Album: In Isolation
- David Ellis
Date: October 30, 2013
Cover Artists:
- Tom Yorath
Wallpaper Artists:
- Tom Yorath
Wallpaper Style: |-
    opacity: 0.5;
Color: '#7c78ff'
- Beyond
Art Tags:
- Earth
Commentary: |-
    <i>David Ellis:</i> ([Bandcamp about blurb](

    A concept album about a generation ship.

    Recorded in February 2011<br>
    Additional overdubs and mixing done in 2012/2013.

    <i>David Ellis:</i> ([Bandcamp credits blurb](

    Words and Music by [[artist:david-ellis]]

    [[artist:malik-refaat]]: Saxophones on [[track:our-choice|'Our Choice']] and [[track:last-message|'Last Message']]

    Artwork by [[artist:tom-yorath]]

    <i>David Ellis:</i> ([Tumblr](, 10/30/2013)

    <b>[In Isolation by A Lunatic's Daydream](</b>

    <b>I now have an album you can listen to and download!</b>

    In Isolation was written and recorded back in 2011. It's a concept album about a generation ship and the people who travel on it. This was the first 'Daydream' project I did (the latest being 'The Seashore')

    The album goes through a number of styles. From the opening instrumental [[track:launch-in-isolation|'Launch']] through the laid back electronic [[track:homesick-in-isolation|'Homesick']] to the electronic/orchestral [[track:generations-in-isolation|'Generations']], the prog rock centrepiece [[track:outside-in-isolation|'Outside']] to the piano ballad finale [[Another World|'Another World']].

    Also [[artist:malik-refaat]] makes an appearance playing saxophone on [[Our Choice|'Our Choice']] and [[Last Message|'Last Message']].

    Artwork by [[artist:tom-yorath]].
Section: Main album
Track: Launch
Directory: launch-in-isolation
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 5:09
Track: Eclipsed
Directory: eclipsed-in-isolation
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 2:26
Lyrics: |-
    Out here, sun eclipsed by the earth
    Out here, receive our second birth
    How could we take away our fears
    How could we leave and escape here

    Don't breathe out
    Don't break in
    Don't hold on for too long
    Just break out
    Just breathe in
    For now we sleep amongst the stars

    We watched the burn as we set off
    We left the earth now it's our past
    Our past
Track: Explorers
Directory: explorers-in-isolation
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 4:57
Lyrics: |-
    We were born to be explorers
    Like our ancestors who'd navigate the globe
    We've already seen its corners
    So we left the earth to find ourselves a home
    Mountains and seas are all gone

    Now the sun's so distant from us
    In the empty space we know which way we'll go
    And we're feeling like Columbus
    On a trip to find our own America
    So far out here all alone

    We'll make our own map of the stars
    Spend our lives in space so far apart and alone
    All alone

    Well the stars are all around us
    They look to the sky closely and see our path
    Maybe someone else will join us
    So we listen for a message from our past

    Though we still believe it set us free
    We'll make a new discovery
    But we'll never see our home

    We'll make our own map of the stars
    Spend our lives in space so far apart and alone
    All alone
    All alone
Track: Homesick
Directory: homesick-in-isolation
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 2:25
Lyrics: |-
    I miss the sunrise, the first light on the countryside
    I miss the cold nights, huddled round a fire
    And I miss the wind

    I miss the city, the busy sound of people all around
    I miss the open sky, the sun's rays on my skin
    And we're homesick
Track: Generations
Directory: generations-in-isolation
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 4:23
Track: We Turned Around
Duration: 2:13
Lyrics: |-
    Lost lifetimes in deepest space
    Old pathways that we retraced
    All planets were empty shells or fiery hells
    Nowhere to settle down
    So we turned around

    Films showing us bluest skies
    Reality to our eyes
    Escape from these sterile halls to creature calls
    And all life will surround us
    'Cause we turned around

    The old world found 'cause we turned around

    In moments we'll make our pass
    Eyes pressed up against the glass
    We'll count down to our descent and soon we'll spend
    Our days under the clouds
    'Cause we turned around

    We'll feel the ground 'cause we turned around
Track: Outside
Directory: outside-in-isolation
Always Reference By Directory: true
Duration: 6:54
Lyrics: |-
    Before we look outside
    The image in your mind
    Surrender it this moment
    We've arrived

    Will we believe our eyes
    and let the visions die?
    We find it's not a world we recognise.

