beat it, but you wanna be bad

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
    No one wants to be defeated
    Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
    It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
    No one wants to be defeated
    Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
    It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

    Just beat it (Beat it, beat it, beat it)
    Beat it (Beat it, beat it)
    Beat it (Beat it, beat it)
    Beat it (Beat it, beat it)

    Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
    No one wants to be defeated
    Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
    It doesn't matter who's wrong or right (Who's right)

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it (Hoo-hoo)
    No one wants to be defeated (Oh, lord)
    Showin' how funky (Hee-hee) and strong is your fight (Hee-hee-hee)
    It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it (Beat it!)
    No one wants to be defeated (Oh, no)
    Showin' how funky (Hoo-hoo) and strong is your fight (Hee-hee, hoo)
    It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

    Just beat it, (Hoo-hoo) beat it, beat it, beat it
    No one wants to be defeated (Oh, lord)
    Showin' how funky (Hee-hee) and strong is your fight (Hee-hee-hee)
    It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it (Beat it!)
    No one wants to be defeated (Oh, no)
    Showin' how funky (Hoo-hoo) and strong is your fight (Hee-hee, hoo)
    It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Track: Beating Heart
- Ellie Goulding
- Joe Janiak (composition)
Duration: 3:46
Lyrics: |-
    Eyes make their peace in difficulties
    With wounded lips and salted cheeks
    And finally, we step to leave
    To the departure lounge of disbelief

    And I don't know where I'm going
    But I know it's gonna be a long time
    And I'll be leaving in the morning
    Come the white wine, bitter sunlights

    Wanna hear your beating heart tonight
    Before the bleeding sun comes alive
    I want to make the best of what is left, hold tight
    And hear my beating heart one last time
    Before daylight

    And the canyon underneath the trees
    Behind the dark sky, you looked at me
    I fell for you, like autumn leaves
    Never faded, evergreen

    And I don't know where I'm going
    But I know it's gonna be a long time
    Cause I'll be leaving in the morning
    Come the white wine, bitter sunlight

    Wanna hear your beating heart tonight
    Before the bleeding sun comes alive
    I want to make the best of what is left, hold tight
    And hear my beating heart one last time

    I can't face this, now everything has changed
    I just wanna be by your side
    Here's hoping we collide
    Here's hoping we collide
    Here's hoping we collide

    Wanna hear your beating heart tonight
    Before the bleeding sun comes alive
    I want to make the best of what is left, hold tight
    And hear my beating heart one last time

    Wanna hear your beating heart, tonight
Track: Become Death
Duration: 0:59
- Clarence Clarity
Track: Bending Sky
Duration: 4:06
- Peter Adams
Track: Best Foot Forward
- DJ Shadow
Duration: 0:46
Lyrics: |-
    Bob, Bob, Bob... Bob Wood,
    National programmer director of the chum group
    Worked with us in producing...
    Hold up, hold up, before we get started
    Guess who's coming with those brothers LA, y'all
    And now... Guess who's coming...
    It's... Guess who's coming...
    It's... Guess who's coming... DJ Shadow!
    Back again, who is he?
    Just your favourite DJ saviour
    Using, using, using and confusing beats that ya never heard
    Since 1990, put a smile on your face like ultra-bright
    You're just fessing man
    I don't even wanna hear about it, you're just fessing
Track: Betsu Sekai
# Date First Released: December 28, 2022
- Amane Kanata
- Amane Kanata (vocals & lyrics)
- Numa (arranger, guitar/base, all programming)
Duration: 4:05
Lyrics: |-


    愛してくれ 僕のことを
    嗤ってくれ 僕のことを

    混ざることない指 息を止める

    名もない僕は 客席の中
    舞台の二人 ただ見つめて

    今 知らないあなたがまた増える

    目配せの意味 揃いの仕草だって

    気付いてくれ 僕の声に

    届きやしない歌 独り踊る

    たとえばそう あなたがそう
    でもあなたが いらないなら
    このおもいが いらないなら

    愛してくれ 僕のことも
    遠い 遠い別世界まで

    袖触れないままに 幕が上がる

    ただ また会いたくて
Track: Better
Directory: better-saint-pepsi
Always Reference By Directory: true
# Has lyrics/vocals but it's samples.
# We gotta add the originals when we do sampled lyrics!
Duration: 3:53
- Saint Pepsi
Track: Big Bird Ate Grandma!
Duration: 3:20
- Witch's Cadence
Sampled Tracks:
Commentary: |-
    <i>Witch's Cadence:</i> ([HSMusic Discord](, excerpts)

    actually I should double check I'm pretty sure this song is in one of my oceanfalls songs in some form now<br>
    It might be a super vague reference tho

    I wanna say it's like in the riff in [[track:judgement-by-genocide|Judgement by genocide]] but I have to check lol

    <i>ruby:</i> (HSMusic Discord)

    the song of all time

    <i>Niklink:</i> (HSMusic Discord)


    <i>Witch's Cadence:</i> (HSMusic Discord)

    what can I say it's like my favorite thing I've ever done<br>
Track: Big Chungus
Duration: 1:51
- Endigo
Track: Big Enough
- Kirin J. Callinan
- Alex Cameron (feat. vocals)
- Molly Lewis (feat. whistling)
- Jimmy Barnes (feat. screaming)
Duration: 6:00
Lyrics: |-
    I've lived in lonely cities
    I've crossed deserts on camel back
    And I've filled the halls of folklore with things I'd rather we forget
    I could sweep you off the street so, saying this is goddamn tough
    But this town might be big enough...

    See, I reckon what you're saying
    But this dog's run every course
    I've roamed without my boots on
    I've raced without my horse
    And then I ate my horse's meat straight from my horse's bones
    'Cause this dog
    Must roam alone

    You could shoot me in the mountains
    In the cold fat rain
    We could do it in the countryside
    As we walk the plain
    It wouldn't give us any closure
    All cowboys need to trust
    That this town might be big enough
    For both of us


    Well, I'd be a doggamn liar
    If I said this ain't a lonely town
    And what I wouldn't give
    To have a friend around
    We could trade in all our silver bullets
    And buy a patch of dust
    This town might just be big enough
    For all of us


    This town!
    This world!
    Are you big enough?

    From Australia to America
    And Russia and China
    All of Asia
    Let me out

    Europe and Great Britain
    Oh Canada
    In Croatia and Serbia
    Kenya get it India
    It's serious in Syria
    Believe in us Bolivia
    We're Ghana be big enough

    For Africa, South Africa
    South Korea, North Korea
    Algeria, Nigeria
    Antarctica, around the Equator
    Cuba, Indonesia
    Jamaica, we'll take ya
    To Florida and catch you later

    I'll catch you later
    Christianity, Islam, Judaism
    Let me out

    (Are you big enough?)
Track: Big Poppa
- The Notorious B.I.G.
Duration: 4:08
Lyrics: |-
    Uh, uh, check it out (Yeah), uh
    Junior M.A.F.I.A., uh (He-he)
    Uh (I like this) yeah, yeah
    Nine-fo' (Keep bangin')

    To all the ladies in the place with style and grace
    Allow me to lace these lyrical douches in your bushes (Uh)
    Who rock grooves and make moves with all the mamis?
    The back of the club, sippin' Moët is where you'll find me (What?)
    The back of the club, mackin' hoes, my crew's behind me (Uh)
    Mad question askin', blunt passin'
    Music blastin', but I just can't quit
    Because one of these honeys Biggie got to creep with (That's right)
    Sleep with, keep the EP a secret, why not? (Uh)
    Why blow up my spot 'cause we both got hot?
    Now check it: I got more mack than Craig, and in the bed
    Believe me, sweetie, I got enough to feed the needy (Come on)
    No need to be greedy, I got mad friends with Benzes
    C-notes by the layers, true fuckin' players (Uh)
    Jump in the Rover and come over, tell your friends jump in the GS3
    I got the chronic by the tree cuz (Let's go)

    I love it when you call me Big Poppa
    Throw your hands in the air if you's a true player
    I love it when you call me Big Poppa
    To the honeys gettin' money, playin' niggas like dummies
    I love it when you call me Big Poppa
    You got a gun up in your waist, please don't shoot up the place (Why?)
    'Cause I see some ladies tonight that should be havin' my baby (Uh), baby (Uh)

    Straight up, honey, really I'm askin'
    Most of these niggas think they be mackin', but they be actin'
    Who they attractin' with that line (What?), "What's your name? What's your sign?"
    Soon as he buy that wine, I just creep up from behind (That's right)
    And ask you what your interests are, who you be with
    Things that make you smile, what numbers to dial
    You gon' be here for a while? I'm gon' go call my crew, you go call your crew
    We can rendezvous at the bar around 2 (Come on)
    Plans to leave, throw the keys to Little Cease (Uh-huh)
    Pull the truck up front, and roll up the next blunt
    So we can steam on the way to the telly, go fill my belly (G)
    A T-bone steak, cheese eggs and Welch's grape
    Conversate for a few, 'cause in a few we gon' do
    What we came to do, ain't that right, boo? (True)
    Forget the telly—we just go to the crib
    And watch a movie in the Jacuzzi, smoke Ls while you do me

    I love it when you call me Big Poppa
    Throw your hands in the air if you's a true player (Come on, yeah)
    I love it when you call me Big Poppa
    To the honeys gettin' money, playin' niggas like dummies (Uh)
    I love it when you call me Big Poppa
    You got a gun up in your waist, please don't shoot up the place (Why?)
    'Cause I see some ladies tonight that should be havin' my baby, baby (Uh)

    (How you livin', Biggie Smalls?) In mansion and Benzes
    Givin' ends to my friends, and it feels stupendous
    Tremendous cream: fuck a dollar and a dream (Heh)
    Still tote gats, strapped with infrared beams (That's right) (What?)
    Choppin' Os (Uh-huh), smokin' la in Optimos
    Money, hoes and clothes: all a nigga knows (All a nigga knows)
    A foolish pleasure? Whatever
    I had to find the buried treasure (For what?), so grams I had to measure
    However, livin' better now, Coogi sweater now
    Drop top BMs, I'm the man, girlfriend

    Yeah, honey, check it
    Tell your friends to get with my friends
    And we can be friends
    Shit, we can do this every weekend (That's right), alright?
    Is that aight with you?
    Yeah, keep bangin'

    I love it when you call me Big Poppa
    Throw your hands in the air if you's a true player
    I love it when you call me Big Poppa
    To the honeys gettin' money, playin' niggas like dummies (Uh)
    I love it when you call me Big Poppa
    You got a gun up in your waist, please don't shoot up the place (Why?)
    'Cause I see some ladies tonight that should be havin' my baby, baby (Uh)

    Check it out
    Nine-fo' shit for that ass, uh
    Puff Daddy, Biggie Smalls, Junior M.A.F.I.A
    Represent, baby, baby, uh
Track: Bionic Booger Breaks (Side A)
- DJ Qbert
Duration: 6:49
Track: Bizarre Love Triangle
Directory: bizarre-love-triangle-new-order
Always Reference By Directory: true
- New Order
Duration: 4:23
Lyrics: |-
    Every time I think of you
    I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue
    It's no problem of mine, but it's a problem I find
    Living a life that I can't leave behind
    There's no sense in telling me
    The wisdom of the fool won't set you free
    But that's the way that it goes and it's what nobody knows
    Well, every day my confusion grows

    Every time I see you falling
    I get down on my knees and pray
    I'm waiting for that final moment
    You say the words that I can't say

    I feel fine and I feel good
    I'm feeling like I never should
    Whenever I get this way, I just don't know what to say
    Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday?
    I'm not sure what this could mean
    I don't think you're what you seem
    I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else
    Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be

    Every time I see you falling
    I get down on my knees and pray
    I'm waiting for that final moment
    You say the words that I can't say
    Every time I see you falling
    I get down on my knees and pray
    I'm waiting for that final moment
    You say the words that I can't say
Track: Blue (Da Ba Dee) (DJ Ponte Ice Pop Mix)
- Eiffel 65
Duration: 6:26
Lyrics: |-
    Yo, listen up, here's the story
    About a little guy that lives in a blue world
    And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue
    Like him, inside and outside
    Blue his house with a blue little window
    And a blue Corvette and everything is blue for him
    And himself and everybody around
    'Cause he ain't got nobody to listen (To listen, to listen, to listen)

    I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di

    I have a blue house with a blue window
    Blue is the colour of all that I wear
    Blue are the streets and all the trees are too
    I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
    Blue are the people here that walk around
    Blue like my Corvette, it's in and outside
    Blue are the words I say and what I think
    Blue are the feelings that live inside me

    I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di

    I have a blue house with a blue window
    Blue is the colour of all that I wear
    Blue are the streets and all the trees are too
    I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
    Blue are the people here that walk around
    Blue like my Corvette, it's in and outside
    Blue are the words I say and what I think
    Blue are the feelings that live inside me

    I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di

    Inside and outside
    Blue his house with a blue little window
    And a blue Corvette and everything is blue for him
    And himself and everybody around
    'Cause he ain't got nobody to listen (To listen)

    I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
    Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
Track: Blue Zenith
- xi
Duration: 4:18
Track: Bodies
Directory: bodies-drowning-pool
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Drowning Pool
Duration: 3:21
Lyrics: |-
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the... floor!

    Beaten why for (Why for)
    Can't take much more
    (Here we go, here we go, here we go now)

    One! Nothing wrong with me
    Two! Nothing wrong with me
    Three! Nothing wrong with me
    Four! Nothing wrong with me
    One! Something's got to give
    Two! Something's got to give
    Three! Something's got to give

    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the flooooooor!
    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the flooooooor!

    Now, push me again (Again)
    This is the end
    (Here we go, here we go, here we go now)

    One! Nothing wrong with me
    Two! Nothing wrong with me
    Three! Nothing wrong with me
    Four! Nothing wrong with me
    One! Something's got to give
    Two! Something's got to give
    Three! Something's got to give

    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the flooooooor!
    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the floor!

    Skin against skin, blood and bone
    You're all by yourself, but you're not alone
    You wanted in and now you're here
    Driven by hate, consumed by fear

    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the flooooooor!

    One! Nothing wrong with me
    Two! Nothing wrong with me
    Three! Nothing wrong with me
    Four! Nothing wrong with me
    One! Something's got to give
    Two! Something's got to give
    Three! Something's got to give

    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the flooooooor!
    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the floor!
    Let the bodies hit the floor!

    Hey, drop! Hey, drop!
    Hey, drop! Hey, drop!
Track: Bohemian Polka
Duration: 3:40
- Weird Al Yankovic
Referenced Tracks:
- Bohemian Rhapsody
Lyrics: |-
    Is this the real life
    Is this just fantasy
    Caught in a landslide
    No escape from reality
    Open your eyes
    Look up to the skies and see
    I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
    'Cause I'm easy come, easy go
    Little high, little low
    Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me
    To me

    Mama, just killed a man
    Put a gun against his head
    Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
    Mama, life had just begun
    But now I've gone and thrown it all away
    Mama, ooo
    Didn't mean to make you cry
    If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
    Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

    Too late, my time has come
    Sends shivers down my spine
    Body's aching all the time
    Goodbye everybody - I've got to go
    Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
    Mama, ooo
    I don't want to die
    I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

    I see a little silhouetto of a mam
    Scaramouch, scaramouch, will you do the Fandango
    Thunderbolt and lightning - very, very frightening me
    Galileo, Galileo
    Galileo, Galileo
    Galileo figaro - Magnifico... Hey! Hey! Hey!
    I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
    He's just a poor boy from a poor family
    Spare him his life from this monstrosity
    Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
    Bismillah! No, we will not let you go - let him go
    Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
    Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
    Will not let you go - let him go
    Will not let you go - let him go
    No, no, no, no, no no no no no!

    Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
    Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me
    For me

    So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye
    So you think you can love me and leave me to die
    Oh, baby - Can't do this to me, baby
    Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here

    Nothing really matters
    Anyone can see
    Nothing really matters
    Nothing really matters to me Anyway the wind blows - Hey!
Track: Bohemian Rhapsody
- Queen
Duration: 6:00
Lyrics: |-
    Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
    Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality
    Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see
    I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
    Because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low
    Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me
    Mama, just killed a man

    Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead
    Mama, life had just begun
    But now I've gone and thrown it all away
    Mama, ooh, didn't mean to make you cry
    If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
    Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters

    Too late, my time has come
    Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time
    Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go
    Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
    Mama, ooh (any way the wind blows)
    I don't wanna die
    I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

    I see a little silhouetto of a man
    Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?
    Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening me
    (Galileo) Galileo, (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo Figaro, magnifico
    But I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
    He's just a poor boy from a poor family
    Spare him his life from this monstrosity

    Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
    بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ
    No, we will not let you go (let him go)
    بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ
    We will not let you go (let him go)
    بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ
    We will not let you go (let me go)
    Will not let you go (let me go)
    Never, never, never, never let me go
    No, no, no, no, no, no, no

    Oh, mamma mia, mamma mia
    Mamma mia, let me go
    Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me

    So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?
    So you think you can love me and leave me to die?
    Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby
    Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here

    Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah

    Nothing really matters, anyone can see
    Nothing really matters
    Nothing really matters to me
Track: bone skull
Duration: 2:29
- glass beach
Lyrics: |-
    "Ugh, I'm so miserable!!!"

    Blocks of empty storefronts renting to nobody
    Dead cacti hang limply in old valley apartment hallways
    I'm always making a list of all the people I'd help
    If I wasn't helpless myself
    Standing motionless in doorways and parking lots
    Pigeons coo on the balconies
    Dilapidated couches, mattresses
    I'd care about the future again if I knew I could last long enough

    Oh oh ohhhh
    Oh oh ohhhh
    Oh oh ohhhh
    Oh oh ohhhh
Track: Bonfire
Directory: bonfire-childish-gambino
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Childish Gambino
Duration: 3:21
Lyrics: |-
    OK, it's Childish Gambino, home girl drop it like the NASDAQ
    Move white girls like there's coke up my ass crack
    Move black girls 'cause, man, fuck it, I'll do either
    I love pussy, I love bitches, dude, I should be runnin' PETA

    In Adidas with some short shorts, B-O-O all over me
    My green is where it's supposed to be, your green is in my grocery
    This Asian dude, I stole his girl, and now he got that Kogi beef
    My dick is like an accent mark, it's all about the over Es

    Hot like a parked car
    I sound weird like "nigga" with a hard "R"
    Fly like the logo on my cousin's 440
    Eatin' Oreos like these white girls that blow me

    Vodka for my ladies, whiskey for a grown man
    Hangin' in the islands, lookin' for Earl like Toejam
    I made the beat retarded, so I'm callin' it a slow jam
    Butcher and I know it, man, kill beef, go ham

    These rappers are afraid of him
    'Cause I'm a beast, bitch, Gir, Invader Zim
    Gambino is a call girl, fuck you, pay me
    Brand new whip for these niggas like slavery

    Told me I was awful and that shit did not faze me
    Tell me how I suck again, my memory is hazy
    "You're my favorite rapper, now"
    Yeah, dude, I better be
    Or you can fuckin' kiss my ass, Human Centipede

    You wanna see my girl? I ain't that dumb
    You wanna see my girl? Check Maxim
    "Man, why does every black actor gotta rap some?"
    I don't know, all I know is I'm the best one

    It's a bonfire, turn the lights out
    I'm burnin' everything you motherfuckers talk about
    It's a bonfire, turn the lights out
    I'm burnin' everything you motherfuckers talk about

    You know these rapper dudes talk shit, start killin'
    Fuck that, got goons like an arch-villain
    I'm from the South, ain't got no accent, don't know why
    So this rap is child's play, I do my name like Princess Di

    Yeah, they say they want the realness, rap about my real life
    Told me I should just quit: "First of all, you talk white!
    Second off, you talk like you haven't given up yet"
    Rap's stepfather, yeah, you hate me but you will respect

    I put in work, ask Ludwig
    Put my soul on the track like shoes did
    Played this for my cousin, now he can't even think straight
    Black and white music? Now, nigga, that's a mixtape

    Shoutout to my blerds, they represent the realness
    Shoutout to Gambino, girls, my dick is in the building
    I know you hate me 'cause your little cousin play me
    And I like black girls who nerdy, but when they dance they be sayin' "Owww"

    I'm sorry for who followed me
    Chillin' with a Filipina at your local Jollibee
    Yeah, I'm in her ass like sodomy
    So if you see my hand under the table, don't bother me

    I don't talk soft, that's that other guy
    I'm screaming, "What the fuck is up?" like I ain't seen the sky
    This shit I'm doin' this year? Insanity
    Made the beat then murdered it, Casey Anthony

    These rappers don't know what to do
    'Cause all I did was act me like a Looney Tune
    And I'll give you all of me until there's nothing left
    I swear this summer will be summer camp, bitch!
Duration: 3:31
Lyrics: |-
    What are the rules for breakfast today?
    What are the words I'm forbidden to say?
    I need to let my hair down and grow up like a real-ass bitch
    A real-ass bitch, bitch
    What are the rules for breakfast today? (Grow it like a real)
    What are the words I'm forbidden to say? (Grow it like a real)
    I need to let my hair down and grow up like a real-ass bitch (Grow it like a real)
    A real-ass bitch, bitch (Grow it like a real)

    I've been beat up my whole life
    I've been shot down, kicked down twice
    Ain't no stoppin' me tonight
    I'ma get all the things I like
    I've been beat up my whole life
    I've been shot down, kicked down twice
    Ain't no stoppin' me tonight
    I'ma get all the things I like

    My niggas taking over
    BROCKHAMPTON, call your mama
    My niggas goin' platinum
    Break necks, send you to the doctor

    Best boyband since One Direction
    Makin' niggas itch like a skin infection, mm
    Did me wrong like a perfect stepson, mm
    Been a wrong, you can change the song, hon'

    Who got me riled up?
    Who the lame-ass bitch wanna talk 'bout us? Ooh
    Who got me riled up?
    Who the lame-ass bitch wanna talk 'bout us? Ooh
    Come get it from me, uh
    Come get it from me, uh
    Come get it from me, uh, uh, uh
    Come get it from me

    Break necks, I'm the chiropractor
    Come on down, you know I gotcha
    Real shit, feelin' saturated
    Realign the spine, fuck the haters
    Break necks, I'm the chiropractor
    Come on down, you know I gotcha
    Real shit, feelin' saturated
    Realign the spine, fuck the haters

    When you see me in the street, they say, "Willy, Willy"
    But you won't see me in the street, I'm like a hillbilly
    I was sad 'cause nobody wanna suck my willy
    And all sudden, everybody wanna suck my willy
    When you see me in the street, they say, "Willy, Willy"
    But you won't see me in the street, I'm like a hillbilly
    I was sad 'cause nobody wanna suck my willy
    And all sudden, everybody wanna suck my willy

    They be like, "What the fuck is you on?" when we hit the room
    Move 'til these niggas throw me in the tomb
    Hear the sounds of the fader when we spin the tunes
    Everything feel right like you in the womb
    Wanna motivate you in the afternoon
    Top-shelf money, that's my new perfume
    Twist it up, light the end and inhale the fumes
    I'm the one that zoom if you just assume

    I've been beat up my whole life
    I've been shot down, kicked down twice
    Ain't no stoppin' me tonight
    I'ma get all the things I like
    I've been beat up my whole life
    I've been shot down, kicked down twice
    Ain't no stoppin' me tonight
    I'ma get all the things I like
Track: Boss Mode
- Knife Party
Duration: 3:47
# Sampled Tracks:
# - One for the Trouble by A.D.O.R. (call the police / best protect your neck)
Lyrics: |-
    When the planets collide, stars in your eyes
    Open your mind, angel in disguise
    Planets collide, stars in your eyes
    Open your mind, angel in disguise


    When the planets collide, stars in your eyes
    Open your mind, angel in disguise

    When the planets collide, stars in your eyes
    Open your mind, angel in disguise

    Call the police, best call the police
    Call the police, call, call the police
    Call the police, best call the police
    Best protect-tect, best, best protect your neck

    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up

    Slightly different

    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up

    When the planets collide, stars in your eyes
    Open your mind, angel in disguise

    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up

    When the planets collide, stars in your eyes
    Open your mind, angel in disguise

    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up

    Call the police, best call the police
    Call the police, call, call the police
    Call the police, best call the police
    Best protect-tect, best, best protect your neck
Track: Bouncy Ball
- Bad Lip Reading
Duration: 0:42
Lyrics: |-
    Here we go!
    Basketball, basketball
    We love basketball
    It's the best game that we play every day (Ohhh, yeah!)

    It's my bouncy ball
    It's your bouncy ball
    Yeah it's my bouncy ball
    Pretty little basketball

    Wow, my feet are so raw (Raw feet)
    My ears are scared and the baby ostrich is cold
    Now that makes you feel that you know karate (Yes sensei)
    Kicking your friend (Don't kick 'em)
    Well why must I just... dance

    (Hey!) Yeah this is my dance
    Here in the gym, in the gym
    And this is my best dance
    And I can do this
    Now walk it around, do it, yeah!
    (Da da da, dum dum)
    Now I gotta clean my teeth and get some sleep
    And then we take the shot!
Track: Brain Power
Duration: 1:58
Track: Brighton Rock
- Queen
Duration: 5:11
Lyrics: |-
    Happy little day, Jimmy went away
    Met his little Jenny on a public holiday
    A happy pair they made, so decorously laid
    'Neath the gay illuminations all along the promenade
    It's so good to know there's still a little magic in the air
    I'll weave my spell

    Jenny will you stay, tarry with me pray
    Nothing 'ere' need come between us
    Tell me, love, what do you say?

    Oh no, I must away to my Mum in disarray
    If my mother should discover how I spent my holiday
    It would be of small avail to talk of magic in the air
    I'll say farewell

    Oh, Rock of Ages
    Do not crumble, love is breathing still
    Oh, Lady Moon, shine down
    A little people magic if you will

    Jenny pines away, writes a letter everyday
    We must ever be together
    Nothing can my love erase

    Oh no, I'm compromised, I must apologize
    If my lady should discover how I spent my holidays

    (Ooh, ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo, hoo!)
Track: Brodyquest
- Neil Cicierega
Cover Artists:
- Neil Cicierega
Cover Art Dimensions: 480x360
Duration: 4:01
Lyrics: |-
    Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody
    Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody
    Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody
    Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody
    Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody
    Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody
    Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody
    Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody

    (Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody)
    (Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody)
    (Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody)
    (Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody)
    (Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody)
    (Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody)
    (Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody)
    (Adrien Brody, Adrien Brody)

Track: '#BrooklynBloodPop!'
- SyKo
Duration: 2:25
# Sampled Tracks:
# - prolly a bunch of shit cba rn
Lyrics: |-
    Pop, pop, pop, pop
    Blood, blood, blood, blood, blood
    Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop
    Blood, blood, blood, blood, blood

    Cover fire
    I need a rumor
    You're a school shooter

    A problematic desire
    I'm just a gun with the hire
    I'll pop your skull and your tires
    I want your feeling and everything in your fiber
    Uh, uh-uh-uh-uh-uh
    Munchin', popping on bubblegum
    Yeah, I feel you on my tongue
    Lick across the clip of my gun
    Am I, am I in love?
    Or am I off the drugs?
    Your girl say I fuck like a thug
    She wants kisses over blunts
    Let the chains hit her face
    Gunshots feel like a blade
    Swerve the car make me race
    Suicide's a mistake
    Snipers chill with berets
    Push you off the edgе

    Throwing knife, like pick your fight
    Pussy boy, I wanna see my bride
    I feel likе Xzibit 'cause I pimp my ride
    Yeah, bitch, there's one, pick up your sight
    Thoughts contrived, yeah, yeah, yeah
    I can never do right in your mind
    It's just so hard to stay attached to this world

    Live off you like matter
    MP5 like scatter
    Blood just leaves me staggered
    Got twelve on me, won't let me be
    Got gummy worms stuck in my teeth
    I see her face, I'm like, "OMG"
    Grapple tape on my SMG
    Talk, talk, talk, but you won't beat me

    Cover fire
    I need a rumor
    I'm just cooler

    Alright IG, I had a hard workout today, but
    I'll see y'all later, SuWoo
Track: Burn
Directory: burn-deep-purple
Duration: 6:04
- Deep Purple
Lyrics: |-
    The sky is red, I don't understand
    Past midnight I still see the land
    People are sayin' the woman is damned
    She makes you burn with a wave of her hand

    The city's ablaze, the town's on fire
    The woman's flames are reaching higher
    We were fools, we called her liar
    All I hear is "Burn!"

    I didn't believe she was the devil's sperm
    She said, "Curse you all, you'll never learn!
    When I leave there's no return"
    The people laughed till she said, "Burn!"

    Warning came, no one cared
    Earth was shakin', we stood and stared
    When it came no one was spared
    Still I hear "Burn!"

    You know we had no time
    We could not even try
    You know we had no time

    You know we had no time
    We could not even try
    You know we had no time

    You know we had no time
    We could not even try
    You know we had no time

    You know we had no time
    We could not even try
    You know we had no time

    The sky is red, I don't understand
    Past midnight I still see the land
    People are sayin' the woman is damned
    She makes you burn with a wave of her hand

    Warning came, no one cared
    Earth was shakin', we stood and stared
    When it came no one was spared
    Still I hear "Burn!"
Track: Camel Dancefloor
Duration: 3:13
- Igorrr
Track: Can't Help Falling In Love
- Elvis Presley
Duration: 3:00
Lyrics: |-
    Wise men say
    Only fools rush in
    But I can't help falling in love with you
    Shall I stay?
    Would it be a sin
    If I can't help falling in love with you?

    Like a river flows
    Surely to the sea
    Darling, so it goes
    Some things are meant to be
    Take my hand,
    Take my whole life, too
    For I can't help falling in love with you

    Like a river flows
    Surely to the sea
    Darling, so it goes
    Some things are meant to be
    Take my hand,
    Take my whole life, too
    For I can't help falling in love with you
    For I can't help falling in love with you
Track: Caramelldansen
- Caramell
Duration: 3:27
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
Lyrics: |-
    Du du du
    Hey yeah yeah yeah

    Vi undrar, är ni redo att vara med? (<i>We wonder, are you ready to join us?</i>)
    Armarna upp, nu ska ni få se (<i>Arms up, now you'll see</i>)
    Kom igen (<i>Come on</i>)
    Vem som helst kan vara med (Vara med) (<i>Anyone can join (Join)</i>)

    Så rör på era fötter, oa-a-a (<i>So move your feet</i>)
    Och vicka era höfter, o-la-la-la (<i>And wiggle your hips</i>)
    Gör som vi (<i>Do as we do</i>)
    Till denna melodi (<i>To this melody</i>)

    Dansa med oss, klappa era händer (<i>Dance with us, clap your hands</i>)
    Gör som vi gör, ta några steg åt vänster (<i>Do as we do, take a few steps to the left</i>)
    Lyssna och lär, missa inte chansen (<i>Listen and learn, don't miss the chance</i>)
    Nu är vi här med caramelldansen (<i>Now we are here with the caramelldansen</i>)


    Det blir en sensation överallt förstås (<i>It will be a sensation everywhere</i>)
    På fester kommer alla att släppa loss (<i>At parties everyone will let loose</i>)
    Kom igen (<i>Come on</i>)
    Nu tar vi stegen om igen (Oa-oa-a) (<i>Now we take the steps again</i>)

    Så rör på era fötter, oa-a-a (<i>So move your feet</i>)
    Och vicka era höfter, o-la-la-la (<i>And wiggle your hips</i>)
    Gör som vi (<i>Do as we do</i>)
    Till denna melodi (<i>To this melody</i>)

    Så kom och (<i>So come and</i>)
    Dansa med oss, klappa era händer (<i>Dance with us, clap your hands</i>)
    Gör som vi gör, ta några steg åt vänster (<i>Do as we do, take a few steps to the left</i>)
    Lyssna och lär, missa inte chansen (<i>Listen and learn, don't miss the chance</i>)
    Nu är vi här med caramelldansen (<i>Now we are here with the caramelldansen</i>)

    Dansa med oss, klappa era händer (<i>Dance with us, clap your hands</i>)
    Gör som vi gör, ta några steg åt vänster (<i>Do as we do, take a few steps to the left</i>)
    Lyssna och lär, missa inte chansen (<i>Listen and learn, don't miss the chance</i>)
    Nu är vi här med caramelldansen (<i>Now we are here with the caramelldansen</i>)

    O-o, o-a, o-a
    O-o, o-a, o-a-a
    O-o, o-a, o-a
    O-o, o-a, o-a-a

    Så kom och (<i>So come and</i>)
    Dansa med oss, klappa era händer (<i>Dance with us, clap your hands</i>)
    Gör som vi gör, ta några steg åt vänster (<i>Do as we do, take a few steps to the left</i>)
    Lyssna och lär, missa inte chansen (<i>Listen and learn, don't miss the chance</i>)
    Nu är vi här med caramelldansen (<i>Now we are here with the caramelldansen</i>)

    Dansa med oss, klappa era händer (<i>Dance with us, clap your hands</i>)
    Gör som vi gör, ta några steg åt vänster (<i>Do as we do, take a few steps to the left</i>)
    Lyssna och lär, missa inte chansen (<i>Listen and learn, don't miss the chance</i>)
    Nu är vi här med caramelldansen (<i>Now we are here with the caramelldansen</i>)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/19/2022)
    There are official English lyrics to this song but they change things to mention 'memes' and 'YouTube clips', so I just ran the lyrics through Google Translate instead.
Track: Careless Whisper
- Wham!
Duration: 5:00
Lyrics: |-
    I feel so unsure
    As I take your hand
    And lead you to the dance floor
    As the music dies
    Something in your eyes
    Calls to mind a silver screen
    And all its sad goodbyes

    I'm never gonna dance again
    Guilty feet have got no rhythm
    Though it's easy to pretend
    I know you're not a fool
    Should've known better than to cheat a friend
    And waste a chance that I've been given
    So I'm never gonna dance again
    The way I danced with you

    Time can never mend
    The careless whispers
    Of a good friend
    To the heart and mind
    Ignorance is kind
    There's no comfort in the truth
    Pain is all that you'll find

    I'm never gonna dance again
    Guilty feet have got no rhythm
    Though it's easy to pretend
    I know you're not a fool
    Should've known better than to cheat a friend (Should've known better, yeah)
    And waste a chance that I've been given
    So I'm never gonna dance again
    The way I danced with you

    Never without your love

    Tonight, the music seems so loud
    I wish that we could lose this crowd
    Maybe it's better this way
    We'd hurt each other with the things we want to say
    We could have been so good together
    We could have lived this dance forever
    But now who's gonna dance with me?
    Please stay

    And I'm never gonna dance again
    Guilty feet have got no rhythm
    Though it's easy to pretend
    I know you're not a fool
    Should've known better than to cheat a friend
    And waste a chance that I've been given
    So I'm never gonna dance again
    The way I danced with you

    Now that you're gone
    Now that you're gone
    Now that you're gone
    Was what I did so wrong, so wrong
    That you had to leave me alone?
Track: Carnival
Directory: carnival-gorillaz
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Gorillaz
Duration: 2:15
Lyrics: |-
    We play to win, just to find the dark
    Go home again, and we both fall out
    I wanna spend the time with you
    Doing nothing
    Keep you satisfied, while they rob us blind
    I hear the music in the background
    Singing, singing

    Oh, I haven't see the glory
    Coming, coming coming
    And we play
    We play, we play, we play like a..

    Just like a carnival
    Game (Just like a carnival)
    Laugh (Just like a carnival)
    Joke (Just like a..)
    Spinning me round and around and around
    Just like a carnival

    We play to win, just to find the dark
    Go... again, and we both fall out
    I wanna spend the time with you
    Doing nothing

    We... (Just like a carnival)
    We laughed (Just like a carnival)
    Sleep with the dead (Just like a carnival)
    Playing with your mind (Just like a..)
    Spinning me round and around and around
    Just like a carnival, yeah...
Track: Casin
Directory: casin-glue70
Always Reference By Directory: true
- glue70
Duration: 1:46
Lyrics: |-
    Gives me her love
    Oh stay
    To please the girl and be
    Gives me her love
    Oh stay
    To please the girl
    Gives me her love
    Oh stay
    to please the girl and be
    Gives me her love
    Oh stay
    To please the girl
    You're the one, the one for me

    Gives me her love
    Oh stay
    To please the girl and be
    Gives me her love
    Oh stay
    To please the girl
    Gives me her love
    Oh stay
    to please the girl and be
    Gives me her love
    Oh stay
    To please the girl

    Gives me her love
    Oh stay
    To please the girl and be
    Gives me her love...
Track: casino night
- pilotredsun
Duration: 2:43
Track: Casio VL-1 Demo
- Unknown Artist
Duration: 1:16
Referenced Tracks:
- Yama No Ongakuka
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 12/31/2022)
    This demo was reused for many other Casio devices. Manuals and literature sometimes refer to it as "German Folk Song" (partially correct) or "Unterlanders Heimweh" (lit. "Lowlander's Homesickness") (which is a different German folk song, although later Casio devices actually used the correct song instead). Japanese materials correctly refer to it as a version of "Yama No Ongakuka".
Duration: 1:49
Referenced Tracks:
- Good Day
Lyrics: |-
    (G'day, mate.) (The banana) (It's a good day to have a good day)
    (That's how you say it?) (Angry) (It's a good day to have a good day) (G'day, mate, hahaha.)
    (He not like the banana) (Yah.)
    (It's a good day to have a good day) (Angry) Commence! (It's a good day to have a good day)
    (Cat no banana)

    I woke up this morning like I gotta get going
    Tomorrow's not promised so I live in the moment
    It's a good day to have a good day
    It's a good day to have a good day (Cat no banana)
    I woke up this morning like I gotta get going (He not like)
    Tomorrow's not promised so I live in the moment (The banana)
    It's a good day to have a good day (Angry)
    It's a good day to have a good day (Cat no banana)

    Woke up this morning with my mind on my money
    Hard work payin' off, I don't owe nobody nuttin'
    On my west coast tip, so you know I'm trying to function
    And touch a private part even though we in public (Cat no banana)
    You playing hard to get, but I'm thinking easy does it
    To have a good time, that's all I ever wanted
    I dreamt that a genie came and gave me three wishes
    A Cuban link chain, fly clothes, and bad women (Cat no banana)

    I'm street dreamin', on the beach even (He not like)
    With some high aimed kicks from the last season— moment (The banana)
    It's a good day to have a good day (Angry)
    It's a good day to have a good day (Cat no banana)
    (He not like)
    (The banana)
    It's a good day to have a good day (Angry)
    It's a good day to have a good day (Cat no banana)
Track: The Cave You Fear
- Michael Markowski
Duration: 4:01
Track: CD Factory
Duration: 5:43
- death's dynamic shroud
Lyrics: |-
    Compact Discs themselves, meaning their actual manufacture

    You are the flame in my heart
    You light my way in the dark
    You are the ultimate star

    リンク。 心配しないでください、あなたのお父さんはすぐに私たちを救うためにここにいます。 リンク....
    ちょっと待って! ロレッタ!
    ロレッタ? ロレッタ!!! くそーガノンドロフとあなたの部下!
    リンク。 心配しないでください、あなたのお父さんはすぐに私たちを救うためにここにいます。 リンク....
    ちょっと待って! ロレッタ!
Track: Central Park West
- John Coltrane
Duration: 4:16
Track: Chasing It down
- Mother Mother
Duration: 4:10
Lyrics: |-
    Hey, hey, how you doing?
    Solid gang?

    Turn around your life or we'll change without your consent
    Without your okay, it happened again
    I woke up today, everything changed
    All my friends and all my family suddenly don't understand me
    Understand I'm not the man they think I am

    Try chasin' it down
    Try chasin' it down
    Try chasin' it down
    It don't wanna be found
    It don't wanna be found
    It don't wanna be found

    Favorite table, favorite waitress, favorite place
    It's something in flames, up for sale
    It doesn't matter anyhow
    Like anything that tasted sweet
    It only tastes that way about a week
    Before at best gone bittersweet

    Try chasin' it down
    Try chasin' it down
    Try chasin' it down
    It don't wanna be found
    It don't wanna be found
    It don't wanna be found (found)

    Abigail, oh, baby girl
    You had a name that said itself
    But funny how the name can change
    About the time you find you're sick of sayin' it
    Sayin' it, sayin' it, sayin' it (sure)
    We had a thing so lovely
    Took every last part of me
    But funny, once you're into it
    The all-encompassing thing's just a part of it
    Part of it, part of it, part of it (sure) (sure)

    Try to get back there
    Try to get back there
    Try to get back there
    Try to get back there

    It's a one shot deal
    One shot deal
    It's a one shot deal

    Turn around your life or we'll change without your consent
    Without your okay
    All my friends and all my family suddenly don't understand me
    Understand I'm not the man they think I am

    Oh, where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
    Oh, where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
    Oh, where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
    Oh, where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
    Oh, where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
    Oh, where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
    Oh, where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
    Oh, where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go?

    Try to get back there
    Try to get back there
    Try to get back there
    Try to get back there
    There, there

    Thank you, merci
Track: Chocolate Rain
- Tay Zonday
Duration: 4:52
Lyrics: |-
    Chocolate Rain
    Some stay dry and others feel the pain
    Chocolate Rain
    A baby born will die before the sin

    Chocolate Rain
    The school books say it can't be here again
    Chocolate Rain
    The prisons make you wonder where it went

    Chocolate Rain
    Build a tent and say the world is dry
    Chocolate Rain
    Zoom the camera out and see the lie

    Chocolate Rain
    Forecast to be falling yesterday
    Chocolate Rain
    Only in the past is what they say

    Chocolate Rain
    Raised your neighborhood insurance rates
    Chocolate Rain
    Makes us happy 'livin in a gate

    Chocolate Rain
    Made me cross the street the other day
    Chocolate Rain
    Made you turn your head the other way

    Chocolate Rain
    History quickly crashing through your veins
    Chocolate Rain
    Using you to fall back down again

    Chocolate Rain
    History quickly crashing through your veins
    Chocolate Rain
    Using you to fall back down again

    Chocolate Rain
    Seldom mentioned on the radio
    Chocolate Rain
    Its the fear your leaders call control

    Chocolate Rain
    Worse than swearing worse than calling names
    Chocolate Rain
    Say it publicly and you're insane

    Chocolate Rain
    No one wants to hear about it now
    Chocolate Rain
    Wish real hard it goes away somehow

    Chocolate Rain
    Makes the best of friends begin to fight
    Chocolate Rain
    But did they know each other in the light?

    Chocolate Rain
    Every February washed away
    Chocolate Rain
    Stays behind as colors celebrate

    Chocolate Rain
    The same crime has a higher price to pay
    chocolate Rain
    The judge and jury swear it's not the face

    Chocolate Rain
    Dirty secrets of economy
    Chocolate Rain
    Turns that body into GDP

    Chocolate Rain
    The bell curve blames the baby's DNA
    Chocolate Rain
    But test scores are how much the parents make

    Chocolate Rain
    'Flippin cars in France the other night
    Chocolate Rain
    Cleans the sewers out beneath Mumbai

    Chocolate Rain
    'Cross the world and back its all the same
    Chocolate Rain
    Angels cry and shake their heads in shame

    Chocolate Rain
    Lifts the ark of paradise in sin
    Chocolate Rain
    Which part do you think you're 'livin in?

    Chocolate Rain
    More than 'marchin more than passing law
    Chocolate Rain
    Remake how we got to where we are.
Track: Chop Suey!
- System of a Down
Lyrics: |-
    We're rolling "Suicide"

    Wake up (Wake up)
    Grab a brush and put a little makeup
    Hide your scars to fade away the shakeup (Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup)
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
    Here you go, create another fable, you wanted to
    Grab a brush and put a little makeup, you wanted to
    Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup, you wanted to
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to

    I don't think you trust
    In my self-righteous suicide
    I cry when angels deserve to die

    Ah! Wake up (Wake up)
    Grab a brush and put a little makeup (A little bit)
    Hide the scars to fade away the (Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup)
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
    Here you go, create another fable, you wanted to
    Grab a brush and put a little makeup, you wanted to
    Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup, you wanted to
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to

    I don't think you trust
    In my self-righteous suicide
    I cry when angels deserve to die
    In my self-righteous suicide
    I cry when angels deserve to die

    Father, father, father, father
    Father, father, father, father
    Father, into your hands I commend my spirit
    Father, into your hands
    Why have you forsaken me?
    In your eyes, forsaken me?
    In your thoughts, forsaken me?
    In your heart, forsaken me? Oh

    Trust in my self-righteous suicide
    I cry when angels deserve to die
    In my self-righteous suicide
    I cry when angels deserve to die
Duration: 3:30
Track: chop suey but everything is a table
- animorphs
Lyrics: |-
    We're rolling "Suicide"

    Table (Wake up)
    Grab a brush and put a little table
    Hide your scars to fade away the table (Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup)
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
    Here you go, create another table, you wanted to
    Grab a brush and put a little table, you wanted to
    Hide the scars to fade away the table, you wanted to
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to

    I don't think you trust
    Ta- ble- self-righteous table
    I cry when tables deserve to die

    Ah! Table(Wake up)
    Grab a brush and put a little table (A little bit)
    Hide the scars to fade away the table (Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup)
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
    Here you go, create another table, you wanted to
    Grab a brush and put a little table, you wanted to
    Hide the scars to fade away the table, you wanted to
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to

    I don't think you trust
    Table my table-righteous suisus
    I table when angels deserve to TABLE
    My self-righteous TABLE
    I cry when tables deserve to die

    Table, table, table, table
    Table, table, table, table
    Table, table, table, table
    Table, table, table, table
    Table, table, table, table
    Table, table, table, table
    Table, table, table, table
    Table, table, table, table

    T A B L E, T A B L E, T A B L E

    Father, in-table your hands I commend my table
    Father, in-table your hands
    Why have you forsaken me?
    In your table, forsaken me?
    In your table, forsaken me?
    In your table, forsaken me? Oh

    Trust in TABLE self-righteous soos sus
    I cry when tables deserve to die
    In my self-righteous tablecide
    I cryirc when angels deserve to T A B L E

    Table, table, table, table
Duration: 3:31
Sampled Tracks:
- Chop Suey!
Track: Chuuku No Niwa
# Date First Released: April 21, 2022
- Amane Kanata
- Amane Kanata (vocals)
- yanaginagi (lyrics)
- bermei.inazawa (composer & arranger)
- Chieko Kinbara (1st violin)
- Haruko Yano (2nd violin)
- Hirohito Furugawara (viola)
- Masami Horisawa (cello)
- Sennzai (choir)
Duration: 5:05
Lyrics: |-







Track: Classical Gas
- Mason Williams
Duration: 3:02
Track: Clint Eastwood
- Gorillaz
Duration: 5:40
Lyrics: |-
    I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
    I got sunshine in a bag
    I'm useless but not for long
    The future is coming on

    I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
    I got sunshine in a bag
    I'm useless but not for long
    The future is coming on
    It's coming on, it's coming on
    It's coming on, it's coming on

    Finally someone let me out of my cage
    Now time for me is nothin', 'cause I'm countin' no age
    Now I couldn't be there, now you shouldn't be scared
    I'm good at repairs, and I'm under each snare

    Intangible (ah y'all), bet you didn't think
    So I command you to, panoramic view (you)
    Look, I'll make it all manageable
    Pick and choose, sit and lose all you different crews
    Chicks and dudes, who you think is really kicking tunes?

    Picture you getting down in a picture tube
    Like you lit the fuse, you think it's fictional? Mystical? Maybe
    Spiritual hero who appears on you to clear your view
    When you're too crazy

    Lifeless to those the definition for what life is
    Priceless to you because I put you on the hype shift
    Did you like it? Gut smokin' righteous with one toke
    You're psychic among knows possess you with one go

    I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
    I got sunshine in a bag
    I'm useless but not for long
    The future is coming on

    I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
    I got sunshine in a bag
    I'm useless but not for long
    The future (that's right) is coming on
    It's coming on, it's coming on
    It's coming on, it's coming on

    The essence, the basics without did you make it?
    Allow me to make this childlike in nature
    Rhythm, you have it or you don't
    That's a fallacy, I'm in them
    Every sprouting tree, every child of peace
    Every cloud and sea, you see with your eyes

    I see destruction and demise
    Corruption in the skies (that's right)
    From this fucking enterprise, now I'm sucked into your lies
    Through Russel, not his muscles
    But percussion he provides

    For me as a guide, y'all can see me now
    'Cause you don't see with your eye
    You perceive with your mind, that's the inner (fuck 'em)
    So I'mma stick around with Russ and be a mentor

    Bust a few rhymes so motherfuckers remember
    Where the thought is, I brought all this
    So you can survive when law is lawless (right here)
    Feeling sensations that you thought was dead
    No squealing and remember that it's all in your head

    I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
    I got sunshine in a bag
    I'm useless but not for long
    The future is coming on

    I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
    I got sunshine in a bag
    I'm useless but not for long
    My future is coming on
    It's coming on, it's coming on
    It's coming on, it's coming on

    My future
    It's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on
    It's coming on, it's coming on, my future
    It's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on
    It's coming on, it's coming on, my future
    It's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on

    My future
    It's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on
    My future
    It's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on
    My future
Track: Clocks
Directory: clocks-coldplay
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Coldplay
Duration: 5:07
Lyrics: |-
    The lights go out and I can't be saved
    Tides that I tried to swim against
    Have brought me down upon my knees
    Oh I beg, I beg and plead, singin'

    Come out of things unsaid
    Shoot an apple off my head and a
    Trouble that can't be named
    A tiger's waiting to be tamed, singin'

    You are
    You are

    Confusion never stops
    Closing walls and ticking clocks
    Gonna come back and take you home
    I could not stop that you now know, singin'

    Come out upon my seas
    Cursed missed opportunities, am I
    A part of the cure?
    Or am I part of the disease? Singin'

    You are
    You are
    You are
    You are

    You are
    You are

    And nothing else compares
    Oh, nothing else compares
    And nothing else compares

    You are
    You are

    Home, home
    Where I wanted to go
    Home, home
    Where I wanted to go
    Home, home (You...)
    Where I wanted to go (...are)
    Home, home (You...)
    Where I wanted to go (...are)
Track: Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Variation)
- Rob Dougan
Duration: 7:29
Referenced Tracks:
- Clubbed to Death (The First Mix)
Sampled Tracks:
- It's a New Day
- 'Enigma Variations, Op. 36: IX. (Nimrod)'
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 12/13/2023)
    This version of Rob Dougan's track is particularly notable for having been featured in *The Matrix* in 1999.
Track: Clubbed to Death (The First Mix)
- Rob Dougan
Duration: 7:12
Sampled Tracks:
- It's a New Day
- 'Enigma Variations, Op. 36: IX. (Nimrod)'
Track: 'Cock/ver10'
- Aphex Twin
Duration: 5:18
Lyrics: |-


    Come on, you cunt, let's have some Aphex acid
Track: Coc'n Rolla (Ljubljana Ponoči)
- Begnagrad
Duration: 5:31
Track: Corrupting Tranquility
- Daydream Anatomy
Duration: 3:44
Track: Crank That
- Soulja Boy
Duration: 3:58
Lyrics: |-
    Soulja Boy Tell'Em
    Hey, I got this new dance for y'all called the Soulja Boy
    You gotta punch, then crank back three times from left to right
    (Ah, yuu)

    Soulja Boy off in this ho
    Watch me crank it, watch me roll
    Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, then Superman that ho
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    Now watch me—

    Soulja Boy off in this ho
    Watch me crank it, watch me roll
    Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, then Superman that ho
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    Now watch me—

    Soulja Boy off in this ho
    Watch me lean and watch me rock
    Superman that ho, then watch me crank that RoboCop
    Super fresh, now watch me jock
    Jocking on them haters, man
    When I do that Soulja Boy, I lean to the left and crank that thang, now (Yuu)

    I'm jocking on your bitch ass
    And if we get the fighting, then I'm cocking on your bitch ass
    You catch me at your local party, yes, I crank it everyday
    Haters getting mad, 'cause I got me some Bathing Apes

    Soulja Boy off in this ho
    Watch me crank it, watch me roll
    Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, then Superman that ho
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    Now watch me—

    Soulja Boy off in this ho
    Watch me crank it, watch me roll
    Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, then Superman that ho
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    Now watch me—

    I'm bouncing on my toe, watch me super soak that ho
    I'm gonna pass it to Arab and he gon' pass it to Don Loc (Loc)
    Haters wanna be me, Soulja Boy, I'm the man
    They be looking at my neck, saying, "It's the rubber band," man (Man)
    Watch me do it (Watch me do it)
    Dance (Dance), let get to it (Let get to it)

    Nope, you can't do it like me
    Ho, so don't do it like me
    Folk, I see you tryna do it like me
    Man, that shit was ugly

    Soulja Boy off in this ho
    Watch me crank it, watch me roll
    Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, then Superman that ho
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    Now watch me—

    Soulja Boy off in this ho
    Watch me crank it, watch me roll
    Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, then Superman that ho
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    Now watch me—

    I'm too clean off in this ho
    Watch me crank it, watch me roll
    Watch me crank that Roosevelt and super soak that ho (Yuu)
    And super soak that ho (And super soak that ho)
    And super soak that ho (And super soak that ho)
    And super soak that ho (And super soak that ho)
    And super soak that ho (And super soak that ho)

    I'm too fresh up in this bitch
    Watch me shuffle, watch me jig
    Watch me crank my shoulder work and Superman that bitch (Yuu)
    And Superman that bitch (And Superman that bitch)
    And Superman that bitch (And Superman that bitch)
    Oh, yuu

    Soulja Boy off in this ho
    Watch me crank it, watch me roll
    Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, then Superman that ho
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    Now watch me—

    Soulja Boy off in this ho
    Watch me crank it, watch me roll
    Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, then Superman that ho
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    Now watch me—
Track: Crawling
Directory: crawling-linkin-park
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Linkin Park
- Don Gilmore (production)
Duration: 3:29
Lyrics: |-
    Crawling in my skin
    These wounds, they will not heal
    Fear is how I fall
    Confusing what is real

    There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
    Consuming, confusing
    This lack of self-control I fear is never-ending
    Controlling, I can't seem

    To find myself again, my walls are closing in
    Without a sense of confidence, I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take
    I've felt this way before, so insecure

    Crawling in my skin
    These wounds, they will not heal
    Fear is how I fall
    Confusing what is real

    Discomfort endlessly has pulled itself upon me
    Distracting (Distracting), reacting (Reacting)
    Against my will, I stand beside my own reflection (My own reflection)
    It's haunting (It's haunting) how I can't seem

    To find myself again, my walls are closing in
    Without a sense of confidence, I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take
    I've felt this way before, so insecure

    Crawling in my skin
    These wounds, they will not heal
    Fear is how I fall
    Confusing what is real
    Crawling in my skin
    These wounds, they will not heal
    Fear is how I fall
    Confusing, confusing what is real

    There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
    (Consuming) Confusing what is real
    This lack of self-control I fear is never-ending
    (Controlling) Confusing what is real
Track: Crazy
Directory: crazy-gnarls-barkley
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 3:03
- Gnarls Barkley
Lyrics: |-
    I remember when
    I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
    There was something so pleasant about that place
    Even your emotions have an echo, in so much space, mmm
    And when you're out there without care
    Yeah, I was out of touch
    But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
    I just knew too much, mm

    Does that make me crazy?
    Does that make me crazy?
    Does that make me crazy?

    And I hope that you are having the time of your life
    But think twice, that's my only advice, mm
    Come on now, who do you
    Who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
    Ha, ha, ha, bless your soul
    You really think you're in control?

    Well, I think you're crazy
    I think you're crazy
    I think you're crazy
    Just like me

    My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on the limb
    And all I remember is thinkin' I wanna be like them, mm-hmm
    Ever since I was little
    Ever since I was little, it looked like fun
    And it's no coincidence I've come
    And I can die when I'm done

    But maybe I'm crazy
    Maybe you're crazy
    Maybe we're crazy

    Mm-woah, ooh
    Ooh, woo-ooh
    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh-hoo, mm-hmm
Track: Creeping in My Soul
- Cryoshell
- Mikkel Maltha (composition)
- Anthony Lledo (composition)
Duration: 3:59
Lyrics: |-
    I see your face before my eyes
    I'm falling into darkness
    Why must I fight to stay alive?
    Heroes fallen

    Wake me, can't you hear me calling?
    Out of darkness, they come crawling

    Here I am, I am lost in your land
    And I hope you will be creeping in my soul
    Shadows fall, let me out, hear my call
    And I'll always believe, creeping in my soul

    Creeps from the deep's gonna be freaking up your mind
    Creeps from the deep's gonna be feeding off your spine

    I fade away into the night
    My eyes are closing in
    Shadows are fleeing from the light
    My nightmares can begin

    Wake me, can't you hear me calling?
    Out of darkness, they come crawling

    Here I am, I am lost in your land
    And I hope you will be creeping in my soul
    Shadows fall, let me out, hear my call
    And I'll always believe, creeping in my soul

    Creeping in my soul, it's getting out of control
    I got to find my escape and get out of this black hole
    'Cause justice in the world is hard to find
    Time has come, got to make up my mind
    No matter how deep or remote I hide
    All my thoughts seem caught up inside
    Creeps from the deep's gonna be freaking up your mind
    Creeps from the deep's gonna be feeding off your spine

    Here I am, I am lost in your land
    And I hope you will be creeping in my soul
    Shadows fall, let me out, hear my call
    And I'll always believe, creeping in my soul

    Here I am, I am lost in your land (Here, I am)
    And I hope you will be creeping in my soul (I'm lost)
    Shadows fall, let me out, hear my call (I'm lost)
    And I'll always believe, creeping in my soul
Track: Crime Sheen Inc.
- NewPlumOrder
Duration: 0:27
Referenced Tracks:
- Feel Good Inc.
Sampled Tracks:
# - Jimmy Neutron
- Feel Good Inc.
Lyrics: |-
    No way Sheen, no way Sheen
    You're not as big a fan as Jimmy's dad as I am!
    Oh yeah? What's his favorite color?
    It's PIE! HAH, it's magenta!

    Old daddy is bye-bye baby, I'm going all the way to the top!
    Concerts, movies, maybe an animated animat—!
    Nothing's gonna stop me kid kid-kid!
    Dad I ugh... please?
    Okay, alright I get it...
Track: Crossing Paths
Duration: 4:30
- Daniel Saylor
Track: Crystal Kingdom - Part Four
- Griffin McElroy
Duration: 1:11
Lyrics: |-
    Kept from our children, lovers, friends
    Subject to laws we did not make
    This is where separation ends
    And souls of the lost will come awake
    Enter this Crystal Kingdom
Track: Dame tu Cosita
- El Chombo
Duration: 2:24
Lyrics: |-
    Ah! Bienvenidos a la cripta!

    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    Dame tu cosita ah ay
    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    Dame tu cosita ah ay
    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    Dame tu cosita ah ay
    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    (Muévete para aquí, muévete para allá)

    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita, tu cosita)
    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita)
    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita, tu cosita)
    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita)

    Damela damela bien rica
    Vamonos pa' ca, pa' la esquinita
    Damela que estas bien bonita, mamacita
    Damela, damela pa' aquí, dame pa' llevar
    A mi me gusta como tu lo meneas
    Muévete ese bam bam y grita

    Ah! Bienvenidos a la cripta!

    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    Dame tu cosita ah ay
    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    Dame tu cosita ah ay
    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    Dame tu cosita ah ay
    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    (Muévete para aquí, muévete para allá)

    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita, tu cosita)
    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita)
    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita, tu cosita)
    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita)

    Wow baby
    Tu me tiene como loco, my lady
    Cuando tu lo mueves, tu me pones crazy
    Así que mueve se bam bam, baby
    Damela, damela pa' aquí, dame pa' llevar
    A mi me gusta como tu lo meneas
    Muévete ese bam bam y grita

    Ah! Bienvenidos a la cripta!
    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    Dame tu cosita ah ay
    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    Dame tu cosita ah ay
    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    Dame tu cosita ah ay
    Dame tu cosita ah ah
    (Muévete para aquí, muévete para allá)

    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita, tu cosita)
    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita)
    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita, tu cosita)
    Dame tu cosita, ay toma
    Ahh (tu cosita)

    Dame tu cosita

    [English translation:]

    Ah! Welcome to the crypt!

    Give me your little thing ah ah
    Give me your little thing ah ay
    Give me your little thing ah ah
    Give me your little thing ah ay
    Give me your little thing ah ah
    Give me your little thing ah ay
    Give me your little thing ah ah

    Move over here, move over there

    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)
    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)
    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)
    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)

    Damela damela well rich
    Let's go pa 'ca, pa' the little corner
    Give it to me, you're pretty, mamacita
    Give it to me, give it to me for 'here, give me pa' to take
    I like how you mess it up
    Move that bam bam and scream

    Ah! Welcome to the crypt!

    Give me your little thing ah ah
    Give me your little thing ah ay
    Give me your little thing ah ah
    Give me your little thing ah ay
    Give me your little thing ah ah
    Give me your little thing ah ay
    Give me your little thing ah ah

    Move over here, move over there

    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)
    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)
    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)
    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)

    Wow baby
    You have me crazy, my lady
    When you move it, you make me crazy
    So move se bam bam, baby
    Give it to me, give it to me for 'here, give me pa' to take
    I like how you mess it up
    Move that bam bam and scream

    Ah! Welcome to the crypt!

    Give me your little thing ah ah
    Give me your little thing ah ay
    Give me your little thing ah ah
    Give me your little thing ah ay
    Give me your little thing ah ah
    Give me your little thing ah ay
    Give me your little thing ah ah

    Move over here, move over there

    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)
    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)
    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)
    Give me your little thing ay take
    (Your thingy)

    Give me your little thing
Track: Danger! High Voltage
- Electric Six
Duration: 3:50
Lyrics: |-
    Fire in the disco
    Fire in the Taco Bell
    Fire in the disco
    Fire in the gates of Hell

    Don't you want to know how we keep starting fires?
    It's my desire (It's my desire), it's my desire
    Don't you want to know how we keep starting fires?
    (It's my desire) It's my desire, it's my desire

    Danger! Danger! High voltage
    When we touch, when we kiss
    Danger! Danger! High voltage
    When we touch, when we kiss, when we touch
    Danger! Danger! High voltage
    When we touch, when we kiss
    Danger! Danger! High voltage
    When we touch, when we kiss, when we touch, when we kiss

    Well, don't you want to know how we keep starting fires?
    It's my desire, it's my desire
    Don't you want to know how we keep starting fires?
    It's my desire, it's my desire

    Danger! Danger! High voltage
    When we touch, when we kiss
    Danger! Danger! It's high voltage
    When we touch, when we kiss, when we touch
    Danger! Danger! High voltage
    When we touch, when we kiss (When we kiss)
    Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
    When we touch, when we kiss, when we touch, when we kiss
    No more!

    Fire in the disco, fire in the disco
    Fire in the Taco Bell
    Fire in the disco, fire in the disco
    Fire in the gates of Hell
    The gates of Hell
Track: Dare To Be Stupid
Duration: 3:23
- Weird Al Yankovic
Lyrics: |-
    Put down that chainsaw and listen to me
    It's time for us to join in the fight
    It's time to let your babies grow up to be cowboys
    It's time to let the bedbugs bite

    You better put all your eggs in one basket
    You better count your chickens before they hatch
    You better sell some wine before its time
    You better find yourself an itch to scratch

    You better squeeze all the Charmin you can while Mr. Whipple's not around
    Stick your head in the microwave and get yourself a tan

    Talk with your mouth full
    Bite the hand that feeds you
    Bite off more than you can chew
    What can you do
    Dare to be stupid

    Take some wooden nickles
    Look for Mr. Goodbar
    Get your mojo working now
    I'll show you how
    You can dare to be stupid

    You can turn the other cheek
    You can just give up the ship
    You can eat a bunch of sushi then forget to leave a tip

    Dare to be stupid
    Come on and dare to be stupid
    It's so easy to do (Dare to be stupid)
    We're all waiting for you
    Let's go!

    It's time to make a mountain out of a molehill
    So can I have a volunteer?
    There's no more time for crying over spilled milk
    Now it's time for crying in your beer

    Settle down, raise a family, join the PTA
    Buy some sensible shoes and a Chevrolet
    And party 'till you're broke and they drag you away
    It's OK, you can dare to be stupid

    It's like spitting on a fish
    It's like barking up a tree
    It's like I said you gotta buy one if you wanna get one free

    Dare to be stupid (yes!)
    Why don't you dare to be stupid
    It's so easy to do (Dare to be stupid)
    We're all waiting for you (Dare to be stupid)

    Burn your candle at both ends
    Look a gift horse in the mouth
    Mashed potatoes can be your friends

    You can be a coffee achiever
    You can sit around the house and watch Leave It To Beaver
    The future's up to you
    So what you gonna do

    Dare to be stupid
    Dare to be stupid

    (What did I say?) Dare to be stupid
    (Tell me, what did I say?) Dare to be stupid
    (It's alright!) Dare to be stupid
    (We can be stupid all night!) Dare to be stupid
    (Come on, join the crowd!) Dare to be stupid
    (Shout it out loud!) Dare to be stupid
    (I can't hear you...) Dare to be stupid
    (OK, I can hear you now!) Dare to be stupid (Let's go!)

    Dare to be stupid (Dare to be stupid)
    Dare to be stupid (Dare to be stupid)
    Dare to be stupid (Dare to be stupid)
    Dare to be stupid (Dare to be stupid)
Track: Dark Necessities
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Danger Mouse (composition)
Duration: 5:02
Lyrics: |-
    Comin' on to the light of day, we got
    Many moons that are deep at play so I
    Keep an eye on the shadow smile to see what it has to say
    You and I both know, everything must go away
    Ah, what do you say?

    Spinnin' knot that is on my heart is like a
    Bit of light in a touch of dark, you got
    Sneak attack from the zodiac but I see your fire spark
    Eat the breeze and go, blow by blow and go away
    Oh, what do you say? Yeah!

    You don't know my mind, you don't know my kind
    Dark necessities are part of my design and
    Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky
    Dark necessities are part of my design

    Stumble down to the parking lot, you got
    No time for the afterthought, they're like
    Ice Cream for an Astronaut, well, that's me looking for we
    Turn the corner and find the world at your command
    Playin' the hand, yeah!

    You don't know my mind, you don't know my kind
    Dark necessities are part of my design
    Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky
    Dark necessities are part of my design

    Do you want this love of mine? Darkness helps us all to shine
    Do you want it, do you want it now?
    Do you want it all the time? But darkness helps us all to shine
    Do you want it, do you want it now?

    Ah, pick you up like a paperback with the
    Track record of a maniac so I
    Move it in and we unpack, it's the same as yesterday
    Any way we roll, everything must go away
    Oh, what do you say? Yeah!

    You don't know my mind, you don't know my kind
    Dark necessities are part of my design
    Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky and
    Dark necessities are part of my design
Track: data.vortex
Duration: 5:49
- Ryoji Ikeda
Track: Dear Maria, Count Me In
Duration: 3:05
- All Time Low
Lyrics: |-
    I got your picture, I'm coming with you, Dear Maria, count me in
    There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen

    When the lights go off I want to watch the way you take the stage by storm
    The way you wrap those boys around your finger
    Go on and play the leader' cause you know it's what you're good at
    The low road for the fast track, make every second last

    'Cause I got your picture, I'm coming with you, Dear Maria, count me in
    There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen
    Make it count when I'm the one who's selling you out
    'Cause it feels like stealing hearts, calling your name from the crowd

    Live and let live, you'll be the showgirl of the home team
    I'll be the narrator telling another tale of the American dream
    I see your name in lights, we can make you a star
    Girl, we'll take the world by storm, it isn't that hard

    'Cause I got your picture, I'm coming with you, Dear Maria, count me in
    There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen
    Make it count when I'm the one who's selling you out
    'Cause it feels like stealing hearts, calling your name from the crowd
    See All Time Low Live
    Get tickets as low as $150

    Woah-oh-oh, haha
    Take a breath, don't it sound so easy?
    Never had a doubt, now I'm going crazy
    Watching from the floor
    Take a breath and let the rest come easy
    Never settle down, 'cause the cash flow leaves me
    Always wanting more

    'Cause I got your picture, I'm coming with you, Dear Maria, count me in
    There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen
    Make it count when I'm the one who's selling you out
    'Cause it feels like stealing hearts, calling your name from the crowd

    'Cause I got your picture, I'm coming with you, Dear Maria, count me in
    There's a story at the bottom of this bottle
Track: A Decent Man
- Machine Girl
Duration: 10:25
Lyrics: |-
    In a world of shit and I'm a pile of it
    Without a fucking drink I'm reminded of it
    Take another shot before the feeling sets in
    Going 95 on the death drive
    Gonna be a gremlin till the day I die
    Waiting for a bullet or a falling sky

    I'm just another casualty
    Fuel for the beast of property
    Lived my whole life as a fool
    Don’t be another casualty
    Become the beast you wanna be
    I know the end is coming soon

    The severed head of a pacifist
    The seven heads of the apocalypse
    The seven sins are in my pocket
    It's living the life of a basilisk
    Need to escape I need a Pegasus
    My hatred grows inside a chrysalis

    I'm just another casualty
    Fuel for the beast of property
    Lived my whole life as a fool
    Don’t be another casualty
    Become the beast you wanna be
    I know the end is coming soon

    Blocking reason like a precipice
    Fuck mother earth just like we're Oedipus
    Be a heathen fuck Leviticus
    I think about my face and the pavement
    A match made in my own mental-haven
    A dog in the street no one will save me

    I'm just another casualty
    Fuel for the beast of property
    Lived my whole life as a fool
    Don’t be another casualty
    Become the beast you wanna be
    I know the end is coming soon

    The bomb is armed
    My hands are tied
    And so are yours
    (Cutting through my bone with scissors, cutting off three of my fingers)
    The clock is ticking
    I’m not afraid
    I’m gonna die today
    (Cutting through my bone with scissors, cutting off three of my fingers)

    I was a decent man
    I'm on a descent, man
    I was a decent man
    Just trying to be something
    I was a decent man
    I'm on a descent, man
    I was a decent man
    Just trying to be something

    Bark like a dog
    Bark like a leader
    Get on your knees
    Beg like you need it
    Beg like a dog
    Beg like a leader
    You're just a man
    Fuck like you mean it

    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a

    I was a decent man
    I'm on a descent, man
    I was a decent man
    Just trying to be something
    I was a decent man
    Just trying to be something
    I was a decent man
    Just trying to be something
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a
    Violent night it's just a

    I was a secret man, never been decent man
    I was a secret man, never been decent man
    I was a secret man, never been decent man
    I was a secret man, never been decent man

    Look at me now
    Look at me now
    Look at me now
    Look at me now
    Look at me now
    Look at me now
Track: Deja Vu
# Also known as  Déjà Vu
- Mort Garson
Duration: 3:19
Track: Despacito
- Luis Fonsi
- Daddy Yankee
Duration: 3:47
Lyrics: |-

    Oh, no, oh, no
    Hey, yeah!

    Diridiri dirididi Daddy


    Si, sabes que ya llevo un rato mirándote
    Tengo que bailar contigo hoy

    Vi que tu mirada ya estaba llamándome
    Muéstrame el camino que yo voy, oh

    Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal
    Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan
    Sólo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso

    (Oh, yeah)
    Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal
    Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más
    Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro

    Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
    Deja que te diga cosas al oído
    Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
    Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
    Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
    Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito

    Sube, sube, sube
    Sube, sube

    Quiero ver bailar tu pelo
    Quiero ser tu ritmo
    Que le enseñes a mi boca
    Tus lugares favoritos
    (Favorito, favorito, baby)
    Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
    Hasta provocar tus gritos
    Y que olvides tu apellido

    Si te pido un beso ven dámelo
    Yo sé que estás pensándolo
    Llevo tiempo intentándolo
    Mami, esto es dando y dándolo
    Sabes que tu corazón conmigo te hace bang-bang
    Sabes que esa beba está buscando de mi bang-bang
    Ven prueba de mi boca para ver cómo te sabe
    Quiero, quiero, quiero ver cuánto amor a ti te cabe
    Yo no tengo prisa, yo me quiero dar el viaje
    Empecemos lento, después salvaje

    Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
    Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
    Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza
    Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza

    Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
    Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
    Y es que esa belleza es un rompecabezas
    Pero pa' montarlo aquí tengo la pieza

    Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
    Deja que te diga cosas al oído
    Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
    Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
    Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
    Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito

    Sube, sube, sube
    Sube, sube

    Quiero ver bailar tu pelo
    Quiero ser tu ritmo
    Que le enseñes a mi boca
    Tus lugares favoritos
    (Favorito, favorito, baby)
    Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
    Hasta provocar tus gritos
    Y que olvides tu apellido

    Vamo' a hacerlo en una playa en Puerto Rico
    Hasta que las olas griten "¡Ay, Bendito!"
    Para que mi sello se quede contigo

    Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
    Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
    Que le enseñes a mi boca
    Tus lugares favoritos
    Favorito, favorito, baby
    Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
    Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
    Hasta provocar tus gritos (Fonsi)
    Y que olvides tu apellido (D.Y.)
Track: Destroy Them With Lazers
- Knife Party
Duration: 4:56
Lyrics: |-
    Destroy them with lazers!


    Destroy them with lazers!


    Destroy them with lazers!


    Destroy them with lazers!

Track: Diamond Dust
- Rainy
Duration: 2:29
Track: Dicko Mode
- DJ Splash Drip
- Kusorare
Duration: 5:00
Sampled Tracks:
- Sicko Mode
Lyrics: |-

    Dick me down, bootyhole
    That's how you already know, I'm a queer
    My dog would probably
    rape you 'til ya booty melt

    That's just all he know,
    he don't know nothin' else
    I tried to blow 'em
    I tried to blow 'em

    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    Spread the cheeks, lick the booty hole
    Young La' Flame, he in

    dicko mode

    Woo, big round rear,
    oh yes I like to send 'em nudes
    Yeah the gay's outside,
    he like to fuck until we loose
    Yeah, dildo boys, that's
    dildo practice with the lube

    That dick way too big,
    when we pull up send me the nudes

    (Send me the nudes!)

    I jerked his jimmy, I rubbed his hooves
    Had to grab my own
    towel to clean the lube
    Booty always locked down,
    the cum shoot

    Now it's 4 AM
    and them backshots is feeling coo'
    I just sucked your man,
    slurping up the cock like Jamba juice

    Different colored cocks,
    so that penis probably looking new
    And I'm chokin', man,
    know them women wish they was a dude

    Someone said

    To swallow the meat,
    the dick must go deep
    Pl-Pl-Playin' with me,
    let me tickle the feet

    (Someone said)

    To swallow the meat,
    the dick must go deep
    Pl-Pl-Playin' with me,
    let me tickle the feet

    Yeah, this shit way too normal,
    y'all know I might suck the crew
    Big round ass,
    most of these butts don't have a clue
    All of these hoes,
    I fucked with semen I produced
    I might take all this booty
    and put it all in a group

    Hit my eses, they send me nudes
    'Bout to turn this orgy to dick and poop
    Told 'em "Hop in, we fucking too"
    On the anal side,
    niggas suck me 'til the cum shoot
    (Don't stop, lick that booty!)

    Had to throw my top off, we gettin loose

    He said, "Where you goin'?"
    I said, "The room"
    Then he grabbed me,
    then my booty groomed
    He thought it was the ocean,
    it's just the lube
    Now I gotta open, he sending nudes
    Who put this dick together? I'm the glue

    Someone said
    Nigga straight fucked me then I pooped
    Someone said
    Pl-Pl-Playin' with me
    Someone said, motherfucker—someone said
    Let me tickle the feet


    Ay, Ay
    He's in love with who I am
    Back in high school,
    I used to jerk him with my hands
    Now I hit that orgy sex
    with condoms in my hand

    I did half a Xan,
    now I'm poundin' on my mans
    Had me out like a light,
    Like a light,
    Like a light,
    Slept through the pipe,

    Knocked for the night,
    767, man This shit got double wedgies,
    man, I still got dick to settle,
    man, I smashed on the block

    Made a right
    Cut the lights,
    raped me twice
    Niggas think I'm straight,
    it's on sight
    Nothin' nice,
    booty lookin' right

    Jesus Christ,
    dicks over rice
    That's what I like,
    that's what we like
    Lost my respect,
    that booty wet
    When I suck the cock,
    I get wetty with my neck

    See the cock that I took,
    that had me shook
    Jerk on his jimmy
    I be on the cock,
    milly rock, 'til I'm dizzy
    Like where is he?
    No one seen him
    I'm tryna skeet 'em

    He's in love with who I am
    Back in high school,
    I used to jerk him with my hands

    Now I hit that orgy sex
    with condoms in my hand
    I did half a Xan,
    now I'm poundin' on my mans

    Had me out like a light
    (Like a light)
    Like a light
    (Like a light)
    Like a light
    (Like a light)
    Like a light

    Yeah, passing cocks I'm steady
    lickin' dicks and getting wise
    Yeah, he said he got that "Booty locked"
    I know our booty tight, yeah

    It's absolute, my booty loose
    Lotta penis, we eatin' two,
    yeah, We back on the dick,
    we ride that cock until we poop,
    yeah, Shawty in the back
    He said his booty like a nuke,

    Ain't what it look,
    my booty shook
    Throwing neck,
    the booty crook,
    yeah, Pass it to the homie,
    yeah, that penis got me hooked
    Baby daddy at my house,
    got his baby mother shook

Track: Discord
Directory: discord-eurobeat
Duration: 4:26
- Odyssey Eurobeat
Lyrics: |-
    (Mwah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!)


    I'm not a fan of puppeteers but I've a nagging fear
    Someone else is pulling at the strings
    Something terrible is going down through the entire town
    Wreaking anarchy and all it brings

    I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all
    I curse the name, the one behind it all

    Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon
    And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon
    Discord, whatever did we do
    To make you take our world away?

    I'm fine with changing status quo, but not in letting go
    Now the world is being torn apart
    A terrible catastrophe played by your symphony
    What a terrifying work of art

    I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all
    I curse the name, the one behind it all

    Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon
    And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon
    Discord, whatever did we do
    To make you take our world away?

    Discord, are we your prey alone?
    Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?
    Discord, we won't take it anymore
    So take your tyranny away


    (Mwah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!)
    (Hah hah hah hah hah! HA HA HA HA HAH!)

    Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon
    And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon
    Discord, whatever did we do
    To make you take our world away?

    Discord, are we your prey alone?
    Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?
    Discord, we won't take it anymore
    So take your tyranny away


    (Mwah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!)
# The Living Tombstone ver.
# Lyrics: |-
#     I'm not a fan of puppeteers but I've a nagging fear
#     Someone else is pulling at the strings
#     Something terrible is going down through the entire town
#     Wreaking anarchy and all it brings
#     I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all
#     I curse the name, the one behind it all
#     Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon
#     And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon
#     Discord, whatever did we do
#     To make you take our world away?
#     Discord, are we your prey alone?
#     Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?
#     Discord, we won't take it anymore
#     So take your tyranny away
#     (Disco-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ord!)
#     (Disco-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo...ord!)
#     I'm fine with changing status quo, but not in letting go
#     Now the world is being torn apart
#     A terrible catastrophe played by your symphony
#     What a terrifying work of art
#     I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all
#     I curse the name, the one behind it all
#     Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon
#     And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon
#     Discord, whatever did we do
#     To make you take our world away?
#     Discord, are we your prey alone?
#     Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?
#     Discord, we won't take it anymore
#     So take your tyranny away
#     (Disco-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ord!)
#     (Disco-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo...ord!)
#     (Disco-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ord!)
#     (Disco-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo...ord!)
#     (Disco-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ord!)
#     (Disco-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo...ord!)
#     (Disco-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ord!)
#     (Disco-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo...ord!)
#     Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon
#     And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon
#     Discord, whatever did we do
#     To make you take our world away?
#     Discord, are we your prey alone?
#     Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?
#     Discord, we won't take it anymore
#     So take your tyranny away
Track: Discordant
Directory: discordant-cecily-renns
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Cecily Renns
Duration: 2:24
Lyrics: |-
    Jere we go again
    Makin' some music and shit
    Just open that FL studio
    The easiest thing to do, hey

    Yeah thats right
    I'll open that SGM
    The piano roll will be my domain
    What's so fucking hard 'bout that

    But I do have to admit
    This life's not that easy as it sounds
    Theres just one little problem
    Something about my melody

    It's discordant
    Why is it so damn hard to find the right harmony
    It's so discordant
    Listen to it then you'll see
    It's so discordant

    Alright then
    I think I've figured it out
    There's something wrong about the chord progression
    I've just gotta fix that then
    But it looks
    Like the chord is all fine and nice
    Then is it the fucking scale that's off
    I dont know cause it's too confusing

    Maybe this life isn't for me
    Maybe I should give up and quit composing
    No no no I can't say that
    Even if it's hard it's so fun

    It's discordant
    Look at all these people saying my music sucks but
    It's really alright and well
    This is the life I've chosen
    I'll believe in it

    Piano solo

    There we go, sorry

    It's discordant
    Why is it so damn hard to find the right harmony
    It's so discordant
    Listen to it then youll see
    It's so discordant
    It's so discordant
Track: Dissolved Girl
- Massive Attack
Duration: 06:06
Lyrics: |-
    Shame, such a shame
    I think I kind of lost myself again
    Day, yesterday
    Really should be leaving, but I stay

    Say, say my name
    I need a little love to ease the pain
    Need a little love to ease the pain
    It's easy to remember, when it came

    'Cause it feels like I've been, I've been here before
    You are not my savior, but I still don't go
    Feels like something that I've done before
    I could fake it but I still want more

    Fade, made to fade
    Passion's overrated anyway
    Say, say my name
    Need a little love to ease the pain
    I need a little love to ease the pain
    It's easy to remember when it came

    'Cause it feels like I've been, I've been here before
    You are not my savior, but I still don't go, oh
    I feel live something that I've done before
    I could fake it but I still want more, oh
Track: The Ditty
Duration: 0:52
- Blue Devils
Track: Divinity
Directory: divinity-porter-robinson
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Porter Robinson
- Amy Millan (vocals)
Duration: 6:07
Lyrics: |-
    Lean into my side
    Never felt alive
    Call the chance and sigh
    We will wait for this
    We will wait for this

    Lean into my side
    Never felt alive
    Call the chance and sigh
    We will wait for this
    We will wait for this

    Lean into my side
    Never felt alive
    Call the chance and sigh

    We will wait for this
    We will wait for this
    We will wait for this
    We will wait for this

    Lean into my side
    Never felt alive
    Call the chance and sigh
    We will wait for this
    We will wait for this

    Lean into my side
    Never felt alive
    Call the chance and sigh

    We will wait for this
    We will wait for this
    We will wait for this
    We will wait for this

    Lean into my side
    Never felt alive
    Call the chance and sigh

    Lean into my side
    Never felt alive
    Call the chance and sigh
    You see right through me
Track: Do What I Say (Wanna Fade Away)
- William Leonard
Track: Do Your Best
- Geethanjali Kids
Duration: 3:04
Lyrics: |-
    Always do your best

    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day
    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day

    A golden rule, it's a must
    Always do your best
    With a cheer and a smile
    Always do your best!

    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day
    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day

    A golden rule, it's a must
    Always do your best
    With a cheer and a smile
    Always do your best!

    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day
    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day

    A golden rule, it's a must
    Always do your best
    With a cheer and a smile
    Always do your best!

    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day
    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day

    A golden rule, it's a must
    Always do your best
    With a cheer and a smile
    Always do your best!

    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day
    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day

    A golden rule, it's a must
    Always do your best
    With a cheer and a smile
    Always do your best!

    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day
    Do your best, do your best
    Do it every day

    A golden rule, it's a must
    Always do your best
    With a cheer and a smile
    Always do your best!
Track: Does it Look Like I'm Here?
Duration: 7:29
- Emeralds
Track: Donald Trump Says China Remix
- Chris Kogos
Duration: 1:44
Lyrics: |-
    Let's say China
    China China China ChiChina ChinaChina China
    ChinaChinaChinaChinaChinaChina ChinaChinaChina
    I have to have my China

    China China ChinaChinaChina China ChinaChinaChinaChina China
    China China and a ChinaChinaChinaChina China China
    I know China very well

    China China China ChinaChina
    China China China ChinaChina
    ChinaChinaChina I'm from ChinaChina
    China ChinaChinChina I have people that I know in
    China China China ChinaChina
    China China China ChinaChina
    ChinaChinaChina I'm from ChinaChina
    China ChinaChina I have people that I know in

    China China China
    China China China

    I've been saying China China China China China China
    China China China
    China, I like China
    I go to China ChinaChinaChinaChina China ChinaChina, ChinaChina
    China I go to China, China ChinaChinaChinaChinaChinaChina

    China China ChiChina, I go to China
    China China ChiChina, ChinaChina
    China, you went to China
    China China, get a job in China

    I know China, I love China, China China
    China ChiChina, China
    China China China China
    China all the time
    China China China China China!

