Album: "Music Team Archive '16 - '21"
Directory Suffix: archive
Suffix Track Directories: true
- artist:kobacat
Date: January 21, 2022
Date Added: April 13, 2024
Cover Artists:
- artist:kobacat
Color: '#CBA8FF'
- Fandom
Cover Art File Extension: png
Wallpaper Artists:
- artist:kobacat
Wallpaper File Extension: png
Track Art File Extension: png
Wallpaper Style: 'opacity: 1;'
Commentary: |-
    <i>artist:kobacat:</i> (Bandcamp about blurb)

    This album is a compilation of music I released as apart of the [[group:canmt|'Cool and New Music Team' or 'CaNMT' collective music team]] over the course of 5 years, from 2016 to 2021.

    Many of these tracks I may not hold in high regard of today, as a lot of these tracks don't have much effort put into them as I would have liked them to if I made them today, but this stands as an archive of the most notable work I've done over those 5 years.

    There's a total of 5 songs from 2016, 7 songs from 2017, 10 songs from 2018, 7 songs from 2019, 2 songs from 2020 and 1 song from 2021. Every track has details such as references, links to the original upload from either YouTube or Bandcamp, credits for songs if it was made by more than just me and track art (if the song has it), and original release dates.

    I hope this serves are a neat time capsule of things that I've done over a while, even if it's not much. If you're checking this album out as the first thing you've heard me make, please note that I don't make music nearly this often anymore and like this at all (with the exception of 2021's track which was the most recent song I made as of writing lol)
Section: '2016'
Track: licord nacrasty
Originally Released As: track:licord-nacrasty
Duration: 2:14
Cover Artists:
- miraculousAvantgarde
Art Tags:
- Jack Noir
- Dacronian Dignity
- Rubs Juice
- Hrates Bocars
- Germy
- Dabe
- Derse
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix(?)
Track: Lambda Doctor
Originally Released As: track:lambda-doctor
Duration: 01:01
Cover Artists:
- Toast
Art Tags:
- John
- Jade
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Track: Harmonize
Originally Released As: track:harmonize-canmt
Duration: 05:55
Cover Artists:
- jakkyr
Art Tags:
- John
- Rose
- Dave
- Jade
- Jack Noir
- Roxy
- Hrates Bocars
- Dacronian Dignity
- Rubs Juice
- Germy
- Vriska
- Terezi
- Dirk
- Horses
- Derse
- Skaia
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Original
Track: Intentional Pokémon
Originally Released As: track:intentional-pokemon
Duration: 03:28
Cover Artists:
- StarlightCalliope
Art Tags:
- Jack Noir
- PM
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: "Soundfont Swap" Remix (really bad)
Track: XP Boogie
Originally Released As: track:xp-boogie
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 00:52
Cover Artists:
- Nights
Art Tags:
- Rose
- Hecka Jef
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Section: '2017'
Track: Starry Midnight
Originally Released As: track:starry-midnight
Duration: 02:16
Cover Artists:
- Nights
Art Tags:
- Jack Noir
- Meteor
- Skaia
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix
Track: licord midnight
Originally Released As: track:licord-midnight
Duration: 02:29
Cover Artists:
- MaketheC
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix
Originally Released As: track:bowmania-title-screen
Duration: 01:33
Cover Artists:
- BitesizeBird
Art Tags:
- Bowman
- Stutzman
- Cool and New Music Team
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix(?)
Track: Plagueback
Originally Released As: track:plagueback
Duration: 01:48
Cover Artists:
- Hadron
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix
Track: feeling cool and new
Originally Released As: track:feeling-cool-and-new
Duration: 02:18
Cover Artists:
- Sozzay
Art Tags:
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Future Funk / Remix
Track: muse of reggie
Duration: 02:13
Additional Names:
- Name: Muse of Nanchos (E3 Mix) - s]hecka jef (You)
  Annotation: high quality rip title
Sampled Tracks:
- Muse of Nanchos
- S2010
Lyrics: |-
    ...body is ready, bo-bo-bo-body is ready
    My body, my body, my-my body is ready
    My-my-my body is— body is— bo-bo-body is ready

