Album: Pesterquest Soundtrack Directory Suffix: pesterquest Color: '#5fdce6' Date: September 13, 2021 Date Added: April 13, 2024 Cover Artists: - Homestuck Default Track Cover Artists: - Homestuck Artists: - James Roach Groups: - James Roach - group:official Wallpaper Artists: - Andrew Hussie Wallpaper Style: 'opacity: 0.6;' Wallpaper File Extension: png Art Tags: - Feferi - Nepeta - Karkat - Terezi - Rose - Roxy - Jake - Gamzee - John - Dirk - Sollux - Jane - Kanaya URLs: - Additional Files: - Title: Steam store page banner Files: - banner.jpg Commentary: |- Homestuck: ([Steam](, excerpt) Enjoy the fine-grooving tunes of Pesterquest, the grimsical episodic visual novel adventure set in the darkly funny Homestuck universe. Quasar Nebula: (wiki editor, 1/27/2024) This soundtrack released exclusively on Steam as paid DLC for Pesterquest; it's got some quirks, discussed below, but is probably the best and only official release of Pesterquest's we'll ever see. Most tracks were originally composed by [[artist:james-roach]] for Pesterquest; almost all of his tracks were included on this soundtrack release, though six were not: - [[track:2chords]] ("Dave Route Prelude") - [[track:drone-pesterquest]] (not credited) - [[track:its-a-cover-of-made-of-time]] (not credited) - [[track:its-nothing]] (not credited) - [[track:mspar-remember]] ("Chaos Audio") - [[track:normal-song-name]] ("Afterw@rd Theme") Various tracks from prior releases were [[flash-act:pesterquest|featured throughout Pesterquest]]. Some of these were released again on this soundtrack, while others weren't. Featured in Pesterquest from earlier Homestuck releases, and not on this soundtrack: - [[track:worst-end]], by [[artist:james-roach]] ("Prologue Theme") - [[track:end-of-friendvangelion]], by [[artist:james-roach]] (not credited) - [[track:superego]], by [[artist:yan-rodriguez]] ("Vriska's Theme") - [[track:bronze-rebel]], by [[artist:yan-rodriguez]] ("Tavros' Theme") - [[track:the-la2t-frontiier]], by [[artist:toby-fox]] ("Eridan & Sollux battle") - [[track:stress]], by [[artist:buzinkai]] and [[artist:toby-fox]] ("Dirk's Theme") - [[track:embittered-shore]], by [[artist:max-wright]] ("Reader's Theme") Pesterquest features several tracks by artists who weren't formally part of the Homestuck music team. Across the lists above and the main track list, these are tracks featured from the Homestuck fan community: - [[track:superego]], from [[album:coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a]] - [[track:indigo-heir]], from [[album:coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a]] - [[track:bronze-rebel]], from [[album:coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a]] - [[track:embittered-shore]], from [[album:lofam2]] [[album:hiveswap-friendsim|In Roachian fashion,]] most track names have slight (to significant) differences between their soundtrack release on Steam, individual track releases on SoundCloud, and the in-game credits list. All of these are noted on each track; on the wiki, the album's track list extracts the "main" part of the name of each track as part of the Steam release. The album cover artwork is from the Steam library; track artworks for select James Roach tracks are from their releases on SoundCloud. Quasar Nebula: (wiki editor, 1/28/2024) During the timeframe where this album hadn't yet been released on Steam, [[artist:tempest2k]] and other fans compiled the new tracks featured in Pesterquest into an album ready for anyone's music library, including full metadata and track artworks. This lacks the tracks featured elsewhere on Homestuck's discography, so it compliments the rest of a Homestuck library quite well. [Visit this compilation on Google Drive.]( (Reach out through [tempest2k's carrd]( if you want your own tracks removed from this compilation, or [[static:feedback|to the wiki]] if you require the download link removed from HSMusic outright.) --- Track: "Friendvangelion: Rebuild" Additional Names: - Name: >- the note desolation plays Annotation: >- [SoundCloud]( - Name: >- Main Theme "Friendvangelion: Rebuild" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Menu Theme, *"Friendvangelion: Rebuild"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Art Tags: - Earth Duration: 2:54 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Homestuck Commentary: |- James Roach: ([SoundCloud]( how mysterious --- Track: sometimes i call andrew hussie 'andy' and so far he hasn't corrected me Additional Names: - Name: >- John's Theme "sometimes i call andrew hussie 'andy' and so far he hasn't corrected me" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- PESTERQUEST: sometimes i call andrew hussie 'andy' and so far he hasn't corrected me Annotation: >- [SoundCloud]( - Name: >- John's Theme, *"sometimes i call andrew hussie 'andy' and so far he hasn't corrected me"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Art Tags: - John Duration: 4:34 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Showtime (Piano Refrain) - Harlequin Commentary: |- James Roach: ([SoundCloud]( SO! PesterQuest is out. We've been sitting on this one for a while. [[flash:pq-vol1|This first route]] has been done for a while. It was supposed to come out back on 6/12 but our new publisher had us sit on it for reasons that are beyond even me. Anyway, big ups to [[artist:malcolm-brown|Malcolm]] and [[artist:mark-j-hadley|Mark]] for letting me use their themes. I don't know if I'll have as much time or energy to do the tracks for pesterquest like i did for [[album:hiveswap-friendsim|friendsim]] since i got a new job. I will try my best. --- Track: please support The Trevor Project Additional Names: - Name: >- Rose's Theme "please support The Trevor Project" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- PESTERQUEST: please support The Trevor Project Annotation: >- [SoundCloud]( - Name: >- Rose's Theme, *"please support [The Trevor Project]("* Annotation: >- in-game credits Art Tags: - Rose - Earth Duration: 3:19 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Endless Climb Commentary: |- James Roach: ([SoundCloud]( I wasn't certain how to approach this one. I knew if I was going to use the theme from [[track:endless-climb|endless climb]] it wouldn't feel right accepting any money for it. These things don't exactly pay well to begin with tbh, so i thought I would use the platform i've been given to try and do something... even a little positive. at first the song was just going to be called "play the rain" because naming it something stupid, while keeping up with tradition, seemed like it would be in bad taste. at some point while i was working on it i started looking into various charities i could donate the proceeds to, and it hit me that i could just ask to make the title in the credits a link to the charity. suicide is something that is hard for me to talk about. its very personal. i tend to internalize feelings in order not to.. bother anyone. a few months ago i called a suicide hotline when i hit a really low point and i think just the act of calling made me feel... in charge somehow? feelings are fucked up. don't be afraid to talk to someone. even if it is a stranger at the other end of a call. take that step. you're not bad for feeling that way. so anyway. endless climb was one of the very first homestuck songs that really drew me in, and doing a cover of it all those years ago really got me back into taking composition seriously. it could easily be argued that this song changed my life for the better. if you want to know more about the trevor project, or just suicide prevention in general visit []( --- Track: ill probably just name this one something normal oh no wait oh jeez aw beans Additional Names: - Name: >- Dave's Theme "ill probably just name this one something normal oh no aw beans" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- PESTERQUEST: ill probably just name this one something normal oh no wait oh jeez aw beans Annotation: >- [SoundCloud]( - Name: >- Dave's Theme, *"ill probably just name this one something normal oh no wait oh jeez aw beans"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Art Tags: - Dave Duration: 4:50 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Davesprite Commentary: |- James Roach: ([SoundCloud]( well cats outta the bag i did [[flash:pq-vol3|the dave route]]. when [[artist:andrew-hussie|andrew]] approached me about writing it i had very little writing experience outside of my personal projects. im glad andrew had faith in me and i hope you guys like it. itll come out at 11 AM EDT. for this one and the next routes music im gonna try and keep with the tradition of uploading it the morning of. --- Track: 24/7 lo fi anime beats to question your sexuality to Additional Names: - Name: >- Dave's other Theme "24/7 lo fi anime beats to question your sexuality to" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- PESTERQUEST: 24/7 lo fi anime beats to question your sexuality to