    (And by the way, I love China.)
Track: Don't
- Approaching Nirvana
Duration: 5:09
Track: Don't Cry Out Loud
- Peter Allen (composition)
- Carole Bayer Sager (lyrics)
- Melissa Manchester (performance)
Duration: 3:43
Lyrics: |-
    Baby cried the day the circus came to town
    'Cause she didn't want parades just passing by her
    So she painted on a smile and took up with some clown
    While she danced without a net upon the wire
    I know a lot about her, 'cause you see
    Baby is an awful lot like me

    Don't cry out loud
    Just keep it inside
    And learn how to hide your feelings
    Fly high and proud
    And if you should fall
    Remember you almost had it all
    Baby saw that when they pulled that big top down
    They left behind her dreams among the litter
    And the different kind of love she thought she'd found
    There was nothing left but sawdust and some glitter
    But Baby can't be broken, 'cause you see
    She had the finest teacher, that was me
    I told her

    Don't cry out loud
    Just keep it inside
    And learn how to hide your feelings
    Fly high and proud
    And if you should fall
    Remember you almost had it all

    Don't cry out loud
    Just keep it inside
    And learn how to hide your feelings
    Fly high and proud
    And if you should fall
    Remember you almost made it

    Don't cry out loud
    Just keep it inside
    And learn how to hide your feelings
    Fly high and proud
    And if you should fall
    Remember you almost had it all
Track: Don't Look Back in Anger
Duration: 4:50
- Oasis
Lyrics: |-
    Slip inside the eye of your mind
    Don't you know you might find
    A better place to play?
    You said that you'd never been
    But all the things that you've seen
    Slowly fade away

    So I start a revolution from my bed
    'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
    Step outside, summertime's in bloom
    Stand up beside the fireplace, take that look from off your face
    You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

    And so, Sally can wait
    She knows it's too late as we're walkin' on by
    Her soul slides away
    But "Don't look back in anger," I heard you say

    Take me to the place where you go
    Where nobody knows if it's night or day
    Please don't put your life in the hands
    Of a rock 'n' roll band
    Who'll throw it all away

    I'm gonna start a revolution from my bed
    'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
    Step outside, 'cause summertime's in bloom
    Stand up beside the fireplace, take that look from off your face
    'Cause you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

    And so, Sally can wait
    She knows it's too late as she's walking on by
    My soul slides away
    But "Don't look back in anger," I heard you say

    So, Sally can wait
    She knows it's too late as we're walking on by
    Her soul slides away
    But "Don't look back in anger," I heard you say

    So, Sally can wait
    She knows it's too late as she's walking on by
    My soul slides away
    But "Don't look back in anger, don't look back in anger"
    I heard you say
    "At least not today"
Track: Doritos & Fritos
- 100 gecs
Duration: 3:29
Lyrics: |-
    Okay, I went to France to get some new pants (Ooh!)
    I went to Greece to get something to eat (Ooh!)
    I'm hard to please, I punched the referee (Ooh!)
    I bruised my knees, I'm pissing in the breeze
    Okay, I saw the beach, I bought a tee
    It's hot as deez, it's 100 degrees (Ooh!)
    Apply the lotion, I'm swimming to ocean
    But there was a commotion, I'm sinking, I'm floating

    And the TV's tuned to cable
    And I'm sleeping when I'm able
    But the TV's on so loud it hurts my brain, b-brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain
    And the TV's tuned to cable
    And I'm sleeping when I'm able
    But the TV's on so loud it hurts my brain, b-brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, uh

    Doritos and Fritos
    Doritos and Fritos
    Doritos and Fritos
    Doritos and Fritos

    Cheetos, Doritos, and Fritos, mosquitos
    I'm eating burritos with Danny Devito
    Jeez, Louise, I'm weak in thе knees
    I'm joining the circus, I'm going berzerkus
    At 7-11, I'm drinking a bеverage
    I'm lying to strangers, I'm looking for danger
    I'm chewing Bazooka, I'm swimming to Cuba
    Don't look at Medusa, she'll turn you to stone

    Okay I went to France to get some new pants (Ooh!)
    I went to Greece to get something to eat (Ooh!)
    He said "Shit, all we got's Doritos and Fritos"
    I said, "Then give me all of those fucking Doritos and Fritos"
    Okay, I saw a bee, it flew into a screen (Ooh!)
    I need some sleep, so turn down that TV (Ooh!)
    He said, "Shit, all we got's Doritos and Fritos"
    I said, "Then give me all of those fucking Doritos and Fritos"

    And the TV's tuned to cable
    And I'm sleeping when I'm able
    But the TV's on so loud it hurts my brain, b-brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain
    And the TV's tuned to cable
    And I'm sleeping when I'm able
    But the TV's on so loud it hurts my brain, b-brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain

    Doritos and Fritos
    Doritos and Fritos
    Doritos and Fritos
    Doritos and Fritos

    She'll turn you to stone

    Doritos and Fritos
    Doritos and Fritos
    Doritos and Fritos
    Doritos and Fritos

Track: Down With The Sickness
- Disturbed
Duration: 3:37
Lyrics: |-
    Can you feel that?
    Ah, shit
    Ooh, wah-ah-ah-ah
    Ooh, wah-ah-ah-ah
    (Oh, oh)
    (Oh, oh)
    (Oh, oh)

    Drowning deep
    In my sea of loathing
    Broken, your servant, I kneel
    (Will you give in to me?)
    It seems what's left of
    My human side
    Is slowly changing in me
    (Will you give in to me?)

    Looking at my own reflection
    When, suddenly, it changes
    Violently, it changes
    Oh, no, there is no turning back now
    You've woken up the demon
    In me
    See Disturbed Live
    Get tickets as low as $42

    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Open up your hate and let it flow into me
    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    You mother, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    You fucker, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Madness is the gift that has been given to me

    I can see inside you
    The sickness is rising
    Don't try to deny what you feel
    (Will you give in to me?)
    It seems that all that
    Was good has died
    And is decaying in me
    (Will you give in to me?)

    It seems you're having some trouble
    In dealing with these changes
    Living with these changes
    Oh, no, the world is a scary place
    Now that you've woken up the demon
    In me

    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Open up your hate and let it flow into me
    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    You mother, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    You fucker, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Madness is the gift that has been given to me

    And when I dream
    And when I dream
    And when I dream
    And when I dream

    No, Mommy, don't do it again
    Don't do it again, I'll be a good boy
    I'll be a good boy, I promise
    No, Mommy, don't hit me, ah
    Why did you have to hit me like that, Mommy?
    Don't do it, you're hurting me, ah-ah
    Why did you have to be such a bitch?
    Why don't you? Why don't you just fuck off and die?
    Why can't you just fuck off and die?
    Why can't you just leave here and die?
    Never stick your hand in my face again, bitch
    Fuck you, I don't need this shit
    You stupid, sadistic, abusive, fucking whore
    How would you like to see how it feels, Mommy?
    Here it comes, get ready to die

    Ooh, wah-ah-ah-ah

    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Open up your hate and let it flow into me
    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    You mother, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    You fucker, get up, come on, get down with the sickness
    Madness has now come over me
Track: The Downward Spiral
Duration: 3:56
- Nine Inch Nails
Lyrics: |-
    He couldn't believe how easy it was
    He put the gun into his face
    So much blood from such a tiny little hole
    Problems do have solutions, you know
    A lifetime of fucking things up fixed
    In one determined flash

    Everything's blue
    Everything's blue in this world
    The deepest shade of mushroom blue
    All fuzzy, spilling out of my head
Track: Dragostea Din Tei
- O-Zone
Duration: 3:35
Lyrics: |-




    Alo? Salut! Sunt eu, un haiduc
    Şi te rog iubirea mea primeşte, fericirea
    Alo? Alo! Sunt eu, Picasso
    Ţi-am dat beep şi sunt voinic
    Dar să ştii nu-ţi cer nimic

    Vrei să pleci dar
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă, nu mă iei
    Chipul tău şi
    Dragostea din tei
    Mi-amintesc de ochii tăi

    Vrei să pleci dar
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă, nu mă iei
    Chipul tău şi
    Dragostea din tei
    Mi-amintesc de ochii tăi

    Te sun sa-ţi spun ce simt acum
    Alo, iubirea mea. Sunt eu, fericirea
    Alo? Alo! Sunt iaraşi eu, Picasso
    Ţi-am dat beep şi sunt voinic
    Dar să ştii nu-ţi cer nimic

    Vrei să pleci dar
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă, nu mă iei
    Chipul tău şi
    Dragostea din tei
    Mi-amintesc de ochii tăi

    Vrei să pleci dar
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă, nu mă iei
    Chipul tău şi
    Dragostea din tei
    Mi-amintesc de ochii tăi





    Vrei să pleci dar
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă, nu mă iei
    Chipul tău şi
    Dragostea din tei
    Mi-amintesc de ochii tăi

    Vrei să pleci dar
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă iei
    Nu mă, nu mă, nu mă iei
    Chipul tău şi
    Dragostea din tei
    Mi-amintesc de ochii tăi
Track: Drain You
- Nirvana
Duration: 3:43
Lyrics: |-
    One baby to another says, "I'm lucky to have met you"
    I don't care what you think unless it is about me
    It is now my duty to completely drain you
    I travel through a tube and end up in your infection

    Chew your meat for you
    Pass it back and forth
    In a passionate kiss
    From my mouth to yours
    I like you

    With eyes so dilated, I've become your pupil
    You taught me everything without a poison apple
    The water is so yellow, I'm a healthy student
    Indebted and so grateful, vacuum out the fluids

    Chew your meat for you
    Pass it back and forth
    In a passionate kiss
    From my mouth to yours
    I like you

    You, you, you
    You, you, you

    One baby to another says, "I'm lucky to have met you"
    I don't care what you think unless it is about me
    It is now my duty to completely drain you
    I travel through a tube and end up in your infection

    Chew your meat for you
    Pass it back and forth
    In a passionate kiss
    From my mouth to yours
    Sloppy lips to lips
    You're my vitamins
    I like you
Track: Dramatic Fanatic Electro Swing Remix!
Directory: dramatic-fanatic-electro-swing-spad3s
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Spad3s
Duration: 4:26
Referenced Tracks:
- Dramatic Fanatic
Commentary: |-
    <i>Spad3s:</i> ([YouTube description](, excerpt)
    It's a good day for a swell battle!
Track: Dramophone
- Caravan Palace
Duration: 3:40
Lyrics: |-
    Sassy sisters,
    Dressed in nothing but silk underwear.
    Silly swingers,
    Get your feeling under spell.
    Sassy sisters,
    Come and taste the sweetest candy.
    Silly swingers.

    Say man, what's the matter,
    What's he doing standing up there shaking like that?
    Ah, well the boys are gonna tell you what to do.
    Listen to 'em.

    Dressed in nothing.
    Dressed in nothing but silk underwear.
    Listen to 'em.
    Dressed in nothing.
    Dressed in nothing but silk underwear.
    Dressed in nothing.
    Dressed in nothing but silk underwear.
    Dressed in nothing but silk underwear.

    Dressed in nothing.
    Dressed in nothing but silk underwear.
    Dressed in nothing.
    Dressed in nothing but silk underwear.

    Sassy sisters,
    Dressed in nothing but silk underwear.
    Silly swingers,
    Get your feeling under spell.
    Sassy sisters,
    Come and taste the sweetest candy.
    Silly swingers.

    Get your feeling under spell.
Track: Dream Palette
Duration: 4:41
- Yves Tumor
Lyrics: |-
    Floating through what feels like
    A declaration of love
    Our hearts are in danger
    Tell me, is this fundamental love?

    A feeling you deserve
    A stare you've, you've seen before
    Our hearts are in danger
    Tell me, is this confidential love?

    Floating through what feels like
    A declaration of love
    Our hearts are in danger
    Tell me, is this fundamental love?

    A feeling you deserve
    A stare you've, you've seen before
    Our hearts are in danger
    Tell me, is this confidential love?
Track: dream tape
Duration: 3:12
- FM Skyline
Track: Drop It Like It's Hot
- Snoop Dogg
- The Neptunes
Duration: 4:23
# Sampled Tracks:
# - conflicting reports about sampling 'White Horse' by Laid Back
Lyrics: |-

    When the pimp's in the crib, ma
    Drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot
    When the pigs try to get at you
    Park it like it's hot, park it like it's hot, park it like it's hot
    And if a nigga get a attitude
    Pop it like it's hot, pop it like it's hot, pop it like it's hot
    I got the Rollie on my arm and I'm pourin' Chandon
    And I roll the best weed, 'cause I got it goin' on

    I'm a nice dude (Uh), with some nice dreams (Yep)
    See these ice cubes? (Uh) See these Ice Creams?
    Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat
    That's whiter than what's spillin' down your throat
    The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs
    The interior like suicide-wrist red
    I can exercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed
    Cheat on your man, ma, that's how you get ahizzead

    Killer with the beat, I know killers in the street
    With the steel that'll make you feel like chinchilla in the heat
    So don't try to run up on my ear talkin' all that
    Raspy shit, tryna ask me shit
    When my niggas fill your vest, they ain't gon' pass me shit
    You should think about it, take a second
    Matter-fact, you should take four, B
    And think before you fuck with lil' Skateboard P

    When the pimp's in the crib, ma
    Drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot
    When the pigs try to get at you
    Park it like it's hot, park it like it's hot, park it like it's hot
    And if a nigga get a attitude
    Pop it like it's hot, pop it like it's hot, pop it like it's hot
    I got the Rollie on my arm and I'm pourin' Chandon
    And I roll the best weed, 'cause I got it goin' on

    I'm a gangsta, but y'all knew that
    The Big Boss Dogg, yeah I had to do that
    I keep a blue flag hangin' out my backside
    But only on the left side, yeah, that's the Crip side
    Ain't no other way to play the game the way I play
    I cut so much you thought I was a DJ
    Two, re-pe-re-pe one, yep, three
    S-N double O-P, D-O double G

    I can't fake it, just break it, and when I take it
    See, I specialize in makin' all the girls get naked
    So bring your friends, all of y'all come inside
    We got a world premiere right here, now get live (So don't)
    So don't change the dizzle, turn it up a little
    I got a livin' room full of fine dime brizzles
    Waitin' on the Pizzle, the Dizzle and the Chizzle
    G's to the bizzack, now, ladies, here we gizzo

    When the pimp's in the crib, ma
    Drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot
    When the pigs try to get at you
    Park it like it's hot, park it like it's hot, park it like it's hot
    And if a nigga get a attitude
    Pop it like it's hot, pop it like it's hot, pop it like it's hot
    I got the Rollie on my arm and I'm pourin' Chandon
    And I roll the best weed, 'cause I got it goin' on

    I'm a bad boy with a lotta hoes
    Drive my own cars and wear my own clothes
    I hang out tough, I'm a real boss
    Big Snoop Dogg, yeah, he's so sharp
    On the TV screen and in the magazines
    If you play me close, you're on a red beam
    Oh, you got a gun, so you wanna pop back?
    AK-47 now, nigga, stop that

    Cement shoes, now I'm on the move
    Your family's cryin', now you on the news
    They can't find you and now they miss you
    Must I remind you, I'm only here to twist you
    Pistol-whip you, dip you, then flip you
    Then dance to this mothafuckin' music we Crip to
    Subscribe, nigga, get your issue
    Baby, come close, let me see how you get loose

    When the pimp's in the crib, ma
    Drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot
    When the pigs try to get at you
    Park it like it's hot, park it like it's hot, park it like it's hot
    And if a nigga get a attitude
    Pop it like it's hot, pop it like it's hot, pop it like it's hot
    I got the Rollie on my arm and I'm pourin' Chandon
    And I roll the best weed, 'cause I got it goin' on

Track: Dumping Core
- Gretchen Bender
Duration: 3:38
Commentary: |-
    <i>artist:kobacat:</i> (wiki editor, 1/5/2024)
    This is less of a single track itself and more of a art project using multiple synths and videos.
Track: Dust
Directory: dust-moon
Always Reference By Directory: true
- M.O.O.N.
Duration: 5:00
Duration: 3:10
- Tyler, the Creator
Lyrics: |-
    For real, for real this time
    For real, for real, for real this time
    Bitch, I cannot fall short
    For real, for real, for real this time (Uh, yeah)
    For real, for real, for real this time

    'Cause you make my earthquake
    Oh, you make my earthquake
    Riding around, your love be shakin’ me up
    And it's making my heart break
    'Cause you make my earthquake (Earthquake, ooh)
    Oh, you make my earthquake
    Riding around, your love be shakin’ me up
    And it's making my heart break

    Don't leave, it's my fault
    Don't leave, it's my fault
    Don't leave, it's my fault (Girl)
    ’Cause when it all comes crashing down I’ll need you

    'Cause you make my earthquake
    Oh, you make my earthquake
    Riding around, you’re telling me something is bad
    And it's making my heart break
    'Cause you make my earthquake, oh, you make my earthquake
    (Earthquake, yeah)
    Riding around, your love be shakin' me up
    And it’s making my heart break (You already know)

    We ain't gotta ball, D. Rose, huh
    I don't give a fuck 'bout none', huh
    Breathin' like fuck my lungs, huh
    Just might call my lawyer, huh
    Plug gon' set me up, huh (Yeah)
    Bih', don't set me up (Okay)
    I'm with Tyler, yuh (Slime)
    He ride like the car, huh
    And she wicked, huh, yuh
    Like Woah Vicky, huh, yeah (Like Woah Vicky)
    Oh my God, hold up, um
    These diamonds not Tiffany, huh, yeah (Woah, woah)
    So in love (I been so in love)
    So in love (I been so in love)

    Don't leave, it's my fault (Fault)
    Don't leave, it's my fault
    Don't leave, it's my fault (Igor, ayy)
    'Cause when it all comes crashing down I'll need you (Ayy, ayy)

    'Cause you make my earthquake
    I don't want no confrontation, no
    And you don't want my conversation (I don't want no conversation)
    I just need some confirmation on how you feel, for real (For real)
    You don't want no complication, no
    I don't want no side information (I don't want no side information)
    I just need to know what's happening
    'Cause I'm for real (For real)

    I said don't leave, it's my fault (One)
    I said don't leave, it's my fault (Two, two)
    Don't leave, it's, it's my fault, girl (Three, three, three)
    Don't, do-do-do-do-do, I'll need
Track: Earth
Directory: earth-smile
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Smile
Duration: 4:04
Lyrics: |-
    I might be at a table, and suddenly I'll catch
    A fleeting vision of her crystal seas
    Or I might be standing in a crowded dockyard far away
    Underneath a sun I've never seen

    'Cause I have seen many worlds, for what it's worth
    But I'll never see again the planet Earth, my Earth

    I might be chasing waves of light, out towards the rim
    Where stars are sparse and the cold of space seeps in
    Or I might be in a bar-room drinking methylated gin
    And thinking of the places I have been

    Yes I have seen many worlds, for what it's worth
    But I'll never see again the planet Earth, my Earth

    I have seen many worlds, for what it's worth
    But I'll never see again the planet Earth, my Earth

    Cast adrift amongst the stars I float from sun to sun
    Dreaming of the world that gave me birth
    All the places I have been remind me there is none
    To match the cool green rolling hills of Earth

    'Cause I have seen many worlds, for what it's worth
    But I'll never see again the planet Earth, my Earth
Track: Echobo
Duration: 3:13
- Anamanaguchi
Track: Eeyore
Duration: 2:48
- Slipknot
Lyrics: |-
    Meet the man that made me
    Greet the can I came from
    Oh, the fucking sacred heart of Jesus
    Blew it in the back room
    Feelin' like a real goon
    Slam the fuck aside, man
    I'm on, you're not

    I am the Great Big Mouth!
    I am the Great Big Mouth!

    Good riddance, though I'm sad to say
    I didn't get to kill you
    Rhetoric, better look both ways
    I gotta get an arm through
    What the fuck is up?
    Get the fuck away
    Run if you want to
    Innocent? You're a guilty conscience
    Last laugh, break through
    See Slipknot Live
    Get tickets as low as $95

    Prepare, you fucker!
    (Even though I won't ask him...)
    Prepare, you fucker!
    (Even though I won't ask him...)
    Prepare, you fucker!
    (Even though I won't ask him...)
    Prepare, you fucker!

    I don't give a shit, bitch
    I don't give a fuck, bitch
    I don't understand, bitch
    You don't matter!
    I don't give a fuck, man
    I don't give a shit, man
    I don't really care, man
    I'm the supersized man!
    For, for
    You, your, I
    I am the Great Big Mouth!

    You stupid fuck
    Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
    Stupid fuck!
    Stupid fucking, stupid fuck
    Stupid fuck! Fuck
    Fuck, stop, fuck! Fuck
    (Take that, motherfuckers!)
Track: Electioneering
- Radiohead
Duration: 3:50
Lyrics: |-
    I will stop, I will stop at nothing
    Say the right things when electioneering
    I trust I can rely on your vote

    When I go forwards
    You go backwards
    And somewhere we will meet
    When I go forwards
    You go backwards
    And somewhere we will meet

    Riot shields, voodoo economics, your turn, your turn
    It's just business, cattle prods and the I.M.F
    I trust I can rely on your vote

    When I go forwards
    You go backwards
    And somewhere we will meet
    When I go forwards
    You go backwards
    And somewhere we will meet
Track: 'Enigma Variations, Op. 36: IX. (Nimrod)'
- Edward Elgar
Track: Enormous Penis
- Da Vinci's Notebook
Duration: 2:44
Lyrics: |-
    Whenever life gets you down
    Keeps you wearing a frown
    And the gravy train has left you behind
    And when you're all out of hope
    Down at the end of your rope
    And nobody's there to throw you a line
    If you ever get so low that you don't know which way to go
    Come on and take a walk in my shoes
    Never worry 'bout a thing, got the world on a string
    'Cause I've got the cure for all of my blues (All of his blues)

    I take a look at my enormous penis
    And my troubles start a-meltin' away (Ba-doo-bop-bop)
    I take a look at my enormous penis
    And the happy times are coming to stay
    I gotta sing and I dance when I glance in my pants
    And the feeling's like a sunshiney day
    I take a look at my enormous pe-e-e-nis
    And everything is goin' my way (Ba-doo-bop-bop)



    I take a look at my enormous penis
    And my troubles start a-meltin' away (ba-doo-bop-bop)
    I take a look at my enormous penis
    And the happy times are coming to stay
    Yeah, I got great big amounts in the place where it counts
    And the feeling's like a sunshiney day
    I take a look at my enormous pe-e-e-nis
    And everything is goin' my way (My trouser monster)
    Everything is goin' my way (My meat is murder)
    Everything is goin' my way (Size doesn't matter)
    Everything is goin' my way
Track: Epitaph
- King Crimson
Duration: 8:46
Lyrics: |-
    The wall on which the prophets wrote
    Is cracking at the seams
    Upon the instruments of death
    The sunlight brightly gleams
    When every man is torn apart
    With nightmares and with dreams
    Will no one lay the laurel wreath
    When silence drowns the screams

    Confusion will be my epitaph
    As I crawl a cracked and broken path
    If we make it we can all sit back and laugh
    But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
    Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
    Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying

    Between the iron gates of fate
    The seeds of time were sown
    And watered by the deeds of those
    Who know and who are known
    Knowledge is a deadly friend
    If no one sets the rules
    The fate of all mankind I see
    Is in the hands of fools

    The wall on which the prophets wrote
    Is cracking at the seams
    Upon the instruments of death
    The sunlight brightly gleams
    When every man is torn apart
    With nightmares and with dreams
    Will no one lay the laurel wreath
    When silence drowns the screams

    Confusion will be my epitaph
    As I crawl a cracked and broken path
    If we make it we can all sit back and laugh
    But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
    Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
    Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
    Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
    Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
    Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
Track: Escape from the Uranus laser!
- WarxTron
Duration: 2:43
Track: E.T.
- Katy Perry
- Dr. Luke
- Max Martin
- Ammo
Duration: 3:26
Lyrics: |-
    You're so hypnotizing
    Could you be the devil, could you be an angel?
    Your touch, magnetizing
    Feels like I am floating, leaves my body glowing

    They say, be afraid
    You're not like the others, futuristic lover
    Different DNA
    They don't understand you

    You're from a whole 'nother world
    A different dimension
    You open my eyes
    And I'm ready to go, lead me into the light

    Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
    Infect me with your lovin', fill me with your poison
    Take me, ta-ta-take me
    Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction

    Boy, you're an alien
    Your touch, so foreign
    It's supernatural

    You're so supersonic
    Wanna feel your powers, stun me with your lasers
    Your kiss is cosmic
    Every move is magic

    You're from a whole 'nother world
    A different dimension
    You open my eyes
    And I'm ready to go, lead me into the light

    Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
    Infect me with your lovin', fill me with your poison
    Take me, ta-ta-take me
    Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction

    Boy, you're an alien
    Your touch, so foreign
    It's supernatural

    This is transcendental
    On another level
    Boy, you're my lucky star
    I wanna walk on your wavelength
    And be there when you vibrate
    For you, I'll risk it all, all

    Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
    Infect me with your lovin', fill me with your poison
    Take me, ta-ta-take me
    Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction

    Boy, you're an alien
    Your touch, so foreign
    It's supernatural

    Boy, you're an alien
    Your touch, so foreign
    It's supernatural
Track: Evanescence
Directory: evanescence-maria-schneider
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Maria Schneider
- Maria Schneider Jazz Orchestra (performance)
Duration: 11:21
Track: Everybody Everybody
- Black Box
- Martha Wash (vocals)
Duration: 4:14
Lyrics: |-
    You won't belong to me
    I let you down
    I walk around and see your night skyline
    I feel the light but you don't want to stay
    So lonely now, just let me off downtown

    Set it free, set it free
    Set it free, set it free

    When I said it was over, you aimed at my heart
    Won't be long for I'm leavin', oh my love
    But I feel it forever no times in my life
    You can call that no livin' on my own so free

    Everybody everybody
    Everybody everybody
    Everybody everybody
    Everybody everybody

    Everybody everybody
    Everybody everybody
    Everybody everybody
    Everybody everybody

    You took me easy and then let me go
    I never was you see, that cheatin' kind
    You feel alright, you never look for me
    So long, it's time I gotta get on back

    Set it free, set it free
    Set it free, set it free

    When I said it was over, you aimed at my heart
    Won't be long for I'm leavin', oh my love
    But I feel it forever no times in my life
    You can call that no livin' on my own so free

    Everybody everybody
    Everybody everybody
    Everybody everybody (Oh everybody)
    Everybody everybody (Oh everybody)

    Everybody everybody (Everybody)
    Everybody everybody (Oh everybody)
    Everybody everybody (Oh everybody)
    Everybody everybody

    Everybody everybody
    Everybody everybody
    Everybody everybody (Oh everybody)
    Everybody everybody (Oh everybody)

    Everybody everybody (Everybody)
    Everybody everybody (Oh everybody)
    Everybody everybody
    Everybody everybody
Track: Excuse Me
- Salvador Sobral
Duration: 4:23
Lyrics: |-
    Excuse me
    If I bore you
    When I talk about the things I like to do
    Excuse me
    If I'm not like them
    I'd always liked to think there's something else out there

    For us
    The world is a gift
    A spin is a day
    A turn is a year
    And if the day give us rain
    Let's stare at the falling drops

    In the air that I breathe when we wander outside
    A touch of sunlight when it was getting dark
    Slow down the pace of the clocks in our heads
    So we can keep shaping the clouds

    Excuse me
    Was what you told me
    When I didn't listen what you had to say
    Maybe I am just like them
    Forgetting you could also choose the way
    Your view
    Blending with mine
    Are two color filters
    Glazing my sky
    Alone but together we'll share
    The touch, the taste, the smell

    Of the air that I breathe when we wander outside
    A touch of sunlight when it was getting dark
    Slow down the pace of the clocks in our heads
    So we can keep shaping the clouds

    Excuse me
    Was what you told me
    When I didn't listen what you had to say
    Maybe I am just like them
    Forgetting you could also choose the way
    Your view
    Blending with mine
    Are two color filters
    Glazing my sky
    Alone but together we'll share
    The touch, the taste, the smell

    Of the air that I breathe when we wander outside
    A touch of sunlight when it was getting dark
    Slow down the pace of the clocks in our heads
    So we can keep shaping the clouds
Track: Fabulous Secret Powers
Duration: 4:28
Referenced Tracks:
- What's Up
- Don't Cry Out Loud
Lyrics: |-
    (Hi there, I'm Adam, Prince of Eternia! This is my kitty Mr. Cringerpants, the most cutest kitty in the universe! Fabulous secret powers reveal to me the day I held aloft my magic sword, and sang:)

    Twenty-five years and my life is still
    Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
    For a destination
    I realized quickly when I knew I should
    That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
    For whatever that means

    And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
    Just to get it all out what's in my head and I!
    I'm feeling a little peculiar
    And so I wake in the morning and I step outside
    And I take a deep breath and I get real high, and I
    Scream from the top of my lungs
    What's going on?

    And I say, HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA, hey-yeah-yeah
    I said hey, what's going on?
    And I say, HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA, hey-yeah-yeah
    I said hey, what's going on? (Ooh!)

    (And he tries) Oh my god, do I try!
    I try all the time, in this institution
    (And he prays!) Oh my god, do I pray!
    I pray every single day! (Yeah!)
    For a revolution!

    And I say, HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA, hey-yeah-yeah
    I said hey, what's going on?
    And I say, HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA, hey-yeah-yeah (Don't cry out loud)
    I said hey (Just keep it inside, and learn how to hide your feelings)
    (HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA, hey-yeah—) Yeah-yeah-yeah!
    I said hey, what's going on?! (Oh yeah!)

    Twenty-five years I'm alive here still
    Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
    For a destination

    (Now is time for cake!)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/19/2022)
    Best known under the names "HEHEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA" or "He-Man Sings".
Track: Faint
Directory: faint-linkin-park
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Linkin Park
Duration: 2:42
Lyrics: |-
    I am a little bit of loneliness, a little bit of disregard
    Handful of complaints but I can't help the fact
    That everyone can see these scars
    (I am) what I want you to want, what I want you to feel
    But it's like no matter what I do, I can't convince you
    To just believe this is real

    So I, let go watching you turn your back like you always do
    Face away and pretend that I'm not
    But I'll be here 'cause you're all that I got

    I can't feel the way I did before
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored
    Time won't heal this damage anymore
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored

    a little bit insecure, a little unconfident
    'Cause you don't understand I do what I can
    But sometimes I don't make sense
    (I am) what you never want to say
    But I've never had a doubt
    It's like no matter what I do, I can't convince you
    For once just to hear me out

    let go watching you turn your back like you always do
    Face away and pretend that I'm not
    But I'll be here 'cause you're all that I got

    I can't feel the way I did before
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored
    Time won't heal this damage anymore
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored

    No, hear me out now
    You're gonna listen to me, like it or not
    Right now, hear me out now
    You're gonna listen to me, like it or not
    Right now

    I can't feel the way I did before
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored

    feel the way I did before
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored
    Time won't heal this damage anymore
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored

    I can't feel
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored
    Time won't heal
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored
Track: Famous Prophets (Stars)
Duration: 16:10
- Car Seat Headrest
Lyrics: |-
    Apologies to future me's and you's
    But I can't help feeling like we're through
    The ripping of the tape hurts my ears
    In my years, I've never seen anyone quit quite like you do

    Twin bruises on my shins
    From where I kicked the back of the seat in
    They meant what I went through for you
    But now they're fading, now they're gone

    (Don't spend too much time on it)
    (Don't spend too much time on it)

    These teenage hands will never touch yours again
    But I remember you
    You had a body
    You had hands and arms and legs and et cetera

    Did I fail? Did I fall?
    (In the morning when I wake up, are you mine?)
    Did I waste my time, waste my time on a broken heart?
    (Take the trash out like a bad dream, are you gone?)
    Or is this the start of the great silence?
    (From the old house, the fiercest heart spoke, are you mine?)
    Is this the start of every day?
    (Christmas tree's dead, you know how time flies, are you gone?)

    I'm not gonna end up a nervous wreck
    Like the people I know who are nervous wrecks
    Though I'm not gonna name names
    (Yours was an exception)
    Did the sound just stop?

    At the end of every day
    There'll be nothing left to say
    There'll be no backstage pass

    We gotta go back
    We gotta go back
    We gotta go back
    We gotta go back

    We gotta go back
    (We've gotta go back)
    We gotta go back
    (We've gotta go back)
    We gotta go back
    (We've gotta go back)
    We gotta go back
    (We've gotta go back)

    We've gotta go back
    We've gotta go back
    We've gotta go back
    We've gotta go back
    We've gotta go back
    We've gotta go back
    We've gotta go back
    (Don't spend too much time on it)

    Don't get too impressed
    You might lose your breath
    Don't predict your death
    'Cause I like you the best

    Don't you fall apart
    You might lose my heart
    You know I love your art

    The ocean washed over your grave
    The ocean washed open your grave
    The ocean washed over your grave
    The ocean washed open your grave
    The ocean washed over your grave
    The ocean washed open your grave
    The ocean washed over your grave
    The ocean washed open your grave
    The ocean washed over your grave
    The ocean washed open your grave
    The ocean washed over your grave
    The ocean washed open your grave
    So descend into cliché
    If you've found your holy grail
    (The ocean washed over your grave)
    I could fill back in that grave
    I could hammer in that nail
    (The ocean washed open your grave)
    I could give you what you want
    I could give you what you deserve
    (The ocean washed over your grave)
    I could sing another song
    I could watch that hammer swerve
    (The ocean washed open your grave)

    And when the mirror breaks
    I wouldn't miss it for the world
    (The ocean washed over your grave)
    Call it blackstar, call it painstar
    The same thing happens when you touch it
    (The ocean washed open your grave)
    Let me tell you, did they tell you what happens when you touch it? Did they tell you?
    (The ocean washed over your grave)
    Let me tell you what happens when you touch it, let me tell you, let me, let me, let me, let me, let me, let me, let me, let me, let me, let me, let me, let-
    (The ocean washed open your grave)

    Let me
    Let me in

    So descend into cliché
    If the music has forsaken you
    Roll the stone over the grave
    I never liked that one anyways
    Or stare into the face
    Of whatever it is that's facing you
    And if the levee breaks
    You'll find out what it is that's replacing you

    And when the mirror breaks
    I wouldn't miss it for the world
    Call it blackstar, call it painstar
    The same thing happens when you touch it
    Did they tell you what happens when you touch it?
    Did they tell you what happens when you touch it?
    Did they tell you...
    Did they tell me...

    What happened to you?

    I gain nothing - I have love, I gain nothing - I have love...
    If I give all I possess to the poor (all I possess to the poor) and give over my body to hardship (over my body to hardship) that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing - I gain nothing
    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast-
    Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres-

    It'll take some time
    Don't see
    Don't see each other-
    We don't see
    We don't see-ee
    Somewhe-e-e-e-e-e-e-re-e-re down the
    Down the
    Down the line
    Down the line
    Down the line
    -ch other
    -ch other

    Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears
    When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. At the end of my childhood, I put these ways behind me. For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known

    And now these two remain:
Track: Feedbacker, Pt. 4
Duration: 9:51
- Boris
Track: Feel Good Inc.
- Gorillaz
- De La Soul (featuring)
Duration: 4:13
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
Lyrics: |-
    Feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good

    City's breaking down on a camel's back
    They just have to go, 'cause they don't know wack
    So while you fill the streets, it's appealing to see
    You won't get out the county, 'cause you're bad and free
    You got a new horizon, it's ephemeral style
    A melancholy town where we never smile
    And all I wanna hear is the message beep
    My dreams, they got a kissing
    'Cause I don't get sleep, no

    Windmill, windmill for the land
    Turn forever hand in hand
    Take it all in on your stride
    It is ticking, falling down
    Love forever, love is freely
    Turned forever, you and me
    Windmill, windmill for the land
    Is everybody in?

    Laughin' gas these hazmats, fast cats
    Linin' 'em up like ass cracks
    Play these ponies at the track
    It's my chocolate attack

    Shit, I'm steppin' in the heart of this here (yeah)
    Care Bear rappin' in harder this year (yeah)
    Watch me as I gravitate, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha

    Yo, we gon' ghost town this Motown
    With yo' sound, you in the blink
    Gon' bite the dust, can't fight with us
    With yo' sound, you kill the Inc.
    So don't stop, get it, get it (Get it)
    Until you're cheddar headed
    And watch the way I navigate

    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good

    Windmill, windmill for the land
    Turn forever hand in hand
    Take it all in on your stride
    It is ticking, falling down
    Love forever, love is freely
    Turned forever, you and me
    Windmill, windmill for the land
    Is everybody in?

    Don't stop, get it, get it
    Peep how your captain's in it
    Steady, watch me navigate

    Don't stop, get it, get it
    Peep how your captain's in it
    Steady, watch me navigate

    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
    Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
Track: Feeling Good
- Nina Simone
Duration: 3:02
Lyrics: |-
    Birds flyin' high, you know how I feel
    Sun in the sky, you know how I feel
    Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel
    It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me
    Yeah, it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me, ooooooooh
    And I'm feelin' good

    Fish in the sea, you know how I feel
    River runnin' free, you know how I feel
    Blossom on the tree, you know how I feel
    It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me
    And I'm feelin' good

    Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know
    Butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean
    Sleep in peace when day is done: that's what I mean
    And this old world is a new world and a bold world for me

    Stars when you shine, you know how I feel
    Scent of the pine, you know how I feel
    Oh, freedom is mine, and I know how I feel
    It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me

    And I'm feelin'... good
Track: Feels Like We Only Go Backwards
- Tame Impala
Duration: 3:20
Lyrics: |-
    It feels like I only go backwards, baby
    Every part of me says, "Go ahead"
    I got my hopes up again, oh no, not again
    Feels like we only go backwards, darling

    I know that you think you sound silly when you call my name
    But I hear it inside my head all day
    When I realise I'm just holding on to the hope that maybe
    Your feelings don't show

    It feels like I only go backwards, baby
    Every part of me says, "Go ahead"
    I got my hopes up again, oh no, not again
    Feels like we only go backwards, darling

    The seed of all this indecision isn't me, oh no
    'Cause I decided long ago
    But that's the way it seems to go
    When trying so hard to get to something real
    It feels

    It feels like I only go backwards, darling
    Every part of me says, "Go ahead"
    I got my hopes up again, oh no, not again
    Feels like we only go backwards, darling
    It feels like I only go backwards, baby
    Every part of me says, "Go ahead"
    I got my hopes up again, oh no, not again
    Feels like we only go backwards, darling
    It feels like I only go backwards, baby
    Every part of me says, "Go ahead"
    I got my hopes up again, oh no, not again
    Feels like we only go backwards, darling
Track: Fergalicious
- Fergie
Duration: 3:48
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
Lyrics: |-
    (Four, tres, two, uno)

    Listen up, y'all, 'cause this is it
    The beat that I'm bangin' is delicious

    Fergalicious, definition make them boys go loco
    They want my treasure, so they get their pleasures from my photo
    You could see me, you can't squeeze me
    I ain't easy, I ain't sleazy
    I got reasons why I tease 'em
    Boys just come and go like seasons

    Fergalicious (So delicious)
    But I ain't promiscuous
    And if you was suspicious
    All that shit is fictitious

    I blow kisses (Mwah)
    That puts them boys on rock, rock
    And they be lining down the block
    Just to watch what I got (Four, tres, two, uno)

    It's so delicious (It's hot, hot)
    It's so delicious (I put them boys on rock, rock)
    It's so delicious (They wanna taste of what I got)
    I'm Fergalicious (T-t-t-t-t-tasty, tasty)

    Fergalicious def-, fergalicious def-, fergalicious def-
    (Def-, def-, def-, def-, def-, def-, def-, def-, def-, def-)
    Fergalicious definition make them boys go crazy
    They always claim they know me
    Comin' to me, call me Stacy (Hey, Stacy)
    I'm the F to the E-R-G, the I, the E, and
    Can't no other lady put it down like me

    I'm Fergalicious (So delicious)
    My body stay vicious
    I be up in the gym just working on my fitness
    He's my witness (Ooh-wee)
    I put yo' boy on rock, rock
    And he be lining down the block
    Just to watch what I got (Four, tres, two, uno)

    It's so delicious (It's hot, hot)
    It's so delicious (I put them boys on rock, rock)
    It's so delicious (They wanna taste of what I got)
    I'm Fergalicious (Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold up, check it out)

    Baby, baby, baby
    If you really want me
    Honey, get some patience
    Maybe then you'll get a taste

    Of my tasty, tasty
    I'll be laced with lacey
    It's so tasty, tasty
    It'll make you crazy

    T to the A, to the S-T-E-Y, girl, you tasty
    T to the A, to the S-T-E-Y, girl, you tasty
    D to the E, to the L-I-C-I-O-U-S
    D to the E, to the, to the, to the, hit it, Fergie

    All the time I turn around brothas gather 'round
    Always looking at me up and down looking at my (Uh)
    I just wanna say it now
    I ain't tryin' to round up drama, little mama
    I don't wanna take your man
    And I know I'm comin' off just a little bit conceited
    And I keep on repeating how the boys wanna eat it
    But I'm tryin' to tell that I can't be treated like clientele

    'Cause they say she delicious (So delicious)
    But I ain't promiscuous
    And if you was suspicious
    All that shit is fictitious

    I blow kisses (Mwah)
    That puts them boys on rock, rock
    And they be lining down the block
    Just to watch what I got (T-t-t-tasty, tasty)

    Four, tres, two, uno
    So delicious (Aye, aye, aye, aye)
    So delicious (Aye, aye, aye, aye)
    So delicious (Aye, aye, aye, aye)
    I'm Fergalicious (T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t...)

    T to the A, to the S-T-E-Y, girl, you tasty
    T to the A, to the S-T-E-Y, girl, you tasty
    To the D to the E, to the L-I-C-I-O-U-S
    T to the A, to the, to the, to the, to the (Four, tres, two, uno)

    To the D to the E, to the L-I-C-I-O-U-S
    To the D to the E, to the L-I-C-I-O-U-S
    To the D to the E, to the L-I-C-I-O-U-S
    To the D to the E to the, to the, to the, to the, to the, to the...
Track: Festival of the Dark
Duration: 3:42
- Kikuo
Lyrics: |-
    (Translated from Japanese)
    A night in which the sun goes down arrives
    And the fist clenched around my dark heart relaxes
    In the spotlight of the moon’s beams
    I’ll become one with the mountain’s shadow

    Catch me if you can, demon! Follow my clapping hands
    The goblins head that way, heading towards the drum
    Let's dance and whirl in this shadowed world!
    Let’s go and leave our bodies behind

    In the days of this drought that’s dragging on
    The dark hearts are accumulating
    The lonely night shall be our kaleidoscope
    Burned by the beams of ten thousand moons

    Catch me if you can, demon! Follow my clapping hands
    The goblins head that way, heading towards the drum
    Let's dance and whirl, latecomers!
    Come with me as we head towards the drum
Track: Fever
Directory: fever-little-willie-john
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Eddie Cooley
- Otis Blackwell
- Little Willie John (performance)
Duration: 2:44
Lyrics: |-
    You never know how much I love ya
    Never know how much I care
    When you put your arms around me
    I get a feelin' that's so hard to bear

    You give me fever
    When you kiss me
    Fever when you hold me tight
    Fever in the mornin'
    Fever all through the night

    Listen to me, baby
    Hear every word I say
    No one can love you the way I do
    'Cause they don't know how to love you my way

    You give me fever
    When you kiss me
    Fever when you hold me tight
    Fever in the mornin'
    And fever all through the night

    Bless my soul, I love you
    Take this heart away
    Take these arms I'll never use
    And just believe in what my lips have to say

    You give me fever
    When you kiss me
    Fever when you hold me tight
    Fever in the mornin'
    And fever all through the night

    Sun lights up the daytime
    Moon lights up the night
    My eyes light up when you call my name
    'Cause I know you're gonna treat me right

    You give me fever
    When you kiss me
    Fever when you hold me tight
    Fever (Fever, burn through) in the mornin'
    And fever all through the night
Track: Field of Hopes and Dreams | DnB Remix
Directory: field-of-hopes-and-dreams-dnb-spad3s
Always Reference By Directory: true
Additional Names:
- Name: >-
    Field Of Hopes And Dreams
  Annotation: >-
- Spad3s
Duration: 2:25
Referenced Tracks:
- Field of Hopes and Dreams
Commentary: |-
    <i>Spad3s:</i> ([YouTube description](, excerpt)

    Midi I used for the song made by [[artist:caelan-kier]] - [Check them out!!!](

    Had some fun with drum and bass, hehe. Delta rune was fun.
Track: A Fifth of Beethoven
- Walter Murphy
- The Big Apple Band
Duration: 3:02
Referenced Tracks:
- track:symphony-no-5-beethoven
Track: Final Savage All Voice
# JP: 最終鬼畜全部声
# Official release:
#   Touhou Homerun
#   東方ホムーラン
# Reference:
- Beat Throat Mario
- beatMARIO (vocals)
Duration: 2:37
Referenced Tracks:
- track:final-savage-sister-flandre-s
Track: Final Savage All Voice
# JP: 最終鬼畜全部声
# Official release:
#   Touhou Hits Covers -Ska Punk Flavor-
# Reference:
Directory: final-savage-all-voice-ska-punk-flavor
- miko (vocals)
- Momiji Yamamoto (vocals)
Duration: 3:30
Referenced Tracks:
- track:final-savage-all-voice
Track: Final Savage Sister, Flandre S.
# JP: 最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S
# Official release:
#   Touhou Strike
#   東方ストライク
# Reference:
- beatMARIO
Duration: 3:26
Referenced Tracks:
- track:un-owen-was-her
Track: Fireflies
Directory: fireflies-owl-city
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Owl City
- Matt Thiessen (guest vocals)
Duration: 3:48
Lyrics: |-
    You would not believe your eyes if ten million fireflies
    Lit up the world as I fell asleep
    'Cause they'd fill the open air and leave teardrops everywhere
    You'd think me rude but I would just stand and stare

    I'd like to make myself believe
    That planet Earth turns slowly
    It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
    'Cause everything is never as it seems

    'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs
    As they tried to teach me how to dance
    A foxtrot above my head, a sock hop beneath my bed
    A disco ball is just hanging by a thread

    I'd like to make myself believe
    That planet Earth turns slowly
    It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
    'Cause everything is never as it seems (When I fall asleep)

    Leave my door open just a crack
    (Please take me away from here)
    'Cause I feel like such an insomniac
    (Please take me away from here)
    Why do I tire of counting sheep
    (Please take me away from here)
    When I'm far too tired to fall asleep?

    To ten million fireflies, I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes
    I got misty eyes as they said farewell (They said farewell)
    But I'll know where several are if my dreams get real bizarre
    'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar (Jar, jar, jar)

    I'd like to make myself believe
    That planet Earth turns slowly
    It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
    'Cause everything is never as it seems (When I fall asleep)

    I'd like to make myself believe
    That planet Earth turns slowly
    It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
    'Cause everything is never as it seems (When I fall asleep)

    I'd like to make myself believe
    That planet Earth turns slowly
    It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
    Because my dreams are bursting at the seams
Track: First Day Out
Duration: 4:20
- Insane Clown Posse
Lyrics: |-
    Got another funky rhyme
    Another funky, funky rhyme
    Got another funky rhyme
    Another funky rhyme
    Another funky, funky rhyme

    Aw shit, man, that's ICP
    This is my jam
    They were my psychedelic, funkity fuck, intergalactic boys, G
    Aw shit

    Well they let the gate up so I bail
    It's been six months, pick me up from the county jail
    With a smart mouth, I paid my dues
    Steel toilets, worn blankets and rubber shoes
    But I ain't naggin'
    Here come the fellas, I can hear the muffler draggin'
    Ain't been in the car long
    And the Faygo is almost gone
    My nuts are kinda hard so I need a mate
    So my homeboy's cousin set me up with a blind date
    She said, "Pick me up at 3?"
    "Can't bitch, the bus don't ride ya street!" (Ho)
    We gonna eat at Mexican Village
    Take a cab and I'll pay the tab
    And when she showed up, well I'll be damned
    Left my wallet at home on the TV stand
    ("Oh shit, well I uh left it at home, it's on the TV stand...")
    Have her payin' and for dinner too
    The knot in my sock, it don't fit you
    She's all prettied up for nothin'
    I'm smellin' like shit and my chin is scruffin'
    And I'm chewin' on my food like a pit bull
    'Cause I won't front for the ho
    Stuck my face in the bowl of soup
    And just sucked it all up through my missin' tooth
    The bitch jumped up with a boom
    "I have to fix my hair," and broke to the bathroom
    She got the tab so I go for mine
    And order up some '52 vintage wine
    Hey Louie, bring a fuckin' steak with that
    Motherfuckers like J will say, "Fuck that!"
    She's back now and her hair ain't fixed
    Probably took a long, greasy ass, smelly shit, huh
    I ain't sayin' nothin' though
    I ain't sayin' nothin' 'bout the fuckin' ho
    What's up bitch? I'm ready to break
    How long can one fat bitch take
    Quit snackin' and pay these saps
    'Cause we going home to watch tube with Paps

    "So Joe uh, what is it that you do for a living?"
    "Aw, come on pops"
    You seen me sellin' rocks on Vernor and Springwells
    Matter of fact, I think I sold to that fat bitch in the kitchen"

    Your dad's really cool sweetheart
    I mean him lettin' me use his car
    And he slipped me a fifty
    "Violent J's kinda nifty"
    If I'd of hit it, you'd of been home free
    But now you're comin' home with me
    "Dad, I got a bitch in the bedroom
    Take your ass to the bar and don't come home soon"
    Now The Juggla's known to smack hoes
    But I need the shot too, so I switch to the mack mode

    Now woman, you know I love you
    So why don't you just let me fuck you?
    Now bitch, I know you's a freak
    So lemme get a little kiss on your cheek (What's up)
    And a fuck to go with that
    Come on, nympho, lemme hit that
    Tell ya what, ya let me stick it
    And I got a leftover piece of chicken for ya (Ho)
    Ya little sewer skank (Sewer skank)
    Ya nasty little pipe smokin, sack chasin' ho
    And that was that
    A little smooth talk, and she was on her back (Ha)
    And I'm finally stickin'
    Dump ya and I'm keepin' my chicken (Bitch)
    You'll never guess what
    My first day out and I caught my nut

    First day out and I caught my nut
    First day out and I caught my nut
    First day out and I caught my nut
    First day out and I caught my nut
    (Well shit, bitch, it's my first day out)
    First day out and I caught my nut
    First day out and I caught my nut
    First day out and I caught my nut
    First day out and I caught my nut
    (Shit, bitch, it's my first day out)
    First day out and I caught my nut (First day out)
    First day out and I caught my nut (It's my first day out)
    First day out and I caught my nut
    First day out and I caught my nut
    (Well shit, bitch, it's my first day out now)
    First day out and I caught my nut
    First day out and I caught my nut (Gotta go now, gotta go now)
    First day out and I caught my nut
    First day out and I caught my nut (It's my first day out)
    (My nut)
Track: Five Years
- David Bowie
Duration: 4:43
Lyrics: |-
    Pushing through the market square
    So many mothers sighing
    News had just come over
    We had five years left to cry in (cry in)

    News guy wept and told us
    Earth was really dying (dying)
    Cried so much his face was wet
    Then I knew he was not lying (lying)

    I heard telephones, opera house, favourite melodies
    I saw boys, toys, electric irons and TVs
    My brain hurt like a warehouse, it had no room to spare
    I had to cram so many things to store everything in there

    And all the fat, skinny people
    And all the tall, short people
    And all the nobody people
    And all the somebody people
    I never thought I'd need so many people

    A girl my age went off her head
    Hit some tiny children
    If the black hadn't have pulled her off
    I think she would have killed them

    A soldier with a broken arm
    Fixed his stare to the wheels of a Cadillac
    A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest
    And a queer threw up at the sight of that

    I think I saw you in an ice-cream parlour
    Drinking milkshakes cold and long
    Smiling and waving and looking so fine
    Don't think you knew you were in this song

    And it was cold and it rained, so I felt like an actor
    And I thought of Ma and I wanted to get back there
    Your face, your race, the way that you talk
    I kiss you, you're beautiful, I want you to walk

    We've got five years, stuck on my eyes
    Five years, what a surprise
    We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot
    Five years, that's all we've got

    We've got five years, what a surprise
    Five years, stuck on my eyes
    We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot
    Five years, that's all we've got

    We've got five years, stuck on my eyes
    Five years, what a surprise
    We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot
    Five years, that's all we've got

    We've got five years, what a surprise
    We've got five years, stuck on my eyes
    We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot
    Five years, that's all we've got

    Five years
    Five years
    Five years
    Five years
Track: Flicker
Directory: flicker-porter-robinson
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Porter Robinson
Duration: 4:39
Lyrics: |-
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)
    Mitsukeyou to shite iru (<i>I'm trying to find out</i>)
    Watashi wa (<i>I am</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga- (<i>What exactly is-</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)

    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)
    Watashi wa chō (<i>What ex</i>)

    Jinsei okane wo toruto kanso (<i>When money is taken from life, it feels dry</i>)

    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jū (<i>What exactly is impor</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)

    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)
    Mitsukeyou to shite iru (<i>I'm trying to find out</i>)
    Watashi wa (<i>I am</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga (<i>What exactly is</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)

    Jibun-tachi no seikatsu no torakku o ushinau hōhō desu (<i>It's a way to lose the track of our own lives</i>)

    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jū- (<i>What exactly is impor-</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)

    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)

    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)
    Watashi wa chōdo (<i>What exactly</i>)

    U u u u u
    Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (<i>What exactly is important to me?</i>)
Track: Fly Me To The Moon
# This track tecnically originally came out in 1954 by Kaye Ballard as "In Other Words"
# But basically everyone referencing it is referencing the Frank Sinatra version
# ...or the Evangelion version
- Bart Howard
- Frank Sinatra (performance)
Duration: 2:30
Lyrics: |-
    Fly me to the moon
    Let me play among the stars
    Let me see what spring is like
    On a-Jupiter and Mars

    In other words, hold my hand
    In other words, baby, kiss me

    Fill my heart with song
    And let me sing for ever more
    You are all I long for
    All I worship and adore

    In other words, please, be true
    In other words, I love you

    Fill my heart with song
    Let me sing for ever more
    You are all I long for
    All I worship and adore

    In other words, please, be true
    In other words, in other words... I love you
Track: Fool
Directory: fool-djo
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 1:55
- Djo
Lyrics: |-
    That's not right
    There's a person behind those eyes
    That's not right
    Any crack is a sign of lies
    That's not cool (Not cool)
    Everybody needs a fool
    I'll be your fool

    I will be your fool
    I'll perform for you
    Just tell me what to do
    I chose it for me anyway

    What's that sound? (Hello?)
    There's a funny man at my door (Hahaha)
    No, I'm not busy
    This is what I was prepping for
    World king me
    I'm a jester and I'm yours
    Call me your (Look into my eyes and, baby, whisper)

    I will be your fool (I'll be your fool)
    I'll perform for you (Perform for you)
    Just tell me what to do (Do)
    I always felt so foolish anyway
    I will be your fool (I'll be your fool)
    I'll perform for you (Perform for you)
    Just tell me what to do (Just tell me what to do)
    You nеver stop looking at me anyway

    Behind thosе eyes
Track: For Reverend Green
Duration: 6:34
- Animal Collective
Lyrics: |-
    Whether or not you believe it, you are listening to true recordings of Bigfoot creatures in their natural environment
    We know these are natural

    From one moment to the next
    Reading in the papers to know what's best
    Sometimes you don't know yourself
    Eating loads of vitamins for your health
    And from one moment to the next
    Red negativity in the street
    Maybe it's the dirt, maybe it's the heat
    A baby on the bus smiled at me so easy

    Now I think it's alright we're together
    Now I think that's a riot
    And now I think it's the best you ever played it
    Now I think that's a riot

    Now I think it's alright to feel inhuman
    Now I think that's a riot
    And now I think it's alright, we'll sing together
    Now I think that's a riot

    A running child's bloody with burning knees
    A careless child's money flew in the trees
    A camping child's happy with winter's freeze
    A lucky child don't know how lucky she is

    From one moment to a next
    A thousand wasted Brooklyners are depressed
    The ins and outs of supper's chest
    He'll only be your friend if he touches your breasts
    And from one moment to a next
    A shifting in the plates of what you ingest
    From sugared tits to honeyed pests
    Bulimic vegetarian wins weight contest

    And now I think it's alright we're together
    Now I think that's a riot
    And now I think it's the best we've ever played it
    Now I think that's a riot
    Now I think it's alright to feel inhuman
    Now I think that's a riot
    And now I think it's alright, we'll sing together
    Now I think that's a riot

    A running child's bloody with burning knees
    A careless child's money flew in the trees
    A camping child's happy with winter's freeze
    A lucky child don't know how lucky she is

    This one's for Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
    For Reverend Green
Track: Frankenstein
- The Edgar Winter group
Duration: 4:46
Track: Freak On a Leash
- Korn
Duration: 4:13
Lyrics: |-
    Something takes a part of me
    Something lost and never seen
    Every time I start to believe,
    Something's raped and taken from me, from me

    Life's got to always be messing with me
    You wanna see the light
    Can't they chill and let me be free?
    So do I
    Can't I take away all this pain?
    You wanna see the light
    I try to every night all in vain, in vain

    Sometimes I cannot take this place
    Sometimes it's my life I can't taste
    Sometimes I cannot feel my face
    You'll never see me fall from grace

    Something takes a part of me
    You and I were meant to be
    A cheap fuck for me to lay
    Something takes a part of me

    Feeling like a freak on a leash
    You wanna see the light
    Feeling like I have no release
    So do I
    How many times have I felt diseased?
    You wanna see the light
    Nothing in my life is free, is free

    Sometimes I cannot take this place
    Sometimes it's my life I can't taste
    Sometimes I cannot feel my face
    You'll never see me fall from grace

    Something takes a part of me
    You and I were meant to be
    A cheap fuck for me to lay
    Something takes a part of me

    Boom na da mmm dum na ema
    Da boom na da mmm dum na ema


    So, fight!
    Something on the—dum na ema
    Some things—they fight
    something on the—dum na ema
    some things—they fight

    something of the—dum na ema
    some things—they fight
    something of the—dum na ema
    some things—they fight

    Something takes a part of me
    You and I were meant to be
    A cheap fuck for me to lay
    Something takes a part of me

    Part of me
Track: Friday
Directory: friday-rebecca-black
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Clarence Jey
- Patrice Wilson
- Rebecca Black (vocals)
Duration: 3:47
Lyrics: |-
    (Yeah, Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ark)
    Oo-ooh-ooh, hoo yeah, yeah
    Yeah, yeah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah

    Seven a.m., waking up in the morning
    Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
    Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
    Seein' everything, the time is goin'
    Tickin' on and on, everybody's rushin'
    Gotta get down to the bus stop
    Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends (My friends)

    Kickin' in the front seat
    Sittin' in the back seat
    Gotta make my mind up
    Which seat can I take?

    It's Friday, Friday
    Gotta get down on Friday
    Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend
    Friday, Friday
    Gettin' down on Friday
    Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend

    Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
    Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
    Fun, fun, fun, fun
    Lookin' forward to the weekend

    7:45, we're drivin' on the highway
    Cruisin' so fast, I want time to fly
    Fun, fun, think about fun
    You know what it is
    I got this, you got this
    My friend is by my right, ay
    I got this, you got this
    Now you know it

    Kickin' in the front seat
    Sittin' in the back seat
    Gotta make my mind up
    Which seat can I take?

    It's Friday, Friday
    Gotta get down on Friday
    Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend
    Friday, Friday
    Gettin' down on Friday
    Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend

    Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
    Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
    Fun, fun, fun, fun
    Lookin' forward to the weekend

    Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
    Today it is Friday, Friday (Partyin')
    We-we-we so excited
    We so excited
    We gonna have a ball today

    Tomorrow is Saturday
    And Sunday comes after... wards
    I don't want this weekend to end

    (Yeah, yeah) R-B, Rebecca Black
    So chillin' in the front seat (In the front seat)
    In the back seat (In the back seat)
    I'm drivin', cruisin' (Yeah, yeah)
    Fast lanes, switchin' lanes
    With' a car up on my side (Woo!)
    (C'mon) Passin' by is a school bus in front of me
    Makes tick tock, tick tock, wanna scream
    Check my time, it's Friday, it's a weekend
    We gonna have fun, c'mon, c'mon, y'all

    It's Friday, Friday
    Gotta get down on Friday
    Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend
    Friday, Friday
    Gettin' down on Friday
    Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend

    Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
    Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
    Fun, fun, fun, fun
    Lookin' forward to the weekend

    It's Friday, Friday
    Gotta get down on Friday
    Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend
    Friday, Friday
    Gettin' down on Friday
    Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend

    Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
    Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
    Fun, fun, fun, fun
    Lookin' forward to the weekend
Track: Frontier Psychiatrist
- The Avalanches
Duration: 4:48
Lyrics: |-
    "Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill today?"
    "No, Mr. Kirk, Dexter's in school."
    "I'm afraid he's not, Miss Fishpaw. Dexter's truancy problem is way out of hand. The Baltimore County School Board have decided to expel Dexter from the entire public school system."
    "Oh, Mr. Kirk, I'm as upset as you to learn of Dexter's truancy, but surely expulsion is not the answer!"
    "I'm afraid expulsion is the only answer! It's the opinion of the entire staff that Dexter is criminally insane, sane, sane, sane"

    That boy needs therapy
    That boy needs therapy
    Purely psychosomatic
    That boy needs therapy
    Lie down on the couch, what does that mean?
    You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!
    What does that mean? That boy needs therapy
    I'm gonna kill you, that boy needs therapy
    Rannygazoo, let's have a tune
    Now when I count three
    That, that, that, that, that boy, boy needs therapy
    He was-he was white as a sheet
    And he also made false teeth

    Avalanche is above, business continues below
    Did I ever tell you the story about
    Cowboys, and m-midgets, and the Indians and fron-frontier psychiatrist?
    I-I felt strangely hypnotised
    I was in another world, a world of 20-20,000 girls
    And milk and rectangles
    To an optometrist!
    The man with the golden eyeball
    And tighten your buttocks, more juice on your chin
    I promise my girlfriend I'd (play) the violin, violin, violin
    See The Avalanches Live
    Get tickets as low as $134

    Frontier psychiatrist
    Frontier, frontier, frontier, frontier psychiatrist
    Frontier, frontier, frontier, frontier psychiatrist
    Frontier, frontier, frontier, frontier psychiatrist
    Frontier, frontier, frontier, frontier psychiatrist

    That boy needs therapy
    That boy needs therapy
    Purely psychosomatic
    That boy needs therapy
    Lie down on the couch, what does that mean?
    You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!
    What does that mean? That boy needs therapy
    I'm gonna kill you, that boy needs therapy
    Rannygazoo, let's have a tune
    Now when I count three
    That, that, that, that, that boy, boy needs therapy
    He was-he was white as a sheet
    And he also made false teeth

    Frontier psychiatrist

    Can you think of anything else that talks oth-other than a person?
    A-a-a bird? Yeah
    Sometimes a parrot talks
    Hello, hello, hello, hello
    Hello, hello, hello, hello
    Yes, some birds are funny when they talk
    Can you think of anything else?
    Um, a record, record, record, record?
Track: Fuck Bees
Duration: 3:08
Referenced Tracks:
- Hip To Be Square
Lyrics: |-
    It's hip to fuck bees
    It's hip to fuck bees

    I like my bees in fuck suits
    I fuck bees on TV
    I'm fucking bees 'most everyday
    And fucking bees
    They tell me that it's good to fuck bees
    But I fuck bees

    I know that it's crazy
    I know that it's nowhere
    There is no denying that

    It's hip to fuck bees
    It's hip to fuck bees
    It's hip to fuck bees
    So hip to fuck bees

    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees
    Fuuuuuuck beeeeees

    It's not too hard to fuck bees
    You see it everyday
    And those that were the farthest out
    Have fucked bees
    You see bees on the freeway
    It don't look like a lot of fuck
    But don't you try to fuck me
    A bee who's time has come

    Don't tell me that I'm crazy
    Don't tell me I'm nowhere
    Take it from me

    It's hip to fuck bees
    It's hip to fuck bees
    It's hip to fuck bees
    So hip to fuck bees
    Tell 'em boys

    Bees, bees, they're everywhere
    Bees, bees, so hip to fuck bees
    Bees, bees, they're everywhere
    Bees, bees

    Bees, bees, they're everywhere
    Bees, bees, so hip to fuck bees
    Bees, bees, they're everywhere
    Bees, bees

    Bees, bees, they're everywhere
    Bees, bees, so hip to fuck bees
    Bees, bees, they're everywhere
    Bees, bees

    Bees, bees, they're everywhere
    Bees, bees, so hip to fuck bees
    Bees, bees, they're everywhere
    So hip to fuck bees, bees
Track: Fuck tha Police
- N.W.A.
- The D.O.C.
- Dr. Dre (additional vocals)
Duration: 5:45
# Sampled Tracks:
# - there's like 11 tracks on the list you look it up
Lyrics: |-
    (Right about now, N.W.A court is in full effect, Judge Dre presiding. In the case of N.W.A versus the Police Department, prosecuting attorneys are MC Ren, Ice Cube and Eazy-motherfucking-E. Order, order, order! Ice Cube, take the motherfucking stand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help your black ass?)
    (You goddamn right.)
    (Well, won't you tell everybody what the fuck you gotta say?)

    Fuck the police comin' straight from the underground
    A young nigga got it bad 'cause I'm brown
    And not the other color, so police think
    They have the authority to kill a minority
    Fuck that shit, 'cause I ain't the one
    For a punk motherfucker with a badge and a gun
    To be beating on and thrown in jail
    We can go toe-to-toe in the middle of a cell

    Fuckin' with me 'cause I'm a teenager
    With a little bit of gold and a pager
    Searchin' my car, lookin' for the product
    Thinkin' every nigga is sellin' narcotics
    You'd rather see me in the pen
    Than me and Lorenzo rollin' in a Benz-o
    Beat a police out of shape
    And when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape

    To tape off the scene of the slaughter
    Still getting swole off bread and water
    I don't know if they [f-slur] or what
    Search a nigga down and grabbing his nuts
    And on the other hand, without a gun, they can't get none
    But don't let it be a black and a white one
    'Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top
    Black police showing out for the white cop

    Ice Cube will swarm
    On any motherfucker in a blue uniform
    Just 'cause I'm from the CPT
    Punk police are afraid of me, huh
    A young nigga on the warpath
    And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath
    Of cops dying in L.A.
    Yo, Dre, I got something to say

    Fuck the police, fuck— fuck—
    Fuck the police, fuck— fuck—
    Fuck the police, fuck the— fuck the—
    Fuck the police (Example of scene one)

    (Pull your goddamn ass over right now!)
    (Aw shit, now what the fuck you pullin' me over for?)
    ('Cause I feel like it! Just sit your ass on the curb and shut the fuck up!)
    (Man, fuck this shit!)
    (Alright, smart-ass, I'm taking your black ass to jail!)
    (MC Ren, will you please give your testimony to the jury about this fucked up incident?)

    Fuck the police and Ren said it with authority
    Because the niggas on the street is a majority
    A gang is with whoever I'm steppin'
    And the motherfuckin' weapon is kept in
    A stash spot for the so-called law
    Wishing Ren was a nigga that they never saw
    Lights start flashing behind me
    But they're scared of a nigga, so they mace me to blind me

    But that shit don't work, I just laugh
    Because it gives them a hint not to step in my path
    For police, I'm saying, "Fuck you, punk!"
    Reading my rights and shit, it's all junk
    Pulling out a silly club, so you stand
    With a fake-ass badge and a gun in your hand
    But take off the gun so you can see what's up
    And we'll go at it, punk, and I'ma fuck you up

    Make you think I'ma kick your ass
    But drop your gat, and Ren's gonna blast
    I'm sneaky as fuck when it comes to crime
    But I'ma smoke 'em now and not next time
    Smoke any motherfucker that sweats me
    Or any asshole that threatens me
    I'm a sniper with a hell of a scope
    Takin' out a cop or two, they can't cope with me

    The motherfuckin' villain that's mad
    With potential to get bad as fuck
    So I'ma turn it around
    Put in my clip, yo, and this is the sound
    Yeah, somethin' like that
    But it all depends on the size of the gat
    Takin' out a police would make my day
    But a nigga like Ren don't give a fuck to say

    Fuck the police, fuck the— fuck the—
    Fuck the police, fuck the— fuck the—
    Fuck the police, fuck the— fuck—
    Fuck the police

    (Yeah, man, what you need?)
    (Police, open now, we have a warrant for Eazy-E's arrest!)
    (Aww, shit)
    (Get down and put your hands right where I can see 'em!)
    (Move, motherfucker, move now!)
    (What the fuck did I do, man? What did I do?)
    (Just shut the fuck up and get your motherfucking ass on the floor!)
    (You heard the man, shut the fuck up!)
    (But I didn't do shit!)
    (Man, just shut the fuck up!)
    (Eazy-E, won't you step up to the stand and tell the jury how you feel about this bullshit?)

    I'm tired of the motherfuckin' jackin'
    Sweating my gang, while I'm chillin' in the shack, and
    Shining the light in my face, and for what?
    Maybe it's because I kick so much butt
    I kick ass, or maybe 'cause I blast
    On a stupid ass nigga when I'm playing with the trigger
    Of an Uzi or an AK
    'Cause the police always got somethin' stupid to say

    They put out my picture with silence
    'Cause my identity by itself causes violence
    The E with the criminal behavior
    Yeah, I'm a gangsta, but still, I got flavor
    Without a gun and a badge, what do you got?
    A sucker in a uniform waiting to get shot
    By me or another nigga
    And with a gat, it don't matter if he's smaller or bigger

    Size don't mean shit, he's from the old school, fool
    And as you all know, E's here to rule
    Whenever I'm rollin', keep lookin' in the mirror
    And ears on cue, yo, so I can hear a
    Dumb motherfucker with a gun
    And if I'm rollin' off the eight, he'll be the one
    That I take out, and then get away
    While I'm driving off laughing, this is what I'll say

    Fuck the police, fuck the— fuck the—
    Fuck the police, fuck—
    Fuck the police, fuck— fuck—
    Fuck the police (The verdict)

    (The jury has found you guilty of being a redneck, white bread, chicken shit motherfucker.)
    (Wait, that's a lie! That's a goddamn lie!)
    (Get him out of here!)
    (I want justice!)
    (Get him the fuck out my face!)
    (I want justice!)
    (Out, right now!)
    (Fuck you, you black motherfuckers!)

    Fuck the police
    Fuck the police
    Fuck the police
- CeeLo Green
Duration: 3:53
Lyrics: |-
    I see you driving 'round town with the girl I love
    and I'm like, "Fuck you!"
    I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough
    I'm like, "Fuck you and fuck her too."

    I said, "If I was richer, I'd still be with ya."
    Ha, now ain't that some shit?
    (Ain't that some shit?)
    And although there's pain in my chest
    I still wish you the best
    With a "Fuck you!"

    I'm sorry,
    I can't afford a Ferrari,
    But that don't mean I can't get you there.
    I guess he's an Xbox and I'm more Atari,
    But the way you play your game ain't fair.

    I pity the fool
    That falls in love with you
    (Oh shit she's a golddigger)
    Well (Just thought you should know nigga)
    I've got some news for you.
    Yeah go run and tell your little boyfriend.

    I see you driving 'round town with the girl I love
    and I'm like, "Fuck you!"
    I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough
    I'm like, "Fuck you and fuck her too."

    I said, "If I was richer, I'd still be with ya."
    Ha, now ain't that some shit?
    (Ain't that some shit?)
    And although there's pain in my chest
    I still wish you the best
    With a "Fuck you!"

    Now I know,
    That I had to borrow,
    Beg and steal and lie and cheat.
    Trying to keep ya,
    Trying to please ya.
    'Cause being in love with your ass ain't cheap.

    Now I pity the fool
    That falls in love with you
    (Oh shit she's a golddigger)
    Well (Just thought you should know nigga)
    I've got some news for you.
    I really hate your ass right now.

    I see you driving 'round town with the girl I love
    and I'm like, "Fuck you!"
    I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough
    I'm like, "Fuck you and fuck her too."

    I said, "If I was richer, I'd still be with ya."
    Ha, now ain't that some shit?
    (Ain't that some shit?)
    And although there's pain in my chest
    I still wish you the best
    With a "Fuck you!"

    Now baby, baby, baby, why d'you wanna wanna hurt me so bad?
    (So bad, so bad, so bad)
    I tried to tell my mama but she told me,
    "This is one for your dad."
    (Your dad, your dad, your dad, yes she did)
    Why? Why? Why, lady?

    I love you.
    I still love you.

    I see you driving 'round town with the girl I love
    "Fuck you!"
    I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough
    I'm like, "Fuck you and fuck her too."

    I said, "If I was richer, I'd still be with ya"
    Ha, now ain't that some shit?
    (Ain't that some shit?)
    And although there's pain in my chest
    I still wish you the best
    With a "Fuck you!"
Track: Funkytown
- Lipps Inc.
Duration: 7:50
Lyrics: |-
    Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me
    Town to keep me movin', keep me groovin' with some energy

    Well, I talk about it, talk about it
    Talk about it, talk about it
    Talk about, talk about
    Talk about movin'

    Gotta move on
    Gotta move on
    Gotta move on

    A-won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?

    Won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?

    Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me
    Town to keep me movin', keep me groovin' with some energy

    Well, I talk about it, talk about it
    Talk about it, talk about it
    Talk about, talk about
    Talk about movin'

    Gotta move on
    Gotta move on
    Gotta move on

    A-won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?

    Won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me to Funkytown?

    Won't you take me down to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me down to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me down to Funkytown?
    Won't you take me down to Funkytown?

    (Won't you take me to) Funkytown?
    (Won't you take me to) Funkytown?
    (Won't you take me to) Funkytown?
    (Won't you take me to) Funkytown?

    Take me, won't you take me?
    Take me, won't you take me?
    Take me, won't you take me?
    Take me, won't you take me?

    I wanna go to Funkytown
    I wanna go to Funkytown
    I wanna go to Funkytown
    I wanna go to Funkytown
Track: Galo Sengen
# Also known as ポリスマン/GAL男宣言
Duration: 3:47
Lyrics: |-
    Nichi saro ni itte hada o yaku (<i>Every day, exposing my skin to the sun</i>)

    GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GAL - O sengen
    GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GAL - O sengen
    GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GAL - O sengen
    GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! Fu Fu -!

    Osu oregyaru otoko hajimemashita (<i>I officially started as a male Gyaru</i>)
    B-kei sotsugyō pantsu pitapita (<i>Graduated B-style, tight-fitting underwear</i>)
    Teyuu ka kinō mo Shibuya sukina tabemono wa shīzāsarada (<i>Speaking of which, I love the Caesar salad from Shibuya from yesterday</i>)
    Ganguromesshu karakonrenzu paraparadansu no mō renshū (<i>Ganguro makeup, colored contact lenses, practicing Para Para dance</i>)
    Paradaisu ni tōsui hyōgen-chū gyaru otoko STAY TUNE (<i>Expressing in a trance in paradise, Gyaru male STAY TUNE</i>)
    Kimu jara gin jaragingiragin (Oi!) (<i>Spangle, glare, and glittering</i>)
    109 Sēru wa jingi-nashi (Oi!) (<i>The 109 sale is merciless</i>)
    Zenshin baribari yappari bīsan (<i>The whole body is all muscular, definitely handsome</i>)

    Kinoko o tabemashita (<i>I ate mushrooms</i>)
    (GO! GO! GO! GO!)
    Toransu kikimashita (<i>I listened to trance music</i>)
    (GO! GO! GO! GO!)
    Chōshi agatte kita ~a (<i>I started feeling high</i>)
    (GO! GO! GO! GO!)
    Min'na ga daisukida (<i>Everyone loves it</i>)
    (GO! GO! Fu Fu!)

    Butcha ke maji de kanari yoku ne? (<i>Really good-looking, right?</i>)
    Tsu ̄ ka wadai sōzen (<i>Always the topic of conversation</i>)
    Buchi age haitenshon no hakai-ryoku de (<i>With the destructive power of being very high tension</i>)
    GAL otoko no dai bōken OK? (<i>Gal guy's big adventure OK?</i>)
    PARTY zombie ore wa nonki (<i>I'm a carefree party zombie</i>)
    Toriaezu kurabu chō daisuki (<i>First of all, I love clubs</i>)
    Gashigashi odorou batchi koi yo (<i>Let's dance hard, come on!</i>)
    Nanka 1-nichi suge ̄ koi yo (<i>Somehow, today is so awesome</i>)
    "Iketamenzugyaruonii-kei" (<i>"Cool-faced gyaru sister"</i>)
    Janru kankei naku oinihikude (<i>No matter the genre, I'm attracted to it</i>)
    Tsuini deatta to shitte (Hoshi) (<i>Finally realized when I met (wanted) her</i>)
    Ine chansu nanka sō sō mettani nai ze (<i>Such chances are very rare</i>)
    Geki yaba kawa GAL kara kimoota made (<i>From super cool gyaru to creepy feelings</i>)
    OK yorokonde! No kimottama de (<i>OK with pleasure! No weird vibes</i>)
    Kono rappu like a hirotta Kimu hora pōn to tsukaeba (<i>This rap, like a picked up Kimu, feels good when used</i>)
    Ore-tachi yappa saikō (<i>We are really the best</i>)
    Ikutsu ni natta tte majisaikō (<i>No matter how old, still the best</i>)
    Muteki no mōdo saikyō densetsu (<i>Unbeatable mode, legendary strongest</i>)
    Home rarete nobiru taipu de ̄ su (<i>Type that gets praised and grows</i>)
    Sentā hashitte kire o ane-kei (Oi!) (<i>Running to the center, love the older sister vibe</i>)
    Gangan'api tte soku ban GET (Oi!) (<i>Very appealing, immediately GET</i>)
    Chaku kyo / Manatari wanko / Dota tte mo

    Kinoko o tabemashita (<i>I ate mushrooms</i>)
    (GO! GO! GO! GO!)
    Toransu kikimashita (<i>I listened to trance music</i>)
    (GO! GO! GO! GO!)
    Chōshi agatte kita ~a (<i>I started feeling high</i>)
    (GO! GO! GO! GO!)
    Min'na ga daisukida (<i>Everyone loves it</i>)
    (GO! GO! Fu Fu!)

    Berfāre (<i>Belfry</i>)
    Egzairu (<i>Exile</i>)
    Donkihōte- (<i>Don Quixote</i>)
    Uka hiroba (<i>Plaza above</i>)
    Mino monta (<i>Mino Monta - a television presenter</i>)
    A life (eraifu) (<i>A life</i>)
    Bishamonten (<i>Bishamonten - Buddhist deity</i>)
    Babanbabanbanban (<i>Sound effect, like bam-bam-bam</i>)
    (Gakkō shūshoku kekkon rōgo) (<i>School, job hunting, marriage, retirement</i>)

    Kinoko o tabemashita (<i>I ate mushrooms</i>)
    (GO! GO! GO! GO!)
    Toransu kikimashita (<i>I listened to trance music</i>)
    (GO! GO! GO! GO!)
    Chōshi agatte kita ~a (<i>I started feeling high</i>)
    (GO! GO! GO! GO!)
    Min'na ga daisukida (<i>Everyone loves it</i>)
    (GO! GO! Fu Fu!)
Track: Gangnam Style
Duration: 4:12
Lyrics: |-
    Oppa Gangnam Style
    Gangnam Style

    Najeneun ttasaroun inganjeogin yeoja (<i>A girl who is warm and humanly during the day</i>)
    Keopi hanjanui yeoyureul aneun, pumgyeok inneun yeoja (<i>A classy girl who know how to enjoy the freedom of a cup of coffee</i>)
    Bami omyeon simjangi tteugeowojineun yeoja (<i>A girl whose heart gets hotter when night comes</i>)
    Geureon banjeon inneun yeoja (<i>A girl with that kind of twist</i>)

    Naneun sanai (<i>I'm a guy</i>)
    Najeneun neomankeum ttasaroun geureon sanai (<i>A guy who is as warm as you during the day</i>)
    Keopi sikgido jeone wonsyat ttaerineun sanai (<i>A guy who one-shots his coffee before it even cools down</i>)
    Bami omyeon simjangi teojyeo beorineun sanai (<i>A guy whose heart bursts when night comes</i>)
    Geureon sanai (<iThat kind of guy></i>)

    Areumdawo, sarangseureowo (<i>Beautiful, loveable</i>)
    Geurae neo, (Hey) geurae, baro neo (Hey) (<i>Yes you, yes you</i>)
    Areumdawo, sarangseureowo (<i>Beautiful, loveable</i>)
    Geurae neo, (Hey) geurae, baro neo (Hey) (<i>Yes you, yes you</i>)
    Jigeumbuteo gal dekkaji ga bolkka (<i>Now let's go until the end</i>)

    Oppa Gangnam Style
    Gangnam Style
    Op, op, op, op, oppa Gangnam Style
    Gangnam Style
    Op, op, op, op, oppa Gangnam Style
    Eh, sexy lady
    Op, op, op, op, oppa Gangnam Style
    Eh, sexy lady
    Op, op, op, op, e-e-e e-e-e

    Jeongsukae boijiman nol ttaen noneun yeoja (<i>A girl who looks quiet but plays when she plays</i>)
    Ittaeda sipeumyeon mukkeotdeon meori puneun yeoja (<i>A girl who puts her hair down when the right time comes</i>)
    Garyeotjiman wenmanhan nochulboda yahan yeoja (<i>A girl who covers herself but is more sexy than a girl who bares it all</i>)
    Geureon gamgakjeogin yeoja (<i>A sensible girl like that</i>)

    Naneun sanai (<i>I'm a guy</i>)
    Jeomjana boijiman nol ttaen noneun sanai (<i>A guy who seems calm but plays when he plays</i>)
    Ttaega doemyeon wanjeon michyeo beorineun sanai (<i>A guy who goes completely crazy when the right time comes</i>)
    Geunyukboda sasangi ultungbultunghan sanai (<i>A guy who has bulging ideas rather than muscles</i>)
    Geureon sanai (<i>That kind of guy</i>)

    Areumdawo, sarangseureowo (<i>Beautiful, loveable</i>)
    Geurae neo, (Hey) geurae, baro neo (Hey) (<i>Yes you, yes you</i>)
    Areumdawo, sarangseureowo (<i>Beautiful, loveable</i>)
    Geurae neo, (Hey) geurae, baro neo (Hey) (<i>Yes you, yes you</i>)
    Jigeumbuteo gal dekkaji ga bolkka (<i>Now let's go until the end</i>)

    Oppa Gangnam Style
    Gangnam Style
    Op, op, op, op, oppa Gangnam Style
    Gangnam Style
    Op, op, op, op, oppa Gangnam Style
    Eh, sexy lady
    Op, op, op, op, oppa Gangnam Style
    Eh, sexy lady
    Op, op, op, op, e-e-e e-e-e

    Ttwineun nom, geu wie naneun nom (<i>On top of the running man is the flying man</i>)
    Baby baby naneun mwol jom aneun nom (<i>Baby baby I'm a man who knows a thing or two</i>)
    Ttwineun nom, geu wie naneun nom (<i>On top of the running man is the flying man</i>)
    Baby baby naneun mwol jom aneun nom (<i>Baby baby I'm a man who knows a thing or two</i>)
    You know what I'm saying?

    Oppa Gangnam Style
    E-e-e e-e-e eh, sexy lady
    Op, op, op, op, oppa Gangnam Style
    Eh, sexy lady
    Op, op, op, op, e-e-e e-e-e
    Oppa Gangnam Style
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/19/2022)
    Romanization of lyrics via Genius, translation via Business Insider.
Track: Gangsta's Paradise
Directory: gangstas-paradise
- Coolio
- L.V.
Referenced Tracks:
- Pastime Paradise
Lyrics: |-
    As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
    I take a look at my life and realize there's nothin' left
    'Cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long, that
    Even my momma thinks that my mind is gone

    But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it
    Me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of
    You better watch how you talkin' and where you walkin'
    Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk

    I really hate to trip, but I gotta loc
    As they croak, I see myself in the pistol smoke, fool
    I'm the kinda G the little homies wanna be like
    On my knees in the night, sayin' prayers in the streetlight

    Been spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise
    Been spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise
    We keep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise
    We keep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise

    Look at the situation they got me facin'
    I can't live a normal life, I was raised by the state
    So I gotta be down with the hood team
    Too much television watchin' got me chasin' dreams

    I'm a educated fool with money on my mind
    Got my ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye
    I'm a loc'd out gangsta, set trippin' banger
    And my homies is down so don't arouse my anger

    Fool, death ain't nothin' but a heart beat away
    I'm livin' life do or die, what can I say?
    I'm 23 now, but will I live to see 24?
    The way things is goin' I don't know

    Tell me why are we so blind to see
    That the ones we hurt are you and me?