    My body, my body is, my body is ready
    My body is ready, bo-bo-bo-body is ready
    My body, my body, my-my body is ready
    My-my-my body is— body is— bo-bo-body is ready
    [Repeats 8 more times]
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Track: Extra Boss Theme - Sonic Mania
Duration: 03:45
Sampled Tracks:
- Egg Reverie - Egg Reverie Zone
- Dr. Pepper
Lyrics: |-
    Oh Diet Dr Pepper is the flavor that I savor
    It's sweet and spicy, totally unique
    It makes me want to sing this song about my soft drink saviour
    That brings me joy when everything looks bleak

    Oh Diet Dr Pepper by the can or by the twenty
    I drink them morning, afternoon, and night
    It's got no fat or calories but taste it has aplenty
    Beats cola, root beer, juice, and even Sprite

    There can just be only one true Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Loyal subjects, me and you, to Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Death to every other drink but Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Because they just really stink but Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper

    I'll show you to a brand new world of Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Our banner flies proudly unfurled for Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Lay waste to all the other drinks it's Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Satisfying all my kinks it's Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper

    Oh Diet Dr Pepper raise the flag of revolution
    And murder every soft drink in your way
    Your perfect taste has led me to a new Final Solution
    Kill everyone, start with a brand new day

    And as the dawn rises anew on Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    The drink of choice for me and you, it's Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Taste like this just can't be beat, oh Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Pepsi lies dead in the street, it's Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper

    There can just be only one true Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Loyal subjects, me and you, to Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Death to every other drink but Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Because they just really stink but Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper

    I'll show you to a brand new world of Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Our banner flies proudly unfurled for Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Lay waste to all the other drinks it's Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Satisfying all my kinks it's Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper

    Oh Diet Dr Pepper is the flavor that I savor
    It's sweet and spicy, totally unique
    It makes me want to sing this song about my soft drink saviour
    That brings me joy when everything looks bleak

    Oh Diet Dr Pepper by the can or by the twenty
    I drink them morning, afternoon, and night
    It's got no fat or calories but taste it has aplenty
    Beats cola, root beer, juice, and even Sprite
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Section: '2018'
Track: this isnt even in key
Duration: 02:59
Sampled Tracks:
- Bowmanban Jungle
- Beating Heart
Lyrics: |-
    ...Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— Bowman
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    namwoB leahciM Michael Bowman

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    It's a Michael Bowman Remix!
    Bobobobowman, bobobobobobobowman, bo-bo-bo-Bowman
    Bowman Bobobobobobobowman, bo-bo-bo-Bowman (Five cheeseburgers in one minute)
    Bowman Bobobobobobobowman, bo-bo-bo-Bowman (And then I will be buried alive)
    Bowman Bobobobobobobowman, bo bo Bowman Bowman (Buried alive)

    Bowman Bobobobobobobowman, bo-bo-bo-Bowman
    Bowman Bobobobobobobowman, bo-bo-bo-Bowman (Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman)
    Bowman Bobobobobobobowman, bo-bo-bo-Bowman (Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman)
    Bowman Bobobobobobobowman, bo-bo-bo-Bowman (Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    (And then I will be buried alive.)
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Track: i never had a name for this song so lets just call it 'im not good at ambience'
Duration: 02:57
Referenced Tracks:
- Light at the End of the Tunnel
- track:boss-battle-pokemon-typing-adventure
- track:i-absolutely-loathe-this-drummer
Sampled Tracks:
- track:anthem-canmt
- track:next-arrow
Lyrics: |-
    (Um, hi. I've made a uh, piece of fanmusic for the um... new and cool webcomic.)