    And they said that we were lunatics
    with daydreams to touch the stars.

    But how can we release
    the cities in our dreams
    and reconcile the truth with our belief.

    So we see it's not our home any more.
    Is this real?
    Have we reached the distant shore?
    Is this real?

    What if the world is not what
    we believed in when we were young?
    When we stared at pictures on screens
    of a life that just doesn't exist any more.
    Just in dreams
    In our dreams

    But we just can't break down
    and let their daydreams drown.
    Because we can't accept this earth we found.

    And they called our parents lunatics
    with daydreams to touch the stars.
Track: Our History
Duration: 3:14
Lyrics: |-
    Set on this path since we were born out here
    Always preparing for our landing
    And when the planet they called home appeared
    We found we could not understand it

    Can we let it go?
    Spend out lives back out there all alone
    We've been set free
    No longer tethered to our history

    We've seen the photographs and films they made
    The work of those historic artists
    They couldn't show us how the world would change
    The shifts that came since we departed

    Can we let it go?
    Spend out lives back out there all alone
    We've been set free
    No longer tethered to our history
Track: Our Choice
Duration: 3:24
- Malik Refaat (tenor saxophone)
Track: Last Message
Duration: 5:53
- Malik Refaat (alto saxophone)
Lyrics: |-
    So we packaged up their hopes
    but we watched them one last time
    If we send them with a note
    then will we be free?
    Will we be fine?

    So we watched them go away
    but we're still inside

    And we found their dreams weren't stolen
    but carried with us as we float.
    If every action we do for them
    then how will we see?
    How will we know?

    So we sent our last message
    back to earth so we can leave it all behind.
    Still we won't forget it
    'till we die.

    Now we sit here cold and broken
    as our plans all fall apart.
    But there's an old one we have chosen
    Now that it's time
    we must depart

    And we've sent our last message
    back to earth so we can leave it all behind.
    Still we won't forget it
    'till we die.
Track: Another World
Duration: 4:17
Lyrics: |-
    Now, we're far away
    it's just a pale blue dot in space.
    We count the days
    but their meaning slowly fades.
    Drifting in this metal cage
    Heading out toward our fate

    So we sing:
    While we're trapped inside,
    the stars can't touch me.
    So let's take our lives to another world
    I don't know how we spent so long in isolation
    when there's so much out there to find.

    So, let's make this shell our home for now
    we've got so long to go before we can set down.
    But now we're free
    we've reached [[Your Orbit|escape velocity]],
    we're past the termination shock,
    on to another ancient rock.
    And we've said all our goodbyes

    So we sing:
    While we're trapped inside,
    the stars can't touch me.
    So let's take our lives to another world
    I don't know how we spent so long in isolation
    when there's so much out there to find.

    While we're trapped inside,
    the stars can't touch me
    So let's take our lives to another world.
    I don't know how we spent so long in isolation
    When there's so much out there to find

    So let's set our course for a distant planet.
    A place out there to make our home.
    No longer holding on in quiet desperation
    'cause we just watch the stars go by.
Section: Bonus track
Track: Your Orbit
Additional Names:
- Name: >-
    Your Orbit (Bonus)
  Annotation: >-
    [full title](
- Name: >-
    Escape Velocity (Bonus)
  Annotation: >-
Sampled Tracks:
- track:tunnel-ambience-timbre
Duration: 2:44
Lyrics: |-
    Am I set on course through space and time
    Will I be pulled into your orbit or just watch as we float by

    Will I drift away towards a distant star
    Or will the sun pull me back 'round so I can make another pass

    And I'd give all I knew for one more night with you.
Credit Sources: |-
    <i>David Ellis:</i> ([SoundCloud description](, excerpt, 3/7/2011)

    Creative Commons samples:<br>
    [[track:tunnel-ambience-timbre|"Tunnel Ambience"]] by [[artist:timbre]]