    Been spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise
    Been spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise
    We keep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise
    We keep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise

    Power and the money, money and the power
    Minute after minute, hour after hour
    Everybody's runnin', but half of them ain't lookin'
    It's goin' on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's cookin'

    They say I gotta learn, but nobody's here to teach me
    If they can't understand it, how can they reach me?
    I guess they can't, I guess they won't
    I guess they frontin', that's why I know my life is out of luck, fool

    Been spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise
    Been spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise
    We keep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise
    We keep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise

    Tell me why are we so blind to see
    That the ones we hurt are you and me?
    Tell me why are we so blind to see
    That the ones we hurt are you and me?
Track: Gentleman
Directory: gentleman-psy
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 3:12
Lyrics: |-
    Allanggamolla wae hwakkeunhaeya haneungeonji (<i>I don't know why it should be hot</i>)
    Allanggamolla wae malkkeumhaeya haneungeonji (<i>I don't know why it should be smooth</i>)
    Allanggamolla arikkarihamyeon kkarihae (<i>I don't know, if you're going to be tough, act tough</i>)
    Allanggamolla We like (<i>I don't know, we like</i>)
    We-we-we like party hae (<i>We-we-we like to party</i>)
    Itjana mariya (<i>You know what I'm saying</i>)
    Isarameuro malsseumdeurijamyeon mariya (<i>If I were to express it in words then</i>)
    Yonggi paegi ttolkki meotjaengi mariya (<i>Bravery, courage, swag, it's awesome</i>)
    Neoga deutgopeunmal hagopeunge nande mariya (<i>What I want to tell you, what I want to say is</i>)
    Damn, girl, you so freakin' sexy

    I-I-I-I-I'm a
    I-I-I-I-I'm a mother father gentleman

    I'm a, I-I'm a
    I'm a mother father gentleman
    I'm a, I-I'm a
    I'm a mother father gentleman

    Allanggamolla wae mikkeunhaeyahaneungeonji (<i>I don't know why it should be sharp</i>)
    Allanggamolla wae ssaekkeunhaeyahaneungeonji (<i>I don't know why it should be tough</i>)
    Allanggamolla dalling ppalliwaseo nallihae (<i>I don't know, acting all tough, so I acted silly</i>)
    Allanggamolla nallinalli nasseo ppallihae (<i>I don't know, was quick-witted and quick-witted</i>)
    Itjana mariya neoui meori heori dari (<i>You know what I'm saying, your head, shoulders, knees</i>)
    Jongari mariya Good, feeling, feeling good (<i>Everything, it's good, feeling, feeling good</i>)
    Budeureopge mariya aju geunyang heoksorinage (<i>Smoothly, just very roughly</i>)
    Aksori nage mariya (<i>Loudly</i>)
    Damn, girl, I'm a party mafia

    I-I-I-I-I'm a
    I-I-I-I-I'm a mother father gentleman

    I'm a, I-I'm a
    I'm a mother father gentleman
    I'm a, I-I'm a
    I'm a mother father gentleman

    Gonna make you sweat
    Gonna make you wet
    You know who I am
    Wet PSY
    Gonna make you sweat
    Gonna make you wet
    You know who I am
    Wet PSY, wet PSY
    Wet PSY, wet PSY
    I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm a mother father gentleman

    I'm a, I-I'm a
    I'm a mother father gentleman
    I'm a, I-I'm a
    I'm a mother father gentleman

    Mother father gentleman
    Mother father gentleman
Track: Get It On
- Chase
Duration: 2:59
Lyrics: |-
    I need your lovin'
    And I said I want your lovin'
    And I need you every minute of the day now
    Girl, listen what I say
    Get it on in the morning now

    I want you when the moon shines bright
    And I said I want you when the time is right now
    I need you all through the night now
    There are feelings out of sight
    Get it on in the morning now

    I'm gonna tell you just what I'm gonna do
    I'm gonna make love to you
    That's the kinda feeling that just won't quit
    I said come on, girl, now this is it
    Get it on in the morning now

    Ah that feeling's gonna be you
    That feeling's gonna be me
    It's gonna be just you and me
    In ecstasy


    I got to get it on
    I got to get it on
    I got to get it on, I got to get it on
    I got to get it on, I got to get it on, I got to get it on

    I said I'm gonna tell you just what I'm gonna do
    I'm gonna make love to you
    Oh, that's the kinda feeling that just won't quit
    Said now come on, girl, now this is it
    Get it on in the morning now

    Ah, that feeling's gonna be you
    That feeling's gonna be me
    It's gonna be just you and me
    In ecstasy
Track: Get Ready For This
- 2 Unlimited
Duration: 3:40
Lyrics: |-
    Y'all ready for this?

    Get down with the sound, house on the ground
    Freeze when I squeeze, drop to your knees
    You must obey, I'm in here to stay
    Ready to take you around the way
    So you're ready for this, mind your own biz
    'Cause I am bad, yeah, the microphone wiz
    No need to sit, 'cause we're 2 Unlimited
    Ready, ready, ready for this

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah

    Feel the base, you just get closer
    Be impressed by the words I chose so
    Once again kickin' it live
    Doin' everything yo just to survive
    Above the law, I think I stand
    Here on stage with a mic in my hand
    Bustin' it loud into the crowd
    The age is 20, I'm from the south

    Be a part, break my heart
    Get ready for this, mind your own biz
    People in the front, show me what you want
    And I won't give it in, get ready for this
    We're 2 Unlimited, so people won't you sit?
    Movin' up and down, dancin' on the ground
    Feelin' kinda free, security
    House is the sound, that moves you from the ground

    House on the ground, bass in your face
    Ray's in the place, no time to waste
    Being hypnotized, I see it in your eyes
    Feelin' kinda better, put on your sweater
    Being black or white, I think it doesn't matter
    Super, dope, def, and even outrageous
    If I was an animal, they'd kept me in cages
    So get ready for this

    Y'all ready for this?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah

    Be a part, break my heart
    Get ready for this, mind your own biz
    People in the front, show me what you want
    And I won't give it in, get ready for this
    We're 2 Unlimited, so people won't you sit?
    Movin' up and down, dancin' on the ground
    Feelin' kinda free, security
    House is the sound, that moves you from the ground
Track: GHOST
- Camellia
Duration: 5:49
Track: Giorgio by Moroder
- Daft Punk
- Giorgio Moroder (voice)
Duration: 9:13
Lyrics: |-
    (When I was fifteen, sixteen, when I really started to play guitar, I definitely wanted to become a musician. It was almost impossible because—it was—the dream was so big that I didn't see any chance because I was living in a little town; was studying, and when I finally broke away from school and became a musician I thought, "Well, now I may have a little bit of a chance". Because all I really wanted to do is music, and not only play music, but compose music. At that time, in Germany, in '69, '70, they had already discotheques. So, I would take my car, would go to a discotheque, sing maybe thirty minutes. I think I had about seven, eight songs. I would partially sleep in the car because I didn't want to drive home and that helped me for about almost two years to survive in the beginning. I wanted to do an album with the sounds of the '50s, the sounds of the '60s, of the '70s, and then have a sound of the future. And I said, "Wait a second, I know the synthesizer. Why don't I use the synthesizer which is the sound of the future?" And I didn't have any idea what to do but I knew I needed a click, so we put a click on the 24-track which then was synced to the Moog Modular. I knew that could be a sound of the future, but I didn't realize how much the impact would be.)

    (My name is Giovanni Giorgio, but everybody calls me Giorgio.)

    (Once you free your mind about a concept of harmony and of music being "correct" you can do whatever you want. So, nobody told me what to do and there was no preconception of what to do.)
Track: Girl You Need A Shot (Of B12 [Boyz 12])
Duration: 2:02
- Lew Schneider
Lyrics: |-
    Girl, you need a shot of B12
    You know you do

    You got B12 flowing through your system
    Better lose that boyfriend, before I fist him
    B12 will make you feel all bright and alert
    Lay down on my bed, and take off your shirt

    Boyz 12, the biggest boy band and that's for sure
    More boys than I think you've ever seen before
    And dark leafy greens will give you other things
    But you'll get B12 when my men sing

    Oh girl, you need a shot of B12
    Break it down!

    I'm B1 and I'm tons of fun

    I-I-I-I'm B2, I wanna get with you

    I'm B3, wanna be with me?

    I'm B4 and I'll make you sore

    I'm B5, I'll make you feel alive

    I'm B6, I pick up sticks

    I'm B7, I'll take you to heaven

    I'm B8 and I am great

    I'm B9 and I'm so fine

    I'm B10, I remember when

    I'm B11, I'm in love with B7

    I'm B12, and we're... Boyz 12

    Girl, you need a shot of B12
    You know you do











    Abraham H

    And Constantine

    Girl, you need a shot of B12

    Let's hear about the boys

    Fat boy

    Bad boy


    My sister died

    I'm sweet

    I can sing


    I'm B8, I've got the penis of a man!

    My parents got divorced


    I'm grumpy

    I'm sleepy, and together we are... Boyz 12

    Girl, you need a shot of B12
    You know you do
    Girl, you want a shot of Boyz 12
    It's overdue
- Andrew Huang
Duration: 0:22
Track: Go With The Flow
- Queens of the Stone Age
Duration: 3:08
Track: God's Plan
- Drake
Duration: 3:18
Lyrics: |-
    And they wishin' and wishin'
    And wishin' and wishin', they wishin' on me

    I been movin' calm, don't start no trouble with me
    Tryna keep it peaceful is a struggle for me
    Don't pull up at 6 AM to cuddle with me
    You know how I like it when you lovin' on me
    I don't wanna die for them to miss me
    Yes, I see the things that they wishin' on me
    Hope I got some brothers that outlive me
    They gon' tell the story, shit was different with me

    God's plan, God's plan
    I hold back, sometimes I won't, yeah
    I feel good, sometimes I don't (Ayy, don't)
    I finessed down Weston Road (Ayy, 'nessed)
    Might go down a G-O-D (Yeah, wait)
    I go hard on Southside G (Yeah, wait)
    I make sure that north-side eat
    And still

    Bad things
    It's a lot of bad things that they wishin' and wishin'
    And wishin' and wishin', they wishin' on me
    Bad things
    It's a lot of bad things that they wishin' and wishin'
    And wishin' and wishin', they wishin' on me
    Yeah, ayy, ayy

    She say, "Do you love me?" I tell her, "Only partly
    I only love my bed and my mama, I'm sorry"
    Fifty Dub, I even got it tatted on me
    Eighty-one, they'll bring the crashers to the party
    And you know me
    Turn the O2 into the O3, dog
    Without 40, Oli, there'd be no me
    'Magine if I never met the broskies

    God's plan, God's plan
    I can't do this on my own, ayy (No, ayy)
    Someone watchin' this shit close (Yep, close)
    I've been me since Scarlett Road, ayy (Road, ayy)
    Might go down as G-O-D (Yeah, wait, yeah)
    I go hard on Southside G (Ayy, wait, ayy)
    I make sure that north-side eat, yeah
    And still

    Bad things
    It's a lot of bad things that they wishin' and wishin'
    And wishin' and wishin', they wishin' on me
    Yeah, yeah
    Bad things
    It's a lot of bad things that they wishin' and wishin'
    And wishin' and wishin', they wishin' on me
Track: Godzilla
Directory: godzilla-blue-oyster-cult
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Blue Oyster Cult
Lyrics: |-
    With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound
    He pulls the spitting high-tension wires down
    Helpless people on subway trains
    Scream, bug-eyed, as he looks in on them
    He picks up a bus and he throws it back down
    As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town

    Oh, no, they say he's got to go
    Go! Go! Godzilla, yeah
    Oh, no, there goes Tokyo
    Go! Go! Godzilla, yeah
    Oh, no, they say he's got to go
    Go! Go! Godzilla, yeah
    Oh, no, there goes Tokyo
    Go! Go! Godzilla, yeah

    Godzilla! (zilla, zilla)
    God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla)
    God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla)
    God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla)
    God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla)
    Rinji news o moshiagemasu!
    God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla)
    Rinji news o moshiagemasu!
    Godzilla ga Ginza hoomen e mukatte imasu!
    God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla)
    Daishikyu hinan shite kudasai! Daishikyu hinan shite kudasai!
    God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla)
    God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla) God (zilla)

    Oh, no, they say he's got to go
    Go! Go! Godzilla, yeah
    Oh, no, there goes Tokyo
    Go! Go! Godzilla, yeah

    History shows again and again
    How nature points up the folly of man
    History shows again and again
    How nature points up the folly of man
    History shows again and again
    How nature points up the folly of man
    History shows again and again
    How nature points up the folly of man
Track: Gone Hollywood
- Supertramp
Lyrics: |-
    It's just heartbreakin'
    I should've known that it would let me down
    It's just a mind-achin'
    I used to dream about this town
    It was a sight to see, the place to be
    Where the living is easy
    And the kicks can always be found

    It's such a shame about it
    I used to think that it would feel so good
    But who's to blame about it?
    So many creeps in Hollywood
    I'm in this dumb motel near the Taco Bell
    Without a hope in hell
    I can't believe that I'm still around

    Ain't nothin' new in my life today
    Ain't nothing true, it's all gone away

    I've had too much cryin', seen too much grief
    I'm sick of tryin', it's beyond belief
    I'm tired of talkin' on the telephone
    They're trying to tell me that they're not at home

    Ain't nothing new in my life today

    I've had enough of walking from place to place
    I've yet to come across a friendly face
    And now the words sound familiar, as they slam the door
    "You're not what we're looking for"

    Ain't nothing new in my life today
    Ain't nothing true, it's all gone away

    If we only had time, only had time for you
    If we only had time, only had time for you
    If we only had time, only had time for you

    It was heartbreakin'
    Now I ride in the big fine car
    It was mind-achin'
    I'm the talk of the Boulevard
    So keep your chin up boy, forget the pain
    I know you'll make it if you try again
    There's no use in quitting
    When the world is waiting for you
Track: Good Day
- Flash Garments
- J-Mac
Duration: 3:14
Lyrics: |-
    (G'day, mate. That's how you say it? G'day, mate, hahaha.)

    I woke up this morning like I gotta get going
    Tomorrow's not promised so I live in the moment
    It's a good day to have a good day
    It's a good day to have a good day
    I woke up this morning like I gotta get going
    Tomorrow's not promised so I live in the moment
    It's a good day to have a good day
    It's a good day to have a good day

    Woke up this morning with my mind on my money
    Hard work payin' off, I don't owe nobody nuttin'
    On my west coast tip, so you know I'm trying to function
    And touch a private part even though we in public
    You playing hard to get, but I'm thinking easy does it
    To have a good time, that's all I ever wanted
    I dreamt that a genie came and gave me three wishes
    A Cuban link chain, fly clothes, and bad women
    I'm street dreamin', on the beach even
    With some high aimed kicks from the last season
    'Cause I know nobody got 'em that's the main reason
    So I'm dressed to impress and get the better treatment

    Slow down
    Can't lose 'cause I don't know how
    One day then I gotta skip town
    No negative energy allowed
    I'mma show you how

    I woke up this morning like I gotta get going
    Tomorrow's not promised so I live in the moment
    It's a good day to have a good day
    It's a good day to have a good day
    I woke up this morning like I gotta get going
    Tomorrow's not promised so I live in the moment
    It's a good day to have a good day
    It's a good day to have a good day

    This is that life that a guy can get used to
    Get everyone inside the club with no issues
    Surrounded by women that normally diss you
    Don't complicate life, it can all be so simple
    Thank God for the people that got put in my life
    Good times, so fun I would have did that twi-twice
    Rolex what I call spendin' quality time
    Call the air clear, lenses they coverin' my eyes
    Black, golden, oh man, got you open
    Take action and focus, now we rollin'
    With the cameras flashin' in the daylight
    Good day like Australians who make a great night

    Just lately
    I don't believe hopes or maybes
    Hard work means you can't get lazy
    The 80s made me, I'm so awesome
    (I deserve to ride foreign)

    I woke up this morning like I gotta get going
    Tomorrow's not promised so I live in the moment
    It's a good day to have a good day
    It's a good day to have a good day
    I woke up this morning like I gotta get going
    Tomorrow's not promised so I live in the moment
    It's a good day to have a good day
    It's a good day to have a good day
Track: Good Morning, Captain
Duration: 7:40
- Slint
Lyrics: |-
    "Let me in," the voice cried softly
    From outside the wooden door
    Scattered remnants of the ship could be seen in the distance
    Blood stained the icy wall of the shore

    "I'm the only one left
    The storm took them all,"
    He managed as he tried to stand
    The tears ran down his face
    "Please, it's cold"

    When he woke, there was no trace of the ship
    Only the dawn was left behind by the storm
    He felt the creaking of the stairs beneath him
    That rose, from the sea to the door

    There was a sound at the window then
    The captain started (His breath was still)
    Slowly, he turned

    From behind the edge of the windowsill
    There appeared the delicate hand of a child
    His face was flushed and timid
    He stared at the captain through frightened eyes

    The captain reached for something to hold on to
    "Help me," he whispered, as he rose slowly to his feet
    The boy's face went pale
    He recognized the sound
    Silently, he pulled down the shade against the shadow
    Lost in the doorstep of the empty house

    I'm trying to find my way home
    And I'm sorry
    And I miss you
    I miss you
    I've grown taller now
    I want the police to be notified
    But I swear, with this song, I'll make it up to you
    I'll make it up to you
    I'll make it up to you

    I miss you
    I miss you
    Ah, I miss you
    I miss you
Track: Goodbye To A World
- Porter Robinson
Duration: 5:30
Lyrics: |-
    Thank you, I'll say goodbye soon
    Though it's the end of the world, don't blame yourself, now
    And if it's true, I will surround you and give life to a world
    That's our own

    Thank you, I'll say goodbye now
    Though it's the end of the world, don't blame yourself
    And if it's true, I will surround you and give life to a world
    That's our own

    Thank you, I'll say goodbye now
    Though it's the end of the world, don't blame yourself, now
    And if it's true, I will surround you and give life to a world

    Thank you, I'll say goodbye now
    Though it's the end of the world, don't blame yourself
    And if it's true, I will surround you and give life to a world
    That's our own

    —goodbye soon
    Though it's the end of—world, don't blame yourself, now
    And if it's true, I will surround—
Track: Goodbye To The Underground
- SiIvaGunner
- MtH
Duration: 5:29
Referenced Tracks:
- Good Night
- Goodbye To A World
- Once Upon a Time
- Hopes and Dreams
- Meet the Flintstones
Sampled Tracks:
- Goodbye To A World
- Once Upon a Time
- Hopes and Dreams
Lyrics: |-


    Thank you, I'll say goodbye soon
    Though it's the end of the world, don't blame yourself, now
    And if it's true, I will surround you and give life to a world
    That's our own

    Thank you, I'll say goodbye now
    Though it's the end of the world, don't blame yourself
    And if it's true, I will surround you and give life to a world
    That's our own

    Thank you, I'll say goodbye soon
    Though it's the end of the world, don't blame yourself, now
    And if it's true, I will surround you and give life to a world...

    Thank you, I'll say goodbye now
    Though it's the end of the world, don't blame yourself
    And if it's true, I will surround you and give life to a world
    That's our own

    Thank you, say goodbye soon
    Though it's the end of the world, don't blame yourself, now
    And if it's true, I will surro—
Track: Goosebumps Theme Song
- Jack Lenz
Duration: 1:09
Lyrics: |-
    (Viewer beware, you're in for a scare)
Track: Grand Dad's Secret Slide
- SiIvaGunner
Duration: 1:18
Referenced Tracks:
- track:slider-super-mario-64
- Meet the Flintstones
Sampled Tracks:
- track:slider-super-mario-64
Track: A Grand New Era ~Ending~
- SiIvaGunner
- The Voice Inside Your Head
Duration: 4:43
Referenced Tracks:
- Vagrant Counting Song of Retrospection
- Meet the Flintstones
- 'The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy - Title Theme/Ending'
- Family Guy Main Title
- Venturing into the Mechanized World
- Crank That
- The Simpsons Theme
- Interior Crocodile Alligator
- track:megalovania-undertale
- DK Rap
- Onett
- Gangnam Style
- Fuck Bees
- The Time Is Now
- Do Your Best
Sampled Tracks:
- '[Vinesauce] Joel - Insane Mario Bootleg Games ( Part 1 )'
# - Loud Nigra
# - Why I Gave the Pope UNDERTALE!
# - Howie Scream
# - unintelligible slowed down love live clip
Lyrics: |-
    (Greetings, my dear Chad.)
    (So Chad, our deal. What will it be. Do you want to keep this universe the way it is? Do you want to create an all new universe, or would you like to merge this universe and our old one?)
    (...I want the real SilvaGunner back. Merge them.)
    (And you understand the repercussions this entails, right?)
    (Yeah. I hate to say this, but you're right. It's for the better. No more [[track:snow-halation]]. I accept.)
    (A wise choice, my dear Chad. Remember... it's for the fans. Oh, and Chad? If you happen to be epileptic, you might want to turn away. The restoration process could get a little messy on the eyes. Unless of course, [you happen to have seen this process before]( But you certainly couldn't have, right? Let us begin.)

    (Hmm, let's check it out. GRAND DAD? FLEENTSTONES? [unintelligible] WHAT THE FUCK?)

    Soulja Boy off in this ho
    Watch me crank it, watch me roll
    Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, then Superman that ho
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    (Now watch me yuu) Crank that Soulja Boy
    Now watch—

    Doors swang on niggas that got bad behavior
    My four 15's woke up the neighbors
    Interior crocodile alligator
    I drive a Chevrolet movie theater

    (Y'all already know what it is, Street Starz Radio, world famous Prettyboy Floyd, [[artist:king-chip|Chip tha Ripper]]!)

    So they're finally here, performing for you
    If you know the spurts, you can join in too
    Put your hands together, if you want to clap
    If you like "[[track:snow-halation|Snow halation]]" you need to shoot yourself

    SH! "Snow halation" sucks!
    SH! "Snow halation" isn't funny
    CG! Coconut Gun

    (As my gift to the pope, I gave him a copy of Undertale.)

    Eh, sexy lady
    Op, op, op, op, oppa Gangnam Style
    Eh, sexy lady
    Op, op, op, op—

    It's hip to fuck bees
    It's hip to fuck bees
    It's hip to fuck bees
    So hip to fuck bees

    (It takes four hours to beat it! Four hours long!)


    (Hey everyone, I'm back! I only upload high quality video game rips!)
    (Don't be sad, Chad. After all, we have created the perfect utopia for SiLvaGunner. No more snow, no more discourse. Just a grand, gay old time, and high quality rips.)
    (It's not the same.)
    (You can rule by my side, Chad. We can be the ultimate Grand Dads. We shall usher SilvaGunner into a new high quality era.)
    (Come now, Chad. We have much work to do.)
Track: The Great Curve
Duration: 6:28
- Talking Heads
Lyrics: |-
    Sometimes the world has a load of questions
    Seems like the world knows nothing at all
    The world is near, but it's out of reach
    Some people touch it, but they can't hold on

    She is moving to describe the world
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    She has messages for everyone
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    She is moving by remote control
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    Hands that guide her are invisible
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)

    The world has a way of looking at people
    Sometimes we feel that the world is wrong
    She loves the world and all the people in it
    She shakes 'em up when she start to walk

    She is only partly human being
    (Divine to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    She defines the possibilities
    (Divine to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    Holding on for an eternity
    (Divine to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    Gone, ending without finishing
    (Divine to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)

    The world moves on a woman's hips
    The world moves, and it swivels and bops
    The world moves on a woman's hips
    The world moves, and it bounces and hops
    A world of light, she's gonna open our eyes up
    A world of light, she's gonna open our eyes up
    She's gonna hold it, move it, hold it, move it
    Hold it, move it, hold it, move it
    A world of light, she's gonna open our eyes up

    She is moving to describe the world
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    She has messages for everyone
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    She is moving by remote control
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    Hands that guide her are invisible
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)

    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    A world of light, she's gonna open our eyes up
    A world of light, she's gonna open our eyes up
    She's gonna hold it, move it, hold it, move it
    Hold it, move it, hold it, move it
    A world of light, she's gonna open our eyes up
    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
    (Divine, to define, she is moving to define, so say so, so say so)
    (She wanna define, so say so, so say so)
    (Night must fall, now! Darker! Darker!)
    (She has got to move the world, got to move the world, got to move the world)
Track: Griffin Space Jam
- Griffin McElroy
Duration: 3:31
Lyrics: |-
    I made a Photoshop with me
    And my best friend, Michael Jordan
    Actually, it was me and Michael Jordan and the cast of Space Jam
    It was called "Me and Space Jam"

    (I gotta do another verse!)
    (Another verse where you actually talk about the shit!)
    (I didn't even mention the thing! Alright, here we go.)

    I took "Me and Space Jam"
    And I turned it into a website
    Using Media Lab's Site Grinder technology
    You can visit it, visit it, visit it

    (That was the worst!)
Track: grrrarrr
- Baron Knoxburry
Duration: 1:05
Track: Guy Fieri takes you to FLAVORTOWN
- Joji
Duration: 1:09
Lyrics: |-
    I'm taking you to flavortown
    I'm taking ya, I'm taking ya to flavortown
    I'm taking you to flavortown

    I'm taking you to flavortown
    I'm taking you to flavortown
    I'm taking you to flavortown
    I'm taking you to flavortown
    Oh let me lick your brisket
    And take you and take you to flavortown
    Oh!, let me lick your brisket baby
    Let me take you to flavortown
    Let me take you to flavortown
    Oh let me take ya, oh let me take you to flavortown
Track: Happiness
Directory: happiness-dj-splatta
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Dj Splatta
Duration: 2:04
Track: Happy Happy Christmas
# Also known as 'it is a mystery'
- Drax
Duration: 0:53
Track: Hard Toys
Duration: 5:02
- Macintosh Plus
Lyrics: |-
    R.I.P., B.T.G

    Look, I'm from the north side
    Baker's home, davis and streets
    When I die, take my soul for the majors to keep
    Niggas dropping like flies on these ace town streets
    Crazy being twenty-five, not laying six feet deep
    Keep your eyes wide open, niggas be on the creep
    Don't you know how they get you when you go to the store?
    Devil got him when he presented a mountain of gold
    A bunch of coke, a couple watches, and unlimited hoes
    When the temperaturе rise, where thе hell you gon' go?
    And when that pressure make diamonds, 'lot of niggas rhinestone
    Niggas third eye blind, coupled with a blindfold
    And believe what niggas be tellin' them because it sound cold
    The way we
    Some niggas still in the hood, up to no good
    And won't leave like CJ, Ryder, and Smoke
    I need residuals, folk, I want that car in the crib
    They tellin' me about religion, you can keep all that shit
    'Cause in the end it's like this (Yuh, uh)
Track: Hardware Store
Duration: 3:43
- Weird Al Yankovic
Lyrics: |-
    Nothin' ever (ever) happens in this town
    Feelin' low down (down), not a lot to do around here
    I thought that I would go right out of my mind
    Until a friend told me the news
    He said, "Hey, you know that vacant lot
    Right beside the gas station? Well, somebody bought it
    And on that spot they're gonna build a shop
    Where we can go buy bolts and screws"
    Since then I've been walking on air (air)
    I can barely brush my teeth or comb my hair
    Cause I'm so excited and I really don't care
    I've been waiting since last June
    For this day to finally arrive
    I'm so happy (happy) now just to be alive
    Cause any minute now I'm gonna be inside
    Well, I hope they open soon

    I can't wait, (no I) I can't wait (oh when)
    When are they gonna open up that door?
    I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the
    Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the
    Goin' (hard) I'm goin' to the (hard) oh yes, I'm goin' to the
    Hardware store

    In my sleeping bag I camped out overnight
    Right in front of the store, then as soon as it was light out
    I pressed my nose right up against the glass
    You know, I had to be first in line
    Gonna get me a flashlight and a broom
    Want a pair of pliers for every single room of my house
    See those hacksaws? Very, very soon
    One of them will be all mine
    Guys with nametags walking down the aisles
    Rows of garden hoses that go on for miles and miles
    Brand new socket wrenches in a plethora of styles
    All arranged alphabetically
    And they're doing a promotional stunt
    There's a great big purple sign out front
    That says every 27th customer
    Will get a ball peen hammer free

    I can't wait, (no I) I can't wait (oh when)
    When are they gonna open up that door?
    I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the
    Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the
    Goin' (hard) I'm goin' to the (hard) oh yes, I'm goin' to the
    Hardware store
    I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the
    Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the
    Goin' (hard) I'm goin' to the (hard) oh yes, I'm goin' to the
    Hardware store

    Would you look at all that stuff
    They've got Allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats, electric heaters
    Trash compactors, juice extractors, shower rods and water meters
    Walkie-talkies, copper wires, safety goggles, radial tires
    BB pellets, rubber mallets, fans and dehumidifiers
    Picture hangers, paper cutters, waffle irons, window shutters
    Paint removers, window louvers, masking tape and plastic gutters
    Kitchen faucets, folding tables, weather stripping, jumper cables
    Hooks and tackle, grout and spackle, power foggers, spoons and ladles
    Pesticides for fumigation, high-performance lubrication
    Metal roofing, waterproofing, multi-purpose insulation
    Air compressors, brass connectors, wrecking chisels, smoke detectors
    Tire gauges, hamster cages, thermostats and bug deflectors
    Trailer hitch demagnetizers, automatic circumcisers
    Tennis rackets, angle brackets, Duracells and Energizers
    Soffit panels, circuit breakers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers
    Calculators, generators, matching salt and pepper shakers

    I can't wait, (no I) I can't wait (oh when)
    When are they gonna open up that door?
    I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the
    Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the
    Goin' (hard) I'm goin' to the (hard) oh yes, I'm goin' to the
    Hardware store
    I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the
    Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the
    Goin' (hard) I'm goin' to the (hard) oh yes, I'm goin' to the
    Hardware store

    I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the
    Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the
    Goin' (hard) I'm goin' to the (hard) oh yes, I'm goin' to the
    Hardware store
Track: Hawaii Five-O
- The Ventures
Duration: 3:26
Track: The Headmaster Ritual
- The Smiths
Duration: 4:55
Lyrics: |-
    Belligerent ghouls
    Run Manchester schools
    Spineless swines
    Cemented minds
    Sir leads the troops
    Jealous of youth
    Same old suit since 1962
    He does the military two-step
    Down the nape of my neck

    I want to go home
    I don't want to stay
    Give up education as a bad mistake

    Mid-week on the playing fields
    Sir thwacks you on the knees
    Knees you in the groin
    Elbow in the face
    Bruises bigger than dinner plates

    I want to go home
    I don't want to stay

    Belligerent ghouls
    Run Manchester schools
    Spineless bastards, all
    Sir leads the troops
    Jealous of youth
    Same old jokes since nineteen-two
    He does the military two-step
    Down the nape of my neck

    I want to go home
    I don't want to stay
    Give up life as a bad mistake

    Please excuse me from gym
    I've got this terrible cold coming on
    He grabs and devours
    He kicks me in the showers
    Kicks me in the showers
    And he grabs and devours

    I want to go home
    I don't want to stay
Track: Heart of the Creator
- Rob Diaz-Marino
Duration: 6:44
MIDI Project Files:
- Title: MIDI by Rob Diaz-Marino (original composer)
  - 'd_creator_cdv1.mid'
Commentary: |-
    <i>Rob Diaz-Marino:</i>
    Exploring the depths of the creator's stone body. The final dungeon.
    Has an epic urgency to it, as if the end is near.
Track: Heart-Shaped Box
- Nirvana
Duration: 4:39
Lyrics: |-
    She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
    I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks
    I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
    I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black

    Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Your advice

    Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
    Cut myself on angel hair and baby's breath
    Broken hymen of 'Your Highness', I'm left black
    Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back

    Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Your advice

    She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
    I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks
    I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
    I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black

    Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Your advice
    Your advice
    Your advice
Track: HEAT
Directory: heat-brock-hampton
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 4:52
Lyrics: |-
    I got pipe dreams of crack rocks and stripper poles
    Of fucking center folds
    So I got secrets only me and all my niggas know
    Of kicking in the doors
    I'll send a bitch to get ya
    So don't play fucking stupid
    I know you got the product
    'Cause I could smell the money
    I could taste the weed
    Give me somethin' or a body, only way I'll leave
    I love to watch 'em squirm
    I love when bitches bleed
    If she's sucking on the barrel, you can't hear her scream
    So kiss the fucking carpet
    This aggravated Larson
    And then I'm out the door
    It's monsters in your home
    Black gloves, mask on, muzzle plated chrome
    Who done called the cops on my niggas?
    Who done called the cops on my niggas?
    That's the first one to go
    The first shot I blow
    Who done called the cops on my niggas?
    Who done called the cops on my niggas?
    Shotta, shotta
    Who be that, the number one shotta?
    Put a missile on you when I'm on your blocka
    And you'll be thin, you'll be issue when I'm off it, off it, I'm off it
    I got the magazine from the pistol
    For any politician talkin' shit, givin' issue
    Another black man in the street, it's official
    We riding out the spirit, here go another pistol
    Ha, fuck, another cracka!
    Cop coming on my block for the answers
    Huh? I no got time for your question
    Huh, just put mi mommy and mi bredren
    I hate the way I think, I hate the way it looms
    I hate the way the things I say incinerate a room
    I know I'm tryna change, but it'll never work
    Just end up more broken down than when I started
    And that concrete feels the hardest every time I seem to touch it
    Started thinking I ain't meant for life but that's too deep
    Falling up into the ceiling while I'm drowning in the
    Creek of my emotions trying harder to be open
    Talking 'bout release dates
    I'm trying to make it to tomorrow
    Internal honesty could be the hardest pill to swallow
    So I need two shots of everything that's on the fuckin' menu
    I'm dancing with myself; setting fire to the venue, motherfucker
    Who done called the cops on my niggas?
    Who done called the cops on my niggas?
    That's the first one to go
    The first shot I blow
    Who done called the cops on my niggas?
    Who done called the cops on my niggas?
    Fuck you!
    I'll break your neck so you can watch your back
    Fuck you!
    I'll break your neck so you can watch your back
    I'll break your neck so you can watch your back
    Fuck you!
    I'll break your neck so you can watch your back
    Fuck you
    My old friend fucked my girlfriend, I should've shot him
    Pray to god about him
    Man, I hit the lotto
    Yeah, my bitch got badder
    Shit, my ass got badder
    And I forgave them bitches
    So now it's off to millions
    I been fucking sinning
    Hit the forehead, chest, left, right, I'm grinning
    Asses on the ceiling
    And I got mirror feelings
    For all you lil' demons
    Yeah, you see the chain
    'Fore all you changed on me
    Rearranged on me
    Suck a dick about it
    I hope you get offended
    And this ain't clean shit
    This is pissing off the yacht with my bitch on me
    Wearin' mink on me
    Sippin' Cris' on ya
    Bet ya life on it
    I came to fight for it
    Came in, raided all your pockets
    And your bitch came in and rubbed up on me
    I'm burning rubber, I pulled up on you
Track: Heavydirtysoul
Duration: 3:54
- twenty one pilots
Lyrics: |-
    There's an infestation in my mind's imagination
    I hope that they choke on smoke
    'Cause I'm smokin' them out the basement
    This is not rap, this is not hip-hop
    Just another attempt to make the voices stop
    Rappin' to prove nothin', just writin' to say somethin'
    'Cause I wasn't the only one who wasn't rushin' to sayin' nothin'
    This doesn't mean I lost my dream
    It's just right now I got a really crazy mind to clean

    Gangsters don't cry, therefore (therefore) I'm (I'm)
    Mr. Misty-eyed, therefore I'm (I'm)

    Can you save, can you save my
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
    Can you save, can you save my
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
    For me, for me (Uh)
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
    For me, for me (Uh)
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?

    Nah, I didn't understand a thing you said
    If I didn't know better, I'd guess you're all already dead
    Mindless zombies walkin' around with a limp and a hunch
    Sayin' stuff like, "You only live once"
    You've got one time to figure it out
    One time to twist and one time to shout
    One time to think and I say we start now
    Sing it with me if you know what I'm talkin' about

    Gangsters don't cry, therefore (therefore) I'm (I'm)
    Mr. Misty-eyed, therefore I'm (I'm)

    Can you save, can you save my
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
    Can you save, can you save my
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
    For me, for me (Uh)
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
    For me, for me (Uh)
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?

    Death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit
    Death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit

    Can you save, can you save my
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
    Can you save, can you save my
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
    For me, for me (Uh)
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
    For me, for me (Uh)
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?

    Can you save, can you save my- save my
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
    Can you save, can you save my- save my
    Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
Track: Here Is No Why
Duration: 3:45
- The Smashing Pumpkins
Lyrics: |-
    The useless drag of another day
    The endless drags of a death rock boy
    Mascara sure and lipstick lost
    Glitter burned by restless thoughts
    Of bein' forgotten

    And in your sad machines
    You'll forever stay
    Desperate and displeased
    With whoever you are
    And you're a star

    He pulls his hair down over a frowning smile
    A hidden diamond you cannot find
    A secret star that cannot shine
    Over to you

    May the king of gloom
    Be forever doomed

    And in your sad machines
    You'll forever stay
    Burnin' up in speed
    Lost inside the dreams
    Of teen machines

    The useless drags, the empty days
    The lonely towers of long mistakes
    To forgotten faces and faded loves
    Sittin' still was never enough

    And if you're givin' in
    Then you're givin' up

    'Cause in your sad machines
    You'll forever stay
    Burnin' up in speed
    Lost inside the dreams
    Of teen machines
Track: Hey! Baby
- Bruce Channel
- Margaret Cobb
Duration: 2:24
Lyrics: |-
    Hey! Baby
    I wanna know
    If you'll be my girl

    Hey! Baby
    I wanna know
    If you'll be my girl

    When I saw you walkin' down the street
    I said that's the kind of gal I'd like to meet
    She's so pretty, Lord, she's fine
    I'm gonna make her mine all mine

    Hey! Baby
    I wanna know
    If you'll be my girl

    When you turned and walked away
    That's when I wanna say
    Come on, baby, give me a whirl
    I wanna know if you'll be my girl

    Hey! Baby
    I wanna know
    If you'll be my girl

    When you turned and walked away
    That's when I wanna say
    Come on, baby, give me a whirl
    I wanna know if you'll be my girl

    Hey! Baby
    I wanna know
    If you'll be my girl
Track: Hide And Seek
- Imogen Heap
Duration: 4:25
Lyrics: |-
    Where are we? What the hell is going on?
    The dust has only just begun to fall
    Crop circles in the carpet, sinking, feeling
    Spin me 'round again and rub my eyes
    This can't be happening
    When busy streets amass with people
    Would stop to hold their heads heavy

    Hide and seek
    Trains and sewing machines
    All those years they were here first

    Oily marks appear on walls
    Where pleasure moments hung before
    The takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this still life

    Hide and seek
    Trains and sewing machines (Oh, you won't catch me around here)
    Blood and tears (hearts)
    They were here first

    Mmm, what you say?
    Mm, that you only meant well? Well, of course you did
    Mmm, what you say?
    Mm, that it's all for the best? Of course it is
    Mmm, what you say?
    Mm, that it's just what we need? And you decided this
    What you say?
    Mmm, what did you

    Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
    Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs
    Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you
    You don't care a bit. You don't care a bit

    (Hide and seek)
    Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
    Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs
    (Hide and seek)
    Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you
    You don't care a bit, you don't care a bit

    (Hide and seek)
    You don't care a bit
    You don't care a bit
    You don't care a bit
    (Hde and seek)
    You don't care a bit
    You don't care a bit
Track: Highscore
Directory: highscore-panda-eyes-teminite
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Panda Eyes
- Teminite
Duration: 4:19
Track: Hip To Be Square
- Huey Lewis and the News
Duration: 4:05
Lyrics: |-
    I used to be a renegade, I used to fool around
    But I couldn't take the punishment and had to settle down
    Now I'm playing it real straight, and yes, I cut my hair
    You might think I'm crazy, but I don't even care
    Because I can tell what's going on

    It's hip to be square
    It's hip to be square

    I like my bands in business suits, I watch them on TV
    I'm working out most every day and watching what I eat
    They tell me that it's good for me, but I don't even care
    I know that it's crazy, I know that it's nowhere
    But there is no denying that

    It's hip to be square
    It's hip to be square
    It's hip to be square
    So hip to be square

    It's not too hard to figure out, you see it every day
    And those that were the farthest out have gone the other way
    You see them on the freeway, it don't look like a lot of fun
    But don't you try to fight it, an idea whose time has come
    Don't tell me that I'm crazy, don't tell me I'm nowhere
    Take it from me

    It's hip to be square
    It's hip to be square
    It's hip to be square
    So hip to be square

    Tell 'em, boys
    Here, there, and everywhere
    Hip, hip, so hip to be square
    Here, there, and everywhere
    Hip, hip

    Here, there, and everywhere
    Hip, hip, so hip to be square
    Here, there, and everywhere
    Hip, hip

    Here, there, and everywhere
    Hip, hip, so hip to be square
    Here, there, and everywhere
    Hip, hip

    Here, there, and everywhere
    Hip, hip, so hip to be square
    Here, there, and everywhere
    Hip, hip
Track: Home (Keys of a PIano)
- O'Neil Gerald
Duration: 5:14
Commentary: |-
    <i>O'Neil Gerald:</i> ([Newgrounds description](

    Okay...I think I've established a new genre. I call it...Drum & Keys! Why, you might ask. This song here is a slight example of how instead of creating rock with a guitar, I use a piano to create a lyrical but substantial melody that drives my songs. Tell me what you think of the song and my genre name!

    BTW, this version of the song is eqed to sound less clustered in the chorus. It's all I could do with an mp3 file.
Track: Hotel California
- The Eagles
Duration: 6:31
Lyrics: |-
    On a dark desert highway
    Cool wind in my hair
    Warm smell of colitas
    Rising up through the air
    Up ahead in the distance
    I saw a shimmering light
    My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
    I had to stop for the night

    There she stood in the doorway
    I heard the mission bell
    And I was thinking to myself
    "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"
    Then she lit up a candle
    And she showed me the way
    There were voices down the corridor
    I thought I heard them say

    "Welcome to the Hotel California
    Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
    Such a lovely face
    Plenty of room at the Hotel California
    Any time of year (any time of year)
    You can find it here"

    Her mind is Tiffany-twisted
    She got the Mercedes Benz
    She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
    She calls friends
    How they dance in the courtyard
    Sweet summer sweat
    Some dance to remember
    Some dance to forget

    So I called up the Captain
    Please bring me my wine
    He said, "We haven't had that spirit here
    Since 1969"
    And still those voices are calling from far away
    Wake you up in the middle of the night
    Just to hear them say

    "Welcome to the Hotel California
    Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
    Such a lovely face
    They livin' it up at the Hotel California
    What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
    Bring your alibis"

    Mirrors on the ceiling
    The pink champagne on ice
    And she said, "We are all just prisoners here
    Of our own device"
    And in the master's chambers
    They gathered for the feast
    They stab it with their steely knives
    But they just can't kill the beast

    Last thing I remember, I was
    Running for the door
    I had to find the passage back
    To the place I was before
    "Relax, " said the night man
    "We are programmed to receive
    You can check-out any time you like
    But you can never leave!"
Track: Hotline Bling
- Drake
Duration: 4:30
Lyrics: |-
    You used to call me on my
    You used to, you used to

    You used to call me on my cell phone
    Late-night when you need my love
    Call me on my cell phone
    Late-night when you need my love
    And I know when that hotline bling
    That can only mean one thing
    I know when that hotline bling
    That can only mean one thing

    Ever since I left the city, you
    Got a reputation for yourself now
    Everybody knows and I feel left out
    Girl, you got me down, you got me stressed out
    'Cause ever since I left the city, you
    Started wearing less and goin' out more
    Glasses of champagne out on the dance floor
    Hangin' with some girls I've never seen before

    You used to call me on my cell phone
    Late-night when you need my love
    Call me on my cell phone
    Late-night when you need my love
    I know when that hotline bling
    That can only mean one thing
    I know when that hotline bling
    That can only mean one thing

    Ever since I left the city, you, you, you
    You and me, we just don't get along
    You make me feel like I did you wrong
    Going places where you don't belong
    Ever since I left the city, you
    You got exactly what you asked for
    Running out of pages in your passport
    Hangin' with some girls I've never seen before

    You used to call me on my cell phone
    Late-night when you need my love
    Call me on my cell phone
    Late-night when you need my love
    And I know when that hotline bling
    That can only mean one thing
    I know when that hotline bling
    That can only mean one thing

    These days, all I do is
    Wonder if you're bendin' over backwards for someone else
    Wonder if you're rolling up a Backwoods for someone else
    Doing things I taught you, gettin' nasty for someone else
    You don't need no one else
    You don't need nobody else, no
    Why you never alone?
    Why you always touching road?
    Used to always stay at home
    Be a good girl, you was in the zone
    Yeah, you should just be yourself
    Right now, you're someone else

    You used to call me on my cell phone
    Late-night when you need my love
    Call me on my cell phone
    Late-night when you need my love
    And I know when that hotline bling
    That can only mean one thing
    I know when that hotline bling
    That can only mean one thing

    Ever since I left the city
Track: Hound Dog
- Elvis Presley
Duration: 2:13
Lyrics: |-
    You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
    Cryin' all the time
    You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
    Cryin' all the time
    Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
    And you ain't no friend of mine

    Well, they said you was high-classed
    Well, that was just a lie
    Yeah, they said you was high-classed
    Well, that was just a lie
    Yeah, you ain't never caught a rabbit
    And you ain't no friend of mine

    You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
    Cryin' all the time
    You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
    Cryin' all the time
    Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
    And you ain't no friend of mine

    Well, they said you was high-classed
    Well, that was just a lie
    Yeah, they said you was high-classed
    Well, that was just a lie
    Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
    And you ain't no friend of mine

    Well, they said you was high-classed
    Well, that was just a lie
    Ya know they said you was high-classed
    Well, that was just a lie
    Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
    And you ain't no friend of mine

    You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
    Cryin' all the time
    You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
    Cryin' all the time
    Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
    You ain't no friend of mine

    You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Track: House like we're back in the 90's
- Jonas Steur
Duration: 3:02
Sampled Tracks:
- Amen, Brother
Track: Hoverboard
Directory: hoverboard-dirtyphonics
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Dirtyphonics
Duration: 4:24
Referenced Tracks:
- Back to the Future
Sampled Tracks:
- Back to the Future
Track: how to lie
- Jane Remover
Duration: 3:45
Lyrics: |-
    Didn't get dressed, but at least I went outside
    Didn't go outside, but at least I got dressed
    Once again I forgot to shade between my eyes
    Take a rest stop, three hours in bed
    Heat of the moment, I'm so happy, I could die
    "...Those same 'lovely bones' that you wished to be dead?"
    My face is red and I just can't stop telling lies
    Because I'm just as real as your "dying pet"
    The lights will rot and I'm asking myself, "Isn't it time yet?" (Make somе noise!)
    I caught too many lies, I fell, I'm brеaking the wine set (Make some noise!)
    I'm too tired, but I'll run if you tell me I can try (Make some noise!)
    I know, I'm too young to die

    (Hear y'all make some noise!)

    (Hear y'all make some noise!)
    (Hear y'all make some noise!)
    I know, I'm too young to die-e-e-e
    I-I-I know, I'm too young to die
    I know, I'm too young to die, oh, oh, oh
    Lie, young to die

    (Y'all make some noise!)

    I know, I'm too young to die
    I know, I'm too young to die
    I know, I'm too young to die
    I know, I'm too young to die
Track: Hydrogen
Directory: hydrogen-moon
Always Reference By Directory: true
- M.O.O.N.
Duration: 4:50
Track: I am now alone
Duration: 6:33
- death's dynamic shroud
Lyrics: |-
    Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
    Yeah, babe
    Listen, babe
    Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm...
    We gave them things
    Things they never could've imagined
    Having a life they were never supposed to live
    Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
    Yeah, babe (Living in the street like dogs)
    Mmmm (Begging for change)
    Listen, babe

    Leaving their feces and stench in boxes and doorways?
    Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
    (How long do you think they would've lasted?)
    Yeah, babe
    Listen, babe
    リンク…あなたが真のヒーローであるなら、必要に応じて知恵、力、勇気を使ってください。 そうすれば、あらゆる困難に耐えることができます。 愛が鍵です。 それは悪の悩みの種です。 エゴロワおばさん…
    Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
    Yeah, babe
    Listen, babe
    Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
    Yeah, babe
    Listen, babe
    Every time I see you, I get-

    We never turned our backs on each other (Oh, but now)
    But now that we're separated (Oh, yes)
    We can't stand one another (Baby, tell me why)
    And when we were together
    We never turned our backs on each other (Oh)
    But now that we're separated
    We can't stand one another (It's really over, baby, cause you did me wrong)
    You did me wrong, I thought you-
    We never turned our backs on each other
    (Oh, but now)
    But now that we're separated (Oh, yes)
    We can't stand one another (Baby, tell me why)
    And when we were together
    We never turned our backs on each other (Oh)
    But now that we're separated
    We can't stand one another (It's really over, baby, cause you did me wrong)
    You did me wrong

    Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
    Yeah, babe
    Listen, babe
Track: I Can't Watch This
- Weird Al Yankovic
Duration: 3:31
Referenced Tracks:
- U Can't Touch This
Lyrics: |-
    I can't watch this
    I can't watch this
    I can't watch this
    I can't watch this

    My my my my (I can't watch this)
    TV makes me so bored
    Makes me say, oh my lord
    What is this garbage here?
    Wanna cover my eyes and plug my ears
    It sucks, and that's no lie
    It's about as much fun as watching paint dry
    Lowers my IQ one notch
    And that's the reason why, uh, I can't watch

    I told you homeboy... I can't watch this
    Yeah, nothin' but trash and you know (I can't watch this)
    Poke out my eyes, man (I can't watch this)
    Yo, gimme that remote control (I can't watch this)

    Talkin' 'bout sick shows
    Of America's Funniest Home Videos
    I can't believe my eyes
    When I see the kind of stuff that wins first prize
    Somebody's poor old mom
    Falls down off the roof, lands right on the lawn
    Face first on a rake
    I hear they've got it on the seventeenth take
    That's funny as a kick in the crotch
    And that kind of show, uh, I can't watch

    Yo, I told you (I can't watch this)
    Change the channel now, man (I can't watch this)
    Yo, pass the TV guide here, sucker (I can't watch this)

    Cosby Show and Rosanne
    Think I've taken 'bout as much as I can
    Judge Wopner, oh my
    You gotta be Rainman to like this guy
    Thirtysomething is alright
    If you like hearing yuppies whining all night
    Can't stand Twin Peaks
    Wish they'd lynch those donut-eatin' freaks
    Those Siskel & Ebert bums
    Ought to go home and sit on their thumbs

    That's word because you know
    I can't watch this
    I can't watch this
    Break it down!

    (Here's how to order!)
    (Money back guarantee!)
    (Removes tough stains, fast!)
    (It tastes more like fresh peanuts)
    (They keep going... and going...)
    (Don't hate me because I'm beautiful)
    (Could be dandruff!)
    (Our prices are INSANE!!!)

    Stop! Prime time!
    I'm pretty sure I'll be sick
    If I have to watch another stupid pet trick
    Or that guy with the real flat hair
    That goes woof woof woof and waves his fist in the air
    Or those weird talk shows
    About Transsexual Nazi Eskimos
    They're rude, crude and vile
    Just for a minute let's flip down the dial

    Flip, flip, flip... yeccch (I can't watch this)
    Look man (I can't watch this)
    I can't take this torture no more, I can't- (I can't watch this)
    Pay the bills, station break
    Break it down!

    (Operators are standing by!)
    (Cubic zirconium necklace!)
    (You're soaking in it)
    (And our fabulous swimsuit issue)
    (When you've got a headache this big...)
    (Read the book!)
    (This is your brain... on drugs.)
    (I've fallen and I can't get up!!)

    Stop! Cable time!
    HBO and Playboy, Showtime and MTV
    I might like 'em more after my lobotomy
    Now why did I ever pay for this junk?
    I hooked up eighty channels and each one stunk
    Just brainless blood and guts, and mindless T & A
    It's awful, it's putrid, it's crummy, it's stupid
    Gonna throw my set away!

    I can't watch this
    I can't watch this
    I can't watch this (Yeah...)
    I can't watch this

    (I told you...) I can't watch this
    (Too hip) Can't watch this
    (Get me outta here) Can't watch this
Track: I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire
- Bennie Benjamin
- Eddie Durham
- Sol Marcus
- Eddie Seiler
- Harlan Leonard and his Rockets (performance)
Duration: 2:57
Lyrics: |-
    I don't want to set the world on fire
    I just want to start
    A flame in your heart

    In my heart, I have but one desire
    And that one is you
    No other will do

    I've lost all ambition
    For worldly acclaim
    I just want to be the one you love
    And with your admission
    That you feel the same
    I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of

    I don't want to set the world on fire
    I just want to start
    A flame in your heart
Track: I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire
Directory: i-dont-want-to-set-the-world-on-fire-ink-spots
- The Ink Spots
Duration: 3:00
Referenced Tracks:
- track:i-dont-want-to-set-the-world-on-fire
Lyrics: |-
    I don't want to set the world on fire
    I just want to start
    A flame in your heart

    In my heart, I have but one desire
    And that one is you
    No other will do

    I've lost all ambition
    For worldly acclaim
    I just want to be the one you love
    And with your admission
    That you feel the same
    I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of
    Believe me

    I don't want to set the world on fire
    I just want to start
    A flame in your heart

    I don't want to set the world on fire, honey
    I love you too much
    I just want to start
    A great big flame
    Down in your heart

    You see
    Way down inside of me
    Darlin', I have only one desire
    And that one desire is you
    And I know
    Nobody else ain't gonna do

    I've lost all ambition
    For worldly acclaim
    I just want to be the one you love
    And with your admission
    That you feel the same
    I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of
    Believe me

    I don't want to set the world on fire
    I just want to start
    A flame in your heart
Track: I Forgot That You Existed
- Taylor Swift
Duration: 2:51
Lyrics: |-
    How many days did I spend thinking
    'Bout how you did me wrong, wrong, wrong?
    Lived in the shade you were throwing
    'Til all of my sunshine was gone, gone, gone
    And I couldn't get away from ya
    In my feelings more than Drake, so yeah
    Your name on my lips, tongue-tied
    Free rent, living in my mind

    But then something happened one magical night

    I forgot that you existed
    And I thought that it would kill me, but it didn't
    And it was so nice
    So peaceful and quiet
    I forgot that you existed
    It isn't love, it isn't hate, it's just indifference
    I forgot that you

    Got out some popcorn
    As soon as my rep started going down, down, down
    Laughed on the school yard
    As soon as I tripped up and hit the ground, ground, ground
    And I would've stuck around for ya
    Would've fought the whole town, so yeah
    Would've been right there, front row
    Even if nobody came to your show

    But you showed who you are, then one magical night

    I forgot that you existed
    And I thought that it would kill me, but it didn't
    And it was so nice
    So peaceful and quiet
    I forgot that you existed
    It isn't love, it isn't hate, it's just indifference
    I forgot that you

    Sent me a clear message
    Taught me some hard lessons
    I just forget what they were
    It's all just a blur

    I forgot that you existed
    And I thought that it would kill me, but it didn't
    And it was so nice
    So peaceful and quiet
    I forgot that you existed
    I did, I did, I did
    It isn't hate, it's just indifference
    It isn't love, it isn't hate, it's just indifference
    So, yeah
Track: I Have a Special Plan for This World
Duration: 22:01
- Current 93
Track: I Knew You Were Trouble
- Taylor Swift
- Max Martin
- Shellback
Duration: 5:57
Lyrics: |-
    Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago
    I was in your sights, you got me alone
    You found me, you found me
    You found me-e-e-e-e

    I guess you didn't care, and I guess I liked that
    And when I fell hard, you took a step back
    Without me, without me
    Without me-e-e-e-e

    And he's long gone when he's next to me
    And I realize the blame is on me

    'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places I'd never been
    'Til you put me down, oh

    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places I'd never been
    Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground

    Oh, oh
    Trouble, trouble, trouble
    Oh, oh
    Trouble, trouble, trouble

    No apologies, he'll never see you cry
    Pretends he doesn't know that he's the reason why
    You're drowning, you're drowning
    You're drowning-ing-ing-ing-ing

    And I heard you moved on from whispers on the street
    A new notch in your belt is all I'll ever be
    And now, I see, now, I see
    Now, I see-e-e-e-e

    He was long gone when he met me
    And I realize the joke is on me, yeah

    I knew you were trouble when you walked in (Oh)
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places I'd never been
    'Til you put me down, oh

    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places I'd never been (Yeah)
    Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground

    Oh, oh
    Trouble, trouble, trouble (Yeah, trouble)
    Oh, oh
    Trouble, trouble, trouble

    And the saddest fear
    Comes creeping in
    That you never loved me
    Or her, or anyone, or anything

    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places I'd never been (Never been)
    'Til you put me down, oh

    I knew you were trouble when you walked in (Knew it right there)
    So shame on me now (Knew it right then)
    Flew me to places I'd never been (Ooh)
    Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground

    Oh, oh
    Trouble, trouble, trouble (Oh)
    Oh, oh
    Trouble, trouble, trouble

    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    Trouble, trouble, trouble
    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    Trouble, trouble, trouble
Track: I knew you were trouble Ft. Screaming goat
- Unknown Artist
Duration: 0:24
Referenced Tracks:
- I Knew You Were Trouble
# Sampled Tracks:
# - I suppose the goat? idk
Lyrics: |-
    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places I'd never been
    Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground

    [goat screaming], [goat screaming]
    Trouble, trouble, trouble
    [goat screaming], [goat screaming]
    Trouble, trouble, trouble
Track: I Love Kanye
- Kanye West
- Malik Jones
Duration: 0:44
Lyrics: |-
    I miss the old Kanye, straight from the 'Go Kanye
    Chop up the soul Kanye, set on his goals Kanye
    I hate the new Kanye, the bad mood Kanye
    The always rude Kanye, spaz in the news Kanye
    I miss the sweet Kanye, chop up the beats Kanye
    I gotta say, at that time I'd like to meet Kanye
    See, I invented Kanye, it wasn't any Kanyes
    And now I look and look around and there's so many Kanyes
    I used to love Kanye, I used to love Kanye
    I even had the pink Polo, I thought I was Kanye
    What if Kanye made a song about Kanye?
    Called "I Miss The Old Kanye"?
    Man that'd be so Kanye
    That's all it was Kanye, we still love Kanye
    And I love you like Kanye loves Kanye
Track: I Need a Doctor
- Dr. Dre
- Eminem
- Skylar Grey
- Alex da Kid
Duration: 4:43
Lyrics: |-
    I'm about to lose my mind
    You've been gone for so long
    I'm runnin' out of time
    I need a doctor, call me a doctor
    I need a doctor, doctor
    To bring me back to life

    I told the world, one day I would pay it back
    Say it on tape, and lay it, record it
    So that one day I could play it back
    But I don't even know if I believe it when I'm sayin' that
    Doubts startin' to creep in, every day, it's just so gray and black
    Hope, I just need a ray of that, 'cause no one sees my vision
    When I play it for 'em, they just say it's wack
    But they don't know what dope is
    And I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this
    All I know is, you came to me when I was at my lowest
    You picked me up, breathed new life in me, I owe my life to you
    But for the life of me, I don't see why you don't see like I do
    But it just dawned on me you lost a son
    Demons fightin' you, it's dark
    Let me turn on the lights and brighten me and enlighten you
    I don't think you realize what you mean to me
    Not the slightest clue
    'Cause me and you were like a crew, I was like your sidekick
    You gon' either wanna fight when I get off this fuckin' mic
    Or you gon' hug me, but I'm outta options
    There's nothin' else I can do 'cause—

    I'm about to lose my mind
    You've been gone for so long
    I'm runnin' out of time
    I need a doctor, call me a doctor
    I need a doctor, doctor
    To bring me back to life

    It hurts when I see you struggle, you come to me with ideas
    You say they're just pieces, so I'm puzzled
    'Cause the shit I hear is crazy
    But you're either gettin' lazy or you don't believe in you no more
    Seems like your own opinions, not one you can form
    Can't make a decision, you keep questionin' yourself
    Second guessin' and it's almost like you're beggin' for my help
    Like I'm your leader, you're supposed to fuckin' be my mentor
    I can endure no more, I demand you remember who you are
    It was you who believed in me when everyone was tellin' you
    Don't sign me, everyone at the fuckin' label, let's tell the truth
    You risked your career for me, I know it as well as you
    Nobody wanted to fuck with the white boy
    Dre, I'm cryin' in this booth
    You saved my life, now maybe it's my turn to save yours
    But I can never repay you, what you did for me is way more
    But I ain't givin' up faith, and you ain't givin' up on me
    Get up, Dre, I'm dyin', I need you
    Come back, for fuck's sake, 'cause—

    I'm about to lose my mind
    You've been gone for so long
    I'm runnin' out of time
    I need a doctor, call me a doctor
    I need a doctor, doctor
    To bring me back to life
    Bring me back to life
    Bring me back to life
    I need a doctor, doctor
    To bring me back to life

    It literally feels like a lifetime ago
    But I still remember the shit like it was just yesterday, though
    You walked in, yellow jump suit, whole room, cracked jokes
    Once you got inside the booth, told you, mic smoke
    Went through friends, some of them I put on, but they just left
    They said they was ridin' to the death
    But where the fuck are they now, now that I need them?
    I don't see none of them, all I see is Slim
    Fuck all you fair-weather friends, all I need is him
    Fuckin' backstabbers
    When the chips were down, you just laughed at us
    Now you 'bout to feel the fuckin' wrath of Aftermath, [f-slur]
    You gon' see us in our lab jackets and ask where the fuck we been?
    You can kiss my indecisive ass crack, maggots
    And the cracker's ass, little cracker jack beat
    Makin' wack math, backwards producers; I'm back, bastards
    One more CD and then I'm packin' up my bags
    And as I'm leavin', I'll guarantee they'll scream:
    "Dre, don't leave us like that, man", 'cause—

    I'm about to lose my mind
    You've been gone for so long
    I'm runnin' outta time
    I need a doctor, call me a doctor
    I need a doctor, doctor
    To bring me back to life
Track: I Really, Really, Really Like This Image
- Hot Dad
Duration: 1:59
Lyrics: |-
    I love the pic you posted, wonderin' if I share it, would you mind?
    I know a couple people online who would love it, please reply
    You're right, it is super funny
    Thank you for stopping by

    Haha, I can't stop laughing
    How did you find something this crazy?
    Please answer my question above
    I'd like to print it and make copies
    If you don't want me to share it, it's not a big deal
    I understand, man, I do

    Go ahead, it is all yours
    You can save it if you want to
    Thank you so much!
    Where did you find a picture this great?

    I've seen so many
    I've never seen anything close to this great, before...

    I really, really, really like this image (I like it too)
    I really, really, really like this image (I like it too)
    I really, really, really like this image (I like it too)
    I really, really, really like this image (I like it too)
    I really, really, really like this image (I like it too)
    I really, really, really like this image (I like it too)
    I really, really, really like this image (I like it too)
    I really, really, really like this image

    I'm glad that I could share something with you
    Sometimes dreams can come true
    I'm happy that I could have a laugh with you
    On the internet (Haha, great pic!)

    (Thanks, Lori.)
Track: I Wish I Were a Single Girl Again
- Roscoe Holcomb
Duration: 1:54
Lyrics: |-
    When I was single, Lord I dressed so fine
    Now that I'm married, Lord, I go ragged all the time
    Oh, Lord, don't I wish I was a single girl again
    Got the dishes to wash and the spring to do to
    When you are married, Lord you've got it all to do
    Oh, Lord, don't I wish I was a single girl again

    I got three little babies lying in the bed
    One of them's so weary Lord, he can't raise up his head
    Oh, Lord, don't I wish I was a single girl again
    Along comes that drunkard and he call them all a bunch of fools
    So I wash their little feet and I send them off to school
    Oh, Lord, don't I wish I was a single girl again

    When I was single, I ate biscuits and pie
    Now that I'm married, it's еat cornbread or die
    Oh, Lord, don't I wish I was a single girl again
    Whеn I was single, marrying was all I craved

    Now that I'm married, Lord, I'll go troubled to my grave
    Oh, Lord, don't I wish I was a single girl again
    Yeah, Oh, Lord, don't I wish I was a single girl again
Track: If
Directory: if-placeboing
Always Reference By Directory: true
- placeboing
Duration: 2:00
Lyrics: |-
    I... if if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if (o-o-o-o-okie doke)

    If if if if if if if if, if if if if if if we
    If if if if if if if if, if if if if if if we (bing)
    If if if if if if if if, if if if if if if we (bong)
    If if if if if if if if, if if if if if if we (okie dokie, okie dokie, okie doke)

    If if if if if if if if, if if if if if if we, if we fall for...
    You know, a buncha... okie dokie, okie doke
    Bing bong...
    (If if if if if if if if...) o-o-o-o-okie dokie, okie doke

    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if (oh)
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if (oh)
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if (oh, oh)
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if (o-o-o-o-okie doke)

    Funny sounds, provocative tweets
    Funny sounds, provocative tweets (ka-ching!)
    Funny sounds, provocative tweets (boom boom, boom boom boom)
    Funny sounds, provocative tweets (boom boom, boom boom boom)
    Funny sounds (bing bing), provocative tweets (you mean Pocahontas?)
    Funny sounds (bing bing), provocative tweets (now she's got this goofy friend!)
    Funny sounds, provocative tweets... [continues]

    High cheekbones
    She's a basket case!
    Donald Trump
    Oh, boy. G-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-goofus!

    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if (okie-doke)
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if (bong)
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if (bing bong)
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if
    If if if if if if if if if, if if if if if if if if (okie-doke)
Track: I'll Be There For You
Additional Names:
- I'll Be There for You - Theme From "Friends" ([Spotify](
- I'll Be There for You (Theme From "Friends") ([Youtube](
- The Rembrandts
Duration: 3:07
Lyrics: |-
    So no one told you life was gonna be this way
    Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A.
    It's like you're always stuck in second gear
    When it hasn't been your day, your week
    Your month, or even your year, but

    I'll be there for you
    (When the rain starts to pour)
    I'll be there for you
    (Like I've been there before)
    I'll be there for you
    ('Cause you're there for me too)

    You're still in bed at ten and work began at eight
    You've burned your breakfast, so far things are goin' great
    Your mother warned you there'd be days like these
    But she didn't tell you when the world has brought
    You down to your knees that

    I'll be there for you
    (When the rain starts to pour)
    I'll be there for you
    (Like I've been there before)
    I'll be there for you
    ('Cause you're there for me too)

    No one could ever know me
    No one could ever see me
    Seems you're the only one who knows
    What it's like to be me
    Someone to face the day with
    Make it through all the rest with
    Someone I'll always laugh with
    Even at my worst, I'm best with you, yeah

    It's like you're always stuck in second gear
    When it hasn't been your day, your week
    Your month, or even your year

    I'll be there for you
    (When the rain starts to pour)
    I'll be there for you
    (Like I've been there before)
    I'll be there for you
    ('Cause you're there for me too)

    I'll be there for you
    I'll be there for you
    I'll be there for you
    ('Cause you're there for me too)
Track: Illusion
Directory: illusion-tigran-hamasyan
Duration: 1:31
- Tigran Hamasyan
Track: I'm 20 years old and I've already wasted my entire life (Anxie's Theme)
- Cecily Renns
Duration: 3:53
Lyrics: |-
    i got a guitar i can let out all my sorrows to
    i wonder if ill be alone again and by myself tomorrow too
    you know, dont you
    i play a song that no one recognize the tune of
    i'm thinking if this goes on i'll just end it all already soon enough
    fuck self love

    then i met her!
    she spoke to my self deprecating ass, said
    Emma: "Darling, you're a wonderful girl
    More so than you think"

    now i don't trust in feelings or a love at first sight
    there's just no way you can get head over heels after one night
    cause i refuse to believe that things could turn out alright
    oh this is way too much, this can't be happening in my life

    i'm in a punk band, all the cool gals envy me
    or so i dream everyday
    but nobody acts friendly with me
    i think they resent me

    cause all i do is get drunk and spew nonsense
    listen to dead people play music better than i ever will
    dead people who no one around even knows the names of
    one day i'll also be dead and forgotten like the rest

    Emma: "Darling, come closer"
    Anxie: she says while doing a german suplex
    "You're different than everyone else
    Just dumb enough to actually do something, just like me"

    she looked me in the eyes and saw immeasurable fright
    i felt uncomfortable with all my Misery, my Plights
    cause i refuse to believe that things could turn out alright
    oh this is way too much, this can't be happening in my life
    so then i withered away, an inseparable blight
    but when im with her i feel revived, she's a hope that's too bright
    still, i refuse to believe that things could turn out alright
    oh this is way too much, this can't be happening in my life

    my father always said to me
    "be a good girl and good things will happen"
    and my piece of shit mom often yelled
    "youre only good for passing that bottle"
    what a fucking cunt

    hey, pa
    thats fucking bullshit
    oh oh oh
    hey, ma
    you were right the whole time
    oh oh oh

    Anxie, Emma:
    Hey, pa
    That's fucking bullshit
    Oh oh oh
    Hey, ma
    You were right the whole time
    Oh oh oh
    Hey, pa
    That's fucking bullshit
    Oh oh oh
    Hey, ma
    You were right the whole time
    Oh oh oh oh oh

    guess i'm the fucking cunt now.
Track: I'm A Believer
- Neil Diamond
- The Monkees (performance)
Duration: 2:46
Lyrics: |-
    I thought love was only true in fairy tales
    Meant for someone else, but not for me
    Love was out to get me
    That's the way it seemed
    Disappointment haunted all my dreams

    Then I saw her face
    Now I'm a believer
    Not a trace
    Of doubt in my mind
    I'm in love
    I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried

    I thought love was more or less a givin' thing
    Seems the more I gave, the less I got
    What's the use in tryin'?
    All you get is pain
    When I needed sunshine, I got rain

    Then I saw her face
    Now I'm a believer
    Not a trace
    Of doubt in my mind
    I'm in love
    I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried

    Love was out to get me
    That's the way it seemed
    Disappointment haunted all my dreams

    Then I saw her face
    Now I'm a believer
    Not a trace
    Of doubt in my mind
    I'm in love
    I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried

    Then I saw her face
    Now I'm a believer
    Not a trace
    Of doubt in my mind
    And I'm a believer, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    I'm a believer
Track: I'm A Believer
Directory: im-a-believer-smash-mouth
- Smash Mouth
Duration: 3:04
Referenced Tracks:
- track:im-a-believer
Lyrics: |-
    I thought love was only true in fairy tales
    Meant for someone else but not for me
    Love was out to get me
    That's the way it seemed
    Disappointment haunted all my dreams

    And then I saw her face
    Now I'm a believer
    And not a trace
    Of doubt in my mind
    I'm in love
    I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried

    I thought love was more or less a giving thing
    More I gave the less I got, oh yeah
    What's the use in trying?
    All you get is pain
    When I wanted sunshine, I got rain

    And then I saw her face
    Now I'm a believer
    And not a trace
    Of doubt in my mind
    I'm in love
    I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried

    What's the use in trying?
    All you get is pain
    When I wanted sunshine, I got rain

    And then I saw her face
    Now I'm a believer
    And not a trace
    Of doubt in my mind
    I'm in love
    I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried

    Then I saw her face
    Now I'm a believer
    Not a trace
    Of doubt in my mind
    Now I'm a believer
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    Now I'm a believer
    Then I saw her face
    Now I'm a believer
    Not a trace
    Of doubt in my mind
    I'm a believer
Track: Im A Cat Now
- Sevyn Sativa
Duration: 2:09
Track: I'm A Man Of Constant Sorrow
- The Stanley Brothers
Duration: 2:55
Referenced Tracks:
- Farewell Song
Lyrics: |-
    (In constant sorrow through all my days)

    I am a man of constant sorrow
    I've seen trouble all my days
    I bid farewell to old Kentucky
    The state where I was borned and raised
    (The state where he was borned and raised)

    For six long years I've been in trouble
    No pleasure here on Earth I find
    For in this world I'm bound to ramble
    I have no friends to help me now
    (He has no friends to help him now)

    It's fare thee well my own true lover
    I never expect to see you again
    For I'm bound to ride that Northern railroad
    Perhaps I'll die upon this train
    (Perhaps he'll die upon this train)

    You can bury me in some deep valley
    For many years where I may lay
    Then you may learn to love another
    While I am sleeping in my grave
    (While he is sleeping in his grave)

    Maybe your friends think I'm just a stranger
    My face you'll never will see no more
    But there is one promise that is given
    I'll meet you on God's golden shore
    (He'll meet you on God's golden shore)
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/23/2022)
    While the Stanley Brothers first recorded the song in 1951 (and claimed copyright on the song, as no previous performers had done so), it's the 1959 recording here linked that popularized the song and formed the basis of most modern versions.
Track: I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew
- Jean Schwartz (composition)
- William Jerome (lyrics)
- Eddie Morton (performance)
Duration: 2:43
Sheet Music Files:
- Title: Folio by William Jerome and Jean Schwartz (original composers)
  - "I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew (original folio).pdf"
Lyrics: |-
    I hate a moral coward, one who lacks a manly spark
    I just detest a man afraid to go home in the dark
    I always spend my evenings where there's women, wine, and song
    But like a man, I always bring my little wife along!

    I'm a member of the midnight crew
    I'm a night owl and a wise bird too
    Home with the milk in the morning
    Singing the same old song
    Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun
    Early to bed, and you'll miss all the fun
    Bring your wife and trouble, it will never trouble you
    Make her a member of the midnight crew!

    The fun it doesn't stop 'til 12 on happy old Broadway
    So what's the use of going home until the break of day?
    Now something confidential, whisper not above a breath
    I once went home at 2 AM, and scared my wife to death

    I'm a member of the midnight crew
    I'm a night owl and a wise bird too
    Home with the milk in the morning
    Singing the same old song
    Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun
    Early to bed, and you'll miss all the fun
    Bring your wife and trouble, it will never trouble you
    Make her a member of the midnight crew!

    I never shall forget the night I made six robbers run
    Although I didn't have a knife, a blackjack, or a gun
    I proved myself a hero of a very high degree
    I ran for home and six of them were running after me

    I'm a member of the midnight crew
    I'm a night owl and a wise bird too
    Home with the milk in the morning
    Singing the same old song
    Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun
    Early to bed, and you'll miss all the fun
    Bring your wife and trouble, it will never trouble you
    Make her a member of the midnight crew!
Track: I'm Gonna Love You Just a Little More Baby
- Barry White
Duration: 7:11
Lyrics: |-
    (It feels so good
    You lying here next to me
    Oh, what a groove
    You have no idea how it feels
    My hands just won't keep still
    I love you, baby
    Oh, I love you, I love you, I love you
    I just wanna hold you)

    (Run my fingers through your hair
    Outta sight
    Uh-huh, right there, you like it like that
    Come here, closer, close
    Oh, baby
    Oh, baby)

    Give it up, ain't no use
    I can't help myself if I wanted to
    I'm hung up, no doubt
    I'm so in love with you, for me there's no way out

    'Cause deeper and deeper
    In love with you I'm falling
    Sweeter and sweeter
    Your tender words of love keep calling

    Eager and eager, yeah
    To feel your lips upon my face
    Please her and please her
    Any time or any place

    I'm gonna love you, love you, love you just a little more, baby
    I'm gonna need you, need you, need you every day
    I'm gonna want you, want you, want you in every way, yeah

    (Make no mistake, for I'll) hold back knowin'
    This time it looks like lover is here to stay
    As long as I shall live
    I'll give you all I have and all I have to give

    Please her and please her
    Any time or any place
    Eager and eager
    To feel your sweet lips on my face

    Deeper and deeper
    In love with you I'm falling, yeah
    Sweeter and sweeter
    Your tender words of love keeps calling

    I'm gonna love you, love you, love you just a little more, baby
    I'm gonna need you, need you, need you every day
    I'm gonna want you, want you, want you in every way, yeah

    (Oh, stop that baby
    Y'know I swear to God, you understand
    I- I can't, I can't that I'm
    That I'm really here
    It's like, it's like sometimes baby
    You are something else, you are something else
    Such a groove, it's hard to believe that you're really there doing it you hear what I'm sayin'?
    Baby, don't stop
    I swear, don't stop)

    Hey hey hey hey, yeah

    (Oh shhh baby
    Oh baby, that's outta sight
    Oh baby, oh baby
    That's what I'm saying
    Oh I love you, I love you, I love you

    I'm gonna love you, love you, love you
    Just a little more, baby
    I'm gonna need you, need you, need you
    Every day
    I'm gonna want you, want you, want you
    In every way, yeah

    (Stick to me
    Oh get down, baby, get down
    Down, down
    Oh, such a groove)
Track: I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Duration: 3:06
- My Chemical Romance
Lyrics: |-
    Well, if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say
    I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way

    For all the dirty looks
    The photographs your boyfriend took
    Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?

    I'm not okay, I'm not okay, hey hey, hey
    I'm not okay, hey, hey
    You wear me out

    What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems? (I'm not okay)
    I've told you time and time again
    You sing the words, but don't know what it means (I'm not okay)

    To be a joke and, look, another line without a hook
    I held you close as we both shook
    For the last time, take a good hard look
    See My Chemical Romance Live
    Get tickets as low as $539

    I'm not okay, I'm not okay, hey, hey, hey
    I'm not okay, hey, hey
    You wear me out

    Forget about the dirty looks
    The photographs your boyfriend took
    You said you read me like a book
    But the pages all are torn and frayed now

    But I'm okay, I'm okay
    I'm okay now, (I'm okay now), but you really need to listen to me
    Because I'm telling you the truth
    I mean this, I'm okay
    Trust me

    I'm not okay, I'm not okay
    Well, I'm not okay, I'm not o-fucking-kay
    I'm not okay, hey, hey, I'm not okay, —kay
Track: Imperium
Duration: 3:18
- Madeon
Track: Implosion
Duration: 4:58
- Fax Gang
Lyrics: |-
    One, two, three, four

    Sky pitch black, I know I’m not looking back, all I’m seeing is the darkness
    Looking for a sweet taste but I’ll never replace, lingering with tartness
    I can never think well, drawing from the inkwell, suited to an artist
    Put it down precisely, flowing red inside me, I make a deposit
    Hands are getting shakier, spilling on the paper, writing getting blotted
    Wiping off the ink first, scars all on my fingers, never getting clotted
    Pen is getting filled up, scabs are making build-up, situation’s common
    Stain all on my shirt, can you tell me why it hurts if I’m making something lauded
    Hand to my chest like I had a heart attack
    Plugged to the cables, jumpstarted that
    Tied to the chair, sitting on the launching pad
    Dot on my head, don’t know that I’m targeted
    Only see distortion, pixels, artefacts
    Never learned to clean up, erase, or sharpen that
    Program aborted, crashing, start, react
    Wonder why I find it harder to relax
    Smoke in the air, sky tinted carbon black
    Inhaling too much, yeah, I’m going sorta mad
    A death of a kind, yeah, I guess you’d call it that
    Close to the monitor, flatline cardiac
    Ascend, make amends, tell me where the party at
    Looking to the gates but I see them guarding that
    Apples to apples, where’s the garden at?
    God, won’t you tell me if I’ve got my pardon yet?

    Oh, could you tell me why I wasn’t chosen?
    I’ll be abandoned ‘til the day Hell’s frozen
    Yeah, I know that I’m gone, all my fingers are numb
    Never was number one, I hope you’re having fun but
    I’ll suck it up ‘til I make an implosion
    Oh, could you tell me why I wasn’t chosen?
    I’ll be abandoned ‘til the day Hell’s frozen
    Yeah, I know that I’m gone, all my fingers are numb
    Never was number one, I hope you’re having fun but
    I’ll suck it up ‘til I make an implosion

    Oh, could you tell me why I wasn’t chosen?
    I’ll be abandoned ‘til the day Hell’s frozen
    Yeah, I know that I’m gone, all my fingers are numb
    Never was number one, I hope you’re having fun but
    I’ll suck it up ‘til I make an implosion
    Oh, could you tell me why I wasn’t chosen?
    I’ll be abandoned ‘til the day Hell’s frozen
    Yeah, I know that I’m gone, all my fingers are numb
    Never was number one, I hope you’re having fun but
    I’ll suck it up ‘til I make an implosion
    Make more make more make more make
    Take more take more take more take more
    Make make make make make make make make
    Take take take take take take take take
Track: In Space
- Royksopp
Duration: 3:31
Track: In The End
- Linkin Park
Duration: 3:38
Lyrics: |-
    It starts with one

    One thing I don't know why
    It doesn't even matter how hard you try
    Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
    To explain in due time

    All I know

    Time is a valuable thing
    Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
    Watch it count down to the end of the day
    The clock ticks life away

    It's so unreal

    It's so unreal, didn't look out below
    Watch the time go right out the window
    Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
    I wasted it all just to watch you go

    Watch you go

    I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
    What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter

    One thing, I don't know why
    It doesn't even matter how hard you try
    Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
    To remind myself how I tried so hard

    I tried so hard

    In spite of the way you were mocking me
    Acting like I was part of your property
    Remembering all the times you fought with me
    I'm surprised it got so far

    Got so far

    Things aren't the way they were before
    You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
    Not that you knew me back then
    But it all comes back to me in the end

    In the end

    You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
    What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter

    I've put my trust in you
    Pushed as far as I can go
    For all this
    There's only one thing you should know

    I've put my trust in you
    Pushed as far as I can go
    For all this
    There's only one thing you should know

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
Track: information
Duration: 2:15
- Chuck Person
Track: Instant Crush
- Daft Punk
- Julian Casablancas
Duration: 5:39
Lyrics: |-
    I didn't want to be the one to forget
    I thought of everything I'd never regret
    A little time with you is all that I get
    That's all we need because it's all we can take
    One thing I never see the same when you're 'round
    I don't believe in him, his lips on the ground
    I wanna take you to that place in the Roche
    But no one gives us any time anymore
    He asks me once if I'd look in on his dog
    You made an offer for it, then you ran off
    I got this picture of us kids in my head
    And all I hear is the last thing that you said

    I listened to your problems, now listen to mine
    I didn't want to anymore, oh

    And we will never be alone again
    'Cause it doesn't happen every day
    Kinda counted on you being a friend
    Can I give it up or give it away?
    Now I thought about what I wanna say
    But I never really know where to go
    So I chained myself to a friend
    'Cause I know it unlocks like a door
    And we will never be alone again
    'Cause it doesn't happen every day
    Kinda counted on you being a friend
    Can I give it up or give it away?
    Now I thought about what I wanna say
    But I never really know where to go
    So I chained myself to a friend

    Some more again

    It didn't matter what they wanted to see
    He thought he saw someone that looked just like me
    The summer memory that just never dies
    We worked too long and hard to give it no time
    He sees right through me, it's so easy with lies
    Cracks in the road that I would try and disguise
    He runs the scissors at the seam in the wall
    He cannot break it down or else he would fall
    One thousand lonely stars
    Hiding in the cold
    Take it
    I don't wanna sing anymore

    I listened to your problems, now listen to mine
    I didn't want to anymore, oh

    And we will never be alone again
    'Cause it doesn't happen every day
    Kinda counted on you being a friend
    Can I give it up or give it away?
    Now I thought about what I wanna say
    But I never really know where to go
    So I chained myself to a friend
    'Cause I know it unlocks like a door
    And we will never be alone again
    'Cause it doesn't happen every day
    Kinda counted on you being a friend
    Can I give it up or give it away?
    Now I thought about what I wanna say
    But I never really know where to go
    So I chained myself to a friend
    'Cause I know it unlocks like a

    I don't understand
    Don't get upset
    I'm not with you
    We're swimming around
    It's all I do
    When I'm with you

    And we will never be alone again
    'Cause it doesn't happen every day
    Kinda counted on you being a friend
    Can I give it up or give it away?
    Now I thought about what I wanna say
    But I never really know where to go
    So I chained myself to a friend
    'Cause I know it unlocks like a door
    And we will never be alone again
    'Cause it doesn't happen every day
    Kinda counted on you being a friend
    Can I give it up or give it away?
    Now I thought about what I wanna say
    But I never really know where to go
    So I chained myself to a friend
    'Cause I know it unlocks like a door
Track: Interior Crocodile Alligator
- King Chip
Duration: 1:50
# Sampled Tracks:
# - Go Ahead by Ali & Gipp
Lyrics: |-
    Interior crocodile alligator
    I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
    Interior crocodile alligator
    I drive a Chevrolet movie theater

    Now, baby, I'm the ripper, your baby daddy's worst nightmare
    Catch me by the Clair, I'll be right there
    Niggas copy everything we say
    Louie frames, eyes lower than my GPA (Uh!)

    Riding and swervin', kush, I'm blown
    Doors wide, my trunk bump like Eddy Road (Haha)
    I don't cake hoes, I never tip the stripper
    I'm rich, bitch, but you can call me Cheap tha Ripper (Hahaha)

    Shell toes, yes, Prps
    There's a man riding a horse on top of my chest (Okay)
    Polo fresh, I am ze man
    I be slam dunking Tanqueray shots with LeBron (Haha)

    Told niggas keep it Carmelo, okay?
    Rolled past Dave, told him "Hello" and "Hey"
    Me and Cash in something old on 23's, ho
    Back window says "Mama mel bicho" (Haha)

    Skateboarders grind, I grind, too
    That's why you can catch me in DC shoes (Nigga)
    I quit the team but believe I'm ballin'
    Want a verse, put up a stack or quit calling (Haha)

    30's on my Chevrolet, call me super duper (Ah)
    Garage like Roots, I got more whips than Kunta (Haha)
    Riviera sitting on the Bulls' best hooper
    Y'all still riding 20's, y'all some Oompa Loompas (Woo!)