    (Oh boy! A Cool and New Web Comic! I'm gonna start reading right now! Let's see here... next arrow. Next arrow. Next arrow. Next arrow. Next arrow. Next arrow. Next arrow. Next arrow. Next arrow. Next arrow. Next arrow. Next arrow...)
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix
    References: i have no idea i never wrote them down and there must be at least 5 different sources being referenced in this thing
Track: 'jungle #3 but i used synths i made at 2 am'
Duration: 03:26
Referenced Tracks:
- track:jungle-3
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix
Track: what the fuck is mastering
Duration: 02:04
Referenced Tracks:
- Cascade (Beta)
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix
Track: インストルメンタル
Directory: tonneru-o-sanpo-suru # suffixed
Originally Released As: track:tonneru-o-sanpo-suru
Duration: 02:06
Cover Artists:
- Bambosh
- Cloudaria
Art Tags:
- Mobius Trip
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix
Track: dont forget to save ur game
Originally Released As: track:dont-forget-to-save-ur-game
Duration: 02:38
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix
Track: Alternative Orders
Originally Released As: track:alternative-orders
Duration: 01:50
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix
Track: '[licord swim]'
Originally Released As: track:licord-swim
Duration: 02:13
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix
Track: Sin Pausa (Mission Failed) (Album Edition) - DJMAX RESPECT V
Duration: 00:53
Sampled Tracks:
- Sin Pausa (Mission Failed)
- How Jack And Calliope Ran Away From An Imaginary Planet Together While Arguing About Whether It Really Did Exist Or Not
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Track: Make it better (Ending) (BLΛNK MIX) - DJMAX RESPECT V
Duration: 01:19
Sampled Tracks:
- Make it better (Ending)
- track:blank-jimmee
Lyrics: |-
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (Make it better your chance) (Bowman, bowman, bowman, bobobobowman)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (Make it better your soul)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (Make it better your chance) (Bowman, bowman, bowman, bobobobowman)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (Make it better your soul)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (Make it better your chance) (Bowman, bowman, bowman, bobobobowman)

    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (You gotta groove that sound, make it better your soul)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (You gotta say goodbye, make it better your chance)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (You gotta groove that sound, make it better your soul)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (You gotta say goodbye, make it better your chance)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (You gotta groove that sound, make it better your soul)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (You gotta say goodbye, make it better your chance)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (You gotta groove that sound, make it better your soul)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (You gotta say goodbye, make it better your chance)

    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (You gotta groove that sound)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall (You gotta say goodbye)
    We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall...
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Section: '2019'
Track: Cool and New Animal Forest
Originally Released As: track:cool-and-new-animal-forest
Duration: 01:21
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Remix
Track: scrap.mp3
Duration: 01:07
- artist:kobacat
- Interrobang
Sampled Tracks:
- Amen, Brother
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Original
Track: synth.mp3
Duration: 00:46
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Original
Track: Stabby (Alpha Version) - 9
Duration: 02:17
Sampled Tracks:
- track:stabby-canmt
- 5/4
Lyrics: |-
    Magic for me
    Magic makes no sound
    It good for me
    It good for me underground
    Magic on me
    Really got me down
    Invade my city
    It made my heart beat no sound

    Beat no sound, beat no sound
    Beat no sound, beat no sound
    Beat no sound, beat no sound
    Beat no sound, beat no sound

    And let me tell myself
    Tell on

    She turned my dad on
    She turned my dad on, dad on, dad on
    She turned my dad on, dad on, dad on

    Magic for me
    Magic, get me through
    With magic money
    People seem to walk through you
    Magic's funny
    Magic, get me through
    All good for me
    When people seem to always walk through you

    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you

    And let me tell myself
    Tell on

    Magic for me (She turned my dad on) Magic, get me through
    With magic money (She turned my dad on, dad on, dad on) People seem to walk through you
    Magic's funny (She turned my dad on) Magic, get me through
    All good for me (She turned my dad on, dad on, dad on) When people seem to always walk through you