Annotation: >- [SoundCloud]( - Name: >- Dave's Ending Theme, *"24/7 lo fi anime beats to question your sexuality to"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Duration: 2:51 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - 2chords - Upward Movement (Dave Owns) - Sburban Jungle Commentary: |- James Roach: ([SoundCloud]( i just wanted to do more than one song so [[track:ill-probably-just-name-this-one-something-normal-oh-no-wait-oh-jeez-aw-beans|i did two]] [[track:2chords|and a half]]. hope you like it. thanks for all the support! also im in this image can u find me LMAO --- Track: Carefree Victory (REMIX) ft. Spell-n-Speak Directory: carefree-victory-remix Additional Names: - Name: >- Jade's Theme "Carefree Victory (REMIX) ft. Spell-n-Speak" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- PESTERQUEST: JAMES ROACH (FT. SPEAK-N-SAY) - CAREFREE VICTORY (REMIX) Annotation: >- [SoundCloud]( - Name: >- Jade's Theme, *"JAMES ROACH (FEAT. SPEAK-N-SAY) - CAREFREE VICTORY (REMIX)" Annotation: >- in-game credits Art Tags: - Jade Duration: 6:02 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - track:carefree-action - Carefree Victory # Sampled Tracks: # - Speak-N-Say Lyrics: |- (Arf) A B C D 1 2 3 4 E F G H 5 6 7 8 I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Correct (Arf) A B C D 1 2 3 4 E F G H 5 6 7 8 Above ancient angel anything Beauty believe blood built Bullet butcher child circuit Danger Danger (Arf) Bark Commentary: |- James Roach: ([SoundCloud]( jades theme! wow we've really come a long way huh fellas? i always really liked [[track:carefree-victory|carefree victory]] and its really one of the only songs that felt like uniquely hers. towards the end i try and do something that like... every homestuck musician i think tries at least once: getting all 4 of the kid's instruments to play something nice together. i think i did alright, i subbed in beatboxing for daves turntables cause its not like you can just carry those anywhere. i guess as opposed to johns piano?? LMAO musically i have jade start on bass, and as more of her friends come in she gets a little more confident in her basslines. anyway thats my fanfic. this is the last new piece i'll be doing for the forseeable future, or until i feel like doing another one which might be immediately. ive been doing this on a largely volunteer basis for a while since the budget constraints were tight and we need to pay the bg and sprite artists a reasonable amount. I wanted all four kids to have music by me and i think we'll be digging into the homestuck archive for other stuff. anyway i hope you've enjoyed the ride! its been a little bittersweet at times for me but i'll miss posting new stuff every two weeks. --- Track: Darling Kanaya Suffix Directory: true Main Release: track:darling-kanaya Has Cover Art: false Duration: 2:03 URLs: - - --- Track: CRUSTacean Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Additional Names: - Name: >- Karkat's Theme "CRUSTacean" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- PESTERQUEST: CRUSTacean Annotation: >- [SoundCloud]( - Name: >- Karkat's Theme, *"CRUSTacean"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Art Tags: - Karkat Duration: 5:28 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Crustacean Commentary: |- James Roach: ([SoundCloud]( there are a handful of people out there who really thought we were just gonna put [[track:karkalicious|karkalicious]] in there. --- Track: mIrAcLeS Suffix Directory: true Main Release: track:miracles Additional Names: - Name: >- Gamzee's Theme "mIrAcLeS" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Gamzee's Theme, *"mIrAcLeS"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Duration: 2:31 URLs: - - --- Track: Midnight Calliope Suffix Directory: true Main Release: track:midnight-calliope Additional Names: - Name: >- Gamzee's Other Theme "Midnight Calliope" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Gamzee's Theme 2, *"Midnight Calliope"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Duration: 1:50 URLs: - - --- Track: CH3CK TH3 M3T4D4T4 Additional Names: - Name: >- Terezi's Theme "CH3CK TH3 M3T4D4T4" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- PESTERQUEST: Terezi's theme, "CH3CK TH3 M3T4D4T4" Annotation: >- [SoundCloud]( - Name: >- Terezi's Theme, Annotation: >- in-game credits Additional Files: - Title: Original in-game credits image Files: - qr.png Art Tags: - Terezi Duration: 4:19 