    Doors swang on niggas that got bad behavior
    My four 15's woke up the neighbors
    Interior crocodile alligator
    I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
    Interior crocodile alligator
    I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
    Interior crocodile alligator
    I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
    Interior crocodile alligator
    I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
    Interior crocodile alligator
    I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
Track: 'Intro: I Switched My Robot Off'
- Gorillaz
Duration: 0:24
Lyrics: |-
    I switched my robot off
    And I know more
    But retain less
    Retain less
    -tain less
    -ain less
Track: Island In The Sun
- Weezer
Duration: 3:30
Lyrics: |-
    Hip hip
    Hip hip
    Hip hip
    Hip hip

    When you're on a holiday
    You can't find the words to say
    All the things that come to you
    And I wanna feel it too

    On an island in the sun
    We'll be playing and having fun
    And it makes me feel so fine
    I can't control my brain

    Hip hip
    Hip hip

    When you're on a golden sea
    You don't need no memory
    Just a place to call your own
    As we drift into the zone

    On an island in the sun
    We'll be playing and having fun
    And it makes me feel so fine
    I can't control my brain

    We'll run away together
    We'll spend some time forever
    We'll never feel bad anymore

    Hip hip
    Hip hip
    Hip hip

    On an island in the sun
    We'll be playing and having fun
    And it makes me feel so fine
    I can't control my brain

    We'll run away together
    We'll spend some time forever
    We'll never feel bad anymore

    Hip hip
    Hip hip (We'll never feel bad anymore)
    Hip hip (No, no)
    Hip hip
    Hip hip (We'll never feel bad anymore)
    Hip hip (No, no)
    Hip hip (No, no)
    Hip hip
Track: The Island – Pt.II (Dusk)
- Pendulum
Duration: 4:09
Lyrics: |-
    I'll take you in

    I'll take you in
Track: Isle unto Thyself
Additional Names:
- Name: >-
    Isle Unto Thyself
  Annotation: >-
    [YouTube](, [Spotify](
- Miracle Musical
Duration: 3:47
Lyrics: |-
    Blinding shining star
    You won't see so far
    Know what can't be shown
    Feel what can't be known

    You were an isle unto thyself
    You had a heart you hadn't felt
    Why would it hurt me
    Or was it real

    It was the night we had to part
    We were afraid to miss the start
    What did it matter
    Why would it matter
    And could we heal

    Blinding shining star
    You won't see so far
    Know what can't be shown
    Feel what can't be known

    I was a victim of magic
    Apollo catching my breath as I bled on the ground
    Somebody called me to follow
    I followed thinking aloud without hearing the sound

    Then all the planets fell to dust
    Lonely departing after us
    Gone not forgotten
    Long but forgotten old lore

    In every element of life
    Love camouflaging under strife or other matters
    Minds over matters let there be more

    Maybe you'll exit tomorrow
    The sorrow sweeping you off as your island replies
    Sudden invincible flowing
    A river clearer than all thou might view with thine eyes

    Why did fire-erupted lands arrive
    Why did murderous animals survive
    Why did we deserve to be revived
    Why was any and everything alive
Track: It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)
- Duke Ellington
- Irving Mills
Duration: 3:08
Lyrics: |-
    It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing
    It don't mean a thing all you got to do is sing

    It makes no difference if it's sweet or hot
    Just give that rhythm everything you've got

    It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing

    It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing
Track: It's a New Day
Duration: 3:00
- Skull Snaps
Track: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
- Meredith Willson
Lyrics: |-
    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
    Everywhere you go
    Take a look in the five and ten, glistening once again
    With candy canes and silver lanes aglow

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
    Toys in every store
    But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
    On your own front door

    A pair of Hop-a-long boots and a pistol that shoots
    Is the wish of Barney and Ben
    Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
    Is the hope for Janice and Jen
    And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
    Everywhere you go
    Now there's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well
    The sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
    Soon the bells will start
    And the thing that will make 'em ring is the carol that you sing
    Right within your heart

    A pair of Hop-a-long boots and a pistol that shoots
    Is the wish of Barney and Ben
    Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
    Is the hope for Janice and Jen
    And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again
    Haah aha aha aha aha aha aha!

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
    Soon the bells will start
    And the thing that will make 'em ring is the carol that you sing
    Right within your heart
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 8/18/2023)
    Originally titled 'It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas'.
Track: It's Never Over (Hey Orpheus)
# Ambiguously written as It's Never Over (Oh Orpheus) too, but this name is used in official releases
- Arcade Fire
Duration: 6:44
Lyrics: |-
    Hey, Orpheus!
    I'm behind you
    Don't turn around
    I can find you

    Just wait until it's over
    Wait until it's through
    And if I call for you
    Oh, Orpheus!
    Just sing for me all night
    We'll wait until it's over
    Wait until it's through

    You say it's not me, it's you

    Hey, Orpheus!
    De l'autre côté de l'eau
    Comme un écho
    Just wait until it's over
    Wait until it's through

    And if I shout for you
    Never doubt
    Don't turn around too soon
    Just wait until it's over
    Wait until it's through

    It seems so important now
    But you will get over
    Seems so important now
    But you will get over
    And when you get over
    And when you get older
    Then you will remember
    Why it was so important then

    Seems like a big deal now
    But you will get over
    Seems like a big deal now
    You will get over
    When you get over
    When you get older
    Then you will discover
    That it's never over

    Hey, Eurydice!
    Can you see me?
    I will sing your name
    Till you're sick of me
    Just wait until it's over
    Just wait until it's through

    And if you call for me
    This frozen seaIt melts beneath me
    Just wait until it's over
    Wait until it's through

    Seems like a big deal now
    You will get over
    Seems like a big deal now
    You will get over
    And when you get over
    When you get older
    You will remember

    He told you he'd wake you up
    When it was over
    He told you he'd wake you up
    When it was over
    Now that it's over
    Now that you're older
    Then you will discover

    It's never over (it's never over)
    It's never over (it's never over)
    It's never over (it's never over)
    It's never over (it's never over)
    It's never over (it's never over)
    It's never over (it's never over)
    It's never over (it's never over)

    Sometime (Sometime)
    Sometime (Sometime)
    Boy, they're gonna eat you alive (eat you alive)
    But it's never gonna happen now
    We'll figure it out somehow

    Sometime (Sometime)
    Sometime (Sometime)
    Boy, they're gonna eat you alive (eat you alive)
    But it's never gonna happen now
    We'll figure it out somehow

    'Cause it's never over
    It's never over (it's never over)
    It's never over (it's never over)
    It's never over (it's never over)
    It's never over (it's never over)
    And it's never over (it's never over)
    It's never over (it's never over)

    We stood beside
    A frozen seaI saw you out
    In front of me
    Reflected light
    A hollow moon
    Oh Orpheus, Eurydice
    Its over too soon
Track: It's Your Move
- Steve Kipner
- Terry Shaddick
- Diana Ross (performance)
Duration: 3:35
Lyrics: |-
    I don't understand it 'cause you won't say yes
    But you don't say no
    You say you know we shouldn't, you keep holding out
    But you don't let go

    I'm giving up on trying
    To sell you things that you ain't buying

    It's your move
    I've made up my mind
    Time is running out
    Make a move
    Oh, we can go on
    Do you understand, it's all in your hands
    It's your move

    You're giving me the business with that old come-on
    But you don't come across
    You get me so excited, don't you know you're such a tease?
    When I think you're getting hot, you're not

    So what's the problem? What's wrong?
    This kiss and miss, you know it can't go on

    It's your move
    I've made up my mind
    Time is running out
    Make a move
    'Cause we can't go on, I want you to know
    It's your move, your turn to go

    I'm giving up on trying
    To sell you things that you ain't buying

    It's your move
    I've made up my mind
    Time is running out
    Make a move
    Oh, we can't go on
    Do you understand, it's all in your hands

    It's your move
    I've made up my mind
    Time is running out
    Make a move
    Oh, we can't go on
    Do you understand, it's all in your hands

    It's your move (It's your move)
    I've made up my mind
    Time is running out
    Make a move
    Oh, we can't go on
    Do you understand, it's all in your hands

    It's your move
    I've made up my mind
    Time is running out...
Track: Jesus Forgive Me, I Am A Thot
Duration: 2:37
Lyrics: |-
    Oh (You think you know me)
    When we rappin'? (Deadly)

    Pray (Pray), pray
    Pray you get comfy in your disguise (Uh)
    Pray for my thots on the other side (Side)
    Pray for my children I can't provide, I'll feel 45
    Pray when you shoot, it's a homicide
    Pray for my haters, they terrified
    Nigga, come kill me, I'm verified
    But I'm still alive, yeah, I'm still alive
    Pray that I end up like Charlize Theron
    I'm so confused, I ain't hard to find
    I push you pussies beyond the pine
    Hope you get some shine, hope you get some shine
    It come out the pocketbook every time
    Feel like I'm shootin', I'm shiftin' time
    Dressed in your grandmama's hand-me-downs, pussy nigga
    Huh, sucka, I'm prominent, I was anonymous
    I been in front of you every time
    This ain't a bridge, it's a collared crime
    I put my soul into every bar (Man)
    Into every verse, into every rhyme (Shit)

    I can't feel my face, oh God
    SMH, no ASMR (Huh)
    Show me where the prophets go
    Show me how to keep my pussy closed
    She said, "You better count your blessings for real"
    Amen (Woo!)

    Pray (Pray), pray
    Pray for my babies, they doin' time
    Pray that these crackers don't Columbine
    I just pray that I peak before my decline
    Make 'em hit recline
    You know my shooter a proper dime, clarity
    Nigga, these bullets get entered in clip
    And go into the Kimber that hit your spine
    Britney, this a sign
    Pray you grow healthy and hit your prime
    Ooh, I should pray for a better line
    But I don't wan' make all my peers resign
    2035, I'll be 45
    They say the church leave us all behind
    Speaking in tongues like I'm David Byrne
    Bitch, I turn a threat to a nevermind, nevermind
    Pray for all of these niggas been lyin' and frontin' for company
    Bitch, I'm a diva, no punk in me
    Fuck you want from me? I'll put you under me, nigga (Oh)
    I put your soul in a struggle bar

    I can't feel my face, oh God
    SMH, no ASMR (Huh!)
    Show me where the prophets go
    Show me how to keep my pussy closed
    She said, "You better count your blessings for real"

    Praise the motherfuckin' lord
    (Oh, dead-dead-deadly)
Track: Jet Black
- Jawbreaker
Duration: 5:13
# Sampled Tracks:
# - Christopher Walken in Annie Hall
Lyrics: |-
    (I tell you this because as an artist I think you'll understand.)

    I'll be quiet to keep you quiet
    Don't concern yourself with my slow dying
    Through the vents I hear you sigh
    I don't get too high these days
    Your floor is my ceiling
    Lights out, you can't come in

    If you don't remind me, I won't forget you
    If you don't ask, I won't upset you

    I am jet black
    I am stone cold
    Jet black to the center
    Funny like a funeral
    I need you to bury me

    White noise in black room dust
    These hands long for one last touch
    Hourglass all out of trust
    I don't scratch so I won't itch
    I don't reach so I won't miss
    I taste our last kiss

    If you don't remind me, I won't forget you
    If you don't ask, I won't upset you

    I am jet black
    I am stone cold
    Jet black to the center
    Funny like a funeral
    I need you to bury me

    This is the cure, the same as the symptom
    Simple and pure, break to keep fixing
    Patiently nurse, patient and nurse

    This is the part I wouldn't show you
    The part where you say, I don't even know you
    This is your cue
    Be glad that it's through

    I am jet black
    I am stone cold
    Jet black to the center
    Funny like a funeral
    I need you to bury me

    (Sometimes when I'm driving on the road at night, I see two headlights coming toward me, fast. I have this sudden impulse to turn the wheel quickly head-on into the oncoming car. I can anticipate the explosion: the sound of shattering glass, the flames rising out of the flowing gasoline.)
Duration: 0:56
Track: Judgment Bolt
Duration: 4:32
- death's dynamic shroud
Lyrics: |
    I guess we're- hard- for the summer
    'Cause I'm burning [?] on you
    I guess we're- hard- for the summer
    Going- nev- love like- up on- on you
    (Oh, oh, oh) Ooh
    (All night, all night)
    Keep it going 'till we get- 'till
    (All night, all night)
    We'll get the heat and the thrill
    (All night, all night, all night, all night)

    (Oh, oh, oh)
    I guess we're- hard- for the summer
    (Oh, oh, oh)
    'Cause I'm burning [?] on you
    (Oh, oh, oh)
    I guess we're- hard- for the summer
    (Oh, oh, oh)
    'Cause I'm burning [?] on you
    (All night, all night) Ooh
    Keep it going 'till we get- 'till
    (All night, all night)
    We'll get the heat and the thrill
    (All night, all night, all night, all night)

    (Oh, oh, oh)
    I guess we'rе- hard- for the summer
    (Oh, oh, oh)
    Going- nev- lovе like- up on- on you
    (Oh, oh, oh)
    I guess we're- hard- for the summer
    (Oh, oh, oh)
    'Cause I'm burning [?] on you
    (All night, all night) Ooh
    Keep it going 'till we get- 'till
    (All night, all night)
    We'll get the heat and the thrill
    (All night, all night, all night, all night)

    (Oh, oh, oh)
    Know you, up on
    (Oh, oh, oh)
    Co-cool (Oh-oh, oh)
    Know you, up on
    And I love-, 'cause I'm burn-

    Oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh
    (All night, all night, all night, all night)

    (Oh, oh, oh)
    I guess we're- hard- for the summer
    (Oh, oh, oh)
    'Cause I'm burning [?] on you
    (Oh, oh, oh)
    I guess we're- hard- for the summer
    (Oh, oh, oh)
    Going- nev- love like- up on- on you
    (Oh, oh, oh) Ooh
    (All night, all night)
    Keep it going 'till we get- 'till
    (All night, all night)
    We'll get the heat and the thrill
    (All night, all night, all night, all night)

    (Oh, oh, oh) Ooh
    (All night, all night)
    Keep it going 'till we get- 'till
    (Oh, oh, oh) (All night, all night)
    We'll get the heat and the thrill
    (All night, all night, all night, all night) 'Cause I'm burning [?] on you
Track: Just
Duration: 3:55
- Radiohead
Lyrics: |-
    Can't get the stink off
    He's been hanging 'round for days
    Comes like a comet
    Suckered you but not your friends

    One day he'll get to you
    And teach you how to be a holy cow

    You do it to yourself, you do
    And that's why it really hurts
    Is that you do it to yourself, just you
    You and no one else
    You do it to yourself
    You do it to yourself

    Don't get my sympathy
    Hanging out the fifteenth floor
    You've changed the locks three times
    He still comes reeling through the door

    One day I'll get to you
    And teach you how to get to purest hell

    You do it to yourself, you do
    And that's why it really hurts
    Is that you do it to yourself, just you
    You and no one else
    You do it to yourself
    You do it to yourself

    You do it to yourself, you do
    And that's why it really hurts
    Is that you do it to yourself, just you
    You and no one else
    You do it to yourself
    You do it to yourself

    (You do it to yourself!)
    (You do it to yourself!)
    (Oh, you do it to yourself!)
    (Oh, you do it to yourself!)
Duration: 4:23
Lyrics: |-
    Seiya sessesse seiya (<i>Seiya shining bright, seiya</i>)
    Seiya sessesse seiya (<i>Seiya shining bright, seiya</i>)
    Soiya sossosso soiya (<i>Soiya echoing strong, soiya</i>)
    Soiya sossosso soiya (<i>Soiya echoing strong, soiya</i>)

    (Ossu) Namida koborete mo (<i>(Alright) Even if tears spill out</i>)
    (Ossu) Tachimukatte yukooze! (<i>(Alright) Let's stand up and face it!</i>)

    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda (<i>With determination, seiya, soiya, we'll fight</i>)
    Kobushi o motto kokoro o motto (<i>With more clenched fists, with more heart</i>)
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite (<i>Sharpening everything, everything</i>)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)

    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda (<i>Still, seiya, soiya, we'll continue to fight</i>)
    Kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo (<i>Even if we become sad, even if we can't stand up</i>)
    (Aa ossu ossu.) (<i>Ah, alright, alright</i>)

    Seiya sessesse seiya (<i>Seiya shining bright, seiya</i>)
    Seiya sessesse seiya (<i>Seiya shining bright, seiya</i>)
    Soiya sossosso soiya (<i>Soiya echoing strong, soiya</i>)
    Soiya soso soiya (<i>Soiya echoing, soiya</i>)

    (Ossu) Kokoro orarete mo (<i>(Alright) Even if the heart is broken</i>)
    (Ossu) Tachimukatte yukooze! (<i>(Alright) Let's stand up and face it!</i>)

    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda (<i>With determination, seiya, soiya, we'll fight</i>)
    Kobushi o motto kokoro o motto (<i>With more clenched fists, with more heart</i>)
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite (<i>Sharpening everything, everything</i>)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)

    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda (<i>Still, seiya, soiya, we'll continue to fight</i>)
    Kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo (<i>Even if we become sad, even if we can't stand up</i>)

    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)

    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda (<i>Seiya, soiya, we'll fight</i>)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite (<i>Sharpening everything, everything</i>)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)

    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda (<i>Seiya, soiya, we'll fight</i>)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite. (<i>Sharpening everything, everything</i>)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)

    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda (<i>With determination, seiya, soiya, we'll fight</i>)
    Kobushi o motto kokoro o motto (<i>With more clenched fists, with more heart</i>)
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite (<i>Sharpening everything, everything</i>)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)

    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda (<i>Still, seiya, soiya, we'll continue to fight</i>)
    Kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo (<i>Even if we become sad, even if we can't stand up</i>)

    Hashire! (<i>Run!</i>)
    (Seiya soiya tatakau-nda) (<i>Seiya, soiya, we'll fight</i>)
    (Zenbu zenbu togisumashite.) (<i>Sharpening everything, everything</i>)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)

    Hashire! (<i>Run!</i>)
    (Seiya soiya tatakau-nda) (<i>Seiya, soiya, we'll fight</i>)
    (Zenbu zenbu togisumashite) (<i>Sharpening everything, everything</i>)

    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo)
Track: Kawaii Halloween Opening Track
- Tsubusare BOZZ
Track: Keyboard Combos
- Arctures
Duration: 0:30
Track: Killbot
- Devin Martin
Duration: 4:26
Track: Killer Queen
- Queen
Duration: 3:03
Lyrics: |-
    She keeps Moët et Chandon
    In her pretty cabinet
    "Let them eat cake," she says
    Just like Marie Antoinette
    A built-in remedy
    For Khrushchev and Kennedy (Ooh, ooh)
    At anytime an invitation
    You can't decline (Ooh, ooh)

    Caviar and cigarettes
    Well versed in etiquette
    Extraordinarily nice

    She's a killer queen
    Gunpowder, gelatin
    Dynamite with a laser beam
    Guaranteed to blow your mind
    (Pa-pa-pa-pa) Anytime
    Recommended at the price
    Insatiable an appetite
    Wanna try?

    To avoid complications
    She never kept the same address
    In conversation
    She spoke just like a baroness
    Met a man from China
    Went down to Geisha Minah (Ooh, ooh)
    (Killer, killer, she's a killer queen)
    Then again incidentally
    If you're that way inclined

    Perfume came naturally from Paris (Naturally)
    For cars, she couldn't care less
    Fastidious and precise

    She's a killer queen
    Gunpowder, gelatin
    Dynamite with a laser beam
    Guaranteed to blow your mind

    Drop of a hat she's as willing as
    Playful as a pussycat (Ooh)
    Then momentarily out of action (Ooh)
    Temporarily out of gas (Ta-taaa)
    To absolutely drive you wild, wild
    She's out to get you

    She's a killer queen
    Gunpowder, gelatin
    Dynamite with a laser beam (Pa-pa-pa-ra)
    Guaranteed to blow your mind
    Recommended at the price
    Insatiable an appetite
    Wanna try?
    You wanna try
Track: Killers
Directory: killers-cboyardee
Always Reference By Directory: true
- CBoyardee
Duration: 2:57
Referenced Tracks:
- RoboCop Gameboy Title Theme
Commentary: |-
    <i>Makin:</i> (wiki editor, 8/13/2023)
    A straight remix made as a soundtrack for [Dilbert 3](
    Also known as 'robocop.mp3' or Space Station 13's 'Title2'.
Track: Killing in the Name
Duration: 5:14
- Rage Against the Machine
Lyrics: |-
    (Killing in the name of)

    Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
    Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
    Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
    Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses

    Killing in the name of
    Killing in the name of

    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    But now you do what they told ya
    Well now you do what they told ya

    Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites

    Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
    Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
    Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
    Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses

    Killing in the name of
    Killing in the name of

    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya (now you're under control)
    And now you do what they told ya (now you're under control)
    And now you do what they told ya (now you're under control)
    And now you do what they told ya (now you're under control)
    And now you do what they told ya (now you're under control)
    And now you do what they told ya (now you're under control)
    And now you do what they told ya (now you're under control)
    And now you do what they told ya

    Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    Come on!

    (Come on! Ugh!)

    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me

Track: kodak moment
- Jane Remover
Duration: 6:07
Lyrics: |-
    How does it feel to be the front of the line?
    (Do you feel like home?)
    When was the last time you got caught telling lies?
    (Was it last night?)
    I know you hate to see me like this
    But winter's uninvited, 'cause I don't know how to stop the cold from coming in
    I kept my coat on 'till the summer and it pissed you off
    Still don't know what I did wrong so I scrambled to keep it on
    When it gets brought up in conversations I just wanna run
    But I can't go very fast 'cause I got weights all on my tongue

    Don't talk if it's not your turn
    Just to watch the world burn, it's all your fault
    Don't blame me for what I didn't cause
    You got lost chasing time again, it's all right
    You got lost chasing time again, it's all right, it's all good

    (Don't talk if it's not your turn)
    You got lost chasing time again, it's all right
    (It's all your fault)
    You got lost chasing time again, it's all right, it's all good

    (I know, I know, I know, I know, I know)
    (Me, me, me, oh, you)
    (Oh, oh, oh, and mе)
    (Oh— and me)
    (Oh, oh, oh, and me)
    (Oh— and me)

    And whеn I open my eyes, you'll be gone
Track: L.A.
- The Party
Duration: 3:00
Lyrics: |-
    L.A., L.A. (L.A., L.A.)

    No work, all play
    Every day in L.A.
    And those 9-5s
    You gotta say bye-bye
    Sipping on Mai Tais
    With no tie
    Lovin' these mamas, they ain't have no ties
    But sometimes the city don't treat me right
    But I love her anyway, 'cuz we party all night
    And the way she moves
    She got a bad attitude
    Nasty ways, but she makes it look cute
    If you could find me rollin' on the P.C.H
    Sealin' with some baby, on my four fifty-eight
    Got a real thick hind sittin' next to me
    Got her hand in my lap saying "Ay Papi"
    And the money and the fame like a moth to the flame
    But baby anything, I'm-a love you just the same

    I've got a thing for you
    You're the type of drug I could be addicted to
    I've got a thing for you
    L.A., L.A.

    I've got a thing for you

    Round and round, let the city turn
    Party in the hills, we can party in the burbs
    Roof on fire, let it burn
    Champagne in my hand, I'm not concerned
    Next day fine, I'm try'na get live
    Yoga in the morning at Rodeo Drive
    Gotta look good when I hit the beach
    Wanna wanna Malibu, just can't speed
    Stuck in traffic, still lookin' fly
    With the sun in my eye
    Lovin' every minute of this L.A. livin'
    'Cuz there ain't no limit

    I've got a thing for you
    A-a-a-are, a-a-a-are, are you ready?

    His head is as big life in the hills
    Forget your dreams, it must be fulfilled
    The city's so full of hopes and dreams
    If you look real close, it's busting at the seams
    No casting couch, I got my own pad
    You can sell your soul, I bought my own bags
    Cattle calls may break my balls
    Droppin' names never hurt me, see
    Gold is how, the streets of hay
    15 minutes with a chance of fame
    Ask anybody and you'll know they'll say
    They all wanna live and die in L.A.!

    I've got a thing for you
Track: Land of Confusion
- Genesis
Duration: 4:45
Lyrics: |-
    I must've dreamed a thousand dreams
    Been haunted by a million screams
    But I can hear the marching feet
    They're moving into the street

    Now, did you read the news today?
    They say the danger's gone away
    But I can see the fires still alight
    They're burning into the night

    There's too many men, too many people
    Making too many problems
    And not much love to go 'round
    Can't you see this is a land of confusion?

    This is the world we live in (Oh, oh, oh)
    And these are the hands we're given (Oh, oh, oh)
    Use them and let's start trying (Oh, oh, oh)
    To make it a place worth living in

    Ooh, Superman, where are you now
    When everything's gone wrong somehow?
    The men of steel, the men of power
    Are losing control by the hour

    This is the time, this is the place
    So we look for the future
    But there's not much love to go 'round
    Tell me why this is a land of confusion

    This is the world we live in (Oh, oh, oh)
    And these are the hands we're given (Oh, oh, oh)
    Use them and let's start trying (Oh, oh, oh)
    To make it a place worth living in

    I remember long ago
    Ooh, when the sun was shining
    Yes, and the stars were bright all through the night
    And the sound of your laughter as I held you tight
    So long ago

    I won't be coming home tonight
    My generation will put it right
    We're not just making promises
    That we know we'll never keep

    Too many men, there's too many people
    Making too many problems
    And not much love to go 'round
    Can't you see this is a land of confusion?

    Now, this is the world we live in (Oh, oh, oh)
    And these are the hands we're given (Oh, oh, oh)
    Use them and let's start trying (Oh, oh, oh)
    To make it a place worth fighting for

    This is the world we live in (Oh, oh, oh)
    And these are the names we're given (Oh, oh, oh)
    Stand up and let's start showing (Oh, oh, oh)
    Just where our lives are going to
Track: Last Christmas
- Wham!
Duration: 4:38
Lyrics: |-
    Last Christmas I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special

    Last Christmas I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special

    Once bitten and twice shy
    I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye
    Tell me baby, do you recognize me?
    Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me

    Happy Christmas, I wrapped it up and sent it
    With a note saying "I love you", I meant it
    Now I know what a fool I've been
    But if you kissed me now, I know you'd fool me again

    Last Christmas I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special

    Last Christmas I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special

    Oh, oh, baby

    A crowded room, friends with tired eyes
    I'm hiding from you and your soul of ice
    My God, I thought you were someone to rely on
    Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on

    A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
    A man under cover, but you tore me apart
    Oh, oh now I've found a real love
    You'll never fool me again

    Last Christmas I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special, special

    Last Christmas I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special


    A face on a lover with a fire in his heart (I gave you mine)
    A man under cover but you tore him apart
    Maybe next year I'll give it to someone
    I'll give it to someone special

    So long
Track: Last Time I Saw You
Duration: 10:09
- Skyramps
Track: Lawnmower
Directory: lawnmower-neil-cicierega
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Neil Cicierega
Duration: 3:13
Lyrics: |-
    The breeze is a-blowin'
    The grass just won't stop growin'
    So I'd better do somethin' soon
    Gonna spend the afternoon

    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn

    This grass is taller than me
    I'm gonna make potpourri
    Out of what's left when I'm through
    Doin' what I gotta do

    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn

    Lawnmower! Rev it up good now
    Lawnmower! Listen to the sound, hey
    Lawnmower! Rev it up, take it on
    Down, take it all around town
    Let me hear y'all

    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn

    The whole neighbourhood is unified
    'Bout time the music died
    And was replaced by the sound of one thousand motors
    Replaced by the soul-affirming grass odours

    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn

    Lawnmower! Rev it up good now
    Lawnmower! Listen to the sound, hey
    Lawnmower! Rev it up, take it on
    Down, take it all around town
    Come on now,

    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn (Lawnmower)
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn (Lawnmower)
    Mowin' the lawn, mowin' the lawn

Track: Let Me Hit It (Audiostalkers)
- Sporty-O
Duration: 2:25
Lyrics: |-
    The music got her to
    Make her body move
    And when a body move, a body groove, a body oh
    It got me feeling like
    I wanna take her home
    But I've been drinking like
    I might not make it home
    She got that body language when she strut her stuff
    She a bad girl and I can't get enough

    Don't stop, get it girl
    Rocking with the rhythm girl
    Morning fun, type one night
    Let me hit it, girl
    Hit it girl
    Hit it

    Drop it

    Mm, yeah

    Body move

    I'd really like for you to be my private dancer
    Her body smoking
    Did she die from cancer?
    She dancing hard
    Hard as good crack

    More fucking hook back
    Hook back

    So if you with it girl
    Then won't you roll with me?
    Her body language had me hotter than a stolen jeep

    Cool me off, baby
    I need an ice pack
    The way she bended over and touched her toes
    I really like that

    Fucking rock it

    Rock it

    Drop it

    Let me hit it, girl

    Mm, yeah

    Body move

    Drop it
    Hit it

    Mm, yeah

    Hit it

    Body move
    Rock it
    Body groove
    Rock it
Track: Let You Break My Heart Again
- Laufey
Duration: 4:26
Lyrics: |-
    Feeling kind of sick tonight
    All I've had is coffee and leftover pie
    It's no wonder why
    Still you take up all my mind
    I don't even think that you care like I do
    I should stop
    Heaven knows I've tried

    One day
    I will stop falling in love with you
    Some day
    Someone will like me like I like you
    Until then I'll drink my coffee
    Eat my pie
    Pretend that we are more than friends
    Then of course I'll let you break my heart again

    I'm just tryna understand
    What I am to you
    More than songs we've exchanged
    Midnight calls
    Sunset views
    Promise I don't mean to cry
    But I get overwhelmed and confused
    If only you knew
    What I felt like
    See Laufey Live
    Get tickets as low as $60

    One day
    I will stop falling in love with you
    Some day
    Someone will like me like I like you
    Until then I'll drink my coffee
    Eat my pie
    Pretend that we are more than friends
    Then of course I'll let you break my heart again

    Some day
    One day
    I will stop falling in love with you
    Until I do
    I'll be thinking of you
    Let you break my heart again
Track: Life in Technicolor
- Coldplay
- Jon Hopkins
Duration: 2:29
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
Track: Life Should Be Easy
Duration: 5:35
- death's dynamic shroud
Lyrics: |-
    We come through, clear- we come through
    We come through, everybody shake it
    (Ayo, ayo)
    We come through, clear- we come through (Ayo, ayo)
    We come through, everybody shake it
    We come through, cl- we come through (Ayo, ayo)
    We come through, everybody shake it

    뛰어 봐 run
    처음부터 hello hello, e-yo
    이대로 너와 나 run
    이 손을 놓지 말아요 e-yo
    뛰어 봐 run
    처음부터 hello hello, e-yo
    이대로 너와 나 run
    이 손을 놓지 말아요 e-yo (Moi je trouve que la vie devrait être plus facile)
    날 따라 뛰어 봐 run
    처음부터 hello hello, e-yo
    이대로 너와 나 run
    이 손을 놓지 말아요 e-yo
    호기심 - 뛰어 봐 run
    처음부터 hello hello, e-yo
    이대로 너와 나 run
    이 손을 놓지 말아요 e-yo

    [?] (-come through)

    We come through, we come through
    Everybody shake it
    We come through, cl- we come through (Ayo, ayo)
    We come through, everybody shake it
    We come through, cl- we come through
    We come through (Ayo, ayo)

    날 따라 뛰어
    (Ayo, ayo) We come through, clear- we come through
    We come through, every (Ayo, ayo)
    We come, ev-

    뛰어 봐 run
    처음부터 hello hello, e-yo
    이대로 너와 나 run
    이 손을 놓지 말아요 e-yo
    호기심 가득한 너의 그 두 눈에
    많은 걸 보여 주고파
    여기서 너와 나 now
    시간을 멈춰 버려요 e-yo

    날 따라와
Track: Light Year
- The Story So Far
Duration: 3:33
Lyrics: |-
    Come down on me I won't be anyone else
    Clip time with me, ride with me chasing my thrills
    He's leaving me, even you and everyone else
    It seems it's getting worse but who can really tell

    I'm stepping outside now
    I'll leave you behind now
    I finally came down
    I'm ready to let it all out

    How did I get here
    Feels like a lightyear
    I should have no fear
    Yet my hands are slick
    How did I get here
    Feels like a lightyear
    I should have no fear
    Yet my hands are slick

    Look down on me but try to be there for me still
    Doesn't really seem like you're loving yourself
    Why don't you climb to the top of my hill
    And rest up your legs on the stone

    I'm stepping outside now
    I'll leave you behind now
    I finally came down
    I'm ready to let it all out

    How did I get here
    Feels like a lightyear
    I should have no fear
    Yet my hands are slick
    How did I get here
    Feels like a lightyear
    I should have no fear
    Yet my hands are slick

    Never try to lie to me 'cause you will fuck up everything
    Toss a number in my lottery
    You aren't who you try to be, no
    Never try to lie to me 'cause you will fuck up everything
    Toss a number in my lottery
    You aren't who you try to be at all
    Never try to lie to me, don't fuck up everything
    Toss a number in my lottery
    You aren't who you wanna be

    How did I get here
    Feels like a lightyear
    I should have no fear
    Yet my hands are slick
    How did I get here
    Feels like a lightyear
    I should have no fear
    Yet my hands are slick

    How did I get here
    Feels like a lightyear
    I should have no fear
    Yet my hands are slick
    How did I get here
    Feels like a lightyear
    I should have no fear
    Yet my hands are slick
Track: Lights
Directory: lights-wolfgun
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Wolfgun
Duration: 5:53
Lyrics: |-
    In the dawn of every day
    I will miss the subtle rays
    Of shooting stars
    And moonlight on the trees
    What once was in its place
    Is now gone without a trace
    And I am left with nothing but a memory

    Take me back to see that sky
    Where the planets were not shy
    And the milky way
    Was brighter than the sun
    When I stopped to share my sights
    I found no words to let me try
    And I am left with feelings only just begun

    Like fireworks, I saw the lights
    Filling up my shadow
    When night falls, the stars shine bright
    Like a road to carry me home

    We'll journey freely

    Yeah, I'm the wolf and I'll carry on
    There's only stars in my soul now
    So take me back to the summertime
    To the forest, and the night's call

    Yeah, I'm the wolf and I'll carry on
    There's only stars in my soul now
    So take me back to the summertime
    To the forest, and the night's call

    All the things I'd wish to see
    I know are waiting there for me
    The shooting stars
    And moonlight on the trees
    What once was in its place
    Is now a dream for me to chase
    And I am left with visions of our galaxy

    Like fireworks, I saw the lights
    Filling up my shadow
    When night falls, the stars shine bright
    Like a road to carry me home

    Like fireworks, I saw the lights
    Filling up my shadow
    When night falls, the stars shine bright
    Like a road to carry me home
Track: Like Herod
- Mogwai
Duration: 11:41
Track: Linger
Directory: linger-the-cranberries
Always Reference By Directory: true
- The Cranberries
Duration: 4:37
Lyrics: |-
    If you, if you could return
    Don't let it burn
    Don't let it fade
    I'm sure I might be rude
    But it's just your attitude
    It's tearing me apart
    It's ruining everything
    And I swore, I swore I would be true
    And honey, so did you
    So why were you holding her hand?
    Is that the way we stand?
    Were you lying all the time?
    Was it just a game to you?

    But I'm in so deep
    You know I'm such a fool for you
    You've got me wrapped around your finger
    Do you have to let it linger?
    Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?

    Oh, I thought the world of you
    I thought nothing could go wrong
    But I was wrong, I was wrong
    If you, if you could get by
    Trying not to lie
    Things wouldn't be so confused
    And I wouldn't feel so used
    But you always really knew
    I just wanna be with you

    And I'm in so deep
    You know I'm such a fool for you
    You've got me wrapped around your finger
    Do you have to let it linger?
    Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?

    And I'm in so deep
    You know I'm such a fool for you
    You've got me wrapped around your finger
    Do you have to let it linger?
    Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?
    You know I'm such a fool for you
    You've got me wrapped around your finger
    Do you have to let it linger?
    Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?
Track: Little Dark Age
Duration: 5:10
Lyrics: |-
    Breathing in the dark, lying on its side
    The ruins of the dead painted with a scar
    And the more I straighten out, the less it wants to try
    The feelings start to rot one wink at a time

    Forgiving who you are for what you stand to gain
    Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away
    When you get out of bed, don't end up stranded
    Horrified with each stone
    On the stage, my little dark age

    Picking through the cards, knowing what's nearby
    The carvings on the face say they find it hard
    And the engine's failed again, all limits of disguise
    The humor's not the same, coming from denial

    I grieve in stereo, the stereo sounds strange
    I know that if you hide, it doesn't go away
    If you get out of bed and find me standing
    All alone, open-eyed
    Burn the page, my little dark age

    Little dark age, little dark age
    Little dark age, little dark age

    I grieve in stereo, the stereo sounds strange
    You know that if it hides, it doesn't go away
    If I get out of bed, you'll see me standing
    All alone, horrified
    On the stage, my little dark age

    Giddy with delight, seeing what's to come
    The image of the dead, dead ends in my mind

    Policemen swear to God, love's seeping from the guns
    I know my friends and I would probably turn and run
    If you get out of bed, come find us heading
    For the bridge, bring a stone
    All the rage, my little dark age

    I grieve in stereo, the stereo sounds strange
    I know that if you hide, it doesn't go away
    If you get out of bed and find me standing
    All alone, open-eyed
    Burn the page, my little dark age

    All alone, open-eyed
    Burn the page, my little dark age
Track: loather
Duration: 5:56
- goreshit
Track: local dude orders a burger at Starbucks
- smiley-the-guy
Duration: 3:03
Lyrics: |-
    “okay, start recording”
    “can i help the next guest please? uh, hello, sir, welcome to starbucks, what can i get for you?”
    “sir, we don’t sell burgers here.”
    “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT SE-” [mic cuts off again]
    “we sell- we sell paninis and breakfast sandwiches.”
    [even more laughter]
    “no, we don’t have burger extra cheese, we have paninis and b-”
    “sir, i’m gonna have to ask you to get out if you dont want anything” (transcribed to best ability)
    [discord noise]
    “what, in the hell did i walk into”
    [more laughter and people dying]
    “can i get you a caramel macchiato?”
    [insert big smoke’s order]
    [people are dying, gerald]
    [even MORE laughter]
    “holy goooooooooooood”
    “NO, WE SERVE COFFEE AND, DUTCH DANISHES HERE, JESUS CHRIST!” (transcribed to best ability again)
    “smiley how much of that did you get?”
    [echoing] “C   O   M   P   O   U   N   D”
    “sir, do you want to- do you want to speak to the manager?”
    “he’s ordering from the ether”
    “he’s ordering a burger-”
    “oh my god”
    “he’s ordering- he’s trying to order a burger with-”
    “-extra, starbucks”
    [laughter, keyboards]
    “this s- uh, this discord is wild, wild, [unintelligble]”
    “it just got a lot hotter in this room”
    “god, that’s what it’s like working at there, ‘cause i’m like, “hey, what can i get you?” and the person is like, “can i get a fucking uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh coffee.” it’s like “okay, what kind of coffee?” “uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” and then they order like five different things in a cup and then im there just like-”
Track: Look At Me!
- XXXTentacion
- Cristian Rojas
- James Duval
Duration: 2:06
# Sampled Tracks:
# - Changes by Mala
Lyrics: |-
    I'm like, "Bitch, who is your mans?", ayy
    Can't keep my dick in my pants, ayy
    My bitch don't love me no mo', ayy
    She kick me out, I'm like, "Vro," ayy
    That bitch don't wanna be friends, ayy
    I gave her dick, she amen, ayy
    She put her tongue on my dick, ayy
    Look at my wrist, about ten, ayy
    Just got a pound of the boof, ayy
    Brought that shit straight to the booth, ayy
    Tommy my Hilfiger voots, ayy
    She said, "Wan' fuck?" Bitch, I do, ayy
    You put a gun on my mans, ayy
    I put a hole in your parents, ayy
    I just got lean on my Ksubis, ayy
    I got a Uzi, no Uzi

    Fuck on me, look at me, ayy
    Fuck on me, yah, look at me, ayy
    Look at me, look at me, yah
    Fuck on me, yah, ayy
    Look at me, yah, fuck on me
    Look at me, fuck on me, yah
    Look at me, fuck on me
    Yah, ayy

    (Tell these fuck niggas, voot me up, pipe up)
    (Ayy, shouts out Bans and them, ayy)

    I took a white bitch to Starbucks
    That little bitch got her throat fucked
    I like to rock out, I'm misfit
    My emo bitch like her wrist slit
    Curly hair bitch like I'm Corbin
    Got like three bitches, I'm Mormon
    Skeet on your main bitch's forehead
    Don't want your pussy, just want head

    Look at me, fuck on me
    Look at me, fuck on me
    Look at me, fuck on me
    Look at me, yah, ayy
    Look at me, fuck on me
    Look at me, fuck on me
    Look at me, fuck on me
    Look at me, yah
Track: Look At Me! (Minecraft Parody)
- Galaxy Goats (lyrics, vocals)
- BO Beatz
Duration: 1:46
Referenced Tracks:
- Look At Me!
Lyrics: |-
    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft

    I'm like, "Let's go play Minecraft"
    Can't keep my ores in my chest
    I don't have diamonds no more
    We're mining diamonds, you know
    That creeper's gon' blow us up
    I gave her diamonds I mined
    I craft a diamond pickaxe
    Look at these diamonds I get
    Just found a portal to End
    So I have to kill the dragon
    Armor and my diamond boots
    Just look at my diamond tools
    You put a sword to my Steve
    I put a arrow in your Steve
    I just got a potion of leaping
    I got some diamonds, no diamonds, ayy

    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds, ayy
    Play Minecraft, yeah

    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft
    Minecraft, ayy

    I took the creeper to the forest
    That little creeper got blown up
    I like to play Minecraft all day
    My Minecraft world is the biggest
    Big diamond sword like I'm Notch, man
    I got three diamonds, I'm awesome
    Mine all the diamonds in the mine
    Don't want the iron, just want diamonds

    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft, yeah
    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft
    Mine diamonds
    Play Minecraft, yeah
Track: Lose Control
Duration: 4:06
- Missy Elliott
- Ciara (featuring)
- Fat Man Scoop (featuring)
Track: Lose Yourself
- Eminem
- Jeff Bass
- Luis Resto
Duration: 5:27
Lyrics: |-
    If you had one shot or one opportunity
    To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
    Would you capture it, or just let it slip? Yo

    His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
    There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
    He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
    To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgetting
    What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud
    He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out
    He's choking, how? Everybody's joking now
    The clock's run out, time's up, over, blaow
    Snap back to reality, ope there goes gravity, ope
    There goes Rabbit, he choked, he's so mad but he won't
    Give up that easy, no, he won't have it, he knows
    His whole back's to these ropes, it don't matter, he's dope
    He knows that but he's broke, he's so stagnant, he knows
    When he goes back to this mobile home, that's when it's
    Back to the lab again, yo, this old rhapsody
    Better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him, and

    You better lose yourself in the music
    The moment, you own it, you better never let it go (Go)
    You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo
    You better lose yourself in the music
    The moment, you own it, you better never let it go (Go)
    You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo
    You better

    His soul's escaping through this hole that is gaping
    This world is mine for the taking, make me king
    As we move toward a New World Order
    A normal life is boring; but superstardom's
    Close to post-mortem, it only grows harder
    Homie grows hotter, he blows, it's all over
    These hoes is all on him, coast-to-coast shows
    He's known as the Globetrotter, lonely roads
    God only knows, he's grown farther from home, he's no father
    He goes home and barely knows his own daughter
    But hold your nose, 'cause here goes the cold water
    These hoes don't want him no more, he's cold product
    They moved on to the next schmoe who flows
    He nose-dove and sold nada, and so the soap opera
    Is told, it unfolds, I suppose it's old, partner
    But the beat goes on, da-da-dom, da-dom, dah-dah, dah-dah

    You better lose yourself in the music
    The moment, you own it, you better never let it go (Go)
    You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo
    You better lose yourself in the music
    The moment, you own it, you better never let it go (Go)
    You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo
    You better

    No more games, I'ma change what you call rage
    Tear this motherfuckin' roof off like two dogs caged
    I was playin' in the beginning, the mood all changed
    I've been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage
    But I kept rhymin' and stepped right in the next cypher
    Best believe somebody's payin' the Pied Piper
    All the pain inside amplified by the
    Fact that I can't get by with my nine-to-
    Five and I can't provide the right type of life for my family
    'Cause man, these goddamn food stamps don't buy diapers
    And there's no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life
    And these times are so hard, and it's gettin' even harder
    Tryna feed and water my seed, plus teeter-totter
    Caught up between bein' a father and a prima donna
    Baby mama drama, screamin' on her, too much for me to wanna
    Stay in one spot, another day of monotony's
    Gotten me to the point I'm like a snail, I've got
    To formulate a plot or end up in jail or shot
    Success is my only motherfuckin' option, failure's not
    Mom, I love you, but this trailer's got
    To go, I cannot grow old in Salem's Lot
    So here I go, it's my shot, feet, fail me not
    This may be the only opportunity that I got

    You better lose yourself in the music
    The moment, you own it, you better never let it go (Go)
    You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo
    You better lose yourself in the music
    The moment, you own it, you better never let it go (Go)
    You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo
    You better...

    You can do anything you set your mind to, man
Track: Loser
Duration: 3:56
- Beck
Lyrics: |-
    In the time of chimpanzees, I was a monkey
    Butane in my veins, and I'm out to cut the junkie
    With the plastic eyeballs, spray paint the vegetables
    Dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose
    Kill the headlights and put it in neutral
    Stock car flaming with the loser in the cruise control
    Baby's in Reno with the vitamin D
    Got a couple of couches, sleep on the loveseat
    Someone came, saying I'm insane to complain
    About a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt
    Don't believe everything that you breathe
    You get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve
    So shave your face with some mace in the dark
    Saving all your food stamps and burning down the trailer park
    Yo, cut it

    Soy un perdedor
    I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (Double barrel buckshot)
    Soy un perdedor
    I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?

    The forces of evil in a bozo nightmare
    Ban all the music with the phony gas chamber
    'Cause one's got a weasel, and the other's got a flag
    One's on the pole, shove the other in a bag
    With the rerun shows and the cocaine nose job
    The daytime crap of the folksinger slob
    He hung himself with a guitar string
    A slab of turkey neck, and it's hanging from a pigeon wing
    You can't write if you can't relate
    Trade the cash for the beat, for the body, for the heat
    And my time is a piece of wax falling on a termite
    Who's choking on the splinters

    Soy un perdedor
    I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (Get crazy with the cheese whiz)
    Soy un perdedor
    I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (Drive-by body pierce)

    (Yo, bring it on down)

    (em llik uoy t'nod yhw os
    Ybab resol a m'I
    Rodedrep nu yoS)

    I'm a driver, I'm a winner
    Things are gonna change, I can feel it

    Soy un perdedor
    I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (I can't believe you)
    Soy un perdedor
    I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
    Soy un perdedor
    I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (Sprechen Sie Deutsch, eh, baby?)
    Soy un perdedor
    I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (Know what I'm sayin'?)
Track: Lovefool
- The Cardigans
Lyrics: |-
    Dear, I fear we're facing a problem
    You love me no longer, I know and
    Maybe there is nothing that I can do
    To make you do
    Mama tells me I shouldn't bother
    That I ought just stick to another man
    A man that surely deserves me
    But I think you do

    So I cry, and I pray, and I beg

    Love me, love me
    Say that you love me
    Fool me, fool me
    Go on and fool me
    Love me, love me
    Pretend that you love me
    Leave me, leave me
    Just say that you need me
    So I cry and I beg for you to
    Love me, love me
    Say that you love me
    Leave me, leave me
    Just say that you need me
    I can't care 'bout anything but you

    Lately I have desperately pondered
    Spent my nights awake and I wonder
    What I could have done in another way
    To make you stay
    Reason will not reach a solution
    I will end up lost in confusion
    I don't care if you really care
    As long as you don't go

    So I cry, and I pray, and I beg

    Love me, love me
    Say that you love me
    Fool me, fool me
    Go on and fool me
    Love me, love me
    Pretend that you love me
    Leave me, leave me
    Just say that you need me
    So I cry and I beg for you to
    Love me, love me
    Say that you love me
    Leave me, leave me
    Just say that you need me
    I can't care 'bout anything but you
    (Anything but you)

    Love me, love me
    Say that you love me
    Fool me, fool me
    Go on and fool me
    Love me, love me
    I know that you need me
    I can't care 'bout anything but you
Track: LRAD
- Knife Party
Duration: 5:15
# Sampled Tracks:
# - apparently the voice line comes from 'VE1 Vocal Phrases 036 Vocal Essentials Vol. 1' from 'Vengeance Sound' yeah ok bud
Lyrics: |-
    Everybody in the club!

    Everybody in the club!
Track: Luck Be a Lady
Duration: 5:14
- Frank Loesser
Lyrics: |-
    They call you Lady Luck
    But there is room for doubt
    At times, you've had a very unlady-like way of running out
    You're on this date with me
    The Pickens have been lush
    And yet before this evening is over
    You might give me the brush

    You might forget your manners
    You might refuse to stay
    And so the best that I can do is pray

    Luck be a lady tonight
    Luck be a lady tonight
    Luck if you've ever been a lady to begin with, luck be a lady tonight

    Luck let a gentleman see
    How nice a dame you can be
    I know the way you've treated other guys you've been with
    Luck, be a lady with me

    A lady doesn't leave her escort
    It isn't fair, it isn't nice
    A lady doesn't wander all over the room
    And blow on some other guy's dice
    Let's keep this party polite
    Never get out of my sight
    Stick me with me baby, I'm the fella you came in with
    Luck, be a lady tonight

    Luck, let a gentleman see
    Just how nice, how nice a dame you can be
    I know the way you've treated other guys you've been with
    Luck be a lady with me

    A lady doesn't leave her escort
    It isn't fair, and it's not nice
    A lady doesn't wander all over the room
    And blow on some other guy's dice
    So let's keep the party polite
    Never get out of my sight
    Stick with me baby, I'm the guy that you came in with
    Luck be a lady
    Luck be a lady
    Luck be a lady, tonight
Track: Mad About the Boy
- Noël Coward
- Dinah Washington (performance)
Duration: 3:09
Lyrics: |-
    I'm mad about the boy
    And I know it's stupid to be mad about the boy
    I'm so ashamed of it
    But must admit the sleepless nights I've had
    About the boy

    On the silverscreen
    He melts my foolish heart in every single scene
    Although I'm quite aware
    That here and there are traces of the cad
    About the boy

    Lord knows I'm not a fool girl
    I really shouldn't care
    Lord knows I'm not a school girl
    Who's in the flurry of her first affair

    Will it ever cloy
    This odd diversity of misery and joy
    I'm feeling quite insane and young again
    And all because I'm mad about the boy

    I'm feeling quite insane and young again
    And all because I'm mad about the boy
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/19/2022)
    The song originates with Coward's 1932 revue "Words and Music"; no recording exists, however. Dinah Washington's 1961 version (her second time recording it) is the most popular and enduring version.
Track: Made in Heaven
- Queen
Duration: 5:25
Lyrics: |-
    I'm taking my ride with destiny
    Willing to play my part
    Living with painful memories
    Loving with all my heart

    Made in heaven, made in heaven
    It was all meant to be, yeah
    Made in heaven, made in heaven
    That's what they say
    Can't you see?
    That's what everybody says to me
    Can't you see?

    Oh I know, I know, I know that it's true
    Yes, it's really meant to be
    Deep in my heart

    I'm having to learn to pay the price
    They're turning me upside down
    Waiting for possibilities
    Don't see too many around

    Made in heaven, made in heaven
    It's for all to see
    Made in heaven, made in heaven
    That's what everybody says
    Everybody says to me
    It was really meant to be
    Oh, can't you see?
    Yeah, everybody, everybody says
    Yes, it was meant to be, yeah

    When stormy weather comes around
    It was made in heaven
    When sunny skies
    Break through behind the clouds
    I wish it could last forever, yeah
    Wish it could last forever, forever

    Made in heaven

    I'm playing my role in history
    Looking to find my goal
    Taking in all this misery
    But giving in all my soul

    Made in heaven, made in heaven
    It was all meant to be, yeah
    Made in heaven, made in heaven
    That's what everybody says
    Wait and see, it was really meant to be
    So plain to see
    Yeah, everybody, everybody
    Everybody tells me so
    Yes, it was plain to see
    Yes, it was meant to be

    Written in the stars
    Written in the stars
    Written in the stars
Track: Magic
Duration: 4:28
- Mystery Skulls
Lyrics: |-
    This spell you got on me
    It's like magic
    Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love
    Got me feeling like I'll never give up on
    Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you
    It's like magic
    I got you feeling like you're fallin' in love
    I got you feeling like you'll never give up on
    Got you feeling like you'll never give up on–

    It's like magic
    Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love
    Got me feeling like I'll never give up on
    Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you
    It's like magic
    I got you feeling like you're fallin' in love
    I got you feeling like you'll never give up on
    Got you feeling like you'll never give up on–

    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic, magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic, magic, magic (Ooh)

    It's not the way you wear your hair
    Or you dress cut down to there
    Oh no
    It's not the way you move your eyes
    Though it took me by surprise
    Oh no

    Before this night is over
    I pull your body closer
    I wanna give it to you
    I wanna get back
    Before this night is over
    I pull your body closer

    This spell you got on me
    It's like magic
    Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love
    Got me feeling like I'll never give up on
    Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you
    It's like magic
    I got you feeling like you're fallin' in love
    I got you feeling like you'll never give up on
    Got you feeling like you'll never give up on–

    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic, magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic, magic, magic (Ooh)

    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic, magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic, magic, magic (Ooh)

    Never give up, oh no
    Never give up on you
    Never give up, oh no
    Never give up o-on you
    Never give up, oh no
    Never give up on you
    Never give up, oh no
    Never give on you baby

    Never give up, oh no
    Never give up on you
    Never give up, oh no
    Never give up o-on you
    Never give up, oh no
    Never give up on you
    Never give up, oh no
    Never give on you baby

    This spell you got on me
    It's like magic
    Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love
    Got me feeling like I'll never give up on
    Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you
    It's like magic
    I got you feeling like you're fallin' in love
    I got you feeling like you'll never give up on
    Got you feeling like you'll never give up on–

    It's like magic
    Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love
    Got me feeling like I'll never give up on
    Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you
    It's like magic
    I got you feeling like you're fallin' in love
    I got you feeling like you'll never give up on
    Got you feeling like you'll never give up on–

    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic, magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic (Ooh)
    Magic, magic, magic, magic (Ooh)
Track: Make Believe
Duration: 3:28
- Kero Kero Bonito
Lyrics: |-
    I set a watch for 5 o'clock
    I think of trees and rivers as I'm drifting off
    I pinch my wrist (Just to tell where I am)
    I get a twinge (Seems as real as it can)
    But I remain and so I know the rest is up to me

    At night, the sunlight beats upon my skin
    In here, I see everything
    And until the morning comes
    I feel it

    All my life I tried
    To find the time to make believe
    But now as certain as the seasons
    I know real life will get in between
    If I never get to decide my reality
    At least I see how it could be
    When I get round to sleeping (Sleeping)
    Dreaming (Dreaming)
    Works for me

    And though my soul (Lets me do what I want)
    Is pretty bold (In a place I belong)
    From time to time, my grip'll slip
    And I just lose control
    Then awake I freeze
    But nothing in my head can hurt me
    However real it seems

    All my life I tried
    To find the time to make believe
    But now as certain as the seasons
    I know real life will get in between
    If I never get to decide my reality
    At least I see how it could be
    When I get round to sleeping (Sleeping)
    Dreaming (Dreaming)
    When I get round to sleeping (Sleeping)
    Dreaming (Dreaming)
Track: Makeout Spots
- Jeff Burgess
Duration: 3:56
Lyrics: |-
    All the sexy plots
    In the cool makeout spots
    I'm sad 'cause they remind me of you
    And all the lights and dreams I envisioned
    Are you mad because they're coming true?

    I been living for the shows and for the road
    And telling those I love "I have to go"
    Seeing filly dreams ignite and fly to space
    I will gladly let my one love be the bass

    Some couples kiss on the dance floor
    You prefer the moonlit seashore
    I can't force this life upon you
    If it's something you won't do

    All the sexy plots
    In the cool makeout spots
    I'm sad 'cause they remind me of you
    And all the lights and dreams I envisioned
    Are you mad because they're coming true?

    I been meeting all these girls after the show
    They sneak backstage, say "Where you wanna go?"
    We trot on out, to a bar, she meets Neon Lights
    She tries to wet our horns, but I go outside

    Oh I don't talk 'cause no one listens
    Longer we drive, less it glistens
    Losing sight, but what can I do?
    Octy, I am missing you
    Will you still be there when its through?

    All the sexy plots
    In the cool makeout spots
    I'm sad 'cause they remind me of you
    And all the lights and dreams I envisioned
    Are you mad because they're coming true?

    Why is it so hard not to be blind?
    I listen to old songs and somehow I find
    I don't hear them the same anymore
    There's bad tuning and flaws and they're just so boring

    Do I push myself too hard?
    I'm only twenty years old
    That's eighteen I wasted taking walks autumn nights
    And two I've devoted to pursuing this stupid goal

    I've lost my filly dreams
    The wind swept them up when I wasn't aware
    Somewhere along the line it seems

    I would turn right back if I wasn't so very close
    We haven't talked in so long I probably feel like a ghost
    Octy, I swear, I do care, but it's within my grip
    I just need to know how it feels then I can end this trip

    All the sexy plots
    In the cool makeout spots
    I'm sad 'cause they remind me of you
    And all the lights and dreams I envisioned
    Are you mad because they're coming true?

    All the sexy plots
    In the cool makeout spots
    I'm sad 'cause they remind me of you
    And all the lights and dreams I envisioned
    Are you mad because they're coming
    Mad because they're coming
    Mad because they're coming true?
Track: Marble Soda
- Shawn Wasabi
Duration: 2:49
# Sampled Tracks:
# - dude, you do not even WANT to know
Lyrics: |-
    (Please enjoy it!)

    I'm running this bitch

    I gotta stay
    I gotta stay

    Oh, shut the fuck up, I got-
    I gotta stay
    D-D-Down (Gotta stay)

    She depends on you
    She depends on you
    Am I tripping?

    Pends on you, depends on
    She pend, oh oh, she pend
    Oh, oh, oh, wasted, oh
    Drop some D's on that bitch

    (Thank you very much!)
    (Marble soda!)
Track: Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
- miko (vocals)
Duration: 2:01
Referenced Tracks:
- Doll Judgement ~ The Girl Who Played with People's Shapes
Lyrics: |-
    Wara ningyou ni (<i>Pounding into straw effigies</i>)
    Wara ningyou ni (<i>Pounding into straw effigies</i>)
    Wara ningyou ni (<i>Pounding into straw effigies</i>)
    Gossun, gossun, gossun kugi! (<i>Five-inch, five-inch, five-inch nails! </i>)

    Yi er san yi er san one two three one two three ichi ni san (<i>One two three one two three one two three one two three one two three</i>)
    Yi er san yi er san one two three one two three ichi ni san (<i>One two three one two three one two three one two three one two three</i>)
    Yi er san yi er san one two three one two three ichi ni san (<i>One two three one two three one two three one two three one two three</i>)
    Eins, zwei, guten Morgen, yi er yi er ichi ichi ichi ichi (<i>One, two, good morning, one two one two one one one one</i>)

    Hifumi hifumi hifumi hifumi hihifu (<i>Onetwothree onetwothree onetwothree onetwothree oneonetwo</i>)
    Hifumi hifumi hifumi hifumi hihifu (<i>Onetwothree onetwothree onetwothree onetwothree oneonetwo</i>)
    Hifumi hifumi hifumi hifumi hihifu (<i>Onetwothree onetwothree onetwothree onetwothree oneonetwo</i>)
    Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi hifumiyo hifumiyo! (<i>Oneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneone onetwothreefour onetwothreefour!</i>)

    Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to
    Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to (Kanjinai wa) (<i>I can't feel it</i>)
    Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to
    Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to (Itakunai wa) (<i>It doesn't hurt</i>)

    Check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee
    Ugigi ugigi ugigi ugigi kugigi kugigi kugigi kugigi
    Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai Hourai Hourai Hourai Hourai
    France Holland Tibet Kyoto London Russia Orleans!

    Kirai, kirai loving (<i>Hating, hating, loving</i>)
    Dare ga, dare ga can't be alive without you (<i>Who are you, who are you can't be alive without you</i>)
    Doushite naze kashira (<i>Why is it, I wonder</i>)
    Why why why why don't I miss you a lot, forever?

    Shiranai wa sonna mahou (<i>I don't know how to work your magic</i>)
    Omoi wa tsutaetara kowarechau (<i>If I told you how I felt, I'd break</i>)
    Anata to wa chigau kara (<i>I'm different from you</i>)
    Hito no kokoro made kantan ni nusumanaide (<i>So don't go around stealing other people's hearts that easily </i>)

    Check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee
    Check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee check it-check it—
    Check it gee check it gee check it gee check it-check it— check it gee check it gee check it gee check it-check it—
    Check it-check it— gee check it-check it— gee check it-check it— check it gee gee gee gee gee gee gee gee gee

    Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi (<i>Oneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneone</i>)
    Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi (<i>Oneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneone</i>)
    Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi (<i>Oneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneone</i>)
    Hifumiyo hifumiyo hifumiyo hifumiyo hihihihi hifumiyo hifumiyo! (<i>Onetwothreefour onetwothreefour onetwothreefour onetwothreefour oneoneoneone onetwothreefour onetwothreefour!</i>)

    Chikai mirai turning (<i>A close-up future of turning</i>)
    Tooi omoi can't be alive without you (<i>My distant feelings can't be alive without you</i>)
    Doushite naze kashira (<i>Why is it, I wonder</i>)
    Why why why why don't I believe you more, forever?

    Shitteru wa sonna himitsu (<i>I know about that secret of yours</i>)
    Itsu de mo mune no naka sakenderu (<i>It's always screaming out in the bottom of my heart</i>)
    Anata to wa chigau kara (<i>I'm not the same as you</i>)
    Hito no kokoro made kantan ni nusumanaide (<i>So don't go around stealing other people's hearts so easily</i>)

    Gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun (<i>Five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch</i>)
    Gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun (<i>Five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch</i>)
    Gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun (<i>Five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch</i>)
    Gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun (<i>Five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch</i>)

    Gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun (<i>Five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch</i>)
    Gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun gossun (<i>Five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch five-inch</i>)
    Gossungossungossungossungossungossungossungossungossungossungossungossungossungossungossungossun— (<i>Fiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinchfiveinch—</i>)
Track: Marry me?
Duration: 5:37
Lyrics: |-
    Nemutteru toki mo anata yasashii no shitteru? (<i>Do you know you're gentle even when you're sleeping?</i>)
    Woohoo itoshikute odeko ni kisu o shita (<i>Woohoo, I love you, I kissed your forehead.</i>)
    Nandomo moufu watashi ni kakete kureru kara (<i>Because you keep covering me with the blanket many times</i>)
    Woohoo marumatte samui ni kimatteru (<i>Woohoo, curling up, it's decided that it's cold</i>)
    Dakara hanbun kakenaoshiterun datte ba (<i>That's why I'm trying to cover half of it again</i>)
    Woohoo neboke teru awatete modoshiteru (<i>Woohoo, you're half-asleep, hastily putting it back</i>)
    Dakara hanbun wa anata ni kakerun datte ba (<i>That's why I'm trying to cover you with half of it</i>)
    Woohoo okashii no mata zenbu kureteru (<i>Woohoo, it's funny, you're giving me everything again</i>)
    Yasashii jikan eien no kakera de tsukutta yubiwa ageru ne (<i>The gentle time, I'll give you the ring made from the fragments of eternity</i>)
    Arigato watashi o mitsukete kurete darlin'? (<i>Thank you for finding me, darlin'?</i>)
    Kokoro ga sou shitai tte itteru (<i>My heart is saying it wants to be that way</i>)
    Issho ni iyou yo issho ni nemurou marry me? (<i>Let's be together, let's sleep together, marry me?</i>)
    Unmei o futari de tashikame yo? (<i>Shall we verify our fate together?</i>)
    Ude ni noseta atama omoku nai ka na? (<i>Isn't my head heavy when I lay it on your arm?</i>)
    Kitto anata no koto dakara (<i>Because it's you, for sure</i>)
    Woohoo gaman shite shibire chatte ru no ka na? (<i>Woohoo, are you enduring and getting numb?</i>)
    Yasashii kimochi mainichi sukoshi zutsu moratta biizu tsunaida (<i>Gentle feelings, every day, the beads we got little by little, connected them</i>)
    Arigato watashi o aishite kurete darlin'? (<i>Thank you for loving me, darlin'?</i>)
    Kokoro ga mou hanarenai tte itteru (<i>My heart says it won't leave anymore</i>)
    Issho ni iyou yo issho ni nemurou marry me? (<i>Let's be together, let's sleep together, marry me?</i>)
    Unmei no ito kata musubi shi chau yo? ii? darlin', marry me? (<i>Should I tie the thread of destiny tightly? Okay? Darlin', marry me?</i>)
Track: Második Galamb
Directory: masodik-galamb
- Venetian Snares
Duration: 6:01
Track: The Massacre
- FantomenK
Duration: 3:14
Track: Master of Puppets
- Metallica
Duration: 8:36
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
Lyrics: |-
    End of passion play, crumbling away
    I'm your source of self-destruction
    Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
    Leading on your death's construction
    Taste me, you will see, more is all you need
    Dedicated to, how I'm killing you

    Come crawling faster (Faster)
    Obey your master (Master)
    Your life burns faster (Faster)
    Obey your master, master

    Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings
    Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
    Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
    Just call my name 'cause I'll hear you scream
    Master, master
    Just call my name 'cause I'll hear you scream
    Master, master

    Needlework the way, never you betray
    Life of death becoming clearer
    Pain monopoly, ritual misery
    Chop your breakfast on a mirror
    Taste me, you will see, more is all you need
    Dedicated to, how I'm killing you

    Come crawling faster (Faster)
    Obey your master (Master)
    Your life burns faster (Faster)
    Obey your master, master

    Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings
    Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
    Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
    Just call my name 'cause I'll hear you scream
    Master, master
    Just call my name 'cause I'll hear you scream
    Master, master
    (Master, master, master, master)

    Master, master
    Where's the dreams that I've been after?
    Master, master
    You promised only lies
    Laughter, laughter
    All I hear or see is laughter
    Laughter, laughter
    Laughing at my cries
    Fix me

    Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
    Just a rhyme without a reason
    Never-ending maze, drift on numbered days
    Now your life is out of season
    I will occupy, I will help you die
    I will run through you, now I rule you too

    Come crawling faster (Faster)
    Obey your master (Master)
    Your life burns faster (Faster)
    Obey your master, master

    Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings
    Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
    Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
    Just call my name 'cause I'll hear you scream
    Master, master
    Just call my name 'cause I'll hear you scream
    Master, master
Track: Masterpiece Theatre III
- Marianas Trench
Duration: 6:40
Lyrics: |-
    I got a new disease in me
    I got a friend that's losing sleep
    I take it hard, it's hard to take
    I'm wide awake
    I'm wide awake

    One more confession, discretion's not what I need to sell
    I never needed a reason for keeping secrets from myself
    And now that's just how I tell I'm wide awake
    I'll wreck this if I have to
    Tell me what good would that do
    I'll wreck this if I have to

    (I'd be so good to you)
    (I'd be so good to you)

    You get separated, somebody's gone
    And I don't know how this is wrong
    And I'm so frustrated, falling behind
    You were a friend of mine

    I'd be so good to you
    'Cause they don't know you like I do
    They don't know you like I do
    They don't know you like I do
    They don't know you like I do

    There's a difference from me to them
    And the road home is paved in star fuckers requiem
    I can never go, go back home again
    (Acadia is gone) Acadia is gone
    (Acadia is gone)

    All my indecision, all my of my excess
    Don't you ever tell me I'm not loving you best
    And I just need a minute, I just need a breath
    It's very hard to drink to my continued success and I
    I will slow down, slow
    It's better in the worst way
    It's getting better in the worst way

    (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)

    So here's another day, I'll spend away from you (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    Another night I'm on another broken avenue (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    Trading in who I've been for shiny celebrity skin (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    I like to push it and push it until my luck is over (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    (Please just follow me)
    I wonder what you're doing, I wonder if you doubt it (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    I wonder how we used to ever go so long without it (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    (I thought you wanted me)
    All the work to impress, charming girls out of their dresses (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    Smiling pretty and pretty (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    I am right beside you, right
    (Please just follow me)
    (What you want, what you need)
    (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    (I thought you wanted me)
    (What you want, what you need)
    (Look around, round, look around, round, look around)
    (If I burn out)
    I am right beside you, right
    (Please just follow me)
    (What you want, what you need)
    (If I burn out)
    (I thought you wanted me)
    (What you want, what you need)
    I'll make this perfect again
    (If I burn out)
    (I thought you wanted me)
    (What you want, what you need)

    (Cross my heart, I hope to die, hope to die)
    If I burn out and slip away
    (Please just follow me)
    (What you want, what you need)
    (Cross my heart, I hope to die, hope to die)
    (I thought you wanted me)
    (What you want, what you need)
    You're beautiful, you are
    (Please just follow me)
    (What you want, what you need)

    I've been here so very long
    (I could slip into you, it's so easy to come back into you)
    I'll hide it, can I hide in you a while?
    (I'm not sick of you yet, is that as good as it gets?)
    (And this is just the part I portray, and this is just the part I portray)
    I never took you for a trick but sometimes I don't know what you want
    I could take it if you need to take this out on someone
    (And this is just the part I portray)
    (And this is just the part I portray)
    I don't know how it got this way
- Machine Girl
Duration: 5:10
Duration: 1:26
Lyrics: |-
    It's gon' get nasty


    Meme machine
    Meme machine
    I'm a motherfucking meme machine
    Meme machine
    Meme machine
    Without memes, I will die

    Give me the memes
    I need the memes
    I smell the memes
    I need all the memes, the memes to survive
    I need the memes
    I breathe the memes
    I smell the memes
    I need all the memes, the memes to survive

    They call me the meme machine
    I catch the memes, I spread the memes
    I eat the memes, I shit the memes
    Without memes, I will die
    Inhale the memes
    Exhale the memes
    Inject the memes into my bloodstream
    There are good memes, and there are bad memes
    Why has God abandoned us? (Help me)

    Smoke the memes, snort the memes
    Take the memes until you OD
    If you borrowed my memes then you owe me
    A new fresh pair of memes


    Meme machine
    Meme machine
    I'm a motherfucking meme machine
    Meme machine
    Meme machine
    Without memes, I will die

    Give me the memes
    I need the memes
    I smell the memes
    I need all the memes, the memes to survive
    I need the memes
    I breathe the memes
    I smell the memes
    I need all the memes, the memes to survive

    *moan* Memes
Track: Meow
- Anamanaguchi
Duration: 3:31
Track: Message in a Bottle
- The Police
Duration: 4:50
Lyrics: |-
    Just a castaway, an island lost at sea, oh
    Another lonely day with no one here but me, oh
    More loneliness than any man could bear
    Rescue me before I fall into despair, oh

    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    Message in a bottle, yeah
    Message in a bottle, yeah

    A year has passed since I wrote my note
    I should have known this right from the start
    Only hope can keep me together
    Love can mend your life, but love can break your heart

    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    Message in a bottle, yeah
    Message in a bottle, yeah
    Oh, message in a bottle, yeah
    Message in a bottle, yeah

    Walked out this morning, don't believe what I saw
    Hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore
    Seems I'm not alone in being alone
    Hundred billion castaways looking for a home

    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    Message in a bottle, yeah
    Message in a bottle, yeah
    Message in a bottle, oh
    Message in a bottle, yeah

    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    I'm sendin' out an SOS
    I'm sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an SOS
    Sendin' out an Esso Blue
Track: The Messenger 2012
- Infected Mushroom
Duration: 10:38
Track: Michael Rosen Rap
- Michael Rosen
Duration: 1:35
Lyrics: |-
    The Michael Rosen Rap!

    You may think I'm happy
    You may think I'm sad
    You may think I'm crazy
    You may think I'm mad
    But hang on to your seats
    And listen right here
    I'm gonna tell you something
    That'll burn your ear

    A hip, hop, a hip hop hap
    I'm giving you all the Michael Rosen Rap-rap-rap-rap

    I was born on the 7th of May
    I remember very well that awful day
    I was in my mother, curled up tight
    Though I have to say, it was as dark as night
    Nothing to do, didn't wanna breathe
    I was so happy, didn't want to leave
    Then I hear some people give a shout
    "One push, Mrs. Rosen, and he'll be out!"
    I'm telling you, that was a puzzle to me
    I shouted out, "How'd you know I'm a he?"
    Doctor shouted, "Good lord, he can talk!"
    I popped out my head, said, "Now watch me walk!"
    I juked and jived around that room
    Balam-bam-boola balam-ba-diddy-boom

    A hip, hop, a hip hop hap
    I'm giving you all the Michael Rosen Rap-rap-rap-rap

    When I was one, I swam the English Channel
    When I was two, I ate a soapy flannel
    When I was three, I started getting thinner
    When I was four, I ate the dog's dinner
    When I was five, I was in a band playing drums
    When I was six, I ate a bag of plums
    When I was seven, I robbed a bank with my sister
    When I was eight, I became prime minister
    When I was nine, I closed all the schools
    When I was ten, they made me king of the fools

    So that's what I am, that's what I be
    With an M, with an I, with a K, with an E
    That's what I am, that's what I be
    Mr. Mike, Mr. Michael, Mr. Rosen, Mr. Me

    A hip, hop, a hip hop hap
    I'm giving you all the Michael Rosen Rap-rap-rap-rap-rap-rap-rap-rap-rap-rap-rap-rap...
Track: The Microsoft Sound
# aka the win95 startup jingle
- Brian Eno
Duration: 0:06
Track: Miracles
Directory: miracles-icp
- Insane Clown Posse
- Mike E. Clark
Duration: 4:22
Lyrics: |-
    (We got a theory. You see, Mike, we got a theory about magic, and miracles.)
    (That's right, that's right.)

    If magic is all we've ever known
    Then it's easy to miss what really goes on
    But I've seen miracles in every way
    And I see miracles every day

    Oceans spanning beyond my sight
    And a million stars way above 'em at night
    We don't have to be high to look in the sky
    And know that's a miracle opened wide

    Look at the mountains, trees, the seven seas
    And everything chilling underwater, please!
    Hot lava, snow, rain and fog
    Long neck giraffes, pet cats and dogs

    And I've seen eighty-five thousand people
    All in one room, together as equal
    Pure magic is the birth of my kids
    I've seen shit that'll shock your eyelids

    The sun and the moon, and even Mars
    The Milky Way and fucking shooting stars
    UFOs, a river flows
    Plant a little seed and nature grows

    Niagara Falls and the pyramids
    Everything you believed in as kids
    Fucking rainbows, after it rains
    There's enough miracles here to blow your brains

    I fed a fish to a pelican at Frisco Bay
    It tried to eat my cell phone, he ran away
    And music is magic, pure and clean
    You can feel it and hear it but it can't be seen

    (Are you a believer in miracles?)
    Music is all magic, you can't even hold it
    (Do you notice and recognize miracles?)
    It's just there in the air
    (Are you a believer in miracles?)
    Pure motherfuckin' magic, right?
    (Do you notice and recognize miracles?)
    This shit'll blow your motherfuckin' mind

    Music is a lot like love, it's all a feeling
    And it fills the room from the floor to the ceiling
    I see miracles all around me
    Stop and look around, it's all astounding

    Water, fire, air and dirt
    Fucking magnets, how do they work?
    And I don't wanna talk to a scientist
    Y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed

    Solar eclipse, and vicious weather
    Fifteen thousand Juggalos together
    And I love my mom, for giving me this time
    On this planet, taking nothing for granted

    I seen a caterpillar turn into a butterfly
    Miracles ain't nothing to lie
    Shaggy's little boys look just like Shaggy
    And my little boy looks just like daddy

    Miracles each and everywhere you look
    And nobody has to stay where they put
    This world is yours, for you to explore
    It's nothing but miracles beyond your door

    The Dark Carnival is your invitation
    To witness that without explanation
    Take a look at this fine creation
    And enjoy it better with appreciation

    Crows, ghosts, the midnight coast
    The wonders of the world, mysteries the most
    Just open your mind, and it ain't no way
    To ignore the miracles of every day, and that's real

    (Are you a believer in miracles?)
    Magic everywhere in this bitch
    (Do you notice and recognize miracles?)
    It's all around you, you don't even know it
    (Are you a believer in miracles?)
    Shit's crazy
    (Do you notice and recognize miracles?)
    (So many miracles, the magic miracles)

    Are you a believer in miracles?
    Do you have time for the miracles?
    Do you notice and recognize miracles?
    So many miracles, the magic miracles

    Are you a believer in miracles?
    Do you have time for the miracles?
    Do you notice and recognize miracles? (In a world full of magic!)
    So many miracles, the magic miracles

    Are you a believer in miracles?
    Do you have time for the miracles?
    Do you notice and recognize miracles? (Miracles!)
    So many miracles, the magic miracles (Miracles!)

    And don't sleep on it!
Track: Miserlou
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Dick Dale
Duration: 2:17
Referenced Tracks:
- Misirlou
Track: mm2wood
# Horrible reconstruction of Megaman 2's Wood Man theme, also known as mm2wood.mid
- Unknown Artist
Duration: 1:22
Referenced Tracks:
- track:wood-man-stage
Track: Moby Octopad
- Yo La Tengo
Duration: 5:47
Lyrics: |-
    Locked in a kiss, outside eyes cease to exist
    We'll shut it out (of the fist)
    Spying eyes cease to exist
    We'll shut it out

    Eight o'clock, the lights are on at Shea
    Phone turned down, we've nothing much to say
    Dozing off the TV drones
    House key makes them turn and glance for home

    Locked in a kiss, outside eyes cease to exist
    Flayed of the fist
    Spiders cease to exist
    We'll shut it out
Track: Momentz
Duration: 3:16
- Gorillaz
- De La Soul
Lyrics: |-
    Clocks on the wall
    Talk to watches on the wrist
    It's the moments we relive
    It's the moments like this
    When it's time to get ill
    We be so ahead of time
    It's the moments we achieve
    Best believe it's the moments

    (Main event, yellow, red, black, white, dirty)
    (Main event, yellow, red, black, white, dirty)
    Shivers down my backbone

    De La is also back again (Uh huh)
    With a crew that's bound to pack them in (Uh huh)
    Got a girl who's up for the mating
    I sense the need in her grandma

    Her nose has never been skating (Uh huh)
    But she's sippin' star constellation (Shit!)
    The real squirt game was so like 2Pac at a court run towards camera (Uh huh)
    Her response to that (Uh) was just "Check please"
    (Uh) Fuck that my man you can't let these (moments)
    Pass you by like "tick tock" (So)
    I'm smackin' the bottom like flip flops
    Made her alarm ring
    (She screams)
    And now we done, we passed the test
    So now lay down to rest
    And wait for the morning hangover that comes

    Clocks on the wall
    Talk to watches on the wrist
    It's the moments we relive
    It's the moments like this
    When it's time to get ill
    We be so ahead of time
    It's the moments we achieve
    Best believe it's the moments

    (Main event, yellow, red, black, white, dirty)
    (Main event, yellow, red, black, white, dirty)
    Shivers down my backbone

    Plastic on the ceiling
    Plastic on the ceiling
    Plastic on the ceiling
    Plastic on the ceiling
    Plastic on the ceiling
    Plastic on the ceiling
    Plastic on the ceiling
    Plastic on the ceiling

    So now lay down to rest
    And wait for the morning hangover that comes

    Clocks on the wall
    Talk to watches on the wrist
    It's the moments we relive
    It's the moments like this
    When it's time to get ill
    We be so ahead of time
    It's the moments we achieve
    Best believe it's the moments


    (I'm talkin' about the Kool Klown Klan. Kool Klown Klan.)
    (I'm talkin' about the Kool Klown Klan.)
    (I need to step out for a fresh of breath air after that!)
Track: Money
Directory: money-pink-floyd
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Pink Floyd
Duration: 6:29
Lyrics: |-
    Money, get away
    Get a good job with more pay and you're okay
    Money, it's a gas
    Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash

    New car, caviar, four-star daydream
    Think I'll buy me a football team

    Money, get back
    I'm alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack
    Money, it's a hit
    Ah, don't give me that do-goody-good bullshit

    I'm in the hi-fidelity first-class traveling set
    And I think I need a Learjet

    Money, it's a crime
    Share it fairly, but don't take a slice of my pie
    Money, so they say
    Is the root of all evil today

    But if you ask for a rise
    It's no surprise that they're giving none away

    Away, away, away, away, away, away, away, ooh...

    ("Ha-ha! I was in the right!"
    "Yes, absolutely in the right!"
    "I certainly was in the right!"
    "Yeah, I was definitely in the right. That geezer was cruising for a bruising!"
    "Why does anyone do anything?"
    "Why does anyone do anything?"
    "I don't know, I was really drunk at the time!"
    "I was just telling him it was in, he could get it in number two. He was asking why it wasn't coming up on fader eleven. After, I was yelling and screaming and telling him why it wasn't coming up on fader eleven. It came to a heavy blow, which sorted the matter out.")
Track: Money Machine
- 100 gecs
- Dylan Brady
- Laura Les
Duration: 1:54
Lyrics: |-
    Hey, you little piss baby
    You think you're so fucking cool? Huh?
    You think you're so fucking tough?
    You talk a lotta big game for someone with such a small truck
    Aw, look at those arms
    Your arms look so fucking cute, they look like lil' cigarettes
    I bet I could smoke you, I could roast you
    And then you'd love it and you'd text me "I love you"
    And then I'd fucking ghost you

    With the big boys coming with the big stuff
    I feel so clean like a money machine, oh yeah
    Big boys coming with the big trucks
    Feel so clean like a money machine, oh yeah
    Big boys coming with the big trucks
    Feel so clean like a money machine, oh yeah
    Big boys coming with the picture
    Feel so clean like a money machine, oh yeah (Oh yeah)

    Feel so clean like a money machine
    Feel so clean like a money machine
    Feel so clean like a money machine
    Feel so clean like a money machine

    Tell me what's the deal, I've been tryin' to go to bed
    I've been up for days, I've been tryna get ahead
    Said it all before, and I'll say it once again
    I'm better off alone
    Tell me what's the deal, I've been tryin' to go to bed
    I've been up for days, I've been tryna get ahead
    Said it all before, and I'll say it once again
    I'm better off alone

    With the big boys coming with the big stuff
    I feel so clean like a money machine, oh yeah
    Big boys coming with the big trucks
    Feel so clean like a money machine, oh yeah
    Big boys coming with the big trucks
    Feel so clean like a money machine, oh yeah
    Big boys coming with the picture
    Feel so clean like a money machine, oh yeah (Oh yeah)

    Feel so clean like a money machine
    Feel so clean like a money machine
    Feel so clean like a money machine
    Feel so clean like a money machine
Directory: monster-reol
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Reol
Duration: 3:21
#lyrics are non-English, not added to wiki yet
Track: Mortal Man
- Kendrick Lamar
Duration: 12:07
# Sampled Tracks:
# - The audio of 2Pac's voice is taken from an actual interview with Sveriges Radio Station (P3)
Lyrics: |-
    Oh, oh, whoa
    Uh, yeah
    Uh, yeah
    Yeah, uh

    The ghost of Mandela, hope my flows stay propellin'
    Let these words be your Earth and moon, you consume every message
    As I lead this army, make room for mistakes and depression
    And with that being said, my nigga, let me ask this question:

    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
    When shit hit the fan—
    (One two, one two, one two)
    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?

    The ghost of Mandela, hope my flows stay propellin'
    Let these words be your Earth and moon, you consume every message
    As I lead this army, make room for mistakes and depression
    And with that being said, my nigga, let me ask this question:

    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
    Won't you look to your left and right?
    Make sure you ask your friends
    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?

    Do you believe in me? Are you deceiving me?
    Could I let you down easily, is your heart where it need to be?
    Is your smile on permanent? Is your vow on lifetime?
    Would you know where the sermon is if I died in this next line?
    If I'm tried in a court of law, if the industry cut me off
    If the government want me dead, plant cocaine in my car
    Would you judge me a drug-head or see me as K. Lamar?
    Or question my character and degrade me on every blog?
    Want you to love me like Nelson, want you to hug me like Nelson
    I freed you from being a slave in your mind, you're very welcome
    You tell me my song is more than a song, it's surely a blessing
    But a prophet ain't a prophet 'til they ask you this question:

    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
    Won't you look to your left and right?
    Make sure you ask your friends
    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?