    Walk through you, walk through you (She turned my dad on)
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you (She turned my dad on, dad on, dad on)
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you (She turned my dad on)
    Walk through you, walk through you
    Walk through you, walk through you (She turned my dad on, dad on, dad on)
    Walk through you, walk through you

    And let me tell myself
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Track: New Leaf City - MapleStory
Duration: 02:18
Sampled Tracks:
- NLCtown
- track:sburban-jungle
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Track: Bowman Combat
Duration: 03:17
Additional Names:
- Name: 'Vortal Combat - Half-Life 2: Episode 2'
  Annotation: high quality rip title
Sampled Tracks:
- Vortal Combat
- Michael Bowman Remix
# - Dr, Pepper
# - Texas History
# - Backyard Fun
# - Your Bed
# - Bumper To Bumper
# - Rice Bucket Challenge
- radiation is now on youtube
- Bowman's Credit Score
# - Good Cop Red Cop
# - BBC Nightly Stews
Lyrics: |-
    It's a Michael Bowman Remix!
    Bobobobowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— Bowman
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    namwoB leahciM Michael Bowman

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— Bowman

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    namwoB leahciM Michael Bowman

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bow-bobowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bow-bobowman Bobobobow-bo—

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobobobobobo—

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    It's a Michael Bowman Remix!

    Bobobobowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bobobobobowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—

    Oh Diet Dr Pepper is the flavor that I savor
    It's sweet and spicy, totally unique (Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—) (Michael Bowman)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman) (My name is Governor Sam Houston.)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman) (I will eat five cheeseburgers in one minute.)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman) (And then I will be buried alive.)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bobobobobowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo—

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— Bowman

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    (Michael Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— Bowman

    There can just be only one true Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Loyal subjects, me and you, to Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Death to every other drink but Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper
    Because they just really stink but Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper

    (Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma—) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    (Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma—) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    (Mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ichael Bowma-a-a-a-a-a-a-a—) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman)
    Michael Bowma-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a—

    B! E! D! (Bed good. Bed safe.)
    B! E! D! (I'm... in bed.)
    (Bored, bored!) (That's a curious situation.) (The rice bucket challenge.)
    (The place was Russia.) (Meat cubes.) (I'm Toby "Radiation" Fox!) (I'm THINKING of a number.)

    Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman) (Dental records!)
    (Bow— Bow-bow— Bo-bow— Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman) (Crippling addiction to pornography!)
    (I-i-is— is) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman) (Backyard fun!)
    (Awes— Awes— Awes-awes-awes-awes-awesome!) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman) (Pittsburgh! That's hilarious!)
    (Mi-mi-mi-michael) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman) (You're under arrest!)
    (Bow— Bow-bow— Bo-bow— Bowman) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman) (You've got floor wax fever!)
    (I-i-is— is) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman) (Live action Super Mario—)
    (Awes— Awes— Awes-awes-awes-awes-awesome!) Bowman Bowman Bowman Bobobo— (Michael Bowman) (All about me, mothafucka!)
    (Mi-mi-mi-michael) Mi-chael-Bow-man...

Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Track: MeGaLoVania (New Remix) - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Duration: 02:32
Sampled Tracks:
- track:megalovania-ssbu
- Mayorlovania
Lyrics: |-
    [Mayor Maynot samples set to Megalovania]
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Section: '2020'
Track: DANGANRONPA【2nd GIG】 - DANGANRONPA 2 - Goodbye Despair
Duration: 02:54
Sampled Tracks:
- Danganronpa (2nd GIG)
- track:MeGaLoVania
Lyrics: |-
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Track: Cool Morning - DANGANRONPA V3 - Killing Harmony
Duration: 03:25
Sampled Tracks:
- Cool Morning
- Cascade (Beta)
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Mashup
Section: '2021'
Track: Twilight Rhythm
Originally Released As: track:twilight-rhythm
Duration: 03:12
Commentary: |-
    Track Type: Original