Album: Nice Wizard's Electronic Extravaganza! Directory Suffix: nice-wizard Artists: - Nice Wizard Date: February 7, 2012 Date Added: January 1, 2023 URLs: - Cover Artists: - Nice Wizard Cover Art Dimensions: 1123x742 Color: '#6d74cf' Groups: - Fandom - Beyond Commentary: |- Nice Wizard: This is a collection of my electronic works, all in one easy album! Don't feel obliged to pay anything, I'd rather you guys hear it than pay me a penny! Enjoy! Nice Wizard --- Track: Music box Duration: 2:05 URLs: - Commentary: |- Nice Wizard: This one is inspired Aradia Megido, a character from the comic Homestuck by Andrew Hussie. --- Track: Land of Storms and Seas Duration: 3:56 URLs: - Commentary: |- Nice Wizard: This was my second Fan Character track, for a Subjugglator who was banished to the ocean. --- Track: Land of Statues and Rime Duration: 3:52 URLs: - Commentary: |- Nice Wizard: And another land song! This one was actually written for a friend. --- Track: Sunrise Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Duration: 2:32 URLs: - Commentary: |- Nice Wizard: An attempt at something more classical sounding than my usual stuff. It went pretty alright, I think! --- Track: Connect Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Duration: 3:08 URLs: - Commentary: |- Nice Wizard: A song about that first time you really connect with somebody. Lots of personal meaning, oooh. --- Track: Machina Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Duration: 3:22 URLs: - Commentary: |- Nice Wizard: This is/was the start of a concept about a little robot who wants to escape a big city. Hopefully that will see the light one day. --- Track: Bad Dog, Worst Friend Duration: 3:36 URLs: - Commentary: |- Nice Wizard: More Homestuck! This one is about Bec Noir. --- Track: Painted Face Duration: 3:26 URLs: - Commentary: |- Nice Wizard: Entered into the [[album:coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a|Homestuck Album Contest]]. All about the Grand Highblood. I wanted to impart a feeling of majesty, insanity, rage and misery all in one thing, and I think I did okay! --- Track: Where It Begins. Duration: 3:18 URLs: - Commentary: |- Nice Wizard: Tentative opening to a new album.