    The ghost of Mandela, hope my flows stay propellin'
    Let my words be your Earth and moon, you consume every message
    As I lead this army, make room for mistakes and depression
    And with that—

    Do you believe in me? How much you believe in her?
    You think she gon' stick around if them 25 years occur?
    You think he can hold you down when you down behind bars, hurt?
    You think y'all on common ground if you promise to be the first?
    Can you be immortalized without your life being expired?
    Even though you share the same blood, is it worth the time?
    Like, who got your best interest?
    Like, how much are you dependent?
    How clutch are the people that say they love you?
    And who pretending?
    How tough is your skin when they turn you in?
    Do you show forgiveness?
    What brush do you bend when dusting your shoulders from being offended?
    What kind of den did they put you in when the lions start hissing?
    What kind of bridge did they burn?
    Revenge on your mind when it's mentioned
    You wanna love like Nelson, you wanna be like Nelson
    You wanna walk in his shoes, but your peacemaking seldom
    You wanna be remembered that delivered the message
    That considered the blessing of everyone
    This your lesson for everyone, say

    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
    Won't you look to your left and right? Make sure you ask your friends
    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?

    The voice of Mandela, hope this flow stay propellin'
    Let my word be your Earth and moon, you consume every message
    As I lead this army, make room for mistakes and depression
    And if you riding with me, nigga—

    I been wrote off before, I got abandonment issues
    I hold grudges like bad judges, don't let me resent you
    That's not Nelson-like—want you to love me like Nelson
    I went to Robben's Island analysing; that's where his cell is
    So I could find clarity—like, how much you cherish me?
    Is this relationship a fake, or real as the heavens be?
    See I got to question it all; family, friends, fans, cats, dogs
    Trees, plants, grass, how the wind blow, Murphy's Law
    Generation X—will I ever be your ex?
    Flaws of a baby step', mauled by the mouth of Pit bulls
    Put me under stress, crawled under rocks, duckin' y'all
    It's respect—but then tomorrow, put my back against the wall
    How many leaders you said you needed then left 'em for dead?
    Is it Moses? Is it Huey Newton or Detroit Red?
    Is it Martin Luther? JFK? Shooter—you assassin
    Is it Jackie? Is it Jesse? Oh, I know it's Michael Jackson—oh

    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
    That nigga gave us "Billie Jean," you say he touched those kids?
    When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?

    The ghost of Mandela, hope my flows stay propelling
    Let my word be your Earth and moon, you consume every message
    As I lead this army, make room for mistakes and depression
    And if you riding with me, nigga, let me ask this question, nigga

    (I remember you was conflicted
    Misusing your influence
    Sometimes I did the same
    Abusing my power, full of resentment
    Resentment that turned into a deep depression
    Found myself screaming in the hotel room
    I didn't wanna self destruct
    The evils of Lucy was all around me
    So I went running for answers
    Until I came home
    But that didn't stop survivor's guilt
    Going back and forth trying to convince myself the stripes I earned
    Or maybe how A-1 my foundation was
    But while my loved ones was fighting the continuous war back in the city
    I was entering a new one
    A war that was based on apartheid and discrimination
    Made me wanna go back to the city and tell the homies what I learned
    The word was respect
    Just because you wore a different gang color than mine's
    Doesn't mean I can't respect you as a black man
    Forgetting all the pain and hurt we caused each other in these streets
    If I respect you, we unify and stop the enemy from killing us
    But I don't know, I'm no mortal man
    Maybe I'm just another nigga)

    (Shit, that's all I wrote. I was gonna call it "Another Nigga" but, it ain't really a poem. I just felt like it's something you probably could relate to. Other than that, now that I finally got a chance to holler at you. I always wanted to ask you about a certain situa- About a metaphor actually, uh, you spoke on the ground. What you mean by that, what the ground represent?)
    (The ground is gonna open up and swallow the evil.)
    (That's how I see it, my word is bond. I see—and the ground is the symbol for the poor people)
    (The poor people is gonna open up this whole world and swallow up the rich people 'cause the rich people gonna be so fat. And they gonna be so appetizing, you know what I'm sayin' wealthy, appetizing the poor gonna be so poor, and hungry.)
    (You know what I'm saying, it's gonna be like, you know what I'm saying, it's gonna be, there might, there might be some cannibalism out this muh-fu- They might eat the rich, you know what I'm saying?)
    (Aight so let me ask you this then. Do you see yourself as somebody that's rich. Or somebody that made the best of their own opportunities?)
    (I see myself as a natural born hustler. A true hustler in every sense of the word, I took nothin', I took the opportunities, I worked at the most menial and degrading job, and built myself up so I could get it to where I owned it. I went from having somebody managing me, to me hiring the person that works my management company. I changed everything, I realized my destiny in a matter of five years, you know what I'm saying? I made myself a millionaire, I made millions for a lot of people, now it's time to make millions for myself, you know what I'm saying? I made millions for the record companies, I made millions for these movie companies, now I make millions for, for us.)
    (And through your different avenues of success, how would you say you managed to keep a level of sanity?)
    (By my faith in God, by my faith in the game, and by my faith in "All good things come to those that stay true".)
    (You know what I'm saying? And it was happening to me for a reason, you know what I'm saying, I was noticing, shit, I was punching the right buttons and it was happening. So it's no problem, you know I mean, it's a problem but I'm not finna let them know, I'm finna go straight through.)
    (Would you consider yourself a... a fighter at heart or somebody that... somebody that only reacts when they back is against the wall?)
    (Shit, I like to think that at every opportunity I've ever been, uh, threatened with resistance, it's been met with resistance. And not only me but, it goes down my family tree. You know what I'm saying, it's in my veins to fight back.)
    (Aight well, how long will you think it take before niggas be like, "We fighting a war, I'm fighting a war I can't win and I wanna lay it all down".)
    (In this country, a black man only have like 5 years we can exhibit maximum strength, and that's right now while you a teenager, while you still strong, while you still wanna lift weights, while you still wanna shoot back.'Cause once you turn 30 it's like they take the heart and soul out of a man, out of a black man, in this country, and you don't wanna fight no more. And if you don't believe me, you can look around, you don't see no loud mouth 30-year old motherfuckers.)
    (That's crazy, because me being one of your offsprings of the legacy you left behind, I can truly tell you that, there's nothing but turmoil goin' on so, I wanted to ask you, what you think is the future for me and my generation today?)
    (I think that niggas is tired of grabbin' shit out the stores and next time it's a riot it's gonna be like, uh, bloodshed, for real. I don't think America know that, I think America think we was just playing and it's gonna be some more playing but, it ain't gonna be no playing. It's gonna be murder, you know what I'm saying? It's gonna be like Nat Turner, 1831, up in this motherfucker. You know what I'm saying? It's gonna happen.)
    (That's crazy, man, in my opinion only hope that we kinda have left is music and vibrations. Lot a people don't understand how important it is, you know. Sometimes I can like, get behind a mic and I don't know what type of energy I'ma push out or where it comes from, trip me out sometimes.)
    (Because it's spirits, we ain't even really rappin', we just letting our dead homies tell stories for us.)
    (I wanted to read one last thing to you. It's actually something a good friend had wrote, describing my world, it says:)

    (The caterpillar is a prisoner to the streets that conceived it
    Its only job is to eat or consume everything around it
    In order to protect itself from this mad city
    While consuming its environment
    The caterpillar begins to notice ways to survive
    One thing it noticed is how much the world shuns him
    But praises the butterfly
    The butterfly represents the talent, the thoughtfulness
    And the beauty within the caterpillar
    But having a harsh outlook on life
    The caterpillar sees the butterfly as weak
    And figures out a way to pimp it to his own benefits
    Already surrounded by this mad city
    The caterpillar goes to work on the cocoon
    Which institutionalizes him
    He can no longer see past his own thoughts
    He's trapped
    When trapped inside these walls certain ideas take root, such as
    Going home, and bringing back new concepts to this mad city
    The result?
    Wings begin to emerge, breaking the cycle of feeling stagnant
    Finally free, the butterfly sheds light on situations
    That the caterpillar never considered, ending the internal struggle
    Although the butterfly and caterpillar are completely different
    They are one and the same)

    (What's your perspective on that?)
    (Pac? Pac? Pac?!)
Track: Mouse Trap
- Ride
Duration: 5:14
Lyrics: |-
    Ah, ah-ah-ah
    Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
    Ah, ah-ah-ah
    Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
    Ah, ah-ah-ah
    Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
    Ah, ah-ah-ah
    Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

    Running away, you're lost for words again
    Now you've got all what you wanted, are you really satisfied?

    Tricky scenes, tricky little dreams
    The earth spins, my head spins me back round to you

    Ah, ah
    Ah, ah-ah
    Ah, ah
    Ah, ah-ah
    Ah, ah
    Ah, ah-ah
    Ah, ah
    Ah, ah-ah
Track: 'move for me & the penultimate dagger'
- Jane Remover
Duration: 6:22
Lyrics: |-
    Let's go!
    I'm on the next, next, next, next (They just don't get me)
    Next, next, next (It makes me wanna scream)
    I'm on the next, next, next, next (I'm not a kid, I'm in between)
    Next, next, next (I'm only seventeen, and)
    I'm on the next, next, next, next (I don't wanna go home)
    Next, next, next
    I'm on the next, next, next, next (I don't wanna go)
    Next, next, next, next (No I don't) (I'm going-)

    A DJ, a light show (I don't wanna)
    Speakers putting up, as we go (No I don't) (I'm going-)
    It's lonely, it's lonely, it's lonely out here (This way and that way)
    It's lonely, it's lonely, it's lonely out here (Getting past the name) (I don't wanna go)
    It's lonely, it's lonely, it's lonely out here (Doesn't really matter)
    It's lonely, it's lonely, it's lonely out here (In this life we're all the same) (No I don't)

    I'm on the next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next
    I'm on the next
    Yeah, it's a party in the USA
    I'm on the next
    Yeah, it's a party in the USA
    I'm on the next (I don't wanna)
    Yeah, it's a party in the USA
    I'm on the-
    If you-
    Yeah, yeah
    If you-
    Yeah, it's a party in the USA
    If you-
    Yeah, yeah
    If you-
    Yeah, it's a party in the USA

    I'm on the next
    Slow down, grab the wall
    Wiggle like you trying to make yo ass fall off (I'm on the next)
    Hella thick I wanna smash 'em all
    Now speed up
    Gas pedal

    Gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pedal (I'm on the next, next, next, next, next, next, next)
    Gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pe- (I'm on the next, next, next, next, next, next) (Party in the USA)
    Gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pedal (I'm on the next, next, next, next, next, next, next)
    Gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pedal (I'm on the next, next, next, next, next, next) (Party in the USA)

    Gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pedal (Next, next, next, next, next, next, next) (This way and that way, getting past the name)
    Gas pedal, gas pedal (I'm on the next, next, next, next) (Doesn't really matter)
    I'm on the n-

    If you-
    If you-
    If you-
    If you-

    I'm on the next
    Yeah, yeah
    I'm on the next
    Yeah, it's a party in the USA
    I'm on the next, next, next, next, next, next, next
    Yeah, yeah
    I'm on the next, next, next, next, next, next, next
    Yeah, it's a party in the USA
Track: Moves Like Jagger
- Maroon 5
Duration: 3:21
Lyrics: |-
    Just shoot for the stars if it feels right
    Then aim for my heart if you feel like it
    Take me away
    And make it okay
    I swear I'll behave
    You wanted control, so we waited
    I put on a show, now we're naked
    You say I'm a kid
    My ego is big
    I don't give a shit
    And it goes like this

    Take me by the tongue and I'll know you
    Kiss me 'til you're drunk and I'll show you
    All the moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger
    I don't need to try to control you
    Look into my eyes and I'll own you
    With them moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger

    Maybe it's hard
    When you feel like
    You're broken and scarred
    Nothing feels right
    But when you're with me
    I make you believe
    That I've got the key

    (Oh) So get in the car
    We can ride it
    Wherever you want
    Get inside it
    And you want to steer
    But I'm shifting gears
    I'll take it from here (Aw, yeah, yeah)
    And it goes like this

    Take me by the tongue
    And I'll know you
    Kiss me 'til you're drunk
    And I'll show you
    All the moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger (Woo!)
    I don't need to try to control you (Oh yeah)
    Look into my eyes and I'll own you
    With them moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger

    You want to know how to make me smile
    Take control, own me just for the night
    And if I share my secret
    You're gonna have to keep it
    Nobody else can see this
    So watch and learn
    I won't show you twice
    Head to toe, ooh baby, roll me right
    But if I share my secret
    You're gonna have to keep it
    Nobody else can see this (Hey, hey, hey)
    And it goes like this

    Take me by the tongue
    And I'll know you (Take me by the tongue)
    Kiss til you're drunk
    And I'll show you (Hey-hey-hey)
    You want the moves like jagger
    I got the moves like jagger
    I got the mooooooves... like jagger
    I don't even try to control you
    Look into my eyes and I'll own you
    You with the moves like jagger
    I got the moves like jagger
    I got the mooooooves like jagger

    Take me by the tongue
    And I'll know you (Take me by the tongue)
    Kiss me 'til you're drunk
    And I'll show you (Hey-hey-hey)
    All the moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger (Oh, yeah)
    I don't need to try to control you (Yeah, oo)
    Look into my eyes and I'll own you (Oh)
    With them moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger
    I've got the moves like jagger
Track: Mr. Brightside
- The Killers
Duration: 3:47
Lyrics: |-
    Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine
    Gotta, gotta be down, because I want it all
    It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?
    It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
    Now I'm falling asleep and she's calling a cab
    While he's having a smoke and she's taking a drag
    Now they're going to bed and my stomach is sick
    And it's all in my head, but she's touching his

    Chest now, he takes off her
    Dress now, let me go
    And I just can't look, it's killing me
    They're taking control

    Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
    Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis
    But it's just the price I pay, destiny is calling me
    Open up my eager eyes, 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside

    I'm coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine
    Gotta, gotta be down, because I want it all
    It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?
    It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
    Now I'm falling asleep and she's calling a cab
    While he's having a smoke and she's taking a drag
    Now they're going to bed and my stomach is sick
    And it's all in my head, but she's touching his

    Chest now, he takes off her
    Dress now, let me go
    'Cause I just can't look, it's killing me
    They're taking control

    Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
    Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis
    But it's just the price I pay, destiny is calling me
    Open up my eager eyes, 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside

    I never...
    I never...
    I never...
    I never...
Track: 'Mr. Self Destruct'
- Nine Inch Nails
Duration: 4:30
Lyrics: |-
    I am the voice inside your head (And I control you)
    I am the lover in your bed (And I control you)
    I am the sex that you provide (And I control you)
    I am the hate you try to hide (And I control you)

    I take you where you want to go
    I give you all you need to know
    I drag you down, I use you up
    Mr. Self Destruct

    I speak religion's message clear (And I control you)
    I am denial, guilt and fear (And I control you)
    I am the prayers of the naive (And I control you)
    I am the lie that you believe (And I control you)

    I take you where you want to go
    I give you all you need to know
    I drag you down, I use you up
    Mr. Self Destruct

    You let me do this to you (I am an exit)
    You let me do this to you (I am an exit)
    You let me do this to you (I am an exit)
    You let me do this to you (I am an exit)
    You let me do this to you (I am an exit)
    You let me do this to you (I am an exit)
    You let me do this to you (I am an exit)
    You let me do this to you (I am an exit)

    I am the needle in the vein
    I am the high you can't sustain
    I am the pusher, I'm a whore
    I am the need in you for more

    I am the bullet in the gun (And I control you)
    I am the truth from which you run (And I control you)
    I am the silencing machine (And I control you)
    I am the end of all your dreams (And I control you)

    I take you where you want to go
    I give you all you need to know
    I drag you down, I use you up
    Mr. Self Destruct
    I take you where you want to go
    I give you all you need to know
    I drag you down, I use you up
    Mr. Self Destruct
Track: My Curse
- Killswitch Engage
Duration: 4:04
Track: My Favorite Things
Directory: my-favorite-things-john-coltrane
Always Reference By Directory: true
- John Coltrane (performance)
- John Coltrane
Duration: 13:41
Referenced Tracks:
- My Favorite Things
Track: My Heart Will Go On
- Celine Dion
Duration: 4:40
Lyrics: |-
    Every night in my dreams
    I see you, I feel you
    That is how I know you go on

    Far across the distance
    And spaces between us
    You have come to show you go on

    Near, far, wherever you are
    I believe that the heart does go on
    Once more you open the door
    And you're here in my heart
    And my heart will go on and on

    Love can touch us one time
    And last for a lifetime
    And never let go 'til we're gone

    Love was when I loved you
    One true time I hold to
    In my life we'll always go on

    Near, far, wherever you are
    I believe that the heart does go on
    Once more you open the door
    And you're here in my heart
    And my heart will go on and on

    You're here, there's nothing I fear
    And I know that my heart will go on
    We'll stay forever this way
    You are safe in my heart
    And my heart will go on and on
Track: My Sharona
- The Knack
Duration: 4:52
Lyrics: |-
    Ooh, my little pretty one, pretty one
    When you gonna give me some time, Sharona?
    Ooh, you make my motor run, my motor run
    Gun it coming off of the line, Sharona

    Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
    I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind
    My, my, my, I, yeah, woo!
    M-m-m-my Sharona

    Come a little closer, huh, ah will ya, huh?
    Close enough to look in my eyes, Sharona
    Keeping it a mystery gets to me
    Running down the length of my thighs, Sharona

    Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
    I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind
    My, my, my, I, yeah, woo!
    M-m-m-my Sharona, m-m-m-my Sharona

    When you gonna give to me, g-give to me?
    Is it just a matter of time, Sharona?
    Is it j-just destiny, d-destiny
    Or is it just a game in my mind, Sharona?

    Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
    I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind
    My, my, my, I, yeah, woo!
    M-m-m-m-m-m-m-my my my, I, yeah, woo!

    M-m-m-my Sharona
    M-m-m-my Sharona
    M-m-m-my Sharona
    M-m-m-my Sharona

    Oooooh, my Sharona
    Oooooh, my Sharona
    Oooooh, my Sharona
Track: My Way
- Limp Bizkit
Duration: 4:33
Lyrics: |-
    Check, check, check, check, check, che-eck, check, check
    Check, check, check out my melody
    Check, check, che-eck, check, check, check, check
    Check, check, check out my melody
    Che-eck, check, check, check, check, check, check, check
    Check, check out my melody
    Special (Check my melody, my melody)

    You think you're special, you do
    I can see it in your eyes
    I can see it when you laugh at me
    Look down on me and walk around on me

    Just one more fight about your leadership
    And I will straight up leave your shit
    'Cause I've had enough of this
    And now I'm pissed, yeah!

    This time I'ma let it all come out
    This time I'ma stand up and shout
    I'ma do things my way, it's my way
    My way or the highway
    This time I'ma let it all come out
    This time I'ma stand up and shout
    I'ma do things my way, it's my way
    My way or the highway
    See Limp Bizkit Live
    Get tickets as low as $14

    Check out, check, check out, check, check, check
    Check out my melody
    Check out, check out, check, check
    Check out my melody
    Check, check check, check check, -check check, check check
    Check out my melody
    Check, check out, check, check out, check, check out, check, check
    Check out out my melody

    Just one more fight about a lot of things
    And I will give up everything
    To be on my own again
    Free again, yeah!

    This time I'ma let it all come out
    This time I'ma stand up and shout
    I'ma do things my way, it's my way
    My way or the highway
    This time I'ma let it all come out
    This time I'ma stand up and shout
    I'ma do things my way, it's my way
    My way or the highway

    Someday you'll see things my way
    'Cause you never know, no, you never know
    When you're gonna go
    Someday you'll see things my way
    'Cause you never know, no, you never know
    When you're gonna go

    Check, check out, check, check out my melody
    Check out, check, check out, check, check out, check, check, check
    Check out my melody
    Check, check, check my melody, check, check out my melody

    Just one more fight and I'll be history
    Yes, I will straight up leave your shit
    And you'll be the one who's left
    Missing me, yeah!

    This time I'ma let it all come out
    This time I'ma stand up and shout
    I'ma do things my way, it's my way
    My way or the highway
    This time I'ma let it all come out
    This time I'ma stand up and shout
    I'ma do things my way, it's my way
    My way or the highway

    Someday you'll see things my way
    'Cause you never know, no, you never know
    When you're gonna go
    Someday you'll see things my way
    'Cause you never know, no, you never know

    Check out, check, check out, check, check out, check, check out
    Check, check out, check, check out, check, check out melody
    Check out, check, check out, check out, check, check out
    Check out, check, check out, check out, check out
    Check out, check, check out, check out, check out
    Check out, check, check out, check out, check out my melody
Track: Nattopet
- Detektivbyrån
Duration: 3:00
Track: The Neden Game
Duration: 4:05
- Insane Clown Posse
- Mike E. Clark
Lyrics: |-
    "Let's meet contestant number one. He's a schizophrenic serial killer clown who says women love his sexy smile. Let's find out if his charm will work on Sharon. Sharon, what's your question?"

    "Contestant number one, I believe first impressions last forever. So let's say you were to come over to my parent's house and have dinner with me and my family. Tell me what you would do to make that first impression really stick"

    Let's see, mm, well, I'd have to think about it
    I might show up in a tux, HA!, but I doubt it
    I'd probably just show up naked like I always do
    And look your momma in the eye and tell her, "FUCK YOU!!!"
    Hurry up, bitch, I'm hungry, I smell spaghetti
    I'd pinch her loopy ass and tell her, "Get the food ready!"
    Your dad will probably start trippin' and get me pissed
    I'd have to walk up and bust him in his fucking lips!
    It's dinner time, we hearing grace from your mother
    I'd pull a forty out and pour some for your little brother
    I'm steady staring at your sister, I'll tell you this
    You know for only thirteen, she got some big tits
    After that, your dad will try to jump again
    And only this time, I'd put the forty to his chin
    After your mom does the dishes and the silverware
    I'd dry-fuck her till I nut in my underwear

    "Now, let's meet contestant number two. He's a psychopathic, deranged, crackhead freak who works for the Dark Carnival. He says women call him Stretch Nuts. Sharon, let's hear your question"

    "I like a man who's not afraid to show his true emotions, a man who expresses himself in his own special way. Number two, if you fell in love with me Exactly how would you let me know?"

    First thing, I could never love you
    You sound like a richie-bitch, yo, FUCK YOU!!!
    But if I did, I'd probably show you that I care
    By taking all these other motherfuckers outta here
    I'd go through your phone book and whack em all
    And find contestant number one and break his fucking jaw (What?!)
    Anyone who looked at you, would have to pay
    I'd be blowing fucking nuggets off all day
    I'd grab your titties and stretch 'em down past your waist
    Let 'em go, and watch 'em both spring up in your face
    I'd sing love songs to you, the best I can
    Get you naked, and hit it like a CAVEMAN!!!
    Then we'd go to the beach and walk through the sand
    I'd throw a little in your face and say, I'm just playin'
    As you spit it all out, I'd rub your back
    And grab your underwear and wedge it up your ass crack!!

    "Well it sounds like contestant number two is just over-flowing with sensitivity, Sharon. It's a tough choice so far! Sharon, let's have your last question and see which one is going to win the rights to your neden"

    "Okay, if we were at a dance club, and you both noticed me at the same time. Tell me, how would you each get my attention, and what would your pick up line be?" (Well) "Whoever's the smoothest wins!"

    Okay, first I'd slide up to the bar
    And tell you that I can't believe how fucking fat you are
    I'd tell you that I like the way you make your titties shake
    And if you lost a little weight, you'd look like Ricki Lake
    Fuck that, you'd be jocking me quick
    I'd order you a drink and stir it with my dick
    And then to get your attention in the crowded place
    I'd simply walk up and stick my nuts in your face
    Yeah, freak her with your nuts, yo, that'll get her
    Tell her that's she fat, yeah, that'll work even better
    Look, fuck you, I got a strong rap
    Shit, you don't want contestant number two. He's mad wack
    I walked into a barn and there he was
    Standing up on a bucket, eww, trying to fuck it
    It was a big fucking smelly-ass farm llama
    Damn dawg! How you gonna diss your momma?!
Track: Never Gonna Give You Up
- Stock Aitken Waterman
- Rick Astley (performance)
Duration: 3:32
Lyrics: |-
    We're no strangers to love
    You know the rules and so do I
    A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
    You wouldn't get this from any other guy

    I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
    Gotta make you understand

    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

    We've known each other for so long
    Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it
    Inside, we both know what's been going on
    We know the game, and we're gonna play it

    And if you ask me how I'm feeling
    Don't tell me you're too blind to see

    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

    Ooh (Give you up)
    Ooh (Give you up)
    Ooh (Never gonna give, never gonna give) (Give you up)
    Ooh (Never gonna give, never gonna give) (Give you up)

    We've known each other for so long
    Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it
    Inside, we both know what's been going on
    We know the game, and we're gonna play it

    I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
    Gotta make you understand

    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Track: New Island Theme
- ostrichlittledungeon
Duration: 0:30
- Tyler, the Creator
- Santigold (backing vocals)
Duration: 3:15
Lyrics: |-
    (Sometimes, you gotta close a door to... open a window.)

    I saw a photo, you looked joyous
    My eyes are green, I eat my veggies
    I need to get her out the picture
    She's really fuckin' up my frame
    She's not developed like we are

    Like magic, like magic, like magic, gone
    New magic, new magic, new magic wand (Ayy)
    Like magic, like magic, like magic, gone (Gone, nigga)
    New magic (Woo), new magic, new magic wand

    My brother said I'm on the spectrum
    Don't call me selfish, I hate sharin'
    This 60-40 isn't workin'
    I want a hundred of your time, you're mine

    Please don't leave me now
    Please don't leave me now (Don't leave)
    Please don't leave me now
    Please don't leave me now (Don't leave)
    Please don't leave me now (Don't leave)
    (Like magic, like magic, like magic, gone)
    Please don't leave me now (I can make her leave)
    (New magic, new magic, new magic wand)
    Please don't leave me now (Don't leave)
    (Like magic, like magic, like magic, gone)
    Please don't leave me now
    (New magic, new magic, new magic wand)

    I wanna be found, passenger in your car (Don't leave)
    You wanna be mean, mixed signals don't park (I can make her leave)
    She's gonna be dead, I just got a magic wand (Don't leave)
    We can finally be together

    You roll the dice, hit a seven, sure you right
    Beginner's luck? You not my first, who gives a fuck?
    Your other one? Evaporate, we celebrate
    You under oath, now pick a side and if you don't
    I'll pick you both (Run, run, run, run)
    (Run, run, run, run)
    It's not a joke
    Murder she wrote


    Ayo, take one look in the mirror, implications so clear
    I live life with no fear, except for the idea
    That one day you won't be here
    I will not fetch the ball
    Eyes are green, I eat my vegetables
    It has nothin' to do with that broad
    But if it did, guarantee she'd be gone, well
    I got a plan, but the walkin' depends
    If you can't understand, I'm a hawk in the gym
    Eyes on the prize, got weight on my chest
    That I need to get off, I ain't talkin' to them
    Can't be in the picture if it got no frame
    And let the world know 'cause I ain't got no shame
    Blow the whole spot up, 'cause I ain't—
    I wanna share last names, I wanna be your number one
    Not the other one, keep it on the low
    I'm in my right mind, keep it on a high
    Janis Joplin spillin' feelings, now I'm out here moppin' 'em
    Four on the floor, pack up your bags, we hit the store
    Grab our supplies, no need for masks, bust through the door
    Get the job done like retirement, I admit you look concerned
    New magic wand
Track: The Next Episode
- Dr. Dre
- Snoop Dogg
- Hittman
- The D.O.C.
- Ms. Roq
- Mel-Man (production)
- Kurupt (additional vocals)
- Nate Dogg (additional vocals)
Duration: 2:41
# Sampled Tracks:
# - The Edge (by David McCallum)
Lyrics: |-
    It's the motherfuckin' D-O-double-G (Snoop Dogg!)
    You know I'm mobbin' with the D-R-E (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)
    You know who's back up in this motherfucker! (Motherfucker!)
    What? What? What? What?
    So blaze the weed up then (Blaze it up, blaze it up!)
    Just blaze that shit up, nigga! Yeah, 'sup, Snoop?

    Top Dogg, bite 'em all, nigga, burn the shit up
    D-P-G-C, my nigga, turn that shit up
    C-P-T, L-B-C, yeah, we hookin' back up
    And when they bang this in the club, baby, you got to get up
    Thug niggas, drug dealers, yeah, they givin' it up
    Lowlife, yo' life, boy, we livin' it up
    Takin' chances while we dancin' in the party for sure
    Slipped my ho a forty-fo' when she got in the back do'
    Bitches lookin' at me strange, but you know I don't care
    Step up in this motherfucker just a-swangin' my hair
    Bitch, quit talkin', Crip walk if you down with the set
    Take a bullet with some dick and take this dope on this jet
    Out of town, put it down for the Father of Rap
    And if yo' ass get cracked, bitch shut yo' trap
    Come back, get back, that's the part of success
    If you believe in the S, you'll be relievin' your stress

    It's the motherfuckin' D-R-E (Dr. Dre, motherfucker!)
    You know I'm mobbin' with the D-O-double-G

    Straight off the fuckin' streets of C-P-T
    King of the beats, you ride to 'em in your Fleet (Fleetwood)
    Or Coupe DeVille rollin' on dubs
    How you feel? Whoopty whoop, nigga what?
    Dre and Snoop chronic'd out in the 'llac
    With D.O.C. in the back, sippin' on 'gnac (Yeah)
    Clip in the strap, dippin' through hoods (What hood?)
    Compton, Long Beach, Inglewood
    South Central out to the West Side, it's California Love
    This California bud got a nigga gang of pub
    I'm on one, I might bail up in the Century Club
    With my jeans on, and my team strong
    Get my drink on and my smoke on
    Then go home with somethin' to poke on ('Sup bitch?)
    Loc, it's on for the two-triple-oh
    Comin' real, it's the next episode

    Hold up, hey
    For my niggas who be thinkin' we soft, we don't play
    We gonna rock it 'til the wheels fall off
    Hold up, hey
    For my niggas who be actin' too bold, take a seat
    Hope you ready for the next episode
    Hey, hey, hey, hey

    Smoke weed every day!
Track: The Next Episode (Radio Edit)
- Dr. Dre
- Snoop Dogg
- Hittman
- The D.O.C.
- Ms. Roq
- Mel-Man (production)
- Kurupt (additional vocals)
- Nate Dogg (additional vocals)
Duration: 3:15
Referenced Tracks:
- The Next Episode
Sampled Tracks:
- The Next Episode
Lyrics: |-
    It's the one and only D-O-double-G (Snoop Dogg!)
    You know I'm mobbin' with the D-R-E (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)
    You know the West Coast is back for all you suckers (What? What? What? What?)
    So put somethin' in the air (Blaze it up, blaze up)
    Put it in the air, yeah (Blaze it up) 'sup, Snoop?

    Top Dogg, bite 'em all, yeah, I'm burnin' it up
    D-P-G-C, you should be turnin' it up (Turn it up)
    C-P-T, L-B-C, yeah, we hookin' back up
    And when they bang this in the club, baby, you got to get up
    Cuz homies, thug homies, yeah, they givin' it up
    Lowlife, yo' life, boy, we livin' it up
    Takin' chances while we dancin' in the party fo sho
    Slipped my girl a ****** when she crept in the back do'
    Chickens lookin' at me strange, but you know I don't care
    Step up in this mother (What?) just a-swangin' my hair
    Trick, quit talkin', Crip walk if you down with the set
    Take a ****** with some grip and take this **** on this jet
    Out of town, put it down for the Father of Rap
    And if you happen to get cracked, trick, shut yo' trap
    Come back, get back, that's the part of success
    If you believe in the S, you'll be relievin' your stress

    It's the one and only D-R-E (Dr. Dre, you little bustas)
    You know I'm mobbin' with the D-O-double-G
    Straight off them killer streets of C-P-T
    King of the beats, you ride to 'em in your Fleet (Fleetwood)
    Or Coupe DeVille rollin' on dubs
    How you feel? Whoopty whoop, what?
    Dre and Snoop hittin' corners in the 'llac (In the 'llac)
    With D.O.C. in the back, sippin' on 'gnac
    Clippin' all the amps, dippin' through hoods (What hood?)
    Compton, Long Beach, Inglewood
    South Central out to the Westside (Westside), it's California Love
    This California *** got your boy a gang of pub
    I'm on one, I might bail up in the Century Club
    With my jeans on, and my team strong
    Get my drink on, and my smoke on
    Then go home with somethin' to poke on (What's up, trick?)
    Loc, it's on for the two-triple-oh
    Comin' real, it's the next episode

    Hold up, wait
    For my ****** who be thinkin' we soft, we don't play
    We gonna rock it 'til the wheels fall off
    Hold up, wait
    For my ****** who be actin' too bold, take a seat
    Hope you ready for the next episode
    Hey, hey, hey, hey

    (Yeah, up in smoke, comin' at ya)
    (Up in smoke, yeah)
    (Up in smoke, comin' at ya)
    (Up in smoke, yeah)
    (Up in smoke, comin' at ya)
    (Up in smoke, yeah...)
Track: Nigga Nigga Nigga
- Gangsta Rap
Duration: 2:58
Lyrics: |-
    'Sup, nigga
    Gangsta Rap, nigga

    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    I'm one-hundred-percent nigga
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    I'm two-hundred-percent nigga
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    Why do police hate niggas?
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    They hate us 'cause our dicks is bigga
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    Why you call yourself a nigga?
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    'Cause I'm a motherfucking nigga
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    Why you drink so much beer?
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    I don't drink beer; I drink malt liquor

    'Cause I'm a nigga!
    I'm a motherfuckin nigga, man, I ain't all that African-American shit (Yep)
    Fuck that I'm a nigga
    I ain't mixed, I'm a nigga
    Nigga, you already know

    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    Why you eat so much chicken?
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    Why won't you make it in my kitchen?
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    Why you call them hoes bitches?
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    'Cause them hoes is bitches!
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    Why you stay in the hood?
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    'Cause I don't like livin' by peckerwoods
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    Why you ain't got no job?
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    Seven dollars an hour won't feed my dog
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    Why yo' pants gotta sag?
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    'Cause hand-me-downs is all a nigga had
    Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
    Why you scared to go to court?

    Shit, 'cause the judge look just like that motherfucker
    That put our ass on the boat and made me a nigga

    Mama Rag is a nigga
    Durag is a nigga
    Ballistics is a nigga
    And I'm Uretha's nigga
Track: Nil Admirari
Duration: 5:07
- Oneohtrix Point Never
Track: No Credit Card
- Neil Cicierega
Duration: 5:06
Sampled Tracks:
- The Power of Love
Lyrics: |-
    That's the power of love
    That's the power of love
    That's the power of love
    That's the power of love

    That's the power of love
    That's the power of love
    That's the power of love
    That's the power of love


    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride ride ride ride

    That's the power of love
    That's the power of love
    That's the power of love
    That's the power of love

    Power of love
    You feel the power of love
    Can you feel it?
    Can you feel it?
    That's the power
    Power of love
    You feel the power of love
    That's the power
    Power of love
    Can you feel it?
    That's the power

    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride this train
    Don't need no credit card to ride ride ride ride
    (Ride ride ride ride...)
    Feel the power of love
    Feel the power of love
    Feel the power of love
    Feel the power of love
    Feel the power of love
    Feel the power of love
    Feel the power of love
    Feel the power of love
    Feel the power of love
    (Ride ride ride ride...)
    Feel the power of lo-
    Feel the power of lo-
    Power of love
    Feel the power of lo-
    Feel the power of lo-
    Power of love
    Feel the power of lo-
    Feel the power of lo-
    Power of love
    Feel the power of lo-
    Feel the power of lo-
    Power of love
    Feel the power of lo-

    Don't need no credit card
    Feel the power of lo-
    Don't need no credit card
    Feel the power of lo-
    Don't need no credit card
    Power of love
    Don't need no credit card
    Feel the power of lo-
    Don't need no credit card
    Feel the power of lo-
    Don't need no credit card
    Power of love
    You feel the power of love
    You feel the power of love
    Feel the power of love
Track: No Reptiles
Duration: 4:40
- Everything Everything
Lyrics: |-
    Slip from the trees to the dirt to the menace
    To the wild to the car, under snow, cut to ribbons
    Like a coral to your shin, like a manacle to swing
    Fresh from the breast, now a river running fat
    To the manor born a rat, to the manor born a flea
    To a flood to a drain, now a rubber, now a chain

    I was in the war
    You were in the war

    Plump from the sugar-water pump
    With the city at your back to the cannon with a match
    From a milk into a mass grave
    Never mind that, I can take that
    Bones in a bowl like a toad-in-the-hole
    Take the shape of the mould
    Like a mummy on a pole and a merry little head
    Bob around when you're dead

    I was on my knees
    You were on your knees
    See Everything Everything Live
    Get tickets as low as $69

    And no reptiles
    Just soft boiled eggs in shirts and ties
    Waiting for the flashing green man
    Quivering and wobbling just like all the eggs you know

    I’m going to kill a stranger
    So don’t you be a stranger

    Oh baby, it’s alright
    It’s alright to feel like a fat child in a pushchair
    Old enough to run
    Old enough to fire a gun
    Oh baby, it’s alright
    It’s alright to feel like a fat child in a pushchair
    Old enough to run
    Old enough to fire a gun
    Oh baby, it’s alright
    It’s alright to feel like a fat child in a pushchair
    Old enough to run
    Old enough to fire a gun
    Oh baby, it’s alright
    It’s alright to feel like a fat child in a pushchair
    Old enough to run
    Oh, old enough to fire a gun

    Just give me this one night
    Just one night to feel like I might be on the right path
    The path that takes me home
    Wise enough to know myself
    Just give me this one night
    Just one night to feel like I might be on the right path (Home)
    Old enough to fire a gun
    Just give me this one night
    Just one night to feel like I might be on the right path
    The path that takes me home
    Wise enough to know myself
    Just give me this one night
    Just one night to feel
Track: No Surrender
- Andy Stott
Duration: 4:58
Track: Nocturne
- Disasterpeace
Track: Nova Solis
- Morgan
Duration: 20:24
Referenced Tracks:
- Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity
- track:earth-smile
Lyrics: |-
    Floating is a feeling, that can never be described
    Goodbye April morning, goodbye lady, goodbye
    I am just a gypsy, and my home is in the sky
    Atoms are my horses, and floating is my life

    Goodbye to the morning, and goodbye to the day
    Farewell to the sunshine, because I'm leaving anyway

    There is thunder bursting in the dawn
    From the throat of a shining silver thorn

    As I jump into the sky!
    Screaming out my last goodbye!

    Floating is a feeling, that can never...

    I might be at a table, and suddenly I'll catch
    A fleeting vision of her crystal seas
    Or I might be standing in a crowded dockyard far away
    Underneath a sun I've never seen

    For I have seen many worlds, for what it's worth
    Will I ever see again the planet Earth? Oh, my Earth

    I might be chasing waves of light, out towards the rim
    Where stars are sparse and the cold of space seeps in
    Or I might be in a bar-room drinking methylated gin
    And thinking of the places I have been

    For I have seen many worlds, for what it's worth
    Will I ever, see again, the planet Earth? Oh, my Earth

    Cast adrift amongst the stars I float from sun to sun
    Dreaming of the world that gave me birth
    All the places I have seen remind me there is none
    To match the cool green rolling hills of Earth

    May I remember, when I have travelled on
    The Earth's a cinder, swallowed by the sun
    There is no meaning, nor can there be
    Just an ember, burning in the night, on a velvet sea

    I didn't guess the implications when I saw the light
    Then I saw the desolation, burning, burning bright

    May I remember, by what I still have left
    A bag of Earth dust, hanging at my chest
    There is no memory that I would sell
    That is worth the half of all that's left
    Of Earth's blackened shell...
Track: NOW That's What I Call Polka!
Duration: 4:06
- Weird Al Yankovic
Lyrics: |-
    We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain
    We jumped never asking why
    We kissed, I fell under your spell
    A love no one could deny
    Don't you ever say I just walked away
    I will always want you
    I can't live a lie, running for my life
    I will always want you
    I came in like a wrecking ball
    I never hit so hard in love
    All I wanted was to break your walls
    All you ever did was wreck me
    Yeah, you wreck me

    All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
    You better run, better run, outrun my gun
    All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
    You better run, better run faster than my bullet

    And we danced all night to the best song ever
    We knew every line, now I can't remember
    I think it went ooh eh ooh
    I think it went oohla eh ooh
    I think it goes eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh

    Eh, sexy lady
    Po, po, po, po
    Polka Gangnam Style
    Eh, sexy lady
    Po, po, po, po
    Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh

    Hey, I just met you
    And this is crazy
    But here's my number
    So call me, maybe
    And all the other boys
    Try to chase me
    But here's my number
    So call me, maybe

    I wanna scream and shout (hey!)
    And let it all out
    And scream and shout (hey!)
    And let it out
    We sayin', "Ohh, wee ohh, wee oh wee oh"
    We sayin', "Ohh, wee ohh, wee oh wee oh wee ohh, wee oh wee oh”

    Now you're just somebody that I used to know
    Now you're just somebody that I used to know

    It's going down (hey!), I'm yelling timber
    You better move, you better dance
    Let's make a night you won't remember
    I'll be the one you won't forget
    (Timber! Timber!)

    I’m sexy and I know it
    Girl look at that body
    (He’s sexy and he knows it)

    I wear your grandad’s clothes
    I look incredible
    I’m in this big old coat
    From that thrift shop down the road
    (He’s wears your grandad’s clothes) That’s right!
    (He looks incredible) I do!
    (He’s in that big old coat) It’s large! Hey, lets go!
    (From that thrift shop down the road)
    I'm gonna pop some tags
    Only got twenty dollars in my pocket
    I'm hunting, looking for a come-up
    This is super awesome

    She's up all night til the sun
    I'm up all night to get some
    She's up all night for good fun
    I'm up all night to get lucky
    We're up all night til the sun
    We're up all night to get some
    We're up all night for good fun
    We're up all night to get lucky
    We're up all night to get lucky
    We're up all night to get lucky
    We're up all night to get lucky
    We're up all night to get lucky
    We're up all night to get lucky
    We're up all night to get lucky
    We're up all night to get lucky
    Up all night to get lucky
    Yes, we’re up all night to get
    Can get lucky, we’re gonna get lucky, let’s all get lucky
    We’re up all night to get lucky! (Hey!)
Track: NPR Morning Edition Theme
- B. J. Leiderman
Duration: 0:57
Track: The Number of the Beast
- Iron Maiden
- Martin Birch (production)
- Barry Clayton (narration)
Duration: 4:50
Lyrics: |-
    Woe to you, o'er Earth and Sea
    For the Devil sends the beast with wrath
    Because he knows the time is short
    Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast
    For it is a human number
    Its number is six hundred and sixty-six

    I left alone, my mind was blank
    I needed time to think, to get the memories from my mind
    What did I see? Can I believe
    That what I saw that night was real and not just fantasy?
    Just what I saw, in my old dreams
    Were they reflections of my warped mind staring back at me?
    Cos in my dreams, it's always there
    The evil face that twists my mind and brings me to despair

    Night was black, was no use holding back
    Cos I just had to see, was someone watching me?
    In the mist, dark figures move and twist
    Was all this for real, or just some kind of hell?

    Six-six-six, the number of the beast
    Hell and fire was spawned to be released

    Torches blazed and sacred chants were phrased
    As they start to cry, hands held to the sky
    In the night, the fires are burning bright
    The ritual has begun, Satan's work is done

    Six-six-six, the number of the beast
    Sacrifice is going on tonight

    This can't go on, I must inform the law
    Can this still be real, or just some crazy dream?
    But I feel drawn towards the chanting hordes
    Seem to mesmerize, can't avoid the eyes

    Six-six-six, the number of the beast
    Six-six-six, the one for you and me

    I'm coming back, I will return
    And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn
    I have the fire, I have the force
    I have the power to make my evil take its course
Track: The Number Song
- DJ Shadow
Duration: 4:34
Lyrics: |-
    One, two, three, four, five
    Breakdown, baby

    Come on and get with it
    One, two, three, four, hit it
    What is this?
    This is the number song
    But before I start, let's have the countdown
    One, two, three, four

    Listen to this, just listen to this
    Just listen to this, just listen to this
    Just listen to this, just listen to this
    Just listen to this, just listen to this
    Just listen to this, just listen to this
    Just listen to this, just listen to this

    We want y'all to understand
    One, two, three, and

    Eight, seven, six, five
    Four, three, two
    Come on and get with it
    One, two, three, hit it (Have to go)

    Who got the number?
    Who, who got the number?
    Who got the number?
    Who, who got the number?
    See DJ Shadow Live
    Get tickets as low as $36

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    I got the number

    Won't you please let me rock your mind?
    The party, the party
    The party's already started
    And it's about to end
    One, two, three, four
    It's Def

    One, two, three, four, one, get with it
    Get with it
    Get, get
    Get with it

    Ten, nine (Everybody, come on)
    Eight (Come on, louder), seven (Louder)
    Six (Louder)
Track: Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!
- daniwellP
Duration: 3:47
Lyrics: |-
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya...
Track: Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!【Momo Momone】
Directory: nyanyanyanyanyanyanya-momo-momone
- Momomomo
Duration: 3:46
Referenced Tracks:
- Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!
Lyrics: |-
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya...
Track: Obsession
- OK Go
Duration: 3:08
Lyrics: |-
    A look so quick, a movement so slight
    You could almost imagine it didn’t just happen
    But everything will change, in just one look, one little glance
    It’s not passing fascination now

    It's obsession
    Uh huh, it's obsession
    It's obsession
    Uh huh, it’s obsession
    It's obsession

    And it’s physical, it’s like standing at the edge
    Your blood starts to pump, 'cause you're worried you might jump
    And your head throbbing like a heart
    And your heart throbbing like a drum
    And the drums throbbing like the point is just go ahead and jump

    It's obsession
    Uh huh, it's obsession
    It's obsession
    Uh huh, it’s obsession
    It's obsession

    There's only one way out
    There's only one way out
    There's only one way out
    There's only one way out

    A look so quick, a movement so slight
    Oh, it’s not passing fascination now

    It's obsession
    Uh huh, it's obsession
    It's obsession
    Uh huh, it’s obsession
    It's obsession
Track: OK
Directory: ok-madeon
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 3:02
- Madeon
Lyrics: |-

    Ok, ok, ok
    Ok, such a
    Ok, ok, ok, ok
    Ok, such a

    Ok, o-o-o

    Ok, ok, ok
    Ok, such a
    Ok, ok, ok, ok

    Ok, ok, ok
    Ok, ok, ok, ok

    Ok, o-o-o

    Ok, ok, ok
    Ok, such a
    Ok, ok, ok, ok

    Ok, o-o-o

Track: Omega Rhythm
Duration: 3:01
# Lyrivd. I nrnron- engglish. Oh gmb j not on the wiki yet.
Track: One
Directory: one-level
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 6:06
- Disasterpeace
Track: One More Time
Duration: 5:21
- Daft Punk
Lyrics: |-
    One more time
    One more time

    One more time
    We're gonna celebrate
    Oh yeah, all right
    Don't stop the dancing
    One more time
    We're gonna celebrate
    Oh yeah, all right
    Don't stop the dancing
    One more time
    We're gonna celebrate
    Oh yeah, all right
    Don't stop the dancing
    One more time
    We're gonna celebrate
    Oh yeah
    One more time

    One more time
    We're gonna celebrate
    Oh yeah, all right
    Don't stop the dancing
    One more time
    We're gonna celebrate
    Oh yeah
    Don't stop the dancing
    One more time

    Mmm, you know I'm just feeling
    Celebration tonight
    Don't wait too late
    Mmm, no
    We don't stop
    You can't stop
    We're gonna celebrate
    One more time
    One more time
    One more time
    A celebration
    You know we're gonna do it right, tonight
    Hey! Just feeling
    Music's got me feeling the need
    Need, yeah
    Come on, all right
    We're gonna celebrate
    One more time

    Celebrate and dance so free
    Music's got me feeling so free
    Celebrate and dance so free
    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free
    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free
    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free
    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free
    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free

    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free
    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free
    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free
    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate

    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free
    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free
    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free
    One more time
    Music's got me feeling so free
    We're gonna celebrate
    Celebrate and dance so free
Track: One Pound Fish
- One Pound Fish Man
Duration: 2:35
Lyrics: |-
    Come on ladies
    Come on ladies (2x)
    One pound fish

    Have a, have a look, one pound fish
    Have a, have a look, one pound fish
    Very, very good, one pound fish
    Very, very cheap, one pound fish
    Six for five pound, one pound each
    Six for five pound, one pound each
    Very, very good and very, very cheap
    (One pound, one pound)

    Come on ladies
    Come on ladies (4x)
    One pound fish
    Come on ladies
    Come on ladies (2x)

    Have a, have a look, one pound fish
    Have a, have a look, one pound fish
    Very, very good, one pound fish
    Very, very cheap, one pound fish
    Six for five pound, one pound each
    Six for five pound, one pound each

    Come on ladies
    Come on ladies (5x)
    One pound fish
    Come on ladies
    Come on ladies
    One pound fish

    One pound each (3x)
    Very good and very cheap
    Very good and very cheap
    One pound fish
    One pound fish

    Come on ladies
    Come on ladies
    One pound fish
    Come on ladies
    Come on ladies
    One pound fish (3x)
Track: One Step Closer
Duration: 2:38
- Linkin Park
Lyrics: |-
    I cannot take this anymore
    Saying everything I've said before
    All these words, they make no sense
    I found bliss in ignorance
    Less I hear, the less you say
    You'll find that out anyway

    Just like before

    Everything you say to me
    Takes me one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break
    I need a little room to breathe
    'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
    I'm about to break

    I find the answers aren't so clear
    Wish I could find a way to disappear
    All these thoughts, they make no sense
    I found bliss in ignorance
    Nothing seems to go away
    Over and over again

    Just like before

    Everything you say to me
    Takes me one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break
    I need a little room to breathe
    'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
    I'm about to break
    Everything you say to me
    Takes me one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break
    I need a little room to breathe
    'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break

    Shut up when I'm talking to you
    Shut up, shut up, shut up
    Shut up when I'm talking to you
    Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up
    I'm about to break

    Everything you say to me
    Takes me one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break
    I need a little room to breathe
    'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
    I'm about to break
    Everything you say to me
    Takes me one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break
    I need a little room to breathe
    'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break
Track: One Week
- Barenaked Ladies
Duration: 2:46
Lyrics: |-
    It's been one week since you looked at me
    Cocked your head to the side
    and said I'm angry
    Five days since you laughed at me saying
    Get that together come back and see me
    Three days since the living room,
    I realized it's all my fault, but couldn't tell you
    Yesterday you'd forgiven me
    But it'll still be two days till I say I'm sorry
    Hold it now and watch the hoodwink
    As I make you stop, think
    You'll think you're looking at Aquaman
    I summon fish to the dish,
    Although I like the Chalet Swiss
    I like the sushi
    Cause it's never touched a frying pan
    Hot like wasabe when I bust rhymes
    Big like Leann Rimes
    Because I'm all about value
    Bert Kaempfert's got the mad hits
    You try to match wits
    You try to hold me but I bust through
    Gonna make a break and take a fake
    I'd like a stinkin, achin shake
    I like vanilla, It's the finest of the flavors
    Gotta see the show,
    Cause then you'll know
    The Vertigo is gonna grow
    Cause it's so dangerous,
    You'll have to sign a waiver
    How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad
    Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad
    I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral
    Can't understand what I mean?
    Well, you soon will
    I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve
    I have a history of taking off my shirt
    It's been one week since you looked at me
    Threw your arms in the air and said you're crazy
    Five days since you tackled me
    I've still got the rug burns on both my knees
    It's been three days since the afternoon
    You realized it's not my fault not a moment too soon
    Yesterday you'd forgiven me
    And now I sit back and wait till you say you're sorry
    Chickity China the Chinese chicken
    You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin'
    Watchin X-Files with no lights on,
    We're dans la maison
    I hope the Smoking Man's in this one
    Like Harrison Ford I'm getting Frantic
    Like Sting I'm Tantric
    Like Snickers, guaranteed to satisfy
    Like Kurosawa I make mad films
    Okay I don't make films
    But if I did they'd have a samurai
    Gonna get a set of better clubs
    Gonna find the kind with tiny nubs
    Just so my irons aren't always flying off the back swing
    Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon
    Cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes
    That make me think the wrong thing
    How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad
    Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad
    I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral
    Can't understand what I mean?
    You soon will
    I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve
    I have a history of losing my shirt
    It's been one week since you looked at me
    Dropped your arms to your sides and said I'm sorry
    Five days since I laughed at you and said
    You just did just what I thought you were gonna do
    Three days since the living room
    We realized we're both to blame, but what could we do?
    Yesterday you just smiled at me
    Cause it'll still be two days till we say we're sorry
    It'll still be two days till we say we're sorry
    It'll still be two days till we say we're sorry
    Birchmount Stadium, home of the Robbie
Track: onestop
- David Yackley
Duration: 4:08
Track: Opening The Mouth
Duration: 1:11
- Boards of Canada
Track: Paint It Black
- The Rolling Stones
Duration: 3:46
Lyrics: |-
    I see a red door and I want it painted black
    No colours anymore, I want them to turn black
    I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
    I have to turn my head until my darkness goes

    I see a line of cars and they're all painted black
    With flowers and my love, both never to come back
    I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
    Like a newborn baby, it just happens every day

    I look inside myself and see my heart is black
    I see my red door, I must have it painted black
    Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts
    It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black

    No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue
    I could not foresee this thing happening to you
    If I look hard enough into the setting sun
    My love will laugh with me before the morning comes

    I see a red door and I want it painted black
    No colours anymore, I want them to turn black
    I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
    I have to turn my head until my darkness goes

    I wanna see your face, painted black
    Black as night, black as coal
    I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky
    I wanna see it painted, painted, painted, painted black, yxeah
Track: PANIC
Directory: panic-phantom-sage-detrace
Duration: 4:36
- Phantom Sage
- Detrace
Track: Panic Switch
- Silversun Pickups
Duration: 5:44
Lyrics: |-
    Time is never worth my time
    Blue shine bleeds into my eyes
    I still sleep on the right side
    But the white noise can't leave the scene behind

    Could I be anything you want me to be?
    If so, is it meant to be seen?

    When you see yourself in a crowded room
    Do your fingers itch? Are you pistol-whipped?
    Will you step in line or release the glitch?
    Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?
    When you see yourself in a crowded room
    Do your fingers itch? Are you pistol-whipped?
    Will you step in line or release the glitch?
    Do you think she'll sleep with a panic?

    And I'll try to hold on tight tonight
    Pink slip inviting me inside
    Want to burn skin and brand what once was mine
    But the red views keep ripping the divide
    See Silversun Pickups Live
    Get tickets as low as $55

    If I go everywhere you want me to go
    How will I know you'll still follow?

    When you see yourself in a crowded room
    Do your fingers itch? Are you pistol-whipped?
    Will you step in line or release the glitch?
    Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?
    When you see yourself in a crowded room
    Do your fingers itch? Are you pistol-whipped?
    Will you step in line or release the glitch?
    Do you think she'll sleep with a panic?

    I'm waiting and fading and floating away
    Waiting and fading and floating away
    Waiting and fading and floating away
    Waiting and fading and floating

    I'm waiting and fading and floating away
    Waiting and fading and floating away
    Waiting and fading and floating away
    Waiting and fading, waiting and fading

    When you see yourself in a crowded room
    Do your fingers itch? Are you pistol-whipped?
    Will you step in line or release the glitch?
    Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?
    When you see yourself in a crowded room
    Do your fingers itch? Are you pistol-whipped?
    Will you step in line or release the glitch?
    Do you think she'll sleep with a panic?
Track: Parade
Directory: parade-justice
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Justice
Duration: 4:00
Track: Parpaing
Duration: 3:45
- Igorrr
Track: Party Rock Anthem
- GoonRock
- Peter Schroeder
- Lauren Bennett (feat.)
Duration: 4:36
Lyrics: |-
    Party rock
    Let's go!

    Party rock is in the house tonight
    Everybody just have a good time (Yeah)
    And we gon' make you lose your mind (Woo!)
    Everybody just have a good time (Clap!)
    Party rock is in the house tonight (Oh!)
    Everybody just have a good time (I can feel it, baby!)
    And we gon' make you lose your mind (Yeah)
    We just wanna see you
    Shake that!

    In the club: party rock
    Looking for your girl? She on my jock (Huh)
    Non-stop when we in the spot
    Booty moving weight like she on the block (Woo!)
    Where the drank? I gots to know
    Tight jeans, tattoo, 'cause I'm rock-and-roll
    Half-black, half-white: domino
    Gainin' money, Oprah, dough

    Yo! I'm runnin' through these hoes like Drano
    I got that devilish flow, rock-and-roll, no halo
    We party-rock!, yeah, that's the crew that I'm reppin'
    On the rise to the top, no Led in our Zeppelin (Hey!)

    Party rock is in the house tonight (Woo!)
    Everybody just have a good time (Yeah)
    And we gon' make you lose your mind
    Everybody just have a good time (Let's go!)
    Party rock is in the house tonight
    Everybody just have a good time (I can feel it, baby!)
    And we gon' make you lose your mind
    We just wanna see you
    Shake that!

    Every day I'm shufflin' (Shake)
    Shufflin', shufflin' (Shake)

    Step up fast and be the first girl to make me throw this cash
    We get money, don't be mad, now stop - hatin' is bad
    One more shot for us (Another round!)
    Please fill up my cup (Don't mess around!)
    We just wanna see (You shake it now!)
    Now you wanna be (You're naked now!)

    Get up, get down, put your hands up to the sound
    Get up, get down, put your hands up to the sound
    Get up, get down, put your hands up to the sound (Woo!)
    Put your hands up to the sound
    Put your hands up to the sound (Let's go!)
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up, get up, get up
    Put your hands up to the sound
    To the sound
    Put your hands up (Woo!)
    Put your hands up
    Put your hands up
    Put your hands up

    Party rock is in the house tonight (Put your hands up, woo!)
    Everybody just have a good time (Put your hands up)
    And we gon' make you lose your mind (Put your hands up)
    Everybody just have a good, good, good time

    Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (Put your hands up)
    Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (I can feel it, baby!)
    Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (Put your hands up)
    Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (Put your hands up)
    Shake that!
    Every day I'm shu-shufflin'
    Put yo', put yo' (hands up)
    Put yo', put yo' (yeah)
    Put yo', put yo' (woo!)

    Put yo', put yo' (hands up)
    Put your hands up
    Put your hands up
    Put your hands up
Track: Pastime Paradise
- Stevie Wonder
Duration: 3:27
Lyrics: |-
    They've been spending most their lives living in a pastime paradise
    They've been spending most their lives living in a pastime paradise
    They've been wasting most their lives glorifying days long gone behind
    They've been wasting most their days in remembrance of ignorance oldest praise

    Tell me who of them will come to be?
    How many of them are you and me?

    Race relations
    To the evils of the world

    They've been spending most their lives living in a future paradise
    They've been spending most their lives living in a future paradise
    They've been looking in their minds for the day that sorrow's lost from time
    They keep telling of the day when the Savior of love will come to stay

    Tell me who of them will come to be?
    How many of them are you and me?

    Proclamation of
    Race relations
    Verification of
    World salvation
    To the peace of the world

    They've been spending most their lives living in a pastime paradise
    They've been spending most their lives living in a pastime paradise
    They've been spending most their lives living in a future paradise
    They've been spending most their lives living in a future paradise

    We've been spending too much of our lives living in a pastime paradise
    Let's start living our lives living for the future paradise
    Praise to our lives living for the future paradise
    Shame to anyone's life living in a pastime paradise
Track: Pay No Mind
Duration: 4:09
- Madeon
Lyrics: |-
    She was dancing, she was smiling
    Roses blooming in her cheeks
    In a quiet kind of litany
    She accepted some defeat
    And then she twirled into the arms
    Of disgrace, and then repelled
    Now, she's fallen to her knees
    But you couldn't ever tell

    And then, she asked me how we got here
    I told her, "I don't know!"
    And if you keep on asking
    I'll just keep saying so
    This isn't what I wanted
    It isn't what you need
    But let them keep on talking
    Just calm yourself and breathe

    Don't you pay them any mind
    Don't you pay them any mind
    You know this happens every time
    Now, don't you pay them any mind

    Where the burdens of her mother
    Weigh like sandbags on the eyes
    As she closes, just to open
    As the sirens whirling by
    And now she's off to tell a secret
    To a friend somewhere in town
    And her friend just takes a moment
    And asks why I'm not around

    Darling, this is something
    I should have told you long ago
    I just want you to feel safe
    I just want to make you glow
    Oh, how you glowed when we were young
    There was nothing on our minds
    When you jump for your love
    Baby, you're nothing long of time

    And then, she asked me how we got here
    I told her, "I don't know!"
    And if you keep on asking
    I'll just keep saying so
    This isn't what I wanted
    It isn't what you need
    But let them keep on talking
    Just calm yourself and pay

    Don't you pay them any mind
    Don't you pay them any mind
    You know this happens every time
    Now, don't you pay them any mind

    Why do we have to go through this every time?

    Some days you hear it (don't listen, I'll carry you)
    Some days you don't (don't listen, oh no)
    Sometimes you feel it (it's not worth it, help me)
    Sometimes you won't

    Just calm yourself and breathe

    Don't you pay them any mind
    Don't you pay them any mind
    You know this happens every time
    Now, don't you pay them any mind

    Don't you pay them any mind
    Don't you pay them any mind
    You know this happens every time
    Now, don't you pay them any mind
Track: Peanut Butter Jelly
- Buckwheat Boyz
Duration: 2:10
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
Lyrics: |-
    It's peanut butter jelly time!
    Peanut butter jelly time!
    Peanut butter jelly time!

    Where he at? Where he at? Where he at? Where he at?
    Now there he go, there he go, there he go, there he go

    Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly
    Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly

    Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat
    Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a football cap

    Where he at? Where he at? Where he at? Where he at?
    Now there he go, there he go, there he go, there he go

    Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly
    Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly

    Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat
    Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a football cap

    Now break it down and freeze (freeze)
    Take it down to your knees (knees)
    Now lean back and freeze (freeze)
    Now get back up and freeze (freeze)

    Where he at? Where he at? Where he at? Where he at?
    Now there he go, there he go, there he go, there he go

    Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly
    Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly

    Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat
    Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a football cap

    Now sissy walk, sissy walk
    Sissy walk, you go, boy
    Sissy walk, sissy walk
    Hell no (I don't wanna hear you say that)

    Where he at? Where he at? Where he at? Where he at?
    Now there he go, there he go, there he go, there he go

    Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly
    Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly

    Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat
    Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a football cap

    It's the brand new song all across the land
    Do the peanut butter jelly, how you do that dance?
    Put your hands to the side, ball your fists up, y'all
    Watch a little shorty like this, big dawg
    Ride to the style, we throwin' down
    And lean back all the way to the ground
    [[artist:buckwheat-boyz]], we in the house
    So say it loud, lemme hear you shout

    Now walk, walk, walk with it
    Stomp, stomp, stomp with it
    Slide, slide, slide with it
    Bring it back one more time

    Walk, walk, walk with it
    Stomp, stomp, stomp with it
    Slide, slide, slide with it
    Peanut butter jelly, breakdown!

    Throw the ball up, swing that bat, tilt your head back and see where it's at
    Throw the ball up, swing that bat, tilt your head back and see where it's at

    Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly
    Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly

    Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat
    Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a football cap

    Now freestyle, freestyle your style
    Freestyle, freestyle my style
    Freestyle, freestyle their style
    Freestyle, freestyle, buck wild

    Where he at? Where he at? Where he at? Where he at?
    Now there he go, there he go, there he go, there he go
Track: Personal Jesus
- Depeche Mode
Duration: 4:54
Lyrics: |-
    Reach out and touch faith

    Your own personal Jesus
    Someone to hear your prayers
    Someone who cares
    Your own personal Jesus
    Someone to hear your prayers
    Someone who's there

    Feeling unknown and you're all alone
    Flesh and bone by the telephone
    Lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer
    Take second best, put me to the test
    Things on your chest you need to confess
    I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver

    Reach out and touch faith
    Reach out and touch faith

    Your own personal Jesus
    Someone to hear your prayers
    Someone who cares
    Your own personal Jesus
    Someone to hear your prayers
    Someone who's there
    See Depeche Mode Live
    Get tickets as low as $98

    Feeling unknown and you're all alone
    Flesh and bone by the telephone
    Lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer
    I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver

    Reach out and touch faith
    Your own personal Jesus
    Reach out and touch faith
    Reach out and touch faith
    Reach out and touch faith

    Reach out and touch faith
    Reach out and touch faith
    (Reach out, reach out)
    Reach out and touch faith
Track: Physical Memory
- Oneohtrix Point Never
Duration: 10:53
Track: Piece of My Love
- Carla Bravo
Duration: 5:15
Lyrics: |-
    I do love you (Ooh)

    You can have a piece of my love (Oh, oh, baby)
    It's waiting for you (Ooh)
    Girl, it's true (I, I, I)
    You can have a piece of my love (Oh, baby)
    It's waiting for you (Hey)
    Girl, it's true
    You can have a—

    Baby, you can't have all of me
    'Cause I'm not totally free
    I can't tell you everything that's goin' on
    There's a few things in my past
    That should not be explained
    I'm askin' you, baby
    Be with me for a lil' while (You can have a— )

    Please, hush
    No questions asked
    Lay back and relax, girl (I do love you, girl, it's true)
    Now kick off your shoes
    Let your pretty hair down (It's waiting for you)
    Since we're here now, baby
    I'm givin' you a piece of me (You can have a— ), you can have

    You can have a piece of my love (My love)
    It's waiting for you (For you)
    Girl, it's true (You can have a piece of my love)
    You can have a piece of my love (My love)
    It's waiting for you (Waiting for you)
    Girl, it's true
    I do love you

    I know that this is wrong
    But the feeling's so strong
    I wish this could last forever
    But it wouldn't be the same
    Tell me, who would be to blame
    If we was to hurt all over again? (You can have a— )

    Please, hush (You can have a piece of my love)
    No questions asked
    Lay back and relax (I do love you)
    Take off your shoes
    Let your pretty sexy hair down (Girl, it's true)
    It's happenin' now, baby
    I'm givin' you a piece of my love (You can have a—)

    You can have a piece of my love (My love, baby)
    It's waitin' for you
    Girl, it's true (You can have a piece of my love)
    You can have a piece of my love (My love, baby)
    It's waitin' for you (My love, my love)
    Girl, it's true (Woah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
    You can have a—

    I do love you (Girl, it's true)
    Take off your shoes
    Let your pretty hair down (It's waiting for you)
    Let's make love
    Over and over and over and over again (You can have a—)

    You can have a piece of my love (Oh, oh, baby)
    It's waitin' for you (for you)
    Girl, it's true (I wanna make love over and over and over and over again)
    I do love you
    You can have a piece of my love (Oh, oh)
    It's waitin' for you (My love, my love)
    Girl, it's true (You can have a piece of my love, baby)
    I do love you
    You can have a piece of my love (Just ask me for it)
    I do love you
    Girl, it's true (Come and get it, come and get it)
    I do love you (This is yours, baby)
    You can have a piece of my love (Knock on my door)
    It's waiting for you
    Girl, it's true (And I'll let you in, I'll let you in, I promise)
    I do love you (Baby, oh)
    You can have a piece of my love (Oh, oh)
    It's waitin' for you
    Girl, it's true
    I do love you (I'll let you in every time you knock, baby)
    You can have a piece of my love (Every time you call, baby)
    I do love you
    It's waitin' for you (This is your home, this is your home)
    Girl, it's true (Come to me)
    I do love you (Oh, my baby)
Track: Pink Cigarette
- Mr. Bungle
Duration: 4:55
Lyrics: |-
    Hush me, touch me
    Perfume, the wind and the leaves
    Hush me, touch me
    The burns, the holes in the sheets

    I'm hoping the smoke
    Hides the shame I've got on my face
    Cognac and broken glass
    All these years I've been your ashtray

    I found a pink cigarette
    On the bed the day that you left
    And how can I forget that your lips were there
    Your kiss goes everywhere, touches everything but me

    Hush me, touch me
    Champagne, your hair in the breeze
    Hush me, touch me
    Lipstick, a slap on my cheek

    Your eyes cried at last
    Told me everything I was afraid to ask
    Now I'm dressed in white
    And you've burned me for the last time (this ain't the last time)

    I found a pink cigarette
    On the bed the day that you left
    And how can I forget that your lips were there
    Your kiss goes everywhere, touches everything but me

    You'll find a note and you'll see my silhouette
    (Silhouette, ooh)
    There's just five hours left until you find me dead
    (Dead, ooh)
    There's just four hours left until you find me dead
    (Dead, ooh)
    There's just three hours left until you find me dead
    (Dead, ooh)
    There's just two hours left until you find me dead
    (Dead, ooh)
    There's one more hour and then you will find me dead
    (Dead, ooh)
    There's just
Track: Pinkie's Brew
- Griffin Lewis (music, lyrics)
- Jenny Nicholson (lyrics)
- Jenny Nicholson (Pinkie Pie, Mama Pie vocals)
- Griffin Lewis (Papa Pie vocals)
Duration: 2:05
Lyrics: |-
    I'll cook up a solution with the knowledge I've accrued
    They say a kitchen time saves nine, but I'm just saving two
    I've gathered the ingredients to make some Time Sorbet
    There's hardly room for seconds when the seconds melt away

    Watch as I work my gypsy magic
    Eye of a newt and cinnamon
    Watch as this matter turns to batter
    Open the portal, jump in

    Crude stew; do you fear it, Apple Bloom?
    Sometimes life is not a cake walk served up on a silver spoon
    Toss a fig and
    Save the date and

    Bread and butter, chant and mutter
    Marination, incantation
    Chocolate icing, timeline splicing
    Yeast is rising, rectifying

    Pinkie if you're hearing this, it means we're dead and gone
    Please don't bake a portal; just accept it and move on
    My cauldron is preheated and I've got you in my thrall
    Let's beat these yolks and save my folks by baking the fourth wall

    Watch as I work my gypsy magic
    Seapony tears and provolone
    God help the outcast with her witchcraft
    Someday I'm gonna go home

    Someday, I'm gonna go home (oh...)
Track: Piss
Directory: piss-neil-cicierega
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Neil Cicierega
Duration: 4:57
# Sampled Tracks:
# - Third Eye Blind 'Semi-Charmed Life'
# - Difang Duana and Igay Duana 'Chant D'Hommage Aux Ancêtres'
# - Chumbawamba 'Tubthumping'
# - Justin Timberlake feat. Vanessa Marquez 'Rock Your Body'
# - The Fraggles 'Fraggle Rock Theme'
# - Spin Doctors' Two Princes'
# - Hampton the Hampster 'The Hampsterdance Song'
# - Aqua 'Barbie Girl'
Lyrics: |-
    I get knocked down
    But I get up again
    But I get knocked down again
    But I get up again
    You're never gonna get knocked up again
    You're never gonna get knocked down

    I'm packed and I'm (pissin'), smiling
    She's living, she's golden, she lives for me
    Says she lives for me ovation (Pissin')
    Her own motivation, she comes 'round and—

    He drinks a Whiskey drink, he drinks a Vodka drink (Do ever what you want to do, coming over you)
    He drinks a Lager drink, he drinks a Cider drink (Keep on smiling what we go through)
    He sings the songs that remind him of the— (One stop to the... ) Rhythm that divides you
    He sings the songs that remind him of the— Songs that remind him of the—

    He drinks (piss)
    He drinks (piss)
    He drinks (piss)
    He drinks (piss)
    He sings the songs that remind him of the (piss)
    I drink (piss) down, I get knocked down

    I want something else, to get me through this (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    Semi-charmed kind of life, baby, baby (I get knocked down) (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    I want something else, I'm not listening when you say (But I get up again, but I get knocked down again, but I get up again, you're never gonna get knocked up again) (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    Goodbye (You're never gonna get knocked down) (Naked, naked, naked)

    Gold, it was rose, I was taking sips of it through my nose (Naked, naked)
    And I wish I could get back there, some place back there (Naked, naked)
    Smiling in the (piss) you would take (Naked, naked)
    Stop to the rhythm lift you up until you break (Naked, naked)
    It won't stop, I won't come down, I keep stock
    With a tick-tock rhythm, a (piss) it through my nose (Naked, naked)
    And then I (piss) up, I took the (piss) that I was (piss)in' (Naked, naked)
    Then I (piss)ed again, then I (piss)ed again (Naked, naked)
    I said how do I get back there (Naked, naked)
    To the place where I fell asleep inside my nose (Naked, naked)
    How do I get myself back to (Naked, naked)
    The place where you said?

    (I get knocked down)
    I want something else, to get me through this (I get knocked down)
    Semi-charmed kind of life, baby, baby (I get knocked down)
    I want something else (But I get up again, but I get knocked down again)
    I'm not listening when you say (But I get up again, you're never gonna get knocked up again)
    Goodbye (You're never gonna get knocked down)

    I believe in the sand beneath my toes (... --- -- .) (<i>Some</i>)
    The beach gives a feeling, an earthy feeling
    I believe in the faith that grows (-... --- -.. -.--) (<i>Body</i>)
    And the four right chords can make me cry (--- -. -.-. .) (<i>Once</i>)
    When I'm with you I feel like I could die (- --- .-.. -..) (<i>Told</i>)
    And that would be all right, all right (-- .) (<i>Me</i>)

    And when the plane came in, she said she was crashing (Naked, naked)
    The velvet it rips in the city (Naked, naked)
    We tripped on the urge to feel alive (Naked, naked)
    But now I'm struggling to survive (Naked, naked)
    Those days you were wearing that velvet dress (Naked, naked)
    You're the priestess I must confess (Naked, naked)
    Those little red panties, they pass the test (Naked, naked)
    Slide up around the belly face, down on the mattress one (Naked, naked)

    He drinks a Whiskey drink, he drinks a Vodka drink
    He drinks a Lager drink, he drinks a Cider drink
    He sings the songs that remind him of the Vodka drink
    He sings the songs that remind him of the— Songs that remind him of the—
    Cider drink
    He drinks (piss)
    He drinks (piss)
    He drinks (piss)
    He drinks (piss)
    He sings the songs that remind him of the—
    Songs that remind him of the (piss)
    Beneath my toes

    (I get knocked down)
    And you hold me and we are broken (I get knocked down)
    Still it's all that I want to do, just a little now (I get knocked, down)
    Feel myself head made of the ground I'm scared, I'm not coming down (I get knocked, down)
    No, no, and I won't run for my life (I get knocked down)
    She's got her jaws now locked down in a smile
    But (pissin') is all right, all right

    (I get knocked down)
    And I want something else (But I get up again, but I get knocked down, again, but I get up again) (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    To get me through this life, baby (But I get knocked down, again, but I get up again, but I get knocked down, again) (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    I want something else (But I get up again, but I get knocked down, again, but I get up again) (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    Not listening when you say (But I get knocked down, again, but I get up again, but I get knocked down, again) (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    Hey, goodbye (But I get up again, but I get knocked down, again, but I get up again) (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    Goodbye (But I get knocked down, again...) (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    Goodbye (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    Goodbye (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    Goodbye (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    Goodbye (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    Goodbye (Naked, naked, naked, naked)
    Goodbye (Naked, naked, naked)
Track: PLUR Police
- Knife Party
Duration: 4:05
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
Lyrics: |-
    PLUR Police, PLUR Police, what you gonna do?
    What you gonna do when they come for you?
    PLUR Police, PLUR Police, what you gonna do?
    What you gonna do when they come for you?

    You you you you you you you you
    You you you you you you you you

    (I'm EDM as fuck, bro!)

    PLUR Police
    PLUR Police

    (I'm EDM as fuck, bro!)
- Misha
- Tristan Florian (guitar)
Duration: 1:15
Lyrics: |-
    (I'm back.)

    I play Pokémon GO every day
    I play Pokémon GO
    I play Pokémon GO every day
    I play Pokémon GO

    When I wake up, I'm grabbing my phone
    I wanna catch 'em all
    I wanna play Pokémon
    All day long, all day long

    I play Pokémon GO every day
    I play Pokémon GO
    I play Pokémon GO every day
    I play Pokémon GO

    I play Pokémon GO every day
    I play Pokémon GO
Track: POWER
Directory: power-kanye-west
- Kanye West
- Dwele (outro)
Duration: 4:52
Lyrics: |-
    I'm living in that 21st century, doing something mean to it
    Do it better than anybody you ever seen do it
    Screams from the haters got a nice ring to it
    I guess every superhero need his theme music

    No one man should have all that power
    The clock’s ticking, I just count the hours
    Stop tripping, I'm tripping off the power
    (21st-century schizoid man)

    The system broken, the school's closed, the prison's open
    We ain't got nothing to lose, motherfucker, we rolling
    Huh? Motherfucker, we rolling
    With some light-skinned girls and some Kelly Rowlands
    In this white man world, we the ones chosen
    So goodnight, cruel world, I'll see you in the morning
    Huh? I'll see you in the morning
    This is way too much, I need a moment

    No one man should have all that power
    The clock's ticking, I just count the hours
    Stop tripping, I'm tripping off the power
    'Til then, fuck that, the world's ours
    And they say, and they say
    And they say, and they say
    And they say, and they say
    (21st-century schizoid man)

    Fuck SNL and the whole cast
    Tell them Yeezy said they can kiss my whole ass
    More specifically, they can kiss my asshole
    I'm an asshole? You niggas got jokes
    You short-minded niggas' thoughts is Napoleon
    My furs is Mongolian, my ice brought the goalies in
    I embody every characteristic of the egotistic
    He knows he's so fuckin' gifted
    I just needed time alone with my own thoughts
    Got treasures in my mind, but couldn't open up my own vault
    My childlike creativity, purity, and honesty
    Is honestly being crowded by these grown thoughts
    Reality is catching up with me
    Taking my inner child, I'm fighting for custody
    With these responsibilities that they entrusted me
    As I look down at my diamond-encrusted piece

    Thinking no one man should have all that power
    The clock's ticking, I just count the hours
    Stop tripping, I'm tripping off the powder
    'Til then, fuck that, the world’s ours
    And they say, and they say
    And they say, and they say
    And they say, and they say
    (21st-century schizoid man)

    Colin Powells, Austin Powers
    Lost in translation with a whole fuckin' nation
    They say I was the abomination of Obama's nation
    Well, that's a pretty bad way to start the conversation
    At the end of the day, goddamnit, I'm killing this shit
    I know damn well y'all feeling this shit
    I don't need your pussy, bitch, I'm on my own dick
    I ain't gotta power trip, who you goin' home with?
    How Ye doing? I'm survivin'
    I was drinkin' earlier, now I'm drivin'
    Where the bad bitches, huh? Where you hidin'?
    I got the power make your life so excitin'

    Now this will be a beautiful death
    I'm jumping out the window, I'm letting everything go
    I'm letting everything go
    Mmm, now this will be a beautiful death
    I'm jumping out the window, I'm letting everything go
    I'm letting everything go
    Now this will be a beautiful death
    Jumping out the window, letting everything go
    Letting everything go
    You got the power to let power go?
    (21st-century schizoid man)
Track: Prana Ferox
- The Mountain Goats
Duration: 4:05
Lyrics: |-
    (You wake up in the morning feeling gloriously alive, with the firm conviction that the problems that disturbed you in the past will now disappear, disappear, disappear into the midnight of your consciousness.)

    I went down to the basement
    To check up on the sour mash
    I looked down to the nonreactive ceramic tub
    It was bubbling

    I had stirred up the dust on the stairs coming down
    I saw the dust devils swarming around
    Incoming sun beams cut them apart
    And I watched a shadow pass across my heart

    You were upstairs in the kitchen with your head against the sink
    Trying to cool down
    Trying to cool down

    I know you don't believe me, but I could hear you breathing
    I looked into the tub and there the mixture was seething
    With new life, new life all around
    I had stirred up the dust on the stairs coming down

    You were upstairs in the kitchen with your head against the sink
    Trying to cool down
    Trying to cool down
Track: pretender
Duration: 3:41
- Jane Remover
Lyrics: |-
    The things I'd do to get a good night's sleep
    It won't add up to things that you'd say to me
    So I'd try every night to clear things out my head
    And if it doesn't work, I'd blame it all on my own bed
    (Bed, bed, bed, bed)

    The things I'd do to get a good night's sleep
    It won't add up to things that you'd say to me
    So I'd try every night to clear things out my head
    To clear things out my head, to clear things out

    Oh, when's the next time that a superhero saves my town?
    'Cause I've been falling for quite a while now
    So, I gotta make the best of my aching
    Oh, how I lie in bed and feel like dying

    (It's all fun and games 'till you'rе star of the show)
    (A brave man once told mе that I should go)

    Oh, how I lie in bed and feel like dying
    Oh, how I lie in bed and feel like dying, die, die, die
    Oh, how I lie in bed and feel like dying
    Oh, how I lie in bed and feel like dying

    Put on my best clothes, I'm going out today
    It's nothing so special
    One vessel, one body, neglect it, I'm sorry
    I'll take better care of myself, pretend some more
Track: Pretty Fly for a Rabbi
Duration: 3:02
- Weird Al Yankovic
Referenced Tracks:
- Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)
Lyrics: |-
    Veren zol fun dir a blintsa

    (How ya doin' Bernie?) Oy vey, oy vey
    (How ya doin' Bernie?) Oy vey, oy vey
    (How ya doin' Bernie?) Oy vey, oy vey
    And all the goyim say I'm pretty fly for a rabbi

    Meccha leccha hi, meccha hiney hiney ho

    Our temple's had a fair share of rabbis in the past
    But most of 'em were nudniks and none of 'em would last
    But our new guy's real kosher, I think he'll do the trick
    I tell ya, he's to die for - he really knows his shtick

    So how's by you? Have you seen this Jew?
    Reads the Torah, does his own accounting too
    Workin' like a dog at the synagogue
    He's there all day, he's there all day

    Just say "Vay iz mir!" and he'll kick into gear
    He'll bring you lots of cheer and maybe bagels with some shmeer
    Just grab your yarmulka and
    Hey, hey, do that Hebrew thing

    (How ya doin' Bernie?) Oy vey, oy vey
    (How ya doin' Bernie?) Oy vey, oy vey
    (How ya doin' Bernie?) Oy vey, oy vey
    And all the goyim say I'm pretty fly (for a rabbi)

    He shops at discount stores, not just any will suffice
    He has to find a bargain 'cause he won't pay retail price
    He never acts meshugga and he's hardly a schlemiel
    But if you wanna haggle, oy, he'll make you such a deal!

    People used to scoff, now they say "Mazel tov!"
    He's such a macher 'cause he worked his tuchis off
    Yeah, he keeps his cool and teaches shul
    What's not to like? What's not to like?

    On high holy days, you know he prays and prays
    And he never eats pastrami on white bread with mayonnaise
    Put on your yarmulka and
    Hey, hey, do that Hebrew thing

    When he's doing a Bar Mitzvah, now that you shouldn't miss
    He'll always shlep on down for a wedding or a briss
    They say he's got a lot of chutzpah, he's really quite hip
    The parents pay the moyl and he gets to keep the tip

    (How ya doin' Bernie?) Oy vey, oy vey
    (How ya doin' Bernie?) Oy vey, oy vey
    (How ya doin' Bernie?) Oy vey, oy vey
    Meccha leccha hi, meccha meccha cholly ho

    He's doin' well, I gotta kvell
    The yentas love him, even shicksas think he's swell
    Show up at his home, he says "Shalom"
    And "Have some cake - you want some cake?"