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - The Lemonsnout Turnabout Commentary: |- James Roach: ([SoundCloud]( dont actually do that you clowns --- Track: Indigo Heir Suffix Directory: true Main Release: track:indigo-heir Additional Names: - Name: >- Equius's Theme "Indigo Heir" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Equius' Theme, *"Indigo Heir"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Duration: 5:00 URLs: - - --- Track: yeah it is Directory: yeah-it-is-soundtrack Main Release: Yeah It Is Always Reference By Directory: true Additional Names: - Name: >- Aradia's Theme "yeah it is" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- PESTERQUEST: ARADIA's THEME "yeah, it is" Annotation: >- [SoundCloud]( - Name: >- Aradia's Theme, *"yeah, it is"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Art Tags: - Aradia - Alternia Duration: 5:41 URLs: - - Commentary: |- James Roach: ([SoundCloud]( big ups to [[artist:tamara-fritz|Tamara "TOTALSPIFFAGE" Fritz]] for really knocking it outta the park with these vocals. --- Track: KWCOM DOT WAV Additional Names: - Name: >- Sollux's Theme "KWCOM DOT WAV" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Sollux's Theme, *"KWCOM DOT WAV"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Duration: 4:53 URLs: - --- Track: Requiem Suffix Directory: true Main Release: track:requiem-labyrinths-heart Additional Names: - Name: >- Nepeta's Theme "Requiem" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Nepeta's Theme, *"Requiem"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Duration: 4:38 URLs: - - --- Track: THIS TIME ITS ERIDAN Additional Names: - Name: >- Eridan's Theme "THIS TIME ITS ERIDAN" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- PESTERQUEST - THIS TIME ITS ERIDAN (I FORGOT WHAT I NAMED THIS) Annotation: >- [SoundCloud]( - Name: >- Busker's Theme mk II Annotation: >- in-game credits Art Tags: - Eridan Duration: 3:58 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Busker's Theme Commentary: |- James Roach: ([SoundCloud]( in its base form this song used to be about a cat and is like more than a decade old --- Track: Love You Suffix Directory: true Main Release: track:love-you-feferis-theme Additional Names: - Name: >- Feferi's Theme "Love You" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Feferi's Theme, *"Love You (Feferi's Theme)"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Duration: 1:58 URLs: - - --- Track: i guess Additional Names: - Name: >- Jane's Theme "i guess" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Jane's Theme, *"i guess"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Duration: 1:38 URLs: - MIDI Project Files: - Title: MIDI by IronInvoker47 (piano) Files: - 'i guess - IronInvoker47 (piano).mid' --- Track: Riches to Ruins Movements, pt. II Additional Names: - Name: >- Jake's Theme "Riches to Ruins Movements, pt. II" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Jake's Theme, *"Riches to Ruins Movement II"* Anntation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Artists: - Toby Fox Duration: 2:21 URLs: - Referenced Tracks: - Riches to Ruins Movements I & II --- Track: Would you believe this was for something else Additional Names: - Name: >- Roxy's Theme "Would you believe this was for something else" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Roxy's Theme, *"Would you believe this was for something else"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Duration: 2:24 URLs: - --- Track: Even in Death (T'Morra's Belly Mix) Directory: even-in-death Suffix Directory: true Main Release: track:even-in-death-tmorras-belly-mix Additional Names: - Name: >- Roxy's Other theme "Even in Death (T'Morra's Belly Mix)" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Roxy's Theme 2, *"Even in Death (T'Morra's Belly Mix)"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Duration: 4:08 URLs: - - --- Track: Unite Synchronization Suffix Directory: true Main Release: track:unite-synchronization Additional Names: - Name: >- Dirk's Theme "Unite Synchronization" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Dirk's Theme 2, *"Unite Synchronization"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Duration: 2:54 URLs: - - --- Track: Beatup Suffix Directory: true Main Release: track:beatup Additional Names: - Name: >- Ultimate Dirk's Theme "Beatup" Annotation: >- [Steam]( - Name: >- Ultimate Dirk's Theme, *"Beatup"* Annotation: >- in-game credits Has Cover Art: false Duration: 5:14 URLs: - -