    Yah, he calls the shots, we really love him lots
    Oy gevalt, I'm so ferklempt that I could plotz

    So grab your yarmulka
    The one you got for Chanukah
    Let's put on our yarmulkas and
    Hey, hey, do that Hebrew thing
Track: Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)
Duration: 3:07
- The Offspring
Lyrics: |-
    Gunter glieben glauten globen

    Give it to me, baby (Uh huh, uh huh)
    Give it to me, baby (Uh huh, uh huh)
    Give it to me, baby (Uh huh, uh huh)
    And all the girlies say, I'm pretty fly for a white guy

    Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, cinco, seis

    You know, it's kinda hard just to get along today
    Our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway
    He may not have a clue and he may not have style
    But everything he lacks, well, he makes up in denial

    So don't debate a player straight
    You know he really doesn't get it anyway
    Gotta play the field and keep it real
    For you no way, for you no way

    So if you don't rate, just overcompensate
    At least that you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake
    The world needs wannabes, ah
    Hey, hey, do that brand new thing

    Give it to me, baby (Uh huh, uh huh)
    Give it to me, baby (Uh huh, uh huh)
    Give it to me, baby (Uh huh, uh huh)
    And all the girlies say, I'm pretty fly (for a white guy)

    He needs some cool tunes, not just any will suffice
    But they didn't have Ice Cube, so he bought Vanilla Ice
    Now cruisin' in his Pinto, he sees homies as he pass
    But if he looks twice, they're gonna kick his lily ass

    So don't debate a player straight
    You know he really doesn't get it anyway
    Gotta play the field and keep it real
    For you no way, for you no way

    So if you don't rate, just overcompensate
    At least that you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake
    The world loves wannabes, ah
    Hey, hey, do that brand new thing

    Now he's gettin' a tattoo, yeah, he's gettin' ink done
    He asked for a 13 but they drew a 31
    Friends say, he's tryin' too hard and he's not quite hip
    But in his own mind, he's the, he's the dopest trip

    Give it to me, baby (Uh huh, uh huh)
    Give it to me, baby (Uh huh, uh huh)
    Give it to me, baby (Uh huh, uh huh)
    Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, cinco, seis

    So don't debate a player straight
    You know he really doesn't get it anyway
    Gotta play the field and keep it real
    For you no way, for you no way

    So if you don't rate, just overcompensate
    At least that you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake

    The world needs wannabes, ah
    The world loves wannabes, ah
    Let's get some more wannabes, ah
    Hey, hey, do that brand new thing
Track: Professional Griefers
Duration: 5:34
- deadmau5
Lyrics: |-
    I like the sound of the broken pieces
    I like the lights and the siren she says
    "We got machines but the kids got Jesus"
    We like to move like we both don't need this

    God can't hear you, they won't fight you
    Watch them build a friend just like you
    Morning sickness, XYZ
    Teenage girls with ESP

    Give me the sound to see
    Another world outside that's full of
    All the broken things that I made
    Just give me a life to bleed
    Another world outside that's full of
    All the awful things that I made

    We like to dance but the dead go faster
    Turn up the slam/hound/bar/code/blaster
    We want the cash or the junk you're after
    Rez-up control for the mixtape master
    Cell-correction, mass-dissection
    Death squad brats are in detention
    Morning sickness, XYZ
    Boys with bombs in NMA
    Carbon lacing, spent shell casings
    Photographs that I'm erasing
    Bonus lives with pixel-screams
    Girls with guns on LSD
    See deadmau5 Live
    Get tickets as low as $89

    Cell infection, mass destruction
    Program for the final function
    Lab Rat King, rescue team
    Save me from the next life!

    Gimme the sound to see
    Another world outside that's full of
    All the broken things that I made
    Just give me a life to bleed
    Another world outside that's full of
    All the awful things that I made
    'Cause we are the last disease
    Another broken life that's full of
    All the awful things that I made
    And we got the eyes to see
    Another broken life that's full of
    All the awful things that are made
Track: The Prophets Song
- Queen
Duration: 8:20
Lyrics: |-
    Oh, oh, people of the earth
    "Listen to the warning,"
    The seer he said
    Beware the storm that gathers here
    Listen to the wise man.

    I dreamed I saw on a moonlit stair
    Spreading his hands on the multitude there
    A man who cried for a love gone stale
    And ice cold hearts of charity bare.
    I watched as fear took the old man's gaze
    Hopes of the young in troubled graves
    "I see no day," I heard him say
    So grey is the face of every mortal.

    Oh, oh, people of the earth
    "Listen to the warning,"
    The prophet he said
    For soon the cold of night will fall
    Summoned by your own hand.

    Oh, oh, children of the land
    Quicken to the new life
    Take my hand
    Fly and find the new green bough
    Return like the white dove.

    He told of death as a bone white haze
    Taking the lost and the unloved babe
    Late too late all the wretches run
    These kings of beasts now counting their days.

    From mother's love is the son estranged
    Married his own his precious gain
    The earth will shake in two will break
    And death all around will be your dowry

    Oh, oh, people of the earth
    "Listen to the warning,"
    the seer he said
    For those who hear and mark my words
    Listen to the good plan

    Oh, oh, oh, oh and two by two my human zoo
    They'll be running for to come
    Running for to come out of the rain

    Oh, flee for your life
    Who heed me not, let all your treasure make you
    Oh, fear for your life
    Deceive you not, the fires of hell will take you
    Should death await you

    Ah, people can you hear me?
    And now I know, and now I know
    And now I know, and now I know
    That you can hear me
    And now I know, and now I know
    And now I know, now I know
    Now I know, now I know
    Now I know, now I know
    Now I know
    The earth will shake in two will break
    The earth will shake in two will break
    Death all around around around around
    Around around around around

    Now I know, now I know
    Now I know, now I know
    Now I know, now I know
    Now I know, now I know
    Now I know, now I know
    Now I know
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa⟓

    Listen to the wise listen to the wise listen to the wise
    Listen to the wise listen to the wise man
    La la
    La la la la la la
    La la la la la la
    La la la la la la
    La la la la la la
    La la la la la la
    La la la la la la
    La la
    La la
    La la
    Come here (I - You)
    Come here (I - You)
    Come here (I - You)
    Come here (I - You)

    Ah ah ah ah ah
    Listen to the man listen to the man listen to the man listen to the madman

    God gave you grace to purge this place
    And peace all around may be your fortune

    Oh, oh, children of the land
    Love is still the answer take my hand
    The vision fades a voice I hear
    "Listen to the madman!"

    Ooh, but still I fear and still I dare not
    Laugh at the madman!
Track: Providence
Duration: 29:02
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Lyrics: |-
    You think the end of the world is coming?

    The preacher man says it's the end of time
    He says that America's rivers are going dry
    The interest is up, the stock market's down
    You guys gotta be careful walking around here this late at night

    Spare change? Spare change?

    This— no we don't, ma'am, I'm sorry
    This— This— This is the perfect place to get jumped

    But do you think the end of the world is coming?

    So says the preacher man, but
    I don't go by what he says


    Deliver us from the gathering storm
    Unworthy though we are
    Leave us living safe and warm
    And sheltered in your arms

    Fallen out of grace are we
    Sinless never more to be
    Deliver us from the gathering storm
    Unworthy though we are

    Deliver us from the shadows and fear
    And brighten us our night
    O lift us out of the valley of sin
    And leave our path in light

    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going?
    Where are you going? (Going)
    Where are you going?
Track: Put A Donk On It
- Blackout Crew
Duration: 4:09
Lyrics: |-
    Yeah, yeah it's sick that, yeah that's good
    Wait hold on a minute, pull it up, stop. You know what you wanna do with that right, you wanna put a bangin' donk on it!
    Yeah, yeah, yeah that's sick. That is sick!
    I can definitely drop to that one, all we need now is like a hook line
    You know what I've got actually the perfect one

    Bassline! (Ahh wicked!)
    Now put a donk on it
    Electro! (Ahh that is sick that mate!)
    Put a donk on it
    Techno! (Ohhh now that is good!)
    Put a donk on it
    Ayy, that's good that Tony!
    Ahahaha sick!

    Bassline! (Where'd you learn that one)
    Put a donk on it
    Electro! (Yeah I like that.)
    Put a donk on it
    Techno! (That one's good.)
    Put a donk on it
    Donk d-donk donk donk donk

    Cover's going sick tonight
    I'm like superman without kryptonite
    Phat as hell without cellulite
    And I look well sick in a U.V light
    Speaking of sick that's me on the mic
    And if you don't like it get on your bike
    Pack your bags and get out my sight
    Otherwise it's left, right, left, goodnight

    Mic controller, lyrical mover
    Rhymes that are comin' so quick like a soldier
    So ya better know my name is Cover
    If you wanna test me you better not go there
    If you go there you gonna get messed up
    And have a face on you like a broken clock
    As I'm comin' you better get runnin'
    You better get gone or your gonna get done in

    I'm back, with professional status
    The greatest MC that's likely to make this
    Take this mic and use it against yous
    Other MC's just ain't the same as
    This kid who's been livin' the dream
    Been glued to the mic since I was 13
    Get in my way and you will start see
    What life is like on a life support machine

    Thou shalt not mess with this kid
    A twisted misfit who joined the hit list
    It's simple
    A baby born gifted nothing but lyrics when pens are lifted
    Raw talent makes me so sickness
    Rhyming ability oh so deceiving
    This recipe for your evenin'
    Dowie mc's inside he ain't leavin'

    Action is my distraction
    Reaction is interaction
    Clearly, dearly, really, see
    This MC may legally
    Committed never districted
    Convicted never restricted
    Respected hating the quiet
    Inspected making the riot
    Shirty, flirty, dirty, G
    Pouty, louty, shout easy
    May Kay is observant
    Making the nation my servant
    So rent avenger surrender
    The manly family not tender
    Walk In Manchester forever
    Insult us ill ever

    Its time for me to take this livin the tide
    To the next day to the place dreams are made
    Just listen
    When the music plays
    I got rhymes to spit and no time to waste
    But please believe
    What you see could be the best rhyming ability you've seen
    I've proved that this guy can MC
    (By showing how Rapid rhymes to the beat)
    What you witness when I do this
    I'll prove that great MC's exist
    I insist
    That this you don't miss
    Blackout business at the best
    Now there's no rest
    Back on set
    The Rapid MC live and direct
    Put up the volume just a little bit
    Gimme the beat and put a donk on it

    Whoa whoa whoa whoa
    Wait a minute, Wait a minute
    What you doin' goin' to chorus without my bit?

    Isn't it strange
    How some of them closest people change?
    You get so high you can't even arrange
    A good night out
    You're stuck on the wrong page
    Hey (Hey)
    There's no need for this
    Feels like I known you since we was kids
    Just think how it is when we drop the sickness
    Like birds of a feather and you don't wanna miss
    'Cause everywhere we go we're rockin' it
    Nobody good enough stopping it
    And when we hit the chart we're toppin' it
    So get on your feet and put a donk on it
Track: Quiet
Duration: 3:14
- Lights
Lyrics: |-
    I'm not yours, and you're not mine
    But we can sit and pass the time
    No fighting wars, no ringing chimes
    We're just feeling fine
    This is where we're supposed to be
    Sitting by a broken tree
    No tragedy, no poetry
    Just staring at the sky

    I could wait a thousand hours
    Stay the same, in sun and showers
    Pick apart a hundred flowers
    Just to be quiet
    Tell me when you feel ready
    I'm the one, there's not too many
    Hold my hand to keep me steady
    Just to be quiet with you

    I like it here beside you dear
    You're even more than you appear
    And in the clouds, my head is clear
    Every time you say, "Hello"
    Here's my heart, and here's my mouth
    And I can't help if things come out
    'Cause there are words I want to shout
    But maybe I'll stay low

    I could wait a thousand hours
    Stay the same, in sun and showers
    Pick apart a hundred flowers
    Just to be quiet
    Tell me when you feel ready
    I'm the one, there's not too many
    Hold my hand to keep me steady
    Just to be quiet
    I could wait a thousand hours
    Stay the same, in sun and showers
    Pick apart a hundred flowers
    Just to be quiet
    Tell me when you feel ready
    I'm the one, there's not too many
    Hold my hand to keep me steady
    Just to be quiet with you

    I'm not yours, and you're not mine
    But we can sit and pass the time
    I'm not yours, and you're not mine
    But we can sit and pass the time
Track: Racing into the Night
Additional Names:
- Yoru ni Kakeru
- Ayase (songwriter, production)
- Ikura (vocals)
- Takeruru (guitar)
- Mayo Hoshino (based story writer)
- Takayuki Saitō (vocal recording)
- Masahiko Fukui (mixing)
- Hidekazu Sakai (mastering)
Duration: 4:21
#track has non-English (Japanese) lyrics, not yet added
Track: Rain
Always Reference By Directory: true
Directory: rain-rob-scallon
- Rob Scallon
Duration: 2:02
Track: Rain
Always Reference By Directory: true
Directory: rain-sugoisounds
- Sugoisounds
Duration: 2:03
Track: Rapp Snitch Knishes
Duration: 2:52
Lyrics: |-
    Yo! (Yo!)
    MF DOOM (Mr. Fantastik)
    Mr. Fantastik (Villain)
    What up, nigga? (Ain't nuttin', what's the word?)
    What's cracking, boy? (Same ol' shit, kid)
    Man (different day, you know?)
    These rap snitches, man, shit is bugged out, man
    What the fuck, man? (Shit, you telling me)
    Niggas running their mouth, telling e'rything, e'rything (critical)

    Rap snitches, telling all their business
    Sit in the court and be their own star witness
    Do you see the perpetrator? Yeah, I'm right here
    Fuck around, get the whole label sent up for years, uh
    Rap snitches, telling all their business
    Sit in the court and be their own star witness
    Do you see the perpetrator? Yeah, I'm right here
    Fuck around, get the whole label sent up for years

    Type profile low, like A in "Paid in Full"
    Attract heavy cash 'cause the game's centrifugal
    Mr. Fantastik, long dough like elastic
    Guard my life with twin Glocks that's made out of plastic
    Can't stand a brown-nosing nigga, fake ass bastard
    Admiring my style, tour bus through Manhattan
    Plotting, plan the quickest, my flow's the sickest
    My hoes be the thickest, my 'dro the stickiest
    Street nigga, stamped and bonafide
    When beef jump niggas come get me 'cause they know I ride
    True to the ski mask, New York's my origin
    Play a fake gangsta like a old accordion
    According to him, when the D's rushed in
    Complication from the wire testimony was thin
    Caused his man to go up north, the ball hit 'em again
    Lame rap snitch nigga even told on the Mexican

    Rap snitches, telling all their business
    Sit in the court and be their own star witness
    Do you see the perpetrator? Yeah, I'm right here
    Fuck around, get the whole label sent up for years
    Rap snitches, telling all their business
    Sit in the court and be their own star witness
    Do you see the perpetrator? Yeah, I'm right here
    Fuck around, get the whole label sent up for years

    True, there's rules to this shit, fools dare care
    Everybody wanna rule the world with tears for fear
    Yeah, yeah, tell 'em, tell it on the mountain hill
    Running up they mouth bill, everybody doubting still
    Informer, keep it up and get tested
    Pop through your bubble vest or double-breasted
    "He keep a lab down south in the little beast"
    So much heat you woulda thought it was the Middle East
    A little grease always keeps the wheels a-spinning
    Like sitting on 23's to get the squealers grinning
    Hitting on many trees, feel real linen
    Spitting on enemies, get the steel for tin men
    Where no brains but gum flap
    He said his gun clap, then he fled after one slap (pap!)
    Son, shut your trap, save it for the bitches
    Mmm, delicious, rap snitch kisses

    You know what I'm saying? (It's terrible)
    Crazy, man, I'm just analyzing this whole game
    This is bugged out, man, niggas is snitching
    Telling on they own self (it's a horror, yo)
    Fuck around and get everybody bagged, man
    (Atrocities) fuck around and get yo' mama bagged, nigga
    You know your grandmama used to be bootlegging
    Fake hustling nigga, heheheheheheh, haha

    Perpetrator? Yeah, I'm right here
Track: Rasputin
- Boney M
Lyrics: |-
    There lived a certain man in Russia long ago
    He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow
    Most people look at him with terror and with fear
    But to Moscow chicks, he was such a lovely dear
    He could preach the Bible like a preacher
    Full of ecstasy and fire
    But he also was the kind of teacher
    Women would desire

    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

    There lived a certain man in Russia long ago
    He was big and strong, in his eyes, a flaming glow
    Most people look at him with terror and with fear
    But to Moscow chicks, he was such a lovely dear
    He could preach the Bible like a preacher
    Full of ecstasy and fire
    But he also was the kind of teacher
    Women would desire

    Ra-Ra-Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen
    There was a cat that really was gone
    Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine
    It was a shame how he carried on

    He ruled the Russian land and never mind the Tsar
    But the kazachok, he danced really wunderbar
    In all affairs of state, he was the man to please
    But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze
    For the Queen, he was no wheeler dealer
    Though she'd heard the things he'd done
    She believed he was a holy healer
    Who would heal her son

    Ra-Ra-Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen
    There was a cat that really was gone
    Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine
    It was a shame how he carried on

    But when his drinking and lusting and his hunger for power
    Became known to more and more people
    The demands to do something about this outrageous man became louder and louder

    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

    "This man's just gotta go", declared his enemies
    But the ladies begged, "Don't you try to do it, please"
    No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms
    Though he was a brute, they just fell into his arms
    Then one night, some men of higher standing
    Set a trap, they're not to blame
    "Come to visit us", they kept demanding
    And he really came

    Ra-Ra-Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen
    They put some poison into his wine
    Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine
    He drank it all and he said, "I feel fine"
    Ra-Ra-Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen
    They didn't quit, they wanted his head
    Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine
    And so they shot him 'til he was dead

    Oh, those Russians
Track: Reach for the Dead
Duration: 4:48
- Boards of Canada
Track: Ready Let's Go
Duration: 1:00
- Boards of Canada
Track: Real American
Duration: 3:21
- Rick Derringer
Lyrics: |-
    I am a real American
    Fight for the rights of every man
    I am a real American
    Fight for what's right, fight for your life

    When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside
    You gotta take a stand it don't help to hide
    If you hurt my friends, then you hurt my pride
    I gotta be a man, I can't let it slide

    I am a real American
    Fight for the rights of every man
    I am a real American
    Fight for what's right, fight for your life

    I feel strong about right and wrong
    And I don't take trouble for very long
    I've got something deep inside of me
    Courage is the thing that keeps us free

    I am a real American
    Fight for the rights of every man
    I am a real American
    Fight for what's right, fight for your life

    I am a real American
    Fight for the rights of every man
    I am a real American
    Fight for what's right, fight for your life

    If you hurt my friends, then you hurt my pride
    I gotta be a man, I can't let it slide

    I am a real American (American)
    Fight for the rights of every man (Every man)
    I am a real American (American)
    Fight for what's right, fight for your life (Fight for your life)

    I am a real American (American)
    Fight for the rights of every man
    I am a real American
    Fight for what's right, fight for your life

    I am a real American (Ooh)
    Fight for the rights of every man (American)
    I am a real American
    Fight for what's right, fight for your life (Ooh)

    I am a real American (American)
    Fight for the rights of every man...
Track: The Real Slim Shady
- Eminem
Duration: 4:44
Lyrics: |-

    May I have your attention, please?
    May I have your attention, please?
    Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
    I repeat
    Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
    We're gonna have a problem here

    Y'all act like you never seen a white person before
    Jaws all on the floor like Pam, like Tommy just burst in the door
    And started whoopin' her ass worse than before
    They first were divorced, throwin' her over furniture (Agh!)
    It's the return of the "Oh, wait, no way, you're kidding
    He didn't just say what I think he did, did he?"
    And Dr. Dre said
    Nothing, you idiots, Dr. Dre's dead, he's locked in my basement (Ha-ha!)
    Feminist women love Eminem
    "Chicka-chicka-chicka, Slim Shady, I'm sick of him
    Look at him, walkin' around, grabbin' his you-know-what
    Flippin' the you-know-who," "Yeah, but he's so cute though"
    Yeah, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose
    But no worse than what's goin' on in your parents' bedrooms
    Sometimes I wanna get on TV and just let loose
    But can't, but it's cool for Tom Green to hump a dead moose
    "My bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips"
    And if I'm lucky, you might just give it a little kiss
    And that's the message that we deliver to little kids
    And expect them not to know what a woman's clitoris is
    Of course, they're gonna know what intercourse is
    By the time they hit fourth grade they've got the Discovery Channel, don't they?
    We ain't nothin' but mammals—
    Well, some of us cannibals who cut other people open like cantaloupes
    But if we can hump dead animals and antelopes
    Then there's no reason that a man and another man can't elope
    But if you feel like I feel, I got the antidote
    Women, wave your pantyhose, sing the chorus, and it goes

    I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady
    All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
    So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up
    Please stand up, please stand up?
    'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady
    All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
    So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up
    Please stand up, please stand up?

    Will Smith don't gotta cuss in his raps to sell records (Nope)
    Well, I do, so fuck him, and fuck you too
    You think I give a damn about a GRAMMY?
    Half of you critics can't even stomach me, let alone stand me
    "But Slim, what if you win? Wouldn't it be weird?"
    Why? So you guys could just lie to get me here?
    So you can sit me here next to Britney Spears?
    Yo, shit, Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs
    So I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst
    And hear 'em argue over who she gave head to first
    Little bitch put me on blast on MTV
    "Yeah, he's cute, but I think he's married to Kim, hee-hee"
    I should download her audio on MP3
    And show the whole world how you gave Eminem VD (Agh!)
    I'm sick of you little girl and boy groups, all you do is annoy me
    So I have been sent here to destroy you
    And there's a million of us just like me
    Who cuss like me, who just don't give a fuck like me
    Who dress like me, walk, talk and act like me
    And just might be the next best thing, but not quite me

    'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady
    All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
    So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up
    Please stand up, please stand up?
    'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady
    All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
    So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up
    Please stand up, please stand up?

    I'm like a head trip to listen to 'cause I'm only givin' you
    Things you joke about with your friends inside your livin' room
    The only difference is I got the balls to say it in front of y'all
    And I don't gotta be false or sugarcoat it at all
    I just get on the mic and spit it
    And whether you like to admit it (Err), I just shit it
    Better than ninety percent of you rappers out can
    Then you wonder: "How can kids eat up these albums like Valiums?"
    It's funny, 'cause at the rate I'm goin', when I'm thirty
    I'll be the only person in the nursin' home flirting
    Pinchin' nurse's asses when I'm jacking off with Jergens
    And I'm jerking, but this whole bag of Viagra isn't working
    And every single person is a Slim Shady lurkin'
    He could be working at Burger King, spittin' on your onion rings (Ch, puh)
    Or in the parkin' lot, circling, screaming, "I don't give a fuck!"
    With his windows down and his system up
    So will the real Shady please stand up
    And put one of those fingers on each hand up?
    And be proud to be outta your mind and outta control
    And one more time, loud as you can, how does it go?

    I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady
    All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
    So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up
    Please stand up, please stand up?
    'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady
    All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
    So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up
    Please stand up, please stand up?
    'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady
    All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
    So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up
    Please stand up, please stand up?
    'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady
    All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
    So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up
    Please stand up, please stand up?

    I guess there's a Slim Shady in all of us
    Fuck it, let's all stand up
Track: Really Doe
Duration: 05:19
- Danny Brown
Track: The Red Weed, Pt. 1
Duration: 5:53
- Jeff Wayne
- Richard Burton
Track: Redbone
- Childish Gambino
- Ludwig Göransson
Duration: 5:26
# Sampled Tracks:
# - Bootsy's Rubber Band "I'd Rather Be With You"
Lyrics: |-
    I wake up feeling like you won't play right
    I used to know, but now that shit don't feel right
    It made me put away my pride

    So long
    You made a nigga wait for some, so long
    You make it hard for boy like that to go on
    I'm wishing I could make this mine

    If you want it, yeah
    You can have it, oh oh oh
    If you need it, ooh
    We can make it oh
    If you want it
    You can have it

    But stay woke
    Niggas creepin'
    They gon' find you
    Gon' catch you sleepin', ooh
    Now stay woke
    Niggas creepin'
    Now don't you close your eyes

    Too late
    You wanna make it right, but now it's too late
    My peanut butter chocolate cake with Kool-Aid
    I'm trying not to waste my time

    If you want it, oh
    You can have it, you can have it
    If you need it, you better believe in something
    We can make it, oh
    If you want it
    You can have it, ah

    But stay woke (Stay woke)
    Niggas creepin' (They be creepin')
    They gon' find you (They gon' find you)
    Gon' catch you sleepin' (Gon' catch you sleepin', put your hands up now, baby)
    Ooh, now stay woke
    Niggas creepin'
    Now, don't you close your eyes

    But stay woke (Ooh)
    Niggas creepin' (They gon' find you)
    They gon' find you
    Gon' catch you sleepin', ooh (Gon' catch you, gon' catch you)
    Now stay woke
    Niggas creepin'
    Now, don't you close your eyes

    How'd it get so scandalous?
    Oh, how'd it get so scandalous?
    Oh, oh, baby you, how'd it get
    How'd it get so scandalous?
    How'd it get so scandalous?
    But stay woke
    But stay woke
Track: Replica
Directory: replica-oneohtrix-point-never
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 4:35
- Oneohtrix Point Never
Track: Requiem (Choir)
Directory: requiem-aharon-harlap
Duration: 25:30
- Aharon Harlap
Track: 'Re:Re:'
Duration: 3:48
- Masafumi Gotoh (lyrics, composition)
- artist:takahiro-yamada-asian-kung-fu (composition)
#track has non-English (Japanese) lyrics, not yet added
Track: Respect Your Elders (Leffen Diss Track)
- Chillindude829
Duration: 1:40
Lyrics: |-
    I'm not lawful, make this pussy stop talking
    You're not one of the gods, you're one of the god awful
    We all gawking when looking at your fox
    Take it to Smash 4 and lose it by four stocks
    Not standing your style
    You ain't standing your ground
    Get wins while kicking a man when he's down
    Like, "I beat mango, I'm the favorite if he chokes!
    As far as Armada goes, I'll just wait 'til he's a host."
    Ain't no telling how foolish you'll be looking
    Evidence dot zip can't contain the ass whooping
    Right when we realize the money match is over
    That will be your cue to throw your controller

    Expose you as a fraud
    Yeah I'll be blowing you up
    Who said you were a god?
    I know it wasn't Plup
    Been here ten years and you know I'm showing up
    For a man of many words, I think you've said enough
    But, The only way to make you hush
    I'll body bag your fox then Dot zip it shut
    Put you in your place
    Kid, you're a disgrace
    Get killed quick like that missile hit you in the face
    After all of this you'll be watching your mouth
    Ain't no telling who'll be calling you out
    When salty suite comes down
    You better come correct
    Until you win a major show your elders some respect

    P.S. Leffen I ain't done yet
    I'm the underdog so place your bets
    Who ever want to see Leffen looking dumb
    Throw your money on the line cause I'm making some
    Gotta say bro you're looking awfully weak
    Wait and see what happens at the salty suite
    Vanilla fox don't suit you so go find another
    Teach you a lesson and take back my color
Track: Revolution 909
- Daft Punk
Duration: 5:34
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
    (Stop the music and go home. I repeat, stop the music and go home.)
Track: Rhapsody In Blue
- George Gershwin
Track: The Riddle Wants To Be
- Madder Mortem
Duration: 4:08
Lyrics: |-
    This ordeal has made you fret
    But you know it's not that bad
    We thought ourselves beyond its reach
    Well, it seems we've both been had

    See, it flows so easily
    A ruthless piece of art
    And it grows and speaks of mysteries to be
    And flips itself to show the deuce of hearts


    The riddle wants, the riddle wants
    The riddle wants to be
    The riddle wants, the riddle wants
    The riddle wants to be
    To be

    It rubs our noses in nature's demands
    And it wrestles our dearest doubts out of our hands

    There is a balance of hope and despair
    How we bleed for it! In our need for it all sense disappears

    The riddle wants, the riddle wants
    The riddle wants to be
    The riddle wants, the riddle wants
    The riddle wants to be
    To be
    To be
Track: Riot
Directory: riot-childish-gambino
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Childish Gambino
Duration: 2:05
Lyrics: |-
    Uh, ah!

    I can feel it deep inside my body
    I've been watching all this all night
    I got to move it
    This pressure brewing
    This world don't feel alright

    Everyone, everyone!
    Get down, baby, get down, baby
    Fly, fly, fly, high
    Oh, uh
    Everyone, everyone!
    Get down, baby, get down, baby
    Fly, fly, fly, son, ah, uh

    No good's happenin'
    World, we're out a captain
    Everyone just wants a better life
    Woo! They tried to kill us
    Love to say they feel us
    But they won't take my pride, ah

    Everyone, everyone!
    Get down, baby, get down, baby
    Fly, fly, fly, high (Ah, uh)
    Everyone, everyone!
    Get down, baby, get down, baby
    Fly, fly, fly, son (Woo, uh)

    Get down, baby
    Fly, fly, fly, high
    Get down, baby
    Fly, fly, fly, son
Track: risen
Directory: risen-terry-a-davis
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Terry A. Davis
Duration: 0:11
Commentary: |-
    <i>Terry A. Davis:</i>
    This is one of the oldest songs. I picked the random name "risen" and said to God "Oh, you're ambitious," thinking it was an epic name. He laughed and gave an epic song!
Track: Risingson
- Massive Attack
Duration: 4:58
Track: Rock Lobster
- B-52
Duration: 4:54
Lyrics: |-
    Sca-do-ba-da, eww
    Sca-do-ba-da, eww
    (Sca-do-ba-da) We were at a party (Eww)
    (Sca-do-ba-da) His ear lobe fell in the deep (Eww)
    (Sca-do-ba-da) Someone reached in and grabbed it (Eww)
    (Sca-do-ba-da) It was a rock lobster (Eww)

    (Ah-ah-ah-ah) Rock lobster
    (Ah-ah-ah-ah) Rock lobster

    We were at the beach (Eww)
    Everybody had matching towels (Eww)
    Somebody went under a dock (Eww)
    And there they saw a rock (Eww)
    It wasn't a rock (Eww)
    It was a rock lobster (Eww)

    (Ah-ah-ah-ah) Rock lobster
    (Ah-ah-ah-ah) Rock lobster

    Rock lobster, rock lobster
    Motion in the ocean (Hoorah)
    His air hose broke (Hoorah)
    Lots of trouble (Hoorah)
    Lots of bubble (Hoorah)
    He was in a jam (Hoorah)
    He's in a giant clam! (Hoorah)

    Rock, rock, rock lobster!
    (Ah-ah-ah-ah) Down, down…

    Sca-do-ba-da, eww
    Sca-do-ba-da, eww
    (Sca-do-ba-da) Underneath the waves (Eww)
    (Sca-do-ba-da) Mermaids waving (Eww)
    (Sca-do-ba-da) Waving to mermen (Eww)
    (Sca-do-ba-da) Waving sea fans (Eww)
    (Sca-do-ba-da) Seahorses sailing (Eww)
    (Sca-do-ba-da) Dolphins wailing (Eww)

    (Ah-ah-ah-ah) Rock lobster
    (Ah-ah-ah-ah) Rock lobster

    Rock lobster, rock lobster
    Hoorah, hoorah
    Red snappers snapping (Hoorah)
    Clamshells clapping (Hoorah)
    Mussels flexing (Hoorah)
    Flippers flipping (Hoorah)
    Rock, rock

    Rock, rock, rock lobster!
    (Ah-ah-ah-ah) Down, down…
    Lobster! Rock!
    Lobster! Rock!
    Let's rock!

    Boys in bikinis
    Girls in surfboards
    Everybody's rocking
    Everybody's fruging
    Twisting around the fire, having fun
    Baking potatoes, baking in the sun
    Put on your nose guard
    Put on the lifeguard
    Pass the tanning butter
    Here comes a stingray
    There goes a manta ray
    In walked a jellyfish
    There goes a dogfish
    Chased by a catfish
    In flew a sea robin
    Watch out for that piranha
    There goes a narwhal
    Here comes a bikini whale! (AHHHHH)

    Rock lobster (Lobster, rock lobster)
    Rock lobster (Lobster, ah-ah-ah-ah)
    Rock lobster (Lobster, rock lobster)
    Rock lobster (Lobster, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)
    Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
Track: Rockets fall on Rocket Falls
Duration: 20:42
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Track: Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)
- Limp Bizkit
Duration: 3:33
Lyrics: |-
    Alright, partner, keep on rollin', baby, you know what time it is
    (Ladies and gentlemen!)
    (Throw your hands up)
    (Throw your, your hands up)
    (Throw your, throw, throw your)
    (Throw your, your, your hands, your, your hands up)
    (Throw your hands up)
    Chocolate Starfish, wanna keep on rollin', baby!
    (Your hands up)
    (Throw, your hands up)
    (Throw your hands up)
    (Throw your hands up)

    I move in, now move out, hands up, now hands down!
    Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
    Breathe in, now breathe out, hands up, now hands down!
    Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (What?)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Come on!)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Yeah)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'

    Now I know y'all be lovin' this shit right here
    L.I.M.P. Bizkit is right here
    People in the house put them hands in the air
    'Cause if you don't care, then we don't care (yeah)
    One, two, three times, two to the six
    Jonesin' your fix of that Limp Bizkit mix
    So where the fuck you at, punk?
    Shut the fuck up and back the fuck up while we fuck this track up

    (Throw your hands up)
    (Throw, your hands up)
    (Throw, throw your hands up)
    (Throw your hands up)
    (Throw your hands up)

    I move in, now move out, hands up, now hands down!
    Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
    Breathe in, now breathe out, hands up, now hands down!
    Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (What?)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Come on!)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Yeah)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'

    You wanna mess with Limp Bizkit? (Yeah)
    You can't mess with Limp Bizkit (Why?)
    Because we get it on (When?)
    Everyday and every night (Oh)
    And this platinum thing right here (Aha?)
    Yo, we're doin' it all the time (What?)
    So you better get some better beats and, ah
    Get some better rhymes (Duh!)
    We got the gang set, so don't complain yet
    Twenty-four-seven, never beggin' for a rain check
    Old school soldiers blastin' out the hot shit
    That rock shit, puttin' bounce in the mosh pit

    (Throw your hands up)
    (Throw, your hands up)
    (Throw, throw your hands up)
    (Throw your hands up)
    (Throw your hands up)

    I move in, now move out, hands up, now hands down!
    Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
    Breathe in, now breathe out, hands up, now hands down!
    Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (What?)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Come on!)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Yeah)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'

    Hey, ladies (Where you at?), hey, fellas (Where you at?)
    And the people that don't give a fuck (Where you at?)
    All the lovers (Where you at?), all the haters (Where you at?)
    And all the people that call themselves players (Where you at?)
    Hot mamas (Where you at?), pimp daddies (Where you at?)
    And the people rollin' up in caddies (Where you at?)
    Hey, rockers (Where you at?), hip-hoppers (Where you at?)
    And everybody all around the world

    Move in, now move out, hands up, now hands down!
    Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
    Breathe in, now breathe out, hands up, now hands down!
    Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (What?)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Come on!)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Yeah)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'
    Move in, now move out, hands up, now hands down!
    Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
    Breathe in, now breathe out, hands up, now hands down!
    Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (What?)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Come on!)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Yeah)
    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'
Track: Rootie
Duration: 4:10
- Cheap Dinosaurs
Track: Rosanna
- Toto
Duration: 5:31
Lyrics: |-
    All I wanna do when I wake up in the morning is see your eyes
    Rosanna, Rosanna
    I never thought that a girl like you could ever care for me
    All I wanna do in the middle of the evening is hold you tight
    Rosanna, Rosanna
    I didn't know you were looking for more than I could ever be

    Not quite a year since she went away, Rosanna, yeah
    Now she's gone and I have to say

    Meet you all the way
    Meet you all the way, Rosanna yeah
    Meet you all the way
    Meet you all the way, Rosanna yeah

    I can see your face still shining through the window on the other side
    Rosanna, Rosanna
    I didn't know that a girl like you could make me feel so sad
    All I want to tell you is now you'll never ever have to compromise
    Rosanna, Rosanna
    I never thought that losing you could ever hurt so bad

    Not quite a year since she went away, Rosanna yeah
    Now she's gone and I have to say

    Meet you all the way
    Meet you all the way, Rosanna yeah
    Meet you all the way
    Meet you all the way, Rosanna yeah

    Not quite a year since she went away, Rosanna yeah
    Now she's gone and I have to say

    Meet you all the way
    Meet you all the way, Rosanna yeah
    Meet you all the way
    Meet you all the way, Rosanna yeah
    Meet you all the way
    Meet you all the way, Rosanna yeah
    Meet you all the way
    Meet you all the way, Rosanna yeah
Track: Roundabout
- 'Yes'
Duration: 8:35
Lyrics: |-
    I'll be the roundabout
    The words will make you out 'n' out
    I spent the day your way
    Call it morning driving through the sound of
    In and out the valley

    The music dance and sing
    They make the children really ring
    I spent the day your way
    Call it morning driving through the sound of
    In and out the valley

    In and around the lake
    Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
    One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you
    Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
    Twenty four before my love you'll see
    I'll be there with you

    I will remember you
    Your silhouette will charge the view
    Of distant atmosphere
    Call it morning driving through the sound of
    Even in the valley

    In and around the lake
    Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
    One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you
    Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
    Twenty four before my love you'll see
    I'll be there with you

    Along the drifting cloud the eagle searching down on the land
    Catching the swirling wind the sailor sees the rim of the land
    The eagle's dancing wings create as weather spins out of hand

    Go closer hold the land feel partly no more than grains of sand
    We stand to lose all time a thousand answers by in our hand
    Next to your deeper fears we stand surrounded by a million years

    I'll be the roundabout
    The words will make you out 'n' out
    I'll be the roundabout
    The words will make you out 'n' out

    In and around the lake
    Mountains come out of the sky, they stand there
    Twenty four before my love and I'll be there

    I'll be the roundabout
    The words will make you out 'n' out
    You spent the day your way
    Call it morning driving through the sound of
    In and out the valley

    In and around the lake
    Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
    One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you
    Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
    Twenty four before my love you'll see
    I'll be there with you
Track: Roustabout
- Beats Antique
Duration: 4:00
Track: Roustabout (Bassnectar Remix)
- Bassnectar
Duration: 3:05
Referenced Tracks:
- Roustabout
Sampled Tracks:
- Roustabout
Lyrics: |-

    K to the A Y A
    K to the A Y A Y A Y A Y phone
    My microphone must the detect the check
    K to the A Y A double T A
    K to the A Y A
    K to the A Y A Y A Y A Y phone
    My microphone must the detect the check
    K to the A Y A double T A

    My microphone must the detect the check, bass



Track: Routine
Directory: routine-silent-siren
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Silent Siren
Duration: 4:01
#lyrics are non-English, not added yet
Track: Rubber Band
- msx
- Jackal Queenston
Duration: 3:34
Lyrics: |-
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh

    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    (Brace yourself for immediate disintegration)

    (Brace yourself for immediate disintegration)

    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh

    (Brace yourself for immediate disintegration)

    Where was the kaboom?
    There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!
Track: Run Away
- SunStroke Project
- Olia Tira
Duration: 2:58
Lyrics: |-
    Oh forget, let me breathe, let me live
    Just run away from my mind
    Oh forgive, I don't need, I won't breathe
    Just get away from my life

    You lost one-and-all, so fly away
    Over the clouds, under the sky
    Never come back, no, run away
    With all your might, give up, you
    I don't believe anymore, your shallow heart
    Know that it's you who chose to play this trick
    Never forgive you, not for anything
    And now you are left with nothing

    Oh forget, let me breathe, let me live
    Just run away from my mind
    Oh forgive, I don't need, I won't breathe
    Just get away from my life
    Oh forget, let me breathe, let me live
    Just run away from my mind
    Oh forgive, I don't need, I won't breathe
    Just get away from my life

    There's no other time to making happiness, you have mistaken
    We have no progressive future
    I know your lying nature
    There's no other time to making
    Happiness, you have mistaken
    We have no progressive future
    I know your lying nature

    Oh forget, let me breathe, let me live
    Just run away from my mind
    Oh forgive, I don't need, I won't breathe
    Just get away from my life
    Oh forget, let me breathe, let me live
    Just run away from my mind
    Oh forgive, I don't need, I won't breathe
    Just get away from my life
Track: Runnin' Down a Dream
- Tom Petty
Duration: 4:52
Lyrics: |-
    It was a beautiful day, the sun beat down
    I had the radio on, I was drivin'
    Trees went by, me and Del were singin' little Runaway
    I was flyin'

    Yeah, runnin' down a dream that never would come to me
    Workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads
    Runnin' down a dream

    I felt so good, like anything was possible
    Hit cruise control and rubbed my eyes
    The last three days the rain was unstoppable
    It was always cold, no sunshine

    Yeah, runnin' down a dream that never would come to me
    Workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads
    Runnin' down a dream

    I rolled on, the sky grew dark
    I put the pedal down to make some time
    There's something good waitin' down this road
    I'm pickin' up whatever's mine

    I'm runnin' down a dream that never would've come to me
    Workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads
    Runnin' down a dream
    Yeah, I'm runnin' down a dream that never would've come to me
    Workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads
    I'm runnin' down a dream
Track: Running in the 90's
- Max Coveri
Duration: 4:46
# Sampled Tracks:
# - check whosampled
Lyrics: |-
    Modem talking, modern walking in the streets
    New desire
    Take me higher, lift me higher with your speed
    I need fire

    Get the satellite, if you want to see me
    Talking on the net, I know the way you like it
    Get your credit card 'cause I need no money
    All I wanna get is you, baby

    Running in the 90's
    Is a new way I like to be
    I'm just running in the 90's
    Come on, baby run to me
    We are running in the 90's
    It's a new way to set me free
    I'm just running in the 90's
    Yes, I wanna know, yes, I wanna see

    Cyber talking, cybersex is on the line
    New desire
    Take me higher, boost me higher with your mind
    Set me on fire

    Get the satellite, if you want to see me
    Talking on the net, I know the way you like it
    Get your credit card 'cause I need no money
    All I wanna get is you, baby

    Running in the 90's
    Is a new way I like to be
    I'm just running in the 90's
    Come on, baby run to me
    We are running in the 90's
    It's a new way to set me free
    I'm just running in the 90's
    Yes, I wanna know, yes, I wanna see

    New desire
    I need fire

    Running in the 90's
    Is a new way I like to be
    I'm just running in the 90's
    Come on, baby run to me
    We are running in the 90's
    It's a new way to set me free
    I'm just running in the 90's
    Yes, I wanna know, yes, I wanna see

    Take me higher
    Lift me higher with your speed
    I need fire
    Get the satellite
    Talking on the net
    Get your credit card
    All I wanna get

    Running in the 90's
    Running in the 90's
    Running in the 90's
    Running in the 90's
Track: Rush Job
Duration: 3:56
- Sheena Ringo
Lyrics: |-
    毎日 襲来する強敵 電話の電鈴ベル

    高速 渋滞とは云つていっても低速だらろう
    真理と 相反する條理じょうりに従服姿勢

    嗚呼 痛い思ひいをしたいのに

    興味や関心を奪ふう程 合ふあう辻褄つじつま

    嗚呼 機械になつちやひなっちゃいたいのに



Track: S2010
Additional Names:
- My Body Is Ready (popularly known as)
- irover18
Duration: 0:49
# Sampled Tracks:
# - Deceptacon by Le Tigre
# - Nintendo E3 2007 event
Lyrics: |-
    (Who took the bomp?)
    My body, my body is, my body is ready
    My body is ready, bo-bo-bo-body is ready
    My body, my body, my-my body is ready
    My-my-my body is— body is— bo-bo-body is ready

    My body, my body is, my body is ready
    My body is ready, bo-bo-bo-body is ready
    My body, my body, my-my body is ready
    My-my-my body is— body is— bo-bo-body is ready

    My body, my body is, my body is ready
    My body is ready, bo-bo-bo-body is ready
    My body, my body, my-my body is ready
    My-my-my body is— body is— bo-bo-body is ready

    My body, my body is, my body is ready
    My body is ready, bo-bo-bo-body is ready
    My body, my body, my-my body is ready
    My-my-my body is— body is— bo-bo-body is ready
Track: Sad Machine
Duration: 4:18
- Porter Robinson
Lyrics: |-
    Is anyone there?
    Oh, hi

    Who survived? Somebody new?
    Anyone else but you?
    On a lonely night was a blinding light
    A hundred leaders would be borne of you

    And though I know, since you've awakened her again
    She depends on you, she depends on you
    She'll go alone, and never speak of this again
    We depend on you, we depend on you
    And though I know, since you've awakened her again
    She depends on you, she depends on you
    She'll go alone, and never speak of this again
    We depend on you, we depend...
    I'll depend on you

    I don't know much about your life beyond these walls
    The fleeting sense of love within these God-forsaken halls
    And I can hear it in his voice, in every call
    This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all

    And though I know, since you've awakened her again
    She depends on you, she depends on you
    I'll go alone, and never speak of you again
    We depend on you, we depend on you
    And though I know, since you've awakened her again
    She depends on you, she depends on you
    She'll go alone, and never speak of this again
    We depend on you, we depend on you
    And though I know, since you've awakened her again
    She depends on you, she depends on you
    She'll go alone, and never speak of this again
    We depend on you, we depend...
    I'll depend on you
Track: The Same/Digital Boy (Reprise)
- Jeff Burgess
Duration: 5:18
Lyrics: |-
    Nothing in this world is free
    No one's gonna take your TV
    No one's gonna care how you feel
    Can't trust that we'll get a good deal

    Can't hope 'cause we're all getting sick
    Can't breathe 'cause the air's getting thick
    Can't sell the things no one needs
    No one's gonna take your TV

    Gonna take the time
    Gonna make you mine

    Oh I got in close
    Went in for the touch
    I wanted know you
    But I was too much

    Then you went and changed
    And I took the blame
    Oh isn't it strange?
    How I'm still the same

    Nobody cares how you feel
    No one on Twitter seems real
    No force of evil can't win
    We all stress scratch at our skin

    We all (we ALL) have to sleep
    We all (we ALL) have those dreams
    Hope no one counts your mistakes
    We all have sins we must shake

    Someday I'll finally find god
    Or maybe they will find me
    Someday a crowd will applaud
    Someday my sweat won't be cheap

    Isn't it strange how everyone leaves you behind?
    You're starting to think they're probably right
    Isn't it strange the way you make crushes cry?

    You're starting to think

    You're probably right
Track: Samsara
Duration: 5:33
- Tigran Hamasyan
Track: Sandstorm
Directory: darude-sandstorm
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Darude
- JS16
Duration: 7:26
Track: Saturnz Barz
- Gorillaz
Duration: 3:01
Lyrics: |-
    Haha, woii yoii!
    Done know how the ting go, a the Unruly boss

    All my life
    Mi ever have mi gun so mi haffi move sharp like mi knife
    All my life
    Mi pray say when mi get wealthy a ma a mi wife
    All my life
    The system force mi
    To be a killer just like Rodney Price
    All my life
    No, all my life

    What happen to you Cobe? Some boy don't know mi
    To how me ruff dem can't believe a grandma grow mi
    Know a few Popcaan song though, and feel dem know mi
    Four mile mi used to walk to school them know man story
    Ha! Now mi gain up all those glory
    The world is mine, the whole a it mi taking slowly
    Happy days mi call it now mi bun sad story
    Anyway mi the inner the world mi dogs them round mi
    Hahaha mi laugh and collect those trophy
    Because mi deserve everything weh music gives mi
    Boy, Unruly nuh light like Frisbee
    The dream, family live that with me
    Oh, oh, oh, oh
    All my life mi dream fi own house, land, cars and bikes

    (All my life)
    I'm in the stakin' bar
    I got debts, I'm a debaser
    (All my life)
    Saturn's about to make love
    And I'm just a heartbreaker
    (All my life)
    And I won't get a take in
    'Cause I'm out when I'm stakin'
    And the rings I am breaking
    Are making you a personal debt

    With the holograms beside me
    I'll dance alone tonight
    In a mirrored world, are you beside me
    All my life?

    (All my life)
    I'm in the stakin' bar
    I got debts, I'm a debaser
    (All my life)
    Saturnz about to make love
    And I'm just a heartbreaker
    (All my life)
    And I won't get a take in
    'Cause I'm out when I'm stakin'
    And the rings I am breaking
    Are making you a personal debt
Track: Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites
- Skrillex
Duration: 4:05
# Sampled Tracks:
# - 7.00!!! OMG!!! NEW PB! OMG!! OMG!!! SO CLOSE TO SIX!! OOMMGG!!!
Lyrics: |-
    You don't need to hide my friend for I am just like you
    You don't need to hide my friend for I am just like you

    (YES! OH MY GOSH!)

    You don't need to hide my friend for I am just like you
    You don't need to hide my friend for I am just like you

    (YES! OH MY GOSH!)

    You don't need to hide my friend for I am just like you
    You don't need to hide my friend for I am just like you

    Look at this, I'm a coward too
    You don't need to hide my friend for I am just like you
Track: Science Blaster
- SpellingPhailer
Duration: 2:21
Track: Seal It Over
Duration: 3:48
Track: Secret of the Forest
Directory: secret-of-the-forest-retro-remix-revue
- Retro Remix Revue
Duration: 5:47
Referenced Tracks:
- track:secret-of-the-forest
Track: SELF-COFFINIZING (prototype ver.)
Duration: 3:05
- msx
Track: Sell Your Soul
Duration: 0:20
- The Watts Prophets
Lyrics: |-
    We are the Watts Prophets! Rappin' black
    (Rappin' black)
    (Rappin' black)
    (Rappin' black)
    (Rappin' black) I say,
    (Rappin' black) When people pass
    (Rappin' black) their souls around,
    (Rappin' black)
    (Rappin' black) like tethered heads
    (Rappin' black) or old
    (Rappin' black) tin cups,
    (Rappin' black) they chance to sell
    (Rappin' black) for pennies
    (Rappin' black) their most worthy
    (Rappin' black) possession.
    (Rappin' black) (Rappin' black)
Track: Separator
Directory: separator-radiohead
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Radiohead
Duration: 5:19
Lyrics: |-
    It's like I'm falling out of bed
    From a long and weary dream
    The sweetest flowered fruits are hanging from a tree
    Falling off a giant bird that's been carrying me
    It's like I'm falling out of bed from a long and weary dream
    Just exactly as I remember
    Every word
    Every gesture
    I've my heart in my mouth
    Like I'm falling out of bed
    From a long and weary dream
    Finally I'm free of all the weight I've been carrying
    As that woman blows my cover
    In the eye of the beholder
    I'm a fish now out of water
    Falling off a giant bird that's been carrying me
    I fell open
    I laid under
    At the tip out
    That was just your number
    I wanna slip it over
    And get back under
    And if you think this is over then you're wrong
    If you think this is over then you're wrong
    If you think this is over then you're wrong
    (Wake me up, wake me up)
    If you think this is over then you're wrong
    Like I'm falling out of bed from a long and vivid dream
    (Wake me up, wake me up)
    Finally I'm free of all the weight I've been carrying
    When at last you give in
    When at last you give in
Track: September
Directory: september-earth-wind-fire
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Earth, Wind & Fire
Duration: 3:35
Lyrics: |-
    Do you remember the
    21st night of September?
    Love was changing the minds of pretenders
    While chasing the clouds away

    Our hearts were ringing
    In the key that our souls were singing
    As we danced in the night
    Remember how the stars stole the night away

    Ba de ya - say do you remember
    Ba de ya - dancing in September
    Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day

    Ba duda, ba duda, ba duda, badu
    Ba duda, badu, ba duda, badu
    Ba duda, badu, ba duda

    My thoughts are with you
    Holding hands with your heart to see you
    Only blue talk and love
    Remember how we knew love was here to stay

    Now December found the love we shared in September
    Only blue talk and love
    Remember the true love we share today

    Ba de ya - say do you remember
    Ba de ya - dancing in September
    Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day

    There was a
    Ba de ya - say do you remember
    Ba de ya - dancing in September
    Ba de ya - golden dreams were shiny days

    The bell was ringing, aha
    Our souls were singing
    Do you remember
    Never a cloudy day

    There was a
    Ba de ya - say do you remember
    Ba de ya - dancing in September
    Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day

    There was a
    Ba de ya - say do you remember
    Ba de ya - dancing in September
    Ba de ya - golden dreams were shiny days

    Ba de ya de ya de ya
    Ba de ya de ya de ya
    Ba de ya de ya de ya
    De ya

    Ba de ya de ya de ya
    Ba de ya de ya de ya
    Ba de ya de ya de ya
Track: Shake That
- Eminem
- Nate Dogg (vocals)
Duration: 4:25
Lyrics: |-
    Woo! Shady, Aftermath
    (Look at that bitch!)
    (Holy shit, hey!)
    There she go, shakin' that ass on the flo'
    Bumpin' and grindin' that pole
    The way she's grindin' that pole
    I think I'm losin' control

    Get buzzed, get drunk, get crunk, get fucked up
    Hit the strip club, don't forget ones, get your dick rubbed
    Get fucked, get sucked, get wasted, shit-faceted
    Pasted, plastered – puke, drink up
    Get a new drink, hit the bathroom sink, throw up
    Wipe your shoe clean, got a routine goin'
    Still got a few chunks on them shoe strings showin'
    I was dehydrated 'til the beat vibrated
    I was revived as soon as this bitch gyrated
    Them hips and licked them lips, and that was it
    I had to get Nate Dogg here to sing some shit

    Two to the one, from the one to the three
    I like good pussy and I like good tree
    Smoke so much weed, you wouldn't believe
    And I get mo' ass than a toilet seat
    Three to the one, from the one to the three
    I met a bad bitch last night in the D
    Let me tell you how I made her leave with me:
    Conversation and Hennessy
    I've been to the motherfuckin' mountaintop
    Heard motherfuckers talk, seen 'em drop
    If I ain't got a weapon I'ma pick up a rock
    And when I bust yo' ass I'm gon' continue to rock
    Get your ass off the wall with your two left feet
    It's real easy, just follow the beat
    Don't let that fine girl pass you by
    Look real close 'cause strobe lights lie

    We 'bout to have a party (Turn the music up)
    Let's get it started (Go 'head and shake your butt)
    I'm lookin' fo' a girl with a body and a sexy strut
    Wanna get it poppin', baby? Step right up
    Some girls, they act retarded
    Some girls are 'bout it, 'bout it
    I'm lookin' fo' a girl that will do whatever the fuck
    I say, every day she be givin' it up

    (Now) Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Come on, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Oh, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Come on, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me

    I'm a menace, a dentist, an oral hygienist
    Open your mouth for about four or five minutes
    Take a little bit of this fluoride rin-inse
    Swish, but don't spit it; swallow it and now finish
    Yeah, me and Nate D-O Double-G
    Lookin' for a couple bitches with some double D's
    Pop a little champagne and a couple E's
    Slip it in her bubbly, we finna, finna

    We 'bout have a party (Turn the music up)
    Let's get it started (Go 'head and shake your butt)
    I'm lookin' fo' a girl I can fuck in my Hummer truck
    Apple Bottom jeans and a big ol' slut
    Some girls, they act retarded (Man, I told you!)
    Some girls are 'bout it, 'bout it
    I want a bitch to sit at the crib with no panties on
    Knows that she can, but she won't say no

    (Now) Look at this lady all in front of me, sexy as can be
    Tonight I want a slut, would you be mine?
    Heard you was freaky from a friend of mine
    Now, I hope you don't get mad at me
    But I told Nate you was a freak
    He said he wants a slut, hope you don't mind
    I told him how you like it from behind

    (Now) Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Come on, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Oh, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Come on, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me

    We 'bout to have a party (Turn the music up)
    Let's get it started (Go 'head and shake your butt)
    I'm lookin' fo' a girl with a body and a sexy strut
    Wanna get it poppin', baby? Step right up
    Some girls, they act retarded
    Some girls are 'bout it, 'bout it
    I'm lookin' fo' a girl that will do whatever the fuck
    I say, every day she be givin' it up

    There she go, shakin' that ass on the flo'
    Bumpin' and grindin' that pole
    The way she's grindin' that pole
    I think I'm losin' control
    Come on
    I ain't leavin' without you, bitch!
    Comin' home with me!
    And my boy, and his boy – and his boy, and his girl
    Ha-ha, Nate Dogg!
Track: Shelter
Directory: shelter-porter-robinson
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Porter Robinson
- Madeon
Duration: 3:53
Lyrics: |-
    I could never find the right way to tell you
    Have you noticed I've been gone?
    (Be)'cause I left behind the home that you made me
    But I will carry it along

    And it's a long way forward, so trust in me
    I'll give them shelter, like you've done for me
    And I know I'm not alone, you'll be watching over us
    Until you're gone

    When I'm older, I'll be silent beside you
    I know words won't be enough
    And they won't need to know the names or our faces
    But they will carry on for us

    And it's a long way forward, so trust in me
    I'll give them shelter like you've done for me
    And I know I'm not alone, you'll be watching over us
    Until you're gone

    Oh, it's a long way forward, trust in me
    I'll give them shelter like you've done for me
    And I know, I'm not alone, you'll be watching over us
Track: Shindo-kaku
- Masafumi Gotoh (lyrics & composition)
Duration: 2:27
#track has non-English lyrics, not yet added
Track: Shooting Stars
- Bag Raiders
Duration: 3:47
Lyrics: |-
    (Oooh, oooh)
    (Oooh, oooh)
    (Oooh, oooh)
    (Oooh, oooh)

    It's late and I'm awake, starin' at the wall
    Open up my window, head floats out the door
    No one else around, the shimmer takes my eye
    I lift my head, blinded by the sky
    Feel my weight in front, followin' the sound
    Moves away so fast, fall down to the ground
    I know there's more to come, jump back to my feet
    Now I only see ahead of me, chasin' down the street
    (Down the street, down the street, down the street, down the street, down the...)

    Oooh, oooh
    Oooh, oooh
    Oooh, oooh
    Oooh, oooh
    Oooh, oooh
    Oooh, oooh
    (Oooh, oooh)

    Gave my love to a shootin' star
    But she moves so fast that I can't keep up, I'm chasin'
    I'm in love with a shootin' star
    But she moves so fast, when she falls, then I'll be waitin'
    Gave my love to a shootin' star
    But she moves so fast that I can't keep up, I'm chasin'
    I'm in love with a shootin' star
    But she moves so fast, when she falls, then I'll be waitin'
    Gave my love to a shootin' star
    But she moves so fast that I can't keep up, I'm chasin'
    I'm in love with a shootin' star
    But she moves so fast, when she falls, then I'll be waitin'
    Gave my love to a shootin' star
    But she moves so fast that I can't keep up, I'm chasin'
    I'm in love with a shootin' star
    But she moves so fast, when she falls, then I'll be waitin'
Track: The Show Must Go On
Directory: the-show-must-go-on-queen
- Queen
Duration: 4:31
Lyrics: |-
    Empty spaces, what are we living for?
    Abandoned places, I guess we know the score
    On and on
    Does anybody know what we are looking for?

    Another hero, another mindless crime
    Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
    Hold the line
    Does anybody want to take it anymore?

    Show must go on
    The show must go on, yeah
    Inside, my heart is breaking
    My make-up may be flaking
    But my smile still stays on

    Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
    Another heartache, another failed romance
    On and on
    Does anybody know what we are living for?

    I guess I'm learning (I'm learning, I'm learning)
    I must be warmer now (I'm learning)
    I'll soon be turning (Turning, turning, turning)
    Round the corner now
    Outside, the dawn is breaking
    But inside in the dark, I'm aching to be free

    Show must go on
    The show must go on, yeah, yeah
    Ooh, inside, my heart is breaking
    My make-up may be flaking
    But my smile still stays on

    Yeah, yeah
    Oh woah, woah, oh woah

    My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
    Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
    I can fly, my friends

    Show must go on, yeah (Go on, go on, go on)
    The show must go on (Go on, go on, go on)
    I'll face it with a grin
    I'm never giving in
    On with the show

    Ooh, I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
    I have to find the will to carry on
    (On with the show)
    (On with the show) Show
    (The show must go on)
    (Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on...)
Track: (sic)
Duration: 3:19
- Slipknot
Lyrics: |-
    Here comes the pain!

    Enemy, show me what you wanna be
    I can handle anything, even if I can't handle you
    Readily, either way, it better be
    Don't you fuckin' pity me, get up, get off

    What the hell am I sayin'?
    I don't know about malevolent
    Sure as hell decadent
    I want somebody to step up, step off
    Walls! Let me fall! Fuck you all!
    Get a grip, don't let me slip till I drop the ball

    Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it, you're goin' down, this is a war!
    Fuck it!

    Who the fuck am I to criticize your twisted state of mind?
    You're leavin' me suspect, I'm leavin' you grotesque
    Feels like a burn from which you never learn
    Cause and effect, you jealous ass, press your face against the glass, suffer
    See Slipknot Live
    Get tickets as low as $95

    Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it, you're goin' down, this is a war!

    I've just begun, it's about that time, gotta get mine
    I've just begun, it's about that time, gotta get mine
    I've just begun, it's about that time, gotta get mine
    I've just begun, it's about that time, gotta get mine
    You can't kill me 'cause I'm already inside you
    You can't kill me 'cause I'm already inside you
    You can't kill me 'cause I'm already inside you
    You can't kill me 'cause I'm already inside you

    Sick, sick, sick, sick
Duration: 5:15
- Travis Scott
Lyrics: |-
    Astro, yeah

    Sun is down, freezin' cold
    That's how we already know, winter's here
    My dawg would probably do it for a Louis belt
    That's just all he know, he don't know nothin' else
    I tried to show 'em, yeah
    I tried to show 'em, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    Goin' on you with the pick and roll
    Young La Flame, he in sicko mode

    (Woo) Made this here with all the ice on in the booth
    At the gate outside, when they pull up, they get me loose
    Yeah, Jump Out boys, that's Nike boys, hoppin' out coupes
    This shit way too big, when we pull up, give me the loot (Gimme the loot!)
    Was off the Remy, had a Papoose
    Had to hit my old town to duck the news
    Two-four hour lockdown, we made no moves
    Now it's 4 AM and I'm back up poppin' with the crew
    I just landed in, Chase B mixes pop like Jamba Juice
    Different colored chains, think my jeweler really sellin' fruits
    And they chokin', man, know the crackers wish it was a noose
    See Travis Scott Live
    Get tickets as low as $49

    Some-some-some-someone said
    To win the retreat, we all in too deep
    Play-play-playin' for keeps, don't play us for weak (Someone said)
    To win the retreat, we all in too deep
    Play-play-playin' for keeps, don't play us for weak

    Yeah, this shit way too formal, y'all know I don't follow suit
    Stacey Dash, most of these girls ain't got a clue
    All of these hoes I made off records I produced
    I might take all my exes and put 'em all in a group
    Hit my eses, I need the bootch
    'Bout to turn this function to Bonnaroo
    Told her, "Hop in, you comin' too"
    In the 305, bitches treat me like I'm Uncle Luke
    (Don't stop, pop that pussy!)
    Had to slop the top off, it's just a roof, uh
    She said, "Where we goin'?" I said, "The moon"
    We ain't even make it to the room
    She thought it was the ocean, it's just the pool
    Now I got her open, it's just the Goose
    Who put this shit together? I'm the glue

    Someone said
    Shorty FaceTimed me out the blue
    Someone said
    Play-playin' for keeps
    Someone said, mother****, someone said
    Don't play us for weak

    Astro, yeah, yeah
    (Tay Keith, fuck these niggas up!)
    Ayy, ayy

    She's in love with who I am
    Back in high school, I used to bus it to the dance (Yeah)
    Now I hit the FBO with duffels in my hands
    I did half a Xan, thirteen hours 'til I land
    Had me out like a light, ayy, yeah
    Like a light, ayy, yeah

    Like a light, ayy, slept through the flight, ayy
    Knocked for the night, ayy
    767, man, this shit got double bedroom, man
    I still got scores to settle, man
    I crept down the block (Down the block)
    Made a right (Yeah, right)
    Cut the lights (Yeah, what?), paid the price (Yeah)
    Niggas think it's sweet (Nah, never), it's on sight (Yeah, what?)
    Nothin' nice (Yeah), baguettes in my ice (Aw, man)
    Jesus Christ (Yeah), checks over stripes (Yeah)
    That's what I like (Yeah), that's what we like (Yeah)
    Lost my respect, you not a threat
    When I shoot my shot, that shit wetty like I'm Sheck (Bitch)
    See the shots that I took (Ayy), wet like I'm Book (Ayy)
    Wet like I'm Lizzie
    I be spinnin' Valley, circle blocks 'til I'm dizzy (Yeah, what?)
    Like where is he? (Yeah, what?)
    No one seen him (Yeah, yeah)
    I'm tryna clean 'em (Yeah)

    She's in love with who I am
    Back in high school, I used to bus it to the dance
    Now I hit the FBO with duffels in my hands (Woo)
    I did half a Xan, thirteen hours 'til I land
    Had me out like a light (Like a light)
    Like a light (Like a light)
    Like a light (Like a light)
    Like a light

    Yeah, passed the dawgs a celly
    Sendin' texts, ain't sendin' kites, yeah
    He said, "Keep that on lock"
    I say, "You know this shit, it's stife," yeah
    It's absolute, yeah (Yeah), I'm back, reboot (It's lit)
    LaFerrari to Jamba Juice, yeah (Skrrt, skrrt)
    We back on the road, they jumpin' off, no parachute, yeah
    Shorty in the back
    She said she workin' on her glutes, yeah (Oh my God)
    Ain't by the book, yeah, this how it look, yeah
    'Bout a check, yeah (Check), just check the foots, yeah
    Pass this to my daughter, I'ma show her what it took (Yeah)
    Baby mama cover Forbes, got these other bitches shook
Track: Sleepwalking
Duration: 3:50
- Bring Me The Horizon
Lyrics: |-
    My secrets are burning a hole through my heart
    And my bones catch a fever
    When it cuts you up this deep
    It's hard to find a way to breathe

    Your eyes are swallowing me
    Mirrors start to whisper, shadows start to sing
    My skin's smothering me
    Help me find a way to breathe

    Time stood still the way it did before
    It's like I'm sleepwalking
    Fell into another hole again
    It's like I'm sleepwalking

    I'm at the edge of the world
    Where do I go from here, do I disappear?
    Edge of the world
    Should I sink or swim or simply disappear?

    Your eyes are swallowing me
    Mirrors start to whisper, shadows start to sing
    My skin's smothering me
    Help me find a way to breathe, sing it
    See Bring Me The Horizon Live
    Get tickets as low as $59

    Time stood still the way it did before
    It's like I'm sleepwalking
    Fell into another hole again
    It's like I'm sleepwalking

    Wake up
    Take my hand and give me a reason to start again
    Wake up
    Pull me out and give me a reason to start again

    Time stands still (Time stands still)
    Time stands still (Time stands still)
    Your eyes are swallowing me
    Mirrors start to whisper, shadows start to sing
    My skin is smothering me
    Help me find a way to breathe

    Time stood still the way it did before
    It's like I'm sleepwalking
    Fell into another hole again
    It's like I'm sleepwalking (It's like I'm sleepwalking)

    (It's like I'm sleepwalking)
    (It's like I'm sleepwalking)
    Time stood still the way it did before
    It's like I'm sleepwalking
Track: Smooth
Directory: smooth-santana
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Santana
- Rob Thomas (vocals)
Duration: 4:16
Lyrics: |-
    Man, it's a hot one
    Like seven inches from the midday sun
    Well, I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone
    But you stay so cool

    My muñequita,
    My Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa
    You're my reason for reason
    The step in my groove, yeah.

    And if you said, "This life ain't good enough."
    I would give my world to lift you up
    I could change my life to better suit your mood
    Because you're so smooth

    And it's just like the ocean under the moon
    It's the same as the emotion that I get from you
    You got the kind of loving that can be so smooth, yeah.
    Gimme your heart, make it real
    Or else forget about it

    Well, I'll tell you one thing
    If you would leave it'd be a crying shame
    In every breath and every word
    I hear your name calling me out

    Well I'm from the barrio,
    You hear my rhythm on your radio
    You feel the turning of the world so soft and slow
    Turning you 'round and 'round

    And if you said, "This life ain't good enough."
    I would give my world to lift you up
    I could change my life to better suit your mood
    Because you're so smooth

    And it's just like the ocean under the moon
    It's the same as the emotion that I get from you
    You got the kind of loving that can be so smooth, yeah.
    Gimme your heart, make it real
    Or else forget about it

    And it's just like the ocean under the moon
    It's the same as the emotion that I get from you
    You got the kind of loving that can be so smooth, yeah.
    Gimme your heart, make it real
    Or else forget about it

    Or else forget about it
    Or else forget about it
    Oh, let's don't forget about it
    (Gimme your heart, make it real)
    Let's don't forget about it
    Let's don't forget about it
    Let's don't forget about it
    Let's don't forget about it
    Let's don't forget about it
Track: Solresol
- Melomane
Duration: 3:14
Lyrics: |-
    All of the things that I'm trying to say could be sung in tones
    Sailing along on a lyrical boat
    Let the meaning escape your throat
    It's a revelation of massive scope called Solresol

    Sudre the man, violin in hand, master planner
    Said "No need for words, we can sing like birds with grammar"

    Eliminate all the pointless chitchat with musical notes
    And once again we go back to the Seine, we go back to the source
    Good son of France invented a dance in Morse code

    I'm drowning in waves
    Don't tear me away
Track: Somebody Home
Duration: 4:24
- death's dynamic shroud
Lyrics: |-
    It's getting so lonely inside this bed
    And there’s an aching inside my head
    It's telling me, "You're better off alone"
    But after midnight, morning will come
    And the day will see if you will get some
    They say that girl ya know, she act too tough tough tough
    Well it’s till' I turn off the light, turn off the light
    They say that girl you know, she act so rough rough rough
    Well it's 'til I turn off the light, turn off the light
    And I say, follow me follow me follow me down down down down
    'Til you see all my dreams
    Not everything in this magical world is quite what it seems
    I looked above the other day

    It's getting so lonely inside this bed
    And there's an aching inside my head
    It's telling me, "You’re better off alone"
    But after midnight, morning will come

    And I’m searching for things that I just cannot see
    Why don't you don’t you don't you come and be with me
    I pretend to be cool with me, want to believe

    もうちょっと あと、ちょっと

    リンク! 私はここにいます! リンク!
    リンク! リンク〜!

    That I can do it on my own without my heart on my sleeve
    I'm running, I'm running, catch up with my life
    Where is the love that I’m looking to find?
    It's all in me, can't you see, why can't you, why can't you see it's all in me?
    That I can do it on my own without my heart on my sleeve
    I'm running, I'm running, catch up with me life
    Where is the love that I'm looking to find?
    It's all in me, can't you see, why can't you, why can't you see it's all in me?
    That I can do it on my own without my heart on my sleeve
    I'm running, I'm running, catch up with me life
    Where is the love that I'm looking to find?
    It's all in me, can't you see, why can't you, why can't you see it's all in me?
    In me?
    In me?
    In me?
    In me?

    (Turn off the light, turn off the light)
    Who do you need?
    (Turn off the light, turn off the light)
    And I said follow me, follow me, follow me
    Down, down, down, down
    Do you see all my dreams? (Yeah)
    Not everything in this magical world is quite what it seems
    Follow me, follow me
    Down, down, down, down
    (Turn off the light, turn off the light)
    Follow me down, follow me
    Down, down, down
    (Turn off the light, turn off the light)
    And I said follow me, follow me, follow me
    Down, down, down, down
    (Do you see all my dreams?)
    See all my dreams
    Follow me follow me follow me
    Down down down down
    See all my dreams
    See all my dreams
Track: Somebody That I Used to Know
Duration: 4:04
- Gotye
- Kimbra (verse 3, outro)
Lyrics: |-
    Now and then, I think of when we were together
    Like when you said you felt so happy, you could die
    I told myself that you were right for me
    But felt so lonely in your company
    But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

    You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
    Like resignation to the end, always the end
    So when we found that we could not make sense
    Well, you said that we would still be friends
    But I'll admit that I was glad it was over

    But you didn't have to cut me off
    Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
    And I don't even need your love
    But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
    No, you didn't have to stoop so low
    Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
    I guess that I don't need that, though
    Now, you're just somebody that I used to know
    Now, you're just somebody that I used to know
    Now, you're just somebody that I used to know

    Now and then, I think of all the times you screwed me over
    But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
    But I don't wanna live that way
    Reading into every word you say
    You said that you could let it go
    And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know

    But you didn't have to cut me off
    Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing (Ah)
    And I don't even need your love (Ooh)
    But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough (Ah)
    No, you didn't have to stoop so low (Ooh)
    Have your friends collect your records and then change your number (Ah)
    I guess that I don't need that, though (Ooh)
    Now, you're just somebody that I used to know

    Somebody (I used to know)
    Somebody (Now, you're just somebody that I used to know)
    Somebody (I used to know)
    Somebody (Now, you're just somebody that I used to know)
    (I used to know)
    (That I used to know)
    (I used to know)
Track: someone else
Duration: 7:00
- father2006
Track: Something's Different
Duration: 2:22
- Paul Lawler
Commentary: |-
    <i>Makin:</i> (wiki editor, 1/20/2025)

    This track is part of Paul Lawler's [Fantasy Tales]( album for APM Music's Quantum music library. Paul would end up licensing this song and others to [Aviary's Music Creator](, a now-dead online DAW that came preloaded with cut-up samples and stems of such stock tracks. It should be noted that the licensing terms did not allow using this program for commercial purposes, as ended up happening with [[Teal Seer]]. (See more thorough explanations [in Homestuck Discord] [here]( and [here](

    <i>Paul Lawler:</i> (email, [via Homestuck Discord](, excerpt, 4/20/2024)

    If I remember rightly this is a track I composed that went into some kind of program 20+ years ago, which enabled editors to play around with the audio stems, so it might be he used that, but that doesn't give [[artist:kera-l-jones|him]] any rights to sell it for profit.

    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 1/31/2025)

    We also wrote a summary of discussion in the HSMusic community Discord server for this GitHub issue: [#541 Investigate Teal Seer](
Track: A Song About a Circle Constant
- Vi Hart
Duration: 3:48
Lyrics: |-
    When you want to make a circle, how is it done?
    Well, you probably will start with the radius 1
    Then use a compass, or a string, and use a paper or the ground
    And if the radius is 1, how far did it go around?

    It's tau! 6.28
    Yeah, it's tau! 6.28

    If you pick a certain distance, and you pick a certain spot
    And you put the two together, then what have you got?
    It makes a very special shape, and now you are the inventor
    If you take all of the points a certain distance from your center

    And you've got a great collection, and it is a great invention
    And it makes a lovely circle, well depending on dimension
    Cause there's 1, 2, 3, then there's 4 and even more
    But for a circle, how much circle's there if you take the distance and compare?

    It's tau! 6.28
    Yeah, it's tau! 6.28

    I know what you are thinking, what about that other guy?
    The one that's sometimes pronounced pee, and sometimes pronounced pie?
    I mean it's fine if you are building, but does not belong in math
    All the equations make more sense when you use taw, you use taff!

    And while you get the same answer no matter which way
    We get further from truth when we obscure what we say
    You know that math makes sense when it's beautiful and pure
    So please don't make it ugly with your bad notation and awful curriculum

    Use tau! 6.28
    Yeah, use tau! 6.28
Track: Sorrow In a Pacifist Pillbox
Duration: 4:13
Track: Sound Off
- Slaughterhouse
Duration: 5:51
Track: Space Monkey Mafia
Duration: 3:48
- Neil Cicierega
Track: Spanish Waltz
- Urbanus
Duration: 0:37
Track: 『SPLASH FREE』50% OFF Cover
Directory: splash-free-50-percent-off-cover
- Sparky
- Octopimp (additional vocals)
Duration: 1:31
Referenced Tracks:
Sampled Tracks:
Lyrics: |-
    Make us free na splash! (<i>A splash that makes us free!</i>)
    Kasaneta hikari no kontorasuto abite (<i>Bask in the contrast of the overlapping light</i>)
    Feel so free na kyō tobikomu (<i>Feel so free today, dive right into</i>)
    Oretachi no brand new blue, yeah (<i>Our brand new blue, yeah</i>)
    Omou yō ni sei! Sei! Sei! A-oh! (<i>True to myself as I dive! Dive! Dive!</i>)
    Jibunrashiku kick! Kick! Kick! A-oh! (<i>My own style in my kick! Kick! Kick!</i>)
    Tsukamitai nda pull! Pull! Pull! A-oh! (<i>I want to know that feeling, so pull! Pull! Pull!</i>)
    Todoki-sō na deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free! (<i>It's just within reach, the deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free!</i>)

    [Unintelligible] Yeah!
    What up sluts it's ya boy NG
    Bout to drop a rhyme on these bitch buoys
    Sho' 'nuff, I'm shota tough (Hah)
    Haters always on me 'cause they think I'm just small stuff
    Kiddie pools, swam up from the bottom now I'm killin' fools
    Thug Life anime school
    Catch me stuntin' with my Iwatobi crew (What?)
    Makoto, Rei and my boy Haru
    Splash! Flow just like water and cash!
    Call me H2-oh, damn!
    Other MCs get straight up tidal wave slammed! (Ha, ha)
    My gang goes ham and when you see us swimmin' better know we're in demand!
    Rackin it up top shelf La Croix, yo crew is on sale, 50% off! (Ruh!)

    Make us free na splash! (Uh, hahahah, yeah!) [Unintelligible] (<i>A splash that makes us free!</i>)
    Kasaneta hikari no kontorasuto no naka (What, that's right, uh, uh, uh, uh) (<i>Amid the contrast of overlapping light</i>)
    Itsu made mo owaranai (<i>This moment will last forever</i>)
    Natsu ni me o korashite yeah (You my man! Yeah! Yeah!) (<i>Set your sights on summer</i>)
    Omoiomoi ni sei! Sei! Sei! A-oh! (What up!) (<i>True to myself as I dive! Dive! Dive!</i>)
    Te o nobashita deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free! (<i>Hands outstretched to the deep! Deep! Deep! Splash free!</i>)
Track: Spleen
Directory: spleen-ruth-white
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Ruth White
Duration: 3:05
# Sampled Tracks:
# - Spleen poem by Charles Baudelaire
Lyrics: |-
    When the low, heavy sky weighs like a lid
    On the spirit aching for the light
    And when, embracing the horizon
    It pours on us a black day which is sadder than any night

    When the earth is turned into a dripping dungeon
    In which Hope, like a bat, flutters blindly
    And bruises its timid wing and tender head
    Against the walls and rotted ceilings

    When the rain, stretching down its long streaks of water
    Imitates the bars of an enormous prison
    And a silent throng of loathsome spiders come
    And weave their webs inside our brains

    Then suddenly, the bells swing angrily
    And hurl their hideous uproar into the sky
    Like a band of wandering spirits who wail relentlessly
    And long hearses, without drums or music
    Move in a slow procession through my soul
    And defeated Hope bursts into tears
    And the fierce tyrant Anguish
    Sets his black banner on my bowed head
Track: Spooky Scary Skeletons
- Andrew Gold
Duration: 2:10
Lyrics: |-
    Spooky, scary skeletons
    Send shivers down your spine
    Shrieking skulls will shock your soul
    Seal your doom tonight

    Spooky, scary skeletons
    Speak with such a screech
    You'll shake and shudder in surprise
    When you hear these zombies shriek

    We're so sorry, skeletons
    You're so misunderstood
    You only want to socialize
    But I don't think we should

    'Cause spooky, scary skeletons
    Shout startling shrilly screams
    They'll sneak from their sarcophagus
    And just won't leave you be

    Spirits supernatural
    Are shy, what's all the fuss?
    But bags of bones seem so unsafe
    It's semi-serious

    Spooky, scary skeletons
    Are silly all the same
    They'll smile and scrabble slowly by
    And drive you so insane

    Sticks and stones will break your bones
    They seldom let you snooze
    Spooky, scary skeletons
    Will wake you with a boo
Track: Spotlight
- Jessie Ware
Duration: 5:31
Lyrics: |-
    Ain't enough to say that I think of you
    Words can never do the things that I need them to
    Tell me when I'll get more than a dream of you
    'Cause a dream is just a dream and I don't wanna sleep tonight
    (Ah, ah, ah)
    (Ah, ah, ah)
    (Ah, ah, ah)

    Do anything to make you stay
    Do anything to start the day again (Ah, ah, ah)
    If I had everything my way
    We'd travel back and forth and back again

    If only I could let you go
    If only I could be alone
    I just wanna stay in the moonlight
    This is our time, in the spotlight
    If only I could let you go
    If only I could be alone
    I just wanna stay in the moonlight
    This is our time, in the spotlight (Why?)
    (Ah, ah, ah)
    (Ah, ah, ah)
    See Jessie Ware Live
    Get tickets as low as $79

    It's like you never even left
    I need a moment, just a moment (Ah, ah, ah)
    Blow me a kiss, I catch your breath
    Give me a moment, so devoted

    If only I could let you go
    If only I could be alone
    I just wanna stay in the moonlight
    This is our time, in the spotlight (Why?)
    If only I could let you go
    If only I could be alone
    I just wanna stay in the moonlight
    This is our time, in the spotlight (Why?)

    Can't keep the sun from rising
    Can't keep the heart from beating
    Can't stop you from believing
    Can't keep the sun from rising
    Can't keep the air we're breathing
    Can't stop your heart from leaving
    Can't keep the sun from rising
    Can't keep the heart from beating
    Can't stop you from believing
    Can't keep the sun from rising
    Can't keep the air we're breathing
    Can't stop your heart from leaving

    If only I could let you go
    If only I could be alone
    I just wanna stay in the moonlight
    This is our time, in the spotlight (Why?)
    If only I could let you go
    If only I could be alone
    I just wanna stay in the moonlight
    This is our time, in the spotlight

    (Tell me when I'll get more than a dream of you)
    If a dream is just a dream and a dream is just a kiss
    Then tell me what it means, tell me what this is
    (Tell me when I'll get more than a dream of you)
    And if a touch is just a touch, then a touch just ain't enough
    Tell me what it means, tell me you're in love
    (Tell me when I'll get more than a dream of you)
    If a dream is just a dream and a dream is just a kiss
    Then tell me what it means, tell me what this is
    (Tell me when I'll get more than a dream of you)
    And if a touch is just a touch, then a touch just ain't enough
    Tell me what it means, tell me you're in love
    Tell me when I'll get more than a dream of you
    Tell me when I'll get more than a dream of you
    Tell me when I'll get more than a dream of you
    (Can't keep the sun from rising)
    (Can't keep the heart from beating)
    (Can't stop you from believing)
    Tell me when I'll get more than a dream of you
    (Can't keep the sun from rising)
    (Can't keep the air we're breathing)
    (Can't stop your heart from leaving)
Track: Standing in the Sun
- Jessica Lea Mayfield
Duration: 2:42
Lyrics: |-
    I'm glad to see you standing in the sun
    Standing in the sun
    I'm glad to see you standing in the sun
    Standing in the sun
    Standing in the sun, standing in the sun

    When you go, it makes me sad,
    Standing in the sun, standing in the sun
    There's a vision of you that I have,
    Standing in the sun, standing in the sun
    Standing in the sun, standing in the sun

    I know I can change your ways,
    Standing in the sun, standing in the sun
    By talking with you everyday,
    Standing in the sun, standing in the sun
    Standing in the sun, standing in the sun

    I would like to you live,
    Standing in the sun, standing in the sun
    Not survive, but really live,
    Standing in the sun, standing in the sun
    Standing in the sun, standing in the sun
Track: Star Fruits Surf Rider
- Cornelius
Duration: 5:47
Lyrics: |-
    I was walking the streets when I felt a little dizzy
    Around my head I saw some stars

    Star fruits surf rider

    Near me sits a cat who's staring my way
    Deep inside that cat's eyes, I see some stars

    Star fruits surf rider

    I was somewhere near the ocean and I was feeling cold
    The stars were amazing and there was no one around

    Star fruits surf rider
Track: The Starblaster
- Griffin McElroy
Duration: 2:12
Track: Start the Game Again (Radio Edit)
Duration: 3:18
- Tune Up!
Track: Static
Directory: static-gybe
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 22:35
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Lyrics: |-
    At the tone... 3 hours, 21 minutes; coordinated universal time

    ...prepared in innocence to meet our king of glory
    And so we have this
    You have it in your secret windows
    And you're understanding to understand it and to bring it forth
    It takes minute detail
    It takes a holy life
    It takes motions
    It takes dedication
    It takes dedication
    It takes a death
    And only God can allow it
    And you couldn't do it if you're not the seed of God
    And so the path through the great corridors
    These are corridors unto his perfection
    That is which the prophet and the Urim and Thummim has penetrated
    That through this great sea of blackness
    That I penetrated through these corridors
    And I went through that last segment
    Where I went through these dark serpentines
    I passed through that corridor
    Where they sat, where they are
    And when you penetrate to the most high God
    You will believe you are mad
    You will believe you've gone insane
    But I tell you if you follow the secret window
    And you die to the ego nature
    You will penetrate this darkness
    Oh yes, there's many a man or woman
    That's been put in the insane asylum
    When this has happened to them
    And they're sitting there today, people think they're insane
    But they saw something that's real
    And they see it when they're on drugs
    The only thing is they see it
    Not through the light of God, and the way I show you
    I show you to see it through the light of God
    And the understanding of God
    Because when you see the face of God, you will die
    And there will be nothing left of you
    Except the God-man, the God-woman
    The heavenly man, the heavenly woman
    The heavenly child
    There'll be prayer on your lips day and night
    There'll be a song of jubilee waiting for your king
    There will be nothing you will look--be looking for in this world
    Excepting for your god
    This is all a dream
    A dream in death
    And so I went through that with you
    I encountered Hell and the great serpentines of the highest order
    And I went through that when I showed you chart #3
    The question is asked in Urim and Thummim--Thummim concerning the pit
    This horrible pit of miry clay
    Urim and Thummim
    You can ask me a question
    If it's asked, from the right being or the right soul
    Out of Urim and Thummim
    I can give you unspoken words that's never been spoken
    It's not even in your Bible
    Yet, it does clarify what is spoken in the Bible...
Track: 'stem / long stem'
- DJ Shadow
Duration: 7:47
Lyrics: |-
    Then go back
    Head there, decide

    I could just lay right down
    I'll tell your children not to lay right down

    I said, "Parking tickets? You're crazy! I don't—"
    He said, "Well, they have some outstanding warrants left on you
    And they wanna just solve 'em, you know, whatever it'll be"
    So they take me in on a chain to Long Beach
    And now they lock me up in the cell behind the courtroom in Long Beach
    While I'm awaiting to be heard on my traffic offenses, parking tickets
    And I'm panicked, I'm thinking, you know, my God, man
    While I'm here, don't hold me, actually, what's to stop them?
    I mean, what's really to stop them?
    Oh, I assumed that maybe someday
    My mother would realize that I should have gotten out
    Nah, she was nice, you know, she would have known
    But still, what's to stop them?
    And I'm panicked
    And finally they call me, you know
    So I, I come out, and I go into the court
    And I am scared
Track: Step's Theme
- ostrichlittledungeon
Duration: 1:24
Track: Stone halation
- SiIvaGunner
- The Yabba Dabba μ's
Duration: 4:19
Referenced Tracks:
- Snow halation
- Meet the Flintstones
Lyrics: |-
    In a different time, across the distant sea
    You'll find the older, modern stone age family
    Cars that can't be driven, lest you use your two legs
    Dinosaurs still roam this sacred world

    How do I know, how much this loincloth will show
    What's that sound in front of me, shrieking raptor melody
    It can't stop, no it won't stop, here in Bedrock

    Flintstones, meet the Flintstones
    They're the modern stone age family
    From the town of Bedrock
    They're a page right out of history

    Let's ride with the family down the street
    Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet

    When you're with the Flintstones
    Have a yabba dabba doo time
    A dabba doo time

    Yabba-dabba-dabba da-dabba-doo
    We'll have a gay old time

    Who needs modern tech, what have you got to lose
    Live in the stone age, you will never get the blues
    Join the Loyal Order of Water Buffalo
    Just be sure you pay your daily dues

    They're all cavemen, still living way back and when
    Bowling is the sport they like, unlikely they'll get a strike
    Ride on pterodactyls, they will all, fly high

    Flintstones, meet the Flintstones
    They're the modern stone age family
    From the town of Bedrock
    They're a page right out of history

    Someday, maybe Fred will win the fight
    Then that cat will stay out for the night

    When you're with the Flintstones
    Have a yabba dabba doo time
    A dabba doo time

    Yabba-dabba-dabba da-dabba-doo
    We'll have a gay old time

    My heart cries out, what do I call the pain
    Feelings abound, now I know the name: "Stone halation"
    How I can't wait, these feelings resonate
    It pains me so, how the time moves forward, never backward
    This fever over me, won't be gone, won't just let me be free
    I wish I was ancient history, I'll have a grand dad time
Track: Stronger Than You (Instrumental)
- Mémoire
Duration: 2:52
Referenced Tracks:
- Stronger Than You
Track: Strung Out Deeper Than The Night
# Also known as 夜より深く (Deeper Than the Night)
- Les Rallizes Dénudés
Duration: 6:24
Lyrics: |-
    Yoru yori mo fukaku yami yori mo kuraku (<i>Deeper than the night, darker than darkness</i>)
    Omae ga mezameta tokoro chi to kyōki o mono ni shita (<i>When you awakened, embracing death and madness</i>)
    Moeagaru sora no shita de kuroi tsubasa o hiroge (<i>Beneath the blazing sky, spreading black wings wide</i>)
    Omae ga nozomina no sa kuroi taiyō no nobotta nochi de (<i>After the black sun you desire has risen</i>)
    Kōrinohonō no naka de iku tabi deaudarou (<i>You'll encounter, amidst the descending flames</i>)
    Mayonaka no shiroi dokueki (<i>The white venom at midnight</i>)
    Karada no naka o shiroi uma ga hashiru (<i>A white horse runs within your body</i>)
    Ame no naka de iki taeta ue take mono wa (<i>Those who died in the rain</i>)
    Mado o tobitatte (<i>Fly out the window</i>)
    Omae wa kagami o uchikudaku (<i>You shatter the mirror</i>)
    Omae wa yoru o uchikudaku (<i>You shatter the night</i>)
    Sasayaki no tenshi ga omae o tsutsumi (<i>Whispering angels envelop you</i>)
    Aoki toiki o omae no chūshin made okurikomu (<i>Sending a blue sigh deep within you</i>)
    Omae ga nozomina no sa kuroi taiyō no nobotta nochi de (<i>After the black sun you desire has risen</i>)
    Omae o tsutsumikomi omae no toiki o (<i>It envelops you, sending your sigh</i>)
    Omae no chūshin made okurikomu (<i>Deep within you</i>)
    Yoru yori mo fukaku yami yori mo kuraku (<i>Deeper than the night, darker than darkness</i>)
    Omae ga mezameta tokoro shi to kyōki o mono ni shita (<i>When you awakened, embracing death and madness</i>)
Track: Suicide Hotline
Directory: suicide-hotline-icp
- Insane Clown Posse
- Fritz "The Cat" Vankosky
Duration: 3:32
Lyrics: |-
    (Suicide Hotline, may I help you?)
    (Yeah... uh... well I'm 'bout to fuckin' kill myself.)
    (Listen, you don't wanna do that, okay? You don't wanna do that.)
    (I'm gonna, eh, there's so many fuckin' reasons why I don't even need to be here anymore!)
    (There's no reason-)
    (I'm gonna put a slug in my fuckin' head!)
    (You don't wanna do that, you wanna be here on Earth, okay?)
    (Fuck that shit man! I got a gun right now!)
    (Put it away!)
    (And I got it right under my chin, man, fuck that!)
    (Take it away from your chin)
    (I'm gonna fuckin' blow my head all over the ceiling!)
    (No you're not, okay-)
    (Fuck this shit, man!)
    (Hey, just talk to me, okay?)

    It ain't no point to me wakin' up
    Everybody's time I'm takin' up (No)
    I got nobody, it ain't a shoulder near
    I can't stay here and it's colder there (Where?)
    I don't wanna look back cause it's gonna hurt
    I slice my wrists and it's gonna squirt (Ooh)
    For me, everybody holds a hate
    I get backstabbed and everybody holds the stake

    It's no roads to take, I'm in a circle drive
    Bustin' at myself and I'm tryin' to survive (Ooh)
    I'll disappoint you, and I will let you down
    And I ain't got many home boys comin' around (No?)
    You don't understand, so don't say you do (Oh yes I do)
    I swear I'll put a motherfuckin' slug in you (Now, now)
    I'm the only one, the lonely one
    At home alone, loadin' a gun thinkin' why not?

    (Why not? I'll tell you why not, okay? Okay, you have feelings inside your head, okay? I understand that, feelings lead to depression. When you have depression, you have a lonely void inside of your heart, okay? And your heart means everything to the world, okay?)

    I got court comin' up, I stole'd a truck
    I got a bitch pregnant and I'm broke as fuck
    I wanna get high but I got piss test (Well)
    I'm always first name on top of the shit list (No)
    Get this, the Witch has made my chest
    It's permanent nightly visiting nest (What?)
    It ain't no clothes that I look good in
    I'm the motherfuckin' big red train that couldn't

    I got no family, I stole they shit (Okay)
    Restraining orders and I still won't quit
    I hit rock bottom, and then I fell in a hole
    And then I fell through the floor of that hole some more
    I been missing for a year, nobody's lookin' (I am)
    I got beat down and my shit tooken (Ooh)
    I look ahead and all I see is more of the same
    Or this self-inflicted bullet hole pourin' my brain

    (Okay, I understand that you're in pain, okay? I understand everything you're going through. I've been there myself, okay? Now, your pain is my pain, alright? And I feel your pain, and I wanna be your friend. Just me and you, friends.)

    I dream about cuttin' heads off with a shovel (What?)
    The dreams are gettin' serious, think I'm in trouble (Oh my)
    I don't hold memory for more than an hour
    I'm tired as fuck and I'm drained of power
    I ain't half way there and I'm all outta time
    I'm like a crushed light bulb, all outta shine (Oh no)
    I been around the world but no place is home
    I wanna see the other side when I face this chrome

    I'm butt naked, I been jackin' off gettin' drunk
    It's my last hours alive, who gives a fuck? (Me)
    It don't matter, I'm doin' this shit in the garage
    Tryin' to make it easier for them to clean my head splaage
    This bitch I loved, I hope she finds me
    Still up in the chair with my thoughts behind me (Wait, wait)
    I'm 'bout to do it (No!)
    Can you hold for a second? (Wait a min-)

    (Hey, whassup?)
    (Where you at?)
    (Right down the street.)
    (With who?)
    (My girl Shannon, we were wonderin' if we could stop by.)
    (Well shit, yeah, come on by.)
    (Yeah... ey ey ey, ey!)
    (I know, bring some blunts, alright.)
    (Alright, bye.)
    (—we praise, Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come—)
Track: Summer
Directory: summer-vanilla
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 4:40
- Vanilla
Track: Sun King
- The Beatles
Duration: 2:26
Lyrics: |-
    Here comes the Sun King
    Here comes the Sun King
    Everybody's laughing
    Everybody's happy
    Here comes the Sun King

    Quando paramucho mi amore de felice carathon
    Mundo paparazzi mi amore cicce verdi parasol
    Questo abrigado tantamucho que canite carousel
Track: Supermassive Black Hole
- Muse
- Matt Bellamy
Duration: 3:29
Lyrics: |-
    Ooh baby, don't you know I suffer
    Ooh baby, can't you hear me moan?
    You caught me under false pretenses
    How long before you let me go?

    Ooh, you set my soul alight
    Ooh, you set my soul alight

    Glaciers melting in the dead of night (Ooh)
    And the superstar's sucked into the supermassive (You set my soul alight)
    Glaciers melting in the dead of night (Ooh)
    And the superstar's sucked into the (You set my soul)
    (Into the supermassive)

    I thought I was a fool for no one
    Ooh baby, I'm a fool for you
    You're the queen of the superficial
    And how long before you tell the truth

    Ooh, you set my soul alight
    Ooh, you set my soul alight

    Glaciers melting in the dead of night (Ooh)
    And the superstar's sucked into the supermassive (You set my soul alight)
    Glaciers melting in the dead of night (Ooh)
    And the superstar's sucked into the (You set my soul)
    (Into the supermassive)

    (Supermassive black hole)
    (Supermassive black hole)
    (Supermassive black hole)
    (Supermassive black hole)

    Glaciers melting in the dead of night
    And the superstar's sucked into the supermassive
    Glaciers melting in the dead of night
    And the superstar's sucked into the supermassive

    Glaciers melting in the dead of night (Ooh)
    And the superstars sucked into the supermassive (You set my soul alight)
    Glaciers melting in the dead of night (Ooh)
    And the superstars sucked into the (You set my soul)
    (Into the supermassive)

    (Supermassive black hole)
    (Supermassive black hole)
    (Supermassive black hole)
    (Supermassive black hole)
Track: Swan Song
Directory: swan-song-set-it-off
- Set It Off
- Erik Ron
Duration: 4:14
Lyrics: |-
    You don't even bother anymore
    You cut to the bone, pick up the phone
    To hear my swan song

    I'll admit I'm impressed by your vanishing act
    Place your bets on your best guess of when you're coming back
    Draw the curtains, take the stage
    Smoke and mirrors underway
    Hold your breath, here comes the turn
    This is where we all got burned

    Promises are broken, tell me, are you happy now?
    Drowning in the hourglass, I guess our time ran out

    You don't even bother anymore
    You cut to the bone, pick up the phone
    To hear my swan song
    You don't even bother anymore
    You left me alone, I'm on my own
    Tell me where we went wrong

    Should I turn on the floodlights to shine in your eyes
    Just to get you to speak and explain why you let it die
    This new chapter in your life, read it over once or twice
    Burn the pages not the bridge
    Sew your wounds without a stitch

    Promises are broken, tell me, are you happy now?
    Drowning in the hourglass, I guess our time ran out
    I hope you're listening

    You don't even bother anymore
    You cut to the bone, pick up the phone
    To hear my swan song
    You don't even bother anymore
    You left me alone, I'm on my own
    Tell me where we went wrong

    Tell me where we all went wrong
    Tell me where, tell me where
    Tell me where

    Oh, abandon the people who shaped who you are
    Selfish and thoughtless, you drown in the dark
    I hope that you realize the damage you've done
    You could not see light even staring at the sun, sun

    Promises are broken, tell me, are you happy now?
    Drowning in the hourglass, I guess our time ran out

    You don't even bother anymore
    You cut to the bone, pick up the phone
    To hear my swan song
    You don't even bother anymore
    You left me alone, I'm on my own
    Tell me where we went wrong
    Tell me where we went wrong
    Tell me where we went wrong
    You don't even bother anymore
Track: The Sweet Science
- Vulfpeck
Duration: 1:56
Track: Sweet Victory
- Alan Hawkshaw
Duration: 3:42
- Joe Daniels And His Hot Shots
Duration: 2:57
Track: Synthesis.
Directory: synthesis-tn-shi
Always Reference By Directory: true
- tn-shi
Duration: 3:54
Track: Take Five
- Dave Brubeck Quartet
Duration: 5:28
Track: Take It Off
- Ke$ha
Duration: 3:34
Lyrics: |-
    There's a place downtown where the freaks all come around
    It's a hole in the wall, it's a dirty free-for-all
    When they—

    When the dark of the night
    Comes around, that's the time
    That the animal comes alive
    Lookin' for somethin' wild

    And now we lookin' like pimps in my gold Trans Am
    Got a water bottle full of whiskey in my handbag
    Got my drunk text on, I'll regret it in the mornin'
    But tonight, I don't give a—
    (I don't give a—, I don't give a—)

    There's a place downtown where the freaks all come around
    It's a hole in the wall, it's a dirty free-for-all
    And they turn me on when they take it off
    When they take it off, everybody take it off
    There's a place I know if you're lookin' for a show
    Where they go hardcore and there's glitter on the floor
    And they turn me on when they take it off
    When they take it off, everybody take it off

    Lose your mind, lose it now
    Lose your clothes in the crowd
    We're delirious, tear it down
    'Til the sun comes back around

    N-now we're gettin' so smashed, knockin' over trash cans
    Everybody breakin' bottles, it's a filthy hot mess
    And I'm down to get faded, I'm not the designated driver
    So, I don't give a—
    (I don't give a—, I don't give a—)

    There's a place downtown where the freaks all come around
    It's a hole in the wall, it's a dirty free-for-all
    And they turn me on when they take it off
    When they take it off, everybody take it off
    There's a place I know if you're lookin' for a show
    Where they go hardcore and there's glitter on the floor
    And they turn me on when they take it off
    When they take it off, everybody take it off

    Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
    Oh (Everybody take it off)
    Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
    Oh (Everybody take it off)
    Right now (Take it off)
    Right now (Take it off)
    Right now (Take it off)
    Oh-oh, ooh-oh
    Right now (Take it off)
    Right now (Take it off)
    Right now (Take it off)
    Oh-oh, oh (Everybody take it off)

    There's a place downtown where the freaks all come around
    It's a hole in the wall, it's a dirty free-for-all
    And they turn me on when they take it off
    When they take it off, everybody take it off
    There's a place I know if you're lookin' for a show
    Where they go hardcore and there's glitter on the floor
    And they turn me on when they take it off
    When they take it off, everybody take it off
Track: Take Me Away
- Insane Clown Posse
- Mike E. Clark
- Billy Bill
Duration: 4:39
Lyrics: |-
    Welcome to the Dark Carnival
    Violent J
    Shaggy 2 Dope
    The Insane Clown Posse
    Will live forever (Live forever)

    Join us (Live forever)
    Follow me (Live forever)
    Carnival awaits us (Live forever)
    Take my hand (Live forever)
    Take my hand (Live forever)
    Shangri-La (Live forever)
    Live forever (Live forever)

    Here go another clown song, freaky and weird
    I'm still preaching, I'm like Noah without the beard
    I'm trying to spread the facts that I know for sure
    Yet many don't believe in our carnival freakshow
    It's alright though, there's enough who do
    And only time will tell if our stories are true
    But for everybody here I can promise you this
    You'll never hear us rap about the typical bullshit

    Pimpin', all the money they got
    All the ice they wear, and all the people they shot
    All the freaks they pull, and all the cars they drive
    Only we rap about fucking a beehive
    You wanna keep it real? Walk out your door
    That's as real as it gets from the sky to the floor
    But the Dark Carnival will take your soul away
    And give you mythical adventure in a magical way

    I live for (The Carnival)
    I die for (The Carnival)
    I pray for (The Carnival)
    Please take me away (Take me away)
    I live for (The Carnival)
    I die for (The Carnival)
    I pray for (The Carnival)
    Come and take me away (Take me away)

    Funhouse, freak shows and murder-go-rounds
    Fuck how you looking, paint it up like a clown
    Loosen up, let it go, you ain't gotta be tense
    Faygo flying everywhere, fuck making sense
    And that's the beauty of it, look backstage
    Ain't another group out here on the same page
    Run with everybody or walk with our crew
    And stand on the moon, face the world and say "fuck you!"

    I ain't sitting out playing that star biz
    Put me in the crowd where my Juggalos is
    Treat me special I'ma leave your lip draggin
    We in this together waiting on the same wagon
    Let them laugh now, let them laugh for years
    We'll see who's laughing in the house of mirrors
    Cause that's where I'm going and if you're not
    Bump that other shit and hear about the ends they got

    I live for (The Carnival)
    I die for (The Carnival)
    I pray for (The Carnival)
    Come and take me away (Take me away)
    I live for (The Carnival)
    I die for (The Carnival)
    I pray for (The Carnival)
    Please take me away (Take me away)

    Live forever
    Take my hand
    Live forever
    Live forever

    Come take a journey through heaven and hell
    See what we have to come, and share the story I tell
    Walk hand-in-hand with the devil and God
    Let them pull you in half, purgatory is aight
    Fuck newspapers, fuck magazines
    Fuck A&Rs, and their ball-hugging jeans
    Fuck anybody trying to change our ways
    As long as 6 Joker Cards got something to say

    I speak for the crazy, I speak for scrubs
    I speak for the thugs pissing in your hot tubs
    I speak for the people that you always say don't know how to act
    We like them just like that
    Fuck your Grammys, fuck your music awards
    I strangle your host with his microphone cord
    Fuck anybody that ain't down with the clown
    From now until millenniums after I'm dead in the ground

    I live for (The Carnival)
    I die for (The Carnival)
    I pray for (The Carnival)
    Come take me away (Take me away)
    I live for (The Carnival)
    I die for (The Carnival)
    I pray for (The Carnival)
    Please take me away (Take me away)

    I live for (The Carnival)
    I die for (The Carnival)
    I pray for (The Carnival)
    Come take me away (Take me away)
    I live for (The Carnival)
    I die for (The Carnival)
    I pray for (The Carnival)
    Please take me away (Take me away)
Track: Takyon (Death Yon)
- Death Grips
Duration: 2:49
Lyrics: |-
    Triple six, five, forked tongue
    Subatomic penetration rapid fire through your skull
    How I shot it on one taking it back to the days of trying to lose control
    Swerving in a blaze of fire, raging through my bones
    Oh shit I'm feeling it - Takyon
    Hell yeah, fuck yeah, I feel like killing it - Takyon
    Alright that's tight, what its like to experience - Takyon

    Out of the blue, in through the back
    Door coming through like fuck what was that
    Man I don't know, but it made me feel so heated
    How we creep without showing you jack
    Shit from below, give a shit if you know
    Cuz even if you did, you'd keep coming back
    Back for more, need it man you're addicted to the heat
    We make beats catch
    Beat it til it bleeds to death, each track
    Like EPMD snappin necks as we tap energy from everything on and off the map

    Oh shit I'm feeling it - Takyon
    Hell yeah, fuck yeah I feel like killing it - Takyon
    Alright that's tight what its like to experience - Takyon

    Takyon, shot down your throat like a keg of beer
    Choke on the smoke we in and exhale til the whole chamber is clear
    Haters act so fucking weird
    Try to stain this atmosphere
    But they can't cuz its way too sheer
    How to make a hater disappear

    Take shit where it ain't never been
    Fuck what you thought could not comprehend
    This shit if I fisted your brain with it
    10-9-8-7-triple 6-5-forked tongue
    Criminal level crunk lightning storm
    Get out the way or get up torn
    Ain't a picture big enough to fit
    What we dig up from the core
    Of all that they forgot ever was
    Militant march of this war

    Takyon - taking them down
    All we see is blood
    Takyon - turning them out
    How to trick out and freak that buzz

    Oh shit I'm feeling it - Takyon
    Hell yeah, fuck yeah I feel like killing it - Takyon
    Alright that's tight what its like to experience - Takyon

    Lunar eclipse forcing you to trip
    Off the moonlit fire we spray
    Cryonic haunted bullets hollow tipped with toxic waste
    So here's the deal, if you don't feel ill
    Don't want it nowhere near my zone
    That shit is dead, can't nobody get
    With that shit gets dial toned

    Takyon - bitch slappin pussy clots and clones
    Takyon - settin off unibombs inside your dome

    Oh shit I'm feeling it - Takyon
    Hell yeah, fuck yeah I feel like killing it - Takyon
    Alright that's tight what its like to experience - Takyon
Track: Teardrop
Directory: teardrop-massive-attack
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Massive Attack
- Elizabeth Fraser (lyrics)
Duration: 5:31
# Sampled Tracks:
# - Les McCann - Sometimes I Cry
Lyrics: |-
    Love, love is a verb
    Love is a doing word
    Fearless on my breath
    Gentle impulsion
    Shakes me, makes me lighter
    Fearless on my breath
    Teardrop on the fire
    Fearless on my breath

    Night, night of matter
    Black flowers blossom
    Fearless on my breath
    Black flowers blossom
    Fearless on my breath

    Teardrop on the fire
    Fearless on my...

    Water is my eye
    Most faithful mirror
    Fearless on my breath
    Teardrop on the fire
    Of a confession
    Fearless on my breath
    Most faithful mirror
    Fearless on my breath
    Teardrop on the fire
    Fearless on my breath

    You're stumbling in the dark
    You're stumbling in the dark
Track: Technologic
- Daft Punk
Duration: 2:48
    Buy it, use it, break it, fix it
    Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it
    Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it
    Snap it, work it, quick - erase it
    Write it, cut it, paste it, save it
    Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it
    Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it
    Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it
    Lock it, fill it, call it, find it
    View it, code it, jam - unlock it
    Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it
    Cross it, crack it, switch - update it
    Name it, rate it, tune it, print it
    Scan it, send it, fax - rename it
    Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it
    Turn it, leave it, start - format it

    Buy it, use it, break it, fix it
    Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it
    Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it
    Snap it, work it, quick - erase it
    Write it, cut it, paste it, save it
    Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it
    Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it
    Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it
    Lock it, fill it, call it, find it
    View it, code it, jam - unlock it
    Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it
    Cross it, crack it, switch - update it
    Name it, rate it, tune it, print it
    Scan it, send it, fax - rename it
    Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it
    Turn it, leave it, start - format it


    Buy it, use it, break it, fix it
    Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it
    Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it
    Snap it, work it, quick - erase it
    Write it, cut it, paste it, save it
    Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it
    Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it
    Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it
    Lock it, fill it, call it, find it
    View it, code it, jam - unlock it
    Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it
    Cross it, crack it, switch - update it
    Name it, rate it, tune it, print it
    Scan it, send it, fax - rename it
    Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it
    Turn it, leave it, start - format it

    Buy it, use it, break it, fix it
    Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it
    Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it
    Snap it, work it, quick - erase it
    Write it, cut it, paste it, save it
    Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it
    Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it
    Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it
    Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it
    Turn it, leave it, start - format it

    Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it
    Cross it, crack it, switch - update it

    Lock it, fill it, call it, find it
    View it, code it, jam - unlock it
    Buy it, use it, break it, fix it
    Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it
    Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it
    Snap it, work it, quick - erase it
    Write it, cut it, paste it, save it
    Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it

    Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it
    Cross it, crack it, switch - update it
    Name it, rate it, tune it, print it
    Scan it, send it, fax - rename it
    Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it
    Turn it, leave it, start - format it

    Buy it, use it, break it, fix it
    Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it
    Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it
    Snap it, work it, quick - erase it
    Write it, cut it, paste it, save it
    Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it
    Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it
    Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it

    Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it
    Cross it, crack it, switch - update it
    Name it, rate it, tune it, print it
    Scan it, send it, fax - rename it
    Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it
    Turn it, leave it, start - format it

    Buy it, use it, break it, fix it
    Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it
    Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it
    Snap it, work it, quick - erase it
    Write it, cut it, paste it, save it
    Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it
    Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it
    Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it

    Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it
    Cross it, crack it, switch - update it
    Name it, rate it, tune it, print it
    Scan it, send it, fax - rename it

    Buy it, use it, break it, fix it
    Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it
    Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it
    Snap it, work it, quick - erase it
    Write it, cut it, paste it, save it
    Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it
    Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it
    Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it

    Lock it, fill it, call it, find it
    View it, code it, jam - unlock it

    Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it
    Cross it, crack it, switch - update it

    Name it, rate it, tune it, print it
    Scan it, send it, fax - rename it

    Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it
    Turn it, leave it, start - format it


Track: Teenagers
Directory: teenagers-my-chemical-romance
Always Reference By Directory: true
- My Chemical Romance
- Rob Cavallo (production)
Duration: 2:41
Lyrics: |-
    They're gonna clean up your looks with all the lies in the books
    To make a citizen out of you
    Because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you, son
    So they can watch all the things you do

    Because the drugs never work, they're gonna give you a smirk
    'Cause they got methods of keeping you clean
    They're gonna rip up your heads, your aspirations to shreds
    Another cog in the murder machine

    They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
    They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
    So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
    Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

    The boys and girls in the clique, the awful names that they stick
    You're never gonna fit in much, kid
    But if you're troubled and hurt, what you got under your shirt
    Will make them pay for the things that they did

    They said, all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
    They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
    So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
    Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me, oh, yeah

    They said, all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
    They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
    So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
    Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me
    All together now

    Teenagers scare the living shit out of me
    They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
    So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
    Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

    Teenagers scare the living shit out of me
    They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
    So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
    Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me
Track: Temporary Secretary
- Paul McCartney
Duration: 3:14
Lyrics: |-
    Mister Marks, can you find for me
    Someone strong and sweet fitting on my knee?
    She can keep her job if she gets it wrong
    Ah, but, Mister Marks, I won't need her long
    All I need is help for a little while
    We can take dictation and learn to smile
    And a temporary secretary
    Is what I need for to do the job
    I need a

    Temporary secretary, temporary secretary
    Temporary secretary, temporary secretary

    Mister Marks, could you send her quick?
    'Cause my regular has been getting sick
    I need a

    Temporary secretary, temporary secretary

    Mister Marks, I can pay her well
    If she comes along and can stay a spell
    I will promise now that I'll treat her right
    And will rarely keep her 'til late at night
    I need a

    She can be a belly dancer
    I don't need a true romancer
    She can be a diplomat
    But I don't need a girl like that
    She can be a neurosurgeon
    If she's doing nothing urgent
    What I need's a temporary, temporary secretary
    I need a, I need a

    Temporary secretary, temporary secretary
    Temporary secretary, temporary secretary
    Temporary secretary, temporary secretary

    Now, Mister Marks, when I send her back
    Will you please make sure she stays on the right track?
    Well, I know how hard it is for young girls these days
    In the face of everything, to stay on the right track

    She can be a belly dancer
    I don't need a true romancer
    She can be a diplomat
    But I don't need a girl like that
    She can be a neurosurgeon
    If she's doing nothing urgent
    What I need's a temporary, temporary secretary

    Temporary secretary, (I need a) temporary secretary
    Temporary secretary, temporary secretary
    (I need a) Temporary secretary, temporary secretary (Oh)
    Temporary secretary
# Date First Released: December 27, 2021
- Amane Kanata
- Amane Kanata (vocals)
- Sho Watanabe (lyrics & composer)
- Masato Nakayama (arranger & all other instruments/programming)
- Rei Kudo (bass)
- Koichiro Muroya Quartet (strings)
Duration: 3:44
- (Original anime MV)
Lyrics: |-
    飛んで飛んで 舞い降りる天使のagape




    ずっと届けよう さぁ祝福を

    ファミリア 癒して戯れ幸せ
    ファミリア 誰にも見せない表情を






    白く広げ 白く羽ばたく

    ファミリア 癒して戯れ幸せ
    ファミリア 誰にも見せない表情を

Track: Tetragrammaton
- The Mars Volta
Duration: 16:41
Lyrics: |-
    Tell me it's over, Rusbel awaits
    I've been to the surface and nothing is there
    Eyelids sank muffled in the nerve aura sound
    But when she awakes, will she still be with us?
    My heart is darkclots, leap year is late
    How did you get here? Ask all but the bait
    From a Christ that went hissing, constrictin' his cells
    We summon by candle, by book, and by bell

    Glossolalia coats my skin
    Glycerin and turbulence
    Stuffed the voice inside of God
    Mirrors to the animals
    Glossolalia coats my skin
    Glycerin and turbulence

    The sermon goes mournin', prickin' its hail
    Slothful the child that preys on the seed
    Shall behead the drought, wound under sleeves
    I hope you have room in a thicket of vines
    Give me a moment to claim what you've stole
    The streets will hang high stretched ribs and let taste
    We'll cover the smell with silver nitrate
    Mending the cuts of your prosthetic faith
    See upcoming rock shows
    Get tickets for your favorite artists

    Glossolalia coats my skin
    Glycerin and turbulence
    Stuffed the voice inside of God
    Mirrors to the animals
    Glossolalia coats my skin
    Glycerin and turbulence
    Stuffed the voice inside of God
    Mirrors to the animals

    Then so long, dear mnemonic
    Assume the form you've given me, and I'll spill
    Now hold on, just hold my hand
    Say that they made you, but you brought your own leash
    Tell me no more, no
    Tell me no more, no

    Outside, by the drift
    You read my will of thread and itch
    Failure to comply as failure to decease
    And still you won't know everything
    I've built the fall

    The sulking drained the fall of my pale will swarming by your steps
    Lickin' the ankles of your blasphemer guilts
    It only meant to drape a plastic over the stuck pig scalp of head
    To cover the sock where the flatline had spread
    The kiosk in my temporal lobe is shaped like Rosalynn Carter
    And she says my map is home again but torn face down
    I have only but a million blemishes to tell you all about

    In the end they just gagged me to make him come out

    Gas me the hind of your five-legged snare
    Tooth picks the eye, but nothing's there
    Down drags your waltz 'cross the altar top
    From a sleep that deprivation knew
    Trespass your form, I'm void of dusk
    I'd ask to look, but the mask stays on
    You'll levitate Teutonic print
    Cruelty is the wrath of my instrument

    In the end they just gagged me to make him come out

    You locked the cuffs, arsenic erupts
    Will you drink the shadow of my red hair?
    You and your false witness to God
    You've one in the chamber, but your finger got stuck
    Let slip the sound of a cry for help
    But all was lost on the night you walked
    Palms speak through eyes, serve your memory lost
    I contaminate with insignias

    In the end they just gagged me to make him come out

    Glossolalia coats my skin
    Glycerin and turbulence
    Stuffed the voice inside of God
    Mirrors to the animals

    Wait 'til I get my hands on you
    I won't forget a face that lift me
    Hey, ah-oh
    Just you wait 'til I get my hands on you
    I can't, can't, oh, oh
    You won't remember
    Oh, oh

    Unwrap my corpse and let it thaw
    In the eye of the needle I can't get out
    They'll check my wrist, I'll faint a pulse
    I'm not the human you thought I was
    If you pet the night, sixth pentacle dice
    If you roll the seven, St. Michael dies
    They'll be no ransom, don't shut my mouth
    I scald the answer you're afraid of
Track: These Walls
- Kendrick Lamar
Duration: 5:00
Lyrics: |-
    I remember you was conflicted, misusing your influence
    Sometimes, I did the same

    If these walls could talk
    If these walls could talk
    If these walls could talk
    If these walls could talk
    If these walls could talk
    (If these walls could talk)

    She just want to close her eyes and sway
    With you, with you, with you (Ah, come on)
    Exercise her right to work it out
    It's true, it's true, it's true
    Shout out to the birthday girls
    Say hey hey, say hey hey, (Ah, girl)
    Everyone deserves a night to play, play
    She plays, only when you tell her no

    If these walls could talk
    (I can feel your reign when it cries, gold lives inside of you)
    If these walls could talk
    (I love it when I'm in it, I love it when I'm in it)

    If these walls could talk, they'd tell me to swim good
    No boat, I float better than he would
    No life jacket, I'm not the God of Nazareth
    But your flood can be misunderstood
    Walls telling me they full of pain, resentment
    Need someone to live in them just to relieve tension
    Me, I'm just a tenant
    Landlord said these walls vacant more than a minute
    These walls are vulnerable, exclamation
    Interior pink, color coordinated
    I interrogated every nook and cranny
    I mean, it's still amazing, before they couldn't stand me
    These walls want to cry tears
    These walls happier when I'm here
    These walls never could hold up
    Every time I come around, demolition might crush

    If these walls could talk
    (I can feel your reign when it cries, gold lives inside of you)
    If these walls could talk
    (I love it when I'm in it, I love it when I'm in it)

    If these walls could talk, they'd tell me to go deep
    Yelling at me continuously, I can see
    Your defense mechanism is my decision
    Knock these walls down, that's my religion
    Walls feeling like they ready to close in
    I suffocate, then catch my second wind
    I resonate in these walls
    I don't know how long I can wait in these walls
    I've been on the streets too long
    Looking at you from the outside in
    They sing the same old song
    About how they walls always the cleanest
    I beg to differ, I must've missed them
    I'm not involved, I'd rather diss 'em
    I'd rather call on you, put your wall up
    'Cause when I come around, demolition gon' crush

    If these walls could talk
    (I can feel your reign when it cries, gold lives inside of you)
    If these walls could talk
    (I love it when I'm in it, I love it when I'm in it)

    If your walls could talk, they'd tell you it's too late
    Your destiny accepted your fate
    Burn accessories and stash them on the yard
    Take the recipe, the Bible and God
    Wall telling you that commissary is low
    Race wars happening, no calling CO
    No calling your mother to save you
    Homies to say you're irrepetible, not acceptable
    Your behavior is Sammy the Bull like
    A killer that turned snitch
    Walls is telling me you a bitch
    You pray for appeals hoping the warden would afford them
    That sentence so important
    Walls telling you to listen to "Sing About Me"
    Retaliation is strong, you even dream 'bout me
    Killed my homeboy and God spared your life
    Dumb criminal got indicted same night
    So when you play this song, rewind the first verse
    About me abusing my power so you can hurt
    About me and her in the shower whenever she horny
    About me and her in the after hours of the morning
    About her baby daddy currently serving life
    And how she think about you until we meet up at night
    About the only girl that cared about you when you asked her
    And how she fuckin' on a famous rapper
    Walls can talk (Talk)

    Misusing your influence
    Sometimes I did the same
    Abusing my power, full of resentment
    Resentment that turned into a deep depression
    Found myself screaming in a hotel room
Track: 'Think (About It)'
- Lyn Collins
Duration: 3:20
Lyrics: |-
    Hey, fellas
    I'm talking to you, you and you too
    Do you guys know who I'm talking to?

    Those of you who go out and stay
    Out all night and half the next day
    And expect us to be home
    When you get there

    But let me tell you something
    The sisters are not going for that no more
    'Cause we realize two things
    That you aren't doing anything for us
    We can better do by ourselves

    So from now on, we gonna use
    What we got to get what we want

    So, you'd better think, think
    Now's the time when we have respect
    That's the thing I never will forget

    Now baby, I got a lot to live
    And a whole lotta loving
    That a woman could give, yeah

    But before I give it up, I gotta think, think
    What the future holds for me
    Is too far ahead to see

    I don't need no heartache
    I can't stand no misery
    Let me think, think

    It takes two to make a thing go right
    It takes two to make it outta sight

    All right, yeah

    Don't say it's easy
    Know it can be rough
    Just plain living
    Sometimes it's kinda tough

    If it's not in your vision
    Don't make no decision

    Hey, yeah, all right

    So, I'm laying my cards on the table
    When it comes to taking care of me
    I know I'm able

    You may not call it true
    But I won't do nothing that you won't do
    Said I won't do nothing that you won't do

    So think about the good things
    Come on and think about the right things
    You got to think about me too

    Come on and think, think about you
    Come on and think about the good things
    Come on and think about the right things
    Come on and think about me too
Track: This Is America
- Childish Gambino
- Ludwig Göransson
- Young Thug
- Slim Jxmmi (additional vocals)
- BlocBoy JB (additional vocals)
- 21 Savage (additional vocals)
- Quavo (additional vocals)
Duration: 3:45
Lyrics: |-
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away

    We just wanna party (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Party just for you (Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away)
    We just want the money (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Money just for you (Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away) (Yeah)
    I know you wanna party (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Party just for free (Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away)
    Girl, you got me dancin' (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) (Girl, you got me dancin')
    Dance and shake the frame (Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away) (Yeah)
    We just wanna party (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) (Yeah)
    Party just for you (Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away) (Yeah)
    We just want the money (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) (Yeah)
    Money just for you (Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away) (You)
    I know you wanna party (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) (Yeah)
    Party just for free (Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away) (Yeah)
    Girl, you got me dancin' (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) (Girl, you got me dancin', yeah)
    Dance and shake the frame (Yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go away) (You)

    This is America
    Don't catch you slippin' now
    Don't catch you slippin' now
    Look what I'm whippin' now
    This is America (Wooh)
    Don't catch you slippin' now
    Don't catch you slippin' now
    Look what I'm whippin' now

    This is America (Skrrt, skrrt, woo)
    Don't catch you slippin' now (Ayy)
    Look how I'm livin' now
    Police be trippin' now (Woo)
    Yeah, this is America (Woo, ayy)
    Guns in my area (Word, my area)
    I got the strap (Ayy, ayy)
    I gotta carry 'em

    Yeah, yeah, I'ma go into this (Ugh)
    Yeah, yeah, this is guerilla (Woo)
    Yeah, yeah, I'ma go get the bag
    Yeah, yeah, or I'ma get the pad
    Yeah, yeah, I'm so cold like, yeah (Yeah)
    I'm so dope like, yeah (Woo)
    We gon' blow like, yeah (Straight up, uh)

    Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, tell somebody
    You go tell somebody
    Grandma told me
    Get your money, black man (Get your black man)
    Get your money, black man (Get your black man)
    Get your money, black man (Get your black man)
    Get your money, black man (Get your black man)
    Black man

    This is America (Woo, ayy)
    Don't catch you slippin' now (Woo, woo) (Don't catch you slippin' now)
    Don't catch you slippin' now (Ayy, woah)
    Look what I'm whippin' now (Slime!)
    This is America (Yeah, yeah)
    Don't catch you slippin' now (Woah, ayy)
    Don't catch you slippin' now (Ayy, woo)
    Look what I'm whippin' now (Ayy)

    Look how I'm geekin' out (Hey)
    I'm so fitted (I'm so fitted, woo)
    I'm on Gucci (I'm on Gucci)
    I'm so pretty (Yeah, yeah, woo)
    I'm gon' get it (Ayy, I'm gon' get it)
    Watch me move (Blaow)
    This a celly (Ha)
    That's a tool (Yeah)
    On my Kodak (Woo) Black
    Ooh, know that (Yeah, know that, hold on)
    Get it (Woo, get it, get it)
    Ooh, work it (21)

    Hunnid bands, hunnid bands, hunnid bands (Hunnid bands)
    Contraband, contraband, contraband (Contraband)
    I got the plug in Oaxaca (Woah)
    They gonna find you like "blocka" (Blaow)

    Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, tell somebody (America, I just checked my following list, and)
    You go tell somebody (You mothafuckas owe me)
    Grandma told me
    Get your money, black man (Black man)
    Get your money, black man (Black man)
    Get your money, black man (Black man)
    Get your money, black man (Black man)
    Black man (1, 2, 3! Get down!)

    Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, tell somebody
    You go tell somebody
    Grandma told me, get your money
    Get your money, black man (Black man)
    Get your money, black man (Black man)
    Get your money, black man (Black man)
    Get your money, black man (Black man)
    Black man

    You just a black man in this world
    You just a barcode, ayy
    You just a black man in this world
    Drivin' expensive foreigns, ayy
    You just a big dawg, yeah
    I kenneled him in the backyard
    No, probably ain't life to a dog
    For a big dog
Track: Thriller
- Michael Jackson
Duration: 5:58
Lyrics: |-
    It's close to midnight
    And something evil's lurking in the dark
    Under the moonlight
    You see a sight that almost stops your heart
    You try to scream
    But terror takes the sound before you make it
    You start to freeze
    As horror looks you right between the eyes
    You're paralyzed

    'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
    And no one's gonna save you
    From the beast about to strike
    You know it's thriller, thriller night
    You're fighting for your life inside a killer
    Thriller tonight, yeah

    You hear the door slam
    And realize there's nowhere left to run
    You feel the cold hand
    And wonder if you'll ever see the sun
    You close your eyes
    And hope that this is just imagination (Girl)
    But all the while
    You hear a creature creepin’ up behind
    You're out of time

    'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
    There ain't no second chance
    Against the thing with forty eyes, girl
    Thriller (Ooh), thriller night
    You're fighting for your life
    Inside a killer, thriller tonight

    Night creatures call
    And the dead start to walk in their masquerade
    There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time
    (They're open wide)
    This is the end of your life, ooh

    They're out to get you
    There's demons closing in on every side (Ooh)
    They will possess you
    Unless you change that number on your dial
    Now is the time
    For you and I to cuddle close together, yeah
    All through the night
    I'll save you from the terror on the screen
    I'll make you see

    That this is thriller, thriller night
    'Cause I can thrill you more
    Than any ghoul would ever dare try
    Thriller (Ooh), thriller night
    So let me hold you tight
    And share a killer, thriller, chiller
    Thriller, here tonight
    'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
    Girl, I can thrill you more
    Than any ghoul would ever dare try
    Thriller (Ooh), thriller night
    So let me hold you tight
    And share a killer, thriller (Ow)

    I'm gonna thrill you tonight
    Darkness falls across the land
    The midnight hour is close at hand
    Creatures crawl in search of blood
    To terrorize y'all's neighborhood (I'm gonna thrill you tonight)
    And whosoever shall be found
    Without the soul for getting down
    Must stand and face the hounds of hell
    And rot inside a corpse's shell
    I'm gonna thrill you tonight
    Thriller, ooh, babe (Thriller)
    I'm gonna thrill you tonight (Thriller night)
    Thriller, oh, darling (Oh, baby)
    I'm gonna thrill you tonight (Thriller)
    Ooh, babe (Thriller night)
    I'm gonna thrill you tonight (Thriller)
    Oh, darling (Oh, baby)
    Thriller night, babe (Thriller night, babe)
    The foulest stench is in the air
    The funk of forty thousand years (Thriller night, thriller)
    And grisly ghouls from every tomb
    Are closing in to seal your doom
    And though you fight to stay alive
    Your body starts to shiver (I'm gonna thrill you tonight)
    For no mere mortal can resist
    The evil of the thriller
Track: Through the Fire and Flames
- DragonForce
Duration: 4:58
Lyrics: |-
    On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light
    In flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fight
    When the darkness has fallen down, and the times are tough all right
    The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight

    Fighting hard, fighting on for the steel, through the wastelands evermore
    The scattered souls will feel the hell bodies wasted on the shores
    On the blackest plains in hell's domain, we watch them as they go
    In fire and pain, now once again we know

    So now we fly ever free
    We're free before the thunderstorm
    On towards the wilderness our quest carries on
    Far beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlight
    Deep inside our hearts and all our souls

    So far away we wait for the day
    For the lives all so wasted and gone
    We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
    Through the fire and the flames we carry on

    As the red day is dawning
    And the lightning cracks the sky
    They'll raise their hands to the heavens above
    With resentment to their eyes
    Running back through the mid-morning light
    There's a burning in my heart
    We're banished from a time in a fallen land
    To a life beyond the stars

    In your darkest dreams see to believe
    Our destiny this time
    And endlessly we'll all be free tonight

    And on the wings of a dream, so far beyond reality
    All alone in desperation, now the time has gone
    Lost inside you'll never find, lost within my own mind
    Day after day this misery must go on

    So far away we wait for the day
    For the lives all so wasted and gone
    We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
    Through the fire and the flames we carry on

    Now here we stand with their blood on our hands
    We fought so hard now can we understand
    I'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly can
    For freedom of every man

    So far away we wait for the day
    For the lives all so wasted and gone
    We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
    Through the fire and the flames we carry on
Track: TiK ToK
- Ke$ha
Duration: 3:35
Lyrics: |-
    Wake up in the morning feelin' like P. Diddy (Hey. What up, girl?)
    Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city (Let's go)
    Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack
    'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back

    I'm talkin' pedicure on our toes, toes
    Tryin' on all our clothes, clothes
    Boys blowin' up our phones, phones
    Drop-toppin', playin' our favorite CDs
    Pullin' up to the parties
    Tryna get a little bit tipsy

    Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
    Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
    Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
    Oh, whoa, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, whoa, oh
    Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
    Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
    Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
    Oh, whoa, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, whoa, oh

    Ain't got a care in the world, but got plenty of beer
    Ain't got no money in my pocket, but I'm already here
    And now the dudes are linin' up, 'cause they hear we got swagger
    But we kick 'em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger

    I'm talkin' 'bout everybody gettin' crunk, crunk
    Boys tryna touch my junk, junk
    Gonna smack him if he gettin' too drunk, drunk
    No-now we go until they kick us out, out or the police shut us down, down
    Police shut us down, down, po-po shut us down

    Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
    Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
    Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
    Oh, whoa, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, whoa, oh
    Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
    Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
    Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
    Oh, whoa, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, whoa, oh

    (DJ) You build me up, you break me down
    My heart, it pounds, yeah, you got me
    With my hands up, you got me now
    You got that sound, yeah, you got me
    (DJ) You build me up, you break me down
    My heart, it pounds, yeah, you got me
    With my hands up, put your hands up
    Put your hands up

    Now, the party don't start 'til I walk in

    Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
    Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
    Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
    Oh, whoa, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, whoa, oh
    Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
    Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
    Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
    Oh, whoa, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, whoa, oh
Track: Together Forever
Duration: 3:26
- Rick Astley
Lyrics: |-
    If there's anything you need
    All you have to do is say
    You know you satisfy everything in me
    We shouldn't waste a single day

    So don't stop me falling, it's destiny calling
    A power I just can't deny
    It's never changing, can't you hear me, I'm saying
    I want you for the rest of my life

    Together forever and never to part
    Together forever we're two
    And don't you know I would move heaven and earth
    To be together forever with you?

    If they ever get you down
    There's always something I can do
    Because I wouldn't ever wanna see you frown
    I'll always do what's best for you
    See Rick Astley Live
    Get tickets as low as $60

    There ain't no mistaking, it's true love we're making
    Something to last for all time
    It's never changing, can't you hear me, I'm saying
    I want you for the rest of my life

    Together forever and never to part
    Together forever we're two
    And don't you know I would move heaven and earth
    To be together forever with you?

    So don't stop me falling, it's destiny calling
    A power I just can't deny
    It's never changing, can't you hear me, I'm saying
    I want you for the rest of my life

    Together forever and never to part
    Together forever we're two
    And don't you know I would move heaven and earth
    To be together forever with you?
    Together forever and never to part
    Together forever we're two
    And don't you know I would move heaven and earth
    To be together forever with you?
    Together forever and never to part
    Together forever we're two
    And don't you know I would move heaven and earth
    To be together forever with you?
Track: Tokusya-Seizon Wonder-la-der!!
# Date First Released: August 19, 2021
- Amane Kanata
- Amane Kanata (vocals)
- Tomoya Tabuchi (lyrics, composer & bass)
- Ryohei Sataka (arranger & other all instruments)
- Sho Horizaki (guitar)
- Leon Yuki (drums)
Duration: 4:24
Lyrics: |-
    なぬっ!? ビシッ おりゃっ! バシッ
    ツッコミも冴えて 本日快晴
    さわっ ボロ... ぎゅむっ バキッ
    手にする全部 It’s mine! くれくれ


    ダサすぎ じゃねえんだわ!
    そんで貧乏っちい じゃねえんだわ!
    うん!万事がバッチリ イケてるに決まってる!
    (are you?) かなたちゃん☆

    どどん! 前進上等! ちゃんと歓迎して(wonder-la-der-la) 高まれ
    海空創造 ちゃんと驚嘆して(wonder-la-der-la) 興奮しよう
    僕が言うんだもん 本当にするんだもん
    現実超えろ未来 あー!
    弱点も平気 スイッチでランチャー! (wonder-la-der-la)
    すなわち特者生存ワンダランダDAY (wonder-la-der-la) 楽しもう
    面白がれること探したまえ、over? 返事聞かせてくれ!
    右左なんかじゃない(かなたーん!) 決めつけて一直線(かなたーん!)
    つまり企んだら発射オーライだ ワクワクすんぜ!



    「うわ~すごい! ありがちょ~」
    日々これ騒然でgo my way!


    いつでも心はちゃんと純粋で(wonder-la-der-la) いたいな
    好奇心は絶えず熱心で(wonder-la-der-la) いたいなって
    言い聞かせるんだ 調子に乗ったら
    すぐ飽きられちゃうから あー!
    タイトなロープもどんとこいでっせ (wonder-la-der-la)
    すなわち特者生存ワンダランダDAY (wonder-la-der-la) しがみつけ
    “努力とは最後まで諦めないこと” メモっておいて!

    ホントはbaby 自信なんかないよ
    ホントはbaby 不安ばっかで泣きそうだ
    でもねbaby 挫けないって決めたの
    だからbaby 挑戦したいよ 未開の天地 無限のフィールドで!

    前進上等! ちゃんと歓迎して(wonder-la-der-la) 高まれ
    海空創造 ちゃんと驚嘆して(wonder-la-der-la) 興奮しよう
    ボクが言うんだもん 本当にするんだもん
    現実超えろ未来 あー!
    弱点も平気 スイッチでランチャー!(wonder-la-der-la)
    すなわち特者生存ワンダランダDAY(wonder-la-der-la) 楽しもう
    面白がれること探し放題でっせ 無限のフィールドで

    パンニングしなくてもいい(かなたーん!) ど真ん中一直線(かなたーん!)
Track: Touch-Tone Telephone
- Neil Cicierega
Duration: 4:42
Lyrics: |-
    I think it's time
    For you to know
    The awful truth
    The truth about me, and the truth about you
    'Cause you're a brand new species
    Big cat (Uh oh)
    Space Nazis, Robert Stack (Uh oh)
    God damn it, gonna snap (Oh, oh oh oh oh)
    Leonard Nimoy, call me back (Call me back)

    I try to call you every day
    I'm rehearsing what to say
    When the truth comes out (Of my very own mouth)
    I've been working on a unified theory
    If I make it through tonight everybody's gonna hear me out
    'Cause I'm the right one
    On my touch-tone, touch-tone telephone
    I'm the only one
    On your A.M., A.M. radio

    Oh, I'm crying now, authentic tears
    They flow out of me when I think about you
    'Cause you're the only person in the world who'd understand
    'Cause you're the only person in the world who'd understand the meaning of this
    Oh my God
    I try and I try and I try to make you listen to me

    I try to call you every day
    I'm rehearsing what to say
    When the truth comes out (Of my very own mouth)
    I've been working on a unified theory
    If I make it through tonight everybody's gonna hear me out
    'Cause I'm the right one
    On my touch-tone, touch-tone telephone
    I'm the only one (Hey)
    On your A.M., A.M. radio

    Don't hang up yet, I'm not done
    I'm an expert, I'm the one
    The one who was right all along
    Better to be laughed at than wrong
    I'm an expert in my field
    UFOlogy, yes, it's all real
    Ancient aliens, it's all true
    I'm an expert just like you
    And like you, I'm a genius before my time
    Disbelieving, that's the real crime
    Pretty soon they'll discover me
    In the Super-Sargasso Sea

    I try to call you every day
    What can I say
    When the truth comes out? (Of my very own mouth)
    I've been working on a unified theory
    If I make it through tonight everybody's gonna hear me out
    'Cause I'm the right one (Now, now, now)
    On my touch-tone telephone (On my touch-tone, touch-tone telephone)
    I'm the only one on your A.M. radio
    On your A.M., A.M. radio

Track: The Tourist
- Radiohead
Duration: 5:23
Lyrics: |-
    It barks at no one else but me
    Like it's seen a ghost
    I guess it's seen the sparks a-flowin
    No one else would know

    Hey man, slow down, slow down
    Idiot, slow down, slow down

    Sometimes I get overcharged
    That's when you see sparks
    They ask me where the hell I'm going
    At a thousand feet per second

    Hey man, slow down, slow down
    Idiot, slow down, slow down

    Hey man, slow down, slow down
    Idiot, slow down, slow down
Track: Transmission 3
Duration: 1:10
- DJ Shadow
Lyrics: |-
    This is not a dream, not a dream
    We are using your brain's electrical system as a receiver
    We are unable to transmit through your conscious neural interference
    You are receiving this broadcast as a dream
    We are transmitting from the year 1-9-9-9
    You are receiving this broadcast in order to alter the events you are seeing
    Our technology has not developed a transmitter
    Strong enough to reach your conscious state of awareness
    But this is not a dream
    You are seeing what is actually occuring

    It is happening again
    It is happening again
Track: Tranz
- Gorillaz
Duration: 2:52
Lyrics: |-
    Oscillate yourself tonight
    When you're in your bed
    Assimilate the dopamine
    Passing through your head

    When you get back on a Saturday night
    And the room is caving in

    Do you look like me? Do you feel like me?
    Do you turn into your effigy?
    Do you dance like this forever?

    See yourself in Cupid's lake
    Chipped in your head
    Do you indicate to satellites
    Passing by the edge?

    When you get back on a Saturday night
    And your head is caving in

    Do you look like me? Do you feel like me?
    Do you turn into your effigy?
    Do you dance like this forever?
    Do you dance like this forever?

    Do you look like me?
    Do you burn like me?
    Do you look like me?
    Do you burn like me?
    Do you look like me?
    Do you burn like me?
    Do you turn into your effigy?

    Do you dance like this forever?
    Do you dance like this forever?

    (Do you dance?)
    (Do you dance?)
    (Do you dance?)
    (Do you dance?)
Track: Triple Sun
Duration: 4:48
- Coil
Lyrics: |-
    I swallowed the one yew bury
    And then I swallowed the one yew bury
    Then I swallowed the one yew bury
    Then I swallowed the one yew bury
    Then I swallowed the one yew bury
    And I swallowed the one yew bury
    Then I swallowed the one yew bury
    Then I swallowed the one yew bury
    Then I swallowed the one yew bury
    And I swallowed the one yew bury
    And I swallowed the one yew bury
    Then I swallowed the one yew bury
    Then I swallowed the one yew bury
    And I swallowed the one yew bury
    And I swallowed the one yew bury
    And I swallowed the one yew bury
    Then I swallowed the one yew bury
    And I swallowed the one yew bury
    And I swallowed the one yew bury
    Then I swallowed the one yew bury
Track: Tunak Tunak Tun
- Daler Mehndi
Duration: 4:16
Lyrics: |-
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da

    Dholna, vaje tumbe val taar, soode dil de pukar, aaja karle ye pyar (<i>Beloved, the string of the drum plays, the heart's call, come make this love</i>)
    Dholna, vaje tumbe val taar, soode dil de pukar, aaja karle ye pyar (<i>Beloved, the string of the drum plays, the heart's call, come make this love</i>)
    Dholna, vaje tumbe val taar, soode dil de pukar, aaja karle ye pyar (<i>Beloved, the string of the drum plays, the heart's call, come make this love</i>)
    Dholna, vaje tumbe val taar, soode dil de pukar, aaja karle ye pyar (<i>Beloved, the string of the drum plays, the heart's call, come make this love</i>)

    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da

    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Soonn yaara bole ek tara Mehndi da yaara (<i>Listen friend, one star speaks of Mehndi, friend</i>)

    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da

    Dholna kadeh mere nal hass, mainu dil valli dass, nahin taan teri meri bass (<i>Beloved, sometimes with me, give me your heart, otherwise our matter</i>)
    Dholna kadeh mere nal hass, mainu dil valli dass, nahin taan teri meri bass (<i>Beloved, sometimes with me, give me your heart, otherwise our matter</i>)
    Dholna kadeh mere nal hass, mainu dil valli dass, nahin taan teri meri bass (<i>Beloved, sometimes with me, give me your heart, otherwise our matter</i>)
    Dholna kadeh mere nal hass, mainu dil valli dass, nahin taan teri meri bass (<i>Beloved, sometimes with me, give me your heart, otherwise our matter</i>)

    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da

    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Soonn yaara bole ek tara Mehndi da yaara (<i>Listen friend, one star speaks of Mehndi, friend</i>)

    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da

    Dholna tu chann mein chakor, sadde varga na hor, rab hath saddi dor (<i>Beloved, you're the moon and I'm the Chakor bird, there's none like us, God holds our string</i>)
    Dholna tu chann mein chakor, sadde varga na hor, rab hath saddi dor (<i>Beloved, you're the moon and I'm the Chakor bird, there's none like us, God holds our string</i>)
    Dholna tu chann mein chakor, sadde varga na hor, rab hath saddi dor (<i>Beloved, you're the moon and I'm the Chakor bird, there's none like us, God holds our string</i>)
    Dholna tu chann mein chakor, sadde varga na hor, rab hath saddi dor (<i>Beloved, you're the moon and I'm the Chakor bird, there's none like us, God holds our string</i>)

    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da

    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Duniya yaara rang-birangi' naal paidi naye changi (<i>The world, my friend, doesn't feel good with its colorful nature</i>)
    Soonn yaara bole ek tara Mehndi da yaara (<i>Listen friend, one star speaks of Mehndi, friend</i>)

    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
    Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
Track: Turbo Killer
Duration: 3:28
- Carpenter Brut
Track: Turn Down for What
- DJ Snake
- Lil Jon
Duration: 3:32
Lyrics: |-
    Fire up that loud
    Another round of shots

    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?

    Fire up that loud
    Another round of shots

    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?

    Fire up that loud
    Another round of shots
    Fire up that loud
    Another round of shots
    Fire up that loud
    Another round of shots
    Fire up that loud
    Another round of shots, shots

    Shots, shots, shots, shots
    Shots, shots, shots, shots

    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?
    Turn down for what?

    Uh, uh
Track: Two Trucks
- Neil Cicierega
Duration: 4:04
Lyrics: |-
    Two trucks having sex
    Two trucks having sex
    My muscles, my muscles
    Involuntarily flex

    Two trucks having sex
    Two trucks having sex
    My muscles, my muscles
    Involuntarily flex

    Two pickup trucks
    Making love
    Built Ford tough
    Two beautiful murder machines
    American angels in the sky
    Grown men cry

    Two trucks having sex (Oh yes)
    Two trucks having sex (Oh yes)
    My muscles (Uh) My muscles (Uh)
    Involuntarily flex (Uh)

    Two trucks, having sex (Oh yes)
    Two trucks, having sex (Oh yes)
    my muscles (Uh) my muscles (Uh)
    Involuntarily flex

    Right by my side
    There's ZZ Top
    And Robert Z'Dar
    From Maniac Cop
    1 2 and 3
    This barbecue could bring you to your knees
    And so could these two trucks

    Two trucks holding hands
    Two trucks holding hands
    The passion, the passion
    Is more than I can withstand

    Two trucks holding hands
    Two trucks holding hands
    The passion, the passion
    My big fat heart expands

    Two pickup trucks
    One cylinder block
    Crush my body
    Like a rock, so beautiful
    No stars tonight
    Just fireworks and eagles in the sky
    The Founding Fathers cry

    Two trucks having sex (Oh yes)
    Two trucks having sex (Oh yes)
    My muscles (Uh) my muscles (Uh)
    Involuntarily flex

    Two trucks, having sex (oh yes)
    Two trucks, having sex (oh yes)
    my muscles (Uh) my muscles (Uh)
    Huh! (Flex)

    Two trucks having sex
    Two trucks having sex
    My muscles, my muscles
    Involuntarily flex!

    Two trucks having sex
    Two trucks having sex
    My muscles, my muscles
    Involuntarily flex!

    Two trucks (Having sex)
    Two trucks (Having sex)
    Two trucks (Having sex, having sex, having sex)

    Two trucks (Having sex)
    Two trucks (Having sex)
    Two trucks (Having sex, having sex, having sex)
Track: U Can't Touch This
- MC Hammer
Duration: 4:33
Lyrics: |-
    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this

    My, my, my, my music hits me so hard
    Makes me say, "Oh my Lord,
    Thank you for blessing me
    With a mind to rhyme and two hype feet."
    It feels good, when you know you're down
    A super dope homeboy from the Oaktown
    And I'm known as such
    And this is a beat, uh, you can't touch

    I told you homeboy (You can't touch this)
    Yeah, that's how we living and you know (You can't touch this)
    Look in my eyes, man (You can't touch this)
    Yo, let me bust the funky lyrics (You can't touch this)

    Fresh new kicks, and pants
    You gotta like that, now you know you wanna dance
    So move, outta your seat
    And get a fly girl and catch this beat
    While it's rolling, hold on
    Pump a little bit and let 'em know it's going on
    Like that, like that
    Cold on a mission so fall on back
    Let 'em know, that you're too much
    And this is a beat, uh, they can't touch

    Yo, I told you (You can't touch this)
    Why you standing there, man? (You can't touch this)
    Yo, sound the bell, school is in, sucker (You can't touch this)

    Give me a song, or rhythm
    Make 'em sweat, that's what I'm giving 'em now,
    They know
    You talking about the Hammer you talking about a show
    That's hyped, and tight
    Singers are sweating so pass them a wipe
    Or a tape, to learn
    What's it gonna take in the 90s to burn
    The charts? Legit
    Either work hard or you might as well quit

    That's word because you know...

    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this

    Break it down!

    Stop! Hammer time!

    Go with the flow, it is said
    If you can't groove to this then you probably are dead
    So wave your hands in the air
    Bust a few moves, run your fingers through your hair
    This is it, for a winner
    Dance to this and you're gonna get thinner
    Move, slide your rump
    Just for a minute let's all do the bump, bump, bump, bump

    Yeah... (You can't touch this)
    Look, man (You can't touch this)
    You better get hype, boy, because you know you can't (You can't touch this)
    Ring the bell, school's back in

    Break it down!

    Stop! Hammer time!

    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this

    Break it down!

    Stop! Hammer time!

    Every time you see me
    The Hammer's just so hype
    I'm dope on the floor and I'm magic on the mic
    Now why would I ever stop doing this?
    With others making records that just don't hit
    I've toured around the world, from London to the Bay
    It's "Hammer, go Hammer, MC Hammer, yo Hammer"
    And the rest can go and play

    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this

    (Yeah) You can't touch this
    (I told you) You can't touch this
    (Too hype) Can't touch this
    (Yeah, we outta here) Can't touch this
Track: U Guessed It
- OG Maco
Duration: 2:26
Lyrics: |-
    Goddamn boy that nigga Mac didn't never call bruh
    But I'm seeing that nigga everywhere bruh
    Dog you know that nigga went Hollywood and shit
    Man fuck that nigga dog
    OGG? Fuck is a OGG? OGG, OGG!
    Aye bruh
    I mean you don't think that nigga really getting no money right?
    I mean that nigga ain't really fucking hoes, right?
    Well, (Damn)

    Bitch you guessed it
    HOOH! You was right
    Bitch you guessed it
    GLAH GLAH fuck nigga on sight
    Bitch you guessed it
    Still in that place and I'm flexin
    HOOH! Bitch you guessed it
    I'm still with my niggas, come and test us

    Bitch you guessed it
    Walkin around with extra in my pockets
    Bitch, you next to us
    Why the fuck are you next to us
    Bitch you should come test us
    I seen what you rockin and bitch you can't dress with us
    Seen what yo bitch looked like and nigga I wasn't impresses or nun
    Fuck nigga come and talk it out
    Fuck nigga we ain't talkin it out
    What the fuck we finna talk about
    All we know is that mula, benji's, franklin's and that guala
    Fetti with us, bunch of ha niggas
    Bunch of them bitches all in they whip
    Lickin on titties
    Runnin my check up I think I'm with Nike I'm sprinting SHEESH
    Y'all couldn't hear me
    Bitch you guessed it
    You was motherfuckin right

    Bitch you guessed it
    HOOH! You was right
    Bitch you guessed it
    GLAH GLAH fuck nigga on sight
    Bitch you guessed it
    Still in that place and I'm flexin
    HOOH! Bitch you guessed it
    I'm still with my niggas, come and test us
Track: Ultimate
Directory: ultimate-denzel-curry
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Denzel Curry
- Ronny J
Duration: 3:09
Lyrics: |-
    Ronny J, listen up

    I am the one, don't weigh a ton
    Don't need a gun to get respect up on the street (Okay)
    Under the sun, the bastard son
    Will pop the Glock to feed himself and family (Sheesh)
    By any means, your enemies, my enemies
    We wet them up like a canteen (Damn)
    The yellow tape surrounds the fate
    Don't have a face, so now you late, open the gates (God damn)

    Great, eliminate like ElimiDate (Ooh)
    Hey, young boy had to penetrate (Ooh)
    Face, young boy done caught a case (Ooh)
    Bang, now his mama livin' with the pain (Uh)
    Wait, doctor says he's gonna stay (Huh?)
    Let him get the Senzu Bean so he regenerate (Oh)
    Now a nigga harder than the head of the state (damn)
    Denzel Curry is the new candidate (Damn)

    Ultimate, alternate, you are the opposite
    Stop this shit, chop your esophagus (Esophagus)
    Bitches be boppin' it, bow down and pop it in
    Droppin' it in her esophagus (Esophagus)
    She get so nasty, in public she classy
    Perhaps she is able to swallow it (Uh)
    Girl, I can make you a star (Star, ooh)
    Then I put her ass on Apollo, bitch (Damn)

    Bitch, I am ultimate, behold my awesomeness
    Narcissist, part time an arsonist (Flame)
    Rippin' through cartilage, I am the hardest, bitch
    Wrap it up, put in sarcophagus (Damn)
    Dearly departed, it's done when it started
    So now that I'm livin' so harmonious (Harmonious)
    Feelin' like Spartacus, Curry the ultimate
    I am the best, there's no politics

    Bitch, I'm ultimate
    Bitch, I'm
    I am the one, don't weigh a ton
    Don't need a gun to get respect up on the street (Okay)
    Under the sun, the bastard son
    Will pop the Glock to feed himself and family (Sheesh)
    By any means, your enemies, my enemies
    We wet them up like a canteen (Damn)
    The yellow tape surrounds the fate
    Don't have a face, so now you late, open the gates (Damn)

    Ultimate, infinite, flow is opium
    Open the internet, photosynthesis
    Put in parentheses, temporary
    Very scary if I feel like Dirty Harry
    Just might bust a bitch, never knew my life
    But yet the question is, "Is he fake? Is he real?"
    What the message is, chop a bitch nigga up
    I'ma sever it when I sever shit

    I kill 'em, no Kony, these niggas ain't homies
    Claim you the homie, I turn into Broly
    Droppin' melodic, enter the cosmic
    Flow like a prophet, lyrical toxic
    Flow like a foreigner, I'm the torturer
    Out of South Florida, call the coroner
    Killed in the corridor, I'm the overlord
    Rhymes like a sorcerer, I'm an animorph

    Bitch, I'm a beast
    Nigga, you tell me who fuckin' with me
    K to the I to the N to the G
    Claim you the hottest, but I disagree
    Better learn something and get a degree
    This for Lord Infamous, so R.I.P
    Arrivederci, bitches lookin' thirsty
    Ridin' through the dirty, like it's mandatory
    Ending of the story

    I am the one, don't weigh a ton
    Don't need a gun to get respect up on the street (Okay)
    Under the sun, the bastard son
    Will pop the Glock to feed himself and family (Sheesh)
    By any means, your enemies, my enemies
    We wet them up like a canteen (Damn)
    The yellow tape surrounds the fate
    Don't have a face, so now you late, open the gates
Track: The Ultimate Show
# Very few tracks from Super Paper Mario received an official release,
# but this one did! Name seems to be an unofficial localization.
# JP: サイコーのショー
# Official release:
#   ザ・イヤー・オブ・ルイージ サウンドセレクション
# Reference:
Duration: 2:56
- Super Mario
- Naoko Mitome
- Chika Sekigawa
Track: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
- Neil Cicierega
Duration: 3:33
Lyrics: |-
    Old Godzilla was hopping around
    Tokyo city like a big playground
    When suddenly Batman burst from the shade
    And hit Godzilla with a Bat-Grenade
    Godzilla got pissed and began to attack
    But didn't expect to be blocked by Shaq
    Who proceeded to open up a can of Shaq-Fu
    When Aaron Carter came out of the blue
    And he started beating up Shaquille O'Neal
    Then they both got flattened by the Batmobile
    But before it could make it back to the Batcave
    Abraham Lincoln popped out of his grave
    And took an AK-47 out from under his hat
    And blew Batman away with a rat-a-tat-tat
    But he ran out of bullets and he ran away
    Because Optimus Prime came to save the day

    This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny
    Good guys, bad guys and explosions, as far as the eye can see
    And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
    This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny

    Godzilla took a bite out of Optimus Prime
    Like Scruff McGruff took a bite out of crime
    And then Shaq came back covered in a tire track
    But Jackie Chan jumped out and landed on his back
    And Batman was injured and trying to get steady
    When Abraham Lincoln came back with a machete
    But suddenly something caught his leg and he tripped
    Indiana Jones took him out with his whip
    Then he saw Godzilla sneaking up from behind
    And he reached for his gun which he just couldn't find
    'Cause Batman stole it and he shot and he missed
    And Jackie Chan deflected it with his fist
    Then he jumped in the air and he did a somersault
    While Abraham Lincoln tried to pole vault
    Onto Optimus Prime but they collided in the air
    Then they both got hit by a Care Bear stare

    This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny
    Good guys, bad guys and explosions, as far as the eye can see
    And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
    This is the ultimate showdown

    Angels sang out an immaculate chorus
    Down from the heavens descended Chuck Norris
    Who delivered a kick which could shatter bones
    Into the crotch of Indiana Jones
    Who fell over on the ground, writhing in pain
    As Batman changed back into Bruce Wayne
    But Chuck saw through his clever disguise
    And he crushed Batman's head in between his thighs

    Then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White
    And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight
    And Benito Mussolini, and the Blue Meanie
    And Cowboy Curtis, and Jambi the genie
    Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader
    Lo-Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger
    Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan
    Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan

    All came out of nowhere lightning fast
    And they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass
    It was the bloodiest battle that the world ever saw
    With civilians looking on in total awe
    The fight raged on for a century
    Many lives were claimed but eventually
    The champion stood, the rest saw their better
    Mr. Rogers in a blood-stained sweater

    This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny
    Good guys, bad guys and explosions, as far as the eye can see
    And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
    This is the ultimate showdown (This is the ultimate showdown)
    This is the ultimate showdown (This is the ultimate showdown)
    This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny
Track: Ultraviolent Junglist
Duration: 5:51
- Venetian Snares
Track: Unconditionally
Duration: 3:48
- Katy Perry
Lyrics: |-
    Oh no, did I get too close?
    Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?
    All your insecurities
    All the dirty laundry
    Never made me blink one time

    Unconditional, unconditionally
    I will love you unconditionally
    There is no fear now
    Let go and just be free
    I will love you unconditionally

    So come just as you are to me
    Don't need apologies
    Know that you are worthy
    I'll take your bad days with your good
    Walk through the storm, I would
    I'd do it all because I love you
    I love you

    Unconditional, unconditionally
    I will love you unconditionally
    There is no fear now
    Let go and just be free
    I will love you unconditionally

    So open up your heart and just let it begin
    Open up your heart and just let it begin
    Open up your heart and just let it begin
    Open up your heart

    Acceptance is the key to be
    To be truly free
    Will you do the same for me?

    Unconditional, unconditionally
    I will love you unconditionally
    And there is no fear now
    Let go and just be free
    'Cause I will love you unconditionally, oh yeah

    I will love you (Unconditionally)
    I will love you
    I will love you unconditionally
Track: Undone (The Sweater Song)
Duration: 5:06
- Weezer
Lyrics: |-
    Oh, hey brah, how we doin' man?
    It's been a while man, life's so rad
    This band's my favorite man, don't ya love 'em?
    Aw man, you want a beer?
    Aw man, hell brah, this is the best man
    I'm so glad we're all back together and stuff
    This is great, man
    Hey, did you know about the party after the show?
    Aw man, it's gonna be the best, I'm so stoked
    Take it easy, brah

    I'm me, me be, goddamn, I am
    I can sing and hear me, know me

    If you want to destroy my sweater
    Hold this thread as I walk away

    Hey, what's up?
    Not much
    Um, did you hear about the party?
    I think I'm gonna go but, um, my friends don't really wanna go
    Could I get a ride?
    See Weezer Live
    Get tickets as low as $295

    Oh no, it go, it gone, bye-bye (Bye)
    Who I? I think, I sink, and I die

    If you want to destroy my sweater (Woah, woah, woah, woah)
    Hold this thread as I walk away (As I walk away)
    Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked
    Lying on the floor, lying on the floor, I've come undone

    If you want to destroy my sweater (Woah, woah, woah, woah)
    Hold this thread as I walk away (As I walk away)
    Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked
    Lying on the floor, lying on the floor, I've come undone

    (I don't want to destroy your tank top)
    If you want to destroy my sweater
    (Let's be friends and just walk away)
    Hold this thread as I walk away
    (Hate to see you lying there in your Superman skivvies)
    Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked
    Lying on the floor, lying on the floor, I've come undone
Track: Uneven Compromise
Duration: 10:58
- Lil Ugly Mane
Track: United States of Whatever
- Liam Lynch
Duration: 1:31
# Sampled Tracks:
# - The Doors - L.A. Woman
Lyrics: |-

    (I went down to the beach and saw Kiki, she was all like "Ehhhh" and I'm like "Whatever!")

    (Then this chick comes up to me and she's all like "Hey, aren't you that dude?" and I'm like "Yeah, whatever!")

    (So later I'm- I'm at the pool hall and this girl comes up and she's all like "Awww" and I'm like "Yeah, whatever!")

    'Cause this is my United States of Whatever!
    And this is my United States of Whatever!
    And this is my United States of Whatever!

    (And then it's 3 a.m. I'm on the corner wearing my leather, this dude comes up and he's like "Hey, punk!" I'm like, "Yeah, whatever!")

    (Then I'm throwing dice in the alley, Officer Leroy comes up and he's like "Hey, I thought I told you—" and I'm like "Yeah, whatever!")

    (And then up comes Zafo, I'm like "Yo Zafo, what's up?" he's like "Nothin'" and I'm like "That's cool...")

    'Cause this is my United States of Whatever!
    And this is my United States of Whatever!
Track: Universal Playground
- DJ Razzle
Duration: 4:31
Track: unreeeal superhero 3
- artist:kenet
Duration: 1:58
Commentary: |-
    Done in coop with my fellow mate Rez to express our love to our sexy friend Unreal :)

    On a side note, i would like to thanks A LOT all musicians around who made us a real pleasure in making a remix of this tune... You ROX!
Track: Up My Sleeves
- Death Grips
Duration: 5:16
Lyrics: |-
    Doors and windows on
    Motions on

    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my

    (I'll take my life like I kept it)
    I'll take my life like I kept it
    Up my sleeves never sounds like you meant it
    Up my sleeves, I'll take my life anyway I can fetish
    Snatch my fetish, snatch it only as directed
    Snatch it cause I got the queen's tits
    Up my sleeves, snatch it like you're the queen's bitch
    Up my sleeves, I hold your ground with my perch
    Up my sleeves, feel my slur, quench my hearse
    Up my sleeves, I don't wanna cut my nap
    I don't wanna fuck you back
    I'm whirling, ohh, my agony's priceless
    I'll take my life any way you can slice it
    Snatch my shaman fetish
    Diner in the desert for effect, for effects
    Snatch my shaman like connect, disconnect
    (I'm a) I'm the wretch Maya

    I've always known
    I've always known

    If you can't snatch my fetish, I'll FedEx it (I've always known, I've always known)
    Notify me when you miss it
    I'll be in my liquid
    Pickle punked lavish (I've always known, I've always known)
    If you miss it, I'll track it (Don't but when I do, I'll tell you how I knew)
    My fetish like magic (I've always known, I've always known)
    Feel contrived instant you snatch it

    Snatch my, snatch my, fetish, fetish
    I keep it, I keep it, up my—, up my—
    Snatch my, snatch my, fetish
    I keep it, (I keep it) up my—, up my—

    Like I'll ever know
    Was like I even want to know
    Was like I never didn't know
    Was like I don't know I don't know
    If I'm so necessary
    Blank blank obituary
    At Broadway cemetery
    At Broadway cemetery
    Was like I'll ever know
    Was like I even want to know
    Was like I never didn't know
    Was like I don't know I don't know
    If I'm so necessary
    Blank blank obituary
    At Broadway cemetery

    Tsk tsk tsk, my terracotta army
    Disarms me, disowns me
    Also, also, also, Mr. Whippy told me
    Hit play highway hocus, ain't much more highway can ride me
    My dead mother in my dream, remember when December
    Blew her ashes 'cross my jeans, off these jeans
    Some things only I have seen, some people only I have been
    Used to know who I was, fuck if I knew who that was
    Pay no mind, illogical, just don't die in a hospital
    Oh, yeah, I should be worried, oh, yeah, I'm temporary

    Don't but when I do
    I'll tell you how I knew
    I've always known
    I've always known

    I was conceived, by my disease, up my sleeves (I've always known, I've always known)
    Anyhow, anymore, anyone, anything (Don't but when I do, I'll tell you how I knew, I've always known, I've always known)
    Anywhere, anytime, snatch my fetish (I've always known, I've always known)

    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my sleeves
    Up my sleeves, up my

    Nothing you can offer I ain't hocked (Up my sleeves)
    Everything's nothing to me, I'm knocked (Up my sleeves)
    We can't maim a martian 'til you come (Up my sleeves)
    I abstain from being and succumb (Up my sleeves)
    Don't feel none, I flog the remedy, up my sleeves (Up my sleeves)
    Alchemy for your bodily, up my sleeves (Up my sleeves)
    Nonsensically, up my sleeves (Up my sleeves)
    Got a pendleton on my valley, up my sleeves (Up my sleeves)
Track: Uptown Funk
- Mark Ronson
- Bruno Mars
- Philip Lawrence
- Jeff Basker
Duration: 4:31
# Sampled Tracks:
# - All Gold Everything by Trinidad Jame$
# - I Don't Believe You Want to Get Up and Dance (Oops!) by The Gap Band
Lyrics: |-
    Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh
    Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh
    Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh
    Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh (Aw, ow!)

    This hit, that ice cold
    Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold
    This one for them hood girls
    Them good girls, straight masterpieces
    Stylin', wilin', livin' it up in the city
    Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent
    Gotta kiss myself, I'm so pretty

    I'm too hot (Hot damn) (Doh)
    Uh, call the police and the fireman (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    I'm too hot (Hot damn)
    Make a dragon wanna retire, man (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    I'm too hot (Hot damn)
    Say my name, you know who I am (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    I'm too hot (Hot damn)
    And my band 'bout that money, break it down (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh, doh, doh)

    Girls hit your hallelujah (Woo)
    Girls hit your hallelujah (Woo)
    Girls hit your hallelujah (Woo)
    'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you (Woo)
    'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you
    'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you
    Saturday night and we in the spot
    Don't believe me, just watch, come on!

    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) (Ya)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) Don't believe me, just watch, uh
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh (Ya)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh—) Don't believe me, just watch, uh
    Don't believe me, just watch, uh
    Don't believe me, just watch
    Don't believe me, just watch
    Hey, hey, hey, oh!

    Stop, wait a minute
    Fill my cup, put some liquor in it
    Take a sip, sign the check
    Julio, get the stretch
    Ride to Harlem, Hollywood, Jackson, Mississippi
    If we show up, we gon' show out
    Smoother than a fresh jar o' Skippy

    I'm too hot (Hot damn) (Doh)
    Call the police and the fireman (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    I'm too hot (Hot damn)
    Make a dragon wanna retire, man (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    I'm too hot (Too hot, hot damn, hot damn)
    Bitch, say my name, you know who I am (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    I'm too hot (Hot damn)
    Uh, and my band 'bout that money, break it down (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh, doh, doh)

    Girls hit your hallelujah (Woo)
    Girls hit your hallelujah (Woo)
    Girls hit your hallelujah (Woo)
    'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you (Woo)
    'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you
    'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you
    Saturday night and we in the spot
    Don't believe me, just watch, come on!

    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) (Ya)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) Don't believe me, just watch, uh
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) (Ya)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh—) Don't believe me, just watch, uh
    Don't believe me, just watch, uh
    Don't believe me, just watch
    Don't believe me, just watch
    Hey, hey, hey, oh!

    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) (Before we leave.)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) (Lemme tell y'all a lil' something.)
    Uptown funk you up, uptown funk you up (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    Uptown funk you up, uptown funk you up, uh (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    I said, uptown funk you up, uptown funk you up, uh (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    Uptown funk you up, uptown funk you up, come on (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh, doh, doh)
    Dance, jump on it
    If you sexy, then flaunt it (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    If you freaky, then own it
    Don't brag about it, come show me, come on (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    Dance, jump on it
    If you sexy, then flaunt it (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh)
    Well, it's Saturday night and we in the spot
    Don't believe me, just watch, come on!

    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) (Ya)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) Don't believe me, just watch, uh
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) (Ya)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh—) Don't believe me, just watch, uh
    Don't believe me, just watch, uh
    Don't believe me, just watch
    Don't believe me, just watch
    Hey, hey, hey, oh!

    (Doh) Uptown funk you up (Woo, come on)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) Uptown funk you up (Hey, say what?)
    Uptown funk you up (Hey)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh) Uptown funk you up (Come on)
    (Doh) Uptown funk you up (Woo, come on)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) Uptown funk you up (Hey, say what?)
    Uptown funk you up (Hey)
    Uptown funk you up (Come on)

    (Doh) Uptown funk you up (Woo, come on)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) Uptown funk you up (Hey, say what?)
    Uptown funk you up (Hey)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh) Uptown funk you up (Come on)
    (Doh) Uptown funk you up (Ah)
    (Doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh, doh-doh) Uptown funk you up (Say what?)
    Uptown funk you up
    Aw, ow!
Track: 'USA II: The Great American Desert'
Duration: 7:10
- Dan Deacon
Lyrics: |-
Track: Vaudeville Villain
Duration: 2:31
Track: Verified
Directory: verified-your-favorite-martian
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 2:52
- Your Favorite Martian
Lyrics: |-

    I used to have no friends and no job
    And I'd sit around with no pants on
    Had no dates, got no love
    'Cause I still lived with my grandma

    And everyone treated me badly (You suck!)
    City bus would drive right past me
    My dog even said "We're over!"
    He wants to see other owners

    (Hey!) So I talked to a doctor
    (Hey!) 'Cause I was overthinking
    (Hey!) That day she quit
    And she recommended I just start drinking (You got problems)

    My dating profile said "Just swipe left"
    'Cause I know I'll annoy them
    Women wouldn't even look my direction!
    Hey Siri (I have a boyfriend)

    Then one day I overslept (Huh?)
    Woke up late like "What the heck?" (Wait)
    Checked my socials, wait a sec (What?)
    Next to my name was a big blue... check?

    Bitch, I'm verified


    Bitch, I'm verified

    You got a blue check (Whoop!)
    You got a blue check
    You got a blue check (Whoop!)
    Bitch, I'm verified

    I'm feeling tremendous (Woo, yeah)
    Now people clap when I finish up a sentence
    Now they built a statue to honor my existence (Okay, woo)
    Now I got the president fillin' up my mentions

    I don't need a chauffeur
    I ain't even had a car since last October
    Ever since they gave me a Nobel prize, I don't drive
    'Cause a crowd carries me everywhere on their shoulders

    (Hey!) They put my face on a dollar
    (Hey!) I grew a few inches taller
    (Hey!) Being verified is amazing
    Ellen hit me up and said she wants to have my baby (I love you!)

    And they tore down the Sphinx
    And replaced it with my face and my social links
    And they named a new species of dinosaur after me
    Puffpuffosaurus, naturally

    When I hang around the Queen
    She's the one who bows to me
    She's gotta show respect
    'Cause I'm the one with the big blue check

    Bitch, I'm verified


    Bitch, I'm verified

    You got a blue check (Whoop!)
    You got a blue check
    You got a blue check (Whoop!)
    Bitch, I'm verified

    You got a blue check (Whoop!)
    You got a blue check
    You got a blue check (Whoop!)
    Bitch, I'm verified

    (Puff Puff! Puff Puff! It's time to cut the grass!)
    (No, Grandma! I don't have to mow! I'm verified now.)
    (The veggie what? I don't care if you eat meat or not, you get out there and cut that grass!)
Track: Very Ape
Duration: 1:56
- Nirvana
Lyrics: |-
    I'm buried up to my neck in
    Contradictory flies
    I take pride as the king of illiterature
    I'm very ape and very nice

    If you ever need anything, please don't
    Hesitate to ask someone else first
    I'm too busy acting like I'm not naïve
    I've seen it all, I was here first

    Out of the ground
    Into the sky
    Out of the sky
    Into the dirt

    If you ever need anything, please don't
    Hesitate to ask someone else first
    I'm too busy acting like I'm not naïve
    I've seen it all, I was here first

    Out of the ground
    Into the sky
    Out of the sky
    Into the ground
    Out of the ground
    Into the sky
    Out of the sky
    Into the dirt
Track: Very Noise
Duration: 2:36
- Igorrr
Track: Viva la Vida
- Coldplay
- Markus Dravs (production)
- Brian Eno (production)
- Jon Hopkins (production)
- Rik Simpson (production)
Duration: 4:02
Lyrics: |-
    I used to rule the world
    Seas would rise when I gave the word
    Now in the morning, I sleep alone
    Sweep the streets I used to own

    I used to roll the dice
    Feel the fear in my enemies' eyes
    Listen as the crowd would sing
    Now the old king is dead, long live the king
    One minute, I held the key
    Next, the walls were closed on me
    And I discovered that my castles stand
    Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

    I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringin'
    Roman cavalry choirs are singin'
    Be my mirror, my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field
    For some reason I can't explain
    Once you'd gone, there was never
    Never an honest word
    And that was when I ruled the world

    It was the wicked and wild wind
    Blew down the doors to let me in
    Shattered windows and the sound of drums
    People couldn't believe what I'd become
    And revolutionaries wait
    For my head on a silver plate
    Just a puppet on a lonely string (Mmm, mmm)
    Aw, who would ever wanna be king?

    I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringin'
    Roman cavalry choirs are singin'
    Be my mirror, my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field
    For some reason I can't explain
    I know Saint Peter won't call my name
    Never an honest word
    But that was when I ruled the world

    Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
    Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
    Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
    Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh

    (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh) Hear Jerusalem bells a-ringin'
    (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh) Roman cavalry choirs are singin'
    (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh) Be my mirror, my sword and shield
    (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh) My missionaries in a foreign field
    (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh) For some reason I can't explain
    (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh) I know Saint Peter won't call my name
    Never an honest word
    But that was when I ruled the world

    Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
    Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
    Mmm, mmm...
Track: Voidfish Duet
- Griffin McElroy
Duration: 2:43
Track: Wagering Lights
Duration: 4:35
- Disasterpeace
Track: Wake Up Call
Duration: 3:21
- Maroon 5
Lyrics: |-
    I didn't hear what you were sayin'
    I live on raw emotion, baby
    I answer questions, never maybe
    And I'm not kind if you betray me
    So who the hell are you to say we
    Never would have made it, babe

    If you needed love, well then ask for love
    Could have given love, now I’m taking love
    And it’s not my fault 'cause you both deserve
    What's coming now, so don’t say a word

    Wake up call
    Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
    Don't you care about me anymore
    Don’t you care about me? I don't think so
    Six foot tall
    Came without a warning, so I had to shoot him dead
    He won't come around here anymore
    Come around here? I don't think so

    Would have bled to make you happy
    You didn't need to treat me that way
    And now you beat me at my own game
    And now I find you sleeping soundly
    And your lover's screaming loudly
    Hear a sound and hit the ground
    If you needed love, well, then ask for love (Needed love, ask for love)
    Could have given love, now I’m taking love (Given love, taking love)
    And it’s not my fault 'cause you both deserve (Not my fault, both deserve)
    What's coming now, so don’t say a word (Coming now)

    Wake up call
    Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
    Don't you care about me anymore
    (Don’t) you care about me? I don't think so
    Six foot tall
    Came without a warning, so I had to shoot him dead
    He won't come around here anymore
    Come around here? I don't feel so bad
    I don't feel so bad
    I don't feel so bad

    I'm so sorry, darling (darling)
    Did I do the wrong thing (wrong thing)
    Oh, what was I thinking (was I thinking)
    Is his heart still beating
    (Oh, oh, oh)

    Wake up call
    Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
    Don't you care about me anymore
    Don't you care about me? I don't think so
    Six foot tall
    Came without a warning, so I had to shoot him dead
    And he won't come around here anymore
    Come around here? I don't feel so bad

    Wake up call
    Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
    Don't you care about me anymore
    Don’t you care about me? I don't think so
    Six foot tall
    Came without a warning, so I had to shoot him dead
    And he won't come around here anymore
    No, he won't come around here
    I don't feel so bad

    I don’t feel so bad (Wake up call)
    I don’t feel so bad (Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed)
    (Don’t you care about me anymore)
    (Don’t you care about me? I don't feel so bad)
    (Wake up call)
    (Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed...)
Track: Walk-Smash-Walk
- Sakupen
Duration: 3:31
Track: Walking on Clouds
- Tiësto
- Kirsty Hawkshaw (featuring)
Duration: 7:27
Lyrics: |-
    Chase faded days with eyes that cannot see
    I wanna feel it again washing over me
    Discover all of you one moment at a time
    Taste, smell, secret cell, your soul, it touches mine

    I need to feel up
    Hope knows I need it this way
    Like I'm walking on clouds
    I can't come down even if you wanted me to
    I can't come down even if you wanted me to

    Nothing can stop me, I'm never satisfied
    I take what I want, refuse to be denied
    Live in the moment, the future can disguise
    It's starting to touch us, but I still can't touch the sky

    I need to feel up
    Hope knows I need it this way
    Like I'm walking on clouds
    I can't come down

    Even if you wanted me to, I can't come down
    Even if you wanted me to, I can't come down
    (I can't come down, I can't come down, I can't come down)
    (Can't touch the sky)
Track: War
Directory: war-edwin-starr
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Edwin Starr
- Norman Whitfield (composition, production)
- Edwin Starr (vocals)
- The Originals (backing vocals)
- The Undisputed Truth (backing vocals)
Referenced Tracks:
- track:war-the-temptations
Duration: 3:12
Lyrics: |-
    War! huh (Yeah)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
    War! huh (Yeah)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Say it again, y'all)
    War! huh (Huh, look out)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Listen to me, oh!)

    War! I despise
    'Cause it means destruction of innocent lives
    War means tears in thousands of mothers' eyes
    When their sons go off to fight and lose their lives
    I said

    War! huh (Good God, y'all)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Say it again)
    War! huh (Oh-oh-oh-oh)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Listen to me)

    War - It ain't nothing but a heartbreak
    War! Friend only to the undertaker

    War! is an enemy to all mankind
    The thought of war blows my mind
    War has caused unrest within the younger generation
    Induction then destruction, who wants to die?

    War! huh (Good god, y'all)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Say it, say it, say it)
    War! huh (Hu-huh, yeah, huh)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Listen to me)

    War - It ain't nothing but a heartbreaker
    War! It got one friend, that's the undertaker

    War has shattered many young men's dreams
    Made him disabled, bitter and mean
    Life is much too short and precious to spend fighting wars these days
    War can't give life, it can only take it away

    War! huh (Good God, y'all)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Say it again)
    War! huh (Oh-oh-oh-oh)
    What is it good for?
    (Oh, absolutely) Nothing (Listen to me)

    War - It ain't nothing but a heartbreaker
    War! Friend only to the undertaker (Hoo)

    Peace, love and understanding, tell me
    Is there no place for them today?
    They say we must fight to keep our freedom
    But Lord knows there's got to be a better way

    War, huh (God, y'all)
    What is it good for? (You tell them)
    Nothing (Say it, say it, say it, say it)
    War! huh (Good god, oo-ah, huh)
    What is it good for? (Stand up and shout it)
Track: War
Directory: war-the-temptations
Always Reference By Directory: true
- The Temptations
- Norman Whitfield (composition, production)
- Barrett Strong (composition)
- The Temptations (vocals)
- Dennis Edwards (vocals)
Duration: 3:11
Lyrics: |-
    War, huh
    What is it good for?
    War! huh (Mmmm)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Say it again)
    War! huh (Mmmm, yeah)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing

    War! I despise
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    'Cause it means destruction of innocent lives
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    War means tears in thousands of mothers' eyes
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    When their sons go off to fight and lose their lives
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three four)
    I said

    War, huh (Mmmm)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Say it again)
    War! huh (Mmmm)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing

    War - It's nothing but a heartbreak
    War! Friend only to the undertaker

    War! is an enemy to all mankind
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    The thought of war blows my mind
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    War has caused unrest within the younger generation
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    Induction then destruction, who wants to die?
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)

    War, huh (Mmmm)
    What is it good for? (You tell 'em)
    Nothing (Mmmm)
    War! huh
    What is it good for?
    Absolutely! Nothing (Good God)

    War - It's nothing but a heartbreaker
    War! Friend only to the undertaker

    Wars have shattered many young men's dreams
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    Made him disabled, bitter and mean
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    Life is much too short and precious to spend fighting wars these days
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    War can't give life, it can only take it away
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)

    War, huh (Good God, mmmm)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Mmmm)
    War! huh (Good God almighty, listen)
    What is it good for?
    Absolutely! Nothing (Yeah)

    War - it's nothing but a heartbreaker
    War! Friend only to the undertaker

    Peace, love and understanding, tell me
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    Is there no place for them today?
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    They say we must fight to keep our freedom
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    But Lord knows it got to be a better way
    (Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four)
    I said

    War, huh (Yeah, yeah)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Say it again)
    War! huh (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
    What is it good for?
    (Absolutely) Nothing (Say it again)
    War, huh (nothing but a heartbreaker)
    What is it good for?
Track: Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae)
- Silentó
Duration: 3:01
Lyrics: |-
    You already know who it is
    Gonna do it for me

    Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
    Now watch me nae nae (Okay!)
    Now watch me whip whip
    Watch me nae nae (Want me do it?)

    Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
    Watch me nae nae (Okay!)
    Now watch me whip whip
    Watch me nae nae (Can you do it?)

    Now watch me

    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh ooh ooh ooh

    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh ooh ooh ooh

    Do the stanky leg (stank)
    Do the stanky leg (stank stank)
    Do the stanky leg (stank)
    Do the stanky leg (stank stank)

    Do the stanky leg (stank)
    Do the stanky leg (stank stank)
    Do the stanky leg (stank)
    Do the stanky leg (stank stank)

    Now break your legs (break 'em, break 'em)
    Break your legs (break 'em dog)
    Tell 'em "break your legs" (break 'em, break 'em)
    Break your legs (break 'em dog)
    Tell 'em "break your legs" (break 'em, break 'em)
    Break your legs (break 'em dog)
    Tell 'em "break your legs" (break 'em, break 'em)
    Break your legs (break 'em dog)

    Now watch me
    Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop
    Now watch me
    Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop

    Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
    Now watch me nae nae (Okay!)
    Now watch me whip whip
    Watch me nae nae (Want me do it?)

    Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
    Watch me nae nae (Okay!)
    Now watch me whip whip
    Watch me nae nae (Can you do it?)

    Now watch me

    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh ooh ooh ooh

    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh ooh ooh ooh

    Now watch me yule (Soulja)
    Now watch me superman (okay!)
    Now watch me yule (Soulja)
    Now watch me superman (okay!)

    Now watch me yule (Soulja)
    Now watch me superman (okay!)
    Now watch me yule (Soulja)
    Now watch me superman (okay!)

    Now watch me duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff (Hold on)
    Now watch me duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff

    Now watch me
    Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop
    Now watch me
    Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop

    Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
    Now watch me nae nae (Okay!)
    Now watch me whip whip
    Watch me nae nae (Want me do it?)

    Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
    Watch me nae nae (Okay!)
    Now watch me whip whip
    Watch me nae nae (Can you do it?)

    Now watch me

    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh ooh ooh ooh

    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh watch me, watch me
    Ooh ooh ooh ooh
    Crank dat
Sampled Tracks:
- Crank That
Track: Watercolour
Directory: watercolour-pendulum
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Pendulum
Duration: 5:04
Track: Waters of Nazareth
- Justice
Duration: 4:25
Track: We Didn't Start the Fire
- Billy Joel
Duration: 4:05
Lyrics: |-
    Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray
    South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio
    Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, Television
    North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe

    Rosenbergs, H-Bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom
    Brando, The King And I, and The Catcher In The Rye
    Eisenhower, Vaccine, England's got a new queen
    Marciano, Liberace, Santayana goodbye

    We didn't start the fire
    It was always burning
    Since the world's been turning
    We didn't start the fire
    No, we didn't light it
    But we tried to fight it

    Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser and Prokofiev
    Rockefeller, Campanella, Communist Bloc
    Roy Cohn, Juan Peron, Toscanini, Dacron
    Dien Bien Phu Falls, Rock Around the Clock
    Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning team
    Davy Crockett, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley, Disneyland
    Bardot, Budapest, Alabama, Khrushchev
    Princess Grace, Peyton Place, Trouble in the Suez

    We didn't start the fire
    It was always burning
    Since the world's been turning
    We didn't start the fire
    No, we didn't light it
    But we tried to fight it

    Little Rock, Pasternak, Mickey Mantle, Kerouac
    Sputnik, Chou En-Lai, Bridge On The River Kwai
    Lebanon, Charles de Gaulle, California baseball
    Starkweather Homicide, Children of Thalidomide...

    Buddy Holly, Ben-Hur, Space Monkey, Mafia
    Hula Hoops, Castro, Edsel is a no-go
    U-2, Syngman Rhee, payola and Kennedy
    Chubby Checker, Psycho, Belgians in the Congo

    We didn't start the fire
    It was always burning
    Since the world's been turning
    We didn't start the fire
    No, we didn't light it
    But we tried to fight it

    Hemingway, Eichmann, Stranger in a Strange Land
    Dylan, Berlin, Bay of Pigs invasion
    Lawrence of Arabia, British Beatlemania
    Ole Miss, John Glenn, Liston beats Patterson

    Pope Paul, Malcolm X, British Politician Sex
    J.F.K. blown away, what else do I have to say?

    We didn't start the fire
    It was always burning
    Since the world's been turning
    We didn't start the fire
    No, we didn't light it
    But we tried to fight it

    Birth control, Ho Chi Minh, Richard Nixon back again
    Moonshot, Woodstock, Watergate, punk rock
    Begin, Reagan, Palestine, Terror on the airline
    Ayatollah's in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan
    Wheel of Fortune, Sally Ride, heavy metal, suicide
    Foreign debts, homeless Vets, AIDS, Crack, Bernie Goetz
    Hypodermics on the shores, China's under martial law
    Rock and Roller Cola wars, I can't take it anymore

    We didn't start the fire
    It was always burning
    Since the world's been turning
    We didn't start the fire
    But when we are gone
    It will still burn on and on and on and on
    And on and on and on and on...

    We didn't start the fire
    It was always burning
    Since the world's been turning
    We didn't start the fire
    No, we didn't light it
    But we tried to fight it

    We didn't start the fire
    It was always burning
    Since the world's been turning
    We didn't start the fire
    No, we didn't light it
    But we tried to fight it

    We didn't start the fire
    It was always burning
    Since the world's been turning
    We didn't start the fire
    No, we didn't light it
    But we tried to fight it
Track: Welcome to Hell
- Black Midi
Duration: 4:09
Lyrics: |-
    The sweet peals of moonlight-induced lovemaking on the streets tonight

    The soft purr of motorbikes
    Ready to strike up the night alight

    So don’t tell me of your troubles, your emotional grief
    Take in the sights this is shore leave
    Don’t talk of true love, unscrew your frown
    Enjoy the entertainments of nighttime town

    Experience the red rooms, the green tables, the souvenirs
    Make memories, haunting or fabled
    The gallant mist of red blooded chivalry
    Instilled in basic training

    By standing in line today
    You secure a place among the saints
    Go get them son
    Now your life begins

    To die for your country does not win a war
    To kill for your country is what wins a war

    Don’t tell your name, don’t ask for hers
    In this land of oysters, you are the world
    The painless, plainness of military life
    Resumes tomorrow night

    If not for you it would’ve been cholera, malaria
    Or some eastern disease
    Forget about it, son
    A slap is all you need

    We did it all, we seen it all
    And worse much worse, son
    The massacres of ages
    Too many to recall

    Limbs rendered birds by the speed they flew off
    A soup nothingness that once was your best friend
    Motherless children and temptress widows
    The wild, the useless, the dead, the untameable

    Snivelling fuck, staining this street
    Lucky I don’t shoot you on the spot
    Bullets were made for men like you
    The impotent idiots god forgot

    Tonight you decide which corner takes residence
    Which room looms forever in your mind
    But now you’re on your own
    We don’t need men like you

    Tonight you decide which corner takes residence
    Which room looms forever in your mind
    But now you’re on your own
    We don’t need men like you

    Private Tristan Bongo
    Hereby discharged!
Track: Welcome to the Machine
Duration: 7:29
- Pink Floyd
Lyrics: |-
    Welcome my son
    Welcome to the machine
    Where have you been?
    It's all right we know where you've been
    You've been in the pipeline filling in time
    Provided with toys and scouting for boys
    You bought a guitar to punish your ma
    You didn't like school and you know you're nobody's fool

    So welcome to the machine

    Welcome my son
    Welcome to the machine
    What did you dream?
    It's all right we told you what to dream
    You dreamed of a big star
    He played a mean guitar
    He always ate in the Steak Bar
    He loved to drive in his Jaguar

    So welcome to the machine
Track: Whales
Directory: whales-hail-mary-mallons
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Hail Mary Mallons
Duration: 2:15
Lyrics: |-
    Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
    Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
    Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
    Money, money, money, money, money, motherfucker

    Money on my motherfucking mind
    Cop five haircuts at the same time
    White gold pants, Jet Ski made of Yuan
    Foie gras bust of Albert Einstein
    Get money
    Money out my motherfucking mouth
    A mansion, a ranch, and a camp and a town
    A motherfucking store with the floor made of scalps
    Bobby from the block don't got rocks, he got Alps
    Get money
    Money in the motherfucking jar
    Shark fin pastry, Summers on Mars
    Twenty motherfuckers in a levitating car
    Seven-forty-seven full of women and cigars
    Get money
    Money in the motherfucking pot
    A castle full of cars and the yard full of yachts
    A leopard with a mink and an arm full of clocks
    All hand wound everyday by a Spock
    Get money

    Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
    Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
    Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
    Money, money, money, money, money, motherfucker

    Gotta ge- get
    My mo- motherfu- fuckin' money
    Gotta get
    Gotta g- get
    Gotta ge- get
    My mo- motherfu- fuckin' money
    Gotta get
    Got- Gotta get, get, get, get, get

    Money is a motherfucking joke
    Forty bald eagles sewn onto a coat
    Zoo with the crib, mermaid in the moat
    Buy another strip mall every eighth note
    Get money
    Money ain't a motherfucking prob
    It's a sport I invented to win when I watch
    And own all the rights and the lights and the locks
    Even own all the ice in the Sprite you just dropped
    Get money
    Money or your motherfucking life
    Two ton angel carved outta ice
    Alligator sailboat, dollar sign eyes
    Fill a warehouse full of Van Goghs twice
    Get money
    Money or your motherfucking heart
    I could give it to my dog, he makes money when he barks
    Or put it in my fridge or in one of my parks that I bought
    So my robots could learn how to LARP
    Get money

    Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
    Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
    Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
    Money, money, money, money, money, motherfucker
Track: What is a Juggalo?
- Insane Clown Posse
- Mike E. Clark (production)
Duration: 3:57
# Sampled Tracks:
# - maybe more in the intro man i think its all cut up bits of other icp songs fml
# - Beverly Hills by Insane Clown Posse ('Jugglas!')
# - The Show Must Go On by Insane Clown Posse ('Dead dirty carnies, dead juggalos')
# - Eazy-Duz-It by Eazy-It ('Shut the fuck up. Get the fuck out of here.')
# - i figured you wouldn't understand?
Lyrics: |-
    Born with a hatchet and a juggalo face
    But I can juggle, oh
    Dead dirty carnies
    I'm just a juggalin' juggla, juggalin'
    Jokero juggalo
    Well, you know the Juggla
    I'm the Jugga-lugga-locoro
    Well, you know the Juggla
    Dead dirty carnies, dead juggalos
    The room of joker-o's
    But I can juggle, oh, like you never thought you'd ever know
    Born with a hatchet and a juggalo face
    Juggla, J-ay-ay
    Now shut your ass up and let the Juggla sing

    What is a juggalo? Let me think for a second (Well?)
    Oh, he gets butt-naked
    And then he walks through the streets, winking at the freaks
    With a two-liter stuck in his butt-cheeks
    What is a juggalo? He just don't care (Don't care)
    He might try to put a weave in his nut hair
    'Cause he could give a fuck less what a bitch thinks
    He tell her that her butt stinks, and all that
    What is a juggalo? He drinks like a fish
    And then he starts huggin' people like a drunk bitch
    Next thing, he's pickin fights with his best friends
    Then he starts with the huggin' again, fuck!
    What is a juggalo? A fucking lunatic (Tick tock)
    Somebody with a rope tied to his dick
    Then he jumps out a ten-story window

    (What is a juggalo?) A juggalo? Ax what it is, well, fuck if I know
    (What is a juggalo?) I don't know, but I'm down with the clown, and I'm down for life, yo
    (What is a juggalo?) A juggalo? Ax what it is, well, fuck if I know
    (What is a juggalo?) I don't know, but I'm down with the clown, and I'm down for life, yo

    Southwest? (We juggalos)
    Down river? (We juggalos)
    Jefferson? (We juggalos)
    Fuckin' everybody (We juggalos)
    I'm the jugga-lugga-loc-a-roni
    (Shut the fuck up. Get the fuck the out of here.)

    What is a juggalo? A dead body
    Well, he ain't really dead, but he ain't like
    Anybody that you've ever met before
    He'll eat Monopoly and shit out Connect Four
    What is a jug—
    (What the fuck? Connect—? Man, that shit is whack!)
    (Don't worry about my shit, just rap, motherfucker.)

    What is a juggalo? He ain't a bitch boy (Bitch boy)
    He'll walk through the hills and beat down a rich boy (Rich boy)
    Walks right in the house where you're having supper
    And dip his nuts in your soup, bloop!
    What is a juggalo? Well, he ain't a phony
    He'll walk up and bust a nut in your macaroni
    And watch you sit there and finish up the last bit
    'Cause you're a stupid-ass dumb fuckin' idiot
    What is a juggalo? He's a graduate
    He graduated from... well
    At least, he got a job; he's not a dumb putz
    He works for himself scratching his nuts, ha
    What is a juggalo? A Hulkamaniac
    He powerbombs motherfuckers into thumbtacks
    People like him 'til they find out he's unstable
    He Sabu'd your momma through a coffee table (Oh my God!)

    (What is a juggalo?) A juggalo? Ax what it is, well, fuck if I know
    (What is a juggalo?) I don't know, but I'm down with the clown, and I'm down for life, yo

    I'm the jugga-lugga-loc-a-roni (Shut the fuck up. Get the fuck the out of here.)
    I'm the jugga-lugga-loc-a-roni
    (I figured you wouldn't understand.)

    (What is a juggalo?) A juggalo? Ax what it is, well, fuck if I know
    (What is a juggalo?) I don't know, but I'm down with the clown, and I'm down for life, yo
    (What is a juggalo?) A juggalo? Ax what it is, well, fuck if I know
    (What is a juggalo?) I don't know, but I'm down with the clown, and I'm down for life, yo

    Detroit? (What is a juggalo?) (We juggalos) (A juggalo)
    Cleveland? (Ax what it is) (We juggalos) (Well, fuck if I know)
    St. Louis? (What is a juggalo?) (We juggalos) (I don't know)
    Everybody? (But I'm down with the clown) (We juggalos) (And I'm down for life, yo)
    Everybody? (What is a juggalo?) (We juggalos) (I don't know)
    Everybody? (Ax what it is) (We juggalos) (Well, fuck if I know)
    Fuckin' everybody? (What is a juggalo?) (We juggalos) (I don't know)
    Everybody? (I don't know) (We juggalos) (I don't know)
    (What is a juggalo?)
Track: What You Know
Duration: 3:12
- Two Door Cinema Club
Lyrics: |-
    In a few weeks, I will get time
    To realise it's right before my eyes
    And I can take it if it's what I want to do
    I am leaving and this is starting
    To feel like it's right before my eyes
    And I can taste it, it's my sweet beginning

    And I can tell just what you want
    You don't want to be alone
    You don't want to be alone
    And I can't say it's what you know
    But you've known it the whole time
    Yeah, you've known it the whole time

    Maybe next year, I'll have no time
    To think about the questions to address
    Am I the one to try to stop the fire?
    I wouldn't test you, I'm not the best you
    Could have obtained, why try anything?
    I will get there; just remember, I know

    And I can tell just what you want
    You don't want to be alone
    You don't want to be alone
    And I can't say it's what you know
    But you've known it the whole time
    Yeah, you've known it the whole time
    See Two Door Cinema Club Live
    Get tickets as low as $58

    And I can tell just what you want
    You don't want to be alone
    You don't want to be alone
    And I can't say it's what you know
    But you've known it the whole time
    Yeah, you've known it the whole time
Track: What's Up
- 4 Non Blondes
- David Tickle (production)
Duration: 4:55
Lyrics: |-
    25 years and my life is still
    Tryin' to get up that great big hill
    Of hope, for a destination
    I realized quickly when I knew I should
    That the world was made up of this brotherhood
    Of man, for whatever that means

    And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
    Just to get it all out what's in my head
    And I, I am feeling
    A little peculiar
    And so I wake in the morning and I step outside
    And I take a deep breath and I get real high
    And I scream from the top of my lungs
    What's going on?

    And I say, hey-ey-ey
    I said hey, what's going on?
    And I say, hey-ey-ey
    I said hey, what's going on?

    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, uh huh
    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, uh huh

    And I try
    Oh my God, do I try
    I try all the time
    In this institution
    And I pray
    Oh my God, do I pray
    I pray every single day
    For revolution

    And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
    Just to get it all out what's in my head
    And I, I am feeling
    A little peculiar
    And so I wake in the morning and I step outside
    And I take a deep breath and I get real high
    And I scream from the top of my lungs
    What's going on?

    And I say, hey-ey-ey
    I said hey, what's going on?
    And I say, hey-ey-ey
    I said hey, what's going on?

    And I say, hey-ey-ey (Wake in the morning and step outside)
    Hey-ey-ey (Take a deep breath and I get real high)
    I said hey, what's going on? (And I scream)
    And I say, hey-ey-ey (Wake in the morning and step outside)
    Hey-ey, yeah yeah yeah (Take a deep breath and I get real high)
    I said hey, what's going on? (And I scream)

    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, uh huh

    25 years and my life is still
    Tryin' to get up that great big hill of hope
    For a destination, mmm
Track: When the Sun Hits
- Slowdive
Duration: 4:47
# Lyrics are mostly adapted from official YouTube description
# Which might or might not be a reliable source, but...
# YouTube commenters and every other source disagree w/ each other LOL
Lyrics: |-
    Sweet thing, I watch you
    Burn so fast it scares me

    My games, don't leave me
    Come so far, don't lose me
    It matters where you are

    As the sun hits, she'll be waiting
    With the coffins under heaven
    Hey hey lover, you're still burning
    You're his song, yeah (Hey, hey)

    Sweet thing, I watch you
    Burn so fast it scares me

    My game, don't lose me
    Come so far, don't lose me
    It matters where you are

    As the sun hits, she'll be waiting
    With her coffins under heaven
    Hey hey lover, you're still burning
    You're his song, yeah (Hey, hey)

    Sweet thing, I watch you (burn away)
    Sweet thing, I watch you (burn away)
    Sweet thing, I watch you (burn away)
Track: Where Have You Been
- Rihanna
Duration: 4:02
Lyrics: |-
    I've been everywhere, man, looking for someone
    Someone who can please me, love me all night long
    I've been everywhere, man, looking for you, babe
    Looking for you, babe, searching for you, babe

    Where have you been?
    'Cause I never see you out
    Are you hiding from me, yeah?
    Somewhere in the crowd, oh

    Where have you been?
    All my life, all my life
    Where have you been all my life?
    Where have you been all my life?
    Where have you been all my life?
    Where have you been all my li—

    I've been everywhere, man, looking for someone
    Someone who can please me, love me all night long
    I've been everywhere, man, looking for you, babe
    Looking for you babe, searching for you baby

    Where have you been?
    'Cause I never see you out
    Are you hiding from me, yeah?
    Somewhere in the crowd, oh

    Where have you been?
    All my life, all my life
    Where have you been all my life?
    Where have you been all my life?
    Where have you been all my life?
    Where have you been all my life?

    Where have you been all my li-i-i-i—?

    You can have me all you want
    Any way, any day
    Just show me where you are tonight
    Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, oh

    I've been everywhere, man, looking for someone
    Someone who can please me, love me all night long
    I've been everywhere, man, looking for you, babe
    Looking for you, babe, searching for you, babe
Track: White Nuxxle Driver
- msx
- Rotteen
Duration: 2:27
# Sampled Tracks:
# - born slippy.NUXX by Underworld
# - SPACE FIGHT by 山岡 晃
Lyrics: |-
    [Broken japanese]

    I feel the raving more and more
    I like to jump right on the floor
    I feel the bass drum more and more
    It's time for dance

    I feel the raving more and more
    I like to jump right on the floor
    I feel the bass drum more and more
    It's time for dance

    I feel the raving more and more
    I like to jump right on the floor
    I feel the bass drum more and more
    It's time for dance
    Drop that beat
    Drop it now!

    I feel the raving more and more
    I like to jump right on the floor
    I feel the bass drum more and more
    It's time for dance

    I feel the raving more and more
    I like to jump right on the floor
    I feel the bass drum more and more
    It's time for dance
Track: Wild Wild West
Directory: wild-wild-west-kool-moe-dee
- Kool Moe Dee
Duration: 4:10
# Sampled Tracks:
# - who sampled says Jonzun Crew - Space Cowboy but I'm not sure
# - genius claims Camo - Word Up but I'm even less sure
Lyrics: |-
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west

    I used to live downtown, 129th Street
    Convent, everything's upbeat
    Parties, ball in the park
    Nothing, but girls after dark
    We chill, nobody gets ill
    In the place we call the hill
    But if you try 'em
    That's when they will
    Get wild, but they don't fight, they kill
    At the—

    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west

    I remember parties out in the park
    With the girlies, rubbing up in the dark
    I was smooth, until someone pulled a gun
    It was over, they spoiled my fun
    I was flying, just like a track star
    Dying, nah, I ran through the back yard
    Trying to get into my building
    Saying "Why in the heck won't somebody kill them?" (Wild Wild West)
    One day the fellas got together
    They vowed that no one would ever
    Come on our block, and terrorize us
    The gangs that used to do it, now they idolize us
    Guns, we don't like to use them
    Unless, our enemies choose them
    We prefer to fight you on like a man
    And beat you down with our hands and bodyslam
    You at the—

    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west

    We don't start trouble, but boy do we end it
    Our time, we like to spend it
    Snapping, boy do we heat up
    But we'll take time out to beat up
    A sucker, if he wants static
    Beatdown, yeah we got it
    Good, and we'll accommodate you
    Thanks to us, a lot of brothers hate to
    Come back, to this very day
    'Cause losing's one thing we don't play
    If you're ever in a fight and you're beating one of us
    Break out, before you get bumrushed
    At the—

    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west

    I'm talking about Nappy Red, Theo, Tony and Milton
    Mike Mike Sluggo and Mike Chillion
    D.O.B., Reggie B, and Sidney
    Dano B, Derrick B, Sean B, and don't forget
    Big Hank, Don Ice and Sire Rock
    God bless Peter Wax, Chuck Chuck, and Pork Chop
    El Dorado George way back in the day
    Had all the brothers on the hill talking this way
    They said, God, have mercy L.A
    Sunshine, and my DJ
    Easy Lee, are from around the way
    Jock Jock, Philly Phil, Don D always
    But they're chillin', Keith Keith, KV
    Steve O, Ross Ross and A Fi
    Beroni, Toss Toss and Hung Hunk
    We fight with our hands and nobody's a punk!
    At the—

    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
    The wild wild west
Track: Wish You Were Here
Directory: wish-you-were-here-pink-floyd
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 5:35
- Pink Floyd
Lyrics: |-
    And disciplinary remains mercifully
    Yes and um, I’m with you Derek, this star nonsense
    Yes, yes, now which is it?
    I am sure of it

    So, so you think you can tell
    Heaven from Hell? Blue skies from pain?
    Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
    A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?
    Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
    Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze?
    Cold comfort for change? Did you exchange
    A walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

    How I wish, how I wish you were here
    We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year
    Running over the same old ground, what have we found?
    The same old fears, wish you were here
Track: The Witch
- Insane Clown Posse
- Mike Puwal
Duration: 3:16
Lyrics: |-
    (The Witch)
    (Severed head)
    (Bloody smile)

    The Witch jumped on my back last night
    I couldn't breathe in its clutch, I was frozen with fright
    It went on for what seemed like hours of terror
    To see the Witch's face stare in the dark at the mirror
    The Witch told me my girlfriend was a demon
    And all this fallin' in love shit, I'm dreamin'
    And it's pain to the angels if I don't deliver
    I sealed her off in a barrel and rolled her in the river
    The Witch told me my left arm is possessed
    So I broke it at first and then I went and confessed
    But they put me in a home, the arm still wouldn't leave me alone
    Finally had to chew it off at the bone (<i>Severed head</i>)
    The Witch told me to crawl under my house and just wait
    Don't panic if I suffocate
    I bit the tail off a possum down there at one point
    It's so boring and it's dark but the Witch is my life

    Something is standing in between me and my sanity
    They say my Witch is just a dream, morbid fantasy
    I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em!
    (Wake the dead! Wake the dead! Wake 'em!)
    I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em!
    (Wake the dead! Wake the dead! Wake 'em!)

    The Witch taught me how to cut up a body (<i>Severed head</i>)
    It's nasty and wretched and helluva bloody
    But it's gotta get done and somebody's gotta do it (<i>Bloody smile</i>)
    I kicked the fuckin' face in and put my knife through it
    The Witch jumped on me again, here we go
    Layin' in my bed, I can't breathe anymo'
    Layin' in my bed, I can't move anymo'
    There's a demon floating in my face, clampin' my jaw
    The Witch told me I gotta murder this one kid
    'Kay well maybe the witch didn't then, but I did
    With a ninja suit, crept through like a black widow
    With a crossbow, stuck him in the neck like ditto
    The Witch told me about blood that rains
    Out of the neck and what particular veins
    And about murder, witnessin' death settin' in
    And it ain't no Heaven that's lettin' me in (<i>Bloody smile</i>)

    Something is standing in between me and my sanity
    They say my Witch is just a dream, morbid fantasy
    I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em!
    (Wake the dead! Wake the dead! Wake 'em!)
    I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em!
    (Wake the dead! Wake the dead! Wake 'em!)

    The Witch told me to put my feet in the fire and hold on
    Until everything below the knees gone
    Now I'm in a wheelchair with only an arm but don't care
    I can still throw my hatchet in the air
    The Witch got me in a predicament, it ain't good
    I got somebody head posted on my hood
    4:30 a.m. and we rollin' through the ghetto (<i>Severed head</i>)
    Shaggy ridin' shotgun and the Witch is in the middle

    (The Witch is in the middle, the Witch is in the middle, the Witch is in the middle, the Witch is in the middle) Something is standing in between me and my sanity
    (The Witch is in the middle, the Witch is in the middle, the Witch is in the middle, the Witch is in the middle) They say my Witch is just a dream, morbid fantasy (<i>Bloody smile</i>)
    I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em!
    (Wake the dead! Wake the dead! Wake 'em!)
    I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em!
    (Wake the dead! Wake the dead! Wake 'em!) (<i>Bloody smile</i>)
    I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em!
    (Does she really exist?) (Wake the dead! Wake the dead! Wake 'em!)
    I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em! (Is it all in my head?)
    (Wake the dead! Wake the dead! Wake 'em!) (Is it really a witch there?)
    I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em! ([Unintelligible])
    (Wake the dead! Wake the dead! Wake 'em!) ([Unintelligible])
    I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em! ([Unintelligible])
    (Wake the dead! Wake th—)
Track: Witch Doctor
Directory: witch-doctor-bagdasarian
- Ross Bagdasarian
- David Seville
Duration: 2:24
Track: With No Fear
Duration: 6:05
- Clarence Clarity
Lyrics: |-
    Drip like summer rain
    Streaming, it beckons me home again
    And I’ll leave my faith wide open
    Just return me to the sea
    They call it Key West
    But honest to God, they don’t know my name
    I could be anyone or anywhere
    As I fade into the tide, it never ends

    And with no fear, no
    With no fear, no
    With no fear, no
    With no fear, no
    Leave me be where I lie

    Am I heavenly?
    I promised to call you, but like hell I did
    Now that summer rain
    Will kill you
    And all in its path
    Will never learn

    And with no fear, no
    With no fear, no
    With no fear, no
    With no fear, no
    Leave me be where I lie

    For all the hits I swerved round-

    For all the loves I walked out on
    Leave me be where I lie
    Your perfect fit, my imperfect fears
    So we never did re-invent the wheel
    Leave me be where I lie
    Leave me be where I lie to die

    And with no fear, no
    And with no fear, no
    And with no fear, no
    And with no fear, no
    Leave me be where I lie
Track: Without Me
- Eminem
Duration: 4:47
Lyrics: |-
    (Obie Trice
    Real name no gimmicks)

    Two trailer-park girls go 'round the outside, 'round the outside, 'round the outside
    Two trailer-park girls go 'round the outside, 'round the outside, 'round the outside

    Guess who's back, back again
    Shady's back, tell a friend
    Guess who's back
    Guess who's back
    Guess who's back
    Guess who's back
    Guess who's back
    Guess who's back
    Guess who's back

    I've created a monster
    'Cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more
    They want Shady I'm chopped liver
    Well if you want Shady, this is what I'll give ya
    A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor
    Some vodka that'll jump-start my heart
    Quicker than a shock
    When I get shocked at the hospital by the doctor
    When I'm not cooperating
    When I'm rocking the table while he's operating (hey!)

    You waited this long now stop debating
    'Cause I'm back I'm on the rag and ovulating
    I know that you got a job Ms. Cheney
    But your husband's heart problem's complicating

    So the FCC won't let me be
    Or let me be me so let me see
    They try to shut me down on MTV
    But it feels so empty without me

    So come on dip, bum on your lips fuck that
    Cum on your lips and some on your tits and get ready 'cause this shit's about to get heavy
    I just settled all my lawsuits
    Fuck you, Debbie!

    Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me
    'Cause we need a little controversy
    'Cause it feels so empty without me

    I said this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me
    'Cause we need a little controversy
    'Cause it feels so empty without me

    Little hellions kids feeling rebellious
    Embarrassed, their parents still listen to Elvis
    They start feeling like prisoners, helpless
    'Til someone comes along on a mission and yells "bitch"

    A visionary, vision is scary
    Could start a revolution
    Polluting the air waves a rebel
    So just let me revel and bask
    In the fact that I got everyone kissing my ass
    And it's a disaster
    Such a catastrophe for you to see so damn much of my ass
    You ask for me?

    Well I'm back
    Fix your bent antennae
    Tune it in and then I'm gonna enter in
    And up under your skin like a splinter
    The center of attention back for the winter

    I'm interesting, the best thing since wrestling
    Infesting in your kid's ears and nesting
    Testing attention please
    Feel the tension soon as someone mentions me
    Here's my 10 cents my 2 cents is free
    A nuisance, who sent, you sent for me?

    Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me
    'Cause we need a little controversy
    'Cause it feels so empty without me

    I said this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me
    'Cause we need a little controversy
    'Cause it feels so empty without me

    A tisk-it a task-it
    I'll go tit for tat with anybody who's talking this shit, that shit
    Chris Kirkpatrick you can get your ass kicked
    Worse than them little Limp Bizkit bastards

    And Moby
    You can get stomped by Obie
    You 36 year old bald-headed fag blow me
    You don't know me
    You're too old
    Let go
    It's over, nobody listens to techno

    Now let's go, just give me the signal
    I'll be there with a whole list full of new insults
    I've been dope, suspenseful with a pencil
    Ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol

    But sometimes the shit just seems
    Everybody only wants to discuss me
    So this must mean I'm disgusting
    But it's just me I'm just obscene

    No, I'm not the first king of controversy
    I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley
    To do black music so selfishly
    And use it to get myself wealthy (Hey)

    There's a concept that works
    20 million other white rappers emerge
    But no matter how many fish in the sea
    It'd be so empty without me

    Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me
    'Cause we need a little controversy
    'Cause it feels so empty without me

    I said this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me
    'Cause we need a little controversy
    'Cause it feels so empty without me

Track: The Wolf
Duration: 3:07
Lyrics: |-
    (Uh uh uh oh uh uh uh)

    Each and every day
    Hiding from the sunshine
    Wandering in the shade
    Not too old, not too young

    Every night again
    Dancing with the moonlight
    Somewhere far away
    I can hear your call

    (Uh uh uh oh uh uh uh)

    I’m out of my head
    Of my heart and my mind
    'Cause you can run but you can’t hide
    I’m gonna make you mine

    Out of my head
    Of my heart and my mind
    'Cause I can feel how your flesh now
    Is crying out for more

    Ain’t no fairytale
    What I see in your eyes
    Awaiting your mistake
    Not too close, not too far

    Sneaking in the pain
    Every truth becomes lie
    I won’t trust myself
    Once I hear your call

    (Uh uh uh oh uh uh uh)

    I’m out of my head
    Of my heart and my mind
    'Cause you can run but you can’t hide
    I’m gonna make you mine

    Out of my head
    Of my heart and my mind
    'Cause I can feel how your flesh now
    Is crying out for more

    (Uh uh uh oh uh uh uh)
    (Uh uh uh oh uh uh uh)
    (Uh uh uh oh uh uh uh)
    (Uh uh uh oh uh uh uh)

    I’m out of my head
    Of my heart and my mind
    (Uh uh uh oh uh uh uh)
    Out of my head
    Of my heart and my mind
    (Uh uh uh oh uh uh uh)

    I’m out of my head
    Of my heart and my mind
    'Cause you can run but you can’t hide
    I’m gonna make you mine

    Out of my head
    Of my heart and my mind
    'Cause I can feel how your flesh now
    Is crying out for more…

    (Uh uh uh oh uh uh uh)
Track: Wonderful Christmastime
- Paul McCartney
Duration: 3:46
Lyrics: |-
    The mood is right
    The spirits up
    We’re here tonight
    And that’s enough

    Simply having a wonderful Christmastime
    Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

    The party’s on
    The feeling’s here
    That only comes
    This time of year

    Simply having a wonderful Christmastime
    Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

    The choir of children sing their song
    Ding dong, ding dong
    Ding dong, ding ooh ooh
    Do-do, do-do, do-do, do

    We’re simply having a wonderful Christmastime
    Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

    The word is out
    About the town
    So lift a glass
    Oh and don’t look down

    Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

    The choir of children sing their song
    They practiced all year long
    Ding dong, ding dong
    Ding dong, ding dong (dong)
    Ding dong, ding dong (dong)
    Ding dong, dong dong

    The party’s on
    The spirits up
    We’re here tonight
    And that’s enough (ohh)

    Simply having a wonderful Christmastime
    We’re simply having a wonderful Christmastime

    The mood is right
    The spirits up
    We’re here tonight
    Oh and that’s enough (yeah)

    We’re simply having a wonderful Christmastime
    Simply having a wonderful Christmastime
    Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

    Oh, oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh
    Wonderful Christmastime (Christmas)
Track: Wonderwall
- Oasis
- Owen Morris (production)
Duration: 4:18
# Sampled Tracks:
# - whosampled claims Supersonic by Oasis but I don't hear it tbqh
Lyrics: |-
    Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you
    And by now, you shoulda somehow realised what you gotta do
    I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now

    And backbeat, the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out
    I'm sure you've heard it all before, but you never really had a doubt
    I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now

    And all the roads we have to walk are winding
    And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
    There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how

    Because maybe
    You're gonna be the one that saves me
    And after all
    You're my wonderwall

    Today was gonna be the day, but they'll never throw it back to you
    And by now, you shoulda somehow realised what you're not to do
    I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now

    And all the roads that lead you there were winding
    And all the lights that light the way are blinding
    There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how

    I said maybe
    You're gonna be the one that saves me
    And after all
    You're my wonderwall
    I said maybe (I said maybe)
    You're gonna be the one that saves me
    And after all
    You're my wonderwall
    I said maybe (I said maybe)
    You're gonna be the one that saves me (That saves me)
    You're gonna be the one that saves me (That saves me)
    You're gonna be the one that saves me (That saves me)
Track: Won't Go Home Without You
- Maroon 5
Duration: 3:51
Lyrics: |-
    I asked her to stay
    But she wouldn't listen
    And she left before I had the chance to say, oh
    The words that would mend
    The things that were broken
    But now it's far too late, she's gone away

    Every night, you cry yourself to sleep
    Thinking, why does this happen to me
    Why does every moment have to be so hard
    Hard to believe that

    It's not over tonight
    Just give me one more chance to make it right
    I may not make it through the night
    I won't go home without you

    The taste of her breath
    I'll never get over
    The noises that she made kept me awake, oh
    The weight of the things
    That remained unspoken
    Built up so much, it crushed us every day

    Every night, you cry yourself to sleep
    Thinking, why does this happen to me
    Why does every moment have to be so hard
    Hard to believe it

    It's not over tonight
    Just give me one more chance to make it right
    I may not make it through the night
    I won't go home without you
    Oh, whoa-oh
    It's not over tonight
    Just give me one more chance to make it right
    I may not make it through the night
    I won't go home without you
    Oh, whoa-oh

    Of all the things I felt but never really showed
    Perhaps the worst is that I ever let you go
    I should not ever let you go, oh-oh-oh

    It's not over tonight
    Just give me one more chance to make it right
    I may not make it through the night
    I won't go home without you
    Oh, whoa-oh
    It's not over tonight
    Just give me one more chance to make it right
    I may not make it through the night
    I won't go home without you

    And I won't go home without you
    And I won't go home without you
    And I won't go home without you
Track: Wow Wow
- Neil Cicierega
Duration: 3:29
Referenced Tracks:
- All Star
- track:wild-wild-west
# "Vivid Memories turn to Fantasies" is an earlier song where Neil sentence mixes a Will Smith movie tie-in song and adds an original instrumental, that one has a lot more Bees. -rosetta
Sampled Tracks:
- All Star
# - Steve Miller Band's "The Joker"
- track:wild-wild-west
# - Kid Rock's "Cowboy"
# - Jamiroquai's "The Kids"
Lyrics: |-
    (SOME—) People call me the space cowboy
    Wicki-wicki, wicki-wicki (Cowboy)
    Wicki-wicki-wow, wicki-wow, wicki-wicki
    Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild West

    Desperado, rough rider
    No, you don't want nada
    Nada dis six-gunnin' dis
    Brother runnin' this
    Buffalo buffalo buffalo

    (Wicki) Any damsel that's in distress
    Be outta distress when she meet Jim Dress
    Roughneck, so go check the roughneck, so go
    Watch your step, we'll flex and get a hold of your dress
    Swallow your buffalo, don't let your neck react
    You don't wanna see my hand where my hand be at
    When James Dress from the start of this, runnin' the game
    Artemus, tamin' the west, so remember the James!

    Now who you gonna call? Wicki-wicki bees!
    Now who you gonna call? You don't wanna see my bees!
    If you ever wanna see my bum-rush, break out!
    Before you get bees!

    Now look at the (Wow wow)
    When I roll into the (Wow wow)
    When I stroll into the (Wow wow)
    When I bounce into the (Wow wow), Sisqó, Sisqó
    We're goin' straight to (Wow wow)
    The Wild West (Wow wow) (Haha, haha)
    We're goin' straight to (Wow wow)
    The Wild Wild, Wild Wild (Now, now, now, now)

    Now once upon a time in the wicki-wicki madman
    Lost his damn mind in the wicki-wicki Loveless
    Kidnap a dime, nothin' wicki-wicki, now I must
    Put his behind to the bum-rush
    Then through the shadows, in the saddles, ready for saddles
    Bring all your bums in, here come the saddles
    Behind my bum, all the yiffing you did?
    Front and center, now where my hip be at?
    Who dat is? Loveless, bad for your health
    Lookin' damn good, though, if I can say it myself
    Told me Loveless is a good man, I don't feel that
    He got his behind looking damn good, though (Wi-wicki)
    Rough ride on a buffalo man
    When y'all clowns gon' see that I can't love myself
    Understand me son, I'm the slickest they is
    I'm the slickest they is, I'm the slicki-wicki-wickest they is

    So if you barkin' up the
    Wrong tree we comin'
    Don't be barkin' up the
    Wrong tree, we gonna
    Test your health, Loveless
    Can't stand clowns? Then get out the Wild Wild

    We're goin' straight to (Wow wow) (When I roll into the)
    The Wild West (Wow wow) (When I stroll into the)
    We're goin' straight to (Wow wow) (When I bounce into the)
    The Wild Wild (Wow wow West) Wild Wild (Wow wow West) (Haha, haha)
    Straight (Straight) to (To) (Haha, haha)
    The Wild West (Wow wow) (The Wild West) (Haha, haha)
    We're going straight (Straight) to (To) (Haha, haha)
    The Wild Wild (Wow wow West) Wild Wild West (Wow wow West)

    (Wow) D-doo, d-doo, doo
    (Wow) (Ha) Doo, d-doo, doo
    (Wow) (Wicki-wicki-wild wild) D-doo, d-doo, doo
    (Wow) D-d-d-d-d-d-d (C'mon, c'mon)
    (Wow) D-doo, d-doo, doo (Haha, haha)
    (Wow) (Wicki-wicki-wild wild) D-doo, d-doo, doo (Haha, haha)
    (Wow) (Wicki-wicki-wild wild) D-doo, d-doo, doo (Haha, haha)
    (Wow) D-d-d-d-d-d-d (Wicki-wicki-wicki-wicki-wi—) (Haha, ha—)

    Any outlaw tryin' to draw with a pen and a pad
    Can draw Jim West with a pen and a pad
    Don't even think about a pen and a pad weighin' a ton
    Just tryin' to draw just for fun
    Sun up to sun down, rollin' around
    See where the bees! Oughta be found and rollin' around
    The defenders of your health
    Crushin' my hip and rollin' around
    Don't mess with us, 'cause we in the—

    We're goin' straight to (Wow wow) (When I roll into the)
    The Wild West (Wow wow) (The Wild West) (When I stroll into the)
    We're goin' straight to (Wow wow) (When I bounce into the)
    The Wild (Wow wow) (Wild Wild)
    We're goin' straight to (Wow wow) (When I roll into the) (To)
    The Wild West (Wow wow) (Wild West) (When I stroll into the)
    We're goin' straight to (Wow wow West) (When I bounce into the)
    The Wi, Wi, Wi, Wi— (Wow wow West, wow wow West)

    (Wow wow wow wow) (When I roll into the) C'mon, c'mon
    (Wow wow wow wow) (When I stroll into the) We're going
    Straight (Straight) to (To)
    The Wild Wild (The Wild Wild West)
    (The wow wow West) (Whoo, uh)
    (The wow wow West) (Haha, haha)
    (The wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow)
    Buffalo buffalo buffalo lololololololo
    (The wow wow West) (Haha, haha)
    (The wow wow West) (Big Will, the Wild Wild)
    (Wild Wild) (Wow wow)
Track: X Gon' Give It to Ya
- Shatek
- Swizz Beatz
Duration: 3:40
Lyrics: |-
    Yeah, uh, yeah, yeah, uh
    Yeah, don't get it twisted
    This rap shit is mine, motherfucker
    It's not a fuckin' game
    Fuck what you heard
    It's what you hearin' (It's what you hearin')
    It's what you hearin' (Listen)
    It's what you hearin' (Listen)
    It's what you hearin' (Listen)

    X gon' give it to ya (What?)
    Fuck waitin' for you to get it on your own, X gon' deliver to ya (Uh)
    Knock-knock, open up the door, it's real
    With the non-stop pop-pop from stainless steel
    Go hard, gettin' busy with it (Ooh)
    But I got such a good heart that I'll make a motherfucker wonder if he did it (Yeah)
    Damn right, and I'll do it again (Yeah)
    'Cause I am light so I gots to win (Uh, uh, uh)
    Break bread with the enemy (What?)
    No matter how many cats I break bread with, I'll break who you sendin' me (Yeah)
    You motherfuckers never wanted nothin' but your life saved (Uh)
    Bitch, and that's on a light day (Give up)
    I'm gettin' down (Down) like a nigga said "Freeze" (Uh)
    But won't be the one endin' up on his knees
    Bitch please, (Come on) if the only thing you cats did
    Was came out to play, stay out my way, motherfucker

    First we gonna, rock! Then we gonna, roll!
    Then we let it, pop go let it go! (What)
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya
    First we gonna, rock! Then we gonna, roll!
    Then we let it, pop go let it go!
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya

    They ain't never gave nothin' to me (Yeah)
    But every time I turn around cats got they hands out wantin' somethin' from me (Uh-huh)
    I ain't got it, so you can't get it (Yeah)
    Let's leave it at that 'cause I ain't with it (Yeah)
    Hit it with full strength (What)
    I'm a jail nigga, so I face the world like it's Earl in the bullpen
    You against me, me against you (Uh, uh, uh, uh)
    Whatever, whenever, nigga, fuck you gon' do?
    I'm a wolf in sheep's clothin' (What)
    Only nigga that you know who can chill, come back and get the streets open
    I've been doin' this for nineteen years (What)
    Niggas wanna fight me? Fight these tears (What)
    I put in work and it's all for the kids (Uh)
    But these cats done forgot what work is (Uh-huh)
    They don't know who we be, lookin'
    But they don't know who they see, nigga

    First we gonna, rock! Then we gonna, roll!
    Then we let it, pop go let it go! (What)
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya (Come on)
    First we gonna, rock! Then we gonna, roll!
    Then we let it, pop go let it go! (Come on)
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya

    Ayo, where my niggas at?
    I know I got 'em down in the streets, give 'em love and they give it back (Ooh)
    Talk too much for too long (What?)
    Don't give up, you're too strong (What?)
    Love to the wild, wild hunnids (Yeah)
    Shout out to niggas that done it (Come on)
    And it ain't even about the dough (Uh, uh, uh)
    It's about gettin' down for what you stand for, yo, for real

    First we gonna, rock! Then we gonna, roll!
    Then we let it, pop go let it go! (Come on)
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya (Come on)
    First we gonna, rock! Then we gonna, roll!
    Then we let it, pop go let it go! (Come on)
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya (Come on)
    First we gonna, rock! Then we gonna, roll!
    Then we let it, pop go let it go! (Come on)
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya
    X gon' give it to ya (Uh), he gon' give it to ya (Come on)

    Come on
    Uh, uh, come on
Track: Xmas? I don't know such a thing!!
Additional Names:
- クリスマス?なにそれ?美味しいの? (Japanese name)
- Christmas? What's that? Is it tasty? (Japanese name in English)
# Reference:
- Hyadain
Duration: 3:45
Referenced Tracks:
- The One Horse Open Sleigh
Lyrics: |-
    Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way!
    Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh

    "Nani ga merry Christmas da…" (<i>"What is this 'Merry Christmas'..."</i>)

    Single! hell! Single! hell! Single! always!!
    Nannen renzoku ni narimasuka nee? Hitorikiri!! (<i>How many years in a row now? All alone, huh!!</i>)
    Single! hell! Single! hell! Single! always!!
    Minna happy!! tte wake janai n datteba kurisumasu!! (<i>Not everyone is happy, because it's Christmas!!</i>)

    Hanayagu machi kotoshi mo kurisumasusuibu (<i>The town is bright again this Christmas season</i>)
    Kyonen to onajiku shigoto iremashita (<i>It's the same as last year, I'm working</i>)
    Halloween to ka valentine day to ka (<i>Halloween or Valentine's Day or whatever</i>)
    Maa kirai tte wake janai n dakedo kayanosoto! (<i>Well, it's not that I hate them, but I'm just outside looking in!</i>)

    Kyou ashita gentei! Kamisama shinjiru!… (<i>Limited to today and tomorrow! I believe in God!...</i>)
    Nan dake tsugou ga yokunaikai? (<i>Just why doesn't it fit my convenience?</i>)
    "Seinaru yoru wa seinaru yoru" to mukashi no kotowaza ni mo arudeshou!! (<i>"The holy night is a holy night," there's also an old saying like that, right!!</i>)
    Daitai merry Christmas no merii tte nani!? (Mary had a little lamb) (<i>What does the "Merry" in Merry Christmas mean anyway!? (Mary had a little lamb)</i>)
    Aa souda shitto da! Shitto no nani ga warui!? (<i>Ah, that's right, it's jealousy! What's wrong with jealousy!?</i>)
    Aete iou merii kurushimimasu!! (<i>For now, I'll say Merry "I'm in pain"!!</i>)

    Single! hell! Single! hell! Single! always!!
    Santa fuku de baito shiteru yatsu ni shinpashii (<i>Sympathy for the guy working in a Santa suit</i>)
    Single! hell! Single! hell! Single! always!!
    Fried chicken ippon kattakedo ne Christmas (<i>I bought a single piece of fried chicken, you know, Christmas</i>)

    Morming Morming Morming Morning, urayamashii naa (<i>Morning, morning, morning, morning, I'm so envious</i>)

    We wish you a merry Christmas
    We wish you a merry Christmas
    We wish you a merry Christmas
    And a happy New Year!

    Ti, tissue!! Muryou douga (<i>Ti, tissue!! Free video</i>)
    Ti, tissue!! Minisukasanta (<i>Ti, tissue!! Mini-skirt Santa</i>)
    Mai chirase, ☆ 俺のWhite X-mas ☆ (<i>Scatter around, ☆ My White X-mas ☆</i>)

    Single! hell! Single! hell! Single! always!!
    Mayonaka denwa kakemakutte miru yo OO terebi (<i>I'll try calling someone in the middle of the night, XX TV</i>)
    Single! hell! Single! hell! Single! always!!
    Netto de kizu name au itsumo no Christmas (<i>Licking wounds on the internet, the usual Christmas</i>)

    Chicchai koro wa asa me o samashitara (<i>When I was little, when I woke up in the morning</i>)
    Makura no soba ni wa omocha ga arimashita (<i>There were toys next to my pillow</i>)
    Me o samashitara nomihoshita akikan (<i>When I woke up, I downed an empty can</i>)
    Chuuko de katta manga to keetai juudenki (<i>A manga I bought second-hand and a phone charger</i>)
    Single! hell! Single! hell! Single! always!!
    Asu ni nattara machi mo sou irekae ki ni sun na! (<i>When it's tomorrow, who cares about switching places with others in the city!</i>)
    Single! hell! Single! hell! Single! always!!
    Kitto rainen wa happy matteru hazu Christmas! (<i>Next year for sure, I expect it to be a happy Christmas!</i>)

    Monodomo dama rei! (<i>All of you, shut up!</i>)
    Nihonjin'nara montsuki hakama de (<i>If you're Japanese, wear formal kimono and hakama</i>)
    Osechi o kuu no ga dentoujaro gai (<i>Eating traditional New Year's food is the tradition, right?</i>)

    Hitori de ikuze! Hatsumoude!! (<i>Let's go alone! To the first shrine visit of the year!!</i>)
Track: You might think he loves you for your money but I know what he really loves you for it's your brand new leopard skin pillbox hat
Directory: you-might-think-he-loves-you
- Death Grips
Duration: 2:40
Lyrics: |-
    Get so fuckin dark in here
    Come come fuck apart in here
    I die in the process
    You die in the process
    Kettle drum roll hard shit
    Fuck I said fucker don't start shit

    Come come fuck apart in here I

    Come come fuck apart in here I
    I hover above you
    Life pulled out your mouth
    I become you
    Opening of the mouth
    Unlawful possession
    Jellyfish in cold sweat deep end
    Hollow shell twitch disconnection
    Pupils swell
    My entrance
    Hijacked no questions asked
    Stretch you on like latex mask
    My sigils your epitaph

    Come come fuck apart in here I

    Come come fuck apart in here I... die

    I'm not you, I'm not you, I'm not you
    You wear it well
    Here's to your destiny
    Hysterics scream help
    Don't worry in a few you'll all be somewhere else
    Prepare yourselves
    Freelance motherfucker

    Get so fuckin dark in here
    Come come fuck apart in here
    I die in the process
    You die in the process
    Kettle drum roll hard shit
    Fuck I said fucker don't start shit
    Emerald tablet apartment toxic
    Come come fuck apart in here I

    Come come fuck apart in here I
Track: You Must Believe in Spring
- Michel Legrand (composition)
- Bill Evans (performance)
- Alan Bergman (relyricization)
- Marilyn Bergman (relyricization)
Duration: 5:37
Track: You reposted in the wrong neighborhood
Duration: 3:18
Sampled Tracks:
- Shake That
- track:casin-glue70
Lyrics: |-
    Two to the one, from the one to the three
    I like good pussy and I like good tree
    Smoke so much weed, you wouldn't believe
    And I get more ass than a toilet seat
    Three to the one, from the one to the three
    I met a bad bitch last night in the D
    Let me tell you how I made her leave with me:
    Conversation and Hennessy
    I've been to the motherfuckin' mountaintop
    Heard motherfuckers talk, seen 'em drop
    If I ain't got a weapon I'ma pick up a rock
    And when I bust yo' ass I'm gon' continue to rock
    Get your ass off the wall with your two left feet
    It's real easy, just follow the beat
    Don't let that fine girl pass you by
    Look real close 'cause strobe lights lie

    We 'bout to have a party (Turn the music up!)
    Let's get it started (Go 'head and shake your butt!)
    I'm lookin' for a girl with a body and a sexy strut
    Wanna get it poppin', baby? Step right up
    Some girls, they act retarded
    Some girls are 'bout it 'bout it
    I'm lookin' for a girl that will do whatever the fuck
    I say, every day she be givin' it up

    Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Come on, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Oh, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Come on, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me

    I'm a menace, a dentist, an oral hygienist
    Open your mouth for about four or five minutes
    Take a little bit of this fluoride rin-inse
    Swish, but don't spit it; swallow it and I'll finish
    Yeah, me and Nate D-O Double-G
    Looking for a couple bitches with some double D's
    Pop a little champagne and a couple E's
    Slip it in her bubbly, we -

    We finna have a party (Turn the music up!)
    Let's get it started (Go 'head, shake your butt!)
    I'm looking for a girl I can fuck in my Hummer truck
    Apple Bottom jeans and a big ol' butt
    Some girls, they act retarded
    Some girls are 'bout it 'bout it
    I want a bitch to sit at the crib with no panties on
    Knows that she can, but she won't say no

    Now look at this lady all in front of me, sexy as can be
    Tonight I want a slut, would you be mine?
    Heard you was freaky from a friend of mine
    Now, I hope you don't get mad at me
    But I told Nate you was a freak
    He said he wants a slut, hope you don't mind
    I told him how you like it from behind

    Now, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Come on, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Oh, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
    Come on, girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me

    We 'bout to have a party (Turn the music up!)
    Let's get it started (Go 'head, shake your butt!)
    I'm lookin' for a girl with a body and a sexy strut
    Wanna get it poppin', baby? Step right up
    Some girls, they act retarded
    Some girls are 'bout it 'bout it
    I'm lookin' for a girl that will do whatever the fuck
    I say, every day she be givin' it up

    There she go, shakin' that ass on the flo'
    Bumpin' and grindin' that pole
    The way she's grindin' that pole
    I think I'm losin' control
    (God! I ain't leaving without you, bitch!)
    (You're coming home with me!)
    (And my boy, and his boy - and his boy, and his girl)
Track: You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
- Viper
Duration: 4:23
Lyrics: |-
    (Haha... Here's a little something for you bustas, yeah)

    What's up with that?
    You'll cowards don't even smoke crack
    What's up with that?
    You'll cowards don't even smoke crack

    Hater, you don't even smoke crack
    Bitch, you's a mark fool
    Motherfuck that ho shit, pass a G that stem
    I'm about to blaze up, 'specially when it's after dim
    I changed the game, don't get it misunderstood
    Hitting it out the glass and that smoke all good
    Can't water it with green, get work, got that stick
    Stars know I keep it, they on my dick, these niggas sick
    But when I do smoke some green
    I'm straight out that rose, you best believe
    But green ain't better than that hard, hard is so much fun
    Seven for forty-five, wholesale gets it done
    And I don't care if you judge me
    I'm smoking cooked, and living so lovely
    So stop looking like you're dumb
    You know you wanna try, but scared to get some

    What's up with that?
    You'll cowards don't even smoke crack
    What's up with that?
    You'll cowards don't even smoke crack
    What's up with that?
    You'll cowards don't even smoke crack
    What's up with that?
    You'll cowards don't even smoke crack

    It's on and poppin'
    I'm blazing white, now my destiny ain't stopping
    I'm coming up in a song to rap
    I sold my soul to Satan, but bought it back from God with this song
    Y'all bustas ain't ballin'
    Until you smoke some work and see who really paper callin'
    Y'all fallin' off like the last century
    No respect from me till you get that cheese
    And you see what life is all about
    Till then, you's a judgmental bitch with a raised snout
    I gets my clout from the mainstream
    It's always lovey dovey in my dope scene
    I'm clownin', and keepin' it rock
    My coke chopped and screwed, 'cause I ball on the block
    I'm stangin' big and bringin' work
    All the while keepin' y'all haters feelin's hurt

    What's up with that?
    You'll cowards don't even smoke crack
    What's up with that?
    You'll cowards don't even smoke crack
    What's up with that?
    You'll cowards don't even smoke crack
    What's up with that?
    You'll cowards don't even smoke crack
Track: your clothes
Duration: 4:14
- Jane Remover
Lyrics: |-
    Head space turns to worms
    It's been on my mind lately
    At any given moment
    When you grace past me
    (When you graze past me)
    Or has it been too long?
    At least you know my name
    I always change the channel when the couple starts to kiss

    Was it all for a show?
    Now I look so stupid for casting the roles
    And when the curtains close, I wish that I was in your clothes
    I wish that I was in your clothes

    Times like these, I try not to get upset
    All I do is think about you and this is the thanks I get?
    Time passed with a slap to the back of my head
    And now you're walking down the aisle with someonе you never met

    Was it all for a show?
    Now I look so stupid for casting thе roles
    And when the story ends it's another loss for you again
    It's another loss for you again

    Times like these, I try not to get upset
    All I do is think about you and this is the thanks I get?
    Time passed with a slap to the back of my head
    And now you're walking down the aisle with someone you never met

    I'm in love with an airhead that popped my balloon
    I can't see the floor, it's too bright in this room
    It gets so hard to speak, a commodity
    You're picking your berries, revenge is so sweet

    Don't act like you didn't care 'cause I know you played a part
    And I start to feel so sick whenever I pass by your car
    'Cause someone that "you don't like" just "broke your heart"
    And he told you that he won't go very far
    Said your future don't revolve around art
    I wish that I was in your clothes
    I wish that I was in your clothes
    I wish that I was in your clothes
    I wish that I was in your clothes
    I wish that I was in your clothes

    (I wish that I was in your clothes)
    (I wish that I was in your clothes)
Track: Yuujou
- Thaehan
Duration: 2:02
Track: リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー
Directory: lisa-frank-420-modern-computing
- Macintosh Plus
Duration: 7:21
Referenced Tracks:
- It's Your Move
Sampled Tracks:
- It's Your Move
Lyrics: |-
    I d—
    I d—
    I d—
    It's, your move!

    I've made up my mind
    Time is running out
    Make a move!

    Oh, we can go on
    Do you understand
    It's all in your hands?
    It's your—

    I d— on't say no
    Don't say no
    Don't say no
    Don't say no
    Don't say no
    Don't say no
    Don't say no
    Don't say no

    Say you know we shouldn't, you keep holding out
    But you don't let go

    I d—
    I'm giving up on trying
    To sell you things that you ain't buying
    I'm giving up on trying
    To sell you things that you ain't buying

    It's your move!
    I've made up my mind
    Time is running out
    Make a move!

    Oh, we can go on
    Do you understand
    It's all in your hands?
    It's your—

    I've made up my mind
    Time is running out
    Make a move!

    Oh, we can go on
    Do you understand
    It's all in your hands?
    It's your—

    It's all in your hands, it's all in your hands
    It's all in your hands, it's all in your hands

    I don't understand it 'cause you won't say yes
    But you don't say no
Commentary: |-
    <i>Niklink:</i> (wiki editor, 11/19/2022)
    Track name translates to "Lisa Frank 420 / Modern Computing" ("Risa Furanku 420 / Gendai no Konpyū").
Section: Other works originating outside of Homestuck
Color: '#8ccaf1'
Track: The Adventures of Robin Hood
- The Adventures of Robin Hood
Duration: 1:41:55
Track: Ah shit, here we go again.
- Grand Theft Auto
Duration: 0:02
Track: Aireu 727 WYSI
- Aireu
Duration: 1:50
Track: all yor base r blong 2 us
- Bad-CRC
Duration: 4:12
Track: '[ASMR] Nyanners Makes Satisfying Slime Noises in Your Ears'
- Nyatasha Nyanners
Duration: 11:27
Track: Baby Face Morgan
Duration: 1:03:00
- Arthur Dreifuss
Duration: 2:21
- Shiro Sagisu
Track: Blast it up 01
Duration: 0:17
- Mushino
Track: BOIDY_LAUGH.wav
Duration: 0:06
- Witch's Cadence
# Sampled Tracks:
# - some sesame street clip of some of the characters laughing.
#   And it sounded close enough to big bird so I went with it
Commentary: |-
    <i>Witch's Cadence:</i> ([HSMusic Discord](, excerpts)

    The laugh sample is great<br>
    I've used it in like 3 songs,<br>
    as a sound effect in Anima Reprise,<br>
    and it will probably end up in another project I'm working on lol

    I'm having trouble finding the original clip I stole the laugh from, but it was some sesame street clip of some of the characters laughing<br>
    And it sounded close enough to big bird so I went with it

    I cut it up to make it a better evil laugh
Track: The Choir Invisible
Duration: 4:08
- Chris Christodoulou
Track: The City of Dreadful Night
- Bysshe Vanolis
Track: The Danganronpa 3 Experience
Duration: 14:41
- Marcie Hobbs
- Austinado
Track: Disney Bootlegs - JonTron
# Specifically, the Circle of Life mini-cover
- Jontron
Duration: 20:53
    Oh my go-o-o-od
    Oh my god, my god
Track: Don't you lecture me with your 30 dollar haircut
- Dragon Ball
Track: 'The End of Evangelion - TV Spot #1'
Duration: 0:14
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
Track: Flowey's Laugh
- Warner Bros.
Duration: 0:05
Commentary: |-
    <i>Undertale Wiki:</i>
    Flowey's laugh is not a new asset and can be recognized in other media. It was originally a Warner Bros. sound effect mostly used in Pink Panther cartoons and has appeared in titles such as the PlayStation title [Tomba!]( and the Homestuck soundtrack [[track:the-lordling]], also by Toby Fox.
Track: Garfielf
- pilotredsun
Duration: 1:09
Sampled Tracks:
- Coc'n Rolla (Ljubljana Ponoči)
Lyrics: |-
    (Stuffing your face as usual.)
    (I gotta have a good meal.)
    (Garfield, you fat cat. You are so big and fat. Why are you so fat?)
    (I eat, Jon, it's what I do.)

    (It's time to kick Odie off the table.)
    (Don't do it Garfielf, that's our pet dog Odie.)
    (You're going into orbit, you stupid mutt.)

    (Time for a nap. I'm a cat who loves to snooze.)
    (Garfield you lazy cat.)
    (I hate alram clocks.)

    (I'm am hungry I want some lasaga.)
    (You're eating us out of house and home, Garmfield.)
    (Enough with the chit-chat, let's get some grub going.)

    (Where are the 3-cheese pizzas?)
    (I ate those food.)
    (Where are the taco shells?)
    (I ate those food.)
    (Where did all the Hamburger Helper go?)

    (You're such a bad kitty that's it, I've had it with you that does it, I'm done that's the last straw Grarfileld.)
Track: Hackers
Directory: hackers-iain-softley
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 1:47:00
- Hackers
- Iain Softley (director)
Track: 'Half-Life: Alyx but the Gnome is TOO AWARE'
- wayneradiotv
Track: history of japan
- bill wurtz
Duration: 9:00
Track: Howl
Directory: howl-allen-ginsberg
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Allen Ginsberg
Track: The Imperial March
- John Williams
Duration: 3:00
Track: impostor_kill
Duration: 0:01
- Among Us
Track: Join Call
Directory: join-call-discord
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 0:01
- Discord
Track: Jurassic Park
Duration: 2:06:30
- Jurassic Park
- Steven Spielberg (director)
Track: Just Say No (Captain Lou)
Duration: 0:19
- Super Mario
- Lou Albano
Lyrics: |-
    (I'm Captain Lou Albano talkin' to you about drugs. Kids, don't be afraid to say no. Anyone who asks you to use drugs is not your friend. Drugs can and will kill. Remember, don't be afraid to turn to your priest, your rabbi, your minister, your moms, your dads, your teachers. Because drugs can kill. And if you do drugs, you go to hell... before you die. Please.)
Track: Magical Dream Bed
- TomSka
Duration: 0:21
Lyrics: |-
    I'm a magical dream bed flying through the sky
    on a magical journey just for you and i
    Just think of all the outer space we'll find
    on our very own private magic carpet ride
    Spring forward!
    Boxpring into adventure!
    It's all about your frame of mind!
    Bed frame of mind!
    When we're together!
    That's all that mattress!
    I can feel it building deep inside!
Track: Message to the Grass Roots
- Malcolm X
Track: Mush X Makin
- MrMush
Duration: 8:12
Referenced Tracks:
- Karkat's Theme
- Vriska's Theme
Lyrics: |-
    (Hey, what's up, it's your boy, uh Mush. As much as I'd love to say Dave, uh, it's not really... really me. Now, this is a bit different than my sweet beatboxing skills, uh and/or/and/or parody songs, which aren't really parodies they— whatever. Basically I'm gonna be talking about Homestuck. Whoof, baby, what a comic! You have fucking magical bullshit kids going in doing triple flips, aliens, you know all the good stuff. And uhh, it's fun! I enjoy it. It's a grand, grand time. It's fun. Uhh, there is, as most popular things do, there is a Reddit page for it. And, in that Reddit page there's plenty of fanart, fucking shitposting and all that jazz, whatever, it's cool. But uh, it's moderated by this guy named [[artist:makin|Makin]]. May-kin? It's M-A-K-I-N. There's no apostrophe, so it's like... Makin. Mack in— I don't know, he's a bit of a fucking cock? He's so fucking disoriented, fucking hypocritical, condescending, total f— just a cockhandle in general. And uh, he's like, screaming about one thing, and then he goes on and starts liking this comic, which is literally just memes, and, honestly I probably wouldn't care about that as much if not for the fact that he's like the main guy that everyone's like, oh yeah he's controlling I don't f— the Reddit and the Discord group. The Discord fucking group is a huge goddamn waste of time and it's also just a lot of bullshit people screaming at each other and shitposting, and every now and again you'll get a nugget of just like, oh, that's interesting conversation! But then it'll go back to screaming, and just, well if— if you want that, look at one of my other thing, which is like uh, when you're scrolling through a convo, and it's, that's basically just screaming, that's basically what the Homestuck thing is. And also, hold on, wait, no, no don't leave. There's also another thing I gotta say. The fucking, I don't even— I'm not even gonna look up what it's called but it's like [[group:canmt|New and Great Comic]] or whatever? That shitty, re— trying to uh play off of Homestuck like oh eh eh eh look how cool it is! That's just memes. That is just memes! And it fucking sucks? And I don't know how anyone likes it! I mean it's fine, you can enjoy it, but I don't. But don't fucking like, fucking hang me from a cross saying that I'm like the worst guy ever because I don't like it. I'm sorry, I just find like, overuse of memes to be rather, just unappealing and boring. But 'pparently everyone fucking gets their goddamn jammies wet. And I don't know, I feel like it's just kind of dumb, fucking, like okay we get it, memes are funny. But not all the fucking time? And even Makin knows that, he's like, eyyy I'm so smart, fucking, I don't really like memes all the time, but then he fucking, strokes this goddamn comic's cock like it's the best next thing. Maybe he can't let go that Homestuck's dead, but I don't know he fucking hated the ending, he's just like, it's the worst thing ever! Hey uh Makin I didn't r— I didn't really like Collide. [blubbering] Uh, hey Makin, I thought the music for this is just kinda meme stuff and I didn't really like it that much? I'm, I'm sorry, but you know, I that's just my opinion. Duh, I thought you— I thought you were like someone intelligent, but now I have, now I know you have no taste! It's like okay Makin, let's fucking, let's fucking take a little chill pill, okay? [blubbering] No no, Makin Makin, chill out chill out. [blubbering] No Makin! Take a chill pill. [blubbering] Alright, well this is my opinion on things— No! No! [blubbering] What, no! That is wrong! That is, I could not believe you would think that, obviously you're a fucking retard! It's like okay Makin let's fucking chill out, okay? Holy fuck! If Makin disagrees with something that you think is right, or you have an opinion on something that uh, it is like not the same thing as Makin's, he'll flip his fucking shit! It's like alright Makin, are you fucking like, thirteen? Or are you fucking, like are you gonna act your age? Also he's called the fucking salt king or whatever the fuck, and somehow that's good? Salty means that you're always angry, and a bit— bit of a bitch? So I mean if Makin's taken that title, phew, man, hate to see what a, oh boy, yeah you get the point. Uh, why'd I do this? I don't know, I was hearing a lot of fucking bullshit. Also, I left that group because Makin was being a fucking piece of shit to me, just fucking screaming at me. It's just kinda dumb, I enjoy Homestuck, then when this shit happens it's just like, great, uhh there's good parts of the fandom and then there's this. I'm sitting here like, dude, let's do some comics, let's do some music, let's do some fucking voice act— that's fun. Then it's like hey, uhh, what about we just be super cancerous and uhh, make like a buncha shit. Um, but you have so much other stuff you can do. You have good, like, music people who are willing to do music. But, like w-wh-w-w-wha-what if we made, what if we made memes! I mean, yeah that's fun, but how about some... real stuff? Naaaaaah... naaah... nah, I like memes. Alright, fine. So what was t— was the point of this? I don't fucking know. I just wanted to talk about something, and also, I mean I don't know if other people will agree with me with this, but Makin's a fucking cock. The Discord server's fucking disorganized and horrid, fucking, Christ, the fucking not safe for work part of it is like, you gotta be eighteen or older! Ehh, ehh, why? Uh we're we're doing it 'cause of legal reasons! Who's fucking looking at this? No one dude. Also, like who's checking the ages? Literally all you have to do is say I'm eighteen, and they're like alright, come on in. Who fucking— the people who don't wanna go to not safe for work is not gonna go where it's not safe for work! Who fucking cares? If some fucking thirteen-year-old posts his dick! Fucking, people getting in fights with the moderators, fucking moderators being cockhandles, fucking admins being like [blubbering] whatever. It's not, it's not good. Well that's just my opinion, it's my opinion, lemme just put my hand up and say that so, I don't get fucking shot to the head by uh, some kid who's like, it's the best Discords what the fuck are you on! I don't know! This is getting too long, whatever, I'm— I'm not even gonna fucking edit this, I'll post this and uhh and I'll see what the reaction is. Either people being like, yeah it makes sense, people being like it's okay, or I'm just gonna get an onslaught of just screaming and Makin be like, you fucking bad! Anything you do I'm gonna fucking delete, ugh! 'Cause that's the kind of guy Makin is, the cockhandle. Though i— though he'll fucking show this and be like, hoh, thf— look at Mush, look at Mush, dude. Ugh, he fucking— he thinks he's so cool? Yeah, well, lemme say a bad th— a few bad things about Mush! Mush, oh my god! And everyone's gonna be like, okay, and then they're gonna forget about it after like a week and everything is gonna fucking go back to the way it was.

    Also, Collide, fucking, sucks! I don't cares, it sucks my fucking fat beef truncheon! Fuck you! I love you guys. Heart. Kissy face. Winking cat face. Alright I'm done.)
Commentary: |-
    just me yelling... .3.

    lov u guys
    (yo i know this is a opinion but makin plz no kill)
Track: Notification
Directory: notification-whatsapp
Always Reference By Directory: true
- WhatsApp
Duration: 0:01
Track: Oh Shit! (for MSX)
- Aacksoft
Track: 'Pastor Bill Bolin: Roman Catholicism Part 3 (Cults: The Truth Behind the Lies) - 4/24/15'
Directory: pastor-bill-bolin
- FloodGate Renewal
Duration: 1:00:39
Track: The Pay-Off
Duration: 1:05:00
- Lowell Sherman
Track: Randy Savage Promo on Hulk Hogan (1989)
Duration: 3:17
- Randy Savage
Track: Remember
Directory: remember-christina-rossetti
- Christina Rossetti
Track: Roblox Death Sound
Additional Names:
- Name: uuhhh.wav
  Annotation: 2006-2013 Roblox filename
- Name: uuhhh.mp3
  Annotation: 2013-2022 Roblox filename
- Name: Oof (with varying capitalization)
  Annotation: popularly known as
# maybe insert Messiah (2000) filename later
- Joey Kuras
- Unknown Artist
- Roblox
- Messiah
Duration: 0:02
Commentary: |-
    <i>Rosetta Leijonde:</i> (wiki editor, 1/13/2024)

    Unofficial name. This sound effect was not made for Roblox, its first appearance was in the Year 2000 video game Messiah, within the opening and ending cutscenes, as well as other parts of the game. Roblox replaced this sound with a different one on July 26th 2022. Tommy Tallarico is currently the legal owner of this sound effect, but Hbomberguy has made [an almost 2-hour long video]( discussing who is the actual creator.

    The "Unknown Artist" here is the young girl being heavily edited. (see [1:51:34]( of the aforementioned video)

    In case you don't have time to watch it, here's the most important part:

    <i>Tommy Tallarico:</i> (sound effect copyright owner; [Twitter, deleted](

    As seen in recent YT videos the sfx used in Roblox was created by my lead sound designer [[artist:joey-kuras]] back in the late 90's.
Track: Scientist IDs Bodies Of Migrants, Helping Families Find Closure
Directory: lori-and-erich-baker
- StoryCorps
Duration: 3:13
Track: SCORE Audio
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Duration: 0:52
Track: SM64 - Watch for Rolling Rocks - 0.5x A Presses
Directory: 05x-a-presses
- pannenkoek2012
Duration: 5:25
Track: So Sorry.
Duration: 1:44
- Logan Paul
Lyrics: |-
    I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment, and I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm simply here to apologize. So what we came across that day in the woods was obviously unplanned, and the reactions you saw on tape were raw, they were unfiltered. None of us knew how to react, or how to feel. I should have never posted the video. I should have put the cameras down, and stopped recording what we were going through. There's a lot of things I should have done differently but I didn't. And for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I want to apologize to the internet. I want to apologize to anyone who has seen the video. I want to apologize to anyone who has been affected or touched by mental illness, or depression, or suicide. But, most importantly, I want to apologize to the victim and his family. For my fans who are defending my actions, please don't. They do not deserve to be defended. Um, the goal of my content is always to entertain, to push the boundaries, to be all-inclusive - in the world I live in I share almost everything I do, the intent is never to be heartless, cruel, or malicious. Ah, like I said, I've made a huge mistake. I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm just here to apologize. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm disappointed in myself. And I promise to be better. I will be better. Thank you.
Track: Subspace Dubbed Over
Duration: 57:18
- SnapCube
Track: Summer
Directory: summer-noah-noble
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Noah Noble
Track: Super Mario Bros. (The Movie)
- Super Mario
Duration: 1:44:14
Track: super mario in real life
- Leah Hillman
Duration: 0:06
Track: T69 Collapse
Duration: 5:22
- Aphex Twin
Track: Through fire, justice is served!
- Mischief Makers
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 1/12/2024)
    Spoken by Lunar during the final boss of *Mischief Makers*, which doesn't appear to have voice acting credits available.
Track: The Truth About Calder - Vast Error Dubbed
Duration: 8:14
- Marcie Hobbs
- Rom M
Track: Tunnel Ambience
Directory: tunnel-ambience-timbre
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Timbre
Commentary: |-
    <i>Quasar Nebula:</i> (wiki editor, 11/13/2024)
    Pack of 7 sounds.
Duration: 0:06
- (reupload)
Track: Up-Hill
- Christina Rossetti
Track: '[Vinesauce] Joel - Insane Mario Bootleg Games ( Part 1 )'
Duration: 2:04:23
- Vargskelethor Joel
Track: '[Vinesauce] Joel - Voices Of The Void ( Part 5 )'
Duration: 4:07:47
- Vargskelethor Joel
Track: what year is it
- Jon Bois
Duration: 1:39
Referenced Tracks:
- Sweet Victory
Track: When You Are Old
- William Butler Yeats
Track: Windows XP Startup Sound
Duration: 0:05
- Bill Brown
Track: WOAH!
Directory: woah-chris
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Chris Patstone
- Chris O'Niell (voice)
Duration: 0:07
Track: WOW
Directory: wow-mother
Always Reference By Directory: true
- Mother
Duration: 0:01
Track: Y'all Ready to Get Funky (Acapella)
- Miami House Moguls
Duration: 4:41
Track: You have got to be about the most superficial commentator on con-langues since
    the idiotic B. Gilson.
- Anthony McCarthy
- jan Misali
Track: You killed John Santa
- iDubbbzTV
- Bushiroo (edits)
Duration: 1:00